#Before I bid farewell to the mortal realm
dollmonger · 3 months
hmmmhhehhrrkgmg what’s your thoughts on the topic of romantic cannibalism????? i think it’s wonderful :3
SANKYU for shedding light on this topic.
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uxuefrog · 4 months
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Elowen and Death
Elowen and Death have been friends for centuries, their stories intertwined more than once. Death is commonly known by mortals as “The white lady” and it’s no coincidence that the birds call Elowen that too. For their similar appearance, they often have mistaken Elowen for Death and that’s why they think it’s a bad omen to bother the forest spirit.
I’ll explain more about them when I post the comic page I made to explore their relationship! They’re standing in Death’s realm “The Unknown” ✨
[OCs] Elowen (they/them) is a young and naive forest spirit who loves mortals and Death (she/her) is the friend who accompanies you in your last walk before returning your stardust to the land and bidding you farewell.
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hitlikehammers · 7 months
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dearest-mine (until next)
a Fae-King!Steve/Human-Prince!Eddie fic for @thequeenofcarvenstone in the Steddie Valentine's Day Exchange ✨ ao3 link here
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part i: until next
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“Dearest,” Steve whispers gentle, ever-so, against the hidden space behind his beloved’s ear; “dearest-mine,” he exhales as a song, lilting; tender if not wholly devoid of the barest sorrow as he rouses his lover before the dawn as he must: “until next.”
With which he wakes his dearest, his Eddie, every morning he is blessed to spend wrapped around and within: he will not bid farewell, the parting already too raw; he cannot bear the heartbreak of permanence etched in harsher words. And yet: part they must; fae magic is firm.
The morning light seals the liminal space to solid. To remain beyond the dawn means to remain forever.
“What if I were to stay?”
Eddie’s voice comes itself like a song, though the words more a temptress; as if he hears Steve’s own thoughts tucked deep in his chest.
“You know you mustn’t,” Steve says it as he says it every morning, swallowing his own regrets and wishes deeper than his thoughts as he strokes fingertips delicate through his beloved’s hair, soft without need for Enchantment’s touch; “you have a kingdom which depends upon your kind hand in guidance,” and it is true: his beloved stands to inherit rule of the kingdom that curls east-and-north to the borders of Steve’s Realm, should the Realm be given space within the mortal plane. It is how they met, fortuitous by the hands of chance to other eyes but Steve: Steve believes otherwise.
He believed in destiny only for the fact of Eddie beside him; that after millennia now of feeling only passing warmth within him, and surface satisfaction of the flesh, he aches in perpetuity, now, for the expanse beneath his breast, the way Eddie sits on a wholly other throne beside Steve’s heart: Steve has lived and breathed beside Enchantment his entire life-length, and will for what remains, but he has never had reason to ponder and marvel at the true extent of its powers before this.
Infatuation is a lesser word by leagues, and yet: love too is so far beyond this feeling.
Though, for the immediacy of feeling: Steve stills when the touch of his lover slips lower, his lashes dancing, the blood high on the sculpt of his cheekbones.
“I believe,” Eddie whispers, near-devious: “my kind hand,” he echoes Steve’s words in a wholly other fashion, and Steve feels the desire that never fades with his beloved, he feels it stir to rising, to sprinkle the flesh of him up from the ends: “may better be suited to,” and he lays a palm at the join of Steve’s hips, lets the weight of his touch settles meaningfully, warm where heat is no matter, Steve already walks an inferno beside him:
“Other tasks.”
Steve’s blood whirls riotous between the chambers of his chest, a dancing ribbon on Lughnasadh in the blood of him, the life of him celebratory and yet—
“Darling-mine,” he forces his own hand to cover Eddie’s, and laments the way his fingers curl to lift that hand to his chest to feel the hum there, not-quite-human but not so unlike, simply broader, less predicable and more married to the whims of the World-Rhythm, and here beside his One-True—though he has not spoken such, and will not for the unbalance of thus speaking clear his own heart, should he stumble into tempting Eddie to move in kind; for where no consequence lies for Steve to bare his love within his own borders, for Eddie it would tempt Enchantments older than even Steve can fathom, laid by the crueler of his cousins long gone from these lands though the roots, the soils retain the memory, and deeper-still the danger. Yet Steve has known for some time the gravity of what he feels, of what this truly is—
“Your nation lays its demands upon you by daylight,” he presses lips against his beloved’s jaw, holds to feel his lifeblood and smile there for the fact of it: “my heart remains forever at the ready for your return by evenfall.”
For this is how it is, for them; this is how their worlds must spin: there is no more, and no less, nor should there ever be, for to quantify it on any scale, human or Deeper, is folly, and ill-fitted. What they are is this, in its unquakable wholeness. It can be no other.
“I miss you terribly in the interim,” Eddie says, the soft heart of him in his eyes as he confesses the depth of this in simple words that cut every time, that clench in Steve’s chest and make him wish…
Make him wish things he cannot wish. Eddie is a Prince, with a Kingdom that will await his ascension in due course. Eddie is a human, a beautiful mortal soul, perfect for all that he is and ever will be, just so. Steve could barely hold the notion of asking someone to forsake their homes, their lands, their families and peoples to join the world he reigns over: he cannot ask this man, the only one he would desire to pose the question, not when he holds in him a greatness of his own that Steve cannot presume to measure to, no matter what titles or powers he himself might offer in exchange.
“I misspoke,” Steve settles on, and draws Eddie’s hand to his lips to kiss soft, then his chest to press true: “my heart does not wait at the ready,” he breathes, and lets Enchantment swell in his veins to be felt and held for the touch:
“It goes with you, always, whole-of-my-heart,” Steve exhales the vow of it, the love of it, careful but long-kept and nurtured to be open, always, and wholly but safe, held mindful and meticulous and offered so as to have none of the ties of Fae-Kind that may sway Eddie’s mind, or his heart; that would unfairly, and unmeaning, ask for things Steve will not ask, sacrifices he will not so much as hint toward Eddie considering, no matter the outsized wanting within him.
“So there is no need for longing in these hours,” Steve breathes out, and wills the weight of what he gives between them swell with breadth and feeling, as he’s practiced long to master so that it skirts all wiles of his Winter brethren, and even his own sun-soaked kin—a magic here without twists save to hold as dear; an oath sworn that asks nothing in return: “never a need, dearest-mine, however long those mournful hours may deem fit to stretch.”
Eddie considers him, lips parted as he breathes in the warmth of evocation Steve is gifting into the space between them, with every exhale and pulse-flutter: the flush high on his beloved’s cheeks for it is all he asks for, if not all he desires—if he cannot claim the latter, he will treasure the former with all that he is.
“Impossible, though,” Eddie finally exhales, thready and awed as he slowly turns their twined-together hands and brings Steve’s to his own chest, now: there is no Enchantment singing beneath his breast save for the fact and marvel of him, but that could never mean it’s less a song, and Steve craves it wholly, the wing-beat of it so untethered, so free—Steve relishes it with his full being, even for the reminder that in its freedom, it is proof pressed into his hand of what he can never, will never even hint at mentioning, to choose and tot bind and to join Steve here but to lose far more: he will never so much as suggest the notion, lest his resolve crumble, or the worst of his nature take selfish tacks to keep.
“I leave my heart with you,” Eddie murmurs, and leans to rub his cheek to Steve’s, the gentle prickle of scruff delicious on Steve’s soft skin. “I question often, whether it remembers still how to beat without you near,” Eddie breathes as a confession and Steve own heart trembles for it, to be cared for so deeply in kind: a revelation. Novel beyond his ken.
“It is well-done then,” Steve can only whisper back, just as delicate; cannot break the gentle spell cast wholly of they two alone, and the beating of life between them, Steve’s for Eddie and Eddie’s…possible some proportion of him, too, for Steve: unfathomable—and yet.
“Of course there is not life without a heart,” Steve mouths now against Eddie’s jaw, soft and tender until he raises shivering; delicious; “and yet we endure through the cold hours,” and he fastens his mouth then to the delightful pump of the pulse at Eddie’s throat, a buoyant little wave of feeling: “safe in hand of hearts given,” Steve kisses there reverent and breathes: “happily so.”
“Joyfully so,” Eddie counters, reaching then to cup Steve’s face and meet his eyes with such weight in their fathomless gaze:
“You are dear to me in ways I never dared to dream,” Eddie tells him with his full chest, uncannily breathless for the strength he holds inside the sentiment, audible and tangible in the air as he speaks and it fills Steve to bursting just to be privy to it, let alone to be the intended recipient of such unutterable gifts.
“Take this then, beloved,” and Steve kisses him thoroughly, with all intention and his own choice gifts: “and be well in your journey.”
Eddie raises a brow at him, his lips quirking impish.
“What was it this time, then?”
And Steve meets him, smiling warm where he could not resist if he tried, and would not dishonor this moment or the depth of it all in his chest to make such attempts—of course his beloved has learned the sensation, now, of Enchantment working upon him, even in bare hints.
“Simply safe-keeping,” Steve smooths hands down Eddie’s arms, and kisses his lower lip so to coax the flesh just so into full-dark bloom: “it would do poorly should I fail to protect my heart in its travelings,” he adds playfully, though it may shoot afar its mark: too sincere, too much of heart in it by necessity alone.
“And?” Eddie forgives whatever undue weight Steve may have let dampen the tease, or else maybe he simply accepts it for all that it is; but he moves onward, and presses further—so bright, his dearest, so keen.
“Subtle fortune,” Steve admits, gathering his hands to hold, to squeeze: “your negotiations today,” for they had spoken: Eddie’s Kingdom seeks trade and alliance with their neighbors at the furthest reaching leyn-lines of Steve’s borders, and Steve would see it done for the best of both his own people, and Eddie’s in turn—though he would see it done no matter, were it Eddie’s wish.
“My uncle needs that more than I,” Eddie shrugs the sentiment a bit but pinkens, ducks his head and buries in the fluff of his curls, sleep mussed and wild and adored.
“Beloved-mine,” Steve feels himself compelled from the heart of him to speak it, to counter the hiding, however endearing; to banish so much as the hint of feeling less-than deserving, contexts aside, not least as the deep-dark of the sky starts to soften with bare hints of amber, their moments dwindling:
“You carry the whole of me as companion,” Steve frames his face and speaks true, feels the welling of his devotion, the depth of how much of himself is offered in his touch and in his words, and he suspects his eyes flash opalescent for the way it trembles as truth through his skin to bone, the whisperings of the Elders ebullient in his voice as he speaks: “and yet that is a trifling thing compared to the whole of you.”
Eddie stares at him as if he is a wonder, a true child of something rooted deep in the movings of being, in the seasons of the world and the glories no longer spoken aloud as the tongues are long lost but life on in the flesh of those like Steve, and that is a truth: but here. Here, before Eddie, next to Eddie, Steve is really but one thing alone: his.
Steve belongs solely and wholly, here, to him.
“You speak nonsense, my liege,” Eddie finally murmurs, eyes still stretched almost unfathomably wide, as if seeing Beyond: “of us two I am the one who wakes in your arms and wonders endless what heaven I’ve stumbled upon,” he reaches to cradle Steve’s face much as Steve had done in turn, and Steve has never learned before this man to feel adored, or valued for what he is, for who he’s grown to be, rather than what influence he wields, and what power he can enact, as if his rapport now with Enchantment is some coercive thing: no. No, Eddie sees Steve, not a King, not a Fae, not a means to an end. And the strength of his feeling is somehow palpable through the leaves, on the wind itself: for Steve alone, just as he is.
It is a heady revelation that has never yet grown old, or less miraculous.
“To be so blessed as to behold you,” Eddie toys idly at his hair with the softest curve to his lips, his pulse strong, full at his neck; “let alone—“ and his voice breaks a little for feeling, and Steve chest cracks open a touch to take it in safe, to wrap it around his own heart and covet it close, gifts-upon-gifts.
“Now who speaks nonsense, dearest-mine,” Steve teases, though he knows his eyes still glow with the world-craft of his birthing, its power awakened to press firm the truths deeper than his words: this man is all things, in Steve’s chest and in his blood and of his soul he is all things; “what wild notions you have, to think you are less the revelation,” he chides, and flips a thick tangle of Eddie’s hair to puncture the point before he leans close, catches Eddie’s hand again close to his chest to measure the significant in moments’-moving blood beneath:
“That you are less my heart entire.”
