#Best skin clinic in Vaishali Vasundhara Indirapuram
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
एसिडिटी या अम्लता एक चिकित्सा स्थिति है जो एसिड के अतिरिक्त उत्पादन के कारण होती है। यह एसिड पेट की ग्रंथियों द्वारा उत्पादित होता है। अम्लता पेट, गैस्ट्रिक सूजन, दिल की धड़कन और डिस्प्सीसिया में अल्सर जैसे लक्षण पैदा करती है। यह आमतौर पर अनियमित खाने के पैटर्न, शारीरिक खेल या गतिविधियों की कमी, शराब की खपत, धूम्रपान, तनाव, फड आहार और खराब खाने की आदतों जैसे कई कारकों के कारण होता है। लोग उन जगहों पर अम्लता विकसित करने में अधिक प्रवण होते हैं। जहां लोग अधिक शाकाहारी, मसालेदार और तेल के भोजन का उपभोग करते हैं। एनएसएआईडी (गैर स्टेरॉयड एंटी-इंफ्लैमेटरी ड्रग्स) जैसी कई दवाएं गैस्ट्रिक अम्लता विकसित करने में एक व्यक्ति को अधिक संवेदनशील बना सकती हैं। एक भारी भोजन लेने के बाद अम्लता को गहरी जलती हुई सनसनी की विशेषता है। अम्लता वाले लोगों में अपचन और कब्ज भी आम है। यह घरेलू उपचार या एंटासिड का उपभोग करके और स्वस्थ कार्यान्वयन से ठीक हो सकता है। एंडोस्टिज्म के रूप में जाना जाने वाला एक तकनीक एसिड भाटा से भी बहुत राहत प्रदान करता है। अम्लता के सामान्य लक्षणों में पेट और गले में ��ुंह, कब्ज, बेचैनी और जलने की उत्तेजना में अपचन, मतली, खट्टा स्वाद शामिल है।
# अम्लता का कारण क्या होता है?
हमारा पेट आमतौर पर गैस्ट्रिक एसिड पैदा करता है जो पाचन में मदद करता है। इन एसिड के संक्षारक प्रभाव प्रोस्टाग्लैंडिन और प्राकृतिक बाइकार्बोनेट के उत्पादन से संतुलित होते हैं जो श्लेष्म अस्तर में गुप्त होते हैं। यह पेट की अस्तर को नुकसान पहुंचाता है और अम्लता का कारण बनता है। अन्य कारक जो अम्लता का कारण बनते हैं उनमें शामिल हैं:
मांसाहारी और मसालेदार खाद्य पदार्थों का उपभोग करना।
अत्यधिक तनाव
बहुत अधिक शराब का उपभोग।
अक्सर धूम्रपान
पेट के ट्यूमर, गैस्ट्रोसोफेजियल रीफ्लक्स रोग और पेप्टिक अल्सर जैसे पेट विकार।
एनएसएआईडीएस (गैर स्टेरॉयड एंटी-इंफ्लैमेटरी ड्रग्स) जैसी दवाएं।
√ अम्लता के लिए उपचार:
एल्यूमीनियम, कैल्शियम या मैग्नीशियम युक्त एंटीसिड का उपभोग करके अम्लता ठीक हो सकती है। कई बार, एच 2 रिसेप्टर ब्लॉकर्स (हिस्टामाइन अवरुद्ध एजेंट) जैसे निजाटिडाइन, फ़ोटोटिडाइन, रैनिटिडाइन और सिमेटिडाइन का उपयोग किया जाता है। यदि आपके पास गंभीर अम्लता है तो प्रोटॉन पंप इनहिबिटर डॉक्टर द्वारा भी निर्धारित किए जाते हैं। अम्लता का इलाज घरेलू उपचारों जैसे कि केले, ठंडे दूध, एनीज, जीरा, कार्डोमन, लौंग, टकसाल के पत्तों और अदरक का उपभोग भी किया जा सकता है। आप भोजन के दौरान मसालेदार भोजन या अचार से बचने, अधिक सब्जियों और फलों को खाने, गैर शाकाहारी भोजन का उपभोग न करने, एनएसएड्स (गैर स्टेरॉयड एंटी-इंफ्लैमेटरी ड्रग्स) और स्टेरॉयड जैसी दवाओं से बचने और तनाव को कम करने से अम्लता को रोक सकते हैं।
कभी-कभी नींद से पहले भोजन लेने से अम्लता भी हो सकती है। यह पेट के एंजाइमों को आपके एसोफैगस पर वापस जाने और एसिड भाटा का कारण बनने के लिए उत्तेजित करता है। यह स्वास्थ्य के लिए बेहद हानिकारक हो सकता है।
√ लक्षण:
पेट में जलन जलन
गले में जलन जलन।
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Experience the Best Dermatologist in Indirapuram with Dr. Megha Modi
Visit the Best Dermatologist in Indirapuram for advanced treatments like chemical peels, Botox, and microdermabrasion to achieve flawless, healthy skin.
