#Battery pack aging tests
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semcoinfratechworld · 6 days ago
How a Lithium-ion Battery Assembly Line Works?
As the demand for electric vehicles (EVs) and energy storage solutions surges, the efficiency of lithium-ion battery assembly lines plays a crucial role in determining the success of battery manufacturers. A well-optimized assembly line ensures high precision, consistency, and cost-effectiveness. But how does the process work? Let’s dive into the key stages of a lithium-ion battery assembly line.
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Cell Grading: The Foundation of Excellence
Cell grading is a crucial first step in the process when each battery cell is carefully examined to ascertain its performance parameters. To produce a thorough "report card" for every cell, capacity, and internal resistance are carefully examined. This methodical procedure guarantees uniformity and groups cells according to their performance attributes, establishing the groundwork for the best possible utilization of a battery pack.
Cell Sorting: Precision in Pairing
After grading, cells are sorted based on their specifications, optimizing the performance of the final battery pack. By ensuring that the batteries in a pack are precisely matched, this precision matching maximizes performance and prolongs battery life. To fully utilize each cell's potential within the battery pack's overall power, this phase must be carefully planned.
OCV Testing Machines
Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) testing machines measure the voltage of cells to ensure they meet the required standards before assembly.
CCD Polarity Tester
This equipment is used for precise alignment and assembly of battery components, enhancing the overall efficiency of the production process.
BMS Testing: The Guardian of Performance
At the heart of the battery pack lies the Battery Management System (BMS), serving as its vigilant guardian. Before integration, the BMS undergoes rigorous testing to validate its functionality and its ability to effectively communicate with the individual cells. This crucial step ensures that the BMS is equipped to monitor and regulate the health and performance of the battery pack with unwavering precision.
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Cell Welding: Where Precision Meets Connectivity
As the testing cells await their transformation into a unified force, the delicate process of cell welding takes center stage. Automated robotic arms execute this task with precision, forging strong and reliable electrical connections between the cells. The seamless integration achieved through cell welding forms the foundational framework for the battery pack, ensuring its resilience and efficiency.
Battery Pack Testing or Aging: Trials of Endurance
The culmination of the assembly line journey leads to the final stage – rigorous testing of the complete battery pack. Depending on its intended application, this phase may encompass charging/discharging cycles to simulate real-world usage or accelerated aging tests to evaluate long-term performance and safety. Through these trials of endurance, the battery pack's resilience and reliability are put to the test, ensuring its readiness for the demands of modern life.
Battery Comprehensive Testing
Finally, comprehensive testing machines assess the battery packs' overall functionality, safety, and longevity before they are ready for deployment. The integration of these advanced machines not only streamlines the production process but also ensures that you deliver high-quality, reliable battery packs that power the future of transportation.
Conclusion: Precision, Innovation, and Reliability
From the meticulous grading of individual cells to the comprehensive testing of the assembled battery pack, the cell-to-battery assembly line embodies a fusion of precision, innovation, and reliability. Each step in this intricate process plays a pivotal role in shaping the quality, safety, and performance of the batteries that power our modern world. Behind every seamless charge and every enduring power source lies a journey of expertise and dedication, culminating in the creation of batteries that stand as pillars of energy in our technologically driven lives.
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sirfrogsworth · 10 months ago
Dinner with Aunt Denise & Uncle Jeff A Tale of Science Fair Photography
Ever since my parents died my aunt and uncle have done their best to fill some of the hole left in my heart. It almost feels like they adopted me in a way. They check on me. They help me clean. They helped me sort through all of my parents' belongings. And from time to time they invite me over for dinner when I'm feeling up to it.
Last week I got a new invitation. I had been feeling pretty lonely as of late so I graciously accepted. Before I left I saw my camera sitting on the table and realized I had this fancy new lens which is especially suited for taking pictures of people.
I thought to myself...
"This lens has only taken pictures of bridges at sunset."
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Which is cool and everything, but I don't really want my only photos to be of bridges at sunset. I like taking pictures of other things.
I didn't have any lighting equipment handy—just a single external flash. And without a solid plan for how I was going to use it, I quickly packed said flash and headed westward. As I saw the sun lowering in the sky above the highway my big photography brain had an idea...
"I should take pictures of *people* at sunset."
I needed a reflector of some kind to bounce my flash against. I thought poster board would probably suffice so I stopped at Walmart and headed to the arts and crafts area. I found these tri-fold poster board thingies that grade school kids use to display their science fair experiments.
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I got 2 for $7!
What a deal!
After I arrived I asked if my aunt & uncle minded having their photo taken. My aunt said she was fine with it but warned me that no one had ever been able to take a decent photo of her.
I'm typically not one to be braggadocious, but I replied...
"Well, that's because you've never had your photo taken by ME."
I'm not sure I should have been so cocky considering my lighting equipment is typically used to display the life cycle of earthworms, baking soda volcanos, and... potato batteries—which was the delightful and totally real project I just found on Google.
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Science Fair Entry from Billy, Age 10
After a delicious feast of bratwurst, salad, and non-electrified potatoes, I convinced my aunt and uncle to sit for a sunset photoshoot. They even helped me set up my science fair project.
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Science Fair Entry from Froggie, Age 42
I decided to do a quick test indoors to make sure my plan would work. Jeff volunteered for my first experiment.
Without my contraption...
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With my contraption...
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I think my experiment was quite promising. But would my idea hold up outside during the sunset with constantly dimming conditions?
We moved everything to the backyard. The tri-fold poster board was a bit ornery regarding its uprightness and needed to be tamed. My Uncle Jeff used a large rock, some pillows, and a step ladder to keep the makeshift reflectors in place.
I started taking test photos without the flash to figure out the background exposure.
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Those pesky power lines were going to need to be zapped later in Photoshop, but I was really digging the scenery.
I dialed everything in, started taking photos, and even on the little rear camera screen I felt like they were turning out well. With the sun setting the sky looked like it was on fire. But then the batteries died in my flash and I was starting to lose that fiery sky as darkness began to creep into view.
Unfortunately, all of the potatoes were in our bellies so my aunt scrambled to find regular batteries in the house.
This photoshoot had become a complete team effort with everyone doing their part to make it a success.
Surprisingly it was my Uncle Jeff was giving me some bona fide model poses. He just naturally has some sort of... resting model face. Very masculine and authentic. And my Aunt Denise is just pure sunshine manifested as a person. So I had no problems getting nice expressions from her.
So... would you like to see the pictures?
Will I get a blue ribbon on my science fair project?
Am I building up the suspense too much?
Okay, here we go...
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I suppose the only validation I really need is from the person who has never had a decent photo taken of them.
Let's see the verdict.
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All of those hours and hours of photography training helped me learn the problem solving skills I needed to pull off a photoshoot with seven dollars in supplies.
Take a small light source, bounce it off something larger, and you get a big light source.
And big light sources make people look snazzy in photographs.
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Are you kidding me?
I lost to the potato kid?
What kind of rigged nonsense...
