#Baxter Theatre
aplayatplay · 1 month
DELELA, a play by Tiisetso Mashifane wa Noni (Baxter Trailer)
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differenteagletragedy · 8 months
hello, i've been thinking about musical theatre nerd Baxter since the Phantom of the Opera ask, and now i need headcanons about it, please, personally, i also think we would've made a great Orpheus for Hadestown
I love all the theatre nerd Baxter talk, it's so fun to think about!
-- He started dancing when he was 8, so by the time he gets into high school, everyone definitely knows it's a thing. He's also very good! Because of this, he gets approached his freshman year when the theatre kids are putting on the ~spring musical~
-- They have kids that know how to dance, but he's getting to be known for his talent, so hey, why not ask him to help out?
-- He's got some free time and a pathological need to please, so like sure, he's down.
-- Instantly obsessed. He's not unfamiliar with theatre, and he's seen musicals (old black and white movies with all the dancing, he loves), but actually being involved in the production of one? What a blast for him! The drama of it all!
-- As a former costume crew member, Baxter also gives me costume crew vibes. Just sitting in the shop sewing stuff and talking trash about everybody else. Could hem the hell out of a pair of pants and make an actor cry at the same time.
-- Him with a measuring tape around his neck at the sewing machine, just working and suffering. No, you can't try on someone else's costume for fun. No, you can't borrow something for a party. Get out of his shop. Seriously, get out.
-- Stage Manage Baxter too. He has his binder, his headset and he is TIRED OF EVERYONE. Learn your lines. Build the set. He doesn't have TIME for this.
-- I'm just realizing that you didn't specify high school, that was in a comment somewhere, so this can be for college too, or an AU! Baxter is an old soul, he's always going to be like this.
-- Could also perform! He could sing if he wanted, so he'd be your classic triple threat with his dancing talent, and we all know his dramatic ass could handle the acting.
-- Baxter pretty much IS Bobby from "Company," but he couldn't play the role until he was the right age for the character, so no school productions, it would hit too close to home.
-- "Somebody hold me too close, somebody hurt me too deep, somebody sit in my chair and ruin my sleep and make me aware of being alive," like COME ON.
-- We've talked about Phantom Baxter more than once, so that's a thing too!
-- I would do anything to see him do Emcee in "Cabaret." Tell me he wouldn't kill it, you can't do it.
-- Jamie in "Last 5 Years" -- "The Schmuel Song" is something he'd actually do for MC, so that's cute.
-- I'll lose my mind -- Baxter proposing like "The Next Ten Minutes," just think. "Will you share your life with me for the next ten minutes, for a million summers till the world explodes, till there's no one left who has ever known us apart?"
-- He will absolutely belt his heart out when he's alone in the car. And the shower. And maybe while cooking and cleaning.
-- There is never going to be one single instance at all ever in which he doesn't know his lines or his choreography.
-- If this is school Baxter though, there's always a fight because he excels at both musicals AND period pieces, but he is only one person and can't be in everything. He's one of the strongest dancers but also just a natural at that elevated speech in more classic plays OBVIOUSLY.
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The Baxter Street Dudes was a New York City teenage street gang, consisting of former newsboys and bootblacks, who ran the Grand Duke's Theatre from the basement of a dive bar on Baxter Street in Manhattan during the 1870s. Led by founder Baby-Face Willie, gang members operated the Grand Duke's Theatre and established the venue as their headquarters. Members of the Baxter Street Dudes wrote and performed plays, musicals and variety shows which were enjoyed by other street toughs and slummers throughout the city. The theater house eventually became a popular underworld hangout, from which the gang found financial success.
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So where’s the musical about the 1870s New York teenage gang putting on musicals?
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scarletsaphire · 2 years
I feel like I’m going to have to start posting content about the red panda if I ever want to see people doing anything with it. It won’t work. But like, be the change you want to see in the world yknow?
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Josephine Baker (The Siren of the Tropics, ZouZou)— Josephine Baker was an American born actress, singer, and utter icon of the period, creating the 1920s banana skirt look. She was the first black woman to star in a major motion film. She fought in the French resistance in WWII, given a Legion of Honour, as well as refusing to perform in segregated theatres in the US. She was bisexual, a fighter, and overall an absolutely incredible woman as well as being extremely attractive.
