francepittoresque · 7 days
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15 septembre 1635 : Pierre Belain d’Esnambuc prend possession de la Martinique au nom de Louis XIII ➽ http://bit.ly/Esnambuc-Martinique Sa prudence, son habileté, son courage, l’avaient rendu fameux sur mer et lui avaient valu le grade si honorable et si envié alors de capitaine de vaisseau. Avec l’année 1625 commencent ses succès
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fortunatto · 2 years
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Lord Idrisin of Nighthollow clan ( and a little of Lady Belain)
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the-aussie-knight · 6 months
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Name: Amelie Belain
Born: 10th of August 1990
Measurements: 34C-24-35
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solitarydegarcia · 2 months
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october 2023 collab with cerviero
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plentifulpronstar · 11 months
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Amélie Belain
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cerviero · 11 months
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A gift for one awesome lady and some AraLein from ESO Marcarth
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ESO Sexywoman Tournament Semi Finals
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storja-historja · 10 months
😂😂😂 beberapa bulol seneng jadi. kodok dalem tempurung 🐸🥥
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kurniawangunadi · 4 months
"Ini harus diminum seterusnya ya," ujar dokter. "Seterusnya itu berarti nggak boleh putus ya, Dok?" tanyaku. "Iya, seumur hidup." tegas beliau. * * * * * Lain waktu, ketika kumpul sama walimurid anak-anak lainnya. "Wah, saya ya minum obat itu mas udah dari umur 25 malah. Dah sepuluh tahun!" ujarnya. "Walahhh," sahutku. "Dibawa santai aja mas," tambahnya. * * * * * Lainnya lagi. "Lhoo masgun, sama kayak bapaku, dari sebelum aku ada ya beliau udah konsumsi obatnya. Diminum terus yaa jangan putus." katanya. "Wahh begitu yaa?" aku menimpali. "Yoiii, semangat masgun!" jawabnya. * * * * *
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Kini juga bersahabat sama tensimeter. Beberapa hari sekali ngecek. Bela-belain beli, agar lebih mudah kontrol kondisi hipertensi ini. Awal-awal periksa, dulu, masih denial :"Kok bisa!", "Apa? Diminum seumur hidup obatnya?" dan lain-lain. Sekarang udah bisa menerima dengan baik, lebih legowo. Kondisi ini justru memberikanku semangat baru untuk memperbaiki pola hidup lebih baik. Berusaha bertahan lebih lama dalam hidup ini meskipun kita tahu bahwa umur itu rahasia Allah. Tapi, melihat anak-anak yang masih kecil, semakin menguatkan doa : "Semoga aku dimampukan menjadi ayah yang baik, mendampingi mereka tumbuh dewasa, menikahkan mereka, hingga mereka menjadi menjadi orang tua yang amanah." Mulai juga bisa memilah mana hal-hal yang penting dan prioritas dalam hidup. Ada hal-hal yang perlu dilepaskan dan direlakan. Seperti kopi yang selama ini kuminum, kini enggak lagi. Proses menata ulang ini seperti mereset kembali kehidupan di umur 33. Rasanya bagaimana? Seru. Dinikmati dan disyukuri saja. Kini, alarm pun bertambah satu selain pengaturan alarm lainnya yang sudah ada. Alarm buat minum obat. Buat yang masih muda, saranku lebih aware lagi soal kesehatan. Kalau suka naik asam lambung apalagi sampai gerd. Sering sakit kepala. Dan berbagai respon tubuh lainnya. Segera medical checkup, baik cek fisik maupun cek psikis. Ini sangat penting. Harganya bisa jadi lumayan, tapi lebih mahal lagi kalau sakit. Hati-hati dengan hal-hal yang sering kita konsumsi setiap hari. Perhatikan aktivitas hidup kita. Cermati apa yang sering kita pikirkan setiap harinya.
