#Ben 10 Secrets Of The Omnitrix
retropineapple · 7 months
{Update:I found more posts so it's a bit more know than I thought it was}
If I had watched more than one or two episodes when I was younger I would be more disappointed
I mostly just remember the show because a preview with just the theme song/opening was on some of my DVDs of the (animated portions) of the original (?) "Super Mario Bros. Show" and mabey my DVD of some "Sonic Underground" episodes.
I also remember I had a little fascination with the show's villain Spydra.
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It wasn't quite a crush, I'd have to say it was an alterous/ambiguous attraction
Speaking of which the same thing happened with Myaxx (I can never remember her name and feel bad for that lol) from "Be 10". Specifically "Ben 10:Secrets of the Omnitrix"
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Sooo yeah,these were kinda my first crushes (along with Bill Cipher)
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ben-101-rewrite · 2 years
So what changes are you going to make when you eventually gets to rewriting Secret of the Omnitrix? It is my Favorite Ben 10 thing in general so i was just pretty curious
There are many things I plan to add, change or keep the same, though I'm still working on it. Things like adding Max and Xylene to the story, making the Azmuth and Ben scene a little bit longer, and even the placement of the special and all that. I can't explain or give everything away, cause I am still working on it, and it's all for the rewrite arc post when it finally happens, which would have to be an arc voted by people if they wanted to see it next. Right now still working on Vilgax's Return arc (Season 3 Alien Force).
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patmandx-art · 11 months
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Ben10tober Day 19 - Way Big
What a cool Ultraman reference to reveal in Secret of the Omnitrix's climax.
This is the last of the aliens revealed in the original series (Can't do Eon -- Race Against Time isn't canon); I don't want to do AF just yet, so I'll round it off with some aliens Ben unlocked between OS and AF. Gonna start off with the ones Ben 10,000 used. Also a few others.
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ben-talks-art · 3 months
One of my favorite tropes
"If nothing else works... Just spam this one move until you win!"
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I especially love it when it's used after a very prolonged fight and comes as a sign that a character is basically just being all "Okay, I'm done using my brain... Let's just hit it really really hard until it's over."
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zonedelicious · 2 years
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junk-jester · 1 month
"Your choice of warriors is based solely on brute strength, with little regard for any planning or strategy. Do you even pause to consider your actions at all?"
Meet the Universe 77 counterpart of The Last Petrosapien and the Guardian of the Omni/Sigmatrix, Tetrax Shard.
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Profile can be found [Here].
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omnits · 1 month
Clover 10: O Segredo do Omnitrix
Clover 10: Secret of the Omnitrix
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msnihilist · 8 months
Why do you think gwevin is weak ?just curious tho because practically they're the best couple of this show given all that shit the writers made about ben and his girls or others lol
I don't think Gwevin is weak. They're a strong relationship! Good development, if a bit rushed, believable chemistry, engaging interactions, emotional character arcs tied to their relationship, etc.
Just that, of the trio, Gwevin is the weakest link thematically. They don't have the tension, learning to trust, or self-growth of Ben and Kevin. They don't have the watching-one-another's-back, slowly-learning-to-respect-one-another, or history of Ben and Gwen.
I mean, there's a reason there's no major story arcs or memorable character moments that are centered on Gwen and Kevin after they get together.
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blastthechaos · 4 months
I think when people think of Gwen in SOTO they only think when they arrive to Xenon cause she's utterly insufferable prior to that.
Whines that she got captured by Animo and can't go to the mall, despite having magical powers she doesn't try to free herself, and whines to Ben for taking too long when it probably wasn't easy to get to them.
Gets mad at Ben for trying to shut down the DNA Bomb without knowing what that will do...when he had seconds to do so. "You don't know what that's going to do" damn well he didn't, how was Ben supposed to know the Omnitrix had an Universe ending self-destruct mode and that the DNA Bomb would trigger it? It was a one in a million chance, especially when the alternative was a world ending scenario...and I don't see her trying to stop it either if she knows so much.
Gets mad at him for the Omnitrix doing things that kick her out of the mall as if he himself knows what the Omnitrix is doing, he doesn't control it and he doesn't know about the self-destruct mode.
"Gluto sacrificed himself to save me...that's what a non selfish person does" Damn, so like Ben has been saving you all summer? Despite not getting along with you? Sacrificing himself so Vilgax doesn't harm you? Throwing away the sunlight gun to save you from Ghostfreak? Sacrificing the Omnitrix to save you from Vilgax and Kevin? And probably tons more i'm forgetting? Nice to know that meant nothing to you.
