#Battleground 2016
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sami-uso · 28 days ago
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2021 / 2025
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samijey · 1 year ago
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it’s a love language, actually
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wrestlezaynia · 1 year ago
I would love to see Sami and Kevin fight each other in a big ppv but with neither of them as the heel, just two good friends/lovers beating the hell out of each other because they respect the other. Like with mark briscoe and eddie Kingston
And then they kiss in the middle of the ring, the end. 🤭
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spinebuster · 2 years ago
is 430 too early to be thinking about parallels
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wilwheaton · 1 year ago
Donald Trump is arguably the biggest American presidential loser of all time. Though he eked out one election in 2016 with a lot of foreign help, he's never won the popular vote. He was impeached twice. He didn't win a second term and wasn't man enough to face up to it. He lost more than 60 times in court while trying to prove he wasn't a loser. In 2022, his election-denying endorsed candidates running for statewide executive offices lost in every 2020 battleground. Likewise, every one of his three handpicked U.S. Senate candidates seeking to flip a battleground seat came up short. In 2023, he has been criminally indicted on 91 counts in four separate cases relating to defrauding voters, taxpayers, and putting highly sensitive U.S. intelligence at risk.
Republicans rally around loser Trump's victimhood schtick
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black-fist-order · 5 months ago
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This gentleman was a college professor in political science. He gives some intriguing insights here...
A political disaster such as what occurred Tuesday gains significance not simply by virtue of who won or lost, but through how the election is interpreted.
This is known as The Lesson of the election.
The Lesson explains what happened and why. It deciphers the public’s mood, values, and thoughts. It attributes credit and blame.
And therein lies its power. When The Lesson of the election becomes accepted wisdom — when most of the politicians, pundits, and politicians come to believe it — it shapes the future. It determines how parties, candidates, political operatives, and journalists approach future elections.
There are many reasons for what occurred on Tuesday and for what the outcome should teach America — about where the nation is and about what Democrats should do in the future.
Yet inevitably, one Lesson predominates.
Today, I want to share with you six conventional “lessons” you will hear for Tuesday’s outcome. None is or should be considered The Lesson of the 2024 election.
Then I’ll give you what I consider the real Lesson of the election.
None of these are The Lesson of the 2024 election:
1. "It was a total repudiation of the Democratic Party, a major realignment."
Rubbish. Harris would have won had there been a small, less than 1 percent vote shift in the three main battleground states. The biggest shift from 2020 and 2016 was among Latino men. We don’t know yet whether Latino men will return to the Democrats; if they don’t, they will contribute to a small realignment.
But the fact is America elected Trump in 2016, almost reelected him in 2020, and elected him again in 2024. We haven't changed much, at least in terms of whom we vote for.
2. "If the Dems want to win in the future, they have to move to the right. They should stop talking about 'democracy,' forget 'multiculturalism,' and end their focus on women’s rights, transgender rights, immigrants’ rights, voting rights, civil rights, and America’s shameful history of racism and genocide. Instead, push to strengthen families, cut taxes, allow school choice and prayer in public schools, reduce immigration, minimize our obligations abroad, and put America and Americans first."
Wrong. Democrats shouldn’t move to the right if that means giving up on democracy, social justice, civil rights, and equal voting rights. While Democrats might reconsider their use of “identity” politics (in which people are viewed primarily through the lenses of race, ethnicity, or gender), Democrats must not lose the moral ideals at the heart of the Party and at the core of America.
3. "Republicans won because of misinformation and right-wing propaganda. They won over young men because of a vicious alliance between Trump and a vast network of online influencers and podcasts appealing to them. The answer is for Democrats to cultivate an equivalent media ecosystem that rivals what the right has built."
Partly true. Misinformation and right-wing propaganda did play a role, particularly in reaching young men. But this hardly means progressives and Democrats should fill the information ecosystem with misinformation or left-wing propaganda. Better messaging, yes. Lies and bigotry, no.
We should use our power as consumers to boycott X and all advertisers on X and on Fox News, mount defamation and other lawsuits against platforms that foment hate, and push for regulations (at least at the state level for now) requiring that all platforms achieve minimum standards of moderation and decency.
4. "Republicans cheated. Trump, Putin, and election deniers at county and precinct levels engaged in a vast conspiracy to suppress votes."
I doubt it. Putin tried, but so far there’s no sign that the Kremlin affected any voting process. There is little or no evidence of widespread cheating by Republicans. Dems should not feed further conspiracy theories about fraudulent voting or tallying. For the most part, the system worked smoothly, and we owe a huge debt of gratitude to election workers and state officials in charge of the process.
5. "Harris ran a lousy campaign. She wasn’t a good communicator. She fudged and shifted her positions on issues. She was weighed down by Biden and didn’t sufficiently separate herself from him."
Untrue. Harris ran a good campaign, but she had only a little over three months to do it. She had to introduce herself to the nation (typically a vice president is almost invisible within an administration) at the same time Trump’s antics sucked most of the oxygen out of the political air. She could have been clearer about her proposals and policies and embraced economic populism (see below on the real lesson), but her debate with Trump was the best debate performance I’ve ever witnessed, and her speeches were pitch perfect. Biden may have weighed her down a bit, but his decision to step down was gracious and selfless.
6. "Racism and misogyny. Voters were simply not prepared to elect a Black female president."
Partly true. Surely racism and misogyny played a role, but bigotry can’t offer a full explanation.
Here’s the real Lesson of the 2024 election:
On Tuesday, according to exit polls, Americans voted mainly on the economy — and their votes reflected their class and level of education.
While the economy has improved over the last two years according to standard economic measures, most Americans without college degrees — that’s the majority — have not felt it.
In fact, most Americans without college degrees have not felt much economic improvement for four decades, and their jobs have grown less secure. The real median wage of the bottom 90 percent is stuck nearly where it was in the early 1990s, even though the economy is more than twice as large.
Most of the economy’s gains have gone to the top.
This has caused many Americans to feel frustrated and angry. Trump gave voice to that anger. Harris did not.
The real lesson of the 2024 election is that Democrats must not just give voice to the anger but also explain how record inequality has corrupted our system, and pledge to limit the political power of big corporations and the super-rich.
The basic bargain used to be that if you worked hard and played by the rules, you’d do better and your children would do even better than you.
But since 1980, that bargain has become a sham. The middle class has shrunk.
Why? While Republicans steadily cut taxes on the wealthy, Democrats abandoned the working class.
Democrats embraced NAFTA and lowered tariffs on Chinese goods. They deregulated finance and allowed Wall Street to become a high-stakes gambling casino. They let big corporations gain enough market power to keep prices (and profit margins) high.
They let corporations bust unions (with negligible penalties) and slash payrolls. They bailed out Wall Street when its gambling addiction threatened to blow up the entire economy but never bailed out homeowners who lost everything.
They welcomed big money into their campaigns — and delivered quid pro quos that rigged the market in favor of big corporations and the wealthy.
Joe Biden redirected the Democratic Party back toward its working-class roots, but many of the changes he catalyzed — more vigorous antitrust enforcement, stronger enforcement of labor laws, and major investments in manufacturing, infrastructure, semiconductors, and non-fossil fuels — wouldn’t be evident for years, and he could not communicate effectively about them.
The Republican Party says it’s on the side of working people, but its policies will hurt ordinary workers even more. Trump’s tariffs will drive up prices. His expected retreat from vigorous antitrust enforcement will allow giant corporations to drive up prices further.
If Republicans gain control over the House as well as the Senate, as looks likely, they will extend Trump’s 2017 tax law and add additional tax cuts. As in 2017, these lower taxes will benefit mainly the wealthy and enlarge the national debt, which will give Republicans an excuse to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid — their objectives for decades.
