#Because that's 100000% Ed
saltpepperbeard · 1 year
so it’s no surprise that javid’s posts and potential teases make me take damage, but like...looking at the lyrics of walking on broken glass after he mentioned it?
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paranormalactivity5 · 3 months
Hiiii, quick question, I’d really like to start a Eddie Munson x reader series but with a chronically ill reader, but I wanna know if anyone would read it. It would be very angsty but also fluffy and maybe some smut here and there but it would delve very deep in to the truth that a lot of disabled people feel unloveable, even tho we 100000% are it’s still a thought that hangs in many of our heads that we are “too much”. Basically the premise of the series is Eddie proving to reader that he loves her so fucking much, and that he loves loving her and everything that includes. At first reader would push him away because of her self deprecating beliefs but Eddie is relentless in proving that she is just as worthy and deserving of love as anyone else. I would try and be as non-descript as possible with what illness reader has. I personally have pots, eds, fibro, fnd, and Endo and feel Eddie would be the best boyfriend and care taker. Let me know if y’all would read!
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feriowind · 2 years
wrote up this whole thing on twitter, may as well post it here too for those interested haha, apologies for how disjointed this will read since it’s all just multiple random posts i made throughout the day
i feel like a lot of fics have stede just not care that ed threw away all of his trinkets and books, which like, yeah, in the grand scheme of things, material things are less important than the people you love, but if said things were your main source of comfort for the majority of your life, especially when you felt unloved, it's definitely gonna hurt to lose them...!!! its okay for things to hold a lot of sentimental value and to mourn them if they're destroyed or lost...!! also like, when they make stede say "it's okay, i can just buy them again" like no!!! you probably can't!! books are one of those things that go out of print, and a lover of books will want to collect rare things!! and they'll be 100000% more rare in the 1700s lmao
i now have a hc where stede has more secret compartments in his room where's he's stored his more valuable books that he didnt want to risk getting damaged from falling off the shelves during turbulent waters.... when he returns to the revenge & sees the state of his room, he's desperate to check the hiding spots for his treasures, but also feels terribly guilty that he's even thinking of them considering the state ed is in... he refrains from checking until he can be alone in his cabin i also fully believe he still has books from his childhood, like the few he managed to keep safe from the destructive hands of his bullies and his own father... THINKING MORE ON THIS and ANGST ANGST ANGST i think stede would be unable to stop himself from restarting old habits where he'd start secreting away his really precious things and NOT sharing them with ed, and he wouldnt rly understand what he was doing but he'd still be plagued with an undercurrent of guilt that he was putting off on sharing these things with ed even though theyre genuinely an important part of his life....
and the moment ed finds out about these hidden compartments and asks stede about them, stede would try to laugh it off and compulsively lie that he'd put them away cuz he ran out of display space and start displaying on his bookshelves... but he'd be plagued with anxiety every time he looked at them @__@ And i think when ed realizes what's ACTUALLY going on, he'd be completely overcome with horror and guilt with the full realization how cruel of a punishment his destruction of stede's belongings actually was... because i also think ed's dad would have destroyed the few good things he and his mother loved as a form of punishment.... ed'd be desperately trying to tell stede that he wont break his things ever again, and stede would be saying he understands and believes him but the fear would still be there even if stede tries to ignore it they'd need a BIIIG talk on all the trauma theyve experienced and what is and isn't acceptable in their relationship if they want any kind of positive future together........ road will be rough u___u
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xoxoemynn · 10 months
tag your most hard working fic writing mutuals uWu
Oh, buddy, I am friends with SO many extremely talented writers who work their absolute butts off to give us incredible fic and I know I'm going to miss people, so I'm going to cheat a bit and rec some recent-ish fics written by beloved mutuals. Would 100% encourage you to check out the linked story and then their entire collection of works because they are all fab. 💕
The Detectorists AU by @monksofthescrew. Two-part metal detecting AU. It is so atmospheric, so rich and tender and nuanced with some really incredible timey wimey stuff intertwined. I'm a little biased because I beta read these, but I think of them so often. Just a master class in story telling.
Respawn by @glamaphonic. This is SUCH a fun AU where Ed and Stede are both streamers. The concept works SO well, and the flirting and banter is top-tier. I know next to nothing about video games and I've still been able to follow along easily, squeezing my cheeks and kicking my feet the entire time.
wanna fly away (I don't know where my soul is) by @ghostalservice and @petrichorca. Speaking of fics I love where I know nothing about the concept, this is an Animorphs AU where Stede is just the most precious alien whom I would 100000% die for. It's such a fun, rich, layered story and I'm eagerly awaiting to see where it goes. Also just love this description of it: Our story is about finding one’s place in the universe (actually and figuratively), plays with the transformative nature of morphing and the power to change one’s body, and explores two individuals from wildly different backgrounds falling in love.
Moonstone Mage Championship by @blakbonnet. Holy crap, the WORLD BUILDING. Meow's mind is a wonder. I truly don't know how she does it, but I am literally in awe of her work on this fic. One of the most creative and detailed stories I've ever read.
