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beatnikbytes · 2 months ago
The Battle of Dong Den: Unraveling the Vietnam Rock Ape Bigfoot Myth
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the-scribblersquatch · 1 month ago
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the squatch in the artsy-flesh! profile below the cut <3
art by me and my bro-squatch, @the-sketchsquatch
─👽-Name: Keebler Poe Averne
─👽-Commonly known as: “Scribble”, Keely, Keebs
─👽-Nickname: Keeberts, Keebs
─👽-Species: Backwoods Southern Sasquatch
─👽-Age: 31
─👽-Gender: xenogender; trans man
─👽-Pronouns: he/him/his; draed/draedself
─👽-Height: 5’3”
─👽-Weight: 300 + lbs
─👽-Strengths: Determined, Careful, Humble, Emotional, Kind
─👽-Weaknesses: Timid, Stubborn, Over-Thinking, Blunt, Impulsive
─👽-Hobbies: Creative Writing, Drawing, Cooking, Adventuring, Gardening,
─👽-Love Interest: [???]
─👽-Occupation: Professional Hobbyist [artist/writer]
─👽-Tattoos: [???]
─👽- Scars: right elbow [x2], left middle finger [x2], right big toe [x1]
─👽-MBTI: INFP-T [turbulent mediator]
─👽-Moral Alignment: neutral good
─👽-Social View: ambivert; introvert 
––Keely craves authenticity and level-understanding. He’s driven by a desire to be true to himself and, in turn, encourage others to do the same. He values personal growth and introspection, often seeking solitude to reflect on his thoughts and feelings. In such moments, he unleashes his inner creativity, allowing his unique voice to emerge.
–While Keely’s personality brings forth many strengths, it also presents some challenges. He can be prone to self-doubt and overthinking, constantly questioning his own abilities and decisions. Keely's sensitive nature makes him susceptible to taking criticism personally and sometimes struggling to assert himself confidently. However, his resilience and determination ultimately prevails, pushing him to overcome these obstacles and grow stronger.
─👽- Has a noticeable lisp when speaking, especially on ‘s’ notes.
─👽- Carries himself with extreme flamboyance, but he’s very authentic as well.
─👽- Loves good grammar. He won’t overly judge others about their skills, but he will exude his skills where and when he is allowed.
─👽- He’s constantly seen drawing, writing, and reading whenever he has the chance. 
─👽- He has a very outside of the box thinking pattern. His methods of executing anything very much turns heads; even when his methods are rather bizarre or more peculiar.
✷ Sushi
✷ Cryptozoology, Ghost Stories, Mythology Tales
✷ The perfect adventure
✷ Cooking and Cleaning
✷ Boredom
✷ Mood swings
✷ Being told what to do harshly
✷ Hot weather
–[Short Summary]
–In the early 90’s, deep within the southeastern American woods, two squatch cubs were welcomed into the world. They were very weak, as two were uncommon to have at a time. Their earliest years are blurry, and they can’t recall much past a few spotty ones, but they were rambunctious and wild as any squatch cub should be, despite their ailments and difficulties growing as fast as the rest. They learned quickly and loved nature. They were always within close proximity of each other. They couldn’t stand to be apart. They spoke to each other in their own little languages that only they knew by small grunts and little sounds because their language was their own. 
It seemed their parents grew tired of them, and in many distasteful circumstances, the two of them learned hardships and survival in their earliest years. It surely readied them for the big, big world, but it also made things a lot harder in the long run, but one thing is for sure, they never lost their wanderlust for travel and adventure. They were unstoppable, and even to this day they continue to bring smiles to those they decide to be seen by. In pure Sasquatch irony, nobody really catches sight of them for who they really are, unless they choose to let someone truly see them. 
[-PLAYLIST-] //songs change often!//
─👽- Sheryl Crow - Soak Up The Sun
─👽- Lifehouse - Halfway Gone
─👽- Matchbox 20 - Unwell
─👽- New Radicals - You Get What You Give
─👽- Eagle-Eye Cherry - Save Tonight
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stefaniaczech · 2 months ago
Breaking News: Tragic Hunt for Sasquatch Ends in Horror – 2 Oregon Men F... #BreakingNews, #Sasquatch, #Bigfoot, #CryptidMystery, #Oregon, #HuntGoneWrong, #TragicDiscovery, #BigfootHunters, #SasquatchEncounter, #UnexplainedDeaths, #PacificNorthwest, #SasquatchSightings, #CryptidHunters, #BigfootHunt, #CryptidLegends, #MysteriousDeaths, #SasquatchAttack, #Bigfoot2025, #CryptidNews, #WildernessMystery, #UnsolvedMystery, #SasquatchTragedy, #CryptidProof, #BigfootMystery, #OregonWilderness, #BigfootLegends, #SasquatchHunt, #MysteriousFindings, #BigfootEncounters, #CryptidSighting, #OregonTragedy, #BigfootHuntersGoneWrong, #SasquatchInvestigation, #CryptidEvidence, #BigfootProof, #CryptidSearch, #CryptidLegends2025, #
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grizzlybigfoot · 2 years ago
#bigfoot #bigfootsighting #bigfootisreal #bigfoothunting #bigfootprint #bigfootimpression #Kentucky #Tennessee #grizzlyonthehunt #rollingthebonesandrattlingthecage #sasquatch #sasquatchsighting #yeti #sasquatchchronicles #SasquatchDay #bfro #Michigan #woods #TreeKnocks #witness #Yowie #Indiana #Ohio
4-9-23 Sunday at 6:00PM EST!