Anne Baxter (The Ten Commandments, All About Eve)—her soft, gentle voice in "all about eve", those gentle eyes with something odd behind them, the way she flips from Sweet Innocent to Viper on a dime......there was something Built Different about anne baxter, man, and it makes her so good for playing people who are Built Wrong. also one of my favorite batmen villains (her joint episode w vincent price is a delight) and of course I'm obsessed with her columbo episode where she bosses around edith head and does fabulous movie star things for no good reason. and i would be REMISS if i didn't mention her slink—oh the slink—in the ten commandments...................pardon me i must go think of sinning again
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Josephine Baker:
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Black, American-born, French dancer and singer. Phenomenal sensation, took music-halls by storm. Famous in the silent film era.
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Let's talk La Revue Negre, Shuffle Along. The iconique banana outfit? But also getting a Croix de Guerre and full military honors at burial in Paris due to working with the Resistance.
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She exuded sex, was a beautiful dancer, vivacious, and her silliness and humor added to her attractiveness. She looked just as good in drag too.
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So I know she was more famous for other stuff than movies and her movies weren’t Hollywood but my first exposure to her was in her films so I’ve always thought of her as a film actress first and foremost. Also she was the first black woman to star in a major motion picture so I think that warrants an entry
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Iconic! Just look up anything about her life. She was a fascinating woman.
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Anne Baxter:
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The prettiest murderer in that film. Just so beautifully evil as Nefertari.
Anne Baxter was part of my Bisexual Awakening. My family has a tradition that every Palm Sunday we watch The ten commandments on TV together... And starting from a very young age, I essentially developed a crushes on Anne Baxter's Nefertiri & Yul Brynner's Ramses. Dude, the woman was HOT! They both were! My crush definitely wasn't helped by the fact that Anne Baxter's costumes were a bit on the sheer side. She had a way of capturing you with her eyes, and I never understood why Charlton heston's Moses didn't just have a threesome with Nefertiri and Ramses. LOL
Her Nefertiri in The Ten Commandments was FORMATIVE TO ME. If not the hottest old movie lady, then she definitely played the hottest old movie character. if that makes sense.
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Look. Listen. I only *just* discovered her on a post from the Have You Seen This Romcom poll blog. Saw she had the same last name as me and went OOH hi hello. Went to her IMdB and saw she was born in Indiana like moi. I am now even more intrigued. Been eagerly telling my partner this, and he was like "maybe you guys are distantly related?" And after 2 hrs of going down the tumblr tag + her imdb photos, I'm In Deep(tm) and I can't stop looking at her like 😍 When I go to my grandma's house, bet your ass I'm gonna check my grandpa's genealogy and see if we're somehow related. Sorry that's not really propaganda I just got real excited, esp when I saw that the submission deadline was extended (bless your soul). Narrowing down the movies where she's hottest in was Hell tyvm. I've only just discovered her, she looks gorgeous to me in every movie still I see of her gdi lol.
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liliumofthevalleyy · 8 months
The trial of younger Louis and Will isn't talked about enough
I have no idea why I haven't seen someone talk about it yet from Baxter's prespective with how funny it is.
Imagine you are an arrogant, selfish, hypocritical, and frankly annoying nobleman, who does not deserve the wealth his ancestors have build like half the birtish ppl back then, in late 1800s Britain.
You cheat an orphanage out of it's donation money and then some kids from the slum form an agreement with you to repay it so that now you owe them instead, and you don't think much of it because 1. they're kids 2.they're "uneducated stupid dirty kids"
Those same kids take you to court for not repaying them a month later💀.
Spoiler alert, they weren't dumb.
Turns out, even without a lawyer, the older kid is dominating you effortlessly, you a nobleman (unbelieveable right?). And the kid decidsed to adhere to the agreement by taking one pound of flesh. To which your lawyer objects with a reason and his objection is sustained.
Surprise, the kids prepared against that too. And surprise, you are losing and the case and it's stressing you out while the older kid freaking asks you if you would like him to recite all of Shakespeare's plays (since this trial mimicks the trial in one of the plays) while posing. (We stan theatre kid William).
Out of nowhere the older kid pulls out a relatively large knife from his small blazer's pocket? And menacingly approaches you as everyone watches casually because ain't no way that small-ahh blazer is covering ANYTHING.
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Unsuprisingly atp, you lost the case...