Different Names for the Same Thing by @oatmilktruther. I have been rotating this fic in my brain ever since it was posted. I don't even have proper words to describe how gorgeous it is. It's basically my soul now. Abs' gift for blending humor and tenderness and making you feel the love between Ed and Stede is unparalleled.
My Father's House by @trans-top-stede. Owen describes this as "a t4t theatre au (kind of)" because it is about theatre, but it's mostly about gender and families and the healing power of queer art" and YES. It's beautiful and tender and hot and that last line has stuck with me ever since it was posted.
Gold Rush by @abigailpents. Potentially the sweetest AU I've ever read. Just pure love and romance. Just let yourself get swept away. It is lovely.
Tree Change by @clairegregoryau. I am constantly in awe of all the work Claire puts into her fics. She is operating on a whole other stratosphere and it's incredible to watch. Tree Change is a little teaser for what promises to be an incredibly unhinged Kinktober and I am just rubbing my hands with glee for what's to come. (ba dum tss.)
Matching spark and flame by @bizarrelittlemew. My current read that I am devouring, it's so fucking good. Everything Ida creates is just pure magic, and this one is no exception. Also extremely excited for the OFMD Fic Club discussion on this one later in the month, so be sure to read and join the server so you don't miss out.
I know I'm missing a bunch, but this list is already getting long and I need to get back to some beta work. Kissing all my writer mutuals on the forehead and giving them all the good writing vibes. May your muses be ever loquacious and cooperative. 💕
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alibeehaw · 2 years
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Fanart I did for the INSANELY GOOD SMAU Piña Coladas which you should absolutely 100000% read if you haven’t because good lord above it is a masterpiece.
Anyway imagining Ed sitting in the car after finding The Mixtape absolutely destroyed me :’)
Print available HERE.
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edsbacktattoo · 10 months
hi lets show some love for our mutuals. tag your favorite mutuals and tell them why you love them
oooh bet u thought i forgot about u anon. i didn’t. i’ve been here. scheming and plotting. and i am soooo full of love to give. hold onto your hats
i’m putting the gushing under a cut because this post is getting too long haha whoopsie
@tisziny my darling beloved and dearly cherished friend. one of the first people to reach out to me and i am eternally grateful for their wonderful heart and friendship. my sweetest cheese! 🧀 an incredibly skilled writer and artist who i sincerely admire <3 not enough words to describe my love for them tbh
@skysofrey kaitlin my beautiful and cherished friend and wife. we were cut of the same cloth and then separated at birth but we defied to odds and joined forces anyway! so insightful and kind and sweet and hilarious and overall wonderful (and also sooooo pretty have u guys seen my wife she’s sooooo pretty wtf) 🖤💜❤️
@blackbeardskneebrace miles blackbeardskneebrace the absolute marvel that you are <3 so incredibly nice and extraordinarily talented! every time they post art it adds 100000 years to my lifespan and puts tears in my eyes. genuinely astounding
@blakbonnet despite the angst and antagonising me for Ed’s beard, i will always love Meow with my whole chest. and she can do it all!!! she writes, makes art, makes gifs! she’s even funny and smart and hot and NICE! save some for the rest of us babe come on <3
@gentlebeard ohhhh my sweet wonderful Ella (now with a new and improved url!) so incredibly kind and friendly! always willing for a hot makeout session in the bathroom and will gladly kill someone to defend your honour (i’ve seen her do it). makes edits that make you laugh and then WHABAM!! another that makes you feel like your lungs are being pulled out. love you ella <3
@snake-snack-stede we all know that olivia is the funniest mfer on this whole idiot website. it’s literally not even a contest. but did you guys know she’s also extraordinarily talented? she makes art and animates and makes edits that are gorgeous to look at. also i’m in love with her. she’s the sweetest candy apple at the fair and i’m a snot-nosed kid with an appetite.
@flightoftheconnie sex on legs. i become hot and flustered and feint when i think of her. makes me blush and giggle and kick my feet and she’s funny and smart and hot enough to be in a gallery but she’s here with us instead. give her kisses or die by my sword
@bizarrelittlemew we may not talk often but goodness gracious do i adore you 🥹 my god you’re hilarious and you make some of the most gorgeous gifs ive ever put my gay little eyes on. and yet another blessing to the world of ofmd fanfic <3
@saltpepperbeard JODI!!!!!! if jodi has a billion fans i’m one of them. if she has 100 fans i’m one of them. if Jodi has 0 fans then i’m dead. literally so sweet and kind and enthusiastic and an absolute treasure. and my GOODNESS can she write!! her work feels like a warm hug (just like her!)
