#Because he can fix Jason
dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
Danny: Jason, we talked about this Jason: Get out of the way Danny. I need to do this Danny: No. Jason this isn't you Jason: Bruce needs to learn that kids don't belong on the feild! Danny: Don't make me go nuclear Jason. Jason: Do your worst- Danny: Jason Todd, you're just like your father. Getting angry and beating a child. Jason: .... Danny: .... Jason: That was messed up Danny Tim: It really was Danny.I mean, thank you for stopping him from attacking me but damn.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 281
I had a wonderful Ghosts are Dragons idea thanks to @fairy-lights-and-blobs 
Nocturne, the great feathered wyvern of dreams, son of Morpheous, created of the sands of dreams itself, might be a bit, oh what’s the word, stumped. He had been twisting through the smog of the living world, and honestly should have been unseen. Keyword being should. 
There’s a tiny? Hatchling? Growling at him when he slips into a warehouse, having been searching for a… misplaced item. And he says it with a question mark because? This is a hatchling, he knows his own senses, but they’re also… seemingly stuck in a human form. 
Dear Dreams, this is worse than how Phantom was- and he had been so injured from too much ecto at formation, even for a baby Primordial, that… Ugh, Nocturne wants to slam his horns against the ground repeatedly. 
Alright tiny red hatchling, let him just scoop you up aaand… alright, off to the Zone to see doctors, because really, he wasn’t expecting to get another child, but he’s also not going to just leave the equivalent of a chronically sick toddler!
Jason, currently Red Hood? No clue what the Fuck is happening, he just got kidnapped by an overgrown owl-lizard thing! And his comms are out and genuinely what the fuck-
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hedgehogcryptid · 4 months
AU where the family insist on bringing Jason's identity back to life thinking that being in the public eye will make it more difficult for him to crime lord. Except every time they do he just very convincingly fakes his death (because fuck them. If they don't actually want him in the family then he's not giving it to them). It gets to the point that the public is convinced something is very wrong with the Waynes, who have tearfully welcomed their dead son/brother back to the living five times in a row. The three leading theories are:
- they're cloning him and the clones eventually kill themselves when they find out
- they're gaslighting/brainwashing body doubles to believe they are a dead guy (who then kill themselves when they remember their actual lives)
- the family falls for it every time a half convincing conman approaches them saying he's the dead kid, and they kill him when they find out the deception, making it look like a suicide to avoid further investigation.
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Death Warrant!Au
When the rejuvenating, life-extending effects of ectoplasm to the dead and dying was discovered by planets across the stars, it triggered mass conflicts that left several systems obliterated beyond repair. Hundreds of Billions had migrated to the Realms in numbers that were never seen before by the residence of the dead. They had various forms of damage and disfigurement on their new forms as a result of the ectoplasm being weaponized and used on them. Their very beings were corrupted beyond repair with their minds significantly altered with highly specified obsessions.
• Peoples from the destroyed worlds being so afraid that they lashed out, ripping anything that saw them to pieces out of fear of being attacked.
A serpentine creature of the Realms eagerly stalking them and fed upon their cores to grow stronger.
• Soldiers of these races were hell-bent on continuing to fight and proceeded to attempt subjugate this dimension that was new to them. Their rage guiding them blindly as they left paths of destruction throughout the realm.
A beast, wrongly slaughtered in the early madness of an delicate fledgling world that happened to be rich with ectoplasm followed the warpath and basked in the rage.
Eventually, more creatures like them came to prominence as a result of these strange new victims. Being aspects of emotion that were born from the masses in the war.
The Ghost King during this time period could not sit idly by and watch these newly born ghosts run rampant and terrorize his kingdom. With a heavy heart and a weapon in hand, a call to arms was called and the purge of these beings began. It tooks thousands of years, but when the last corrupted ghost was destroyed, the King took to the realm of living and wiped away all traces of the Realms from the minds of the survivors with all recollections of this terrible war for ectoplasm erased from history.
As his rested his eyes one final time, before the Tyrant would cowardly claim his life, made a major, sacred declaration that all citizens was made:
• If any hostile, mutant ghosts were to be found, they were to captured and examined by the king's council to await judgement. If they are too dangerous to restrain and seek bloody violence, they are to be destroyed.
• Any scientists trying to use ectoplasm for endangering life were to be have their memories erased and put to the sword for their crimes.