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radioactive-reactions · 11 months ago
How would the companions react to discovering not only Vault 111 but also the frozen Sole Survivor
Whether they saw it as a potential treasure trove, a nostalgic relic, or just a safe, quiet refuge, Vault 111 always seemed to attract the odd scavenger or adventurer. After slipping past the door, however, this particular intruder would end up stumbling upon something far stranger than they could expect...
Cait hadn't really taken the time to scope out the Vault before diving into it headfirst- having a pack of feral dogs nipping at your heels will do that to you. Coming face to face with the frozen Sole Survivor down there is freaky enough to give her a heart attack, but as the perfect audience for her rambling stories and a nonjudgmental drinking buddy they soon become the centerpiece of her impromptu hideout. As for actually getting them out? Fuck if she knows how.
Codsworth knows full well what the Vault up the hill contains, of course. How could he not? Much of the aging robot's time is spent tending to his owners' pods: tightening every bolt, polishing the glass, keeping the steel casing free of even a single speck of rust. The only thing that keeps him going is the thought that on some level, under that thin layer of frost, they might know he's there for them.
Curie's unbridled excitement at making contact with another Vault is quickly tempered once she actually sets eyes on the denizens of said Vault. With nothing but time and centuries' worth of medical expertise to work with, she immediately sets to the task of bringing Vault 111 back to life- not just the Sole Survivor, but everyone consigned to a cold and inglorious fate in those cryopods. This is a mission worth spending another two hundred years on.
Danse has been assigned to scour the Vault as part of a routine sweep for useful technology- a task entirely beneath a Paladin, but what he finds there more than makes up for it. Immediately, a whole field research team is dispatched to the vault and the cryopods are airlifted out one by one. The Sole Survivor's first memory of the new world is waking up to the harsh white light of a Brotherhood lab, bombarded with questions and shoved blearily through a battery of tests. Not a great first impression.
Deacon still thinks the Vault would make an ideal fallback hideout, even with the rows of corpsicles. The eerie blue glow and residents in cryosleep are pitched to Desdemona as enhancing the ambience, but the suggestion is soundly denied for the Vault's visibility. Even so, Deacon maintains a post outside, just in case one of those poor bastards stumbles out one day.
When Hancock inexplicably wakes up in the Vault after partying a little too hard, he immediately assumes he's still hallucinating- that, or he's been picked up by Zetans. It takes him hours of trying to pry the Sole Survivor's pod open in a hungover haze to finally give up, writing the place off as another of the Old World's many sins and decent subject matter for his next speech.
MacCready almost feels at home in the vast underground chambers of the Vault. Almost. No matter how convenient the Vault is as a last-ditch hideout, its residents creep him out too much to stay there for any real length of time. He tries his hardest to avoid their frozen stares, endlessly grateful that it's them in there and not him.
Valentine relates to the frozen Sole Survivor a little more than he'd like to admit. Two abandoned relics, used to serve a greater purpose and then thrown out like so much junk when they were done. He knows more than anyone what a harsh awakening they're going to have- if they do wake up. Every so often, he'll wander back to check on them, sharing a yarn about his latest case and watching for any progress. On the day that pod does unseal, he'll be there to lend a helping hand... but until then, all he can do is maintain a file. It's one hell of a cold case.
Piper feels a little guilty that her first thought is how good of a story this will make. 'Pod people slumber among us', maybe? She doesn't want to risk the Sole Survivor's life by touching anything, but maybe if she spreads the word someone out there will be able to help them. That's how she justifies it to herself, anyway- now if only there was some concrete link to the Institute she could work in...
Preston has been surveying the area around Sanctuary for potential threats to the burgeoning settlement... and he still isn't entirely sure that this doesn't count as one. It takes a moment to line up the resident registry with the names on Sanctuary's rusted-out mailboxes, but once he does, he has the Vault sealed up again out of respect for those who came before. If he and his scant resources can't help them, he can at least let them rest in peace.
Strong hammers away at the pod to no avail before stomping off in a huff to seek his next victim somewhere else. Canned food clearly isn't his thing.
X6-88 is here for a routine checkup - nothing more, nothing less. Although the Director had been cagey about what exactly he wanted to be kept safe down here, there was nothing X6 wouldn't be prepared for... so he thought, at least. The sight of a person, frozen and contained, gives him a rare moment of pause and elicits an uncomfortable, involuntary comparison to the dormant synths rolling off the assembly line. Nevertheless, he makes sure the cryopod is still functional and returns home, all the while trying to forget their strange resemblance to the Director.
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theworldvsyoshiko · 5 months ago
The first full year has passed, and thus, a status update.
Harriet Bowers
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Harriet's almost 16, so she's going to have to reset her age soon to avoid becoming an adult, which we all know is a fate worse than death. She's leveled up a lot in this year, thanks to her ridiculous traits.
One thing I didn't mention before: as a relic of this starting as a test for a bushido-themed run, Harriet started with a masterwork monosword. Between that and the recon armor she just got for catsitting, she's now the group's primary combatant. Since she doesn't have Mephizel's hangups about guns, she's also carrying a Taurus Judge, aka one of those pistols that can shoot fucking .410 slugs. I think she's actually gotten a kill with it, but it isn't really a primary option. ... Brawler actually means that she should be awful with guns, and I should probably look into why it isn't flooring her Shooting skill like it should.
She's also the only person in the group who's any good with plants, the only decent cook, and... okay, she's basically the best at everything but Shooting, Mining, Animals, and Art.
Harriet adores General, gets along pretty well with Kena, and is ambivalent leaning toward dislike toward Fo. It takes some real effort to accomplish that, because this group is so pro-kid that they all get +20 to their relationships with other people under 25.
Fo Sirach
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As is typical of impid raiders who attack in the first season or so, Fo's kinda useless. He has a peg leg now, so he isn't super slow, but his skill are... I mean, the Crafting would be great under other circumstances, but Kena beats him there. He's basically the miner. That's about it. The rest of the time he's camped out at the research desk, because nobody's good at it, so might as well have him handle that.
He's no good in fights, either. In other circumstances, I'd probably slap a gun into his hands anyway, but CE means that ammo is a concern. It's in short supply right now, so I can't afford to hand any to a guy who would need a patient explanation of where the safety is.
Fo generally gets along with everyone but Harriet. One of the primary reasons there is that Harriet remembers the time he attacked her house trying to kill her, and holds an understandable grudge.
Kena Réveil
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Kena's the crafter, backup construction person, and the only one in the group who knows how to use a gun, which makes her the group's other primary combatant. She's got a FN-FAL. Look, most of the guns that CE adds are actual modern RL weapons. I prefer not to think about it, rather than try to figure out if this means that NATO still exists in the year 5500.
Kena likes everyone, but she has high compatibility with Harriet. I give good odds that they end up dating.
Amaya "General" Rose
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She's 9. Not much to say about her skills, apart from the fact that Melee 3 + Martial Artist means that she's already killed at least one grown adult in melee combat. She arrived partway through the 7-10 growth period, so she's going to have pretty stunted growth at 10. This kid isn't going to have a lot of passion for skills, so she'd better get some good picks.
