hyipstation · 2 years
BattleFly Coin Review : Is It Good Or Bad Coin Read Our Article
BattleFly Coin Review : Is It Good Or Bad Coin Read Our Article
About BattleFly Coin BattleFly Coin quest to seize dominance over the last of earth’s remaining resources, humans combined AI, DNA and military technology to create the BattleFly. These weaponized insect assassins swarmed in their billions, fighting as proxies for humans until there were no humans left. In their absence, artificial intelligence filled the vacuum. Ten unique AI forces evolved to…
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lilithdusk · 3 years
Part 2 to Marinette has lost her partner and Adrien happens to look just like him
Previous part
Adrien pulled away just enough to look into Marinette’s eyes. How could she have his Miraculous? He gave it to Alya, he was certain of that. He simply couldn’t have take Marinette’s balcony for Alya’s. And Nino had told him he knew Rena Furtive’s identity. He has made no mistake, thus why was his classmate now wearing the Chat Noir’s miraculous? He opened his mouth but, suddenly, an explosion caught them off guard. They ended up on the ground, covering their ears.
Down the street, a new vilain was tormenting Paris. Adrien didn’t waste any time and took Marinette’s hand. They both got up and ran away from the chaos. The teenagers took refuge in a small alley. Their respiration were caught in their throats, panting. When Adrien glanced at his friend, she was already looking away, at the chaos further. His sight immediately fell on her finger and the jewellery. How could he bring this into the conversation without suspicion? How could he know something about the miraculous? And there was still the option  of Marinette not knowing anything about it. Perhaps Alya had given it to her as a gift. 
Deep inside him, he knew it was the wrong explanation. What made him comeback to reality was Marinette’s hand on his shoulder.
“Adrien, climb on that. You’ll hide in here.”
She was showing a balcony above their heads. The trash containder was below and if he jumped, he could reach and climb on it. When they both reached the hidden balcony, Marinette stepped over the guardrail and was preparing to get back on the ground when Adrien stopped her.
“What are you doing?! Hide here until Ladybug arrives!”
The containder was slippery because of the rain pouring and Marinette almost fell down. She lifted her head and gave Adrien a nod.
“We’ll be safe separately. It’s too dangerous to stay in the same place together.”
She landed on the ground with a flop while Adrien remained still.
“Don’t.” He whispered.
Marinette couldn’t have possibly hear him and yet, she reassured him with a slight smile. The first one he saw on her lips for weeks. Marinette ran away before Adrien could convaince her to stay. 
Now on the main street, Marinette has lost sight of the vilain. He had faded away. So, she hid in a corner of a street in order to transform.  The ring on her finger caught her attention and her heart clenched. A single tear fell down on her cheek, mingled with the rain. How could she still hope about her partner showing to the battleflied when she was the one wearing his miraculous?
She flinched and turned around. Adrien was on the ground, in the middle of the street, drenched. He had called out for her. The look on his face spoke for him. His eyes were switching between her hand and her face. Marinette quietly eyed him, confused by his behaviour. Why did he come out? Why was he risking his safety? Why was he looking so concerned and troubled? 
Marinette took a step towards him before her whole body became paralyzed. From the corner of her eyes, she could see the vilain flying straight to Adrien. The attack was directed at him. Even worse, Marinette didn’t know the Akuma’s power and what it did to the victims. She could not risk Adrien’s life. He was facing the small alley she was in, the vilain could not see her yet. Her identity would only be revealed to Adrien, it was a pale risk in comparaison to his safety.
Before his own eyes, Adrien watched Marinette transforming into Ladybug. He missed a few heartbeats while she was looking at him, grave. His eyebrowns frowned when she scurried towards him. Soon enough, her arm was around his waist and they flied away from the vilain he had not seen until now.
They didn’t have time to land somewhere. The vilain was behind them, running fast, very fast. Ladybug had to trust her instinct but how could she be at the top of her performances when her teammate was missing, along with her tiredness?
Drenched in the rain, Ladybug was carrying Adrien. She slid on one of the rooftop and, thanked her power for giving her a yoyo to catch her up. Flying the Parisian sky, she finally dropped Adrien on the ground.
“You stay here until the Lucky Charm cure everything, alright?”
Adrien simply nodded. Ladybug got back into fighting the akuma. The fight was raw, rough and bloody. Ladybug couldn’t have the advantage when she was exhausted and the vilain, full of energy. He was the one dominating the fight, he would hit her everytime he had the opportunity. For the first time since Hawkmoth appeared, Ladybug was losing. And the capital silently observed her fall, alone, without the help of any Miraculous holders. 
