If You’re Not Gonna Write It I Am
38 posts
Request: OpenAren’t you tired of not seeing enough fan fiction for this really cool show you like?Fear not my goal is to bring to life shows that are damp in the imagination zone!feedback is appreciated
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
notenoughfanficofthis · 2 years ago
I’m so honored I love your work tysm 🥹💛 got a piece in progress ! ☺️☺️
Feeling a little inspired today shall we continue fun’s over?
Or is starting something new the vibe 🤔 I’ll consider requests
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notenoughfanficofthis · 2 years ago
Feeling a little inspired today shall we continue fun’s over?
Or is starting something new the vibe 🤔 I’ll consider requests
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notenoughfanficofthis · 2 years ago
I am truly honored, thank you ☺️💛 I really appreciate the love and work you’ve put into this, stay amazing hun 💛
Dark!Morpheus x GN!Reader
Author's note: This is inspired in @notenoughfanficofthis 's post. I was scrolling looking for a yandere Morpheus and found nothing, quite a shame. I'll do my best to use non-gendered terms, but if I have to use, I'll use feminine and masculine without especial regard.
Summary: With Morpheus away, the kingdom came to pieces. Once he's out of his imprisonment he comes to find that not only his kingdom is falling apart, but that his lover is gone.
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He waited patiently, and trusted that his many decades- no, centuries ruling over a kingdom was more than enough to gain everyone's trust. When he came out, he found nothing. His kingdom in pieces, and what's worse... his lover was nowhere to find.
'Where are they, Lucienne.' Asked Morpheus, knowing already that they where not in the dream realm.
'They left, my lord, just some decades after you.'
'Mere decades where enough?' Morpheus was as irritated as he has ever been. 'And you didn't stop them?!'
'I tried, sir, but without you there were so many responsibilities and... y/n took advantage of this and left without anyone notice.'
'Has anyone looked for them'
'I would've sent them, but there's no one left...' Morpheus turned around, thinking of where could they be. 'But, lord Morpheus, if I may insist. I may have an idea on how to find them. You know that they love big monuments, they can't be very afar of any big city, that makes our search easier.'
'Yes... of course...' Morpheus looked at his hand with anger at his lost power. 'But I can't do this just now...'
Now with his powers back, he didn't have anything in mind more than y/n. He almost felt guilty: some died, and some others were sent to an endless nightmare that would last as long as he would, just because they got in his way. But finally, he was able to go in search of his lover.
No one has seen him like this before. Yes, they knew how much Morpheus loved Y/n, but this... this sure was another level of madness.
Through his journey, the thing that the King of Dreams cared most was not his realm, but he showed the most deep obsession towards Y/n, in Matthew's words, "He cares for no one or anyone but Y/n and his realm but... he's merciless, it's... scary, more than anything has frighten me. When I told him maybe Y/n wanted to be alone for a while, it costed me every word I could ever say to get out of trouble."
And Y/n got sloppy, and eventually -less than two days-, they fell asleep. Morpheus looked from afar. Just when Y/n noticed they were in a dream, they tried everything to wake up, and when they did, they couldn't believe it: they weren't alone, even if with the pass of time all of their family should be dead, he found another, and another... And he showed an expression Morpheus hasn't seen in a while: pure, utter happiness. Why didn't they look at him that way, what did he do wrong?
Y/n was... happy, and they didn't need a whole kingdom for them, but what the hell did they want then? Morpheus didn't take long to come to Y/n, just when they were alone, they felt an unsettling presence. First, a crow, and they knew they were in trouble.
'Morpheus...' In y/n's eyes were not relief, where not happiness of seeing his lover, that was fear. Morpheus knew then something was wrong. They where not to fear him, he would give everything for Y/n, and would do everything for them. 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left.'
'No, Y/n, just...' and hope, Y/n looked at Morpheus with hope of not being punished. With a broken heart, the king of dreams got on his knees and took Y/n's hands. 'what did you fear so much about me? Did you not love me as much as I do, that when I come after a century of imprisonment I found you gone, and not the gentle arms of my lover to welcome me? What didn't I give you that the humans did?'
'I wanted to see.' Y/n hugged Morpheus to his surprise. 'I'm so sorry, I'll go with you.'
But Y/n was not relieved or happy; they were trembling in fear, fear they Morpheus would hurt the family that treated them so kindly. Morpheus couldn't feel any more broken. Do they really see him as a ruthless monster? What did he do so wrong that his lover fears him so much?
'You are afraid... why?'
'You know I don't want to lie to you...'
'Then don't. I just... I want your happiness more than mine, you know that.'
'Just... don't hurt them...'
'Who? The humans that treated you as a same, that cared for you?' Y/n just nodded lightly, not knowing what to expect of kind words. 'Oh I won't, my love. I just...' His embrace was now angry, but not at them. 'Why did you leave me? Why? Am I so little to you? Do you not truly love me?'
'I do, Morpheus. I didn't have any lovers while you were gone, even if I wanted to be caressed, if I wanted to hear those "I love you" or had someone care for me. I didn't want anyone, but you. I wanted to see how they live, how they are happier the more difficult their life is, to know why they don't just end their suffering and choose to live... I knew that while you were here I wouldn't be able to come here, because you said it was dangerous.'
'Oh my Y/n please, what did I ever do to you? Am I so hateful to you? Do you fear me so much and think I care so little that I wouldn't give everything for your love? That if you were to live among humans, I wouldn't rather follow you to secure your safety that to imprison you as I have lived?' Y/n stayed silent. 'Do you... feel I imprisoned you?'
'I felt I didn't have freedom, because if something was dangerous, you wouldn't let me be close, and to you everything was dangerous.'
'We will do something, alright, love?' Morpheus stood up and looked at Y/n's eyes. 'You can stay here for as long as you want, with your family, happy. But I will be watching your every move, I will know everything, you will never be alone... and whenever you want, just say my name, and I'll be there. Your family will be safe, you'll have your freedom, and you will eventually know I do not deserve your fear.'
'You will be so kind?'
'Of course, with and for you, always. I just want something in return.'
'And what is this?'
'To stay a little longer by your side right now. I haven't felt your touch for a century, I might need another century just to enjoy your warmth.'
What Y/n didn't know, is that he would notice every look anyone did at them, and he couldn't stand how some looked at them not with kindness, as they deserved, but with either lust or annoyance. Every single one of those ants would meet some of their worst nightmares until not only they stopped, but they went away for good and had fear of going to sleep. And every night, Morpheus and y/n would meet, with their love growing stronger, because even if Morpheus couldn't love any more Y/n, they now where not afraid, they trusted Morpheus... they trusted Morpheus just enough to not see that having no privacy meant no freedom, and that anyone that tried to warn them would eventually go missing or would take back their words.
