#Bella is imprisoned
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amusingmyselfblog · 21 days ago
We—Narcissa and I—have never set eyes on our sister since she married the Mudblood.
Are you sure about that, Bella? Narcissa is the best liar Occlumens amongst you, and Andromeda knows how to keep quiet.
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vigilante-3073 · 4 months ago
Rosalie Hale x Emmett Cullen x Female Vampire Reader
Summary: Bella observes the relationship between Rosalie, Emmett and Y/N.
TW: Throuple, vampire mates, mentions of death and torture.
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In the time that Bella had spent as a human while dating Edward, she learned very little about the young vampire who Rosalie and Emmett shared as a mate. Y/N was quiet and reserved, which made her stand out in the relationship with her mates.
Rosalie had an anger that burned like the hottest flame and Emmett was always the loudest one in the room. Someone so calm and soft-spoken didn't seem to fit into their relationship dynamic.
Y/N almost seemed to get lost behind their big personalities, but they always saw her in a way that others didn't. Rosalie and Emmett always had some innate ability to sense their mate in every situation. They gravitated towards each other like magnets and could always be found together.
One thing Bella had come to notice about Y/N is that her love language was physical touch. Y/N was always touching one or both of her mates in some way. Bella was almost alarmed to see how different Rosalie could be when she was interacting with her young mate.
Rosalie tended to be a bit more protective than affectionate towards Y/N when Bella had first come around, but after some time she gradually started to see Rosalie soften.
Bella would always remember the day she saw them all together for the first time. She had walked into the living room with Edward only to find Y/N sitting sideways on the couch with her back leaned against Emmett's side and his arm wrapped around her body, a baseball game playing on the television. Rosalie sat next to Y/N with her mate's legs draped across her lap while she flipped through a magazine. The sight caught Bella off-guard, but then she started to notice it more and more.
On another day, Y/N was walking through the woods after a hunt with Emmett's arm wrapped around her waist and his hand slipped into the back pocket of her jeans. Her other hand was holding onto Rosalie's as they talked about whatever came to mind.
The day after that Bella saw Y/N sitting on Emmett's lap while she talked to Rosalie about a book that she had just finished. The blonde listened to her intently with a soft smile on her face as Emmett brushed his thumbs back and forth over her hip bones.
At first glance, they seemed like they would never fit together in a million years, but Bella had never seen a closer relationship in her lifetime. There was some unexpected gravitational pull that kept them orbiting around eachother. Y/N grounded the pair in a way that was necessary when they got riled up, bringing everything back into focus.
Bella learned that Y/N's human life had ended tragically like many of her family members. She wouldn't talk about it, but Edward knew about what she had endured.
He told Bella that he could feel it when her mind drifted to those memories. The first time it happened, he had frozen in his tracks and his body locked up in a way that he had never experienced before.
Y/N had been walking home after a closing shift at the diner she was working at. A car pulled up beside her and a man offered to drive her home, he pulled a gun on her when she refused. Y/N got into the car and it was definitely a decision that she would regret for the entirety of her human life.
Edward had never known someone who had experienced as much suffering as Y/N had. The man kept her chained up in his basement for weeks, he beat her, starved her, cut her, burned her and forced her to endure many other kinds of torture while under his imprisonment.
Y/N barely managed to escape with her life, her bones were broken and the blood loss had made her weak. She ran from the house until her body collapsed into unconsciousness. Y/N thought that she would die in her place on the damp grass, she could feel herself fading away and she decided that it wasn't the worst place to die.
Someone had found her in the morning and called the authorities, she was taken to the hospital and she would have died from her injuries if Carlisle hadn't been working that day. It took almost a week for her body to put itself back together after she had died.
Y/N's death was traumatic and she was never the same after she had reanimated. Y/N was quiet and reserved, slipping back into those dreadful memories.
She was terrified every day, especially around the men in the house and no one could question her reasons. She gradually formed a friendship with Rosalie, bonding over their shared trauma and Y/N slowly began to come out of her shell a bit.
No one could pinpoint when exactly Y/N and Rosalie's relationship had changed into a romantic one, but it had. Rosalie was Y/N's protector and they hardly ever spent any time apart.
Carlisle felt relieved to see the girls finding something in their lives that was worth carrying on for. They had both been through so much and their willingness to create a relationship let him know that they were adjusting to this new life.
Y/N and Rosalie spent every possible moment together and when Rosalie found Emmett, he was brought into their dynamic seamlessly. If anyone chose to question their relationship, Rosalie would be on them in a second.
Rosalie had a ferocious love that no one could ever mess with. She allowed herself to be used and walked over in her human life, the loss of that life made her stronger and showed her that nothing lasts forever.
Their relationship had endured years of traumatic experiences and bloodshed, built on the back of a curse that provided eternal life.
Hearing about their relationship from Edward's point of view gave Bella a better understanding of who they were to each other. Though no recognition could be given to their union at the time, they were all married to each other. It didn't matter to them that it wasn't legal, they knew that their bond ran deeper than any laws ever could.
Bella respected the love that they all had for each other, it was fierce and strong like nothing she had ever seen before. It made her look at the other relationships that had blossomed within the Cullen family and she quickly found that none of them were the same.
They may have had similar values, but their dynamics were all vastly different. Her own relationship with Edward was romantic, tumultuous and tragic. There would always be parts of their lives that would never be possible if they stayed together.
Edward had lived for many years before he met her, forming relationships and losing people that Bella would never know. Bella would likely never know who he was before he died, time changes so much and it would likely be impossible for him to remember now.
If Bella transformed into a vampire to stay at Edward's side, she would lose whatever future she could have had as a human. She would never be able to have children or grow old with her friends or family. Eveyone would die around her and she would remain unchanged with Edward and his family as her only solace in a changing world.
Her fascination with Y/N's relationship had served to put things in perspective for her regarding what she could gain and lose in this life. None of the Cullen children had a choice in whether or not they pursued this life. Bella seemed to have tunnel vision on the topic, always worrying about how much time she was wasting.
Every day that passed made her feel physically older, every scrape or bruise on her skin made her feel like her body would just crumble underneath her. Bella knew that her worries were nothing that a teenager should be concerned about, but she had seen what a future could look like.
Bella was staring down the finish line of a marathon that she had been treating as a sprint. She didn't have to rush, she didn't have to make a choice now.
Y/N, Rosalie and Emmett never would have found each other if it hadn't been for the horrific way that their human lives happened to end.
Bella felt like she could finally understand that this choice shouldn't be rushed, it needed to be carefully considered. Bella didn't need to push the envelope and choose a tragic end for herself when she had the luxury of time.
She would become a vampire, but she could definitely choose to enjoy her life as a human for a while.
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simp2537 · 1 month ago
a/n: We start the movie with this chapter 😝. Oh my goodness how I love this fic already. I hope yall enjoy.
Word Count: 3926k
Trigger Warnings: child abuse, depression, war, war crimes, imprisonment, torture, abuse, predatory behavior, anxiety, nightmares, suicidal thoughts, death  gore, murder, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, alcohol addiction, just heavy themes all around
Chapter Three
Normal School
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Y/n smiled as she raced Bella downstairs. Bella wasn’t actually racing she knew that. Being back in her childhood home made her want to jump for joy. She slammed the door open and all but ran outside to her dad’s side. 
She smiled brightly at the father and son in front of her. Jacob smiled back at her as her dad moved to speak.
���Bella, Y/n you girls remember Billy Black.” Charlie tells his daughters. Y/n nods her head with her normal bright smile. She can remember all the play dates she would have on the reservation with Jacob.
“Wow, you’re looking good.” Bella says smiling.
“Well, I’m still dancing.” Billy answered.
“You never could out dance me though.” Y/n giggles. Billy smiled at Y/n as she shook his hand. 
“I’m glad you girls are finally here. Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming.” Y/n laughed softly at Charlie’s bewildered expression.
“Miss us that much daddy?” Y/n asked giggling. Charlie rolled his eyes at his young daughter and scrunched at her hair. 
“All right, keep exaggerating. I'll roll you into the mud.” Charlie amused.
“After I ram you in the ankles.” With that Billy rolled over to Charlie. The two men began to playful fight. Y/n smiled softly, she’d liked Mr. Billy. We would let her sit in his lap and read to her when Charlie would work late shifts.
“Hi I’m Jacob.” Y/n eyes widened as she saw him. He was taller now, more muscular too. When they were little he was short and scrawny. His ebony hair had grown out a bit more. She remembered him well.
It was like the universe wouldn’t let her forget, her bestest friend. Jacob Black.
“We used to make mud pies when we were all little.” He continued smiling. 
“Right, no I remember now.” Bella smiled. Y/n couldn’t hold back her grin anymore and she pounced onto him. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as a squeezed him.
“I hated those mud pies! I would just braid flowers in both of your hairs.” Y/n laughed as she pulled away from him. A soft pink dusted over Jacob’s cheeks as she pulled away. 
“Y/N! You’re back!” Jacob chuckled not knowing what to say. 
“It’s a shame you grew so much. I can’t make fun of you about how small you are anymore.” Y/n turned to Bella with a smile. Bella shook her head softly and looked over at their fathers.
“Are they always like this?” She asked softly. 
Jacob shook his head slightly replying, “it’s getting worse with old age.” Y/n smiled again as she stared up at Jacob. He still has the small scar under his chin from when they went swimming together when it was storming. 
Y/n hadn’t realized she been staring for a while till she hear Bella squealing in excitement. She turned as Bella was moving around the red truck.
“This is perfect.” Y/n followed Bella into the car she hit Jacob with the  door. Her arm shot out catching his back and helping him back up. He turned to her staring for a few seconds. Y/n blinked and sat next to Bella with a small smile. Jacob quickly slide into the car next to her.
“Listen, you gotta double-pump the clutch when you shift, but besides that you should be good.” Jacob told Bella. Y/n watched Bella test it out quickly. 
“Do you want a ride to school or something?” Bella asked. Y/n turned to Jacob. She knew it was a long shot but maybe they could go to school with one another now.
“I go to school on the reservation.” He admitted with a smile. 
“I wish we could go to the same school.” Y/n muttered softly. 
“That’s too bad, it would’ve been nice to know one person.” Bella answered. Pouting Y/n gently hit her sister’s arm.
“What am I then?” Bella rolled her eyes. 
“You don’t count in that aspect.” Y/n scoffed softly and crossed her arms. To her sides both people laughed at her.
Regular human school was boring. Y/n sat next to Bella at her lunch table unamused. She’s already been asked three times if she had studied in Italy. She wasn’t sure why that’s the country everyone picked.
The cover for the academy wasn’t even in Italy, it was in Egypt. The desserts made the perfect hiding grounds for the portals to the hidden realm. She didn’t like how all the boys seemed obsessed with Bella.
They reminded her of rabbits in heat looking for a mate. She liked Erik, he seemed nice enough. Mike was fragile but a little funny. Quietly stabbing her fork through her apples coated in honey and tajín. She perked her head up at Bella’s words. 
“Who are they?” Bella asked staring out the window. Y/n’s gaze drifted to where her sister laid. Walking into the cafeteria were two pairs of boy and girl. 
“The Cullens.” Angela answered with a smile. Y/n furrowed a brow at her. Cullen? She’d sworn she’d heard the name before.
“They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska, like a few years ago.” Jessica answered handing Y/n half of her sandwich. She smiled softly and ate it quietly.
Gods above and below how Y/n has missed a simple sandwich. With deli meat, cheese, and mayonnaise. She loved all the food she’d ever eaten but there was something nostalgic about a plain sandwich.
“They kind of keep to themselves.”
“Yeah, cause they’re all together.” Jessica added smiling like the gossip queen she was. “Like together, together. The blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're like a thing.”
Y/n stared at them as they walked past her table. Rosalie the blonde was gorgeous beyond belief. Her hair was perfect in every way, soft, bouncy and smooth. Emmett the big dark haired boy was no different. Not an imperfection on his body. 
He was huge like a pro football player. His large hand tightly wrapped around Rosalie’s. But as they passed a stench wafted into her nose. Like the smell of a hospital completely sterile.
“I’m not even sure that legal.” Jessica whispered. 
“Jess, they’re not actually related.” Angela snipped quietly. 
“Yeah, but they live together. It's weird.” Jessica turned back to the Swan sisters. “Okay, the little dark haired girls Alice. She’s really weird, and she’s with Jasper, the blonde one who looks like he’s in pain.” Y/n watched as Alice twirled about. 
Weird wasn’t the right word. She was so pale, paler than Bella and that was an achievement. Jasper did look like he was in pain. His eyes were glassed over like some ravaged wolf. Hungry carving blood. 
They too had not visible imperfections.
As they passed her they left a new scent to her nose. It smelt like smoke, maybe a hint of smoke. It was faint, not entirely unpleasant like the two before them. It was just odd. It was familiar to her. 
“Dr. Cullen's like this foster dad/matchmaker.” Jessica amused. Y/n scoffed softly as she finished her last bite of sandwich. Jessica smiled softly at her, handing her a small package of cookies.
“Maybe he’ll adopt me.” Y/n froze for a second so small it thankfully went unnoticed. Adoption… the word sent shivers down her spine. She wasn’t ungrateful to be living with her dad and sister.
She loved them dearly, but it always made her feel uneasy. 
“Who’s he?” Bella asked staring so deeply it made her confused. There he walk, the object of Bella’s thoughts. Y/n could practically feel the way her heart began to move.
“That's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently nobody here's good enough for him.  Like I care, you know?” Jessica finished. Y/n wanted to visibly recoil. 
Edward wasn’t ugly, handsome and perfect. She hated it, she wasn’t sure why. He like all his siblings were perfect. There was something off about him though. The way his lip curled when Jessica talked about him.
As he passed her his smell was something else entirely. He smell still, like a heart that hadn’t beat in a hundred years. Completely frozen over, like ice had found its way around his heart. 
Bella stared at him too, but not like herself. She admired him for the distance. Y/n couldn’t bring herself to. 
“Seriously, like don’t waste your time.” Jessica mentioned as she saw the sister staring. 
“I wasn’t planning on it.” Bella uttered as she looked back. 
“He’s probably too old for me anyway.” As she turned back his eyes were baring directly at Bella. Edward’s gaze turned for a moment to her. His eyes were blacked with not clear distinction between iris and pupil. 
His whole family smelt, they were not human. Y/n was a skilled enough hunter to know that. They were something else entirely. Now she just needed to figure out what.
Then she would have her first real hunt as a branded hunter. 
Mike had graciously decided to lead the two sister to Biology together. It took him a moment to realize that Y/n was a junior with them. It seemed he’d forgotten quickly how smart she was.
“Mr. Molina.” Mike greeted as he walked to his seat. The teacher smiled at him as both Bella and Y/n walked in. Her baggy leather jacket was held in her hands as she followed. 
“The two Swans.” Mr. Molina greeted. Y/n played with her pendant dangling from her neck. She thought of Kellan as she looked over all her jewelry. He’d crafted them all himself. The pendant hung elegantly over her chest.
On instinct her and a hand wrapped around it. She clung to it for comfort. She wasn’t afraid. Fear was the mind killer. To be afraid was to let your enemies have control over you. She was not afraid. Just uneasy.
Y/n’s eyes roamed the class room till the landed on the Cullen boy. His black eyes bore into hers with an animalistic expression. His scent enveloped her senses, unchanging, unmoving, just still. 
