#Best Liquid Eyeliner Pen
keautybeauty · 4 months
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ozsupershop · 8 months
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stringcage · 2 months
If trb were girls Adam would be like 'god I hate how Gansey can get away with wearing no makeup and still look glamorous even though she could afford all the best products, not like me I need to use this drug store shit on my face just to slightly keep up and so people will treat me with respect' and Gansey would be like 'if I didn't have all these expectations upon me to be the perfect daughter and the perfect classmate and the perfect girl I would be able to just express myself like how Adam does I love Adam her eyeliner is so cool I want to be cool like Adam'. And Ronan would be like 'eyeliner tastes so sexy let me chew on this liquid liner pen and pretend I'm licking it off their eyelids'
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paper-mario-wiki · 7 months
you do such a good job passing! any tips?
thank you, i appreciate that! i dont have a ton of tips since ive only been at it for a little over half a year, and im kinda flying by the seat of my pants cuz i dont have a lot of people i talk to day-to-day about presentation. pretty much everything ive figured out by myself and with youtube tutorials. regardless, heres a few i can think of:
don't be afraid to go to a makeup store and ask for advice. i brought a picture of myself i put through faceapp to give me makeup, and i showed it to the ladies at sephora, who were able to get me exactly what i was looking for. theres a world of difference between a face full of makeup, and a face full of makeup that's slightly the wrong shade, and it's good to get the opinions of experts.
try to look at the other women in your family and see how they style themselves, or do their makeup, or even how they speak or carry themselves. finding a look that works isn't somethin that you can fall into super easily, you have to go searching for it. try to model yours after the people who literally share your genes and therefore your features. (note, the opposite is equally usable for transmascs, look at your brothers, fathers, and uncles)
spend time in the mirror seeing what looks right. comb your hair in different directions, part it in a different place, put a clip in, dye it a different color, etc. put on makeup and then take it all off, then put on way too much and only take half of it off. learn the muscle memory of holding a liquid eyeliner pen in your non dominant hand and tracing it across the eyelid on the opposite side of your face without twitching your eye. nobody will see you, you're in your own bathroom. with the resources you have, treat the Bathroom Fit Check like you're customizing a character in a videogame.
look for your angles! i wish i could look good at every angle, but i don't, and vanishingly few people actually do. i spent a lot of time looking at myself in my front-facing phone camera from different directions and thinking "fuck im never going to pass, i really dont look great. is this even worth it?" and no matter how much doubt i had, in the long run the answer ended up being yes, it is worth it. that's kinda how hard things are: they suck until they don't anymore.
this one is really simple and may not apply to you, but fix your posture. seriously. when i started standing up straight for a few weeks i noticed an change in how i looked and carried myself (and my back doesnt hurt as much now)
come to terms with the fact that a lot of women look like men, and a lot of men look like women. the idea that all men look one way and all women look the other is an propagandstic invention of the state that should not be taken seriously. (note: this tip works only inwardly as a facet of self actualization. no matter what, you will always run into people who buy into the propaganda. to the best of your ability, pay them no mind.)
im sorry i cant give you anything more, but thats kind of a big question to answer, so i hope this helps!
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Best Worst Christmas // Jake Seresin
Summary: After some life altering news. You confide in Hangman which leads you to ticking off something incredibly important on your bucket list.
Warnings: Terminal illness. Mentions of death. Dark humour. Jake Seresin x Reader. Angst & fluff—Jake being just the best version of himself.
Word Count: 4.8k
Author Note: TRUST ME TO DO THIS. Because we can’t have anything nice here. Even at Christmas time. Got this idea from Bianca’s story line from Shameless. Not your typical happy go lucky Christmas fic.
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Slow motion. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. From the way Bob brought the lip of his glass of lemonade up to his mouth to hide his infectious smile to the way Bradley twirled Phoenix under his arm and pulled her into his side. Dancing to whatever song had been blaring from the jukebox. 
Slow. Slow and silent. You couldn't hear a single thing beside the high pitched ringing in your ears that sounded like just the right pitch to break the glass of the windows out front. No laughter, no music, no mundane chatter from other patrons littering the Hard Deck on this oh so average Friday afternoon. 
Except there was nothing average about being told just forty five minutes ago that you were dying. Merry Fucking Chrismas. 
“I'm sorry, Payback.” You shook your head softly as you blinked a few times, the ringing in your ears clearing as everything seemed to come back into real time, sound and all. “What did you say?” 
“I said you don't look so good, Jake mentioned you left early for a doctor appointment off base, you good?” 
“What is Hangman doing with my name in his mouth?” You spat before you took what was left of your beer into your mouth, skulling the burnt amber liquid like there was no tomorrow. For you there really wasn't all that much time left. Paying attention to how your liver processed alcoholic beverages had become an afterthought. “But yeah, I uh– I did.” 
“Something any of us should be worried about?” Payback had always been a kind and gentle soul. You envied his passion for all things Christmas. His ugly Christmas sweater told you everything that you needed to know, his was down bad for the holiday season. “Nut?” 
“Everything’s just peachy keen Fitch, you don't gotta worry about me.” You tried your best to hide the ever mounting pressure you felt in your chest through a pained smile and soft gaze. “But–” You held your empty glass up as you twirled around on the barstool you'd been sitting on. “I'm tapped so I'm gonna grab another beer and then you and I are gonna have a game of pool once shit for brains is finished showboating.” Reuben followed where your eyeline had evidently landed and low and behold there stood none other than Jake Seresin, claiming his title as undefeated pool champion with a grin so prominent on his face it made you feel sick to your stomach. “Be right back.” 
You slid off the stool and fixed the ‘Christmas’ dress that had been sticking to the back of your thighs. It wasn't anything special, just a red mid length dress that fit the Christmas attire that had been mandated but Reuben Fitch himself. Head and only member of the party planning committee. It wasn't anything special, but at least the dress was red, right? 
You'd been excited for the staff Christmas party for months up until the moment your doctor had sat you down and handed you a one way ticket to the afterlife. You thought maybe the reason you'd been feeling so unwell over the last few weeks had been an imbalance in your birth control or a shift in seasons or just something, anything other than what your final prognosis had ended up being. 
“What can I get you Nut?” Penny asked when she saw you leaning against the bar, card in hand, swinging on the barstool. “The usual?” 
“Uh can I get a double Jamison please Pen, on the rocks if you could.” Penny got to work fixing up your order as Jake slipped in beside you. Not turning his head in your direction as he fished his wallet out from the back of his jeans as he sat. The stupid matching Chrismas shirt he wore with Bradley looked ridiculous on him. Only Bradley Bradshaw could pull off a Christmas themed Hawaiian shirt. It wasn't Hangman's usual attire, it looked idiodic on him in the best way possible. 
“Another beer if you can Penny, extra tenner on the bar for you too.” Jake was, if anything, a charmer at heart. But despite his ability to smooth talk his way out of any situation and into anyone that had a hole he could put it in, you couldn't stand him. “You seem even more shrewd than usual this afternoon there Nut, not feeling the Christmas cheer?” and he couldn't stand you either. Or so you both led on. 
“Bit me.” Penny slid you the class, brown bourbon had never tasted so good before as you downed the double shot you ordered before slamming the glass back down. It wasn't the best move you could have made because the second you swallowed? Your stomach churned. “I gotta go.” You were quick for a woman who could barely walk in heels, racing towards the nearest exit without so much as causing a scene. Leaving Jake in your dust as he almost gave himself whiplash trying to crain his head fast enough to keep up.
“Wait, hold on the parties just getting started?” Jake took the beer bottle from Penny, being gentleman enough to say a quick thankyou her way before making a dash after you towards the front door. “Nwet hold on!” Your call sign had you as the Goddess of the sky. The name originating from Egyptian Mythology, but for some reason or another that had been shortened even further. Everyone just called you Nut for short. 
