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harrycosmo · 2 years ago
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Watched a beautiful documentary called ‘Town of Runners’ (2012) about two adolescent Ethiopian girls training to become professional distance runners.
Everyone in it was so steadfast and sensible that I was feeling like all of us in the developed world are sort of out of touch and corrupted in some way.
The director, Jerry Rothwell, also directed the autism documentary ‘The Reason I Jump’, based on Naoki Higashida’s book.
Very sad to discover from googling that one of the producers of Town of Runners, an Ethiopian-British man in his 30s called Dan Demissie took his own life in 2019. He features in the DVD Extras and seemed like a really nice guy. Baffling.
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skannar · 1 year ago
Margaret Okayo the Fastest Female Time in the Boston Marathon : Pure Tenacity
Name: Margaret Okayo Achievement: Fastest Female time in the Boston Marathon Boston Marathon winning year: 2002 Boston Marathon time: 2:20:43 In the annals of long-distance running, the name Margaret Okayo shines as a beacon of resilience, determination, and extraordinary talent. Hailing from the highlands of Kenya, Okayo’s story is one that exemplifies the triumph of the human spirit over…
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afrotumble · 10 months ago
Derartu Tulu: How Ethiopia’s Olympic champion united a continent and inspired a generation with her running
Derartu Tulu is now the president of the Ethiopian Athletics Federation.
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laxmipharma · 9 months ago
Automatic Ampoule Sticker Labeling Machine in Ethiopia
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Company Overview: Laxmi Pharma Equipment is a leading Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of Automatic Ampoule Sticker Labeling Machine in Ethiopia. Established in 1985 in Phase III, Vatva, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, the company specializes in pharmaceutical machinery. Laxmi Pharma Equipment Offers a comprehensive range of high-quality pharmaceutical machinery including Washing Machines, Filling Machines, Stoppering Machines, Capping Machines, Labelling Machines, Packaging Machines, and Process Equipment. Provides Automatic High-Speed Ampoule Sticker Labeling Machine (Model: LASL series) and Vertical Linear Sticker Labeling Machine. Designed to label glass ampoules that have been previously filled and sealed. Operates at a minimum output of 250–300 labels per minute, depending on label size and quality. Operation: Ampoules are loaded onto a conveyor system and transported to the labeling station. The machine dispenses adhesive labels from a roll, detecting gaps or notches between individual labels using sensors. Features: Operates with servo or stepper motors for flexibility and precision. User-friendly modifications with minimal tool requirements. Ensures accurate labeling without compromising ampoule integrity. Increases productivity, reduces labor, and eliminates labeling errors. Applications Across Industries: Suitable for Pharmaceuticals, Food, Cosmetics, and Pesticides industries. Service Areas in Ethiopia: Laxmi Pharma Equipment provides Automatic Ampoule Sticker Labeling Machine in  Ethiopia Including Abomsa, Adama, Adaba, AddisAbaba, AddisAlem(Ejersa), AddisZemen, Adet, Adigrat, Adwa, Agaro, Akaki, Alaba(Kulito,Quliito), AlETAWONDO, Amaro, Gojjam, AmbaMariam, Ambo, Angacha, Ankober, ArbaMinch, Arboye, Areka, Asaita, Asella, Assosa, Awasa, Awash, Axum, Azezo, Alamata, AlemKetema, Aykel, Awbarre, Babille, Baco,  BadmeBahirDar, Bati ,Batu, Bedele ,Bedessa, Beica, Bekoji, Bele, Bichena, Bishoftu, Bitena, Boditi, Bonga, BurieDamot ,Butajira, Chiro, Chimdesa, Chelenko, Chencha, Chuahit. For more information, please feel free to contact us. Read the full article