It's only at Xenon where she gets better, but damn...Secret Of The Omnitrix and it's moral conflict with Ben is just ass, just a "protag learns a lesson for Lesson sake" at it's finest.
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ohyeahben10 · 1 year
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Are these the only moments where Tetrax, Myaxx, and Gluto are all on screen together? Yes. Are they all dating nonetheless? Yes of course trust me
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sonicasura · 1 year
Does Jim meet the Secret Saturdays?
Hell yes and the same with Rex.
But seriously Tales of Arcadia could easily fit with Secret Saturdays. Like if trolls, magic and aliens exist then cryptids alongside other things are possible. Plus Zak needs an older brother on the mystical side to go with Douxie being the wizard bro.
Arcadia is a nice place the Saturdays tend to visit for a break. It just takes the events of Trollhunters for them to find out about the secret world underneath. Drew has a great time discussing various culture and history with Blinky. Doc can usually be found talking to Stuart about technology.
Zak, Fiskerton, Zon, and Komodo goof off with the gang. Doyle usually joins them whenever he visits like the cool uncle he is. There even been talks about a vacation home or something similar being set up in Arcadia so they can visit more.
Zak deserves more friends.
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Did Ben 10 Secret of the Omnitrix had like multiple openings or was i just hallucinating??
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zsnes · 1 year
joe biden PROMISES brand new BEN 10 reboot if he is re-elected; "i think its time that we, as americans, fully delve into the secrets of the omnitrix. for this present and all future generations of citizens in this great country of the united states, it is crucial that we discover what new alien forms Ben Tennyson is able to transform into"
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patmandx-art · 11 months
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Ben10tober Day 18 - Eyeguy
I did NOT remember that this guy was so top heavy.
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ben-talks-art · 2 years
Thoughts on Ben 10
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I've seen that some people started doing reactions series of the original Ben 10 show on Youtube, and seeing their reactions got me kinda nostalgic and in the mood to talk about it a little since I honestly really, really like this show.
So I figured, why not just make a post about my feelings towards the franchise, characters, aliens, storylines, and overall just sharing what I liked about it?
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Guess I should start with the obligatory "For those who never watched the show or know nothing about Ben 10..."
Basically, this series is about this one kid who has a watch that allows him to turn into a bunch of different aliens for a short period of time, and uses it to help people and fight bad guys while going on travels around the country with his grandpa and cousin.
At first he starts with only ten aliens (thus giving the show its name) but as time goes on he keeps adding more and more to his list trough different ways (thus completely invalidating the show's name). Sometimes he will unlock a new alien at random, sometimes he will meet someone that will use a code on the watch that will unlock it for him, and other times he will collect the DNA of other aliens he fights.
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The aliens the kid turns into are the highlight of the show.
Each one has its own unique design, ability, voice, body behavior, way of moving and other little things that make all of them feel distinct and unique. (You can check out one of the official artist's DeviantArt page to see some of his comments on many of the designs and how hard they were to animate.)
What was cool about the show is that you never knew what alien Ben was going to use to save the day so it made the experience feel fresh and exciting as you kept wondering what was going to happen, kinda like when you play a gacha game and you don't know what you're gonna pull out.
It's like having an entire Justice League or Avengers team inside one person. You had all these great characters that you knew little to nothing about and you would just watch and wait to see what was cool about each of them, and the show always did the best it could to make each alien feel as cool as possible... Except for Ripjaws, it was clear that after a while they had no idea what to do with him.
Everyone had their favorite aliens who they hoped would get used in the episode, but it was also nice to see other aliens you might not think you would like also getting the spotlight and making you realize everyone can be useful if given the chance and used in the right way.
It promoted the idea of experimenting with new things and exploring untapped potential.
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Aside from the alien roster, the show also had fun playing around with its premise. Usually Ben would do something that affected his normal human form and that would have some effect on his alien forms as well.
For example, one episode Ben got showered by the fountain of youth and turned into a kid, so all his aliens de-aged as well, other time he went inside a videogame so his aliens started to wear gaming clothes like Sora in Kingdom Hearts 2. Another episode had Ben get a cold so his fire alien turned into an ice alien, another had him be stuck for one alien form for the entire episode, another one had him break the watch and anytime he transformed it would randomly combine two aliens.
