#Bicentennial Man Rewatch
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spockvarietyhour · 11 months ago
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sniffanimal · 1 year ago
robots that experience time on a scale humans can't even fathom. when you can have a thought and complete it in the same instant, incredibly complex thoughts, time would feel quite different. something that only takes a minute could feel like an hour. but on the other hand, a robot doesn't have cell based organs to fail them. they could live much longer. maybe that hour-in-a-minute isn't so long after all
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shesnake · 8 months ago
just finished watching s2 of the newsreader bc of you and i'll tell you, i think that i might need a rewatch to understand exactly where dale jennings wronged all these people the way i've seen some comments. besides tim, i think that helen was equally to blame at points with him - they just feel like they'd be great friends but bad partners - and the gerry thing is super complex because i genuinely don't see where else the tim thing could have leaked from and it's a shame they turned on each other when dale had managed to get him air time prior to the gossip columnist's calls. and with tim, i feel like the conflict really just maintained itself at the same scale it was at the end of s1. anyway, the only thing dale sees as valuable from himself is his journalistic skills, he's clearly more lost than ever in relation to his bisexuality and i feel for the guy. the day he unlocks it he's going to be unstoppable.
Hey there! Very glad you watched the show ❤ and you've kind of answered your own question with that last paragraph. Everything following is a (hopefully) more cohesive version of this post I made when season 2 finished:
Dale's professional ambition leads him to wronging everyone. Over the course of season 2, we can see him slowly shedding his principles and journalistic integrity, hoping to reach the status of a newsreader like Geoff Walters. His number one priority is to maintain his public image. He no longer fights for The Story, only for damage control.
When he sees a problem coming, he works harder to save face than he does to help fix the actual problem, leaving Helen to scramble around. He prepares a little joke and practices his laughter in the mirror so he can be unfazed when her interview with Lynus about his Aboriginal perspective on the bicentennial gets cut. On a public level it's incredibly racist!!! And on a personal level he's fucked Helen over. He "handles" Helen by dismissing her bipolar swings as "migraines", treating her mental illness the same way every other man has.
And with Tim... it hurts to admit, but Tim is just a very handsome plot device. A pretty vehicle for Dale's bisexuality to enter the plot. Tim exists solely for Dale to fumble. Sorry Tim.
In season 1, Dale's internalised homophobia becomes the story when his shitty interview skills leads to NA6 platforming homophobic AIDS rhetoric. Dale's delivery of misinformation was an accident, then Geoff comes in purposely to deliver the death blow. Dale throwing Gerry UNDER THE BUS was season 2's death blow. Regardless of whether it could've flipped the other way. He's so cold when he finally speaks to the gossip journalist. HE is the one offering HER the deal to stay silent about his bisexuality, because he knows he's made it.
Dale has always felt inadequate, as a journo and as a man. His clothes have always been too big for him. But by the end of season 2, after sacrificing all these personal relationships that made him more vulnerable, he's reached a point of privilege where the benefits of appealing to his public image outweigh exploiting his hidden truths. He is now The Newsreader. He gets on camera and delivers his bulletin, solo, in a black suit that fits him perfectly.
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tag 9* people you want to get to know better!
Thank you for the tag @cuffmeinblack , @ravenbronze , @newbienewness & @rednite-dork ✨ (so many tags, gurls...I feel loved 🥰😭)
LAST SONG: have a rest by the waves ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
Just gonna drop in the full playlist, cause it's so good! It's so calming <3
FAVOURITE COLOUR: too many, but I'm starting to love orange 🧡
CURRENTLY WATCHING?: I'm rewatching GOT and I've reached Season 7 sooo...it's kinda hard to keep going 😬
LAST MOVIE?: Last Night in Soho and Bicentennial Man, can recommend both!
Last Night in Soho is a psychological, slightly supernatural thriller and Anya Taylor-Joy and Matt Smith are just fantastic! Bicentennial Man is a late 90s movie with Robin Williams as a android that wants to be human and it's honestly so sweet.