Come to the show and listen! Please like! Share!
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Always live! Raw! Uncut!
Only on here with Rolling the Bones and Rattling the Cage!
Regarding Bigfoot and Sasquatch encounters, events, stories and more!
Come on the show and ask questions!
Grizzly Chris and Val Zavala are Ex Law Enforcement experienced professionals that came together to share their passion with the world. Both of them are good talkers and excellent listeners, researchers, investigators and reporters.
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badkittyknits · 2 years ago
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🌲❄🌲❄🌲❄🌲❄🌲❄🌲❄🌲❄🌲❄ Where da snow?!? ~ Montage Mountain #badkittyknits #abominablesnowman #Everest #avalanche #yeti #bigfootisreal #bigfoot #cryptids #cryptidcore #cryptidart #cryptidsighting #tieredtraydecor #bigfootisreal #tieredtraystyling #cryptidgift #bigfootstories #bigfootsighting #yetisighting #abominable #cryptidnation #bigfootcountry #bigfoot #bigfoothunting #MythicalCreatures #Skiseason #smallfoot #cryptidcore #bigfootdecoys #yetisnowman #yetisighting (at Montage Mountain Ski Resort) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpplFvvOgFr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mhuntington7 · 3 years ago
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FRAME 352 - The Most Iconic Image of the Mysterious Bigfoot was filmed 50 years-ago (Friday, October 20, 1967) at Bluff Creek, California by Bigfoot Hunters Roger Patterson and Robert "Bob" Gimlin. The complete 1 minute 16mm film, which allegedly shows a female Sasquatch (nicknamed "Patty"), has garnered much controversy over the decades - with divisions, to this day, on it's authenticity. Is this the Real Creature? Or is this a brilliant "ape-suited" hoax that has stood the test of time and debunking? Regardless of the hidden truth, this image (namely frame 352) has, certainly, captivated the imaginations of generations of Mystery Seekers and has influenced the popular culture's idea of what a Bigfoot should look like. A half-century later, this Mysterious Monster remains as elusive as ever. Graphic by Michael Huntington - 2017. @Huntington_Strange_Travels #MichaelHuntington #StrangeTravels #Bigfoot #Sasquatch #Cryptids #PattersonGimlin #PattersonGimlinFilm #Frame352 #Patty #RogerPatterson #BobGimlin #BluffCreekBigfoot #BigfootHunters #MonsterHunters #BluffCreekCalifornia https://www.instagram.com/p/Bae15RdAbr8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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junkercrush · 6 years ago
If Overwatch just happens to have a paranormal “Alien Invasion” kind of an event, I still stand by the notion they should give Junkrat an “obsessed Bigfoot hunter” skin and Roadhog has this big, floofy Bigfoot skin. 
Roadhog be all like:
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nateaz · 5 years ago
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Christopher O’Brien encourages #UFO Enthusiasts to #UseYourBrain. Chris is probably one of the more scientifically objective #uforesearchers in the field of #Ufology. Portrait captured at the @UFOCongress. Thanks for letting me capture a dignified photo of you, Mr. O’Brien! ✊ . #2019ufocongress #arizonapeople #peopleofarizona #ufohunter #sanluisvalley #bigfoothunter #ufopeople #portrait_vision #portrait_shots #chrisobrien #christopherobrien #ufologistsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B2SBUnChHqn/?igshid=1kxba66hdgslx
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resis-tance-fdt · 3 years ago
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One Day Scientists and Bigfoot Hunters will discover that the wood knocking in the woods is made by Other Bigfoot Hunters! LOL!!! #bigfootsighting #bigfoot #woodknocks #sasquatch #whatif #expeditionbigfoot #bigfoothunter #bigfoothunting #bfro (at The Tower) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdpDsa2M0ND/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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threefatesparanormal · 4 years ago
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Happy #3FPFactsFriday ! This fact brought to you by 🦊! You all have probably heard of Bigfoot (I hope 😂) and possibly many of the various other bipeds like them. Countries all over the world have reports of seeing bipedal hominids wandering around in the woods. One of my favorite sightings from the US is the Skunk Ape. Skunk apes are native to Florida and other southeast states. They live in the marshy swamp lands, which is why one of their many names is ‘Swamp Ape.’ The reason that they’re often called ‘Skunk Apes’ is because they are reported to have a very strong odor to them. Are you guys fans of the Skunk Ape? Let us know in the comments! 😄 #factfriday #bigfoot #bipeds #bigfoothunting #skunkape #swampape #florida #cryptids #cryptid #paranormal #cryptozoology #3fpfactsfriday #3fatesfactsfriday https://www.instagram.com/p/CPJSv4FtULl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hawgnsonstv · 5 years ago
