#Best In Class
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This one is also a Best in Class submission. Best in Class is a collaborative seed world where the community chose what the planet was seeded with, and now, in the first phase we are creating descendants of those seeded animals 25 Millions of Years later.
Spectember day 13: Marine Metamorphosis
Sargamander (*Benthasalamandra biforma* - Two forms bottom salamander)
Ancestor: Japanese giant salamander
Diet: Carnivorous
Habitat and range: Sargassum fields on the ocean floor surround the Charlie Archipelago, northeastern coast of Wallacea.
A descendant of the Japanese Giant Salamander, the Sargamander is an amphibian with an interesting life history. Living in the temperate waters surrounding the Charlie Archipelago, these salamanders start their life in the water column. After hatching, the free-swimming larvae congregate into large schools where they find safety in numbers. The larvae have well developed eyes, a stream-lined body possessing a lateral line, fins and a long, muscular tail with a fluke in the end. They eat zooplankton early on, but later turn into fish fry and then small fishes.
After some time they start to develop into adults, losing the tail fluke, almost losing their eyes, turning their fins into walking limbs again and most importantly developing many and many folds, wrinkles and strips in their skin. These folds, wrinkles and strips are a mimicry of benthic sargassum that live on the seafloor. The adult Sargamanders lives in close relationship with those algae, living buried among them, waiting for an unsuspecting prey to pass by, such as fish. After which they will suck in the prey with a strong suction force, leaving the prey to no reaction time.
Differently from the larvae, adults have extremely slow metabolisms and don't need food or air very often, surfacing to breathe every 20 hours or so. Funnily enough they have lost their cutaneous (skin) respiration, relying solely on atmospheric oxygen to survive.
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ladykf-writes · 8 months
FF7 Fanfic, Best In Class
Fic Summary: This world of ours is starting to strain along its fault lines, threatening to reach a breaking point that no one can imagine let alone fix. This is something that needs to be taken care of before it happens. Changes need to be initiated from a civilian level up. In this essay I will —
——— save the world.
This is the fic we did the poll about, guys; canon divergent ReGen goodness to the tune of 'what if Genesis and Angeal had been kicked out of SOLDIER before their journey's ever began?'
Because you know having one path cut off isn't enough to send Genesis home.
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TAGS: Genesis Rhapsodos/Reeve Tuesti, Fix-It, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Scholar!Genesis Rhapsodos, Inspire!Reeve Tuesti, Magic Meta, Character Study, Worldbuilding, FF7 Lore
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Chapter 1: A New Face in an Old Debate
Summary: Even in a world where he's not a famous SOLDIER, Genesis Rhapsodos knows how to make an entrance.
Reeve laughed, short and sharp and knew there was a very good chance that his smile could be described as ‘wickedly gleeful’ but Odin’s lance he had been waiting for this. For someone, anyone to take that old man and publicly call him out as the hypocrite he was.
Well. The day had come in the form of one Genesis Rhapsodos. He was looking through the citations and noticed several of Bugenhagen’s works from over the years, several people he didn’t recognize but made note of, as well as citations from Gast, Ironheart, Hojo and—
— and him; Reeve himself was cited.
The Lifeblood of a City was, if not the first interview he’d done as ShinRa Director, one of the first, and that was why he remembered it so clearly even some eleven years later. He’d figured it was as good as any place to start, familiar with the people at Junon Academic Press as having handled articles and interviews with and about his favorite instructors and lecturers. Genesis had also grabbed The Power of Midgar which Reeve had agreed to a year ago, more or less because PR said it would be good for the department, to remind the city of its stewards’ hard work.
The fact that someone would not only find his work, but cite it in a formally presented paper that would surely not be overlooked by greater academia was a funny feeling. And it wasn’t that he didn’t recognize he was the authority in his field, he did. But it was a small group indeed who really, truly understood that.
Rhapsodos talked about his work like someone who didn’t know was majorly out of the loop. Like Reeve’s voice mattered beyond the walls of Urban Development, beyond ShinRa. It gave him a flustered, fluttery sort of feeling that he couldn’t articulate.
“I have to meet him,” Reeve whispered to his empty office.
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dlyarchitecture · 2 years
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sylvies-kablooie · 8 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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novaneondream · 1 month
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Anyways what kind of music do you think Eri listens to
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maxxdeliverycanada · 4 months
Efficient delivery is key to construction success! MaxxDelivery.ca is transforming Toronto’s construction logistics with on-time material deliveries and advanced tracking technology. Avoid costly delays and ensure your projects stay on track. Trust MaxxDelivery.ca for precision and reliability. #Construction #Efficiency #Toronto
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htghunter · 1 year
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canisalbus · 5 months
*carefully picks you up and peeks into your conch snail shell*
Ehm... Sorry to bother, but... Could we, maybe, possibly... see Vasco's wife and her lover pictured by your hand? Sorry again, thank you for listening. Take care.
