#Better Search Results
arthurmooreblog · 2 years
The Best Shopify SEO Checklist for Better Search Results
The most economical eCommerce marketing method you can utilize to increase leads and revenues for your Shopify store is search engine optimization (SEO). Thus, SEO is your best choice if you want to improve your website's operation, make the most of a limited marketing budget, and raise organic traffic.
SEO is one of the most cost-effective ways to raise your rankings and conversions on Shopify. You've come to the correct spot if you want to learn about the SEO areas to optimize for your online store using eCommerce web design, locate the best eCommerce platform for SEO, and make Shopify SEO work for you.
Enhance the site architecture
Clean up your site's organization and employ a site map as the next piece of advice in our Shopify SEO guidance. After that, use Google Webmaster Tools to update your sitemap. To ensure that your clients can access your product pages from your home page with just a few clicks, keep the structure of your website basic.
Expand Your Keyword Research
Our first piece of advice for Shopify SEO is to improve your keyword research approach by utilizing all the resources available to you. Utilize the tools you need to gain insight into consumer search phrases.
Make page titles and meta descriptions better
On our checklist for Shopify SEO, the next action is to improve page titles and meta descriptions. Search engines may use the meta descriptions as site snippets. Make sure the meta descriptions you use to describe the content of your page are correct. Page titles should be written as attention-grabbing headlines and contain keywords.
Create something that can be distributed via social media
Include useful details that excite the attention of your target market in your article to make it more shareable. Identify themes that pique your customers' interest and appeal to their emotions by using the Shopify SEO tools to learn more about their interests.
Propel Guru, an SEO Consultancy Services firm, has some of the best Shopify SEO specialists and designers in the business. We've worked with businesses of various sizes, and we'll create an eCommerce SEO plan that's unique to your company. Our staff applies only tried-and-true methods that provide results, drawing from industry best practices.
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hypogryffin · 3 months
Your art is so flipping pretty, and I just adore how you style all of the persona characters! But my question is, are there any other fandoms/works of art that you want to post or start rambling about? I hope you have a lovely day! (o゜▽゜)o☆
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you can have those?
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sanshinexx · 2 years
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Family portrait with the Dad Bad Batch
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normystical · 6 months
hhh headcanon that kevin is atheist and raised by atheists 💞
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because he doesnt know about holy water. AND. thats what i am. and my family. yay for projecting onto fictional characters <<<333
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Bert apparently is a diminutive of names such as Albert, Robert, Berthold, Umberto, Gombert. Bert means bright. And Bertie is just double diminutive.
What fucked up Bert name do you think Bertie is short for? Personally, I’m going with “Cookedbert” which is listed on the wikipedia page for the name, but I highly doubt is a real name. Although “Rawbert” is also listed there so maybe his name wasn’t Cooked until after he died.
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ikishima · 5 months
My #1 advice for people moving out is to NOT buy nonstick cookware... not only is the lifespan of nonstick a MAXIMUM of 7 years (usually more like 2-5 years) but teflon, aka Polytetrafluoroethylene-- the plastic coating that makes the cookware nonstick, infuses microplastics into your food.
New cookware sets can cost hundreds of dollars so my advice is to look for 100% stainless steel cookware in thrift stores. Safer, cheaper, & instead of needing to replace every 2-7 years they can potentially last you the entire rest of your life AND they won't start shedding plastic into your food
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
Moose's Guide to Quick and Easy Gold
So I get the vibes in the community here that a bunch of people don't really know all the tips and tricks to making easy money, so I thought I'd do a writeup on some of the small ways I make gold in Guild wars 2
Trick 1: You have wealth you don't know about
An inportant thing about Gw2 is that a lot of the wealth it gives out isn't in actual gold but in materials that you can then sell for gold. For a lot of people I think its easy to just click 'deposit all materials' and then forget about it. For me personally I have only 100 gold in my wallet but If I were to empty out my material storage I'd gain an additional 300 or so gold. The site GW2 efficiency is really helpful for telling you what high value items you might be holding on to, though It takes a bit of setting up.
Trick 2: Sell Orders!