SWEET/SPICY/SAVOURY: more sweet and savoury, I can barely handle spice 🥵😂
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: ever forming my fictional harem 🌚
CURRENT OBSESSIONS?: Pretty much all over the place from HOTD over to Assassins Creed II, but obviously still HL (over 1,5 years and still going strong) 😂✨
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED: "ao3" - just for arguments sake 😂
tags! (I bet most of you already got tagged, so sorry in advance 👉👈): @juneymont @tamayula-hl @anto-pops @accio-bagel @xxluna-rougexx @lil-grem-draws @kiwiplaetzchen @theravenchild @silverxstardust
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variousqueerthings · 2 years ago
“one of the top three sexiest robin williams roles” you can’t just leave that in the tag without saying what the others are (but if I’ve missed it OTL)
Okay, okay I admit, I was being mildly flippant because I think robin williams is highly capable of being sexy and armand is a great example, however now that we're here, let us consider the tenets of the sexy robin williams character
EDIT: also at this point, apologies, I was out travelling for a few days, I was not ignoring you. ahem. continuing:
did I come across him as a kid/teenager in a story that made me cry my eyes out
moustache/general hairiness
how queer is he
how well-dressed is he
how anti-authoritarian is he
does he make me laugh
Let's go wild and say every one of these gets rated from 0-10 (with 0 being for example "not at all hairy" and 10 being "sexy motherfucker")
now, here's some of his most well-known ventures
good morning vietnam: he's not got a moustache, because it's the army, but because it's the army his natural anti-authoritarianism is dialled up. he queers the space and goes hard on the camp comedy. loses points for being about americans in vietnam, and he's kind of a pest towards a vietnamese woman to begin with (although he does improve). best out of context line: "we can't say dyke these days, we can't even say lesbian, we have to say woman in comfortable shoes." Also the movie ends on a dorothy/wizard of oz quote. it's definitely not queer, but it's also... a choice.
0 on me crying for him, 3 on his chest peeking out once or twice, 7 on queerness (although I cannot overstate that it's not queer, but it IS him doing great camp as robin williams), 4 on the well-dressed I guess, at least he's not always in khaki, like... 6 on anti-authoritarian, because he's still an american in vietnam, 6 on the laughter because when I laugh I laugh a lot, but some of it ages pooorly = 26 points
dead poets society: the og "teacher you had a crush on, because he affirmed your queer identity and taught you poetry." I have since worked with tutors who taught me poetry and yeah, you do get heart eyes at them, poetry and being heard just does that to you. it's anti-authoritarian of course, it's professor-chic. it's low on the hairiness scale though. of course, it is also very very sad. he's dressed like me 20 years from now.
9 on sobbing scale, 2 on hairiness from memory, 8 on queerness in that whole fucking movie, 7 on well-dressed (this is about my gender okay), 5 on the laughter he's still robin williams even when he's only joking around a little, 8 on anti-authoritarian = 39 points
to wong foo: only in it briefly, canonically bisexual, leaves an impression, however the birdcage gives him more to work with, also... he has a soul patch, it is there, one must see it RIP. however I like that he just appeared in this movie, which was very bold in the way it cast its roles for the time
0 on sobbing scale (for him), 0 on the hair-scale my goodness, 10 for queerness that is a bisexual man (his truest self), 6 on well-dressed yes he's technically well-dressed but I don't like it much, and 5 on anti-authoritarian -- he's a queer so duh but it's not really in the plot for him, 7 on the laughter he's just charming = 28 points
bicentennial man: he's a robot who argues for his right to be considered alive. he's not my personally sexiest robot of all time, but every robot is a sexy robot. this one also made me cry (we're seeing a trend huh).