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Visit the Best Dermatologist in Indirapuram for a Flawless Treatment for Skin-Related Issues
Like the saying goes, a healthy mind rests in a healthy body; in similar way, a healthy natural skin keeps your body, mind and persona intact. It won’t be overrated if we say it is now a prerequisite for the personality you project to the outer world. Gone are the days when you have to be simply manage with the ageing skin, dark patches and other skin-related issues without much of an intervention of the technologies that were never available at that time as there were some cost-effective ways to heal your skin, damaged tissues, and high-level stress work having a bearing on your body. And the most visible part of your body is the skin where all such problems reflect in the form of wrinkles, dark circles, excess fat on stomach, buttocks, and thighs etc.
Get Your Skin a Healthy Touch
Living in a fast pacing metro area like Delhi could be very harmful on your lifestyle, which in turn has an impact on your skin, due to the exposure of heat and pollution outside. You cannot simply stop going outside and confine yourself within the four walls of your house to escape such impacts. What you require is a healthy solution for your skin. If you are living in Delhi, you have the option of visiting the best dermatologist in Indirapuram. You will get all the facilities at the clinic which are laced with hi-tech equipment which goes easy on your skin to help you get back your original skin health.
One-Stop Point
All your skin problems can be effectively dealt with at the clinic in Indirapuram. You can visit the website of https://www.twachaaclinic.com/ to explore all the treatment options available for your hair, skin and body. Some of the useful services that you can avail at the clinic of the best dermatologist in Indirapuram are the following:
Chemical Peels: A very cost-effective treatment option in quick healing of skin by removing the acne lines, scars and any pigmentation effect.
Botox: An anti-ageing treatment option to remove excessive forehead lines and frown lines. It is not a surgical treatment and can be done quickly with a noticeable positive impact within a week.
Plasma Therapy: It’s for your hair. If you are losing hair, you can have them back from where you are losing. Based on the treatment through tissue regeneration using your own plasma from the blood, the therapy helps in the growth of new hair, and improving the density of your hair as well.
Microdermabrasion: It is a treatment therapy for helping you get rid of scars caused by acne, and other lines appearing on your skin. It is 100 per cent non-surgical treatment and no beams and chemicals are used for the treatment. It can be done within an hour using crystals of oxide of micro aluminum without any side-effects.
Best Dermatologist in IndirapuramBesides the above mentioned treatment options, you can have other options including Mesoglow, Photo facial, Fillers, Dermaroller, hair removal through lasers, and body contouring etc. These multiple options are available at the facility of the best dermatologist in Indirapuram. For more information and clarity on the treatment options and assistance, you can visit https://www.twachaaclinic.com/
Categories: Dermatologist
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drmeghamodi · 2 years ago
Protect your skin from harmful Ultraviolet (UV) rays - Dr. Megha Modi
The best way to avoid sun damage is to stay out of the sun. Other precautions include using sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, and avoiding direct sunlight during the day's hottest hours when UV rays are strongest.
