#Baron Corbin fan fiction
glowrioustrash · 6 years
Wellness Violation
Summary: The result of your wellness test doesn’t go as you planned. What will Baron think when he finds out?
Pairing: Baron Corbin x Reader
Word Count: 2400+
Warnings: I’m boring lately... no warnings.
Author’s Note: Idk... it’s cute? I had a silly idea and it grew into this.
Tagging:@castielscamander / @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury / @kakakatey / @thirstiswet / @calwitch / @dirrrtydeeds (who never asked to be tagged, but it’s Baron so I’m tagging her)
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You looked up from tying your boots as your name was called through the women’s locker room, the man’s voice echoing loudly from the door - he dare not enter - and cutting through the high-pitched tones of the women.
“Yeah?” You called back curiously.
“Wellness test. Trainer’s in five.” The order came.
You rolled your eyes and shouted back your acknowledgement.
You finished lacing your boots and threw a hoodie on over your gear. You’d stolen the hoodie from Baron months ago, but it still smelled like him. You couldn't help but take a deep breath as you zipped it up, inhaling the smell of his aftershave. It fell down to the tops of your knees and you were pretty much swimming in it. It made you feel tiny and fragile but protected by your big, bad boyfriend - it was a nice feeling to have every once in a while, working in an industry where you make your money by fighting other women.
You were following the signs backstage that would lead you to the trainer’s office when you heard Baron’s laugh bounce down the concrete walls. You couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on your face when you heard it. You turned the corner and weren’t surprised to see he was sitting with Corey, the two of them laughing as Baron gave him a playful shove.
“Hey, watch it. They need him for TV tonight.” You teased as you approached the boys. Baron wrapped an arm around your waist as soon as you were at his side, pulling you close.
“Yeah, Corbin. Listen to your girl, we both know she’s the brains of the relationship.”  Corey teased.
“Damn straight she is.” Baron smiled down at you. Even with him sitting on the road case and you standing, he was still the taller one.
“Although she’s choosing to be with you, so really…” Corey trailed off as you scoffed, smacking him in the chest with the back of your hand. “Hey, they need me for TV, remember?”
“I’ll make a call, get Booker to replace you.” You smirked, making Baron laugh loudly.
“That’s cold.” Corey laughed.
“Where you headin’, babe?” Baron asked you, adjusting how he was sitting so he could pull you between his legs.
“Trainer’s. Wellness test.” You replied with a shrug.
“Oh shit. Guess I shouldn’t have put all that meth in your smoothie this morning.” Baron sighed.
“Funny.” You deadpanned, ignoring Corey’s chuckling.
“I’ll miss you during your suspension,” Baron lamented dramatically, burying his face into your neck. “Have to find someone else to curl up with at night.”
“Like you could find someone to put up with you.” You shot back playfully.
“Damn, your girl is savage.” Corey piped up.
“Mmm, just the way I like her.” Baron hummed before nipping at your neck, making you squeal and try to jump away. He held tight, not letting you go.
“Baron, I gotta go.” You reminded, petting the back of his head. “I’ll come back as soon as I’m done, okay?”
“Fine.” He huffed, dropping his arms from around you.
“See you in a bit.” You promised with a quick kiss.
“Knock ‘em dead.” He told you, smacking your ass as you started to turn. You stalled in your movements, shooting him a look before you continued on your way.
“Later, Corey.” You gave the other man a wave as you left.
“Where’s my kiss?” Corey called after you. You didn’t have to look back to know what was happening next, hearing the two start to play wrestle as Baron warned him to stay away from you.
You made it to the trainer’s office, seeing Dash Wilder sitting on a chair outside, waiting.
“Hey Dash.” You greeted as you sat next time him. “Wellness test?”
“Yeah.” He nodded, looking bored. “Not like I have anything better to do, right?”
You huffed a laugh, grinning at him as the silence fell over the two of you again. You looked up and down the hall, making sure no one would overhear before leaning in closer to him.
“Think they make Lesnar do this?” You scoffed quietly.
Dash didn’t respond, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. You chuckled, feeling the same way.
“Alright Dash, you’re up.” The doctor called as he opened the door.
“See you ‘round.” Dash told you as he entered the room, door closing behind him.
You took your phone out of your pocket, wasting time on Candy Crush while you waited for your turn. Luckily, it didn’t take too long before you were being called into the office. You went through the motions quickly, used to the test by now, and the doctor told you the results would be in shortly.
You were sitting in catering with Baron about 45 minutes later when word made it back to you that they needed to see you in the trainer’s office again.
“Again?” Baron asked with a frown, wiping his face with a napkin.
“Maybe they need to draw blood again? Something went wrong?” You wondered out loud. “I’ll be right back.”
Baron mumbled an “alright” around his mouthful of food, making you roll your eyes fondly at him.
You knocked on the doorframe to the trainer’s room and stuck your head through the door.
“Oh good, you’re here.” The doctor waved you in.
“Yeah, is everything okay?” You asked, entering the room.
“Um… yes. Everything is good.” He answered hesitantly. “You… may want to sit down.”
“Okay, you’re kinda worrying me.” You drawled, sinking into the chair.
“I’m afraid I can’t let you compete tonight.” He finally let you know. Your blood ran cold as your body went numb. “There were some unexpected readings in the test results, so we ran a few extra tests…”
“E-excuse me?” You stuttered.
“The test-”
“There must be some mistake.” You rushed to cut him off, starting to panic. “Doc, I don’t take anything! I never have! I take advil and midol, that’s it. I’m not on anything!”
“I know, it’s okay.” The doctor tried to calm you down.