Out of all corrupt nobleman that actually got one-ep long screen-time before getting off-screened like Enders, Baxter's case is the most miserable to me. Like with how status was everything back then, how is he ever gonna live it down?
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months
The Romantic: Nicholas Baxter x Reader (L&O)
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Tagging: @kmc1989 flopiboni @toheavenwmydrms
Nick knows the instant he lays eyes on you that you’re the woman he’s going to spend the rest of his life with. He’s sitting in the audience at the Philharmonic with a woman his sister had set him up with you step onto the stage in a forest green wrap dress and fresh flowers in your hair. He’s transfixed from the moment you pick up the violin.
Your music, it’s haunting. It flows through his body, awakening parts of him that he didn’t even know existed. He feels joy, hope, elation and then he hits the lows, the sadness, the melancholy. It’s the most intimate experience he’s had in a long time.
It’s in the interval that he actually looks at the leaflet he was handed on the way into the theatre.
It has your name written across the top along with the show title.
Rosanna Delarue – A Journey Through Italy.
His date leaves halfway through but Nick, he stays for the entire thing.
It’s a month later at the Central Park Preforming Arts Gala that the two of you are formally introduced. You’re wearing a cornflower blue dress tonight, your hair is threaded with fresh flowers of the same colour. You look ethereal, a beacon amongst the deluge of black and white.
“Call me Rosie.” You request when you offer him your hand.
It’s etched into his heart from the moment he takes it.
The two of you hit it off immediately, he spends the night completely captivated as you sip cocktails at the bar regaling him with tales from your travels. When he puts you in a cab later that night, he gives you his card.
“I really enjoyed spending time with you tonight.” He says sincerely. “Give me a call if you ever want to do it again.”
He marries you a year later.
When he gets in tonight, the sweet serenade of your violin greets him. It’s the first time you’ve been home in over two months because you’ve been touring in Europe. Nick hangs up his overcoat before setting down his briefcase alongside the shoe rack. He lingers in the doorway of the living room watching as you play.
You still look as beautiful as the night he first saw you. You’re clad in one of his shirts and a pair of jeans that hug you in all the right places. Your damp hair is tied back into a messy bun, stray strands falling across your features.
You have your eyes closed because it helps you to visualise the music. Your synaesthesia allows you to see every note and every chord in a series of colours. It’s a fascinating quirk, he’d spent hours questioning you when you first told him about the condition.
“Rosie.” He says softly and your eyes flicker open to meet his.
The edges of your mouth tip up into a small smile and the tune changes, the opening bars to Elvis Presley’s ‘Love Me Tender’ filling his ears. It’s your wedding song, the first one you danced to as husband and wife.
“For my husband,” You say affectionately. “The Romantic.”
Love Nick? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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citizenscreen · 5 months
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Gregory Peck and Anne Baxter on a break from performing on the “Lux Radio Theatre” presentation of “Gentleman's Agreement” in 1948.
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animeomegas · 1 year
Thinking about Baxter again because I cannot get that man out of my head... I will share some of my thoughts in the hopes that they will leave me alone XD
Baxter has a fear of the ocean, but he's okay on boats, right? But what if he fell overboard?
Maybe it was a similar hang out to the one on the boat in stage 3, where MC, Liz, Cove, Lee and Baxter are all hanging out, except they're older and Baxter and MC have been together for at least a year.
But there's an accident and Baxter slips into the ocean.
You know he'd be fine physically, I mean, Cove probably easily jumps over to drag Baxter back on board.
But mentally? I reckon he'd be seriously shaken.
He would be trying to hide his reaction because he's embarrassed, but he has an iron grip on MC's arm and they know he's struggling more than he will admit.
MC will probably take him below deck, dry him off as best as they can and make sure he's okay.
Baxter's adrenaline will probably crash right there, maybe he'll get tired and upset, maybe he'll get fidgety and snappy, but whatever happens I think he'd really benefit from some head pats, hugs, and someone to hold his hand when you eventually get off the boat.
Okay, next thought.
Imagine proposing to Baxter.
This man would go into shock 100%.
Please don't do it in public, you'll probably kill him 😭
Personally, I imagine MC letting him sleep the morning away, then taking him out to the beach for a picnic for lunch, then bowling in the afternoon, followed by dinner, an evening at the theatre, and then some late night dancing.