*delicately lays you back into the water to prevent any stress or dehydration*
Unfortunately I don't have her lover figured out yet, but I think Ludovica looks something like this:
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gouinisme · 1 year
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i vote that next year instead of reading Dracula we do a Jeeves & Wooster Book Club. those two never got the rabid tumblr shipping fandom they deserved (disqualified for the sheer technicality of being published a century too soon). we must correct this injustice
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The Grapplebill (Hamorostri) Order is Endemic to Muirlandia, being the main predators of the continent.
They receive their name due to their characteristic beak shape and hunting method. Small to medium sized grapplebills behave very similarly to the extinct Maniraptorans of Earth, holding themselves into prey using specialized sickle-shaped claws and balancing using the wings and tail fan. However there is one crucial difference, the grapplebill parrots also use a namesake - their hooked upper bill - to hold onto prey, using the sharp lower bill to slice the throat of prey, much like saber-toothed cats and other predators from Earth. For a stronger and more precise bite these birds have fortified their necks, making them short but strong, losing most of the neck mobility seen in most birds.
Green Bushkee (Interfector viridis - Green killer)
Ancestor: Kea
Diet: Carnivorous
Habitat and range: Central forests of Muirlandia
50 Centimeters tall keas who live in small communities in tree or ground nests, sometimes appropriating the burrows of dicynodonts. These communities consist of 2-5 individuals who hunt mostly alone, targeting small birds and dicynodonts, but will cooperate to take down larger prey.
Still flighted and hunts in crepuscular periods to avoid competition with other similar sized predators. Once prey is found they ambush it, clinging themselves to the sides/back of the animal, securing themselves with the two sickle claws in the front of the feet. Then they hook themselves with the beak generally in the neck region, after which they start to stab the unfortunate victim with its lower beak, in hopes of hitting an artery.
Tyrant Hookbeak (Parrex tyrannus - Tyrant Royal Couple)
Ancestor: Kea
Diet: Carnivorous
Habitat and range: Central and Eastern montane forests of Muirlandia
In the warm forests of Muirlandia lives one of the largest Kea descendants of 25 Millions of Years after seeding. It is the Tyrant Hookbeak, or Parrex. A 2 meters tall predatorial parrot from the Hamorostri (Grapplebills) order, a Kea order endemic to Muirlandia with a distinct way of killing prey.
These parrots live up to more or less 30 years of age and are monogamous, never changing partners even after the death of one. The chicks (generally 1-3) are tended by both parents for 5 years, after which they are independent and go off to live with other Parrex of the same sex for another 5 years. After reaching sexual maturity at the age of 10 they go looking after another Parrex to mate with. After a series of vocalizations to locate each other they show off their UV coloration in their plumage, the female gets to decide if the male is worthy of mating with if the plumage is bright enough to her taste. After which they go off to settle a new territory and make daily calls to warn off other Parrexes.
They live in forests that are pretty open due to the trampling done by large animals such as Dicynodonts and herbivorous Kea descendants, and thus have adopted a brown plumage dotted with white on the dorso, mimicking the pattern of sunlight hitting the forest floor or tree trunks.
Tyrant Hookbeaks gain their name from their characteristic beak with three hooks on the upper bill and gory method of hunting. All Grapplebills have a distinct hooked beak, strong neck muscles and flexible Cranial Kinesis that allows them to hunt prey in a unique way.
Parrex hunts in pairs in adulthood. After locating prey one of them goes to a set hiding spot and waits, while the other goes into startling prey and drives it to the hiding partner. When in close proximity the Parrex that was hiding ambushes the prey, hooking itself into the prey, generally in the neck, where it is easier to hit an artery. Once hooked the parrot will start stabbing the prey with its sharp lower beak, causing severe trauma and blood loss if not hitting an artery, killing the prey not long after.
Green-crowned Gorer (Caedis bicolor - Two colored gorer)
Ancestor: Kea
Diet: Carnivorous
Habitat and Range: Western, Central and Northeastern forests of Muirlandia
1 Meter tall parrots possessing long strong legs used to kick prey much like the Seriema or Secretary bird from Earth. Even possessing a raptorial claw in the feet used to stab small prey. However, as members of the Hamorostri order they still use their strong necks and hooked beaks for killing prey. They live and hunt somewhat similarly to the Parrex, however they tend to live in larger groups, between 2-6 or even more depending on the prey. Cooperating to take it down and feast as a group.
Their hunting method is almost like a mix of the hunting methods of the two previous parrots. Startling prey and driving it to an ambush, then attacking it using the hooked beaks. However they use more kicks with the sickle claw in addition to the beak. They are flightless but still retain sizable wings used in balance when attacking prey.
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ladykf-writes · 7 months
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Tagged by @yuzukimist - thanks hon! The below is a snippet I just wrote in my current working on CH 16 of Best in Class.
“As long as you know you don’t have to hide from me,” Reeve insisted, “I’m not so fragile that I can’t handle such polite disagreement.”
I... am not sure who to tag, it is literally 3:30 am where I am and while I'm not sleepy I am tired. If you haven't done it -- take it! it's yours.
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gaylittleguys · 8 months
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unstoppable force vs immovable object
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wolfythewitch · 3 months
Homework lmao
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aalyre · 1 month
one thing about the foxes that will always make me giddy is the team taking shots at their own goals knowing that andrew’s gonna catch the ball
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