IIII cannot rate his sexiness in this movie, it's been too long -- will have to rewatch and get back to it
good will hunting: we love a dramatic turn, I wanted to say, but he did a lot of dramatic turns actually. this one might be the most straightforward dramatic that I've watched though. he's got a beard! he's helping out a kid without a lot of opportunities. he's challenging toxic masculinity. we love a sexy bearded man who's making the world a better place, breaking the cycle
yeah I cried at this as a kid 8 points, iiihihihi he has A BEARD 10 points! queer ethos related to breaking the cycle of toxic masculintitty and being someone who's looking at methods of healing and non-nuclear family support networks but not overall super queer on his character's front necessarily 5, 4 on the well-dressed it's worse than dead poets, 7 on anti-authoritarian, hmmm and 4 on laughter... it's still robin williams = 38 points
jumanji: a mess of a person who never shaved before, that's trans man aesthetics forya. he's a bit too busy for me to consider him sexy necessarily, he arrives and immediately man-eating plants, man-hunters (no innuendo intended), floods, and what-have-yous follow. he doesn't have time to be sexy, but that being said...
yes I cried to this movie as a kid 7 on the sad williams, okay he is hairy but is he kempt at all??? still 6, idk if it's queer to be trapped inside a game for most of your life but it'll certainly make you neurodivergent which is queer enough 5, badly dressed (sorry) 3, anti-authoritarian... tricky... he doesn't get on with his strict dad as a kid, he evades a man-hunter (again, no innuendo), he gets arrested by a cop and he continues to roll the dice on a game that wreaks havoc (although he continues to abide by the rules of the game sooo there's a whole essay here, let's just say 5), 4 on the laughter = 30
hon mentions: hook -- makes me cry too hard to even consider sexiness + when I was a kid it was all about dante basco. mrs doubtfire -- the particular kind of drag he does doesn't do it for me, but we love a genderfluid icon. mork&mindy -- I haven't actually seen it, but he seems too baby overall at that point. flubber -- he's got that mad professor type Look, but I've never actually seen it (I saw a trailer over and over on one of my vhs' as a kid), life according garp is a weird fucking movie which is surprisingly trans-positive but also just like... not well-made, I wanna watch what dreams may come
AND FINALLY BIRDCAGE - one of my queerbaby movies I elegantly let the tears fall 7, HIS CHEST HIS FACIAL HAIR HIS ARMS 10/10, 10 ON QUEERNESS, 10 ON DRESS, loses points on the authoritarian because he gives in to his petulant son's demands for heterosexuality BUT gains some back for his speech about being a middleaged fag + standing by his lover at the end 7, YES HE MAKES ME LAUGH 8 = 52
DING DING DING actually Birdcage is robin williams' sexiest role woops are we surprised?
generally: robin williams is underrated as a hairy man tbh, my guy's arms and chest are 👀👀👀👀👀
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defenselesswriter · 5 years ago
social distance tag -- tagged by @thelillykane                                        
are you staying home from work/school?
technically no? my courses are already online and i’m currently unemployed so.
if you’re staying home, who is with you?
my parents (usually my dad goes to work but he took this week off idk why), my little brother, and two dogs
who would be your ideal quarantine mate?
more dogs and my best friend and a romantic partner to cuddle and give me attention but i don’t have a romantic partner currently so i don’t have a specific person
are you a homebody?
an event you were looking forward to that got canceled?
uhhhhhhh no?? i don’t think so. i mean i was gonna go to the renaissance faire with a friend and i was looking forward to that, but i can’t think of anything else. 
what movies have you watched recently?
i rewatched bicentennial man yesterday with my mom (and it made me feel so i’m mad about it). i watched love, rosie a couple weeks ago i think. i don’t watch movies super often. oh! i bought birds of prey with the plan to watch it eventually.
what shows are you watching?
