#Beach Party Glam
alanicglobalusa · 19 hours
Swimsuit Style By Fitness Clothing
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Trendy swimwear designs ideal for beachside get-togethers will make a big impression! Explore gorgeous, stylish designs that let you stand out and command attention by fusing comfort and style. Visit https://sites.google.com/view/activewear-manufacturers/blogs/beach-party-chic-stunning-swimsuit-styles-to-make-waves-and-steal-the-spot
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orientea · 1 year
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scarlett-bitch69 · 1 year
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summer scions!! I absolutely love the new portraits for all their smug happy expressions. Except Y'shtola, who is not going to deign to give a camera a proper saucy look because that's silly. Urianger is smirking twice as hard on her behalf.
Glam review under the cut!
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I unlocked Alphinaud first of the twins and didn't know Alisaie had a little necktie yet, so I'm deducting a point from my first impression because the sheer delight that he had a silly little necktie of some sort no matter the situation delighted me so thoroughly. Since they're still engaging in matchy twin dressing to some degree, I have to assume they either like it and won't admit it after digging in so hard, or Ameliance sent them off with cute outfits and matching backpacks, and they still don't really shop for themselves.
He's got the practical watch/compass gloves which are good for a technically proficient Sage and probably the most practical gear he's ever worn except for when he was poncho Alphy, but wearing ankle-length jeans seem like the least weather-appropriate choice of the Scions if we assume their average skin coverage is a good weathervane for the temperature in Tural. I chalk it up to teenage awkwardness.
8/10 unless he and Alisaie chose their outfits themselves, in which case it's a 9/10
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I think Alisaie is the only Scion to keep a single piece of their default gear, and those are her usual gloves. She's colour-matched around it.
Because of the gloves and boots, she looks the most ready for hardcore hiking, somehow, and her matching Alphinaud with a cute button down shirt with rolled up sleeves along with that particular choice of baggier shorts (when she normally wears more form fitting shorts) do give me the closest to butch vibes it's probably likely to get for main characters. So I'm giving her an extra point I stole from Alphinaud for the lesbian vibes.
9/10 or 10/10 if she made these choices all by herself.
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Everything about this cracks me up, from his portrait above to the image of him tanking open shirted once he pulls mobs.
Believe it or not, he's getting an additional point for those shoes simply because the competition in practicality in tanking is G'raha.
I had a moment of excitement when I thought the necklace was pink because that's always a cute Ryne/Minfillia thing fanartists give him with ribbons and such, but once I got zoomed in on him it was red, so I guess he's just been shopping. Although, the turquoise shorts are her eye colour and the actual large diamond shapes are secretly Mothercrystal coded in those colours, which just cracks me up that you can pick out one of the worse days of his life (Urianger's grand Warrior of Darkness plan) in his Chill Summer Beach Vibes look.
Douchebag beach bro shell bracelet as well, which really makes me double down on him and Urianger spending way too much on tourist bait along the stalls in the Famous Turali Market. The hat and sunglasses are giving him one of the Most tourist-y looks thematically reflecting how a lot of the Scion guys were just here to hang out, narratively or literally. Maybe he's trying not to get such an intense tan again, which is the only reason he's not entirely topless.
11/10 I could not stop laughing when I got him and Urianger to 100 and Beheld The Brilliance in the same moment.
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Please note the raised sunglasses in Urianger's portrait, which are not the model his character uses.
I am delighted that I had been incorporating that island watch into my healer glams on both the logic you need to know your clock positionals but also they're largely the smarty pants jobs (WHM being vibes only aside - it gets its own glams :P). And here's Urianger and Alphinaud both using watches.
Now, I had a moment of being vaguely disappointed he had trousers not a skirt or something else swishy and androgynous, but then I did realise that I, a nonbinary weirdo who relates to Urianger since he made me nonbinary, have actually gone to a couple of garden parties dressed in some variation of this exact outfit of light trousers and a nice button up. Plus, the earrings are in both ears, so no "Google, which ear is the gay one?", these are just straight up cute femme dangly earrings with his favourite little dudes on.
More importantly, the colours he's repping are those of Lopporit Radio. He probably tunes in every night for his broadcasts :')
Mirrored sunglasses for the guy notorious for keeping thoughts and plans close to his chest and choosing deliberately to be enigmatic even when it serves zero purpose except for I guess gender affirming care. (The gender is Weird Bitch.)
I can't tell how I feel about those dad sandals. I suppose it depends if he's wearing them like a fashion model (brand new and clean with perfect pedicured feet) or if those are REALLY dad at the beach-like and, since I'm not a foot person, this for me is only a choice between "not off-putting" and "AURGH".
9/10 the proximity to Thancred hauls him up several points of misgivings I had, and the lopporit shout outs are killing me :')
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I unlocked Y'shtola last and holy fuck I am a lesbian. I don't even recognise where those boots come from, so either a really expensive glam or something I just have not stumbled on. She has toe rings I think? And painted nails? I have no idea if the garter (?) is part of the boots glam or a custom thing as result of not recognising the boots and how much of them is normal. I feel like they customised a lot on her anyway - the back of her top has purple beads that match her staff (not dyable on the real piece)
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and I think the necklace has to be part of the top instead of a separate necklace piece with the way it hangs, AND the bracelets are a glove piece with the original summer glam, but I assume they're layered with the false nails, also in the glove slot. All in all it's giving the sort of effort which is starting to creep up to what I'd expect from the modding community not the game. I mean, not THAT good but getting close. Baby steps towards what fandom can make :P
She really is god's favourite meow meow.
Anyway I can't really judge this fairly because it's really hot and I love her so I'm just going to give it 100/10 and move on. :)
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how did I get a picture where Estinien looks like he's stooping to get in the frame...
The fact he has Azure Dragoon Blue Top and then Violently Nidhogg Fuchsia shorts is the colour theory that absolutely killed me. When he lights up during his burst and starts glowing pink all over his shorts are like. Taking him over like the eye once did I think.
love a guy who can embrace his past trauma and dress to match all that has passed before and all that he intends to do now (kill something large and tasty, grill it on the beach, fall asleep with a beer in hand until the waves come in and wake him up).
