#Beast and ancient swap au
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peppizzzzz · 7 months ago
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Roleswap au!!! The sillies!!!
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kiraisrika · 5 months ago
Ancients and beasts swap AU
golden cheese and dark cacao
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In this AU the beasts and the ancient swap roles AND era, so the ancients first and then beast second.
The original ancients are made TO BE a god by the witches, patron of everything good and virtuous for the cookiekind. Sadly they fell to their greed and pride, basking themselves with praise and adoration believing that it was rightfully theirs.
They fell from grace and corrupt themselves with their own sin.
Dark cacao cookie, once the strong protector of cookiekind with his strong sense of resolution now obsessively believed in the unchanging tomorrow, the eternity, the preservation, like how the everwinter surrounds his kingdom.
Turning himself to Bitter Cacao Cookie
But, for his people, What is the preservation brought after by their god?
Golden cheese cookie, the golden sovereign, the goddess of abundance of a destroyed civilization. Made her to hunger for more and more treasures, the insatiable hunger for earthly desires and more.
Turning herself to Ethereal cheese cookie
Will her hunger one day be quench?
Part 2 the other ancients
Also concept for swap au burning spice and mystic flour
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purrpl-png · 4 months ago
my take on beast & ancient swap au burning spice & golden cheese edition
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i have this au expanded bc i've been thinking about it for the past month or so, but i want to share some basic ideas i came up with for a bs & gc swap during all this time even if most of it seems kinda obvious
so basically golden cheese, formerly the herald of change, now holds the soul jam of destruction and her corruption has its roots in her greed obv, as time passed it grew bigger and bigger until it became harmful to everyone around her. she treats everything and everyone as her property, but not in a healthy way and believes that she can do whatever she wants with what is hers, thus being destruction. the whole world is already hers and she's so rich and spoiled that the treasures are not precious anymore and now are just some toys to play with until they break and she founds new ones. she can afford it. more and more and more and more
her appearance resembles more of a snake now than a bird. she flies much less than her og version and her wings are usually down, but it doesn't make her dislike using her wings
burning spice holds the light of abundance. he is a strong, brave and kind hero, he isn't greedy, in fact he's really generous. same as the og golden cheese, has lost his kingdom he deared so much in a war. but unlike her, he didn't make a virtual version of it, instead he tried to move on and build a new one from scratch, starting off small, which he succeeds to do much later on. as much as he enjoys witnessing the creation of something new, watching the new life spark, he still misses everything he held so dear before
his looks are inspired from his pre-corruption silhouette from the official beasts introduction video. normally, he has 4 arms, but after the first fight with golden cheese, she rips off the extra 2 of them. as he awakens, he gets his 6 arms
both the spice gang and the cheese gang are alive and well here and now
the spice gang is helping burning spice to regain his kingdoms prosperity, however only nutmeg tiger made it to beast-yeast together with burning spice by an accident
the cheese gang follow golden cheese more out of their own greed, trying to survive and get a piece of the riches
obviously, smoked cheese is swapped with nutmeg tiger. nutmeg tiger is still a strong mighty warrior, a proud general of burning spices kingdom. she shows a lot of care and loyalty to burning spice, always standing by his side. she has her own garden in the kingdom to take care of the plants because of her in-game sprite where she smiles watering the plants and i thought it was hella cute to ignore lol
smoked cheeses appearance and attitude didn't really change much because he was already villainous enough. but now he's extra villainous. he might be actually the only one to truly admire golden cheeses toxic greed, but is always ready to stab her back if anything for his own greater good. he's just as evil and greedy as her and he waits for a perfect moment to strike and take everything to himself, which didn't happen yet
mozzarella, being swapped with cilantro cobra, just like her gets killed by her ruler too. golden cheese accidentally kills mozzarella in her pursuit for burning spice
her loyal marzipan cookies followed her everywhere, listening to her orders
burnt cheese is swapped with safron buffalo and fettuccine with pepper pangolin
cheesebirds are swapped with kulfis. cheesebirds, just as og kulfis, live in fear and only wish to survive. elder kulfi (now high priest kulfi) is swapped with high priest cheesenbird (now elder cheesebird)
elder cheesebird and young cheesebird give burning spice and nutmeg tiger a shelter. young cheesebird later on gets saved by burning spice in his first fight with golden cheese
high priest kulfi is the holy healing herald of the burning spice kingdoms house of prayer and is a dear friend of burning spice
there is much-much more ideas and thoughts i can yap about, but im not a writer, i wanted to keep it as short as possible and also english isn't my first language so the language barrier is demolishing me lol im sorry if it was painful to read
i might actually redesign the designs a little bit later, those are just some random sketches i did to kinda imagine the blurry shape i have in my head on a paper as a whole, not getting into the details. and if a lot of yall like it i might actually put an effort and draw something much more than just two raw simple sketches lol
also please credit me if you want to use these designs or got inspired, i would really appreciate that :3
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maritoke · 2 months ago
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The damn update made me unable to do anything for a while, and when I finally regained my abilities, the only thing I was able to draw was my swap Shadow Milk and @cuppajj 's Saint Vanilla.
