#Because it is SO much more believable that he’d die before leaving Allison voluntarily
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nirby-wirby · 7 months ago
THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN RAY “WALKED OUT”??? NO I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THE RAY WE KNEW AND LOVED WOULD JUST LEAVE??? He was literally so in love with Allison and was so understanding and.
You know what. I’m just gonna choose to believe that the Ray Allison got back was just a Ray from a different timeline and that Reggie fucked with his head because there’s no WAY Ray would just leave
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thewatermelloncat · 4 years ago
Powers Against the Father (Ben)
Luther, Diego, Allison and Klaus, Five, Vanya
Author’s Note: Let me know if you want to be put in the tag list.
Warnings: None
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They all stand in a line in the middle of the alley, wearing various looks of defeat on their faces. Ben shuffles uncomfortably on his feet, they had all been standing for awhile now, watching as their father has the fire escape removed from the wall.
“That will be all children” their father turns to them after the truck had pulled out of the alleyway, carrying the scaffolding away. “I hope this serves as a reminder that your curfew is to be strictly adhered to. Am I clear?”
Various murmurs of confirmation sound from around the group before their father turns swiftly, his coat billowing out behind him as he exits the alley.
Gradually the group begin to shuffle on their feet, showing their interest in going back inside. In a mix of traded looks and glances back to the wall where the fire escape used to be, the message is clear: their route to freedom is gone.
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There was no dinner for them that night – a further punishment for sneaking out the night before. So, after training had finished, they all congregated in Allison’s room, scattered around the place.
Ben sits by the window looking down into the alley. He finds it weird that he can see the ground as opposed to the rusted sheet of metal that was usually there. The ground looks a long way down now.
Not that the distance would be an issue for him if they wanted to escape again, he could use his tentacles to help him down. The issue would be for the rest of his siblings.
Five can obviously teleport, so that would be no matter for him. Klaus and Vanya are supposed to be able to levitate to varying degrees of success, though Ben doubts either would do it voluntarily. Luther could probably jump down, but he’d risk cracking the ground if he landed too heavily. Diego would be a mad man and possibly attempt to scale down the brick, some part of Ben believes that he could actually do it. Leaving the only person who would really be stuck as Allison.
“I’m so bored!” Klaus groans from where he’s sprawled out on the floor like a starfish.
“I’m hungry” Luther complains.
“You brought it on yourself” Diego accuses him.
“What?” Luther scoffs, knitting his eyebrows together.
“If you hadn’t caved into the old man and told him we escaped down the fire escape, he would never have taken it down.”
“It’s hardly Luther’s fault, Diego” Five cuts in. “It’s a pretty obvious answer.”
“That also doesn’t fix the problem of us being hungry though” Vanya adds. “Dad was going to punish us for escaping no matter if he knew how or not.”
“Any rates of sneaking into the kitchen?” Klaus asks.
“None. Mum or Pogo will be patrolling” Ben mumbles still looking out the window.
“Mum might give us food” Klaus says brightly.
“It’s against her programming” Five points out.
“But she’s programmed to feed us.”
“But not to go against dad’s wishes” Five reminds him, to which Klaus huffs and crosses his arms over his chest defiantly like a small child.
“I’m going to die. My stomach’s already eating itself” Klaus groans.
“You won’t starve from one night without food” Luther dismisses.
“I can already see the ghosts coming to collect me” Klaus ignores him.
“You can always see the ghosts” Luther rolls his eyes, crossing his arms as he sinks further back into his chair.
“You won’t die Klaus” Allison smiles down at him from her bed.
“Pray tell me, dear sister, how do you plan to save me?”
“I have a plan. It’s a little farfetched so I need everyone’s agreement” she says looking hopefully around the room.
With nothing better to do they all detach themselves from their various places and come to join her on and around the bed.
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The stars shine faintly in the sky as Ben sits on his windowsill looking out through the glass, tapping his fingers against the frame nervously as he waits. A flash of blue is reflected back to him and he turns to see Five now standing in his room.
“All clear. Do you want me to blink you down?” he offers to him, knowing that Ben isn’t completely sold on using his ability.
“Nah, it’s okay. You go round up the others” Ben says to him quietly.
Five looks hesitant like he doesn’t believe that Ben really means it, but he blinks out after he watches him turn and open the window.
Holding the window frame up, Ben swivels his legs so they hangout the opening, dangling off the ledge into free space. Pushing the frame up a little more to lock it into place Ben allows his tentacles to extend from his torso.
As much as Ben hates to use them, it does feel nice to stretch them out. Like they are longing for an escape just as much as he is.
Carefully he twists around to face the inside of his room, latching two of them over the window ledge and extending the remaining two down to the pavement below him. Effortlessly they lower him down to the ground like the world’s strangest elevator.
Although the height didn’t scare him, he does sigh in relief when his feet touch solid ground. Turning back to face the academy he retracts his tentacles back in, keeping them out of the way as he waits for his siblings to appear by the windows.
As the portal in in torso closes one flashing blue opens next to him and Five stumbles out. Quickly Ben reaches an arm out on reflex but Five’s already got it covered as he steadies himself against the wall. Still Ben doesn’t remove his hand from his shoulder.
“You good?”
“Low blood sugar” Five admits, blinking a few times to get his vision back.
Ben doesn’t know why but he huffs out a little laugh. Not that he finds his brother rapidly losing energy from a highly taxing ability draining him funny. “Good thing you didn’t try to jump with me then.”
Five chuckles a little as well before he pushes himself off the wall, still looking a little shaky on his feet.
“We’ll get some food in you soon. Fix you right up” Ben promises him as he sees the rest of their siblings appear through the windows.
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Diego is the first to be helped down. Whether it’s because he wants to prove he is braver than Luther or he just wants to be the next to escape, Ben isn’t sure.
As per usual, Luther follows after Diego, and Allison follows after him. Luther extending his hand out to help her down when she comes into reach.
Klaus goes next, seeming to enjoy the tentacle wrapping securely around him. Resting his hands gently upon it and looking down at his feet kicking in the air on the way down, the brightest smile on his face.
Vanya goes last, Ben feeling the way she tenses slightly as the tentacle wraps around her, like she’s repulsed by it. Although it is completely understandable why she did, Ben can’t help but feel somewhat hurt by it all the same.
Though any thoughts of self-pity are quickly wiped away when she smiles at him gratefully and Klaus starts to bounce around the group, challenging them in a race to Griddy’s.
“Five will win and you know this” Diego says to him.
“He doesn’t have enough energy to jump” Ben tells him, looking back to Five walking behind him. He knows although he is probably correct in his assessment, Five would challenge him on it if he were listening. But he wasn’t, in the midst of a conversation with Vanya, “I wonder how many strings he had to pull to get the fire escape removed. That’s sure to be a lot of building code violations.”
Ben laughs to himself as they step out of the alleyway into the empty street. The smile widens on his face when Klaus takes off in a run down the street, only stopping when he realises no one is following him at speed. Impatiently he bounces on the balls of his feet in the distance, waiting for them to catch up.
Diego taking pity on him being alone, races up to him before becoming impatient and doing the same. Ben laughs again as he takes off running toward them. He doesn’t bother to look back at the academy or worry whether their father will find them all missing.
If they get caught, it will all be worth it.
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