#Big Data 4.0
adriano-ferreira · 5 months
Quarta Revolução Industrial e questões jurídicas
A terceira revolução industrial não foi o fim da história. A partir do final do século XX e início do século XXI, novas tecnologias emergiram e se combinaram, dando origem a uma nova onda de mudanças profundas e aceleradas nos âmbitos econômico, social, político e cultural. Essa é a chamada quarta revolução industrial, que se diferencia das anteriores por ser baseada na revolução digital e por…
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themslash · 10 months
Hi listen to Unglued 0224 Remix
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francescolelli · 2 years
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StairwAI and supporting SME in their AI based digital strategy: Open Letter
This is a short preview of the article: Dear participant to the StariwAI SMEs pilot implementation, congratulation for been in the final 14-een that has managed to join the program! Dear SMEs that are not in the pilot, do not despair there will be other opportunities, this is just the beginning! In both cases you have my
If you like it consider checking out the full version of the post at: StairwAI and supporting SME in their AI based digital strategy: Open Letter
If you are looking for ideas for tweet or re-blog this post you may want to consider the following hashtags:
Hashtags: #AI, #BigData, #Data, #DataScience, #DigitalStrategy, #Industry40, #SME, #Tensorflow
The Hashtags of the Categories are: #BigData, #CloudComputing, #InternetofThings, #MachineLearning
StairwAI and supporting SME in their AI based digital strategy: Open Letter is available at the following link: https://francescolelli.info/big-data/stairwai-and-supporting-sme-in-their-ai-based-digital-strategy-open-letter/ You will find more information, stories, examples, data, opinions and scientific papers as part of a collection of articles about Information Management, Computer Science, Economics, Finance and More.
The title of the full article is: StairwAI and supporting SME in their AI based digital strategy: Open Letter
It belong to the following categories: Big Data, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Machine Learning
The most relevant keywords are: AI, Big Data, data, Data Science, digital strategy, Industry 4.0, SME, Tensorflow
It has been published by Francesco Lelli at Francesco Lelli a blog about Information Management, Computer Science, Finance, Economics and nearby ideas and opinions
Dear participant to the StariwAI SMEs pilot implementation, congratulation for been in the final 14-een that has managed to join the program! Dear SMEs that are not in the pilot, do not despair there will be other opportunities, this is just the beginning! In both cases you have my
Hope you will find it interesting and that it will help you in your journey
Dear participant to the StariwAI SMEs pilot implementation, congratulation for been in the final 14-een that has managed to join the program! Dear SMEs that are not in the pilot, do not despair there will be other opportunities, this is just the beginning! In both cases you have my respect and support for trying to…
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dealegear · 1 year
Qual será o impacto, no futuro, das tecnologias de inteligência artificial?
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A inteligência artificial (IA) têm o potencial de impactar o futuro, tanto positiva quanto negativamente. Alguns dos possíveis impactos incluem:
Melhoria da produtividade: As tecnologias de IA podem automatizar tarefas repetitivas e melhorar a eficiência em muitos setores, incluindo saúde, transporte, produção e fornecimento de serviços. Pessoas trabalhando lado a lado com ferramentas de IA provavelmente será a realidade em poucos anos;
Aumento do desemprego: As tecnologias de IA podem substituir trabalhos que antes eram realizados por humanos, criando desafios grandes para os trabalhadores, que terão que se requalificar, e para os governos que precisarão dar respaldo à sociedade durante essa mudança;
Melhoria da saúde: As tecnologias de IA podem ajudar a melhorar o diagnóstico e o tratamento de muitas doenças, bem como a pesquisa médica nas mais diversas áreas. Isso pode proporcionar mais qualidade de vida às pessoas e proporcionar uma vida mais longa;
Aumento da segurança: As tecnologias de IA podem ser usadas para melhorar a segurança em áreas como vigilância, detecção de intrusos e condução autônoma. Esses são apenas alguns exemplos, pois há muitos outros campos em que essa tecnologia pode ser usada, como a detecção de movimentação de encostas, por exemplo;
Preocupações éticas e legais: As tecnologias de IA também podem gerar preocupações éticas e legais, como invasão de privacidade e aumento do poder das grandes empresas e governos. Essa possibilidade, aliás, é bem real;
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techdiggersblog · 2 years
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nasa · 2 years
What is Artemis I?
