louisupdates · 1 year
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via Bilk’s IG story [28.8.2023]
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dreamings-free · 1 year
Joshua shared 28 Clothing’s reel to his instagram story 28/8/23
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so-true-overdue · 2 months
Human-caused climate change is real. But, of course, some still think it's all just a clever hoax, probably orchestrated by a secret cabal of scientists. You know, the kind who dedicate their lives to research just for kicks and to scare the public into using energy-efficient light bulbs.
Let's get one thing straight: the Earth’s climate is changing. The ice caps are melting faster than a popsicle on a hot summer day. Sea levels are rising, and weather patterns are throwing tantrums that would put any toddler to shame. This isn’t a conspiracy theory; it’s science. And no, it’s not because the sun is going through a midlife crisis.
Humans burn fossil fuels like there’s no tomorrow, pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This isn't some obscure fact hidden in a dusty textbook. It's what happens when you drive your car, heat your home, or fly to your vacation spot. The evidence is as clear as the smog in a big city.
Yet, there are those who insist that climate change is natural. Sure, climate does change over millennia. But the speed and scale of what we see today? That’s all on us. Our addiction to fossil fuels has supercharged this process, turning a gradual change into a full-blown catastrophe.
Let’s not pretend the data is ambiguous. Global temperatures are rising. Ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica are shrinking. Coral reefs are dying. These aren’t opinions; they’re facts, observed and measured by scientists who actually know what they're talking about.
It's time to face reality. Denying human-caused climate change is like arguing the Earth is flat. It's not just wrong; it's dangerous. The longer we ignore it, the worse it gets. So, let’s stop the nonsense and get serious about saving our planet. Because, spoiler alert: there’s no Planet B.
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hldailyupdate · 2 years
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Louis liked this post from BILK and their sold out tour! (14 February 2023)
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maquina-semiotica · 1 year
Bilk, "Spiked" #NowPlaying
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xvocabthiamm · 2 years
Definition: to take or keep money from someone unjustly
Sentence: He BILKED me of five hundred dollars!!
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This guy was clearly bilked of a lot more than 20 bucks...
Synonym: swindle, cheet
Antonym: donate
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), YN Beige Bilk, 2023
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louisupdates · 11 months
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Louis liked Bilk’s IG post [30.10.2023]
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dreamings-free · 11 months
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Louis liked Bilk’s post on instagram 30/10/23
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sonicziggy · 2 years
"Things Ain't Always What They Seem" by Bilk https://ift.tt/5pI0bES
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captawesomesauce · 2 years
Bilk - Spiked
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weird-things-to-think · 2 months
Escroquer un dinero engañando les clients sistemáticamente.
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maquina-semiotica · 2 years
Bilk, "Hummus and Pitta"
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churchofnix · 2 months
Bilk is the shining pinnacle of scientific advancement, where rigorous method meets pure genius. Forget those tedious experiments and boring data collection; bilk just knows. No need for peer review or repeatability—bilk's insights are so groundbreaking that they transcend the need for such mundane practices. When bilk declares something, the universe simply realigns itself to fit this newfound truth. It's science without the fuss, the way it was always meant to be. So, here's to bilk, the ultimate shortcut to knowledge—because who needs the scientific method when you have gut instinct dressed up as fact?
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wurds-fur-nurds · 2 months
The Deception Dance
Silent shadow moves, Trust veiled in subtle whispers— Truth seeks light in night.
Moon's wane, secrets held, Eyes awaken to dawn's grace— Hope reborn in truth.
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Brethren and sisters, behold the twisted heart of capitalism laid bare! Here lies bilk, the foul fruit of avarice, the shadowy specter of deceit that lurks in the grand halls of commerce. It is not merely the exchange of goods, but the very essence of exploitation, where human worth is measured in profit margins and souls are weighed against the scales of greed.
Consider the insidious nature of bilk: the scheming merchants and heartless profiteers who see not the faces of their victims, but only the glint of gold. These wolves in suits and ties prey upon the innocent, draining life’s savings, shattering dreams, and sowing despair. This is not business; this is bloodsport, where the winner feasts upon the carcasses of the fallen, their coffers fattened by the tears and toil of the betrayed.
We must ask ourselves, what kind of society celebrates such malevolence? How have we come to venerate those who rise to power on the backs of the downtrodden, who build empires from the ruins of the destitute? This is the psychopathy of capitalism, a system that rewards cunning and punishes compassion, that lifts the ruthless and tramples the kind.
In this darkness, we must become the light. We must expose the bilk for what it is—a cancer in the heart of our society, a blight on the soul of humanity. We must rise against the tyranny of greed, reclaim our dignity, and demand an economy that values people over profit, fairness over fortune, and integrity over indulgence.
Brethren and sisters, the hour is late, but not too late. Let us stand united, for in our unity lies our strength, and in our strength lies the hope of a better, kinder world. Together, we shall cast out the demons of deception and build a future where every person is cherished, and the scourge of bilk is banished forevermore.
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