#Bill Guarnere HC
ferally-ships · 2 years
Whoa, I didn’t know how long you’ve been attracted to Nate Fick! Thought I was pretty alone in having long term HBO crushes, good to know I’m not the only one. Bill Guarnere in BoB is my biggest HBO 6-year crush… Totally my kind of guy, irl and out. Hold onto your comfort character 😊
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...Yeah. It's a problem... or solution to depression, I don't know XD It's his fingers and the way they position on his rifle, resting or gripping... or just holding a pen... those long fingers that can do things... It's his puppy-dog green eyes that are always stressed and carrying the weight of the world... It's his nose...his kissable lips that, when he smiles, it's the softest thing ever... The way he swears... I don't like when men swear much but when he does it... Oof it's something happens. Don't even get me started on how he protects. .... I'll stop.
Nope. Guess you and I have been loners for a while. So hi, nice to meet someone who's got long-term HBO crushes!
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I have a weird soft spot for Guarnere. He's not my favorite...very low down on the list... Mostly because I see him as a slut XD but he reminds me of a 'family' member.
See, one side of my family is Italian. The other is British. I share equal qualities but will always choose British over Italian. My heart lies in England, and my humor is dry and that of typical British/Australian/NZ humor... But I have heavy-set Italian features... anywho - My family are friends with another group of Italian-background people, who are like an extended family. Me and this particular guy kinda had a forced friendship. Felt obligated to, to keep our grandparents happy. It was a lot of petty sibling rivalry. He'd say shit to me... But the minute someone else said the same things he would, similar or worse - he came tearing across from the other side of the room and placed himself in front of me, going face-to-face with the other person. There was a soft side to this guy. And it came out occasionally when we weren't bickering over extremely stupid stuff. TL;DR his protectiveness reminds me of Guarnere. I see Guarnere a lot like that. But that's probably also my little HC too. I don't know. I feel like I'm talking to much instead of just replying to your original ask of 'OMG SAME!'
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lovelyd0gg · 2 months
BoB hc!!
Here are some of my headcanons of how the BoB boys would treat you on your period<33
Warnings: normal body function of a woman, fluff<3
Some extra: I'm only gonna use Bull Randleman, Eugene Roe, George Luz, Bill Guarnere, Lewis Nixon and Ronald Speirs for this post. If you want more HCs please lemme know, and let's get into this.♡♡
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Bull Randleman.
•This man literally does not care.
•He'll literally get you anything you want because he will want to put you on the couch, cover you in like 3 blankets and then run to the store to get you pads, tampons, etc.
•He WILL buy you snacks whether you like it or not.
•"Babe I'm fi--" "LET ME SPOIL YOU, DAMMIT"
•Oh-ho-ho boy, if he catches you're little ass away from the couch, he will scoop you up and lay you back down with a little head pat *pat pat* then tuck you back in.
•He counts as a teddy bear and a heater.
•10/10 snuggles when you want it.
•If you bleed on the sheets, he doesn't care 1 bit. He'll just clean it up no matter how much you tell him it's gross of you doing that.
•"Do ya really think ya can control the damn bleedin'? I ain't mad, hun."
•overall, he's the sweetest when you get you're period. Let him spoil you baby girl.
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Eugene Roe.
•Girlie, you are so damn lucky, he's a medic.
•So ofc he's gonna know what to get you when your on your period.
•"Baby, my cramps are hurting." "Take this painkiller and drink water."
•whenever you have cramps and they hurt like hell, he's gonna place his hand on your stomach and just leave it there, since he knows it helps you with the pain.
•He knows you'll bleed out of nowhere, so what does he do?
•Well OF COURSE he's not gonna freak out in front of you.
•He will change the sheets and immediately put it in the washer.
•He will comfort you in telling you that it's alright to bleed and he won't judge you for bleeding out when you can't control it.
•He also knows that whenever you stand up from sitting down for a long time, it feels like a waterfall down there.
•So when you stand up and feel it rushing down, you just stay there straight and cross your legs together so it doesn't feel like it bleeds through your pad although it definitely won't.
•"Bae?" "Yeah?" "Can you get me a pad?" "On it."
•Overall, he's there for you girl. He's supportive and will cuddle you when you demand it<3
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George Luz.
•As soon as he sees the bed sheet has heavy and dark red spots on it, he immediately knows this isn't a joke and is on a mission to be the quote unquote "BEST PERIOD CARER KNOWN TO MAN!!"
•Surprisingly he is so calm whenever you are on your period.
•He'll shower you with kisses whenever you get cramps or just demand it to him.
•You'd text him if he could buy you more pads or tampons and he would respond with.
•"I don't care if people stare at me weirdly. I'm buying you those damn pads/tampons."
•He has no shame in buying you pads/tampons at all. Nuh-uh, 0%.
•if he gets weird stares from people, he either flips them off or asks why they are staring at him.
•He doubles as a mood booster as soon as you get mood swings.
•kissing your pretty lips as he tells you that your enough and you aren't gross.
•He'll crack up a joke or two here and there but you on your period isn't really a joking time.
•He's really sweet so if you suddenly get showered in kisses by him, you deserve it♡♡
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Bill Guarnere.
•Honest to god, he doesn't trust himself when you get your period.
•Poor dude doesn't understand that you bleed once a month (lord save him😭)
•He won't freak out when you bleed but when your in the bathroom changing your tampon/pad, he'll walk to the door knocking on it and asking if your okay like 5 times.
•He stays silent for a minute when he sees you clutching your lower belly in pain since he feels so bad that he doesn't know how to help you.
•He'll go to the store and buy you tons of snacks and come home to see you under a blanket.
•But despite his concern, he knows how to be brutally honest💀
•He'll put the snacks on your bed and the tampons/pads with a note saying.
•"I forgot your pussy size, sorry."
•He will cuddle you though. And surprisingly won't get scared or worried if you bleed on the sheets.
•Though he will sometimes hide behind the couch when you get a mood swing and act like a demon.
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Lewis Nixon.
•This guy is so sweet and adorable.
•He won't get mad at you 1 bit if you bleed on the sheets.
•Yeah I know, very surprising for an alcoholic like him.
•He'll kiss all over your face whenever your cramping hard.
•"You can't get away from the kisses my love, c'mere~"
•You don't even need to text him if he could get you more pads/tampons since he'll spawn out of nowhere with them in a bag already 💀
•He puts a timer as soon as you put a pad on. (For my pad girlies like me<3)
•you got a 12 hour lasting pad on? He's putting a 12 hour timer on his phone just because he's scared you might get an Infection if you leave it on longer.
•As soon as you ask for cuddles, he's there holding you already!
•This man is prepared for anything.