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On November 14, NASA is set to launch the uncrewed Artemis I flight test to the Moon and back. Artemis I is the first integrated flight test of the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, the Orion spacecraft, and Exploration Ground Systems at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. These are the same systems that will bring future Artemis astronauts to the Moon.
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Standing 322 feet (98 meters) tall, the SLS rocket comprises of a core stage, an upper stage, two solid boosters, and four RS-25 engines. The SLS rocket is the most powerful rocket in the world, able to carry 59,500 pounds (27 metric tons) of payloads to deep space — more than any other vehicle. With its unprecedented power, SLS is the only rocket that can send the Orion spacecraft, astronauts, and cargo directly to the Moon on a single mission.
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Before launch, Artemis I has some big help: the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) at KSC is the largest single-story building in the world. The VAB was constructed for the assembly of the Apollo/Saturn V Moon rocket, and this is where the SLS rocket is assembled, maintained, and integrated with the Orion spacecraft. 
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The mobile launcher is used to assemble, process, and launch the SLS rocket and Orion spacecraft. The massive structure consists of a two-story base and a tower equipped with a number of connection lines to provide the rocket and spacecraft with power, communications, coolant, and fuel prior to launch.
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Capable of carrying 18 million pounds (8.2 million kg) and the size of a baseball infield, crawler-transporter 2 will transport SLS and Orion the 4.2 miles (6.8 km) to Launch Pad 39B. This historic launch pad was where the Apollo 10 mission lifted off from on May 18, 1969, to rehearse the first Moon landing.
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During the launch, SLS will generate around 8.8 million pounds (~4.0 million kg) of thrust, propelling the Orion spacecraft into Earth’s orbit. Then, Orion will perform a Trans Lunar Injection to begin the path to the Moon. The spacecraft will orbit the Moon, traveling 40,000 miles beyond the far side of the Moon — farther than any human-rated spacecraft has ever flown.
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The Orion spacecraft is designed to carry astronauts on deep space missions farther than ever before. Orion contains the habitable volume of about two minivans, enough living space for four people for up to 21 days. Future astronauts will be able to prepare food, exercise, and yes, have a bathroom. Orion also has a launch abort system to keep astronauts safe if an emergency happens during launch, and a European-built service module that fuels and propels the spacecraft.
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While the Artemis I flight test is uncrewed, the Orion spacecraft will not be empty: there will be three manikins aboard the vehicle. Commander Moonikin Campos will be sitting in the commander’s seat, collecting data on the vibrations and accelerations future astronauts will experience on the journey to the Moon. He is joined with two phantom torsos, Helga and Zohar, in a partnership with the German Aerospace Center and Israeli Space Agency to test a radiation protection vest.
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A host of shoebox-sized satellites called CubeSats help enable science and technology experiments that could enhance our understanding of deep space travel and the Moon while providing critical information for future Artemis missions.
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At the end of the four-week mission, the Orion spacecraft will return to Earth. Orion will travel at 25,000 mph (40,000 km per hour) before slowing down to 300 mph (480 km per hour) once it enters the Earth’s atmosphere. After the parachutes deploy, the spacecraft will glide in at approximately 20 mph (32 km per hour) before splashdown about 60 miles (100 km) off the coast of California. NASA’s recovery team and the U.S. Navy will retrieve the Orion spacecraft from the Pacific Ocean.
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With the ultimate goal of establishing a long-term presence on the Moon, Artemis I is a critical step as NASA prepares to send humans to Mars and beyond.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Opinions on Carnotaurus, they've always been one of my favorite dinosaurs and its very funny seeing people deny feathers on dinosaurs from the perspect of having the one dinosaur where most evidence (as far as i know, might need to catch up on some reading) points to no feathers. Its a real spiders georg situation
like carnotaurus has amazing skin impressions and no signs of feathers, which is fine! We know lots of dinosaurs probably lost their feathers at big sizes! but we still don't really know that a scaley fossil indicates no feathers. We need more taphonomic data on that, and such studies are hard to come by.
Anyways, feathers, no feathers, whatever. The most interesting thing about Carnotaurus is that its a sosig (sausage).