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empire-land · 9 months ago
1. Kur takon të rinj - FRYMËZOJI ATA.
2. Kur takoni fëmijë - EDUKONI ATA.
3. Kur takon njerëz të moshuar - NDIHMOJI.
4. Kur takon njerëz të mençur - STUDIOJI ATA.
5. Kur takoni liderët - NDERONI ATA.
6. Kur takoni njerëz të marrë - SHMANGNI ATA.
7. Kur takon njerëz të përulur - THESAROJI.
8. Kur takon njerëz arrogantë - INJORO ATA.
9. Kur takon njerëz të hirshëm - EMULOJI ATA.
10. Kur takon njerëz aspirativ - LARGOJI ATA.
11. Kur takoni njerëz të fortë - MBËSHTETNI ATA.
12. Kur takon njerëz të zot - BEKOJI ATA.
13. Kur takon njerëz të moshuar - RESPEKTOJI ATA.
14. Kur takon njerëz të dobët - FORCOJI ATA.
15. Kur takon njerëz punëtorë - INKURAJO ATA.
16. Kur takon njerëz të sjellshëm - ESTEEM ATA.
17. Kur takon njerëz të Sinqertë -
18. Kur takon njerëz të virtytshëm - SHPËRBLEJI.
19. Kur takoni njerëz të këqij - EVADONI ATA.
20. Dhe në të gjitha situatën " Shikojeni, Lutuni dhe urojini të gjithë mirë.
1. Dr. Ben Carson tha, "Unë luftova akademikisht gjatë gjithë shkollës fillore por u bëra neurokirurgu më i mirë në botë në 1987. "
Të luftosh është një shenjë se je në një prag suksesi. Mos u dorëzo akoma.
2. Bill Gates tha, "Unë nuk e përfundova as arsimin tim universitar por u bëra njeriu më i pasur në botë. "
Shkolla nuk të bën të pasur. Shkolla supozohet vetëm të lustrojë atë që do t'ju bëjë të pasur, jo t'ju bëjë të pasur.
3. Christiano Ronaldo tha, "Unë i thashë babait tim se do të ishim shumë të pasur por ai nuk mund të më besonte. E bëra realitet. "
Fjalët e tua sundojnë jetën tënde. Nëse e ke fjalën për atë që ke thënë, secila fjalë do të ndodhë. E kupton atë që thua.
4. Dëgjoni Lionel Messin!
"Unë shërbeja çaj në një dyqan për të mbështetur stërvitjen time të futbollit dhe përsëri u bëra një nga futbollistët më të mirë në botë. "
Beso në ëndrrën tënde. Mos lejo që dhimbja jote të të tregojë se si do të duket e ardhmja jote.
5. Steve Jobs penalizoi, "Unë flija në dysheme në dhomat e miqve të mi, duke kthyer shishet e kokainës për ushqim, para dhe duke marrë ushqime falas javore në një tempull lokal, unë më vonë themelova Kompaninë Apple. "
Se sot je i vogël nuk do të thotë se do të jesh i vogël nesër. Vazhdo t'i besosh Zotit.
6. Ish kryeministri britanik, Tony Blair tha & citoj, "Mësuesit e mi më quanin dështak, por unë u bëra kryeministër. "
Mos lejo që mendimet e dikujt tjetër për ty të bëhen realiteti yt.
7. Peshkopi David Oyedepo tha, "Unë fillova Kishën e Besimit të Gjallë nga një fushë tenisi në lëndinë me tre anëtarë vetëm dhe predikova prosperitet. Shumë nga miqtë më kritikuan, por sot kemi auditorin më të madh të kishës në botë & dy universitete të klasit botëror. "
*MËSIMI:* Besoni në veten tuaj edhe nëse askush nuk e bën & kurrë nuk mendon të heqë dorë.
8. *Nelson Mandela tha, * "Unë isha në burg për 27 vjet dhe përsëri u bëra president. "
*MËSIMI:* Ju mund të jeni gjithçka që dëshironi të jeni pavarësisht se ku keni qenë ose çfarë keni kaluar.
*9. REECE* "Kam vozitur një taksi për të financuar arsimin tim universitar por sot jam miliarder. "
*MËSIMI:* Mos lejo që e kaluara jote të vendosë llojin e së ardhmes që duhet të kesh.
10. *Harland Sanders, Themeluesi i KFC tha,* "Unë isha në prag të vetëvrasjes kur një Ide për të hapur një restorant më goditi pasi dola në pension si kuzhinier në Marinë. "
*MËSIMI:* Asgjë nuk është kurrë vonë. "Shumë vonë" është një gjuhë dështimesh. E ardhmja juaj mund të fillojë në çdo moshë. Mos lejoni kurrë që MOSHA t'ju kufizojë.