Another hit made her fly into a wall which then collapsed. Someone had to help her out; Adrien came out of his hidden place, once again. Running into the rubbles, he lifted and pulled some concrete blocks and helped Ladybug getting up. He took her hand and look into her eyes, genuine.
“You have to use the Miraculous of destruction.”
“I- I won’t use it...” She frowned, hurt.
“You’re going to die if you don’t!”
His friend dived her eyes into his, severe. Of course Ladybug was Marinette, how could she not? Adrien maintained her gaze. He wasn’t Chat Noir anymore but he won’t let her die because she wouldn’t use the miraculous. Ladybug needed help, simply not from him. In front of the vilain, of Hawkmoth, of the cameras recording the fight, Adrien couldn’t get back his miraculous, even if he wanted to. Paris was watching very carefully. So, he took her hand, the one where the ring was still resting on, and brought it in front of her face.
“Use it.”
“It’s not mine, the only person who can wear it is Chat Noir.” Ladybug responded.
“You already wore it for a fight.”
“It’s not the same! The power contained in both is too dangerous for one person.”
“You are more than capable to wear it. You are Paris’s hero, the guardian of the miraculous; if one person can handle this power, it’s anyone but you.”
Her teary blue eyes were watching him cautiously.
“I can’t do it without him.” 
Her voice broke out in a whisper. Adrien’s lips turned into a slight smile, also tearing up.
“I’ve always been around you my Lady.”
Ladybug’s face lit up when the realization hit her. Her partner, her teammate, her best friend, her soulmate was in front of her this whole time. She had found him. The two most precious boys in her life were actually one. She sobbed, incapable of controlling her emotions. Adrien immediately pressed her hand.
“Beat this akuma now, alright?” 
She pressed his in return and nodded. Taking a step back, she never broke away from his gaze.
“Tikki, Plagg, unify!”
A violent white light made everyone blind. Adrien lifted his arm to refrain the light entering his eyes. Along with white spots, he was blinded with purple ones. A few seconds later, when his sight has adjusted, Ladybug was in front of him, in a new suit. It was purple with golden details. But what caught everyone’s attention was her eyes, glowing white. She was standing before him, before Paris’s and Hawkmoth’s eyes, all powerful; and ready to fight, once and for all.
I enjoyed writing these two! And I’m so excited about the serie showing the potential of the miraculous union! (manifesting for season 4 final)
@anelfinthedark @giuliafc @steelblaidd @backyardbob01  
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somerabbitholes · 3 years
What are some your favourite books you've read so far this year?
in no particular order —
beartown by fredrik backman (trans. neil smith)
to paradise by hanya yanagihara
bricks and mortar by clemens meyer (trans. katy derbyshire)
रणांगण (“battleflied”) by vishram bedekar
tin man by sarah winman
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heiayen · 4 years
zemblanity - kaeya x knight!gn-reader
angst, injuries, kaeya joins the bad guys (kinda), mentioned jean, probably messy, lotta of things made up by me, 3rd person view
major spoilers for kaeya's backstory, word count: 678 + fic utc.
zemblanity - the discovery of something you would rather not know
it was too late.
mondstadt was busy fighting and he was hidden somewhere, in an empty house, like a coward.
no, not like a coward. he was a coward for leaving his friend alone on the battleflied and letting someone blackmail him this much. he shouldn't be hiding here, he should be fighting with jean and lisa and the rest of the knights, he should be helping-
"kaeya- oh my god you are alive- everyone's been looking for you!" someone's voice, familiar voice snapped him out of his thoughts. and he turned around and he saw-
"[Y/N]! wait, you are bleeding!" he walked toward them and grabbed their hand gently, sitting them on the nearest couch. he was quite calm (or at least that's what he said to himself) till he saw his lover, in bruises, with bleeding arm and full of pain expression. he didn't had any bandages or anything to cover the wound next to him, so he quickly went to the bathroom, with hopes of finding something.
"jean was so worried about you! and i was... i was so scared that..." they didn't even managed to finish, because kaeya was back with needed items and slowly, started cleaning their wound. it was nothing too hard for him, after all, it wasn't the first and last time he needed to deal with injuries.
"i didn't meant to make you worry so much, i'm sorry."
and they both were just sitting in awkward silence, [Y/N] watching kaeya dealing with their injury. there was so many questions, why kaeya was here? did something happened to him? so, so much questions, but no answers.