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(by Andrey Atuchin, CC BY SA 4.0)
Abelisaurs were cursorial acrobats. They could turn on a dime and their long, ovular bodies helped with that, as well as their muscular legs and tail. Their heads were attached to strong necks, so they could just attack prey with their mouths while moving fast.
This was important, because most Abelisaurs in the late cretaceous were the top predators of their ecosystems, and what lived in their ecosystems?
Giant fucking titanosaurs
So being able to turn and move quickly gave these guys a leg up on the slower-moving giant bird giraffe-elephants around them
they didn't need their arms for hunting or movement anymore, so that's why they're so small - muscles in the neck region of dinosaurs tend to occupy a similar space as the muscles in the arm region, so more of one leads to a loss in the other. Strong neck for strong bites = weaker arms.
That said, what's weird is that they have a fully 360 degree rotational arms, which is not actually common, so it doesn't seem like something arms that aren't being used would have. Perhaps these tiny little nubbins were used for display - with bright colors or the like - and rotated around in the socket. Dinosaurs are very much Display oriented animals, as we see in living birds and the variety of display structures in extinct forms. this may just be the weirdest take on that theme!
Plus, the horns are Spiffy
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tatmanblue · 6 months
No zoom by European Space Agency Via Flickr: This image shows a globular cluster known as NGC 1651. Like the object in another recent Picture of the Week, it is located about 162 000 light-years away in the largest and brightest of the Milky Way’s satellite galaxies, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). A notable feature of this image is that the globular cluster almost fills the entire image, even though globular clusters are only about 10 to 300 light-years in diameter (NGC 1651 has a diameter of roughly 120 light-years). In contrast, there are numerous Hubble Pictures of the Week that feature entire galaxies — which can be tens or hundreds of millions of light-years in diameter — that also more or less fill the whole image. A common misconception is that Hubble and other large telescopes manage to observe wildly differently sized celestial objects by zooming in on them, as one would with a specialised camera here on Earth. However, whilst small telescopes might have the option to zoom in and out to a certain extent, large telescopes do not. Each telescope’s instrument has a fixed ‘field of view’ (the size of the region of sky that it can observe in a single observation). For example, the ultraviolet/visible light channel of Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3), the channel and instrument that were used to collect the data used in this image, has a field of view roughly one twelfth the diameter of the Moon as seen from Earth. Whenever WFC3 makes an observation, that is the size of the region of sky that it can observe. The reason that Hubble can observe objects of such wildly different sizes is two-fold. Firstly, the distance to an object will determine how big it appears to be from Earth, so entire galaxies that are relatively far away might take up the same amount of space in the sky as a globular cluster like NGC 1651 that is relatively close by. In fact, there's a distant spiral galaxy lurking in this image, directly left of the cluster — though undoubtedly much larger than this star cluster, it appears small enough here to blend in with foreground stars! Secondly, multiple images spanning different parts of the sky can be mosaiced together to create single images of objects that are too big for Hubble’s field of view. This is a very complex task and is not typically done for Pictures of the Week, but it has been done for some of Hubble’s most iconic images. [Image Description: A spherical collection of stars, which fills the whole view. The stars merge into a bright, bluish core in the centre, and form a sparse band around that out to the edges of the image. A few stars lie in front of the cluster, with visible diffraction spikes. The background is dark black.] Credits: ESA/Hubble & NASA, L. Girardi, F. Niederhofer; CC BY 4.0
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fifth round of stats
we haven’t had a stats update in >200 polls, so I figured it was probably overdue. this is based on the first 821(ish) polls. as usual, any time I give two percentages with a slash between them (e.g., “18.5% / 11.3%”), the first percentage is the mean and the second is the median.
general observations
we’ve had 43 majority-yes results so far; for comparison, we had 42 majority-yes results in the last round of stats, meaning that in the last 200 polls there has only been one new majority-yes result. this is why I think it might be a good idea to start reblogging above-average yes results.
the highest individual yes result on either this or the sci-fi blog is still C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe at 85.3% yes.
averages continue to drop
the mean yes result for all books is 13.9% (down from 15.9%), and the median yes result is 7.4% (down from 8.3%).