It felt like the writers were trying to do anything they could with the idea of a watch that turns you into different creatures, like they were trying to have fun with its own premise.
Like, you would see the episode where the aliens get younger or older and you would go "well, now I want to see what all of them younger or older look like!" and that would just make your imagination go crazy.
Same thing for the episode where they mix two aliens together, imagine the massive amount of fanart that this episode inspired!
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There were also episodes where Ben would turn into Halloween creatures like a werewolf, a mummy, or a ghost, but each of them still had the "that's an alien not a monster" theme around them, so again you would go "What would a vampire alien look like? What would a demon alien look like? What would a dragon alien look like?"
It just kept building and building on top of different possibilities.
Ben 10 was so good because it made you feel rewarded for being a kid, rewarded for being curious, for having creativity, for enjoying weird and out-of-the-box ideas.
It rewarded you for wanting to have fun and wanting to play around with different ideas.
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Even the villain. You could teel that the creators were trying to have fun with what they could come up for Ben to fight with.
They had a guy that was some sort of abomination that combined all of Ben's aliens, a dude with the head of a squid that could turn off Ben's powers with the touch of his finger, a mad scientist that always kept trying to steal the DNA from Ben's aliens and fusing it with animals, and even one of Ben's own aliens who managed to come to life and escape from the watch.
Watching this show was basically a game of "Okay, what idea are the writers gonna explore this time? What crazy thing will they do now?" Like, they later make it so his cousin can use magic spells, and they also later reveal his grandpa was a secret agent who happens to have a lot of high-tech, and they would mix all this stuff while fighting crime and saving the day.
It was just fun. This was just a really fun show.
But... It wasn't perfect...
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The biggest problem of the series was that the sense of character development was non-existent.
This series had three main characters, Ben, his cousin, and his grandpa, and the relationship and chemistry between then is pretty much the same throughout the whole thing.
Ben is always immature and jumping into things without thinking, his cousin is always nagging and butting heads with him, and his grandpa always has a pretty good lesson to teach that everyone is just going to forget in the next episode.
There are so many times that I'm watching this and going "Ben should know better than this" because he keeps making the same mistakes over and over again and it gets really tiresome after a while.
Same thing with his cousin, they keep writing scenes where her and Ben just keep bickering and arguing for no reason and it just makes them feel so annoying to watch.
I never got why animated shows think watching people bickering is fun, to me it's just obnoxious. My least favorite part of any Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle show is when Raph and Leo just start fighting because the plot says so. I guess you could say it's realistic that teens would argue but... Just because it's realistic doesn't make it enjoyable.
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There is also the fact that I never felt the show truly dived into why we should root for Ben or why he wants to be a hero.
For instance, there is a scene where Ben sees a city getting attacked and he just starts smiling as if he's glad he gets a chance to be the hero and fight bad guys.
I never felt Ben wanted to help people because he cared about people, honestly it felt like he just wanted to feel the joy of being a superhero. Which, again, he's a kid, so probably it's realistic, but realistic doesn't instantly means good.
For a show about a kid that could turn into ten heroes, they never really sold why Ben had what it takes to be a hero.
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That's not to say they didn't had episodes about Ben being humble, noble, or heroic, they actually had a lot of them. They had episodes about him facing his fears to save his cousin, learning the value of teamwork, learning to put others' needs before his, learning to let go of personal desires for the greater good... But these things just never stacked on.
I never got a sense that Ben was growing from his experiences, it felt like he was just learning some random lesson to get through the episode, which is a shame because a lot of those were some really good lessons, and good lessons for kids no less, but they would just be forgotten by the time the next episode started because... I don't know, I guess they just liked Ben being very flawed and immature.
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But honestly, even with this tiny problem, it's still a really good show. It has a lot of creative action, some really inventive designs, and like I said, It just does a great job promoting the idea of having fun.
I particularly love the scene where they show Ben inventing "diamond surfing", like, how can anyone look at that and not think this is gonna be a fun show?
So yeah, small lack of character development aside, I still recommend this series.
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I also want to talk about the other pieces of media that also take place in this series' timeline.
"Protector of Earth" is a licensed game that came out around the Ps2/Ps3 era and I remember being honestly a lot of fun. It was a beat-em-up where you could play as five aliens while having access to some honestly really creative attack combos. It was also how I, a non-English speaker, finally found out why the alien "XLR8" was named like that.
