#Barry Ward
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cinematicjourney · 8 days ago
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That They May Face the Rising Sun (2023) | dir. Pat Collins
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lgbtqmovierecs · 4 months ago
LGBTQ Movie of the Day:
Dating Amber
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Set in Ireland during the mid-‘90s, Eddie and Amber decide to stage a relationship to stop everyone from speculating about their sexuality. Eddie is keen to follow his dad into the military, while Amber dreams of moving to the liberal hub of London.
Name: Dating Amber
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Age Rating: 15
Release Date: 2020
Relationships: WLW (Subplot) MLM (Subplot)
Representation: Gay, Lesbian
Running Time: 1h 32m
Country of Origin: Ireland
Language: English
Box Office: Unknown
Starring: Fionn O’Shea, Lola Petticrew, Sharon Horgan, Barry Ward
Submitted by Anonymous
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thosesadsuburbanghosts · 10 months ago
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Dating Amber (2020)
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evol09 · 2 months ago
watched dating amber today it was so so good i recommend. it hit quite close to home tbh
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movie--posters · 1 year ago
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fersauce47mediatalk · 2 months ago
About "Dating Amber"
SPOILER WARNING FOR DATING AMBER!!! (You should go watch it first it’s great)
You may have seen my post from yesterday about how a massive dick of a snowstorm is looming over the US at the moment, and I’m in the tip of it. I shovelled my driveway today. My back hurts. 
You also may have seen my post about how I was gonna watch Dating Amber a few days ago, and then tuned in for that and then wondered “Hey, didn’t this guy say he was gonna review it? Where the hell is that?” but I’m hoping that nobody cares how much I postpone rants. 
I just watched it for the third time. I’m gonna go ahead and say right now that it was almost a 10/10 movie. It’s peak. I’d say it’s the best movie I’ve seen in a while, but that’s only because I haven’t watched Forrest Gump recently. It took me 4 days to get this out, and I have quite a bit to say. 
I’ll set the stage. The movie is centered around our two main characters Amber and Eddie. Amber is lesbian, Eddie is gay. They’re both seniors in high school, and since this movie takes place in the 90’s, AKA before everyone was a flaming homo, they get berated for being queer. The movie is about them fake dating each other to save their reputations. 
I’m kind of glad that I watched it 3 times, because there’s a lot of small details you wouldn’t catch on your first watch. This movie is very keen on small details. For example, how in the milkshake scene Amber is ranting very passionately about the one book I forgot the name of. She asks Eddie if she’s seen it, and he says “No, but it’s on my list” and then she lets off of him a little bit because she’s thinking “Okay, that’s good enough.” Therefore, she knows how to quit on things when they’re just okay, and keep things real in the moment. This opposes Eddie, because he’ll just keep on prying until he gets what he wants. 
The character growth is well done. Small note, since the last paragraph relates: Later in the movie we see Eddie reading the book that Amber was talking about. Yet another small thing: There’s montage scenes that show characters having fun in a relationship. There’s two that I need to talk about. The one with Eddie and Amber shows them doing more friend-type things, and if you showed it to a straight person with no context, they’d say “Aww, look at those two really good friends!” but the one with Amber and Sarah (Amber’s gf) is CLEARLY gay. Amber and Sarah look SO much happier and more in love in this scene, even with the same music and relative editing style. 
Side note: The set design is amazing. You can tell that they didn’t do any CGI bullshit and shot a real movie. 
The casting is good, the families look like they could realistically be related. Eddie and his dad especially. They look very similar, and if you told me that they were father and son IRL I would believe you. All of Eddie’s family looks related. I do want to say that Eddie looks like Neil Cicierega mixed with skinny Steve Rogers. Anyone else see it?
Everyone who acts does an amazing job. I was never thinking “I wonder what other movies that actor is in” because I was so sucked into the story. I don’t know if that’s good for the actors, but it’s great for the immersion of the movie. You know how hard it is to make a bisexual not get their phone and look up “cast of-” on IMDB 10 minutes into a movie? Really hard.
I was gonna say that the end kind of appears out of nowhere, and yeah, it does happen fast, but that’s realistic. The same could be said with the beginning of them starting to date, although that gets expanded on better in later scenes anyway. Those two things are the only things holding this movie back from a 10/10, but that’s a personal preference, I’m pretty sure most people would think it’s fine. 
The pacing is good. I’m running out of characters so I won’t say much, but it never felt like scenes were rushed. The scenes were short, but not fast paced, if that makes sense. Also, the music scenes never overstayed their welcomes.
Okay, that’s about it. Go watch the movie if you like peak fiction and realistic gay people. I’ll have the Doja Cat rant soon enough.