note that when I give aggregate numbers for things, I missed a book at some point when I was updating my spreadsheet, so any totals will only add up to 820 at most.
the gap between big 5 imprints and other publishers has narrowed, because of a big drop for big 5 imprints: big 5 imprints are now at 16.9% / 9.8% yes and other publishers at 7.0% / 3.0% yes (the median actually went up slightly — thanks, Mercedes Lackey!).
age demographic
children’s books continue to be much more likely to get a yes result; the averages across all categories have fallen again.
there have been 453 adult books, of which 10 have gotten majority-yes results (2.2%). the average is 10.0% / 5.0% yes — note the very low median. an adult book that gets a more than 5.0% yes result is in the top 50% of most-read books in these polls!
there have been 161 teen/YA books, of which 4 have gotten majority-yes results (2.5%). the average is 13.3% / 8.4% yes.
there have been 206 children’s books, of which 29 have gotten majority-yes results (14.1%). the average is 22.3% / 15.8% yes (the median has dropped dramatically — it was 20.7% last time).
publication date
the decades that have enough books to provide (somewhat) meaningful data are still in a pretty clear bell curve peaking in the 1990s and 2000s:
18th century: 1
1830s: 1 book
1880s: 1 book
1890s: 2 books
1900s: 5 books
1910s: 3 books
1920s: 3 books
1930s: 6 books
1940s: 4 books
1950s: 10 books (average 35.1% / 23.5%, heavily skewed by Tolkien and Lewis lmao)
1960s: 8 books
1970s: 37 books (average 12.2% / 5.5%)
1980s: 68 books (average 15.1% / 6.4%)
1990s: 90 books (average 18.5% / 13.0%)
2000s: 191 books (average 16.9% / 10.1%)
2010s: 257 books (average 10.4% / 5.1%)
2020s: 133 books (average 9.5% / 5.2%)
the gap between white authors and authors of color has narrowed slightly, with the average for white authors dropping significantly and the average for authors of color rising slightly: books by white authors average 15.0% / 8.0% yes, and books by authors of color average 7.4% / 4.0% yes.
books by women and books by nonbinary writers have a lower mean yes rate than books by men but a slightly higher median yes rate. this data suggests that in fact people read books by authors of all genders at relatively similar rates overall but that there are more bestsellers / classics by men (skewing the mean up).
women: 13.0% / 7.5%
men: 16.4% / 7.3%
nonbinary/other/none: 8.7% / 7.5%
Oceania has finally got enough books that it’s not entirely determined by The Locked Tomb lmao.
North America: average 13.2% / 7.4%
Europe: average 17.6% / 8.9%
every other continent composite average: 8.4% / 3.7%
Asia: 4.4% / 2.9%
Oceania: 12.2% / 5.6%
the average for books originally published in English remains markedly higher (14.2% / 7.6% yes) than the average for books not originally published in English (9.4% / 2.9% yes), though it’s dropping. for other languages with >10 polls:
French: 7.2% / 1.7%
Japanese: 3.0% / 2.9%
so far in total we’ve had:
English: 752 books
French: 14 books
Japanese: 11 books
German: 8 books
Swedish: 8 books
Spanish: 5 books
Chinese: 4 books
Arabic: 3 books
Danish: 3 books
Korean: 2 books
Russian: 2 books
Welsh: 2 books
Finnish: 1 book
(Scottish) Gaelic: 1 book
Italian: 1 book
Polish: 1 book
Portuguese: 1 book
Yoruba: 1 book
as always, I especially invite submissions written in languages other than English, regardless of whether they’re available in translation!
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guzsdaily · 2 months
More Progress, More Steps to Do
Day 255 - Jul 17th, 12.024
Made some big progress on the test, and now I'm able to import and send all 70 thousand rows to a PostgreSQL database, creating the necessary tables as necessary, in some 20 seconds. It's not the best time I would say, but I don't know how to optimize the code yet, and since I still need to do an API and hopefully some front-end to fetch and search this data. However, I don't really know how they want this API exactly to be, so until I get an answer, I will try to refactor the code to make it easier to change if necessary.