Truths. May well have been drawn in the roots of the world-tree at creation itself. And Eddie looks at him in such a way that he must, he must feel grasped and held to Steve’s heart under his palm, for the leaping and the drumming-divine that takes up its song through his chest as Eddie licks his lips and looks to Steve like he is unfathomable and immutable, like he is everything there is to be somehow; his eyes gleam bright and his lips part slow, near-worshipful:
“I love—“
And Steve leans to kiss him, to claim his lips and still his words, to keep them inside his lungs and deep near his heart because as much as Steve wishes them, he wishes nothing of what they may bind to, what they may be taken by Enchantment to mean: a debt. A claim. All that Steve strives with the whole of him to keep his dear one safe from: the dangerous edges that are axiomatic to all Fae is varied in their shape and magnitude; edges Eddie skirts by his nature, so fond of the risk to the point that it pricks often in Steve chest for fear, even as he knows he will never live to let harm visit upon this man, not a single curl upon his head will come to hurt under Steve’s eye, but this: this is not a mere hurt.
This is a sentence for all of time; a condemnation underscore in terms beyond forever. And he will not subject Eddie to such ruin; he would not leave such ends to this man who never needed to stake claim upon Steve to have the whole of him.
And Steve will never risk stealing the claim of eternity in return, no matter how his heart longs to hear those words.
“Sunlight hastens,” Steve moves his lips against Eddie’s; breathes protection into him soft so that he knows love in the motion, but caution in what Steve has sealed back into his lungs: safe and unspoken, risking none of the radiant humanity in Eddie’s precious veins as he cups that dear-held cheek:
“Hasten in kind, beloved.”
Until next, indeed.
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✨ part ii: here✨
✨ ao3 link here
permanent tag list (comment to be added): @pearynice @hbyrde36 @slashify @finntheehumaneater @wxrmland @dreamwatch @perseus-notjackson
divider credit here
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costora-region · 5 months
Today is a happy and sad day! Today we reach the end of our journey with the four legendaries of the region. On the sad side, there's nothing else (so far) to post about the Costora region. On the bright side, we've made it! The project is complete!
So, today we start with the legendaries! Four powerful entities split between the realms of good and evil: two powerful dragons that protect the world; two entities that bask in the suffering of others!
Introducing (On the posts below) Seruma, Gasiroar, Pactivi and Patriaclipse!
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Seruma and Gasiroar are both from the Mexica mythology inspired by Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca; meanwhile Pactivil and Patriaclipse come from the Mayan mythology, inspired by Ah-Puch and Itzimna respectively.
We start with Seruma, the Feathered Serpent Pokémon, ruler of light, Sun and the skies! In Costoran Myths, Seruma is a benefactor and protector of mankind, constantly at odds with Gasiroar.
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Seruma comes with a new ability called "Gift of the Sun", protecting from water AND ice type moves while also instantly charging Solar beam and Solar blade.
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Oppossing Seruma, Gasiroar uses the mirror-like parts of its body to ensnare people into hallucinations, mostly showing the true self of a person for its own delight.
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Gasiroar's unique new ability is "Smoking Mirror", which brings havok to the battlefield randomizing status effects and aditional effects of any move.
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Still on the evil side we got Pactivil (posted earlier too), a Pokémon resembling a floating corse, constantly looking for ill pacts with mortals, offering their biggest dreams at terrible costs.
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Pactivil comes with its own new unique ability called "Bonding Pact". Forcing all stat changes to be reflected, be it good or bad, be it towards him or towards the foe.
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The final Light dweller is Patriaclipse, father of the legends in Costora. A serpentine pokémon with a sun and moon decorating its two heads. it's said he is the giver of all life in Costora.
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Patriaclipse also has a unique new ability called "Perfect Balance", rendering super effective and not super effective attacks back to deal normal damage.
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If you notice, Seruma is a serpentine dragon with feathered wings and decorations. Gasiroar's body exudes a gas that forms its tail and one of its paws. Pactivil is a flying corpse as stated before. And Patriaclipse is a dragon that represents balance and duality.
Seruma's name comes from "Serpiente" (Snake) y "Pluma" (Feather). Gasiroar's name comes from "Gas" and "Roar". Pactivil's name comes from "Pact" and "Evil" Patriaclipse's name comes from "Patriarch" and "Eclipse"
And with this... we reach to the conclusion of Costora. This marks the end (for now) of all the posts. There are no new Pokémon and there's no new people (YET... Might draw alternative versions for a couple characters as I explain more the story).
Thank you everyone for having joined me in this journey! I hope you all enjoyed my Mexico inspired region! From the cheerful protagonists to the energetic Gym Leaders all the way to the terrible demented Leaders of the evil teams.
In the coming weeks I might start posting some trivia info about the region just to not let this project die. Get ready to learn some extra info about it all! Some of the data MIGHT have already been posted, but I swear I will bring more new info!
Until those days, I bid you farewell! Thanks for everything everyone!! Sincerly, from the Costora Region... THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
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minsarasarahair · 2 years
Surprisingly, I enjoyed the Susanoo event story. I love the theme. It revolves around question like "Why parents raised their child even tho they will die eventually?" and connect it to another question "Why heroes/soldiers fight in a war even if they probably won't survive?". Basically they are fighting a battle for the future that will not reach by their lifetime but all the benefits goes to the future generation. Its about how past affects the future and how the future was entrusted to the new generation.
I also love that the three stories focus in the relationship of parent figure and their child.
1. Susanoo with his adoptive father, Izanagi. - Susanoo was alienated in realm of Gods because of how different he is but adopted by Izanagi. Every time Izanagi came home, he brought human eating creatures as present for baby Susanoo. Susanoo in return became independent child who can take care of himself whenever his father is away from home. Izanagi treasure Baby Susanoo to the point he murdered creatures that harm him when he sneaked out to mortal world one time and sadly, Izanagi died for him as well. He's not technically dead tho. A version of him died in that world but he's actually an immortal genesis God that reside between worlds. In the end, Izanagi had a fight against Susanoo who's traveling in different worlds trying to change the end of the world he wish to protect. Susanoo won and they bid their farewell. A jade gift given by Izanagi is the reason why Susanoo didn't lose himself traveling different worlds. He gave it to Seimei and mentioned it was given by his important person but Seimei returned it to past Susanoo when he travelled back in time and past Susanoo mistook him for Izanagi so all is well.
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2. Susabi with his teacher, Tsukuyomi. - Tsukuyomi is a fake prophecy god created by Amaterasu because they have no time to wait for the real one. One of Tsukuyomi's task is to take care of starborns borned in Moon Sea. Susabi is one of starborns and he's the most talented among them because of that he became Tsukuyomi's favorite disciple. They are very close as if they are parent and child. When Tsukuyomi conspired with Orochi to frame up Susanoo and even forced Susabi to lie, Susabi is actually agains it so he secretly helped Susanoo to travel in the future to save the world from Orochi and Evil Gods. Later on, it was revealed Susabi is the true Tsukuyomi and fake Tsukuyomi is the evil god of lies. During their fight against each other, Tsukuyomi attacked Susabi without hesitation but the token given by Tsukuyomi before Baby Susabi have gone to mortal world for protection in the past is what saved Susabi. So what happened is Past Tsukuyomi protected Susabi from Future Tsukuyomi. Learning that, Susabi believe Tsukuyomi really care for him despite him being the god of lies.
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3. Kagura and her father. - All this time she thought her father hated her but Susanoo tried to convince her that her father care about her by telling his childhood with Izanagi. In the past whenever baby Kagura showed the maiden Kagura dance, he's not happy about it and said it doesn't suit her. She thought her father abandoned her and offered her to be a maiden sacrifice of Minamoto clan for fallen God Orochi. She's actually wrong. Her father don't like the dance because its a dance for maiden offerings and he's against that his own daughter will be a sacrifice. He actually fought the Minamoto clan main branch family so hard and it resulted his horrible brutal death. He died before he reached Kagura to save her. It seem Kagura knew what actually happened but denied it or forgot about it because she blame herself for being weak.
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skyrim-forever · 9 months
The Dragonborn's Inferno
Hello everyone! I have finally have time off and I'm starting to pick up my old wips again, I'm very excited to bring you not 1 but 2 cantos of the Dragonborn's Inferno! This first one will have our hero's in the realm of Nocturnal, Evergloam. (Also I'm hoping to catch up on everyone's fics soon <3)
Tagging: @greyborn2 @kookaburra1701 @lucien-lachance @throughtrialbyfire @abstractredd @alpha-centauriiae @akaviri-dovah @your-talos-is-problematic
When I awoke I found myself In a plane not unlike the one before Although this one was bathed in shadow
I reached my hand out Fearful of the night surrounding me In his grace, my liege grasped it
“Fear not the shadows, For we carry forth the light. Come now my friend, follow me.”
He leads me, the leader he is, Through a garden, Where only shadows grow.
That land was dark, yet not eerie, I felt no fear as we walked through The tombstones that filled that garden.
I spy a shade alone, their essence lost to time. “Identify yourself to me shade!” I cry out into the darkness.
“I lived a dream, money and love were mine. Yet I was cast into this shadow early, Betrayed by my fellow Nightingale.”
This shade continues, he asks of me “Tell me, you who yet are still living, Do the birds of Lady Luck still sing?”
“Their songs are quieter now, They have fled further into the shadows. But the will of Nocturnal is still done.”
The shade’s demeanor softens In the shadow I see but a glimpse Of the mortal they used to be
We wade through the shadows, Through that dense garden where they grew, Until upon we came a fortress
“Shade Perilous” My Emperor spoken onto me “The fortress of the Mother of Night” That was the place we had arrived
A fort bathed in night, As though it had been a void, The last remaining piece of true night
Not in all of Tamriel, Had I seen shadow so dark As in Ur-Dra’s palace
The light that emits from him Guides me through the premise Ending at a magnificent throne
“My eye does not deceive me, The night has brought me The last Septim and the Dragonborn”
The Night Mistress continues “Send my thanks to your friend Septim, Or rather what has become of them.”
The Hero of the Oblivion Crisis Is perplexed, a rare moment Of confusion has overtaken him
Before he can respond, the Lady of Shadow Instead addresses myself
“You have not an easy task young Dragonborn, Though many enemies lurk in shadow And uncomfortable truths you will find
Shadow can also remind us of nuance, What is hidden must be uncovered I trust you to heed my words
I bow my head in respect, Appeasing Lady luck She bids us farewell
The shadows overwhelm me And crumble to the ground I do Into the realm of molten rock
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bluebvrrie · 4 days
My Dearest Ailani,
As I sit here, my hand trembling with each stroke of the pen, I can scarcely fathom the depths of the pain that has engulfed my soul since the day you were torn from this world. In the silence of my heart, I pen these words not for your eyes, my love, but for the echoes of your presence that linger in the hollow chambers of my being.
The memories we shared, like fragile petals scattered by the relentless winds of fate, now dance before me in a bittersweet symphony of joy and sorrow. How cruel it seems that the same war which brought us together, in the embrace of a love so pure and true, should also be the harbinger of such unimaginable loss.
Yet, even as I grapple with the unbearable weight of your absence, I find solace in the knowledge that our love transcends the confines of this mortal realm. Though you may no longer walk beside me, your spirit lingers in every whispered breeze, every gentle caress of sunlight upon my face.
And so, my darling, as I bid you farewell in this fleeting moment of earthly existence, know that you will forever dwell within the sacred sanctuary of my heart. Until we are reunited in the realm beyond the stars, I shall carry your love as a beacon of hope amidst the darkest nights, a testament to the undying bond that binds us together for all eternity.
With all the love that beats within my shattered soul,
written — 14/03/24.
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Fun’s over (part one)
Morpheus escapes his prison to find his realm in shambles and his love missing.
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“Y/n why don’t you head home. You’ve been on your feet all day bob and I can handle the rest of the night. Go home get some rest.” An elder women smiled fondly to the younger female before her.
“Are you sure? I really don’t mind staying for a bit longer to help out.” The younger looking women responded looking up from her task. Chuckling as she’s been basically shoved to the exit by the elder women. Grabbing her things she clocks out and bid farewells to the remaining staff on duty.