@sherlockig literally too hot to be on the hellsite with us but we are so blessed to have her. an absolute TREASURE to this fandom and to anyone who knows her. the amount of lockscreens i’ve got that are just alexz screengrabs is absolutely insane. thank you for all your work i love you forever
@dickfuckk josh — a living breathing legend. any time you need a file? a link? an image? josh has got your back. one of the funniest people i’ve ever interacted with. also makes edits devastating enough to kill a man <3
@xoxoemynn Em my wonderful Cherub From Heaven!!! pure charm and grace, and one of the most enthusiastic and delightful people i’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. such an accomplished and skilled writer as well!
@vampirebutterflies my #1 date to the observatory and my partner in crime <33 so effortlessly funny and kind and has the best taste in music ever. every single song they’ve sent me has been an absolute banger and has been put in the frequent rotation (huge shoutout to Vacations)
@bunnyandthejets my dear and darling friend Bunny who is so incredibly kind and sweet. has been so vocally supportive and enthusiastic since we met and i’m so grateful to have her friendship and support. she’s also made me cackle like an insane person on enough occasions to be criminal.
@wearfinethingsalltoowell don’t let the angst fool you, Joy is actually wonderful and a ray of sunshine <3 i’m convinced she just enjoys causing us pain for fun. she’s creative and wonderful and the World’s Number One Olu Enjoyer (and therefore objectively correct)
@sassygwaine is one of those unabashedly kind souls who simply oozes love into everything they do and create. so genuine and resilient and smart!!! writes like an absolute dream too
@chocolatepot a complete sweetheart who was one of my first friends in this fandom, and who has been consistently friendly and supportive ever since. unwaveringly kind and nice. also her writing. oh my god. 😭 a huge inspiration to silly little me
@jellybeanium124 nina is so effortlessly hilarious. she’s had me giggling and twirling my hair on numerous occasions. she’s also full to the brim with good and correct takes. (also a Button’s truther and the world needs more of those.)
@awkward-fallen-angel heather is just soooo lovely!! another one of the people that’s been here since the very early days and i’m always so grateful for her insight and enthusiasm and the sheer joy she puts into everything.
@stedebonnets i mean this so sincerely and with my whole heart: Ara is one of the nicest and most loving people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. an absolute angel who drops in to consistently check on her friends and spread love and joy. we need more Ara’s in the world. also has one of the most beautiful ofmd tattoos i’ve ever seen <3
if you haven’t been included in this list, please know that i love you so so so dearly and that i genuinely am just a little bit stupid (on account of the short term memory issues lol). if you’re feeling left out, send me a message and i’ll say something sooo niceys about you 🥹 i love you all. thank you for being here. <3
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I've been thinking about this all day so here you go.
listen. Yuu, but make her Haruhi from Ouran highschool host club.
(Also don't mind the word "potion" showing up 100000 times)
Guardian! School Staff and a fem!MC that transforms into a guy daily, in order to attend school.
Characters : Crowley, Crewel, Trein, Ashton, Sam
TW : Crowley being questionable
afab! MC
Context : the NRC is an institution full of diversity! A place where people from all around the globe, with different social status and even people that aren't even human can study.
Not women tho.
For some reason, since you arrived there was no trace of female presence, not even within the school staff. This is a boys only school, ofc, the problem is that
you're not a boy.
Just the fact that you come from another world, and that the mirror didn't assign you to any dorm brought enough unwanted attention towards you.
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Dire Crowley
The first one to know.
Because he was literally the first person you came across once you appeared.
Haha, sorry, but you can't stay here.
we don't even have girl uniforms!
but. you didn't choose to come here.
eventually, he gives in,
You can stay at Ramshackle and yadda yadda you know how it goes.
HOWEVER people shouldn't know about your true gender.
if it was known that a girl actually attended classes at Night Raven, then people would demand for more opportunities for female mages to study there!
but Crowley isn't planning on making it a co-ed any time soon.
He proposes that you take shapeshifting potions regularly, and live as boy, like everyone else.
At first you don't like this idea because, he's kinda conditioning you.
But you never actually cared that much about how others perceived you, gender-wise at least.
So you (reluctantly) accept this offer.
Also he will be your guardian in this world from now on, he's gotta keep an eye on you.
Even when everyone perceives you as a boy, he's very protective of you.
"Oh! y/n! my sweet little princess- PRINCE HAHA, YEAH i need another favor-"
stuff like this happens 20 times a day.
it doesn't matter if you're tall or petite, a tomboy or coquette. After week 1 he got VERY attached and now you're his sweet little princess.
mostly asks you to stay away from the leech bothers and some Savanaclaw students because he doesn't want to die of a heart attack.
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Divus Crewel
ngl you got him fooled for a good few months.
he saw Crowley so eager to become your guardian for some reason... he couldn't let that happen
sometimes being exposed to other ✨Magic chemicals✨ and stuff like that during class can mess a little with the shapeshifting potion you took earlier.
Some days you'll look a little shorter, your voice will be a little higher, stuff like that.
it's not till you call in sick one day that he notices.
you were NOT expecting visits at Ramshackle so you didn't take your potion today.