What are the risks of excessive sun exposure?
The most obvious danger of too much sun is sunburn. Under a strong microscope, sunburned skin would show that the cells and blood vessels have been damaged. Sun damage causes the skin to become dry, wrinkled, discoloured, and leathery. Although the skin appears thicker, it has actually been weakened and will bruise more easily as a result.
The sun, on the other hand, is the leading cause of skin cancer, which is now the most common of all cancers. Most skin cancers, doctors believe, can be avoided by avoiding sun exposure.
How can I avoid the sun's harmful rays?
The best way to avoid sun damage is to stay out of the sun, but most of us go outside on a regular basis. So, when you go outside, remember to take the following precautions:
- Wear sunscreen at all times. Every day, apply it to your skin. Make it a habit, just like brushing your teeth.
- Avoid exposure to the sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. The ultraviolet rays that cause sunburn are at their peak during this time.
- Put on protective clothing. When you do go outside, especially for long periods during the day. Long sleeves and slacks, as well as a wide-brimmed hat, can help shield your skin from the sun's harmful rays.
- Put on sunglasses that filter UV light.
Sunscreen: Physical vs. Chemical
Dermatologists are the experts on skin. Although sunscreen is a well-known summer staple, our dermatologists agree that it should be worn all year round. Physical and chemical sunscreens both offer broad-spectrum protection against the skin-damaging UVA and UVB rays that cause skin cancer and premature ageing. They do, however, function differently. It is critical to understand the differences between them in order to determine which one is best for you to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.
Physical Sunscreen
Physical sunscreen, also known as mineral sunscreen, creates a physical protective barrier on the skin's surface by reflecting harmful UV rays. Sunscreens of this type may contain either zinc oxide or titanium oxide.
Physical sunscreens are preferable for sensitive skin and may feel heavier or more moisturising than chemical formulations.
They are ideal for daily use as well as extended sun exposure while spending time outside or at the beach.
Chemical Sunscreen
Chemical sunscreens penetrate the skin rather than sitting on top of it, absorbing UV rays before they can cause damage. Some chemical sunscreen formulations may absorb more easily into the skin than physical formulations. If you intend to swim, sweat, or get wet, chemical sunscreens may be a better choice.
When should you reapply your sunscreen?
Reapplying sunscreen, whether physical or chemical, is critical! Apply sunscreen at least 15 minutes before sun exposure and reapply it every two hours. Reapply sunscreen throughout the day to protect your skin from UV rays, which cause skin cancer and early signs of ageing.
Tag = Dermatologist in Indirapuram, Best Dermatologist in Vaishali, Skin Clinic in Indirapuram, Best Skin Doctor in Vasundhara
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kempskinclinic-blog · 5 years ago
This blog share information What is the difference between wrinkles and fine line. Wrinkles and Fine lines are two basic indications of skin maturing. For more skin-related query you may visit KEMPS Skin Clinic in Ghaziabad.
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dr-meghamodi · 3 years ago
Best Skin Clinic in Vaishali, Best Dermatologist in Vaishali Dr. Megha Modi at Twachaaclinic
Welcome to Twachaa-the skin & laser clinic
At Twachaa- The Skin Clinic, our mission is to provide a high level of innovative skin care services. Each treatment is unique to you and customized for your skin, to help you achieve and maintain your healthiest possible skin. We are committed to advancements in the procedures & we offer the highest quality services for our clients. Over the course of our relationship we will help you to create and maintain a radiant complexion. Through regular visits to our clinic we will guide you every step of your tailor made skincare routine, offering advice and support as your skin goes through the different phases on the road to recovery. We will always strive to make your experience fulfilling and serene.