“Then what is it?”
“The test showed signs of HCG.” He explained. “Also known as the pregnancy hormone.”
The room span for a moment, and if you thought your blood had run cold before, it was nothing compared to the shock dousing your system now.
“Pregnancy hormone…” You parrotted in a daze, making sure you heard properly.
“Yes. By the levels, I would guess about a month along, maybe a month and a half.” He explained.
You sat silent, in a complete daze as you absorbed the information. You were pregnant. With a baby. With a human baby. With your baby. With yours and Baron’s baby. Baron.
“G-get Baron. Please.” You mumbled your request. The doctor nodded and stuck his head out of the room. You heard him ask someone to find Baron before he came back, crouching in front of you.
“Are you okay?” He asked, resting a hand on your knee.
“Pregnant…” You muttered.
“Yes.” He nodded, watching you closely with concerned eyes. “I’m guessing this is not exactly planned.”
You shook your head. You wanted kids of course, but thought maybe in 5 years, 10 years. After you were married at the very least. Not now.
“Is there anything I can get you? Water? Do you need to lie down?”
You shook your head in response. The doctor stopped trying to talk to you, you were clearly not in the right mind frame to absorb any information. Your thoughts were swimming.
“What’s going on? What’s wrong?” Baron’s voice cut through the fog as he ran into the room. You reached for him and he dropped to his knees beside you, hugging you closely. When you didn’t answer him, he turned to the doctor. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“The blood work from the wellness test…” The doctor trailed off, realizing through Baron’s stern glare that he was less interested in the details. “It appears the two of you are expecting.”
“Expecting?” Baron snapped. “Expecting what?”
“A baby…” You whispered.
“A ba-” He started to question before the shock started to hit him. “Did you just say…”
You nodded in response, pulling back far enough to look at his face. As scared as you were, you needed to know how he was feeling. With the news being so fresh, there was nothing but absolute shock on his face.
“I’ll leave the two of you for a minute.” The doctor, who you had honestly forgotten was there, bowed out of the room, closing the door to give the two of you privacy.
“You’re pregnant?” Baron asked, his voice so quiet. Baron wasn’t a quiet guy, his booming voice usually dominating whatever room he was in. It felt wrong to have him sound so small.
“I guess so.” You breathed.
“But we always…” Baron trailed off, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Nothing is 100%.” You shrugged. The silence sat heavy in the room while the two of you tried to figure it all out.
“What do we do?” You finally broke the silence.
“Well… what do you want to do?” Baron asked.
“It’s easy for me to make a decision. It’s not my body or career on the line.” He pointed out.
“Are you saying…”
“I’m with you, whatever you decide.” He promised, a burning passion replacing the glazed look of shock in his eyes. “I fucking love you, and I’ve been pretty sure for a while that you’re it for me. I want to have a family with you but if you’re not ready, it can wait.”
“Baron…” You breathed, feeling the tears pooling in your eyes.
“We don’t even have to decide now. We have time, right? That’s how these things work? Let’s think about, okay?” He continued, running his hand through your hair. “It’s heavy… holy fuck, it’s a lot…” His eyes wandered away from you, the wheels in his head clearly turning as he thought about all the responsibilities that came with having a child.
You brought his attention back to you by cupping his cheek. “I love you. I love you so damn much right now.” You gushed, feeling the tears spill over. He pulled you into a deep, soothing kiss.
“We’ll figure it out.” He mumbled against your lips.
“We’ll figure it out.” You agreed.
“Daddy!” The little boy shrieked in happiness as Baron appeared through the curtain. The angry scowl he’d had on his face for the cameras melting in an instant.
“There’s my little man!” He crouched down, holding his arms out. You let go of Ryan’s hand so he could scurry into Baron’s arms. Baron scooped him up easily, holding him on his hip as he walked towards you.
Since Ryan’s birth you had made various random appearances, both in ring and backstage. You’d been a surprise entrant to two Women’s Royal Rumbles as well as appeared in promos as a part of a few of Baron’s storylines. THe WWE Universe knew the two of you were together, although they were beginning to compare you to John and Nikki: together for years with no wedding in sight.
Baron had proposed when you were 6 months pregnant, but you denied it. At first he’d been devastated, but you felt like he was proposing because you were pregnant. He understood and warned you he’d ask again. He did, the night of Ryan’s second birthday party. You were so exhausted -  the normal day-to-day of a mother, plus Baron being back on the road, and adding on the party planning - you outright refused and called him selfish for asking. You felt bad after you’d gotten some sleep, but still didn’t feel like it was the right time.
“What’d you think, babe?” He asked you, pressing a kiss to your lips before you had a chance to answer.
“Yuck.” Ryan stuck his tongue out as he watched his parents kiss. Baron laughed and pressed a kiss to Ryan’s cheek in retaliation. The four year old laughed and tried to push Baron away.
“Well, don’t hate me but…” You trailed off, biting your lip. “I kinda missed the match.”
“What? Why?” Baron looked disappointed, a frown taking over his face.
“Wellness test.” You shrug.
“The joys of returning to The ‘E.” Baron joked.
“Well, that’s the thing…” You trailed off, fighting to keep the grin off your face.
“What are you trying to say, babe?” Baron asked, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
You couldn’t stop the smile as you purposely glanced at Ryan, then back at Baron. “What do you think I’m trying to say?”
“Again?” He breathed in disbelief.
“Again.” You nodded. Baron laughed and pulled you into a deep kiss, Ryan protesting and making gagging sounds the whole time.
“You gonna be knocked up everytime they test you?” He questioned you, a wide smile on his face.