•The sad mood swings, he gets you the starter pack of: tissues, kisses, cuddles and absolutely anything you want.
•The angry mood swings, he gives you THE MOST ADORABLE SMILE and kisses you for a second. Making you melt and apologize for acting like a monster, which he always accepts the apology<3
•Absolute sweetheart frfr.
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Ronald Speirs.
•This man (just like Bull) doesn't care at all.
•However, whenever you get mood swings and act like a monster, he'll scuff you and say.
•"No need to yell, honey."
•on the first day of having your period, he'll text you what type of pad/tampons you use then won't ever ask again since he has good memory.
•sometimes, he'll snap at you if you keep whining and being a "prick" to him, but as soon as he sees you hugging your knees because of him in your shared room, he'll immediately feel guilty and apologize 100 times.
•He gets you your favorite snacks and makes you your favorite food. He is "Chef Speirs".
•He gets angry at himself whenever he makes a minor mistake, if he guys you olives with the pits, he'll literally curse at himself even though you said it's ok.
•He really cares about you so don't take his snapping seriously.
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heyyy love ur stuff btw! Could you maybe do hc’s of how our boys when someone is being mean to the reader? Thanks ;)) Maybe like a modern AU? Or any AU you’d prefer, thank you!
Aaaaaaaa thank you for the ask friend!! I love this idea!!! So I pictured this in a Modern!AU where the pair is at a coffee shop waiting on their order. The Boy puts his arm around them and the person next to them just sneers and goes “Can y’all get a room? Or at least be with someone nice to look at?” OBVIOUSLY referring to y/n with just a palpable amount of spite and venom.
Dick Winters
I see him just hugging you tighter and maybe turning his back to the guy, like, if he's gonna be an ass about Dick's favorite person he doesn't deserve the time of day. He'd say something so sweet too like, “if you think anyone could be more beautiful than them, you need to get your eyes checked,” before planting a kiss on your cheek and grabbing your drinks.
Lewis Nixon
I can see him definitely getting irritated but also seeming kinda baffled? Like I can see him just saying something like, “Are you serious right now? You see how gorgeous they are, right? Who hurt you, man?” Like he’d be so genuine about it too, even scoffing and shaking his head while y’all walk out with your drinks - like, how tf can someone say that about the most perfect human on earth???
Ron Speirs
I have a strong feeling that the guy’s words leave his mouth before he saw Ron, because I just imagine the dude being Christianson in Bastogne, like, he see’s Speirs’ face and just feels as though he has Met His End. So all Speirs does is put his arm around you and say, “you wanna try that again?” the guy just stutters and replies, “you make a lovely couple,” before scurrying away. I can soooo see Ron just having a smug smile on his face before giving you a kiss.
Harry Welsh
Ok so considering this man got demoted from sergeant to private three (3) different times due to getting in fights I have a feeling he would just be like “OH ITS THAT KINDA PARTY HUH? YOU WANNA TRY SAYING THAT AGAIN ASSHOLE??” Like this dude could be twice Harry’s size but your Boy can and will throw hands to defend you and he’s not afraid to get hurt while doing it. 10/10 needs you to help with his bruised knuckles after but he apologizes and y’all enjoy your drinks (specifically savoring it because y’all got banned from the coffee shop).
Eugene Roe
I feel like this could go two ways - A) he tells the guy off (“why don’t you mind your business asshole”), holds you close to him, and grabs your drinks without saying a word, or B) he grabs you by the waist and just goes to town trying to merge your mouths into one. This man would just do everything in his power to put on display his love and passion for you. Soon enough the dude will get weirded out and leave, but not before Doc performs award-winning CPR.
Bill Guarnere
Oh boy we got Party Boy #2 over here. “Why don’t you shut ya yap before I shut it for ya?” Your mans would square up to the dude no questions asked. If the dude steps down, Bill would just say, “yeah, that’s what I thought,” before proudly putting his arm around you. If the dude makes a poor decision and steps up to Guarnere… next thing you know poor Bill is apologizing to you while you hold his cold brew up to his black eye to keep the swelling down… the dude apologized though! All thanks to Ol’ Gonorrhea.
Joe Toye
I feel like his reaction is betwixt Guarnere and Nixon. Like, for one thing, he’s genuinely confused. He just gives the dude his classic Eyebrows before pulling you close to him. At first he won’t say anything, but if the dude keeps going he’ll just say to him in a low voice, “you looking for a fight pal?” Honestly that would be enough to scare the dude away while Joe just hugs you tight and kisses your temple before the barista calls your names.
George Luz
This boy would twist the dude’s words perfectly. “Oh you’re absolutely right, they could get someone WAY hotter than me!” before smirking over at you. You can’t help but give George a playful smack on the chest before laughing with him and laying your head on his shoulder… then he’d totally just look at you and think “how’d I get so lucky???” we love a silly soft boi
Joe Liebgott
Fighty Boy #3 and you can’t tell me otherwise. It’d be similar to Guarnere on the ship - he’d have to make sure he heard the dude right at first… “What’d you just say?” like you can feel his angy levels rising by the second. The dude just goes, “you heard me,” and before anyone can even blink the dude is knocked out on the ground, like, the swifest punch known to man and it came from your boyfriend (kinda hot ngl) and you just give him a Look before he smirks and kisses the air from your lungs and… why were you mad at him again? And why are you getting thrown out of the cafe???
Floyd Talbert
Ok so remember how Roe gave you life-saving CPR? Tab’s first instinct is life-taking CPR, like, this man just glares at the dude before pulling you close by your waist (and maybe a hand on your ass because its Tab) and just going to TOWN on your lips, neck, wherever he can reach just to show the idiot dude how in love with you he is and how stupid he was to make that comment… of course instinctively your hands to Tab’s hair and y’all just get Lost in the Sauce and when the barista calls y’all’s names you don’t even hear them.
Shifty Powers
Asdf sweet baby angel would just hold you close and whisper to you, “I’m sorry you had to hear that, you don’t believe him right?” Just keeping all his attention on you and hugging you close with both arms just lovingly wrapped around you, both of y’all forget everything else exists and you just happily hold each other for a bit before you get your drinks (this is all unless shifty has his rifle then the dude’s Time Has Come courtesy of Darrell C. Powers).
ngl this might've been the most fun I've had writing something 🤣 Thank you again for the ask love!! Hope you have a wonderful day!
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babe-roes · 5 months
silly band of brothers hcs :)))
gene always has to apply aloe vera to babe in the summertime cos babes an IDIOT and forgets sunscreen
gene lectures him abt the risks n shit and babe doesnt rlly care but he does not mind listening to gene yap
dean martin is ALWAYS played in bill & frannie's house TRUUST they told me
(modern) renee drags gene, babe, and spina to go out shopping with her
they really dislike sephora .