“Not now Hangman, I’m serious I’m not fee–” You didn't get a chance to finish your sentence before you were throwing up the contents of your stomach in the nearest pot plant on the front deck. Down on your knees as your hands gripped at the ceramic. Coughing and splattering as Jake put his beer down on the railing and balled your hair into his first to keep it from falling into the backsplash. 
“Alright, I'm cutting you off killer, how much have you had to drink?” Jake crouched down beside you as you sat back on your heels, whipping your mouth on your forearm. “You good?” 
“Get me another drink and I'll be even better.” You had heard loud and clear what Jake had said but just chose to ignore it. You didn't have much choice anymore. Jake just looked at you like you were on another planet. His eyes wide as his mouth fell slightly open in shock. There weren't many people who could render Jake Seresin speechless–but you always seemed to manage. 
It was the same look he gave you whenever you'd get into a heated argument over training sessions or whenever you’d go head to head in another one of your PTI’s latest workouts. The same look he gave you when you said you were fine when you had to miss the last few days of flight training, the same look he gave you when he found you making your doctor's appointment in the rec room between his runs. He looked at you like you hung the stars in the night sky just for him and once he’d finished admiring them you'd knock them out of the sky just to watch them shatter before him. Unpredictable and oh so beautiful. 
“Uh, no–I'm not gonna get you another drink when you're throwing up in Pennys plants.” 
“It's not the alcoholic, Jake.” You sighed out in response as you pressed your palm to your forehead. 
“It most definitely is I can smell it on yo–” You didn't know why, out of all the people you could have told first. Your Parents, Your Commanding Officers, any of your colleagues that seemed more and more like family every day, you chose Jake fucking Seresin to drop the biggest life ending bomb on. The worst Christmas Present ever. Deep deep down you knew exactly why. But there was no time left to figure it out now. 
“Jake it's not the Alcohol.” You cut him off, shutting your eyes as tight as you could because you couldn't look at him when you told him. “It's cancer.” 
“What?” When you opened your eyes again Jake's expression had softened to something you’d never seen before. “What do you mean it's cancer?” This couldn't really be happening could it? You wouldn't be cruel enough to play such a sick joke on him. But with the way you were looking at him right now? Jake felt his heart collapse into his stomach. The love of his life had cancer? “What do you mean by cancer Y/n?” Jake repeated as he brushed your hair away from your shoulder. “You aren’t being serious right now are you?” You didn’t respond right away because you were stunned at the saddened and stunned look Hangman had been stricken by.
“What I mean by cancer is that I have a shelf life.” You tried to make the moment a little more lighthearted. “A cosmic fuck you when you were just getting started huh.” It was the hardest thing you'd ever done, to sit in front of the man you loved to hate and hated to love and tell him you were dying. You hadn’t even had a chance to see what you could have been. You'd both been too caught up playing the long con that you'd wasted whatever time you had. 
“What's the uh–?” Jake didn't know how to ask as he stood with you and moved over to the nearest table that was clear and free. “What's the prognosis?” 
“Stage three Pancreatic–well basically stage four but—” Silence fell as Jake sat beside you completely stunned. His mind was running a million miles an hour, thinking of all the times you’d smiled at him. Beamed his way whenever he taunted you or teased you for something stupid and meaningless. You took everything like a champ because you could dish it out in return. He’d learnt to expect an elbow to the ribs whenever you had this one particular look in your eye. 
“And what's the going rate for stage three?” Jake wanted to hear you say at least something promising, but that wasn’t the case at all.
“Two Percent, Doc said even that was being generous.” His heart stopped for a moment. This wasn’t happening, not to you. Not to the one woman he had ever loved.
“Okay but what about chemo? What about other treatments that could surely raise that number up right?” 
“Oh, I ah–I don't wanna do any treatment.” That knocked the wind right out of Jake, he felt like he couldn't breathe. Like the entire world had just been knocked out from under his feet. “I saw what it did to my friend's mother Cathy, she spent whatever time she had left being pumped full of poison, because of it she became so weak she couldn't enjoy the things she could have been while she still had time.” 
“You can't not try Y/n.” Jake had moved as close to you as he possibly could. So much so it was easy enough for you to accept your own mortality with your head resting gently on his shoulder. “It's probably really selfish of me to say this but I'm not ready to just let you go.” 
“Please, spare me the hallmark card sympathies Seresin.” Scoffing, you took the beer bottle Jake had been sipping infrequently on. Taking a gulp of the yeasty beverage. “I don't need you treating me any differently now that you know I'm practically worm food.” It was the way Jake looked at you like he couldn't believe what you had just said. Did you expect him not to laugh or something? Strifally back a laugh so pure Jake waited for you to crack first, the symphony of highs and lows that sounded like the most prim and proper orchestra surrounded him as you laughed with him. 
“When did you find out? You seem to be dealing with the inevitability of it all well.” 
“About fifty minutes before I told you.” The smile had been whipped clean from Jake's face once again. The laughter that had just filled the atmosphere around you both now replaced with silence so heavy you were sure you had just been buried alive. “I haven't told anyone, and I wasn't planning to either.” 
Although you and Jake pretended most days to loathe each other's existence, there was no real animosity there. It was simply a childish act. Your mother had told you at an early age that boys who pulled your pony tail on the playground at school must have liked you. So you learnt play rough too, showing your affection by taunting and teasing between lingering eyes and daydreams of what it would be like to be with Jake as more than just whatever the fuck you were. 
“Why did you tell me? I mean I thought I would have been the last person on earth you would have spilled your darkest secrets to.” Jake felt nothing but content when you let your head fall back to his shoulder. He decided this time though to wrap a comforting arm around you—drawing you further into his side. 
“Believe it or not you were the first person who came to mind when I was told.” You'd thought about what Jake would say. If he’d even say anything at all when he found out, if he’d change the way he treated you or if there would be a small part of him that would be relieved that you wouldn't be around to annoy him anymore or challenge him whenever he thought he was better than you. “I thought maybe you’d be a good person to tell because you wouldnt look at me like I was weak.” 
“If there’s one thing you are, it's not weak.” Jake shook his head as he finished the remains of his beer. Standing as he offered you a hand. “Come on, we’re getting out of here.” 
“What? Where are we going?” You didn’t protest all that much—knowing what Jake had in mind was probably better than wallowing in self pity. You took his hand gracefully as he guided you to stand, meeting his gaze yet again. 
“We’re gonna go back to your place—“ 
“Oh, as if you would.” You cracked a smile as Jake looked at you a little confused. “I’m dying Hangman, don’t get that confused with desperate.” It wasn’t that you wouldn’t, you would in a heartbeat—but the feeling you got from your back and forth taunting just made the prize all the more worth it. Jake just stood in front of you, eyes trailing from your gaze to your lips then back to
Your eyes. Committing every last detail of your face to his long term memory. 
“I didn’t mean it like that, but we’re going back to yours.” 
“I told Payback I’d play a game of pool with him.” You explained as you tried to push past Jake, all he did was grip your wrist, stopping you from getting any further away from him. “Jesus Christ Jake what has gotten into you?” You stood there questioning his sudden need to be overbearing. 
“You just told me you have terminal cancer and you’re asking me what’s gotten into me! Jesus Y/n.” Jake let go of your wrist as he ran his hands through his hair, extinguishing a frustrated sigh as he looked anywhere but directly at you when he let his guard down. Nothing good ever came with Jake Seresin let his guard down, so he didn’t do it all that often. “I was just told the woman I’ve been obsessed with for the last year is dying and there’s literally not a single thing that I can do to stop it!” You let your walls down almost instantly at the confirmation, softening your shoulders and letting yourself just enjoy the satisfaction of the moment you thought would never come. Jake knew you were thinking—he could practically see the cogs turning in your head as you stood before him smirking a bashful smile. Suddenly doe eyed and willing to step a little closer. “What?” Jake scoffed as his lips curled into a smile that matched yours. “Why are you looking at me like that?” 
“So you’re obsessed with me huh?” 
“That’s your take on this whole situation?” 