“It takes two to tango mister, this isn’t just my fault.” You scoffed, batting him on the chest.
“I do love to tango.” Baron agreed with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“What’s a tango?” Ryan asked, tired of being ignored.
“It’s a dance, sweetie.” You told him, ignoring the glint in Baron’s eye.
:”I wantsta tango.” Ryan declared.
“Not until you’re 30.” You joked, kissing your son on the temple.
“16.” Baron scoffed.
“You gonna stick to that rule if this one’s a girl?” You challenged, holding a hand over your stomach.
“40.” Baron corrected. “Maybe never.”
“That’s what I thought.” You grinned, shooting Ryan a silly look as he rested his head on Baron’s shoulder. The boy was clearly getting tired.
“You know,” he stated, catching your attention. “Two kids… I think it’s about time you let me put a ring on that finger.”
You rolled your eyes good naturedly, but then you took a second to think. Here you were, pregnant with another child, putting your career unexpetedly on hold for the second time. Maybe there wasn’t a ‘perfect time’ in the cards.
“Maybe you’re right.” You shrugged, smiling brightly when you saw the surprise on Baron’s face. He’d clearly been expecting you to deny him again. “Make a proper proposal of it and we’ll see where it gets us.”
“I already wasted two good proposals.” He pointed out, adjusting Ryan on his hip. “You’re not gonna make me waste a third, are you?”
“I could tell you, but what’s the fun in that?” You teased lightly, knowing you would say yes. You were damn ready to be married to this man. “Third time’s the charm, right?”
“Better be.” He grumbled, smile still on his face. He tilted his head towards Ryan, whose eyes were staying closed longer and longer every time he blinked. “Let’s get this one to bed, then we can celebrate.”
“Celebrate? I haven’t said yes yet.” You pointed out as the three of you made your way through the halls.
“Yet?” He smirked.
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wrestlewriting · 7 years
#351 [Baron Corbin]
Requested, 351.“Why are you hiding behind me? What did you do?” - (Prompt from here.)
Author note: Not as long as others. Kind of hit a wall on it? Buttttt it’s a good little dealio?
@superkixbaybay @hiitsmecharlie @ihtscuddlesbeeetchx3 @running-ropes @valeonmars @pjanina13 @spot-of-bother @alexahood21 @bolieve-that @m-a-t-91 @not-that-kinda-gurl08 @imaginingwwesuperstars
Working in the WWE as a backstage manager had its good parts and bad parts. You absolutely enjoyed traveling, and all of the fun and amazing people you’d met. It wasn’t always so nice to be away from family, and sometimes you just missed feeling like you had a true home. You had an apartment you returned to, but it didn’t feel like home. You weren’t there enough for it to be able to, really.
But all the positives outweighed the negatives, which brought you to your third anniversary on the job.
You’d seen a lot of people come and go through those three years. A lot had been spectacularly talented but just hadn’t made it in the WWE. Many had become close friends, family, as they had stayed around.
Baron Corbin came to the main roster quietly. That didn’t mean he didn’t make his presence known; he just didn’t use many words to accomplish that. Honestly, he didn’t need to use many words. The look on his face, the aura around him, his entire appearance...it spoke volumes about who and how he was.
Out in the ring, he spoke more, spewing threats and cocky declarations. But his physicality, his brutal beat downs, they were what people truly noticed about him.
It was an accidental mess up on another production manager’s part that had first introduced you directly to Baron. His match had been moved, and no one had told him until literally moments before. You’d heard his voice and anger from many feet away. There was no good justification as to why you rushed into gorilla to play peacemaker, but you did.
And Baron had calmed as you spoke, accepting your apologies and explanations.
After that, you became somewhat of a ‘Baron Whisperer’, as nicknamed by some of your coworkers. It was easily noticed that when he came near you, he always greeted you, albeit shortly and gruffly. Given the fact he did this for so few others, it was quickly picked up on. There had been a few other instances, where he’d helped you pick up dropped items, or asked for your opinion on something. Nothing major; just harmless, decent things.
No one would call you friends, but there was a mutual understanding between the two of you.
So when you’d pissed off Big E backstage and had been running away for your life, as soon as you saw Baron standing near a wall on his phone, you knew what to do. Without saying anything, you skidded to a halt, squeezing yourself between him and the wall he was just short of leaning on. Your small just over five-foot frame was easily hidden behind his. You lined yourself up so your legs matched his, dwarfed in size to his muscles.
He ended his phone call a moment later, as you curled your body into itself.
“Why are you hiding behind me? What did you do?”
“Listen, it was an accident,” you stated. Baron was attempting to turn around to face you, but you put your hands on his shoulder blades, using every bit of strength you had to keep him from doing so. “Please, just, block me, and I’ll repay you. Somehow. I don’t know how. We’ll figure that part out later.”
“…who am I blocking you from?” Baron questioned, no longer trying to twist around. He crossed his arms over his chest, and you imagined there was a deep scowl on his face.
“Big E.”
“Less questions, more protection,” you demanded, trying to make yourself as minuscule as possible behind Baron.
“Tell me what you did or I’m going.” You muffled the groan that automatically wanted to come out. Why couldn’t he just help?
“I took his food.”
“That was stupid.”
“Thanks for the assessment. Just, stop talking. He’s gonna notice.”
“He’s coming right now,” Baron informed you. You squeezed your eyes shut as though that would help you be less visible.
You held your breath as Big E approached Baron, asking if he had seen you. Baron grumbled out an ‘If I did, I didn’t fucking notice’. E’s scoff wasn’t quiet, and you imagined him rolling his eyes. His footsteps were loud as he went further down the hallway.