Democrats must no longer do the bidding of big corporations and the wealthy. They must instead focus on winning back the working class.
They should demand paid family leave, Medicare for all, free public higher education, stronger unions, higher taxes on great wealth, and housing credits that will generate the biggest boom in residential home construction since World War II.
They should also demand that corporations share their profits with their workers. They should call for limits on CEO pay, eliminate all stock buybacks (as was the SEC rule before 1982), and reject corporate welfare (subsidies and tax credit to particular companies and industries unrelated to the common good).
Democrats need to tell Americans why their pay has been lousy for decades and their jobs less secure: not because of immigrants, liberals, people of color, the “deep state,” or any other Trump Republican bogeyman, but because of the power of large corporations and the rich to rig the market and siphon off most of the economy’s gains.
In doing this, Democrats need not turn their backs on democracy. Democracy goes hand-in-hand with a fair economy. Only by reducing the power of big money in our politics can America grow the middle class, reward hard work, and reaffirm the basic bargain at the heart of our system.
If the Trump Republicans gain control of the House, as seems likely, they will have complete control of the federal government. That means they will own whatever happens to the economy and will be responsible for whatever happens to America. Notwithstanding all their anti-establishment populist rhetoric, they will become the establishment.
The Democratic Party should use this inflection point to shift ground — from being the party of well-off college graduates, big corporations, “never-Tumpers” like Dick Cheney, and vacuous “centrism” — to an anti-establishment party ready to shake up the system on behalf of the vast majority of Americans.
This is and should be The Lesson of the 2024 election.
What do you think...?"
Robert Reich...
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justinspoliticalcorner · 3 months ago
Michael Podhorzer at Weekend Reading:
But, as we will see, America didn’t swing rightward, but couchward:
The popular vote result was almost entirely a collapse in support for Harris and Democrats, not an increase in support for Trump and MAGA. Trump was no more popular this year than four years ago, while Harris significantly underperformed Biden 2020.
Most of Harris’s losses were due to anti-MAGA surge voters staying home.2 She lost the most ground in deep-Blue urban areas, where the dangers of a second Trump administration seemed most remote. About 19 million Americans who cast ballots for Biden in 2020 did not vote in 2024.
Anti-MAGA surge voters stayed home because they were less alarmed by a second Trump Administration than they were four years ago. A key to Biden’s victory was high turnout from less-engaged voters who believed they had something to lose under Trump. In 2024, however, about 15 million fewer votes were cast “against” Trump than in 2020.
As I’ve been saying for years, America has an anti-MAGA majority, but not necessarily a pro-Democratic one. In 2020 (and 2022, in part), alarm about Trump and MAGA was enough to overcome the cynicism and alienation of mostly younger voters who desperately want bigger systemic change, but who oppose the MAGA agenda. This time, their cynicism won out. This was in no small part because the media and other non-partisan civil society leaders were themselves more skeptical of the dangers, and because the inaction of the Biden Administration and Democrats in Congress against MAGA threats belied their rhetoric of existential dangers to the nation.3 This map, from the New York Times, does a much better job making clear where Trump’s “gains” came from – namely, from Harris’s losses.
Indeed, the defining feature of American politics this century is that neither party can “win” elections anymore; they can only be the “not-loser.” Only thanks to the two-party system can the not-loser be crowned the “winner,” since there is no way to fire the incumbent party without hiring the opposition party. Yet political commentators keep confusing shifts in the two parties’ electoral fortunes with changes in voters’ basic values or priorities. A collapse in support for Democrats does not mean that most Americans, especially in Blue America, are suddenly eager to live in an illiberal theocracy. Consider that only once before in American history have three consecutive presidential elections seen the White House change partisan hands, and that nine out of the last ten midterm or presidential elections have been “change elections,” in the sense that either the presidency, the House, or the Senate changed partisan hands,4 which is completely unprecedented.5
Harris Lost Ground with Anti-MAGA Voters
As regular readers might recall, Biden won in 2020 thanks to a surge of new and less-frequent voters who hadn’t shown up in 2016, and who voted much more Democratic than 2016 voters. These surge voters were the critical “anti-MAGA but not necessarily pro-Democrat” bloc that Harris needed to turn out again in order to win. This year, based on VoteCast data (see chart in the previous section), we can estimate that about 19 million people who voted for Biden four years ago stayed home. (40 percent of those voting in 2024 had voted for Biden in 2020, and 40 percent had voted for Trump. From there, it’s simple arithmetic.16) Moreover, with the same caveats until the voter files are updated, both VoteCast and Navigator found that in the battleground states, a greater share of 2020 Trump voters than Biden voters cast ballots in 2024, albeit by a smaller margin than in the rest of the country. VoteCast also asked whether voters cast ballots “for” the candidate they chose or “against” the other candidate.17 The results show that about 15 million fewer votes were cast “against” Trump in 2024 than in 2020. That suggests a lot of missing “anti-MAGA but not pro-Democrat” voters.
Michael Podhorzer at Weekend Reading delivers a prognosis as to why Kamala Harris lost to Donald Trump: Enough of the anti-MAGA vote chose the couch instead voting at all.
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probablyasocialecologist · 5 months ago
Many of Harris’s mistakes were similar to those Hillary Clinton made in 2016. Like Clinton, Harris cozied up to billionaire donors. Mark Cuban, for instance, said he was delighted that Harris was abandoning Democrats’ commitments to progressive principles and letting the business community propose the policies it wanted. Like Clinton, Harris and Tim Walz made hubristic campaign stops in solidly red states like Texas and Kentucky rather than spending the final days laser-focused on crucial battlegrounds. Like Clinton, Harris emphasized celebrity endorsements while failing to successfully court unions. (Most notably, the Teamsters declined to endorse her after she refused to pledge that she wouldn’t break a national railway strike.) Like Clinton, Harris focused too much on the danger of Donald Trump (which is very real) and not enough on the reasons why she would be good at being president herself. Most importantly, like Clinton, Harris ultimately decided upon a strategy of trying to woo moderate Republican voters away from Trump, reasoning that it didn’t matter if doing so alienated progressive voters and the Democratic base. Chuck Schumer, speaking of Hillary’s 2016 strategy, infamously promised: "For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia. And you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin." In fact, they just lost the blue-collar Democrats and didn’t pick up the Republicans! In 2024, Harris, too, aggressively touted endorsements from Republicans, promised to put a Republican in her cabinet (she even cited that as the answer to what she would have done differently from Biden!), and went so far as to praise and embrace Dick and Liz Cheney! The strategy was an abject failure. Because she wanted to appease both Republicans and progressive voters, Harris had to further indulge her weakness for speaking in meaningless word salads, since taking stances that were meaningful could have alienated one of these constituencies. Trump, who is canny about portraying himself as more anti-war than Democrats, correctly pointed out that an endorsement from the hawkish Cheneys should be a badge of shame, not honor. (Specifically he said Cheney is “"the King of Endless, Nonsensical Wars, wasting Lives and Trillions of Dollars, just like Comrade Kamala Harris. I am the Peace President, and only I will stop World War III!")
The lesson to Democratic leaders in 2016 should have been that Bernie Sanders had been right, that the party had betrayed working-class voters and would be doomed if it could not effectively counter Trump’s pseudo-populist appeal with a visionary alternative. (See the excellent analysis in Thomas Frank’s Listen, Liberal.) Unfortunately, the lessons weren’t learned then, and it doesn’t seem like they’re going to be learned now, either! MSNBC anchor Joy Reid is already insisting that Kamala Harris’s campaign was “flawless” (because she got “every prominent celebrity voice”), and pundits like Jill Filipovic are saying things like, “this election was not an indictment of Kamala Harris. It was an indictment of America.” (Good luck ever winning with the slogan “You’re the problem, America!”) USAToday’s Michael Stern says that instead of talking about “where the Harris campaign went wrong” we should talk about “where the American people went wrong.” The Harris campaign itself is blaming unspecified “obstacles that were largely out of our control.” 