She watched his face recoil as the fan blowed the air through her and Bella’s hair. His hand covered his nose and moth in disgust. She smelt her hair quickly, lotus flowers and honey. The same scent she always had. A hint of rose and vanilla maybe from the perfume she had worn earlier.
She smelt good, she knew that could not be the issue. As she walked to sit next to him, she studied him. His fist were tightly woven together. His jaw clenched so tight he might break a tooth.
Sitting down on the edge seat Bella sat next to Cullen boy, Edward. Her teacher , Mr. Molina gave her the books for his class with a smile. Her old instructors rarely smiled. It was a nice change. 
The two sister shared a quickly glance as Edward slid the small dish over to them. His nails scratched the desk, creating the most annoying sound. Bella poked her head towards him, his black unsettling eyes caused her to turn away. 
His stare never left the two girls. Every few minutes Y/n would look back at him, her eyes hardened to there cores. She would stare back till his eyes faltered. He was unnatural. The way he all buy jumped out of his chair moments before the bell rung. 
As he passed her quickly she felt her skin grow warm. Glancing under her jacket lo and behold her hunter marks were glowing softly. She eyes shot towards his retreating frame at an inhuman pace. 
Monster. He was a monster. That much was sure. What kind was the issue now. Changeling? Golem? Vampire? Skinwalker? What would a monster be doing in a high school of all places.
Y/n look over at Bella softly. Bella held her hands gently over her beating heart. Y/n felt the rage boiling inside of her sister. Bella’s anger often turned into tears. It never ended well for anyone who made her sister cry. 
“Well, he was an asshole.” Y/n uttered offering Bella her hand. Bella smiled faintly and took it. 
“I guess he was.” Bella murmured. Y/n giggled softly and nudged Bella’s shoulder. 
“Look at you talking smack, looks like all those years of being the horrible little sister have been paying off.” Bella scoffed and pushed her gently. 
“As if…. You were never a horrible sister.” Y/n smiled faintly. 
Her next class was chemistry with seniors. Although she wanted to stay with Bella, chemistry was a passion of hers. Well
More chemical experiments. The juniors had a course but it wouldn’t have been as fun. As she approached her teacher the older lady smiled almost manically. 
“Good morning, I’m Y/n Swan-“
“And you’re my newest student?” Y/n nodded with a smile. Her teacher giggled and patted her shoulder. She wore goggles on her head like a mad scientist. Y/n knew she would like her.
“I went over your transcripts from Northride Academy, very impressed. Your old chemistry teacher had many good things to say.” Y/n let her smirk widen slightly. Most of the transcripts were fake in a sense. Northride Academy was a real school, she did learn there.
It was just not all she learnt. As for her chemistry teacher, it was just Kijani. He too has an interest in the subject.
“I’m surprised you decided to continue your high school education instead of going to collage.” 
“I wanted the high school experience, even if it’s just for a few years.” Her teacher nodded softly.
“I’m Ms. Franken.” Y/n let her brows furrow.
“Like Frankenstein?” The older women nodded. 
“I’ve got a seat for you at lab four, in the corner over there with the Cullen’s.” Y/n nodded as she walked over. The two Cullens she was to seat with the gorgeous blonde and hefty brunette.
She set her bag to the side and grab her lab safety kit from Ms. Franken. It was just her luck that her teacher had an extra. Unfortunately the coat was a boys coat. It’s was rather large on her, but rolling up her sleeves would fix that issue.
She took the empty spot next to the boy and  met the blondes gaze. Her eyes were sharpe and golden. Her scent was cleared now. Roses, she smelt of roses and perhaps some moss. It was a gentle scent, kinder to her nose than Edward’s. 
To her side Emmett smelt of the forest and oddly cookie dough. It was a warm smell, something she enjoyed. But when they stood together the collective sterile smell was still present. Simply not as pronounced.
Placing a smile on her face she turned to the pair. She reached her hand out slowly. 
“I’m Y/n Swan, I’ll be your new lab partner.” The boy immediately took her hand in his. His hand engulfed her own as he shook it firmly. His hands were ice cold and then he retracted quickly. The glare from Rosalie was promising. 
“Emmet Cullen, and this is-“
“Rosalie Hale.” Her voice was perfect too. Y/n nodded with a smile. She was an enchanting creature. She wasn’t human that much was obvious. 
She glanced at her arm. Her lab coat had lifted slightly. She could she the mark of Anubis glowing on her wrist. She pulled the coat down with a smile.
More monsters. 
“I’m not totally sure what we’re ment to be working on, could you both help me?” Rosalie didn’t answer and went back to her work. Emmett smiled and noddded.
“We’re making colored fires. Simple enough.” Y/n nodded softly as she look at all the equipment at her lab. The burner before her was probably the weakest. It looked a bit worn as she suspected, when lighting the flame it was dull.
Slowly as grab her metal salts from the vials she glanced over at her lab mates. Rosalie had an annoyed look plastered on her face. The statement necklace she wore looked old, 1900’s maybe. 
“Your necklace is pretty.” The blonde’s golden eyes snapped up as she pressed her hand to the desk. Y/n breathed in deeply as she focused. The Blaze orders powers were most difficult to control.
The high emotions the high the heat. The tiny wisp of fire grew larger and she pulled her hand away. Kijani had always been specific about using her powers in the human realm. 
“Nothing noticeable, unless absolutely necessary.” 
She slipped her gloves and glasses on and she flicked her air vent on. Grabbing the strontium chloride and lithium chloride she grab the small spoon.
“Thank you.” Rosalie answered softly. Smirking Y/n dropped her metal salts onto her fire it lit up in red and a crimson pink. The two at her side stared at the strong colorful fire as she caught her teachers gaze. Ms. Franken was smiling at her.
“You’re most welcome.” Y/n added as she looked away. Under her coat she looked at her marks. They all glowed softly in a silver and gold. She had found her first hunt.
Climbing out of her room had been too easy. Y/n had always remembered her house to be much bigger than this. Maybe it was the fact she was small once, maybe it had just been how imposing the house had once looked. 
It didn’t matter now, she had already journeyed into the woods. Her footsteps were light as she followed by a stream. Small tadpoles flowed up the small body of water effortlessly. 
She smiled to herself as she progressed, it was so simple in this forest. It was peaceful unlike the forests in the hidden realm. No monsters were lurking around in the shadows.
Well, that she wasn’t quite sure just yet. Those Cullen’s were human. Maybe to a real human they just looked like supermodels but to Y/n, she knew better. Nothing human was that perfect. 
Humanity was perfect, that’s what made it so beautiful. That’s what humanity worthy of protection. Its imperfections made it real, not perfect but real.
The Cullens were something else internally. As her eyes looked around her she noticed the smallest of movement within the trees. They swayed softly, as if they had a life of their own. 
Smiling she lifted her hand to grasp into the warping air above her. Her sword, a black blade with a decorated handle. The metal shined in the moonlight, casting a small glow on the area around her. At its every end was the Eclipse symbols and at its hilt was a star shoot out of the curve of the crescent moon. 
Slowly she dragged its tip again the soft mud, making a small circle. She stabbed the sword into the middle with a smile. As the moon moved over the circle she took in a breath. Slowly she reached her hand out. 
A grayish sliver admitted from her hands. The circle itself began to glow. Gently symbols materialized in the air and floated around.
“๒ץ Շђє ק๏ฬєг ๏Ŧ Շђ๏Շђ, ɭєՇ ๓є รקєคк ฬเՇђ ๓ครՇєг кเןคภเ.” The glow spread till it formed her masters body. He stood with his back to her, speaking softly with another. The other he spoke to was out of her view, still she smiled anyway.
She had not been gone long but she missed her master. He’d been like another father to her at her time in the academy. When others didn’t believe in her, he always did. Her need for his approval was so great. She needed to make him proud to call her his apprentice.
Cleaning her throat she spoke, “Master Kijani?” 
He whipped around, smiling proudly at the small mirror like portal in front of him.
“Your first moon message! I’m so overjoyed you’ve decided to call upon me.” He answered standing straight. 
“Is this a bad time? I can call you tomorrow if you’re speaking with another.” She offered, her shoulders relaxed. He shook his head, his locks swaying side to side.
“No child, I was just finishing up.” His comforting gaze left her and went to his side. With a soft nod, whatever figure that was at his side left. She nodded and stepped towards the figure in front of her.
“Who was that?”
“No one, what can I help my prized student with?” He answered.
Her lip curled up slightly. Kijani had always answered every question she’d ever asked. Her brows furrowed, she could remember if he had ever denied her knowledge. Perhaps she’d simply grown spoiled, always being informed. 
“I believe I’ve found my first hunt.” She answered with a smile. Kijani’s hazel eyes perked up in interest.
“Truly? Normally it takes new hunters at the very least take a year to find a hunt.” He mumbles knowledgeably. She smiled happily, her nails biting into her skin through her excitement.
“I know! I think I’ve found some kind of changeling, or skinwalker maybe, perhaps a coven of vampires.” She exclaimed. He chuckled softly at her optimism.
“Changelings? Skinwalkers? Vampires? All in Forks, Washington?” He asked with an amused look. She nodded once more. 
“I’m not sure yet.”
“We’ll do explain then.” His calm voice grounded her chaotic happiness. Her heart beat skyrocketed as she recounted her thoughts.
“There’s this family here, they’re unnaturally perfect. They smell like a still corpse, sterile and completely unmoving when tougher. They’re cold to the touch, and seem always annoyed with humans.” Kijani nodded at her rambles softly. 
“You can get rid of Changelings then, they are always hot to the touch.” She nodded and stand in the moist moss bellow.
“Perhaps they’re vampires then, could you ask Dracula if there are any covens here in Forks?” She asked leaning her head in one elbow. He laughed softly at her words.
“Funny you should mention Dracula, Aerion is currently in Transylvania.” Her h/c brows shot up in surprise.
“Really? Wasn’t her placed in Romania?” She asked. Kijani agreed with her words softly. 
“Yes, but Dracula needed aid with Andrei, he’s ill? In a sense.” Worry took over her face. Andrei was sick…? He was the son of Dracula, born of a human mother two hundred years ago.
His father had always been protective of his only son, it made the partnership with the Hunters all the more difficult. Dracula was the only vampire they would never hunt. He aided humanity too much to be rid of. 
So by extension they could not hurt his family. Andrei was a friend to her, Dracula was often a rude in kind terms to hunters. However he had an odd softness for Y/n, she didn’t know why. Both vampires seek tame around her.
“What’s wrong with Andrei?” Her voice was laced in concern. 
“We don’t know yet, if the situation escalates, I need you in Transylvania.” Kijani answered. She frowned greatly and stood up.
“Send me now! If he needs help, let me!” She snapped. Kijani laughed gently at her emotions.
“I’ve only just sent you home, and you want to come back already.” She scoffed softly as she walked around the glowing circle. 
“And you tell em something horrible.” She snipped back. He hummed gently at her as he watched her with gentle eyes. 
“You worry too much, Aerion can handle this alone, just as you will handle this hunt alone.” He answered. Alone… she was really alone this time. Kijani couldn’t come to her rescue if something went wrong. 
Nothing would go wrong though, she was ready. She’d found her kill, now all that was left was to do it. 
@svtbpbts, @l-nectarine-l, @mimisweetz, @navybluelover
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strangesmallbard · 8 months ago
pondering an asoiaf war of the five kings au where ned decides to tell robert about cersei/jaime (maybe his death was less imminent or ned believes he’s honor-bound to tell him before he signs that document about joffrey), and in response, robert pulls an aegon 4 and legitimizes all his bastards right before kicking it. he tasks ned with finding and protecting his heir, conveniently not mentioning who that heir is.
of course, much would stay the same after that. for example: joffrey still executes ned, sansa is imprisoned, arya flees the red keep, etc. i think cersei still orders robert’s now trueborn kids killed, but with more urgency; news of the legitimization travels fast (varys helps spread it to destabilize the lannisters even more in preparation for young griff), so cersei and co have to work double time to refute the rumors and bury the evidence (the kids).
beyond robert’s kids, the biggest story change would be stannis’ arc. i think he’d also send people to find robert’s kids; he specifically wants to find robert’s eldest trueborn son, but instructs all newly baratheon kids sent to dragonstone. however, i think it’d be interesting if renly, rather than making his own claim, decides to throw his support behind edric storm. after all, a noble bastard could be more readily accepted and he’d have five years as his regent. to bolster edric’s claim, renly begins searching for the kids as well.
as a result, you have Many People looking for kids with black hair and blue eyes. i think gendry (+arya, hot pie, weasel, and lommy) wind up at dragonstone. lysa immediately sends mya there as well, not wanting the war on her doorstep, but she’s intercepted by renly’s team, who promptly take her to storm’s end. (mya’s pov chapter is vivid in my head; as she’s very comfortable in her role and responsibilities at the vale + she’s technically the eldest sibling overall, her perspective on Suddenly Being a Princess could be really interesting).
i’m unsure where bella rivers ends up; maybe she’s the only bastard found by cersei’s guards? i can’t think of a reason cersei would keep her alive except to psychologically torment her like she does sansa, but sansa already has that arc. OH maybe she’s the one who winds up with the brotherhood without banners instead of gendry? (i think gendry ends up there either way; him and arya sneak out of dragonstone at some point).
anyway, aside from plot points i haven’t quite worked out the “why” factor. why change these events? what is the overall purpose? which themes could be illuminated with this change? does this change affect jon’s story at the wall or dany’s story in meereen at all? and so on. but if this au has inspired any ideas (even lore corrections LMAO), i’d love to hear them!
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sk1fanfiction · 11 months ago
blood of the covenant/water of the womb
The Black sisters are so tragic.
I mean, imagine:
As kids, Narcissa is the baby sister that the elder two dote on, while both Narcissa and Andromeda look up to Bellatrix, the proud, beautiful, powerful, accomplished, perfect eldest sister, who has always known who she is and where she's going, but especially Andromeda, since they look so alike she's always been encouraged to act like her too but since Narcissa doesn't have the stereotypical Black looks and her parents didn't follow the Black naming scheme she's encouraged to be her own person a little bit more.
At Hogwarts they're all Sorted into the same House, Slytherin, which only increases their bond. Bella does really well at school, probably the top of her class, which makes Andy, who's only a year or two behind hyperaware of where the bar is. She walks, talks, and dresses like Bella.
Andy follows in Bella's footsteps (who's probably Head Girl by now) and becomes a prefect, but she gets assigned to do rounds with a Muggle-born Hufflepuff. And despite everything she'd been taught, everything she knows to be true, she finds herself falling for him and the worst part is she can't tell anyone, even Bella, the one she has always been able to confide in, always reassured her and set her on the right path.
Meanwhile Druella and Cygnus are arranging Bellatrix's marriage to Roldophus, someone she doesn't even like never mind attracted to but because she's the perfect Black and the perfect daughter she has to do it. And Andromeda sees and fears how she could get trapped, too, how there's another Lestrange boy in her year.
Meanwhile a strange foreign Dark Lord comes to dinner and he's so different to Roldophus and all those other men who think because she's a woman she must be weak and she's just a vessel for their pureblood children. And despite the way she shouldn't feel this way, Bella doesn't care. He listens to Bella's opinions and he takes her seriously and he sees her magical talent and her thirst to prove herself and he's not scared of her in the way others say that she's 'too intense.' And when he offers to train her, and adds that he never does this, she says, one better, I'll follow you.