Today's artists & creative things Music: Novocaine - by The Unlikely Candidates
© 2024 Gustavo "Guz" L. de Mello. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
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govindhtech · 5 months
MediaTek Dimensity 9300+: Experience Next-Level Performance
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MediaTek Dimensity 9300+
All-Big-Core Processor: Superior Performance With the MediaTek Dimensity 9300+, Arm Cortex-X4 speeds are increased to unprecedented heights, setting a new standard for smartphone performance for enthusiasts and gamers.
1X Cortex-X4 operating at 3.4 GHz Max. 3X Cortex-X4 2.85GHz Up to 2.0GHz, 4X Cortex-A720 18 MB L3 + SLC cache Supported up to LPDDR5T 9600Mbps MCQ plus UFS 4.0 Third generation of TSMC 4nm chips manufactured MediaTek’s second-generation thermally optimised packaging design Premier Generative AI System in MediaTek Dimensity 9300+
Faster and safer edge computing is made possible by the MediaTek APU 790 generative AI engine. MediaTek Dimensity 9300+ first-to-market features and extensive toolchain help developers create multimodal generative AI applications at the edge quickly and effectively, offering consumers cutting-edge experiences with generative AI for text, photos, music, and more.
Assistance with on-device NeuroPilot LoRA Fusion 2.0 and LoRA Fusion With NeuroPilot Speculative Decode Acceleration and ExecutorTorch Delegation support, performance can increase by up to 10%. Gen-AI partnerships Artificial Intelligence Cloud Alibaba Qwen LLM AI Baichuan ERNIE-3.5-SE Google Gemini Nano Llama 2 and Llama 3 Meta Epic Play
Flagship GPU with 12 cores Experience the most popular online games in HDR at 90 frames per second, while using up to 20% less power than other flagship smartphone platforms.
Adaptive gaming technology from MediaTek Activate MAGT to increase power efficiency in well-known gaming titles. This will allow top titles to run smoothly for up to an hour.
Experience the most popular online games in HDR at 90 frames per second, while using up to 20% less power than other flagship smartphone platforms.
Mobile Raytracing accelerated via hardware The Immortalis-G720 offers gamers quick, immersive raytracing experiences at a fluid 60 frames per second along with console-quality global lighting effects thanks to its 2nd generation hardware raytracing engine.
HyperEngine from MediaTek: Network Observation System (NOS)
Working with top game companies, MediaTek HyperEngine NOS offloads real-time network connectivity quality assessment, allowing for more efficient and power-efficient Wi-Fi/cellular dual network concurrency during gameplay.
Accurate Network Forecasting 10% or more in power savings Save up to 25% on cellular data guarantees a steady and fluid connection for internet gaming. Working along with Tencent GCloud Amazing Media Capture in All Situations The Imagiq 990 boasts zero latency video preview, AI photography, and 18-bit RAW ISP. Utilise its 16 categories of scene segmentation modification and AI Semantic Analysis Video Engine for more visually stunning cinematic video capture.
With three microphones capturing high dynamic range audio and filtering out background noise and wind, you can be heard clearly. This makes it perfect for impromptu vlogging.
AI-displayed MediaTek MiraVision 990 Set your goals on faster, sharper screens, and take advantage of the newest HDR standards and AI improvements for next-generation cinematic experiences.
Amazing displays: 4K120 or WQHD 180Hz AI depth finding Support that folds and has two active screens The best anti-burn-in technology available for AMOLED screens Maximum Interconnectedness WiFi 7 Extended Range Connections can extend up to 4.5 metres indoors thanks to MediaTek Xtra Range 2.0 technology (5GHz band). Up to 200% throughput improvement is provided for smoother graphics while streaming wirelessly to 4K Smart TVs thanks to coexistence and anti-interference technologies. UltraSaver Wi-Fi 7 MediaTek Wi-Fi 7 with Multi-Link Operation (MLO) and 320MHz BW up to 6.5Gbps Top Bluetooth Features Wi-Fi/BT Hybrid Coexistence 3.0 by MediaTek UltraSave Bluetooth LightningConnect MediaTek Extremely low Bluetooth audio latency (<35 ms) Smooth sub-6GHz with a 5G AI modem Sub-6GHz capable 4CC-CA 5G R16 modem Dedicated sub-6GHz downlink speed of up to 7 Gbps Modern AI equipped with situation awareness Dual SIM, Dual Active, Multimode 3.0 for MediaTek 5G UltraSave Outstanding Security for a Flagship SoC for Android
Introducing a user-privacy-focused security design that safeguards critical processes both during secure computing and boot-up, preventing physical attacks on data access.
