#Ben x rook x kevin
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I drew Jen and Gwen grom my fanfic Fate Is In Our Hands.
#ben 10#au#female ben#jen tennyson#gwen tennyson#rook blonko#max tennyson#Verdona tennyson#famfiction#Fanfic#kevin levin#Female kevin#charmcaster#Male charmcaster#Gwencaster#Brookvin#Ben x rook x kevin#Anodite ben#Gwen 10
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| My dove | Ben x reader | chapter 1 |

Warnings : none
Word count : 5.6k
A/N : you’re an alien but you mostly look human but you have halos and wings. English is not my first language but I still hope you’ll enjoy my work
Credits : @cafekitsune for the divider
Loud foot steeps echoed in the halls,the jingles of the many trinkets of its owner followed. They suddenly stopped. In front of a metal door, the owner takes out a badge for the door to scan.
Entering their home, the person found a special communication badge sitting on their table. Whiteout a word, they simply walk towards it and listen to its message.
The self proclaimed savior of the universe, Ben Tennyson, finally arrived back to HQ. Casually slurping his smoothie and walking over to his grandpa with cross arms and partner, Rook, both having waiting for him for too long.
"Sorry I'm late" Ben takes another slurp of his smoothie.
Grandpa Max uncrosses his arms, the little frown on his face still there.
"You're not on your own schedule anymore, Ben. You can't keep your partner waiting." Ben looked tiredly at his uncle, trying to come up with an excuse.
"I was...Off saving the universe !"
His grandpa glanced over at the smoothie cup the brunet held in his hand. Ben looked at where he was staring, not understanding what that look meant.
Grandpa Max smiled. "Good luck on your patrol, maybe with some luck, you two will meet your other partner."
"Wait ! Grandpa Max, what do you mean by other partner ? Don't you just mean Rook ? because I've already meet him !"
Ben did not want to deal with another person, Rook was nice enough but what if his new partner just ends up being bossy ? Plus, he'sBen Tennyson ! The savior of the universe ! On multiple occasions !
"I thought you were aware of our other partner ?"
"Wait, you knew ?!"
Ben looked at Rook with surprise, why does nobody ever tell him anything !
"I was informed of a third party, I do not know their name or face, all I know is that they are a high ranking member of the plumbers."
"And you're only telling me now ?"
"As I've already said, I thought you knew."
Ben sighs, maybe with luck, they won't meet they're other partner.
"Come on Rook, l'est go. I'm parked over here."
"We'll take mine."
Rook show what looks like a high tech plumber vehicle to Ben's interest, only to be disappointed when the vehicle moves to show a truck belonging to his grandpa's shop.
"Wow, I bet the girls all start screaming when they they see this ride rolling down on the block."
Rook only looks at him with confusion. "Females are not afraid of my vehicle. But they probably should be."
Rook smiled, taking his keys and activating his car, it slowly transformed into a more intimidating mini spaceship with the plumber symbol on its wings. Ben's mouth was agape at how cool the vehicle looked. Smiling while glancing at Rook.
"Sometimes, you're actually awesome."
Rook smiled. Ben quickly started to walk over the car. "Sometimes."
Rook followed Ben, not bothered by the cocky brunet's last comment. The vehicle flew off into one of the many secret tunnels, transforming back into a regular truck when it was about to enter a normal traffic.
There was no words exchange between the partners. Ben continuously slurped loudly on his smoothie, earning Rook's attention.
"I'm not familiar with human emotional cues, but are you angry at me ?"
"Nah, just bored. I'm feeling more like a tour guide then a hero lately. Over here, on your right you'll see a city and over on your left, you'll see something that we call water. Careful it's wet."
"Water is wet, I'm familiar with that."
They both smiled at each other. The brunet suddenly felt a bit of guilt for leaving Rook hanging.
"I'm sorry that I left you waiting around. I just don't want to change how I work. I've saved the universe a million times, at least." Ben takes more sips of his smoothie.
"That is why I look forward to this. I hope that the real Ben Tennyson lives up to the legends."
Ben stopped drinking his smoothie the moment he heard his name and legend in the same sentence. He looks back at his tall partner.
"Thy're legends ?" Rook nods.
"They can't all be true thought, for instance, alien X. That's just a rumor a fan made up and put on the extranet, right ?
Ben smirked."Alien X is real." He proudly claims.
"He is ?" Rook turned his head to Ben's direction.
"Show me, change into alien X right now."
"I'd better not." Rook's head turned back to the road.
Ben played around with his smoothie cup."It's a whole things."He then went on to continue drinking his smoothie, Rook gave Ben a side eye.
"Just as I thought."
"Look, find us a little heroing to do and you can tell me if I live up to the legends.
The truck suddenly rolled faster on the road. The two actively searched for any criminals or criminal activity to resolve, only for it to end up with alien eating cars that stopped the moment they saw Ben and a thief that returned the bag to an old lady.
The two heroes only ended up back in Rook's truck, observing their surroundings. Rook eating chips while Ben only lounged around comfortably.
"Some heroeing so far. At least the world is safe from car munching aliens."
Ben put his arms on the solid construct in front of him and rested his chins. He pointed out to a teenager walking by them.
"Look, some normal dude."
Ben got up from his position and sarcastically commented. "Maybe we should arrest him for jaywalking."
Rook didn't respond for some time, his keen eyes could see that the teenager had some kind of alien technology.
"His phone shouldn't be powered here on earth. Is that normal ?"
The teenager with black and red hair, held some kind of phone, wired to his backpack.
"No, that's not normal."
They both got out of the truck and followed the edgy teenager into a dark alleyway in a not so discreet manner. Catching the attention of the teen, who ready himself to shoot them. Ben used himself as a shield to protect Rook, the teen hastily runs away.
"You're welcome."
Ben says to Rook as they both quickly got up and chased down their attacker. The attacker take another turn toward a dark alley. Before the duo are able catch him, the teen gets in his car and drives away. Ben smiles and gets up before Rook.
"Finally, some action."
Ben runs directly towards a wall while using his omnitrix.
"Bigchill, will let me cut right into these buildings."
Only for him to transform into some kind of fire alien and slam himself into the wall. Ben scratches a bit his head, Rook joins his side.
"Heatblast ? Seriously ?"
Ben and Rook both look at the giant building in front of them.
"Time to improvise."
The brunet used his fire powers to fly over the building and catch up to their attacker. The edgy teen tried to shoot the flaming alien, only to barely manage to pass by Rook's truck. The later transform his truck into a flying plumber ship and chased the teen with Ben.
Ben was able to use his flame powers to melt the red car's wheel. His omnitrix started beeping, signaling that it was about to go on cool down. As Ben transformed back into a human, he braced himself for the pain of the crash against the floor.
On the other hand, the edgy teen took that opportunity to run away. Before the teen could get away, a figure appeared in the sky and tackled him.
Rook quickly got out of his car, only to be meet with a [hair color] haired girl cuffing the teen as he protested.
"What is your deal ?! I wasn't doing anything !"
Earning a harsh pinch on the ear from the girl.
"I just saw you attempt shooting two member of the plumber's organisation and actively running away from them with no justification. You'll complain to the judge, not me."
"And a super hero !" Ben joins Rook side, looking as perplexed .
"Who are you ?"
The girl turned her head away from the criminal and the omnitrix user. She handed over the criminal to the taller alien.
The multiple rings above her head shining beautifully under the moon, two of them were golden, spiky and crossed, near the back of her head but still large enough to be visible while another less large golden halo floated directly above her head.
She wore a pair of black short and black shirt that went up to the middle of her neck, the shirt exposing her shoulder with lower frilly [favorite color] sleeves over long black sleeves that stopped at her fingers, only exposing her ring and index fingers . On her thighs [favorite] thigh bracelet, and [favorite color] flat shoes.
The many flower and bell trinkets on her stood out : on the three floating rings near her head, on her ankles, her sleeves and her waist.
"I am [name], no last name. I am a
Magister under the plumber organisation and your new partner."
Rook's eyes widened while Ben still looked unimpressed.
"I am Rook Blonko. You really are magister [name] ? It's an honor to meet you." Rook's eyes shined with admiration.
Before Rook could advance towards you, Ben stopped him.
"How can we trust you ?"
The halo floating directly above her head moves in front of her, she puts her hand through it and takes out a plumber badge.
"Excuse me of my tardiness, the day we were all supposed to meet, I was held up by some extraterritorial affair. Don't get the wrong idea, I would rather not work with you." You pointed at Ben. "I only accepted because your grandfather requested it, I could not refuse a request from him. I owe him a lot."
Rook looked excited to work with you, Ben looked tired and disappointed. You walked over in front of them.
The two boys received a slap at the back of their head.
"How could you cause so much damage on your first mission together ?! Do you know how much property damage you've both caused ? Most of the plumber budget is wasted to fix everything you've both damaged ! Have you also thought of some aliens or people that could've been hurt ? Also about some that cannot afford insurance ?"
Ben tried soothing the pain. "Aliens have insurances ?" You pinched the bridge of your nose, already annoyed and tired. You quickly took out your plumbers badge and sent a voice message. "Send compensation to the aliens that have been harmed or have had property damage and make them sign an insurance, over." Ben only grumbles as he went on to checked the weapons the now handcuffed teen had. You stayed on the sideline while your junior plumber was holding onto the criminal, observing what the so called "hero of the universe" would do.
"Alien communicator, alien weapon...Please tell me you're working for somebody big and dangerous so I could kick his but." A vein popped up on your head, Ben Tennyson had to be one of the most obnoxious person you've had to deal in a long while.
The teenager with a red hair strip only scoffed.
"You guys wouldn't last a minute against my boss." The teen smiled proudly.
Humans are such difficult species to deal with...
There was suddenly a weird noise coming from the teen's car engine. Everyone's head turned towards it.
"This doesn't sound like a typical earth combustion engine."
"Well, lest hurry and find out." The three of you walked closer towards the red car.
"Who's opening it ?" You asked, not wanting to open it in case it was some kind of farce or explosion.
Ben looked at you with a smirk. "Ladies first !"
"Shouldn't the male go first ?"Rook responded innocently.
This poor unfortunate soul, he sadly had to partner up with a doofus.
You sighed as you opened the car engine, only to be meet with a cracking yellow container. And just as you expected there was some kind of explosion. Your wing appeared out of reflex as it shielded you and your teammates. Your right wing was as white as snow while your left one was holographic but able to protect Ben from the explosion.
"What the f-" You put your holographic wing over Ben's mouth.
"No swearing when I'm here." Brook looked amazed and shook at the same time.