i don’t wanna talk about it..... i’m rewatching and trying to finish: arrow and true blood. i started: one day at a time, feel good, (at this point i just picked up my phone to see what i’m currently watching on netflix, made a mental note, and then closed the app on my phone and put it down and as soon as i looked back at my computer screen my mind completely blanked) new girl, and beauty and the beast
i have a whole list of shows i want to start but uh. watching stuff is very difficult for me lately soooo
what music are you listening to?
manic by halsey, heartbreak weather by niall horan, revival by selena gomez, and a mix of simon and garfunkel songs
what are you reading?
making my way through my annual reread of the vampire academy as well as many many fics
what are you doing for self-care?
i have been trying to set small, weekly goals and cleaning up my room was a big one for this week and next but i did it already bc momentum. but having a clean room does wonders for my mental health tbh. i’ve been trying to drink lots of water. i want to start journaling tomorrow. i’ve been playing a lot of animal crossing. but mostly i’ve been trying to be super patient with myself. this is hitting me hard and it’s okay for me to not be productive all time always
now i get to tag friends okieeeee i tag:
@tylerhoech, @mermaid-reyes, @sleepy-skittles, and @queerindeed
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felicereviews · 5 years ago
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Bicentennial Man, Bowfinger, But I’m A Cheerleader (1999)
To celebrate 1999 and its contribution to film (I know that sounds weird but hear me out) I re-watched - or watched for the first time - a collection of films released in that year.  I don’t know how to present them other than alphabetically.  My brain works best when there is some order.
I had only seen But I’m A Cheerleader back in the day.  i am an O.G. Natasha Lyonne fan and I thought the premise was hilarious.  And while the Dr. Seussian sets still please me, in 2019, the story is dated and the movie is slow.
I watched Bicentennial Man because I read Robin (the biography of Robin Williams) earlier this year and wanted to try to see all of his movies, even the bad ones.  This is not a good movie and I hardly enjoyed it at all.  I found the story kind of stupid and if not for Robin and Oliver Platt would have chucked it.  But - it’s so interesting to see Robin work.  He had two movies released in 1999 - the other was Jakob the Liar which I am afraid I will not get to this round.  Just not enough time. Stupid work getting in the way of my free time.  Robin Williams is so good, I’ll even watch his bad movies.
Bowfinger was my favourite of the three.  How could it not be funny with Steve Martin and Eddie Murphy as the leads?  And yes - Eddie is hilarious.  I thought he played outside his box while Steve Martin sort of stayed inside his box.  I felt the movie wasn’t as good as it might have been if Martin had played it a little grander.  That’s just my opinion being a huge Steve Martin fan and if I ever meet him I hope he hasn’t read this.  But if he does read this, big smooch and the banjo is cool.
Which of these three have you seen?  Which is your favourite?  Your least faourite?  Would you rewatch any?
Happy 20th Birthday to Bicentennial Man, Bowfinger, and But I’m a Cheerleader!
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years ago
5k Survey LXVII
3401. How well can you read between the lines when others are talking? >> I’m not usually looking to read between any lines. My first inclination is to take what people say at face value, excepting cases like speaking in metaphor or using sarcasm, which I think I can figure out pretty well.
3402. Would you ever speak in front of your peers about peace and social injustice? >> In a formal sense, like giving a speech? Most likely not. 3403. Where does peace begin? >> ??? 3404. Does Aamerica practice the ideals it preaches? If yes when and where? If not, why not? >> Which ideals, exactly, are we talking about? 3405. In conversations do you assume that you know what will be said? If yes, isn't this a form of closing yourself off to new ideas? >> I don’t try to predict conversations or anything.