• Anyone foolish enough to Defy Death using ectoplasm, the greatest violation of the laws in the infinite Realms, they were to be put to death as and immediately given their Second End.
~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~
When Pariah Dark, the Cowardly Tyrant King, is defeated and Danny fianlly takes the throne after a few centuries of training, the Observers hand him a compiled a list of names who violated these sacred laws.
They have him start with Earth and Danny's jaw hits the floor with what the charges he was seeing. He can already hear the chaos in the meeting room.
• Amanda Waller, Vandal Savage, Darkseid, Granny Goodness, a court of owls(?)...the list is long, and that's just Earth alone!
• Jack "The Goddamn Joker" Napier and a few of the more violent Rouges of Gotham are charged with Veil Destabilization.
Even Jason Peter Todd Wayne...the Red Hood!? Danny can probably work something with Jason, force him into therapy sessions (along with the whole damn family) with Jazz and a couple cleansing sessions and supplements from Frostbite...the others had to go...
The continued slaughter of the innocent, combined with the suffering they endured and the misery felt by Shades who couldn't move on was making the veil deteriorate at dangerous speeds. New pits would form across the city eventually as a result.
Lady Gotham has done everything she can to keep the madness from happening but she can't hold it back any longer. Her core is ready to shatter under the stress and is constantly in agony, but she won't abandon her knights, despite Danny's pleas to save herself.
There's a certain brigade of furry's who may or may not like this news but said brigade had no choice but to take it on the chin. They have children who Defied Death in their ranks and the Realms are not afraid to destroy anyone foolish enough to stop them.
• Lex Luther is charged with crimes against humanity. And several other violations in regards to unethical experimentation.
One sticks out to Danny.
Lex used Danny's stolen DNA from a stray core shard from the Guys in White, who he was was funding in secret, even after they were disbanded, to create a clone comprised of the Earth's resident Kryptonian, the bald bastard, and himself to kill and replace said Kryptonian...the guy who literally helps save the earth time and time again from doom.
...Yeah, Lex is undoubtedly, fucked beyond total comprehension. Anyone defending him was risking all-out war with the Infinite Realms.
But hey, at least Danny was finally having child of his own! The little tyke is only a few years old in the tube, Ellie's visits are far and in-between and Danny's status as a Halfa made him sterile and develop an embarrassingly strong case of baby fever.
He's sure the ghosts from Krypton would love to help out in raising Conner in case Kal-El wasn't really planning on being around the boy. After all, being cloned himself, Danny knows the emotional baggage that comes with being violated to this degree by your enemy.
He just hopes the guy can come around and accept the little guy...
#dp x dc#dc x dp#dp x dc prompt#dp x dc crossover#justice league#danny phantom#my prompts#Death Warrant!Au#I've seen fics were Danny Time Travels to fix things#I've also read were he gains amnesia so he accidentally lives in the past until he remembers who he is#Lex Luthor is a bitch with a very slappable bald head that Danny is gonna smack the soul out of#Danny is gonna hook up Jason with therapy from Jazz and cleansing sessions with Frostbite#When Damien is finally born and with Bruce is the day everyone in the League of Assassins is gonna get wiped off the face the fucking Earth#You don't fuck with the abyss because it'll do more than simply look back#Eldritch Mama Bear!Danny#Conner is gonna be spoiled rotten#If Damien is also partially Danny's kid he wont wait and waste the League the second he can grab him#Being the 'Demon's Head' doesn't mean jackshit when the ectoplasm youve been uskng is the equivalent of used toilet water#Bruce Wayne x Danny Fenton x Clark Kent#Clark was worried his many times great grandfather was hitting on him#But Danny told him that he helped save krytpon and found the house kf El so there no blood relation#Due to amnesia inflicted during his time traveling Danny accidently created the embodiments lf Emotion from each Lantern Corps#Danny's first anniversary gift is bringing Bruce and Clark's parents to Earth to spend tkme with them#Bruce is afraid this will be the last time he gets to see them but Danny tells him he and Clark can tag along for Jason's treatment#Alfred is happy for his boy and is happy to see Thomas and Martha#Conner and Clark bonding with Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van about Krypton culture
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navree · 4 months
i was expecting bruce to take absolutely zero accountability for anything he did as zur so i'm choosing to find the silver lining in having him refer to the stupid fear chip thing as "what i did to you" and the way he's taking responsibility for the wrong he did to jason and not worm out and actually try to own it and potentially make amends (even tho i know what they're gearing up for is to have jason absolve him* without any real work involved on bruce's part)
*which isn't necessarily out of character for jason, he's a shockingly and verifiably incredibly forgiving person, considering that he's never publicly disparaged sheila for literally murdering him and still holds affection for willis and catherine in spite of their mistakes to the point where he was deeply upset about willis being killed and out loud said he forgave bruce for not saving him (not that he never blamed him, specifically that he forgave him, which implies both bruce's culpability and jason's own internal work to give him absolution which i wish more people remembered) and in general still has a relationship with half the fuckers in his family in spite of shit they've pulled. i just wish it was actually treated as a character trait, that jason is forgiving and goodhearted to the point where he lets things slide that he shouldn't so long as it only concerns himself and not others (cuz he's fundamentally selfless yes i will die on this hill) and not the writers never acknowledging that he's the fucking victim and that people deserve to be taken to task for stuff they do and that not everything bad that happens to him is his own fucking fault i hate dc.