6 November 2024
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ngdrb · 7 months ago
Former Trump official warns ex-president is gearing up to claim 'rigged' election again
Donald Trump and his allies are preparing to make claims of election and voter fraud if he loses in November - according to election experts and a number of old-school Republicans.
Mesa, Arizona Mayor John Giles, a Republican who has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, said that if Trump loses, he and his associates “will throw everything at the wall and see what sticks,” according to The Guardian. 
“They’ll claim everything went wrong if they lose. I’d be surprised if Trump doesn’t try to incite insurrection if he loses the election,” the mayor said.
Both Trump and his allies are pushing the same lies as they did in 2020 about voting machines and drop boxes, but they’re now also attacking prosecutors on the state and federal levels who have charged the former president for trying to overturn the election. They have claimed that the charges against Trump amount to “election interference” and “lawfare” in attempts to paint the former president’s legal woes as political prosecution.
David Becker at the Center for Election Innovation and Research told The Guardian that  “A lot of false claims are masquerading as efforts to change policy to improve election integrity when in actuality they’re just designed to sow distrust in our system if Trump loses.”
“This is all designed to manufacture claims that if Trump loses, the election was stolen and to sow discord, chaos, and potential violence,” he added.
The right-wing organization Turning Point USA claims to be spending tens of millions on getting out the vote for Trump in important battleground states, also hosting several large rallies where false allegations that the 2020 election was rigged are still being shared.
Both in 2016 and 2020, Trump was unclear if he would accept the election results. Similarly, at the presidential debate with President Joe Biden on June 27, he said that he would accept the results if the election is “fair and legal.” That response came after he was asked three times about accepting the results and shortly afterward he yet again claimed that American elections are fraudulent.
In April, Trump hosted House Speaker Mike Johnson at Mar-a-Lago for an event prompting the lower chamber to pass legislation making it illegal for noncitizens to vote – something that was already outlawed and in the past has happened on a very small scale. 
The group True the Vote sent out a fundraising request in March pointing to their attempts to put together “arguments for litigation” as well as other measures to take aim at what they claim will be “chaos” around the election because of “illegal voter registrations.”
Both election experts and Republican stalwarts have told The Guardian that Trump and his allies are preparing to claim that November’s election has been rigged if the former president loses the election.
Former Republican Michigan Representative Dave Trott told the paper that “Trump continues to encourage his supporters like Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA to question the integrity of our elections.”
“He has no evidence or basis for claiming fraud and is only perpetuating these lies so he has a plan B to disrupt democracy in the event he loses,” he added.
Former Republican Pennsylvania Representative Charlie Dent told The Guardian that he believes Trump will claim fraud again if he loses in November.
“I expect he will do the same thing in 2024,” he said. “If he loses he will raise Cain in state capitals and he will descend on state capitals with his allies to make the case for fraud.”
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elihashadenough · 1 year ago
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Pairing: max verstappen x male reader (could be read by masc presenting people)
Summary: sometimes things go right in the moment but will they always be right? can they survive through the hardships of love? can their love hold the test of a treacherous path of love?
a/n: part 4 is here, i just wanted to take a moment and just say thank you to everyone showing love to all of my fics and yeah i hope you enjoy it :)
-> do not repost, copy or translate my works nor post them anywhere else. Read at your own risk. Reblogs, likes and comments are always appreciated.
[series masterlist]
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Prepare yourselves for a revelation that could rock the foundations of the racing world. Fresh off yesterday's adrenaline-pumping race, an anonymous source has spilled the beans with compelling evidence, painting a scandalous picture of Redbull's rivalry duo. Forget podium celebrations; the two Redbull drivers weren't just celebrating their victories to an entirely unexpected level, engaging in intimate moments, sharing more than just victories. Brace yourselves, folks, because it appears the track rivalry has taken an unexpected turn into the realm of romance.
The whispers of the newfound romance between the two Redbull drivers are rippling through the media. Forget the professional facade; it seems that the thrill of victory has ignited a different kind of spark between the two Redbull racers. The photos and evidence speak volumes, capturing elusive moments that beg the question: are they more than just teammates?
In the cutthroat world of Formula 1, where rivalries are forged on the track, this off-track revelation is bound to send shockwaves. 'Friends' don't usually blur the lines between celebration and intimacy, and this newfound closeness could spell trouble for the Redbull team. With both star drivers romantically entangled, the impact on their on-track performance and the team dynamic is poised to be nothing short of sensational this season.
As the smokescreen of camaraderie lifts, the real question arises: will the on-track rivalry morph into a personal one? The last race already provided a glimpse into the friction between the drivers, and it seems the drama is just getting started. Will the asphalt become the stage for not only racing prowess but also a battleground for love and tension?
And let's not forget the intrigue surrounding Y/n, whose rumoured involvement with the Redbull driver were put to rest by his manager a couple seasons ago. One cannot help but think could this 'relationship' be the catalyst behind Y/n's abrupt shift from Ferrari to Redbull? The pieces of this scandalous puzzle are falling into place, unveiling a narrative that transcends the not so typical drama of the racing world.
Examining their career trajectories adds fuel to the fire. Y/n's journey began with a bang, securing P2 in his final Formula 2 race before joining McLaren in the 2016 season. After a brief stint, he spent seven years with Ferrari before the unexpected transfer to Redbull. Max, on the other hand, made his Formula 1 debut with Scuderia Toro Rosso in 2015, solidifying his place with Redbull in 2016 and staying put ever since.
The burning question remains: will this on-and-off track relationship sizzle into an exhilarating love story, or will it flame out in spectacular fashion? The impact on team dynamics and on-track relationships is poised to be monumental. Fasten your seatbelts, F1 fans – the next race might just be the battleground for love, rivalry, and everything in between. What are your predictions for this unprecedented twist in the Redbull saga? Share your thoughts as we watch this high-speed drama unfold on and off the track.
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i haven't proof read this so if there were any mistakes, i'm sorry. But i hope you all enjoyed this, it took alot of effort and i'm very excited to post this. I hope you all have a wonderful day/night ❤️
tag list: @leosxrealm, @miloformula123fan
(you can send in an ask to be added to the tagging list)
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sami-uso · 28 days ago
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mariacallous · 8 months ago
A group of Kamala Harris supporters convened in a virtual call Tuesday evening. It was an eclectic mix with attorneys, lawmakers, podcasters, singers and a mayor. There were, certainly, Democrats on the speaker lists, but also Republicans who have decided to step away from their party’s ticket this year.
What connected all of them? Their Latter-day Saint faith.
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints may be a substantial force in presidential outcomes in deeply red Utah and battleground Arizona, according to speakers, including Mayor of Mesa, Arizona, John Giles, who is Republican, but is a vocal Harris supporter; former Democratic U.S. representative from Utah Ben McAdams; and Salt Lake City Democratic legislators Sen. Luz Escamilla and Rep. Brian King, the latter also being the Democratic gubernatorial nominee in Utah.
Data shows that Latter-day Saints are poised to support Harris “more than any other presidential Democratic ticket in 60 years,” said Jacob Rugh, an associate professor in the Department of Sociology at church-run Brigham Young University, during the call. He cited his research and past races that have moved the needle left in Utah and Maricopa County in Arizona.