Hello! Author here. I hope this is more or less what you expected @notenoughfanficofthis . I didn't want Morpheus to be a straight up "yandere" or something, and it would be pointless for him to not change his mind in some things after he escaped. Ngl, I see y/n here to eventually go back to the dream realm. You know those hcs with Morpheus and Hob where anyone to interrupt them would suddenly move countries and how scary he is when Hob meets Death. Yeah, this fanfics ends in something like that. Cute right?
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notenoughfanficofthis · 3 years ago
Johanna Constantine: It wasn't the devil he had locked up, was it?
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notenoughfanficofthis · 3 years ago
this is exactly what happened at the cereal convention.
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notenoughfanficofthis · 3 years ago
Hey I just want to say I love ur works and I was wondering if you could tell me which is wich I'm kinda confused I was looking for ment to be 3 and couldn't finde it. Also is each work like 'soulmate' and 'ment to be' connected? Kinda like Al one big story. (Aging love ur works just kinda confused and not 100% used to the app yet 😊)
Meant to be doesn’t have a third piece yet love only two. I have two morpheus stories running Meant to be and Funs over but they are not connected. Glad you like my work 🥰
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notenoughfanficofthis · 3 years ago
Fun’s Over (Part 4)
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I don’t know how much time has passed I’ve laid on the bed naked and defeated since his departure. How long it’s been since I’ve slept and wept. What bothers me most is that I can’t understand why when I should be overjoyed at the safety and return of my lover. It’s been so long since he’s gone and here I’m left a mess once again waiting for his return.
A hollow feeling in my chest began to consume me, it’s scaring me. Its unfamiliar unlike any other. It’s feels cold and suffocating no amount of tears can seem to lighten it’s hold on my chest. I can’t think of any reason other then my lover not being by my side to cause this. Concluding that this may be the culprit I finally found the strength to sit up from my position. But the sight before me did nothing to soothe my heart as tears began to well up once again seeing the decaying of the once beautiful home. Over a century without its lord and his power really did it’s damage. But, was it always this bad? It’s hard to recall when the severity of the shambles that lie before her began though she’s been here, waiting, this whole time.
Perhaps blinded by the despair of his absence kept me from noticing the severity of the damages that surrounded me. Nevertheless, he’s home now. We will rebuild our home to its former glory.
That thought alone sparked enough motivation to get up dressed and ready to help the kingdom however needed as she waited for her kings return. Though, she could only get so far before he comes storming back in. If it had been a moment longer she’d notice the door was locked with the intention to keep her inside. His face unreadable as he stalked towards her. Something about it though made her to take a step back but no further as she immediately comforts herself knowing he’d never harm her.
“My king, you’ve returned any updates regarding your items?” The question did nothing to lighten the look that rest on his face.
“My helm, it resides in hell. I know not the name of the demon who holds it but I intend to get it back.”
“How will you do so?” Chills running down the spine as she awaited the already anticipated answer.
“I must go to hell and get my helm back.”
“Let me-“
“Morpheus, you shouldn’t go alone Lucifer and the realm they reside in are not trustworthy.” It’s been so long since he’s heard his name slip through her lips. Taking only a moment to reminisce in the feeling he shook his head face not giving away what he’s thinking.
“I will return unharmed. I came to bid you farewell before my departure to the realm. Rest here until I return” Coming in close craving her lips against his own not wanting to hear the arguments that rest at the tip of her tongue hearing this.
Sighing in defeat she returned the kiss before speaking “Atleast, bring a raven with you, my love. It’ll put my worries at ease.”
“No.” A look of grief flashed before his eyes. She understood she missed jesemy just as well. But she needed to know he’ll be safe and accompanied by one of his own. Nevertheless she knew it was futile to argue slumping her shoulders looking at to him with discontent.
“Alright, but I refuse to be alone while you’re gone again. I shall accompany Lucienne to her duties attending to the kingdom.”
Perhaps it was the sliver of pity that resided deep within him that lead to him agreeing to these terms. It’s the least he could do, worries of her betrayal was at ease now resting with the comfort that her focus is finally on him and his realm.
Bidding each other farewell the search for Lucienne began. Assessing what needs to be done as she walks amongst the halls looking for her friend. As she notes the damages and preparing solution she also found herself looking forward to the warmth and smiles that never fails to be present when in their presence. How she needs it more then ever right now.
“Lucienne! I see the library’s back! That’s wonderful, how can I help l?”
Smiling at the arrival of her queen not expecting her to be let out so soon. “My Queen, I’m pleased to see you are well.”
Smiling at the women before her she took her figure in for a tight embrace “Our time spent here waiting for our kings return I had forgotten to take refuge in those who remained. How have you been holding?” She smiled sadly upon Lucienne as she pulled away gaze filled with nothing but adoration and guilt.
Her words left lucienne confused. She hadn’t been here for quite some time? From her understanding wasn’t she living amongst her own in the waking realm. But, sensing it had something to do with her lord all too familiar with his pettiness and anger she chose not to comment on the matter and brought her to the library that since reappeared.
“If I may, your grace.” Lucienne spoke as she straightened her form adjusting her glasses.
The queen couldn’t help but smile at the familiarism her mannerisms brought “of course, Lucienne, whatever I could do to help.”
“Since the return of the library im afraid I’m no longer familiar with the new layout. I may need some help mapping out the area. It may go faster with another’s aid. If -of course it’s no trouble to you.”
“Of course this library might have changed but it is our home with the both of us it’ll remember that.”
With that they’ve begun their work. Silence and peace filling the space shared between the two, something deeply missed in this realm. Though, it was obvious that something was weighing the Queen as they went about their task.
“Is everything alright?” Lucienne finds herself asking no longer able to ignore the elephant in the room.
“I’m quite alright just worried for Morpheus. Went to seek his helm in Lucifer’s realm and wouldn’t atleast take a raven with him when asked.”
Lucienne looks at the person she considered to be her friend before her and smiled knowing her next words will put her at ease. “No worries, my Queen. I have already sent a raven after him. His name is Matthew he was once a mortal himself he’ll be of great use to our lord as he seeks to retrieve his items.”