It would be lunch break by now and Crewel decided to bring you something warm from the cafeteria so you didn't have to get up and cook.
when he gets to your room guided by the ghosts you're covered in blankets and he could only see half your face.
it's weird, your features look ...softer today.
then you noticed he was there, and the moment you opened your mouth-
"pup... are you alright? you sound a little weird toda-"
then he sees some empty bottles on the floor, turns out grim likes to play with them.
"Y/n, is there something you want to tell me?"
Well, you've been caught.
You tell him about what Crowley told you when you originally got here.
He's a little mad but he understands it.
However, he's PISSED at the fact that he hadn't noticed earlier.
After that day he doesn't treat you any different, but he teaches you how to make those kind of potions from scratch (even if they last less) just in case.
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Mozus Trein
He didn't know what it was but there was something you were hiding from him.
he's not an old fashioned [ women should stay at the kitchen and take care of the children ] kind of man, but an old fashioned [ women and men are different, and excel at different subjects even if they can technically do anything they put their minds on ] kind.
So sometimes in history class he noticed that his words could get... reactions out of you.
even if it's something as subtle as rolling your eyes, frowning two seconds or subtly scratching your nose with your middle finger as you looked away.
But one day he said something that just got under your skin. Something about women being historically and factually worse at this specific subject...
Where you only got straight A's.
so you confronted him after the lesson ended.
"But why are you so upset, y/n? it's only common knowledge, one day you'll know what I'm talking about."
"Oh but i do know."
as he raised an eyebrow you told him to go over to Ramshackle for some tea later.
Once he showed up you served him tea, you also brought some old graded tests and projects.
"Ah, yes, as applied as always i see, is this the reason you wanted me to come?"
"Actually i just wanted to prove you wrong about earlier."
Before he could ask, the potion's effects wore off.
the old man was DUMBFOUNDED.
since WHEN-
was this some kind of prank??? WAIT IT WASN'T???
he's speechless for a solid 3 minutes.
"I see... I understand now."
Just like Crewel he won't treat you any different.
But you will notice from now on how he puts more care into his own words.
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Ashton Vargas
Just like Crewel, he didn't suspect a thing.
if fact it takes him even longer to find out the truth.
you weren't exactly the best at P.E but you were alright, and you had very decent grades in general.
However he's certain that you should be in a better shape by now...
He got you training 24/7 and yet there's little to no change on your appearance.
He's not expecting you to look like him or anything but
you should've built some muscle mass by now ????
what he didn't know was that, behind closed doors, your actual body showed a HUGE improvement
but any time you shapeshifted to your male self, it would always look the same, since it's just an illusion.
one day you were taking too long in the changing room and before he could come in to check, you texted him.
this was URGENT you needed him to get a certain bottle from Ramshackle and bring it back here, leaving it by the door.
He's PANICKING because the potion doesn't even have a label. so he jumps to the conclusion that it's some kind of medicine that you need but didn't tell him about.
he feels SO GUILTY after having you exercising everyday
he doesn't even remember that you wanted him to leave it by the door so he comes in and-
you had already changed to your regular uniform. But you looked different.
"Wh- why are you so small???"
your uniform looked so big on you.
you had no option but to explain the situation.
he stays silent for a while and then- "Okay, i understand, it's just like one of my favorite legends! it's so motivating!"
he then proceeds to tell you about the entire plot of Mulan.
He won't treat you differently after that, but makes sure you get enough iron for when it's ... necessary.
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not a guardian
But is the second one ever to discover what's going on with you.
Crowley sent you to get your potions, since they're fairly cheap, he will take care of that.
You made sure to go while everyone else was in class.
When you stepped in, at first Sam didn't assume anything.
It's not uncommon for some students to have fairly feminine features, like Epel or Lilia.
However one can usually tell the moment their voice is revealed.
You asked him for a shapeshifting potion and he had lots of them.
There's the ones that merfolk use to get legs and humans to get a tail and fins...
There's others that keep your face neat and perfect for hours.
There were this ones, (fairly popular on campus) that may interest you, they're pricey but you only have to take a few of them and it changes you permanently, it doesn't only affect your appearance but also your hormones.
And finally there's this ones that only last for a few hours and they're just an illusion.
it can turn you into anything you want, but it's effects are a little weak . It can wear off fast depending on your metabolism.
You only need it for your body and voice so it's okay.
Since he knows your little secret whenever you come to buy anything with your friends he will drop some hints, not enough for them to suspect anything but he will have a laugh or two by teasing you.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
We 100000% need a steve x eddie x reader fic. I love the trope of "two guys competing over one girl and everyone slowly realising that they have enough room in their hearts to love two people"
Hi, I got a little confused by this request. I wasn't sure if you wanted a love triangle or to be a romantic poly fic so I went with the poly fic with a hint of competition since it's what the people want😭😂 Also not proofread cuz I'm exhausted.
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"Alright, dear, settle something for me-"
"Oh god, what now, Munson?" I whine tossing my book to the side and quickly hugging a pillow to my face to hide. Eddie throws himself down onto the bed beside my legs and Steve straggles into the room. Eddie pulls the pillow away from me with a smirk on his lips, looking up at me but my eyes move over to Steve who looks annoyed, his eyes lifted to stare at the cracks in Eddie's ceiling.