“Oh yeah—“ Wrapping your arms around the back of Jake's neck you drew him all the more closer as his hands instinctively went to your hips. “Because I didn’t have to admit that I’m obsessed with you first.” You really didn’t give him a second to respond with some witty remark on how he was just saying it because he felt sorry for you—instead you let your lips press against Jakes softly. Testing the waters before diving into the deep end. Pulling back as you slowly opened your eyes. “It’s not fair of me to ask you to love me, especially knowing what you know—“ It was Jake's turn to cut you off before you could try and talk him out of spending whatever time you had left right by your side. His lips connected with yours as his hands came up to cup your cheeks as your tongue danced with his. Savoring every second because you’d always wondered what type of kisser Jake Seresin was. The answer? He knew what he was doing. 
“Doesn’t mean I won’t.” Pulling away momentarily Jake tan the pads of his thumbs across your flushed cheeks. “How long?” Jake didn’t really want to know the answer but he knew deep down it wouldn’t be long. 
“Anywhere between six months to a year.” It broke your heart the way Jake dropped his chin slightly at the realisation. “Depends on my lifestyle.” 
“Then I’m gonna be by your side for the next six to twelve months.” Jake promised as he held his hand up to wrap his pinky with yours. “Till the end of the line.” 
Not a single person had seen you or Jake leave the Hard Deck unannounced. Payback had texted you a few times before you decided enough was enough and sent him a quick message saying you were with Jake before placing your phone on do not disturb. 
“Okay so you’re sure this one has the built in lighting?” Jake asked just one more time as you both stood back and looked at the piles of broken down Christmas tree that you’d sectioned into piles on your living room floor. 
“For the millionth time, yes—“ You’d leant Jake a pair of your ex’s old sweatpants that you’d forgotten you had until he was long gone. They fit snug, but well. In true Hangman style though? He was parading around your house, shirtless. Sweats hanging low leaving very little to the imagination. 
“Okay well, let’s start by fanning these prongs out before we attach anything to the trunk.” You’d changed into your Christmas pajamas—a cartoon version of the grinch saying it’s about to get naughty right across your chest. Jake had thought your house would be full of Christmas decorations by now—always the life of every holiday season. But when he stepped through the threshold and saw you hadn’t been bothered he knew that had to change. 
Especially if there was a possibility this could be your last Christmas. 
“You got your tree up yet?” You asked as soft melodies of Christmas songs played from your speaker, filling the living room as you and Jake sat on the ground amongst a sea of fake Christmas tree. Jake nodded softly as he worked to fluff out the prongs. 
“Yep, had it delivered the first of November—got a real one this year.” 
“Yeah you would be the type of person to have a real tree wouldn’t you.” It’s not that you had anything against it, it’s just that a real tree always seemed like so much work. “But if I get the chance to see next Christmas, I’ll get a real one.” 
“We can go Christmas tree shopping, new ornaments and all.” Jake offered as his pile grew a little faster then yours. “How come you hadn’t put your tree up yet?” He asked, perplexed. “You’re always drowning on about how the holidays are your favourite time of year.” You didn’t answer right away, you were going to make up some lame excuse but then you remembered Jake Seresin was the o my other person besides you general practitioner that knew you were dying. You could tell him. 
“I just haven’t really had the energy to.” 
“The cancers the reason you haven’t been flying as much isn’t it?” 
“Yep.” You popped your lips at the P. “Probably won’t be too long now before I’m stuck behind some desk in the admin building doing some mundane Johnny pencil pusher projects.” Sighing, you reached for another set of prongs. “Even a swivel chair will eventually make me gag—I don't know how much longer I’ll be able to withstand G’s and barrel roll.” 
“Well damn Nut, who’s gonna keep the top of my head from popping off?” Jake teased as he came to sit beside you, leaning back on the couch as he legs fell either side of you. Your back to his chest as he took the prongs you were working on from your hands and finished it himself. “You’ve always kept my ego from inflating.” 
“God help the crew when I’m dead and gone.” You chuckled softly as you left your sink into Jake's embrace. “You’ll just have to remember who’s the goddess of the sky, I’ll still be around to kick your ass.” 
“Oh yeah? How are you gonna manage that killer?” 
“I’ll wiggle your ear whenever you do something stupid.” You grinned, reaching up and around to wiggle Jake's earlobe. “Like that, whoever you get a little too hot headed, you’ll feel me.” 
“Deal.” Jake smiled softly as he kissed your shoulder from behind. “Now, while I’ll sit here fanning these things out, why don’t you make a list of all the things you wanna do between the next six to twelve months?” 
“Like a bucket list?” You asked softly as you lulled your head back to catch the glint in Jake's eyes. 
“Exactly, whatever you wanna do, I’ll help you do it.” You really couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. Settling back against Jake you started listing off things in your notes app. 
“I wanna get a tattoo, something stupid but meaningful—maybe even just something funny.” You’d end up getting a matching tattoo with Jake a few weeks later. Both in the same spot, on your tricep just above your elbow. Two hands pinky promising—till the end of the line written in calligraphy.
“Solid plan, I approve, what else Nut?” Jake reached for another pile to fluff up, almost having made his way through all the pieces. 
“I wanna skinny dip at the beach, at night, or even when the suns just starting to set.” Jake takes you. You both strip down and race towards the waters edge. You wrestle and fight until you're hooking your legs around his waist and your arms around his shoulders. Kissing him like you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. His hands hold you up by your ass—and you squeal when a rogue wave knocks you both down. “I’ve always wanted to do that.” 
“Shameless Y/l/n, but deal—what’s next.” You add about six different things onto your list, telling Jake every single one as you both stand to place all the pieces of your tree together. Deciding that you were both committing to the entire project together. Making a trip into your garage for the ornaments. 
“Maybe I should have a threesome?” You held the ladder at the bottom of your manhole Jake had climbed up into to fetch the seasonal box. “Yeah, never had one of those before but maybe it’s worth checking out.” 
“Two guys or one guy and one girl?” Jake handed you the box before he jumped down with a soft thud. “Or you and two girls?” You just raised a brow in response. “Hey—“ Jake was quick to hold his hands up in surrender. “I dunno what your sexual preferences are! I’m just being inclusive.” He sent you his signature shit eating grin. “But uh, pencil me down for whatever you decide.” 
“You wouldn’t be included in the girl on girl fantasy.” You gained back as Jake took the box back from you, walking side by side down the hall back to your living room. 
“But you’re saying there’s a chance I’d be included in the other two choices.” You never do end up having a threesome, it never actually makes the list. “Can’t say I haven’t dreamed of that a few times.” 
“Really? Funny that, I had a dream that I dropped you down a well just the other night.” You didn’t even look Jake's way as you fished out a few ornaments and started hanging them on the tree. Jake followed curiously. “And get here you are dreaming of having sex with me?” 
“I definitely like my dream a lot better—“ You couldn’t hold back your laugh as you shook your head, turning on your heels to fetch more ornaments. 
“I’m not having sex with you Hungman.” Jake raised his eyebrows in response to what you’d called him over your shoulder. “Isn't that what they all call you?” 
“Seems a little rude, and also short sighted.” He was quick to wrap his arms around your waist from behind, kissing your neck as you tried to pull away. Secretly enjoying the affection you could have been experiencing for a whole year before now. “Add it to your list.” 
“I’ll reluctantly add it to my list.” It didn’t take you and Jake all that much time to finish decorating your Christmas tree. Stepping back to admire your work, you turned on the lights and dimmed down your overheads. Jake held his fist out for your to fist bump before he drew you into his side. You had told Jake you’d add to fuck him onto you bucket list—he even watch your write something down into your notes. But it wasn’t that. No—it was something much better. 
“Best worst Christmas ever, don’t you think Nut?”
“Best worst Christmas ever Hangman.” Turning into Jake you kissed him once again, only for a fleeting moment. “Thankyou for this, just being here—I felt like I was drowning at the bar.”