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Harriet discovered batteries in only 9 months, which puts her ahead of a certain succubus. Part of the reason they're doing better: early on, a trade caravan outside had one of its pack animals get struck by lightning and die, dropping all of its stuff. They got a heap of money out of that. Also: five single-use anti-tank rocket launchers, which will be handy the first time a serious mech attack shows up.
Electricity's a pretty recent thing, though, so they don't have much else going on. Since winter just ended, the food supply is pretty tight. Their diet is currently about 50% eggs they stole from the giant maneating spider that lives nearby, let me put it like that.
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thatgoblin · 1 year ago
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Summary: Despite digging your heels in for months, you finally move in with John.
Warnings: Lots of Scottish swearing.
“Love, why is it so cold?” John asked as he walked into the house. Arms full of groceries, he found me bundled up and on a chair as I tried to open a vent.
“I don’t know,” I sighed. “I’ve been muckin’ about with the thermostat for almost two hours and it keeps spittin’ out cold air. I dinna ken to do.”
“Oh, I’m glad I know Scottish people,” John said softly as he set the food on the counter. Coming over, he picked me up to set me on the ground. “Let me see if I can figure it out.”
“I already called the landlord and he said he’d be here an hour ago and he’s not messaged or called,” I said as I grabbed a blanket to wrap myself in.
“He never does,” John grumbled as he took off the thermostat cover to test the batteries. A few more minutes of him checking things out and he too couldn’t figure out what was wrong. “Everything looks good, but it doesn’t make sense. Why won’t it work? Call your landlord again. Tell him it’s the middle of winter and you’re pregnant and need heat.”
“He knows I’m pregnant and it’s the middle of winter. He will be here at some point,” I said.
“Love, you can’t just wait and hope he shows up,” John said, beginning to put items away.
“Okay,” I said, taking a deep breath. Part of the therapy we had been going to was focused on my constant road blocking and not letting anyone near to help. I needed to work on being able to instantly say no to things John offered to help with. For him though, he was working on not pushing me when I said no to things that did not need to be pushed. The heating was something we needed to get fixed ASAP though.
I grabbed my phone to give the landlord a call as John went back to tinkering with the heating. His phone rang and rang and rang, eventually it went to voicemail and that was full. I sent him a text as well, hoping he’d get back to me soon.
“No answer,” I said with a sigh.
“I know you want to stay here, but for tonight or until the heating is fixed, come stay at my place,” John said. Taking a moment to look around, I nodded.
“Okay. I’ll pack my bag. If you want to put the groceries in the car then we’ll head over.” It didn’t take long before we were packed up and over at John’s. The last time I had been there, I quickly realized, was when we had hooked up for the first and only time.
“John! Hello! Haven’t seen you in a while!” A woman’s voice called from across the street as John got out of the jeep. Looking over, I saw a tall, blonde with tight clothes that showed off her assets. She quickly crossed over to give him a hug as I stayed sitting in the front seat. “How are you? It’s been ages! Still working long distances?” John was stiff, but returned the hug a bit before quickly letting go.
“Yeah, still working on remote stations,” he said with a nod. Jealousy didn’t come naturally to me, at least in the sense that I got jealous over a partner. This wasn’t jealousy that had me hopping out of the jeep to walk over to them.
“Hi,” I said, standing next to John with a soft smile. My hands rested on my large belly that was hard to miss. “Who’s this, Jo?”
“This is my neighbor, Camilla,” John said, wrapping an arm around my waist. “She checks on my plants and gets my mail for me when I go on long business trips. Camilla, this is my partner.”
“It’s lovely to meet you,” the woman said, holding out her hand for me to shake. “I had no idea that John had someone. I guess you’ve kept him all to yourself for the most part. You’re going to have to learn to share.”
“Kinda I guess,” I said, chuckling as I shook her hand. “We have groceries to get in, Jo.”
“Right,” John said. “It was good to see you again, Camilla. We’ll be seeing you.” He gave her a nod and wave before guiding me back to the jeep for us to grab our groceries and bags.
“Don’t be a stranger,” Camilla called before walking back to her house.
After getting everything inside and put away, I turned to John.
“Before you say anything-”
“Jo, she’s fuckin’ on it,” I cut him off with a snicker. “Don’t worry, I trust you. Her, not so much.”
“Let’s just get you settled in,” he said with a heavy sigh. Giggling, I helped him unpack the groceries before we moved my bags to the bedroom. I hadn’t been there since we had first met. “Is it just how you remember it?”
“Is it bad that I don’t remember it at all?” I asked with a wince. John barked out a laugh as he shook his head.
“Considering you were walking out with your shoes in hand, no. It’s fine,” he said, shaking his head. “Here, let’s put your things in the dresser.”
“You don’t have to clear out a drawer for me,” I said, ready to just pull stuff out of my bags. John snorted, rolling his eyes as he opened several already empty drawers of the dresser. “Oh, well then.”
“I may have had a few things ready for if you came over,” he said, dropping a kiss to my head.
“Thank you, I appreciate it,” I said, getting to work in putting my clothes away. “It is a nice house and now I feel bad I never came over till now.”
“It’s okay. I understand why you were hesitant and we’re working to get better together,” he said, carrying my toothbrush and hygiene products to the bathroom. The bed was a full size, something I hadn’t recalled, but then again I had been busy. Putting my body pillow that I cuddled and the super soft blanket that I had to have to pet when I was falling asleep. I didn’t want to tell John he needed a bigger bed, but with just the body pillow on it, it looked pretty small.
Just as I was changing from my trainers to my slippers, my phone rang. It was my landlord. A quick conversation and he would be over the next day.
“What’s the verdict?” John asked, coming back in.
“He said he’d be there tomorrow. Something came up,” I said with a groan.
“I’m not going to push you, but-”
“If I’m moving in, you need a bigger bed,” I said, cutting him off. John grinned as he came over to sit next to me.
“You really want to move in?” He asked, pulling me close to sit in his lap.
“At this rate, the landlord won’t have anything fixed. We’ll have to figure out what to bring in and what can be sold or put into storage, but we need to be in a better home when the baby comes,” I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Especially if you have to go on a mission and I’m left here alone with the ween. A sturdy house that has a Camilla instead of a flaky landlord.”
John rolled his eyes as I giggled, kissing his nose.
The rest of the evening was spent making a delicious dinner as we planned on what was needed of my things versus what John already had. Lists were made as we talked excitedly about what room to pick for the baby as well. John’s house was a two story townhouse that his parents had left him in their will, which meant our girl would be growing up in his childhood home. It made me a bit weepy because it was something good and warm and happy that we could give her that I didn’t have. I wanted her to have the opposite of what I did growing up and John’s home was perfect for that.
“How do you feel about having a pet?” John asked as I made breakfast the next morning.
“A pet? Like a bird or a cat?” I asked, slicing some fruit to put on the oatmeal.