I gave him that wooden bracelet in the glam he has on my desktop screen so once again I'm feeling weirdly vindicated.
Other details: no ponytail despite the warm weather because he's got enough ventilation. The fact there's cactaurs on his shirt when he's on record for eating them is amazing. We should imagine he's wearing his jobstone like that pendant (since he's one of the only guys with a confirmed jobstone despite being the Guy Without A Job notoriously that one time.)
Unlike Thancred's hat and sunglasses combo, which seems fun and boisterous somehow, he seems the most walled off of all the sunglasses wearers even though he's not the most mysterious. The visor really helps make it a sort of wall. Maybe just because his terse upfront personality and somehow despite his clothes horse habits THIS amount of whimsy seems the most out of character at first glance, but he DOES look uncomfortable to me.
Somehow I find everything about this outfit excellent for his character but also like maybe he was forced into it, everyone cornering him and telling him the Scion Beach Party was a mandatory work event and he was not allowed to beg off of it and he did put some work in expressing himself but also is going to go find a much quieter corner to lurk in for the day, when not competing with Thancred (can't grill, loves it) for the barbeque (Estinien can grill, would only do it because the threat of Thancred doing it wrong is too high).
confused 7/10 mostly because I think Krile is blackmailing him and not because I don't love everything about this.
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Here's how G'reenha Tia can still win -
Anyway here's the deducted point for tanking in flip flops (PERFECTLY acceptable BLM gear btw but he's Mr Versatile.)
(I joke but the main character of my novels is a flip-flop wearing menace who could and would tank in them)
Between the padlock and key necklace and the woven bracelet right after we all went feral over the Thavnarian bracelets for couples thing so recently (and Corvos is just across the water!) he's absolutely dripping cutie pie love interest coding yet again.
(Also yes I know the lock and key thing is very funny because we were introduced to him learning he was a fancy key to a big door.)
Gains a point back because the other green g'raha thing is I'm pretty sure people use this shirt glam because it kinda looks like it has weed on it.
Don't quote me on that, vibes only.
Anyway he came colour coordinated (with his original eye colour and hair colour not the bright Allagan dalamud red dye that goes with his normal outfit) so so precise and neat, like he's going to some sort of formal event, and even with flip flops he really does seem incredibly put together like the twins or Y'shtola, just for full outfit cohesiveness.
As someone who would hold G'raha's hand on the romantic gondola vibe, 10/10.
3 out of 10 and a huge cringe if you would not. He's got to stop Striving.
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Hey it's the star of the show!! Adorable hairstyle out, cute plot-important earring on, and wearing her exact character colours but adorable beach wear :)
I love that she looks kind of like she went to the girls for advice and got the top from Y'shtola and the shorts from Alisaie, and she probably was very serious and stressed about getting this right even though there's no rules and no one's judging her -
Anyway the ballet shoes are adorable and go with all the cute picto spins and twirls :)
I think the strict colour scheme does speak to the slight lack of fleshing out she got so far in the story (we don't really have any real character reason that picto in particular spoke to her and this glam isn't one of the many fun takes people had on how to dress to meet that brief ). I don't think DT did more than just repeat that she's serious and sweet and trying really hard to get out of her shell and be more fun and creative and also she's been practicing dodging really hard she shouts mid-Trust combat (bless her). But ALSO getting out of the shell is really hard and she only found out everything and got some closure in the final level 100 quests so there wasn't really much to do with her after that.
This is like her First Non-Plot-Critical Whimsy Moment and losing the hood or any cat ears entirely (and there are perfectly functional cat ears to wear in game) is a good step considering we know she wears it precisely because she needed a sort of advance PR campaign to make her look cute and approachable before she opened her mouth and started bringing down the vibe (serious scary children are SO funny though and i love that for her). Having the same top as Y'shtola is a good thing for trying to make her less childish and have her trying to show that now as she takes this huge step out from the background. I mean, it still has a slight sense of her costuming herself and pushing herself out of comfort zones as she always does, but it's 100% in character so I adore it.
1000/10 because Krile is great and there's so much going on here and it's so fun when a character's whole personality is a costume and then they're like aurgh wait do I even want that??
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sadowife · 4 months
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✚ Gyaru Names …
Kaecha,Kara,Harutamu / Haru,Doll /Dolly / Dollie,Glam / Glamour,Gyal,Tokki,Kogal,Poyo,Kioko,Hana,Yuzu,Star / Starry / Stargal,Fashionista,Iconique,Accessorie,Marin / Mari,Kyun,Heart,Teri,Rabupoyo,ChaCha,Nao,Chicita,Frisk / Frisky / Friskie,Partea,Tori,Sparkle,Blondy / Blondie,Charm / Charmy / Charmie.
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✚ Gyaru Pronouns …
Gal Gals,Gya Gyaru,Fashion Fashions,Den Denim,Spark Sparkle,Cue Cute,Host Hostess,Pri Princess,Charm Charms,Party Partys,Excite Excitement,Girl Girly,Fli Flirt,Style Stylish,Bri Bright,Deco Decor,Date Dates,Chi Chic,Trend Trends Trendsetter,Pop Popular,Fad Fads,Star Stars,Doll Dolls,Bea Beach,☆ ☆s,🛍 🛍s,💅 💅s,🩷 🩷s,🐆 🐆s,🎀 🎀s,👡 👡s,✨️ ✨️s,🌺 🌺s,🌴 🌴s,🐬 🐬s,🏝 🏝s,🏖 🏖s,🍹 🍹s.
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✚ Gyaru Titles …
The Gal ( ☆ ),The Gyaru ( ☆ ),Prn Who Is Super Energetic,The Super Duper Cute Gal ( ☆ ),The Heart-Throb,The Fashionista,The Popular Gal,Prn Who Partys,The Trendsetter,Prn Who Is Popular,The Excited Gal,Prn With Big Lashes,The Over - Accssessorized,Prn With Bold Makeup,The Confident Gal,The Life of the Party,The Genki Girl.
