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33-108 · 6 months ago
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"Kali in Her highest embodiment is known as Kalasankarshini. Like a divine actress in her own universal play, She assumes the roles of Sristi Kali, Rakta Kali, Sthitinasha Kali, Yama Kali, Samhara Kali, Mrityu Kali, Rudra Kali, Martanda Kali, Paramarka Kali, Kalagnirudra Kali, Mahakala Kali and Maha-bhairava-ghora-canda Kali.
Through these twelve manifestations She creates, maintains and destroys this whole universe from within Her own nature.
In Sristi Kali She is ever present as the first impulse of any perception. In Rakta Kali She is direct perception. In Sthitinasha Kali She is the appeased state where the curiosity of perception has ended. In Yama Kali She winds up the state of thinking and perceiving and again resides in her own nature. These four states of Kali operate in the objective world.
In Samhara Kali the impressions of the objective world appear as faint clouds in a clear blue sky. Here one feels, “I have destroyed duality.” In the state of Mrityu Kali these clouds disappear and one begins to feels oneness. In Rudra Kali She destroys all remaining doubts and suspicions that hold one back on the path to God consciousness. And in Martanda Kali She absorbs the energies of cognition into Herself. These four states of Kali operate in the cognitive world.
In Paramarka Kali She is that state in which the limited ego, which holds the twelve organs of cognition, is dissolved. For the state of Kalagnirudra Kali Swamiji added this verse.
Glory be to Thee, O Ambika, Mother of the Universe! By the power of Your unimpeded will and time in the shape of Bhairava, Thou createst the entire universe from the highest Shiva to the lowest insect.”
Here in the state of Kalagnirudra Kali the function of time still exists. However, when She enters the state of Mahakala Kali, just like a morsel of food, in one gulp She digests time, along with the totality of the universe. It is here that Kali dances in the universal cremation ground. In her twelfth and final state She is known as Maha-bhairava-ghora-canda Kali.
Here the effulgent light of supreme consciousness, responsible for manifesting the subjective, objective and cognitive worlds is held in a state of oneness. These final four states of Kali operate in the field of pure subjectivity.
In Kashmir Shaivism, Kalasankarshini Kali is also nominate as Para-Bhairava. Here She is the thread of ‘supreme awareness’ that runs through the twelve beads of perception, or states of consciousness which span from the grossest to the subtlest level of creation.
In a verse from the Kramakeli, penned down by the great 10th century Shaiva saint Abhinavagupta, Swami Lakshmanjoo explains, “It is Kalasankarshini Kali in the form of Mahakali who dances on the body of Lord Shiva.”
- Teachings of Swami Lakshmanjoo
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celestesinsight · 9 months ago
Kalki 2898AD Release Trailer - Bhairava Character Analysis!
There are many theories circulating about Bhairava's character and its importance in the movie. Here's my two cents regarding this. And to be honest, it isn't entirely my views too. It's what we came up when discussing in the Varadeva Discord Server.
First of all, there's a huge chance that Deepika's baby is red herring and Bhairava is the real Kalki. Ashwathama will realise this at the end of the movie and change his stance.
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But my favourite theory is Bhairava being Lord Shiva. When Bhairava called himself the 'living legend in Kashi' in the Bujji & Bhairava series, it kind of stuck with me. Who's more legendary than Lord Shiva in Kashi? And the story goes that Shiva gave Kalki the divine weapon, the all-knowing talking parrot and the white horse. Bhairava have all the three; we saw the weapon in the first promo and Bujji's brain and body are the talking parrot and white horse equivalent. if Bhairava is Shiva, he's actually protecting the baby while pretending to hunt him for the Complex as well as testing Ashwathama's determination for redemption. In Mahabharata, Ashwathama was born after Dronacharya performed several years of severe penance to please Shiva as he wanted a son who possessed the strength and bravery of Shiva. So, it would make sense that Shiva aids him in his journey of redemption.
What if Bhairava is neither Kalki nor Shiva? Then what is his character doing in the movie?
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"Despite the endless opportunities spanning over the generations, man fails to redeem himself and he never will."
I think this quote by Kamal Haasan's character, Kali is the key to Bhairava's significance in the movie, if he is not the titular character 'Kalki'.