“Well, like a dog,” he said, pouring himself a cup of coffee. I had to abstain from my usual 3 cups for the last five months and I missed it. “I was thinking maybe having a big dog with you while I’m away would be nice.”
“I don’t know,” I said. “That sounds like more work, especially with a baby. Besides, I still need to figure out my own job and what I’m going to do. I’m sure they’re about to let me go because I’ve missed so much work. Pregnant or not, they need someone there and I’m not getting paid.”
“What if you didn’t get another job?” John asked. “You could be a stay at home mum and not have to worry about that.”
“What, so I can be barefoot and pregnant in your kitchen non-stop?” I snorted. “I need to do something, Jo. Whether it’s a job or picking up classes for computer training, just something.”
“That’s fair, but if you need time between jobs and making a decision on what to do, I will support you. If you want to even go so far as to not get ‘free money’ we can say you’re doing my house keeping,” John said. I had to cackle at that. “What? I’m serious!”
“I know and I appreciate it,” I said, moving to hug him. “I know money makes things sticky, but we are kind of bound together by a child and I’m moving in, so I would appreciate the monetary help.”
“We can set up a joint account so you have money for bills that aren’t on autopay with mine. It will make things easy so we both have our own accounts but it’s easier to send one another money if necessary,” John said, kissing my head as he rubbed my back, rocking us as we stood in the kitchen.
“I like that plan,” I said, smiling up at him. We were finding our rhythm and the counseling was working. I actually was realizing how happy I was compared to before him. John wasn’t the sole thing to keep me happy and sane, but he definitely was a part of it.
“Guess who I brought home!” John called from the front door as I came up from the basement having been busy with laundry. We had agreed on a dog and after looking at some pictures and reading up on breeds that were good with kids, we had decided on a German Shepherd/Bernese Mountain mix. He was two years old and at a shelter nearby, we had decided to adopt as well after finding out how much pure bred dogs went for as well as what went into making them. I was in love with the big, goofy looking guy the moment I saw him. He looked a lot like a Shepherd, but his ears were floppy and his coat was thick with more of the Bernese coloring than the Shepherd’s.
“Hello, sweetie,” I cooed, coming to greet the pair. The dog wasn’t wild, but he was clearly excited as he sniffed everything. I let John lead him over, a rubber muzzle on him for the time being. Some training would be necessary, but we both wanted this and knew it would be worth it in the long run. Holding out my hand, I let him sniff it curiously before getting a few kisses through the muzzle. “Aww, thank you Darlin’,” I said, close to tears at how kind and gentle he was being. The hormones had made me mostly sweaty and achy, up until the last week and then the emotions started and I couldn’t help but get weepy over the smallest thing.
“Welcome home, Cromwell,” John said, smiling as I began to pet the pup.
“Cromwell?” I asked, looking up at him with a furrowed brow. “What’s that from?”
“Oliver Cromwell was a general for the New Model Army in the 1600s,” John said, reaching down to give firm side pats. I knew he was interested in British military history, so it didn’t sound odd, but I knew that name somehow. A quick google search had me sighing heavily. “What?”
“The New Model Army, specifically Oliver Cromwell fought against the Scots to colonize them,” I said, narrowing my eyes and pursing my lips.
“Oh. . .” He said, realizing the issue.
“We’re not naming our dog after a fuckin’ colonizer. You’re lucky I’m not holding it against you for colonizing my uterus,” I said with a huff.
“I don’t know about that,” John said.
“The fuck ye mean ye dinna ken ‘bout it!?” I cried, getting a loud bark and awoo from the dog. “See! He’s a Scot! We’re not naming him after the bastard!” John groaned, sighing as I bent over to baby talk and love on our furry son.
“Then what should we name him?” John asked. I stood up straight and settled him with a menacing smirk. “Oh no.”
“Well, I’m from Lochend, so why not Nessie?” I said. “Are you a Nessie? Yes? Is your name Nessie?” I babbled at the dog who began to dance and whine as he became excited with me.
“Jesus Christ, fine, his name is Nessie,” John said, shaking his head at us.
“Are you okay?” John asked, eyes a bit wide as he stared at me and Nessie. I was on the couch with the dog curled up next to me, watching Archer on the TV.
“Yeah, why?” I asked, looking from the screen to his concerned face.
“Your belly. . . Is the baby doing that?”
I had a plate of pickles, olives, and crisps with dip on my belly and my child was making the biggest surf waves as she stretched and moved around. The plate was like a surfboard, riding the waves.
“Aye,” I said. “She’s just gettin’ her calisthenics in,” I said with a shrug, turning back to the TV.
“It. . . It doesn’t hurt?” He asked, just keeping his eyes trained on my belly.
“I mean, it feels weird, but I’ve gotten used to it. She’s been doing this for a while now, Jo. You’re just able to see it more now because she’s gettin’ bigger,” I said, chuckling as he shifted, crossing his arms then quickly putting his hands on his hips. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he said, looking from my belly to my face then back to my belly. “Yeah, I’m good.”
“Jo!” I screamed from the kitchen. “JOHN! GET IN HERE!” There was a feral growling coming from inside the cupboard as I held it shut. John barrelled into the room with Nessie right behind him.
“What? What is it?” He asked, looking around to assess the threat.
“There’s a BIRD in the cupboard!” I cried, pointing to the shut door as singing replaced the growls.
“What do you mean a bird? How did a bird get in?” John asked, coming over to shoo me off to the side.
“I had a window open to clean it and it just flew in,” I said, looking around him at the singing cupboard. “It came in like a fucking fighter pilot at me head and then it hovered around the kitchen before going to the mugs. I think it might have shit in there.”
“What the bleedin’ hell?” John muttered as he peeked into the cabinet. “Oh Jesus, Love,” he groaned as he opened the door to show a bird the size of my hand with a white head and light blue body in a glass jar. It was bobbing and singing as it literally vibrated itself in circles now and then. “It’s just a little budgie,” he said with a chuckle. “It’s probably someone’s pet that got loose.”
“You can have a bird as a pet?” I asked, looking on confused as John mirrored my expression back at me. “Don’t look at me like that!”
“It’s just until we find the owner or a foster home for it,” John said, pulling the sheet over the large birdcage. After an emergency run to the store, we found ourselves with a dog and a bird.
“Jo, I don’t know how to take care of a bird, not even for a few days. What are we going to do if we don’t find the owner? I’m just learning to take care of a dog and soon a wee babe!” I sighed. “I’m just not an animal person, I’m sorry. We never had any growing up, save for Johnny’s gerbil, Dalglish, that he lost after having it for a week. It never came back.”
“Your brother’s gerbil ran away from home?” John asked, snickering as Nessie looked at the covered cage with worry. At least it looked like worry. He whined a bit, but hearing John say his name and he was quiet. John and I were working hard to train him and it was definitely paying off. Part of me was worried that he’d try and eat the bird, but so far he just stared in concern.
