#Beat Sceen
afterlife-2004 · 28 days
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afterartist · 8 months
Every now and then I get a notification from ao3 that someone kudosed my fic and I’m just sitting there suddenly ‘OH SHOOT- IM A WRITER- I NEED TO UPDATE-‘
then I go back to scrolling on tumblr like my sins don’t exist
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skelekins · 1 year
Chapter 8 of M&M is finally here! Huzzah!
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worldofkuro · 4 months
This is going to be some what werid. Do you think you can do a one shot were it's the sceene where reader has that cold and alastor thought you would die but alastor point of view. Him scared of us dieing seems fun.
It is not weird at all dear. It was nice to write! I hope you will enjoy it. It is not very long unfortunately.
Sick of You
“ She is sick, bébé. She can’t come see you.”
Alastor looked at his mother, blinking at her. 
You’ve been sick for a whole week and his mother didn't want him to meet you because she didn’t want him to catch your cold. He tilted his head as his mother left the living room, letting him all alone with his thoughts. 
You were sick…
What a strange combination of words. 
You could be annoying, you could be funny… But sick ? He went to his bedroom and looked at Eamon who was sitting on his bed. He took the plushie and held it in front of him. Was it because he took it from you? Maybe Eamon was really protecting you from something?
You were sick…
Was it his fault? 
He was squeezing the plushie against him. He didn’t want you to hate him. He should give you back the plushie so you could get better and meet him once more. 
He waited until it was dark outside, until his mother was deep asleep and left the house. He held Eamon against his body, walking into the dark street of New Orleans. He was looking around, never feeling scared, not even once. 
He saw your house and went to the backyard, climbing to the tree and tilted his head when a crow sat on the branch, next to him.  The crow tilted his head before sitting on the window sill, tapping his beak against the glass.
He tilted his head when he saw your mother open the window and tried to shush the crow. She wanted you to rest but it seemed like the crow was disturbing you. He waited, counting to one thousand before going near the widows and tapped against the glass. He could see your sleeping form moving. He knocked once more and saw you form clumsily opening the window.
“ Go away, crow… I want to sleep…”
He entered your bedroom easily, you seemed so weak, it was horrifying. You were staggering toward your bed and fell on it, breathing heavily. He walked toward you, kneeling in front of your bed. He could see you sweating a lot, you seemed to have problems breathing…  
You were sick…
And it was making him feel bad and he didn’t like that.  You were supposed to be stronger than this, you were stronger than this. You shouldn’t be this weak, it wasn’t you. You were supposed to shine bright, smiling at him, being upset at him for teasing you, running away from him but always coming back when he couldn’t catch you. Seeing you this weak was reminding him that he was like you.
He shook his head, you weren’t weak… But seeing you like this, having troubles just to breath was terrifying. Were you going to die…? Were you going to leave him alone? You couldn’t, you did not have the right. 
He put Eamon next to your head, making you wake up. He was staring at you, whispering in the dark, could you even see him?
“ You need to get better.”
You blinked before falling asleep again. You were squeezing Eamon against you, maybe Eamon was given you strength like it did when his father was beating him? He watched as you smiled in your sleep, hugging your plushie against you. 
He stayed with you, staring at your chest, making sure it was moving.  He would wipe your forehead with his sleeves, sneakily going into the kitchen to bring you water when you unconsciously said your throat was dry. You seemed to be delirious because of the fever, you weren’t fully conscious, you didn't seem to be aware of his presence. 
He blinked when he saw the first light of the sun. He blinked, he was used to getting sleepless nights but it was the first time he had to take care of someone. Your fever went down a little, and your breathing was less labored. He was feeling less anxious about leaving you alone.
He walked toward the window and left you, climbing down the tree before running back home. He didn’t want his mother to find his room empty, he didn’t want her to be worried.
You were sick.
It was a stressful experience, it was like you were running away from him in a place he couldn’t follow. 
But he knew you would come back to him.
Just like when he couldn't catch you, you would run back to him like you couldn’t stay away from him. You would come back to him.
You were sick, but not sick of him.
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Okay I kinda decided to write a list of "shaddy" things around Don to keep it in order.
So there are two parts "Things that definitely were intentional and will reappear later" and "Maybe that's product of my imagination, maybe not, who know" to not mix important parts with questionable
Things that definitely were intentional and will reappear later
That thing appears in her character description, in list of particulars , and none of other characters has anything like this. Not even Outis whose records about past are not permitted for us. Which makes me question what the fuck is that???
2. Spoiler CG
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That's all we have from TGS teaser for her. All other CGs with her presence already were shown in the plot, and only this one left. And it frankly gives us nothing. It seems that Don in battle, but they have battle every chapter and we have no fucking hint who she against there.
3. Background and Ferris wheel/windmill
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We can see a wind mill behind her back on her promo art. Or technically a ferris wheel in shape of wind mill with merry-go-round. And that's somehow connected to her, but in which way? Is it about her past? Or is something metaphorical as Yi San? Is there any amusement parks in the City???