Being only a few blocks away she often walks herself home late in the evening. Never failing to take in the sight humanity has to offer during the stroll. Normally she’d spend her time cherishing being out in the mortal realm people watching but today is replaced with a feeling of dread leaving her alarmed, attentive. The pit growing in her stomach felt familiar. It felt like-
Shaking her head to whisk away lingering thoughts trying to be present in the moment and focus on what’s in front of her. Which so happens to be her apartment door. Standing in front of the door somehow felt colder. The hairs in the back of her neck stand up, her body tense with anticipation as she unlocks the door letting herself in.
The apartment was just as she left it. Its as if the world had been taken off her shoulders as she sighs in relief. Shaking her head at herself thinking it’s just old habits resurfacing she puts down her things and unclasp her bra flinging it in no particular direction. Turning her back to the apartment as she locks the door and take off her shoes.
The sound of the chair in the far dark corner of the living space had creaked. Stopping her in place. That feeling of dread came back consuming her as she looks for the culprit of the noise.
Air leaves her lungs and her fear become evident. “No..” She softly cried out “how…. How-“
“You can not hide from me, my love.” Standing up from his seat he closes in on the space between them despite her apparent discomfort . Gently caressing her cheek taking in her beauty that had been deprived from him for over a century. In a quick instant the still silence interrupted as he grabs her jaw in a tight grip. “To think you’d be so bold enough to try this again…”
Releasing her he stands back once again taking in her frightened figure. “It’s such a shame… this reunion could’ve ended much differently. I truly… did miss you. But you must learn.”
Silently mourning the life she lived amongst humanity ending she stays silent only letting the tears that broke free speak enough of her stance. Bracing herself as Morpheus blows his sand in her direction once again welcoming her to the darkness that follows his presence.
There was more but tumblr is being a lil bitch and deleted my first draft
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victoria1676 · 3 years
SAGAU Silent Hill Au Brainrot Idea
This idea will be edited soon cause I didn't do a beta check on it XD
Warnings: Gore, Mentions of beheading, mentions of Death, Violence, Abused, Obsessions, and other stuff that are good for people who are used to dark themes. Please before careful in reader this idea.
Do not read if you are uncomfortable in reading this idea.
So here's the idea:
Who watched Silent Hill and imagine Imposter/Rejected/Villain Reader gaining her powers after dying and suddenly turning the whole Teyvat into a Nightmare realm? Like after she did that she erased traces of what Genshin Impact is in Earth along with leaving a good part of her self there hoping one day to finally end the nightmare her original self went through. Basically like whole the first movie of Silent Hill plot except the moment they find Child reader they tried to keep her with them and hoping once she uses her power they will make it up but child reader wants none of it and wants to go home yet the cults refused.
This time the one who adopted her a mother who can be an oc or someone else met Dark Reader who told her the only way Child reader and her could leave if they could bring Dark Reader to the church of Mondstadt to have their finally revenge before planning to restart the world and make them think it was a dream but they suffer same pain reader felt. The mother asked if she was gonna kill Teyvat's people then why did she still restarted? Dark Reader clicked her tongue saying that Original Reader is too kind but at least she can finally have her revenge while Child reader can stay in earth but also open a portal to the new Khaenri'ah.
So, Dark Reader merged with the mother and told her to utter a spell for her to appear in the Church since she couldn't go in unfortunately but with the Mother's body she could come in.
Kaeya met up with the mother toke her to the Church. Before the mother could go in Kaeya gave her a necklace saying that it used to belonged to Original Reader who died so he asked the mother to give to Child reader and tell her he and the rest of the people who is in Khaenri'ah will wait for her to come to visit and decide if she will rule Khaenri'ah. With that he left before bidding a farewell and told the Mother that if she ever encounter Diluc he told her that he said hi and learned his lesson for hurting their God.
Just like that before one of the Archons could try to erase the memories of Child reader and put new ones the mother slam the door opening and told them what they are doing is wrong and wouldn't change anything. The citizens didn't listen to her and told her it was the only way their creator could love and forgive them which the mother was enraged and told them to suck it up and it was their fault that they couldn't use their brain and eyes. The Archons knew but didn't care and needed their creator back. Child reader was tied up and crying loudly for her mother.
One of the citizens stabbed her back not knowing the moment she was stabbed black blood pour down behind her and the one who stabbed her began to suddenly be burned in black flames. And the mother began to speak the spell as her wounds heal the ground began to shake and reveal Original Reader climbing out as chains began appearing on the ground with her. Original Reader has a red line on her neck where she was beheaded, tongue removed, her left eye removed and scars from the abuse that the cult taken her.
Litterally Everyone started bowing and begging forgiveness but Original didn't listen and started killing everyone while the mother went to rescue Child Reader who screamed for her and fear. The Archons had no choice but fight Original Readee off and one by one they felt their mind being breaked and losing their immortal as a God to a mortal. As the carnage happen The mother hugged Child reader and close her eyes while covering her telling her not to open them because she is just dreaming unknowingly Dark Reader was walked towards and Child reader accidentally open her eyes and both of them made eye contact before Child reader then slowly pass out.
The next day all citizens were dead while the people who have visions are either injured and on the wall or floor in pain while the Archons were on the floor in pain. The mother and Child reader (who merged both Dark Reader and Orginal Reader) walked out of the church before a hand stopped them and it was Jean telling her why did their creator speared them with Diluc who is clutching his arm in pain while leaning against the wall.
The mother said they are lucky that their world will be Reset back to normal but this time they will never get their God back. She also said that they should be grateful that they are still Original Reader's favorites before walking away and Jean wanted her to stay a bit until she froze with the others who saw Child Reader looking at her with the same look that Original gave them when she died. Child reader said reap what you sow and left her mother.
Both Daughter and Mother left Teyvat and went back to earth reuniting with The Father however Child reader is quiet and always slept with her parents together. Both didn't mind and when the family left to sleep Albedo was inside their house writing something on one of the walls and left a book on the kitchen counter. He then left going back to Khaenri'ah but also praying that Reader is happy and safe.
Sheesh went full violent and Gorey but eh I tried XD what do you guys think of this Idea? Hope I didn't make you guys uncomfortable this idea came after watching clips of Silent Hill lol. But yeah I hope you guys like it XD
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Request: hello!! i rlly like your works, and as someone poly myself i was really happy to see your venti x reader x zhongli one!! your writing is so interesting and immersive, too!! i'd really like to see a xiao x reader x venti, if possible! anything, hc, fic, i don't mind :D i especially cherish the idea of xiaoven being together beforehand and trying to figure out how to proceed together. -🌌 (just in case i decide to drop by ur asks again in the future, haha)
And then that poly fic turned into five requests ahahaha, I'm glad you found and enjoyed that, as my first poly fic uhu. I didn't expect to actually find these kinds of fics interesting, life is wack pfft. With the new trailer up too, this just made it more appropriate! I hope you like it!
Drifting Blooms
Poly Xiao and Venti falling in love with the Reader, and trying to establish a relationship with you. (masterlist)
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The first person you met was Venti when you crossed paths during one of his escapades to Wangshu Inn. After visiting his lover, he then wanted to visit his old friend and passed you in the middle of the bridge.
You smelled of a thousand flowers mixed into a single perfume, and despite the many scents, it wasn't pungent or intrusive. It was... comforting, intoxicating. He stopped in his steps while you continued your path to the Inn.
Before that chance encounter, you were commissioned by Verr to gather multiple scented flowers for a mass floral change around the Inn. While your messenger bag carefully carried and concealed your baggage, the many times you'd sink into the floras had marked your clothing with its many scents.
Venti, intrigued and ecstatic about the discovery would fly back to the architecture to express his findings to Xiao, who was surprised to see him back so quickly. Upon hearing of your person, the yaksha would simply inform him that he's not exactly aware of who you are, but only knows you by scent as well.
He dubbed you the florist, because everytime you appear, the vases would be filled with healthy and blooming ones. Never had he actually put a face to your title.
So like little children, the both of them peered over the railings to watch you down below, conversing with Verr as you present the freshly picked flowers bundled in your arms. From this distance, the smell still winds up to find their nostrils, making them inhale as the calming effect takes place once more.
You looked disheveled yet still composed, a glaze lily you particularly liked tucked behind both your ears. And Xiao notices the huge claymore clinging to your back, a full head taller than yours.
Verr asks you to bring it to the balcony where it would be arranged as all the vases had been vacated there for drying, and when you looked up upon the mention of the higher floor, your eyes widen upon meeting two pairs of bright tantalizing orbs.
While the beholder of the amber ones pointedly avoided your gaze right after, the teal ones smiled through his eyes, waving at you enthusiastically. You returned the smile softly before you started making your way over where they are.
The stronger the scent comes, the more overwhelming it pierces through them both. It was distracting in the best way, minds cleared as they relished under the atmosphere the concoction of sweetness it produced. To the yaksha, he was a bit dizzy, tipsy even as his mind floats. And to Venti, it reminded him of home and the breeze the thousand winds carried with him when he was but a sprite.
When you placed down the flowers by the stone rock, you realized that they were standing idly by you in a respectable yet still close distance. They both realized how it clings to you, and you were forced to stay a little longer as Venti chatted you up to make you linger while the other male chose to hang back where he can overlook the Marsh.
They were both charming despite the other's cold exterior, carrying with them their own sense of elegance and beauty. Is it so wrong to like them despite their already existing relationship? You kept to yourself with a blush at the scandalous thought, congratulating them before bidding your farewell.
When you left, the comfort and warmth took off with you. They were both frenzied and are addicted to it, as if you had marked them so violently. No other flower, not even hundreds, can make their hearts both calm and flutter like you do.
Since then, Venti had been visiting frequently and lingering much longer than usual. Xiao would question it at first until he realized the way the Archon seemed very curious of your presence, drifting over to you or dividing his attention when you came into vicinity.
It wasn't hard to miss with the flowery scented aura you carry, your continuous commission with floras had the smell permanently stuck to your adventuring attire. That or you seem to be using a floral detergent for your laundry too.
Once, you've accidentally left an article of clothing by the balcony in your hurry, whether it be a scarf or handkerchief it was easy to miss. And the bard had noticed the discarded garment a bit too late. Is that why your scent lingered despite the fact that you had withdrawn for the night? Xiao keeps it with him to return the next time you came along.
That night, he realized the following night after you received your missing item, was a rare moment of peace with the voices for once quieted down without the help of Venti's songs.
Upon this discovery it would then be him doing the investigation, the curiousity, he'd be more approachable and less guarded. Somehow he had forgotten how normal mortals were affected by their energy but it would seem it isn't that harmful now than it used to before.
One day, they most likely ended up talking about you to each other in passing conversation, and when Venti teased about the idea of them being infatuated to you... they held a pregnant pause at the sudden realization, of the weird intoxication and the similar yearning.
At first they'd be ashamed of the thought that they came to fancy another person when they were already in an existing and steady relationship. But the thought seemed to just be more enticing knowing that the other feels the same way, why be shy over something that you both feel anyways? And besides, humans also partake in far intense concepts of romances.
But it doesn't really start there, it takes them a little more before they finally realized that another one (especially the likes of you) can easily fit in their daily lives. Now the question is, would you wish to be in between two immortals?
Would THEY be willing to invest in a mortal that would one day be engraved as nothing but a painful memory? That they can never revert back to?
Until they realized the capabilities of adeptal energy.
The Grand Plan
The duo does their best to fall into steps over your humane life, understanding you beyond your simple presence, as they continue to soak up the ecstacy. Like two moths drawn to the flame, the citizens around you can see the dynamic. Even before you three's relationship starts, the rumors had spread into established truth. One you were perfectly unaware of.
It was a painful game of tug of war. They would strive for progress before getting pulled back again, still unsure of their decisions and trying to figure it out as they go.
What made them finally pull you into their world of love? Well, cliché as it is, it was their own greed and jealousy upon the sight of other beings of the mortal realm seemingly gravitating to your form everytime. The essence of flowers had imprinted itself to many people that linger around you, pulling them in the same way the two of them had been.
Before the potential suitors could come within your personal space, Venti's arm wraps itself around your waist as he pulls you back into the balcony with surprising strength. And the entrance would be shut as Xiao kicks out the person trying to take your hand.
Next thing you know, you're squeezed in between two twink- cute guys that desperately clings to what they can get hold of you. Your presence may be overwhelming, but you're already so dizzy from the bouts of emotions racing through your mind at the predicament you find yourself in.