“My geospatial analysis shows that areas heavy with LDS chapels in the east valley were most likely to flip blue (in 2020),” Rugh said on Tuesday. Nationwide, in 2020, 1 in 3 Latter-day Saint voters picked the Biden-Harris ticket, and the majority of the faith’s millennial and Gen Z voters chose the Democratic ticket, according to Rugh.
The 2020 Biden-Harris ticket performance in Utah “was the best of any Democratic ticket since 1964. Salt Lake County flipped blue in 2016 and, in 2020, voters did what others said was impossible by flipping four precincts blue in Provo,” Rugh said. He predicts they “will flip even more in 2024.”
There are 2.1 million members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Utah, according to data from the church. It’s the most prominent faith in Utah, which has historically voted red. There are also more than 442,800 members in Arizona.
About 1,400 people tuned into Tuesday’s call, a first from a group called Latter-day Saints for Harris-Walz, which on its social media boasted of as many as 2,600 registrants. The event came the same day Harris announced she had picked Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate.
The remarks from presenters, mostly from Utah and Arizona, were preceded by a prayer. Speakers also cited scripture as they spoke about the character of the Republican presidential nominee, former President Donald Trump, and to explain why, in their view, the most Latter-day Saint-aligned candidate is Harris.
Mostly, it was a discussion on how to organize to elect Harris. After all, Rob Taber, an organizer said, Latter-day Saints “from missions and ministering, (are) pretty good at reaching out to people and building bridges.”
However, Taber also advised those on the call not to use ward or stake membership lists when reaching out to people because that violates the church’s neutrality policy.
“But you can share on social media how you’re feeling. This actually does make a big difference,” Taber said.
‘Examine the character’
Ask Mesa Mayor John Giles why he decided to support a Democratic candidate and he may cite the arguments he made in an op-ed he wrote in Arizona Central criticizing Trump’s refusal to accept the outcome of the 2020 election and his disinvestment in cities like Mesa, and where he called on other Arizona Republicans to choose “country over party this election.”
But, he may also mention an admonition he heard at a Latter-day Saint church meeting that encouraged members to be good citizens, to participate in elections and to “examine the character of the candidates.”
“Man, I sincerely hope that we get that admonition this election season, because I think that would help our brothers and sisters to look with fresh eyes at this election,” Giles said on Tuesday.
Giles also cited the church’s stance on defending the U.S. Constitution and how different that perspective is from Trump’s view, he said.
Trump is “more than willing to compromise the rule of law and the United States Constitution to further his own gains,” Giles said. “I think that we have a particular mission as Latter-day Saints to step up and point those things out to our friends inside the church and outside as well.”
Some of the attendees, such as McAdams, said they vote Democrat “not in spite of our religion, but because of our religion,” arguing that “negativity, divisiveness, rage, political violence, discrimination and racism are not of God.”
Utah Senate Minority Leader Luz Escamilla said that, as she was preparing to teach Sunday School, it was clear to her that Trump may not be aligned with Latter-day Saint doctrine. She quoted Elder Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor in the church’s First Presidency.
“He said ‘knowing that we are all children of God, give us a divine vision of the worth of all others and the will and ability to rise above prejudice and racism.’ The current candidate for the Republican Party is literally working tirelessly to create prejudice and racism against Americans,” Escamilla said. “And that alone is a reason why all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints should be supporting Vice President Harris for President of the United States in the 2024 election cycle.”
Utah gubernatorial candidate Rep. Brian King also praised Harris’ running mate, arguing that Walz fits into the model he likes to see in the country’s candidates and elected officials.
“He’s the kind of candidate that leaders of our faith have called for us to support, a person of integrity, compassion, with a commitment to service,” King said. “I’m so glad that Vice President Harris has revealed her own personality so clearly in her choice of running mate.”
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fanhackers · 7 months ago
I interrupt my dive into Abigail DeKosnik’s work to note that as the United States moves deeper into its (apparently endless) election season, we’re seeing a lot of fandom-as-activism starting to emerge, as well as activism-as-fandom. De Kosnik herself was one of the early writers on fandom/activism, writing “Participatory democracy and Hillary Clinton's marginalized fandom” for the very first issue of Transformative Works and Cultures in 2008; more recently, Aja Romano wrote about how Donald Trump’s followers can be seen to be acting like a fandom for Vox: “If you want to understand modern politics, you have to understand modern fandom.” 
TWC hosted an entire guest issue on Transformative Works and Fan Activism, edited by Henry Jenkins and Sangita Shresthova; Jenkins and Shresthova also collaborated on By Any Media Necessary: The New Youth Activism (NYU, 2016) which collects essays on fan activism. Other essays on fandom/activism have been published by TWC with Alex Xanthoudakis’s Mobilizing minions: Fan activism efficacy of Misha Collins fans in "Supernatural" fandom (2020) and  Hannah Carilyn Gunderman’s Fan geographies and engagement between geopolitics of Brexit, Donald Trump, and Doctor Who on social media (2020) being recent examples. Meanwhile, Tanya Cook and Kayle Joseph are the authors of Fandom Acts of Kindness: A Heroic Guide to Activism, Advocacy, and Doing Chaotic Good (Penguin Randomhouse 2023), a guide on how to use fandom and fannish strategies to make a difference. 
Some examples of fandom/activism emerging this U.S. election season include Heroes 4 Harris: Kamala-Con  which is scheduled to happen online today, Sunday September 8, 2024, 1pm PT / 4pm ET: this is billed as “a Comic-Con for Kamala” and “the largest fandom led gathering in support of a presidential candidate in American history.” It will feature: “actors, writers, directors, and super fans of Hollywood's most inspiring heroic fandoms” and promises not just inspiration from some of our favorite stars (Mark Ruffalo, Sean Astin, Rosario Dawson and others - not to mention Henry Jenkins himself) but also breakout groups and training in “fan mobilization.”  
Meanwhile, Lynda Carter (always a Wonder Woman!) is also trying to get out the fan vote for Harris with her group Geeks & Nerds for Harris Walz (@GeekOutTheVote); this is also billed as “a fan activist campaign” and they are planning special online events, the first of which will be an online call on September 24, 2024.  As they describe on their website: “Fandom has never just been about media consumption. Fans are artists, creators, and digital ambassadors. When we share what we love, it radiates around the world. And to paraphrase the Vice President, it’s how we show them who we are. By connecting battle-tested campaign canvassing strategies to the heritage and practices of fan communities, we can encourage fans to get out the vote in key battleground states.”
Donald Trump, aside from being his own fandom with himself as fan in chief, also seems to have had some self-identified fandoms collectively organizing for him over the years - these include Fans of Kanye West, Fans of Race Car Driving, and, strange but true, Fans of the 1980s, who apparently believe that Donald Trump would also be a fan of 80s horror movies, Scritti Politti, and  the soundtrack to Pretty in Pink. (I’m not making that up; it’s on their Twitter.) That said, Mel Stanfill’s newest book Fandom is Ugly (2024) argues that, despite its popular reputation, media fandom is not essentially progressive; that in fact, “reactionary politics and media fandoms go hand in hand.” Stanfill’s book looks at the ways in which fans have organized in conservative, reactionary, or even hateful ways, from Gamergate to the collective abuse and harassment of actors in the latest Star Wars franchise. 