4. Her eyes
We have this moment in Canto II Episode: 8
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And in the City where you can literally change your eye color to any color you want that kinda means at least something
5. Dance
Canto II Episode: 15 and that sceen
It's creepy how her voice lowers down and how this gang implies that she's insincere. It is the first when we understand that there is something fucked up with her
6. Don, Vergilius and The Deal
Canto III Episode: 10
Vergilius punishes Don for her reckless behavior and it seems cruel, but expected until-
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There is the deal between Don and Verg, and a mere mentioning of it is enough to shut Don up for the rest of the chapter. It seems like this deal was made on the day when she joined Limbus company... but isn't Faust the one who found and hired sinners? We know for sure she was the one to hire Yi San and Vergilius himself. And as far as we can see, Vergilius doesn't seem to want Don in his crew. So why make a deal with her???
7. Old Friends
Canto III Episode: 19
Sinclair has an episode, and Don volunteers to help him which leads to
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And explains her action "Pardon my rash action. Oft I would find myself overcome by fervor, rampaging much the same as a riderless horse. At such moments, mine old friends helped me to come to myself—by beating me senseless. ‘Twas, at times, the only remedy to the fever that had overtaken me."
And that's like the only thing we get to know about her past. Her friends used to beat her regularly because of her episodes. And sinners are surprised with this, which means it's not a common way in The City(I wouldn't be surprised if it was). But it works on Sinclair, bringing him to his senses and leaving us with questions such as "Who was Don's friends?" and "How exactly Don's rampage would look?"
8. ...
Canto IV Episode: 28
Sinners discuss the deal they made with Limbus company and reason why they joined it and
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Don has this "...." for some fucking reason.
And the thing is that other Sinners were quiet too. Meursault, Hong Lu, Rodya- didn't say a thing during this talk, but only Don's silence was highlighted. Which makes us wonder how her deal differs from others?
(and if she made a deal at all)
9. Role
Canto IV last chapters
Sinners are given roles from Yi San's past according to their personalities, and Don gets the role of Gubo, second shaddiest parson in League, and the man who kept Yi San locked and drugged.
Kinda kinda surprising, isn't it?! I mean we met Gubo a few times and Don seemed to be the least matching person to him, but Yi San's mind still chooses her to play him. Which again raises a lot of questions.
10. Familiar sight
Canto IV Episode: 53
Sinners see Dongrang and how he speaks with someone whom they don't see. That's sight is surprising for all of them, but
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Don quixote and Faust
And if for Faust it was expected to know about Distortions, how exactly did Don find out these symptoms? Was she distorted? Or was someone close to her?
11. La Sangre de Sancho
Why is her personal EGO named "Blood of Sancho"?! It's the only EGO that includes someone name. Is it her name? Is it the name of her friend? Why she wields his blood. Is he dead? How did he die?
12. Moon
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That's technically a question to Shi IDs together, because they live to mention Red Moon, but no one explain what the fuck it suppose to mean? And there is no explanation in Ruina or Lobotomy?
Okay, we finished with good stuff, and there starts part where my delusions lie. Their credibility differs from "maybe" to "very low", and I understand that, but I can't ignore it, so there is it
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Don commit the third murder on the bus, killing Ryoshu, and it doesn't seem surprising, but in Canto IV we learn that it's extremely difficult to sneak on Ryoshu and only professional killers of higher rank managed to do it. But Don managed to kill her, without any resistance.
Of course it can be said that Ryoshu wasn't on guard at that moment, or it was made for comedic effect, but there is a chance it could mean something.
2. Star
“¡Por alcanzar la estrella inalcanzable!”
"To reach the unreachable star!"
I could ignore this just as cool quote, but in Ruina there was so many talks about stars, and in Limbus it continues making it's an important metaphor (or sometimes a real thing). It makes me think how much my understanding of those words will change after her Canto?
3. Lack of Pride
Sinclair and Don are the only sinners who can't use their personal EGO by themselves and that's already must to mean something, but then Sinclair gets ID with sin he needs, but Don doesn't have. She has four IDs and none of them have Pride. Is this just a coincidence or Pmoon tries to tell us something? I guess we will see with next ID
Okay, that's it. At least, that's all I remember. If you have anything else which I missed (for both part, I would like to hear your delusion about any weird phrase or sprite or anything else)
I guess I will update this list with time, when Pmoon answer my question or give more of them.