“Like I said, till the end of the line.” Kissing the top of your head, you asked Jake to say the night, it was the first time Jake Seresin had slept in the same bed as a woman and he didn’t fuck her. All he did was hold you till you fell sleep—and that’s when for only a few brief moments he let himself cry. He loved you, truly. 
Eighteen Months Later //
“Are you thick or are you fucking stupid Rooster!?” Jake barked as he walked down the tarmac towards his wingman. “I said break right and follow back and under—talley two at five o’clock low means exactly that!” Jake was seeing red. “Do you wanna get yourself killed in a real fight?” 
“Ease up, we’re alive and we still have the fastest time on the leaderboard—Coyote, Payback and Fanboy are nowhere near us.”
“That’s not the point, Bradshaw! You just didn’t fucking think!” Jake was seething, his face was red and if Bradley looked close enough? He swore he could see steam coming out of Jake's ears. “Something’s gotta be in there—it can’t just be air in that thick—“ Before Jake could finish, he felt a tugging sensation on his left earlobe. Shutting up instantly as he reached up to tug at the phantom sensation. 
“Nut got your ear?” Bradley asked as he tapped Hangman on the shoulder, Bradley had been the one Jake confided in when you finally passed on. He didn’t believe in the afterlife until he couldn’t let you go. “Mum used to say dad would whistle around the house, she’d smell his cologne too.” Bradley caught the sun catching on Jake's wedding band. You’d both decided fuck it one night and high tailed it to a Vagas to get hitched. “She’s probably trying to tell you to stop yelling at me!” 
Christmas had long passed and Jake still had his dead tree up. Something about taking it down meant saying goodbye and he wasn’t ready to do that. You’d only just managed to make it to new years before deciding you just couldn’t do it anymore. But you were wrapped to have two best worst Christmas’s under your belt. 
Jake held you close till you took your last breath, you weren’t in some hospital somewhere hooked up to all sorts of machines. No. You were down by the ocean, in Jake's arms. Talking about how you were so thankful to have completed everything on your lift. The final one being the most important. 
“Here—“ Jake remembers you saying softly as you handed him a letter. “I wrote them down so you’ll never forget everything you did for me.” 
Jake scanned the page of about fifteen different things you had done together, the last one though he never knew you wrote. He couldn’t help himself as he held you a little tighter, a little closer. He framed the letter and placed it on his bedside table—The tick next to number fifteen his favourite thing of all. 
Number 15: Know what it’s like to fall in love on the worst, best Christmas ever.
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
Dawg…..i NEED NEEED NEED more of Chris Nibling with the other campers please 🙏 🙏
You ask, you shall receive ;D
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“Where did I leave it...?” The pretty blonde girl wondered around the campsite one day, in search of something. She finds you sitting in your beach chair and the missing item fades from her priorities,“Oh! Evening (Y/N)! Woah...you look tinier than I remember...” 
“Huh?” You look up at her. Did her mind go on holiday again?
“Yeah! You’re like a little kid, I’m surprised they let you on the show!” She blurted out. Yep, it has.
“That’s because I am a kid! Not a little one.” You proudly remind her,“A little kid wouldn’t own a makeup kit now, would they?” you held up the one you found to her, not knowing it was hers, let alone what she was searching for until she squalled.
“Omg!” She plucks it from you, her long hair shimmering with the sun,“Thanks (Y/M)! You’re like my Santa’s little helper! Oooo! Have you ever tried this stuff?” 
“The makeup?” You tilt your head,“Isn’t it for adults?”
“It’s for everyone!” Lindsay averred,“Oh, it’s a must! Makeoveeer!”
The idea startled you,“I don’t know... Uncle Chris might not-“
“Ohhh we’ll be fine! He’ll totally change his mind after seeing it!” She was very certain, which could either mean it’ll go exceptionally or horribly.
Only one way to find out.
"So lucky!” She holds your jaw up,“You're still at that age where you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want!”
"Huh? Can't you also eat whatever you want?" You asked your beautician of the day, unaware of adolescence’s side effects.
"I caaaan't! Too many carbs and butter tarts is bad for you!" She complained,"You break out into hives, grow hair everywhere and get taller...!"
“Eww!” you pull a face of repulsion,“I can’t imagine what you’re going through! It sounds so hard!”
"As Buddhism says, it's a part of life if you wanna keep tanning." A breath of sorrow, she searches her bag,"Okaay... Um, let's start off with the foundation!"
You watch her squirt some of this skin matching liquid on her blender,"Do you know what you’re doing?”
"Sure I dooo! But I bet you didn't know that when I was eleven, we had this charity called something Foundation visit us at school and they weren't even about make up!” She begins to dab it on your cheek,“So glad I exposed those con artists in front of everyone! What kind of charity deceives people like that?"
Uh huh...
"Eyeliner time!" She declares, hoarding the blender back into her kit.
You didn’t recognise what “eyeliner” was until she took it out, a pen looking thing,“Ohh I know what that is! My uncle uses that all the time! I always thought the way he did it looked creepy.”
“Uncle? You...have an uncle?” She repeated wide-eyed like the term was foreign.
“Ohhh right!” Her mind brought back to the minimum work,“That’s where I know you from!”
Having that needed to be recalled, you were kind of getting scared about what was she putting on your face.
“Let’s add a beauty mark therrrre! And you’re done!” She takes out her mirror and holds it in front of you,“Tadaa! What do you think?”
“It’s the wrong way, Lindsay.” You lightheartedly inform her.
“Oops! Sorry!” She flips it around, and you see the final product at last.
You gasped... 
Maybe it’s because you were inexperienced with makeup, but in your eyes, Lindsay was phenomenal, the very best: the shine on your nose and correctly placed pastels were all so glamorous to your young mind, you felt guilty for ever doubting her. She knew what she was doing!,“I love it! I love it, I love it, I love it! I look like those models Uncle Chris talks to sometimes! I don’t think I ever wanna wash my face again!”
"You're welcoooome!” The “dumb princess” chimed, twirling her finger around a strand of her hair,”Still think he won’t like it?”
Absolutely not! Maybe if he likes it enough, you could convince him to replace his current make up artist with her! Fingers crossed!
Hearing DJ, you jump into a non-lethal bush and waited until he was in your peripheral vision to grab his attention.
“Thought I heard you (Y/N)!” he warmly came over to you, used to your ways of a child,“Everything alright with you?”
“Yep!” you emerge, lifting your head up to make eye contact with the tall jock,“I wanted to know if...you wanted to feed the squirrels with me.”
“Aw, I’d love to-“ He paused. He had to remember that this adorable child was related to Chris,“Count me in!”
"Yay!" You pull onto his large hand and led him into the woods. Seeing a family of squirrels, you lean on a log and pass him your spare bag of nuts. While you waited for the bushy tailed rodents to warm up to you, DJ had a very serious question to ask.
“What’s the name of your teddy?”
Oh man! You were going to miss him so much when he goes,“Mrs Maple! She was there for me since day one! Chris got her for me.”
He takes a second to appreciate your innocence, connecting the story to his relationship with momma,“You really love him a lot, don’t you?”
You made a fuss from his imprecise words,“Mrs Maple is a girl!”
“I know that! I meant Chris.” Now they were precise; even at your error, he managed to not raise his voice if it meant the feasting squirrels could continue entrusting their vulnerability to the both of you.
“Ohh! Yeah, I love him a lot too! He’s on my top ten favourite people list(and so are you)! There’s no uncle in the world I would trade him for.” You exclaimed, goodbye-ing the squirrels in your thoughts,“Aww...”
Luckily, you weren’t left alone by nature’s animals for long; something further away moves into your sight, slow and mature. You excitedly point it out,“DJ, do you see that? There’s a moose over there!”
And he returns the excitement, by picking your smaller body up and sitting you on his shoulders. Woah! You’ve never been this high before! “Let’s get a closer look! Moose are also friendly.”
With his hands secured around your legs, you spread your arms out, mimicking an airplane,“Weeeee!”