The worry that had been weighing her down lightened now knowing her love is accompanied with one of his own. In the midst of her gratefulness torwards her trusted friend she leaped forward once again taking lucienne in her arms thanking her profusely. Being married to Morpheus and bonded to his realm she is able to seek power from within him. It’s wanes and weakens the longer and farther they’re apart but having been in each other’s company for just long enough recently she could use her strength she gained back to check on the state of her love through the eyes of the raven that accompanied him.
The anticipation and excitement this knowledge brought made her eager to begin. She bid her farewells to lucienne apologizing profusely for leaving the work that remained undone as she scurried off to find a quiet corner to do this. It’s been a while since she’s tapped into Morpheus abilities she’ll need to concentrate.
“—demon this is not the way.”
She sighs in relief as her attempt to catch a glimpse of her lover through the eyes of the raven had proven to be successful.
Her relief cut short, though, as she heard a voice call out to him.
She can tell from his posture alone who it was. She knew all of his past love’s and failings. Pondering if it was a conversation she could stand to stomach she felt a change in the dream realm. One of their own has returned. Taking one last look of her lover she cuts off connection to seek out the newcomer.
“Do you wish to anger our lord?” She hears Luciennes voice rings out from the distance as she continues to close in on the two conversing.
“Corinthian?” She can’t help but blurt out upon seeing him. She was shocked to see him return seeing as he narrowly avoided his home after all this time.
“My Queen.” He smiled softly having a sliver of respect for his Queen noticing her arrival tipping his head in courtesy.
“Have you returned home?”
The smile he bared to her appearance disappeared at those words. “I’m afraid not, my Queen.”
She was confused this is his home, where he belonged. She frowned slightly at that. “What do you mean? Our lord is back and intend to rebuild this realm to its former glory wouldn’t you want to be apart of that.”
“My Queen, I’d think you above all would understand what it’s like to be trapped in a place they feel they do not belong. In fact it was one of our many conversations that help lead me to the reality of what humanity has to offer. What I have to offer it.”
Her confusion did not lighten at this. Though, she does recall their time spent together the memories of their conversations seems foggy, hard to grasp. What conversation? Her love and devotion has always been dedicated to their realm. “I dont understand what do you mean?“
The Corinthian finds himself deeply confused, before the unfortunate events that took place since the disappearance of the Lord you could consider the two friends finding what little moments she’s had outside her chambers conversing learning more about his Queen even providing a bit of entertainment to see her smile. The queen never failed to express her love for her realm and what awaited her once upon a time. A laugh in realization bursts out from his chest unprompted. The lord had finally done it hasn’t he. With a cruel but sad smile he spoke again “Looks like our lord finally-“
“Corinthian!” Lucienne cut him off warning him to speak further. He chuckled amused at that.
“Time for me to go it seems I overstayed my welcome. Nice to see you again, my Queen.”
“Our lord will come looking for you Corinthian.”
“Well then, don’t expect him to come back.”
The Queen was beyond shocked and furious to hear this. Does he have no loyalty to his realm and creator. Where has he been all this time. To stunned to speak as the Corinthian broke the distance between them to speak softtly in her ear. A conversation only meant for the two of them. “You know, I’ve always loved our time spent together in the library. Thanks to you, my Queen, I came upon a book there that’s helped me realize there’s so much more we could do beyond this world. I have no doubt you’ll know where to look.”
Not giving her a chance to respond as he winked in her direction bidding her farewell again disappearing from sight.
“My Queen, are you alright?” Wanting to ask what the Corinthian said to her Queen but not wanting to overstep she assessed her well being leaving the question to rest at the tip of her tongue.
The Queen wasn’t quick to answer this whole commotion had given her a headache and a lot to think about. “I’m quite alright” deciding against telling lucienne what was said to her. “Shall we continue our tasks?”
Not fully satiated though having no choice but to agree Lucienne followed her Queen back to the library. Since the private words shared between her and the Corinthian a heavy silence fell between the two that remained. Lucienne was worried, he could’ve said anything to set off the Queen which would in turn effect her lord but she had to remind herself of her place. The Queen was left stuck in her thoughts mindlessly going about her tasks. She had thought to talk about what was said to her to Lucienne hoping she’d be able to help but decided against it as a voice in the back of her head told her that she mustn’t trust anyone with this information. She needs to see for herself first what it is.
She waited until Lucienne was out of sight to finally appease her curiosity. Though, the library has changed she could still sense that its still as it was before just shifted. The spot she felt the Corinthian hinted at was what she knew to be the corner she’d often find solace in. The spot she’s first met Lucienne leading to the chain of these events.
It’s didn’t take her long to find it, it was almost as if the library was aiding in her search for the area. A sense of urgency rushed through her finally finding the awaited destination. This corner had been known by all to be her favorite. Morpheus wanting to appease his love made the area as comfortable and cozy as can be after all this spot does hold a significance in both their hearts. She stopped in place upon arriving assessing the area with her eyes everything seemed to be the same. The book he spoke of couldn’t be here as she’s found herself to be quite familiar with its surroundings after all her time spent here. But- something was different. It took her longer then she’d liked to admit but there was something off about the shelves nearest to her favorite seat. Something was added to a collection on the third lowest shelf. The change was very subtle not many would’ve realized but having been in this area as long as she did she can tell when even an inch of a book has been misplaced. Walking closer to the shelf she began to feel dread running down her back surely whatever is there couldn’t be good news especially if it was enough to inspire the Corinthian to act as he does now.
Nevertheless, though, she continued edging closer to the shelf finding a green leather book she’s never seen there before it looks so out of place its clear up close it doesn’t belong there. This must be it. Slowly reaching out to grab the book she felt a weird hum emanating off of it.
The front was blank voided of any title.
Though, she had never seen this book before something about it was familiar, too familiar like it’s someone she’s known all her life. Ready to take a peak she felt a sickening sense of dread and taste of death fill her senses causing her to drop the book. Something’s wrong with Morpheus she concluded sensing something was wrong with her lover curling back into herself trying to regain proper consciousness as darkness began to seep into her vision.
The commotion she had made when the book dropped caught the attention of the trusted librarian who called out to her Queen, voice getting closer by the second. Though, she could barely see before her something told no screamed at her to hide the book. That she mustn’t let Lucienne see it. Using what little strength she had left she tucked the book under the cushions of her favorite seat noting to find a better spot later when she’s well before Lucienne came in sight.
Thankfully for the Queen the worries the librarian bared for her was enough of a distraction to notice anything askew in the area guiding her Queen to her chambers as she fell more pale and sickly by the second.