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movienized-com · 1 year ago
Clean Sweep
Clean Sweep (Serie 2023) #CharleneMcKenna #AidanMcCann #AdamFergus #BarryWard #RhysMannion #NatharaDayananda Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2023- Genre: Krimi / Drama / Thriller Hauptrollen: Charlene McKenna, Aidan McCann, Adam Fergus, Barry Ward, Rhys Mannion, Nathara Dayananda, Jeanne Nicole Ní Áinle, Katelyn Rose Downey, Trevor Kaneswaran, Grace Collender, Benjamin Bergin, Youssef Quinn, Kevin Trainor, Sean Duggan, Orla Casey, Robert Mitchell, Joe Rooney … Serienbeschreibung: Ein Detektiv aus Westirland sucht nach…
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That They May Face the Rising Sun (12): Bucolic charm and a whole lot of Blarney.
#onemannsmovies #filmreview of “That They May Face the Rising Sun” (‘12’). Slow melancholic and touching Irish tale. 4/5.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “That They May Face the Rising Sun” (2023). (from the London Film Festival). There are some movies you can take an action-oriented Marvel/DC fan to. And then there’s “That They May Face the Rising Sun”. A beautiful, slow, melancholic film about love, death and the changing seasons. Bob the Movie Man Rating: Plot Summary: Joe Rutledge (Barry Ward) and his wife…
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caffeinatedvigilantewriter · 5 months ago
You know how Danny’s ghost sense is his ice powers? (Ice breath)
What about other powers? Why ghost sense do they have?
So for this AU (right before YJ season one) Dani’s 14 and has been traveling the world when her core developed enough to have a ghost sense. But she has fire powers.
So whenever a ghost is near, Dani bursts into flames.
It’s very inconvenient. But she deals with it.
One day, while visiting Coast City, she bursts into flames. People are freaking out.
Dani hasn’t been able to master her powers yet, but she didn’t think there would be a ghost nearby in Coast City.
Green Lantern comes and stops the fire, but by then, it burned down a nearby tree.
When Hal looks back to see if the girl is okay, she gone. One of the bystanders said she sprinted away. What was old is that the girl didn’t seem shocked, just annoyed and scared.
So Hal assumes she’s a meta and passes the word around that there is a fire-meta who can’t control her powers.
Weeks later, Flash runs into a young girl in Central City, and strikes up a conversation. Eventually flash brings up her parents and the girl gets angry before bursting into flames and disappearing. So flash updates everyone and tells them that teh meta girl also has invisibility.
Dani was just have a nice conversation with the Flash when she felt a ghost in the area (she was mad because now she would get caught by two superheroes instead of one)
Eventually, she gets caught and someone offers to train her (doesn’t matter who) and she joins Young Justice.
Things are going great until Jazz calls in a panic, and tells her that Danny’s missing.
At the same time, Batman sends YJ to a GIW compound because there are rumors that they caught a ghost child to experiment on.
It’s Danny in his ghost form. Unfortunately, Dani entering the GIW premises sent of the ghost alarms and now she’s been captured too
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rafesbbyy · 9 months ago
Thinking about the fact that in s1ep6 when Barry burns Rafe's arm, poor baby probably had to bandage himself up all by himself. It just makes me so sad for no reason because Rafe's always alone and he literally has zero support system. And, his hands were shaking when he attempted to steal from his dad's office and when Ward catches him, he doesn't even look concerned or notice the burnt arm of his son??? Something about that just makes me so mad and sad like wtf. Rafe needs a big hug, man. I soo wanna be his stress reliever, his balm that calms him and more. I am literally not normal about this man. Like imagine someone burning ur arm on a fucking motorbike and having no one to turn to but yourself :(
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marvelsgirl616 · 10 months ago
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Aww it’s so sweet seeing a father visit his son and new his new boyfriend 🖤
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kitsunetsuki · 2 months ago
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Barry Lategan - Jan Ward Wearing a Dress by Barocco (Vogue Italia 1970)
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patheticrafeenjoyer · 5 months ago
my favorite genre of image is people reacting to rafe being insane .
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shot the sheriff for trying to arrest his dad
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2. displayed massive signs of paranoia, cried and then brandished a knife
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3. tied up and threatened to kill a guy]
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4. tossed a guy out of a moving truck
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5. asked his situation to kill his dad and then paid him money to do so
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6. genuinely i don't even remember but it was probably something fucked up
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callsign-fangirl · 5 months ago
Since it's s4 premier day...
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beautyinsteadofashes · 3 months ago
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obx + text posts
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 months ago
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Bolt Thrower
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