Andromeda and Narcissa watch this strange man burn the Dark Mark into their sister's arm and they don't know what to think. Narcissa's scared Bella will put herself in danger, that she'll do too much, give too much of herself because she doesn't know when to pull back. And Andy's scared Bella's going down a path she cannot follow, because deep down she can't say she believes in blood supremacy, can't say she hates Ted and she can't figure out a way through so she leaves.
It's like part of Bella's heart has been ripped out. They were all close, the Blacks, but Andy and Bella had a certain je ne sais quoi, they were thick as thieves and inseparable. Bellatrix is the one who burns Andromeda off the tapestry, crying while she does it, the scorned love for her sister, the anger and shame that Andy chose that Mudblood over her turning that love to bottomless hate.
Meanwhile Narcissa, the lucky one, watches it all. Narcissa is the one that gets it all, she's the only one who's able to marry for love and stay with her family but there's also this Andromeda-shaped hole in her and there's a Slytherin resentfulness of being Bellatrix's supporting act.
Every night that Bella is on a mission, Narcissa stays up, even while pregnant with Draco, until she knows her sister is safe.
That fateful Halloween she waits and waits and waits but Bellatrix never comes home. When she finds out her last remaining sister is serving life she completely breaks down. Won't sleep, won't eat. The thought of leaving Draco without a mother is the only thing that helps her hold on. Regulus, Andromeda and Sirius are dead/burned off the tapestry/imprisoned; she and Draco are the last Blacks, that makes their bond even stronger, makes her scared of losing him like she did her sisters. She curses Voldemort for putting her in danger, aware of her feelings for him and that Bella would do anything for them, swears she'll never let that happen to her son.
All the while Andy raises her daughter, who hates the name she gave her in the same way Andy know she would hate the Blacks. Narcissa and Andy watch each other from across crowds; Tonks and Draco are never at school together, never know more than scattered off-hand mentions of a cousin on their mother's side. But both Narcissa and Andy fantasize of a reconcilation, of Tonks babysitting Draco while they rekindle their bond. Neither bridges the gap. That burn, that rift cannot be healed. But they still ache for each other.
When Voldemort returns that fear for Draco grows, but it's tempered with the joy of having Bella back after mourning her for 14 years -- Bella, traumatized, starved, jagged and torn up at the edges, different, but alive.
And just like knowing he was innocent kept Sirius sane, Bella's love and trust of Voldemort is what made her able to hang on. Yes, they're both drastically different physically (the snake face and the emaciation) and mentally (both shaken, less confident), but everything else can be the same. Maybe better.
But everyone is scared. It's not the same world, where the Death Eaters have control and are undefeated. Voldemort is scared of that boy, Narcissa is scared for Draco. It's clear things are not the same, things are not normal. Far from it. Fear makes Voldemort angry, and cold, and distant and nothing she does feels good enough.
And that boy -- lying hateful filthy boy -- he dares suggest that her Voldemort's filthy-blooded like him. No, he must just be taunting her, scaring her. But there are things Voldemort's said, things he's done -- she would notice, the way she hangs on every word he speaks and plays their conversations in her head over and over again in Azkaban -- Bellatrix just does her best to silence it and block it out, all these confusing things, she's a great Occlumens after all.
She'll make things certain, make things right, trim off the weakness, cut out the sickness. Like Sirius. Like that young woman with Andromeda's face and Andromeda's laugh, that filthy half-blood Andy left her to create.
Narcissa can't keep Draco safe like she, the baby sister, couldn't keep Bellatrix safe. When Voldemort burns the Dark Mark into his skin she sees her son emaciated and dead-eyed.
To assuage Narcissa's fears Bellatrix trains Draco like Voldemort trained her; but he's not the same, he's weak, he's moralistic, he looks at her with wide scared eyes and he's a failure. The glory of the Blacks is gone.
All the while, Narcissa's fear grows, when Lucius is imprisoned, when Voldemort's ire turns on her family, on her son, sets him an impossible task. The despair she feels, she hasn't felt for nearly sixteen years -- Bellatrix more interested in eking out morsels of approval from Voldemort and turning her frustration on Draco, and Narcissa by extension.
All the while, Andromeda's fear for her daughter grows, of the danger she puts herself in as an Auror and a member of the Order, and she's reminded of Bellatrix, of how she gives everything of herself and how Nymphadora does too, begging, begging her to hold back.
She's not good enough for him, not with the sickness, the weakness still clinging to her. Bellatrix very much wants to kill the woman with Andy's face. She's always been perfect. It's everyone else around her that's wrong, everyone else who has to go. She'll do better. Try harder.
And when the Snatchers catch that filthy boy, and he slides out of her grasp like a buttered eel, Bellatrix hits the bottom rung of the ladder of despair. She doesn't know who she is, anymore.
Voldemort's retaliation and rejection breaks Bellatrix's heart, but it hardens Narcissa's.
Bellatrix will do anything to make him happy. She finally kills the witch with Andy's face -- do you see -- do you love me now -- but he's still cold, still frightened, still different, and she despairs, but it will be all over when Harry Potter is dead and he can breathe again. They've won. It will be alright. It will go back to normal. She can have it all again -- Voldemort and Narcissa and her perfect, pruned family.
Narcissa will do anything to keep him safe. And so she chooses Draco's life, she lies, her heart in her throat, in front of her beloved sister, to the Dark Lord, with unshed tears in her eyes and Harry Potter's 'corpse' before her.
Bellatrix's death is something Narcissa knew was coming, deep down She mourned her sister sixteen years ago and she mourns her now, but it will all be worth it if Draco survives this ordeal; Potter must win, he must live, Voldemort must die. And Bellatrix will never allow this.
She wishes she could tell Andy that she understands.
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forestdeath1 · 10 months ago
Where does this idea come from that the Black brothers are all dramatic and theatric? Regulus writes sad poems and lies on the floor soaking in his teenage tears and sorrow, while Sirius makes up fancy insults and tries to look artistic, entertaining everyone around him.
None of what they did or said is really dramatic or theatrical.
Sometimes their words might sound a bit lofty, but that's because all the Blacks were raised in a family culture that was a bit "elevated". It’s not about them being "naturally" dramatic or theatrical; they’re brought up differently, part of a family culture where honour, dignity, and "knightly" behaviour are more than just empty words. As the saying goes, some are into painting, some into literature, and some into sausages the Malfoys.
So, it's not just personal; it's the upbringing imposed on the Black character. These attitudes don’t just appear out of nowhere; one isn’t born with them, yet all the Blacks (even Narcissa to some extent, and she’s got more guts than Lucius) have them. Honour means different things to them, but it is still honour. They all stay true to their ideals, what’s important to them, they are fearless, not afraid of death, and honest in their actions and thoughts. I think it’s more family than personal.
Both Regulus and Sirius are very focused on the concept of honour, though they see it differently. You could write this on their tombstones:
Mine honour is my life; both grow in one. Take honour from me, and my life is done. Then, dear my liege, mine honour let me try; In that I live, and for that will I die.
(I’m purposely ignoring whose words these are — it doesn’t matter here)
Regulus "I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more"
And Bella "You should be proud! If I had sons, I would be glad to give them up to the service of the Dark Lord"
And Sirius "I want to commit the murder I was imprisoned for..." and "THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED! DIED RATHER THAN BETRAY YOUR FRIENDS"
It's not about their personal theatricality; it's about how such people see the world. These people view the world through a lens where pride, honour, and dignity aren't just idealistic, they're real and ingrained structures that live within them. It's the morality of knights versus a utilitarian approach, choosing what's right over what's just beneficial.
The independence of the Blacks’ thinking leads to unique outcomes — each person has their own idea of what's "right."
Regulus isn't just a sad boy with poems, forced into a vile organisation, then betraying Voldemort out of immense pity and love for a house-elf. And Sirius isn't just an artistic dancer on the bar with witty insults.
Both Regulus and Sirius have very clear views of what's right and wrong. Sirius is incredibly brave, as is Regulus in his own way — joining the Death Eaters at 16 is brave and dangerous, but if it's the "right" thing to do, it's worth it. And if the "right actions" lead to the destruction of the entire line—well, you know... He writes such a letter believing he is dying with honour, in contrast to Voldemort, a dishonourable being who, indeed, views honour as nothing but an empty word. I believe Voldemort was quite adept at manipulating these notions of "honour" among some purebloods. Voldemort is utterly utilitarian.
The same goes for Sirius — his upbringing and ideals are mistakenly attributed to excessive drama and theatricality, as if he's some clown who deliberately makes up fancy insults and entertains the crowd by dancing on tables. This destroys the essence of Sirius, turning him into an aesthetic leech created for amusement and consumption (of attention, things, pleasures, etc.), and turning everything into an aesthetic object. Consumption and Sirius are completely opposite concepts. Nothing he does is for the Other; there's no theatricality in his actions, no fashion, no aestheticism for the sake of it, no consumption for the sake of consumption. Sirius is a man of Grand Concepts, as is Regulus.
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aro-geo-turtle · 10 months ago
Relistening to the first Malevolent episode is fun because a lot of the exposition John gives Arthur is blatantly wrong.
Of course there's the "Arthur was the one to kill Parker" thing, which was a malicious lie meant to manipulate him into trusting him.
But then we've got the bit where John explains where he came from. He certainly got the multiverse thing spot on. But he claims that he started out in this or some similar timeline, then died and wound up in the Dark World. Then, in the Dark World, he was bound to the book and somehow the book made its way back to Earth and to Arthur.
But obviously we later learn that what really happened was the King getting split in two and John winding up on Earth in that basement, where he was bound into the book/the Dark World (perhaps the book just sends people to the Dark World? we still don't really know how it works).
I think the best explanation for this is that John was just trying to patch together his splintered impressions and memory pieces into a cohesive narrative and getting some bits in the wrong order, considering he was still trying to hide his amnesia from Arthur.
But it still brings into question how much we can believe what John says about the Dark World. In part 1 he's very clear about it being the only afterlife out there, saying "all of these worlds have one, singular, exit." But later on (I don't remember when but it definitely happened) he says that he doesn't know if everyone goes there when they die or just a certain kind of being (like him).
We know that he was there when he was trapped in the book, and that the King had the power to casually toss him back there, and then (presumably) Kayne tossed the King in there himself to produce a terrified and amnesiac Yellow. We know that it's horrible and chaotic and really really sucks and time doesn't exist there.
But it could be one of many afterlives, we have no idea if Parker, Faroe, Bella, ect. are actually there. Hell, how do we know it's an afterlife at all??? Maybe its just the place a lot of bound, imprisoned, and discarded beings wind up in. I'll bet getting chopped in half felt a hell of a lot like dying.
anyways its an absolute power move to start your lore-heavy cosmic horror podcast with a bunch of exposition only to prove that the character giving it is amnesiac and has no clue what he's talking about
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saintsenara · 1 year ago
What are your favourite ships for Luna?
thank you so much for the ask, @thesilverstarling!
when it comes to favourite ships for luna the answer is... eh, not many. i've given my views on lunarry and snuna, and i think the same issue which i've raised in both of those - that full-fanon luna's sunny disposition and accurate understanding of the world is the only thing which makes them possible, while canon-coherent luna's personality type [sentient golden retriever joins qanon] does not - applies to the rest of luna's common non-canon ships.
both ginny and ron tend to speak to and about luna the way you might about a friend's precocious toddler - the eye-rolling behind her back is fond, but it's still eye-rolling - and so linny and lon [rona? runa?] are out.
hermione would genuinely rather take a job as rita skeeter's unpaid intern than spend her life explaining that no that's not a snorcack horn, so bye-bye lunmione.
i find the marauders-subfandom-influenced fanon that luna is related to the malfoys completely inexplicable - there is no way on god's green earth that draco malfoy knows who luna is, or that he'd be seen dead with her, given her fashion sense, so it's a no on druna.
dean is clearly grateful for her support during his miserable imprisonment, but that's as far as it goes, so i'm not going to be found handing out lean [duna?] propaganda any time soon.
and neville's canon vibe with luna is very much giving "even i look down on you" [although i'll concede that matthew lewis and evanna lynch have magnificent chemistry on screen], so sorry to lunville [nuna? these ship names do not come easily...] but it's a boot.
what i do like, however, is the idea of luna ending up in a relationship with an older man with an extremely paternalistic vibe - think friedrich bhaer with jo march [book version - he was far too nice and hot in the most recent adaptation...] - especially if that man is then gradually induced to derangement by the force of her... luna-ness - think duncan wedderburn with bella baxter [film version].
which means, if you want to go fully unhinged and deranged, there can only be one answer:
luna lovegood/garrick ollivander.
everyone's new otp.
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crucioslut · 3 months ago
The arrival of Rodolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange following their escape had been an adjustment, for everybody involved. To say the very least. Nobody could have prepared the Malfoys for this, and their discomfort towards their long-term guests was evident. Narcissa did her best to lead as quiet and clean of a life she possibly could whilst being closely affiliated with the darkest magic and most brutal carnage taking place in the wizarding world to date. Appearances were everything to the aristocratic witch, and even if things were less than savoury, she always would remain in control. At least, she would always appear that way.
This circumstance had left all of the Malfoys feeling rather.. out of control. Like at any moment something horrific could take place, be it by the hands of Aurors infiltrating their home and seizing the Lestranges, or indeed by Bellatrix herself, who had become ever more volatile during her lengthy imprisonment. It'd been three weeks now. Once strikingly beautiful, the middle-aged witch was only a ghost of her former glory. A stark reminder. Yes, some of her beauty still remained in tact. Hair still black like ink, heavy with thick. Lips full, eyes dark and sultry. Important wits had been preserved, too. Yet it was obvious just how much Bella's psyche had suffered.
By the time Bellatrix dragged herself out of bed to haunt down the stairs on her tip toes and join the rest of the family, it was noon. She would find Rodolphus, Narcissa, Draco and Lucius sat around the table. Narcissa's ice blues pierced her sister exhibiting disapproval. Bellatrix scoffed, stretching and yawning rather obnoxiously still in her night gown and hair a mess of tangles as she padded through the dining hall in bare feet. Crossing behind Draco, the hairs on the back of his neck stood straight up when he smelled hit aunt's perfume then felt her arm around him and her lips on his cheek. "Morning, little Dragon." Instantly, his eyes shot to his mother. At the head of the table, Lucius shifted uncomfortably. Just her presence alone could render a room tense enough to cut. "Bellatrix. So nice you've decided to join us. At.. What is it, half past noon?" Lucius said, watching her closely, full of judgement. "Awwe, well thanks, Lucy! You've always been an artist when it comes to hospitality." Bellatrix snapped back words dripping in sarcasm. Rodolphus, who hadn't much to say at all since their return snorted out a half-laugh at this. "I was up late, wanker." Bella sat herself down in the empty chair next to Narcissa, wasting no time in pulling the blonde in for an embrace nearly dragging Narcissa right off her chair. "Cissy. Oh, good morning my sweet." Bella squeezed the other witch and pet her hair affectionately. It did feel rather inappropriate in timing, especially given the fact Narcissa had just picked up her fork. "What have you prepared for me today, hm?" One of many requests Bellatrix made was that Narcissa do all the cooking, just for a while. Bella had missed her cooking and the elves just didn't do it the same. Bella held Narcissa close and rocked her back and forth placing quick little kisses all over the side of her temple, whispering in a child-like voice. "I hope you've not forgotten about my chocolate cake."
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protection-spell · 8 months ago
Royce Alderan | Closed Starter
Royce shook himself awake. As he came too he felt the aches and pain from a recent brawl. On his feet, he lunged forward as a surge of adrenaline propelled his body without his consent. Held back by heavy chains shackled to his neck, his wrists, his ankles. He was bound.