"Who's the better kisser?" Eddie asks suddenly, resting his chin on my thigh as Steve lets out an exasperated groan. "C'mon pretty boy, let's put an end to this argument once and for all and just ask her ourselves." He shrugs with a chuckle, looking back at our boyfriend with a teasing look, sending him a wink that Steve definitely does not appreciate. Steve looks to me and holds his hands out, begging me to throw him a bone.
"Obviously, you're the only one who can answer this." Steve huffs, moving to flop down beside me on the bed with the cutest puppy dog eyes gazing up at me through his lashes. It's clear to me that this is an argument that's been going on behind closed doors and away from my ears for a while because it appears that Steve looks overall tired with this topic.
Eddie on the other hand looks smug beyond belief.
"Not sure if I can answer this question without offending someone." I chuckle, wrapping an arm around Steve's shoulder and pulling him to me, loving the way he seems to mold into my side without hesitation. He rests his head on my chest, legs curled up cutely and Eddie's brows pull together handsomely, his body rolling to lay between my legs.
"Color me intrigued." He chuckles, looking between Steve and I fondly, reaching up to brush some of Steve's hair from his forehead.
"Eddie, you seem awfully sure it's you that's the better kisser but," I tut, catching Steve's attention as his chin tilts up to look at me. His eyes suddenly have a glimmer of hope behind the pretty hues and he puckers his lips, inviting me in for a quick kiss, "I wouldn't be so sure about that." I whisper against Steve's lips, stealing another kiss with a giggle, listening to Eddie whine, knowing he lost this one fair and square.
"Harrington's always been one with the ladies, Eds- get with the program." Steve gushes, reaching down to pat Eddie's cheek sweetly but oh so condescendingly.
"I am so unbelievably hurt by this." Before he can scoot away, I wrap my legs around him, trapping him with his head resting against my stomach.
"C'mon, Eds. There's so many things you're better at than me." Steve coos, running his fingers through Eddie's curls. Eddie just shrugs, wrapping his arms around my thighs to sink further into me. "You're killer at guitar, you're way more funny than I am-"
"Don't interrupt." Eddie gasps and pinches my thigh and my head tosses back in laughter to rest against the pillow. "Go on." He urges quietly, pulling a snort out of Steve as he sighs.
"You're the pretty one out of the three of us- and I know you constantly call her beautiful and you call me pretty boy- I know." I can practically feel Eddie's cheeks warm up against my skin as he nuzzles into me, almost embarrassed at Steve's compliments.
"Plus, Steve and I have more experience kissing people, bubs." I shrug simply but the kind words pull something different from Eddie. He leans up to look at Steve and I, his eyes darker than they were just moments ago. His tongue sweeps out to wet his lips before whispering.
"Are you saying I need more practice because that's one thing that I'll take the time to study." He laughs quietly, gulping as I reach down to pat his cheek, my eyes looking to Steve who just grins.
"Practice makes perfect, Munson."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane2828 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi
@crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee
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notasapleasure · 24 days
tagged by @ireallyamabear and echoing the sentiment: are you sure you want to know me? Well here goes :)
rules: answer and tag 9 people you want to catch up with/get to know better
favorite color: I'm a sucker for BRG
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last song: Das Kapital - Blindsker
currently reading: I read a chapter of Moby Dick! Liked it. Read a couple of poems from a compilation of contemporary women poets from Georgia, mainly got annoyed because That's Not How I'd Translate That. Reading some other poems for work, and a novel which I'm *really* enjoying, and a tome on medieval Irish law has just landed in my intray, which...doesn't sound thrilling, but who knows. But my ability to sit down and just enjoy a book for fun still hasn't returned from the war.
currently watching: two episodes left of s3 of The Expanse to finish, we got delayed thinking we'd carry on watching with my mum when she comes to visit but never got round to it so finally caved and started just watching for ourselves. Now Ed's away for three weeks, so that'll be on hiatus again. I'll be catching up with Doctor Who, finally working up the emotional strength for S2 of In The Flesh and maybe, if Netflix stops being such a whiny bitch about me renewing my subscription, I *will* renew my subscription because I'm curious about Scavengers Reign. And I *really* need to catch up with IWTV.
currently craving: prev's answer was €100000 which I can't really say I'm not craving but, otherwise, the feeling of being deeply mired in progress on part 2 of the saga au rather than being stuck chipping my way through the opening chapters. Oh god, also some actual summer weather. Please. I know this is Ulster, but constant rain, north winds, and highs of 13C in June, really? *sob*
coffee or tea: coffee. black. no sugar.