“None of us knew how to take care of anything! No one taught us! It was a gift for his birthday when he was 11 and from one of our aunts. I don’t remember which one,” I explained. “You’re lucky I know how to take care of you.”
“For which I am thankful,” John snorted. “But I’m also a grown man.”
“Which proves why animals are a big step and we need to find someone to take the bird,” I said. “So don’t get attached.”
“Aw, thank you, you wee babe,” I cooed at Bonnie, the budgie, as she walked around my shoulder and made kissy noises at me.
“What happened to you not being an animal person?” John asked as I made posters of her to put up.
“Mind yer own business,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him.
The ADHD was really ramping up with the hormone shift. The staring off into space while forgetting what I was doing. That wasn’t the case at the moment. John was grunting and huffing as he was putting together the crib we had just bought. It was supposed to be done in 20 minutes, but the instructions only came in French apparently. So John was doing his best to go off the pictures. I stood in the doorway, watching as he sat on his knees and staring at the large unfolded paper. He was concentrating, furrowing his brow as he rolled up his plaid button up sleeves to get them out of the way. It was a few minutes of standing there, staring at him while fantasizing about doing something else than putting the crib together, before he looked up.
“Can I help you?” He asked with a chuckle.
“You’re lucky I’m pregnant right now or I’d be making you put a baby inside me now,” I said, earning a gruff laugh.
“You’re finally speaking to your brother because you need him to side with you on this argument?” John asked, pinching the bridge of his nose as I called Johnny.
“Aye,” I growled.
“ ‘lo?” Johnny’s voice was confused and probably nervous.
“ ‘ey, yer on speaker. Tell John he’s a fuckin’ right bastard for tryin’ to name the baby Margaret?”
“What!? Sir! The fuck ‘re ye on about!? Respectfully, Price, what the fuck!?”
“It was a suggestion!” John cried, throwing his hands up in the air.
“A shite one!” Johnny yelled. “No niece of mine will be named after that fuckin’ badger of a cock muncher!”
“Huh? What are you talking about?” John asked, looking confused.
“Margaret Thatcher,” I said, staring at him.
“. . . Do you know your father, Mike, do you know his nickname from SAS?” John asked.
“No, I dunno none of ‘em,” I said with a sigh.
“I’m not opening up this can of worms,” John said quickly walking away.
“So. . . Are we good now?” Johnny asked from the phone.
“Aye, we’re good. Just don’t tell our parents a thing about me,” I said.
“Understood. . . Simon just got me some Irn-Bru, do you want any?”
“I’m offended that you have to ask. I live with John now, so bring it over.”
“On the way.”
“Oh, by the way, John knows about Dalglish.”
COD Masterlist
Taglist: @birdstoprey @sebbytheraccoon @pricescigar @alwaysshallow @sae1kie @sleepydang @lexi-zsy09 @ghostlywhiskey @ghosts-cyphera @poohkie90 @neothewitch @shadofireshinobi @sadslasher13 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @xaestheticalien
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only4dagossip · 3 months ago
okay so, problemas futeis that no one cares about:
on saturday i had a get together at a friends house and me and a couple friends stayed basically the entire time on the balcony and we were being very attentive of our packs because of the wind. i turn around once and my pack fell out the balcony onto the backyard of the building
yesterday i was studying for my MACS test that i had today, which was my first time ever studying for that subject. then, ten minutes after i started, the power in every room of my house went out 😀 so i stopped. then, when it got back up, i went to charge my phone only to realise that the charger was broken😀 then i turned my ipad on and searched with my phone on chatgpt what to do since i couldn’t remember my password, and every option it was giving me was something that didn’t show up on the ipads screen😀 i eventually remembered the password and my phone went completely out of battery
so i spent majority of today without my phone and bought a new charger at an indian store and the guy liked my style so much that said i could come back on the 30th because his daughter that is my age will arrive here with a few jewellery from india😀
and my boy best friend and my girl best friend started dating today
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offender42085 · 2 years ago
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Post 0557
...The DNA test showed that his profile is at least 163 octillion times more likely or otherwise expressed -- the number 163 followed by 27 zeros...... 
Chet Neilson, Idaho inmate 134749, born 1988, incarceration intake in 2020 at age 31, parole eligible on 08/23/2034 with full discharge on 08/22/2044
A man who almost got away with a violent rape for over two years was sentenced.  District Judge Steven Boyce sentenced 31-year-old Chet K. Neilson to 15 to 25 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to felony rape. The courtroom was packed and deputies brought in extra chairs for people attending the sentencing hearing.
Neilson’s comments during the hearing were barely audible to other people in the room.  Neilson never looked at anyone else in the eye and constantly looked to the floor as he spoke.
The guilty plea came as part of an agreement made with Teton County Prosecutors at a mitigation hearing. In exchange for the guilty plea, prosecutors dropped a felony battery charge and felony enhancement of infliction of great bodily injury.
Investigators with the Teton County Sheriff’s Office tied Neilson to the Aug. 4, 2017, rape by collecting his used chewing tobacco and matching it with DNA from a sexual assault exam of the victim.
“Mr. Neilson, you committed a shocking crime,” Boyce said before handing down the sentence. “I’ve been in the law 25 years and this is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen.”
Neilson attacked the then 26-year-old woman as she was walking in the Victor City Park around 1 a.m. that August morning. The man, later identified as Neilson, grabbed her mouth and threw her to the ground before raping her. During the assault, Neilson repeatedly said he would kill her if she made any noise.
During the sentencing hearing, it was made known that Neilson strangled the victim to the point she passed out. The lack of oxygen caused blood vessels in her eyes to burst. Boyce said he’s only seen injuries like that in cases where the victim does not survive.
The Teton County Sheriff’s Office opened its investigation immediately after the attack but had little leads. Last August, detectives received a tip that led them to Neilson.
The following week, detectives, along with the Idaho State Police and the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office, began a surveillance operation to collect a DNA sample from Neilson. Investigators were successful in obtaining used chewing tobacco spit from Neilson’s mouth.
Lab results from the DNA test showed the “profile is at least 163 octillion times more likely to be seen if Chet Neilson is the source than if an unrelated individual randomly selected from the general population is the source.”
Deputies arrested Neilson and he confessed to the violent rape.
Defense attorney Sean Moulton recommended his client serve a rider and said when he first met Neilson, he was completely candid about what he did and wanted to plead guilty. He mentioned how Neilson has no prior criminal record but struggles with cognitive disabilities. Moulton described reports calling those cognitive deficits as “thinking errors.”
Boyce referred to a psychosexual evaluation done before Neilson was sentenced showed deception in a polygraph. He also said it’s concerning how Neilson said he saw the victim and had a “sexual urge” before raping her in a seemingly random act.
“This rape was so violent she was literally fighting for her life,” Boyce said.
In addition to time in prison, Boyce ordered Neilson to pay a $1,000 fine and $375 in court costs. He will also have to pay $5,000 to the victim as well as restitution.
Neilson will have to register as a sex offender for life.