"A halo, [eye color] and wings...Arr you perhaps an ornix, magister [name] ? Weren't they-"
"We'll talk about it another time. I think we have a bigger issue to deal with."You pointed at the black and yellow humanoid batteries.The little electric creature turned itself into lightening and quickly jumped onto the red hair streak teen that was trying to run away.Opening the metal backpack to reveal another one of his. There was now two megawatts.
"Megawatts ?I haven't seen these guys in years." Ben said in disbelief.
"They are Nosedeenians's from the Nosideen Quasar planet. They are know for being mischievous, not knowing the repercussions of their actions but do not hold any ill will against humans unless provoked." You take out one of the many trinket decorating your halos, specifically a flower formed only with cubes. The moment you touched it, it recognizes you and formed into a tablet with a special pen provided with it. You starts writing down everything that happened until now.
"We get it Einstein but I think the name I found is way better." Ben proudly proclaims.
"Are they registered in the intergalactic data or library ? I think not. Also, who is this Einstein ?" You said while looking at the official information recorded about the species on your tablet.
"Then I'll have to request it, they'll for sure are going to accept mine immediately !" Ben joked, not noticing the side eye you were giving him.
"I doubt it." You returned to looking through some of the files, taking his words literally .
"Your sense of humour is as dry as the Sahara desert..."
"I do not want to interrupt your conversation but what should we do about these Nosedeenians ? I haven't face a nosedeenians until now. Any advice ?" Rook turned towards you and Ben. You all watch the megawatts electrocute the other teen. Before you or Ben could answer, one of the humanoid batteries used its power to pass through the blue alien's weapon only to shock him afterwards.
Ben looked tiredly at Rook being shocked by the two megawatts.
"Try not to let them zap you."
"Is that the only advice you can give ?" You gave him a disappointed look.
"Got any better, miss know it all ?" He asked with sarcasm laced in his voice.
"Good point." One of the batterie like alien was now attempting to zap you. The electricity only passed through your halos and transferred itself to Ben.
"Ow ! Watch it !"
"I can't control where electricity goes." You feigned innocence.
"Can't control my ass ! I can see your huge smile ! How did it even not affect you ?!"
"My halo's can conduct electricity and transfer it wherever I want." You pointed at them "Also as stated before, do not swear in my presence."
"Well now thanks to you, I took your hit." After having their fun, the two Nosedeenians teleported themselves on an electric post. Taunting the three of you and afterwards trying to escape.
"We need to stop them !"
"Already on it." You and Rook said in unison. Rook and Ben started to chase the Nosdeenians while you used your wings to fly after these two little devils. Accidentally leaving behind the edgy teen, leaving him the opportunity to run away.
Even though you were pretty fast with your wings, the Nosedeenians were faster as the they travelled in their electric forms.
"If only we were in a more isolated area..."
You muttered to yourself.
"Says the person who literally is flying."
Ben's voice popped up in your earpiece.
"Which direction did the Nosedeenians take miss [name] ?" Rook's voice joined.
"Left and then straight" You informed them trying to catch up to the Nosedeenians.
You could see from where you were that Ben had transformed into what he called "clockwork" or a chronosapien. Rook had taken another route in hopes of ambushing the two black and yellow batteries. One of them had seen you catching up to them so casted electric shocks your way. You dodged many of them but they still managed to hit you, leading the little gadget creating your left wing to malfunction.
You safely landed near Tennyson, struggling to run in his clock form.
"Glad to see ya join us in this little chase..." Ben, still able to crack a joke even though he could barely breathe.
"Save it, we're losing them."
Your way was blocked by Ben who took a pause from running, too much out of breath.
"You're blocking my way ! Dam it, we've lost them !" You said a bit pissed, not at Ben but at yourself.
If I was able to dodge that beam then we wouldn't be here...
To both of your surprise, the little creatures returned towards you, taunting you.
"Wait could it be..." Before you could finish your sentence, the Nosedeenians were already back running. You and Ben both shared a glance and nodded at each other. You started to push Ben a bit to make him move faster, you weren't the strongest but you were at least trying.
When you arrived near the stairs, Rook cached up. You all watch the Nosedeenians going into of the warehouse. A beeping sound started to go off and shortly, Ben returned to his human form. He was clutching on you for dear life, taking multiple breathes. You really couldn't car less at the moment. Rook appeared worried as he approached the savior of the universe.
"Are you okay, Ben ?" Ben raised his hand for second to signal for more time.
"Give me a sec, so I don't hurl..." Rook turned his head back at the warehouse. "It's a miracle they didn't escape a chronosapien." Rook commented.
"They must have wanted us to follow them. I see no other reason." You responded. You were starting to get annoyed with the 'savior of the universe' sweating and panting while holding onto you. He better not use you as his personal napkin or puke on you. On the other hand, Rook, being the angel that he is was more preoccupied by Ben's state.
"Do you need more time ?"
"No, but if you see my face turning green, step back."
"Here, have this. It will probably help with your nausea." You take out a [favorite color] flower and handed it to Ben. He looked at you with confusion but you insisted on him sniffing it. As Ben took a few sniff from the flower, his nausea was starting to fade.
"I don't feel sick anymore, what flower is that ?"
You gently put the [favorite color] flower back on your halo. "I think it's best if you don't know. L'est move on, we have noosedeenians to catch up too."
You walked past the boys who only exchanged a shrug with his other partner. The three of you proceeded to run to the warehouse. After carefully entering, you all hid behind crates. The sight of the huge contraption keeping in the Nosedeenians horrified you. They all looked tired and hurt. The two previous Nosedeenians you were after were trying to free their own with no success. One of the two jumped repeatedly and waved his arms at your direction.
"I see it but I don't believe it. The megawatts need our help." Ben said out loud, his voiced echoed through the whole building. You put your hand over Ben's mouth and used your other hand to make a shush sign.
"As plumbers, we need to help every species suffering from the wrongdoings of others and punish them." You whispered.
"Someone has set up a factory that uses them as a power source." Rook whispered. Rook must have seen something as he quickly pushed you and Ben further into the crates to hide. You could feel Ben's little scream on the hand you were using to silence him. Ben pushed your hand over his mouth and gave you an annoyed look. You ignored him and looked at the direction your blue partner was looking at. On the upper level, a boy with a white Mohawk and wearing alien tech passed by. The boy soon noticed the two noosedeenians trying to free the others. He jumps down and uses his machinery to confine the two aliens in it and use them as power sources.
From behind you, you could hear electric sounds approaching you. Your team looked at each other and nodded. Ben kicked the person behind you to the wall.
"Not bad." You commented, quite impress.
"You haven't seen the best-" Ben was cut off, you were all trapped in some kind of electric force field. You gave a deadpan look at Ben while he gave you a nervous grin.
The criminal, Ben had kicked to the wall quickly got up and smiled when he heard the noise of the warehouse door open. A tall men with spiked hair and makeup on his face that resembled a skull entered with the previous edgy teen that ran away before, following behind.
"You better be worth interrupting my workout for." He approached a punching bag.
The subordinates that was holding the three of you hostage in his force field looked at his boss. "Look like spies, Fistrick."
The man named Fistrick throws the towel around his neck off and start punching the punching bad.
"You got spies ? In my house of business ?" He continuously punches.
You took that time to try and fix the engine that helped you fly while Rook was trying to make his electron entanglement disrupter function. He would sometimes silently pat your shoulder so you can help him a bit. Ben on the other hand was having a conversation with Fistrick and his 'business'. By the time they had finished their exchange, Fistrick noticed too late what you and Rook were doing.
The moment the force field was destroyed, Ben had transformed into a segmentasapian or what he called 'Blox' and went to attack Fistrick. Rook was occupied fighting one of the lackeys, you trusted his abilities in combat so let him deal with it alone. You ran towards the main machine that was keeping the Noosedeenians trapped. The system was easy enough for you to hack into it but took some time to load. Before you could actually free them, Fistrick ran towards your direction and pushed you as far as he could from the computer. He activated some kind of button and jumped into a hole that had opened up. Rook and Ben quickly ran your way and helped you get up.
"Are you fine miss [name] ?" Rook asked with genuine worry.
"You did take a pretty violent push." Ben said as he helped you up. You only coughed a bit.
"I'm fine, you get used it with this kind of job." You southed the pain on your butt.
A rumbling was heard from the hole the main criminal jumped into. The three of you took a few steps back when Fistrick reappeared inside a giant robot armor with a smirk.
"You've never asked us why we needed so many of these Noosedeenians." The capsule closes, the little screams of the Noosedeenians could be heard as their energy was forcibly used for the robot. "Lest take this baby for a test drive. It looks like I'm getting my workout after all." The machine starts taking steps towards your team. You all looked a bit surprised but prepared yourselves for the fight.
"A class twelve armored mecha suit. Have any of you dealt with one before ?" Rook looked at both you and Ben. "No, how do you beat it." Ben said seriously, specifically looking at you. "You could try alien X." Rook proposes, Ben sent him a glare. "Stop it."
"I've mostly dealt with diplomatic affairs but even so, our main issues is not how we are going to take down that mech but more like how are we going to take down the mech whiteout hurting the Nosedeenian." Red dots appeared on the three of you. You all looked at where it came from, seeing Fistrick ready to fire.
You quickly ran away before the missiles could shoot you. The last one did hit all of you, you were blown to the other side of the room, the boys were only blown a few feet apart the mech.
"Woooo, I love it !" You could hear Fistrick's happy voice echo, you just wanted to punch him right now. The moment he is out of that machinery, you are so going to pluck out each of his teeth individually...
Calm your murderous thoughts [name]...
Fistrick was more focused on the boys, you used that opportunity to try and fix your wing engine. By the time you had finished fixing it, the fight had been taken outside, with Ben transforming into a Galilean. You activated your engine and your holographic wing appeared, you flew outside and landed on the roof of the warehouse. You didn't know what happened to Rook but you had to help Ben, he was being repeatedly punched by the mech. You used two of your halos to hold back the mech's fists.
"What the...Seems like little lady over there thinks she can play hero." He struggles a bit but manage to take them off and tries to throw them back at you. The halos only come back to their original places and your smirk.
"This pretty lady only needed some extra time."
"What-" He was hit by a crane. You took a few steps aside as the mech was blown away and crashed through the roof and back inside.Rook got out of the vehicle for a second and waved at you "Thank you for your help." You gave him a thumbs up before quickly joining them. Rook turned towards Ben "And you're welcome."
"You guys came in clutch." Your short victory was soon over when Fistrick jumped back outside.