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✚ Gyaru Usernames …
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king-of-the-birds · 1 year
a launch party for wings
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He produced a handwritten invitation, leaving space to write in the invitee's name, as well as a number, which would be used for a raffle drawing toward the end of the evening. (The prize was a magnum of champagne; the disc jockey Jeff Dexter was the winner.) (..) The recommended dress was "glam."(..)
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Some 800 musicians, reporters, friends of the band and music business honchos were invited.(..)
As always at such events, there was ample carping, which a reporter for Rolling Stone duly cataloged. After describing the Empire Ballroom as decidedly unhip, a leftover from the days when the Joe Loss Orchestra would play foxtrots, and young ladies shopped for husbands among the dancers, the writer noted that while the wine and cheese were free, everything at the bar was for sale.
Eyebrows were raised when, instead of a Wings performance, partygoers were treated to fox-trots, waltzes, quicksteps, and congas, played by McVay's band-along with what McVay remembered as arrangements of sixties and seventies hits, including a Beatles medley and some Beach Boys tunes. They were raised higher still when the heavily sequined and coiffed Frank and Peggy Spence Latin and Ballroom Formation Dancing Teams filed onto the floor to demonstrate their artistry.
"I'm beginning to think that Paul actually digs all this" one guest quipped to the Rolling Stone reporter, "that he actually likes dance bands, ballrooms, and buffet food. That's incredibly camp, you know, incredibly camp. Have you seen his suit? It's like a clown's costume, the jacket is about five sizes too big, and it's not even been finished."
(from the McCartney Legacy Vol. 1)
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Paul: A press launch is always a good excuse to have a night out, so we invited friends and journalists, played the album, danced and had a few funny people come on to entertain. I wore an outrageous big check suit that I thought would be good. When I went to collect it from the tailor that morning he told me that it wasn’t finished. I said, ‘Maybe not, but it’s a look!’ So I went to the party with the cotton and the stitching showing, and everyone said, ‘Your suit’s not finished.’ I said, ‘Yeah, I know. Great, huh?’
(from Wingspan, 2002)
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Some of the guests that attended were Jimmy Page, Elton John, Sandy Denny, Mary Hopkin, members of the Who, the Faces, Deep Purple, Ginger Baker, Henry McCullough, Gilbert O'Sullivan, Graham Bond, Sandie Shaw, the Greek synthesizer wizard Vangelis, the actors Malcolm McDowell, and Terence Stamp, some of the Monty Python troupe, Sir Joseph Lockwood, the head of EMI, Allan Clarke, of the Hollies, and (Benny) Gallagher and (Graham) Lyle.
After the party a fan encountered Paul:
He went skipping (yes it is true) down the road with Linda and just as he turned the corner to a side street, I took courage and called him back. He stopped and said “yeah” so I ran to catch him up and breathlessly asked him for his autograph. The funny part is my pen was at the bottom of this large bag of mine! He stood patiently watching me with arms folded as I rummaged elbow deep. I asked him if he had a pen as I just couldn’t find mine; he said no (which isn’t surprising as he had this crazy suit on that had no pockets).
(Kathy Turner – From Meet the Beatles for Real: Wings Party)
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psychocharlie · 1 year
I had a dream last night in which Dethklok released deth-eyeshadow palettes. Everyone had their own personalized palette with colors that perfectly fit them and the names for each color in the palette were given by Dethklok themselves. Some refills had funny stamps embossed in the style of each of the band members, and the cover of the packs had their faces on it.
Nathan's palette was mostly black and blood red with names like Death, Murder, Crushed Skull (the only light color there, a milky white), Guts, Hatred, Bloody Vomit, and blue-black color named Abyss.
And when he saw Pickles' palette, he grumbled for a long time that his palette is "not metal" and looked gay, because Pickles' palette didn't have a single dark color, it had a few red-orange shades, but none of them were even brutal blood red (!!!). There was a neon pink shimmer called "Glam" in memory of snakes n barrels, a bottle-green shade called "Booze". The rest of the refills was some trippy bright colors with names like "Party", "Sex on the beach", and there were also a few drug-related named shades: I remember "Acid mushroom", "bad trip" and "cocaine". It looks pretty cool tbh. But Nathan was so fucking pissed off, he was like "Pickles, what kind of gay fucked up shit you put out, it's not even brutal! Okay with Toki put out his candy pink girl shit with glitter and unicorns, 'cause that's Toki, but what's fucking wrong with you? Now, of all the deth-palettes, only mine looks metal, it's fucked up!"
Toki's palette was cute and candy-colored, just the way he likes it. Ufortunately I only remembered a few color names – "Rainbow", "Candy Paradise" and "Magic Unicorn" and there were A LOT of glitter refills in his palette (besides Toki, only Pickles and Skwisgaar palettes had glitters in it, but even they had only one glitter per palette). The cover of the box showed Toki in a cat's body running through a rainbow like in the hamburger time song.
Murderface had the entire palette done in just yellow, ranging from regular yellow to acid yellow to a yellow with red streaks. All the shades were simply called "PISS", "PISS", "PISS", "PISS", "PISS", "ACID PISS", "BLOODY PISS", "PISS". A single black shade in the bottom right corner with the name "Self-hatred" stood out against this. The package was also done in yellow colors, a bit in the Planet Piss style.
Skwisgaar had a cold colors palette.  There were various cold white, gray and blue colors with names like "Ice fjord", "Snow vortex", "Northern wolf", "Viking". There was also a very beautiful golden glitter named "Golden god", Skwisgaar said that it was made of real gold particles. 
Anyway, it's an incredibly cool concept and I woke up feeling really sad that these eyeshadow palettes don't exist in reality because I want to buy them all 😭
Upd: forgot to add another interesting detail. Throughout the dream Exitus from Brendon Small's Galaktikon II was playing somewhere in the background (I didn't fall asleep with headphones on, the song was part of the dream and existed inside it). Namely the lines from "hold my breath, look in my eyes" to "and you live, you live in your heart. And we live, we live with you". So when I woke up I had those lines running through my head.
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ckret2 · 10 months
whats one thing that bill loves that absolutely NO ONE wouldve guessed? like not in a TRILLION YEARS cause thats how out-of-pocket it is for him to like said thing???
also love your work <33 :) its one of the very few fanfictions where i can feel the true essence of bill cipher and that is very important to me
Thanks! I've tried to squeeze in as much Bill essence as I can.