no pressure tags for nine of you plus anyone else who wants to say I tagged them: @distressednoise, @erinaceina, @boatcats, @stripedroseandsketchpads, @notabuddhist, @kheldara , @batri-jopa , @sailorsally , @jimtheviking
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so ive been getting really into percy jackson lately and i thought itd be fun to combine that interest with fma and assign a bunch of characters a godly parent. this is for funsies so dont take it too seriously
ed and al: first of all they definitely have the same godly parent. but i could see them as a wide variety of options. zeus (thunder and the sky) because the lightning that comes with alchemic transmutations and the prodigy child reputation, athena (strategic war and useful crafts) for their smarts and battle sense, nike (victory) for their determination to achieve their goals
winry: hephaestus (fire and mechanics) 100000%
mustang: hermes (thieves and travelers) okay hear me out about this one- hes pretty sneaky and is constantly making connections. yeah hephaestus is fire but hes not good enough with machines so no
hawkeye: apollo (music healing and archery) bc of her kickass sharpshooting
maes: athena or maybe even hebe (youth)
ling: hermes
lan fan: ares (war) for her skill with weapons
scar: nemesis (revenge)
if you want me to do more feel free to suggest characters or even give your own ideas
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hushedhippie · 2 years
It's none of my business but the other day you posted about reaching out to a therapist for your ed. Just wondering if you went through with that. You seem like a really cool person so I hope all is well
AH AN UPDATE!!!! I have one!!!
SO, the clinic reached back to me & I didn’t get the best news I wanted to hear as to what they thought was the best path of recovery to take. It was basically decided I should go inpatient which makes me feel so many emotions. Anger at myself, at my younger self for starting this shit & romanticizing it. Fear because I don’t want that at all - obviously. A lot of fear over cost, what about my job I WORKED SO HARD TO GET INTO, what about me having to pay rent but not being able to work. It makes my head spin. It makes me sick. It’s been something that really just sucked more life out of me. BUT that clinic didn’t have any beds atm so they referred me else where.
I called another clinic & asked about the cost of inpatient. I’m so desperate to fucking be free from my god damn ed that maybe I’d be willing to take a month away to get help. They said they were going to run my insurance & call me back with an estimate - they never called me back but you bet your ass imma follow up because I’m DONE suffering.
Which leads me to where I am at now in my journey of truly actually getting my mental health together FOR REAL. I have an in person therapy appointment Thursday with someone new. I was selfish and chose a female therapist to make me more comfortable instead of being like, “oh whatever” & getting a man & 100000% be uncomfortable (sorry male doctors. Truly nothing against you & all respect to your work/practice. It’s just a mind thing, I swear). I was BRUTALLY honest on my intake form as to why I was seeking therapy, what I have been feeling, & what I’m looking to get out of therapy. And I plan to be brutally honest with the therapist because I am so so so tired of being a prisoner of my mind. Tired of years passing by that could have been filled with more memories if I weren’t so stuck in my toxic way.
A lot of my current eating disorder problems have changed from when I was younger. At first, it was about being skinny skinny skinny & not eating & exercising & achieving control/“that look”. But I’m an adult now & I know I can’t do that or I’ll literally fucking die & all my dreams I worked so hard for will go to waste. So my eating disorder became a horrible “habit” I say now. I won’t go into details because I’m ✨not a thinspo✨ BUT what I’m trying to get to is my panic attacks relate a lot to my eating/ed and I think talking to someone about my patterns, triggers, and fears will help guide me to getting fully away from the point of maintaining where I’m at essentially. That’s what I want to try first before I fully commit to inpatient. And if it takes weekly sessions, fuck the cost. For myself, my cloud, and my future, I’ll do it. (So if I post my onlyfans, hml to help pay for my therapy✨✨) I plan to quite frankly because that’s what I feel I need.
So that’s the current update🙂
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kylermalloy · 1 year
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Filled up the entire challenge card! I feel accomplished! The rules this time were that I had to comment on and link each of the fics I read here. So here they all are!
Old fic: Slow Life by stereobone. First-time Eruri. Luckily, the aot fandom is vast and the fanfic libraries are deep—there are plenty of “old” fics for me to find!
​<1000 hits: A Real Lasting Legacy by dibs_on_erwin. Reincarnation/teashop AU, not as fluffy as it first appears. I actually had the pleasure of beta-ing this fic before its debut on ao3, so seeing its final form was an extra treat!
Fandom classic: The Echo There of Me and You by Shoi. An Eruri ghost story. I’m told it’s a classic, and being relatively new to the fandom I simply have to trust what I’m told. Very enjoyable!
Underdog trope: The Human Touch by Cherry. I am usually not a fan of sci-fi or android AUs. However, this one grabbed me just right—and presented me with enough clues that I have a pretty good idea of where the story’s going to go. It’s been…seven years since it was updated, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
Rare character/pairing: A Third Person Watches Them by Flight. Erwin/Eren with some voyeurism thrown in. It’s funny that a pairing with over 400 works on ao3 is considered a rarepair in this fandom. But I explored, I enjoyed, and now I’m going to devour more of these 400 fics!
Free square: I don’t have to put anything for this one, but it’s fun to! I persuaded a friend to post a snippet of their depraved fic idea, which I then proceeded to scream over.