"Weak." He says
"Miss [name], Ben, I think I can separate the megawatts from the suit, but It will be a difficult shot. Try and get the suit to stop moving." Rook yells out
"Yeah, thanks Rook, I'll be onto that."
"We’ll be onto it." You corrected Ben.
"Ok, excuse me but what are we going to do ?"
"Try and submerge him in the nearby water, even though it's a type twelve machine, it has many flaws."
"Already on it."
The red mech ran towards Ben, before it could reach him, Ben used his gravitational powers to throw the machine close by to the water and putting pressure on it. Fistrick tries to relentlessly get up but you used your halos to pin the machines arms down.
"You two got anything else, hero and pretty lady or are you both just one trick ponies." He says mockingly. You royally ignored him, more concentrated on using your free hand to fill out the report for the mission you are currently dealing with on your tablet.
"Hey it's my first time using this guy, and little miss [name] over there probably has more tricks up her sleeve if she is a magister." Ben gave you a sly smile that you ignored in favor of completing your report."You might be able to withstand forty G's, but I don't think the docks can. What do you think ?"
At the exact same time, the docks had crumbled under the pressure. You quickly brought your halos back in their original places before they were submerged in water. Ben continuously put the mech in and out of the water, it looked like Ben was enjoying this a bit too much. You flew to his side and elbowed him.
"Come on, don't be a party popper ! I was just about to stop anyways." Ben laughed a bit.
You gave him a side eye."Tennyson, we have to save the Noosedeenians. Then you can do whatever you want with the perpetrator, that stays in line with the law of course."
"Why do you have to make it sound like I am going to do heinous crimes ?" Ben grimaced a bit.
The mech was now floating in the air, still as a rock. You looked towards Rook and gave him a thumbs up again. The blue alien took a deep breath and shoots his arrows on the back of the red mech. The containers on it all launched into the ground, the glass shattering and freeing all the noosedeenians in it.
"Nice shot !" Ben yelled towards Rook, you quietly applauded. And again, your victory was short lived when multiple missiles were launched at your way. Half of them were after Ben and the other, you.
Before the missiles even had the chance to touch you. One of your halos swiftly moved in front of you, now extended to protect you. All the missiles were swallowed in it with no effort.
"Whoa ! That's a pretty cool trick, mind if I send you more ?" Ben, just discovering his own orbit, was controlling the trajectory of the missiles that were aimed towards him. The same Halo approach Ben's orbit and swallowed all the missiles. A second halo was placed in front of Fistrick's mech.
You looked down at the mech again. Hearing's Fistrick's worry echo in the armor. "This is not good."
You only gave him a cold glare before looking back at your fingers. At a snap, you could launch everything at him.
"Comme on miss, we can make some kind of deal ! I'll give you thirty percent of the profit if you let me go !" The only thing he managed with those words was to piss you off.
"As a magister , my duty is to punish those who harm others and do not abide by the law. Do you think I would stoop so low ? You're only receiving what you deserve."
All missiles that were engulfed in your halo all come out through the one in front of Fistrick. Sending him and his Mech at the other side of the dock.
You only dusted yourself off as you approached Ben and Rook. They were quite shaken by how scary you looked a few moments ago. You only look at them confused. "Is there something on my face ?" You frowned.
"No, ma'm !" They both exclaimed at the same time. You shrugged it off, and walked ahead of them to go arrest the criminal and clean off the area.
"That wasn't easy." Rook said tiredly.
Ben transformed back into a human and looked at Rook with a smile. "It never is."
"Are you two coming ?" You called out.
Ben and Rook jumped out of fear.
"And also scary." Rook whispered shouted at Ben.
"Talk about new partner..." Ben whispered shouted back.
You all waited for a plumber team to arrive and clean the scene. All the criminals were arrested. You finish off the report and send it off back at HQ. Uncle Max happily walked over to the three of you with his own tablet and pen. You looked up at him with respect.
"I heard there's a colony of megawatts that helps power undertown." He informed.
That's weird, you've never heard of this information before...
"Since when ?" Ben voiced your thoughts out.
Uncle Max pointed at a direction and your gazes follow. "Since now."
All the megawatts that were saved, all entered a tube and waves back with huge grins at your team. It is a pretty nice ending.
"Anytime guys." Ben saluted the megawatts with some kind of earthling sign. You probably will have to study more on human culture...
"Don't the Tennyson legends usually end with some kind of blended beverage." Rook asked curiously.
"Are Tennyson's stories really that popular in plumber school ?" You ask Rook, intrigued by the beverage. Rook nodded and you let out a hum.
"You guys mean smoothies ?" Ben shakes one of his arms. "Nah, they're more of a daytime thing. At night, it's chilly fries!" Ben walked off in the plumber spaceship with one of his arms pumped up upwards
"Are those some kind of frozen meal ?" You ask, you've never heard of such foods before. You quietly joined Ben in wherever you all were going. You had finished all your paperwork currently. Might as well indulge yourself a little tonight.
"Okay." Rook seemed a bit exasperated with the food mentioned.
As the spaceship was taking off Ben had to mention one last thing. "By the way, Alien X is real."
"Why can't I see it ?" Rook asked.
"Mister Blonko has quite a valid reason to not believe you, Tennyson." You retorted back.
"You can just call me Rook, magister [name]. I don't deserve such title from a magister like you !"
You looked the other way. "Fine, mister Rook but I believe I believe your skills are really phenomenal. I am not as impressive as you are."
"Nonsense, you are one the youngest magister in history. You deserve every merit give magister [name]. Do not call me by any title. Just Rook."
You looked down the ground. "Okay, Rook. Then only call me [name] then." You muttered, loud enough for Rook and Ben to hear the hint of hesitation in your voice. Rook smiled and gave your a thumbs up. Now his attention was back on Ben
"But still, why can't I see alien X, Ben ?"
"Guys...there's some things you're gonna have to trust me on."
"Show us some proof then. With no proof , your words are as hollow as your mind, Tennyson."
"Hey ! What did I do ?!"
Chapter 2
Taglist : @supernerdycookietrashblrr
#ben 10 x reader#ben tennyson x reader#rook blonko#ben ten omniverse#ben 10 omniverse#ben tennyson#gwen tennyson#kevin levin#kai green#Ben ten x reader#Ben 10 omniverse x reader#ben ten omniverse x reader#x reader#Ben Tennyson x yn#ben tennyson x you#ben 10 x you#Ben 10 x yn#Ben ten omniverse x you#cartoon network x reader#cartoon#cartoon network
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why is there no content of rookevin im gonna crash out
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I'm gay in another universe?!
Reboot And omni Ben talk then omni! Ben and Benjamin (AF) talk about being Bi i guess
Benjamin is based of the three Kevin's fanfic i made (fanfic of a fanfic of a fanfic) who's 26 ish
Young kid is Reboot Ben
Ben is our Ben but 20 and started dating Rook after a long pinning.
Made it like under an hour with no sleep and very sick, Enjoy :DD
#brooken#ben tennyson#ben 10#ben x rook#benrook#ben 10 omniverse#ben x kevin#ben 10 reboot#gwen ben 10#omniboyfriends#omniverse
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Nicknames for people in the tennyson group (ben's friends in his au)
Dumb: My oc (Julian)
stupid: Rex
sly: Julie
scaredy-cat: Ben
nerd: Gwen
playboy: Ben 23
badboy: Albedo and Kevin
Mammi: Kai
antisocial emo: Linn (my friend's Oc)
Allegoric autistic: Rook
#julie yamamoto#kai green#ben tennyson#gwen tennyson#albedo galvan#ben 23#kevin levin#rex salazar#linn lineoll#Malkar julian#Oc#Oc x Original#ben 10#generator rex#rook blonko
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#oot link x shiek#ss link x zelda#oot link x malon#oot link x shiek x malon#botw link x sidon#botw link x mipha#ninjago polyninja#bnha kirideku#the arcana portia x nadia#the arcana lucio x valerius#the arcana asra x muriel#ben 10 ben x kevin#ben 10 gwen x kevin#ben 10 ben x rook#star wars han x luke#star wars poe x finn#gravity falls ford x bill#gravity falls ford x mcgucket#gravity falls/the owl house stan x eda#gravity falls bill x tad strange (this one is more of a crack ship but i love it like very weird dude x very normal dude dynamic is so good
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yin & yang pt.5
Pairing: Ben Tennyson x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Summary: You were an unlikely pair, everyone could see that. But what happens when you get a glimpse into a future where your differences were too much for you to bear?
A/N: Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates! Happy Holidays <3
AA/N: Hella OOC. Once again I do not care. This part is shorter than the others and I just made it as random snippets from different episodes in Omniverse. For now I think I'm tapped out from this series but who knows maybe I'll watch another episode and want to write something
s1e3: A Jolt From the Past
Ben was not having a good day. Leave it to the universe to try and give a deep blow to his ego the second he thought things were looking up. He had expected to just go about his day, doing his job when all of a sudden, the universe decided to reward him with a new partner. Just when he was starting to get comfortable going solo.
It was only a couple of months after Gwen and Kevin had moved towns so they could be closer to Gwen's college that you had been made leader of a new task force. Details unknown to him because even though he's the wielder of the most powerful weapon in the universe, he wasn't cleared to know what his girlfriend would be up to.
Not knowing what the task force was about didn't sting nearly as much when he found out it was based on another planet, and you'd be living there indefinitely.
When you had left, Ben was in a funk for weeks, refusing to leave his bed, waiting for you to get off work so you could call him, only going through the memories of you he had; the jacket he had stolen from you, a rare framed picture of the two of you on his bedside table and more.
He had just gotten himself out of the house when 'Rook Blonko' suddenly appeared, whisking him out of trouble when he was about to embarrassingly get his ass handed to him.
And while his new partner was beginning to grow on him, Rook still found moments to drive Ben to wits end.
“It's why I'm looking forward to this. I'm anxious to see if Ben Tennyson lives up to the legends.”
“There are legends?" Ben was excited now.
“They can't all be true though, for instance, Alien X, that is just a myth, correct? And your relationship with Proctor (Y/N), that obviously must have been a result of some fan posting rumours on the extranet.”
Ben’s mouth dropped open in offense, he didn’t even know how to respond to that. Was this partner, who he has only barely gotten to like lately, seriously questioning his 3-year relationship with his future wife?
“Both of those things are true!”
Rook turned back with a small look of surprise before it dissolved and he chortled, “This is earth humour, you are being sarcastic, yes?”
“I’m not! Alien X is real, and I’ve been in a dating (Y/N) since we were sixteen!”