When they arrive home, then and only then, does MC tell Baxter that they have a gift for him. They get him to sit on the sofa and close his eyes, which he would do, smiling and chuckling a little.
And when they tell him to open his eyes, he sees the engagement ring in the little velvet box.
MC gives a small speech about how much they adore him, how happy they are with him, how much they want to love him forever, and finally they ask him to marry them.
Baxter goes into shock, as previously mentioned.
He might even ask if MC is sure smh
But he accepts of course.
Definitely cries a little as well, just saying.
And only when the shock wears off, several days later, does he engage type A wedding planner mode XD
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You changed quite a bit with the Hazbin characters neckwear! What was the thought behind some of the changes?
I’d love to elaborate! I had a lot of fun with playing with their fashion!
Charlie Morningstar🎼🍎
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Kept her bow tie as I think it suits her love of music/theatre! Made it bigger, more ribbon like, to make her look like a cute children’s music conductor, to fit the whole toy doll motif🧸🎼! Also added a gold apple decoration for her whole apple motif 🍎 fun fact, the bow’s made from a bit of Vaga’s cloak(she gifted it to Charlie)💖🎀
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Removed her choker, her necks now covered by a collar and cloak. She’s wearing an old bellhop uniform and adds some protection. the hood cloaks a little somethign from her past she’s held unto. Puts it up when she wants to be more inconspicuous, blend in. I also added it to make her more moth/angel like 🦋🪽 the apple pins a gift from Charlie to help keep it secure and show she’s part of the hotel 🏨
Angel Dust🕷️🕸️
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Made his choker into a locket pendant choker…it was a gift from Valentino💔You can probably guess what could be in it.
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Kept the bow tie for him too(fits with the bartender/casino/magician lover vibe) but loosed it up. I imagine he ties it up if Alastor wants him to or if he wants to make a good impression on someone. Kept it red too to keep him connected to Alastor.
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Removed her scarf to show her shirt collar. I did end up making it into a head decoration for her head! Made it white with Orange red splot designs to keep the color connection to Alastor🩸
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Didn’t change too much, kept the collar shirt. It makes sense for him, considering he plays with chemicals a lot. Sir Pentious🐍⚙️
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Gave him a cravat tie(popular 1900’s neckwear) with his new motif, gear eyes ⚙️👁️
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Changed Alastors bow tie into a necktie. The symbols are meant to give off a radio tower 📡
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Also switched his bow tie into a regular tie to keep him connected to Alastor and they were really popular back in the 50’s
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Made her necklace more dark gold and added an egg shape to the center(she’s a canary in my version)
Here’s a link to the gang’s full pictures!
What do u think? What kinda neckwear would you prefer for them
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
Not sure if your still taking requests, if not you can totally ignore this. But if you are could you do some headcanons on how the OLBA boys would celebrate your birthday? It's currently my birthday, and I'm feeling a little self indulgent. ^^;;
Happy birthday!!!!! A perfect day for self indulgence!
-- If you live at your moms' house still, Cove is tapping on that window at the break of dawn. If you're not a morning person, he's still doing it -- he's very sorry, but he's too excited to wait and he has plans so get up please!
-- If you share an apartment, then all that too, you're still getting up at dawn, he just won't have to climb a house to wake you up.
-- He's just giddy all day, he's so excited to celebrate you because he's a little sweetie like that.
-- Don't worry about walking, because the Cove Express is ready for takeoff (this means piggyback rides).
-- He is going to have so many fun activities planned! Have you mentioned wanting to go to some new restaurant recently? That's where you're going! Do you like movies, theatre, live music, shopping? It doesn't matter, he's going to have paid attention to what you've been talking about and what you like and build plans around that.
-- Bouquet of poppies is mandatory.
-- Omg do you think he would get a poppy tattoo one day? Or a firefly?
-- If you wear jewelry, like actually wear it and like it, then at least one time he'll get you something with a firefly on it.
-- Clingy to the max.
-- Derek is also waking up early, but if you don't want to then it's totally fine if you sleep in. He'll make breakfast in bed, with a little flower vase and a fancy tray and everything.
-- You're gonna have to go to the boardwalk. If you end up with Derek, you love the boardwalk so this is a good thing!
-- It's kind of like Derek Day, but it's your day! So you can get whatever face paint you want, pick all the rides, get all the treats you want.
