#Behind The Mask; Rise of Leslie Vernon
I think we need more pop up books. Very underrated! Horror movie moments that would make great, elaborate pop up features:
Jason jumping out of the lake at the end of F13.
Freddy's claw creeping up between Nancy's knees in the bathtub scene.
Michael sitting up after you thought he was killed.
Karen holding Chucky up and him going from Doll-Faced to Rage-Faced.
Bubba's mad chainsaw dance.
Chop Top, Drayton and Bubba all clumped together having that 'sex... or the saw' talk.
Tiffany's bubble bath scene!!
Candyman hovering above Helen.
Sheriff Hoyt using the hose (At the audience)
Pleasant Valley welcoming visitors under the Guts and Glory Jubilee banner.
Pinhead holding out his hand to you to show you such sights~
The red balloon hovering out of Pennywise's gutter.
Baby, Otis and Spaulding driving away all beat-up and bloody.
Norman appearing in the doorway with a knife in grandma clothes!!
Freddy and Jason staring eachother down in that burning building.
John Kramer standing up at the end of Saw.
Oh- and extra interactive features:
You can pull out Freddy's arms so they 'grow' in the scene where he's chasing Tina.
You can pull Bubba's door open and closed.
You can flip the mask off of Billy and Stu in the reveal scene.
You can tip the pigs blood bucket over Carrie's head (But also right it again and then close the book so nothing bad happens!! XDD)
Freddy might have a page where you can mix-and-match different costumes of his. Like you can give him his normal head, Super Freddy's top half and then Worm Freddy's bottom half. If you get what I mean?? Like those flip books.
Patricks business card would be detachable, of course (You'd take it outta his inside suit jacket pocket).
Oh!! A page full of newspapers you can flip open to articles like 'Chicago Mother Claims Childs Doll is Possessed', 'Krueger Released Free of Charges', 'Camp Crystal Lake Closed Down After String of Murders', etc.
You know those things where you turn a wheel inside a page and it changes part of the scenery? That, but you can change Jason's weapon (Machete, crossbow, bare hand, axe, pitch fork, saw, pickaxe, etc).
And- separate interactive Horror book idea: Leslie Vernon's book of Horror Trivia (With all due respect to Mr Ghostface), by Leslie Mancuso
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imaginewarehouse · 1 year
Doc Halloran x Reader || Oneshot
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*Note: I've never written for Halloran before and I haven't seen the movie in a while so... I hope you enjoy this anyway? Sorry!!
Plot: Halloran believes that you are one of Leslie’s next targets so he insists that you stay under house arrest where he can protect you- but you definitely are not a homebody, and this is going to be harder than he thought. Not to keep you alive - though, he does have some questions as to how you’ve kept yourself alive all these years with the way you act, -, but just to keep you to behave yourself.
Warnings: Reader for sure has some daddy issues 😅😅 Also unedited so far.
“Oh that sounds like so much fun!! Oh- send me pictures, okay?? I wish I could be there!!” God, you really did. You would give anything to be out of the house right now, with your friends at the beach- but no, you think, squeezing some of your favourite scented moisturiser into your palm and balancing your phone between your ear and your shoulder as you begin to finish your legs. “No, Bailey, I’m not doing anything… just home… “  
Bailey asks why?? completely shocked to hear that you - an absolute party animal, - are staying home all day on a Saturday. “Uh-… “What do you say? A man approached you at work and said someone’s going to try and kill you so you need to stay at home? Sure, you’ve listened to men try dumber lines with you before so she’ll understand how you took the bait, but- how do you explain that you really, really believe him?? That you’ve seen the guy in the turtle mask, before?? Instead of trying, you just shrug. “I’m just tired!~ Felt like a lazy day.”
Okayyyy, your friend sighs. You aren’t sure if she totally believes you, but as long as she doesn’t argue- you’re golden. Well I’ll tag you on Instagram, and pin the location so you can come by if you change your mind.
“Thank youu, you’re the best- Ah!” Suddenly, seemingly all at once, the bathroom door flies open and Halloran yanks the phone away from you. Your jaw drops, unable to do anything with your hands still slippery from the cream as he holds it up to his ear.
“Sorry, Bailey, but Y/N is unable to talk right now. Please don’t call again, today. Thank you.” He says into the receiver, then hangs up and shuts the phone down completely; Pocketing it. You sit there and flush, guiltily looking away from the stern expression on his face like it physically hurts to look at it.
When he doesn’t move, you’re forced to indeed peak at him- at which point, you flash a nervous smile. “… Oops? Ha… I… Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“I’m keeping this for the duration of your house arrest.” Is all that he says, referring to your phone, making you drop your jaw and try to follow him as he leaves the room again.
“Hey! I- Oh, no.” Your feet are still slippery, too, so you sit back down immediately so as to not trip- and give a heavy huph. “Well, then. He’s a fun guy, isn’t he?... hm… “You pout, to yourself.
You quickly finished up moisturising your legs after that and tried doing a mask for 20 minutes, just to kill time- but you got bored quick, and threw it out. Not bothering to get dressed, because it’s your own apartment and besides, the doctor isn’t totally bad looking, you get up and leave the bathroom finally; Tightening the comfy, pretty robe you got at the cutest market, a couple months back.