"$150 for a mascara !!??!!!"
"it's highend!!!!!!!"
bill needs glasses but absolutely REFUSES them. he can only see cos franny forced him to get contacts.
gene also needs glasses/contacts
bro falls asleep w his contacts in a lot
my silly little sapphic/genderbent au ......
after they fight, jo likes to braid websters hair as a form of an apology (since she isn't too good w words)
jessica rabbit was babes gay awakening (me too girl me too)
gene (genie, probably) wears pearl jewelry
for hs prom, guarnere & toye helped babe get ready ☹️💗
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
Hi there! I saw your kpop post with hcs about being the big spoon, and I was wondering if I could request some BOB hcs with a similar idea? But how you think they would react to being the little spoon? 👀 Love your writing so much btw ❤️
BoB: Reaction to being small spoon while cuddling 。・:*˚:✧。
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genre: romance; fluff
Warnings: none
Description: BoB reaction to being the small spoon while cuddling
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Dick Winter: He likes it, any position where he can be close to you is a good one. He probably wont suggest it, but if you do then he’ll be happy to be little spoon. It’s good to switch up the positions every once in a while.
Lewis Nixon: He only likes being little spoon when he’s super sleepy or just have asleep, but he secretly loves it ngl. You’re so soft and he can’t help but just automatically fall asleep when you’re spooning him.
Carwood Lipton: He’s never one to turn down cuddles, so he wouldn’t mind being little spoon one bit. He personally finds being little spoon even better after having a tough day. It’s just so comforting and calm.
Joe Toye: He acts like he doesn’t like it but he secretly does, he lovesss the way your chest feels on his back LOL, the whole time he’s secretly praying that you play with his hair, you do that and he’ll love you forever.
Joe Liebgott: He’s chill about being small spoon, i mean he could never say no to you, and there’s nothing wrong with cuddling. He loves it when you whisper in his ear while you’re big spoon. He thinks it’s so hot.
Bill Guarnere: Puts up a fight against the whole little spoon thing, but when he finally gives in, he can’t deny that it doesn’t feel good. He’ll fall asleep almost immediately, you’re just so warm & soft, it makes it hard for him not to.
Bull Randleman: He laughs at the thought of being “small” spoon. But he won’t decline, he thinks it’s cute how hard to try to wrap your arms around him. It definitely is a secret guilty pleasure for him being little spoon.
George Luz: He’s so cute and pouty while being little spoon, if you aren’t holding him tight enough he will for sure call you a weak cuddler 😭, and don’t even try getting up because he has separation anxiety from your cuddles i swear.
Eugene Roe: He likes being little spoon, especially when he’s stressed, he can just relax in your arms, he doesn’t have to worry about anything else in the moment other then spending his time with you. It’s just really therapeutic for him
Floyd Talbert: He’s a “If you really want me too, I will” Kinda guy, so I think he would act nonchalant but we all know how much he’s enjoying it on the inside, he’s such a simp for you, literally ask to do anything and he’ll do it.
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Thank you for your request and thank you sm for the kind words lovely! Sorry if it’s a little short but I can also make a part 2 if you’d like? 💗
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softguarnere · 1 year
Hi! Hope you are doing well. I read your headcanon on what they would do if reader wouldn't date a smoker. I was wonder if you could expand on luz? I love the I idea of him and his hands and it got me thinking if maybe he would star playing with readers hair. Just to have something to do with his hands.
Cold Turkey
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George Luz x reader
A/N: As always, this is written for the fictionalized characters from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans! You can find the hc that this request was based on here! I was so happy to get this request - I feel like I don't get to write for Luz all that often. I'm currently in a very loud environment, though, so if this is riddled with mistakes, I'm sorry! Thank you so much for the request, and I hope you like this 💕🕊️ Warnings: smoking, language, war
“Damnit Luz!” Joe’s chair screeches across the floor as he scoots it away from the radioman. A deep scowl marks his face as he glares at his friend. Everyone else at the table snickers, including Luz, who brushes it off with a shrug. Joe, however, isn’t done. “You’re gonna take out someone’s eye if you keep waving your hands around like that!”
“Oh, come on Joe,” Skinny cuts in. “He only hit your shoulder. Wasn’t even close to your eye.”
George nods along. “Yeah Joe. Come on.”
Joe only shakes his head. “All I’m saying is that the danger of being injured around you has gone up exponentially since you stopped smoking.”
At this, everyone at the table glances at you. They’re not very subtle. Under their sudden attention, you set down the glass you’ve been sipping from and sit up a bit straighter.
“I never told Luz to quit smoking,” you point out.
“No,” Guarnere agrees. “But you did say that you would never be with someone who smokes.”
Joe snaps his fingers, one loud click that exclaims, My point exactly!
Well, they’ve got you there.
Yes, one time while sitting around with the rest of the company and shooting the shit, you may have casually mentioned that you could never date a man who has the fondness for cigarettes that so many of the Easy Company men display. Honestly, though, some of them smoke like chimneys. Having that much smoke blown in your face when you’re around them has led to many splitting headaches. When this war is over, it would be nice to never again worry about experiencing the waves of nausea that overtake you at the scent of cigarette smoke.
To be fair, though – “I can’t help the fact that George likes me so much that he decided to go cold turkey.”
None of them can argue with that. George smiles so wide that he can’t even crack a joke about your relationship or how much he likes you.
It is, however, an undeniable fact that ever since Luz quit smoking, he hasn’t quite figured out what to do with his hands. And as someone who likes to talk, to crack jokes, tell stories, it has led to a lot of expressive gestures that no one seemed to expect from him. Also undeniable is the fact that he often accidentally smacks into whoever is nearest him. Like Toye, his newest and unwitting victim from a few seconds ago.
Bill stands and, leaning across the table, grabs one of your hands and one of George’s, and places them together on the table. The two of you automatically intwine your fingers and Bill retakes his seat with a nod, satisfied by his work.
“There. (Y/N) can just hold his hand to make sure that he doesn’t take out anyone’s eye.”
“Hmmm, that could work.” You smile. “Except, with the fraternization policy, what will we do if Captain Sobel catches us?” After all, there may be some well-known relationships between male and female paratroopers, but the only reason that they’ve lasted so long is that the captain has been unable to find any proof of them. When the others at the table sigh, you shrug. “What? Can I not play devil’s advocate?”
“Just keep your boyfriend from taking out anyone’s eye,” Guarnere grumbles. “Figure something out.”
. . .
To be fair, George does try his best not to go smacking into people when he talks. Big, sweeping hand gestures are reserved for when he gets really excited. Becoming bruised by sitting next to Luz during a story becomes less of a concern as the war drags on. But it’s not until Hagenau that you realize why.