The discipline of fandom studies is now being used to study all different kinds of affiliations and advocacy movements, not just those based around film, tv, sports, or music. Fan studies is now applied to political and social movements. Jenkins is still a powerful voice on the relationship between fan studies and participatory democracy (whether progressive or reactionary): read this 2024 interview with him published in Communication and the Public: “The path from participatory culture to participatory politics: A critical investigation—An interview with Henry Jenkins.”  As Jenkins notes:
Part of the ethos of fandom is to ask questions—from nitpicking to imagining other outcomes, different trajectories for character arcs, and other worlds where the story might occur, all of which is expressed through fan works. I would say that fans are often more critical than the general audience in asking these questions, which makes them somewhat different from many partisans and activists I might know who rarely question their beliefs and ideological commitments. And fans are more tolerant—as an aggregate—of different interpretations than partisans are of different ideological stances. So, you could do worse in grounding a democracy than engaging with fans.
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wouldntyouliketoknow16 · 2 months ago
Nico Rosberg and Lewis Hamilton, both exceptional drivers in Formula 1, shared a complex and often contentious relationship during their time as teammates at Mercedes. Their rivalry reached a boiling point in 2016, culminating in Rosberg's unexpected retirement shortly after winning the World Championship. This essay will explore the dynamics of their relationship, the key events that led to their fallout, and the implications of their rivalry on the sport.
From the outset of their partnership in 2013, Rosberg and Hamilton were seen as two of the most talented drivers on the grid. Both had a history of success, with Hamilton already being a two-time World Champion and Rosberg eager to prove himself. Initially, their relationship appeared cordial, marked by mutual respect and a shared goal of helping Mercedes dominate Formula 1. However, as the team began to achieve unprecedented success, tensions began to simmer beneath the surface.
The 2014 season was pivotal, as Mercedes emerged as the dominant force in Formula 1. The internal competition between Rosberg and Hamilton intensified, with both drivers vying for supremacy. Their rivalry was exemplified in several races, most notably at the Belgian Grand Prix, where a collision between the two resulted in significant damage to Rosberg's car. This incident marked a turning point, as it became clear that their relationship was deteriorating.
As the 2015 season progressed, the animosity between the two drivers grew. Rosberg's frustration with Hamilton's perceived favoritism from the team and Hamilton's growing confidence led to a series of on-track clashes and off-track tensions. The public nature of their rivalry drew attention from fans and media alike, with each race becoming a battleground for their personal feud. The pressure of competing against each other, combined with the weight of expectations from Mercedes, exacerbated their already strained relationship.
The climax of their rivalry occurred during the 2016 season, which saw both drivers locked in a fierce battle for the championship. The tension reached new heights as they exchanged barbs in the media and engaged in aggressive driving tactics during races. The infamous clash at the Spanish Grand Prix, where both drivers collided and retired from the race, exemplified the extent of their rivalry and the stakes involved. This incident not only affected their points standings but also highlighted the growing animosity between them.
Despite the intense competition, Rosberg ultimately emerged victorious, clinching the 2016 World Championship. However, instead of celebrating his hard-fought title, he shocked the world by announcing his retirement just days later. Rosberg cited the immense pressure and strain of competing against Hamilton as a significant factor in his decision. His retirement marked the end of a tumultuous chapter in Formula 1 and left fans and pundits questioning the future of both drivers.
The fallout from their rivalry had lasting implications for the sport. Rosberg's retirement opened the door for new talent, while Hamilton continued to dominate, further solidifying his legacy as one of the greatest drivers in Formula 1 history. The intense rivalry between Rosberg and Hamilton also sparked discussions about the impact of teammate dynamics on performance and the psychological toll of competition at the highest level.
In conclusion, the fallout between Nico Rosberg and Lewis Hamilton serves as a compelling narrative within the world of Formula 1. Their relationship, marked by both camaraderie and rivalry, ultimately culminated in a dramatic conclusion that reshaped the sport. As fans reflect on their time as teammates, it is clear that their rivalry not only defined their careers but also left an indelible mark on the history of Formula 1. The lessons learned from their tumultuous partnership continue to resonate, reminding us of the complexities of competition and the human emotions that drive it.
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camzeecorner · 7 months ago
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smut ღ dividers → @bernardsbendystraws ฅ^._.^ฅ
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April 24, 2003 Tatum’s story began in a quaint little town, where the sun painted the sky with hues of gold every morning. She was born into a family that seemed perfect on the surface. Her parents, loving yet strict, instilled in her the values of hard work and respect. As a child, Tatum was a dreamer, often found with her nose buried in books about far-off places and fantastical adventures. She had a wild imagination, creating elaborate worlds where she was the heroine, conquering dragons and saving kingdoms.
September 16, 2007 Growing up, Tatum was close with her younger sister, Bella. They shared everything—secrets whispered under the covers, laughter echoing through the halls, and dreams of what the future might hold. The bond between them was unbreakable, a sanctuary in a world that sometimes felt overwhelming. Their home was filled with warmth and love, but it also had its shadows. Tatum's parents had high expectations, and the pressure to excel weighed heavily on her shoulders.
February 3, 2013 As Tatum entered her teenage years, the innocence of childhood began to fade. She became acutely aware of the expectations surrounding her. School became a battleground where grades defined worth, and friendships were tested by the whims of popularity. Tatum struggled to fit in, often feeling like an outsider looking in. She found solace in her art, pouring her emotions into sketches and paintings that spoke of her inner turmoil.
March 18, 2016 Despite the challenges, Tatum had a few close friends who understood her. They would spend hours in her room, sharing secrets and dreams, creating a safe space where they could be themselves. But as high school progressed, the dynamics began to shift. Friendships grew strained, and jealousy crept in, leading to heartbreak and betrayal. Tatum felt increasingly isolated, her once-vibrant spirit dimming under the weight of loneliness.
It was during this tumultuous time that she met him—a boy who seemed to understand her in ways no one else could. Their connection was intense and passionate, but it soon turned dark. Tatum found herself ensnared in a relationship marked by manipulation and jealousy. One fateful evening, after a seemingly normal dinner together, Tatum began to feel unwell. At first, she dismissed it as a minor illness, but as the hours passed, her condition rapidly deteriorated.
In her final moments, she realized the truth: her lover had slipped a lethal substance into her drink, driven by jealousy and rage. The investigation that followed uncovered the chilling details of their tumultuous relationship, revealing a pattern of control that had been hidden behind a facade of love. Tatum's tragic end served as a haunting reminder of the dangers that can lurk behind closed doors, leaving her family and friends to grapple with the loss of a vibrant soul taken too soon.
November 29, 2019 Tatum’s story continued even after her tragic demise, as whispers of her spirit began to circulate in the town. Her afterlife was shrouded in mystery, with many claiming to have seen her ethereal figure wandering through the halls of her former home. The house, once a place of laughter and love, transformed into a chilling reminder of her untimely end. Shadows danced in the corners, and a cold breeze swept through the rooms, leaving an unsettling feeling for anyone who dared to enter.
March 8, 2021 As time went on, it became clear that Tatum’s spirit was restless. The pain and betrayal she endured in life fueled her desire for vengeance. Those who moved into her home reported strange occurrences—objects moving on their own, disembodied whispers echoing through the night, and an overwhelming sense of dread that seemed to seep into their very bones. Tatum, in her spectral form, sought to reclaim the power that had been stripped from her, targeting anyone who dared to live in the house where she had suffered.
June 4, 2024 Her presence became a legend in the town, a cautionary tale for those who might overlook the history of the place they called home. Tatum’s spirit was said to linger, watching, waiting, and ensuring that no one could forget the life she lost and the love that turned into a nightmare. In her afterlife, she became both a guardian and a haunting specter, forever entwined with the memories of her tragic past, seeking justice for the betrayal that had cost her everything.