It's time to decide if you want in or not.
NSFW bonus: When on a three way, Venti is in front while Xiao is behind, both of them however occupy the same hole.
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@kookieyachi @ellitx @struggljng @moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel
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siriannatan · 3 years
Beeduo Oneshots - Technoblade and Foolish interjection #1
Technoblade spends a lot of his time napping. Naps were nice. No voices, no governments, no people trying to use him. Steve and all the other bears and wolfs were enough to keep the place safe from monsters. Between his naps, he would catch up on rare news with Philza, gathered more firewood, chucked some snow at Ranboo, remove some snow from the roofs. The longest he was up was when Quackity recruited him to help with the Egg, and as much as he didn't like the guy he didn't like the Egg even more. He just regretted they couldn't save everyone the eggheads lured in with that party.
That day Techno said 'hi' to Phil who seemed a bit distracted, and in a hurry, he said something about having to check something in Manberg. He would have to ask about it later. The plan for that day was to gather some firewood, he bid Philza farewell and went out with his axe, not his combat axe he got from Ranboo... It was weird that he was suddenly moving in with Tubbo, not that it was Techno's business, he was still part of the Syndicate and the last president of Manburg seemed to be very much against governments and formal wear on anyone but Ranboo.
It wasn't all that cold that day, for a cold snowy tundra it is, anyone not used to cold would have a bad time but Techno was used to it.
Foolish wasn't having a good time. After the trip to Tubbo's mansion, he made the genius decision to visit 'Philza', he wasn't looking for Phil, he was looking for Technoblade. Everyone was afraid of him and if Foolish managed to befriend the anarchist maybe they wouldn't mess with him and his building projects... Why was everyone living in snowy tundra's can't they live in a nice warm jungle or even better, a dessert. It was far too cold.
As far as wood gathering trips go this one wasn't so bad. Just half an hour was enough to gather enough wood, no lost monsters under the trees, hiding from the sun. Some wild wolves run away as soon as they saw him approach. On the way back, in the corner of his eye, he caught a flash of the sun reflecting off of something. Turning around he saw a person? Should the sun be reflecting off of people's faces? Walking closer he poked the person with a long stick. No response. It was a person, with golden shining skin, both his piglin side and the voices were screaming in his head, conflicting, agreeing. Gold! GoLd! EEEE Help. help. Foolish... Shark-man, Blood for the blood god. EEEE GOLD help Technoblade just pushed it all to the back of his mind. With a heavy sigh, he dropped the bundle of firewood he carried, took off his cape, wrapped it around the person, threw them over his shoulder and after picking up his wood again began the march towards his a little more distant than he thought buildings, plumes of smoke from chimneys and fluffy warm Steve. He really should get over how tall Ranboo is and stop wearing high heeled shoes. At least the golden person wasn't heavy. Techno soft GOLD EMERALDS SOFT Technosoft Philza PHILZA EEEEEEE At least no one was home to mock him in person as he came back with ab unconscious person.
The last thing Foolish remembered from before he passed out was cold. What he felt now was warm, fluffy and was tickling his nose "Achoo".
"Let's hope the cause was Steve and not cold," he hears an unfamiliar voice. It wasn't hard to see who it was, the room was small and full of furniture, Chests, alchemical stands a table and two chairs. Very shabby craftsmanship, Foolish was close to screaming at how simplistic it was. By that table sat the Blade.
Long pink hair let loose reached way past his waist adorned with a golden crown decorated with gems. Narrow thin shoulders devoid of the red cape he heard about, high heeled knee-high boots. Every part of Foolish screamed that this man was dangerous. Especially the red eyes focused entirely on Foolish, he could feel them moving between his forehead and eyes. Foolish didn't want to look him in the eye, instead, he focused on the emerald earring hanging from his ear.
"Steve?" Foolish asked. He could barely feel his limbs.
"My emotional support bear," The Technoblade said, little pig ears in his hair twitched as his jaw pointer a little to Foolish's right. With barely a move of his head, Foolish noticed what was the fluffy thing keeping him warm. A fully grown polar bear, softly breathing as it slept, "he likes ear scratches, I blame Philza and Ranboo for that. I'm Technoblade, but you probably know that," the host introduced himself as Foolish slowly moved his arm to scratch the bear behind his tiny ears, discovering that Thechnoblade's famous cape was currently wrapped around him, helping him keep warm.
"Foolish G. The God of Immortality, Sky and Oceans," he introduced himself, "I've indeed heard about you, Technoblade."
"And what is a god doing in my little anarchist commune?" The blade asked suddenly getting up and moving out of Foolish's eyesight, the right of his vision was just Steve, who was indeed rather happy with behind ear scratches he was receiving.
"Looking for help?" Foolish had nothing but two of his lives to lose, he could as well say it.
"Is there an anti-god government here now?" Technoblade almost sounded amused.
"Not really, it's just... even though I'm a god I'm not good at fighting, I swore off my violent days and people are kind of taking advantage of that, messing with my hard work, with me..."
"And you thought you'd ask me to kill them for you?" that sounded rather threatening.
"Not kill, just hang out around from time to time to spook them? Like if they think we're friends they might leave me alone?" This conversation was going bad way "I can... build something for you? I'm good at building. You saw Tubbo and Ranboo's mansion? I build it. If you need like... a separate house for Steve? Orafakemarriagetoavoidtaxes?" the last part was said very quickly and not necessarily was meant to say.
"Haeh?" Technoblade looked shocked, for the first time since he woke up Foolish saw him lose confidence. For a split second, he wasn't that threatening.
Once the confusion passed Technoblade laughed, loudly, and for a while. Steve gave his master (?was he ever tamed or did he enjoy the warmth and free food?) a puzzled look.
"That beats everything anyone ever used to get me to help them, I haven't laughed that much in a while. A marriage for taxes? There are no taxes here and I pity anyone who would try to tax me o my friends." That was it Foolish was going to lose his second life while trying to protect himself. "Achoo," suddenly the Blade sneezed. "Sorry, so why now? You've been here for a while."
"Ponk moved into my dessert, build a big red eyesore and put a cursed pumpkin on my head. At first, I was planning to take Sam out for a date but apparently, he isn't safe, at least that's what Tubbo said when I went for advice to him."
Techno laughed a bit more. "Why Tubbo? I never heard of him having any dating experiences."
"He and Ranboo are married aren't they?" Foolish asked still petting Steve. Techno's confused face was enough to answer "You had no idea?! It makes sense why they would... with Tubbo being a former president... I messed up. Please don't tell them I told you, knowing Tubbo he'll want another mansion, I can't do it, I hate chandeliers because of the last one I build him!"
"I won't tell them." Techno seemed to be confused at this reaction "I had my suspicions anyway, they spend too much time together for me to not be suspicious. What is your stand on governments?" the pink-haired warrior asked standing up and again disappearing behind Steve.
"Don't like them," Foolish said with a sigh of relief. "I destroyed a few back in my God of Death days..." he smiled fondly at old memories. No one would dare to put a pumpkin on him back then.
"Why did you stop fighting?" Techno asked giving Foolish a mug of tea. "I'm out of sugar, sorry. I would ask Phil for some but he went out and Ranboo is with his husband. Don't feel like going through their stuff."
"There is a limit to how much bloodshed one can handle, how many friends you can die because of your action, how many towns you can raise to the ground," he muttered looking at the dark liquid, it was warm, warm was nice, "I wonder, what is the Blood God's limit?"
"What is any other man's limit?" Techno said, "I know people call me that, I don't mind, it keeps some away  on its own, but in the end, I'm just a man, I may not age but I can still be killed."
To say Foolish was shocked would be an understatement. He took nearly on everyone Dream brought to his realm, almost alone not counting an army of Dogs and Philza. He fought them amongst a rain of TNT and Wither's. That was beyond anything any mortal was supposed to be able to do. "I think there is a God who very much enjoys your actions," he said sipping the tea, it was bitter but warm. Steve was snoring again.
"You were there at the Red Ball of whatever?" Technoblade asked ignoring what he had said.
"Yes, I...."
"I'm sorry we couldn't stop them earlier," that was surprising. hearing the most feared person apologise...
"It's okay. I'm not a fan of dying but it's okay, everyone else survived and that's all that matters, the Egg cult is scattered to the four winds, some have left it even. In the end, I'd call the day a win."
"I see..."
For a while, they sat in silence, crackling of fire and Steve's snoring being the only noises in the room until Technoblade sneezed again.
"Do you want your cape back?" Foolish asked, "Steve's plenty warm."
Techno just nodded as he was passed the garment. "I take it you don't like cold."
"Not really, I prefer my summer home, it's in the desert, it's warm there."
"I see... do people often miss with your building projects?"
"Not recently, I don't think many people know where I live and I like it that way. Nice builds don't last long in these lands. But I'm glad I'm here. I made some new friends meet some old friends. It's not all bad here."
Techno just nodded, He looked a bit more like a fearsome warrior now that he had his cape on. "So you need help keeping it that way?"
"And maybe keeping people from requesting outlandish stuff, if possible." Now that the main subject was back the atmosphere turned awkward again.
"So I'll just need to hang out around you sometimes, glare at people if they bother you and be an 'I'm sorry I have a plan with Techno' excuse?"
"Yes?" Foolish muttered into his mug.
"Any relations I need to be aware of? Friends, enemies, family members?" Techno asked.
"Puffy is kind of my father, Eret I used to know a long time ago, we once faked a marriage, destroyed some cults together, doesn't seem to remember me, Tubbo... we're kind of cousins and Ranboo is his husband... most other people I'm rather neutral towards, don't like eggheads... Sam creeps me out lately... Tubbo said he cut off Ponk's arm, don't know if it's true. Dream... Dream is in prison so I guess we won't have to worry about him. Dream XD tends to avoid me." Foolish never really thought about his connections to people on the server. "I'd rather we not cause much bodily harm unless necessary."
Technoblade just nodded, voices were rather quiet ever since Mr God of Immortality Sea and Sky woke up, it was like they were coming to him through a lot of water, and they were much less intensive. That was a nice change. "Okay, so I help you and you build my dogs and bears a nicer kennel? I don't mind what Phil build but the herd outgrew it rather quickly. I hope we don't have to be too showy about it." he finally said.
"I hope you're not agreeing because of what happened at the Ball," Foolish looked at him rather seriously, at least as much as someone buried in blankets, leaning on and petting a bear could be.
"I'm doing it so Quackity stops flirting with me, and to gave bragging rights over Dream," Techno said mate factly, "Look at me chat, I have a Husband and the Teletubby is in prison..." Techno forced a joke out "a warning, I owe Dream a favour. That and voices are quieter near you, is it some part of you being a God?"
Foolish blinked, he didn't know many people with voices like Technoblade's. "I don't think so, I can bring down lightning, enrage the sea, cause sandstorms, nothing to do with voices."
"Hmm, it's getting dark." Technoblade noticed, "want to stay here or should I walk you back to your dessert?"
"I can stay here with Steve and start on that new kennel tomorrow," Foolish shrugged, he wasn't ready for another trek through the snow, "We can go to Eret when coming back to do Ranboo and Tubbo and sign wedding papers."
"Okay, I'll try to figure out somewhere to sleep for you," Techno said with a bit of a laugh at the last part, "and you better tell me about those governments and cults and cities you wrecked."
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florafey · 4 years
Malogranatum - 6
To Whom the Desperate Call
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Persephone awoke with the sun but remained in bed for much longer, content to keep her eyes closed and bask in the memories of the previous night. The sun was warm against her curled body and if she dozed deep enough, it almost felt like the feeling Hades had given her low in her belly. It was strange and new but not unwelcome. 
She had been granted the attention of the god of the Underworld for the remaining hours of her stay at the party. As far as she was aware, the party was still going strong but Demeter’s ignorance of her daughter’s disobedience demanded Persephone wake up in her own bed and relatively on time. Fear of her mother’s wrath was the only thing strong enough to force Persephone to bid Hades an early good night so she could descend back to the mortal realm. Hades had understood, had laughed even, at Persephone’s excuse. Apparently he was quite familiar with Demeter’s overbearance. 