"What's the most unexpected thing he likes" depends entirely on what you expect, and I feel like that's subjective. You could argue some of the things he likes in canon are pretty unexpected; while, on the other hand, even the unexpected stuff "makes sense" if you have the reason for it. So here's a list of random things that, while they make sense for Bill, might be surprising if you're trying to think of what would fit the image of an evil chaos party god:
First the canon. I feel like "silly straws" isn't exactly SURPRISING for Bill, but I doubt anyone would have expected him to like them enough to voluntarily bring it up if he hadn't. Like there's a long list of likable things he skipped over specifically to give silly straws a shout out.
Some people headcanon he can't actually play the piano and his little performance for Ford was all magic, but I like to headcanon he actually knows how to play and enjoys it. Which implies an unexpected amount of patience and dedicated practice out of a pretty flighty guy.
I mean I don't think anyone would have assumed that meditation fits his vibe.
Fandom's got a pretty good handle on associating him with brightly-colored busy patterns, but only with traditionally masculine or gender neutral aesthetics. Think bowling alley carpets patterns, lava lamps, Hot Wheels-style paint jobs, fire and lightning and lasers. But there's a tendency to overlook aesthetics that are associated with femininity. He WOULD be into Lisa Frank, decora, intricate neon nail art, magical girls that look like they're wearing hyper-saturated overly-complicated dance outfits covered in 24k gold and jewels as big as your thumb, extravagant hats, extravagant jewelry, girly drinks, girly desserts, glam fashion & decor, bubbles, bouquets, rainbows, and hot pink. To Bill, everything is gender neutral.
I think most people wouldn't expect Bill to be into surreal cerebral art films rather than, like, juvenile slapstick or action. But on the other hand, the line between "this is haunting" and "this is boring" is razor thin for him, so he doesn't always like the cerebral films.
He hasn't discovered this yet but he'd love the beach. Sunshine and swimming. The lake would do too.
I don't think anyone would anticipate that Gravity Falls is, actually, in fact, one of his favorite places in the dimension. He mainly keeps complaining about the town because every time he's there, he's TRAPPED AND CAN'T GET OUT.
He's really into math, just recreationally. He would read a whole book about proving Fermat's Last Theorem. He probably proved the theorem himself by 1700. Told no one. He was just bored that week.
Ford got him into DD&MD. Bill wasn't just humoring his human pawn, he genuinely enjoys it. Gets really into the roleplaying and storytelling. He hasn't had anyone to play with in thirty years. Prefers the 90s edition.
Everyone assumes Bill's just humoring Mabel by letting her put on Color Critters tapes. It's like Care Bears crossed with Rainbow Brite and the morals are twice as heavy-handed. But he actually does enjoy the show, it's just for the wrong reasons.
You'd expect the guy who destroyed his home dimension to hate it. There are books, songs, instruments, cars, plays, hotels, cities, convention centers, dams, field trip destinations, even rocks that he misses dearly and will never see again. He still writes to himself and talks to other shapes in his native language. He still constructs houses without ceilings. He still hugs with one arm and shakes hands sideways. He loves his dead dimension. Few people outside of the other surviving shapes know this.
So you decide which is most unexpected!!
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Seriously they’re some of the best new music around and it’s a TRAGEDY they only have six songs out on Spotify
Their stuff is rich, sharp, soulful, with a sweeping cinematic grandeur and DAMN BANGER electric guitars
Same vibe as the English seaside in winter; pebble beaches, loud ocean, freezing cold and terrifying but also desperately nostalgic
Also amazing fashion, 70s glam rock meets the Big Bad Wolf
Any fans of Florence + the Machine, Nick Cave, the Last Dinner Party, Patti Smith, Stevie Nicks, PJ Harvey, the Arctic Monkeys, the Doors, Siouxsie & the Banshees, the Pixies, LP, Bowie — they’re definitely for you
Genuinely I cannot overstate how much they have become my new musical obsession
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crabonfire · 1 year
heya! could u do scout (or all the mercs if you can) x gyaru!reader hcs :o? like everyone suspects [merc] to have a badass s/o cuz their also so badass but in reality their all glammed up and lookin like their goin to a beach party 😭 thanks! and if you don’t want to do the req/can’t do it no problem! ^_^
Scout's Gyaru! Partner!!
character: scout (mercs are barely involved)
note: this cute asf I had to do it lol 😭
The other mercs are involved a bit
I made the S/O super cheery and a little aggresive but that's just cause idk I think its funny LOL
Gender ain't specified but they act more femininely!! love me feminine ppl 😚
warnings: none
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• Ever since Scout started to date you, from the way he described you as "Cool, confident and badass" they expected somebody who actually fit the description.
• The men didn't care about it at first. He'd babble on about you randomly in conversation, and automatically, they'd groan and try to change the topic.
• And from the way he'd always do what you told him when you two called over the phone, they assumed you were somebody stricter than he was.
• So they were a little shocked to find somebody with dashing makeup, long painted acrylics with the most glamorous, pastel colored outfit they've ever seen. Your hair was dyed brightly in certain areas, you carried a purse embedded with pearls and cute pins...you were the OPPOSITE of what they were thinking of.
"Oh! Are you Engineer? Jeremy's told me all about you!"
"About Jeremy, have you seen him? He was supposed to come with me to a party but he totally ditched on me and he won't answer my calls. The asshole he is."
"OH! I haven't introduced myself, I'm [S/O]! Sorry, that was really rude of me."
He paused, cracking up an awkward smile.
"I could tell."
"Haha, yeah, anyway, have you seen him? He's such a dick for leaving me like that."
"He's in the training grounds with the others, I'll take you there, sweetheart."
"Aw, you're so nice. Thanks!"
He smirked, walking you over the base. How did you find the base? He doesn't know. Does he want to see Scout get yelled at? Yea.
• "Jeremy what the hell?! You left me out there alone you dick. So fuckin' rude, and you didn't answer my calls..."