"do you have any other-"
the only response they got from him was silence.
"i am fine... no injuries more," they said slowly, totally ignoring how their body was hurting after fighting abyss mages "but, are you alright?"
"of course i am, love."
it hurted to say. nothing was alright and he didn't wanted to lie to them, but in all this chaos there was no time for explaining this mess and why he was-
"hey, hey, look at me." they cupped his cheeks in their hand, and then he meet the kindest smile- the purest, despite the pain, despite this all.
despite leaving them all to fight alone, [Y/N] still showed him kindness.
"you are alright, yes? and here, with me, alive. let's focus on this for now. jean and lisa are going to be so happy when they hear that you are fine. we are going to win this, together."
together. god, why this word sounded so impossible?
[Y/N] took off their hands from his cheeks, just to hold his hands instead.
"there's a lot of things you've missed, you know? i've overheard the abyss mages convo, and... i don't know, they were talking about, uhh... some people? about someone from khaerin'ah..."
time stopped around them. he knew that one day, one day they will make him choose. and he knew that this day was coming soon, too soon for him. he needed to do something, right now, but all the options looked wrong. there was no right choice and he knew it, he already thought about every option before and nothing was safe enough, right enough.
yet he needed to do something, but what?
"...and jean is so strong, but soon she won't be able to fight anymore. we need help but-"
"i'm sorry to interrupt, darling, but there's a thing i need to do." he said quickly while getting up from the couch. they looked at him confused.
"wait, what? what do you mean?"
"there's nothing to worry about , please, trust me. stay here, you are injured and we don’t want something bad happen to you, yes?" he smiled, or at least tried, before giving a quick kiss on their lips. and then he gave another one, but this time longer, like it was their last.
and with that, he left the house and didn't even looked back.
he had some unplesant business to deal with.
his last option.
i might have kaeya in my team but this does not make me know how to write him good, especially when he's in panic and needs to choose between his homeland and mondstadt, y'know! long short story- someone related to khaenri'ah came to him and blackmailed in a way or another aaand then abyss order attacked mondstadt (and they did it kinda hard actually) and kaeya knew it was related to this weird person who blackmailed him so he kinda. panicked a bit. that's it. im really sorry if it was ooc but Damn it was hard to write a bit
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whistleropal · 8 years
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year2000electronics · 4 years
also yeah the hekicopyer heap is a beyblade the likes no one has eve seen and willb obliterafte anyithe opponent on the battleflied
fuckin. let it *RIP.*
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aroacenita · 4 years
Rosa & Poco friendship headcanons
(Cuz if i dont do something with my ship before my hand is back im going to explode)
Flower crowns! They make a lot for eachother! Rosa would probably be able to fill an entire closet with them
If they are a team in the battleflied, they pretty much become eachothers bodyguards. And they are one deadly dúo. They pretty much compliment eachother
Talking about fights, they relationship started at a balon brawl. They played 6 rounds together and won all of them
After that, they started to play football by themselves as a hobbie. They are pretty good at it, tho Poco prefers to stay at the goal while Rosa manages the ball
They compliment eachother is what im saying
Poco loves to sing songs for Rosa. He says she, and I quote "The perfect públic". According to him, theres something in the way that she smiles and how her eyes light up that just makes him feel al warm and fuzzy
Rosa is always carrying Poco on her shoulders. At first it was to make fun of him for being so small, but it ended up becoming a habit
Poco is trying to teach Rosa how to speak spanish and play the trumpet! Shes actually quite good at both things, tho her accent makes her... Sound weird to say the least
(But Poco has a bit of a laugh off her, so its fine)
Hugs! These 2 hug eachother a lot. At the start of a match to get luck, after ending a match to cheer eachother up, to "Warm up", scince Poco comes from a very hot enviroment and isnt used to extreme colds. They just love it!
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💬 with crow since you just got him ^^
Crow: Wait, where did you get that?
Martin: What? The cupcake? I borrowed it from Piper! In your name of course!
Crow: What do you mean in "My name"
Suddenly, a loud bang was heard, as one of Piper's bullets barely missed Crow's head.
Piper: Come back here you scavanger bird!
Martin: Yeah you might want to run
To explain, one of Martin's powers is taking the appereance (And abilities) of other people. He abuses this greatly out of the battleflied, mostly by doing stuff like this.