August 1, 3:13 AM
The clock struck 3:13 AM, its chime echoing through the stillness of the house, a haunting reminder of the time when the boundaries between the living and the dead blurred. Tatum, a ghost caught in the liminal space of her former life, drifted through the shadowed corridors of her once-vibrant home. She could feel the chill of the night wrap around her like a shroud, the air thick with an unsettling silence that seemed to hold its breath, waiting for something—anything—to break the calm.
Moonlight spilled through the dusty windows, casting a silvery glow that illuminated the remnants of her past. Tatum floated through the living room, her translucent form shimmering like a wisp of smoke. The furniture, draped in white sheets, looked like forgotten memories, each piece a testament to the life that once filled the space with laughter and warmth. She paused to gaze at a faded photograph resting on the mantle, its edges curled with age. It captured a moment frozen in time: a family picnic, her and Chloe grinning wide, the sun shining bright, oblivious to the shadows that would soon engulf their lives.
As she moved, Tatum felt the weight of her memories pressing down upon her, a mix of joy and sorrow that twisted in her chest. The walls, once alive with the sounds of her family, now stood silent, their painted surfaces peeling away like the layers of her own forgotten identity. She could see flashes of her life—her and her sister playing in the yard, the smell of freshly baked cookies wafting through the air, the warmth of her parents embrace. But those moments felt like a distant dream, replaced by the chilling reality of her existence as a spirit.
Hovering near the staircase, Tatum reached out with her ethereal fingers, brushing against the banister. It felt cold and unyielding, a stark contrast to the warmth of the life she once knew. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to be swept away in the tide of nostalgia, each memory flooding back with vivid clarity. She could hear the laughter echoing in her mind, the sound of tiny feet running across the hardwood floors, the joy that filled the air like the sweet scent of blooming flowers in spring.
But as quickly as the warmth enveloped her, it was replaced by a biting chill that seeped into her very essence. Tatum opened her eyes, and the reality of her situation crashed over her like a wave. She was trapped in this house, a mere observer of the life she once cherished. The playful banter of her laughter was now a ghostly whisper, fading in and out of her consciousness. She felt the ache of longing for the simple moments—the bedtime stories, the shared meals, the laughter that filled the room as they played games on rainy afternoons.
With a heavy heart, Tatum descended the staircase, each step a reminder of her existence in this in-between world. The air grew colder as she approached the door leading to the backyard, where she and her friends had spent countless hours playing and giggling ready explore the world around them. She could almost feel the warmth of the sun on her skin, the way it had kissed her cheeks during those long summer days. But now, the door stood ajar, revealing a darkened expanse that seemed to stretch into infinity.
Outside, the garden lay overgrown, the once-vibrant flowers now wilted and tangled in a wild embrace. Tatum floated into the yard, her heart heavy with the realization that time had continued to move forward, even as she remained stuck in this spectral limbo. The swing set, once a source of joy and laughter, creaked in the wind, its chains rusted and forgotten. She could see the remnants of her playful antics, the way she had soared through the air, her laughter ringing like music, a beautiful symphony that now felt like a cruel reminder of what she had lost.
As she wandered through the yard, Tatum caught sight of the old oak tree, its branches stretching wide like welcoming arms. It had been a sanctuary for her and Chloe , a place where they had built forts, climbed high, and shared secrets. She could almost hear their voices, the excitement in their laughter as they played beneath its protective canopy. But the tree, too, had aged, its bark rough and gnarled, a reflection of the passage of time that had left her behind.
Tatum closed her eyes, allowing the memories to wash over her, each one a bittersweet reminder of the love that had once filled this space. She felt a tear slip down her cheek, a ghostly shimmer that faded into the night. In that moment, she realized that while she may be trapped in this ethereal existence, her love for her friends and family remained, an unbreakable bond that transcended the veil between life and death.
As the moon cast its silvery glow upon her, Tatum made a silent vow to watch over her loved ones.
Hovering in the dim light, Tatum felt the passage of time stretch endlessly before her. Days turned into weeks, each one marked by a deepening loneliness that gnawed at her essence. The world outside continued, oblivious to her plight, as the seasons changed and the leaves turned from vibrant green to muted browns and grays. Each dawn brought with it a fresh wave of despair, a reminder of the life she could no longer touch.
With each passing day, the hatred she harbored for her untimely fate festered like an open wound. The emptiness of her home echoed her feelings, amplifying her isolation. She could hear the whispers of the wind outside, carrying the laughter of children playing in the distance, a stark contrast to the silence that enveloped her. The walls, once filled with love, now seemed to close in around her, suffocating her spirit with the weight of unfulfilled dreams and lost moments.
As the nights grew longer, Tatum's energy waned, and she found herself drawn to the window, staring out at the world she could no longer be part of. Shadows danced across the lawn, and she could almost see herself running, the laughter ringing in her ears like a bittersweet melody. But the joy of those memories was tainted by the bitterness of her reality. She was trapped in a realm of darkness, her heart heavy with the knowledge that she could never again be the girl she once was.
Tatum's thoughts were abruptly shattered by the sound of laughter echoing from outside, a raucous symphony of joy that felt like a personal affront to her years of solitude. Anger surged within her, a fiery response to the intrusion of her carefully constructed isolation. How dare they? How dare a new family come and claim the space that had once been hers, a sanctuary filled with memories? The very air around her thickened with resentment as she pressed her forehead against the cool glass of the window, her fists clenching at her sides until her knuckles turned white.
The voices floated through the air, carefree and jubilant, slicing through her memories like a hot knife through butter. Each giggle and shout was a reminder of the family she had lost, now ghosts in her mind, their laughter replaced by the exuberance of strangers who had no right to occupy her sacred ground. Tatum could almost see them racing across the lawn, their faces lit up with delight. The sight ignited a bitterness that coursed through her veins, a reminder of what she had lost.
Her heart raced, pounding in her chest like a war drum, urging her to act. She felt a primal urge to scream, to lash out, to demand that they leave her home, the home that had once been filled with her own happiness. The walls that had sheltered her from the world now felt like a prison, and the anger twisted in her gut, a whirlwind of emotions threatening to consume her whole. She could feel her breath quickening as the laughter continued, each peal ringing in her ears like a taunt, a challenge to her very existence.
It had been about a week since the boys had made themselves at home in my space, and during that time, I had learned their names and a few tidbits about them by eavesdropping on their animated conversations. Matt, Nick, and Chris were triplets from Boston, their laughter and banter echoing through the hallways, while Nate, their friend, also hailing from Boston, seamlessly blended into their dynamic. They had sprawled across my living room, claiming every corner as their own, and I was completely outraged by this invasion.
I found myself lurking in the shadows of the dimly lit halls, watching every step they took and listening intently to every word that spilled from their lips. My heart raced with frustration; how dare they intrude upon my sanctuary, the one place where I could feel a semblance of freedom? Well, something like that. I was determined to take action, to reclaim my space and restore order to my home. Anything to regain control over the chaos that had taken root around me.
Day by day, I began shifting their belongings around, making subtle changes that I hoped they might notice. But, to my frustration, they never did. So, I decided to escalate my tactics. It was around midnight when the house was enveloped in silence, all four boys nestled in their rooms, deep in slumber. I crept toward the first bedroom— Matt.
Matt was quiet, his voice barely above a whisper, a stark contrast to the boisterous energy of the others. I appreciated that about him; his calm demeanor was a refreshing change. I could lie to myself and insist he wasn’t attractive, but deep down, I knew the truth. He had medium-length hair that framed his face perfectly, complemented by a stubble beard that added a rugged charm. Standing tall with a slender figure, he exuded an effortless elegance. Unlike his brothers, who were loud and brash, Matt was much more closed off, a completely different kind of boy altogether.