Another session of free time led the campers to be diffused everywhere on the island, so there were very few people in the mess hall- such as Harold, Leshawna, and yourself, who was playing uno with Duncan. The stack was currently a green 8, like his mohawk. It’s Duncan’s turn and he takes a pause, before smirking.
“Two plus six makes eight...” he places down two cards at once, a blue two and a blue six.
This boils you to take discipline,“Pick up two cards, Duncan! You can’t do that, that’s cheating!”
“No it’s not!” He revolted back.
“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!” you huff,“Chriiis!”
Having being called, your uncle gets up from where he was sitting and comes behind you,“What’s the problem?”
“Tell Duncan he can’t do that!” You demand, throwing a finger at the smug juvenile delinquent.
Chris complies to your exact words, by repeating in a dull tone,“Duncan, you can’t do that.”
“Aww come on, dude! You should’ve seen what I did! Look and decide as the host if it’s fair.” He gleefully folds his arms.
So Chris does and whether it was so he could see you irritated or that he genuinely liked what Duncan pulled, he approved of it.
“Hah! Sorry smarty pants!” Duncan laughed in triumph at you gritting your teeth,“Looks like you’ll be the one picking up two cards!”
You throw your deck at him,“No I won’t, because I quit!”
“Aww, is someone mad they couldn’t handle my genius?” He derided, resting his face on his palm, monobrow wiggling.
“Shut up, cheater!” You stuck your tongue out at him,“Cheater!”
So annoying!
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gothiccharmschool · 11 months
This feels like something I ought to have figured out by now, but I am in my 30s and I still haven't found a brand of liquid eyeliner that stays precise enough to apply narrow lines or small dots -- I love trying samples and have just about every color in pencils, but most liquid eyeliners seem to go nearly straight from "so fresh they blot and blob if you cross your eyes at them" to "if you want a dot along the waterline you'd better be ready to stab your own eyeball" with no intervening period of fun drawability. Any recs from the goth auntie (all praise) or the wider charm school attendees? 🙏 waterproof or not, cheap is ideal but if the answer is "no cheap eyeliner is worth it" I want the hard truths
I have two suggestions:
If you're comfortable with using a brush liner, Nyx's Epic Wear is the best I've found. The liquid is thick but not blobby, so it flows well with the brush. Once it dries, it stays through dancing, concerts, or hysterical sobbing.
If you would rather have a pen liner, these eyeliner stamps are fantastic. Plus, cute stamps on the other end! This liner will hold up through dancing and concerts, but not hysterical sobbing.
(The hysterical sobbing eyeliner test is not recommended, but hey, I have done it, so it may be helpful info.)
Okay, peeps! I turn it over to you. Liquid liner suggestions?
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cryscendo · 4 months
hello lovely! how are you? x
if it’s not too late, is it possible for me to request either a kiss that leaves lipstick stains or an abrupt, heated kiss during the middle of a fight for klaine for the promotion thing please?
hope you’re doing well in your corner of the world <3
it’s absolutely not too late!! i received the fight one by someone else, so i decided to do the lipstick one <3
Pairing: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson
Word Count: 1206
Rating: T
if anyone wants to send me a request, check out the prompt list here!
fic can be read under the cut <3
“Blaine, hold still,” Kurt reprimands as he meticulously works on winging out a dark coat of black liquid eyeliner along Blaine’s eyes. He insisted on it being a necessity in bringing out the honey color of his eyes.
They have been at this for the better part of forty-five minutes. And best believe, Blaine loves the attention, but sitting still has never really been a skill that he possessed easily. “We have to be almost done, right?”
Kurt pulls the eyeliner pen away to give Blaine an incredulous look. “Why are you being impatient?” He shakes his head before tilting Blaine’s chin up a bit with his free hand, wanting to make sure that he didn’t miss any spots with Blaine’s makeup so far. “These things take time in order to look perfect, dear.”
Yeah, yeah, so he’s heard. Kurt never did things in halves. So it comes as no surprise that he isn’t interested in doing so now. Eventually, once he decides that the eyeliner is to his liking, he sets the pen down and picks up a shimmery golden highlight, instinctively testing it on his forearm before ever applying it on Blaine. “I’d just like to see what the artist has done with the canvas,” Blaine says with a grin.
“And you will,” Kurt replies, watching how the highlight on his arm shifts under the light. “Once I’m done.” Deciding the highlight to be acceptable, Kurt picks up some of the product from its pan with a brush. He taps the brush on the edge of the makeup pan once to shake off some of the excess highlight before carefully brushing it along the high points of Blaine’s face. Blaine has always been mesmerized while watching Kurt work like this. When Kurt got into the zone, it was impossible to look away. One man should not be able to possess this much talent and elegance and grace, yet here Kurt was, right in front of him.
“Gold has always been a lovely color on you. Perfect for your skin tone; I’m honestly jealous,” Kurt professes softly and Blaine all but preens under the compliment. Kurt’s compliments were like currency, if that everyone sought after them, but they weren’t attainable for everybody. Blaine was lucky enough to be one of the few in the world to be wealthy off of them.
Finally, Kurt sets the brush down and picks up two tubes of red lipstick. He silently ponders the two shades, and just like with the highlight, he swatches the colors on his arm. It fascinates Blaine how much effort Kurt puts into things as simple as lipstick shades. Blaine dabbles in makeup himself from time to time, especially when it comes to acting, but Kurt takes it to a whole other level. He’s not a makeup artist, and he’ll clarify that himself, but he certainly puts in the effort to pass as one.
He decides on a shade, setting the other tube of lipstick back down on the table. “Almost done,” he mutters, largely to himself, as he paints Blaine’s lips red with lipstick. The hand under his chin meant to hold his head up is warm against Blaine’s skin. Blaine isn’t the only person that Kurt’s ever applied makeup to and he has to wonder if it ever felt this intimate to anyone else. He hoped not, because he couldn’t sit right with the prospect of someone else feeling what it was like under Kurt’s gentle touch and careful gaze.
Soon enough, he sets the lipstick down as well, cradling Blaine’s face in his hands in such a way that he intentionally avoids destroying all his hard work. “There. Perfect.”
“Can I look now?” Blaine asks, already turning his head to look in the mirror, but Kurt stops him before he can see anything.
“Not yet! I’ll let you know when you can.” With that, Kurt took one final bottle off the vanity, pouring some of the product into his palm and running it evenly through Blaine’s curls. Blaine has used this stuff before. It was designed to give his curls a bit more weight and bounce. It was Kurt’s solution to the baby hair fineness of his natural hair without the necessitation of hair gel.
Kurt stood back to take in Blaine before him, a look of pride gracing his features. With a satisfied nod, he claps his hands together once happily. “Okay, now you can look!”
Eager to see just what Kurt had accomplished, Blaine turns to finally look in the vanity mirror behind him. And what he saw pushed a stunned gasp from his lips — a delicious mixture of reds and golds that tied into the outfit that Kurt picked out for him. The beadwork on the top made him shine and it contrasted vividly with the crimson fabric beneath the golden beads. Red eyeshadow bled into a translucent shimmer, and Blaine could now really see why it took Kurt so long to do.
It’s stunning. Everything Kurt touches turns out stunning.
Noise behind him indicates to Blaine that Kurt was setting up his camera. “I hope you like it,” he says in a tone that’s surprisingly bashful. Blaine looks over and sees Kurt fidgeting with the settings on his camera — the same camera he uses for modeling designs.
“Kurt…” Blaine approaches him, gently taking the camera from Kurt’s hands and setting it on the vanity as well. “I don’t know how you do it, but everything you create turns into a masterpiece.”
Kurt rolls his eyes. “That is hardly true,” he retorts, but the way that his eyes flicker down to Blaine’s red lips tells a very different story. “Though I will say I did a good job this time.”
“The best job,” Blaine counters. Then, looking at the long pale expanse of Kurt’s throat, Blaine concocts an idea. He just hopes Kurt won’t be too upset with him about it. “I should really find a way to congratulate you.”
“Yeah? And how do you plan to do that?”