Rook took his irate tone in stride, shrugging like a complacent mother would humour her child, “Of course. I’m sure you’re in a relationship with the youngest ever proctor in the entire galaxy. You see, even I am capable of earth sarcasm.”
His jaw dropped even farther, "You're shitting me, right?"
"Well, if you're so insistent, why don't you show me some proof? As I understand, it is common for humans to take many pictures with their partner."
"I would if you hadn't thrown me into the canal!" He exclaimed, fishing his sopping wet phone from his soggy pocket and waving it in his face as water dripped down his wrist.
Rook didn't even blink, turning back so they could walk to the proto-truck, "Convenient."
Ben scowled, more annoyed than ever, trying to switch on his phone so he could try and show him any proof he had but it was in vain. His phone was completely damaged.
Ben stopped in his tracks staring at the now ruined phone with wide eyes. He hadn't backed anything up.
The candid snap he had taken of you while you unconsciously played with the necklace, he had given you as you sipped a smoothie. The text message where you said you loved him AND used a heart emoji. That picture of you asleep, your hair mussed, wearing only his T-shirt as you slept soundly against his chest!!!??
"Aw, man!"
Ben was lucky that he had a change of clothes at the Plumbers base. He should have known that when Rook said he wanted to stop by for a briefing, it wouldn't have been brief at all. He briefly considered ditching his partner and going home to take a much-needed nap. There really was something about water fights that tired him out more than usual.
He loitered around the mess area. All of the agents were currently on duty, so he had his feet kicked up on the table as he scrolled through his phone, absentmindedly liking Gwen's story of a picture of herself and commenting 'No one wants to see u dweebus, where's Zedd?'
"You look comfortable; almost like you're dating the proctor of this quadrant."
Ben's neck almost snapped in his shock, nearly falling to the floor in his effort to stand up. You were leaning against the frame of the door, an almost invisible smirk on your face and Ben’s stomach did a flip.
“(Y/N)! What are you doing home so soon?!” He exclaimed and bound over to you, to pull you into a tight hug.
“I asked for a week to spend with you, since I missed you so much.”
His heart jumped, "Really?”
“No.” His face fell, and you chuckled, gently tilting his chin up with a single finger as a tiny apology. He leaned into you like always and you let your eyes rake over him, tracing over every single line of his features before ending at his lips, leaning back when he attempted to kiss you.
“I just met with the Magistrata to give a brief on our progress. Due to the sensitive nature of the mission, we wanted to refrain disclosing any details over the comms." You explained, only feeling slight guilt at the sight of his sunken shoulders when you avoided his kiss again, "I did miss you, though. So, I’m on earth for two weeks before I’m deployed again.”
His face brightened, both at your confession and at the knowledge that you’d be in his arms for the next two weeks.
You chuckled again at the sight of his wide grin, “That happy?”
Ben nodded, finally capturing your lips in a sweet kiss that you intended to be short, very aware of where you both currently were. But when Ben’s hand cupped the back of your head so he could deepen the kiss, you found yourself winding your arms around his neck. It was times like this that you were reminded that Ben wasn’t the only one who was head over heels.
“Missed you.” He murmured against your lips, hand moving to gently frame your face as he coaxed your mouth open with his tongue.
“Ben, I have finished the mission repor—Oh my!”
You pulled away too slowly for your liking, but too quickly for Ben's liking, still keeping your hands on Ben’s shoulders, knowing that Ben hated whenever you parted too quickly as you tried to catch your breath.
Even as your subordinate stood at the door, averting his gaze out of respect but also still not being able to contain his shock, you still felt dizzy from the earth-shattering kiss you had just shared. It had clearly been far too long since you’d been together because while you were embarrassed that your subordinate had witnessed such a vulnerable moment of intimacy, a part of you couldn’t help but want to continue kissing him anyway.
However, you were technically currently off-duty, so you were free to kiss your boyfriend as you pleased. Technically, of course.
Still, you blinked away the stars in your eyes and stepped away from Ben, letting him hold your hand, “Blonko, it’s a pleasure to see you again.”
“You’ve met before?” Ben asked, pulling you closer by the hand and winding an arm around your waist. He sent a look to his partner that was extremely smug, but you couldn’t quite decipher why.
“I was on the selection committee to choose him. Given my experience with you, we figured it would be best for Magister Tennyson and I to be the ones to recruit your new partner.”
“A little heads up would’ve been nice.” Ben grumbled into your shoulder, now resting his head in the crook of your neck.
“You would’ve complained. It was necessary now that I’m leading the new task force. Besides, Rook is a great cadet; patient enough to deal with your temperament and dependable enough to put his foot down when you get carried away.” You explained, leaning into Ben as he began playing with your hair and interlocking your fingers with his that were on your waist.
Ben mumbled something negligible under his breath and you turned back to Rook who finally managed to compose the look of shock that almost seemed tattooed into his features.
"So, Agent Blonko, I heard from Magister Tennyson that there has been unusual activity in Bellwood. I know I'm off duty, but would you mind giving me a quick brief?"
Rook immediately took you up on your offer, eager to be recognized by proctor of this quadrant and the two of you conversed about the weird sightings that had happened as of late.
Ben didn't pay much attention to your conversation with Rook, already preoccupied with the way your thumb was running gentle circles over his knuckles. At first, he pulled you closer to prove to Rook that you were, in fact, in a relationship but he also was ecstatic that you were in his arms finally after missing you so much.
He wanted to keep showing you the affection he’d been holding back for so long, but Ben knew that if he kissed your neck right here, you’d slip out of his grasp—so he resisted the urge.
You heard his lips part and immediately responded, "Do not bite me or you're going to sleep on the couch for the next two weeks."
When you turned your head, sure enough, his teeth were inches away from your unmarred skin and he pouted, affronted, "It's not my fault you're giving him all your attention after we've been apart for 2 months!"
You rolled your eyes, casting a cautious glance at Rook before you were whispering, "Behave and you may bite me all you want back home."
Ben was all too happy to shut up and let you finish your conversation.
You certainly regretted making that promise two weeks later when the other agents in the taskforce asked what exactly you had done over your holiday to warrant marks all along your neck and collar.
s3e6: Frogs of War
You were outnumbered, outgunned; you knew that. The safety of the civilians was top priority and while their Freedom was priceless, saving their humanity meant nothing if the Earth was blown to smithereens.
Ben fighting against the Incurseans for longer could have taken down a couple more ships, but you knew it wouldn't take long for more to appear. Where was Paradox when you needed him?
A surrender really was the only option for the food of the humans and living organisms still remaining on the planet. You knew that. But the price of a peaceful surrender came at the forceful exile of the love of your life.
He wanted to fight. He wanted to go down fighting.
But fighting would only bring more destruction.
And while the thought of him living as a prisoner for the rest of his life tore you to shreds, you couldn't put his life above the countless citizens who needed you to protect their best interests.
"(Y/N)," He whispered helplessly, trying to convince you to take his side. You bit your lip, turning your eyes downward and his shoulders sank. This couldn't be the end; you didn't want him to leave with the sting of your betrayal.
You stepped forward, wary of Princess Attea that glared at you, waiting for the moment you stepped a hair out of line to kill you in your place. Heart beating wildly against your ribs, you moved toward Ben, coiling an arm around his shoulders and framing his face with your other hand before bringing him down to a passionate kiss.
Ben inhaled deeply, holding onto your waist in an iron grip, tilting his head to kiss you deeper. This was it; you were saying goodbye, the taste of apologies and pain on his lips. He didn't want to stop kissing you; he never wanted to stop kissing you. But ending the kiss meant goodbye, and he didn't want to say goodbye.
Kevin looked away uncomfortably at the sight of your tongue pushing past his lips.
You pulled away finally, lips wet but eyes dry. Ben didn't try to chase your lips like he usually did and that hurt more than you had expected it to, "I love you."
He nodded, mouth locked shut.
He was shackled shut in the escape pod and you watched with bated breath as the door shut in on him, catching a final glance through the foggy glass.
The sad smile you had meant to be reassuring had wobbled at the sight of his cheeky wink, trying hard to hide the upturn of the corner of your mouth.
His name was Bullfrag.
Only he could come up with something so imbecilic that it ended up creative. You had forced yourself not to laugh at the absurdity of it when he had introduced himself to you; appearing along with the other rebels in order to break you out of your holding cell.
You wanted him to embrace you, but he was hiding his identity for a reason, so you had to bite your tongue and meet his gaze through those stupid shades.
He knew that you knew, it was apparent in the tenderness of his touch, by the way he gently nudged you behind him, but the gestures had flown over Kevin's head, which made you question your time spent as team babysitter. Clearly, he hadn't been babysat enough. Personally, you blamed Ben for claiming all of your attention.
Once Magister Tennyson was rescued, he revealed his identity—a revelation that came as no surprise to either you or Gwen.
You didn't try to hide your relief when Ben transformed back. It might not have been obvious to many others, but it was apparent to him, judging by the immediately relaxing of your spine and your boyfriend, who knew you too well, pulled you into a hug before you could pretend like you weren't interested. Ben could feel every tense muscle in your body begin to ease once he had his arms circling your waist.
Your fingers immediately found the short hairs at the nape of his neck, heart reaching for him the second he sighed and surrendered to your hold. You exhaled, hiding a kiss to his shoulder by pressing your forehead to the fabric of his shirt.
"Are they gonna make out again? Because it was uncomfortable as fuck the first time"
Ben rolled his eyes, lifting his head from the nook of your neck, "That kiss saved my life!"
"Yeah, yeah, lover boy." Kevin drawled.
"No, seriously!" Ben argued, pulling out something from his pocket, "My amazing girlfriend passed a skeleton key in my mouth! It's how I was able to get out."
You gave him an unimpressed frown, he really should have been babysat more often in your early days, "Did you really think I would kiss him like that in front of his grandfather?"
"I mean, if you thought you were never gonna see him again?!"
You simply tutted at him, holding your hand out for the skeleton key, which he happily returned, not without a kiss to your hand and fingers, "I love you, too."
Forever Taglist:
#ben tennyson x reader#ben ten x reader#ben tennyson imagines#ben ten imagine#ben tennyson imagine#ben ten omniverse#ben ten ultimate alien#ben tennyson#ben ten alien force#ben 10 imagines#ben 10 af#ben 10 uaf#ben 10 x reader#ben 10 fandom#ben 10 ultimate alien#ben 10 alien force#ben 10#ben 10 omniverse#ben tennyson headcanon#ben tennyson oneshot
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They out of the singles club!!!!