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roseworth · 5 months
part of the appeal of a jason & rose team up to me is that they are so similar personality-wise but they are soooo different in their approach to crimefighting in the sense that jason is a meticulous planner and rose does not plan more than 10 minutes ahead. jason spends weeks putting together every aspect of their plan and backup plans in case something goes wrong just for rose to ruin it by going "im gonna kick down this door and see if anyones behind it"
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unboundbnha · 4 months
I’m writing a Jason Todd fic that has everything I want. The foundation of the fic is love: it’s Bruce’s love for his long-lost son. But it’s love that’s gone wrong. It’s love, but it’s love for someone who’s gone (or never existed in the first place). It’s Bruce’s fear — of losing the people he loves, of losing what makes him feel like he’s making the right choices, of feeling completely lost, because admitting that he’s making a mistake, making MANY mistakes, well. That means he’s failed. He can’t fail. Not in this. Not again.
This fic is about love: one person begging the other to see them, to love them as they are, to help them in the way they need. The other person is suffocating the first because they love them. They love them so much and just want them to be happy, but happiness to them has a certain look. Happiness can only be achieved in the right way. It’s horrible and painful and frightening and sad. It’s a story about love. It’s a horror. It’s a ghost story. Don’t you see? In the end, it’s all about love. And how sometimes the people who love us are the ones who kill us.
#jason Todd#bruce wayne#red hood#batman#Zilla’s things#guys you don’t even know I’ve had this fic rotating in my head for YEARS now#I love horror. I love love. I love love that’s horror and horror that’s love#Bruce loves his son. he loves him enough to hurt him.#jason loves his father. he wishes bruce loved him back.#they’re two lines that no longer run parallel to each other#but bruce is willing to Fix That.#he loves his son. he loves his son so much that he’s willing to force him to fit his ideals#the tree grew crooked in his eyes. so he will go in and fix it. regardless of jason begging him not to.#jason begs bruce to accept him as he is and bruce says ‘’but I can fix you. I can make you as you were.’’#jason has fundamentally changed and bruce wants to scrape him out and mold him into what HE wants#because BRUCE thinks he knows best. he HAS to know best. if he doesn’t know best than maybe he’s wrong.#and if bruce is wrong? what else is he wrong about. was he wrong about the batarang?#he can’t think about it. physically can’t. if he lets that doubt in it’s the end of everything#so instead he just. slowly destroys his son. in the name of love.#(this is a gen story with no shipping and no canonical LGBT+ themes but it’s also a VERY queer-coded story)#(and 100% not at all a parallel to my life NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE)#(being suffocated by people who love you? who think they know the best for you regardless of what you say?#loving those people even though they hurt you? begging for them to see you as you are? BEGGING for them to accept you?#and instead being met with ‘’let me fix you until you fit the idealized version I project over your childhood.’’#‘’let me fix you so you can be happy in a way I can accept.’’#‘’let me fix you. we can be happy again. at the cost of you.’’#HAHAHAHHHAHAHAAHAHAHA. anyway.)
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Why are people who look at comic books from a “critical real-world lens” so obsessed with identifying the one person who is “100% right”. That doesn’t even exist in the real world.