“I think I may have an idea.” Blaine slides his hands up to undo the top button of Kurt’s shirt with practiced ease. He encourages Kurt backwards until his husband is leaning against the vanity. Then, he closes in on Kurt’s neck and presses a kiss to it, leaving behind red lipstick against pale skin. The sound that escapes Kurt is somewhere between a sigh and a gasp. Blaine kisses him again, this time in the spot on Kurt’s neck that he knows always draws out the sweetest sounds from Kurt.
“Blaine, you’re going to mess up your makeup,” Kurt tries to protest, but his breathlessness betrays that he was enjoying this. Blaine kept going, littering Kurt’s throat with lipstick. He moved from jawline to collarbone, eventually reaching dangerously close to Kurt’s chest that was still hidden under his shirt. And why shouldn’t he? Kurt made him look beautiful, so it was only natural that Blaine should want to return the favor.
“Oh no, that would be awful,” Blaine responds teasingly, looking into Kurt’s eyes. Bluish-gray color swirls in Blaine’s vision and it is somehow the most breathtaking thing in the room. “I suppose you’ll just have to redo it all over again afterwards, then.”
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mrsreginagold · 3 months
Fic: Immaculate Dream
Fandom: Nikita 
Pairing: Ari Tasarov x Nikita Mears (Nikari)
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Season 3 Canon Divergent AU. Ari survived and Nikita is not engaged or romantically involved with Michael. 
Summary: Nikita is very distracted by Ari’s presence. 
Author’s note: Blatant Ari fanservice drove this one, brought on by how Peter happens to be exceptionally gorgeous in blue (and out of it for that matter). 
On AO3
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Immaculate Dream
            It was her own fault really. She had been the one to pick that specific set out, and now she had to pay for the decision. 
            The main problem was that Ari Tasarov, attractive devil he was, had the natural tall, lean build which happened to look good in just about anything. 
            Currently: it was a light blue, thin, slightly sheer button-down shirt that managed to hug the contours of his broad chest perfectly and clung to the muscle of his arms, paired with black slacks.
            The way the outfit hung perfectly on his elegant form only served to scratch at the itch to see it removed and discover just what hid beneath the layers of fabric. 
            Nikita Mears swallowed and did her best not to stare when the former head of Gogol decided to take a seat next to her before the next scheduled Division briefing. As he was sticking around for the foreseeable future and aiding with intel – it only made sense that he would stay close to her, particularly since she had been the one to save his life. 
            It was just luck that they were the only two people in the meeting room so far.
            “Good morning,” he murmured, sliding his chair an inch closer.
            “Morning,” she flipped a pen around in her fingers in an attempt to appear casual. “How’s the apartment?”
            “Much easier to get a decent night’s sleep in than the cell they provided here,” he admitted, reaching for his coffee mug. 
            She plucked up her own, filled with tea, and took a sip. “Not to mention there’s a private bath, which is nice after weeks of dealing with our showers.”
            “True,” he agreed, blowing gently at the hot liquid before drinking it. 
            Feeling more at ease, she turned to speak to him more candidly, only to notice that he had left several buttons to his collar undone. Her eyeline strayed directly to the chest hair that peeked over his clavicle.
            God dammit Tasarov, stop being a temptation, she thought helplessly, her brain immediately going into fantasy-mode. 
            She imagined something decidedly not safe for a work environment: involving clothing being torn right off and the table they were sitting at being requisitioned for a long-desired lovemaking session. Probably not sanitary, but lord help her – she wanted this man. Badly.  
            Ari took note of the glazed-over look in her eyes because he waved a hand in front of her face, brows knitted in concern. “Earth to Nikita.”
            She managed not to keel over despite her precarious position close to the edge of her chair and straightened up her back immediately. “I’m fine!”
            His mouth twitched, clearly suppressing a laugh, and he placed a palm over her forehead gently. “You sure? You looked a little flushed.”
            Well, it wasn’t exactly how she wished for him to place his hands on her; but she’d take it. She leaned into his touch instinctively and shook her head. “Really, Ari, I’m okay.”
            Slowly, he nodded and let go. “You’ve been on several missions in a row lately. I can’t help but worry that you aren’t taking proper care of yourself.”
            Her heart flipped. “You worry about me?”
            “Of course I do,” his tone grew soft, and his gaze was tender. “You saved me; I would hate for anything to happen to you.”
            “That’s so sweet,” she murmured, getting quickly lost in the blue of his eyes. “When did you get so thoughtful?”
            “I’d like to think that I’ve always been,” he was leaning closer. And they were still alone in the room. No one would notice. 
            It was impossible to tell if he moved or she did but in the next second, their lips were brushing in a chaste kiss. 
            He pulled back first, to study her, hope evident on his handsome features that only served to make her want him more.
            She cursed inwardly when the door to the room opened and several of her co-workers walked in. 
            The pair quickly righted themselves, but Ari took her hand under the table and squeezed at it lovingly. “We’ll discuss this in greater detail later, all right?” He whispered. 
            “Yes. Later.” She entwined their fingers together, refusing, for the moment at least, to let go of him just yet.
            It turned out that getting to that promised point proved downright torturous. Due to how mundane all the reports ended up being, Nikita’s mind wandered directly to Ari, since he was sitting beside her.
            The thoughts became increasingly risqué the longer she had to remain there, not helped by her companion discreetly touching her hand or leg under the table whenever he had a chance. 
            What was especially maddening was the fact that his motives were entirely innocent. There was nothing overtly sensual about the way he laced her fingers with his. It was the sheer factor of his warm, soft skin brushing along her own that sent her whirling into outright fantasies that would make the most skilled of romance novelists blush. 
            She was part-way through an imaginary scenario involving strawberries when their boss, Ryan, finally ended the briefing. 
            Delighted, she looked at Ari and gestured that they should leave, when the head of Division cleared his throat. “Actually, you two, if you have a minute…”
            Nikita’s expression fell. God fucking dammit. 
            Sensing her disappointment, Ari merely stood and inquired. “This won’t take long, will it? I’ve been meaning to treat Nikita to a meal.”
            “No, it’s just that I got that request of yours finally cleared, Tasarov.”
            “A request?” Curious, Nikita rose as well.
            “Yes, regarding the tracker implementation. After what happened in South Ossetia, I don’t exactly blame you for not trusting our medical staff, but they were under orders from me and Michael at the time. I assure you that we won’t be putting anything in without your express permission. And Nikita…he wants you.”
            She blinked rapidly. “Beg pardon?”
            “I want you to put the new tracker in,” Ari elaborated, amusement crossing his face from seeing how red hers had gotten. 
            Embarrassment only made her color deepen and she cleared her throat. “You sure about that? I’m not exactly medical trained.” 
            Strong fingers wrapped around her hand, prompting her to look directly into his stunning, cobalt-hued gaze. “I’m positive. I trust you, Nikita. More than anyone else here.”
            “It’s a simple matter of being shown how to use the device,” Ryan added, breaking the mood slightly. “You can be in and out in about ten minutes.”
            “In that case, why don’t we go ahead and get it taken care of so we can have that lunch that’s been long delayed?” Ari suggested. 
            Doing so would alleviate her nerves on the matter, and as a bonus – she would finally get to see what he looked like with his shirt off, which ultimately was what drove her to nod in agreement. 
            Luckily, learning the basics of tracker implants didn’t take long at all, and the technicians were quick to leave them alone after. It was almost as if they sensed that what was about to occur would be a very intimate moment. 
            The concept was not lost on Nikita one bit while she ensured that she had loaded the device she held correctly, willing herself not to shake.
            Ari stood behind her. He’d observed the whole tutorial and was quick to place his hands reassuringly on her shoulders. “Breathe.”
            “I should be saying that to you,” she turned. “Are you absolutely certain –
            His mouth sought hers out, cutting off her ramble effectively with a much more passionate kiss than the one they had shared earlier. 
            Unbidden, a moan escaped her when he traced at her lips with a talented tongue, beseeching entry that she gave oh-so-willingly, and then exploring with a deft expertise that sent a thrill up her spine.