Finally being rested on her bed she took what remaining strength she had left to look through the eyes of the raven once again but the sight was not one she hoped for. Seeing her lover on the floor unwell, unable to help as darkness began to fill her vision completely she lets out one last cry to him hoping he’d hear her calling.
This day ended with a stray tear escaping as the Queen fell unconscious Lucienne panicked by her side not knowing how to proceed. Despite seeing her friend hover over her worrying the thought of comforting her was not the last thing she had in mind before closing her eyes but the book that remains hidden and what lies in it once she awakens. The book that’s been calling to her since.
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notenoughfanficofthis · 3 years ago
Sorry ya’ll your homie on new meds the imagination zone struggling working on part 4 to funs over tho
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notenoughfanficofthis · 3 years ago
I need brain juice there’s no shame here send me your best dark!morpheus ideas
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notenoughfanficofthis · 3 years ago
Hey cutie,
I'm imagining our dirty dirty Dream, setting his eyes on the reader who just had lost her husband at some war or something and he's approaching her in her dreams in her husband's look, fooling her till she's in his trap in some dungeon of his palace...
Am I a cold hearted bitch? Well idc. I'm a bitch for him if that's what it takes 😇 so whaddaya say? I'm actually curious abt your opinion bc you have such great ideas EVERY time you write 🧿
Lots of love and darkness 💕
I love this idea so much
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I’m definitely seeing this.
My mind is already building a whole story like what if she gets pregnant but now knowing who he really is now she feels conflicted as to how she feels about morpheus and their unborn child. I don’t even see the child being in the picture though . Like I would imagine that despite being brought to life their child was destined and gifted with misfortune and death leaving their relationship more strained and tense especially since morpheus would probably STILL not let her go even after losing their child to some unfortunate events. Homegirl probably would end up lowkey with a bit of Stockholm syndrome after a century or two but also just as spiteful and petty as he is as time goes on.
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notenoughfanficofthis · 3 years ago
How It Came To Be (part 2 of Fun’s Over
18+ Dark!Morpheus (edited)
Warning: Suggestive situations
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We first met when I stumbled upon his library, I would spend hours just reading to my hearts content never knowing that it was beyond just a dream.
"How did you get here?" A feminine voice asks from behind scaring the girl who's found a far corner to nestle in as she lost herself in the stories of her ancestors.
"Oh, I've been coming here for quite sometime. i've never seen you before though.” Smiling the female stands up from her spot extending her hands im greeting
"Hello, I'm Y/N, what's your name?"
Looking reluctant as ever Lucienne returned the gesture.
"You hadn't answered my question. And what do you mean you've been before? I've never seen you around here.”
"Well, stranger, I've always seen glimpses of this place but it wasn't until a door had appeared in my dream practically beckoning me to open it that I've been able to physically roam the place." Y/N looks around the place as she speaks her eyes filled with admiration and excitement
Lucienne is confused. Glimpses? A door? "My name is Lucienne and this is the library of the dreaming."
"Oh? Is it?" The female didn't seem surprised, as if it was everyday information being laid upon her.
She felt uneasy at the females reaction, or lack thereof, adjusting her glasses out of habit before she spoke again. "I have to say you're a strange one. Follow me.”
Without another word Lucienne begins to lead her outside the room. She's never ventured out that far before, always waking up when reaching the door to the corridor. The anticipation of seeing what lies outside of this room is overwhelming. Bracing herself as she pauses for a moment hoping she wouldn’t wake up this time. Feeling her feet reach past the corridor excitement consumes her. Finally. Finally she had made it to the other side. But before she could continue after Lucienne her form disappears. Seems she had woken up.
Nevertheless Lucienne continued her journey to the throne room eager to share this new discovery with the lord. It seems before having officially met the women had made quite the impression on the King. Now all he must do is wait, wait until she returns to this realm from the waking.
He doesn't wait for long as time moves different in the dream realm for a whole day has passed as he gathered his thoughts and questions regarding the news he had just heard prior. One question stood out the most to him, how did a mortal get into his realm, his palace, without him knowing.
Y/N returned to the library, but this time, it isn't the librarian waiting for her but a man.
But not like any man she had seen before. Caught in his beauty she can't help but admire the beautiful being infront of her.
All questions they had gathered over the course of the day eager to get the answers too they remained still, quiet. "Who're-"
"I am the monarch of this realm. For I am the king of dreams and ruler of nightmares”
For some reason she chuckled at that. As though he had told her a joke."Sure, your highness, must humbly apologize for intruding" Sarcastically curtsying with a devious smile as she said so. "May I ask sir king what name I shall address him as"
Not liking her tone and disrespect he pursed his lips settling for a cold stare at the human before him. The audacity of this mortal. Ignoring her question he begins to circle her, assessing the being before him. "How did you get here, mortal?"
"Hm, it seems no one likes to share their name around here. Awfully rude don't cha think." Refusing to answer his question as she began with one of her own waiting for a response before continuing. When she didn't receive one she can't help but let out a sigh and repeated herself as she had told the librarian last time "What led me here the first time was a door that had appeared in my dream. You could even say it was speaking to me, wanting me to go through the door. I ended up here when I did but I'm unable to venture out farther from this room."
"What is this door you speak of?" He asked curious, pausing for a moment in realization “How long have you been coming here hiding your presence from me?”
"Woof that's a hard one it's starting to feel like forever ago since I've first stumbled upon this place. Ever since I went through that door I haven’t seen it since. I cant remember how it looks really it’s more of a feeling it’s hard to explain. But after I went through it I just appear here now when I fall asleep." As she spoke her gaze was not on him but the shelves that surrounded them beginning to lightly graze the volume beside her. "It's beautiful. I’m glad it brought me here. Waking up and leaving this place became the hard part."
Pondering her answers he doesn't speak merely just observes the women infront of him. A feeling he couldn't describe grew in his chest as she complimented the work of this realm. During his silence he can't help but take a moment to notice and admire her beauty. Something about this one feels different.
"That's because I am.?'
"Are you reading my mind, witch?"
“No, I just have a keen eye for observation." Shuffling on her feet she can't help but ask "Are you going to forbid me from returning, king? Am I not supposed to be here?"
"This realm is of my own creation and somehow you've managed to come through unnoticed for quite sometime." He once again began to circle her "But, perhaps, for now, you could stick around until we figure out what's the cause of this."
Smiling upon him she can't help but jump into his arms engulfing him in a hug. He tenses uncomfortable with the sudden move, never has a mortal or any being has been so bold to touch him without permission.