The feeling of his hands still lingered on Persephone’s skin. He hadn’t touched her more than what was necessary or polite, but each time his fingers had brushed her skin was seared into her memory and would never be forgotten. Kissing her hand in greeting and farewell. Tilting her chin up to look her in the eye. Brushing her fingers when handing her a drink. Persephone curled her hands into her bedsheets, her pulse starting to race. What did this mean? Why was she responding this way to him? Was he responding the same way to her?
Far below the realm in which Persephone lay in the sun, the god of Underworld sat at his expansive oak desk. Neat by habit, the desk’s contents were currently strewn about in an uncharacteristically chaotic pattern. Hades’ attention was not on the business he needed to be attending to. It hadn’t been for quite some time. He sat languidly in his chair, long legs stretched out, an arm over the back. An uncharacteristically relaxed stance to go along with an uncharacteristic desk. 
He knew he shouldn’t have gone to his brother’s foolish party. But how was he supposed to know she was going to be there? Demeter’s daughter was the last goddess he expected to see striding confidently across Zeus’ lawn, her mother nowhere to be seen. She was also the last person he expected to march right up to him and lie to his face with her almond eyes crinkled in the most compelling smile he’d ever had the pleasure of having directed at him. And he had been on the receiving end of many a pleasing expression. 
Damn if that girl didn’t distract him. He had work to do, and lots of it, but everytime he tried to focus on something his mind would stubbornly pull towards Persephone, like a puppy trying to reach his toy. It was not pleasing. If he didn’t like Persephone so much he would be angry with her for distracting him like this. And to what end? Every footstep in his kingdom belonged to someone else. Every voice that dared raise itself to his ears had a different pitch than hers. Every lock of curled hair was far from resembling Persephone’s so what did it matter?
Hades pushed back from his desk in a sudden burst of movement, rising to his full height. Cerberus rose one of his heads from his lounged position by the door. His eyes told Hades that he knew what his master was feeling. 
“Don’t look at me like that.” Hades’ voice was rough with disuse; he had allowed himself to sit in distracted silence for a few hours too long. Cerberus blinked and did little else. When he finally laid his large head back on his paws, Hades caught a glimpse of the daisy still stuck through his collar. It had been there for over a day now but it remained perfectly intact. Of course a flower gifted by the goddess of spring would fail to wilt. Something about the sight of it struck Hades in a certain, unfamiliar way. As much as he wanted to pluck the flower from Cerberus’ collar and crumple it in his hand to get rid of the memory of her, his fingers were gentle as he pulled it out and placed it on his desk. The god of the Underworld allowed himself to reminisce on the softness of Persephone’s skin before shaking himself and leaving to find a cold bath. 
It was only when Persephone heard Demeter’s voice outside her window that she finally pushed her sheets back and rose for the day. Demeter was in one of the back fields, close enough that her voice drifted into the room but far enough away that Persephone couldn’t make out what she was saying. An unfamiliar voice had begun speaking in turn; Persephone hurried to get dressed. She pushed the door open and stepped outside as she finished tying her curls back, but she only got a few steps into the grass before her eyes found her mother and froze. 
Persephone recognized the woman her mother was speaking to. The goddess, rather. Nike had been rather adamant about her dislike for this certain goddess; it was impossible for Persephone not to recognize her. 
Nemesis’ hair glinted obsidian in the sunlight as she gave Persephone a curling smile. Persephone’s skin broke out in goosebumps despite the warm sunlight. What could Nemesis possibly want from Demeter? She had never come here before. She wouldn’t have come with the intention of informing Demeter where Persephone had been last night, would she? Nemesis was still dressed in her party clothes; there was every possibility that she had come straight from the revel and even intended on returning. For a brief moment Persephone wondered if Hades was still there too, but then Demeter turned, Persephone caught sight of her mother’s face, and her mind went blank. 
With a malicious wink, Nemesis disappeared, and Persephone knew exactly why she had come. Demeter was striding towards her now and there was nothing Persephone could do except hold her chin up and keep her breaths even. 
“How dare you!” The screaming started well before Demeter was within reach. “After everything I do for you, after all I go through to make sure you’re safe, this is how you repay me? You sneak out with one of your whoring goddess friends and spend the night on Olympus? You insufferable, spoiled, ungrateful child! I never should have let you out of my sight!”
“Mother, please-”
“You’ll do well to keep your mouth shut! You’ve disgraced me, you’ve humiliated yourself, and you will consider yourself lucky if you ever see any of those wretches ever again!”
“Mother, be reasonable! Nothing happened.”
“Nothing happened?” Demeter’s voice had risen into a shriek. The nymphs would be listening but they would be wise enough to stay well out of sight. “Nothing happened? My daughter intentionally scorns the hard work of her mother only to defile herself in front of all of Olympus, and she dares tell me that nothing happened?”
Persephone backed away from the hand that grasped for her. “Defiled myself? What do you mean? Whatever Nemesis told you isn’t true, ask Nike or Aphrodite-”
Demeter’s next swipe at her daughter was successful and she caught Persephone’s jaw in a vice-like grip. She pulled Persephone so close that she could smell the sweet scent of blossoms on her mother’s skin. 
“What about Hades?” Demeter hissed the name like it burned her tongue. “What about him? Should I ask him what happened last night?”
So Nemesis’ lie was far more treacherous than Persephone had expected. Humiliation blushed across her face and down her neck. Demeter was so close it was impossible for her to miss it, and in the blindness of rage she mistook her daughter’s embarrassment for an admission of guilt. Her fingers tightened into Persephone’s skin but she ignored her daughter’s pain. 
“You disgust me, you filthy whore! So this is my punishment for allowing you a night’s fun? You fall on your back for the first god to look twice at you? You should be ashamed of yourself! I cannot believe-”
“Then ask him!” Persephone closed her hand around her mother’s wrist and pried her face out of her grasp. “You listen to the words of a goddess you barely know without first asking your own daughter! You speak of trust yet fail to show any. You preach safety yet raise a hand against your own flesh and blood. You can’t believe what Nemesis told you? So ask Hades. You know where he lives.”
Shock registered in Demeter’s eyes. Persephone had never spoken to her in this manner before. But Persephone’s jaw throbbed, her pride and trust were both wounded, and so she refused to be apologetic. There was fire in her mother’s eyes, however, and Persephone was wise enough to steady herself for the fight.
Hades leaned back against the marble edge of the pool and tipped his head back to rest against the floor. He was fucked. Deeply screwed. In hot water. Literally, he was in cold water rather than hot, but despite his best efforts, his mind was no more in order than it had been an hour ago. 
The nymph that had just disappeared through the passage had helped take the edge off, but this was an affliction of the mind, not just of the body. And the nymph hadn’t been...like her. She had been too thin, too pale, her hair too straight and her smile too wide. Persephone was none of those things. Fuck. 
He stayed in the pool until he started shivering, and then stayed in a few minutes longer. The harder he tried to think of something else, anything else, the more he thought of Persephone. Just the sound of her name was enough to send him spiraling. He dried himself and dressed, determined to get through the day’s work. If he could not get Persephone off his mind then so be it. She would have to come along with him. His immaculate black suit cut a striking figure in the mirror, the very edges of his tattoos whispering at the edge of his sleeves and neckline, his dark hair curling loosely as it dried. 
He was stunned with how smoothly Persephone had floated up to him, seemingly undeterred by his presence. Hades knew the effect he often had on mortals and deities alike, so when the young goddess of spring had waltzed up to him and extended her hand in introduction, it was enough to almost make him laugh. He couldn’t get enough of her. He told himself to stop before he derailed himself for another few hours, and he pulled the doors open, calling for Cerberus as he made his way through his kingdom. 
Persephone told herself she wouldn’t cry. Not like this, not in front of her mother, not while she had the last scraps of dignity to cling to. But the warm tears poured down her cheeks no matter how hard she wished them away. This only fueled Demeter’s anger, and soon her open palms were striking Persephone as well as her words. This was not the first time Demeter had hit her daughter but it was the first time Persephone had felt so trapped by her mother’s anger. Usually she was able to sweet-talk or apologize or, in some of the worst cases, disappear for an afternoon, but with Demeter’s fist in her hair, she had nowhere to go. 
She struggled against her mother, crying, demanding to be let go and remaining unheard over the torrent of curses. Persephone shut her eyes and tried to block out her mother’s screams. They were almost indistinguishable at this point but the sheer volume alone was making Persephone’s ears ring. With a final tug, Persephone ripped free from her mother, stumbling back and desperately trying to blink the tears out of her vision. Demeter was quick to snatch for her again but Persephone ducked nimbly and was running past her mother with the quickness of someone who was well-practiced in the art. 
She didn’t look to see if her mother bothered to chase after her. Her bare feet flew across the warm, sun-drenched fields, with no destination in mind except away. Anywhere but here. But as Persephone ran, a feeling settled over her, a feeling she had found to be growing more familiar. She knew what she was going to do. There was one place she could go and not be trapped.
Persephone dropped her to knees, stumbling as she went. Fresh tears ran down her face as she realized her mother was not behind her; tears of relief or hurt that Demeter didn’t care enough to see if she was alright, Persephone did not know. She fisted her hands into the warm soil, feeling the dirt slide into her palms and under her fingers. She bent over her hands, smelling the earth and feeling it’s heartbeat. She reached down, down, down into the earth. Down past the dirt and stone and precious gems that belonged to someone else. She felt his kingdom underneath her and that was enough to bring her to speak. 
“Hades,” she whispered, “Hades, please.” 
She had no idea what was the proper way to summon the god of the Underworld. Some deities were choosy about how they were to be called upon and would not appear if the ritual was not done in a certain way. Persephone prayed Hades was not one of those deities. She dug deeper into the earth.
“Hades, I call you to come. I ask forgiveness if this is not the way, but I need your help.”
She glanced up. Demeter was striding towards her, fury written boldly across her face. Persephone did not know if her mother could hear to whom she was appealing her case, but she did not care. Let her hear. Let her know. 
“Persephone! Come here at once! I’m not finished with you!” She was drawing closer. Persephone’s hands curled into fists in the soil. Her tears melted into the earth.
“Hades!” She cried. “Hades!” 
Below the earth, past the caves and stone and glittering jewels, Hades, the god of the Underworld, heard his name echoing off the walls of his kingdom and rose from his throne. 
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Gavin’s Qixi Festival Event
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an event which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
Multiple references are made to the Same Path Date, so do check that out first!
Gavin’s Qixi Collection: Date / Call 1  / Call 2 / Records  / Event ♡ / Special Call
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[ Chapter 1 ]
The path leading to the temple fair is bustling with people. Everywhere, vendors and merchants are yelling.
However, I’m not in the mood for enjoyment. Standing on my tiptoes, I look for Gavin in the crowd.
People shuttle around endlessly, and I can’t help but feel slightly anxious. 
MC: Why did he wander off the moment we entered the fair? What should I do now? 
I suddenly hear a loud sound from behind me, and I whip my head around.
Not afar off, a two-foot tall lantern stand has been knocked down by someone, and is plummeting straight towards me.
In the midst of the crowd’s shocked cries, I back away unconsciously, but end up in a warm embrace. 
??: Be careful!
Behind me, someone has lifted me up, avoiding the lantern stand, which falls next to a shop selling fans. 
Cheers erupt in response to his agile action. 
Crowd: The gentleman has good skills!
MC: Thank you very much!
Still badly shaken up, I express my gratitude to the man in front of me. He is wearing a mask featuring a mythological creature, and I’m unable to see his face clearly.
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??: It was no trouble. There’s no need for thanks. 
MC: Well, goodbye then. 
I bid him farewell and return to the crowd in search of Gavin.
Not knowing where the crowd has squeezed me to, I hurriedly raise my head and see a white figure standing next to a juggler not too far off.
MC: That person...
With much difficulty, I squeeze through the crowd and make my way there. 
MC: Gavin, is that you? 
I grab onto the sleeve of the person in front of me. But when he turns around, I’m frozen to the spot.
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??: You’ve got the wrong person. 
The night softens the fierce lines of the mask featuring the mythological creature. The person in front of me, who is lowering his eyes to look at me, is actually the gentleman who had saved me just now. 
??: Who is... Gavin? 
He has a very low voice. When mixed with the cheers from the surroundings, there seems to be a touch of familiarity to it, but I just can’t put my finger on it. 
MC: Ah, sorry about that... I got the wrong person. 
I turn around and prepare to leave, but he calls out to me. 