11. *Aliko Dangote tha,* "Kam punuar për xhaxhain tim që kur isha djalë i vogël, njerëzit më shikonin poshtë. Më vonë mora një kredi nga xhaxhai im për të hapur një dyqan të vogël. Kam punuar shumë për të arritur fundin. Tani unë jam njeriu më i pasur në Afrikë.
*MËSIMI:* Dështimet ose kufizimet e së kaluarës nuk kanë kontroll mbi madhështinë tek ju. Për atë që beson, të gjitha gjërat janë të mundshme.
12. *Barack Hussein Obama tha,* Unë jam një djalë i një emigranti zezak nga Kenia, u diplomova në Harvard dhe më vonë u bëra Senator në Çikago. Unë isha gjithashtu Presidenti i kombit më të fuqishëm në Tokë.
*MËSIMI:* Asnjëherë mos e projektoni jetën tuaj si një kopsht ku çdokush mund të hyjë dhe të dalë. Projektoje si qielli ku të gjithë aspirojnë të arrijnë!
13. *Arnold Swarzzenegger tha, * Unë udhëtova në Amerikë në kërkim të pavarësisë financiare kur isha 15 vjeç. U bëra 7 herë njeriu më i fortë në botë dhe Mr Universe. Më pas mora diplomën në Ekonomi, pastaj u bëra një nga aktorët më të mirë të Hollivudit para se të votohesha dy herë si guvernator i Kalifornisë. "
*MËSIMI:* Mos prisni që të gjithë të besojnë në aftësinë dhe ëndrrat tuaja.
Përpjekje e dashur për të qenë i mirë me njerëzit që takoni çdo ditë,, kini frikë Zotin dhe jetoni në paqe me të gjithë njerëzit duke e ditur plotësisht mirë se nëse nuk takohemi për tu ndarë, do të ndahemi për tu takuar një ditë.
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expedientesinico · 4 years ago
Etiópia. Número de mortos em ataque a Bekoji chega a 222
Etiópia. Número de mortos em ataque a Bekoji chega a 222
O número de mortos no ataque ocorrido na quarta-feira na região oeste de Benishangul-Gumuz, na Etiópia, aumentou para 222. A informação foi avançada por um voluntário da Cruz Vermelha do país à Reuters na sexta-feira. “Ontem enterramos 207 vítimas e mais 15 dos agressores”, disse a voluntária Melese Mesfin. O ataque ocorreu na localidade de Bekoji, no condado de Bulen, na zona de Metekel. A…
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girlsgottarunfoundation · 5 years ago
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THIS ONE’S FOR YOU // In her first marathon EVER, Molly Seidel places second in the Olympic Marathon Qualifying Trials in 2:27:31, making the USA 2020 Olympic team!! Molly is an advocate for GGRF and she’s got a message for the GGRF Bekoji team post trials. We couldn’t be more proud of all she’s overcome and accomplished! Molly has run in the GGRF #Bekoji100 Relay, organized a 5K for our International Day of the Girl Global 5K campaign, trained and volunteered in Ethiopia with our Bekoji team in November, and grabbed a bag of our @allegrocoffee Girls Gotta Run coffee launching next week in Whole Foods stores nationwide for her marathon debut. Thank you Molly for all you do to inspire and uplift girls and women in Bekoji with GGRF and globally. We can’t wait to cheer you on at the Olympics! Video by @firstrun #olympictrials #atlanta2020 #trialsbyfire #olympics2020 #bekoji #marathon (at Centennial Olympic Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9KlmUbH9ub/?igshid=1lu3esh0cz1ia
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lupinepublishers · 4 years ago
lupine publishers| Economic Returns of Foliar Fungicides Application to Control Yellow Rust in Bread Wheat Cultivars in Arsi high lands of Ethiopia 
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Wheat yellow rust caused by Puccinic Striiformis f. sp tritici is the most widespread and destructive disease of wheat, especially in the highlands of Ethiopia. Application of foliar fungicides are important mechanisms to control wheat yellow rust disease. The activity was conducted at two experimental sites Meraro and Bekoji in 2018 main cropping season, in order to determine net returns of  wheat  yields  from  the  application  of  fungicides.  The  aim  of  the  study  was  to  know  net  reruns  obtained  from  the  application  of  propiconazole  and  Thiophanate-methyl  310g/l  +Epoxiconazole  187g/l    fungicides  with  twice  application  frequency    in  four  bread wheat cultivars with different resistance level, being susceptible, moderately susceptible, moderately resistant and resistant including  Kubsa,  Danda’a,  Lemu  and  Wane  against  wheat  yellow  rust    respectively  in  2018.  The  positive  net  returns  at  Meraro,  12.66,  11.4,  8.39  and  7.65,  and  at  Bekoji  12.14,  11.4,  7.92  and  5.18  on  Kubsa,  Lemu,  Danda’a  and  Wane  (susceptible,  moderately  susceptible,  moderately  resistant  and  resistant  bread  wheat  varieties  by  the  twice  application  of  RexDuo  respectively.  