 The skeletal, hollow buildings, so sad in their stature and dingey in appearance, offer more privacy than the foxholes of Holland and Belgium. And, once you get placed on supply duty with George, they provide more time with him.
Side by side, you take a break from sorting boxes, sitting on the floor with your backs against the wall. George is slowly coming back to himself after Bastogne. He’s . . . different, somehow, but his jokes are no longer as dark and he doesn’t scowl so much.
It hits you then, alone with him. George’s voice is light. He’s in the middle of a story about something that happened when he was in high school, and not once have you been at risk of being hit by his gesticulations. Then you realize why – as he talks, George has had his arm around your shoulders, twirling a strand of your hair around his finger as he talks.
No one has ever played with your hair like this before. George is so gentle about it, too – not at all like the big, dramatic hand gestures that the rest of the company used to tease him about. There’s something very intimate about it. You could melt right there on the spot.
More supplies are brought in to sort, forcing the two of you to break away from each other and get back to work. As you work, you can’t help but think about the tenderness of his actions. Has he done this before? No, surely you would have noticed. George has held your hand, held you tight in an embrace, plenty of times before. This, though, is something entirely new. Where did it come from?
Asking him is the obvious answer. The opportunity presents itself when you’re alone again.
“Hey, George?”
The radioman looks up from the box he’s sorting through. His eyes are bright, but there’s a weariness about them that wasn’t there before that month in the freezing cold – before the injuries and the deaths of his closest friends.
“Yes?” He asks.
What if he never does it again? you wonder, just because you asked about it?
You press your lips into a smile. “Nothing,” you lie.
George raises his eyebrows but says nothing. He offers you a grin. “Okay.”
. . .
“I’m glad I didn’t ask.”
You say it casually, offering no explanation. After a moment of silence, of waiting for more, the mattress shifts as George pushes himself up on his elbow beside you. In the rosy morning light that leaks through the windows, he’s beautiful as he looks down at you with a raised brow.
“You gonna elaborate, or - ?”
“Back in Hagenau.”
“Uh huh. What about it?”
 He doesn’t seem to have any clue what you’re talking about, even though the very thing you’re talking about is happening right now; his fingers are gently carding themselves through a lock of your hair as he watches you. A smile spreads across your lips, causing George to huff a laugh.
“What?” He asks.
Gently, you reach up to touch his hand that is playing with your hair. George glances down at it, never stopping his gentle motions. After a moment, he looks back at you.
“Your hair?”
“Yes.” You tap a finger against his hand. “Playing with it, I mean. I noticed it back in Hagenau, and I was worried that if I asked about it that you might stop.”
“You like it?” When you nod, George pauses to smile before he resumes playing with your tresses. “You know what’s funny? I never even really realized that I was doing it. I guess it just felt kind of natural, somehow.”
“Well don’t stop now,” you say. After all, it’s been years. Which has given you lots of time to enjoy George’s affections in this way. Still, you hope that it never stops. Not when you’re so used to it. Not when you like it so much.
George lays back down beside you now, but not before pressing a quick kiss to your forehead. His hands are still in your hair when he says, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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lenisoldi · 2 months
Hiiii could you do a hc’s for easy boys and how they react when you confess your love for them 💞💞
Hey love, thanks for your request💕
I love the idea, hope you like it and if you want any other characters included, just write me🫶
I’m so sorry this took forever! I have a lot going on right now
BoB reaction/Hc to you confessing their love to them (Nix, Luz, Bill)
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The two of you had been in a bar shortly after Winters had told E-Company that Japan had surrendered. You guys wanted to celebrate it and had started drinking hard alcohol, Nix even had told you about his wife and their divorce, which was not usual cause he was a captain and you just a sergeant. Anyway, both of you weren’t really sober and so it happened that you told him your darkest secret. That you were in love with him. He simply took another sip of his drink and then just kissed you on the lips. Without the alcohol you probably would have stopped this long time ago but you didn’t and it actually had good consequences.
The next day you woke up with him beside you, he had watched you since he was awake. With a smile and a kiss he told you that he would love you too.
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George and you had been best friends since you two met the first time back in Camp Toccoa. He was always sweet and funny when he was with you, even during the time in Bastogne. This all resulted in you slowly falling for him. What you didn’t knew was that he had feelings for you the whole time since Camp Toccoa.
Then the night in Bastogne came, when Joe and Bill got hit and lost their legs. It was a rough night for the both of you because the Toye and old Guarnere were close friends from you and George.
„Come here Y/N, otherwise you will get sick if you are sitting there alone in the snow any longer.”
He said and took you into his arms after you climbed into his foxhole. Your head rested on his chest and he whispered: „You have no idea how much I love you, Y/N Y/L/N.”
You might not should have closed your eyes, otherwise he would have noticed that you hadn’t slept.
You began to smile slightly and whispered back, eyes still closed.
„Really? I love you too George Luz.”
He looked down in surprise and then began to smile as well before pressing his lips onto yours.
Since that night everyone knew the two of you wouldn’t be far from each other.
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Bill had a huge crush on you ever since Toccoa and he was always really jealous when he saw you with other guys, especially with Lieb or Toye.
It was one of the few weekends where Sobel had gave E-Company free time so you spend it in one of the bars around the camp.
You sat at a table with Luz, Toye and Bill. Luz and Bill talked about whatever and you were in a conversation with Toye.
„So, when will you tell Bill?”
Toye asked you and within a second George’s and Bill’s eyes were on you.
„Tell me what?”
The man from Philly asked. Toye had a big grin on his face and said: „Come on tell him.”
„Damn it Joe why can’t you talk like a normal human and not yell like a fuckin’ dinosaur through the whole pub?”
You said angry and glanced at Joe, who still had his knowing grin on the face.
„Just Tell me sweetheart, can’t be that bad.”
Bill said, now grinning too.
„I-… Damn it, Bill, I love you!”
You spit out quietly, but loud enough for Bill to hear it. His jaw dropped and his eyes widened. Joe said:
„Com’ on, Bill, it’s only fair if you tell her too.”
‘The fuck does he mean by that?’ You thought and looked confused at Bill and Joe.
„I know it’s time to tell her, Joe.”
Bill said a bit annoyed before he took a deep breath and exhaled shortly after that.
„I love you too, Y/N.”
Your couldn’t believe your ears.
„Really? You’re not joking?!” „Nah, not this time, sweetie.”
Leaving the pub with Bill and sharing a sweet night with him, was definitely the best thing you could have ever done in your life. You thought a few years after the weekend, it was at your wedding with Bill.
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antigonenikk · 3 months
hi!! i rly enjoyed ur unhinged bob hc’s, if you felt up to it, i’d love to hear more about ur guarnere, toye, and liebgott in rehab thoughts!!
once again me and my legendary mutual @guarnerepdf put our heads together for this answer.