Lost Days wasn’t made to protest global issues. It is a comic book exploring fictional character Jason’s mental journey after being resurrected and regaining consciousness against his will and/or power. Now how dare this character, in his own story where he has his own personal objective, not go out of his way to make sure each individual child from the collective hundreds he saved from traffickers and the likes gets adopted into nice homes. Obviously we have to disregard any good he did or that he cares at all because all he did was kill the fucker at the top who was responsible. Winick also never fleshed out all 42 of the trafficked children into nuanced characters with their own thoughts and feelings which was apparently neglectful lol.
In regards to utrh, Idk what this person read but there were more drug dealers Jason didn’t kill than those he did. Not once did he ever say he wanted to eliminate the flow of drugs in the community. He took over the trade. Not to mention he explicitly stated control vs elimination is where his goals differed from Bruce’s pipe dream hence why he’s successful and Bruce is still failing. Obviously if you completely misunderstand the character’s motivations you’ll find issues that don’t exist.
People just don’t want stories to be about what they are about, huh.
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boyfridged · 1 year
Do you agree that Jason, as written by Winnick in UTRH and Lost Days, acts out of character post-resurrection if we take into account his post-crisis robin days? If yes, how would you have him act/react to stuff after he comes back from the dead?
tldr: i definitely agree. moreover, classism plays a huge role in it, and i don’t think that at this point the storyline could lose these implications, which makes trying to conceive what an “in character” (for robin jay) version of these events would be quite difficult. 
let’s just start from saying that i don't think it's a secret that i don't really like winick in general. despite his work being mad interesting on a conceptual level (and style-wise, genuinely well written!), he has no love for the characters he writes about. 
imo utrh shouldn't even ever make it into the mainstream batman timeline. i am aware that this is a radical opinion, but my take is that it would do best as an elseworld story (and in this version too it would need some tweaks here and there), because it made damage both to the mythos of batman and jason's legacy that can never be undone. the very premise of the story is so deeply disconnected from jay's original place in the narrative, and so classist at its roots, that there's not much room to truly fix it. 
(i want to say, preemptively, that i am aware that there are people who read utrh as a story of a revolutionary and a victim – and they have the right to do so, but ngl, my view has always been that it was never written as that. utrh reinforces so many stereotypes that it overshadows the revenge tragedy spirit of it all.) 
another disclaimer is that, to be honest, jay doesn't have a very consistent characterization even in his 80s run, and it also has some classist implications that ideally should be either erased or addressed in the text (that winick instead exaggerated and put at the very front of his storytelling.) starlin's writing is, at the end of the day and very much ironically, more sympathetic and gentler in evaluating jay (simply because at the time he would not get away with changes too blatant) but details such as jay saying that "all life is game" and his random nonchalant behaviour that has its origin in the very beginning of starlin’s run are already signs of it. some readers will trace jason's arrogance prevalent in his red hood era to these issues and say that his actions post-res are therefore a logical extension of his robin days, but i don't buy it. even if you want to lean into starlin-esque characterisation, if you consider the core problem of the garzonas plotline – which is power, jay shouldn’t look into the solution of anything in climbing to the top. and if he did, it would have to be written as a “becoming what you feared/hated most” kind of story, which i can see a certain appeal in (and which would at least acknowledge that it was not his initial personality), but which would go back to its classist assumption of cycles of violence and doomed fates.
so – how to make his post-res era more accurate to his post-crisis robin days (and least classist in the process)?
if we were to follow my fav iterations of his characterisation (barr’s detective comics and the ntt appearances) tbh I don’t think a lot would happen, because his personality is quite mild, and just so hopeful there that i wouldn’t expect any extreme actions from him – but then again, the circumstances that he finds himself in post-res, the trauma, and his sensitivity do warrant grief that should become a driving force in his life from now on. the question is, what to do with this grief as a plot device?
i know that plenty of jason fans hate this take but I actually think the concept of jason trying to be detached and cruel but being bad at it might be one of the least offensive to his 80s characterisation. it’s def not accurate to pre-52 canon (apart from countdown perhaps) but imo for jay to be authentic and nuanced he should be conflicted about his own actions. his overconfident behaviour should be a pose – just as his frantic acts in his origin story as robin were. (again, something that many readers don't take notice of – but reading the rest of collins' writing wherein jay quickly settles into being easy-going and even a bit shy is proof of it.)
these two points lead to the “no good deed” narrative that I often talk about - the reading that jason saw his intuitive and self-sacrificial kind tendencies as something that brought him pain and that never was quite efficient, and that post-res he intentionally tried training himself out of. there are some flashes of it here and there throughout the years of the red hood publishing history, but it never got a true spotlight. and if i were to write lost days, jason flinching at his own violence would be a focal point of the story. 