During startup and operation, standalone hardware (Secure Processor, HWRoT) is used with New Arm Memory Tagging Extension (MTE) technology.
The next big thing in innovation is generative AI MediaTek Dimensity 9300+, the industry leader in creating high-performing and power-efficient system-on-chips, is already integrating the advantages of their potent, internally developed AI processors into their wide range of product offerings.
Every year,their inventions impact over 2 billion devices Fifth-largest fabless semiconductor maker MediaTek. MediaTek chips power 2 billion devices annually; you undoubtedly have one! Here at MediaTek, they design technology with people in mind to improve and enrich daily existence.
Amazing In Amazing Escape Smartphones with MediaTek Dimensity – 5G The cutting edge is available on MediaTek Dimensity 5G smartphone platforms, which offer amazing nonstop gaming, sophisticated AI, and professional-grade photography and multi-camera videography. Together, they enhance the intelligence, potency, and efficiency of your experience.
Chromebooks, the ubiquitous computing companion from MediaTek Kompanio MediaTek Kompanio is the dependable, creative, versatile, go-anywhere, and do-anything partner for amazing Chromebook experiences. It’s the perfect partner for learning, daily work, streaming media, video conferences, or just experimenting with one’s creativity.
MediaTek provides you with all you need in terms of computing. MediaTek processors are made to meet the needs of the modern user, whether they be for gaming, streaming, work, or education.
Brilliance on the brink IoT with Edge-AI with MediaTek Genio MediaTek Dimensity 9300+ Genio propels IoT innovation by elevating software platforms that are simple to use and have strong artificial intelligence. MediaTek helps start-ups to multinational corporations creating new IoT devices with Edge-AI capabilities, accelerating time to market to create new opportunities.
Entrepreneurs with a Vision: MediaTek Pentonic – 8K/4K Smart Televisions Five key technology pillars are offered by MediaTek Pentonic in their flagship and premium 8K/4K smart TVs: display, audio, AI, broadcasting, and connectivity. With a 60% global TV market share,they are the leading provider of smart TV platforms, supporting the largest smart TV brands in the world.
Experiences that are always connected Wi-Fi MediaTek Filogic With the most extreme speeds, improved coverage, built-in security, exceptional power efficiency, and crucial EasyMesh certification, MediaTek Filogic is bringing in a new era of smarter, more powerful Wi-Fi 7, 6E, and 6 solutions. These solutions will enable users to enjoy seamless, always-connected experiences.
MediaTek Dimensity 9300+ Specs CPU Processor 1x Arm Cortex-X4 up to 3.4GHz 3x Arm Cortex-X4 up to 2.85GHz 4x Arm Cortex-A720 up to 2.0GHz Cores Octa (8)
Memory and Storage Memory Type LPDDR5X LPDDR5T Max Memory Frequency 9600Mbps
Storage Type UFS 4 + MCQ
Connectivity Cellular Technologies Sub-6GHz (FR1), mmWave (FR2), 2G-5G multi-mode, 5G-CA, 4G-CA, 5G FDD / TDD, 4G FDD / TDD, TD-SCDMA, WDCDMA, EDGE, GSM
Specific Functions 5G/4G Dual SIM Dual Active, SA & NSA modes; SA Option2, NSA Option3 / 3a / 3x, NR FR1 TDD+FDD, DSS, FR1 DL 4CC up to 300 MHz 4×4 MIMO, FR2 DL 4CC up to 400MHz, 256QAM FR1 UL 2CC 2×2 MIMO, 256QAM NR UL 2CC, R16 UL Enhancement, 256QAM VoNR / EPS fallback
GNSS GPS L1CA+L5+ L1C BeiDou B1I+ B1C + B2a +B2b Glonass L1OF Galileo E1 + E5a +E5b QZSS L1CA+ L5 NavIC L5 Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 7 (a/b/g/n/ac/ax/be) ready
Wi-Fi Antenna 2T2R
Bluetooth 5.4
Camera Max Camera Sensor Supported 320MP
Max Video Capture Resolution 8K30 (7690 x 4320) 4K60 (3840 x 2160) Graphics GPU Type Arm Immortalis-G720 MC12
Video Encoding H.264 HEVC Video Playback H.264 HEVC VP-9 AV1 Display Max Refresh Rate 4K up to 120Hz WQHD up to 180Hz AI AI Processing Unit MediaTek APU 790 (Generative AI)
Security Security Features Secure Processor, HWRoT Arm Memory Tagging Extension (MTE) Technology CC EAL4+ Capable, FIPS 140-3, China DRM
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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megadevices · 7 months
🚀 Elevate Your Network Performance with the Dell 540-BCYL Intel E810XXVDA2 25 Gigabit Dual-Port PCIe 4.0 x8 Ethernet Network Adapter! 🚀
Upgrade your network infrastructure with lightning-fast speeds and seamless connectivity. With dual-port PCIe 4.0 x8 interface and 25 Gigabit Ethernet support, the Dell 540-BCYL Network Adapter is the ultimate solution for high-performance networking needs.