-- He's about to get real mushy in that Ferris wheel.
-- It's just that he has a lot of important things to say about how much he loves and appreciates you and how thankful he is that you were born.
-- He may have written his thoughts out and practiced saying them out loud so he wouldn't skip over anything, this is very serious.
-- He will make you dinner.
-- Do you want a back rub? He'll do that too.
-- Maybe at the end of the day you can either pick out a movie for you to watch at home together or play a game. He's got your favorite snacks already, so you'll be good to go.
-- Were you hoping for an early morning wakeup call? Then you shouldn't have ended up with Baxter, silly.
-- But he will snuggle you senseless until it's time to get out of bed.
-- Will also tell you stories. And Baxter bedtime stories are pretty great.
-- Will also cook a meal for you, because he's still proud he knows how.
-- So this can go one of two ways. One, he's going to take you off for a little day trip. Like a bed and breakfast a couple of hours away, maybe another beach town, maybe closer to the mountains.
-- Or he's going to keep you in town and get nostalgic.
-- This doesn't necessarily mean that you're headed to the bowling alley again, but it could! Really just any place that you've made memories, he'll want to hit those up.
-- He might have stopped off at the party supply store to get you a feather boa and some oversized sunglasses for old times' sake.
-- Champagne at home!
-- Will pop out the most charming things you've ever heard in your life randomly throughout the day then go on like nothing happened.
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about the hobbies post - in the "saturday morning adventures" comic series [ongoing, set in the 1987 cartoon universe (can be seen as additional shorter stories to the canon?)] baxter says he was in drama club in high school :D
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You can't tell me this doesn't prove he loves history! Shakespeare also makes sense for a category he enjoys too, a part of me finds it a bit funny he was a background extra but on the other hand he probably still made mileage out of it & was the best extra he could be
Fucking superb you funky little theatre kid
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imagionationstation · 5 months
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I have a 2012 rewrite au, and I fell down a rabbit hole solely based on the hc that Xever saw shredder as a vague father figure, and then like all of his interactions with Karai are always “Do you want me to call dad?” “I will kill you?!” “Alright..”
Also there’s enough problematic men in the foot, so I just… hit him w the “I’m not a creep!” ray and he’s just some dude
This is a theatre kid, this man is a professional yapper. Shredder’s mad at him? Turn the conversation around to how sad shredders life is and that he shouldn’t have to be forced to commit atrocities because of Hamato Yoshi. He’s a pr girlie
Okay, firstly, what grape vine is talking about me and why?
Can you headcanon your own AU?? Is that possible?? Is that a thing people do?? All the potential to say “I think this would be a neat canon” but isn’t not actually canon- this sounded better with every word that came out of my mouth. I am doing this.
(Evidently. I’m not sure how that happened, tbh-)
Fair warning to all- when I am invested in a idea, I don’t know how to shut up. So. If you give me an ask, you’re agreeing to everything that comes after. I am not liable for incoming rants.
Xever is all kind of zesty (in AU and canon) because it makes him notable and fun!
I love so many interactions with him and Raphael in canon. There was no better character for him to “understand” than Xever, mkay, I absolutely loved how Baxter's Gambit was handled. They would have been SUCH a duo had they not chosen different sides to fight on and HECK YEAH with the Shredder father figure AU.
In the canon, I wondered about a few things a lot- like, Shredder hunted this man down and broke him out of jail to join his crime syndicate. And for someone who’s supposed to be the best of the best, that man is no match for the turtles. Got to wonder why Shredder wasted his time on Xever or bothered keeping him around after he got mutated when he was such a hassle as a fishy…
He even went as far as keeping a kidnapped scientist to build working legs and breathable air suit for the guy. Like, in all seriousness, for a big evil crime lord who threatens to off them every day, he sure is intent on keeping his lackies around.
In regards to your AU, THANK YOU for taking away his creep act because that’s the main reason that he’s not a top fave for me. I don’t know why they reversed the “I’m not a creep” ray for canon, but I guess it was an experiment that they took way too far and couldn’t bring themselves to back out of.
As Karai is an expert manipulator, I’d like to know if she gets her skills from him or if he does from her- or if they adapt from each other. He feeds into the dad’s drama while Karai could not be more fed up with it. The clash over this topic so often. I can see it.