3406. In what ways are you closed minded? >> I’m not sure. I’m willing to accept a vast variety of subjective realities. I consider it a strength of mine, it’s helped greatly in practicing compassionate thinking (a practice in which I am otherwise not very strong yet). 3407. do you prefer beans or rice? >> I mean, I generally prefer these two things together. 3408. who's a better tv dad?--dr. huxtable (bill cosby) or danny tanner? >> I don’t know who Danny Tanner is, but I never much cared for the Cosby Show either way. 3409. detroit or new york? >> I would love to go to Detroit at some point (I was there for a conference in 2013 or so, and Sparrow and I went to see a Welcome to Night Vale live show there some years later, but in neither case did I get to actually see anything else in Detroit except the exact thing I was there for). Can’t pick a preference without having been to both cities. 3410. What's your favourite Star Wars movie? >> Hmm... I thought The Force Awakens was pretty cool, and Revenge of the Sith too. I don’t remember which one from the original trilogy I liked best because it’s been longer since I’ve seen those. 3411. What's your favourite Star Trek movie? >> I’ve never seen any of those. 3412. How about Batman? >> At this point, the only Batman movies I really remember anything about are the Nolan Trilogy ones, and those were pretty interesting.
Indiana Jones? >> I’ve never seen any of these.
Lord of the rings? >> I don’t remember if I liked any of them more than the other two.
harry potter? >> I don’t remember if I liked any of them more than the other eight. I think the Deathly Hallows ones were pretty interesting? 3413. If you could ask one question and one question only to the following people, what would that question be: Saddam Hussain? George W Bush? John Lennon? an alien? God? Someone you knew who has died? Steven Speilberg? JD Salinger? 3414. Have you seen AI (artificial intelligence)? If yes, what were the beings at the end of the movie? Do you see this as a possible future for humanity? What'd you think in general? >> It’s been years since the last time I saw this movie, and all I can remember about it as a result is that it was a bit maudlin but I loved it at the time. I’ve bandied about the idea of rewatching it, but eh, who knows. Honestly, if I’m going to revisit a maudlin movie about robots and emotions, it’s going to be Bicentennial Man first and foremost before any other. 3415. If a-l-k-a-s-e-l-t-z-e-r spells 'relief' how do you spell: love? happiness? evil? sexyness? yummy? 3416. Have you ever been to a Braodway show? What one? >> I have seen exactly one (1) stage production, and that was Phantom of the Opera. If I never get the chance to see a live show again, at least my one experience was as amazing and transformative as it was. 3417. Nighttime shows or matines (sp?)? >> Matinees, always. 3418. How are your family get-togethers, loud and rambunctios or quiet and formal? >> --- 3419. Would you be able to survive shippwrecked alone on a desert island? >> I mean, no, dude. Let’s be realistic lmao 3420. Speaking of islands, does Gilligan EVER get off his? >> I don’t know anything about that show. 3421. What movie has the BEST soundtrack? >> I could never answer this, my brain immediately starts screaming about all the movie soundtracks it loves and I don’t even know where to begin or how to use words. 3422. Do you ever go into chat rooms? If yes, what ones? >> No. I mean, I use Discord, but that’s a bit different from the chat rooms of yore. 3423. Is english your first language?  >> English is my first language.
If not...How you say hello in your language: another word in your language + english translation: boob in your language: 3424. Make up a religion (make it up): >> No, thanks.