The victims never like it for some reason
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xchoco-mixturex · 4 years
(As always: SPOILERS OF TSA)
(I cant put a read more so i shall put this meme as a warning)
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More information,like, our beloved favourite sniper JUST ARRIVED AND WENT LIKE "Well kid we are in this bullshit together." Sniper. Honey. I love you. BUT EXPLAIN THE KID WHAT HAPPENED
Maybe Nanami will have a development? I wish she could see clouds. (I do feel that Nanami and Kuon has a lot in common: a lot of potential,but affraid to use it or feel like she is not good enough.
I dont think they can kill Juo and Zeon for obvious reasons of...well...who they are. They cant kill the bodies,right? (Unless they are doppelgangers and the original body of the gang members is somewhere)
More info from Yuri's part maybe
Should Olive also be on the battleflied? I dont think Yuri can keep her there forever.
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seddm · 5 years
It would be cool if Star got an armor like Moon`s though and even turn into her Battlefly form while wearing it.
Would be very cool, yes. But I don’t know how well most armors would look with her butterfly form palette and outfit.
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reso-lissandra-blog · 6 years
Hallo liebe League of Legends Community, Wir laden euch Herzlich dazu ein an unserem Reso | Legacy Rumble #3 | 5 vs 5 Turnier teilzunehmen. Solltet ihr noch keinen Account auf dieser Seite haben(Battlefly), dann wird es jetzt Zeit dafür. Zugelassen sind 16 Teams bestehend aus 5 Spielern und maximal 2 Ersatzspieler. Du besitzt kein Eigenes Team, Du und dein Duo-Partner finden keine weiteren Spieler um ein Team zu bilden? Kein Problem! Auch wenn Du nicht zu einem festen Team gehörst, kannst du teilnehmen. Es findet am 30.03.2019 und 31.03.2019  Mit frostigen Grüßen Lìssandra https://battlefy.com/reso/reso-legacy-rumble-5-vs-5-3-%5Beuw%5D-%5Ball-ranks%5D/5c546851073bec0319d09040/info?infoTab=details
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i-am-nickelbolt · 2 years
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Bronze to Mythic, Dominaria United premiere draft #4, new dad style! It’s been two weeks since I have been able to fire up arena. Many sleep-interrupted nights, lots of exhaustion, and a bucket of tears (more than a few of them were my own.) But we finally got a decent night’s sleep and my son is napping well again, so it’s time to jump back into the queues!
The draft was interesting.
Pack 1 a worthy first pick Phyrexian Missionary. Great 2 drop for every white deck, excellent to kick. Pick 2 Benalish Sleeper over Extinguish the Light and Blight Pile. I find Extinguish the Light to be okay but Shore Up is kind of a blowout. Blight Pile is okay but it’s more of the fail-case if you don’t have Chaplain in the wall deck than it is an early pick. I kind of wanted to try base white, so I went with Sleeper. Pick 3 Heroic Charge out of a mediocre pack. Gaea’s Might, Shore Up, Shadow Prophecy, and red-white land are good but don’t really fit what I’m doing. If you’re base white, the first Charge is a lot better than dorky filler. Pick 4 Phyrexian Missionary over Love Song of Night and Day. I feel like I’m kind of doing it. Pick 5 Bone Splinters is kind of perfect for black-white, especially if I get a couple token makers. Pick 6 was a curveball Essence Scatter, and I thought it might be a signal, as this is one of the best blue cards. Pick 7 Gibbering Barricade over Pixie Illusionist and Shadow Prophecy, which I think is a mistake. I am pretty sure I overvalue the barricade, it just wasn’t impressive at all in these games, even though I was thinking I maybe wanted defensive plays to go with Essence Scatter. Pick 8 Battlefly Swarm is a flier if I want to Charge, and a grindy blocker for Missionary to rebuy if I abandon Charge. Pick 9 Phyrexian Espionage kind of confirmed the grindy Esper plan for me. Crystal Grotto, Shadow Prophecy, a speculative Shield-wall Sentry and a Salvaged Manaworker rounded out the pack.
Pack 2 pick 1 I immediately saw second Phyrexian Missionary buuut... Nemata Primeval Warden was right next to it. Nemata is pretty busted, so here we go 4 color, lets pick some lands! Pick 2 I immediately saw blue-white land, buuut... there was Boretusk Bonerattle. I’m basically on lands over everything at this point. Pick 3 Vohar, Vodalian Desecrator over second Crystal Grotto. Pick 4 Talas lookout over Scout the Wilderness, but I think I should have taken Destroy Evil. Pick 5 Deathbloom Gardener over Citizen’s Arrest... hmm...