"OW- I TOLD YOU IM SORRY-" He winces, rubbing over the area you hit his head at. "I was busy..."
"Busy with what? Being a little bitch?"
• The mercs who watched from afar snickered, he gave you a frown and you retorted your insult.
"I'm sorry, you know I don't mean it babe."
"Yeah yeah, and I'm sorry for not telling you anything. I was busy, and I left my phone in my room."
"Okayyyy, I won't yell at you anymore. I came to ask if you wanted to go to the beach this week? I got this super cute beach set and like, we could take cute pics together. It'd be sooo fun!"
"Hell yeah, people will see my muscles and stuff."
• You chuckled, "Yeah! Your strong muscles, and we'll both look so cute together."
He smiled at that, then he looked you up and down.
"I never got a good look of you, but damn...you look real cute today." He muttered, "Are these new?" He said as took your hand in his, admiring the colored nails with their cute accessories.
You grinned brightly, "Yeah! I'm so glad you noticed." He felt himself melt, "They're nice. I like the colors."
• He was always so enamored by you. You were so energetic, so confident...you always wore whatever you wanted and did whatever you wanted because you never cared, and best of all you had the cutest fashion sense.
"I like how you did your make up today."
"Your hairs nice. It must've taken a while, yea?"
He started to comment on your outfit, telling you how cute you looked, making you chuckle and blush at his corny remarks. You two went quiet, and honestly, it was a new sight for these mercenaries.
• They'd never seen him so quiet, so enchanted by somebody before. Where he actually stops talking for once, and just looks at you with such love.
They almost don't believe it, Scout...BEING ROMANTIC? ain't no way.
"Wow, He's actually shutting up?" Medic says, "Pinch me, I'm dreaming." Sniper replied, making everybody crack a smile. They kept watching as you leaned down to give him a kiss, pulling back with the softest gaze they've ever seen on anybody.
"HEY! NO ROMANCE ON THE BATTLEFIELD!" Soldier screamed, making them both flinch and turn to their direction. "HEY HEY, WHERES THE PRIVACY AT? Fuckin perverts." He stands up from his bench, walking over with you outside as you chuckle in reply. He sticks his tounge out at them mockingly, as if saying "Your just jealous" before he does.
• Spy rolls his eyes, but there's a slight smile on his face. His son has found somebody good, somebody he can be happy with, even though they weren't somebody he expected. He's happy for him.
I would've added more merc content for this but I liked how I wrote scout,, he loves ur fashion sense babe omggg
Honestly i miss writing scout, he's a big reason I'm really into tf2 in general haha.
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mvneaten · 8 months
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౨ৎ ₊˚﹒✶ JANUARY 15TH MARKED PRIM’S 26th birthday. to celebrate the milestone, the idol had an industry wide birthday party, choosing to spend her special day beachside at doellette’s very own exclusive OPULENCE RESORT. given the expensive location and expansive guest list, it was compared to a red carpet event rather than a ‘small get together’ — as primrose had labelled it. the all exclusive party had the presence of press, with professional photographers also present to capture pictures of the night, filled with dinner, dancing and music.
the idols in attendance included prim and the rest of social suicide, darling mine’s doe, heyday’s elias and gyujin, soloists kaori and jang-mi ( @sug4rsweet &&. @rosesnthornz), venus’ bliss (@venusvity), lunarix’s navi (@mediadollz), allume’s jamie (@alllume), krush’s kaleina and aeri (@urmykrushhh), rule of rose’s darling and janelle (@bludthirst), merveille’s anais and dove (@story6ook), hashtag’s yoora and yeonhee (@hshtag), starcrush’s sunday and star (@stariified), plastic flowers’ serin (@plasticflwrs), lucid’s suyin (@dr3amluc1d) &&. lucky’s han and hiro (@lvcky0ne).
౨ৎ ₊˚﹒✶ THE LOOKBOOK !
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—— the theme for event was white glam, with prim showing up in a pearl skirt and corset she had custom made for the night. guests were to enter via a white carpet, in contrast to red, to further fit the theme. nana’s outfit was a simple white dress with a large jacket and fur boots, along with a fur purse. bae instead opted for something more chic, wearing a white dress with a fur edge that extended towards the back. fans got a first look at the girls’ outfits for the night on prim’s official instagram, where she posted the three of them with the caption ‘🤍🤍’.
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—— prim spent most of night taking photos of the event, taking selfies with the others in attendance and just trying to capture every moment of the night. her story, along with the stories of nana and bae, were filled with photos from the night. the most notable post was of nana the the rest of the party together on the white carpet, captioned ‘this night was so special because of all of you <;3’
౨ৎ ₊˚﹒✶ THE EVENT !
—— the night was highlighted by it’s dinner, with a range of courses on offer for those in attendance to enjoy, accompanied by music and dancing. taking place in opulence’s ballroom, the party also had access to the beach behind them, watching the sun set as they all shared cocktails before the official party started. some snuck away to swim, while others instead opted to stay inside and enjoy the ambience. regardless of how guests chose to spend it, it was a fun night for all involved. towards the end, bae gave a toast for the birthday girl, wishing her “a life full of love and laughs.”
if you were in attendance of the party that night, share the experience with the tag #primsbbb !! feel free to share your outfits, photos, and anything interesting that may have happened at the party ! everyone who was there will also receive an exclusive press interview – so keep an eye on your ask boxes !
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roeroe-world · 10 months
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could’ve been.
starring: eva apio as nefertari zain, tupac shakur as himself
set in 1993.
warning: profane language, use of drugs and alcohol, mentions of sexual activity
Loud rap music blared throughout the packed spacious building. Bodies danced together to the melodic beat of Snoop Doggy Dogg’s track, Ain’t No Fun (If The Homies Can’t Have None). Drinks and smoke surrounded the crowded, overwhelming atmosphere.
A nightclub named Pulse happened to be the club Nefertari and her childhood friend, Tanya, decided to attend. Dressed in their best, hair done to perfection as well as glam. They wanted to scope the scene tonight and so they did.
Their eye-catching appearance earned a plethora of stares, some of jealousy, several in admiration or pure desire. They were used to it. Los Angeles’ night life was their niche.