Maximum  net return on fungicide application was obtained on the susceptible (Kubsa) variety $1164.98 ha−1 at Bekoji and $1215.13 ha−1     at Meraro and minimum net returns was observed on Wane (resistant) variety $ 5.18 ha−1 at Bekoji and 7.65 at Meraro experimental stations by the twice application of Rex®Duo. Epoxiconazole +Thiiophanate-methyl applied treatments were resulted the highest returns at the rate of 0.5l ha−1, but low net returns were observed on propiconazole applied treatments at a rate of 0.5l ha−1 at both location. From the study lower economic return at Bekoji was obtained due to dry climatic conditions which resulted in low rust severity as compared to Meraro obtained higher profitability to higher altitude with cooler climate, lower temperature, heavy dew and intermittent rains. This indicated that conducive climatic conditions to yellow rust disease development during the growing season, cultivar resistance, fungicide application frequency, plant growth stage, fungicide and fungicide application costs and the price of wheat determines the net return in fungicide application of wheat. The results from this study indicated that foliar fungicide applications to bread wheat cultivars can be profitable in twice application with sensitive to semi sensitive(moderately susceptible to susceptible)varieties; however, net loss can result if fungicide 
usts  caused  by  obligate  pathogens  of  wheat  are  yellow  rust  (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici), stem rust (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici)  and  leaf  rust  (Puccinia  recondite  f.sp.  tritici)  which  infect  the foliage, stem and sometimes the spikes lost more than $5bilion in  each  year  .They  have  the  capacity  to  develop  into  widespread  epidemics and complex life cycles that involve alternate hosts and several  spore  stages  resulting  in  yield  losses  of  30-50%  sensitive  and  semi  sensitive  cultivars  and  57-97%  on    [1-8].  Wheat  stripe  rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis is one of the most widespread, destructive  and  an  emerging  serious  disease,  especially  in  cool  climates,  present  in  almost  all  the  wheat  growing  areas  and  a  formidable threat to global wheat production [2-6]. In Ethiopia Arsi, Bale and North shoa areas, are wheat mono cropping and the most prevalent to yellow rust disease epidemics which causes 57 to 97% of yield losses in sensitive and semi sensitive bread wheat cultivars [7,8] Application of foliar fungicides are important mechanisms to control wheat yellow rust and reduce yield losses. According to [9], [6] findings comparatively better yields were obtained on sprayed treatments rather than unsprayed treatments under experimental condition.   During   the   fungicide   application;   conduciveness   of   
environment  to  rust,  varietal  resistance,  effectiveness  and  timing  of fungicide application to be taken into consideration in reducing the disease severity and rate of epidemic development. Large scale commercial   and   government-run   wheat   farms   have   generally   chosen  to  plant  rust-susceptible  wheat  varieties  because  they  have a greater yield potential of 20%-25% and 36.6% -51.1% than rust-resistant  varieties  [5  and  8].  Wheat  grown  in  a  higher-yield  potential (highland) environment may be more likely to produce a yield response. Timely application of fungicides effectively prevents yield losses and further spread of the disease to the wheat production regions, and  potentially  huge  nationwide  yield  loss  was  avoided  through  use of fungicides [10]. Fungicide prices influence the decision of spraying  or  not  spraying.  However,  when  the  disease  severity  is  low, crop yield is usually not impacted. The benefit from fungicide applications in crop production is reflected in the returns of up to three  times  the  cost  involved  [11].  There  is  a  misconception  that  fungicides  are  used  to  get  a  “yield  bump”  but  most  crop  scientists  agree that fungicides simply protect yield potential. When disease severity  has  the  potential  to  reduce  crop  yields,  then  fungicide  applications may help to protect the crop from potential losses. On the other hand, if disease severity is low and there is minimal yield loss,  then  applying  a  fungicide  will  not  result  in  either  a  yield  or  economic advantage [12].  