what would it believe: 3425. Create your own country- >> Nope. Name of country: Ethnic background: Language (make it up): Other details: 3426. How would you celebrate these holidays? Dogs in Politics day: Magic circles day: Be bald and free day: National mole day: Syliva plath day: Increase your psychic powers day: Waiting for the barbarians day: Air day: 3427. -Why do you think Steve got kicked off Blue's Clues: >> I vaguely remember this moment in history, but not enough to have an opinion about it. 3428. Hooked on heroin or hooked on phonics? >> ... 3429. -Have you ever taken an insanity quiz and said, "Hay, thats a good idea!" >> What? 3430. - Have you ever covered yourself in blood and layed down on the side of the road to make it look like you were in an accident? You don't know what you're missing. >> I think that’d be a pretty mean prank to play on unsuspecting passersby. 3431. Can you flare your nostrils? >> No. 3432. -do you want to swim in a vast lake of gatorade? or, any other beverage for that matter? >> No. 3433. -have you ever sneezed at the same time everyday, consecutively, for over 3 months? >> No. 3434. -how did the first person discover that pigs feet would be so good that we call them a delicacy? >> I don’t know, how did the first person discover that anything was edible? 3435. -why did the first person to ever eat pigs feet eat them? >> Because they were hungry? 3436. -do you like the idea of 'like father, like son'? >> I don’t know how I’m supposed to answer this. I don’t care about that saying. 3437. Put the following musical acts in order from best to worst by numbering them..(1 for best, 2 for 2nd best, etc... 20 for worst). >> Are you kidding me. Avril: Ashanti: Joan Jett: David Bowie: the Bee Gees: The Doors: Tool: DMX: Iggy Pop: Creed: Weezer: Ministry: Thursday: Kittie: Adam Ant: Rancid: the Clash: Led Zeppelin: Moby: Tom Waites: 3438. Would you rather be an evil dictator or a sitcom family member? >> ??? 3439. What is the wave of the future? >> I don’t know. 3440. What's your favorite old movie (before 1990)? >> lmao, “before 1990″... anyway, I love a lot of movies that came out in that expansive period of time, so... 3441. When someone tells you that their signifigant other lives REally Far Away..do you ever suspect that they are single and making someone up? >> I do not suspect that unless I have reason to suspect them of lying (as in, past experience of them lying about things, particularly bigger things). 3442. Alaska or Hawaaii? >> I don’t have a preference because I’ve been to neither location. 3443. Why did Kentucky Fried Chicken change their name to KFC? >> I don’t remember why. Brands just be doin shit, idgaf. 3444. What is there no place to hide from? >> ... 3445. Which makes you happier, giving presents or getting them? >> I mean, getting a gift is really fun. Giving a gift is really fun. I don’t know why I’d be comparing those two experiences. 3446. What can you never have just one of? >> I can’t think of anything. 3447. What comes to mind when you think of Hulk Hogan?/ >> The fact that he’s always saying “brother”. I think that’s the right guy. 3448. What would you be the patron saint of? >> I have no idea. I think that’d be up to whoever put forth the petition for my canonisation. 3449. Do you still look at the world with wonder like you did when you were a kid? >> Not with the same intensity and regularity as one would when one’s brain is still in development, but I do try to stay in contact with that part of myself. 3450. For 5 seconds clear your mind. Good. Now write the first thing that you can think of!: >> No, thanks.
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spockvarietyhour · 11 months ago
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Bicentennial Man (1999)
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invincible-selfxmade-punk · 7 years ago
Winter break is half over
Read and formulated questions for two of four books for next semester Watched half a season of Bojack Horseman Got caught up on Lucifer and Gotham Movies: Sicario Cider House Rules Legends of the Fall The Circle Bicentennial Man A Family Man Jack Reacher 2 (don't remember the name Rewatched more movies than I can count.  Lot F was a rewatch but I had not seen it since it was in theaters eons ago so it was like seeing it for the first time.
I’m still sick, still broke.  Left today finally to get cough syrup when temps finally got out of the 30s.  Need to go to the dr, have no money.   Just another month, just another day.  But naps at 3pm have been a definite bonus. :)
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spockvarietyhour · 11 months ago
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Bicentennial Man (1999) directed by Chris Columbus
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spockvarietyhour · 11 months ago
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Thank you for the Facts of Life speech, Sam Neill.
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spockvarietyhour · 11 months ago
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I think there's a case to be made for design lineage between the robot from "I, Robot" in 60s Outer Limits and the one in Bicentennial Man.
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spockvarietyhour · 11 months ago
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They Ken-Dolled Robin Williams
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spockvarietyhour · 11 months ago
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Aw damn missed Andrew Martin''s birthday,
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spockvarietyhour · 11 months ago
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Near-Future fashion
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