Key Features: ✅ Lightning-Fast Speeds: Experience seamless data transfer with 25 Gigabit Ethernet support. ✅ Dual-Port Design: Connect multiple devices simultaneously for improved efficiency. ✅ PCIe 4.0 x8 Interface: Ensure optimal bandwidth utilization and compatibility with modern server architectures. ✅ Reliable Performance: Built with Intel E810XXVDA2 chipset for stable and reliable performance.
Transform your network infrastructure with the Dell 540-BCYL Network Adapter and unlock new levels of speed and efficiency.
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arcobalengo · 8 months
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Sono 50mila euro, non 25mila.
E chi pagherà?
Il sindaco, che candidamente sostiene di aver agito "in buona fede", fidandosi di Consorzio dei Comuni (responsabile del trattamento dati) e FBK?
O i cittadini?
Oppure  ci si rivarrà su questi 2 enti, se hanno fornito informazioni scorrette?
Il business dei big data è una gallina dalle uova d'oro, basta leggere i nomi delle società internazionali coinvolte.
La conoscenza dei movimenti (e delle conversazioni) dei cittadini è il volto 4.0 di censura, manipolazione, sorveglianza.
Se il Grande Fratello sa tutto di voi, avrà un potere immenso.
Non è una "banale" questione di privacy, ma di controllo sociale, già oggi arrivato a livelli inimmaginabili, con le intelligenze artificiali.
Sapendo cosa fate, pensate e provate, sono in grado di farvi fare, pensare e provare ciò che vogliono.
Se l'anima candida del sindaco non se ne rende conto, continueremo a vigilare noi.
È una promessa.
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francescolelli · 2 years
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AI Beyond Efficiency: note on the event
This is a short preview of the article: This is a small note that summarize the first workshop of AI beyond efficiency that we did in Valencia in the past spring. It was a really fun and formative experience where we had the possibility to interact with many colleagues across Europe. We can clearly declare the workshop successful
If you like it consider checking out the full version of the post at: AI Beyond Efficiency: note on the event
If you are looking for ideas for tweet or re-blog this post you may want to consider the following hashtags:
Hashtags: #ArtificialIntelligence, #BeyondEfficiency, #BigData, #Industry40, #Industry50, #IntelligentInteroperability, #InternetOfThings, #IoT, #Workshop
The Hashtags of the Categories are: #BigData, #InternetofThings, #MachineLearning, #Publication, #Research
AI Beyond Efficiency: note on the event is available at the following link: https://francescolelli.info/research/ai-beyond-efficiency-note-on-the-event/ You will find more information, stories, examples, data, opinions and scientific papers as part of a collection of articles about Information Management, Computer Science, Economics, Finance and More.