Hope it was fun to read
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spitinsideme · 6 months
I’m just gonna go find more gay songs now bye—
SCENE WUEEN SCEEN QUEEN SCEENE QUEEN !!!!!!!!!! GOD I FUCKING LOVE HER KAUIX SOMCUXH OHMYGOD I LOVE TJAY SONG SONUCH MYFAVRLIOTE SONG THAT SHE HAS MADE IS MILF MAN I LOVE FUCKING DIDDLE ME PINK SLAP MY ASS TIL ITS BLUSHING ots rhe beat its so amaozng AND RHE MUSIC VIDEO ???? WOAH ?????? ASS ??? WOMEN IN SHORT SHORTA ???? i am not immune to womej with cowboy hats and short shorts and a country style song because i am in fact an enjoyer of women, especially from the south also the wpart where she has this hige ass pink dilro is very finny to me i love sex jokes scene wueen is the best evee i want to biy her bimbocore shirt si badly bit unfortunately i am poor .. one day i will she fucks so hard i love her songs somuxh SHE HAS THIS SONG CALLED PINK HOTEL ???? AND ITS SO GOOD AND ITS LIKE WOAH !!! BEST SONG EVER
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winterpower98 · 2 months
Weeelll, since you asked so nicely ~ :3
This is all technically spoilers for my FIB AU, since season 5 won't matter for a LONG time, but I'm not about to pass up an oportunity to share my ideas with someone, especially if that someone is the creator of my favorite monkie kid AU! XD
The part that has raised my biggest interest so far, was the LBD halucination during the 100 eyed demon episode.
Since LBD in my AU is still around and has a truce with MK, and later even becomes his mentor, that scene will become quiet interesting.
My idea is to have the sceen with LBD start out the way it did in the episode. But than the memory of past-LBD get's interupted by a memory of present-LBD. A way of MK's subconcious to aid him, and show him a possible way out of this situation.
In my AU, MK doesn't get the reinforcement of having to sacrefice himself, he breaks free of the 100 eyed demons controle on his own before the demon can drag that memory up, using a method that LBD has thought him in the past.
I actually even drafted a dialouge blue print, for whenever that stuff actually becomes relevant in my AU xD
Over all I think I'm gona make MK more stable during my AU's version of season 5? With LBD as a third mentor at his side, he has someone who matter-of-factly keeps reminding him that he beat destiny before, and that self sacrifice is stupid. "I thought you better than this" sort of way.
In contrast to making MK more stable, I totaly plan on bringing Bei He more into my AU, and give her a total mental breakdown over receiving ice powers after the stones where split xD
Contrary to MK, she still isn't on particularly good terms with LBD, and fears the demon, even after LBD "joining" the "good side".
But that's pretty much all the ideas I have so far ^^
Thank you for listening and allowing me to ramble! :3
(Not sending this as anon, but still signing it xD)
Oooohhh, that is interesting!
I love that MK breaks out of the hallucination by himself, shows how much he has improved.
My question is LBD going to be there in the pagoda when that happens? Because if she is that would give you another interesting interaction
But also, poor Bai He cannot catch a break XD
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nomallmovieschicago · 1 month
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21 August 2024
Film: DÌDI (dir. Sean Wang, 2024, USA)
Forum: AMC NewCity  Format: DCP
Observations: Maybe a dozen folks for this sceening, but they made up in enthusiasm what they lacked in numbers. Folks laughed (appropraitely) at the travails of a middle-schooler struggling socially and internally during the summer of 2008, as his successful sister readies to go college. Just a nice, pleasant film with a lean running time that hops nicely from beat to beat. Reminscent of (though a bit quicker paced than) EIGHTH GRADE (d. Bo Burnham, 2018, USA).
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sunshine-overload · 1 year
[BSTS] 4th Anniversary ‘Outsider’ Event Story - Part 2
Part 1
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Chapter 8
-starless break room-
saki: Good work today, everyone.
ran: Oo it's Nee-chan! Ya came to watch us again today did ya?
nekome: It's been tough for Saki-chan too hasn't it~? Picking the cast members and coming to watch all our shows, you've got your hands full.
saki: Oh no, I haven't been doing much... Compared to you guys this is nothing.
taiga: I can't deny the fact that it's been difficult, this show especially. Like seriously, what was up with that improv part? The air still feels tense even now. 
ran: Hm-? I love that about it though, ya get used to it eventually!
taiga: Uegh, as if... There's no way I could get used to such a nerve-wracking show. Though, I guess I am a bit more used to it than the first performance.
kasumi: You really have to keep your guard up more than usual.
ran: This survival theme's great! It makes ya wonder if this is what it'd be like if we really did all try to kill each other. Ain't it exciting~?