            As they embraced, he gently took the implant device from her and placed it on the gurney next to them. He then guided her hands to the buttons of his shirt. 
            She pulled away to focus on undoing them, one by one, molten heat gathering at her core the more his exquisitely built torso was revealed to her. 
            He sighed quietly when she parted the fabric over his chest and began to slide it down his arms. “Better?”
            “Well you’re giving me a distraction, so yes,” she glanced up, asking silently if it was okay to proceed. 
            He rotated his shoulders so the garment could be fully removed. 
            She tossed the shirt to the side and finally took a long, appreciative look. 
            There was something inherently masculine about a natural, yet perfectly chiseled upper body. The tone he possessed was not overwhelming but certainly enough to trace with her fingers, which she didn’t hesitate to do. 
            Her hands danced slowly across a taught abdomen and then moved up over his pectorals, pausing in order to stroke at the soft, downy hair that dusted his skin before she delicately skimmed over his broad shoulders and then down the definition of his arms. 
            She heard Ari’s breath hitch as she continued in her quest for discovery, prompting her to meet his eyes once again. 
            They stared at each other for a long, erotically charged moment before he lunged forward and kissed her soundly. 
            Nikita gasped, her balance staggering, only to be caught safely in his arms and pulled flush against the solid chest she had been exploring only seconds ago. 
            They embraced ardently, his hands wandering under the hem of her blouse, and she was incredibly glad that she had pulled a modesty curtain around the area because it was the next item to be removed. 
            “Ari…” she parted for air, and to regain a semblance of reason. “What are you doing?”
            “I’m evening the odds,” he confessed, toying with the strap of her bra but not going so far as to take it off. “I figure neither of us will be leaving until we’re properly dressed again.” His gaze trailed admiringly across her exposed torso. 
            “You’re quite a smooth operator when you want to be,” she remarked, reaching for the implant gun so she could finish her task. 
            He chuckled, low, throaty, and filling her to the brim with lust. “You were the one who started this by clearly undressing me with your eyes this morning.”
            “I was hoping you wouldn’t notice that” she muttered. 
            “Pretty sure I wasn’t the only one. Or have you not noticed just how quiet this floor has gotten?” He caressed at her long, dark hair, which was down and flowing over her shoulders. “It’s like they expect us to make love after.”
            “Oh we definitely are, but not here,” she pressed the cool metal against the left side of his abdomen. “We’re going back to your place.”
            “As you wish,” he touched his lips briefly to her temple and steadied her hand with his own. “On three?”
            She inhaled deeply. “Yes. One…two...three!”
            There was a pained sound from her companion after the trigger was pulled, which made her quickly look at him in concern. 
            The worry melted away rapidly to be replaced by a raw hunger for the man in front of her. 
            Ari’s head was tilted back, exposing the slim column of his throat, his lips parted, and eyes closed. His features were frozen somewhere between a grimace and something far more seductive, which made arousal jolt through her system. 
            Then, he shifted forward and touched his forehead to hers, his eyes slowly opening so he could look at her, promise burning in the fathomless depths.
            She discarded the device she had just used and framed his face between her hands, capturing his mouth in another passion-filled kiss before steering him towards the closest surface. “Okay, maybe we aregoing to make love here. That is if you’re not in a huge amount of pain.”
            He laughed and shook his head. “I’m sure I can handle it. Besides: you’re worth every second we spend together.”
            “And we’re still getting lunch after.”
            This only served to release more laughter.
            In spite of all – she did her best to be gentle.
The End
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keautybeauty · 1 year
Long Wear Gel Eyeliner | Keauty Beauty
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 This intensely pigmented long-wear gel eyeliner plus kajal glides on smoothly and has serious staying power all day long.  The smudge-proof, waterproof formula can be used for defined lines. It is deep in color for perfect textures. It is water-based and wouldn't harm the skin around the eyes. Visit our website for more information about gel eyeliner.
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
My Concepts For A TMNT 2012 Themed Makeup Collection
First off: Individual small eyeshadow palettes for each character. And I mean small, like, probably just 3 or 4 shades each.
So like, one shade the same color as their masks, one the color of their eye colors, and one the shade of green their skintone is. And I don't mean "Eh purple but like any shade of purple" I mean EXACT SHADE MATCH. So that gives us these nice little trio palettes, I would have them all be All Matte No Shimmers/Glitters, because...
Companion Palatte: Out The Sewers Like Lazer Beams
This is a larger palette, probably around 15 shades, 18 at the very most. It's made of colors taken from scene backgrounds, enemies color schemes, and other characters. Like a more saturated pinky-purple than Donnie's is named "Irmabot Highlights" and a neon pink named "Kick Some Kraang" and such. Obviously some dark navy blues and such to represent the common background color.
Other Companion Palette: Lean Green Ninja Team
This one is 15-18 shades as well and is based around the non-turtle main/ally characters. "Hajime" being a brown shade taken from Splinter's coat, for example, "Hey There Red" being a shade of orange like April's hair with a yellow shimmer to it like her shirt, "GOONGALA" being a high-inpact shimmer with a gunmetal gray base and lots of white shimmer (not just to match with his color scheme but also like, He Hits People Hard Enough To Make Them See TV Static As They Go Down). Things like that. This is a slightly more neutral based palette so it also includes like, the color of their shells and wrappings and such (we could also put these into the 4 palettes based on The Boys specifically, I just wanted to keep those as small and no-repeat-shades as possible).
Turtle Power Cream Color Corrector Palette/Wheel In A Shell Shape
Dude their colors are LITERALLY perfect for color correction. Orange/peachy tones cancel out blue tones like undereye darkness/dark spots left by bad breakouts, purple/lavender tones help brighten, green cancels out redness in the skin like angry breakouts or rosacea, blue is less of a color corrector though and more of a Shade Adjuster however including it means you could still mix it with a foundation that's too Warm to cool down the shade, just might work best with a cream foundation father than a liquid since you need to mix it in directly, not just apply product over it.
Same shade as those little amine-style blushy bits they get on their faces, and kind of that pattern? Like the little shape/style it is, in the actual pan. I just think it's be cute.
Makeup Tools Shaped Like Their Weapons
Brush with a Bo style handle and the actual bristles are gray and angled like the blade at the end. One of those things people use to block their crease from getting eyeshadow fallout shaped like Mikey's bladed part (I tried looking up the name but there were a few variations of that and I wasn't sure which was right), angled eyeliner/brow brush like Leo's blades, eyeliner pens shaped like Raph's Sai, and I'm thinking an actual hand fan that looks like April's tessan to help dry the face is you use setting spray during makeup.
I've been trying to come up with fun lipsticks but I can't think of anything rn I'll update later though if I come up with anything.
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crosseyedcricketart · 6 months
Sephora 2024 Spring Sale
The spring Sephora sale is upon us! This one is always fun for me since my birthday tends to fall in this sale, so I get a sale and a birthday present for me. So, this is my own little wishlist I have for Sephora, and what I’d really like to get during this sale.
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my little wishlist:
dew blush liquid blush in spicy, baby, chilly
sun melt natural cream bronzer in fair bronze
slip tint concealer in 1
glow sculpt cream highlighting blush in pink glow
slip tint tinted moisturizer in 1
glossybounce lip gloss oil in bounce, push, dip
flush balm cream blush in rouge, stockholm
the minimalist complexion stick in silk
bronze balm bronzer
signature lip satin lipstick in millennial, l’avenue, 1990
signature lip matte lipstick in vermillion, power, maison, classic
day glow dewy highlight in cava
shade slick tinted lip oil in sangria, pink beet, falcon, taupe, bel air
I have really been wanting to try out merit and saie beauty recently; I have absolutely loved their branding and philosophies so it’s only a matter of time before i get some of their products for myself. I am someone who doesn’t really like traveling with powder products since they are more likely to shatter; i’d rather have cream products, where even if they break, i can use them in a different container instead of having powder everywhere. All of these formulas are creams or liquids that are perfect for me to travel with. Plus, all of these products would be what I would reach for when I wanted a little pick me up, not so much full glam full cover makeup. I think the last time I did that was for my high school senior pictures. Because I was being professionally photographed.