Ben 10 meme dump
#ben 10 meme#ben 10 memes#meme dump#oc tag: ate cj#oc tag: kuya bj#oc tag: aj#cj x shim#shim x cj#rook family#Rook siblings#rook blonko#rook x ben#ben x rook#benrook#rook shar#rayona#rook shim#rook shi#rook ben#rook da#alignment chart meme#gwen x kevin#kevin x gwen#Rayona x rook blonko#Rook blonko x rayona#ben 10 ester#argit
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Benlie: Why I love these two

A lot of people in the Ben 10 fandom don’t really like this ship these days. Even back when UAF was airing, most were gushing over Gwevin and there was very little Benlie content like AMVs, fanfics or fanart. Many view Julie as a bland character and while she could have been fleshed out more, I think that’s a bit unfair as well as the idea of her being controlling, toxic or abusive. On the flip side are those that view Ben as a misogynistic incel who only saved Jennifer, Elena and Eunice to get in their pants, when he did care a lot more about Julie than some say. I am aware that there are overzealous stans who treat Benlie like the greatest romance in history and usually do it to drag down Omniverse, but many of us who still ship or enjoy it do so because we wish it could have been done better.
I like these two as a couple, partially because they’re a nice contrast to Gwen and Kevin. Gwevin was the “bad boy and smart girl” opposites attract, angst filled romance people loved. Ben and Julie by contrast are people with similar interests and personalities like Sumo Slammers, horror movies, sports and can be pretty headstrong while having a more compassionate side. Both also used “you’re not a monster, you’re better than this” to get the Dragon/Ship to come to their senses, ironically both incidents involved the Forever Knights. Friends to lovers can be overused or cliche but it can also be wholesome.
One other thing I love about these two is how they bounce off each other. Julie is someone besides Gwen who can remind Ben that there’s more to life besides being a hero, something the original Ben 10,000 struggled with and who pushes him to reign in his jerkass tendencies. Sort of like Robin and Starfire in Teen Titans. She brings out the best in him and he is aware that he’s not a great boyfriend, but he does better than most give him credit for. No hate to Benkai fans but they really brought out the worst in each other while Julie got the short end of the stick from the writers.
I also really like how she’s the one that saved him from being corrupted by the power of Dagon, keeping him from letting the power go to his head which is a nice parallel to Azmuth and Zenith. She was kind of the fourth member of the team before Rook, having helped Ben during Big Chill’s pregnancy, and helping stop the Highbreed war, Ultimate Kevin’s rampage and Ben from abusing the power of Ascalon. She also saved him twice from Elena and as well as when he got his hand cut off and was trapped in the Null Void and reassured him when his identity was leaked.

As stated above, many of us Benlie fans ship it because of its missed potential. The show should have really fleshed out their parents more as we never see them interact and Julie’s dad was shown to hate Ben in his only appearance. Julie could have staged an intervention with Carl and Sandra after the Ultimate Kevin incident and over their concerns about Ben’s fame as that arc needed more consequences. I think Julie would also have been fun to see interacting with Rook as well as the other characters Omniverse introduced.
One other reason I really like Benlie is it has a similar vibe to some of my other favorite ships like Hodaka x Hina or Connverse and it feels very animesque, which makes since as the series is quite similar to a magical girl anime. They genuinely care about each other despite their ups and downs and have a very cute vibe. I headcanon both as bisexual or biromantic given Ben’s “crush” on Nemesis and his interactions with Rook, Rex and Kevin. Julie also seems a bit queer, coming from a strict family, keeping secrets like Ship and slowly breaking out of her shell, realizing what she wants out of life.
People use them arguing or Ben screwing up as a reason it was toxic but I like seeing characters work out their issues and succeeding. They got together in AF and were fairly stable. Then conflicts arose in UA when Ben became famous and Julie began her own career in tennis, but they appear to have reconciled by the finale. Then OV could have had them as partners with Rook, having worked out their issues. Regardless of whether you like them as a couple, fans can all agree that Julie deserved better from the writers and isn’t as bad as the fandom makes her out to be. I’m aware that they were not a perfect romance but they don’t need to be for people to like them.
#ben 10#ben 10 alien force#ben 10 ultimate alien#ben tennyson#julie yamamoto#ben 10 uaf#benlie#ben x julie#essay#ben 10 fandom#Youtube#bi headcanon
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Hello, I'm angelys and I really like your comics of my favorite characters Rook Blonko x Ben 10 Men, I even love the evil versions of Ben, even the Rook family from episode 6 Bros in Space of season 2 I loved it and so why yes Don't mind, you can make a comic similar to Bros in Space, it's from episode 2 Rook Tales of season 7 and it's about Master Kundo who not only hates the idea of Rook Shar going to the Academy of Plumbers with all that technology that he hates so much but he discovers tha
No, sorry I needed the story to move faster so I had to cut things out. Benzarro and Nega Ben comics made me "waste a lot of time".
But I put a reference to Kundo in the Chapter 5, but Kundo will appear again after Ben and Rook get married.
Due to the announcement of Kevin's arc for this year and the hate because Ben wears the same clothes as in the show, I've to move on quickly. The next chapter will be the travel of Rook, Ben, Kevin and Gwen.
Also, my followers like it more than Rook and Ben being married with a daughter.
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Dc x dp fic except it's not DP and it's Ben 10, cause Ben 10 has a criminally low amount of fics compared to the DC×DP sub fandom😭
Ben (while on a mission with Gwen, Kevin, and Rook) gets K.O'd so fucking hard somehow it deadass slingshots him to another universe so fucking hard that even Professor Paradox is like "Yeah, Idk where he is 😭??"
Boom, Ben wakes up in another Dimension with amnesia, which is bad, but WAIT, it gets even worse🤩😏 the Omnitrix freaked out from the overall energy of the attack from the threat him and his team were facing that it semi life locked him in his alien forms, meaning he cant turn back into a human but can switch between the aliens
(not at will, more so situational, y'know how like some people theorize that when Ben doesn't turn into the alien he wants, it's the Omnitrix giving him what he needs)
Anyway Ben woke up with amnesia in another Dimension, boom, and now he's trapped in his alien form, double boom. Pookie is obviously very freaked out and confused, and because he obviously doesn't want to cause mass panic cause he's a freak he just kinda lurks in dark alleys and abandoned buildings. Bro accidentally becomes a local cryptid, well, multiple cryptids.
He catches sight of Signal (like it's fucking hard with that bright ass suit) and because of his color, the shape of the helmet and maybe he used his powers in a fight and thinks bro is an alien. Ben just approaches and is like "uh.. friend? :)" he quickly realizes that he's fucking WRONG but Duke is just like "yeah this might as well happen" and the accidental besties unite, then they start kissing at some point idk

#'why do u use duke as the love interest in ur ideas' BC MY BLK KIMG DESERVES SHIPS#and hes barely in 'normal' Batfam fics😭#mention#ben 10#ben tennyson#duke thomas#the signal#the batfamily#batfam#batfamily#hey pookies what should Duke/Ben ship name be🤔??#dc x ben10
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| My dove | Ben 10 x reader | Chapter 2|

Warnings : none
Word count : 5.5k
A/N : English is not my 1st language
Credits : @cafekitsune for the dividers
Chapter 1
"Still not working right, Blukic. Set it on stun, we get blast ! Set it on blast, we get low battery warning !" A Galvan complains.
"The knob is upside down, Driba." Blukic points at the knob on the blaster.
"And WHOSE jobs was that ?" Driba glared at Blukic who only hummed and pointed at him.
"Was not."
"Was too."
The two Galvans continued arguing as Ben who transformed into a crystalsapien or what he calls diamond head. Was used as a practice target for their new blaster. The brunette only yawns before transforming back into his human form. You mainly came here to inspect the base and its security, but decided on staying to see what the two galvans had created.
Ben sighs . "Come on guys, are we done here ? I thought galvans were supposed to be the smartest beings in the universe." Even if he was tired, Ben took every opportunity to be sassy and sarcastic. "Smart as in figure stuff out quickly so that Ben Tennyson could go home smart."
You click your tongue. "Didn't you agree to this Tennyson ? You should then see it through with no complaints." Your eyes never leaving your tablet, you were finishing up some reports. You enjoy doing paperwork, keeping everything well and organized. You are competent enough to manage your time with paperwork's, deadlines, meetings and missions. Work was somewhat of your hobby, so doing nothing productive makes you feel extremely uncomfortable. That's why you sometimes do the paperwork of other people to pass time, with their consent of course.
"Yeah, but I didn't think it would last so long. I've been here for at least three hours !" Ben complained. "Why are you even still here ?"
"I was interested in what these two galvans were working on. Plus, my studies aren't ready yet and working in the comfort of my room makes me feel too sleepy." You just finished proofreading for the fourth time what you had written on your tablet and pressed the sent button.
"Geez, do all magisters have to do so much paperwork ? Everywhere you go, you always write something on that tablet of yours. Doesn't it get annoying or exhausting ?" Ben quickly transformed into another aliens as the two galvans started to shoot him again. "Ow, ow !"
"Its actually relaxing, you should try doing some, Tennyson." You said his last name coldly.
"Why does everyone get to be called mister and I don't ?" Ben questions you "Also, why did we hire you guys again ?" Another question but turned to the two arguing galvans.
"Mainly to not get confused with your grandfather, maybe because I thought you were underserving of such title. But after our first mission, I can tell you're not a bad guy. Just a bit annoying at times." You received a notification from Rook, he had sent you some book recommendations about humans and their culture. You and Rook had a pretty good affinity. Two plumbers sent to work on earth, not knowing anything about its inhabitants, culture and surroundings. Even better, Rook was also very organized and a kind gentleman. Rook was almost everything Ben was not.
"What do you mean, was I some kind of bad guy in your head before ?"
"No, I just thought you acted a bit like the people back on my home planet." You answer vaguely.
"And what were people like on your home planet ? Wait, actually, where do you even come from ? Like what alien are you ? I don't mean to be rude but like I've never seen aliens like you." Ben had gotten used to the multiple beams blasting him, he was now more focused on you and your mysterious like aura.
You stopped in the middle of your writing and put your pen down for a second. "I'm an Ornix, we resemble humans but have features from an animal on earth you call 'bird'. Almost all Ornix went instinct." You paused for a moment. "I'm most likely, the last remaining of my kind. And if you ask me, it's better that way." You pick your pen back up and continued writing.
