#Bike Crash
lilygoat · 8 months
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zoofitness · 1 year
Had my first truly scary bike incident today.
Riding with a friend and her front tire got caught in this crack - out of the corner of my eye I saw heard her yell then saw her flip over the front of the handlebars.
I thought for sure I was going to have to call an ambulance when I stopped and ran back to her.
Somehow, she managed to crash relatively unscathed - no blood, helmet still intact, no obvious broken bones. Her bike wasn’t totally destroyed either, which shocked me.
I did just find out that she does have a radial fracture in the arm she landed on, which means her hopes for her first Ironman 70.3 are now practically zero since it’s in 3 weeks.
A very sobering day. I know it wasn’t my fault and I’m very thankful I was able to get ahold of some tri friends to come pick us up, but I still feel bad since I asked her to ride with me and on a different route.
Biking is scary. Be safe. Wear your helmet ALWAYS.
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Two for One Real-Life Scary Stories (9 and 10):  Road Rash
TRIGGER WARNING: Concussion, blood, snakes
I prefer being outside whenever I can get away with it. Though my parents always worried since I had trouble making friends in-person (too shy) and didn’t really have anyone to go with. Hiking or otherwise wandering around the wilderness alone is dangerous and you should always at least tell someone where you’re going. Though it’s best if you actually have someone with you to watch your back. It’s not just nature you have to worry about. It’s people too, and they’re often much more dangerous than the other animals.
So, when I wanted to ride my bike around a lake in a local state park, my parents decided to tag along. I was 9 or 10 at the time. Though I don’t completely remember. Part of the story is from my parents since they saw what happened and remember it more properly.
We were enjoying ourselves while biking around the lake. It was around 10 miles (16 km) all the way around. While on the path, we watched for wildlife and looked at the lovely scenery. At first, there were plenty of people around, but that was at the beginning where things were more accessible. As we progressed further around the lake, there were fewer and fewer people. Plus, the trail got rougher. About halfway around the lake, on the south shore, there was a large hill. We powered up it and started to coast down. This is where the first near-death experience happened.
While coasting down, I got excited because it was getting so fast. So, I let gravity do its thing and it went faster and faster and faster! I was way ahead of my parents and having fun…Until I noticed the path ending in a very sharp turn with a fence placed to block riders from falling into the lake. I hit the brakes, but the bike was going too fast for them to work properly and the wheels slid on the loose gravel. This is where I blank out and don’t remember. So, this is what my parents saw:
My bike skidded and I went flying headfirst over the handlebars. Thank goodness I was wearing a helmet. That was probably the one thing that spared me from a skull fracture out in the middle of nowhere. My head hit one of the fence posts at full speed with a *crack* from the helmet and I bounced right off of the post, sliding in the dirt for a few feet or so. Then, I was very still and didn’t get back up for a while. Probably only a few seconds, but it was long enough for my parents to consider calling an ambulance. This is when my memory comes back and I can recall the rest:
I got up feeling dizzy and with a splitting headache. I looked at my arm and it was raw and bloody. My leg hurt a lot too, but I couldn’t seem to roll my pants up properly. So, I looked around and saw a water fountain. I stumbled over and started washing the dirt off of my injuries while my parents ran over to get a better look at me. It hurt and I didn’t appreciate being poked and prodded. Stubborn even back then. Still stubborn now. Though I let medical staff look me over when I need them to without much fuss. Regardless, I didn’t want to get back on the bike because I didn’t feel very steady anymore. That and I was scared of getting hurt even worse. So, we rested for a few minutes while Dad checked the trail ahead to see how much rougher it was.
He came back about 20 minutes later and warned us that the pavement ended ahead and there were a ton of rocks. We were already halfway around. So, we figured we should just finish the trail to get to the car and see if I needed urgent care or not. (As an aside: My parents don’t like doctors much. They sent me when they thought I needed it, but would otherwise insist on treating things themselves. Hence, why I’ve ended up forcing them to get medical attention before.) We went up the next hill and only moments later, there was a rattling noise. Second near-death experience coming.
A startled western diamondback rattlesnake coiled itself up and stared at us from underneath a bush right next to the trail. We were well within striking distance and still miles from the car. So, we carefully put our bikes between us and the snake before passing by. We had to hurry up because it was getting later in the afternoon. Miles later, we reached the dam on the lake’s western shore. I reluctantly got back on my bike so we could ride over it to get back to the car sooner. Another mile or so later, we finally got to the car. I hurt all over, but wasn’t dizzy anymore. So, they deemed a trip to urgent care unnecessary. We went home and I got patched up. Another eventful day over.
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mastereye-1 · 14 days
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qupritsuvwix · 21 days
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chowadoe · 1 month
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[dark rider au] pre-race ritual
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nevzorovgif · 2 years
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Мои планы отправить ребёнка в сад на этой неделе и его сопли.
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If you’ve been in a bike crash in Charlotte, North Carolina involving a car or other motor vehicle, you need experienced Charlotte bicycle accident lawyers on your side who understands the law and will fight for your rights. Don’t try to go it alone—contact a bike crash attorney today to get started on your claim. Contact the Charlotte NC Car Accident Lawyers Group at 980-239-2275
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memes-from-the-past · 2 years
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raapija · 5 months
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Yet another genre of Fernando pics
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alienoresimagines · 2 months
Chick: So are you gonna explain how the hell you crashed my car?
Buck: Well we were driving and there was a deer in the road, so I said "Bucky, deer!"
Chick: ...And what did Bucky do?
Buck: ...He said "Yes, doll?"
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lewmagoo · 10 months
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i can’t stop making these now
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
*skedaddles up to [REDACTED] and whispers in their ear*
"I crashed your sports bike in a waffle house parking lot on accident and ran over 3 pedestrians on the way there-"
“Please tell me it was Teo, Elanor, and Violet that you ran over on accident.” Without missing a beat, [REDACTED] leans into your side and brings you close with one hand. “…No? It's 'kay."
Before you know it, he's pulling out his fancy keycard with a second pair of keys on them and a smirk on his face. "…I got a Corvette parked ‘round the back. You up for... "bowling" with waffles after?”
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qupritsuvwix · 1 month
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latapadraws · 2 years
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loved that hot pink bike for all 2 seconds that it was there in dead apple
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marquezian · 6 months
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Cele Saves -> in the first corner during FP3, Mugello, 2022
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