"Secret of the Omnitrix" was a movie that had a premise of the watch accidentally going into self-destruct mode and had Ben travel through space in order to find the inventor of the watch so he could ask him to turn it off. Really good movie overall, just wish they had tried to be a tiny bit more creative with the action scenes. There are way too many "laser shooting" fights and the final battle is basically Ben getting an "I win" button. It was kinda anticlimactic tbh.
"Destroy all Aliens" is another movie but this time done in 3D. I actually liked this one a lot. They had Ben be stuck with some sort of randomizer feature so he keeps shifting from alien to alien every couple of minutes while fighting a guy that can teleport, so we get some really creative action scenes with all the aliens as they keep going from one part of the globe to the other.
There is also a live-action movie called "Race against time" that... Surely is a movie that exists...
Honestly, the most I can say about it is that I'll never understand why they didn't give the title "Race Against Time" to the movie about the watch going into self-destruct mode, kinda feels like a no-brainer to me.
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Then we have the sequels, Alien Force and Ultimate Alien...
And I'm going to sincerely apologize to all of its fans right now but I really don't like either of these shows.
I don't want to talk about them too much since my feelings towards them are mostly negative and I don't want to dunk on what could possibly be someone's favorite show... But they just did so little for me.
Now, I'm not saying they're bad, just saying that I myself didn't like either of them very much... But while I don't like these shows, I do like certain things in them.
Alien Force is about Ben, who's now five years older, teaming up with his cousin again, as well as one of his former enemies now turned ally, and getting a new set of ten aliens.
The idea of ten new aliens seemed cool at first. Honestly, when I first heard about the show I thought the new aliens were like fusions of the old aliens, like one looked like a fusion of an ice alien and a ghost alien, one looked like a fusion of a cloning alien and a small alien, and another looked like a plant and fire alien. They looked really cool and they had some really creative designs.
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The plant/fire one and the ghost/ice one actually became some personal favorites of mine. They had some really fun and creative powers.
The ice one in particular apparently got really popular with fans due to the idea of being a moth that rested its wings in the shape of a cloak, kinda like they used to do in Gargoyles, and because they gave it an interesting episode where it gives birth to a ton of babies... That, as far as I know, we never see again. 🤔
As for the others aliens... They were there... I'm sure they all have their fans, I'm just not one of them.
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Ultimate Alien was basically more Alien Force, except now some of the aliens could "Mega Evolve."
And again, a lot of the evolved forms didn't really do much for me, except for the ultimate form of the clone alien, which legit felt both really cool and really creative. I just loved that design.
Aside from that though, not really much positive I can say about these two shows. It just wasn't for me.
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And finally, there was Ben 10 Omniverse, by far the most ambitious Ben 10 show.
They ditched the whole evolution thing but Ben now had access to basically every alien he ever had in the entire franchise, as well as every villain he ever had before, and they were a lot more open about the idea of exploring other planets and seeing different alien worlds. The world-building (universe-building?) took a major focus in here.
They also kept trying to push this odd gimmick of going back to the original 10-year-old Ben.
Sometimes Ben would travel back in time, or flashback to when he was a kid, sometimes he would switch brains with his body from the past, sometimes he would shrink into a kid, and other times he would visit another dimension from when he was still young and see how he would have turned out if he had no grandpa.
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Basically, the name of the game changed from "how can we explore the idea of a person with access to ten aliens in a creative way?" to "how can we tie back to the original show?"
It seemed like they were trying to go back to its original focus of exploring the potential of its premise, but this time going a lot more out-of-the-box than ever before.
Getting to see every single past alien again was really cool but many of the new aliens added kinda felt like filler.
There is like one or two that I really liked, like this one alien that's like a living planet with its own gravity, but most of them just looked lame to me.
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But, again, every alien from the past is here, so even if had an episode where you don't like one or two of the aliens used, you would still have five or six of the classic ones to enjoy, which was always refreshing.
The writing still didn't have that big of a sense of progression but I liked this Ben a lot more than the old Ben from the first show. I actually think this series had the best character writing out of all of them. Everyone here has great chemistry and is a lot more charming than before.
Sometimes the tone was also hit-and-miss. It would often try too hard to be humorous and end up losing a sense of stakes, making you feel like you were watching a cartoon instead of an animated show, but still had plenty of things to like.