He reminded me of myself in so many ways, and I found comfort in that connection. There was an undeniable quality about him that drew me in, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. I often found myself lurking in his bedroom at night, captivated by his presence. Watching him in the soft glow of the moonlight, I couldn’t explain why I felt compelled to do so, but it was a pull I couldn’t resist.
As I strolled closer to his bedroom, faint noises reached my ears, causing my heart to race. He was awake? He was never awake this late. I approached cautiously, each step deliberate and quiet. Pressing my ear against the door, I strained to listen. Was that... whimpering? Panic surged through me—was he hurt? My curiosity and concern propelled me forward as I gently pushed the door open, peeking my head in first and turning toward the side of the room where his bed was. The dim light barely illuminated the space, but I could make out the outline of his body. He lay there, but he was moving restlessly, tossing and turning as if trapped in a restless dream.
He was moving a lot, and I couldn't help but wonder if he was having a bad dream. I crept closer, eager to study his sleeping figure, the way the shadows danced across his face in the dim light. At least I thought he was sleeping, but something about his restless movements made me question whether he was truly at peace or caught in a turmoil of nightmares.
His head was thrown back, eyebrows deeply furrowed. His eyes were shut tight, bottom lip tucked between his teeth. Was he... awake? I couldn’t believe it; the realization hit me like a bolt—he wasn’t asleep at all.
I stepped closer to him, positioning myself right beside his bed, and let my gaze trail down his body. The blanket was bunched up around his lower stomach, revealing a glimpse of his form beneath. I noticed his hand moving beneath the fabric, shifting in a slow yet frantic rhythm, as if caught in a struggle. His mouth opened slightly, releasing soft, involuntary sounds that hinted at the turmoil within him.
He was whimpering softly, arching his back slightly off the bed, a vulnerable display that held me captive in a trance. I couldn’t tear my eyes away, though I wasn’t sure if I wanted to. Slowly, I began to crawl on top of him, feeling as if my mind was racing ahead of my body. It was as if I could feel myself slipping out of my translucent skin, a sensation that made me acutely aware of my own existence. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open, locking onto mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. He could see me; I could see him. His breath quickened, and he stammered, “W...who... h-how...” I shushed him gently, placing my hand over his mouth, trying to calm the storm brewing between us.
As we sat there in the stillness, his racing heart began to settle, the rhythm gradually calming. I felt limp against his waist, my gaze locked into his eyes, searching for some understanding. He shook his head slowly, disbelief etched across his features. “Who are you...” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. I glanced down at my hands, feeling the weight of the moment. “Tatum,” I replied, my voice low but hurried. His eyes darted across my face, searching for more answers, urging me to elaborate. “...I live here...” I continued, locking my gaze back onto his.
He began to pant, shaking his head in denial. “N-no you don’t... I live here! With my brothers and Nate. This is our home... h-how long... how long have you been here?” His words spilled out in a rush, breathless and frantic. I offered him a sweet smile, trying to soothe the tension. “My whole life... Matt.”
He threw me to the side and crawled away, his hands covering his face in disbelief. “How the fuck do you know my name?” he shouted, his voice rising in intensity. Never did I think I would be uttering the next sentence. “I died here... I grew up here my whole life. I know it sounds crazy...” I began to crawl toward him, resting my hand gently on his arm. He tilted his head down, glancing at our contact before meeting my gaze again. “I’ve been here, trapped here, dead and alone for years,” I confessed.
He chuckled nervously, groaning as he rubbed his hands down his face in frustration. “This is unbelievable,” he whispered to himself, grappling with the weight of my words. I grabbed his phone, quickly unlocking it after memorizing the code from my countless observations. I searched for the home address followed by ‘Tatum Roat’ and clicked on the link that appeared. Handing him the phone, I watched as curiosity flickered in his eyes. He sat there scrolling, reading the horrific news—my murder, my history, my life laid bare before him.
He turned off his phone, setting it aside with a heavy thud, and sank into himself, his head bowed low. He licked his lips, taking a deep breath that seemed to fill the silence around us. Slowly, he turned to me, his gaze locking onto mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. He cocked his head to the side, a hint of curiosity mingling with disbelief. “So what... you’re a... ghost?” he asked, his voice careful, as if testing the weight of the words. I nodded, my gaze drifting away, the cold truth settling heavily in my chest. Hearing it spoken aloud stung more than I anticipated.
“That’s actually kind of cool... and hot,” he murmured softly, a hint of a smile creeping onto his lips. I glanced up at him, a smirk playing on my own lips, my heart fluttering with a flicker of hope. “Yeah?” I asked, my voice laced with anticipation. “Yeah,” he confirmed, his eyes sparkling with an unexpected acceptance.
I began to take my place back on top of him, feeling the weight of the moment shift in the air. This time, he let me, his earlier fear replaced by a curious acceptance. I searched in his eyes, staring deep into his icy blue orbs that seemed to hold a world of secrets. Memories flooded back to me—his whimpering, the reason I had come here in the first place. A smirk played at my lips, a teasing glimmer in my gaze. “Why don’t you pick up where you left off? I didn’t mean to disrupt your playtime,” I said, my voice laced with playful mischief.
He looked at me with widened eyes, surprise etched across his features. “W-what...” he spoke softly, his voice barely above a whisper. I began tracing my fingers up his neck, reveling in the softness of his skin beneath my touch. “You heard me,” I replied, leaning in closer, my breath warm against his ear as I whispered the words that hung between us.
His breath quickened, and he cleared his throat, the tension in the air palpable. I climbed off of him, settling beside him on the bed, my heart racing with anticipation. I glanced down toward his lap, a smile spreading across my face as I looked back up at him. He was hard, the evidence of his desire undeniable. He gulped, his gaze darting to the side, avoiding mine.
The dim light cast a soft glow across his features, highlighting the beads of sweat that trickled down his forehead, a testament to the heat of the moment. I tilted my head to the side, pouting slightly, my eyes locking onto his. “What are you waiting for... just act like I’m not here,” I purred, my voice dripping with seduction, inviting him to abandon his hesitation.
His hands moved deliberately towards his lower body, retracing the path they had taken before. With a slow, deliberate motion, he pulled the blanket off of him, shedding the extra layer that felt too constricting in the charged atmosphere. He undid the string of his sweatpants, the fabric slipping down inch by inch, revealing more of him with each gradual pull. He paused for a moment, glancing over at me, and I could feel the intensity of his gaze. I was watching his every move, my breath hitching in anticipation.
My eyes flicked up to meet his, and I caught a glimpse of a pleasing look on his face, a mix of confidence and vulnerability. But just as quickly, he shifted his gaze back down, as if the intensity of the moment was too much to bear. He tugged his pants down to his thighs, leaving them still clinging to him, the fabric taut against his skin. His briefs followed closely after, slipping down with a teasing grace, revealing even more of him.
I gasped at the sight, my breath catching in my throat, causing his head to snap up in surprise. He looked nervous, visibly biting the inside of his cheek, a telltale sign of his unease. “What?” he asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper. I shook my head, a light smile playing on my lips. “S’pretty, baby,” I murmured, tugging my lip between my teeth to stifle the sounds that threatened to spill out. He blushed, his cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson as he looked away from me. “...thanks...” he mumbled softly, the word barely escaping his lips.
He inched his hands down to his fully hardened dick, softly groaning as he made contact. He whimpered softly. God I could listen to that sound all day. Beginning to move at a slower pace, he began pumping his hand up and down faster, gaining speed. He furrowed his eyebrows, shutting his eyes tightly. His strokes were starting to get more sloppy. I could tell he was insanely close. His mouth hung low at he thrusted his hips in the air lightly. I was completely in love with the sight.