??: If you’re looking for someone, I can help you.
[ Chapter 2 ]
Gavin: You haven’t told me who you’re looking for.
At this moment, the masked gentleman and I are walking along a somewhat secluded street. The bustle from the crowd is quietening down, but I still can’t find Gavin. 
MC: I’m looking for Gavin. He is... a very special person. On the outside, he looks a little cold, and people are afraid of him.
Hearing this, the masked gentleman stills.
MC: What’s wrong?
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??: You think he makes people feel afraid?  
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MC: That’s just the prejudices held by other people. Actually they are all just jealous that Gavin is amazing and looks handsome.
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??: [coughs] He’s amazing, and... very handsome?
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His voice sounds slightly unnatural. The sudden lowering of his voice gives me a sense of familiarity.
A thought slowly surfaces in my heart. 
MC: Are you...
He cuts me off, beckoning me to look at what’s in front of me.
Gavin: Lift your head and look.
From a certain point, only the two of us are left on this street.
The evening is gentle. When I lift my gaze, the quiet street leads to a dark area.
But at this very moment, a gust of wind courses past, and the ten metre long street is lit up by a thousand festive lanterns. The lights reflect off each other, and the rays of light are dazzling.
The brightly lit festive lanterns illuminate a resplendent street, and clusters of flowers are blown up by the wind, reminiscent of rain. 
The person next to me removes his mask, revealing a familiar pair of eyes and brows.
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Gavin: Do you like it?  
It turns out that his wandering off just now was premeditated. 
He was always by my side since the beginning, accompanying me as we walked along this street, lighting up thousands of festive lanterns for me, and making the flowers bloom.
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MC: I like it very much.
It’s the sort of “like” where I will use my entire life to carve it into my memory.
[ Chapter 3 ]
MC: You deliberately wandered off to prepare these festive lanterns?
I lift my head to ask him, holding onto a lantern featuring a drawing of a ginkgo leaf.
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A slightly suspicious hue of red appears on Gavin’s face. 
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Gavin: I have never celebrated Qixi Festival with anyone before, so I’m not sure what I should do to make you happy during such times. I had to consult someone.
What kind of warped idea did that person suggest! I had to look for Gavin for almost half the day!
Pretending to be angry, I whip my head around and ignore Gavin. When nothing happens after a while, I can’t help but sneak a peek at him.
Gavin is covering his face with the mask, his amber eyes staring at me without blinking, his tone serious. 
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Gavin: Excuse me lady, could you tell me why you’re upset?
I suppress my laughter and maintain a poker face while responding to Gavin.
MC: Because the person who was supposed to be accompanying me frightened me by pretending he went missing.
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Gavin: If he uses all the remaining time to make it up to you, would you be slightly happier?
MC: That would depend on how he plans to make it up to me. 
Gavin smiles. He puts down the mask, then wraps his arms around my waist and we soar into the air. 
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MC: Braised carp... 
MC: Is this how you plan to make it up to me? 
In the crowded restaurant, Gavin sits at the table near the window, using his chopsticks to pick some fish into my bowl. 
Gavin: Try it. 
He reclines against the window, staring at me with eyes suppressing a smile. 
Gavin: You didn’t get to eat fish the last time, so I’m making it up to you now. 
MC: It’s tantalising! How did you know that there’s such delicious braised carp here? 
Gavin: On a certain Qixi Festival, I passed by the mortal realm and was curious as to why it was this crowded, so I gave it a try. I happened to try this dish, and found that it tasted delicious. Everyone around me had people accompanying them, but I didn’t have anyone to share it with. 
A smile appears on his lips, and his gaze is bright and tender. 
Gavin: Now, I have someone to share it with. 
[ Chapter 4 ]
In the expansive courtyard, grapevines entwine the poles, creating a small world of green. 
Gavin and I sit underneath the grapevines, our heads arched towards the brilliant galaxy.
MC: Do you think we can really hear the whispers of the goddess while sitting here?
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Gavin: No.
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MC: ...
Gavin casually crosses his legs, his hand holding onto a newly plucked dandelion, unaware that he has ruined the beautiful mood. 
I hold onto my cheeks and look up at the stars gloomily. After a short while, I feel something being placed on my head. 
I immediately feel for it, and discover that it’s a dandelion flower crown. 
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Gavin: Mm, very pretty. 
Gavin looks at it with his arms folded, seeming to be very satisfied with it. 
An evening wind breezes past, and there is both pride and affection in his eyes. 
MC: You were busy with this just now?
Gavin: [coughs] This is the first time I’m weaving, so I’m not very proficient.
He pretends to be nonchalant, averting his gaze from me. He leans against the grapevines and looks at the boundless evening. 
With a sudden stirring in my heart, I lean forward and stare at Gavin. 
Gavin: What’s wrong? 
I lean in extremely close to him, the tip of my nose almost touching the bridge of Gavin’s dashing nose. 
The person in front of me tries to maintain his cool composure at first. Very slowly, however, his cheeks flush red. 
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MC: Gavin. We have visited the temple festival, set off lanterns, and also watched the stars together. Now, we’re just missing one thing. With it, today will be a perfect Qixi Festival.
Gavin’s eyes are filled with my reflection - focused and serious. 
Gavin: What is it?
MC: Making an oath to each other, witnessed by the goddess. Are you willing to do it?
I look towards Gavin with slight apprehension.
With a soft laugh, Gavin pulls me into his arms. His breath cascades onto the side of my ear, and his voice is clear, low, and soft. 
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Gavin: I am willing. But there is no need for the goddess to bear witness to it. My oath will only be for you to hear. 
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wylanvnneck · 4 years
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Rating: G for Giganotosaurus
Summary: Based on a TFOTA headcanon which I posted on Tumblr about Cardan and Jude visiting the Mortal world and Cardan getting introduced to pick-up lines. That he uses. Frequently. Which, of course completely irritates Jude.
Originally posted on AO3 | Next Chapter | Masterlist
Chapter 1
Jude lets out a slight sigh of exhaustion as she fights to remain poised on her throne, the picture of elegance in front of her reveling subjects. She cannot show any signs of weakness. Her husband beside her steals a glance at her from over his wine glass, noting the weariness on her face that she is attempting to hide.
She can’t help but feel a little relieved when Cardan sets the glass of wine down as he stands and announces, “The Queen and I will be retiring for the day, but do carry on with the merry making.”
She takes a moment to drink in the sight of him imperiously addressing his subjects, the gold on his cheeks glistening under the bright lights. His black eyes shining, highlighted by the Kohl on his lids. The crown sitting regally atop his raven locks which fall over the pointy-tipped ears that mark his ancestry. He is beautiful, untouchable and yet, hers. She takes the arm that he extends as they gracefully exit the hall, headed towards their bed chambers.
“Tired, my mortal goddess?” he murmurs in her ear as they walk.
She is tempted to lie, so as to not appear fragile, but this was Cardan. The only person for whom she would remove her armour.
So she replies, “ A little, I admit,” looking up into his raven eyes that seem to hold a glint of concern.
He knew that the constant celebrations of the Fae took a toll on her, but she refused to shirk her duties as the Queen of Elfhame, attending every revel. The matter often caused fights between them but the make ups were always just as passionate as their yelling was.
“Your Majesties, please excuse me,” they are intercepted by Fand, Jude’s personal knight. “Your sister has sent you a letter, Your Highness.” She hands Jude a letter with her name scrawled on the envelope in Vivi’s sloppy cursive. For a moment she’d hoped it was from Taryn, her twin with whom she maintained a rather tenuous relationship. She was still glad to hear from Vivi  who kept up a correspondence with her between the Mortal world and the Fae one, both of them exchanging letters, although oftentimes Jude’s many duties would intercede.
“Thank you Fand, you may go.” She thumbs the letter as Fand respectfully bows and retreats.
“I wonder what your sister has to say this time?” Cardan remarks as they enter their rooms, immediately starting to remove his extravagant attire and change into his equally extravagant silk night robe.
“No idea, I only hope it’s nothing to do with Madoc and Oriana.” Jude’s relationship with her father was a very, very fragile one. After all that had transpired between them, she hadn’t yet reached out to him, with only Vivi’s letters to provide her with any news of his doings in the Mortal Realm since she’d banished him. He’d said that he understood her actions, but understanding did not mean forgiving.  Not that she needed forgiving. He was the one in the wrong. But he was also still the man who had raised her to be the warrior she was now.
As if sensing her thoughts, Cardan steps closer to where she is standing by the doorframe, gently nudging her with his now free tail as she rips open the envelope. He rests his head on her shoulder and joins her in her attempt to decipher Vivi’s handwriting.
“She’s inviting us to come and visit them in the mortal realm for a while, now that things are calmer.” It was indeed true that months had passed since Jude had slayed Cardan’s serpentine form, fulfilling the prophecy and the two had brought peace to Elfhame by ridding it of Madoc’s rebels.
“She says that a short break would be beneficial for the both of us and that Oak keeps asking to see me.” She smiles to herself as she thinks of her precocious younger brother.
“That sounds like an excellent idea,” Cardan says. “You deserve a break, Jude. More importantly, I do, for all the hard work I attend to,” he adds with an exaggerated yawn and a smug look.
She gives that last statement as much attention as it deserved, which is to say, she ignores it.
“But can we afford to take a break? What about the safety of our Kingdom?”
“I’m sure that the Court of Shadows and our bloodthirsty redcap general can handle the Kingdom in our absence and it would only be for a few days. Besides, I am curious to see more of where my wife spent her days during her...exile.” He falters slightly on that last word, shooting her a wary look. He knows that Jude did not at all appreciate his trickery that had led to those miserable days in exile. She has forgiven him, mostly, but there was no harm in keeping the High King on his toes.
She narrows her eyes at him and in response he presses a penitent kiss to her lips.
Before they can get too wrapped up in each other he pulls away, “So it’s settled? We shall spend a few days in the mortal realm with your sister?”
“I suppose so.” Now that Jude is resigned to the idea she feels a spark of excitement at visiting her family.
* * *
A few nights later the couple, accompanied by the Roach, make their way to the sea that separates them from the Mortal lands as the fog swirls around them, each carrying saddlebags. Cardan conjures two bony Ragwort ponies from a few stalks, silent and ready to carry them across the realms. They have donned mortal clothes, Jude in a sensible black pair of shorts and a dark top, under which she has concealed her various weapons and Cardan looking quite irregular in his tight-fitting denim jeans and loose white shirt that Jude had scrounged up for him. Despite her best efforts at pleading with him, she had not succeeded in having his gold cheeks and kohl removed, creating a very striking yet confusing image of the Fae in ill-fitting mortal clothes. He did, at least, promise to glamour the pointed tips of his ears once they’d crossed.
“Worry not, Your Highnesses, your Kingdom is in good hands,” the Roach bids them farewell.
“I do hope so,” Cardan replies, giving him a quick nod, mounting his steed after Jude and tangling his fingers in the horse's leafy mane as they take off into the night.
It’s nearing dawn once they’re outside Vivi and Heather’s apartment, the horses dissolving into stalks that blow away in the dark and quiet surroundings. Cardan takes in the sights around him and Jude remembers that he’d been here once before, coming to Vivi for help after Madoc had kidnapped Jude right from Cardan’s presence, thinking she was Taryn.
“It is strange. The last time I was here I was in such a hurry to find you that I didn’t really notice much of what was around me,” he says, his enhanced eyesight not at all hindered by the darkness.
“What do you think of the mortal world so far?” Jude asks, ringing the doorbell.
“Usually at this time we Fae would be feasting and dancing, but here it’s so still and silent. It seems that no one is awake.”
“Sometimes mortals actually do have night time revels,” she replies, thinking of the nightclubs that Vivi used to sneak off to back when they lived with Madoc. She’d sometimes waltz back into Jude’s room upon returning and describe her night to her half-impressed, half-disapproving sisters, her cheeks flushed from alcohol and dancing. It felt like ages ago.
“Is that so? Perhaps while we are here we should attend one of these revels,” Cardan suggests, head tilting.
“Perhaps,” Jude replies distractedly as she wonders why it was taking so long  for someone to answer the door. They had sent a quick note informing her sister of their impending visit so they should be expected.
Finally Vivi swings open the door, her petite body clothed in a baggy set of pajamas, “Jude, you’re here,” she opens the door wider, scanning her sister with her golden cat’s eyes.