AO3 archive warning: Purity by Anonymous. Dark Eruri. I’m always down for some noncon! I screamed aloud on several occasions with this one.
New fic: Cartographical Prowess by Tierfal. This one was actually part of the Fandom Trumps Hate auction earlier this year—I got to request some fluffy Elricest, and oh man did I get what I asked for! I had a blast with this one.
<1000 words: Schizophrenia by Indebt. Eruri. A bite-sized look at grief and mental illness.
New (to you) author: Sinful Thoughts by cozyreinsfw. Elricest. I met this author on discord a few days ago, and already they’ve posted multiple works for my otp! I am an instant fan.
>10000 words: Kraków by calacreda. Mafia AU. This one I’ve been chewing on for months. The tags say, “This is the gritty depressing horny evil!eruri fic you've been dreading,” and the tags do not lie. I cannot wait to see where this fic goes next!
Underdog pairing: Offering by orphan_account. I’m not a fan of Ereri. Generally at all. But since I like to push my limits, I’ve tried a few out. And this one? A lovely, dark premise that I can get behind.
Outside your fandom: Hot Weather Groove by Beehive Citizen. I jumped over to read some Cowboy Bebop! Ed is adorable in this fic.
1st person POV: For if I am not yours, what am I? by LuvAtFirstRead. Eruri. I am Not a 1st person enjoyer generally, but this piece had such lovely, evocative imagery—and the EMOTIONS! I love when a fic makes me horny and depressed at the same time.
Underrated fave: on wanting by underfallingflowerpetals. Some of the best Elricest I’ve read! I’ve actually already commented on this work, so I left a second comment saying how much I enjoy rereading this fic. Now, granted, it’s not on any reclists because it’s a relatively new fic, and the Elricest fandom hasn’t made any reclists in…almost a decade now. (I should change that. This fic’s going on it.)
>100000 words: baby I’ll come back to you by elizaham8957. Jonerys—a…Jonas Brothers AU?Another epic that is years in the making! I met this author via another fandom we shared, and at this point I’ll read anything she writes.
I had a blast with this challenge over my holidays. Thanks as always to @thehighfiveproject for the card—it’s fun to step outside my normal fanfic boundaries a bit!
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borathae · 2 years
Sibi since you’re so good to us and you’re just a gift that just doesn’t stop giving, I’d love it if we could have a little hashtag and ask you some sexy questions/ sex ed type questions . I’m thinking more educational. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve become a 100000 times more kinkier person ever since I’ve started to read your fanfiction
First entry from me(that is if you’d even want to do this and incase you don’t just completely ignore this question and please don’t answer it to spare me the embarrassment 😳😳), okay so ever since reading your stuff I’ve slowly turned into a femdom in my head and I often find myself day dreaming about stuff that I want to do to my partner but never really know how to pan it out because I’ve been a sub for the first 22 years of my life so, in one of my head scenes I’m trying to punish the guy for disobeying my simple orders like “don’t touch me unless you’re allowed” or “don’t love your hand stay still baby” type scenes, so as a softdom with a partner who does not like pain but still likes to be dominanted, how would you punish him? Maybe you could imagine ihyily tae and oc, I instantly got them in my head when writing this down. I hope you are well Sibi and bless you if you decide to do this.
I adore you Sibi.
I actually already have a sex ed tag, you can check it out if you want to 👀
Also that's a good question. Obviously everything I will say now has been discussed thouroughly with my partner beforehand and has been established as something he also WANTS. Consent is always the most important part with sex.
So, now that I've established this let's get into the kinky stuff ohoho.
My preferred method of "punishment" would be to first of all, tie his hands. Maybe with a pretty ribbon for the aesthetic and beCAUSE RIBBONS ARE SO CUTE AROUND BOYS' WRISTS. Or maybe soft leathercuffs to give the whole a look a more "serious" vibe. That way his grabby little hands are under control and if he ends up reaching for you again, you can tug them away by the chain/ribbon and pin them above his head/against his chest etc.
And I would most definitely edge him omfg bOI I WOULD edge him so good that he'll be a trembling little mess before I finally make him cum. And then I'd overstimulate him to another orgasm because "grabby little boys need to know what theirs disobedience brings them".
For aftercare I would cuddle and snuggle them so well all whilst praising them for being such a good boy for me 🥺
I hope you can find some inspiration in my ideas hehe. And don't forget to always check up on your partner during play, ask for the constant consent and make sure you are both safe, sane and having fun!
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allbeendonebefore · 2 years
11, 12, 36, 51
i answered for ed last time so i guess i owe cal?
11. Most embarrassing middle school moment?
Did......... did he even go to middle school? I don't think middle school as a concept existed when he was "growing up". I honestly have no idea when he would have had to go (knowing him he probably skipped) or how he got a business degree after.
12. Favorite pizza toppings? List the top five in order
what hasn't he had on pizza...
cricket, scorpion, cockroach, tongue, and dill pickle. or at least, he says so.