But, though, he doesn't return the gesture he doesn't pull her away. Letting her move off him at her own volition. He never realized how cold it was until now.
Sheepishly she pulls away shocked at her own actions "I'm so sorry, it's just- I love this place! I don't know how I would've coped if I wasn't able to come back."
He stood silent watching her with a glint in his eyes she couldn’t quite decipher, she began to grow a bit nervous at his silence hoping he’d say something and end this awkward moment. Without another word he abruptly begins his descent out the library.
"Will I see you again, king?" She calls out after him.
He stops for a moment back facing the mortal, but only for a moment as he continues his descent from the room without a word being spoken.
It wasn't the last she had seen of him. In fact she had prayed it wouldn’t be. Not knowing what dark future lies ahead of her in seeking the company of the Endless she wished to see him again.
The king had never gotten the answers as to how she's gotten there or why but the lack of answers were no bother to him as now all he knows is that he doesn't want her to leave.
That was the start to a beautiful friendship as every time after that the king had accompanied her. Showing her what lies ahead of the library, but always keeping her close never letting her stray too far. Soon she had learned the name of the king, Morpheus.
An unlikely relationship bloomed between the two of them, growing from friends to lover. Her time in the dream realm began to affect her waking life. Though, Morpheus still insists that she keeps returning rather then meeting her much in her own realm.
It started to feel as if he was hiding her from the world, keeping her safe as he described it. But it wasn't until the one fated night things would become much worse.
Que the curtains rising from the stage as we see Morpheus and Reader laying about with each other in a room made specifically for her in his realm. Wrapped up in each other's arms sharing intimate words and the lightest of touches.
"Please, Morpheus, I want you”
It wasn't the first time she's asked but it's the first time he's given into the temptation.
If she wasn't so blissed out from having the lord of dreams rock her world she would've seen the dark look that reaches his eyes and he sank into her. My love, mine, mine mine mine mine. The repeated phrase flooded his mind as he ravished his lover.
Before reaching the end of their love making right at the peak he couldn't help but grip her jaw so she would remain in eye contact with him. He stills for a moment. She whines as he sits up a bit but not removing himself.
Taking in her beauty ignoring her pleas to continue as he treasures his lovers body beneath him running his hands over her skin leaving nothing untouched.
"Morpheus….. please" she whined at him.
He almost smiles at her desperation nevertheless he continues his pace. Yes, he's decided.
"You're mine aren't you, my love?"
She moans in response “Only yours, my King."
“Beg for your undoing, tell your king you'll never leave.”
"Please, my king, please, I need you. Let me show you my devotion to our love. I'll never leave your side."
Though he was close his pace did not falter "Promise. Me. You'll. Never. Leave." Each thrust deeper than the other as he spoke.
Being overwhelmed with love and her king bringing her so close to the edge she can't help but yell out her devotion and promises not knowing exactly the extent of what she agreed too.
But it wasn't long until after she found out though. For the next morning she found herself not in the waking realm but still in the dreaming. And many mornings to come after that.
He became possessive, hiding her away from even his subjects. Feeling lonely and caged one day she sat in her room defeated. As she was ready to give up and give in she heard a sound behind her she turned to find a door waiting in front of her. It looked to be the same door that brought her here. What's it doing here?
Cautiously checking her surroundings before approaching the door as Morpheus is expected to return soon she hears the whispers again coming from the door. But, this time she can't make out what they're saying but it sounds like a warning. Using what courage she had left she opened the door just in time to find Morpheus coming back to greet her. Their eye contact was quick, brief as she dashed through the door ignoring his calls.
Cars honking, the bright sun shining down blinding her for only a moment as she begins to register the people, the buildings, the waking world.
Overjoyed to be back home she began her race to her old flat hoping to hide from her lover only wanting to enjoy being a human just for a little longer again. But, she should’ve known it was a foolish place for her to choose as he's already waiting for his lover in her kitchen. His back is facing her when she enters it looks like he’s preparing something.
She held her breathe seeing him already waiting in her home she knew he could tell she arrived but didn't move to acknowledge her presence. She timidly reaches the door behind her testing her luck.
"If you run I will find you." His voice rings out cutting through the silence like a sharp knife.
Taking deep breathes to calm herself as she sat in the island table before her. She doesn't know what to expect. How he'll react.
He calmly walks to her table laying a cup of tea made just how she likes it before her. She doesn't move to grab it though waiting to hear what he had to say. But he doesn't speak just quietly sits before her, glaring.
"Please say something." She finally spoke up as she ran her sweaty hands dry on her pants.
“You've promised."
"I did and I meant it but I didn't know what you were asking of me! I miss my home, my family-“
"Am I not those things?" He coldly interrupts
"Of course my love you are" she reaches over the table to grab his hand he lets her. "But I miss being amongst my own."
"You belong with me in the dream realm, you are mine. What belongs to me does not belong in the waking world."
"But I do!" She cried out
"Enough of this." Not wanting to hear another word he blows his sand towards her direction leading her to not a dream but a nightmare.
It felt like forever she was trapped In those cruel dark nightmares before he finally pulled her out. Traumatized with her experience wanting to touch another person after so long she runs into his arms crying, begging for forgiveness.
It went on like this for what felt like centuries before her King disappeared after pursuing a rogue nightmare. She didn't leave at first as she was afraid of the same consequence but after sometime when the residents of the realm began to abandon their home she followed along with them. Finally being able to live again amongst her people, the excitement overcame the fear he installed if she were to leave. He had left her, it's time she does the same. And she did.
But he didn't leave and he's come back for her.
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notenoughfanficofthis · 3 years ago
Tag list for Meant To Be
Sorry guys I won’t be doing tags as they would often lead to high expectations and I wouldn’t want ya’ll to be disappointed
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notenoughfanficofthis · 3 years ago
Meant To Be (2)
Dark!Morpheus Soulmate AU 18+
This one for you @layla2-49 @fate-huntress
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Since her last encounter with her dream man she noticed she seemed to sleep better then ever since his disappearance. She hadn’t seen him since in her dreams but she can feel his presence lurking, waiting, soon the feeling of his presence was strangely bleeding into the waking world. But, it must be her longing for her dream man after not seeing him in so long as she’s sure he doesn’t exist. Right?