“This club is bumpin’ tonight.” Tanya acknowledges the live scene, slightly dancing along to the music. The pair immediately strutting for the bar.
Remaining silent, Nefertari just observed her surroundings and ordered a, “Sex on the beach.” As typical as it sounds, it happened to be her favorite drink. Her go-to.
The alcohol cocktail contained peach schnapps, orange juice, and Vodka. The sweetness mixed with the tangy flavor, curating a perfect fruity alcoholic drink. A Sex on the Beach could never go wrong in her eyes.
Meanwhile, Tanya just ordered a simple shot of Vodka.
As Nefertari takes a sip of her glass, the attractive women began to strut further into the dim-lit club, scoping out more of the scene. Upon doing so, the pair stumbled amongst the star studded VIP section.
Nefertari finds herself pausing in her tracks to meet eyes with the one and only, John Singleton. The director of films, Boyz N The Hood and Poetic Justice. Her brown orbs held a sense of familiarity and admiration.
John Singleton happened to be accompanied by the star of one of his films, Tupac Shakur.
Her mouth instantaneously goes dry, growing stuck in place. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t speak. It had been so long since she and John saw one another.
John’s eyes lit up, “Nefertari? That you? Girl, get over here.”
The velvet rope was let open and in came the pair, several eyes falling upon the women, including the ones that Nefertari couldn’t keep hers off of. Tupac Shakur.
He was a rap sensation. A rap sensation she’d been a fan of since his 2Pacalypse Now days. Vividly, she remembered the day of the premiere of his ‘Trapped’ video. She thought he was incredibly handsome. Also, enthralled in the fact that he’s extremely vocal about social injustices.
The famous director stands to his feet, happily embracing the young woman, “Damn. You look good, Nefertari. How you been?” He quizzes. She could feel several individuals eyeballing their interaction, knowing they’re probably wondering how the two knew of each other.
Well, to go into detail, Nefertari and John met at Eddie Murphy’s mansion in 1991. Eddie Murphy was throwing a party which was filled with actors, musicians, comedians, you name it. It was a truly star-studded event.
The young woman accompanied LL Cool J as his date and nothing else short or more than that. Apparently, that night, she caught the eye of John. It was quite funny because he thought LL and Nefertari were dating, deciding to back off after approaching to ask for her number when she was finally by her lonesome.
But, the rapper gave him the green light, “Nah, man. It ain’t even like that. She just the homie. Do you.” It was the absolute truth.
They were really just friends.
That night, she and John exchanged numbers and remained in touch for almost a year. The two would talk on the phone for hours on end, laughing and at times he would tell her his deepest secrets. That she held close to her heart. She wouldn’t tell a soul because it was some things he spoke out of comfort in her.
They hung out occasionally whenever neither of two weren’t busy. Either getting dinner, going to see a movie or just walking around a park while indulging in deep meaningful conversations. What they had was special in Nefertari’s eyes, though, that’s as far as their relationship had gotten. It was more of a friendship in her perspective, a very close friendship and bond that she cherished.
One day, Nefertari found herself changing her number due to an obsessive boyfriend she was running away from. So, in result, the two lost touch.
Being from North Carolina and moving to Los Angeles was a hell of a transition, both physically and mentally. It was quite difficult trying to adapt into a complete different state that was fast-paced. Quick to move on to the next.
During her time of residing in Los Angeles, she’s met a plethora amount of all kinds of people. Some were trying to become famous, some were trying to remain famous, while some were already famous.
Nefertari met a lot of powerful individuals along the way. Most of those individuals hold the key to the ins and outs of this industry. As long as she’s lived here, she held a lot of secrets. Secrets that could ruin careers, lives, and break up happy homes.
Hollywood could make you jaded. She didn’t understand how she, herself, was still in this town.
Sending a dazzling smile, showcasing her pearly whites, “I’ve been great. How are you? It’s been a minute, huh?” She suppressed her feelings. A habit she’d picked up after being in Hollywood for so long.
When she and John lost touch, it saddened her incredibly. She enjoyed their long conversations, his corny jokes and occasional unwanted film directing advice. But overall, he was one of the few people that understood her.
“Also, this is my friend, Tanya. She’s in town visiting me for the weekend.” Upon introducing her friend, she watches John embrace Tanya as well.
“So, where you been all this time? It’s like you disappeared on me.”
“Well..” Nefertari began to explain and their full-fledged conversation started from there. They were back like they never left, catching up like old times.
“Wait a minute. I haven’t introduced you two. Hey, Tupac…” With a swift motion of his hand, he motioned for the rapper to come closer. He was adamant on the two meeting. Eventually, their eyes met and it instantly sent shivers down her spine.
He was eye-catching, for sure.
His presence was demanding and almost made her nervous. It wouldn’t be long before she’d break a sweat, gulping silently. She took in his physical appearance, both of them showcasing their pearly whites.
His shaved, bald head was clean. Also, adorned with a black and white bandana. The diamond of his nose ring shined ever so brightly. He was dressed in a black and white baggy outfit as well as a pair of matching white sneakers.
He exuded confidence and self-assurance yet humbleness, she liked that in a man.
“Tupac, this is my good friend, Nefertari Zain. Nefertari, I’m sure you know who this is, Tupac.” He introduced the two, a grin amongst his lips.
The rapper stuck his hand outward and the beauty sat her palm against his, not able to take their eyes off of one another. “Pleasure to meet you, Nefertari.” He puts emphasis on her name with a smirk, irises analyzing her frame closely, enjoying the view. His soft, plump lips meeting the back of her hand.
“You too, Tupac.”
Nefertari couldn’t deny. She was extremely flattered.
It was apparent that they both liked what they saw. Nothing else or anyone else in that room mattered. And from that moment on, something ignited between them.
They would exchange numbers that exact night, flirting endlessly.
For months on end, they remained in contact and would talk on the phone for hours. They became close friends whom hung out whenever they could and had amazing times together. Equally, the pair enjoyed one another’s company.
They’d gotten so close that he introduced her to his family. Almost every studio session, she was there and observing how he worked. She watched him write, effortlessly freestyle, there was no denying his talent.