Toye starts using at 11, weed then pills then snorting heroin. Under the pernicious influence of his older cousins. He meets Bill and Babe in high school. Theyre all in a car crash together where Bill loses his leg. Before that he was playing D1 football. Hes prescribed pain pills and immediately starts abusing them. He only goes to rehab after he destroys his and babes apartment thinking babe took his oxys. Babe calls Bills mom who berates him until he checks himself in. Meanwhile across town Toye dealing with guilt over the accident tries to kill himself ODing and is sent to detox. Bill is hyped up to see him and they reconnect and become besties again. After they complete their programs they get VERY into NA and go to meetings together all the time.
For lieb….. the stress of raising 5 younger siblings with his mom and dad both checked out leads him to abusing xans HEAVILY and for years. Webster is constantly in his lana del rey era crying begging him to quit. Joe decides to go cold turkey so he can be sober for Web’s college graduation (and also bc him and web got into a fist fight over web trying to grab joes bottle of pills but thats another story!) but … like … you cant go cold turkey on xans after using for 7 years because you WILL get a seizure and possibly die lol. This is what happens to lieb. Webster in a panic drives him to the ER and they check him into detox. He becomes lifelong besties with bill and toye but checks out AMA after web asks him to come home. He goes to NA meetings but never gets actually sober. Eventually he switches to valium though and weans himself down to like a super low dose in a bid to reconnect with the kid he had while in high school who he never met until he was like 10 years old.
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years
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Key: f=fluff || a=angst || f-a=fluff+angst || ≈f=mostly fluff || ≈a=mostly angst || os=oneshot || hc=headcanons ||mp=multipart || ?=request || db=drabble/blurb
Back to the front line (≈a|os|?)
Mutuals as BoB characters (x)
Request could request a malarkey x reader where the reader got shot in Bastogne and they meet again in Haguenau? w/ a happy ending and teasin from the boys?
Smile for me [Part I] [Part II] [Part III] (f-a|mp)
Summary: a young promising war photographer is sent to document the Airborne's first missions on french soil, where she inevitably meets Easy Company, and Don Malarkey becomes immediately smitten by her. Lucky him, France wouldn't be the only place in which their paths would cross.
'Bout damn time (f|os|?)
Request: Could you write some George Luz fluff where he and the company's female medic have had crushes on each other since Toccoa and their feelings come out while watching Trigger for Talbert while in Holland (set around the Crossroads episode)?
It's just me (f|os)
Summary: Y/n Y/I/n has been playing the matchmaker role for the Easy Company boys since Camp Mackall. Curious about how she is so good at it, George Luz questions his friend about a few things, which leads to one dangerous question; who does the matchmaker fancy?
Stranded (f-alos|?)
Request: may I request a stuck together overnight fic with Luz??
See you around (a|os)
Summary: for most of Easy Company, war took away more than it gave. Pieces of them stayed buried six feet under in foreign land while they were forced to carry on with their lives. George Luz and Y/n Y/I/n, who took time for granted, were no strangers to this tragic fate.
Secrets of an Austrian night (f|os|?)
Summary: Turns out all Y/n needed to pour their heart out was a sleepless night by the fire in a lovely Austrian hotel.
You got me, I got you (a|os)
Summary; the European conflict seems to be coming to an end when Easy Company stumbles upon the true horrors of it. This terrible discovery shakes Liebgott to his core, forcing him to be pulled back by Y/n. Having some time alone with each other, their friendship appears to be reaching its culmination.
Handle the situation (a|os|?)
Request: Can I request an angsty lieb x reader fic in which the reader pushes alley away from the potato masher at crossroads and it hits her instead and like joe is literally dying inside cuz they had been fighting prior to that?
Poison in your coffee (f|os|?)
Request: got a request for you, Liebgott x reader with the prompt "+If I were your wife, I'd put poison in your tea/-If I were your husband, I'd drink it"?? Not too angsty.
The bridesmaid problem (≈f|os)
Summary: Y/n and Joe's friendship, much like the war, came to an abrupt end in Berchtesgaden. Years later, in their close friend's wedding, fate provides them a second chance to mend what they broke off.
Deserve better (f-a|os|?)
Request: Can request angst to fluff fic with bill guarnere x reader, where maybe they see each other after the war, when she comes to Philadelphia to see him but he's like, 'you should find someone better than me' y'know?
Sniper s/o (f|hc|?)
The boys reacting to their significant other being a great shot and having a high kill count. (Luz, Liebgott, Malarkey, Shifty)
Artsy!reader & Easy Co. (f|hc|?)
The boys reacting to the reader sketching them. (Toye, Luz, Bull, Shifty)
Women in suits (f|hc|?)
The boys admiring women wearing suits. (Malarkey, Hoobler, Luz, Shifty, Bull)
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lewis-winters · 2 years
the last major moment between lieb and guarnere was that moment in the troop ship, when they got into an altercation over bill's antisemitic remarks. it was clearly a one-off thing bc we never see them fight or bitch at each other again in the series, but it wasn't properly resolved on screen, either. we never got an apology, or a moment between these two characters that cements their reconciliation.
it's my personal headcanon that bill did apologize, but lieb either brushed it off or accepted it, but never bothered to reconnect. not that he's obligated to, since i don't think bill was ever part of lieb's circle of friends to begin with. but i digress.
bill apologized, lieb brushed it off, and that was the state in which they existed for a time. until, of course, bill got hit, was sent home.
and left babe behind.
and idk, but maybe lieb felt a bit guilty. felt a bit untethered. he and bill don't see eye-to-eye, but lieb knows what a good sergeant he was, that he worked to make sure the men under him were looked after. he was an asshole with a big mouth, sure, but lieb can see the effort. and I guess he felt a little bad that he never got to know him.
so, when chuck began to take babe under his wing, lieb did to. of course, he did it because babe himself certainly clicks with him, and they have an understanding between them that makes forging a friendship easier, but it's my personal headcanon that the reason why lieb took babe in as a friend, especially after breaking point, was because he wanted to look after him the way bill looked after everyone. lieb's own little way of accepting his apology and reconnecting with him. maybe a little too late, of course, but it's something.