I think basically everyone else in the pod was taking lands, because I only saw a couple of them for the rest of the draft. I had to resort to Salvaged Manaworker and Scout the Wilderness. Fortunately, I was mostly looking for colors to cast my spells, not necessarily needing to get land types quickly. The domain cards I had were still pretty good at 3 types. I did think I had a trainwreck. Fortunately, I rattled off 6-1 despite making a ton of mistakes. I misclicked an Urborg Repossession, I made a ton of weird blocks, my sequencing was bad, I almost needlessly decked myself once, but the late game grind got me there. I’m not even sure if I built my deck right, or even drafted my lane correctly. The game I lost could basically be traced down to missing a double-block because I thought my opponent’s Karplusan Forest contributed to Domain and the Rootwalla was smaller than I thought it was. I think I made a couple other mistakes that match, but I made it harder for myself by missing that block.
The last two games I lost were card quality issues. The problem with playing a lot of mediocre cards to make your mana work is when you draw a lot of those mediocre cards, your deck looks horrible.
A couple of observations:
Nemata, Primeval Warden is busted.
Gibbering Barricade was very disappointing. it never really blocked the way I hoped and I thought it would be better with Scout the Wilderness.
Scout the Wilderness was okay. It’s nice that you can get tokens off of it and shuffle back Scrys in the late game from Automatic Librarian digging for land. And the tokens can be relevant.
Automatic Librarian overperformed in this deck. 3/2 brawls reasonably well, and it was pretty nice with all the graveyard recursion. It seemed like I could always dig to land or powerful spells for as long as I wanted. Also, just being able to always cast a 3 drop with whatever lands I had was really nice.
Salvaged Manaworker was only okay. Where it shined was more as a 2 mana blocker, not so much at fixing mana.
Here’s a shocker of a headline: “Merfolk Looter is great!” But Vohar, Vodalian Desecrator was really nice with all the graveyard recursion.
You can deck yourself pretty easily with a couple Shadow Prophecy.
Also, my son was a lucky charm! He cried during two matches, so I had to run and get him. But then I won both of those match-ups. And the third game he cried and I left him in his crib, I lost. So the lesson is if I can play Arena while holding him, I will always win.
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genlibrary · 2 years
Introduction To The Flywheel Program: Staking Pool For Builders
By: Brokeboy96
The flywheel program is a $MAGIC staking pool that projects can leverage on to earn $MAGIC emissions they can use for building out their games. By providing a high yield staking pool, the flywheel program is able to provide a simple plug and play option for projects. Projects will therefore be able to build robust and connected in-game economies easily through the flywheel program. The goal of the flywheel program is to not just help existing projects build sustainably but also eliminate the onboarding friction for new projects planning to build with Treasure.
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Supporting TreasureDAO
The BattleFly team is working closely with the TreasureDAO’s team to ensure that the flywheel program goals are aligned with TreasureDAO’s vision. In this way, BattleFly is able to help support the long-term strength and ambition of the Treasure ecosystem.
Furthermore, the BattleFly team is also working together with partners of the Flywheel program to implement “Sinks” for Treasure Ecosystem NFTs to help build up the economic layer of the Treasure-verse.
How The Flywheel Works
BattleFly is currently earning massive yield from Bridgeworld due to the NFTs held by BattleFly’s treasury and also support from ClocksnatcherDAO. The Flywheel program basically allows for partners to benefit from this yield by allowing them to stake with BattleFly. This is done so through the flywheel staking contract. 
By staking in the flywheel contract, projects and individuals will be able to benefit from the massive yield, providing a solution for them to garner $MAGIC emissions. The simplicity of this solution will therefore allow for project builders to focus on building world-class games instead of worrying about the sustainability of their project. Projects can use these emissions to expand the team, build up their treasury or even as part of the game reward mechanism. Official Flywheel project partners will also gain access to BattleFly’s resources in advisory, consultation, marketing and exposure. 
It is to note that there is a 10% fee for all emissions garnered from the flywheel program. This service fee will be used by BattleFly to strengthen their treasury and invest in more resources to keep the flywheel spinning. Flywheel program partners can keep the other 90% or distribute it to users to their discretion.
How Do Projects Get Involved?
Projects can get involved by contacting the BattleFly / Flywheel team directly. 
For project leads who are interested, do send information about your project to [email protected] or connect with MachuPichu888#0875 on Discord. 