“You’ve thrown your whole life away with one random act,” Boyce said.
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donnerpartyofone · 2 years ago
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At one point when I was trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me, I saw a psychologist who had a holistic angle that I liked the sound of. She ran this crazy battery of blood tests, and told me that I had the highest copper levels she'd ever seen. She explained to me that the inability to properly metabolize copper is connected to depression and anxiety, and suddenly things started to make sense to me.
I do not have it as bad as I might, which would mean Wilson's disease, which has been historically mistaken for schizophrenia. But it did seem to help explain my lifelong, severe depression and anxiety. And it also had some kind of satisfyingly poetic resonance vis-a-vis my problems with femininity. Copper has this Venusian association, and is also therefore associated with Taurus, which I happen to be, and I always felt burdened by this ultra-feminine assignment. I have certainly always felt like a woman but I never felt like I was permitted to enter the feminine world. My mother seemed to kind of hate me right out of the gate for some obscure personal reason (and/or because I'm crazy). I had a much harder time getting along with girls than with boys. My main interests were all considered traditionally masculine. As a teenager, I could never figure out any of the feminine beauty or seduction rituals, and I didn't have the kind of friends who would teach me them. I rarely have a period if I don't take a pill about it, I don't have problems with PMS, and I have absolutely no maternal feelings whatsoever, so I cannot achieve community with my fellow women through those items. As a straight female, I have always felt like a fucking alien.
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^And because of all that, it made some kind of sense to me that my mind is being poisoned by an excess of copper--the Venus metal--which my body doesn't know what to do with. Like of course it is. Duh, even. Unfortunately this knowledge didn't really lead to a breakthrough. The doctor who figured it out prescribed this giant menu of nutritional supplements I was supposed to take, including a boner pill-sounding compound called Enhancer Adult-1, which is usually used by Alzheimer's patients to reduce heavy metal-related inflammation in the brain (if I'm even remembering that right). I don't remember how well this all worked, since I had an extremely stressful job at the time, and I also couldn't keep up with the extremely expensive and extensive blood tests, and also taking that many supplements at once made me sick. I have never been so directly aware of the fact that nutrition is really best taken in food, not in pill form.
I guess I'm thinking about all this for a confluence of random reasons. One is that I have to have filtered water to avoid taking on extra copper that way, and in my experience home water filters are often slow and unpredictable and I often hit a point in the day where I'm like, oh well, I guess I'm not allowed to drink anymore water. Not like it's the basis of all life or anything. Oh well. Another thing I was just thinking about, while we're packing up to move and throwing things out, is how incredibly susceptible to supplement hype I am, even though I've had bad experiences because of it. I saw some ad on TV the other day, it was on mute and I was trying to guess what it was for; it just showed a woman of a certain age doing a variety of unrelated, pleasurable activities. Finally the product came up and, as far as I could tell, it was a daily pill for your entire recommended fruit intake, and a daily pill for your entire recommended vegetable intake. I thought, God that's so dystopian. Isn't that a trope in dystopian sci-fi, where future people get all their meals from capsules? Is that in "In the Year 2525"? I know this is a thing, I must be able to think of examples. And finally I realized that what I was really remembering was SANTA CLAUS CONQUERS THE MARTIANS, a movie I find so fascinating that I've seen it many times WITHOUT the classic MST3K commentary.
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But this just makes me think, maybe I need more Martian energy. Fuck off with this poisonous Venusian crap that's giving me depression and andrenal dysfunction and chronic fatigue and everything. Maybe I got that iron deficiency. Maybe I need to move to the fucking planet of Mars.
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cleekleequlee · 11 months ago
Watching me doing field recording
(This "autoethnographic" fieldnote alone takes 2 hours to complete... I spare myself from grammar editing and hope you could spare me of any mistakes too)
The recorder distributed by AK the instructor of the field-recording workshop was the same model as I bought about two months ago from the local music instrument shop, a very light-weight, handheld equipment costing a few hundred Hong Kong dollars. AK supplemented the rest of the set: a white wired 3.5mm in-ear earphone, a wind shield, and two alkaline batteries. This is my first time doing recording with a plug-in earphone on the recorder. With the inbuilt pre-amp that amplifies the sound from surrounding to your liking, my sense of listening was suddenly enhanced. In the room while AK was talking I started to test around, positioning the recorder down the table (as if I was eavesdropping). AK’s talking sound turned muffy-stuffy under the table. Patrick who sits next to me friendly knocked the table, it makes a hollow and nice sound in the earphone.
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We were then sent out for 40 minutes with the new device to play around and get familiar with it. Changing lift on the 11th floor there is sharp and adhesive sound of peeling duct tape from the roll. It stands out in the very quiet, almost deadly dormant background. Associating with the female figure I saw, “it might be the helpers packing their belongings to be sent back to Philipines”, I think to myself. These aged industrial buildings can feel spooky without the busy cranky sound people makes. The aisles were very wide for trolleys to pass. But the walls in this one were painted bright colors - red on the ground floor and bright yellow on the 11th - with oversized sans serif characters indicating room numbers. Is it comic sans?
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I turned on the "fluffy head" (the windshield on recorder looks cutely crazy) while taking the lift down the massive and old industrial building. Right away a rhythmic sound in the lift caught my attention. “If this is in the mystery sound no one would recognize it”, I thought. In this blank, empty in-between time, waiting to be transferred from one space to another, there was something working in the background, enabling the movement of the lift. My movement is not taken for granted, it is worked out by certain mechanisms, and such mechanisms leave a sonic trace. There was also the sound of different parts of a metal chain touching each other behind the steel sheet that boxes us in the lift. The fan made a low-pitched monotonous vibrating sound. Moving the fluffy head closer I hear it closer to me.
Down at the street level the nuances suddenly disappeared. The sound of the cars and buses suddenly swirled and overwhelmed everything else. My head didn’t spin. It numbed and suffocated. Sound Degradation like what Bernie Krause said, is this mesh of undistinguishable business. From afar in the country parks it turns to a low, roaming background noise, not unlike the electric white noise that persists every clip of recording. Isn’t it like the evasive plants that just expand at all cost, covering and killing everything under it? Our brain filters it out for our survival and it was quite successful. But how about the birds, the anthropomorphised, exhausted asian koel making a hoarse sound in late spring still desperately searching for a mate?
I looked at the map and decided to make my way to the ferry. At least there would be less traffic, maybe some trees and birds, ferry infrastructure will also be interesting (I’m interested in water related structures anyway). Crossing the road I heard the iconic sound of Hong Kong traffic lights. Exotic and exciting it may sound for tourists and new comers, I was however slightly annoyed by it - such an overly-dominant attention attractor! Passing by the green@community temporary recycle station, I wondered whether sound made by the act of dumping waste would be interesting. Then I heard birds remotely but surely. The high-pitch pierced through the background noise and made a pure, rounded and oppulent debut. If my attention was a clock, that chirping sound suddenly took the area between the hour and minute hands of 11:05. It was uplifting, undisturbed by the gloomy ground beneath it. With the sound in my earphone on, I kept walking, trying to get closer to the bird. But the sound in two earplugs can hardly be distinguished. I found it was easier to find the source direction with the earplugs off, using my carnal ears instead. Is this because of the background noise? Or there is something that is yet to be captured by the technology?