In the considerable studies researchers emphasized that there are a number of factors that farmers should consider   before   making   a   fungicide   spray   decision,   including   yield  potential,  wheat  price,  fungicide  cost,  and  disease  pressure.  Although  many  farmers  and  private  wheat  growers  spray  as  soon  as the rust occurred without considering economic threshold level of  the  disease  and  positive  net  return  on  the  economic  yield  of  wheat.  The  main  objective  of  this  research  was  to  determine  the  profitability of wheat yield using fungicides against yellow rust in  susceptible,  moderately  susceptible,  moderately  varieties  and  comparing with commercial relatively resistant wheat varieties. Materials and Methods The  study  was  undertaken  at  Kulumsa  Agricultural  Research  Center,   sub-stations   Bekoji   and   Meraro,   in   Arsi   highlands   of   South  Eastern  Ethiopia  during  2018  main  cropping  season.  The  experiment  was  conducted  at  Meraro  and  Bekoji  experimental  stations from the Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center substations during  the  main  cropping  season  of  2018  at  south  eastern  part  of  Ethiopia.Treatments and Experimental design The  experiments  were  laid  out  in  randomized  complete  block  design  (RCBD)  in  factorial  arrangement  with  three  replications.  Four bread wheat cultivars which were selected based response of reaction  being  Kubsa  susceptible  (Sensitive),  Danda’a  Moderately  susceptible  (semi  sensetive),  Lemmu  moderately  resistant  and  Wane  relatively  resistant  to  wheat  yellow  rust  and  released  from  Kulumsa  Agricultural  Research  Center,  Ethiopia  were  used  (Table  1). All the varieties were sown at the recommended rate of 100 kg seed ha-1 to six row plots of 2.5m length and 1.2m width with 20 cm inter-row  spacing.  The  gaps  between  plots  and  replications  were  1m and 1.5m, respectively. Spreader rows consisting of a mixture of highly susceptible bread wheat varieties of Morocco, Kubsa and PBW 343  were  planted  in  each  border  row  in  order  to  ensure  uniform  spread of inocula and sufficient disease development. Experimental plots  were  fertilized  with  Diamonium  phosphate  (DAP)  and  Urea  (41kgN/46kg P2O5ha-1) just at planting and weeds and insect pests were controlled as management recommendations 
Fungicide and application frequency Wheat plots were sprayed with recently registered and widely used  fungicides  viz.  Rex® Duo  (Epoxiconazole  +  Thiophanate-methyl)   and   Tilt   250EC*(propiconazole)   at   0.5lt   product   ha-1in   250lha-1 water   using   Manual   Knapsack   Sprayer   (Table   2).   Foliar  fungicides  and  its  application  costs  were  used  to  analysis  profitability on the spraying of fungicides to four bread wheat cultivars  (Table  3).  The  average  price  of  bread  wheat  cultivars  were  calculated  from  data  provided  by  the  Ethiopian  Agricultural  and  commodity  Marketing  Service  and  average  local  fungicide  prices used were obtained by assessing local retailers and chemical manufacturers.  Since  knapsack  fungicide  application  was  agreed  by  contract  between  the  grower  and  the  commercial  applicators  so   Adjuvant   and   surfactant,   and   machinery   and   machinery, maintenance  costs  were  omitted  because  of  the  wide  variation  in  their  uses  and  costs.    Net  return  from  fungicide  application  was  calculated as follows: Rn = YiP− (Fc + Ac) Where, Rn is the net return from fungicide application ($ ha-1); Yi is yield increase from fungicide application (kg ha-1), obtained by subtracting the yield in the Control treatment from the yield in the fungicide treatments; P is the wheat price ($ kg-1); Fc is the fungicide cost ($ ha-1) and Ac is the fungicide application cost ($ ha-1). At Bekoji, profitability from the application of fungicides varied from $7ha-1 in Lemu variety treated with one application of Tilt to 1165$ha-1 in Kubsa variety that received twice application of Rex®Duo  (Table  4).  