Ahhh, you would love to be there again. You didn’t get to see all of the stalls, after the one with the cute soaps and the cuter attendant. In fact, after that, you didn’t seem much of that market apart from his car.
But- you would totally explore it properly, now! Given the chance! You haven’t spent this much time at home since you got your first bus ticket. It’s so boring, here. And you depleted your wine rack last night.
Wandering into the livingroom, you see Halloran on the couch and hold your hands behind your back, hovering behind him. “So... can I order food, or something?”
“Well what if I got you some, too? My treat. How do you feel about chicken?”
“Absolutely not. And I saw chicken in your freezer, just cook it.” Well, that’s that, then. You’ll starve.
Hmph… you flop on the couch, throwing your legs over Doc Halloran’s lap - though, you’re careful not to knock the laptop that you’re sharing the surface with, - and flashing him a big, sweet grin. Suppose he’ll have to entertain you, then. You’re being here is his fault in the first, place! Its only fair that he would make up for it with some of that dashing wit you know is in there, somewhere. Somewhere deep, considering the very serious way he has conducted himself so far.
“… is there something you want, Y/N?” He raises a brow, and you excitedly straighten up in your sitting.
“I’m just bored. Talk to me!~ What do you like to do?” That’s the first rule to making friends- show interest in them! Listen to them! Surely this stick-in-the-mud- uh… grump, won’t be any different-
“The quiet is always pleasant,” He just tells you, returning to his laptop- ignoring your legs entirely. Which is totally not on- you spend a lot of time shaving, waxing and moisturising those! They deserve more then that!
“Alright- how about you tell me more about Leslie then? Who is this guy- and is he cute?”
This gets a reaction out of Halloran, rattles him- making him turn slowly back to you with the most wuthering stare you’ve ever seen. Like a cowboy, you think, grinning teasingly. You always had a thing for the cowboys… the ones that don’t spit on the ground, at least. “Leslie, is a dangerous man with delusions of becoming a ‘Slasher’.” He rolls his eyes. “Like, the- one with the ski mask, and the… “Here, he makes a wiggly gesture with his hand, before shaking his head. “The finger knives. You probably shouldn’t be referring to him as ‘cute’.”
“So he isn’t, is what you’re saying?”
… he doesn’t take the bait. He’s a smart guy. Instead, he just nods and turns back to the screen in front of him. But with the laptops light shining on his face, you can see just the tiniest glimmer of a smile at your antics. “Yes, that’s what I’m saying to you.”
“Hm… “
Your allow silence for a few moments, trying to peer at whatever he’s typing, before suddenly there’s a knock at the door that absolutely jolts you, from surprise. A hand flies to your chest, feeling your heart hammer away inside. Oh my god. “Who is that??” You hiss, still recovering from your small stroke.
“You’re telling me you’re not expecting anyone? You didn’t order food?- “
“You told me I couldn’t!” You pout. Does he really think that badly of you? Goodness, you’ve only known eachother for a couple of days and the man thinks the same of you as all your teachers growing up.
“You didn’t invite any of your… little friends?”
Little friends? How old does he think you are?? How old is HE??? “No, Daddy, you told me not to… “ You set him with an evil, teasing grin, and he rolls his eyes.
“Alright.” Swift as the coursing river - you love that song, - Halloran moves his laptop to the coffee table and disentangles himself from your legs, and makes it to the door without making much sound at all- the long coat that he refused to take off despite the heating in this building being perfectly fine swooshing behind him. You get on your knees and move to the edge of the couch, where he was sitting before, so you can see if anything happens.
If it’s the guy in the turtle mask. The not-cute guy. The one that apparently wants to kill you, for some reason. Leslie.
“… is it him?”
“… No.” Halloran responds with certainty after a moment of peering out the mail slot, flipping the lid open only the tiniest slither so he can see.
“Hm, what do they look like?”
“… male, light brown hair, approximately 6’5, wearing a shirt that says… something I’m not about to repeat out loud- “
“Oh, that’s Tyler.” The antipathy in your voice is fully palpable- so much so that Halloran straightens up and looks at you, surprised at the less then pleased expression on your face as you turn and sit down properly, finally, one leg crossed over your knee; Arms crossed over your chest. “Ex-boyfriend. Shoot him if you must.”
Halloran looks at you again, and you’re sure he’s wondering how you knew about the gun he’s got with him, but really?? He’s underestimating you. At this point in your life you’ve figured out how to tell between the feel of a gun and a penis and this man has been painfully professional the entire time he’s been here. Not one erection.
… Unlike Tyler. Too many erections, there. Erections for you, for the girl down the street, for his best friend Craig-
“… I don’t think that’ll be entirely necessary, in this instance. Would you just come up here and ask him to leave, Y/N?”
Shaking your head, you get up from the couch and approach him, finger in front of your lips. “Just stay quiet, he’ll leave on his own.”
Tyler gives few more knocks on the door, too hard and too fast, exactly how you begged him not to do a million times after you installed the bell. “He can see that the light is on under the crack.” Halloran’s hand goes toward the doorhandle, but you catch his sleeve before he can reach it.