Tracing the birds I found myself standing next to a cotton tree (Bombax ceiba). In a rare 30C degree sunny day in late March, the bright red flowers contrast its bleaching white bark and the blue sky. Cotton trees flowers before leaves sprout, therefore this single tree looked less dense than the rest (mostly different kinds of banyan trees) and created a hole where what happens on the branches were more exposed. I clicked “record”, decided to waiting for the chirping to maybe appear, disappear, and change in volume. AK suggested us to make longer recordings. The minimum requirement for soundmap uploading is one minute, and he himself often makes recording 45 min or longer. That means staying in one place for as long as the recording goes and possibly doing nothing other than paying attention.
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The chirping is distinct, sometimes chimed in by some lower “goo goo” sound. Then I spotted spotted doves (Streptopelia chinensis) on the taller branches. The minimum Flowers plump to the ground intermittently, making a heavy thud (do I hear the thud, or do I know because I’ve hold the heavy flower in my hand?). Other times dried flower or leave drop too, but I cannot hear a sound.
Through the leafless branches and flowers I saw a bird perching on a branch. The colour was unclear, but its crest instantly revealed its identity of a red-whiskered bul-bul (Pycnonotus jocosus). “Of course”, I thought to myself and suddenly the oppulent and delight chirping sound makes sense. This little thing was not making an mating effort, I think. It had something in its mouth, maybe food, maybe a small fibre for making nests, maybe something else but beyond what human being could understand about bird’s life. It was taking its time under the sunshine, twisting its head in small angles, as paying attention to something. Maybe it was also listening, paying attention. Is it still interested in those sounds - cars and busses and airplanes and dialogues - which are not part of their language systems? Can its brain also screen off the grumbling roaming noises that is below their feet? Maybe the ground under ourselves also makes a background noise, but we will only be able to distinguish it in the playback once we are shipped to another space with a different noise.
The recording was still going. I have the image of a casette tape recorder, when the rolling of the two white circles are visible when recording is going, rolling the thin roll of tape inside of the machine. Me looking at the bird, for a while. This attention forms a relationality, all rolled and compressed in the tape. Conserved and archived as a memory. Life is the finite resource of time, and paying attention to this bul-bul was committing one minute and ten seconds of my time, because this act of recording takes time and constant attention. And the bird, as well as myself who was watching/recording the bird, will be brought back to a renewed life in playbacks, creating new ripples. You never know what will happen when you press “record”, and when the sound is played back, everything already happened. I am fascinated by this playful misplace and the mystery of destiny.
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(sorry, the bird is not in the picture)
(sorry, this post is not accompanied with a recording, as the recorder was collected by the organizer by the end of the workshop)
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missroserose · 2 years ago
What, in your opinion, is the best feature on a car? Like, what thing HAS to exist on a car, for you to buy it? What is the dealbreaker, if the car does not have it?
I mean, there’s the basics like wheels and an engine with a gas tank (or a motor with a giant battery pack, these days). A transmission is useful if it’s a gas car. Seatbelts are nice, maybe airbags if it’s a newer model, and a catalytic converter if I’m going to be driving it in a state with emissions testing…
If we’re talking about extras, though, mine is heated seats. Especially now that I’m reaching the age where it’s less about “being comfortable on cold days” and more “my back hurts and the heat helps”.
(It’s not *quite* a dealbreaker, but on most models I need a moonroof as well. I’ve been in too many cars that felt like driving a coffin without the extra light.)
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harveypower · 2 years ago
In this video, we introducing the Harveypower Lithium Battery Pack Aging Test – the solution to extending the lifespan of your battery packs. Our state-of-the-art testing facility combines cutting-edge technology and expert analysis to ensure your batteries perform at their best, even as they age.
Don't let battery degradation impact your business or personal projects. With our aging test, you'll get a comprehensive understanding of how your battery packs are performing and what you can do to extend their lifespan. Our testing process simulates real-world usage scenarios, so you can rest assured that your batteries will perform reliably when you need them most.
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At Harveypower, we understand that battery performance is critical in today's fast-paced world. That's why we've made it our mission to provide the most accurate and insightful aging test available. Whether you're a business owner, a hobbyist, or a tech enthusiast, our aging test will give you the confidence to use your batteries to their fullest potential.
Say goodbye to unreliable batteries and wasted resources – with the Harveypower Lithium Battery Pack Aging Test, you can ensure that your battery packs are always performing at their best.
Contact us today to learn more about our battery production process and how we can help you extend the lifespan of your batteries.
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Well I have
My emergency inhaler
My allergy nasal spray
Usually a vape
Possibly my weekly med containers depending on where I'm going
A small travel hairbrush
Nail clippers
2-3 disposable menstrual discs
My keys (which have a set of ear picks on them)
A phone cord
My Kindle and charger cable for that
Usually a USB wall box
An external battery pack. A big one. My battery sucks ass and I have a lot of devices.
A set of earbuds
A hard-covered spiral notepad and a few pens
Avmechanical pencil and lead
A pocket knife
Aome band-aids
Mini sewing kit
Eyeglass repair kit
Some rescription-strength Aleve
A mini bottle of contact lens solution
A contact lens case
Eye rewetting drops
Mini playing cards
A few Tylenol packets
Matches and a lighter
Dental floss
Wound seal swabs
My blood sugar testing kit (which has a bunch of alcohol swabs in it to go with the band-aids and neosporin).
Sometimes I also remember to stock a few single-use super glue packs in there.
I often lock my wallet up in my car bc my neighborhood is ridiculous and I have a car that looks like hot garbage. it's a biggish wallet, billfolfld-style, so I actually use like a purse that's a mini backpack.
If I'm just going to run an errand, I'll usually just bring my phone and my keys. My phone fits in the wallet (which is in the car) and the keys clip on to the wallet's zipper pull.
But see, the thing about being any age older than like.... 28? Is that you wind up waiting in lines or for your name to be called a lot. You want to have a lot of resources to alleviate boredom because otherwise you're going to wind up on the news for taking a building full of office workers hostage or some stupid shit.
@ people who carry bags everywhere what do you put in them what is there to bring other than chapstick, keys, phone and maybe a tampon why are you packing a suitcase to be outside for 5 hours
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semcoinfratechworld · 1 month ago
The SEMCO SI BCDS 60V 20A 40CH is an advanced battery charging and discharging detection system, designed for Repay Aging and comprehensive battery pack testing. It supports various battery chemistries, including lithium-ion, LiFePO4, lead-acid, NiMH, and NiCd, ensuring precise cycle life, capacity, and temperature testing for long-lasting performance.