At  Meraro,  net  return  after  fungicide  application  ranged from 88$ha-1   in Danda’a variety treated once with Tilt to 1215$ha-1  in  Kubsa  variety  treated  twice  with  Rex®  Duo  (Table  5). From the application of fungicides profitability of economic yield in bread wheat varieties at Bekoji and Meraro in experimental stations,  similarly  showed  variability  in  net  returns  from  location  to location (Table 4 and 5).The lower profitability at Bekoji can be  attributed  to  dry  weather  which  resulted  in  low  disease  levels  as compared to Meraro obtained higher profitability to higher elevation  with  cooler  climate,  lower  temperature,  heavy  dew  and  intermittent rains. In Meraro, yellow rust on bread wheat is first observed ate early seedling stage with optimum urediniospores in mid belig or early mehar season (June to November). The positive net return can be strongly influenced by the Market price of wheat on applying fungicides to control wheat yellow rust. The expected yield  increase  of  2967  kg  ha−1  representing  51.1%  of  the  yield  potential  and  a  fungicide  and  application  cost  of  $96  ha−1,  the  net  return was $1164.98 ha−1 at a wheat price of $0.425kg−1 compared to  $497.7  ha−1  t  at  the  same  wheat  price  of  $0.425kg−1.  Therefore  twice  application  of  Rex®  Duo  or  Tilt  250  EC  immediately  after  appearance  of  rust  disease  on  wheat  varieties  at  15  days  interval  are   effective   in   controlling   the   disease   and   achieving   higher   economic   return.   The   results   indicated   that   lower   economic   return  at  Bekoji  was  obtained  due  to  dry  climatic  conditions  which resulted in low level of rust severity as compared to Meraro obtained  maximum  profitability  to  higher  altitude  with  cooler climate,  lower  temperature,  heavy  dew  and  intermittent  rains.  This findings are convenient with work done by [13,14 and 15] indicated that conducive climatic conditions to yellow rust disease development   during   the   growing   season,   cultivar   resistance,   fungicide application frequency, plant growth stage, fungicide and fungicide  application  costs  and  the  price  of  wheat  determines  the  net  return  in  fungicide  application  of  wheat.  According  to  [16]  findings doubling and tripling the grain price of bread wheat had the  highest  impact  on  the  net  return  from  fungicide  application,  followed by increasing fungicide cost. In conclusion, profitability is dependent on many factors, including weather conditions favorable to disease development, the level of disease intensity, efficacy of the fungicide applied in controlling each specific disease, fungicide and fungicide application costs and rates, fungicide application timing, cultivar resistance, cultural practices and the price of wheat.
Conclusion and RecommendationWheat  yellow  rust  caused  by  puccinia  striiformis  f.sp.tritici,  is  the most widespread, destructive and formidable threat especially in  cool  climates,  present  in  the  highland  wheat  growing  areas  of  Ethiopia.  Now  a  day,  possibility  of  producing  new  resistant  variety is difficult due to complexity of yellow rust and continually evolvement  of  new  races.  In  East  Africa  the  current  commercial  wheat cultivars including recently released varieties are susceptible to the new races and not possible to grow a profitable yield of wheat without application of fungicides to the private sectors, farmers and government run wheat growers in Ethiopia. To obtained positive net returns, environmental factors, varietal response to rust, efficacy and  timing  of  fungicide  application,  cost  of  fungicide,  wheat  price  and agricultural practices should be taken into consideration.  Our results  and  similar  studies  suggested  that  application  of  fungicide  specifically diazoles like Epoxiconazole  +  Thiophanate-methyl,  at  hotspot  areas  to  yellow  rust  province  on  sensitive(susceptible)  and semi sensitive(intermediate) cultivar is beneficial and can constitute a significant part of stripe rust managing program. So research suggested to wheat growers to use effective fungicides on susceptible and intermediate varieties in the golden time of stripe rust occurrence, able to control wheat yellow rust to yield and net return increase.Acknowledgments Ethiopian  institute  of  Agricultural  Research  (EIAR)  is  kindled  thanked  for  the  financial  support  of  the  study  and  Kulumsa Agricultural   Research   Center   is   acknowledged   for   conducting   experimental   study.   The   all-round   support   provided   by   the   wheat  rust  research  team  especially,  to  Tamirat  Negash,  Getenesh  Demissie  and  Askinew  solomon  indebted  and  highly  appreciated