The title of the full article is: AI Beyond Efficiency: note on the event
It belong to the following categories: Big Data, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Publication, Research
The most relevant keywords are: Artificial Intelligence, beyond efficiency, Big Data, Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, intelligent interoperability, internet of things, IoT, Workshop
It has been published by Francesco Lelli at Francesco Lelli a blog about Information Management, Computer Science, Finance, Economics and nearby ideas and opinions
This is a small note that summarize the first workshop of AI beyond efficiency that we did in Valencia in the past spring. It was a really fun and formative experience where we had the possibility to interact with many colleagues across Europe. We can clearly declare the workshop successful
Hope you will find it interesting and that it will help you in your journey
This is a small note that summarize the first workshop of AI beyond efficiency that we did in Valencia in the past spring. It was a really fun and formative experience where we had the possibility to interact with many colleagues across Europe. We can clearly declare the workshop successful as we had to cap…
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What Are Lawful Structures for Fintech in Vietnam?
What Are Lawful Structures for Fintech in Vietnam?
The foundation for the leap forward in all spheres of life has been established by the 4.0 industrial revolution and the explosion of the Internet. Science and technology have a direct impact on the financial sector, which is not exception.
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Fintech – Financial Technology is a new type of finance that has emerged alongside traditional finance and has superior characteristics that are appropriate for the current circumstance and actual requirements. Despite the benefits of Fintech, its operation is fraught with difficulties, including legal issues.
Blockchain, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, biometrics, and other technologies may be used by fintech. However, Vietnam currently lacks a comprehensive legal framework for these technologies. As a result, depending on the circumstances, laws pertaining to intellectual property, information technology, high technology, science and technology, cyberinformation security, and cybersecurity can all be enacted. In addition to ensuring the security of databases and the intellectual property that is associated with them, these regulations partially facilitate the research, development, and application of technological innovation.
Digital payment, in particular, is a big part of fintech. Non-cash payments, intermediary payment services, and the Law on Credit Institutions govern this sector. The Top state leader likewise gave Choice 316 since Walk 9, 2021, permitting the utilization of versatile cash to pay for labor and products of little worth. This is the legal basis for Fintech companies that offer digital payment services and for customers to use this method. Applications of fintech include asset management, peer-to-peer lending, and crypto currencies, all of which are not yet clearly regulated in Vietnam.
Due to the significance of establishing legal guidelines for Fintech, Official Dispatch No. 2433/VPCP-KTTH dated August 31, 2021 of the Public authority Office coordinated: “The State Bank of Vietnam chairs and coordinates with relevant agencies to continue studying and concretizing regulations on the pilot mechanism of P2P lending in the process of developing and finalizing the draft Decree on a controlled trial mechanism. Control (Regulatory Sandbox) financial technology activities in the banking sector, report to competent authorities for consideration and decision in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents”.
Resolution No. was published by the government on September 6, 2021. 100/NQ-CP supporting the proposition to plan a Pronouncement on a system for controlled testing of Fintech exercises in the field of the financial area. After conducting research, the Draft Decree on the controlled trial mechanism for Fintech activities in the banking sector was published by the State Bank of Vietnam in April 2022. This draft is currently at the phase of looking for public remark and has not been endorsed. The development of the draft denotes another move toward Vietnam's lawful system for Fintech, establishing a strong starting point for the later birth of the Declaration.
The Decree on Controlled Trial Mechanism for Fintech in the banking sector will be officially issued by the government in the event that the Draft is approved. Credit institutions and financial technology companies will be able to test Fintech technology in a controlled manner as a result of this Decree. They can survey the adequacy and potential dangers while utilizing Fintech arrangements. The experiment's findings can be used to identify problems that need to be addressed in order for the legislature to pass legislation to regulate Fintech in the banking sector. If this is the case, banking will be a ground-breaking industry that will inspire Fintech regulations in other areas.
Despite the solid and quick improvement of web and its application, having a different lawful system for Fintech in Vietnam in the future is normal. Fintech lawyers in Vietnam who are interested in Fintech could also contribute by commenting on draft laws and providing clients with advice based on real-world examples. It goes without saying that the technology sector is home to some of the most successful businesses in the world. Fintech is the startup with the fastest growth rate among them. The sooner legitimate system of Fintech can be given, the better for Vietnam to gobble up amazing chances to draw in venture and find the world.
Our Fintech, banking legal counselors at Insect Legal Advisors - a law office in Vietnam will continuously circle back to the improvement of the legitimate system in Fintech in Vietnam to give updates to clients.
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