Admittedly this is something I'm bad about, but if you can delay your gratification, but when you sell something don't fulfill someone elses buy order and instead, set up a sell order. I'll give you up to 10% more gold out of everything you sell
Ok now onto the acutal wealth generation methods
Trick 3: Send your least favorite character to the New Kaineng Jumping Puzzle
Jumping Puzzles in EoD reward jade runestones from their final chest, which go for 80 silver on the trading post.
Find the wiki page to get you through the jumping puzzle here, though there are often commanders on the New Kaineng lfg offering teleport to friend transport to the end of the puzzle. Basically you get a character to the end chest and every reset log in on that character and get your free! runestone, almost a gold for ~30 seconds of work
(as a note you only get the runestone once per day per account so don't send multiple characters there)
Trick 4: Leivas Hands out Gold, make sure to collect it
Ok not actually but he may as well. So this guy who hangs out in Arborstone, once you've gotten the Globalization mastery, will sell you 5 antique summoning stones every week for a grand total of 10 green prophet shards, 10 unusual coins, 100 imperial favours, 7000 karma and 1 gold. The summoning stones can then be sold on for ~3 gold each, netting you a profit of 14 gold for going up to an npc and pressing 'f' (or whatever your interact key is)
Trick 5: fast and profitable metas you should be doing daily
Let me introduce you to my favorite wiki page:
the event timers list
This lists out every meta event and world boss that'll be happening soon and all of them will give you at least something, and the meta's from HoT onwards awards you a hero's choice chest that'll contain at least one of these valuable materials to choose from: amalgamated gemstone (60 silver), jade runestone (80 silver), ancient ambergris (1 gold 70 silver) or an antique summoning stone (3 gold). It should be noted the last 3 only appear in the EoD meta's, for all other times choose the amalgamated gemstone.
With that aside there are 3 events in particular that you should try to get done that'll take 10 minutes or less
first up is the Legendary Ley-Line Anomaly, the naked man. The timer's page tells you which zone it'll spawn in and when it does you have to seek it out and murder it. Mounts are very recommended because this thing dies fast. Anyway when you kill it, it drops 2 things: a mystic coin (1 gold 20 silver) and some vendor trash worth 50 silver, pretty gold for 5 minutes of work
next is Dragonstorm. It happens once every 2 hours starting from the eye of the north and affords you the opportunity to beat up Ryland. If you join the public option you join a crowd of up to 50 other people and its easy enough that you could even afk if you wanted (though that would be very rude). Anyway once you murder the champions and blast the dragons you get to watch them share a passionate kiss as the die and you then get 2 gold straight up, 6 memories of aurene (worth 1.5 gold in total) as well as a chance to win the lottery and get ascended weapons or, even rarer, the very expensive eye infusions
Finally is Tequatl the Sunless, a world boss in Sparkfly Fen that awards you 1 gold straight up as well as a chance at an ascended weapon as well as a bunch of materials and unidentified gear
speaking of which all the other events give unidentified gear too and they aren't actually terrible rewards, you can get a pretty penny from selling them.
Trick 6: Daily Rewards
Firstly, just logging in every day gives you a sadly decent amount of income, mostly in laurels and mystic coins. Coins can just be sold if you're after cold, laurels can be spent on a variety of stuff. And if you're looking to turn a profit, HERE are the best ways to do so.
Also, do your daily achievements people, sometimes they're a pain but the daily completionist gives 2 gold as well as 15 achievement points, more than most other achievements in the game. Also they drive you towards content you wouldn't do otherwise (the daily achievements are the reason why I've done most of the jumping puzzles). Also If you're bad at any of the dailies on offer, usually a bunch of other people are also trying to do dailies and they're often willing to help. I see mesmers porting people through the daily JPs all the time.
Trick 7: Spirit shards can be converted to Gold???
I admit, this isn't something I do myself but if you're accumulating spirit shards like I am there are methods to turn them into gold
They're listed HERE
(again, this isn't something I've tried myself, I can't vouch for how well it works and all the methods require a starting amount of gold. But if you're desperate it might be something to consider
But I want more Gold, how do I get it?
If your looking for serious gold farming there are probably better guides than this but here are a few pointers to start raking in the money
1: As far as I understand, Drizzlewood Coast is the most profitable activity in the game, gold per hour wise. Runs take a while and you kind of have to pay attention to maximise gains but, if gold's what you want this is a good option.