“O-oh go-” he tossed his head back, tears glimmering like tiny crystals as they streamed down his flushed cheeks. His legs trembled slightly on the bed, betraying the overwhelming sensations coursing through him. He breathed heavily, each gasp filled with a mix of pleasure and vulnerability, as he wiped his eyes with his clean hand.
He panted softly coming down from his intense high. I noticed the mess on his lower stomach, trailing my fingers towards him scooping some up. I placed my fingers in my mouth his sweet cum tasted like icing, rich and indulgent. I hum at the taste, licking everything up leaving nothing behind. I look up to meet Matt’s face, his eyes widened in shock, for the second time tonight.
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tags- @shaquilles-0atmeal @monroesturnns @blahbel668 @mattssluttywaist @jetaimevous
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bijouxcarys · 4 months ago
WWE GIF Set Masterlist
Main masterlist.
Roman Reigns
[Leakee] FCW TV. June 5th, 2011. (w/ Big E., Mr. Florida & Titus O'Neill vs. Conor O'Brian, Damien Sandow, Lucky Cannon & Mason Ryan)
[Leakee] FCW TV. October 23rd, 2011. (vs. Ricardo Rodriguez)
[Leakee] FCW TV. January 8th, 2012. (w/ Dean Ambrose vs. Leo Kruger [Adam Rose] & Damien Sandow)
[Leakee] FCW TV. February 12th, 2012. (vs. Leo Kruger [Adam Rose])
[Leakee] FCW TV. May 2nd, 2012 (vs. Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose)
Money in The Bank 2013 (The Shield vs. The Usos)
Monday Night RAW. October 14th, 2013. (w/ Seth Rollins vs. Cody Rhodes & Goldust)
Monday Night RAW. January 6th, 2014 (vs. CM Punk)
Elimination Chamber 2014 (The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family)
Monday Night RAW. March 3rd, 2014. (The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family)
Monday Night RAW. May 12th, 2014 (vs. Batista)
Battleground 2014 (vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Kane)
SummerSlam 2014 ; debut singles match (vs. Randy Orton)
Royal Rumble 2015
Fastlane 2015 (vs. Daniel Bryan)
Monday Night RAW. May 4th, 2015. (w/ Randy Orton vs. The New Day)
SummerSlam 2015 (w/ Dean Ambrose vs. The Wyatt Family)
WrestleMania 32 (vs. Triple H)
Monday Night RAW. July 25th, 2016 (vs. Finn Bálor)
Monday Night RAW. July 25th, 2016. (vs. Chris Jericho vs. Sami Zayn vs. Sheamus)
Payback 2016 (vs. AJ Styles)
Monday Night RAW. November 28th, 2016. (vs. Kevin Owens)
Clash of Champions 2016 (vs. Rusev)
Hell in a Cell 2016 (vs. Rusev)
Royal Rumble 2017 (vs. Kevin Owens)
WrestleMania 33 (vs. The Undertaker)
Great Balls of Fire 2017 (vs. Braun Strowman)
Monday Night RAW. January 29th, 2018. (vs. The Miz)
SummerSlam 2018 (vs. Brock Lesnar)
Extreme Rules 2019 (w/ The Undertaker vs. Drew McIntyre & Shane McMahon)
Clash of Champions 2019 (vs. Erick Rowan)
SmackDown. January 17th, 2020. (vs. Robert Roode)
Royal Rumble 2020
Clash of Champions 2020 (vs. Jey Uso)
TLC 2020 (vs. Kevin Owens)
Survivor Series 2020 (vs. Drew McIntyre)
Royal Rumble 2021 (vs. Kevin Owens)
Money in The Bank 2021 (vs. Edge)
SummerSlam 2021 (vs. John Cena)
Extreme Rules 2021 (vs. "The Demon" Finn Bálor)
Survivor Series 2021 (vs. Big E)
Royal Rumble 2022 (vs. Seth "Freakin'" Rollins)
SummerSlam 2022 (vs. Brock Lesnar)
Clash at the Castle 2022 (vs. Drew McIntyre)
Elimination Chamber 2023 (vs. Sami Zayn) - Part 1 - Part 2
WrestleMania 39 (vs. Cody Rhodes) - Part 1 - Part 2
Bad Blood 2024 (w/ Cody Rhodes vs. Solo Sikoa & Jacob Fatu)
Rhea Ripley
NXT UK. July 3rd, 2019. (vs. Piper Niven)
SmackDown. November 22nd, 2019. (vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Sasha Banks)
NXT. December 18th, 2019. (vs. Shayna Baszler)
WWE Worlds Collide 2020 (vs. Toni Storm)
NXT Halloween Havoc 2020 (vs. Raquel Gonzalez [Rodriguez])
WrestleMania 37, Night 2. (vs. Asuka)
Monday Night RAW. March 7th, 2022 (w/Liv Morgan vs. Carmella & Zelina Vega)
Monday Night RAW. May 9th, 2022. (vs. Liv Morgan)
WrestleMania 39 Saturday (vs. Charlotte Flair)
Monday Night RAW. June 19th, 2023. (vs. Natalya)
Payback 2023 (vs. Raquel Rodriguez)
NXT Heatwave 2023 (w/ "Dirty" Dominik Mysterio vs. Lyra Valkyria & Dragon Lee)
Survivor Series: War Games 2023 (vs. Zoey Stark)
Elimination Chamber 2024 (vs. Nia Jax)
WrestleMania XL Saturday (vs. Becky Lynch)
SummerSlam 2024 (vs. Liv Morgan)
Damian Priest
SummerSlam 2021 (vs. Sheamus)
Extreme Rules 2021 (vs. Sheamus vs. Jeff Hardy)
Monday Night RAW. April 11th, 2022. (vs. AJ Styles)
Backlash 2023 (vs. Bad Bunny)
Backlash 2024 (vs. Jey Uso)
Monday Night RAW. November 4th, 2024. (vs. "Dirty" Dominik Mysterio vs. Sheamus vs. Seth "Freakin'" Rollins)
NXT. February 27th, 2014. (vs. Emma)
Night of Champions 2014 (vs. AJ Lee vs. Nikki Bella)
Hell in a Cell 2014 (vs. AJ Lee)
Survivor Series 2015 (vs. Charlotte Flair)
IYO Sky/Io Shirai
Mae Young Classic Final, WWE Evolution 2018 (vs. Toni Storm)
NXT TakeOver: Toronto 2019 (vs. Candice LeRae)
Shawn Michaels
Survivor Series 1996 (vs. Sycho Sid)
Monday Night RAW. October 20th, 2003 (vs. Goldberg)
WrestleMania 24 (vs. Ric Flair)
WrestleMania 25 (vs. The Undertaker)
Elimination Chamber 2017 (vs. Alexa Bliss)
SummerSlam 2017 (vs. Natalya)
Drew McIntyre
TLC 2009 (vs. John Morrison)
Elimination Chamber 2024 (vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens vs. Randy Orton vs. LA Knight vs. Logan Paul)
WrestleMania XL Sunday (vs. Seth "Freakin'" Rollins)
Bad Blood 2024 (vs. CM Punk)
Liv Morgan
NXT. November 4th & December 2nd, 2015 (vs. Eva Marie / vs. Emma)
NXT. November 16th, 2016 (vs. Peyton Royce)
Elimination Chamber 2023 (vs. Nikki Cross vs. Natalya vs. Raquel Rodriguez vs. Carmella vs. Asuka)
Elimination Chamber 2024 (vs. Becky Lynch vs. Naomi vs. Bianca Belair vs. Tiffany Stratton vs. Raquel Rodriguez)
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