“He’s gone,” Baron stated.
You opened your eyes, letting out your breath, your muscles relaxing.
“Thanks,” you stated, removing yourself from Baron’s back, and coming to his side. His eyes scanned over you, and you felt tiny under his look.
“Now, how are ya gonna repay me?” Both of his eyebrows went up, almost to the line of his beanie.
“What did you have in mind?” You were nervous asking the question. While you were familiar with Baron, you didn’t know him, and therefore didn’t have a real good guess as to what he would expect from you.
“Come to a bar with me tonight,” Baron requested. You were terrible at controlling your facial expressions, you knew that, so you were positive he could see the surprise and uncertainty across your features.
“After the show is done, after we all head out, you come with me to a bar,” he replied. “You do drink, don’t you?”
“OK. Then, what’s the problem?”
“Just…wasn’t expecting that to be, uh, to be the repayment.”
“Well, surprise.” He made the statement with a plain look on his face. “So, we’ll meet downstairs in the hotel at about midnight and go.”
“I’m not getting a choice?”
“Midnight. Lobby.” Baron gave you one last look over, before turning and striding off down the hallway. You just watched him go, entirely uncertain what the night would bring. It could be a horrible experience. But then you’d at least have a story to tell. Maybe it would be great? Baron had been kind enough to help you hide from Big E after all.
Honestly, this wasn’t at all what you’d thought your day would end with. Then again, this was the WWE. Nothing was ever as it seemed.
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nerdypanda20 · 3 years
I'm going to be honest (as always), I want more King Corbin x Readers. And I'm not talking about in wrestling I mean like midevil times where Corbin is a actual King and there are knights and dragons I guess, I just love those kind of vibes. Though I see only a few fan fictions of this but they never continued which is sad. I'm not forcing anyone absolutely not, just a suggestion for any writers who needs big ideas???
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waywardscorpio · 4 years
Hopefully tonight I will have the chapters for at least two books posted. I'm so, sorry guys it has taken this long. Between taking care of my daughter, helping with my granny, and trying to get stuff done i haven't had much time.
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staytiny-angel · 5 years
Shai's Masterlist
I'm Shai and these are my writings! I write fan-fiction for Wrestling (Mostly for WWE but people from other promotions do pop up occasionally) and K-Pop (Mostly BTS but other groups maybe in the near future) I sometimes take requests but its not the norm for me. My writing partner and sister from another mister is @lilmissriottbliss most of my writings have her input in some way, shape, form or fashion.
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If you've been following me long enough you'll notice that there are several stories missing from this list. If its not here its because I made the decision to delete it from my Tumblr because I knew it was never gonna get finished and I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up that it would. (I no longer write Aleister Black as a main character or Ambrollins) The exceptions to this are Drew McIntyre vs The World and Chase both of which will be back shortly, streamlined for easier reading. If it is on this list I PROMISE you its getting finished.
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Multi-Chapter Fiction - All my multi chapter writings now live on AO3
Safe Haven
Rated: E
Co-written with @lilmissriottbliss
Pairings: Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch, Eventually Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch/Seth Rollins, Jon Moxley/Renee Young, Sasha Banks/Bayley/Charlotte Flair
Warnings: Violence, Language, Smut, Angst,
Summary: After an 8 year absence, 25-year-old Seth Rollins returns home to his pack but in no way resembling the Beta Werewolf that ran away after a violent misunderstanding with his brothers. Seth is feral, and trapped in a form the bitten wolf shouldn't even be capable of..he is the victim of a powerful curse Meanwhile Alpha Werewolf Drew McIntyre and his part Banshee, Part Witch mate Becky Lynch have joined the unorthodox pack of Haven in search of the final member of the triad a seer told the pair they were destined to be apart of.
Co-written with @lilmissriottbliss
Rated: E
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Language, Smut, PTSD, Nightmare Imagery
Pairings: Seth Rollins/Becky Lynch, Finn Balor/Violet Gillath-Balor (OC)
Summary: Becky Lynch’s latest mission? Track down rogue special forces officer Seth Rollins, take back the experimental weapon he stole and kill him. It sounds simple until the beautiful flame haired assassin actually meets him.
The Demon's Lair
Rated: E
Warnings: SMUT, PTSD Recovery, Mentions of Alcoholism, Suicidal Ideation, Angst
Pairings: Seth Rollins/Becky Lynch is the main pairing but they will not be in a monogamous relationship for the majority of this fic there will ABSOLUTELY be smut scenes of them with other people.
Rebecca Lynch is an old friend of Finn's from his home in Ireland and is every bit as tempestuous as her fiery hair and black and gold Harley would suggest. After the implosion of her last relationship, Becky took Finn up on his offer of a job at the Lair and moved to New York for a fresh start. While she's content to play the field at the Lair the last thing she's looking for is a new Submissive of her own, especially not one as high maintenance as the gorgeous dark-haired man currently sitting at her bar is rumored to be...
Seth Rollins is known by the inhabitants of the Lair as the untameable sub. It's said that the Army vet turned owner of his own private security firm breaks Dominants as easily as he makes millions as CEO of his company Arc Security. For all his stoic professionalism at work, Seth is a spoiled brat at heart due to his privileged upbringing and is constantly testing Dominants to finally find the one who will truly give him what he desires.
War of Hearts
Co-written with @lilmissriottbliss
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Seth Rollins | Tyler Black/Original Female Character(s), Finn Balor | Prince Devitt/Original Female Character(s)
Seth Rollins was once known as the Bad Boy Prince of MMA, now years after a career ending knee injury he's stepping into.the Octagon again not as a competitor but as his little sister's coach.