2: Look for meta trains, I notice them happening a lot around reset, basically its a group that goes from meta to meta doing them in sequence. There are a few guilds that do them every day so if you see a train, chances are its on at the same time every day. I find them to be pretty chill, offer some nice variety in content and offer good rewards as well.
3: Fractals. Yeah I know this is getting into endgame content but doing T4 fractal dailies every day gives you around 20 gold straight up, a bunch of materials worth even more gold and a decent chance at ascended armor and weapons (and so many ascended trinkets, seriously at this point they get auto-salvaged if they drop)
Apart from that, pretty much everything in this game gives you some amount of rewards, even if they aren't entirely obvious, so don't stress too much, provided you aren't roleplaying in the serrated blade or whatever (Though good on you for having fun!) you're likely earning some amount of income. Even if it's only in materials
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yutadori · 7 days
my dad is so weird.... he gets really pissed off when he goes somewhere and he's not greeted by happy enthusiastic employees... today we went to a bbt cafe and when we left, he made a remark about how all the employees working there looked unhappy and he would have fired them all if he was the manager 😐 like... what do you mean... why is that your FIRST response ??? i personally dont care about receiving Excellent Customer Service or whatever so i dont fully Get It but like . if you go to a place and you see that the staff seem unhappy, why is the first response to punish and get rid of them??? wtf
it also just really bothered me because idk that's just so fucked up... how can you expect people to be happy ALL THE TIME ??? also why is it that they have to be happy for YOUR satisfaction . why does it matter so much when you still end up getting what you paid for regardless of whether the staff greet you or not. why do you care so much why does that affect you so deeply ???
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badscientist · 11 hours
me searching shit thatd get me put on a List and appending FOR WRITING IM A WRITER to every questionable prompt.
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corrupted-unicorn · 4 months
Wasp lovers, heed my call, for I need advice
I'm working at a public pool, making sure it's well kept before season is open.
I've noticed wasps (yellow jackets to be precise) are starting to form a nest under one of the "corners" of the pool, next to the stairs. They've liked to frequent that spot for years and we couldn't really do anything about it other than avoid them or splash water at them.
But now I'm noticing what looks to be the start of a wasp nest. We can't have that there, but I know if I tell my superiors like so, their only option will be to destroy the nest.
I don't know wasps. I fear them but appreciate them, but I know little to nothing about their actual habits. Do they have babies already? How can I discourage them from building there in the least lethal way for them possible?
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annelidist · 3 months
if i liked elden ring enough to put in the effort i'd have started populating the wikidot by now. alas
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sjonni33 · 6 months
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duncebento · 10 months
what do you doi for school
it’s fashion school and my major is fashion design (there are others like art direction, styling, atelier design, accessory design, etc.) i’m actually procrastinating on my homework due today by writing this wahhh.
but if ur asking what i actually do at school, i’d say that we have 3 kinds of classes (and it’s a polytechnic so there are set courses): artistic, technical, and theoretical. part of our campus is a repurposed factory and that’s where we have the artistic/technical classes because all the machines are there: stuff like patternmaking, draping, prototyping (in which you make, say, the same basic blazer or basic corset or whatever the pattern you’re given is; it’s basically sewing and construction practice so that when you design your own original blazer you know more or less to make it and put it together.) artistic ones like illustration and fashion design itself. and then theoretical stuff like fashion history, both ancient and contemporary, and sociology (a lot of lacan since he talked about clothing. also barthes and baudrillard a bit)
there are a wider variety of classes in the lower years, but since i’m in the 3rd we have a smaller assortment of classes cos we spend 8 months of the year just designing and sewing and knitting our final collection, which should be at least 4 looks. next year we will spend all 9 months making it. not all students get chosen for the graduate shows though…..
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bizlybebo · 6 months
i think xavier would ask to borrow jade's laptop for an am i gay quiz btw
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nyctoheart · 1 year
I'm torn with khux/khdr/kh3's developments with Ventus and Vanitas because part of me always loved that they are 2 halves of the same coin, and how connected they were. But I also think the idea of Ventus and Vanitas being ancient beings of light or darkness is also sooo coooool
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yuukei-yikes · 8 months
Remember that mekakucity actors crack video that came out the week episode 7 came out and it had the kano tormenting ene bit to the "you're the jerk of the week" song. because i do and i'll never forget it
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