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nekome: That's quite a disturbing train of thought.
ran: No seriously, aren't ya curious what it'd be like?
taiga: Geh... Just imagining that happening is horrific enough.
kasumi: Since I'm a mob character I guess dying first would be my destiny~ When I consider that, it's reassuring.
taiga: No, what. Normal people wouldn't find that reassuring.
ran: Oh! So ya saying ya would still fight then, huh Taiga?
taiga: I wouldn't say I'd fight exactly... I'd make use of traps or something and survive as long as I can, basically. I ain't the sorta character that would fight head on in a bold fashion. If I were to run into Kokuyou he'd beat me to a pulp in three seconds flat.
nekome: Kokuyou does seem to be the type that would kill you quickly.
ran: Ahahaha, you're probably right! He'd take ya down the moment ya cross paths. However when it comes to those that are strong at hand to hand combat, all ya gotta do is take 'em out first by throwing a bomb or somethin'.
taiga: Hmm, a more guaranteed method would be better. Like setting up a poison trap from the same distance and then delivering the final blow whilst they can't move. Rather than planting your own bombs, defusing them and rubbing it in your opponent's faces is more fun.
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nekome: You're really raring to go there Taiga, impressive impressive. However, aren't those sorts of crafty characters the ones that end up self sabotaging themselves in the end?
taiga: Geh... Don't say that.
ran: That's when Ran-chan would make his grand appearance. I'd show up an’ wipe out any of the remainin’ tough guys in one go~ ☆ Wouldn't it be the best if we were legally able to kill each other?
saki: (This conversation keeps heading in even more disturbing directions...)
taiga: Dude don't go full psychopath on us. Look, you're freaking Saki-san out.
ran: It goes without sayin' that no matter what happens, till the very last moment, I would plan to protect ya, Saki-chan. So don't worry!
saki: Ahaha...
Chapter 9
-starless restaurant area-
aogiri: ...That's everything you ordered. Please enjoy yourselves.
female guest 1: Thanks. I've gotta say, your smile is so healing, Aogiri-san~
female guest 2: I know right. And you're so gentle and polite too, almost like a butler. I love it, I might become a stan~!
aogiri: Thank you, I'm honoured. I'm still only a trainee for now, but if I do get to be on the stage one day, I'll look forward to having your support.
-sceen pans to kei-
kei: Hm... He does not appear to be lacking in ability.
sin: Are you saying he's already grasped the upper strings then? Eloquence and secrecy go hand in hand. The tune that the crested ibis plays on the koto could easily become a melody that opens the gates.
kei: We cannot yet determine that. We of course still need to continue with caution but... If that's the case it may be safer for us to keep him under surveillance. How is the matter of the costumes progressing?
takami: Things are going well. I'm slowly learning more about how the external duties work. I was considering having him try and make a prototype costume for himself as well, what do you think? Well, first of all I think we should get him to show us what he’s capable of.
kei: ........
-behind starless, night time-
ran: Aaaand, there we go. Whew, today's been a lot.
-takami steps outside-
takami: Good work, Ran.
ran: Ooh, hi Takami, you too~
takami: How have things been going recently in Team B?
ran: Why ya askin' all of a sudden?
takami: I was wondering how Hinata's been handling things. Do you think he'll make for a good understudy?
ran: Ahh that's what ya meant. It's been tough for y'all on the temp management team huh. Hinata gives it his all during training, even though he's still got a lot to learn. But, the understaffing issue should be better now!
takami: That's good to hear. I'd heard he has been a big fan of Team B for a while now, so I was worried he might've just been slacking off.
ran: Yea he's a fan. The day Iwami-san brought him was the first time he'd ever been here though, right? This store is pretty underground, and minors rarely ever visit. So I was wonderin’— How on earth did he discover Heath then?
takami: Who knows. Perhaps he must've seen him in videos online?
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ran: Ahh, he did say that, he did. That he saw a video of us! Well at any rate, don't worry, we'll make sure to take reaaal good care of him!
takami: I see, thank you.
ran: Imma head on in then~
-ran leaves-
takami: ........
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(tl note: I recommend listening to this ran takami convo voiced, I tried my best but it’s hard to convey that they clearly both know there’s something else going on, and that Hinata probably didn’t learn of B just from some video, its SUS)
Chapter 10
-rehearsal room-
kongou: Let's take a short break.
gui: Ok.
kongou: Make sure you keep your fluids up, Heath.
heath: I know.
-maica walks in-
maica: Hey, is Mizuki in here?
gui: He went out.
kongou: Did something happen?
maica: I came to tell him that his prop has been repaired.
kongou: Thanks. By prop you mean his weapon right?
maica: Yeah. He said the light wasn't working so it needed to be fixed. 
kongou: I see, sorry for the trouble.
maica: It's fine, I'm going to go and tell Nekome the same thing.
kongou: The close range weapons are more prone to breaking considering the circumstances huh.
maica: Sure, but he was still being way too rough with it. Mizuki almost hit me in the face the other day.
heath: That's because Mizuki's been going all out.
maica: And where did that Mizuki who’s skipping rehearsal go exactly?
kongou: He's not skipping. He's with Hinata who needed to go and buy a support brace.
maica: Oh? Just until recently he'd been going on about never letting you guys have an understudy ever, what changed his mind?
kongou: Now that you mention it, I don't actually know the details either.
gui: Mizuki told me to join B once before too. Is this different from that time?
heath: It wasn't because Mizuki changed. It's probably the opposite.
maica: That so?
kongou: In the end you didn't join B huh, Gui.
gui: My team is Team K.
kongou: Hahah, that's true.
maica: Well I'll get going then.
heath: Thanks for the help.
maica: Make sure you tell Mizuki to not break it next time.