Not understanding the warning or better yet took his threat and promises to come for her with a grain of salt. She continued her normal life in the waking realm. However, she can’t help but notice since that night her lover has been suddenly tormented by nightmares that often made them unable or want to go to sleep. Of course, being the best partner she tried to be tried to comfort them in every way imaginable. But it seemed that her every effort to help just made their time in the dreaming world much worse. Nevertheless she tried. Staying by their side supporting them in any way she can not knowing her every move is being watched and someone isn’t happy with what they’re seeing.
“When my realm and kingdom is restored you will rule beside me, my queen.” Hearing the voice of her dream man and seeing him after so long left a warm feeling building in her chest. It’s as if this man is a drug and she can’t help but need a fix the moment he’s gone and out of her system. It took her a moment to register his words.
“Of course, shall we reign until the end of time together, my king.” Still believing this all to be a dream she can’t help but go along with her dream man’s shenanigan. Unknowing, that she sealed her fate even more so by those words. How patient he has been working, waiting until he can have his Queen by his side. Hearing those words made it nearly impossible to leave her, the restless feeling to hold her close and never leave their side.
She smiled seeing how he’s reacted to her words, he seemed pleased, happy. Much different compared to the last time she saw him. “Until then, all I ask from my Queen is patience and a kiss to hold me off as I finish my tasks.”
My, how red she grew it’s weird that this is all a dream. This all feels so real. Stepping closer to him until his breathe brushed again her face they met in an passionate embrace, just a kiss. No, she wants something more. Taking the opportunity to familiar herself with the feeling of his skin against her own she can’t help but cheekily reach up and run her fingers through his hair. That only seemed to egg him on as he enjoyed the feeling of her hands, of her body being where it rightfully belongs. With him and only him.
It wasn’t the faded voice that made her break the embrace but the unstableness of her dream world. It reminded her of an earthquake. She’s confused she didn’t wish for this in her dream.
“Babe..” Finally making out the voice to be her lover the world she held dear began to fade. Casting one last look at her dream man before she woke she can’t help but step back a bit from what she saw. Usually his eyes would bring a sense of comfort but now all she sees is darkness and anger. Hopefully at the intrusion and not her she hoped for as beautiful her dream man is something inside her tells her that he could capable of dangerous things. But, it’s all just s dream right?
Waking up with a short gasp feeling hot, sweaty and out of breathe it took her a moment to register her lover beside her trying to get her attention.
“Are you alright, love? Noticed you were tossing and turning in your sleep. Must’ve been a nice dream I haven’t heard you make noises like that for me in a while” They cheekily stated as she fully arisen.
The feeling embarrassment and shame consumed her body feeling as though she was just caught having an affair. But nevertheless she recovered instantly stating it was just a spicy dream she was having of them. They seem to believe that, pretty happily as it’s been long since they’ve been intimate coincidently since that night her dream man returned. Perhaps this is their green light to change that.
Responding with only a teasing suggestive smile their lover slowly reached over to give them a deep kiss. The thought of sleep and what awaited them was in the back of their minds now. “Why don’t we make it a reality then.” They whispered against her skin as they began a trail of butterfly kisses down their neck.
Their touch, their kisses it felt wrong. She felt like she was betraying her dream man. That thought brought her back to reality, she can’t be caught up in her dreams again. Their lover is real unlike the man that awaits them in the dreaming. Relaxing into their touch she can’t help but began recuperate these actions wanting to rid her mind of a fantasy and focus whats here in front her. What’s real.
All too excited their lover began to undress her. Hooking their fingers at the side of her shorts they get it off with one swift motion. Of course they intended to go for the top as well but noticing that she had no underwear underneath her shorts her essence gleaming in the shine of whatever light is being brought in through their window from outside. They lost focus. Feeling confident and cheeky they can’t help but run their fingers along the outer lips collecting some of her excitement. “Is this all for me” They smiled at her maintain eye contact as they made a show of putting the same finger in their mouth tasting the sweetness of their lover.
She hadn’t answered in fear they would hear the uncertainty of her tone as the excitement from the dream she arisen from was not a result of their lover in any way but someone else so she just looked up at them with a sultry smile. They took her lack of response as she probably was too embarrassed to admit the effect they had on her they continued wordlessly. Scooting down the bed to get a better grip and view they begin to leave a trail of kisses down her thigh until their lips reached where she needed them the most.
Damn, do they give good head. Is all she can think about as she threw her head back letting out a wanton moan. Pleased of her reaction they smile against her skin feeling confident in the pleasure they’re giving. Her dream man momentarily forgotten as she loses herself in the touch of lover. But not for long.
Bringing her head up to get a good look of their work she noticed a shadow figure behind them. Frozen in fear she begins to think she’s seeing things as it disappeared as quickly as she seen it.
But she’s mistaken seeing the silver eyes once again in the dark corner of her room gleaming, in that moment she felt like the prey and the eyes were the predator. Noticing her discomfort her lovers pauses following her gaze to find nothing but an empty corner they turn back to asking if she’s alright. Nodding her head for them to continue trying to forgot the illusions appearing in the dark corners of her room believing it to be nothing but her imagination.
‘You have not heed my warning, my love. For that they will pay the price.’
The voice of her dream man rang in her ear shocking her to the core causing her to reflexively shoot up the bed looking around as if he’d appear in her room. Their lover stopped afraid they’ve done something wrong to cause this reaction the look on her face does nothing to soothe their worries. “Are you alright? Did I hurt you?” They asked sitting up to comfort their lover.
Shaking her head telling them it’s nothing to do with them but not offering an explanation as she asks to cease intimacy and head to bed. The two lovers settle back into bed laying in each other’s embrace the silence between them was loud, deafening.
Unbeknownst to her that’ll be the last night they’ve spent together as when the sun rises the next day her lover did not. They would continue to be asleep, a coma unexplained leaving every doctor who’s looked after them in wonder as to how this happened. She’d spend night after night in their hospital room sitting beside them hoping they’d open their eyes again but they never did. Her lovers family was beginning to lose hope as well as she. Since that night she’s lost not only her lover but as well as the dream man. Her dreams and nights filled with terror leaving her to feel unsafe at home.
She hadn’t known what she had done but she feels as though she’s being punished. Scared, uncertain she was beginning to believe her sanity was fleeting from her as she began to think her imaginary dream man was behind this. The stress the absence of both her lovers and the feeling of safety that once wrapped her in a warm blanket in the dreaming now gone soon became to overwhelm her. Left her feeling empty and hollow. She sat on her floor before the bed they last held each other in she can’t help but let these negative emotions take control. Breaking down after spoken to their lovers family on the phone not too long ago as they’re family stated that they feared this is the end for them as their lover shown no sign of consciousness and not wanting to prolong this torture their family suggested of pulling the plug. Leave the power of living in their hands shall they wake up or not after being unplugged from the hospital machines.