moving on to utrh; i have spoken about it at length before but I think if he were written 1. with more political sensitivity 2. to have retained the same maturity re: the social order 3. to have the same idea of morality, he should have followed more of actual revolutionary tracks and the whole “drug lord” authoritarian figure schtick along with the idiotic idea of “controlling crime” would have to be thrown out of the window. 
and, later on, forgiveness should play a big role in his story. he's so quick to forgive and justify everyone in his robin run – this is also why i reckon his team up with harvey in tfz was a wasted opportunity.
so, in conclusion – perhaps not that much would have to change re: his actions but definitely a lot should change regarding his emotional journey and his position. i would def throw out a lot of mindless violence and power posturing out of it though. and perhaps make him a bit more polite just for the sake of more consistency (this is not me taking a moral stance btw nor tone policing a fictional character. i just think it would be more faithful to his 80s writing unless you want to make him explicitly scared. and it would be funnier tbh.)
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zefforuins · 1 year
I know we all love to talk about like Jason’s torture and how bad it was and all that but I think a lot of people are forgetting that Joker didn’t torture Jason just to torture him. Like he had a plan. He cant starve Jason because he needs him well enough to be released back into the wild to fight Batman. He can’t break his bones over and over until they don’t heal properly. Because he needs him to fight Batman. His goal is to turn Jason against Bruce so he can get them to fight. Joker only cares about fucking with Batman, that’s why he captured Jason in the first place
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benbamboozled · 2 years
100,000 fanboy points to Judd Winick for seeing that the Hush storyline hadn’t actually resurrected Jason Todd and going “well I’m definitely fixing that!” and then doing it himself.
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piningpercussionist · 8 months
jason kim your ex is on tumblr now https://www.tumblr.com/thesushiguyy
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Oh. The guy from Ushi Bar, right.
We never really dated? He did help me move my stuff to Hollie's place though- that was... nice of him.
#ooc: current blog canon has decanonized him and kim as an item! unless they want to interact w me and have an ideas on how I can Fix That#ooc: it was more convenient for doing the hollie interactions. the way im currently imagining things is that Kim's beef with Hollie is less#+ a legitimate backstabbing/betrayal and more Kim being put off/a little jealous of the fact that people who expressed an interest in her +#+continually will also go for Hollie and will actually pursue her more actively than they would Kim#ooc: so like. if i was leaning more on SPTO canon. stuff like roxie's comment after their kiss would probably have made her a Mega Bitch +#+ to Hollie the next time she saw her despite them not interacting. does this make sense?#ooc: anyhow at a glance it looked like they were running some jason/ken bit currently#ooc: so yeah. the way ive been thinking about it so far Kim just knows Jason as a guy who expressed an interest in her when she'd show up +#+to get something on lunch break- which she was considering seriously... until she brought Hollie along one day and saw how he was ogling +#+her by comparison. Kim was upset but less about Jason himself and more just “what the hell am I? dirt?”#ooc: i am super open to reworking this since im not 100% happy with it but it's just. the way things work best I guess with the Kimona stuf#ooc: ALSO. I have her call it the Ushi Bar because the S is always out. she refuses to call it Sushi Bar again until they fix it.#pine.txt#asks#anon#rp#kim pine#sp comic#spvtwtg#spto#spvtw#(now to go reblog their intro I suppose!)#(ooc: also. processing that you d i d give me the opportunity to put this in separate continuity... but since this is their first mention +#(+ here and this change is relatively recent for blog canon I don't want to confuse anyone)#((ooc: ALSO... he IS brought up for the first time just after the Knives kiss right? man was a shield. that's my thoughts on that.))#thesushiguyy#jason kim#((ooc: also that jealousy thing WOULD effect more than just Hollie. it's just that it happens more frequently with her than anyone else))#?#(unsure if i may change the formatting for this to make it roadtrip compliant)
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Schrodinger's Human: The Star Child
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Halfa's aren't natural by any stretch of the imagination and they certainly were never supposed to come into existence. Yes, you could come come back as a zombie or a revenant, maybe even return as good as new or the complete opposite, but never truly return so... cleanly split.