Unfortunately for him the pretty redhead across the ring from he and Paige is not only the girl he just had a one night stand with, but the protege of the man who ended his career...Finn Balor.
Co-written with @lilmissriottbliss
Rating: T
Warnings: Alternate Universe - High School, Angst, Foster Care, Background Relationships, Underage Drinking, Underage Smoking, Lots of it, Partying, Slow Burn, Polyamory, References to Depression, Bullying, Genderfluid Character, Closeted Character, Emotional Hurt, Family Drama. Deaf Character Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Family Angst and Feels Feelings Realization
Main Pairing: Finn Balor | Prince Devitt/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black/Original Female Character {Violet Gillath}
Summary: Finn Balor didn't want to move to New York with his little sister to yet another foster home, yet at his new high school he feels drawn to resident grunge bad boy Seth Rollins and his trouble maker of a girlfriend Violet Giliath
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Rating: Explicit (Its filth yall)
Pairing: Drew McIntyre/Seth Rollins/Becky Lynch
Warnings: SMUT, Sex Magic, Mentions of decapitation, and a severed head?
Summary: King Sethiel, Queen Rebecca and their loyal General Drew celebrate finally taking back Seth’s birthright.
Fun and Games
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Becky Lynch/Seth Rollins, mention of Drew McIntyre/Roman Reigns
Warnings: Dom/sub, bondage, blindfold, temperature play, orgasm denial. Tiny bit of Daddykink
Summary: Becky helps Seth relax after a long week at work, then Seth turns the tables and thanks Becky for being so good to him. (AU)
When The Wolf Comes Out
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Baron Corbin/Reader
Warnings: Smut, Daddy Kink, Spanking
Summary: Baron’s girlfriend gives him one last special present after his party’s over.
In a Minute
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Dean Ambrose/OC (Allie), Ballins if you squint
Warnings: Language, Feels, Smut, DaddyKink, Bondage.
Summary: Allie is the girlfriend of Dean Ambrose, but Seth Rollins is her best friend ..... w here does their falling out leave her?
Caught Red-Handed
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Finn Balor/Demon King Balor/Angeline (OC)
Warnings: Dom/Sub interactions, DaddyKink, Oral, Orgasm Denial, Threesome? (Does it count as a threesome if two of the participants share a body? I feel like this should come up more often when it comes to Finn) SO. MUCH. FLITH
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Seth Rollins/OC
Warnings: Smut, Language, Possessive Seth, name calling, Listen people, this is filth pure and simple.
Summary: Seth's girlfriend lets Drew McIntyre flirt with her, Seth is unamused.
Be My Bad Boy
Rating: Explicit (like really, this is flith)
Pairing: Seth Rollins/Celeste ‘Cece’ Milanesi-Rollins (OC)
Warnings Language, slight voyerism Dom/sub play, SMUT. ALL OF THE SMUT. Heel!Seth/Heel!OC (Is that a warning? It should be.)
Summary: Seth is in the mood to celebrate after his victory over Shinsuke Nakamura, unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it his wife started the party without him.
All I want for Christmas
Rating: T
Pairing: Elias/OC
Summary: Elias has a crush on Alana but is having trouble expressing his feelings so he decides to just use the medium he knows best - music.
Just a Little Crush
Rating: M (only for cursing)
Pairing: AJ Styles/Shane McMahon
Warnings: Language, Men tions of Daddy-Kink
Summary: AJ Styles for a// his cocky attitude and ego in the ring, is a shy guy when it comes to lo ve. Sex he can handle fine but lo ve? It turns him into a babbling mess. This never pro ves itself more evident than when he develops a major crush on Shane McMahon.
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pastelbatfandoms · 5 years
asks for fanfic writers
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things that inspire you- Aesthetic Images,Pinterest,FanFiction,Shows,Movies,Fan Music Videos,Songs,Whichever Celeb or Character I have a Crush on that Week or Month. 
things that motivate you- My Muse,When People like and Comment on My work!
name three favorite writers-as in Published Authors? Cause I have alot of Faves on Tumblr. Authors-Yasmine Galenorn,Marissa Marr and Francesca Lia Block.
name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why-Not too many tbh. I’m mainly influenced by TV Characters. and OTP’s in MV’s. I would LOVE to write like Francesca Lia Block one day and I’d say as a Teen I was heavily influenced by Amelia Atwater Rhodes. 
since how long do you write? How long have I been writing you mean? since I was 13. 
how did writing change you? Made me more of a Day Dreamer and a bit Absent minded lol 
early influences on your writing-Already told one but other’s would be Christopher Pike as well as Watching WWE and Anime’s like Sailor Moon.
what time are you most productive? Whenever I get free time and am Inspired.
do you set yourself deadlines? No.
how do you do your research? Again watching Episodes of a certain Character,Headcanons and such,or Wikipedia if it’s something on The None Fiction or Mythological side. 
do you listen to music when writing? Sometimes. 
favorite place to write-My Room I guess.
hardest character to write-Right Now Peter Hale,which is why I took such a long break from Teen Wolf lol (I need to finish watching it)
easiest character to write- Eobard Thawne aka Reverse Flash aka EoWells.
hardest verse to write- Not Verse but My hardest Fic to write was actually a One Shot of My Wells of Hearts Fic From The Flash. It was after HR Wells dies (on The Show) and I was pretty sad writing it. 