“He’s not that bright. Just give him a minute… “While you listen out for Tyler to leave, you ‘let’ your hand wander from the doctors sleeve down his coat… to the pocket. He doesn’t seem to notice as you slip your phone out and into your robe pocket.
When Tyler’s heavy footsteps recede back down the hall and down the stairs away from your apartment, you give a smile- stepping away from Halloran. “See? There.” You waive at the door like its offering you a snack you don’t particularly like. “He probably didn’t even notice the light~ Wouldn’t’a thought to look!”
He nods, disconnecting off from you entirely and returning to the couch and his laptop. You feel victorious, feeling the weight of your phone - your beloved phone, your only link to the world! - heavy in your pocket. “Wonderful. Now I’ll get back to my work and you… “
“I’ll get out of your hair.” You wink and grin, heading for your bedroom.
“You’re not bored, anymore?”
Hehe- “Nope!”
Half an hour later you’ve made-up your face, squeezed into one of the tightest dresses you own and thrown your favourite shoes out onto the level outside your window. You just have to climb out, silently close the window again, then escape down the stairs, hail a taxi and you’re off to the beach!! You might even be able to get back before the Doc notices!
To hell with Leslie. Screw him. If you die, you’re going to die doing something that make you feel alive.
You’re out the window and putting on your shoes, when Halloran clears his throat.
You stop, immediately, and slowly turn to see him standing in your bedroom doorway; Arms crossed like a stern dad.
… oh no. Your weakness. Especially when they’re not related to you, and hot-
“Uhhh… “… How can you swing this so you don’t get in trouble?? “I dropped… my shoes out there? And… I was just getting them?? And- I like them, so I was just, uh… putting them on to come back inside, with-”
“Nice try, come inside.” Thank god he stopped you. Your babbling abilities are infinite, like Lorelai Gilmore’s, but definitely really not as good.
Huph. With the shoes on, heels dangerously high, you step carefully back into the room- but not carefully enough, it seems, as your left heel wobbles and you topple and fall the rest of the way inside.
Not face first to the ground, though, thankfully as Halloran manages to get to you and catch you in time- your face ending up buried in his shoulder instead, before he helps you to slowly stand up properly again. You’re closer together now then at the front door when Tyler was here, closer together then when you had your legs in his lap.
In the name of stability, or at least that’s all he needs to know, you hold his shoulders. His hands are still on your waist and you can’t help feeling that something is happening. Maybe its just in your head, maybe it is - because you’re bored, and attracted to him, -, but… the way that he’s looking at you, and he’s not immediately slipping off and away, just definitely feels… like something…
“Thanks!,” You give a smile. “I… um… “Are you flustered? Yes. Which is funny, because usually you’re the one flustering others. Oh- “Do you like my dress?”
He rolls his eyes, and you wander how in the world he can do that so close to you when you’re wearing your nicest perfume. But still, he says, “Yes, its lovely.”, and you take that as a sign, looking down and smiling to yourself at his words.
Without even needing to take in a deep breath, you step forward in order to press your bodies together, looking up at him again. Then, you take a deep breath. Because the words are the hardest part. “Do you think I’m pretty in it? Hm?”
“… I do. But- “
You hold up a finger- like hold on buddy, before you start with whatever its gonna be that you think will stop me here - your age, your ‘duty’, whatever, -, let me say one thing. “You do, huh?… so… well… “… you don’t actually have anything to say. Whoops. “- Uh, okay, you go first actual- “
Before you even manage to finish the ‘y’ in ‘actually’, Doc Halloran’s mouth is on yours suddenly. Immediately a moan slips out of you as he guides you back against the wall just by the window. You tilt your head to the side to make it more comfortable for him and then part your lips, making a squeak when he immediately rolls his tongue against yours.
While his eyes are closed, making out with you, you do the douche thing just this once- the End of The Breakfast Club thing- the Bender air punch.
Because fuck-yes.
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goryhorroor · 23 days
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horror sub-genres: meta
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frog-cultist · 7 days
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My favs ever
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classichorrorblog · 11 months
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Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon (2006)
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frankenipple · 9 months
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They are on a playdate
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pinemangoart · 9 months
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Follow up w/ 3 more of my favorite guys :]
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xxslashrrbratxx · 9 months
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misstwisted · 3 months
my favorite slasher trio
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crumb · 11 months
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Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006)
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slashthrashandcrash · 5 months
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Taylor would top and you know I'm right
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... Tangled AU with Leslie Vernon as Eugene, Y/N as Rapunzel and Doc Halloran as Maximus XD
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teeth-haver · 5 months
My friend (@webboygirl) bought Ace Attorney keychains that look like those fucked up popsicles, so I made a joke that I should make them with my favorite guys (Herbert West and Norman Bates). But I was having fun and it got a bit out of hand...
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Look in tags for characters you don't immediately recognize. This is my first time drawing most of the characters.
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goryhorroor · 3 months
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Scream King - Robert Englund
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classichorrorblog · 8 months
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10 Modern Slasher Movies To Consider For October/Halloween
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