There are many worlds in Hinduism, but our Puranas predominantly talk about the Swarga (abode of Devas), Prithvi (abode of humans) and Patal (abode of demons). There are also three worlds in the film: Complex, Shambala and Kashi. Unlike Puranas, where there were three races inhabiting the three worlds, in the film, the three worlds are inhabited by the humans only.
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The Complex is the place where God is banned. They treat Supreme Yaskin as the God. They have conquered the world and taken all the resources for themselves. In appearance, the Complex gives the illusion of Swarga, but it actually embodies the demonic qualities of Patal.
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Shambala is the place where they still believe in God and hope for his return to save them. They fight the Complex and their unjust actions. They are safe haven for anyone who wants to escape the hold of the Complex. In appearance, they are an underground society (Patal), but they are actually the forces of righteousness in the desolate world, fighting on the side of God and thus symbolises Devas of Swarga.
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Then there is Kashi, the last surviving city. They are neutral. They are neither the evil conqueror nor the righteous warriors. They are humans who are trying to survive in an unfair world. They are not on anyone's side, but their own side. They represent the humans of Prithvi.
"In this world, there's only one side to be on. Your own side."
Bhairava and the bounty hunters of Kashi are the representation of the man in Kali's quote. They embody the qualities of selfishness, greed, and going to any extent to accomplish their goals, without caring about the consequences of their actions.
To be fair, Bhairava isn't doing anything wrong. He's trying to survive in a world which has lost all hopes. But he's so caught up in this mode of survival that he can't recognise this new hope for a better tomorrow, that Ashwathama and the people of Shambala are seeing in Sumati and her baby. All he sees the 5-star bounty that is his one shot at entering the Complex. He's not realising that he's fighting for the wrong side, that he's fighting to keep the old hierarchies intact that had made this world a hopeless place for him and others like him in the first place. He's helping the people who are the cause of all his problems under the illusion of becoming one of them.
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Bhairava represents the man who is given numerous chances by the God, but he's so trapped in the Maya (worldly illusion) that he fails to recognise him and hence, is forever doomed to be trapped in the cycle of suffering.
Will Bhairava recognise the truth before it's too late? Or he will handover Sumati over to the Complex?
Bhairava's action would decide if the world is worth saving or not. If God should keep his promise and take birth to save all the humans? Or he should just let the humans rot in the hell, they have turned the Earth into.
The movie is not just about Ashwathama's redemption, but also the redemption of the mankind, represented by Bhairava.
As Kali said, humans have given numerous opportunities by the God to redeem themselves, but they have failed each time. Like Duryodhana failed when he refused to give even five villages to Pandavas, when Krishna asked, leading to his defeat in the Mahabharata war. Maybe that's why Ashwathama is having flashbacks of Mahabharata when fighting with Bhairava. He is seeing his past self in him. When he went against the Lord himself, blinded by his ambition and loyalty for Duryodhana.
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Humanity is given another chance. Kali is sure we will fail this time too. It's up to Bhairava now, if humans fail again or they finally succeed in redeeming themselves this time.
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maxhp2910 · 9 months ago
The MVP of #Kalki2898AD is not Deepika Padukone or Prabhas or Bujji it's AMITABH BACCHAN playing ASHWATHAMMA, Kamal Haasan being a close second. Whenever both of them come on screen the movie is elevated drastically. But Big B stole the show for me, he literally is in God Mode!
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sometimesbrave · 9 months ago
In the spirit of Kalki 2898 AD trailer release, Bhairava and Deva (from Salaar) are so different: The himbo sunshine 😉 and the broody emo😑
Imagine Deva and Bhairava enter a bar together. Bhairava is broke as usual and Deva is a tightly closed rusty book.
Bhairava: Bro, I have no money for beer😔
Deva stays silent
Bhairava: Do you have any money?🥺
Deva stays broody and uncaring
Bhairava: How about this? I will steal from the bar😏 Can you at least watch out for me🙄?
Deva gives him a slight nod
Bhairava steals one beer😶🤫
Deva glares at him😠
Bhairava steals two beers🫣 and runs out of the bar🏃‍♂️
As Deva walks out the bar, he hands money for the two beers to the bartender🤭
tags: @zici
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riverroan · 9 months ago
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enigma-the-mysterious · 8 months ago
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My God, why did I ever think Magadheera was stupid? Was I blind when I was 12? Barely a minute in and it's already poetic cinema. The fuck was wrong with me back then?!?!