easiest verse to write-idk about Verse but The easiest Fic I wrote was My Cat & Mouse one with WWE’s Bray Wyatt. It’s a bit too NSFW to put here though ;)
favorite AU to write-All Mine are AU’s since I create a bunch of insert characters lol
favorite pairing to write-Freddy Krueger/Robert Englund with My OC Rika. Also Michael Langdon and My OC Helena. I have a weak spot for Dark,Tragic Soul Mates. 
favorite fandom to write-WWE’s The easiest lol I’d probably have to say The Flash or Walking Dead though. 
favorite character to write-That’s not mine. Negan. 
least favorite character to write-Archie Andrews from Riverdale lol I feel bad because I think reading my Mughead story you can tell. 
favorite story you’ve ever written-Online I’d say My Flash one that is STILL not done. 
least favorite story you’ve ever written-I probably have a few Sailor Moon one’s I wrote when I was younger that aren’t that good or Some of My Michael Jackson One Shots. 
favorite scene you’ve ever written-Ok I’ll just Copy and Paste it. again keeping this SFW.  TWD Kings and Queen of Disaster pt1- “Don’t. Merle knew you’d kill him for siding with his Brother and you did anyway,I was there when Daryl had too…” I closed My eyes briefly trying to calm myself. It didn’t work.  Before I realized what I was doing I was standing,my gun pointed at him.   But The Governor was always one step ahead as he pulled a gun from the back of his waistband and pointed it at me as well. We had each other a stand off.  I didn’t waver as I glared at him. “Merle was the one man i knew loved me for all his faults and you took that away.” I said through clenched teeth,angry tears pricking my eyes.The Governor stared at me unblinking. “I loved you. I did.” He insisted at my scoff. “I realize it now. Killing Merle wasn’t personal. Even if it was,it didn’t make a difference,we both lost that day. Merle,My Daughter,Each other.” The Governor looked at me remorsefully. “I am sorry.” “So sorry you disappeared.” “So did you!” Governor shot back. “I had to…” I trailed off not wanting to explain myself to him.  I felt defeated,saddened,confused in that moment,that I didn’t notice when The governor slowly circled around the table,gun still in hand to walk behind me,grabbing my wrist that held the gun,putting his own to my temple. I stiffened but didn’t shrink away. We both knew we wouldn’t shoot one another. No matter how psychotic he could be or how hurt and angry I was.
story you’re most proud of- That one ^ or Wells of Hearts. 
best review you ever got-On My Gotham one or My Cat & Mouse Trilogy. 
worst review you ever got-None yet.
favorite story/poem of another author-Not sure.
hardest part of writing-Getting enough Motivation to write what is in your Head!
easiest part of writing-The Smut lol at least for me. ;)
alternate title for (The Alpha) My Alpha. Yeah very original I know lol
alternate ending for (Wells of Hearts) Not to give anything away but I had this big Fight scene between Reverse Flash,Obsidian Storm and Team Flash and Obsidian was going to turn her back on Eobard and side with Team Flash again at the last minute. But I decided her staying a Villain,essentially staying how Eobard made her,and joining The Legion of Doom plus all that happens afterwards would be more interesting. 
alternate pairing for (MugHead) I really don’t change My Mind when it comes to Pairs lol But I may write an Alternate Story with Michelle ending up with FP Jones instead of Jughead. 
single story or multi-part story? Multi.
one-shot or multi-chaptered story? Multi. 
canon or AU? usually AU unless the Canon is REALLY good. usually stay in The Canon World though. 
do you reread your own stories? Yeah all the time lol
do you want to be published some day? Maybe but since I write about Other Creators Characters I don’t think that’s possible. 
which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series-Any of The Wrestlers actually being in a Romantic/Sexual Relationship like the one’s I write them in would be ideal. I’d watch it!
one song that captures (Wells of Hearts) The title is literally a Song except it’s WELLS instead of WAR of Hearts. Kings and Queen of Disaster is inspired by Queen of Disaster by Lana Del Rey. 
do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind? Whenever it pops into My head or when I can. 
would you ever write a sequel for (The Mark) I’d write another Baron Corbin x Roxy story but probably not a Sequel to that one since Dean is no longer in WWE. 
do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it? Linear. Though I should just write what pops into My head so I don’t forget it later. That just seems Messy to me.
share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet- The Alpha-My OC Marianna is 18 and Best Friends with Lydia,Alison,Childhood Friends with Scott and Stiles. When She meets Peter (in his Teenage Guise) After much banter and courting by Peter,they start dating. Until Derek tells her the truth about Peter being a WereWolf and killing Alison’s Aunt (She knows Scott’s a WereWolf at this point) and Peter appears to her in his adult form. Marianna breaks up with him but Peter starts stalking her,claiming they have a bond. It turns very dark after that and a year goes by until Marianna admits her real feelings towards him. They start dating again but in secret. Peter ends up turning her and becoming her Alpha,which is when The Group is finally told. After many Deaths,Forgotten memories,a short lived Relationship with Stiles and Memories restored,they end up leaving for Arizona and having a Child,Malia. 
share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet-The Alpha-I noticed his dark slicked back hair and all black attire but I also noticed The Claws on his hands and The Fangs jutting out as he snarled at Stiles,ready to take another swipe at him or a bite. I recognized that look and not just because My Pack,Scott,Derek and Erica,wolf out. This was different this wasn’t out of Protectiveness,because I mean it was Stiles,but Jealousy and Possessiveness,over me. Because this Wolf was... “My Alpha...”” I whispered in shocked realization as My memories started rushing back, I knew something had been missing,I just didn’t know what. “How could I forget you...”
how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time? Currently like 5 lol
three spoilers for (Kings and Queen of Disaster)-Suzanna will end up becoming Pregnant with Negan’s Child,Philip Blake will eventually be told of His and Suzie’s Daughter but it will be too late as Negan will end up Killing him after. 
writing advice-Nah this has already been too long.
open question to the writer
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glowrioustrash · 6 years
Prompt:  “All I wanted was to be someone’s favorite person.” from this list, with Baron Corbin. Requested by @dirrrtydeeds... I mean anon.