Ben wanted to ask you more questions and why you would say such a thing about your own people. But the familiar beeping sound of his omnitrix went off. He transforms back into a human but the galvans couldn't stop their firearm in time and so had lit up his pants. Ben starts screaming, startling you as you finally look his way. You almost burst out laughing seeing his predicament but held it in and went up to help him put out the flame.
After the whole ordeal, you all agreed that it was enough testing for today and walked out of the room to the corridor.
"Seriously, I'm done being your lab rat !" Ben says firmly.
"Blukic is the one who crossed the polarities !" The shorter Galvan blamed.
"You set his pants on fire." Blukic responded.
"Liar, liar !" Even so, Driba laughed a bit. You couldn't help but join in. "I don't know if it was an accident or not. But seeing Tennyson in such predicament really was one of the most funniest things I've seen. Keep up your work."
"Seriously, you guys are worst than Azmuth. Also [name], don't ever mention this again." The last part of Ben's sentences sounded a bit desperate.
"Of course, we are. Everyone is."
"That Galvan's a genius !" Druba finished off Blukic sentence.
"You don't always get the opportunity to see the oh so legendary savior of the universe, get his pants set on fire. I don't think I'll be forgetting that." You continued laughing, to Ben's displeasure. The hero was embarrassed, the only thing he could hope was for you to soon forget it and never mention it to anyone else. You could see the worry on his face. A little smile etched on your face but vanished as fast as it appeared. "Don't worry Tennyson, I won't tell anyone about it. I'm just going to tease you about it."
"I don't know if that's better but I'll take it." Ben's happiness was crushed by your last sentence but at least you weren't going to snitch on him. "Oh, also, you can just call me by my name. I think that's easier to differentiate between me and my grandpa."
You stay silent, you never really acted familiarly with any of your partners or in short your coworkers. It felt unfamiliar calling someone by their name with no titles. Sure people called you daily by your name because well, you don't have a last name. But they would always start with some kind of formal title. It's the first time you've been on a team where you could call your partners by their first names. In fact, it's the first time you've been on an actual team that didn't last less than three days.
"Okay, Ben. But that's only because I don't want to hear you bugging me about it longer." This was the best response you made up to protect your honor and the rising heat on your face.
"Am I that anoying ?"
"Yes" All three of you say in unison.
"I'm never doing this again." Ben grumbled.
Unbeknownst, two figures roam around until finding the exit. A dog growls. Its owner, a tall figure with bones as armor holds him back. "We have everything we need now, boy. No secrets are safe."
The next few days passed by, not much happened since then. You mostly stayed behind at the HQ, making renovations to your offices. Today, Rook had proposed to stay behind while you go patrolling with Ben in Undertown. You were pretty reluctant but agreed.
This is how you ended up fighting off some mercenary after the Omnitrix. A crowd had formed, watching you and Ben fight this 'Sunder' off. Ben had many encounters with him in the past.
"Get him ! Come on ! Hit him harder ! Smash him good !" The crowd shouted.
You easily dodge the hoverboard coming at your way. "Why is there so many aliens gathered here ? Shouldn't they evacuate ?" You questioned everyone's favorite hero, Ben transformed into a gimlinopithecus. Shocksquatch in his words. You had just accepted the ridiculous name he gave to his aliens. You were tired of always correcting him.
Ben dodged the hoverboard and was about to punch Sunder but got hit by the same board. He landed next to you and coughed a bit. "It means they trust us. After all, I saved the universe so I can definitely kick butt and save them."
You gave him a skeptical look. "That just sounds danger incoming. I'll trust you on this one Tennyson. But if anybody gets hurt...you are very much done for." Ben didn't know what he should be scared of, the hoverboard and axe swinging at him or his partner, you.
The large grey alien hopped onto his hoverboard. "Give me your new omnitrix, Ben Tennyson, and this could all be over."
"Sure since you ask so nicely." Ben's sarcastic comment didn't amuse the grey mercenary who threw his axe at his way. You activated your wing engine, leaving Ben to fend for himself. The axe chased Ben down, on his way was a child, he quickly shielded away from the axe and let him off to the kid's father. "Geez, don't mention it." The father only gave him a thumbs up. You tried approaching Sunder but he would skillfully dodge you and continue to rope Ben.
You sent out one of your halos to try capture Sunder who let go of Ben and deflected your halo. You smirked as a second one was sent from behind to capture him. The one he had deflected came in front of Ben's. He smirked, held on the halo and electro shocked it, sending it to you then the halo that captured Sunder. Breaking the villain's hoverboard, sending him flying far away.
"This isn't over !" Sunder screamed before disappearing. Ben transformed back into a Human and screamed back at the direction of his enemy. "Looks to me like it is !"
You landed next to your green shirt partner. Ben smiled at you and raised his hand, showing you his palm. You title your head on the side and continued looking at him weirdly.
What human message is this ? I don't get it..? Am I supposed to read something ?
Ben realizing you probably didn't know what a high-five is, held your wrist and slammed each other's palm. "What was that ?" You ask, still not getting it. "It's a high five. Like you high five with somebody after winning or when you're just happy to see them." You thought about it for a second. "How is us slapping each other palms symbolizes joy or victory ?" Ben looked at you a bit exasperated, you and Rook really like to question everything. "It's just a thing we humans have been doing for like a super long time. Just don't question." You looked at your almost fully coved palm for a brief moment and closed it. "Noted."
At the moment, a tall, green alien with ginger hair and mustache, dressed like a magician walked in front of you and Ben.
"Congratulations my dears ! I saw what you did. Wonderful ! Wonderful, yes, indeed. Absolutely superlative." The green magicians attention was now on Ben. "But, my boy, if you want to prevent that run of elixir down feeling after transformation from beat to boy. What you need is a bottle of professors Hokestar's miracle elixir !" The shady alien shows off a small blue bottle with a star on the centre.
"The who with the what now ?"
"This is the opportunity of a lifetime ! Professor Blarney T. Hokestar's miracle elixir will change everything !" Ben gave him a side eye, the omnitrix user was about to make some kind of snarky remarks but you cut him off. "Is that so ? I've never heard of such products, was it registered ? Did it get verified by the safety department ? Is there a list of ingredients written somewhere ?" You ask curiously, you've never meet a salesman's like him before.
Professor Hokestar's was baffled by your comment. Ben giggled a bit before pushing you behind me. "What she meant to say was thanks but no thanks." Ben dragged you back into the crowd. You observe the professor T. Hokestar demonstrating his elixir on a 'stranger' named Solid Plug. You watch Solid Plug grow floral like hair with one drop of this elixir. You've never seen a product grow floral hair, just by the looks of it, the elixir had no ingredients listed. This was going against many laws. Most of the crowd had left, leaving only three other aliens, Ben and you.
"Now, who will be the next among you to partake of my miracle elixir. Two taydens a bottle." The three aliens still here all bought a bottle or two. You and Ben watched him on the sidelines. After finishing his business, professor Hokestar turned to you and Ben, he was more laser focused on Ben.
"As you can see, business is booming."
Ben gave him an unimpressed look. You were wondering how 8 tayden could be profitable, when including the craftmenship of the bottle and the possible ingredients that were used for this magic elixir. "Doesn't prove a thing. Like they say, there's one born every minute"
"And may i add, you've only earned 8 taydens. That is barely enough for a semi decent meal." Ben tried to hide his laughter again.
The professor only let out a nervous laugh. "No need to worry young lady ! I make decent profit, maybe even more than the average if lucky !" You raised your eyebrow at the statement. Professor Hokestar put an arm around you and Ben shoulders. "But my boy, it is my time to waste."
The professor started to lead the two of you somewhere. You were ready to knock him out unconscious if he dared to do anything. Ben shared the same sentiment, not only because the professor was very suspicious but also because he was very annoying.
You stopped In front of a giant cylinder home.
It looks pretty good. He must make some kind of profit to afford it.
"Welcome, welcome, welcome to Professor Blarney T. Hokestar's Extraterrestrial Emporium, lad!" He laughed. "If you cannot find it here, it probably doesn't exist!" The professor takes out some kind of remote, pushing the button. The front of the home opens to display a multitude of toys and plushies. You were extremely confused, this was a waste of time.
"Seems like it's just a bunch of old second-rate-" Before you could ask Ben to leave, he gasped at the sight of what looked like an obese almost human plushy and picks it up. " Where did you get this Sumo Slammers action figure ? I've never seen one like it before." You looked from behind Ben, what was so special about it ?
Professor Hokestar approaches Ben and take the plushy in his hands. "Special limited edition, only available from the concessionaires of Budokan. Fewer than 100 ever made. If you like it, it's yours, my boy, with my compliments." You put your hand on Ben's shoulder and shakes your head when he glanced at you. Ben looked at Hokestar with a distrustful look. "Why so generous?"
"Oh, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the universe to have a one-man superhero team as a spokesman for my elixir, now, would it?" Professor Hokestar then glanced at you. "And witch such pretty lady as you sidekick, we could make fortunes-"
"No." you responded flatly.
Ben still frowned a bit. "I guess you and your stuff may look kinda weird, but... it all seems harmless enough. Let me think about it." You gave Ben an unimpressed stare and pinched the bridge of your nose. At least he was being a bit suspicious of the merchant.
"That's all I ask, my lad." Professor Hokestar confidently responded, ignoring your remark. But you and Ben had already left before her could finish his sentence.
As you both walked off, Ben was playing with the new toy he had gotten with glee. You couldn't understand how such insignificant thing can make people happy sometimes. You've heard of the human culture of collecting these toys and leaving them to collect dust on their shelves. You weren't aware that Ben was also looking at you funny as you judged his toy.
"Is there anything wrong ?" The brunette inquired. "Nothing, I was just...curious of this thing..." You pointed at the round plushie in Ben's hand.
"Oh you mean this limited sumo smasher plush ? I've never seen one of these before but now I can keep this treasure in my collection !" You gave him another weird look. "I don't understand why you humans collects such random objects just to leave them collecting dust. What even is this 'Sumo slammers' thing ?"
Ben gasped as if you just insulted his whole lineage. "You don't know SUMO SLAMMERS ?? Wait when I actually think about it, it's probably an earthling thing...I also dust and take care of my collections, for your information !" Ben proudly proclaims. "But still I need to show you some of its games, movies and stories ! They're like the most awesome things ever ! They've practically defined my childhood !" You froze, your breath hitched and the world seemed to go slower for a moment.
Is this really what childhood about ? Attachment to non existant beings and inanimate objects ?
That sounds really stupid, yet, it is able to bring such joys to everyone. These little attachments formed, define a person.
Something you'll probably never experience.
But it's okay.
As long as others were able to experience it, it didn't matter. It's one loss for the life of a thousand more.