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myvarya · 8 months ago
~The Unspoken Vow~
-Kalki x FemOc-
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It was a regular day, people doing their labour, bounty hunters running here and there to catch the victims. It was a usual sight for the people in Kashi. They say it was the first city in the world to appear, and was famous for its beautiful temples, now even if you try to even hear the name of god, you won't be able to.
The city was bustling with sellers shouting, some were selling things that were supplied from the complex, some were selling human slaves.
Between the crowd a girl was sneaking secretly, so nobody could detect her. She secretly went to one of the stalls and sneakily stole one banana, and a fresh bottle of water. When she tried to sneak away she heard “Hey the total is 5000 units, pay and then take it!” she immediately stopped and turned around to see a bulky man, with a long beard and a pot belly, he is scary. She gulped and started running for her life.
It was not her first time stealing, hell she even stole from the complex, but always had that nervous feeling while doing that, she didn't want to get caught, she knew what happened to those who were caught, she didn't want that fate.
While running she entered an alleyway, bumping into people didn't stop her, she still ran. What she didn't see was that a tall man, and bumped into his chest. She was waiting for fall but didn't feel the impact, but she felt an arm wrapping around her waist. She opened her eyes to see two beautiful brown orbs, the most beautiful browns to ever come in contact with.
Her trance broke when she heard a shout, that pot belly was still behind her. She was about to run, when that man stopped her still looking at her. “Leave me..!” she wishper shouted. That man put hand on his chest and said “Hayee..” and as if he was about to faint. She looked at him weirded out.
“HEY YOU THIEF!” she heard a loud shout only to see the man, he was looking dangerous, she again gulped, she hadn't even eaten the food she stole from the stall. She is not ready to die. She was trying to get the grip of the man she bumped into.
“you had the audacity to run away with things that are way more valuable than your life!" The stall owner shouted. “I...I..” she stuttered, “Cat got you tongue huh!” he started coming closer to her. But was stopped by the man she bumped into, “Leave her she is with me.,” “I don't care, she stole things that are valuable for me, if she doesn't have the money..” the man took a look at her. “She has a really pretty face, she can work as a slave to pay off to the debt.” he completed smirking disgustingly.
By the time he completed the sentence, he was punched in the face by the mysterious man, and was held by the collar, the man gulped and said “listen I will pay 5000 units for her, you take the units I take the girl?” he said nervously and smiled.
The man again looked at the girl, who..who enchanted his heart, Nope he is not letting her go. Without looking at the man he punched him in the head, only to make him unconscious.
The girl wide eyed was surprised, the mysterious man slowly walked towards her, smiling like an idiot. “I let go of 5000 units for you, remember you are going to pay me the double amount of that..” he said bending a little, because she was short according to him.
She was still weirded out by the stranger, leaned away, he put a strand of her hair behind her ear, that was disturbing him to take a look at her features, “I am Bhairava..” whispered his name,
“Priya... Supriya..” she answered back.
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So umm this was the introduction, I really don't know if people are going to read it, if it doesn't reach the audience, it's ok, I will post it on Wattpad.
If anybody likes it let me know if they want another chapter. And also it my first time on Tumblr so I am new to these things.
Mastelist. Chapter 1.
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prabhasdarling23 · 7 months ago
Adorable Bhairava♥️😍
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Totally in love with cutest Bhairava's atrocities♥️
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ritish16 · 10 months ago
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Day number 5352881 of obsessing over Prabhas as Karna and all I can think about right now is how good the armour looks on him and the drape of his dhoti.. I'm sure I should have better things to do in life oh well..
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upforchaosat3 · 9 months ago
POV: you watched Kalki and cannot shut up about it
Y'all i have brainrot 😭😭
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33-108 · 4 months ago
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Like bubbles arising on the waters of the ocean, gods and men and beasts of the phenomenal world arose, and will arise again and again, on the waters of the mass of solid Bliss (ghana ananda) in the Consort of Uma (Siva). There is no worldly misery for those who, through their experience, perceive all this arising out of the waves of delusion clearly as myself.