Pairing: Baron Corbin x Reader
Word Count: 1000+
Warnings: Swearing? Little sad, angsty drabble with a bit of hope in it? idk. Pining and shit.
Author’s Note: Once the idea came about, this came pretty damn quickly. Thanks to Dirt for all the prompts she sent in <3 I’m gonna get through them all eventually. There’s a weird POV switch at the end but fight me.
Tagging: @castielscamander / @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury / @kakakatey / @thirstiswet / @calwitch
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“Come over. Please.” You had croaked over the phone almost 20 minutes ago. You had set the phone on the table once you heard the beep of the disconnected call, but you hadn’t moved otherwise. You were staring down at the papers in front of you, one signature already on the dotted line waiting for its partner. Had he hurt before signing it? Had he hesitated, wondering if there was still a chance? Had he signed it without a second thought?
The door opened, your beagle barking as he ran through the house trying to ward off the newcomer. You heard him stop as the deep voice greeted him from the door. You heard the dog’s nails on the floor, trotting after the man as he searched the house for you.
“Kitchen.” You called, your voice cracking. The footsteps changed directions, making their way through the house to you.
“What’s up? I got here as fast as I could.” Baron asked as he rounded the corner, Baxter wagging his tail as he watched him closely, hoping for more pats on the head.
You didn’t say anything, just kept your eyes on the papers in front of you. Baron leaned over you, a hand on the back of the chair as he glanced over what had captured your attention.
“Shit.” He breathed as he took in the words on the page: petition for divorce. Baron’s hand moved from the back of the chair onto your shoulder as he dragged another dining chair closer, his arm staying slung over your shoulders as he sat
“Yeah.” You agreed, staring at the scrawling blue.
“Are you okay?” He asked cautiously.
“I guess I thought…” You trailed off, closing your eyes and shaking your head. You thought it wasn’t really over. That he hadn’t really cheated and fallen in love with someone else. That maybe it was all some stupid speed bump on the way to your happily ever after that you’d look back on when you were in your 80’s and laugh.
“Hey, don’t do this to yourself.” Baron pulled you into a hug, tucking your head under his chin as you started crying. “He’s a grade-A asshole and if I ever see him again, I’m gonna make him wish he had taken my warning seriously.”
“Warning?” You sobbed into his shirt.
“I told him, first time you introduced us. I said “if you fuckin’ hurt her, the line to kill you is gonna start with me and even if you somehow survive the whole line, it’s gonna fuckin’ end with me too.””
“D-don’t kill him.” You cried, feeling Baron tense around you.
“You can’t seriously-“ Baron started to argue, but you cut in.
“I don’t want you to go to jail. I need you to help me through this.”
“Well, I guess if that’s the reason…” Baron grumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
The two of you sat in relative silence, no conversation passing except for your soft crying and Baron’s shushing as he tried to comfort you. The two of you sat there until you felt like you had no more tears to possibly cry.
“Think you’re ready?” He asked, treading lightly.
“No… but what choice do I really have?” You sighed, sitting up and pulling yourself out of the hug. You chose to ignore the mess you’d left on Baron’s shirt, picking up the pen with a shaky hand. Baron moved to sit mostly behind you, wrapping his long arms around you while your hand was still free to write.
“You can do it.” He whispered against your ear, making you shiver. “It fucking hurts, but one day… you’re gonna be happy and know that this was something you needed to do to get there. Dragging this out isn’t gonna make you happy.”
With Baron’s arms wrapped around you and his deep, soothing voice in your ear, you slowly scrawled your signature across the dotted line. You added the date and dropped the pen back on the table.
“See? You did it.” Baron praised lowly.
“It wasn’t supposed to end this way.” You mumbled, thinking out loud more than anything else. “This was supposed to be my forever. He was supposed to be my person for the rest of our lives. Better or worse… not until some tramp with fake tits came along.” You huffed and you could feel more than hear Baron stifle his laughter.
“All I wanted was to be someone’s favorite person.” You added sadly, looking down at you lap.
“Hey.” Baron interrupted your pity party, gently lifting your chin so you were looking him in the eyes. His face was inches away from yours from the way he was still wrapped around you. “Look at me when I say this so you know I’m telling you the honest to god truth.”
He paused, waiting for you to hold his eye contact. “There’s someone out there who is looking for you, waiting for you to be their favorite person. Maybe you already are and you have no fucking idea, but when the time is right… when whatever fucking demented powers that be decide this bullshit decide the time is right, because I know that’s what you believe in… you’ll know. They’ll be right there in front of you and you’ll know.”
You saw nothing but truth and sadness in his eyes. Maybe the tiniest glimmer of hope. You took a deep breath, feeling like you were about to break down from the raw emotion coming from your best friend and you turned in your chair to hug him properly, burying your face in his shoulder.
“Thank you, Baron.” You hummed against his neck, his arms wrapping tightly around you. One of his large hands rubbed up and down your back in a comforting manner while the other cupped the back of your head, keeping you close. Even with all the pain wracking your body, you felt like nothing could get you while he held you this close, shielded from the world.