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dwight145-blog · 6 years ago
The small village Bekoji in Ethiopia has produced multiple gold medal winners in the sport of racing. 🇪🇹#ethiopia #africa #bekoji #bekojiethiopia #racing #running #trackandfeild #sports #village #goldmedalist
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intimeitwillpass · 8 years ago
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Sending a shout out to the next generation coming through @girlsgottarun out in #Bekoji mayn. Happy #InternationalWomensDay to you and all the ladies world 🌎 wide. #TheBlackPrint™ #ThisIsLife #OwnIt #ItsMine #TrackMafia™ #TeamMates™ #🔃™ #Nike #London #LifeStyle #Canon #Canon_official #MyCanon #Photography #PhotoOfTheDay #Art #70mm #VSCO #LightRoom #Culture #RunningCulture #TellNoOne (at Bek'Oji, Arsi, Ethiopia)
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jebediah19950814-blog · 5 years ago
0 on the season as they beat Manchester 11
0 on the season as they beat manchester 11 "They gave a good account of themselves and I don't think previously they would have made the quarter finals because the other teams were that strong." "We were dwarfed by what we could select in terms of players," van Gamert said. Denmark often kept the ball for longer spells in the opposition half and they looked calm, but their game could have used more incisive passes as the lack of Eriksen as their most creative player stuck out sometimes painfully. Defensive tackle Montravius Adams, linebacker Oren Burks and safety Darnell Savage Jr. Women Handbags of the 1900 to 1910Design innovations of carrying bags started at this time with the term "carrying bags" used extensively to describe what we now call handbags today. "The team is capable of great things like tonight. NEW YORK Major League Soccer's talented roster is set for the 2019 MLS Homegrown Game presented by Energizer, as players from the youth national teams of the United States and Canada will represent the league in the annual showcase. I think that by not, we are," McQueen says. Along with that she has a competitive fire where she absolutely hates to lose. In the 35th minute, midfielder Saphir Tader found full back Zachary Brault Guillard on the right flank. In its final road game before opening Allianz Field on April 13, Minnesota United traveled to the East Coast to face a perennial powerhouse on their home turf without two key pieces of its attack: midfielders Darwin Quintero and Miguel Ibarra. The best players from NSW ACT and Tasmania will then combine to form the Eastern Allies for round 2 of the championships on the Gold Coast in July. Because she was SUPER not hot, is how. They just lacked the polish to find an equaliser. Because the Marlins are a dumpster fire.If you like this story, consider signing up for our email newsletters.SHOW ME HOW2. "If he saw something we needed to work on during a game, he made sure we worked on that during practice. Led by two sets of siblings the Bekele brothers and the Dibaba sisters Bekoji's runners are poised to rack up medals at this summer's Beijing Olympics. "Tonight was a game in which points were available for us. I want to simply tell Ailish's family, thank you. The full Hungary Women's National Team will be competing in the Cyprus Cup during that time. SOUTH LAUNCESTON and George Town have the week off due to this weekend's fixture being played as a stand alone match in March. Robert Eggers The Witch (2015) has a simple plot: a family expelled from a small New England town in the 1630s gets terrorized by a woman living in a forest nearby. 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Chances are some coach somewhere is going to get fired before the season ends and one of those schools is going to want to talk to Joe Moorhead. He believed the competition would be very tight. Even after they scored the goal, [Michael] Boxall has a free header from eight yards out, nine yards out and Mason [Toye] had a couple. But it is still baseball season of course. (By the way, thanks for reading this far into this column. Everything you focus on always improves. After grabbing a loose ball, Reyer went coast to coast for a layup that cut the Viking lead to 62 60. The tournament, which held its 26th edition last Friday to Sunday, is named in memory of longtime BMHA treasurer and coach Roger Ladouceur who dedicated more than 20 years of his time to minor hockey. When we come back. "What really stands out for me are the defensive linemen we signed from high schools," he said.