Because of delusion, people do not realize Hara to be known as the cause of every little thing and as the cause of every being and also as the boundless cause of even greater dissolution. When the presence of the Consort of Uma (Siva) shines in the reflecting pool of the recesses of the space of the heart, like the revered of birds (garuda), the destruction of the serpent of mundane misery results.
-Ribhu Gita:
Ramamoorthy, H.; Nome. , translation
- from the Original Sanskrit Epic Sivarahasyam
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celestesinsight · 9 months ago
Made a new Collage!
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Kairava (Kabir from BMCM × Bhairava from Kalki) AU.
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alienskittless · 8 months ago
ok so now that time has passed what was his problem actually
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pottermeow22 · 7 months ago
Sooooo, I just managed to watch the whole of Kalki-2898AD in one sitting today.
And what a masterpiece!!!!!
I know that reviews about the movie have been mixed, (Arshad Warsi, eyes on you, man👀👀👀) but amongst the abundant comedic relief, were to me atleast, many buried little Easter eggs and clues that only someone with a knowledge of the Mahabharata, and someone willing to look with a more thoughtful eye will catch!
Bhairava's whole characterisation is the single most largest example of this! After Ashwathama's first little flashback, the suspicion of Bhairava being Karna began to itch at me, because who else could be a greater warrior than Arjuna on the field of the Kurukshetra battle?
The first similarity I found was this.... The way Bhairava has spent a large portion of his life trying to enter an elite society simply because he believes that the circumstances he was born to are not the determiners of his capacity. The way he almost KNOWS in his heart, that he has a fate larger than this coming for him, yet blinds himself into believing that it is life at the Complex! The first mistake that Karna committed in his life is the same. His first step into adharma, was brought about by his desire to be considered equal amongst the Kshatriya warriors of the Kuru clan. To not be limited by the circumstances of his birth or upbringing as the son of a sarathi....
The second clue to me, was his attachment to Bujji!!! This one is less of a parallel, and more of an indirect clue as to the background Bhairava might have, though. Karna was the son of a charioteer, who was expected to be one too, and strongly disliked the idea of being forced to be one when his interests lay in becoming a warrior that people spoke of even eons later. And at the end of the epic war, it is his chariot again, and the kshatriya king Shalya as his charioteer that pave the way to his death! The first time Ashwathama hurls Bujji and Bhairava loses yet again, this was straight where my mind went.
Then, there are the more subtle character nuances. Karna in his time, was considered a warrior second to none, and yet people often only acknowledged him as an equal to Arjuna. And in one modern iteration of the Mahabharata that I'm not sure where I read it, Krishna says that while Arjuna competes with himself, looking only to better himself, Karna strives to be better than Arjuna. And in that, he holds himself back to Arjuna's level. A clear sign of a hyper competitive person, is that not? And the first time we see any sort of a serious don't mess with me attitude from Bhairava, is when he is losing. When he has lost. And so goes his patience with the wind, his need to be undefeated, to WIN leading him to his following chaotic course of action...
And finally, the centrepoint of Karna's story, his Identity.... Karna's whole story, his cause and consequence, his curse and his many boons, are the result of his birth, and the way it was hidden from him. Bhairava too, seems to have an origin story that he either does not know, or does not remember, instead covering it up with comedic relief sob stories (according to Bujji, not me!!!) of adoption and a Captain father, which Dulquer was sooooooooo cute in his 10 minutes of screentime! Does Bhairava have a Radha too, who brought him up as a bosom son and he refuses to give up her memory to anyone? Why at the end of the movie did he lose recollection of the climactic fight? Has he been cursed with forgetfulness and therefore does not remember the legends of his own story?
Overall Kalki 2898 AD, to those watching with an open mind and a thoughtful eye, is a minefield of curious parallels, and a reversed good vs evil that with more detail from part 2, could make for a blockbuster winning combination!!!!
PS The way he looks at Sumathi/Deepika before picking her up in his arms was so 🤯🥵🤤... And is the baby somehow his and not a result of Project K? Because I do remember Sum-80 saying she was negative after the last attempt at seeding. Curiously endless possibilities!!!!!
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sulphurousvisions · 9 months ago
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Bhairava & Durga Bhaktapur, Nepal
Kodak SO553 expired in 2008
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