“Hello Vivi,” Jude steps inside and gives her a quick hug with Cardan following in her wake, “Sister-in-law,” he teases.
“Pain-in-law,” Vivi responds, not missing a beat. Jude smiles to herself. It was good to see her sassy half-sister again.
Jude follows her sister to the kitchen counter as she fumbles around for some mugs to make coffee in. Cardan settles himself onto a high stool, intrigued by the coffee machine that Vivi was currently operating. The three of them linger in the kitchen for some time, drinking their beverages and exchanging stories, Jude relating stories of Elfhame and court happenings and Vivi catching them up on the recent happenings in the Mortal world and Oak’s schooling and Heather’s job. Jude is relieved to know that Madoc and Oriana hadn’t gotten into any trouble in the mortal world, at least not as yet, and that they were currently living somewhere quite far off, though they did frequently come and visit Oak. They wouldn’t be visiting while Jude was here, she was glad to hear. That confrontation would have to come at some point she supposed, but not just yet.
Finally, Vivi calls it a night, showing them to the room they were to occupy and leaving them to return to her sleeping girlfriend’s side.
Cardan takes in the messy bedroom, with a half-heartedly made up bed, obviously a last minute preparation for their arrival. “So, this is where you slept when you were here?” He lays on the bed and slowly stretches his legs out in a cat-like manner, watching Jude as she deposits their bags on the floor.  
“Indeed. Not quite the level of luxury you’re used to, Your Highness,” she smirks, crawling onto the bed beside him. She pushes him aside to make space for herself.
“Nevertheless, there is something to be said about smaller beds,” he responds, putting his arm about her waist and pulling her close, freeing his tail from the jeans to wrap around her calf.
“Hmm…” she mumbles tiredly, resting her head on his chest, feeling her husband’s hands stroking her chestnut hair, lulling her to sleep.
Thank you to @cupcakesandkittens​ for encouraging me to post this fic on tumblr as well.💕
Please let me know if you'd like me to tag you in further installations of this fic:))
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Stolen - 28
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x fem!gifted!reader Content: Hints at smut, but mostly fluff, and plot. No proofing has been done, so expect some errors. A/N: *sigh*...life...am I right? Anyways...ask or re-blog for tag.
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28. The Reflecting God
...   Loki   ...
Stretching satisfyingly, he revels in the soothing heat from the body snuggled up against his side. Hair mussed from the sleep and with red lines from the wrinkled pillow jarring the pretty face, she's a vision to behold. They've slept (or in Loki's case rested) for a few hours after the debauchery and nothing would appease him more than a full night's peace in [Y/N] arms. Unfortunately, some things cannot be.
Repositioning, the former prince cradles her as best he can. "My dear," he whispers into her ear, "darling, you must wake now."
She whines softly at first, resisting the continued cooing and the strokes he lavishes her with, but eventually his tenacity wins. Blinking owlishly, the woman studies his face as if for the first time before reality catches up with her in the form of a bashful smile which quickly grows as he pecks a kiss onto her forehead.
"So that's the trick," the minx hums in delight.
"To what?"
She wins time by burying the pretty nose of hers in his hair. Still, Loki can feel the grin against the shell of his ear before she whispers: "I get laid if I annoy you enough."
A split second later, she's pinned beneath the jotun who bites teasingly at the side of her neck before drifting lower and getting distracted - he had intended to scold her, torment her sweetly, but [Y/N] arches her back so prettily when his ministrations elicit a sigh that he is lost.
Night still reigns, barely, when the two of them reappear in the guest chamber in Valhalla. Legs still weak from the latest exertion and eyes heavy-lidded and full of an unspoken acceptance of reality.
"Allow me to draw you a bath, pet."
Of course, she doesn't object but follows him to the grand bathroom and her cooperation continues when the tub has been filled and Loki frees them both of the hastily reapplied clothes. The water embraces the pair with a puff of steam that clings to their faces as a delicate sheen of droplets.
...   Reader   ...
If all there was to the world was the heat as you nestle between Loki’s thighs with your back against his stomach then you’d live happily forever, and for once you know what the god feels because a tune drifts from that sinful mouth as he spreads the soap across your skin, paying attention to and caressing even your little fingers. He’s content. A quasi-erection serving a both a reminder and a promise, but for now both of you are too worn out for anything else than lazying about in the bath.
The foreign melody lulls your senses and you’re only partially aware that you echo the lilts and falls until you carry the second voice, wordlessly at first, which eventually grows and becomes something more. Words you don’t know speak clearly to you about safety, a home that’s more than four walls and a roof...and something you don’t understand. Loki listens, now and then kissing your hair as he continues tending to your body.
“What are we doing?”
Your raven-haired glances up at you from where he’s sitting in the shade of a tree. “You are supposed to study or the queen may loose her patience, little mortal.”
“You know what I mean.” Rolling your eyes at him has become one of your most trained abilities. “We’re hiding, nice and safe here in...on Asgard,” you explain, finally getting his full attention, “but Thanos is still out there!”
“I know.”
Of course he knows. The disowned prince has suffered more at the hands of the purple maniac than you have. Is he even safe here? There’s no doubt Odin would want to seek some sort of twisted justice against his ex-son, but it’s unclear to you if he’d go as far as to abandon the man to someone like Thanos. Either way, plenty of people seem to be standing in line to deliver a kick of two as revenge for former slights. Yeah, Loki from the past has complicated things for present day Loki.
“Hopefully, my br-Thor will return with news...I hear rumours that he has been hunting down old lore and is planning to visit the ancient sites of creation throughout the realms.”
“Yes...I’m surprised none of your new frie-”
The sound of voices coming closer silences the supposed servant, forcing you both into the roles you’ve adopted since your arrival to Valhalla – even after it has become common knowledge that you’re a Midgardian, everyone still treats you as near royalty which you suspect you can thank both your ties to Alfheim and the queen’s attention for. As such, you should be getting used to the discreet bows Hogun and Fandral offer you when they appear from the rose garden.
“M’lady [Y/N].” Fandral smiles so sweetly you’d almost believe you didn’t turn him down at all. “We hoped to find you here.”
Returning their gesture with a nod and a wave towards the empty seats, you wait until they’re seated before replying, “Do I dare ask why?”
“Certainly, although you may also be saddened at the news we bri-oomph!” The blond man is (temporarily) silenced by an elbow in the side.
“Beg you pardon,” Hogun takes over, “Thor has asked us to accompany him. As promised upon hearing your plea, he is seeking out the truth in the hopes of preventing more horrors from happening.”
No words escape you because nothing can really express the mad hope flaring in your chest at the idea that the God of Thunder trusts you enough and loves the tiny planet called Earth to the extend that he’ll figure out a mystery like the one you’ve handed him.
“Don’t fret,” Fandral assures you and places a hand on yours, “you are safe here from Loki and any potential collaborators he may have.”
A bitterness burns your marrow in a way you’ve never felt before. “I’m not afraid of Loki...but whomever drove him to the threshold of madness? That’s my living nightmare.”
The two men exchange a look you can’t decipher before bidding you farewell. They aren’t sure when they’ll return or if the expedition will prove useful, however they trust Thor’s judgment in so far as the cause is important.
“Told you so,” the God of Mischief taunts quietly as you look after the retreating Asgardians.
Hrmph. “Behave, servant, or you’ll find yourself with an endless amount of tasks and no sleep tonight.”
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shadow--writer · 3 years
She Lives in Daydreams With me
Song title. 
Maeve x Lucas. Let’s try this again, from the top. 3.7k
TW: none!
She didn’t know why she decided to walk to the beach to read. She had a perfectly good nook in her house by the windows. Perfect for reading with a little tea. Unbothered. By herself. No risk of seeing Lucas. 
But nooo she was walking to the beach. To read. Because she totally didn’t have other motives or hopes. Not her, no sir. She was only going out to get fresh air and read a little on the beach far away from the docks and any prying eyes. 
Wasn’t going to see if she could make amends with a certain someone. 
Absolutely not. 
The sun was hidden by dark clouds, and the smell of saltwater and fish overpowered the smell of rain.
She felt herself light up a little at the prospect of rain. It was always a nice change of pace from how hot it got in Vesuvia. 
Pausing her walk at the edge of the beach, she looked up at the sky once more. Though she hoped it would start later. She didn’t plan on getting rained on while she read on the beach. 
Chewing on her lower lip she lowered her gaze, picking up her skirt with her book in her hands. The sound of laughter filled the air, making her turn to locate the sound. 
She flinched away. Oh no. No. He was here (of course he was, idiot, he worked here). 
The laughter paused, she peeked over through her lashes. She and Lucas locked eyes. 
They stared at one another for a moment before she quickly turned away, and started walking down the beach at a brisk pace. 
Her heels sunk into the soft surf as she walked, nose buried in her book. 
Oh no no no no-
“So, what are you doing here?” someone asked, making her jump. 
“I-Isn’t it obvious?” she replied (curse her stuttering), not looking up from her book. She knew his voice. “I’m reading. Peacefully. Not bothering anyone. On the beach since I need fresh air.”
He kept her pace, she didn’t bother looking up at him. Sure she was mad at him for taking her words out of context, and he was still mad at her for breaking things off. And of course Amani was pissed at the both of them. And this was turning into a real mess. 
Granted she wasn’t really mad. She was just annoyed. She didn’t have any right to be mad at him. 
She just wondered if she waited too long to say that.
“Why the beach of all places? You knew I’d be here. Did you just want to see me?” He poked her side. She swatted his hand away with her book, shooting him an unimpressed glare. 
“Am I not allowed to come to the beach for some quality time alone?” she asked with a tiny huff and an eye roll. “It’s going to rain soon anyways, I thought I’d come out here before it did.”
His face fell. “Rain?” His tone made it very clear he was not happy about it. 
“The rain is lovely!”
“Well maybe I don’t like it!”
“Well, we’re going to disagree on this one.”
“We’re going to disagree on a lot of things.”
Her back straightened a little. That sounded almost like a promise. Some little part of her hoped it was. 
“This is one battle you aren’t gonna win,” she said, tucking her book under her arm so she could look up at him. “The rain is wonderful. You clearly haven’t gone exploring in it. Or done anything fun.”
He made a face. “It’s dreary, lazy and makes everything seem sad.”
“Mmm but have you ever danced with someone in it? Played in the mud? Just stare up at the clouds and let it wash over your face?”
“What fantasy are you living in? The rain is sad weather. You can’t go out and do anything. You’re stuck at home with whatever thoughts you have.”
“And I thought you were the fun one,” she said, pushing back her hair a little. “But you just sound like a downer.”
“Downers don’t get sick from playing around in the rain.”
“But downers don’t get to really live.”
He paused. “You aren’t going to change my mind on this one. The rain keeps people cooped up. Sometimes it lasts for a long time. It’s miserable.”
“You clearly haven’t spent the day with someone you loved then. Rainy days are much better with people you love.” She smiled a little at the thought of her dad tackling her into the mud and then sliding down a hill. They gave her aunt a fright when they came home like that. 
“Are...rainy days better?”
“Yes. Very much so.” She turned to look out at the water, spotting a nice place to sit. She would get sand in her dress but she really didn’t care. Some sand flew up around her skirt when she sat down. 
“The view is lovely without the sun,” he offered. 
She let out a tiny sigh from where she sat. “Aren’t you mad at me?”
He stared at her in disbelief. “Mad? No. More like annoyed. What gave you the idea I was mad?”
Well...annoyed was better than mad at least. She winced, she did reject his attempt at a kiss. That had come back to bite her many times. She turned away from him. “Uh huh. Don’t you have work to do?”
He sat in the sand beside her. “Nope! Taking my break early.” He looked at her. “Hm, feels like you’re trying to get rid of me. Ouch.”
She let out a tiny chuff, crossing her legs and resting her elbow on her right knee (furthest away from him). She rested her cheek on her fist, the skin squishing a bit. “Hmph, what if I am?” She looked at him from the corner of her eye. 
He scooted closer to her, sitting in the same way but with a smile. “Well then I’ll just keep bothering you.”
She looked away again. “What if I ignore you until you have to go back to work?”
“I’ll just keep bugging you until you talk to me.”
She let out a tiny huff. “If you’re on break why are you spending it with me?”