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A picture of a dead Bigfoot shot in the Cape Breton Highlands. The hunter ( Shotgun Murry ) claimed to have shot it, but after extensive research it is believed to have died from Corona virus. He was already dead when the hunter shot him. It was also proven by the CBC NEWS that this was all Trump's fault. TRUE STORY! I saw it on Facebook! 🐖🐖🐖 . . . #Yeti 🦍 #BigFoot 🐒 #BigFootHunting 🐕 #Sasquatch 🐵 #SasquatchSighting 🦍 Don Higgins is a Charlatan 👿 🤡 #RealWorldSeed 😂 🤡 #RealWorldSeedCompany 🤣 🤡 #RealWorldWildLifeProducts 😆 #BurrusSeed 🌱 #SeriousAboutSoybeans 🌱 #IAmRealWorld 😇 #WhitetailNutrition 🦌 #WildLifePropertyManagement 🦌#GreatestWhitetailDeerHuntingTacticianEver 🦌 #NobodyHasDoneSoMuchWithSoLittle 🦌🐖 #NobodyHasProducedSoMuchWithSoLittle 🧠 #ChasingGIANTS 🦌🐖 #WhitetailLandManagement 🦌#LandscapingForDeer 🦌 #TheDeerSanctuary 🦌 #AbsolutelyFenCrazy 🤪 #TRENTcam 📸 #TRENTcams 📹 #TRENTcamology 📽 #HawgTV #HawgLife 🐖 #GodsGiftToTheWorld 🧠 #NothingCanStopMe �� #GodsSecondFavoriteSon 😇 #AllGloryGoesToGod 🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDy-GcLlNRK/?igshid=z8rl2h786diu
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doodlebugdream · 6 years ago
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Went to see @laikastudios #missinglink yesterday. Such a good film, made me want to change up my big foot design! . . . . . #redbubbleartist #cuteillustration #bigfootsightings #artlovers #redbubble #amazingart #psychedelicart #bigfoothunting #magicgallery #characterillustration #bigfootsighting #art #theartshed #foundhim #artist #picame #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #bigfootisreal #bigfoot #art_magister #sasquatch #illustrated #illustrationhowl #sasquatchsighting #Art_Spotlight #womenwithpencils #findingbigfoot https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwrdn7GgHAd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ifom5gdlx1y2
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badkittyknits · 2 years ago
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SAVE THE DATE 6th Annual Cabin Fever Boredom Buster Craft Market February 25th 10am to 4pm onside the former Sears at the Wyoming Valley Mall 🌲❄🌲❄🌲❄🌲❄🌲❄🌲❄🌲❄🌲❄ ...Vermont...where the snow is!!! Restocking this week... #badkittyknits #abominablesnowman #Everest #avalanche #yeti #bigfootisreal #bigfoot #cryptids #cryptidcore #cryptidart #cryptidsighting #tieredtraydecor #bigfootisreal #tieredtraystyling #cryptidgift #bigfootstories #bigfootsighting #yetisighting #abominable #cryptidnation #bigfootcountry #bigfoot #bigfoothunting #MythicalCreatures #makersgonnamake #smallfoot #cryptidcore #bigfootdecoys #yetisnowman #yetisighting https://www.instagram.com/p/CoXFSU9OK9G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mhuntington7 · 7 years ago
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FRAME 352 - The Most Iconic Image of the Mysterious Bigfoot was filmed 50 years-ago (Friday, October 20, 1967) at Bluff Creek, California by Bigfoot Hunters Roger Patterson and Robert "Bob" Gimlin. The complete 1 minute 16mm film, which allegedly shows a female Sasquatch (nicknamed "Patty"), has garnered much controversy over the decades - with divisions, to this day, on it's authenticity. Is this the Real Creature? Or is this a brilliant "ape-suited" hoax that has stood the test of time and debunking? Regardless of the hidden truth, this image (namely frame 352) has, certainly, captivated the imaginations of generations of Mystery Seekers and has influenced the popular culture's idea of what a Bigfoot should look like. A half-century later, this Mysterious Monster remains as elusive as ever. Graphic by Michael Huntington - 2017. @Huntington_Strange_Travels #MichaelHuntington #StrangeTravels #Bigfoot #Sasquatch #Cryptids #PattersonGimlin #PattersonGimlinFilm #Frame352 #Patty #RogerPatterson #BobGimlin #BluffCreekBigfoot #BigfootHunters #MonsterHunters #BluffCreekCalifornia
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junkercrush · 6 years ago
BigfootHunter!Junkrat: *in love with Bigfoot!Hog* <3 <3 <3
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babesgoneviralpromo-blog · 8 years ago
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