However, do note that there is a high level of quality control to ensure that flywheel partners are teams who have the best interests of TreasureDAO and the broader ecosystem in mind.
How Do Players Get Involved?
Although the flywheel program is mainly targeted at project builders and creators, BattleFly founders are also allowed to stake with BattleFly using the flywheel contract. Therefore, benefiting from the great yield.
Do note that to qualify as a BattleFly Founder, you will need to own either a Battlefy V1 or V2 FounderNFT. These are available on the Treasure Marketplace. 
The flywheel program is an amazing service for all projects wanting to build with Treasure. The provision of a simple plug to play staking service will also mean that the complexity of bridgeworld will no longer be a pain point for projects wanting to build or move over to the Treasure-verse. The flywheel program will also help to provide stability to projects through a steady stream of $MAGIC. 
Overall, the flywheel program is definitely a net positive to the Treasure-verse. The flywheel has already started spinning and I cannot wait to see the network effects generated months down the road.
Flywheel Program WP - https://docs.battlefly.game/battlefly-treasury/flywheel
BattleFly Twitter - https://twitter.com/BattleFlyGame 
BattleFly Discord - https://discord.com/invite/YzpajBfRNX 
*Disclaimer - None of the above written is financial or investment advice. This article is purely an educational piece on one of the Defi projects in the Treasure Ecosystem. Do your own due diligence into the potential investment risks as well as educate yourself on wallet safety.
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loreleywrites · 6 years
Flash Fiction: Iteration
Three rusted triangles skittered across the ground, nimble enough to not even disturb the thick layer of dust that had accumulated over the centuries. It could no longer become airborne, but the battlefly was as thirsty for violence as it had been during the Phyrexian invasion. Reactivated after sensing unworthy flesh, the machine marched on.
Sparks and springs scattered under Rona’s boot heel.
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Rona, Disciple of Gix by Tommy Arnold
Rona knelt down and sifted through the remains of the Phyrexian battlefly. She removed three short rods from the wreckage. The twisted black metal was forged in the furnaces of Phyrexia, and they were exactly what she had come here to find.
Clutching the scrap metal in her right hand, she whispered a surgical spell into her left. Skin and tendons peeled back from her pinky, drawing winces from her throat. A single tear budded in her organic eye. Three phalanges clattered to the floor. Rona quickly placed the pieces of metal where bone used to be as her spell wore off and tendons reattached to their new mechanical anchor. She chewed the excess skin flaps from her hand and flexed the new digit.
It was a start.
“Gix was a fool mired in his own rancor,” Rona orated to nobody, “Mechanical perfection requires control over magic, metal, and mind.”
A crinkle of parchment echoed in the chamber as Rona unfurled her map of the excavation grounds. She pressed a finger to the antechamber she was currently in and it began glowing with cerulean light. The map floated beside her as she climbed her way out of the ruins and back to the surface.
Rona’s crimson eye pierced the night as crickets chirped and a kavu bellowed in the distance. She gazed up at the Null Moon, a common query for her mind ever since she was a child. Thran megastructures weren’t rare, but no others glared at Dominaria from such cosmic heights. The craftsmanship, engineering, and scientific genius that went into building such an object…secrets she believed she would uncover one day. Until then, progress.
Blue light clung to Rona’s mechanical finger, analyzing the composition of the metal she had salvaged to construct it. She wove a spell into the ground, sending out pulses that would resonate with other objects of similar chemical composition. Sections of her floating map began to glimmer with orange motes. Cross-referenced with the existing archaeological sites, it seemed like she would be able to scour enough battleflies to complete her hand by morning.
As she spoke, Phyrexian etchings appeared in a steel tablet lashed to her waist, “The folly of Gix has become my strength. Through his teachings I have become wiser. Phyrexia has fallen, but a new iteration of metallic mastery shall rise to take its place. I will become the true Mother of Machines.”
Rona didn’t even smile.
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leffie-draws-fanart · 7 years
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Alright wow...this was supposed to be for a battleflied comic I let you guys vote on a few months ago. I had massive struggles finishing this one, and I had to eventually drop it.
These are a few panels I had finished. They originally included speech bubbles too, but then I looked at this again and went: huh. Wow. If I put this panels after that one, this could work without text! :o
Sooo here you have it, hihi. c: It’s like more than half a year late (and shhh. Viggo is totally not dead ;-; (drew this before S4 was released)), but better late than never :D
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