Whipping his head around in a frenzy, he could tell he was underground from the smell of the earth. There was no clear way out besides a threshold shrouded in darkness. And to his right: a greater horror yet, Bella imprisoned along side him.
She had not yet awoken, her body slumped against the wall, chains strewed about the floor around her.
"Bella!" he hissed, "Bella! Wake up!" His voice panic stricken. Never had he felt so out of control, not since knowing Bella had he felt so powerless, so vulnerable. Rage welled inside him, churning violently.
"Bella, wake up!" He commanded with fury on his tongue, struggling against his chains.
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simp2537 · 2 months ago
a/n: this is sorta a filler chapter, nothings special really happens. Y’all get some insight to Hunter!readers character.
Word Count : 745
Trigger Warnings: child abuse, depression, war, war crimes, imprisonment, torture, abuse, predatory behavior, anxiety, nightmares, suicidal thoughts, death  gore, murder, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, alcohol addiction, just heavy themes all around
Chapter Two
Home Sweet Home
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Y/n quickly left the car and grabbed her bags. She dashed to the door whipping around Kai it was locked. 
“Keys!” She yelled at her father who was grabbing Bella’s bags. With a smile through the ring of keys which she caught quickly. She jammed them in, shooting the door open with such enthusiasm it made her dad assisted chuckle softly dissipate their awkwardness.
Right there on the door frame were small indictments of the girls height over the ages. There names scribbled atop the door, Y/n felt a tears streamflow her face. She remembered the last summer she was home. Bella was with her and Y/n wanted to ensure she left some mark of Bella to see.
The then twelve Bella was two inches shorter than the ten year old Y/n. She looked around her home giggly and watching Asher memories flashed before her eyes. She ran up all the stairs, logging her bags with ease. 
She pulled open the attic door hatch, throwing her bags and crawling up. Her e/c eyes weld with tears as she stared at her childhood room. It was left in a perfect condition.
Her books were laid in the shelves, her stuffed animals and dolls in the corner, her bed against the far end of the room next to the window. It was all perfect. She ran and jumped into her bed. Her body bounced softly as she laughed happily. The cozy mix of rose pinks and lilac covered the room.
“I kept it all the same, except the desk. Thought you might like it.” Charlie’s voice rang through. Y/n shot up staring at her dad with the brightness smile. She nodded her head eagerly.
“It’s perfect daddy! You kept it all the same!” She cheered as she kicked her legs. As she laid in her bed Charlie walked over to her, opening one of her many bags. He pulled out a stuffed brown bear, Lockheed. 
Charlie stared down at the bear, he remembered the day he brought Y/n home. She clutched the bear tightly, her only remaining object of her past. Charlie carefully set the bear next to Y/n with a smile.
“You still got this old bugger?” Y/n grabbed Lockheed with a smile. She rested him on her stomach. 
“Of course, he stays always.” Charlie ruffled Y/n’s hair and began to tread down the open hatch. 
“It good to have you home, my little soldier.” Y/n smiled. Her dad had no idea how literal that name was to her now. As Charlie disappeared under the hatch Y/n couldn’t help but feel that gut piercing feeling of guilt. As she began to unpack all her stuff she grew annoyed at the thought of doing it all.
“๒ץ Շђє ק๏ฬєг ๏Ŧ ђєг๓єร, ﻮเשє ๓є รקєє๔!” Y/n mumbled. Her body began to speed around the room at an inhuman pace. The floor did not creak under her nor did the soft pink and white rug move as she danced over it. Soon her bags were unpacked and all her things were placed away.
All that was left was her duffle bag. She dumped the contents onto her bed. Daggers, axes, crossbow with many enchant bolts, bow, quiver, enchanted arrows, two spears, sickles, sai, guns and ammunition were just to name a few.
Her eyes popped out of her skull as she stared at all the weapons that poured from her bag. Kellan made sure that she would be well prepared. She quickly placed them all back into her bag and slid the bag under her bed. She find a better place to put them later. 
She wandered downstairs to Bella’s room with a smile. She leaned against the door frame with a smirk.
“Need some help Bells?” Y/n pondered an amused look on her face. Bella was struggling to place her suitcase upon a high shelve in her closet. Sheepishly Bella looked away as Y/n helped her. A noise outside the window grasped both girls attention.
They went to the window and saw their father with two people. One a boy around Y/n’s age and one an older man in a wheelchair.
Y/n stared at the boy with a knowing smile. His shinning brown skin against the grey sky, glossy long raven hair, and his eyes are dark and deep in color. They were rich like the very dirt they would play together in when they were little. 
Jacob Black Y/n thought with a smirk. My how you’ve grown.
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sirenjose · 1 year ago
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Golden Rose Theater Analysis
Here’s a short summary of the events:
In the pre-event, we learn Scrooge was the founder of the Golden Rose Theater and created the play “The Coin of Lachesis”. Lachesis was the lead actress. The theater started to go bankrupt when people lost interest, and Lachesis supposedly died in a fall during the final performance of the play. Ronald’s father was blamed for her death due to being the mechanic in charge of the lift at the time. As a result, he was imprisoned and died of a severe cold 1 year later. Scrooge chooses Bella rather than Kroto to replace Lachesis.
The Detective is called to investigate by his client DM, who had been corresponding via letter with Bella and wanted to know why she’d stopped communicating with him. Jingle Bells prevents the Detective from seeing Bella, but Ronald helps the Detective get into the theater. At this point, he meets all of the members of the theater and gathers information about everything that’s happened. He eventually learns that Kroto had been the one pretending to be Bella to send letters to DM.
When Bella is reported to have died in a fall accident, Sheriff Jose calls the Detective for help in investigating. It’s during this investigation that the Detective learns about Quivering Flower, a drug Bella had been using. He also learns that the large sum Scrooge had received to rebuild the theater had come from Lachesis’ compensation after she “fell” to her death. Eventually, the truth comes out. Bella had actually died due to poisoning from Quivering Flower use. When Scrooge discovered this, he had Kroto help him pretend Bella had instead died from a fall, in the hope he’d earn compensation from her death like after Lachesis’. In the epilogue of the event, we learn that Kroto left the theater to join a different theater group and has a script called “Kroto’s Chain”. From Scrooge, we learn he had been a beneficiary on Lachesis’ insurance policy, along with Kroto and Lachesis herself. Finally we learn Ronald became the new owner of the Golden Rose Theater, with DM recommending a person for the role of leading actress.
To start things off, let’s look at Bella, who we never get to speak to. She was a foreigner from France, beautiful, talented, and liked meeting powerful people, but she was regarded as arrogant and having odd habits. We learn later that she was mildly addicted to Quivering Flower, which was the reason Bella repeatedly missed rehearsals, as she tended to get sick from the drug’s side effects. This was also why she could occasionally be found practicing alone at midnight, due to her use of Quivering Flower, which she was trying to hide. For Bella, she apparently thought it better to die before the curtain rises if she couldn’t put on a perfect show. This is exactly what happens, as she dies from Quivering Flower poisoning. Scrooge attempts to take advantage of this by trying to make it look like she instead fell to her death. Interestingly, even after the Detective reveals the truth, the newspapers still reported Bella as having fallen to her death.
Many of the other members of the theater didn’t look well on her. Ronald thinks Kroto would be able to put on a better show than Bella, as Bella’s performances had been fluctuating lately. Commander calls her personality not likeable, and says she isn’t close to the other members. She is adored by the gentlemen in town though, who gifts her things like she was a queen. Commander also calls her a lunatic after she says she’d rather die than not deliver a flawless performance. Encore describes Kroto as having to clean up Bella’s messes whenever Bella misses rehearsals.
She does have a number of supporters. Sparrow is the most vocal who gets incredibly emotional whenever someone disrespects her. Jingle Bells is also really affected by Bella’s death, as is Phonograph, who got upset when Scrooge asks Kroto to move into the Bella’s suite immediately after Bella’s death.
Bella wasn’t someone who really blended in with everyone else. She stood out in many ways, due to her reputation, being a foreigner and the new lead actress, and her personality. Mary was a (French) queen in a foreign land that wasn’t her home country (Austria), which were contributing factors to the ill feelings about her as well as her eventual execution. Bella, like Mary, appears to have been somewhat isolated in the theater company.
Moreover, in a secret letter after her execution, it was said people would forget about her death and even her existence as a queen, instead they would take pleasure in trampling on the royal family and appointing a new king. Similarly, Bella was hailed as a popular actress by aristocrats, but ended up buried in the daily news and forgotten after being reported as a fatal accident in the newspaper, with people like DM moving on and seeking other “beautiful things”.
Finally, there’s how Mary says the Queen is the easiest piece to take. With Bella, you can replace “Queen” with “leading actress”. The Leading Actress is the easiest to lose, and thus ends up being the most replaced. She’s someone who’s celebrated when she’s on a glamourous stage but is cut down when she’s not performing well.
For Bella, the ideal she was likely aiming for was Lachesis, and she was intentionally trying to mimic her. There are several hints to this. From Bella’s accessory Perfect Marionette, the description is: “Become ‘her’, or destroy her.” The first “her” is Lachesis, while the second is Bella. Then there’s how in Act 2 Kroto mentions hearing Bella say “Lachesis, are you calling me?”. These were likely hallucinations from using Quivering Flower. There’s also how in the official “Bella Donna! Bella Donna!” video, Bella appears to express how she struggled to be the “ideal Bella” but was unsuccessful and ended up mentally trapped. All of this was in part due to how often Bella was compared to Lachesis, which obviously stressed her out.
The introduction for the story mentions “Atropos using the death of her sister, Lachesis, to assume her identity”. If Atropos is assuming Lachesis’ identity, there’s a good chance Bella was trying (and failing) to do the same. If she’d been unable to deliver this “flawless” performance (as Lachesis), that would tie in with how Bella dies before the performance begins. Exactly what Bella says (“If I can’t deliver a flawless performance, I’d rather die before the curtains are drawn”) comes true.
Speaking of the videos, the 1st trailer for the Golden Theater event (Atropos Ropes) appears to be “Bella as seen from the outside”, while the later one (where she sings “Bella Donna! Bella Donna”) is the inner Bella. Bella was the kind of person who’d do anything for a play. She was trying to make up for her inner fear that she’d fail to become her ideal, as she’d feel worthless due to all the pressure she was receiving. She’s afraid of not meeting the expectations of those around her. The pressure she felt continued to increase, leading to her addiction to Quivering Flower to worsen and thus eventually causing her death.
Regarding a possible model for Bella, she might come from La Traviata, an opera based on La Dame aux Camélias, a novel (which also became a play) by Alexandre Dumas. La Traviata means “the fallen woman” or “the one who goes astray” and refers to the main character Violetta, a courtesan.
In the novel, Dumas tells the tragic love story of a courtesan, Marguerite Gautier, who sacrificed herself for her lover, Armand Duval, a young bourgeois. In the story, when Armand's father begs her not to ruin his hope of a career and position by marrying Armand, she acquiesces and leaves her lover. However, when poverty and terminal illness overwhelm her, Marguerite discovers that Armand has not lost his love for her. By the end, she keeps hiding that she’s not well, and dies without letting anyone but her trusted friends know of her physical ailment. She eventually dies of tuberculosis. Marguerite is nicknamed la dame aux camélias or “the lady of the camellias”, because she wears a white camellia when she’s available to her lovers, and a red camellia when she is unavailable.
The detail about the red and white camellias parallels the red and white scarves used in the Golden Theater event. Since DM received a red scarf from “Bella” (who was actually Kroto), that would explain why DM stopped receiving communication from her after.
Specifically, Bella may be based on the actress Sarah Bernhardt, who was a big hit as Marguerite in La Traviata. IBella’s hairstyle is likely modeled after Sarah Bernhardt’s.
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Sarah was so great she was referred to as the “golden voice”, “the most famous actress the world has ever known”, “the divine Sarah”, and “the queen of the pose and the princess of the gesture” by artists of the time. Her life was also shrouded in numerous rumors. These kind of details were likely inspirations for Bella (who was also seen as being great by her admirers, but also was seen as having odd habits and likely had rumors spread about her by those who didn’t like her).
Let’s move on to Kroto. She was first shown alongside Scrooge in a newspaper reporting Lachesis’ death. She gradually became popular after Lachesis was gone. It was her dream to become a famous actress like Lachesis, but that didn’t come true as Bella became the new leading actress instead. She does replace Bella whenever she gets sick from Quivering flower, allowing Kroto to improve her acting ability. At some point, Kroto replies to one of DM’s letters intended for Bella after falsely claiming to be Bella. During this correspondence, DM gives her Quivering Flower, which she never uses. She stops responding soon after she gives DM a red scarf, which results in DM hiring Inference to investigate.
Eventually, the Detective exposes Kroto’s lie to DM via the scarf. To pacify him, Kroto got Bella to help in exchange for giving Bella more Quivering Flower. Bella uses it due to how the performances coming up and dies as a result. When Scrooge discovers Bella’s death, he has Kroto help him make it look like Bella instead died from a fall to get compensation money. When the Detective starts to figure out the truth, Scrooge tries to pin the blame on Kroto, and thus she loses trust in him. After the case has been completed, we learn Kroto left Golden Rose Theater to join with a theater. During this time, she meets up with Inference again and reveals how everything she’s done has been to present “an opening act worthy of attention and a finale worthy of praise”.
This was why, after failing to become leading actress, she sought out patronage (a stepping stone for her career) in the form of DM. That’s also why she imitated Bella and sought the things that Bella didn’t want. One of those items was the red scarf she gave to DM. If Kroto hadn’t done any of these things, the Detective wouldn’t have been asked to come and investigate. If he hadn’t come to investigate and unraveled the lies around the theater, Kroto’s lie to DM wouldn’t have been discovered. It was because her lie was revealed to DM that she gave Bella the Quivering Flower, which caused Bella’s death, which led to Scrooge having Kroto help fake Bella’s death. Inference discovers this as well, resulting in Kroto being abandoned by Scrooge when he tried to save his own hide, and thus is a contributing factor for why she leaves the theater in the end.
All these things, this “chain” of events parallels how Kroto is Clotho, the youngest of the 3 Greek Fates. She was the goddess in charge of spinning the threads that determined a person’s fate, the one who decided when a person would be born and die. The other 2 were Lachesis and Atropos. Lachesis was in charge of measuring the thread of life spun by Clotho. She decided how much life each person had. Atropos was in charge of cutting the thread, the one who decided how each person would die, and ended their lives after cutting their thread. Lachesis means “to obtain by lot, by fate, or by the will of the gods”, while Atropos translates to “inevitable” and was known as “the inflexible one”.
The leading actress who performed in “The Coin of Lachesis” was Lachesis, and she played the role of Lachesis too. Unfortunately, the shaper and allotter of the thread dies before the event begins. In this case, this could mean chaos is created due to the loss of the one responsible for correctly drawing the thread. Bella on the other hand is Atropos, even though she’s never referred to as Atropos. This could mean, in the end, Bella was unable to play the role of the one who “cuts the thread Clotho spun”. This relates to Scrooge’s skin description: “When the ropes of destiny intertwine, who would become our Atropos?”. This shows how they needed an “Atropos”, as it seems like the threads were starting to tangle now with Lachesis gone. But Bella was unable to fill that role, and she dies later. With both of them gone, the threads tangle even further.