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subwonwooagenda · 3 years
Band of Brothers SFW Masterlist
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Richard Winters
Lewis Nixon
Ronald Speirs
Carwood Lipton
Harry Welsh
Buck Compton
Eugene Roe
Joe Liebgott
Edward Heffron
Bill Guarnere
Joe Toye
George Luz
Donald Malarkey
Warren Muck
Alex Penkala
Alton More
Charles Grant
Floyd Talbert
Denver Randleman
Frank Perconte
Johnny Martin
David Webster
Popeye Wynn
Darrel Powers
Pat Christenson
Walter Gordon
Donald Hoobler
Edward Tipper
Albert Blithe
Albert Blithe Fluffy HCs
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✎ Masterlist ✐
Key: ✰- Fluff  ✶- Angst  -------------
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Joseph Liebgott
A Girl Worth Fighting For ✰ 
Joe wanted to find a purpose to fight the war other than for glory and victory for his country. He wanted to find something better than that. He wanted a girl worth fighting for. And you were that girl worth fighting for. +5k words
Worry-Free  ✰✶
As happy as you and Joe were when you found out you were pregnant, you knew it was going to be difficult--who were you kidding? However in the end, you and Joe knew that no matter what--the both of you will get through this together. +5k words
George Luz
Pecks and Clementines ✰
A simple interaction shared between you and George leaves him enamored and he finds himself having feelings for you. You soon follow suit. Who knew giving clementines could get you someone as amazing as George?  +7.1k words
Donald Malarkey
What the Future Holds ✰
You and Malarkey spend a day with each other, with not a care in a world. Sooner or later, the topic of home pops up and the two of you discuss your future together +1.6k words
Eugene Roe
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder- Pt. 1✶, Pt. 2 ✶✰
Following your absence, hope grows thinner with each passing day. It also doesn’t help that Cobb doesn’t know when to shut his mouth. +2.8k words
Familiar ✰ 
Fate really has a strange way of bringing people together, those two people happening to be a certain Cajun medic and you--his childhood best friend. +1.5k words
Ronald Speirs
Cold Mornings, Warm Nights ✰✶
Who expected that the intimidating and ruthless Ronald Speirs would indulge you in tender embraces during cold nights in Bastogne? But the attitude he gives you in the morning has agitated you for a while now and you decide to confront him. +4.5k words
Floyd Talbert
Flyboy ✰
It’s been a while since you had the time to enjoy yourself, and you finally get to spend it with the boys at the Currahee Party. On the journey back to the barracks, you drunkenly slip out a few words to a certain guy you have your eyes on. +3.7k words
Joe Toye
Dance Freely, Love ✰✶
You wake up to see a note that your long-time boyfriend has left for you on a drawer and its contents leave you heartbroken. Time passes by and word gets by of your boyfriend in the hospital. Finally visiting him, tears and fulfilled promises ensue. +4.9k words
Richard Winters
Right Here ✰✶
The panic attack happened so fast you didn’t even know what happened. Lost and alone and not knowing what to do, you felt helpless. But when your husband comes to comfort you, all your worries disappear. +2.7k words
Bill Guarnere
Hate to Love with Bill Guarnere HCs ✰
Babe Heffron
First Date with Babe Heffron HCs ✰
Shifty Powers
First Date with Shifty Powers HCs ✰
Ronald Speirs
Fluffy/General Ronald Speirs HCs ✰
Floyd Talbert
Domestic Floyd Talbert HCs ✰
Joe Toye
General/Fluffy Joe Toye HCs ✰
David Webster
First Date with David Webster HCs ✰
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lovelyd0gg · 2 months
BoB hc!
Heres sone headcanons of the BoB boys (same ones I use) react to walking in on you self-harming.
Warnings: Angsty-angst, fluffy:), blood and scars, knife!
NOTICE!: I'm doing this because I know a lot of people who SH and hey, I'm here for you guys, don't ever give up, you are worth so much to me, and I love you<3
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Bull Randleman.
•He came home from the war, excited to see you again after all the fighting and blood and everything.
•He has had enough of fighting and just wanted to be there home with you, and his dream came true.
•When he shouted "Honey I'm home!" He didn't see you anywhere.
•He looked around and didn't see you anywhere! But... He opens the bedroom door and there you were.
•Holding a miniature knife covered in blood while your wrists gushed out line of blood, dripping down onto the floor.
•His eyes widened and he looked at you, frustrated, but not at you, at him for not noticing you doing it before and he didn't help.
•"Alright, darlin' put the knife down, please.."
•He was super worried about you.
•Once he saw you put the knife down on the desk he exhaled in relief and walked to you cautiously.
•You ran to hug him and you burst into tears, crying on his uniform and telling him how hard it was at home without him.
•He rubbed your back and kissed your forehead, while reassuring you that he is back and very much alive.
•Later, he helps you with the scars and wraps gauze around the wrists while you told him the highlights of how you were.
•He missed hearing your voice and he was very happy that he found you before you kept on cutting.
"How long have you been doin' this?"
"Like, 2 weeks ago.."
"Next time, you get a feelin', come runnin' to me I am always here for ya."
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Eugene Roe.
•As soon as he came home, he could already see the smile on your face... And boy was he wrong.
•He didn't see you anywhere.
•"Mon amour? Where are you?"
•He walked to the bedroom and sees you cutting your wrists..
•Your clear and pretty wrists, covered in blood and your hand shaking as you held the knife.
•He walks to you and holds your hand gently. With his other hand taking the knife gently out of your hand, making sure not to cut you by accident.
•He puts it away and looks at your bloody wrists.
•He looks back in your eyes and sighs a little. Not in disappointment but more in a way that you didn't tell him about it.
•He pulls your other wrist gently to follow him.
•He wipes the blood off and adds gauze around the wrist. Looking at you and telling you to tell him way before you we're doing this.
•He kisses the gauze on your wrist, then kisses your lips softly.
•He reassured you that he wasn't angry at all and he was instead more worried for your health mentally and physically.
•The poor guy didn't want to see you so sad and helpless :(
•The whole day he was letting you rest on the couch as he cooked dinner for you both. Looking over his shoulder at times to see you resting on the couch, watching TV.
•He smiled and mumbled some things in French.
"Dinner is ready amour."
"What's for dinner?"
"Your favorite. I didn't forget it darlin'."
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George Luz.
•He came home in a happy and delightful mood. So excited to see your pretty face so he can smother it in kisses!
•He practically skipped home due to how happy he was!
•when he opened the door, he was humming a tune and shouted "HOME!"
•He didn't hear any tapping of your feet coming to kiss his cheek or greet him. You we're nowhere to be seen.
•When I tell you this man was acting like he was looking for you in hide n seek. I'm not joking.
•He looked under the table, in the cupboards, you name it.
•Then he saw the bedroom door closed fully. The only time it was supposed to be closed was when they both were going to sleep together for the night.
•He opened the door and sees you standing there. Back facing the door, but he noticed blood on the floor.
•This dumbass thought you were on your period and you didn't have a pad/tampon on so you were bleeding through your pants.
•But he came closer and saw it... Wrist bloody and hand on a knife.