I think it would be ironic for Karai to have an older brother figure who eventually gets brought into the found family because Leo would have to adapt to having MORE older relatives. I like the idea of Xever being a “cousin”, because that would technically make her a cousin too, and Karai sure acts like she’s more of a bossy cousin than an older sister. So it works out.
Xever has a villain name, right? 😱
Mikey has to villain name a villain mutant- it’s like, 2012TMNT law.
(Completely messing with you. Do as you want.)
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scotianostra · 2 months
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Scottish actress Brigit Forsyth born on July 28th 1940 in Edinburgh.
Brigit was a theatre fan from the age of eight when she saw her first pantomimes at the King’s Theatre in the city where she remembers Stanley Baxter as"The best panto dame ever" and Russell hunter during his Callan days.
She attended all girls schools Cranley and St George’s in Edinburgh then trained as a secretary before enrolling at RADA where she studied for three years. She then joined various repertory companies including Lincoln, Edinburgh, Salisbury, Cheltenham, Hornchurch and Watford.
She toured in My Fat Friend and performed in the West End productions of The Norman Conquests, Dusa, Fish and Stas and Vi. Her film work includes The Wrong Side of The Blankets, The Road Builder and The Crystal Stone.
Brigit has worked extensively on television for many years in shows including Playing The Field, The Practice and Tom, Dick and Harriet. She has also appeared in countless long-running hits such as Doctors, The Bill, Casualty, Coronation Street and Emmerdale. She is best known for her long running role as Thelma Ferris in the BBC comedy The Likely Lads and Whatever Happened To The Likely Lads, she has been in the reboot of Open all Hours, Still Open All Hours, but said a number of years ago that The Likely Lads should never return.
Brigit’s heart has always remained in theatre and she has appeared in classics such as Hamlet, The Comedy of Errors, The Glass Menagerie and The Importance of Being Earnest as well as the recent West End hit Calendar Girls
In March 1998 she made a one episode guest appearance in Coronation Street as Ken Barlow’s dating agency client Babs Fanshawe. Brigit is married to Coronation Street director Brian Mills and they have two children Zoe and Ben. Brigit has also appeared in Eastenders, Hollyoaks, Holby City and Doctors, to name but a few of her many extensive YV roles.
Brigit Forsyth passed away on December 1st last year aged 83, she is survived by her two children.
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justforbooks · 5 months
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Dear God, the Parthenon is still broken is a photographic vignette by Yorgos Lanthimos. Although created on the set of the film Poor Things in Budapest, the book inhabits a separate world, untethered from time and place.
The photographs drift between black and white and colour, giving the impression of a waking dream between past and present, whilst multiple layers between reality and fiction are gradually revealed. The film was set in various late 19th century locations including London, Lisbon, Marseille, and a cruise ship—all recreated in Budapest. These constructed cities and interiors provide the backdrop for the photographs. The characters populate these imagined cities whilst the precarious screens, scaffolding, rigs, lighting and crew are divulged on the periphery of the images. Lanthimos has intentionally widened the frame to show the workings of the construct, fabricating a new story within the story. To mirror this, the publication is designed with foldouts to reveal these constructs within the cast of characters—the reader opens a book within a book.
In reaction to the fast-moving creation of the film, Lanthimos embraced the opportunity to use a large-format camera to make these images, focusing on stillness, tonality and light. Deciding on a composition and not changing this until the exposure was complete, each picture provided him with a meditative time of focus. The creative process of making the images extended to collaboration with the actress Emma Stone who played the role of Bella Baxter in the film, for which she was awarded an Oscar. Through working together on previous projects, Lanthimos and Stone have developed a unique creative partnership. After a busy day of filming, they would develop the colour 6x7 negatives and the b&w 4x5 sheet film together in a makeshift darkroom in a bathroom. This alchemic act offered them both a creative outlet beyond the realm and constraints of the film.
The title of the book ‘Dear God, the Parthenon is still broken’ comes from a postcard that the character of Bella Baxter was to send to her father, God, from Athens. The scene was cut from the final version of the film.
The book opens with a previously unpublished poem by Patti Smith, inspired by the film.