This could be why a “tangled thread” remains at the end of the Golden Rose Theater event. Based on the newspaper at the end, we see how it doesn’t really seem to matter to the public how Bella actually died, or how Scrooge made use of Lachesis’ compensation in the past, or how they didn’t seem interested in knowing why Bella took Quivering Flower despite the risks. Put another way, this is why there are “loose ends” (aka, questions without answers), since “Atropos” wasn’t there to “cut” them.
Kroto and this tangled thread is likely what Ronald is referring to in his skin description: “It's you, the strings that weave our destiny - let it become the web that entangles us all”. The threads did indeed tangle everyone in them.
Going back to the script title “Kroto’s Chains”, chains can refer to a series of connected elements. As I mentioned earlier, Kroto caused a series of events due to her actions. Chains can also be defined as something that confines, binds, or retrains. This can also refer to bearing a burden, bondage, or lack of freedom. People in chains may feel repressed, closed off, or limited, as if there isn’t much they can do about their current situation. This mirrors Kroto. There’s Lachesis, who she wanted to be like and tried to imitate. There’s Bella, who she even pretended to be in the communications with DM, during rehearsals Bella missed, and after Bella died when she pretended to be her before making it look like Bella died in a fall. Kroto’s “chains” can refer to how Kroto aka Clotho, now that Lachesis and Atropos are gone, is left with having to do everything herself (as well as how Clotho is spinning the thread, but now everything is wrong without someone to draw and cut the thread).
Then there’s also Scrooge, who she continued to work hard for, but who never treated her well. He never let her be the lead, made her help him fake Bella’s death, and then betrays by blame her for everything. When she leaves for a different theater, this mirrors Margaretha’s fate in her deductions. After Sergei’s death and after the circus burns down, she had to make a living for herself without anyone else’s help. By the end of her story, Margaretha understands that there’s another side to freedom. This kind of ending is just like Kroto’s after she leaves the Golden Rose Theater and after she loses all the other people she’d been relying on. Now, Koroto in a way put the “chains” on herself, having to live without anyone else’s help, without imitating anyone, and bearing the burden of her past actions.
For Kroto’s model, she’s based in part on Swan Lake, especially from looking at Kroto’s music box.
This is a tragic love story of a girl named Odette and a prince (usually named Siegfried). Odette’s been turned into a swan by an evil wizard named Rothbart. The prince goes on a hunt one day and finds the swan, who becomes human and explains her predicament to him. He professes his love for her, promising to break the curse and marry her. This angers Rothbart, who devises a plan to kill Odette. This plan includes having the prince proclaim his love for Rothbart’s daughter, Odile. At a ball, Rothbart presents his daughter, who’s disguised as Odette, to the prince. Overjoyed, the prince quickly proposes to the woman. Rothbart reveals this was a trap, before taunting the prince about how he’s killed Odette. The prince runs off to find Odette and explain his actions. He finds her by the lake, broken hearted, and retells her what happened. She forgives him, but Rothbart appears and informs the prince he must marry Odile or else he and Odette will die. After fighting, the prince decides he’d rather die than marry a woman he doesn’t love, so he takes Odette’s hand and they jump into the lake (though this ending varies) breaking the spell, setting those wronged by Rothbart free. Rothbart and Odile are driven into the water, where they also drown.
Kroto, like Odile for Odette, imitates Bella and pretends to be her several times. Her pretending to be Bella when corresponding with DM, who actually had been sending letters intended for Bella, paralells how the prince actually loves Odette and promises to marry her but is tricked to instead propose to Odile. DM, like the prince, was clueless about the truth until it was revealed to him by someone else. The prince being fooled by Odile and Rothbart’s trick is like how DM and the other members of the theater all believed that Kroto was Bella (DM via letters, and the theater when Kroto pretended to be Bella under Scrooge’s direction after Bella died of poisoning). Finally, Kroto’s black costume gives off a similar feeling to Odile’s from Swan Lake, who also usually wears jet black.
To finish off the 3 characters based on the 3 Fates, let’s turn towards Lachesis. Commander calls her a mix between Kroto and Bella, and is also arrogant. She described Lachesis as not the type to fall off a stage during a performance, never missed a rehearsal, and never made a mistake. “A genius who’s deadly serious to the point of pathological”. Like Bella, Lachesis was from France, as before the last performance of “The Coin of Lachesis” she was rumored to be returning there. This never happens, as she is reported to have fallen to her death in an accident during the final performance. It is from her death that Scrooge receives compensation money that he uses to rebuild the theater, which had been on the verge of bankruptcy.
Based on various factors, there’s a good chance that Lachesis, like Bella, also died due to Quivering Flower poison.
Back then, when Lachesis was still alive, Quivering Flower wasn’t banned. From what we see of her personality, she seems to have been the kind of person who’d do anything to get on the stage, meaning meaning she’d be willing to use Quivering Flower. From the mention of her arrogance, her pride also probably led her to hiding her addiction, just like it did with Bella. Though the one person she wouldn’t have been able to hide it from would have been Fragrance Queen, who we know had to have been around back then. This might explain why she becomes wary of Inference when she smells the same scent on him, and why she gets sad when she learns Bella used it to, so much so she stops trusting Scrooge. Either because they didn’t realize how dangerous the drug was back then, or because Fragrance Queen was unable to stop her.
It’s possible Scrooge knew about Lachesis’ use of Quivering Flower as well, but didn’t stop her due to his love of Lachesis’ talent. This could explain the “twisted love” Rusty mentions, which would refer to Scrooge’s obsession with Lachesis, which was so strong he decided to hire Bella instead of Kroto as lead actress because Bella was like Lachesis more than Kroto was (Kroto was compassionate while Bella had a similar arrogance like Lachesis did, not to mention Bella was also from France like Lachesis was, as well as a few other similarities especially personality wise).
Lachesis, as well as several other elements of the Golden Rose Theater including the theater itself, was likely based on the film Moulin Rogue.
The film’s heroine is Satine, a star dancer and courtesan with a deadly secret: she’s dying from tuberculosis. Christian, the would-be writer who loves her, is unaware of this secret. He collaborates with another to write a show to spotlight Satine’s brilliance as well as “truth, beauty, freedom, and love”. To do this, they need financial support, which is where the Duke comes in. He’ll pay for the show, but only if he can court Satine. Christian and Satine fall in love, to the point they can no longer ignore it, but the Duke won’t let anyone get in his way. Eventually it gets to where, to save Christian’s life, Satine must reject him, though the truth does come out. Unfortunately, it’s right before Satine succumbs to her illness. After she dies, Christian completes his work, which is the story of his love for Satine.
If it’s not obvious yet, the Moulin Rouge was significantly influenced by La Traviata, and by extension La Dame aux Camélias, and thus follows the same basic plot. Bella’s and Kroto’s costumes also seem to be based on Moulin Rouge, what with Bella’s long dress-like outfit with pink fur, and Kroto’s outfit with silver sequins that exposes her legs. There’s also the similar colors everyone’s costumes has (compared to Moulin Rouge), the pink feather skirts, head ornaments, all the gold and silver decorations everywhere, the event being all about performances and theater, etc…
Regarding Satine, she isn’t an exact match with Lachesis (ex: Satine wasn’t an arrogant character), but there are enough parallels to make the connection anyways. There’s how Satine dies to an illness on stage after completing a production, similar to how Lachesis dies (likely of Quivering Flower poisoning) at the final performance of “The Coin of Lachesis”. Also, like Satine in her last performance, Lachesis was said to have “delivered a flawless performance” even though she died.
The Duke seems somewhat similar to DM, what with both having financial power and chasing after a girl that ends up dying. Eric Satie, a musician who works alongside Christian, seems to be the model for Rusty Penpoint’s costume, what with the signature glasses, shirt style, and colorful scarf. Eric Satie also recognizes Christian’s talent for writing just like Rusty recognizes Scrooge’s. Satine’s love for the scriptwriter Christian seems to parallel Lachesis and the possible feelings Scrooge had for her (not romantic). Like with the DeRoss family and the manor, Scrooge became attached to Lachesis and the Golden Rose Theater. This is the “twisted love” Rusty mentions. It’s referring to the obsession Scrooge has with Lachesis, which again was why he made Bella lead actress rather than Kroto, as Bella shared more similarities to Lachesis than Kroto did. Like Burke in his deductions after losing the DeRoss family to a mob, he also couldn’t get over losing Lachesis. That’s why, after seeing Bella lying dead on the stage, he described remembering Lachesis’ death as a “nightmare” and how he had “suffered” over her.
Now that we’ve finished Bella, Kroto, and Lachesis, we can move on to the other characters.
The first we’ll discuss is the Client, DM.
He is a person interested in beauty and in the “hunt” or “realistic survival games”. To the females he fell for, he was known to give them Quivering Flower (the ban the government put on the drug apparently didn’t stop him from acquiring and sending it as gifts to the women). At the beginning of the event, we learn he was currently captivated with Bella and had been sending her letters, eventually receiving a red scarf at some point before communication was cut with him. It was here he asked Inference for help, who apparently knew him as they were former comrades in arms. We learn during the event that Bella was another recipient of Quivering Flower, though she got more from Kroto, who gave it to her after the Detective reveals Kroto had pretended to be Bella when corresponding with DM in Bella’s place. Kroto had sought to pacify DM (who learned the news after the Detective revealed the truth) with Bella’s help in exchange for giving Bella the Quivering Flower DM had given Kroto.
After Bella dies, we later learn he had been attending a council meeting at the time of Bella’s (actual) death. Apparently, upon learning of her death, he had rushed to the theater and refused to allow an autopsy of Bella because he wanted her to remain “flawless” even after her death. Once the truth comes out, we find out DM had already begun looking for another “beautiful thing”, instead of being attached to Bella. DM is also the one who introduced the new candidate for lead actress at the Golden Rose Theater after Ronald takes over and Kroto leaves.
It’s obvious enough that the Client is in a position of considerable power, based on the police’s inability to go against him (when he refuses to let an autopsy be performed). That plus how he’s so high he’s not referred to by name, his uninhibited pursuit of female relationships, and love of theater could imply the Client DM may be modeled after Prince Edward VII of England, who was also the “illustrious Client” from the Sherlock Holmes series, with the Detective obviously based on Sherlock. Prince Edward VII, like DM, was a known opera buff, served in the military, and flirted with many actresses.
Regarding the Client’s obsession with perfection, this is similar to Joseph’s obsession with camera obscura and his desire to preserve things forever (including memories and people). This desire for perfection is likely why the Client gave the females he liked Quivering Flower, as it was said to make you look dignified, shimmer, appear unordinary, alluring, and invigorate women’s energy.
The Client’s skin description, “Question 1 - the joy of a hunter, does it stem from the chase or the prey?”  relates to him chasing various females and his interest in the “hunt”. This “hunt” or “survival game” can be the reason he gives Quivering Flower to the females he chases, like Bella and what happens to her. DM seemed to see Bella like a piece of art he wanted to preserve rather than as an individual. It’s also possible this description can tie to Joseph’s obsession with photography and desire to preserve things.
Then there’s Scrooge, but I feel like I’ve already discussed him pretty well already, so I’m going to move on to Fragrance Queen.
Fragrance Queen was one of the older members of the group who’s known Scrooge since before even Lachesis. She was introduced alongside Golden Scissors, meaning she was a well-known make-up artist. Ronald describes her as the “true queen of the theater” and is shown commanding the other members. Despite their long history, Scrooge lost her trust after he rebuilt the theater with the compensation from Lachesis’ death. She also becomes wary of Inference after noticing he had the same scent as DM’s letters, the smell of Quivering Flower, and is saddened Quivering Flower is how Bella died.
As discussed earlier, the reason Fragrance Queen was sad after learning Bella used Quivering Flower was likely because Fragrance Queen had experienced Lachesis dying for probably that very same reason (especially if she tried and failed to stop Lachesis from using it). This could reflect Chloe and Vera in Perfumer’s background. Chloe, once she realized what Vera’s true intentions had been some time after Chloe had already killed her, also became distraught over what she had done. It’s possible Fragrance Queen could have been similarly upset at Lachesis and her lies (about using Quivering Flower), but was gripped with regret and grief after she died.
Next is Phonograph. It’s unknown whether she was in the Golden Rose Theater company before Bella or if she joined with her. We do know she was one of Bella’s supporters and was looked down on by many of the other members for worshipping her so much. At the theater, she drove out enthusiastic fans that tried to sneak into Bella’s waiting room. At the time of Bella’s death, she was instructed by Bella to go out and buy something, so she was furious when she came back and found Scrooge already trying to have Kroto move into Bella’s suite. During the investigation, we discover that she was aware of Bella’s use of Quivering Flower, as well as how Kroto had given Bella some in return for pacifying DM, though when Inference tried to take one of the empty bottles, she became distraught and tried to hide it.
When Fragrance Queen asked if Bella used Quivering Flower, Phonograph responded that she hadn’t since it was banned. Along with this, we know from her reaction to Inference taking one of the empty bottles (as well as when she took the empty bottle from Jingle Bells) that she knew Bella had received some more from Kroto. It’s possible she may not have been initially aware how dangerous it was. Phonograph in regards to Quivering Flower may also reflect how Demi herself has drug resistance and how her brother’s “miracle drink” brought the two of them success. To Phonograph (and Demi), she might see something like Quivering Flower as a positive thing because, based on Demi, “achieving success through the use of miraculous effects” is a good thing to her. Whether or not there are side effects, she might believe that if it makes her loved ones successful and protects their pride, then it’s ok. This reflects how Phonograph worshipped Bella for her success, even with Quivering Flower, though it caused Bella to die in the end. This is similar to how Dovlin made her brother successful and proud, but it was also because of Dovlin that he left and never returned.
Regarding Phonograph’s relationship to Bella, Phonograph to Bella was like how Princess Lamballe was to Mary. Princess Lamballe was Mary’s best friend and remained so no matter what, all the way to Mary’s execution. Like Lamballe, Phonograph never stops supporting Bella, and even gets mad at Scrooge for making light of Bella’s death. It’s also like Lamballe for Phonograph to be criticized by the other members of the troupe, as this also happened to Lamballe due to her support of Mary.
Other than Phonograph, Sparrow is another supporter for Bella. He may have even potentially joined up (from another theater company) around the same time as her based on one of the rumors from the start of the event. As we can see during the event, Sparrow gets easily emotional when it comes to Bella, at which point Smarty usually has to step in to get him to calm down. For things other than Bella, he seems normal, and despite being told by Scrooge to keep quiet, he still helps with the Detective’s investigation of the stage equipment at Smarty’s intercession.
Sparrow’s blindness and lack of composure towards Bella reflect Mike’s feelings for Bernard, the head of the circus. Mike loves and believes in Bernard, despite Bernard being the same person who’s abusive to Murro. Bernard seems to have different attitudes towards the other circus members compared to the ones he liked. Mike didn’t seem to notice this other side of Bernard, or if he did, he didn’t comment on it. Bernard to Mike was Bella to Sparrow. So, Sparrow getting especially upset after Bella’s death is like the feelings he had after everyone at the circus (except Margaretha) died. Sparrow helping the Detective with his investigation into the circumstances surrounding Bella’s death is similar to how Mike himself is investigating who killed everyone at the circus.