Dr. Megha Modi
Dermatologist In Vasundhara, Vaishali and Indirapuram
Dr.Megha Modi is a practicing Dermatologist in Delhi and received her medical degree from Baroda Medical College. She went on to specialize in dermatology and attained her MD in Skin-VD from the same college. She has to her credit the enviable distinction of being a gold medalist at both the undergraduate as well as post graduate levels.
Professionally Dr. Megha Modi has been a consultant at the Dermatech Clinic in North Delhi and brings to the table a rich experience in the field of Cosmetology and Dermatology. On an academic front, she has won numerous accolades and citations for her stellar contributions for her paper presentations at State and National Level conferences. Concurrently Dr. Modi has numerous publications in indexed journals which are standing evidence of her prowess in the specialty.
Tags - Best Dermatologist in Vaishali, Best Skin Clinic in Vaishali, Skin Specialist in Vaishali
For more information link - www.twachaaclinic.com
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kempskinclinic-blog · 5 years ago
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This blog share information to Expert tips for a minimal makeup to look beautiful. One of the greatest things about summer is the freedom to let loose with your beauty routine. For more skin related query you may contact to KEMPS Skin Clinic, Ghaziabad.
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kempskinclinic-blog · 5 years ago
This blog share information How to protect hand-skin while frequent hand washes. During this corona epidemic, doctor advice us or frequent hand wash and use of sanitizer. For this issue we ask an expert advice that how to protect our skin tissue. Dr. Manju Keshri from KEMPS skin clinic. She is a famous dermatologist provide us some tips.
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kempskinclinic-blog · 5 years ago
This blog share information how to protect your skin in beginning of summer. However, the rashes and patches that your skin develops during this period will stick around for a long time unless you take good care of your skin. For more skin related issue you may contact 𝐊𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐬 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜, Ghaziabad.
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kempskinclinic-blog · 5 years ago
These are the advantages you need to know about How to choose non toxic moisturizer? Great advantage of using a body is its ingredients have anti-inflammatory and skin calming properties. So don’t forget to moisturize your body in winter” Says by Dr. Manju Keshri, Dermatologist at KEMPS skin clinic.
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kempskinclinic-blog · 5 years ago
The article describes How to do skin care during festival? Diwali is here again. We brighten up our faces with a beautiful glow. Everyone wants to look their best. KEMPS Skin Clinic, Ghaziabad provide consultancy related to Skincare.
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kempskinclinic-blog · 6 years ago
The Vitalize Peel is a unique Chemical Peel comprised of Alpha-Hydroxy Acid, Bety-Hydroxy Acid, Resorcinol Acid, and Retinoic Acid. KEMPS Skin Clinic Vaishali, Ghaziabad provide Vitalize Peel treatment and Skin care service by expert Dermatologist Dr. Manju Keshari
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kempskinclinic-blog · 6 years ago
The article provides information about what is skin tanning? For De-tanning session you may contact to KEMPS Skin Clinic in Ghaziabad, they have expert staff and Cosmetologist to provide you better skin care.
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kempskinclinic-blog · 6 years ago
Here, you can get information about What is filler and what are the side effects. if you face any of side effect while filler procedure, Consult immediately with your dermatologist.
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kempskinclinic-blog · 6 years ago
This blog about Why Heavy makeup is not good for face skin? Dr. Manju Keshari, Dermatologist at KEMPS Skin Clinic says that first step of cleansing can help remove even the heaviest layers of makeup, leaving your skin clean and clear and ready for the second step of treatment.
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kempskinclinic-blog · 6 years ago
These are the common skin allergies occur in the winter season. You may consult your dermatologist which can help you in this matter. Dermatologist or skin specialist will examine your skin condition and advice your best treatment for it. KEMPS Skin Clinic Vaishali, Ghaziabad provides best skin care treatment for skin allergy.
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kempskinclinic-blog · 5 years ago
This blog share information to Anti aging and step to get glowing skin. Anti ageing is an ongoing process. Sunlight, stress, unhealthy eating habits and environment all add years to our body and face. For more skin related query you may contact to KEMPS Skin Clinic, Ghaziabad.
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