Key Features: ✅ Cycle Life & Capacity Testing – Ensure battery durability ✅ Charging & Discharging Analysis – Assess efficiency under different conditions ✅ Temperature Characteristic Testing – Monitor thermal performance for safety
🔹 Enhance battery reliability with SEMCO’s cutting-edge solutions!
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eclecticreviewpeace · 1 month ago
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Brand New HUABAOTONG ZNS-09B1 replacement battery for HUABAOTONG Devices & Electronics 4200mAh/31.08Wh 7.4V
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OCTELECT LHL-M9-CE replacement battery for OCTelect Smartwatch, Rating: 580mAh/2.2WH 3.8V, SKU: 22LK628_Oth
Lenovo L18M4PE0 Laptop Battery for Lenovo Yoga C740 14, Yoga C740-14IML, Rating: 6610mAh/51W 7.72V, SKU: LEN21JU1437
Lenovo L18M3PF8 Laptop Battery for Lenovo Ideapad S540 15 S540-15IML, Rating: 4480mAh 51Wh/52.5Wh 11.4V, SKU: LEN21JA1075
HYTORC P002200-3 replacement battery for HYTORC 5INR19/66-2 P/N U80392R04 Hydraulic torque wrench, Rating: 3.9Ah/73.8Wh 18V, SKU: HYT21JL1211_Oth
HP PE03XL Laptop Battery for HP Chromebook 210 G1 11 G3 G4 11-2101tu 11-2102tu 11-2103tu, Rating: 36Wh 10.8V, SKU: HPQ19I197
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bigedred · 3 months ago
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Vintage 1961 Hubley Battery Operated The Official Mr. Magoo Tin Car Top not incl
Vintage 1961 Hubley Battery Operated The Official Mr. Magoo Tin Car Removable Top Not IncludedVintage 1961 Hubley Battery Operated The Official Mr. Magoo Tin Car Removable Top Not Included. This item is in its factory box but the Magoo car will look used and have scratches on the car. The Magoo car was tested and still works. The removable top will not be included. The factory box will be a replica box and will not be the original factory box. "The vinyl Mr. Magoo head can not be removed from body because of the age of item".
Materials: tin, plastic, fabric, metalSize: 9" long 8" tall Made in Japan, distributed by Hubley of Lancaster, PA ©1961 Seats are made of plastic and Mr. Magoo's head is vinyl. Factory Box has colorful illustrations.1961 Hubley Official 'Mr. Magoo' toy car. Tin litho Magoo car. Detachable roof not included. Made in Japan, distributed by Hubley of Lancaster, PA. Steers. rocks, rattles. Runs on 2 D batteries (not included). Replica box. This would be a great addition to a metal car/toy collection.HISTORY:“The Hubley Manufacturing Company of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, one of the oldest and largest makers of toys in the United States, was founded in 1894 by John E. Hubley to manufacture equipment and accessories for electric trains. Financial difficulties forced Mr. Hubley to sell the entire stock in 1909. At this time the electric train business was discontinued and the cast iron toy business started. Among the first toys produced were a coal range, circus wagons and mechanical banks, all collector’s items today.Included in the 68,000 square feet of floor space in the Hubley plant were a die-cast room, warehouse, tool room, paint room and all the special assembly machinery. Besides making their cast iron toys, the company made castings for other companies in Lancaster which were without foundry equipment.By 1940 increased freight costs and foreign competition forced the company to look for other materials. During World War II scarcity of metal forced the company out of the toy business and into war-related items. After the Korean conflict ended and regulations on metal were suspended, cast iron toy production resumed.Following common manufacturing methods of the time, Hubley toys of the 1890s, and for a time thereafter, were cast in sand molds in two parts which were then riveted together to form the toy. All toys were designed by John Hubley, who had remained deeply interested in children’s playthings since the time he first made his own children’s wooden toys.In 1936 Hubley started casting in multiple cavity steel dies. Die castings were broken off, trimmed, and tumbled in revolving cylindrical machines. They were then taken to the paint department where they were given baked enamel or lacquer, air-dried paint finishes in various colors. At one time, a dozen girls were employed in the paint department. Portions of the earlier toys were hand painted and some were dipped.Each different toy was started on its own moving assembly line where parts were added, details sprayed on, oiling and inspection took place and the assembly completed. For example, a fire engine took shape on one line. It started as a red chassis. The rubber-tired wheels were added, followed by the spraying on of the radiator, bumpers and headlights. The driver was added, and the ladder, fire axes and other accessories followed. Near the end of the line, the toy was individually boxed and packed in a corrugated container. In 1949, due to union disputes, the foundry was closed. This was a difficult decision for the firm, since Hubley was one of the first companies to devote their entire factory to die casting.The Hubley Company maintained a designing department where ideas were conceived and developed for model forms. Design engineers kept up-to-date on the models and style changes by attending automobile shows and studying advertisements. Their designs changed when the larger counterparts changed. After items were conceived and models developed, the toys were analyzed for pricing. The more play features a model had, the more expensive it was.
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atplblog · 4 months ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] when the power is turned on. USB Quick Charging -- Standard USB quick charging function, 5-12V output, automatic recognition of a variety of fast charging protocols and adjustment of output voltage and current. PC Control, Data Storage -- Fully isolated serial port, software support multiple power supply control, easy to set up measurement and control or aging system. 10 groups of data storage/ retrieval functions. Application Field -- Portable bench DC power supply is suitable for production line testing, repair of mobile phones/ computers/ electrical appliances, product aging and electroplating, battery charging, laboratory, scientific research, teaching, etc. Note: Size and color may be slightly different due to manual measurement and different light conditions. Thanks for understanding. Specifications: Plug: EU/ US/ UK (Optional) Model: HDP135V6 Color: Grey Material: Plastic Front Panel+ Metal Casing Channel: 1 Storage: 10 Groups of Data Output Voltage/ Current: 35V/ 6A Input Voltage: AC 230V/ 115V ±10%; 50Hz/ 60Hz Maximum Output Power: 210W Mode: Constant Voltage (CV), Constant Current (CC) Voltage Load Regulation: ≤0.1% + 5mV Voltage Ripple: 10mVrms Current Load Regulation: ≤0.2% + 3mA Current Ripple: 5mArms Quick Change: Output Voltage 5-12V, Maximum Output Power 18W Charging Protocol: Compatible with DCP, QC2.0/ QC3.0, FCP, AFC Working Temperature: -10~40℃; Humidity: ≤80% RH Storage Temperature: -20~60℃; Humidity: ≤80% RH Item Size: 85 * 150 * 232mm / 3.35 * 5.91 * 9.13in Item Weight: 1623g / 3.58lbs Package Size: 28.5 * 21.5 * 14cm / 11.22 * 8.46 * 5.51in Package Weight: 2080g / 4.59lbs Package List: 1 * DC Power Supply 2 * Test Line with Alligator Clip 1 * Power Cord 1 * User Manual (English) New in Box 100% Brand New Good Quality Durable and Eco Friendly Material. Package Contain Pack Of 1 Item. In case of any query please contact seller. [ad_2]
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