Speaking of Smarty Pants, she unlike many of the others never talks about the actors’ performances. She never says anything for or against Bella, and doesn’t compare her to Kroto and Lachesis, which is likely why she is said to be Sparrow’s friend and why Sparrow can get along with her easily. She doesn’t seem to care if Kroto or Bella is better, and the only time she ever says anything is when Sparrow has an emotional outburst. We don’t even really get to see what her feelings are about Lachesis’ and Bella’s death. What we do know is she’s interested in stage control and preventing a repeat of the tragedy with Ronald’s father, which her feelings about are made very clear, especially with how her skin description is referring to it: “If time could be reversed like cogwheels, could the dead come back to life?”.
Smarty, along with Jingle, are described as the most responsible backstage workers. We know that she didn’t believe Ronald’s father was responsible for Lachesis’ death. After thoroughly reviewing the circumstances of Lachesis’ “fall”, she was able to exonerate Ronald’s father 10 years after the “accident”. Unfortunately, Ronald’s father had already died in prison. Her work to prove his innocence gained Ronald’s trust, as he calls her one of the only 2 “good” people, with the other being Inference.
Based on Smarty’s feeling about Ronald’s father and all her work to prove his father innocent, not to mention how an ex-worker of the Golden Rose Theater talks about Smarty, I think we can imply that Ronald’s father was likely Smarty’s senior in terms of stage control. Meaning Smarty was possibly there 10 years ago when Lachesis died and Ronald’s father was imprisoned. 
One question that gives us is why it took 10 years for Smarty to prove Ronald’s father innocent?
Besides saying it’s because it took time, it could have to do with Ronald joining the theater. That could have brought her back to reality and got her to realize that the machine operator was someone’s father. Ronald doesn’t seem to hide the fact that he’s the son of the machine operator that was accused. To parallel this, Tracy has her Cowardly trait in game: “Years of indoor work have exacerbated the Mechanic's timidity. The mechanic becomes scared when a teammate is wounded or placed on a rocket chair”. It’s only when one of her teammates gets hurt that she seems to be affected. This could imply that Smarty also wasn’t affected and didn’t realize the full reality of things until she met Ronald, the son of the mechanic who was falsely accused of Lachesis’ death. Her trying to prove Ronald’s father innocent mirrors how she tried to prove how her own father didn’t merely die in an “accident”.
Another question about Smarty is how, despite how both her and Jingle are described as responsible, Smarty is the only one Ronald refers to as a “good” person. Not Jingle Bells. Why?
At the very beginning, Jingle nearly turned Inference away until Ronald intercedes and allows him to enter the theater. Jingle thought that Inference was just another fan at first, but even when Inference tries to present the red scarf, Jingle still refuses and says it’s not actually special. During performances, he oversaw the entrance leading to the 2nd floor where officials and nobility reside. On the day of Bella’s fall, he kept track of people going to and from the 1st and 2nd floor, and found an empty bottle of Quivering Flower at the scene of her fall (though he didn’t seem to know what it was). It was the same kind of bottle DM had given Bella several times before, with Jingle apparently delivering it to her each time. He had also seen Kroto go upstairs, but never come down. Jingle shows himself to be sincere about his work, and he still appears shocked and saddened after Bella’s death.
The issue with Jingle is that he knows important information but doesn’t tell anyone. He knows things that could’ve helped stop the incident or solve it faster, yet Jingle doesn’t say any more than what he’s asked. For example, when Inference shows him the red scarf to try to meet with Bella, Jingle’s reaction to it as well as his comment about it hints that Jingle in fact knew that Bella gave away the scarf. He may have even known it had been given to Kroto by Golden Scissors. Yet, all he says is how it’s not as special as Inference thinks. Then there’s how he knew Kroto hadn’t come down from the 2nd floor. If Smarty had known this, she might have been able to figure out who had touched the elevator. There’s also how he delivered the bottles from DM to Bella. If Fragrance Queen had been aware of this, or even about the empty bottle he had found, she could have realized Bella’s was using Quivering Flower, or if she knew about the deliveries before then, maybe she could’ve stopped Bella before she got herself killed.
This relates to Victor’s deductions. Victor isn’t good at communicating with people and he is also very tight-lipped. It’s also because of this tight-lipped nature that he’s entrusted with delivery work between the “Old Man” and the other party (gangs) that can’t be made public. Jingle, like Victor, is tight-lipped and doesn’t talk about things not related to his job. Even though he has quite a bit of information based on everything he said during the event, he won’t tell it to anyone because it’s not part of his job and because no one asks him about it) The only reason he spoke as much as he did in Act 3 is likely due to Sheriff Jose’s letter. That day, it was his job to cooperate with the detective’s investigation.
This “I know but won’t tell you because it’s not relevant to my work” is likely why Ronald decided Jingle wasn’t a good person. Ronald, as well as Norton, are both smart and good at noticing. He also understands this possibly because he, like Jingle/Victor, is the same kind of person.
Since I mentioned Golden Scissors, I’ll move to talk about him next. As I mentioned earlier, he was introduced in a newspaper along with Fragrance Queen, implying he was a well-known stylist. Currently, he works exclusively as Bella’s stylist, but any work Bella didn’t like he diverted to Kroto for a fee. “If the trade is fair, I don’t mind feeding her vanity a little bit”. He also has a habit of reading newspapers in the afternoon to help inspire his work. It was 1 of these newspapers that gave Inference a hint about the similarity between Bella’s case and Lachesis’ death.
Jack, like Golden Scissors, is someone who takes pride in his work. Jack is an artist, while Golden Scissors is a stylist. However, he doesn’t mention any feelings of regret or disappointment when talking about Bella discarding the red scarf. He remains surprisingly calm. The Ripper is said to have his “own unique set of standards for his ‘guest’”. This likely relates to his actions with Kroto. Another connection between Jack and Golden Scissors’ is his mask. It’s half black, half white, with 1 half smiling and the other sad, and has a crack running through the white side. This is ties to how Jack himself is split between Jack and the Ripper, and Jack, who isn’t happy about the Ripper and what he does, is the one who seems to be fading away, which explains the crack in the white half of the mask. Jack immersing himself in his work as the only way to calm the Ripper ties to Golden Scissors’ focus on his job.
There��s also how in Act 3 he shows Inference a newspaper that leads him to suspect Scrooge, as well as causes Sparrow to explode into the conversation, which leads to a lot of information and a sudden revelation of the truth. This action doesn’t seem to personally benefit Golden Scissors. All he did was step in when Encore was at a loss for words, hand the Detective the newspaper, and watch the resulting show. He doesn’t defend anyone like Sparrow or try to see what was bothering people like Fragrance Queen. This kind of role possibly reflects the Ripper. He doesn’t seem too particularly interested in what happens to the Golden Rose Theater or what it’s future is. The action of showing the newspaper may have been an intentional one to sow the seeds of confusion, as well as allow him to watch the results of his action for the benefit of his own amusement. Him finding the confusion in Act 3 interesting to watch may have been the only thing he cared about.
From Golden Scissors we go to Encore. She, like Sparrow, came from another theater company, with her current job being as “Stand-in”, as well as her custom of telling fortunes before performances. Unlike Sparrow though, she is a friend of Kroto’s and doesn’t think much of Bella and her worshippers. She is also superstitious and believes Lachesis holds a grudge against the theater. As a result of Bella’s accidental death, memories of Lachesis and her death resurface for people and result in them calling the theater cursed, making Encore even more nervous.
The reason Encore is friends with Kroto reflects Fiona in her own deductions in regards to her mother. Fiona was desperate to meet her mother’s excessive, strict expectations, but was never able to do so, with her mom’s disappointed comment of “Why couldn’t you have been more like me” to top it all off. Kroto, like Fiona, struggled in her own way amid her unfortunate circumstances. Her efforts were also easy to understand by those around her, as theatergoers could see her hard work and effort as well as her unhappiness, such as when Kroto gradually became more popular and yet wasn’t chosen as lead actress, or when Kroto was forced to substitute for Bella whenever Bella missed rehearsals.
Encore’s skin description also reflects these same sentiments: “Whenever the chants ‘Encore! Encore!’ roar throughout the theatre, I only wish they were meant for me.”. This is likely exactly what Fiona felt with her mother, always just wishing to meet her expectations and earn that praise, but like the cheers of the theater, Fiona herself never earned that praise. Encore’s job at the theater is also similar. She, as the “stand-in” oversees the interval show, which is performed to keep the audience occupied between acts while preparations are being made for the next act. It’s an important job but isn’t always seen as such despite all the work it takes. She wants to be recognized by the audience the same way she wants her mother to see all her effort trying to meet her expectations.
As a result, it’s no wonder Encore likely felt camaraderie with Kroto. Kroto worked hard as an actress but wasn’t rewarded for all her efforts. We also see how she, like Fiona, in the end left to go somewhere else. All this would explain why Encore isn’t supportive to Bella. From Encore’s point of view, Bella came off as a selfish person who relied on her natural talents and neglected rehearsals. She was gifted and wasn’t trying, yet had so many adoring fans.
Another person who didn’t seem to have much love for Bella was Commander, the theater’s logistics manager who, along with Phonograph, kicked out enthusiastic fans that tried to sneak backstage to see Bella. Rusty comments that she knows everything. Commander acknowledges Bella’s talent for acting but says Bella’s performance had been fluctuating lately, and comments she doesn’t like her attitude. She calls Bella’s personality not likeable and seems bugged about how she wasn’t close with any of the other theater members, not to mention calls her a lunatic for saying if she couldn’t deliver a flawless performance she’d rather die. In regards to Lachesis, she refers to her as a mix between Kroto and Bella, calls her arrogant, but never slacked off, didn’t ever miss a rehearsal, never made a mistake, and states she’s a “genius who’s deadly serious to the point of pathological”.
According to the Detective, she didn’t have any interest in Lachesis (at least in Act 1), compared to all she had to say about Bella. The only hints we get is Commander seemed to become “lost in some bad memories” regarding Lachesis’ death. This may hint Commander knew the truth about Lachesis’ death and Scrooge using her compensation to rebuild the theater, and so may be suspicious of him trying to do the same with Bella. It could also explain why she made a comment about how maybe Bella could’ve fallen in an accident, what with all the slacking of she’d done, but Lachesis, who never screwed up and was always flawless, would never have fallen in some accident during a performance.
The reason Commander didn’t seem to like Bella relates to Emma’s background. Emma had to go through her family falling apart. Her mother left, and later her father turning to drinking before later burning himself up in the factory, leaving Emma all alone, without a home or family. To Commander, the theater is like her home, and the theater group is her family, so she likely doesn’t want to see it falling apart (or be left alone). One of her goals is to protect it, which is why she kicks out the enthusiastic fans trying to sneak backstage, why she tries to figure things out and thus knows so much, and why she doesn’t like Bella’s behavior and how she didn’t get along with the other members of the theater.
This could also be why she wouldn’t like Scrooge and the tactics he was using to keep the theater afloat via insurance fraud. This could parallel Emma’s background, as Leo, her home, and life, was destroyed due to financial reasons. 1 thought why Commander didn’t accuse Scrooge 10 years ago if she knew the truth may be because she didn’t want to do something that would destroy the theater.
Now let’s discuss Rusty, the assistant screenwriter. Rusty is an interesting character, as he only ever shows up in Act 1. He doesn’t even show up in Act 2 to defend himself when everyone is proving their alibis (regarding Bella’s death). Ronald ends up being the one to provide it. The first time Rusty is mentioned is in a rumor that said Ronald and Rusty were the theater’s “silver tongues”. We first see him right after the Detective gets into the theater with Ronald’s help. He’s the one that made the comment about money and twisted love corrupting Scrooge’s talent. He also opens up more when he learns the Detective was a friend of DM, which includes informing us about Lachesis’ fall at the final performance, Scrooge obtaining money of unknown origin after Lachesis’ death, and that the sequel to “The Coin of Lachesis” is being rehearsed right then. He closes up when Inference asks for more information, telling him to instead talk to Commander.
From all this, Rusty is definitely suspicious, especially due to his lack of appearances, and even more especially from not showing up to give his alibi. He, like Jingle, seems to know more than he lets on. Rusty’s skin description seems to hint towards this: “If the duty of a detective is to seek out the truth behind every mystery, no matter how ugly it is, then the duty of a playwright is to provide an ending to every story, no matter how far it deviates from the truth”. This relates to Freddy’s thinking the law isn’t a permit for “what you may do” but a provision for “what you must not do”. His desire to “provide an ending” ties in with Rusty’s feelings towards Scrooge. Originally, he had joined the theater because he wanted to learn from the director who “used to be a talented writer”. As we know from his money and twisted love comment, he seems to have lost the respect he once had for him. Rusty feels that Scrooge lost his talent because of his obsession with Lachesis (and using her death for money).
Based on this and his goal to “provide an ending”, he may be working to undermine Scrooge. With him out of the way, Rusty would be able to give the ending to the story that Scrooge has proven himself unable to write (at least not adequately enough anymore).
The reason Rusty may have clammed up and told the Detective to talk to Commander instead was possibly to prevent himself from giving too much information and becoming a suspect later on. Freddy is clever, so his plans are bound to be well-thought out. That’s why Rusty knew to not give too much away, especially to a Detective.
I think wasn’t working alone. I think he had the support of both DM and Ronald. Regarding DM, the reason Rusty opened up when he heard Inference was friends with him might’ve been because he was allied with DM. With Ronald, this comes from the number of times we see the 2 together in some way. At the beginning, Ronald drops Inference off with Rusty before going to rehearsal. There’s even before then with the rumor how Ronald and Rusty are the “silver tongues” at the theater. Later, we see it’s Ronald who provides Rusty with his alibi. Further more, there’s how Ronald somehow seemed to know the Detective was coming to the theater to investigate, despite the fact only DM should’ve known that. On top of this, Ronald apparently was coming to greet the Detective right before rehearsal. Finally, there’s how DM is the one to suggest a lead actress to Ronald when he becomes the new owner, as well as how Rusty is likely the playwright at the Golden Rose Theater under Ronald.
So, why would these 3 work together? I think it’s because of their mutual interest and shared benefit. Not to mention, this fits Freddy’s deductions and how it says it’s good to have “more than one good partner” (and Norton has a similar deduction about needing helpers). We’ve already discussed Rusty, who wants to provide an end to the story, and how he wants Scrooge out of the way to do that. DM is likely cooperating due to his interest in the “hunt” (not to mention his interest in Bella, even after she dies). Finally, we have Ronald, who wants to become owner of the Golden Rose Theater and wants revenge on Scrooge for his father’s death.
Rusty and Ronald are potentially the source of the rumors we hear about, like the rumor about Rusty and Ronald being the “silver tongues” of the theater. This was listed as “gossip” and of “unknown source”. Gossip is exactly what Rusty was doing after hearing Inference knew DM. The reason for the rumor was likely to help them gather information. The other information we learn before the event begins is the “unreliable information” from the “butler” of the theater. Both this and the previous one are deliberately worded as to make us unsure if the information is reliable. It’s possible this 2nd bit of information also came from Rusty. This would be the kind of information we could describe as a “leak”. In that case, it could imply that another “leak” we saw later during the event also came from the same source. The information I’m referring to is the newspaper Golden Scissors had that discussed the compensation Scrooge received from Lachesis’s death, which helped him escape financial difficulties. This could’ve also been leaked by Rusty and Ronald to deliberately hurt Scrooge’s reputation.
If Rusty was working behind the scenes (against Scrooge), especially to help gather information (and also leak it to people), that could explain why Rusty was missing for so long, including in Act 3. Another of Freddy’s deductions parallel this: “This is an era of change, and you need to be privy to exclusive news to be successful!”. Finally, in the end when they are successful in getting Scrooge removed, this mirrors how Freddy was successful in getting Martha from Leo and getting Leo to fall into his trap (to buy the debt ridden factory and getting Leo to “disappear”).