He imitated her huff with a little grin. “Well maybe I missed you.”
She stuck her tongue out at him. “Maybe I missed you too.” He flicked the tip of her nose gently, she wrinkled it at the touch, making him crack a tiny smile. 
As annoyed with him as she was in that moment, she could admit she did miss him.
She wondered if Amani talked to him about what happened. 
Letting out a tiny sigh, she gave into him. She leaned into his shoulder, him leaning back. They sat there, looking at the water, pressed against one another in a small silence. It sent her heart racing a little, with heat rising to her face in a comfortable way. 
Okay yeah, maybe she missed him way more than she thought she did. 
“So...did you read the book I gave you?” he asked softly, shifting his hand over to cover hers. Her heart startled, body warming even more at the touch. It was a weird feeling, like she was cold but hot at the same time. 
“I did.”
She smiled to herself. “I did enjoy it.” She looked at him, resting her chin on his shoulder. “You gave me an ugly nickname?”
His face reddened. “Look, I thought it was pretty.”
She raised her voice in pitch. “‘You shall not be called Thumbelina!’ said the spirit of the flower to her. ‘That is an ugly name, and you are much too pretty for that,” she quoted back to him. “Ugly name.”
He made a face at her, she made one back. 
“...so you just have that memorized?”
She felt her cheeks warm. “I um. I...read it?”
“You can memorize things from reading it once?!”
“Then how?”
“I read it...a lot,” she muttered, turning to look away from him again. Her hair fell in a curtain around her face, disguising her red cheeks. Fine she’d admit to herself. She read it because of him. She would’ve never picked it up otherwise.
“T-Though the ending was a bit strange. It was so...happy.”
“...what’s wrong with a happy ending?”
“Sometimes they aren’t realistic.”
“...it’s a fairy tale. What fairy tales are you reading?”
“I haven’t read one since I was a kid. Why do you like fairy tales so much anyways?” she asked, staring out at the water. Anything to not meet his eyes while she fought her blush. 
She could feel him staring at her, and then he let out a little sigh. His hand was still clasped over hers. “It’s what we grew up listening to. I like them a lot because of my mom. Sometimes my aunts would read them to us, that is, if they didn’t pick fights on politics before bed.”
“Mmm, that's fun.”
“What? You didn’t get stuff read to you? Any fairy tales you like?” He prodded her side gently. She let out a tiny squeak, trying to swat him away.
“Well there’s one my momma would read to us.”
“Is it good?”
She smiled with a tiny hum. “The best.”
He pretended to settle down, she turned her head slightly to look at him again. 
He nodded at her with a smile. It made the corners of his eyes crinkle. Each of his smiles was a bit different, this one had a childlike wonder to it. “Well then, you have the stage.” 
“It’s called Tír na nÓg.”
He blinked. “Uh. Sorry I’m not familiar in uh…”
“Gaelic?” she said with an affectionate smile. The awkwardness of their situation was slowly melting away. “Most aren’t. It means uh...Land of the…” she pursed her lips. Gods what was that word? She snapped her fingers, trying to think. “Opposite of old. It’s not youth uhhh…”
She snapped again, grinning. “Yeah! Land of the Young. Tír na nÓg, land of the young. One of our oldest tales.”
“How does it go?”
“The most famous tale with Tír na nÓg is the story of Oisín and Niamh. Oisín was out hunting with his father when they saw something in the ocean. They feared invasion so they prepared but came to find the most beautiful woman emerge from the sea. Her name was Niamh, a fairy from the famed lands of Tír na nÓg. She was the daughter of the sea god.”
Lucas was a bit bouncy with excitement beside her, watching her intensely. She blushed, turning away. She was so very not used to the excitement. 
“T-The men were afraid of her due to her great powers. But Oisín introduced himself and they fell in love.” Her eyes softened a little as she relaxed. Her mom got so animated when she told this one. “Niamh was bound to go home, but she invited the great warrior to come with her to Tír na nÓg. No mortals could enter the fairy realm unless invited, so he bid farewell to his family and warriors and went with her.”
“Oisín was offered the wealth of treasures from Tír na nÓg. Eternal youth, everlasting beauty, health and happiness with his true love. But time came when he missed his family. Niamh gave him her horse but warned him he must not touch mortal ground or he would become mortal again and never be able to return to her.”
Lucas was starting to look...well not less interested, but a little more concerned. She liked how easy it was to read him. He was like an open book, and she wanted to read more on those pages. 
He was...a story she didn’t understand but wanted to. She always thought eyes were the windows to the soul, just like the old saying. You could tell a lot about someone based on their eyes and the way he was looking at her now sent the butterflies fluttering.
She pursed her lips to keep from stuttering again. “When he came home, he could not find his family nor his fellow warriors. Everyone had simply vanished. Eventually, he came across three men and asked where they had all gone. The three men said the same thing. His family was long since dead. Time moved much slower in Tír na nÓg, and realizing this Oisín fell to the ground in despair, immediately turning into an old man. He died later of a broken heart, never seeing Niamh or his family again.”
Lucas stopped moving and was dead silent for a moment.
Then another. 
“...that’s it?”
“Uh yeah! My mom would tell that one to us a lot.”
His words were slow as he thought them over, a frown pulling at his mouth. “Did she...ever tell you other stories? Ones with happier endings?”
“Well there was the one about Changelings. Fairies would come into homes, steal babies and replace them with something that almost was exactly like the baby but something was usually off. It usually was the eyes or teeth. They had sharp teeth. I think one she told us was how when the parents found out about the changeling it tore them to pieces. She usually told that one to get us to behave though…so no?”
He shifted closer to her, letting go of her hand to rest his hand behind her back. She missed his touch almost immediately. “How about I tell a story instead?”
She feigned offense. “What, mine not good enough?”
“No! No it was great but um...how about something without someone falling over and dying?”
She giggled. “So no stories without happy endings?”
“Life is unhappy enough,” he said with a lopsided smile. “Why should fiction be the same?”
She let out a tiny hum, resting her head on his shoulder. “Fair enough. Do go on, my good sir.”
He dramatically cleared his throat. “Once upon a time.”
“Oh wow that’s unique.”
He poked her side, making her let out a tiny squeak. “I’m telling the story,” he joked, arm going around her waist, tapping lightly on her hip. 
“Once upon a time, there lived a masked princess. She lived up high in her ivory tower, and was content with living her life alone all up high. The princess wore a mask of purple and blue, the only thing it revealed were her eyes. They were a brilliant dark blue that reflected everything she was looking at. Like mirrors. Usually they reflected a book or the stars at night.”
She chewed on her lower lip as she listened. He was a good storyteller, it came with hearing so many as a child she guessed. 
“Once upon a time there lived a knight,” he continued on. “The knight came from a proud family as well, growing up hearing stories about the masked princess in the ivory tower. The knight grew up to be a very threatening man, with a full suit of armour.”
“But he had a big heart and defended the people he loved?” she asked softly, making him jolt beside her. 
“Y-Yes,” he stuttered, not meeting her eyes as she looked up at him. He cleared his throat again, the sound more nervous this time. The tips of his ears were red. “The knight traveled far and wide to find the masked princess, for he wanted to be her protector. He had heard stories of the princess and people trying to get to her tower. But when he found the princess he was surprised to find she was in no need, or want, to be rescued or protected by the knight.”
“How rude,” she joked, making him laugh. 
“He called up to the masked lady, asking what he could possibly do to be able to protect her. He was willing to try anything. She said she wanted to be able to take her mask off around her knights, so she sent him on trials to prove himself. He did things he hadn’t done in years, shedding the armour he wore to protect himself along the way.”
“What kind of trials?”
“Stuff that made him let his guard down. Once he even stood outside her tower and just talked to her, opening up like he never had. But once he had shed all the armour weighing him down, he climbed the tower to see the princess face to face, only wearing his helmet. Seeing her up close shocked the knight for even masked, she was the loveliest thing he had seen. The legends had failed to share about her beauty.”
“Her hair was pure silver, falling over her shoulders and back. Her eyes, just like the stories said, were like blue mirrors. His final trial was just like the one on the other side of the tower, but this time he was light enough to come up to visit her. He visited her every day when he could, bringing her little gifts from his journey there. She in return shared with him her little secrets.”
“One day, he climbed the tower and the masked princess wasn’t there. The room was a mess, her bed ruined and her things thrown about. He left, panicked about the lady he was training to protect. He worried about failing her before even passing his trials. For weeks he searched for her, but he did not find her.”
His voice was a bit heavy as he spoke. He stumbled over some of his words and paused around others. 
“Then one day he did find her. All alone in the forest, dress torn and mask broken at her feet. She had been taken in the night, but the princess was a great warrior and defeated them. She was just avoiding the knight since she did not have her mask, and was scared of being vulnerable with him like he had been with her.”
“Did he take off his helmet when he saw her?” she asked, fiddling with her skirt. She was terrible to tell stories to. Asking too many questions instead of listening.
But he didn’t seem to mind. 
He nodded. “In the time separated from her the knight realized he had fallen in love with the masked princess. He just didn’t know it until she was gone. So he took off his helmet, the final piece of armour he had to shed, and asked her to come with him. Away from the forest. Away from her tower.”
“Well, she did say yes. Eventually.” Maeve snorted. “The knight was very persuasive.”
“Oh I’m sure.”
“But he took her home with him, away from the thieves, and her isolation.”
“And they lived happily ever after?”
He laughed. “Well, something like that.”
“So did someone read that to you? Can’t say I’ve heard of it.”
His cheeks grew rosy. “My uh...mom read it to me.” 
He was lying. 
His voice got reedier when he lied. 
But why was he even lying?
There was a lull of silence. “Look...Thumbelina.” She stiffened at the nickname, looking back over at him. He let go of her waist. “I’m...sorry for getting so mad at you over the whole language misunderstanding.”
“Did Amani talk to you?”
His neck flushed as he rubbed the bandages on his hands. “...yeah. Says she talked to you too.”
“Did she...say what we talked about?”
“Nothing much. Just told me we should apologize to one another. So I thought...if I saw you at the beach it would be a good time to talk. Didn’t realize I’d see you so soon after making that promise to myself.”
“I’m sorry for trying to...well distance myself. I don’t…” She pursed her lips, looking away from him. Her voice was breathy and soft. “I’m sorry.”
“Can I...get a reason why?” 
“You got...close. And it scared me.”
“Was I too much?”
Her head snapped up. “No, no! You were fine. I was the problem.”
“I know...Gaelic is used for more than insults, I’m sorry for…”
“Jumping off a cliff to a conclusion?”
He snorted, bumping their shoulders together. “Yeah.”
She stared up at the clouds. “You’ll...come to see me again, right?”
“I want to. Do you want me to?”
“...yes. Please.” Her voice was soft even to her ears. “I would...really like to keep seeing you.”
“Then why’d you stop?”
She looked away from him, drawing in the sand with a finger. “Story for another time.”
His eyes widened in understanding. “Ah, I see. That’s okay. I’m...glad you’re talking to me again. I um...wasn’t lying when I said I missed you.”
“Me neither.”
“Amani was right,” he said with a chuckle. “We’re uhh...”
They both looked up. “It’s going to rain soon. You can smell it,” she whispered, closing her eyes.
She opened them as she looked back at him. He seemed deep in thought. “I should get home before it starts pouring.” She got to her feet, rocking back onto her heels as she dusted some of the sand off her skirt. 
He made a face. “Yeah and I’ll be stuck in it. Working.”
She smiled. “Aww that’s too bad. Not my fault you took a job working outside by the ocean.”
He made a face, making her giggle. “I probably won’t work in the days after. Not much we can do in the rain unless we’re on boats. So, spend the day with me maybe? Without all the hostility and depressingly grim fairy tales?”
“As...friends?” she asked, holding out a hand to help him up. 
There was a flare of emotions in his eyes. Different ones. She couldn’t place them. 
“Yeah.” He almost sounded disappointed, but he covered it with a smile. He took her hand, she helped him stand. Not that he needed much help. He didn’t let go of her hand for a moment, the bandages around his palms soft against her skin. They must’ve been new. 
He let his hand drop, and offered her another smile. Lopsided. Made her heart flop in weird ways. Friends, Maeve. Friends. “As friends.”
Only as friends. 
That was more than she could’ve hoped for.
But she was glad all the same. 
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