Chapter 11
-starless hallway-
-unei trips-
saki: Are you ok...!?
unei: Ow... I-I'm sorry~!
menou: Yawn... What are you doing?
qu: You really do lose your footing quite often hm? Let's pick up all these flyers first Unei-kun.
unei: Uwah, they really went all over the place... Would you two mind helping me out!?
menou: Don't wanna.
qu: I don't mind...
saki: I'll help too.
qu: Thanks, sorry for the trouble.
menou: Saki-chan shouldn't need to help out.
-menou picks up a flyer-
menou: Huh? This is from when he went on our onsen trip.
qu: And this one over here is for 'vow of love'. Time sure does pass you by quickly, it's already almost been a year since then.
unei: Every time our anniversary comes around I'm reminded just how much time flies. Wait, this isn't the time to be getting all sentimental, I need to tidy this mess up...!
-hari walks up-
hari: Qu, so this is where you were.
qu: What is it?
hari: Today's rehearsal location was changed to the second room, I came to tell—
mokuren: What the hell are you two doing? Rehearsal is starting right now. Oh Princess, what a nice coincidence, you should come and watch us practice too.
saki: O-ok.
-mokuren grabs hari and drags him away-
menou: Team C seems like it's been quite lively lately.
zakuro: Yes, it is as you can see. It is due to the number of sacrifices having increased from one to two. I shall tread carefully as to not be chosen as the third. So long.
-zakuro leaves-
qu: Everything’s tidied up here so you can go on ahead too.
unei: Yes, the flyers are all together again, thank you Saki-san.
saki: Is that so? Then, excuse me.
-saki leaves-
menou: You're not going, Qu?
qu: I will be. I just need to finish up here first.
menou: Hmm, to me it looks like you don't want to go. Your improv parts are pretty boring aren't they? You only put in the bare minimum. Were you always this bad at improv?
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qu: Well... I wouldn't say it's the improv that I'm bad at. If it's to protect a country, a position or a person then I can act it out no problem. But when it comes to having to protect myself, to kill someone to do so... For some reason I just can't get a grasp on it.
menou: In that case you mean to say you'd be fine with it if Aogiri kicked you out of your spot and you became an understudy? If the options are fighting or being killed, then being killed is the easier option no? 
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menou: Hari's performance is so interesting, since he's desperately fighting up there. Meanwhile, you just seem frightened Qu. Well whatever. When we're on stage together make sure you come at me like you're really trying to kill me, kay? Yawn, I'm going back to sleep.
-menou leaves-
unei: Ah, thank you!
qu: .......
qu: He really doesn't change does he...
Chapter 12
-starless restaurant area-
maica: Looks like the fourth anniversary show is finally coming to a close.
akira: Ah... I'm so tired...
hinata: It's gonna be ending soon isn't it? It's kinda sad.
aogiri: I've learnt a lot, when I think about that I feel the same in wishing we could see more. Most importantly though, I'm glad the performances can come to a close without there having been any trouble.
hinata: Ahaha, yeah true.
-iwami walks up-
iwami: Yo, how are things?
hinata: Ah, Iwa-san-! Could it be you’ve brought gifts? Afternoon snacks?
iwami: Yeah, I picked out some sweets. They're for everyone.
hinata: Heck yeah! I was just getting hungry too~♪
maica: You've been visiting an awful lot lately huh.
iwami: That's just because I'm worried about you guys. Speaking of, there's a face I'm not familiar with here. Is he a newbie?
hinata (while eating): Das Aogiwi. He jus’ joined wike me.
aogiri: Nice to meet you. Um, and who might you be...?
iwami: I'm Starless' previous owner. But well, nowadays I'm just a regular fan of the place.
akira: Uwah, could you sound any shadier.
iwami: Leave me be. Well, we might run into each other every now and then, so let's get along.
aogiri: Understood. Speaking of the owner though... Where is the current one? I've yet to introduce myself to them yet.
iwami: Ah, Haseyama you mean. You don't have to worry about meeting him any time soon. It appears the store can run just fine without him here too.
aogiri: Is that so...?
hinata: I was wondering the same, why's that guy never come here anyways?
iwami: It's not that he isn't coming here, he can't. He got shot and is currently still in hospital because of it.
hinata: Huh? Wait what, you're being serious?