As a final continuation of this, the fact the newspaper continues to describe Bella as having died via a fall, and Inference mentions “that gentleman must have something to do with it”, “that gentleman” is DM. I think this could be how Rusty and Ronald can leak information. With someone as high up as DM, he could help get the information they want to hurt Scrooge into a newspaper with his influence. Though I think the reason the newspaper didn’t report the truth about Bella more has to do with what DM wants than Rusty and Ronald. I think the reason DM kept the newspapers at the end of the event that way is because he didn’t want the truth about Bella dying via Quivering Flower to become public, as otherwise it might’ve made it difficult to hand out them out as gifts to the females he chases after, or made his “hunts” harder to do.
To finish our analysis of the event, we have Ronald. To a number of people, he may not have seemed very important in this story, but that’s probably the way he wanted it to be. Like Rusty, he was being sneaky and hiding his true intentions really well, which was why they were working behind the scenes regarding most of what they really did (and wanted). Ronald is the lead actor for a reason, even though some people may have forgotten that as the event went on. He was made the lead for a reason. It shows that he is a good actor, which is something reflected in Norton’s background, especially in Norton’s letter where Benny comments on Norton having a “polarized façade”. It’s also implied due to Ronald being called a “silver tongue”, which means “persuasive” or “eloquent”. Ronald, as well as Norton, are good at talking to people, convincing them of the things they want to convince them of, as well as are good at hiding their true intentions and feelings.
As an add on, he is also described as having “acumen”, which means “keen insight” or “shrewdness” (aka, he’s sharp). This helps prove the idea of him being able to notice the truth behind Jingle and how much he really knew but didn’t say, as well as how he like Rusty is able to gather information for their mutual goal. The “greed” he’s also referred to as having here can help prove the idea that he was working with Rusty to help get rid of Scrooge, for Ronald’s personal goal of revenge and so he could become owner of the theater.
The first time we hear about Ronald is after his father dies, when he’s forced to return from his studies in France to arrange his funeral. Interestingly, after the funeral it says “But no one heard from him since”. This implies Ronald disappeared after the funeral, only reappearing 10 years later when he joins Golden Rose Theater as the “new leading actor”.
When the Detective arrives at the Theater at the beginning of the event, we learn that him and Ronald know each other from serving in the military together. Ronald helps the Detective get into the theater, as well as continues to remain cooperative through the Detective’s investigation, before and after Bella’s death. Another detail we learn is that, despite how he has a certain amount of say in the theater, he doesn’t seem to be well respected by the other members of the group. Later on, he provided alibis for himself and Rusty during Act 2, showing neither of them could’ve killed Bella. By the end, we see that Ronald became the new owner of the theater.
Ronald studying in France, as well as his passion for performing, reflects Norton himself, as in his deductions we see hints about Norton’s eagerness to learn. This comes from the letters of recommendation we see in his deductions, which mentioned he didn’t stay with any one employer for too long, showing how he was going around learning what he could, getting different experiences, and likely developing and improving his techniques (the same way Ronald would be). Which would explain why all his past employers were saddened at not being able to keep him for longer.
Ronald studying from France also connects him to Bella and Lachesis, who are both from France. The fact he was studying could mean he was trying to be like Lachesis, as Bella wasn’t lead actress at the time. And him wanting to be as good as Lachesis might possibly stem from how Lachesis was mentioned to be “flawless”, never made a mistake, and did anything for the performance.
Ronald’s intellect also goes along with how Ronald constantly helps the Detective throughout his investigations. He’s the one to help him get into the theater. He’s the one introducing the Detective to most of the theater members, and he usually includes important snippets and details about each one (the fact he knows information about each person like this could be further proof to the idea mentioned earlier, with how him and Rusty are gathering information for the end goal of getting rid of Scrooge). Ronald also helps the Detective talk to people when the Detective needs to (or when it’s hard for the Detective to talk to the person himself).
Back with Ronald’s passion for performing, this shows that his main interest is in ensuring the performance is perfect. It doesn’t matter who the leading actress is to him as long as they perform their part well. That would explain his dislike for Bella. Unlike the reasons of most others, Ronald’s only reason for disliking Bella is because of her acting. She’s been missing rehearsals, and when she does perform in front of the other cast, it hasn’t been great (it apparently had been “fluctuating” recently, nowhere near flawless). That means if Bella had been able to do her job right, Ronald wouldn’t have cared that Bella was the lead actress instead of Kroto. Ronald is just serious about his role and the performance. This is just like Norton, who is a hard worker to the point of overworking from how he was always the “first to enter the mine, and the last to leave it”. Norton’s Season 12 Essence 2 skin, Wild Pitch, also is a hint to this aspect of Norton, about how he’s a hard worker who overworks to the point of seriously hurting himself and to the point of total exhaustion. He takes mining (and his interest in ore) seriously, and he puts all his effort into it to make sure it’s done as well as it can be done. So it would make sense he’d expect at least an adequate performance from his coworkers.
Also, with how smart Ronald is implied to be, it could make sense that he may have taken notice of Scrooge’s talent and that he wasn’t writing as well as he used to (due to his obsessions and everything from Lachesis’ death). That could be part of the reason why Ronald wants to be owner instead of Scrooge, the same way he thinks it might be better for Kroto to be lead actress instead of Bella. All because Bella and Scrooge aren’t doing good enough and he wants the performances to be as great as they can be.
Alongside his goal of becoming the owner of the Golden Rose Theater, the other reason Ronald is working against Scrooge is because he wants revenge for his father’s death. It’s because of Scrooge faking Lachesis’ death as an accident via fall that his dad was falsely accused of getting Lachesis killed, due to his father being in charge of the lift, and being imprisoned led to his death via a severe cold.
I think one of the official tweets on Ronald might hint at the importance of his father’s death to him and hint at him wanting revenge for it: https://twitter.com/IdentityVJP/status/1286919130658926594. Specifically, I’m referring to how it says “in the darkness of tragedy” and “only the rose on his chest continues to shine”. “Tragedy”. The one tragedy that happened to Ronald was his dad’s death. “Darkness” refers to how Ronald felt after his father’s death, which impacted him so greatly that “only the rose on his chest continues to shine”. This last bit might mean Ronald wasn’t happy after that day, that there wasn’t really any light in his life or in him afterwards (because all his light got taken away with his father’s death). If this impacted him so greatly, this helps prove Ronald had a strong desire to get revenge on the man responsible (Scrooge). Thus, the last bit of the tweet, which asks what Ronald wanted, might be hinting at Ronald wanting revenge and his desire to take Scrooge’s position as director and owner of the theater from him.
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From the picture of this incident where we see Ronald crying over his father’s body, from Ronald’s disappearance after his dad’s funeral instead of returning to France to continue his studies, and only reappearing 10 years later when he joined the Golden Rose Theater, helps prove that Ronald did indeed care about his father. Enough to want revenge for his death.
This is why Ronald explores a lot of things personally and gathers information himself. Anything that might inconvenience Scrooge he likely spreads as rumors or via newspapers (with DM’s help). It’s also likely why he works so much with the Detective. Because he wants help getting the truth to come out.
The main reason Ronald likely joined the theater was probably to look into it and get his revenge (or find the information and whatever else he needed to achieve his revenge on Scrooge), as that theater was where Scrooge was.
Another reason I think Ronald wanted to be owner of the theater had to do with Norton’s background again. It’s the part about how despite having some say in even though he was the lead actor and the amount of talent he had to have had to get that position. It parallels what we learn about Norton from his profile in the Famitsu article, which hints at how he wasn’t treated well by the people around him. Before Norton went to the 13 mines, it mentions how others were intimidated by how hard he worked. After the accident, while Norton was recovering in the hospital, it mentions how no one really comforted him and instead avoided him. Finally, Ronald wanting to become owner of the theater can mirror Norton’s desire to change his status/fate (how he wants to move up) by acquiring wealth or finding gold. Ronald wants to be owner relates to part of the reason why Norton wants to change his fate. He wants to prove himself.
Ronald, like Norton, was a hard worker and exceptional at his job, but didn’t receive the respect and treatment he deserved (despite his position and talent). This was in part because of who his parents were (his dad was a lowly miner) and also because of Norton’s parents dying early and leaving Norton all alone. As a result of this, Ronald and Norton want to “prove” themselves and show them how good he really is. For Ronald, this means becoming owner of the Golden Rose Theater (and getting rid of Scrooge). For Norton, this was changing his status and earning the wealth he needed to do so (and showing those around him that he was capable of being more than what he was currently).
Ronald being willing to do whatever it took to achieve his goal is also similar to how Norton was so desperate to change his fate. Norton was tired of just being a miner, tired of not being treated well by the other miners and his employers, and he was depressed over how, now matter how hard he worked, he was still just as poor and likely to end up like the other homeless miners in hospice. But since effort alone wasn’t enough, he decided to try something else, which came in the form of his search through 13 mines in the hope of striking gold in a get rich quick scheme. Ronald and Norton being positive no matter how bad things look and remaining hopeful mirrors one of Norton’s deductions as well as the message a number of Norton’s skins seem to provide, which was how he had to keep being positive, and he couldn’t be affected by what others around him said or did.
Basically, one of Ronald’s hopes is that, if he can become owner, that will show everyone that he’s worthy of respect.
As a bit of further proof for this that Ronald wants revenge for his father, we can look at Act 2 which was when we learn Bella died. When it’s said that Bella “died on the spot”, we get a curious response: “I wasn’t sure what came to Ronald’s mind as he sighed and said ‘At least it didn’t look like she suffered much before she died.’”. Ronald commenting about Bella not having to suffer much is an interesting parallel when you think of how Ronald’s father died. He was sent to prison and suffered from a severe illness before dying. He didn’t die instantly. He suffered greatly. He was even in prison and didn’t have any family when he died, which likely made his suffering and death all the worse for Ronald’s father. The fact Ronald sighs before saying it, not to mention him making this kind of comment at all, I think is all a way of hinting at Ronald’s feelings regarding his father and the grudge he holds against Scrooge.
Actually, when I put it that way, that reminds me of Encore mentioning Lachesis still haunting the theater because she died with a grudge. What if it’s not Lachesis’ ghost haunting the theater holding a grudge? What if the grudge is actually Ronald’s? Encore is mentioned to be superstitious, and does things like fortune telling, while Fiona herself is also spiritual, interested in the occult, and possibly could have something like a 6th sense. Based on this, I think it’s possible Encore could tell something was there and someone had a grudge (especially considering how Encore does fortune telling), but may have guessed wrong about who that grudge belonged to. She’s said to be anxious over people calling the theater cursed with memories of Lachesis’ death being brought back due to Bella’s death, so it’d make sense she’d assume that the grudge belonged to her. But the fact that, when Encore is talking about grudges, the Detective is with Ronald at this time, I think could be a hint to the truth.
Also, when Ronald makes the comment about the only good people are Smarty and the Detective, this apparently comes after the cast of the performance was finalized, with Bella being the chosen as lead actress. Yet Bella refused to rehearse, and Scrooge refused to cancel the rehearsal or change the cast. I think this might be another hint at Ronald’s annoyance with Scrooge (and his desire to get rid of him), as Scrooge refusing to change the case or cancel the rehearsal even though Bella refused to rehearse likely upsets Ronald, who wants the performance be perfect and go as well as it can which won’t if Scrooge keeps making bad decisions. It is later confirmed that this (Scrooge’s actions about the rehearsal and cast) did in fact annoy him (it said he was “ticked off”), he’s mentioned to not be surprised (which could hint at him at this point already having an opinion on Scrooge and/or knows how he is by now). It’s also said that “By that time, Kroto could take on Bella’s role convincingly, so he didn’t really care whom he was going to perform with”. This goes back to what I said about Ronald doesn’t really hate Bella personally, he just wants someone who can perform well during the performance. So even if he didn’t care too much about Scrooge’s actions, as Kroto could still replace Bella if need be, it’s still a hint towards Ronald’s actual feelings.
There’s also Ronald’s comment about Smarty and the Detective being the only good people, which can be used as further proof. Smarty is “good” because she was the only member of the group to work to prove his father’s innocence, while the Detective is a friend from the military that Ronald says he really trusts.
I also think that Scrooge could be a parallel to Benny (just like the theory how Marshall from the Western themed story of Season 10 essence 1 may also represent Benny for Norton). Scrooge had an obsession with money, which is just like Benny (and Marshall) who also has an obsession with money and finding gold. Benny’s obsession with money could also be described as a “twisted love”. Marshall never finding real gold could parallel Benny’s failure to ever find real gold himself. There’s also how Scrooge is related to Ronald’s father death.
Once Ronald actually becomes owner of the theater, it’s mentioned he acquired a vast fortune from somewhere and used it to purchase the deed to the theater. This money was likely the compensation from Bella’s death.
The reason why Scrooge made it look like Bella (and Lachesis) died in accidents is because he wanted the money from their insurance policies. Therefore, Sheriff Jose likely arrested Scrooge and thus he was removed as owner of Golden Rose Theater due to insurance fraud. As a result, I think Scrooge wouldn’t have gotten any of the compensation money. Considering Kroto is said to be listed on those insurance policies too, I think the money would’ve gone to her.
1 option is Ronald got the money from Kroto. She didn’t even want to use Bella’s suite due to thinking Lachesis cursed it. So maybe after everything that happened at the theater and everything Kroto did, she just wanted to get away from the theater and everything. That could include the compensation she received from Bella’s death. So maybe she gave it to the 1 person she knew wanted Golden Rose Theater. Kroto does say all she wants is to show she’s worthy of being the spotlight or something. It’s also possible she gave it because she liked Ronald. This comes from the comment that Kroto likes “red and covets things that don’t belong to her”. Ronald wears mostly red. There’s also how during the Golden Rose Theater trailer, Kroto has hearts in her eyes while seeming to be looking at Ronald. Ronald could be something she can’t have based on his personality, his focus on revenge for his father and replacing Scrooge, and how he mainly only cares about the performance (plus especially if Ronald stays at the theater while Kroto wants to get away from the place).
Either way, I don’t think Ronald did anything dirty or underhanded to get the money. We’ve already gone over how smart Ronald actually is. If he was willing to invite the Detective over to the theater after Ronald became the owner, especially with how well Ronald knows the Detective and he fully well knows just how smart the Detective is, especially right after the Detective’s investigations, I doubt he would’ve done something bad. Not to mention, I doubt he would’ve done something like or as bad as insurance fraud right after Scrooge was (likely) just caught and charged for that very thing. It’d be like a criminal calling the police right after he robbed a store. It doesn’t make a lot of sense (at least for a normal person, as we aren’t going to talk about some of the weird stories where this sort of thing likely happens). Not to mention, Ronald is mentioned to “really trust” the Detective. From what we’ve seen and heard from the Detective as well as Ronald, I honestly think the 2 of them are friends (the very beginning of the event has the Detective mentioning him and Ronald are friends), that they (at least somewhat on the Detective’s side) trust each other, and so wouldn’t do anything to get themselves in trouble with each other.
If anything, the 2nd option as to where Ronald got the money is maybe he got it from DM. Considering his interest in beautiful things, in the “hunt”, and how he quickly moves on after Bella’s death, he probably wants the theater to go on so he will continue to have sources of entertainment (and people to “hunt”). Also, I have discussed how Ronald and DM were working together. So it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if DM was willing to fund Ronald to become the owner.