Jika nanti ketemu sama takdir berkeluarga, anak-anak kalian akan membutuhkan kalian lebih lama hidup di dunia ini. Membutuhkan energi kalian untuk mengejar-ngejarnya berlarian tanpa henti. Dijaga baik-baik anugrah Tuhan berupa badan ini. Semangat yaa!
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thelordofgifs · 4 days
Ficlet prompt: An unexpected but not unwelcome event
this is over a year late, but thanks for the prompt, anon! it was exactly what I needed for a little writing refresher tonight <3 have a perfect double drabble!
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Círdan has ceased now almost entirely to direct his eyes westward. Gone now are Turgon’s ships, and the desperate hopes he sent with them; gone golden Idril and her husband, fleeing as though these very lands emit a stench of death; worst of all, gone bright Eärendil with his vows to win succour for all Beleriand. Some days on Balar Círdan omits even to walk ankle-deep along the shore, and feel the kiss of the water he loves against his skin; for promises are hollow food, after so many years.
There are some who say the new star is a promise from the Belain: they name it Gil-Estel, and look upon it with the same longing Círdan once looked west, upon the far-off gleam of vanishing Tol Eressëa. He does not begrudge them their gazing; but these days his attention is all turned east, to the ever-watchful darkness, and the practicalities of defending their last refuge. (O for Sirion! But Círdan is too weary to grieve.)
His first instinct then is doubt, when they tell him of the fleet of white ships approaching from over the Sea. But then he sees them too: and remembers what it is to hope.
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brethilach · 2 months
this is extremely nitpicky and it doesn't matter but I just wanted to put it out there that people in Middle Earth would be far more likely to use either the Westron names or the names they have in their own languages to refer to the Valar (as opposed to the Quenya terms). And if they WERE to use an Elvish language they'd still be more likely to use Sindarin over Quenya (which was little more than a conversationally dead language by the late Third Age).
People (aside from the Noldor themselves) would be far more likely to call the Valar the Rodyn or Belain, or simply just "the powers" or "the gods" (if they were a human of non-Númenorean descent). There's no other canon term for Maiar (as far as I know), but the Sindarin term would still be preferred for them (whatever that is), or otherwise they'd just be called "the Beautiful" or even just "spirits". Valinor would be called Dor-Rodyn or just "the land of the powers/gods/rulers of the world" (or whatever term they have in their own language) and people would say Ardhon or just simply say "the World" over "Arda". Valar like Oromë and Varda would be MUCH better known as Araw and Elbereth (if not by the name in one's native language) rather than the names the Noldor gave them (Varda is already referred to as "Elbereth" in LOTR!)
I only say this just because I keep on reading fanfics where characters are casually throwing out Quenya terms to refer to these kind of things and it hurts me,, but it's very much a "he would NOT say that" sort of thing. It doesn't truly effect me at the end of the day
Edit: I want to clarify that I totally get that the need to make things understandable for the average reader is far more important than the frivolous semantics of constructed languages and fictional translation conventions. I'm not saying that people NEED or even SHOULD start using these names in their fics, I was just airing it out for people who DO care about this sort of thing (like me). But I don't think it's wrong to use the Quenya terms because that's what most people are familiar with (and I'll never snub someone's fic just because they do, even if it hurts the linguistic nerd inside my heart a little bit)
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francepittoresque · 1 year
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15 septembre 1635 : Pierre Belain d’Esnambuc prend possession de la Martinique au nom de Louis XIII ➽ http://bit.ly/Esnambuc-Martinique Sa prudence, son habileté, son courage, l’avaient rendu fameux sur mer et lui avaient valu le grade si honorable et si envié alors de capitaine de vaisseau. Avec l’année 1625 commencent ses succès
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fortunatto · 9 months
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rainy day in Markarth ( for @solitarydegarcia )
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the-aussie-knight · 6 months
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Name: Amelie Belain
Born: 10th of August 1990
Measurements: 34C-24-35
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solitarydegarcia · 14 hours
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various markarth sketches pt1
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Lady Belain
3D model for The Elder Scrolls: Online
Modeling by Chris Sulzbach
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