•He took the knife away from you and hugged you tightly.
•He picked you up bridal style and took you to the kitchen.
•He took bandages instead of gauze, for a reason.
•He took Hello kitty bandages and puts them on each scar with a little pat.
•Once he finishes. He smiles at you and kisses you on the lips.
•He washed the blood off his fingers and sat back down with you.
•The rest of the day he was kissing you gently and holding your wrists super carefully.
•Whispering sweet nothings while he kissed you.
"You are absolutely gorgeous.."
"I don't think so.."
"That's it, for that, you get a kiss as a punishment."
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Bill Guarnere.
•When he came home he instantly knew something was up.
•He didn't see you anywhere and knew something was going on.
•He enters the bedroom and sees you cutting your wrists..
•He shakes his head and took the knife away from you.
•He holds your shoulders and looked straight in your eyes.
•He then let's go and hugs you.
•"Ya fucking scared me."
•He wrapped gauze around your wrist as he heard your sniffles and small whimpers in pain.
•He wasn't angry, but he wasn't happy you kept it a secret from him.
•He kissed your forehead once he finished patching you up and then told you to next time tell him when you get an urge again.
•He cuddled you for the rest of the time. Falling asleep with you.
•He isn't angry at you, he's just worried for you:)
"You got a reason for this shit?"
"I'm sorry."
"Apology accepted."
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Lewis Nixon.
•He comes home after such a long time fighting in the war.
•He was stressed, happy, sad, angry, everything in 1 big glop of emotions.
•But he was more than happy to go see you.
•So when he opened the door, it took him like 5 minutes to process you weren't there.
•He opens the bedroom door, thinking that maybe you we're in the bathroom.
•He sees you with a bloody knife and drops of blood leaving your now scarred wrist.
•He takes the knife aggressively from you, not happy one bit.
•He was gonna yell at you until he notices the wrist was bleeding and you we're on the verge of tears.
•He takes your wrist and wraps gauze around your wrist while grumbling some things in anger.
•He tugs on the excess two strings of the gauze, a little sting of pain as you whimpered slightly.
•He looks in your eyes and his gaze softens.
•Later, your leaning your head against his shoulder as he plays with your hair.
•I think it's safe to say that he isn't angry at you anymore. You had you're reasons.
"If I catch you doing that again, I'll kick your ass."
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Ronald Spiers.
•He comes home and immediately goes to the bedroom since you we're usually there.
•He sees you cutting and crosses his arms.
•His voice was scary and sudden. His aggravated voice worrying you.
•He walks to you, grabbing the knife and throwing it on the ground.
•Looking at you then grabs your wrists tightly, inspecting the wrists.
•He scolds you without yelling but he isn't happy at you at all.
•He then wraps gauze around your wrist and didn't talk to you at all.
•A couple hours go by and then he tells you he is very sorry for his behavior and he should've treated you better when you we're feeling weak and in pain.
•He apologized a lot and kisses you reassuringly.
•But whenever he goes somewhere like the store or something, he always tells you not to touch any sharp objects when he's away.
"I'm going to the store, don't go anywhere near the kitchen tools, alright?"
"Now get you're pretty ass to the couch and rest."
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televisionboy · 4 years
:) I’m super stressed/nervous about starting a new job & Id love some Bill to calm me down. Could I request some after the war headcannons with him:) ❤️hope you are well! Thank you:)
So there are just domestic Guarnere hcs 💖
Special dedication to @contrabandhothead. I’m so sorry you’re so stressed lately 🥺💞
Tag list: @adamantiumdragonfly @raven-has-no-gender2272 @thatsonefishyboi @punkgeekchic @immrssebastianstanwp @3milesup @noneofurbusinez @hufflepuffpancakes @sunnyshifty @meteora-fc @band-of-bitches @alienoresimagines @murphyismybae @we-always-hit-our-ass @wexhappyxfew @deldontplay @lovingunderratedcharacters @fromtheoldtimes @contrabandhothead @tremendousjudgesuitcasestudent @georgeluzwarmhugs @sunflowerchuck @sodapop182 @gorygoryhbowar @speirs-crazy-ass @mrseasycompany
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When he left for the war he almost had enough money to live on his own. He has started to move out of his moms house
But then he got drafted and had to leave, he didn’t have a house yet but his mom saved up enough money for him
The first thing he did after he got off the train station with you was find one of his younger siblings picking him up, laugh and hug them and introduce you. Of course he says “my girl”
He bought an apartment with you 2 weeks after coming back to the states, ir was small and a one bedroom apartment. But it was downtown and close to his mothers house
Before he lost his leg, he always used to tell you that Saturday’s he would take you dancing or to Gordon’s. The restaurant downtown that he loved and everybody went to in Philly
But it’s definitely hard for him to even get out of bed some days, emotionally or physically but you’re there no matter what
Sometimes when his leg isn’t hurting as much, he puts a record on and slowly sways with you in the living room, trying so hard to do the romantic dip and kiss you
His favorite dates aside from spontaneous ones, are ordering pizza and drinking beer with him, I mean it’s not really much of a date considering you adopted it as a tradition every Friday night
He loves doing your makeup in the bathroom. One time when you weren’t home, he did a swatch of lipstick on the back of his hand, it was ruby red and he decided that it was his color! You still don’t know to this day that he did that
Guarnere can out drink you in a competition, he’s proved it many times. However you’re always the one drunk and you try to take care of him even as you’re drunk
Oh god, he wants so so badly to have kids. SO FREAKIN BAD. One of the first people he reached out to when he came back from the war, was a doctor. He wanted to talk to one to see if he was able to make children
He has a whole list, front to back, of baby names. The first child? After his grandmother, second child? After his father. Third? He heard the name in a TV show and loved it
He makes the best fucking food but won’t tell you how he makes your favorite dishes (hint: call his mother, she knows everything)
He’s a simple man, maybe a few months after coming back from the war, he proposes. It’s just very classic too. It’s one of those days that his leg feels fine, it’s just his stomach that’s nauseous
He takes you on a date to a nice, elegant restaurant and he starts to stand up which leaves you utterly confused because he doesn’t do that a lot, randomly and tries his absolute hardest to kind of?? Get on one knee
You’re just crying and stopping himself from hurting his leg. He pulls out a diamond ring from his jacket pocket and simply states “I fucking love you, I want to marry you and have kids with you. You’ve been my side through thick and thin and anything in between”
He loves to lay on your stomach and listen to your soft breathing while you read a book and softly stroke his hair, he does this a lot when you’re pregnant
When you come home from work, you always bring in the mail with you and sort through it together, you fucking love getting letters from the Easy men. Mostly they miss Bill and you always rush in the door and into his arms and excitedly give him the letters. Guarnere gets off earlier because he can’t work long hours due to his leg