Right ?
"You good ?" Ben moved his hand in front of your face repeatedly. You pushed his hand to the side, nodding and preceded to walk forward. Ben shrugged it off and followed you.
Not long after, Ben receives a call from your third partner, Rook. "Hello Ben and [name], how did it go with Sunder ?"
"Quick. He had to catch a flight. Hey, can you look up a "Professor Blarney T. Hokestar" on the Extranet ?"
"Oh, [name] had already sent a message about it."
Ben glanced at you, you were reading some information on your tablet from Rook. And he thought you had warmed up to him...
"I'll just tell you what I found. Professor T.Hokestar is an intergalactic flimflam man. Is he a threat ?"
"No." Ben scratched his head. "Long story. Me and [name] ran into him...okay, maybe not that long."
"Well, should you need backup-" Ben cuts him off. "I'll promise I'll call you." Ben ends the call.
You continued patrolling the area with Ben, he was playing with his plushie while you did most of the work. During the inspection of an alleyway, you had received a message from the plumber's HQ on your tablet for an emergency meeting so needed to leave. Since you were now one of Ben's partner, you were supposed to not attend meetings or manage intergalactic relationships as much and prioritize protecting the universe. So it had to be urgent if they had called you.
"Ben, I have duties to attend to. I'll leave the rest up to you."
"What duties ?"
"Diplomatic. If you need any help please call Rook. I won't be able to help you until an agreement is settled which could take a few days, weeks or more."
Before Ben could make any snarky remarks, you had already taken off. Ben stands unmoving for a second and sighs. Continuing the patrol he did not expect someone waiting for your leave to talk to him and drag him into his schemes...
"So we all agree that every party will not engage in any fights or wars and trading agreements will resume with no problems ?"
The two parties grumbled a bit, and one of them raised their hands.
"No, you cannot try and negotiate about eating babies. You know what happened to Jarett, he still hasn't recovered from it. I personally know the perpetrator behind it so I won't be afraid to send them at your door."
The alien lowered his hands and let out a sad grumble. After everyone signed the agreement the meeting was dismissed. You sat down letting a huge sigh of relief, you had done it a million times but this meeting you only had 5 minutes to understand the situation and resolve it. It felt really draining, hence why you were very proud of yourself for accomplishing it, nothing more fun than work...
Uncle Max, enters the room. Everyone had left except you. Normally you could handle about a week or two of no sleep, but these days you feel a bit more tired out...
"I don't know how you manage to pull it off. That was incredible. Sorry for the late notice, the original diplomat had an accident last minute, you were the only one free and of close proximity." He complimented with a smile.
"I've dealt with many more before, it's only my job to make sure that the universe stays at peace." You rubbed your temple, you really need to sleep...Maybe after you finish the next set of papers sent yesterday...
"You look pretty tired, kiddo. Have you been sleeping lately ?" Uncle Max patted your head affectionately. You wanted to pushed his hands away, you weren't a child. But you couldn't bring yourself. "I'll sleep tonight. After finishing my work."
Uncle Max's face shifted to concern. "You really need to take more care of yourself."
"I do, I always make sure to take a shower, make myself look presentable-"
"Not in that way, I meant your health and life style. Even if you try so hard to act like an adult, you're just a kid." You were offended before you could say anything uncle Max sat down and let out a huge sigh, it conveyed some kind of sadness. Your first were clenched, you tried to control your body from shaking. You didn't need his sympathy, you didn't need anyone's sympathy. Why can't they see that you are...
"Stop always trying to protect others by yourself." Your eyes widened, your clenched hands had lessen. "I know that you never want anyone to experience what you've lived through. But you need to stop carrying such a heavy burden. A 16 year old girl shouldn't be settling a potential war between two planets. She should be enjoying her youth. I'm not saying to stop working overall but to find a balance. Take this old man's advice, have fun, go make life long friends and even meet your love, make many mistakes, it's okay as long as you learn from them. Don't be afraid of the unknown."
You remained silent and pondered over his words. As long as everyone was safe it was all fine. Maybe you should ask HQ to lighten your workload..? A little smiled tugged up your lips. Mister Tennyson was truly a good person.
"Okay, I'll try mister Tennyson." Uncle Max returned your smile. In that moment when you thought you were shaking, your halo had been vibrating for a while, your made it move in front of you. Putting your hand in it to take out your plumber's badge, you had received 17 missed calls from Rook and 29 missed calls from Ben. You tried calling back Ben but he didn't respond. You then called Rook, he responded immediately.
"Hello,[name] ? How did the meeting go ?"
"It went well, explain why I've receive so many missed calls from you and Ben. What chaos did he cause again ?"
"Well...A Screegit was let loose-"
"WHAT ?!" You shouted. Rook covered his ears. "How did a SCREEGIT end up on earth ?!" Rook took a minute to recover from your shout. "Ben's taking care of it. He's got the situation under control-"
"Send me his location, I'll be on my way." You ended the call. The immediate moment the location was sent. You quickly bid farewell to uncle Max and flew to your destination.
Meanwhile. Ben, transformed into Bloxx was trying his best to contain the screegit. He didn't know how long he could contain it until professor T.Hokestar finally did his thing. "Now, professor ! Now !"
"On my way, my boy !" The professor tried to climb out as fast as he could out of the building through a window but fell. Before he could reach the ground. A pair of arms catch him.
"Hurry up ! I can't keep this up !" Ben grunts in pain, the screegit was letting out more acide and trying to break free. The professor clumsily tried to get his machine but you just took it from his hands and shoved it through Bloxx. The screegit had shrunk back to its little adorable form.
"Professor ?" Ben calls out. "It's over my lad" responds Hokestar's.
"And I better get an explanation on how a screegit ended up on earth."
"Okay, before we start, I'd like to say it's all his fault." Ben pointed at professor T.Hokestar, putting the screegit back in its bubble container. "There you are, precious. Back to your rightful form."
"No !" A Florauna pushed the professor, taking the screegit and running away. "The screegit must run free ! Free the screegit !"
"Does this guy ever quit ?" Ben was about to starts chasing him but, you put your arm in front of Ben. Stopping him from pursuing the activist, that was almost immediately captured by Rook.
"Nice one Rook."
"Always my pleasure." He responded immediately with a smile.
The crystal the screegit was contained rolled to Rook's feet. "We will take possession of the creature now, thank you very much."
"Go ahead ! Lock me away ! Then I'll get to experience how my caged alien brethren and sistren feel." You respected activist but some just go too far. You felt like you've had a hundred migraines today. For once Ben notices. Rook passed Ben the screegit.
"So it's a happy ending for everyone."
"Indeed !" The troublesome professor intervenes, trying to take back the screegit. "And now, with your kind permission, gentlemen, I shall take my Screegit and be-"
"Handcuffed to that nut job for a year if you so much as think about touching that Screegit." Ben hands back the screegit to Rook. "And about 5 years of jail, 70 000 taydens owed." You said unconcerned, starting to already report the situation. Hokestar's only stares blankly. He nervously rubs his hands together and smiled. "Screegit ? W-W-W-What Screegit ? Never heard of the thing before in my life. Heh. No, indeed. Now, if you'll forgive my hasty departure, pleasure to make your acquaintance, looking forward to your endorsement of my products, Ben Tennyson ! Hahaha."
As soon as he was finished, the conman ran away. "Yeah... Like that'll happen." Ben looked at the running professor. Ignoring his assistant trying to run away from multiple plumbers trying to capture him. "Even if it did, we'd probably tax him more." The two boys exchanged concerned looks.
"The professor's motives, I can understand. That Pax fellow, not so much."
" He means well. Which makes him even more dangerous." Rook nods at Ben's statement.
Ben glanced at you for a second. "Rook, buddy. How about we do the next patrols together this week ?"
"But isn't-" Ben shoot Rook a stare and repeatedly glanced at you. Trying to hint something.
"Oh, yes indeed. I think it will be a good way for me to discover more human traditions."
"Are you guys excluding me ?"
"No ! It's just that recently, Rook and I wanted to know each other more ! So we wanted to hang out as bros ! Ain't it, Rook ?" Rook quickly nodded, giving you an awkward smile.
You blink at both of them. "Ok, then. It's good that we all get along as a team." You continued to write in your tablet. The boys both left to go patrolling the area, leaving much more time to manage the damage done.
It was late at night, Ben just finished his night patrol and had just gotten back in the plumbers quarters. He didn't even get a moment of rest when grandpa Max instructed him to deliver some documents to someone.
Ben groans. "Why me ? Couldn't grandpa just ask another plumber. I just got back..."
The brunette quickly spotted the room he was supposed to deliver the documents. He knocked on the door once, twice, thrice. No answers. Ben was impatient so just forced the door open. He was surprised to see the familiar [hair color] girl, sleeping on her desk under many documents. On the side, piles of what looked like an unending waves of documents.
How did you manage this ? Ben thought to himself. God, that's why you looked like you were about to fall anytime. Ben was hesitant to put more documents down. He had just realized how much work you handled and the pressure you had to carry everyday.
Ben glanced at the door and back at you repeatedly. He sighed, taking some of the documents that looked easy enough, he sat down at a nearby couch and tried to fill up the papers . It wasn't his strong point but he tried his best, only filling up the documents he was confident wouldn't cause an outbreak. He was only able to finish one pile out of the dozens you had, he had to brainstorm hard on the many meanings of these documents and recheck them on multiple occasions.
By the time the Omnitrix user got up, it was already past 4am. He had arrived at about 11pm, so he spent more than 5 hours only being able to fill up one pile. Ben's respect for you had just skyrocketed, you really managed this in a daily basis. He felt bad, he once did get overwhelmed by schoolwork before. It wasn't as bad as what you had but he could understand to some the degree the pressure.
I really need to ask Rook to teach me a bit about alien diplomacy...
Before leaving and going to bed. Ben tried to carry you to the couch, but you momentarily woke up.
"What...Who are you..?" You asked, feeling drowsy.
"I'm, Ben Tennyson, hero of the universe." Ben confidently affirmed.
You were barely able to keep your eyes open and only snuggled up to him. He put you down on the couch, with a blanket over you. As he was about to leave he could hear you mumbling something in your sleep.
"Bye Mr Ben Tennyson, savior of the universe. Promise me you'll save us all."
Ben turned towards you. "Save who ?"
"My family, we're so close...we'll finally be free soon..." Some tears were forming at the corner of your eyes. Ben approached you once again. Taking a seat on a nearby chair.
"Be free of what ?"
"Will you promise if I tell you ?"
"I promise."