Despite being the balance of both the living and the dead, Danny Phantom was never truly supposed to come to pass and was a happy accident, a one in an extremely rare umpteenth chance, rather than Danny Fenton dying in the unfortunate lab accident like in all the other timelines and multiverse.
Despite the truly miraculous odds of his survival, the young Halfling realized something was wrong somehow, when he awoke in the hospital. At first he thought it was because of the lab accident causing the scarring on his body and face that made people look away, but that wasn't it. It has been months and yet nobody looks his way.
Not once since the accident has his parents, sister, or his friends (or anyone, really) have looked him in the eyes. He just suspected that they must've felt guilty for getting him hurt...but then even his rouges seem to have always averted their gaze when they fight, so what gives!? Was the damage that severe? He likes to think he healed up pretty nicely with just a few prominent scars.
As Phantom, they weren't even visible! Then one day, he snapped after a particularly rough fight and demanded an answer, pinning the ghost and demanding, screaming, that they look him in his watery eyes.
"We can't! We physically can't look at you without adverting our gaze. Even the humans you call friends and family are unable to so much as look at you. We don't know why!"
It made Danny stop and think. Did...did he get a meta gene awoken from the lab accident? For his sanity, he deduces that it was some form of attention repellant power, that had to be it...right? After confronting his friends and family, they told them the same thing. At least the explanation was there. It made the pain bearable when he was around them.
Then the fight with Pariah Dark happened and everything went down hill from there (he just didn't know it yet).
It made Danny glad that the Ghost King couldn't see him properly (he stuck to the side with the eye patch) and continued his assault on the blind spots with gusto. It took a while but he eventually felled Dark and took the title of King of the Infinite Realms, much to his shock.
With the Ring of Rage and Crown in his possession, he returned to Amity Park exhausted, muttering to himself a desire before he let sleep take over.
"̸̙͐M̷̫̕a̶̯͗ỳ̸̲b̶̙͆e̵̳͋ ̸̹͆n̴̗̏ó̴͙w̸̖͂ ̵̢̀a̶̳͛ş̷̈́ ̴̡̒Ķ̵̊î̷̝n̸̻͌ĝ̷͕,̴̤̈́ ̵͓͗I̴͇͌ ̵̙͑c̸̣̀á̴̮n̷͕͝ ̴̫͐ơ̸̱r̷̮̆d̵̜͗e̷̲̊r̶̞͐ ̸̘̉g̵̖̈́h̵̝͊o̶̦̓s̷͎͂ț̷̂s̶̢̐ ̶̰̚t̵̠̐ỏ̵̺ ̷̘͋g̸̩̕o̷͉͝ ̵̣͋b̶̮͋ā̵̩c̸̨͆ǩ̵͍ ̴͙͘t̴͈͛ǫ̶͊ ̷͇̓ṱ̸̚h̴̞̀e̸̱͋ ̸͖͋R̸̲̀ë̸̪́ả̷̺l̸̙͝m̷̡͘s̶̢͒.̴̮̓.̵̤́.̸͖̈́ȁ̵̡t̸̖͂ ̵̺͐l̵̙͐e̴̢͘a̴͙͆s̶̼̔t̶̢̔ ̷̭̑ú̸͇n̸̗͗ť̷͖ǐ̷͜l̸͇̄ ̸̛̬I̶̺̾ ̶͔͂c̷̫̿a̸̟͊n̶̺̓ ̴̻͝f̶̦̒i̴̥͗ň̶̡i̸̡̊s̷̗̄h̶͖͐ ̵̝̒a̵̧̓ĺ̷̮l̷͍͐ ̶̤͠m̵̲̆y̷͎̐ ̸͙͌s̷̘͛c̵̯͋ḣ̵̖o̴͔͂o̶̫͝l̶͕͛ī̴̼n̴̝͋g̵͝ͅ ̷̨̿f̵̤͆ì̸͈r̸̥̆s̸̠̎ť̶̞,̶̧̑ ̸͈̅i̵̠͌n̴̻̉c̵̩̈́l̷̳͌ǘ̷̲d̵̟͂ĩ̸̳n̴͓͌g̴̪̈́ ̸̲̈c̸̗̿o̶̪͆l̴̤͋l̵̹͋ë̶͍́ä̸̼́g̷̼̑ủ̶̝e̷̩̿.̶͕̂.̸͈̾.̵͖͂I̴̞̽ ̵̣͘w̴̙͝i̵̯̚s̸̼̈h̸̦̉ ̸̟̓t̶̡͒h̵̨͊á̷̖t̵̛͕ ̷̨̿ĩ̴̡t̵̳̐.̷̫̄.̷͙̔.̶͎̃w̶̲͊a̶̳͝s̶̨̋ ̷̫̓t̴̜́h̵̢͌a̵̗͌ṯ̷̾.̵̠̕.̶̤́.̷͓̍ḛ̷̈́a̵̙͘s̷̭̔y̴͈͂.̵͉͂"̴̼̍
(Maybe now as King, I can order ghosts to go back to the Realms...at least until I can finish all my schooling first, including colleague...Yeah right...I wish that it...was that...easy.)