I do have a larger beauty wishlist, but these are my want-wants, really, as opposed to what i would like to try and use daily.
yves saint laurent couture mini clutch eyeshadow palette in 100, 400
rare beauty soft pinch luminous powder blush in happy
rare beauty positive light silky touch highlighter in enlighten
tom ford eye color quad in nude dip, rose topaz, sous le sable
tom ford shade and illuminate contour duo in 0.5 intensity
tom ford eye defining pen eyeliner
huda beauty creamy obsessions eyeshadow palette in natural brown
patrick ta major headlines blush duo in just enough
patrick ta major dimension III matte eyeshadow palette
huda beauty rose quartz eyeshadow palette
mango people dewy glow cream highlighter
mango people cream blush & lip stick in cherry
tower 28 all-over hydrating concealer
natasha denona my mini dream eyeshadow palette
tower 28 shineOn lip jelly gloss in xoxo
natasha Denona glam eyeshadow palette
alpyn beauty super peptide & ghostberry moisturizer
farmacy lip smoothie lip balm
saint jane beauty luxury sun ritual sunscreen
mara sea silk lip balm
mara algae + moringa sea sculpt body oil
chia + moringa algae enzyme cleansing oil
mara seadream crème moisturizer
soft services speed soak gel body moisturizer
soft services buffing bar exfoliating body bar
soft services carea cream moisturizing + softening body lotion
merit great skin instant glow serum
oui the people hydrating body oil in orange blossom
summer fridays rich cushion cream moisturizer
Most of my skincare wants are just more rich moisturizers. I tend to have dry skin, unless it’s peak summer when it feels like I’m in a rice cooker, since that is super humid.
No matter how much I love beauty products, I do not wish to have the 2016 makeup collections, where there is so much that it is useless. If I ever get there in my career, I fully intend to give that surplus to someone who could use the bulk of it, like a makeup artist. I don’t know if I’ll ever get there, but I know I don’t want 80 foundations just rolling around in a drawer. That goes for skincare too; I do not want the skincare tiktoker collection that will expire in 6 months. I think, in a small thought, the best way to actually review that much product without wasting it would be to keep notes on the different products and how they worked, and how they compare to other products as a frame of reference, then use the product. I know for me that if I really need to use a skincare product before it goes bad, I’ll use it on my body. But that also would take more effort than a lot of people want to put into something, and I’m aware of that.
That is my little Sephora round up here for this spring and summer, and if you’d like, you can share with me what you’re looking at for this sale, or what you’re not looking at. Knowing me, I’ll end up just getting two products from this sale.
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🎃Spookalicious haul 🆓👁‍🗨💲🎃🥷🏻🧛🏼‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧝🏿‍♀️🕷🕸🦉🦇🌙🦴🍬🍭🕯♥️➡️🆕🆕⬅️♥️🥷🏻
Total- idk? Somewhere around $520 not including taxes obviously. Also RIP pic quality T^T
- Crème Shop Hello Kitty Double Cleanser x2
-Crème Shop Hello Kitty Dewy Face Cream
-Crème Shop Hello Kitty Face Wipes
-Crème Shop Hello Kitty Milk Toner
-Crème Shop Hello Kitty Brightening Serum
-Pr0fû$ion Rituals Palette
-Pr0fü$ion Rituals Lipstick
-MUR Beetlejuice Eyeliner
-MUR Beetlejuice eyeshadow palette x2
-MUR Beetlejuice house eyeshadow palette x2
-MUR Beetlejuice Handbook for the Recently Deceased Face Palette
-MUR Ghostin Black Lip Kit
-MUR ghostin cherry eyeliner
-MUR Ghostin Lip Stain
-MUR Ghostin blood spray
-Hard Candy Punk Monochrome Eyeshadow Quad
-Wet N Wild White Liquid Lipstick
-Salon Perfect Press on Nails x6
-Bloody hair accessories
-Witchy String Backpack x2
-Crème Shop Hello Kitty Face Mask
-MUR Midnight Kiss Lip Kit
-MUR Midnight Kiss lipstick
-MUR Bright Lights Highlighters x2
-MUR Terror transformation liner set
-Milani Liquid Contour Wand
-NYX Milky Lip Gloss (Got it bc it looks like c*m LOL)
-NYX SFX face and body paint
-NYX Shine Loud purple liquid lip duo
-NYX Shine Loud teal liquid lip duo
- NYX lip pencils x2
-NYX loose glitter
-Colourpop supershock shadows x3
-Lash paradise mascara (my new fav)
-Truly Heartbreaker Lip Mask
-Jar of tiny Swarovski type of gems x4
-Jar of loose black glitter
-Earrings Set
-Hair Flower pin
-Skeleton flower hair clips
-Spooky thigh highs x2
-pack of bat confetti balloons
-Creep it real patch
-Label Stickers
-fine liner brushes x2
-word plaques
-Ghost Pin
-2 big black buttons
-glow in the dark hair ties
D011@R TR33
-LA colors Face primer
-LA colors lip duo (best smelling lip product, high or low end. HANDS DOWN.)
-silicone beauty blender
-Ioni mascara
-Ioni individual lashes
-Pink Microtip brush pen
-Wet N Wild clear lipgloss balm
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stardial · 2 years
how/where do i get started with doing makeup like how you do yours?
my makeup in those latest pics is actually fairly simple! for most of my face it’s just foundation plus some blush on my cheeks; and then eyeliner, eyeshadow, and mascara for the eyes; and a dark red plus a glittery magenta lipstick for my lips!
i do shoplift most of my makeup. which is hard but yknow, it’s cheaper 🤪. most of my stuff is just like. the cheapest i could find. the only exception is that i do use and love loreals superliner, mainly cuz the sponge tip on those is a great shape for me!
i also complement that with any brush tip liquid eyeliner i can find (they look like little pens with the tip made out of brush instead. main advantage is that they almost never go dry, which the sponge tips do very fast)
i started out doing basically just eyeliner. i’d look at some pics of how other ppl did it, and try to copy that (it also helped that i do draw a little from time to time, so i’m decent at being precise with the pens ^w^). the most important thing early on is, i’d say, just figuring out what shapes look best for you!
as for eyeshadows and lipstick and stuff, just do whatever you think looks nice! a lot of the work i put in doing makeup is just trying to think of various things i could do that look good!
basically i’d just say: experiment a LOT, and look at what others r doing for inspiration! don’t try to copy exactly, because that’s hard and you’ll usually just end up disappointed, but do try to put aspects of various looks you find into it ^_^
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melodiousramblings · 1 year
~ A few of my favorite things! ⭐️ ~
Tagged by @seiya-starsniper ! A random list of stuff I absolutely love. No number requirement, just however many you want!
My best friend :3 ❤️
Popcorn (I can eat it by the buckets)
French baguettes (or just bread in general, but omg my weakness for a good crusty baguette with butter)
Kingdom Hearts
YuGiOh/Seto Kaiba
Miraculous Ladybug
Liquid eyeliner
Ferrero Rochers
Ice cold water on a hot day
Papermate InkJoy gel pens
My collection of air plants on the windowsill of my work desk
When the house is quiet and peaceful for once
Not the heat, but the long sunny days of summer
Finishing a long, amazing fanfic
I’m sure there’s more, but these are off the top of my head.
Tagging: @head-full-of-things and @sapphira-mydnyte
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bestcampinggear · 5 months
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Best 48 Waterproof Liquid Eye Liner
Best 48 Waterproof Liquid Eye Liner - waterproof liquid eye liner,waterproof liquid eyeliner,waterproof liquid eyeliner black,waterproof liquid eyeliner pen,waterproof liquid eyeliner dark brown,eye liner liquid liner waterproof,liquid eye liner waterproof smudge proof black,eye liner waterproof smudge proof liquid
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