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kazuyadesse · 2 years ago
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#会社員かずやのアサカツ #会社員かずやのウオカツ ・35minWALK2.81km ・⛅️9℃ BEKOJI 風、強めの朝。 良い1日になりますよう✨ https://www.instagram.com/p/ClZpOWeBWhi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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allsports100 · 2 years ago
What is the history of Kenenisa Bekele
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Kenenisa Bekele, (conceived June 13, 1982, close to Bekoji, Ethiopia), Ethiopian marathon runner who won Olympic gold decorations in the 10,000 meters in 2004 and in both the 5,000 meters and the 10,000 meters in 2008. He later had outcome in the long distance race.On June 1, 2003, Bekele at long last kenenisa bekele net worth showed what he could do on a track, overcoming world record-holder Gebrselassie in the 10,000 meters at the IAAF Stupendous Prix in Hengelo, Netherlands. Sometime thereafter he won gold decorations at both the IAAF big showdowns (in the 10,000 meters) and at the IAAF World Games Last (in the 3,000 meters).
Bekele made his Olympic presentation in 2004 at the Athens Games, where he won the silver decoration in the 5,000 meters and the gold in the 10,000 meters. He won a second 10,000-meter big showdown in 2005, and in 2006 he won gold decorations in the 3,000 meters at the IAAF world indoor titles and in the 5,000 meters at the IAAF World Games Last. He again brought home the 10,000-meter big showdown in 2007, which he followed with two gold awards (in the 5,000 meters and 10,000 meters) at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. In 2009 he came out on top for his fourth sequential big showdown in the 10,000 meters, tying Gebrselassie's record.
Moreover, throughout the span of his significant distance predominance during the 2000s, Bekele broke the world record in the 5,000-meter and 10,000-meter races various times. A progression of wounds restricted his cutthroat races in the years paving the way to the 2012 London Olympic Games, where he completed in fourth spot in the one occasion he qualified for, the 10,000-meters.Bekele later moved his concentration to the long distance race, and in 2014 he made his presentation in the occasion, winning the Paris Long distance race. He was restricted by wounds in 2015, yet the next year he won the Berlin Long distance race. He additionally was triumphant in that occasion in 2019.
In the same way as other of his comrades, Bekele respected Ethiopian Olympic gold award winning sprinters Haile Gebrselassie, Fatuma Roba, and Bekoji local Derartu Tulu, yet his most memorable athletic love was football (soccer). Bekele went to class through the 10th grade, and it was at school that he was acquainted with running. He completed fourth in his most memorable race, yet in 1998 he brought home a common crosscountry championship and put 6th in the Ethiopian junior titles. His prosperity prompted an encouragement to join the Mugher Concrete Plant group, instructed by Tolosa Kotu, then, at that point, the Ethiopian public long distance race mentor. Kenenisa Bekele is most popular for being one of the best distance sprinters ever. He as of now holds the world records for the 5000m and 10000m as well as the indoor 2000m, 2 mile, and 5000m.
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abtc · 3 years ago
Kenenisa Bekele Net Worth, Age, Height, Record, Training, House
Kenenisa Bekele Net Worth, Age, Height, Record, Training, House
Kenenisa Bekele was born on 13 June 1982 near Bekoji, Ethiopia. Bekele is an Ethiopian long-distance runner and considered one of the greatest in the game. There’s no doubt Bekele is the most successful runner in the history of the IAAF World Cross Country Championships. The 39 years old can boast of six long (12 km) course and five short (4 km) course titles. Kenenisa Bekele Net Worth Kenenisa…
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usnewslatest · 4 years ago
More than 100 people killed in massacre in Africa
More than 100 people killed in massacre in Africa
More than 100 civilians have been killed in Ethiopia in a massacre by local militants in the Metekel zone of the Benishangul-Gumuz region in the western African country. According to the publication, the terrorists, armed with firearms, knives, as well as bows and arrows, attacked the villagers Bekoji early Wednesday morning, December 23. The massacre of the civilians continued until noon, the…
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yhwhrulz · 4 years ago
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