She’s a mess. Her heart never felt more heavy, more empty then it does right now. She felt defeated ready to give up on all hope. Drifting off as she calmed from her breakdown the worry of what nightmare awaited her trickling in the back of her mind.
Feeling a cold finger wordlessly brush away her tears she shot back up. Alert, what she has found before her was enough to send her into cardiac arrest. It’s her dream man.. but he doesn’t exist is she dreaming? Why would she dream of her room? Of her home when she could create something more lively more happier in the dreaming.
“I have come for you, my queen.”
This all felt too real she stood up confused backing away from the figure. “H-how-“
“Devote yourself to me, my love. For after no nightmare or terror will reign over you again.”
Shaking her head trying to wrap around what’s going on she felt her bed frame hit the back of her knees as backed away from the man. The coldness of the frame felt too real, felt like this isn’t a dream. But it is isn’t it? If so, why does his presence that used to bring comfort along with it is now replaced by the feeling of fear and dread. She couldn’t explain why though. It’s as if her body was instinctively trying to brace itself from danger. But he’s never harmed her. This is silly. Taking a deep breathe to calm her nerves she reached out to touch his cheek. It felt different more real.
“How long I’ve waited to dream of you again, my king.” She smiled up at him despite the gnawing of danger in the back of her mind telling her to flee. There’s no reason to run she reasoned with herself. For this is only a dream he can’t harm her.
Morpheus was confused at this. Does she not know? Calmly breaking her hold on him as he realized she thought him to be a mere dream. He will correct her. Tightening his hold on her wrist, until it began to hurt cause her to whimper confused trying to pull away from him with little to no success.
“Does this feel like a dream?” His tone sounded condescending but he’s right it felt too real. But it can’t be. No, no, this isn’t real. Panic began to build in her chest trying to wrap her head around the situation. Lightening his bruising hold as she fearfully shook her head at him, words caught in her throat she couldn’t bring herself to speak.
He smiled at her. Finally, she’s beginning to understand. “This is very much real, my love” he brought her wrist to give soothing kisses not unaware the severity of how those words effected her.
“ this isn’t real!” She began to hyperventilate once again trying to escape his hold. He wasn’t too pleased at that not letting her escape his grasp, no not again not ever.
Still though, he looked down at her with pity. She really doesn’t know.
“I’m afraid it is, my love. I am Morpheus the king of dreams and ruler of nightmares. I am no mere dream look around we’re in the waking world”
Shaking her head at this discovery refusing to accept that this is reality she continued to try to escape his hold wanting to run to comfort. But his grip never lightened. He didn’t like how his queen reacted to him, but no matter he will bring her home and show her the beauty of this realm. Then, will she understand.
Seeing his lover refusing to accept this information beginning to once again hyperventilate he can’t help but take pity finally blowing his sand in her direction so she may rest until he brought her home.
She’ll learn that this is more then just a dream.
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notenoughfanficofthis · 3 years ago
Part 2 meant to be or Part 4 to fun’s over 🤔
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notenoughfanficofthis · 3 years ago
Hi I just wanted to tell you that your Dark Morpheus fic was absolutely 👌 perfect. Like holy shit I love it so much. Please make more. I’m down on my hands and knees. Lol thank you again for the great writing
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Tysmmm I’m glad you enjoyed it💖 made my day ty as well 😌💖🥀
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notenoughfanficofthis · 3 years ago
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Ty for the love spent some hours at work last night in the zone. I love that you guys would like to be tagged but like 😭 don’t have high expectations I’m not a writer this shit can flop any second
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notenoughfanficofthis · 3 years ago
Meant to be
Dark!Morpheus Soulmate AU
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Trapped in this prison for almost 80 years, powerless, weak. He had lost so much already Jessemy, His kingdom, his relics what other torment awaits him. His captors endlessly asking for gifts or the illusion of safety in exchange for his freedom. The king wasn’t one to relent so he waited. Petty and pissed he waited and waited, and waited looking for an opportunity to escape this prison.
Normally he’ll remain still in silence waiting for his moment, but today was different. There was something in the air he couldn’t quite figure out. Sitting up abruptly when feeling a sudden pull, as if soemthing was calling out to him. For the first time in years the feeling of desperation overcame the feeling of pettiness leaving him restless wanting out of his cage impossibly more then ever pressing his hands against the glass. His sudden movements left the guards watching him on edge for this is the first time they’ve seen him in any sort lively. Nervous it made them but they knew he couldn’t get out, could he?
Unbeknownst to everyone in the room soemthing was happening. A child was born, it was an everyday occurrence for humans to have children but this one is more special than anyone had yet to realize as the first time in millennium a soulmate had been birthed as a gift to the Endless. It’s as if someone had taken pity on the god that’s been trapped and in fear of how it would effect him and the waking world when he gets out the cosmos blessed the king with his other half. Such pure magic that was meant to bring mortals together in early times of man it had never before done to an Endless.
Morpheus didn’t know at the time what it was but a sense of calm euphoria overcame him. A peace he hadn’t felt in a long time, though still trapped in his glass cage for the first time in years he felt his body relax and bask in the feeling of the pull that’s calling out to him. Something about this pull also began to stir something feral in him, something dark.
Years passed since the first feeling the pull call out to him and he hadn’t gotten any easier. Though, powerless he found himself able to dream -no not his own but one he’s put on spectator mode for quite sometime now. Watching , waiting as he always does. He often dreams of a young girl running about in the meadows blissfully unaware of the darkness of the world that had yet to seep into her. He’s gotten quite used to the young female, after a while you could say he had grown rather attached to the young lady having no choice but continuing to watch her grow over the years.
Soon the young female had grown into a beautiful women. She enticed him in every way possible as he became more and more restless watching this now grown women. He believed his presence to be hidden, unknowing to the female tired of being a spectator in her dreams for once he wanted to reach out and hold this women close to him. He’s uncertain as to why he’s grown so attached to the female, why are these feelings coming so natural for him. As if it isn’t odd of him to want a being a mortal at that as much as he craved the embrace of this women.
Only a year before his release was he finally able to make contact with her. Unbeknownst to morpheus the women had knew of his presence all of her life. Always seeing him from the corner of her eye in her dreams. Though, unfamiliar with the man she had never grown to fear him. If anything she wanted to step closer to this being, touch him. Of course she had found it strange that she’s dreaming of a being as beautiful as him that she’s sure she’s never met but something in her told her he meant no harm. In fear of approaching this beautiful being that he’ll disappear if she tried to make contact, so from a distance she admired him. Grown to love him even despite never having officially met or spoke with the man.