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iwami: That's not all either. After that Saki-chan was kidnapped... It was a very troublesome string of events.
hinata: Whaaat, that's so scary.
maica: Oi, what unnecessary things are you filling the newbies' heads with. You're being inappropriate.
iwami: It's not unnecessary. If you don't tell them now it'll only affect you later, won’t it?
maica: That's...
iwami: Did they really not tell you anything about it when they employed you?
aogiri: No, this is the first I'm hearing of it.
maica: Um... Just make sure you're careful. There's recently been some bombing incidents nearby here too...
akira: Well, public safety ain't doing the best job in that case.
aogiri: ...Is that so. I had read this place was a cozy and well managed workplace though.
maica: Cozy? As an adjective for Starless?
aogiri: That's what was written on the job application page on your website.
akira: Sorry to say but you got duped, I feel bad for you~ 
aogiri: I do find it to be a workplace that's teeming with inspiration though.
Chapter 13
-starless restaurant area-
saki: (Today's show was amazing as always. The other guests seem to all be fired up as well.)
female guest 1: Today's performance might have just been my favourite one out of all the fourth anniversary shows. Rindou was just so wonderful.
female guest 2: The way he endured villain Sotetsu's torture only to overthrow and defeat him in the end was so hot wasn't it~♪
saki: (Rindou-san's performance really did feel even more impressive than usual...)
-break room-
rindou: Is that so? If the guests enjoyed it then that's what’s most important.
saki: Yes. Everyone was really impressed by both you and Sotetsu's acting.
rindou: And what about you? Did you enjoy the show?
saki: Of course. It really was wonderful.
rindou: I'm happy to hear you think that. I'll do my best to keep that momentum going until the closing show.
saki: Yes, I'll be cheering you on. I'll go and tell everyone else my impressions too then.
-saki leaves-
sotetsu: You two seemed to be having fun. Was it about our improv? It was a pretty great show huh.
rindou: You're talking like you weren't involved. Half of the credit goes to your acting as well.
sotetsu: Really? I was just sticking to playing an easy to grasp villain though.
rindou: And that's exactly why it worked. It made it easy for me to choose the best direction to go from there. Thanks to that, I think it ended up being a great show.
sotetsu: Well that makes two of us. You seem to be looking well recently.
rindou: ...Yeah. For better or worse the situation hasn't changed but... I have no intentions to allow my personal feelings to affect the stage in any way, so don't worry.
sotetsu: I see. At this rate you could even take Kei on. I'll be expecting an exciting show.
rindou: You say it like that’ll be easy.
-starless backrooms-
ran: Rindou seems like he's back to his usual self.
maica: Yeah, thank god... By the way.
ran: Mm?
maica: I don't plan to get involved again but, I just want to confirm something. Have you made any progress regarding the Black Card?
ran: Nope, not at all. Of course I've still been gatherin’ info an’ stuff though.
maica: I see... I hope things can continue peacefully like this...
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-break room-
rindou: Well, I'll get going.
sotetsu: Sure, see ya.
-rindou leaves-
sotetsu: So the card hasn't moved then huh... In that case...
-he looks to aogiri down the hall-
sotetsu: I guess it’s about time I start looking into this matter instead.
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To final chapters
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zayachan · 2 years
Hi, hello
So I am a fan of Paimon and yesterday I've came up with some ideas/headcannon(?) for paimon and traveler friendship, paimon angst. Just to be clear I don't play genshin impact so I don't know if there are some friendship moments between paimon and traveler (I just think that in the game there aren't many hurt/comfort moments between paimon and traveler). With that said let's begin.
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So we saw the 3.2 trailer right? The scaramouche boss fight? This is where my first idea came up, so imagine traveler has defeat scaramouche and has so many wounds after the battel so paimon fly towards the traveler to check the wounds and this is where this feeling that paimon tries to brush it off cracks. Paimon realized that she is useless and that traveler is injured because of her, she said ,,I'm sorry...if I had my powers, I would have protect you. This happend because of me..I'm useless." to the traveler. Traveler tries to cheer her up saying ,,Well at least I beat this brat ass" to this paimon laugh a little and then traveler really tries to comfort her saying that she isn't useless or a burden, that traveler also worries about paimon safety or getting hurt. Paimon is shock and starts crying a little in which traveler saw it and decide to give her a hug. The end of a cut sceen.
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So that was my first idea that I couldn't stop thinking about it and now I'm coming up with a small ideas for paimon angst or paimon and traveler friendship hurt/comfort. It's just I think paimon is such a fun character to explore or puting small details of her and traveler friendship that they care about each other, or having a little bit angst for paimon. Paimon is also a character that we travelled together so there should be a little bit devolping in our friendship with paimon at least a little bit of a detail. What do you guys think of my idea? Did you enjoy it?
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joyfulunion · 6 years
Fish Bwoi - Space Ghost Fish
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Fish Bwoi’s latest album ‘Space Ghost Fish’ is out now on Slicehop Cassettes.
Purchase Cassette: Fish Bwoi - Space Ghost Fish
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rinnysmuses · 2 years
Anyway seriously for waffle verse...