It’s something he’s insecure about, he only works until 1:00 and you don’t get home until 2:30 you both decided it would be better for him. He’s incredibly insecure about his leg, even as you’re married. He can’t take you dancing or out to bars
One time for his birthday, he wanted to go to the new pub in town but his leg was acting up so while he was sleeping, you made your own bar at home (something my dad did for my mom in their marriage). You told your neighbor about your idea days before and she agreed it was so thoughtful, she got a mini apron and white blouse and when Bill woke up, he was certainly surprised
Every morning, he wakes up first. He makes coffee for the both of you and sits on the couch, reading the newspaper. Sometimes he makes breakfast before you’re up, but it’s a “thing” you two do together, make breakfast. Vvv domestic if I do say so myself
You visit Heffrons family all👏the👏time👏. The children get along and while they’re playing, Babe and Bill usually just talk about whatever while you and Babes wife gossip about your husbands to each other
He has so much PTSD, he’s scared of the snow crunching, thunder, when the dog even wakes up in the early hours of dawn and her collar rattles, he somehow gets frightened. Just let him be little spoon and he’ll be forever greatful. There are days tho where he needs to know that you’re physically there and there’s so spooning, you’re cuddled into his chest kissing his muscles and face and softly cooing to him at 2am
He feels so freaking guilty that he keeps his angel up worrying about him, but whenever he mutters this, you always press a sloppy kiss to his lips and his chest before saying that he looks handsome in the moonlight and turning your back to him so he could cuddle you. And he gives you the biggest heart eyes at his angel ❤️
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mariamegale · 4 years
stand back everybody its spina time!!!!!! i love him and his exasperated eternally-done-with-his-friends antics. i love his tangent about clubbing. i love him being an emotional genius and an island in a stormy sea for literally everyone. i love him playing d&d. i love him hugging gene. i love him letting gene have that privacy just because he knows its what gene needs to be comfortable, even if he already knows gene and babe are a Thing. thank u so much for this update and 10k of emotionally intelligent king ralph spina. u truly know what the people (me) want -💌
the new update is great as usual! i love the differences between gene and spinas conversation and babe and bills cursing and yelling at each other lovingly. also id fucking die for ur spina any day... king of calling bill guarnere billiam! i cant wait for the end, even tho ill be very sad to see this serious go 💔 thank u for the laughter and the tears legend, and heres to these two idiots finally Talking! (i hope) -💌
I FEEL SO GUILTY IT TOOK ME WEEKS TO RESPOND jesus christ, i’m so sorry, i’m just... really bad at remembering when I’ve gotten an ask and to remember to respond, but oh my god you absolute sweetheart, how on earth am i blessed enough to get these
a) Spina is fucking amazing, i love him, and he needs more screen time in both fanon and canon i m h o.
b) He is the superior emotional intelligence and has a real fuck-off attitude to other people’s issues, which i love, and i’m glad you think so too <3
c) babe/bill and gene/ralph have such different nEEDS oh my god, i was hoping to just show how... like friendships are so different and you need different things from all of them. there is no one comb you can use to sort out all your relationships in life, because they’ll all be different. you can’t expect your friends to all behave the same way, not can you expect everyone else’s friendships to work the same way.
If you see someone in a relationship (platonic or not) where you’re worried about them or how they’re getting treated, of course you should tell them, but just because something differs it doesn’t mean it’s automatically bad. (and on that note if you have a friend that chooses to stay in a bad relationship, there’s nothing you can do to stop them and it’s not your fault. sometimes all you can do is walk away.) BUT I DIGRESS lol. Bill and Babe are a shouty bunch and of course their friendship would be shouty too lmao
d) ‘billiam’ is very much a thank to the lovely @dansssks who put that hc in my brain never to leave
e) <3<3<3<3<3 the end will be sweet. i promise. and i also promise to make the next plot-related thing be a planned one and not a fucking kink oneshot series that got out of hand and in retrospect makes no sense lmao.
thank you so so much for all your support and the kind words, my heart aches with love and gratefulness for you every day <3 :pleading_face:
(the last part is still a WIP since some other writing things with DEADLINES got in the way, but it’s slowly getting there! <3)
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Do you have modern AU HC regarding Bill and Johnny's friendship? How the drunken matching tattoo happened and such? 😘❤
oh my gosh, i love their friendship so much and it’s such a shame we didn’t get to see more of it in the show!  (bill and johnny were great friends irl, and actually went out drinking after the war  ---  if martin’s wife knew the guarneres well enough to recognize bill’s brother’s name on a list of casualties, they must have been pretty good buddies during too!)
so, they’ve definitely been friends for ages in any modern au.  like, not as long as babe and bill have been friends, because johnny’s pretty sure dinosaurs were still around when those two soul-bonded, but... a damn long time.
bill’s the one who set johnny up with his girlfriend  (because bill guarnere knows everybody, and everybody wants to know bill guarnere).  in return, johnny introduced bill to bull, who remodeled bill’s entire basement in one weekend, so they’re even.  
these two raise hell together.  they go out partying together; they go to all of the really seedy places none of their other friends will visit, out of fear for their own lives.  these two get along so well because they don’t know fear.  they’re ready to fight at all times  ---  and yeah, there’ve definitely been a few bar fights  ---  but they’re also smart.  bill has to hold babe back from rushing headfirst into catastrophe.  with johnny, he doesn’t have to worry. johnny martin can stay out of trouble as well as he can find it, and he’s got a talent for both.
the tattoo thing wasn’t a proud night for either of them.   bill remembers slightly more than johnny.  (bull was there too, and he remembers the whole thing  ---  but neither of them were listening to bull, so it didn’t really matter what he saw.)   they’ll both claim it was the other’s idea.
the owner of a particularly shady bar down in the worst part of philly had a “tattoo parlor” in the back.  that’s being generous.  he probably didn’t have a license, and it definitely wasn’t legal, but damn, could that man ink a great tattoo.
honestly, the guy just wanted to show off, and these two drunk idiots volunteered.  bill woke up in the bed of bull’s truck the next day wondering why his arm was on fire;  johnny was curled up in the backseat, dead to the world, until bill’s yelling woke him up.
they’re cool tattoos, no point denying that.
(needless to say babe was livid when he found out.  “you got matching friend tattoos with someone else??  you didn’t even ask me??”    as though his dramatic ass could ever get within five feet of a tattoo needle without passing out.)
bill and johnny are bros, is the point.  they’re closer than most people in the friend group; they’re interested in the same movies, know each others’ secrets, and end up double-dating more often than they like to admit.  their girlfriends get along like a house on fire, so sometimes they feel like they’ve been invited to girls night...  but they always find ways to make a night interesting.
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