So imagine the feeling that overcame her when one day basking in the sun watching the life that surrounds the meadow in her dream she suddenly felt arms wrap around her from behind. Though unexpected for some reason she wasn’t scared if anything she leaned back furthering the embrace sighing in content. Somehow she knew it was the man who’s always been a spectator in her dreams. No words was shared between them at first merely just basking in the feeling of each other’s skin resting against one another. After a while of this peaceful silence she felt him moved not wanting him to go just yet to clutches onto his arms wanting to bask in this feeling a little longer sensing her desperation he chucked remaining still of his hold. The sound of his laughter left a strange sensation in the women a feeling that hadn’t lightened since.
Her dreams after went on like this for quite sometime never really getting a good look of the man who now spends every minute of her dreams laying in warm embrace. One day she grew too restless despite having spent so much time together they’ve shared little to no words with each other. The feeling that overwhelmed her in his presence became too much to bear. So, the next night she dreamt she was determined to get answers. Waiting for the feeling of the warm embrace that followed her dream lover she’s quick to escape the hold and get a good look of the man who’s been consuming every fiber of her being. To think he was beautiful was afar words did no justice to being able to see him up close. He looked startled not expecting her to change the of routine but he remained quiet waiting, watching for her next move. All words she had planned to say to the man caught in her throat. Something was overcame her and before she knew it she grabbed a hold of his face leaning forward not exactly knowing what she’s aiming for. He lets her do this both beginning to breathe heavier then before as they wait for the other to make the first move. Timid and scared she begins to second guess herself and back away but morpheus had waited to long for a moment such as thing as he lunged forward drowning in the warmth of her lips. Unable to help the urge to return the kiss and more she’s ripped out of her dream caused by the sound of her alarm blaring.
The abrupt departure left morpheus aching for more, yearning to be in the presence of this women in the waking world as he does in the dreaming. He’s decided, he needs to get out. Now. Becoming restless once again as the feeling of her lips torched him. He wanted more. He had figured long ago that the pull was the women he had been watching over the years. He wants to answer the call, to run to her side but as always he had to wait and wait and wait until he finally had his moment.
The alarm did no justice to calm her racing heart and thoughts as she had been ripped from what she believed to be the best dream ever.
But that’s all it is to her. A dream. Despite how strongly she felt for the man in her dreams time and time again she had to remind herself that he wasn’t real. What she’s feeling isn’t real. But no matter how many times she chants those words to herself everytime she wakes up she can’t help but still be consumed by the being that consumed her every waking and resting thoughts.
When he had first appeared to her in her dreams her waking life paid the price as she tried within all her power to go back and spend all of her time being with the man of her dreams. When it began to consume the life she had built in the waking world she had to pull herself together. Try to find comfort in actual real life people instead of yearning for a dream. Seeking out for an attachment for someone to spark that feeling he gave she had went through many lovers but none filling the hole that he left. Nevertheless she kept trying. She had too.
She spent her day as she does almost every day it seems now, where she’s just barely getting through life dragging her feet wherever she goes counting down the minutes she’ll be home and asleep. But, she noticed the next night that he hadn’t come to her. Not any night after that for a long time. Used to his presence all her life she can’t help but endlessly call out to him hoping he’d appear but he never did come back. She felt rejected and ashamed those feelings bleeding into her waking life. It wasn’t until the third day of the second month she decided it’s time to move on no matter how much her body aches for her dream man.
It took some time but she moved on found herself a love that reminds her of her dream man all while trying to fool herself that he wasn’t what she needed anymore. Found friends to keep her company filling up the deafening silence that filled her dreamless nights. She slowly began to come to terms with the fact that the comfort his presence brought her whole life is gone now. No longer waiting for him to return after a while she began to rest easy once again. The ache that grew in every fiber of his being since his absence became background noise a part of her every day life she barely notices anymore.
But, he hadn’t forgotten her nor did he abandon her. It’s as if someone is getting sick pleasure watching him receive further torment no longer able to enter her dreams after so long it left him once again lonely, angry. He had so much taken from him but this this he can not let slip from his grasp. Fortunately, after a century of this torture the seal had been broken. The rush of his freedom within grasp all he can think about is running to that pull.
During his escape she could feel his presence vibrating in every fiber of her being. The intensity of it was too much that it had woken her up startled from the sensation. Looking around the room to find everything still in place and significant other asleep beside them they sigh in relief letting herself relax into another slumber.
Soon, I’ll come for you, my love
Overwhelmed with emotions hearing the voice of the being she tried to move on from she once again shot up the bed startled. This time it had waken her lover who tried to bring her comfort with affection. Half asleep they lay her back down and hover over asking if everything is alright.
But, before she could answer looking around the room trying to get a grasp of safety she stills silver eyes watching in the dark corner behind her unsuspecting lover. It’s stare was of a predator everything about it screamed familiar but even so she let out a gasp keeping her eyes on the figure trying to push far back into her bed alerting her lover who followed her gaze to find nothing. Trying to calm the situation they tried to comfort her as she processes what she’s feeling, what she’s seeing.
The figure now gone she tries to let herself relax once again, maybe it’s just exhaustion and stress from work getting to her head finally. It took some time but after a while she finally fell back asleep. But this time is was different.
It’s her dream man. Standing before her in all black clothing with a glare she can’t decipher. He doesn’t speak he doesn’t move and it begins to worry her.
“Who was that.” He coldly cut her off. “The one who lays beside you, what are they to you, my love.”
Confused she shook her head asking what he meant he couldn’t possibly mean her lover for she’s never dreamt of them nor normally have much memory of them in the dreaming.
“No matter. I have some business to attend too but until then, love, wait for me. I will come for you soon.” Unable to help himself wanting to taste her lips on his again he brings her in close in a hard suggestive kiss. The longing for one another overwhelmed their every being as they once again basked in each other’s embrace after so long too long. “Shall I return and they’re still with you, I will show no mercy to the one laying beside you. For you are mine and I tend to collect what belongs to me.”
The look in his eyes leaves her speechless sending chill down her spine. He couldn’t possibly mean it right?This isn’t real. He’s not real. Not waiting for a response he leaves her in a pleasant dream her body no longer aching as she had her fill of her dream man.
How she hoped to see him again.
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