Rhea isn't sure if she *needs* to go on meds or if just seeing lissa two-three times a week will be okay? She knows she's starting to have issues...
And she's terrified cause she's pregnant but the internet has not yielded her any results. So she's worried that something is gonna go wrong.
(She's not sure the type of meds she needs is even a good idea while pregnant.)
Rhea: I wanna cry]
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QDEE in music operation , making something that we destroy and re-organise 9ja music sceen #sceen #musicoperation #musicproduction #producer #producers #production #productionlife #musiciansofinstagram #musicians #musicianlifestyle #freestyle #freestylerap #freestuff #artistsoninstagram #beats #beatmaking #musicianlife (at Ijesha/surulere lagos) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaIFJv7l7xM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wingsfreedom · 2 years
I just want to say that Vegeta didn't receive any sympathetic framing, narrative and was never meant for redemption but death, he was even meant to be MORE evil than both Reditz and Nappa (for they care about each other as the remaining Sayians). He was shown to commit a lot of cruelties (genocide in a filler and attempted genocide on-sceen) and even beat up children.
Yet he got redemption or rather postive character arc heavily influenced by Goku just fine. It flows with the character.
But I think since he's not human (metaphorically, at least, cause his characterizations are very human) and this is an old anime before purity culture was a thing and the fact that he's the "underdog" to Goku are all factors that he receives little to no "criticism".
Yes he has annoying ass fanbase that is hell bent on Goku and constantly compare them to prove who's "better" (just like Vegeta is lol) but I'm not talking about that today.
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homokommari · 2 years
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part 2
X6-88 always thought, since power armor adds bulk and power to the frame, that outside of it Danse would be much shorter and slimmer than he was. In actuality he was thick with muscle and X6-88's height. Still, he was unarmed and tied up, so X6-88 pushed down the quesy feeling he got from seeing Danse. They were waited in the teleportation room for the Director.
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Director Sole was five minutes late. X6-88 felt disappointment creeping in, but finally Director Sole burst into the teleportation room.
"Let's rock n roll!"
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What X6-88 had told Danse earlier in the teleportation room must have sunk in, as Danse got into the memory lounger on his own. With his bound hands and legs it was an ungraceful sight, but X6-88 appreciated the cooperation. Director Sole got into the other lounger with the ease of someone who’s done this before.
Director Sole wanted to try the first time navigating Danse's head without knocking him unconcious. Maybe that was a bit of their ego showing, thinking that they are so good with mind games that they can beat someone on their own turf.
While the Director and the interrigation subject were down in memories, X6-88 monitored what they saw on the computer. The video feed started in an unknown building. The lack of windows and any natural light meant they were underground. The camera moved along the corridor, until a door came along. Entering the door filled the screen with warm light. In the room were 4 people. One lying down on a wooden table, two hovering over the body and ond standing in the corner. The body on the table sat up slowly. It was Danse.
It seemed that the computer showed video from the Director's point of view, as they invaded the memories. Danse must be living the memories from his point of view then, X6-88 surmised.
The scene unfolding on the sceen depicted the synth that would become known as Danse waking up after getting his mind wiped by the Railroad. The information on how he escaped and was lost was forever lost. The information was irrelevant, though.
The man that had been standing to the side came up to Danse and laid his hand on Danse's shoulder with a slap and gave it a shake. "Glad to have you back!" he said with a wide smile. Danse didn't show any recognition on his face, but replied something, politely playing along.
The three assumed Railroad agents had a chat away from Danse as he got down from the table and took in his surroundings. It wasn't the sharp gaze Danse has used to assess his surroundings today, when he was brought to Memory Den. In the memory it was an open, unassuming gaze. Not entirely free of suspicion, but mainly intrigued.
Kind of... innocent.
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Not like now.
The camera moved closer to the group whispering amongst themselves. They were  discussing predictably how to help Danse best next. The man, who earlier had acted very friendly with Danse, offered to take Danse in and incorporate Danse into his life. The other two seemed reluctant, but ultimately conceded, as they didn't have a life to give Danse, and synths left wandering without a place or history are easy pickings for coursers.
The memory started fading. The camera quickly glanced over to Danse, who was falling asleep, and then it all went to black. X6-88 was unsure if he should wake up the Director.
He couldn't tell if the camera was moving or not for a few seconds, until in the horizon appeared a small light. It moved closer and eventually the Director stepped into the small room. It was small and beyond cramped. Clearly a cabin. And there in the lower bunk bed were two bodies intertwined, the bodies of Danse and that man from the earlier memory. Both were fairly big grown men and the bed was barely enough room, so the close embrace could make sense, but why not use the upper bunk..?
Danse moved from holding the man to laying on top of him. Then he-
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A heavy feeling settled in X6-88's stomach. He knew he was disobeying his orders to monitor all that happens on the computer. He was disobeying the Director. He had turned away because there was an unwise emotional reaction to what he saw, but the dread of being caught disobeying left him with a worse feeling, so he turned back on to the screen.