She’s dated several talents within the industry and honestly every single one of them inspired her. A very few held a special place in her heart, some were just there to get over the last. Tupac was already in that category of an individual that squeezed into her heart with his charisma and outspoken, blunt nature.
Which explains why the rapper decided to invite her out to his six-bedroom home in Atlanta. He paid every expense it took for her safe arrival, including a charming driver by the name of Antonio.
Comfortably, they laid in Tupac’s king-size bed. Fully clothed, considering neither of them participating in any activities that included them being naked. Instead the pair engaged in a conversation.
That was their relationship in a nutshell. Sex wasn’t a priority.
It was clear that neither of them cared or was thinking about sex in the heat of the moment. They shared a blunt and Nefertari sat quietly, listening to him rant about his legal troubles. She didn’t care about what they did nor talked about as long as they were breathing the same air, she would be fine.
It was no secret that Tupac ran into the law several times. In fact, he had cases on top of cases. He was a troublemaker but it wasn’t intentional.
Moments of being around him, watching how he interacted with family, friends and his fans. He isn’t entirely what the media portrayed him to be. He wasn’t violent for no reason. But he could get quite rowdy when you pushed his buttons.
From what she’s observed, you did not want to get on his bad side.
“What you thinking about?” His doe, brown expressive orbs pierced into hers. Their eye contact was often passionate, finding themselves staring into one another’s soul.
Twiddling with his dark brown vest, she smiles softly, “Just listening to you. That’s all.” Nefertari’s head laid onto his chest, his heart beating playing in her eardrums, her right leg on top of his comfortably.
This was what they did whenever they were alone, lay up. They also would play card games, video games, smoke good weed— whatever they were in the mood for. Tupac never pushed himself on her and for that, she’s grateful.
But at times, honestly, she wished he would because she would tear him apart. Plus, she wasn’t that bold enough to initiate anything.
His large hands caressed her clothed back, admiring her facial features as she admired his. “Damn, you’re gorgeous.” One of his hands reaching to grip her chin to lift her face upward toward his, his red dilated eyes squinting slightly while blowing the smoke from between his lips and unintentionally entering her nostrils.
She began to blush uncontrollably, their noses only a few inches apart due to how close he’d gently forced her. The constant compliments would leave her blushing, making her melt internally and Tupac knew that. He was such a tease.
She loved the rush of being in his presence. There was never a dull moment with him especially when she’s riding shotgun in his Mercedes Benz while he drives like a bat out of hell.
He was also a gentleman. Something the media never seemed to want to showcase.
Often, they focused on the negative; Him shooting two cops, starting a brawl with the Hughes Brothers, supposedly taking advantage of a woman, etcetera. Nefertari was able to witness his good side, his soft side.
“Fuck the world!” She noticed he would often say aloud and she found herself screaming it as well especially when her friends would warn her about him. They had nothing but bad things to say about the rapper. Clearly, she didn’t care what they’d say.
She defended him with everything in her and would shout, “Fuck the world!” as Tupac would.
His ways were rubbing off on her and she loved it.
“I ain’t gon’ lie. I’m falling for you like a mothafucka.” He speaks truthfully, finger tracing up and down her arm. “I think I love you.”
“I’m growing to love you too, Tupac.” Neither of them moved a muscle, never breaking eye contact either. “What should we… do now?” She began, tension brewing over between the pair. “Should we act upon these feelings or just, let them be feelings.”
A heavy sigh passes his lips and instantaneously he looks away, Nefertari knew that he was bound to say something she wouldn’t like. “I have to let you know… there are other women.” She had no choice but to respect his honesty, remaining calm.
Her best attempt of maintaining her nonchalance seemed to be working. Though, in the inside, she was fuming with jealousy. The thought of him wrapped in another woman’s arms pissed her off to a great degree. Then again, she knew exactly what she was getting herself into.
But no matter what, she would always be there for him. No matter how many women he slept with. They weren’t her. They could never be.
“I don’t want to lead you on. I don’t even want you to think I’m leading you on. I truly enjoy your company and I would like to continue this thing we got going on. You aight with that?”
Truthfully, Nefertari had no choice but to be. The relationship the two shared meant a lot to her and she didn’t want him out of her life. He’d just stepped in four months ago.
Nodding, a light grin amongst her two toned lips, “Yeah. It’s cool.” No. It wasn’t. The grin was placed to cover up the frown she fought and won against.
His unreadable eyes searched hers as if he was looking for something in particular, though, he remained silent. Eventually, he connects their lips. “Beautiful.” He speaks in between the loving kiss they shared.
That’s all there was… a kiss. A passionate, soul-snatching kiss.
Overtime, Tupac had been filming another film, Above The Rim. But shortly after that began, she began to see less of him. Though, still they would speak on the phone every once in a while. But those phone calls became once every blue moon. With the amount of court dates, interviews, filming, he had a lot on his plate.
There would be times he wouldn’t answer her calls nor her pages. It was a clear indication he didn’t want to be bothered, so, she let him be.
Nefertari wasn’t sweating it though. She was busy as well, finding more work as a model and a video girl. During their hiatus, she was able to get more work done.
There she was at a fashion show on January 24th of 1994. The young woman was getting prepared to walk the runway for Calvin Klein, having her makeup and hair done. Her eyeballs peered onto the mirror, remaining silent, in deep thought as she observed both the beauticians work.
Suddenly, her phone would rang. Without a hesitation, she reaches for her Motorola Piper Cellphone that sat on the bright white-painted vanity. Answering in her soft tone, “Hello?” She awaits for the unknown person to speak on the other end, given the fact that she hadn’t even looked at the caller ID.
“Nef, how you doing, baby?”
She knew that voice by heart. Then, her heart actually began to race. After all this time, he finally gave her a call. But she wasn’t complaining. As long as she heard his voice, she was fine. The fashion show no longer mattered.
She was willing to drop everything to go see him where ever. Didn’t matter the hotel nor the distance. All he had to do was name it and she’d be there.
“I—I’m great. It’s been so long. How have you been? Filming going great so far?” She found herself stuttering, eyes fluttering and immediately smiling genuinely. Something she hadn’t done in a while.