You gave him a warm smile. He had never seen you like that until now, but you looked like an ethereal beauty.
"I'm happy, you'll finally save us from ourselves."
"What do you mean-" You already feel back to the embrace of sleep. Ben was left with more questions than answers. He could try and look up more about your origins but if not even Rook knows what happened on your planet. Then how could he ?
Ben got up again, this time, leaving the room for good and going back home. He had already texted his parents about how he'll come home late. Maybe not this late but they understood his duty as savior of the universe. Back in his room, he lays on his bed and pondered. He shouldn't have asked you all of that when you were barely conscious, he'd just have to wait for you to open up to him. Until then, he'll try the help as best as he can.
When he finally closed his eyes, his omnitrix rang. He quickly picked it up.
"Good morning Ben ! Are you ready for our patrol today ?" Rook energetically says.
"What do you mean ? We're only... 9am ?!" Ben was shocked, he didn't even get a blink of sleep, he spent to much time thinking that he forgot to sleep !
"Yes ? Are you ready for a whole day of patrol ? You did take all of [name]'s shift for the next week, remember ?" Ben laughs in pain. This was going to be a long week.
Bonus scene :
You woke up later than usual. It was a first for you, but that meant you'd have to spend more time on paperwork, that you didn't mind much. But it would mess up your schedule and routine. Thank the skies that Ben had taken your patrol.
Shortly after finishing your morning routine. Making sure you looked presentable. Applying a bit of lipgloss. You came back to your office and realized out of the 15 piles of paper you've had, one of them was completed. As you reviewed them, you didn't recognize your writing or anyone for that matter. It did have some clumsy writing yet it looked like they put effort into it. It reminded you of your first times and how you had to work really hard to perfect this skill.
You smiled and continued working pleasantly, wondering who it could be.
Chapter 3
Taglist : @supernerdycookietrashblrr
#ben 10 omniverse#ben 10 x reader#ben 10#ben 10 omniverse x reader#ben ten omniverse#ben tennyson#ben tennyson x reader#rook blonko#gwen tennyson#xreader#ben 10 alien force#kevin levin
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why is EVERY SINGLE Rookevin fic just smut I hate you all
#⠀꣑୧⠀⠀。⠀˙⠀⠀all i need r things i like! 🍭#ben 10#rareship#rarepair#kevin levin#rook blonko#rook x kevin#rookevin
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#ben10#ben tennyson#ben 10#ben 10 omniverse#ben x rook#benrook#rooken#rook blonko#zed#kevin :)#kevin levin#gwen ben 10
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I have a confession to make, I'm kinda a ben 10 fan, but I genuinely hate uaf especially omniverse for some that some around it
-I hate how they treated ben's character, he was doing fine during the first season until the mandates wanted him to be "just like the OS" but making him a manchild instead
-and don't get me started on how ben is constantly cheating at julie because they wanted to give ben a "harem" and they doubled it down in omniverse, like ben doesn't even need to have a thing for every girl he fucking met including a clone of his fucking cousin, and elena would be a powerful and interesting foe to ben and that ruins for me when ben is hitting on her when ben and julie are still fricking dating,
-and don't come at me saying that ben's still a teenager, one he's not a fucking baby he should know better, and two the show didn't make him accountable it treated it like it was normal and cute
-and the way they broke up is so distasteful and disrespectful, the fact that they broke over a misunderstanding on a video game and ben didn't bother to call julie after is a cherry on top for all of this, some people defending ben that maybe he's trying to give julie a space but where is it then, the show treated it like it was funny
-they did julie so fucking dirty like what did she do to deserve it, what for being a basic love interest to ben??
-the whole "they gonna kill kevin" thing is so fucking distasteful and mean spirited, like didn't he fucking SACRIFICED himself to save the universe from aggregor or something by corrupting his mind and body, and the first thing ben has in his cranium is to fucking kill him, it would make more sense of kevin's still an antagonist to ben and gwen but no, and gwen's not wanting to kill kevin is just using her fucking braincells
-I hate OV over power creeping ben, I already mentioned this before but omniverse makes me alien x even more
-they treated the whole "everyone is dead the one we spend time with is just a carbon copy" like a normal occurrence not a serious thing, and the fact that ben's more worried over a goddamn smoothie flavor over his family and friends and everyone are fucking dead
-also the fact that the thing he inspires the most is a goddamn talking smoothies not grandpa max or anything than that
-I don't hate rook, but the writers are pretty using him just to amplify how ignorant and incompetent ben is
-kai green is a cherry on top, the show pretty much tells us into our face that "these two are gonna be together and you can't do anything to stop it" by ruining the establishment that they are no such thing as destiny (hench why his older self is different everytime we met him) also multiverse exist too, why this only girl is his "soulmate"?? he could end up with anyone else
-and she only has like minimal screentime too, and this pairing came out of nowhere where it's established that ben x ester is a thing
-and their dynamic is not even that really good, they wanted the "they hate each other but they actually like each other" couple trope but all they did is bicker and nothing else, and not to mention that the show keeps telling us that kai likes ben's aliens more than him
-and also making ben an ignorant douchebag even more just to show how "girl boss" and amazing kai is
and even the reboot is pretty boring and lackluster, guess what, I prefer watching it over uaf and ov, at least they didn't ruin ben and not having shitty story arcs, I could watch it without cringing about ben being a shitty person and a boyfriend and annoying power creeps and bad story arcs
#ben 10#ben 10 alien force#ben 10 ultimate alien#ben 10 omniverse#ben 10 uaf#ben 10 rant#unpopular opinion#hot take#ben 10 is bad#I'll never forgive CN for assassinating ben's character#wow I didn't expect this to be this long lmao
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Can you break down Rook Blonko from Ben 10 Omniverse?
Hey! I hope your doing well, arlakos! Always nice to see ya! <3 How I feel about this character: As much as I actually adore Omniverse (which I do believe just comes with a bias since it does remind me of Sonic a lot) I have no real strong feelings for Rook beyond that I do really like him. And it helped that when I watched Omniverse for the first time I had a soured taste in my mouth of the previous two Ben shows from when I was little (which, I'll be honest, I think outside sources just made me hate those shows, they're actually quite good so little me was just being silly) which meant I didn't actually like Kevin and Gwen much in the beginning so I wasn't constantly comparing them to Rook as partners for Ben. I feel like this helped me cozy up to his character a whole lot more. But now that I have actually rewatched the other two shows, I actually do prefer at least Kevin as a companion for Ben but I still find it completely unfair to compare them since Rook is fundamentally a different character to Kevin and Gwen which I'm actually very happy they did. It would have been so easy to just make him Kevin and Gwen in one character but this dude is actually his own person and I appreciate that. My only real complaint with Rook is near the end they kind of just forgot about him so he ended up just being another character that kind of makes fun of Ben but still helps out. Occasionally he went back to old Rook, of course, but it was quite aggravating. And there wasn't any cleverness to it. It just seemed mean-spirited. But I really blame that on the writing. They clearly had this idea for Rook and when he wasn't a main part of the storyline for an episode they had no clue what to do with that idea so they reduced him to basic mean-spirited humor. All people I ship romantically with this character: I'm gonna be 100% honest with this; Ben 10 is one of those shows where I find romance just bogs down the show and is in no way helpful to it so it's very hard to actually ship anybody. Specifically people who have actually been couples in the show purely because it's so clear that they were only prepared to write an action show and not romance scenes. I'd love to say Kevin and Gwen are an exception to this but, while they certainly have better moments than literally any other couple, even they sometimes fall into this trap. I say this because I have absolutely have no feelings for Rook's actual relationship in the show beyond it's kind of cute. Rayona has little to no personality and is purely there to be the girl Rook but with none of the fun. I'm happy to see Rook happy and they are by far one of the least problematic ships in this show simply because they do next to nothing with them. So, while I will say I ship them, it's very freaking minor. Now Rook and Ben? I certainly think there's a fun case to have there. I actually believe they have infinitely more chemistry than Rook and Rayona. But I am not a diehard shipper of them like most of the Omniverse fandom seems to be. But they are definitely above Rook x Rayona.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Well that's really freaking easy. Ben and Rook all the way. Like they're so fun to watch together. Rook being hilariously more "down-to-earth" while Ben is pure chaos. But it's not as simple as Rook calling out Ben's very flawed logic, it's actually far more fun. Something best enjoyed personally rather than explained. Which I'm very happy to be saying this because it would have really sucked if they introduced this guy as Ben's new best bud and then Ben and him wasn't the non-romantic OTP. But since that was probably very obvious I'll give you two more. I actually quite enjoy Kevin and Rook purely for the pure chaos it causes and they're both seemingly unaware of it and then they both get to geek out over tech. And of course, Rook and Gwen. They're both the most "down-to-earth" characters in the show so they bounce off each other pretty well and it's simply hilarious to see how they both have to deal with Ben.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Okay, so I guess this is my most unpopular opinion... I do not care for the idea Rook would be more cat-like. Hilarious coming from me, someone who is a diehard fan of catpeople (specifically catboys, seriously ask @koo1creations she'll tell ya) but I just don't feel it fits Rook and I actually find it kind of ruins what I enjoy about the character. The whole thing with Rook is he's very elegant in how he approaches anything and giving him a more "feral" (for lack of a better term) appearance and actions takes away the magic of Ben and Rook's chemistry because now they're both rather chaotic, I guess. Plus, losing his tail is actually a sign of growing up in his culture so I find it accidentally makes him seem "younger" which also ruins a lot for me because I find him being clearly older and therefore more mature than Ben far more entertaining.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened to this character: I wish he freaking appeared in the reboot. Like I may not have watched it yet but I'm frankly annoyed he was not a character especially since some other characters from Omniverse were. He was at least referenced I guess but that doesn't make me any happier. Like Rook is very unique and a fun character so to ditch him is unfortunate. I imagine he was probably a character the writers may not have felt confident in writing in a new setting since he was pretty much the only thing well liked among most Ben 10 fans about Omniverse. Everything else was very controversial. I suppose there's also always the possibility they just didn't really care for him but at least wanted to leave some nods to him for the other fans but I prefer not to think the negative of the writers especially since, even though I don't love it, I can tell the people who wrote the reboot really loved all of Ben 10 and did their best to make a great adaption.
Thanks for the ask! This was super fun! I never get to talk about Rook so it actually gave me an opportunity to really gather my thoughts.
#ask game#ask meme#ask me anything#arlakos#love ya dude <3#thanks for the ask#ben 10: omniverse#rook blonko#my opinion#TB's opinion#justice for rook honestly#miss him
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