And like a true wish upon a star, it overidded all logic in the universe to the Boy King's whimsy. The ghosts left over night and all natural portals sealed themselves shut with no means to open themselves back up anytime soon.
And across the planet it vanished as well, stray pools of fermented ectoplasm, medicines that used it and even machinery powered by the stuff went missing, with the exception of the Fenton Ghost Zone Portal, that sealed it self with no means for anything to enter or exit.
The young Boy King's actions were far from subtle.
Many are now without their precious magic, Gods have llst their powers, the Speed Force had been stripped away, and Lanterns across all the emotional spectrum found themselves on their homeworlds with rings that failed to respond, their lights snuffed out. Two birds are now sound asleep, unable to open their eyes.
But before Nabu had been pulled out of his Helmet, he told his wearer one cruical message.
"The Source has been sealed away by a being powerful enough to possess all Sapient life in Multiverse, The Anti Life Equation has been unleashed."
#dc x dp#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dp x dc prompt#Anti Life Equation!Danny#Danny: Can't I catch a break!? 😔#Infinite Realms: Sure thing Short King#The Infinite Realms is the Source#Everyone who uses Divine/Otherworldly power: WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?#Nobody can look at the Anti Life Equation so that means nobody can look at Danny and now he has depression#Obtaining the Ring and Crown has elevated his powers to bend the sentience of both the Mortal/Spiritual planes#The Leauge memebers are freaking out because they think it's Darkseid#While Darkseid thinks the Earthlings may have discovered it and is preparing to invade#Jason and Damian are in comas because the Ectoplasm in their bodies was ripped out by the wish#Ras al Ghul and many of his ninja has been bathing in sewage for so long that it sent them to the Realms and is executed for cheating death#When the Leauge eventually finds out about Phantom they're gonna demand he fix everything#Bruce wants his boys back and will probably threaten if nobody gags him first#Danny will be beyond pissed because he has struggled to keep Amity Park safe for years and got zero help from the “Heroes”#Only for them to barge in and start chastising him#He's gonna fix the issues first and then beat them into paste for their lack of empathy and ban them from Amity Park#It's like they forgot that he didn't know he some unstoppable force and is actually a teenager who needed so much help#Darkseid shows up in the middle of the fight and Danny erases him and every evil being on Apocalypse with a snap of his fingers
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martyrbat · 2 years
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red hood: the lost days #6
[ID: Jason Todd pinning the Joker down in a puddle of gasoline by sitting on his chest. Jason is without his helmet with it laying in the gasoline near them. He has red eyeshadow around his eyes in the shape of his Robin mask and is snarling through gritted teeth down at the Joker, who's smiling up at him. Jason's muscular arms are exposed by wearing a black tanktop and blue jeans while the Joker is in his pinkish purple suit. Jason is holding a lit torch and behind them is a barricade of flammable barrels and the bright, full moon. In front of the moon is Batman with his cape flared out to resemble wings, his only visible feature being his glowing eyes. END ID]
#i know his dramatics and revenge fantasy gets the best of him but for the joker it just. didn't make sense#'i want it to be long and painful like how he beat & killed me' can be something yea but?? to actually stop ?#have him fantasize and build up this idea of what itll be like to kill joker and then the toppling down as hes still just so traumatized#and hurt. have him realizing how it didnt magically fix everything while also being confident in his choice because that risk of another#kid being merciless beaten or killed is gone. that he killed a horrible person and the world is better because of it#just... he isnt the world.#he stopped potential harm for others he feels good in killing joker he believes it was the best thing to do and he did it#but? what do you do when that harm isnt potential? when it isnt a threat but instead a memory that you have to relive through with every#single breath that you aren't supposed to have in the first place?#you did what you surely must been brought back to life to do. but now youre alive and you're alone and you dont know what else to do.#then have his anger or betrayal feelings at bruce. have jason developing and discovering himself#not as robin. not as a vengeful ghost. not as anything. but as jason todd and how hes carving his own destiny and the universe doesnt know#how to handle that. let him go through grief and trauma and anger. let him be cunning and a bitch. let him have the biggest heart.#let him work his way through crime rings and solo work and be a drug lord and how he helps gotham directly and just have some growth that#isnt centered around the man that killed him and the man that failed him.#jason todd#the joker#red hood#c: red hood: the lost days | i: 6#crypt's panels#lost days#covers