“Yeah. We just wrapped that shit up like two months ago. What you doing right now?”
“I’m in glam, preparing for a fashion show.” As stated before, she would drop everything to see him. “Did you have any thing in mind, or…?”
A sharp silence meets her eardrums and her eyebrows furrowing together, remaining silent as well. She was awaiting a response, wanting to hear him say, “Come see me.”
But instead, he says, “I want to apologize.”
“For what?” Her inquiry passes her lips instantly.
“Doing exactly what I said I wouldn’t do…” He began. “I lead you on. I knew that you fell for me— shit— I fell for you too.” Shuffling is heard on her end, indicating that he was shaking his head. “Like I told you before, you are not the only woman. That and I got a lot of baggage. It’s too much shit going on in my life for me to ever take a woman like you serious.” The rapper pauses, a heavy sigh escaping his throat.
“The day I told you I was still seeing other women, I didn’t say anything, but I saw the hurt in your eyes. You knew all along yet you didn’t say a word because of your feelings for me. You were more than willing to put up with it… when you deserve more than me. I can’t be the man you need me to be.”
Nefertari could feel her heart breaking into two, though she maintained her composure, considering the glam team was still working on her. “What are you saying, Pac?” Desperation filling her tone.
“Although we haven’t been much on speaking terms, I was still thinking of you. I was thinking of you in court, those jail cells, when I was filming—I’ll always think of you. You’re a beautiful creature, inside and out. You don’t need a fuck up like me in your life.”
“Don’t speak about yourself that way and I don’t care about any of that stuff or the media or—” She starts, only to be interrupted.
“This ain’t about the media, Nefertari. Fuck them. This is about us. As hard as this will be, man, I love you but we gotta part ways. All I’ll do is hold you back and you don’t need that. I’m fucked up right now.” The young woman couldn’t believe her ears right now.
No-one else in that room mattered, even from the night they met at that nightclub, “I wish you would stop telling me what I need.” She protests, her voice raising but she still remembered to conduct herself in an appropriate manner. “I know exactly what I was getting myself into. You’re who you are and I can’t do anything but accept that.”
“It’s over, Nef. I’m sorry.” There was not enough protesting she could do to change his mind. He was adamant on his decision, knowing he was losing a friend and a potential lover. “I wish you nothing but the best, baby. I gotta go.”
“Guess this is goodbye, then.” She has no choice but to let him go. It’s what he wanted.
A long, emotional pregnant pause poured amongst the two. No more words were exchanged. There was nothing either of the two could do or say to make their situation better. Technically, they had been over since he stopped responding to her calls and pages, but he’d finally given her the closure she deserved. That was the least he could do.
The rapper didn’t want to leave her hanging with unanswered questions, wondering why he’d disappeared on her. It was better to be honest than to avoid her like he planned to do initially.
The moment he ended the call was the moment he ended their relationship. There was no more Nefertari and Tupac.
Meanwhile, Nefertari’s stared into the mirror of the vanity in pure silence. A sense of derealization sneaking amongst her saddened being but she disguises it, holding her head high so the makeup artist could continue to work on her canvas.
Seven months and out of those seven months, they weren’t on speaking terms for two months. As naive as this may sound, Nefertari thought they were building something; a relationship. Just for that building to come crumbling down when Tupac told her, “It’s over.” Those two simple words ended it all.
Though, in the midst of her pain, the two words she could think of is could’ve been. They could’ve been, in different circumstances and in an alternate life.
Maybe another lifetime.
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adelarsims · 2 years
Caleb Vatore and his (questionable, if you ask Lilith) wardrobe
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1 - Everyday, 2 - Formal
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3 - Sport and Home, 4 - Party
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5 - Summer and Beach, 6 - Winter
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Caleb is colorblind. This is called achromatopsia, or monochromacy, he completely lost his color vision after turning (and to be honest, he was terrified). He relies on Cassie, Lilith and store employees to help him buy clothes so he won't run around dressed like a circus escapee.
His wardrobe is pretty chaotic, he has some glam rock stuff along with items that were influenced by vampires centuries older than him. But he really loves modern style that allows him to just get comfy and doesn't demand any specific kind of weird tie or uncomfortable collar.
His ears are pointy. You can see it in his sporty and winter outfits.
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plsrl · 5 months
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Alright, picture this: Miami, where every sunset whispers secrets and each wave holds mysteries. It's not just about the sun-kissed beaches and wild parties that go till dawn, although they're a big part of it. In Miami, the line between fantasy and reality blurs faster than you can say "cocktail." You've got your A-list celebrities strutting their stuff, while shady characters lurk in the neon-lit shadows. It's a city where Pretty Little Secrets dance along the waves, and anything you dare to dream up can become your reality. In this playground, from the glitz and glam to the underbelly of crime, every corner holds a story waiting to be told. Welcome to Miami, where the only limit is your imagination.
More details to come, be sure to follow us here to stay up to date.
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wntrflln · 2 years
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riley  should  have  been  more  than  used  to  this  by  now  .  the  flash ,  the  glam ,  the  kook  parties  just  for  the  sake  of  throwing  one  so  rich  people  could  pat  themselves  on  the  back  for  being  born  into  money .  it  wasn’t  all  that  bad  and  having  family  on  this  side  of  the  island  was  the  only  reason  the  shelbys   were  able  to  leave  their  father  in  the  wind  but ,  even  despite  all  that  and  the  time spent  here ,  sometimes ,  it  was still  to  rich  for  their  blood .  ‘  this  is  great  and  all ,  ‘  riley  hummed ,  ‘  but  i’m  gonna  head  out . ‘  the  beach  was  calling  their  name  and  with  the  time it  was ,  they  knew  it  would  be  more  or  less  empty . 
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hakurenamnell · 3 months
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Eaux turquoises et Sable blanc
All gears and dyes here : Eorzea Collection
My entry glam for the contest for DAWNTRAIL BEACH PARTY, yesterday ! It was SOOOOOO much fun ! :D
So glad to see some familiar faces and names <3
Quick bonus pictures with some other creators :p
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