These two would be so awkward at best around one another. Given how Saint would remind Blueberry about Divine, and how Blueberry Milk is well... he has somewhat of Shadow Milk's damn attitude, that's for sure.
Though concept of Saint piting Blueberry because he knows how he might end up is quite interesting.
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Also have BLueberry Milk in color. Coming up with a guy who stuck himself for over 100 years in time loop was a fun. Also the canon idea of Shadow Milk probably having a key as a staff (if we belive what was shown)? Absolutely great, had to keep it
Under cut you can have a fragments of google doc pages, of how I was coming up with him. Like other character inspirations and songs if you want to see that stuff.
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Can you tell the guy is morally gray at best?
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I also went insane and came up with a billion of quotes
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mothfaults · 5 months ago
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More info on the beast of Omission, when I was designing him I thought of like an Odin type character, where he goes in disguise to test cookies and those who he thinks are worthy are healed In the world of this beast swap he would still be called a hero and worshiped, which makes some pretty big shoes for his replacement to fill Ive got the other four already figured out, but designing is hard,,,
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burningcheese-merchant · 22 days ago
*PUSHES THE DISCOURSE OUT* Okay! I just wanted to talk about this bit of the story because I hardly see anyone giving it attention.
Remember there was this whole segment in BY 5, where it talked about the Soul Jams? It fascinated me of how it talked about the two halves shouldn't be united, since everything would perish because of the union. One could assume that it meant to emphasize the point that the Beasts should not get the other half of the Soul Jam, bu after the latest BY episodes, with the whole thing about PV and SM soul merging (no matter how brief it was), it feels like there could be more to the poem now.
Maybe it's my shipping brain making me delusional, but I feel like the poem might become applicaple in some way for the rest of the Beasts and Ancients later on in the story. I would absolutely go wild to see GC and BS soul merge-
Don't worry, I'm equally as delusional lmaoooooo and also, you have a point. As the Beast-Yeast storyline goes on, I feel like they're diving deeper into the truth of the Beasts and Ancients' dynamic: they're not just generic enemies, they're literal soulmates. Two halves of a whole. They want and need each other, they ARE each other in some ways, for better or worse. They went full mask-off with PV and SM but imo you see it in the other pairs and their episodes as well.
With the commentary in ep 5 about how the Soul Jams shouldn't reunite, I really think it's the more baseline thing of "if they reunite, BS will be unstoppable and evil wins". Eps 7 and 8 reveal the truth of the matter for ALL the pairs imo, not just PV and SM, which is that they belong together, it is actual, literal destiny, they are nothing without each other and define each other's lives and the virtues/vices they uphold. What is Truth without Deceit? What is Abundance without Destruction? These things simply cannot be, unless they are together. (BS himself even acknowledges it in one of his leaked affection lines: "You see, a world of Abundance can only be built on the ruins of the past". He admits that Abundance needs Destruction. That Golden Cheese needs him. And he needs her.)
I've said this before but I can honestly talk about the BurningCheese dynamic for SOOOOO long. They drive me insane. There's so much to dissect and analyze about them, but no one will do it except for me 😭 Look:
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They even have their own "in the end, you will become me" moment 😭 their relationship is just as deep as PV and SM's, you guys... Please, I can't be the only one who sees and knows this......
(also... Dude. I would have KILLED to see them merge souls like PV and SM did. CAN YOU IMAGINE. BS already demonstrated that he cares about HER, not the Soul Jam, not really (he had it in his hands and he DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WITH IT. He just went "meh whatever this was supposed to happen" and then started whining and fussing about wanting to see GC again). Can you fucking imagine if they followed through with the line shown above and had GC give in to destruction, like how PV gave in to deceit? If GC had her own "corrupted" skin, like Truthless Recluse? I dare you to tell me BS wouldn't have been excited as all hell if she submitted to him like that. He was horny af throughout their fight, he would've busted a nut on the spot if that happened 😂 the concept has been haunting me since ep 8, I would've died happy if there had been a BurningCheese soul merge, God I need to learn to draw properly so I can bring that shit to life myself-)
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fluffshi-wxffle · 28 days ago
At the Peak of Truth, Despair Not
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0deltakhan0 · 10 months ago
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The five beast cookies in my personality swap au!!! Idea by @masked17majora !!