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hauntingblue · 1 year
Thinking about suicide through time travel but in a way that changing yourself in the past makes it so you aren't yourself in the present (the past changes the future so your suicidal you ceases to exist basically) maybe you take yourself out of a traumatic situation, become someone your past self can rely on and help to cope with something etc. Thinking about how this reflects how you can't see the future and only the past, and how this is basically healing your past (inner) child but that makes you disappear and still doesn't fix your current situation bc you just end up dying but it's less of a proactive move (like crossing the street without looking for cars). Anyways I see jason doing this (like utrh this is another I wanna die but let's make it complicated)
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dick-the3rd · 2 years
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@exhausted-pigeon you taunted me now deal with the consequences.
I don't really have one interpretation of him, I have several.
Do you know that post that says that comics are a bit like ancient myths, and how a character may have many sides, depending of what story is being told? Yeah, this is mostly how I approach comics, with only one difference, comic characthers aren't immutable, so they can change and evolve.
You see, a comic book character exists beyond the pages, it exists on the popular imaginary, it exists on movie adaptations, tv series, animated series, games, and so on, and often those media interact with each other, see Harley Quinn, for example, who was created for the animated series but later was properly introduced to the comic universe. And why this is relevant, you might ask, because, well, the character doesn't exist as a hard and well defined character, it exists as several interpretations.
For me, as a fan and not a DC writer, is useless to find who is the Real Jason, he doesn't matter for me. Several writers have written and published their interpretation of Jason, and sometimes contradicting each other, so instead of trying to find a coherent narrative of who is Jason Todd I rather accept there are many, and then I play with them depending of the situation and the story I want to tell.
For me, there's the Angry Jason, the Jason who didn't forgive Bruce and never will. This Jason is more violent with his methods, more ruthless on the streets, he isn't afraid to face Batman or any other bat. He does what needs to be done, and has no intention of playing by any rules that not his own. He's unpleasant to be around, and more often than not the only thing he shares with the kid who died is the memories, because even the name Jason Todd is foreign to him.
I have the Broken Jason too. This Jason awoke in a world that moved on without him, and had nothing to cling on except his name and his memories. This Jason is angry too, but he's also hurt. He lashes out because that's the only way to make sure he's going to make a difference this time. His violence it's not because he wants to punish the world, he's violent because he's afraid of the clock ticking against him. He wants to make as much difference as he can before he dies again. He wants to accept the family back because he didn't had that the first time, and he wants to know how it is, to have a safety net and people to have his back.
I have the Grieving Jason. This Jason mourns for the kid who died, and who lives this second life to make sure that kid never die again. He's his own protector. He is violent because if this is what it takes to stop it all, then he'll do it. He doesn't hate Batman and doesn't think there's anything to forgive, Bruce did the things he thought right, and it wasn't enough, so Jason himself will fill in the voids. This Jason is more melancholic, his death was something that changed him so deeply that he is no longer the same person as before.
I have other Jason's too, altought not by name. I have a Jason that never really changed, and he is the exact same Jason as before, but it's easier for everyone to pretend he's not. I have a Jason that only needed a bit of time to understand things. And I could keep going forever. For me, all those Jason's exists in the comics, it's just a matter of highlighting certain characteristics.
The most permanent interpretation of Jason that I have is actually more of a set of values I consider the core of the character. I think he's a very emotional person, who cares too much and has hard time letting people go, even after they do him harm. I think he has his own moral code, that may vary depending of the interpretation, but always include saving people rather than punishing the agressor. I think he has a hard time separating justice from revenge, and when he does he has a even harder time deciding which path to choose. I think he's a bit too dramatic and likes to act like he's the main character in the story. I think he's too brave for his own good.
I hope this makes sense
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