36. Are they a cat, dog, or horse person?
He is 100000% a horse person - but i'm sure everyone can tell by looking.
51. What’s their birthstone? Do they like how it looks? Why or why not?
The birthdays i assign are kind of arbitrary but his would be either citrine or yellow topaz for november, I would say he likes the look of it because he likes warm colours.
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comradedream · 2 years
Says something about you and your anons that what you're actually annoyed at is the unfair treatment of Dream. But we already knew this fandom was nothing but performative activism. Otherwise we'd be talking about how Q still has racist videos monetized on his channel.
the actions of the fandom when it comes to videos like that one of george gaining attention is 100000% a huge factor in the entire discussion and topic wtf r u talking ab, how is observing it performative 💀 fan behavior is everything about y these videos are dug up, when and if they’re released “to the public,” how the general fandom then reacts to them, what steps WE then take next, etc… being bitter that there’s a somewhat predictable difference between george’s and dream’s, being uncomfortable w the content of videos LIKE THESE because it’s GROSS it always is whether it’s dream or george or whoever else, and also w the fact that minority pain is constantly weaponized and gotcha-ed to try to win stupid arguments and prove stupid points through targeting identities and the subsequent emotions and reactions around them can all coexist and they do 😐 and we can talk ab q, i agree w u ???? hes a great example of having a very dirty past but being allowed to move past it and not b defined by it even tho like u said there’s factors like he still has profitable videos still up 😭
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animescapist · 5 months
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Okay, onwards I will try to catch up to this and Dungeon Meshi cause there're quite a lot of episodes out already. You may notice I would be uploading more than one episode reaction per week for these series in particular. I want to be at least caught up in reacting to these two because they are of this season's releases.
I noticed this is already rated 8.9 in MAL. That's quite high, guys. Well, let's see if the ratings live up to my standards. As I've said before, romance genres are not my favorite. This is usually because they're either unrealistic or at the very least the characters feel like they have no substance. Romcom genres are different because they have the other goal of making the audience laugh. But romance... there should be intense emotions involved, plus it is based on real life occurence. Judging from the first 2 episodes alone, I am giving this series like a 7/10. For now that is the benchmark rating.
I want to see a bit of drama or conflict developing between these characters because that's how things realistically happen in real life and I think this anime is trying to gauge to that realistic view of romance, hopefully. And then, I can rate it higher depending on how good the conflict is written and delivered in animation. So yeah, I'll see.
I listened to the opening again, and I truly, truly hope this anime will tug my heartstrings cause the opening surely has. The song is just fcking beautiful. I feel like I want to cry listening to it.
Yours truly may or may not be heartbroken irl. (T▽T) But yo homie's strong, so everything is daijobu... janai?
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Holy shit, she draws better than me! What the heck! Also, how many nights has she been making this guide? Gurl? Are you studying for college or what?!
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Bro STAHP! I'm facepalming.
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God-fcking dammit! This guy is so fcking effortlessly charismatic. KAAAAHHH! YUKI STAY STRONG! ME TOO, I SHOULD STAY STRONG. AAAAAAAHHH!!! Is it just me or does his voice sound deeper here? ( ͡°⁄ ⁄ ͜⁄ ⁄ʖ⁄ ⁄ ͡°)
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Bro, stop. I swear. If people do this out of nowhere towards anybody, they for sure would make people feel flustered and confused. It's misleading. It turns out to be fine here since we know they'll end up together. Real life? Doubt 100000.
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A question we all have in our minds when we fall in love. I totally understand, Yuki. Gambatte.
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He's not wrong, to be honest. Meeting up with a guy at night these days is not very safe for girls. And she's deaf, so that's even more risky for her to go out on her own. She should at least go with someone she trusts.
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Mm. I strongly resonate with his line of thought here. I know several friends who have gone to live or work abroad either because they want to live in a different culture, or they believe they will like living there. Personally, I think there are plenty of great things nearby, that you don't need to go so far to feel complete or to enjoy. Perhaps it's because they haven't found it in their motherland, that they seek for it in other lands and hope to live their best. But if they never tried to see everything their original home has to offer, it makes me think how can they truly appreciate other cultures and countries?
I ain't talking about people who have nowhere else to go though.
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"Du bist süß." It means something like "You are adorable."
I'm K.O-ed. This guy is cute. Du bist süß! >////////<
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Oh man, the amount of physical touch happening. This is illegal! THIS IS JAPAN WE TALKING ABOUT! HOW IS THIS LEGAL! HAHAHAHA.
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Girl, I'm sorry. But you just don't have the main character hair color, okay? LMAO.
It seems things are looking like Itsuomi's taking a step. A small step towards making this romance fly. And there's this lady who I hope her character will be given some depth, and that she's not just a desperate girl clinging to her guy friend. I can't wait for them to show the reason why she and Yuki's male friend fell for the main characters. I wanna know. Here goes me getting into the next episode then. Maybe I'm a little glad that I stayed behind in watching these episodes so I can binge more. Hmhm.
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