The camera had not turned away. This memory clearly takes place before Danse joined the Brotherhood. This was not useful information. There was no need to witness Danse and this other man being physically intimate.
The men were undressing as the camera finally moved out. The image of Danse's naked back made X6-88's mind race. His head was filled with desire to know if it was still so smooth, were the light freckles still there. Were there faded scars like on his face.
The camera was back to showing only darkness. X6-88 hoped that the next memory was less private and most importantly showed something about the Brotherhood.
When another memory came to view it was a large crowd outside. The camera expertly navigated to the synth they were looking for. Danse had an arm around the same man again, and he was speaking to him excitedly. The camera was close enough to pick up what he was saying as it looked around and saw the Brotherhood soldiers showing off their capabilities to the crowd.
"You'd look good in power armor,” Danse said.
There was an answer from probably the other man: "Going for flattery already? You don't have to try that hard to get me agreeing."
"So you'll do it with me?"
The man laughed lightly and said: "Only for you. I think the recruiters are this way."
So close! X6-88 tried to will the camera to move to look for the next memory. They are so close to being in the Brotherhood now!
Electric sound was loud and clear upstairs, the sound of teleportation. X6-88 knew their time was up for today. He called whoever it was to come into the basement. X6-88 then started the process to wake up the Director. They had made it very clear that they were not to be called back for any issue that could be solved by someone on the board. This had to be important.
“Ouuooghhh I feel like I woke up mid snore,” the Director mumbled as they got up. “You know that feeling?"
The synth that was sent to retrieve them had made it downstairs. They said with a nervous edge: "Director. We need to return immediately."
"Let's go... X6-88, can you handle it from here?" Director Sole asked as they stepped up to the new synth. In their voice was more of an order than a question.
"I'll return the subject to his holding quarters."
"Thanks! Byee!" they replied with a quick wave.
The synth and Director Sole teleported away and X6-88 turned to wake up Danse.
X6-88 was very frustrated with himself. He knew that feeling attraction was risky in any case, but in this case it was unforgivable. Danse was a prisoner with information that must be obtained. He could not afford being distracted by his own mind.
But sadly the price of human level intelligence was human feelings. The scientists willfully ignore their existance and have synths self regulate and suppress emotions under the threat of being declared defective.
There may be moments of dramatics when X6-88 wishes to be mind wiped, but in truth he tows the line like any other synth to avoid it.
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Danse woke up much slowly. His open sleeping face turned from confused to angry. On his cheeks were moist streaks left behind from tears. But with his hands still tied, he couldn't wipe his eyes and rid his face of the evidence of crying. He was not used to this kind of vulnerability and it made him mad. He'd rather bleed out on the foor right now than go through that again.
Danse was glad that X6-88 was not very talkative and right now seemed to be completely mute. No words were exchanged as X6-88 pulled him up and took him back to his cell.
Judging by the fact that Sole was not present when Danse woke up, they had been interrupted. Which increses the likelyhood that he would have to go through all that again. It was painful to relive those memories with Cutler, remembering how good they had had it.
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lyriumghostwriting · 3 years
I have a greavance
So everyone calls Vergil a Dead beat dad and even in the game one of the captured moments after you beat him as nero say " just another dead beat dad" and it really bothers me given all we know of Vergil. I mean can you have " abanded" your kid if you had NO FUCKING IDEA they existed. For all that we know , Vergil was in fortuna for like a Weekend and left to get on with this life. He wasn't exactly around long enough for Neros mom to tell him " yo your pull out game weak" .
And then there is the fact he was LITERALLY TORTURED AND ENSLAVED IN HELL for what... 10-20 ish years. We don't even know how he got out of hell when Nero had the Yamato. In my opinion a dead beat dad has to be someone who a. Knew they had a kid and b. Actively chose not to be in their life or support them in ANY WAY. For fuck sake my dad is a dead beat dad ans he was in my life, it was court mandated he got me every other weekend he he would only pick me up if he had a gf to impress so yeah...
I definitely wouldn't call Vergil a deadbeat, I think he is broken and traumatized and doing his damn best.
I know his ending shows him s his usual cold self unintered with knowing Nero ,allegedly, but let's think about this. His human half got to know Nero. Perhaps he felt " he's fine without me knowing me will only be a negative thing. He hasn't ever needed me and after that ass beating i just took he never will".
My theory is that Vergil, as a kid , was probably an emotionally sentivie boy. Given that he was more prone to cry with his mother was mad at him then he was by his dad using the dad voice nd his love for poetry.
I think Vergil getting to know Nero would honestly be the best damn thing for him, but old habits die hard and when your trauma response is to shut down and close everyone off, can you really call him a deadbeat for it? He kinda reminds me of elsa, "Conceal, don't feel. Do let them know"
Thanking for coming to my rant, there are cookies and coffee in the lobby . and sceen.
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