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gremlinpen · 3 months ago
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Swapau! Shadow milk: :D
BAAU! Strawberry Crepe: *questioning life completely*
I find this really funny. Shadow milk is less of a manipulator and more of a chaotic and cheeky character in my au, so meeting crepe, who is expecting a war criminal, and gets a smiley child. The swap au is mine and the BAAU is owned by @cuppajj
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sweetwolf05 · 26 days ago
Since I noticed more people creating their Ancient and Beast Swap Au with interesting ideas
I'm going to make my own soon but it will not have Silent Salt Cookie fall into the Witches pot, it would be our favorite Shadow Milk Cookie instead
I already planned their names.
Hyacinth Salt Cookie (Silent Salt)
Blissful Sugar Cookie (Eternal Sugar)
Magical Flour Cookie (Mystic Flour)
Blazing Spice Cookie (Burning Spice)
Celestial Milk Cookie & Twilight Joker Cookie (Shadow Milk)
Poison Vanilla Cookie (Pure Vanilla)
Hellberry Cookie (Hollyberry)
Dispatch Cacao Cookie (Dark Cacao)
Greedy Cheese Cookie (Golden Cheese)
Decay Lily Cookie (White Lily)
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sillymilly · 3 months ago
A Swap AU but there swapped in order of who become playable
Like Mystic Flour swapped with Pure Vanilla, Hollyberry with Burning Spice and Dark Cacao with Shadow Milk, and whoever Golden Cheese, Eternal Sugar, White Lily and Silent Salt get swapped with.
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fallen-kingdoms-crk · 9 months ago
"... Are you sure you can go on this mission alone?"
"Well, no, I'm not saying you can't! You're just... um... what's the word..."
"Woah! Hey-! I didn't mean it in a bad way, I just... I don't want a friend of mine to... get hurt."
"If you say so..."
"Ah- here! Take this...!"
[you received a blueberry broach!]
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"It's a little attachment to your satchel! It's so I can keep an eye on you to make sure you're safe!"
"I do trust you!! It's just... I can't see into that forest anymore... it's put me on edge all day... just- be careful in there, will ya?"
"... thanks, buddy."
"I... should probably mention that my magic has been being intercepted lately, as well... so if you end up somewhere bad, I'll come get you... as fast as I can without teleportation"
"See you when you get back, buddy!~"
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[you feel something harshly wrap around you and pull you out of the stream...]
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"Um... I am... so sorry for my friends actions to you. I promise they means no harm! ... I-I think."
[You can now ask PurePitiful Vanilla and Vanilla Orchid questions!]
(all questions allowed! do feel free to ask with ocs or other characters as well ^^)
(( Edit:
Link to the rules^^^ ))
((edit #2:
A link to the discord Server for anyone interested ^^))
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kiraisrika · 5 months ago
Whispers in the citadel (beast ancient reverse AU)
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Lil funfact about pure flour cookie
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lcrossiantycrunchu · 2 days ago
foams at mouth..
I found a friend on tik tok and their art is HEAVENLY???? I LITERALLY AM SO HAPPY THEY DREW MY AU… aka. beast ancient swap
So i wanna just share it here, show the contrast between blueberry milk and citrus vanilla cookie
(Shadow milk, Pure vanilla)
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And i even swapped Black sapphire and Candy apple cookie to black current and apple pie cookie…i am down on my knees for more people to draw them i fear 👼🏼
credits to Jax.iine, on tik tok please follow them!!
and this is black current and apple pie cookie
second art being the refrence they used
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sharky-the-idiot · 3 months ago
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i dont have a quote for her either I just really like her though
who up persevering through they trauma
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mothfaults · 5 months ago
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Burning spice in the swap au is a young ruler, only having taken charge of the spice swarm within recent time, but he's not really a good ruler he doesn't even do much. He's bored and that is coming out in burst of destructive fits, which most chalk up to his soul jam being the light of Action. Swap!Spice was certain when the Vulture queen arrived on his door step wanting his half back, he'd be able to fend her off. Unlike canon where the ancients have a loss and then a win, Spice loses both times, and his soul jam in the process. And pictured here the moment after Swap!smilk gave Spice his wonderful advice
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