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Yorgos Lanthimos, was born in Athens, Greece. A versatile creative, in addition to directing dance and music videos, TV commercials, short films, and theatre plays, he has also photographed editorials and fashion campaigns. His breakthrough came with the film ‘Dogtooth’ (2009), earning an Un Certain Regard Prize at Cannes and an Oscar nomination. ‘The Lobster’ (2015) won a Jury Prize at Cannes and the European Film Awards. This was followed by ‘The Favourite’ (2018) which earned Olivia Colman an Oscar. His latest film, ‘Poor Things’, won Venice's Golden Lion and four Oscars. ‘Dear God, the Parthenon is still broken’ (Void) is Lanthimos' first photography monograph.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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bullet-prooflove · 14 days
And The Music Plays On... - Nick Baxter x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @burningpeachpuppy @est1887 @flopiboni @wabi-sabi1090 @butterflynthesky
Companion piece to:
The Romantic - Nick has always been a romantic when it comes to you.
Distraction - You distract Nick from work.
Symphony (NSFW) - Nick welcomes you home in his own special way.
Come Back To Bed - Nick tries to coax you back to bed.
Cancelled - You cancel your plans after Nick comes home exhausted.
How High - You say jump, Nick asks how high.
Bitter Sweet Symphony - Nick steps up when you realise you face a career ending illness.
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You cancel the tour that was scheduled in the summer. You were supposed to travel around California, playing at different open air venues and festivals but with your hearing issues you can’t see how you can.
You take a time out from playing the violin, it starts with a couple of days and turns into a week and then another. The house that has always been filled with laughter and music turns silent. You sleep a lot, barely eat. You hadn’t realised just how much time playing the violin took up, how much of your life you dedicated to the pursuit.
You spend the days that Nick is in the office listening to recordings of your own performances, trying to visualise the notes, feel the music. He comes home to red rimmed eyes and a haunting melody echoing through the house.
“I remember this one.” he says as he sits down beside you on the couch, his arm coming to rest around your shoulders. “It was the first time I heard you play, the night I fell in love…”
His lips brush over your temple and you curl up against him, nestling closer. You’ve been distant recently, he thinks this is a sign that you’re starting to come to terms with your diagnosis, adjust to it.
“I’ve been doing research.” Nick says carefully because he doesn’t want to push you away again. “I’ve reached out to a few violinists with hearing difficulties, they’ve agreed to speak with you when you’re ready.”
Nick cradles you close, drawing you back into confines of the sofa with him as he makes himself comfortable. You press your face into the crook of his throat and he understands that you need his security right now, his stability.
“This doesn’t have to be the end.” He murmurs against your hairline. “It can be the beginning of something new. It’s just another challenge, something for you to conquer and I know you have it in you.”
He tips your chin up so you can meet his gaze and he sees hope in your eyes for the very first time since you received the news about your hearing loss.
A week later you have a coffee with Jenna, another violist with hearing difficulties. Like you she spent years playing in orchestra pits which diminished her hearing significantly. She still preforms even now.
“There’s a community of us.” She tells you as she sips from her latte. “We play together on Thursdays. You should come check it out.”
You take her up on the offer, turning up at the theatre they hire out with your violin. You’re timid at first, the notes don’t sound right, the colours are off.
“You have to feel it in your body.” Jenna advises you when you get frustrated. “Close your eyes, take off your shoes and let the vibrations move through you.”
It’s an odd sensation, like an thrum throughout your entire form. You tune out the synaesthesia, the colours that ignite when you see the notes and focus on your body instead. It’s hard in the beginning, you’ve relied so much on the synaesthesia in the past that it’s second nature but you start to get it, start to feel the music in your heart.
It takes you a long time to master the technique, it doesn’t come naturally to you but you stick at it, practise, work hard. You take to the challenge the same way you take to everything else in your life, with grace and an unrelenting sense of determination.
When Nick sees you on stage for the first time since the diagnosis, it’s stunning. You’re wearing the forest green wrap dress from the night he fell in love. There’s white orchids threaded through your hair and no shoes upon your feet.  
Your taste has changed since the last time you performed, you used to play beautiful haunting melodies, the type of things that made you think of dark nights on the moor and torrid love affairs. Now it’s fast upbeat tunes, notes that make his heart jump in his chest.
As you come to the end of your set he recognises the open bars to ‘Love Me Tender’, the song the two of you danced to at your wedding. It’s always been your song, the one he plays when he thinks of you.
Your eyes meet his as you step up to the microphone and for a moment it feels like the only man in the entire room.
“This one is for my husband.” You say. “Nick the romantic.”
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