They tried a lot of new things (sometimes way too many), most of them I liked, some of them I didn't, but I still appreciate them taking the risk to try.
Ben 10 is overall a very interesting franchise and I'm always curious to see what they try to do next with it.
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oceandirtcountry · 3 months
I think there’s some lore for my crossover AU I need to get out because it’s getting confusing even for myself:
The Ninja (Randy Cunningham, 9th Grade Ninja): The First Ninja, aka Finja, was a well respected warrior who hailed from Norrisville, a small town on the outskirts of Vale. Finja single-handedly held off hordes off Grimm on his own, and bested the Sorcerer, who was turning people into Grimm (by stanking them, since Grimm are attracted to negative emotions, so with enough negative emotions and a push from the gas, you can become a Grimm too! This’ll be important later.)
He kept Vale safe for years, especially during Ozpin’s lack of showing due to his depression. Eventually, after Ozpin gave his power to the Maidens, Ozpin also imparted some of his Semblance onto Finja, allowing him to pass on his learnings and his abilities to the next generation until a Ninja became powerful enough to stop Salem.
He fought alongside Ozpin in the Great War and was the catalyst for victory, and ended up dying of old age.
Randy Cunningham is the most recent to iteration of the Ninja, and Ozpin has found that the combined abilities of the Ninjas who came before him could very well be enough to stop Salem, but he needs a push. With the Sorcerer’s return and new threats, Randy needs all the help he can get.
The Omnitrix, Ascalon, and Map of Infinity (Ben 10):
Azmuth created the Ascalon as a show of his genius. However, after misuse, he brought great destruction to his galaxy, and looked to use it for good. He brought it to the backwater planet known as Earth during the Great War, and it was the reason why Ozpin was able to slay the Dagon and stop Salem from winning.
However, unhappy that it simply brought peace to one planet and would not bring his lover back, he left the Ascalon on earth for Ozpin to guard. The Ascalon then became The Relic of Destruction.
He then went on to create the Omnitrix, with the same backstory as the original series, with it being meant for Grandpa Max. It was found by ten year old Ben Tennyson, who was at first hesitant to touch it, but used it as a last resort when he was cornered by Grimm in a forest, starting a forest fire with Heatblast.
The map of infinity was hidden by Professor Paradox in an attempt to keep the forge of creation away from anyone who wished to abuse its power. The map can only be found once a question is asked to the Relic of Knowledge, an all-knowing genie who can answer any three questions once every hundred years.
Ben, Yang, Kevin and Gwen eventually race against Aggregor to find the map pieces, and team up shortly with Weiss and Randy to obtain the relic before going their separate ways once again, and meeting up much later with everyone in the big showdown.
The Nanite event (Generator Rex): As if Vacuo didn’t have it bad enough, the nanite experimentation facility was on a remote island near Vacuo. When attempting to cure a sick Rex Salazar, his parents accidentally unleashed a devastating nanite explosion. However, the nanites were contained by Atlas troops with powerful magnets and force fields, sealing the island off and labelling it “The Bug Jar.”
A young Rex eventually bursts out of the jar and wreaks havoc on Vacuo with his awakened Evo form, even turning many Grimm into hyper charged EVOs. He’s then found by Six and brought into the Providence wing of the Atlas military, specialised to deal with Earthly threats too dangerous for the normal military, to be trained with his abilities to cure EVOs, in a building on the very edge of the Bug Jar.
Rex hates his life there, and he enrols into beacon academy to become a Huntsman.
Summer Rose, the greatest Huntress that ever lived (RWBY): In an attempt to stop Salem, Summer storms Salem’s castle with a little help from Raven and a time-hopping Ben Tennyson, who’s trying to track down Maltruant in the Time War.
The trio are on the cusp of succeeding, but Salem reveals her secret weapon: an alliance with the Sorcerer.
Ben goes Clockwork as Maltruant tackles him into the time stream once again, leaving Summer to fend for herself, which is a huge mistake. She ends up losing quite horribly to the combined forces, and is kept alive for experiments on how to turn humans into Grimm.
Summer eventually becomes The Hound, a hyper-intelligent Grimm capable of tearing apart armies. With the abilities of Ghostfreak and Pesky Dust, plus Ruby’s silver eyes, Ben and Ruby manage to pull Summer out of the Hound and give Ruby her mom back.
Oh wait Invincible
I think I’ll just call it the CookieCross AU, since the fic I made is called cookies.
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