Nearing the end now. I know some people might make some comparisons between Ronald and the Phantom from the Phantom of the Opera, but when I checked I didn’t see enough connections between them. Yes, Ronald has a mask covering part of his face, but the Phantom wears his mask to hide/cover his disfigurement, while Ronald’s mask doesn’t (it actually covers everything but the burn scar on his face). Then there’s how the Phantom is obsessed with Christine, but this love element is absent in regards to Ronald, who wants revenge on Scrooge. There’s also how the Phantom threatens the opera house to do what he says or else he’ll do something bad. Ronald never threatens anyone, and even if he might be working against Scrooge, he’s doing it secretly. Most of what he does is help the Detective with his investigations and maybe leak information to newspapers, but that isn’t the same as what the Phantom does. The Phantom in the story already seems to be in control of the theater, while Ronald in the Golden Rose Theater event is trying to work his way up to be owner of the theater.
The second to last thing is Ronald’s description and how it relates to Norton. This has been hard for me to figure out. “It's you, the strings that weave our destiny - let it become the web that entangles us all.” The first half should refer to Kroto. This is because Kroto is based on Clotho, who in Greek myth was the one to spin the thread of a person’s “destiny”. As to the 2nd half may refer to how Kroto was essentially the one to start the whole chain of events that occurred during the Golden Rose Theater event. Her being jealous of Bella, leading to her pretending to be her and talk to DM, which makes DM call Inference to go to the theater, which causes Kroto to have to give more Quivering Flower to Bella and thus lead to her death. With Bella dead, Scrooge tries to take advantage of it to acquire more money from her insurance policy, and Inference stays longer to solve that case, leading to the truth about Scrooge faking Bella’s (and Lachesis’) deaths and thus gets him arrested, which allows Ronald to finally get his revenge and replace Scrooge as owner. All in all, this would explain why Ronald would hope that the ”web” Kroto “weaves” would “entangle” everyone. This allowed him the opportunity to reach his goal and get what he wanted.
It's harder for me to determine how his description relates to Norton himself though. Maybe for his backstory, in place of Kroto it’s supposed to be Benny and the old miners. Benny was the reason Norton received an opportunity to find gold when Norton was failing to change his fate from simple hard work. Though he never got the gold in the end, he did get the meteorite magnets and was able to change his profession so he’d no longer have to be a miner (geological prospecting is actually the very sort of thing Norton would likely enjoy considering his canon interests and talents). There’s also how I still think Benny was involved in the death of Norton’s father, so by going after the gold alone and not helping Benny could be like a form of revenge for Norton’s father.
The very last thing I have is about Ronald’s name.
To set this up, the Detective mentions when he first meets Ronald that “we called him ‘Ronald of Nice’”. This is said immediately after the Detective comments how Ronald is an old friend from the army, and right before he says “we hadn’t seen each other for years”. This means it was him and his other pals from the army that called him “Ronald of Nice” and not the other members of the Golden Rose Theater.
Ronald is a name from Old Norse that is composed of “advice, counsel, decision” and “power, ruler”. “Advice” or “counsel” could relate to how Ronald was helping the Detective all throughout his investigation, introducing him to the different members and briefly explaining who they were, as well as talking to people when the Detective couldn’t, how Ronald helps the Detective figure things out, and various other ways. Regarding the “power” or “ruler” part, this could relate to how Ronald is the lead actor of the Golden Rose Theater, as well as could refer to Ronald’s desire to become owner of the Golden Rose Theater.
Regarding the last part of his name, “Nice” is a city in France. Sometimes called “Nice the Beautiful”, the city was founded by the Greeks and named after Nike, the Greek goddess of victory. The connection to the Greeks fits with how much they’re connected to the main lore of the game, while Nike and “victory” may connect to Norton’s Highway Cavalier skin, as he achieves “victory” in COA 4. Inference says that Ronald’s name reflects his personality. Therefore, maybe what he’s saying is that Ronald is someone who wants to win and works hard to achieve “victory” or success.
That’s everything I have. Hope this was a fun journey for everyone. I’m not the most knowledgeable on some of the topics I mentioned in here, so don’t be too harsh with me. I don’t mind constructive criticism though.
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padfootastic · 2 months ago
Alternatively, Sirius and Rabastan kept breaking up and getting back together for literal years, so this is like a general cycle for them. Granted it takes longer what with the Dementors, and at least it provides entertainment to the other inmates to watch this + Bella keeps proclaiming her cousin will come back if he’s still having his whatever with Rabastan, but they get back together; a week later Sirius escapes, says he has to commit murder real quick.
‘hey gotta go, there’s a rat i’ve to annihilate, be back soon’
in an alternate universe where revenge is the only thing he cares about (by which, killing peter and committing the crime he was imprisoned for), sirius slips out of azkaban, commits the deed, and comes back without anyone (except rab who gets a warning so he doesn’t get upset ab missing his nightly cuddles) knowing about it. he’s incredibly satisfied that entire year.
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just-cilvi · 3 months ago
Cult of the Lamb AU Headcanons!
Feel free to ignore my funky little headcanons, but I wanna scream about them for a second. If you DO read this, buckle up because it's a bit of a long boi.
I'll also be editing it as I add more things that I think of.
Bella, my caricature for the Lamb, is NOT the only sheep left. She even has sheep followers in the Cult, but most have either fled the Lands of the Old Faith, or have gone into hiding. And before the Bishops could kill any more sheep, Bella took them out.
Gail, my caricature for the Goat, is a separate creature. He and Bella have a history long before they achieve godhood, and Gail is the God of Vengeance rather than the God of Death. He obtains his power from a dying god after an act of selfless kindness.
Bella and Gail were the closest thing to family that each had before she was captured and sacrificed for the prophecy.
Narinder allowed Bella to speak freely with him as his vessel, forming a special camaraderie between the two. However, this was the start of his downfall, as planting that seed of familiarity in her head gave her the confidence to fight back for her own survival.
Within the first year of Narinder being part of the Cult, he'd had several of his limbs broken(because he fucked around and found out), fallen ill with a serious case of pneumonia, and been put on house arrest(also because of the aforementioned "fuck around and find out" incident).
Aym and Ball are very much alive, and Bella reunited them with Forneus. However, she told them that they always had a place in her Cult if they wished to come back. They are the only creatures that she lets come and go as they please.
Bella is a kind and benevolent leader, but her attitude with people outside the Cult is best described as "cold, but cordial." She doesn't show much emotion to people that aren't affiliated with the New Faith, but she's not outright rude.
Bella almost always has a smile on her face to hide her emotions. "A smile can hide many things."
While the Red Crown most preferred Narinder as its bearer for his control and precision wielding Death, it finds that Bella is the "best" one it's had. She holds a tremendous amount of suffering in her soul(both before obtaining the Red Crown's power and after), but still holds gentleness and compassion for those who need her. The Red Crown describes her as "an almost-perfect balance of pain and peace."
Unlike in canon, New Faith Narinder genuinely cared about Bella as his vessel. He viewed her as a confidante and an investment, and often rewarded her achievements with a sort of comfort or forming a bond with her.
Narinder had no actual desire to kill Bella. However, he couldn't take back the Red Crown and keep her alive. It had to be one or the other, and he obviously was going to choose his godhood over his vessel without question. If he had the chance to resume his role as the God of Death, would have had shrines created in her memory for his followers to pay respects to.
Bella's family worshiped Narinder, even after his imprisonment, albeit under various aliases. Including but not limited to: "The One Who Waits"(obviously), "The Inevitable," and "The Shepherd of Souls."
Bella's last name, or "herd name" is Levaux.
After her ascension begins, Bella gains the ability to digest meat without getting sick, and even gains a taste for it over time.
Bella doesn't stop her followers from consuming heretic flesh, but she draws a hard line at them eating their fellow cultists.
The Bishops regain what they lost when they're healed. Heket regains her voice, Kallamar gets his ears back, Shamura's cognitive function is restored, and Leshy regains his sight. However, it's not immediate; it takes years for Leshy to get his eyes back, and Kallamar's ears take a while to grow back. Heket's voice is a bit hoarse, but she is still capable of speaking without much issue. Shamura still has occasional headaches and episodes of confusion, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was before Bella healed them.
Heket's initial Cult teachings held ideals very similar to Buddhism. She was all about self-discipline and balance. But things obviously changed after the incident with Narinder. She became angry and paranoid, taking her anger out on her followers. She feared the her followers would see her as weak because she bled, especially by her own brother's hands.
Kallamar is an alchemist and apothecary, and is the only one of his siblings(aside from Narinder) who has access to magic.
Narinder regains his status as a god of Death, but he basically has to restart from scratch with his godhood.
Shamura has the markings of the purple bloom tarantula on their back.
While gender is completely irrelevant to them, Shamura is AFAB. They prefer they/them, but will honestly allow any pronouns(he/she/they/it/etc.).
Kallamar and all his spouses are married to each other. He has a wife(Pearl, a squid), a husband(Selachi, a shark), and a nonbinary spouse(Luca, an axolotl).
Leshy's branches are actually antennae, and can move around on their own. He uses them to track voices/sounds and scent, giving him a good general idea of his surroundings.
The Lands of the Old Faith are isolated from the rest of the world, and the fall of the Bishops creates both opportunity and risk from the outside world, both in trade and immigration.
There's an entire world of gods, the Pantheon, which is completely inaccessible to mortal beings, and the portal leading to it is surrounded by a massive storm barrier in the middle of the sea(think "Skyward Sword storm" type of thing).
Establishing an alliance with the Pantheon provides a massive boost in societal development as a whole. Essentially, the Lands of the Old Faith are still in the stone age while the rest of the Pantheon is in the equivalent of the modern day irl.
Without the use of a fertility ritual, Bella can't become pregnant. Not because any traumatic event, though; she was always unable to have children without the help of a ritual.
Narinder wanted more than three children, but won't try to convince Bella to have more. He may be a god of death, but he still respects bodily autonomy.
As a cat, Narinder is a carnivore. But if he had the choice between meat and fish, he'd take fish any day. He LOVES fish, and Bella will bribe him with really special fish meals if she wants something.
Leshy has two children with his husband, Blue: twins, Eris and Vritra. They're not the canon abomination types; they look like a mix between their dads.
Heket adopted a froglet named Judas after bringing him back from the bring of starvation. It wasn't an official adoption at first, but Judas started spending his time around her, and she eventually warmed up to him. Despite her notoriously quick temper, she is very patient with him.
Shamura can't biologically have children as a mortal being. Prior to their ascension, their reproductive organs were badly damaged, rendering them barren. But they don't really mind; they're more than content with being a secondary role model to their niblings.
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zoebelladona · 5 months ago
fics by crowstyping (that's me!) 🌿
arkadia is gone: broken trio lycanthrope au. in which it is lykaon instead of kronos.
kyparissos, run! kyparissos, cry: novelisation of thalia's death
pointed north: au about my ocs, campers luke's age post-battle of manhattan. pov my son of apollo oc with mommy issues and psychosexual problems.
HIS DARK MATERIALS (follow @dximonions)
apple heart: narnia/hdm crossover. lyra belacqua x lucy pevensie one-shots collection.
bauble: a tony costa x lyra belacqua flash fic.
it's a long way out to reach the sea (but i'm sure i'll find you waiting there for me): au where lyra is not captured at the end of the subtle knife. lyra and will play in the ocean of another world.
paradise dropped: high school/small town au. panjava. will has a crush on lyra belacqua, they sit in the park and drink wine, talking about prophecies.
symbol no.14: bird: pre-the secret commonwealth fix-it where lyra and pantalaimon talk things out instead of letting it fester.
this peppermint winter: written post-s1 finale. christmas special about lyra trying to make the holidays feel special despite everything she went through.
novaturient: post-the amber spyglass lyra realises that while she might love will she wasn't in love with him.
within walls: human experiments but with dæmons
the influence stars have: the lion king except it's humans who can shapeshift into animals
anatomy of an edelweiss flower: the secret of nimh except it's humans who can shapeshift into animals
《 possibly upcoming 》
power outage [ pjo / one-shot ]: throne room scene in tlo except thalia is there
lightning in a bottle [ pjo / multichap ]: au where luke does not join kronos. when thalia's tree is poisoned luke offers himself as volunteer to go on the quest for the golden fleece in an attempt to save her.
smile to charge, hug to cast [ pjo / multichap? ]: my will solace and lou ellen are besties manifesto. backstory stuff and how they fared during the events of pjo
waking the oracle [ pjo / multichap ]: remember when we all were writing fics about will, lou ellen, cecil and nico going on a quest to reignite the oracle of delphi? i sure do
bellas aves [ pjo / multichap? ]: the one where will, nico, and lou ellen go on a quest looking for the nine muses that have been turned into birds
fixed star [ deltarune / one-shot? ]: following the events of the snowgrave route, instead of opening a new dark world kris goes to noelle and explains the situation. they think they might have a chance to find dess if they work together.
water lillies* [ merlin / two-shot? ]: freya is not dead. she and merlin got married, he visits her sometimes. he brings her flowers.
amphibious [ merlin / one-shot ]: merlin can think of no one better to look after aithusa than the lady of the lake.
the sorcerer's apprentice [ disney's wish / one-shot ]: i listened to my sibling complain about this movie for an hour and i got angry it didn't do fantasia 1940 sorcerer's apprentice like what the fuck
thaw & foredawn [ barbie / multichap ]: i rewrite magic of the pegasus but i let annika say fuck
dark age [ loz / one-shot ]: totk being the "beginning" of the timeline makes me angry so i'm novelising a theory i saw refuting that
how terrifying to be aglow [ loz / multichap ]: totk + ss remix where i do my own take of the imprisoning war from skyward sword using tears of the kingdom worldbuilding. aka, hylia and the original hero are zonai
we'll be dead in the water [ thg / multichap ]: welcome to the 73rd hunger games! fanfic quality version of the ongoing rp between myself and @on-the-river-lethe. for more check out @laberinthos
waking up the giants [ tlg / multichap ]: my version of the backstory of the dead civilisation in the last guardian
wearing our remains [ trc / multichap ]: my adam/blue/noah manifesto + au where i remix trc to Not include gansey and ronan. die mad about it
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year ago
It’s the way Sirius and Bella were imprisoned together for over a decade and we know prisoners could hear each other talking (per Sirius stating the other Death Eaters were furious with Peter in Azkaban), it’s Bella calling her disowned family members by their connection to her vs Sirius only admitting his familial tie to Bellatrix when Harry notices the family tree and directly asks about it, it’s Bella screaming when she kills Sirius when we never see her react like that to any other fight, it’s her aiming a red spell rather than a green spell at Sirius, it’s the cousins being so focused on fighting each other they don’t even notice Dumbledore entering the DOM, it’s Bella taunting Harry about her having the biological connection to Sirius when Harry doesn’t, it’s Bella not responding to Snape’s toast about killing Sirius; how can I not go feral over the Black family?
I feel you viscerally, anon. I really do.
Bella & Sirius' years in Azkaban are fascinating, and they should be explored in a fic godammit. I am so curious as to what Azkaban was truly like, because we only get vague and insufficient descriptions in the actual books. I get that it's meant that way - Hagrid's refusal to even talk about it - to enhance its ominousness and horror, but I am really curious.
They have an incredible, fucked-up bond, and I wish it was explored more, for all the things you've listed. They hate and love and cannot help to hate that they love each other. 10/10 dynamic.
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