“Of course. Anything for you.” Baron answered quietly, unable to stop himself from feeling disappointed and the slightest bit defeated. He was man enough to swallow his pride and understand that today you needed your best friend, nothing more. Someday you’d be ready for what he truly meant with those words, what he’d been trying to tell you for years, but today wasn’t the day.
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Risk For Reward (Finn Balor); 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Don’t Speak (Baron Corbin); 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Contractually Obligated (AJ Styles); 1, 2, 3, 4
One Shots:
Animals (Dean Ambrose)
Morning Glory (Kenny Omega)
Honey-Lemon-Mint (Mance Warner)
Til The End (Finn Balor)
Language Cupcake (Dean Ambrose)
Soup With A Side Of Irish (Finn Balor)
Little Black Dress (Seth Rollins)
Hazel Eyes (AJ Styles)
Baron Corbin;
Sleepy Morning Sex
Bobby Roode;
Exploring New Territory
Finn Balor;
Speaking Gaelic
Cursing In Japanese
Finn Balor;
“If I win, you do dishes for a week”
“You had a nightmare, tell me what it was about so I can fix it”
“Come over here and make me”, “The skirt is supposed to be this short”
“Don’t touch me. We’re fighting”
“Make me”, “Mine”
“I don’t deserve to be loved”
“Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night”
“What a pretty sight”
“Let’s have a baby”, “You’d be a great dad”
Kenny Omega;
“Go back to bed”
Seth Rollins;
“Come over here and make me”
“Are you drunk?”, “Stop teasing me so much…”
“Was I really that drunk?”
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hazyheel · 5 years
WWE Monday Night Raw 8/26/19 Review
Sasha Banks Promo: She talked about why she left for the past four months. She kinda started to mix reality with fiction about why she left, but then she said that she left because she was jealous of Becky Lynch for getting to main event with Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair. She was relegated to a tag match, defending tag titles that meant nothing to her. She said that she bided her time, waiting for the best moment to return, and that was when Natalya was paying tribute to her father. It drew out Lynch, which was her intention, She said that she was the talk of the women’s division, because she was the best in the women’s division. She was going to continue, but Natalya ran down and attacked her. The two fought a whole bunch before the officials separated them. 
Grade: C. Love to hear Banks cutting promos again, but the content of it was a bit odd. I get that heel Banks loves the attention and is a dick about it, but this was weird. They devalued those Women’s Tag Titles like crazy with that line, not that they were in a very good place to begin with. But just whining about not getting money and not main eventing when, two months before mania, she cried in the middle of the ring about how happy she was to make history with Bayley? That doesn’t make sense. Those titles were big when she and Bayley held them, and they could have stayed big if they retained at mania. I question this story a lot, but maybe it will pick up. I like the whole “eyes on me” part of the story, but her reason for leaving was bad. 
The Street Profits backstage: They hyped up Sasha Banks’ return, the King of the Ring matches, the United States Championship match between Styles and Strowman, and the tag team turmoil match. They are fun. 
Drew McIntyre vs. Ricochet in the first round of the 2019 King of the Ring: before the match, Ricochet cut a promo backstage. He said that King of the Ring was a childhood goal of his. And he is willing to do anything to beat Drew McIntyre. McIntyre also cut a promo. He said that the former winners were disappointing, and that he would get rid of all the unworthy superstars when he reigns supreme. In the actual match, Ricochet relied on his agility and speed, while McIntyre used his power. McIntyre had the advantage early on by lighting up Ricochet with strikes and huge throws. McIntyre worked over the back quite a bit during this match to weaken the base of Ricochet. But that certainly didn’t stop Ricochet from hitting his high impact offense. At one point, Ricochet went for a poison rana, but McIntyre just powered him up and over into an inverted Alabama slam. At one point, Ricochet caught Mcintyre out of a corner splash, and hit a northern lights suplex. But when he went for the vertical suplex follow up, Mcintyre just caught him and threw him aside. McIntyre then tried to throw Ricochet into the steel steps, but Ricochet jumped off of it to deliver a high kick. He tried to follow up with a flying forearm, but Mcintyre gave him the Glasgow kiss as Ricochet flew at him. Ricochet then countered a Claymore with a superkick, but McIntyre responded right away with a lariat and then a huge powerbomb for a near fall. Ricochet we then thrown to the top rope, where he gave Mcintyre Recoil off the top, and the 630 Senton for the win. 
Grade: B+. This was a really good match. The two put on an above average TV match, with a lot of back and forth. It would have ranked higher if there was more urgency, but it was largely slow. That slow pace helped to sell Ricochet as an underdog, as Mcintyre constantly stayed in the advantage by keeping him on the mat. But Ricochet got some good offense in and got the win. Good booking, Ricochet needs this more than McIntyre. Match of the night. 
Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins Interview: Rollins talked about how he doesn’t mind defending both his titles at Clash of Champions. Strowman then challenged Rollins for the Universal Championship, and Rollins accepted. That match was then made official. Interesting situation. 
Baron Corbin vs. The Miz in the first round of the 2019 King of the Ring: before the match, the Miz got on the mic and ran down his accomplishments. Then he said that he wanted to be King Awesome. Corbin came out and started the match by throwing his dress shirt into Miz’s face and laying into him a bit. However, Miz then fired back with a series of stiff strikes, only to be layed out on the outside with a right from Corbin. Corbin also insulted the ref a whole bunch here, similar to Corbin’s match back at Super Showdown. There was a nice sequence where Miz flipped out of an End of Day before kicking Corbin in the knee and ramming his head into the mat with a DDT. Corbin went for his run around the post lariat at one point, but Miz ducked it and hit a skull crushing finale for a near fall. In the finish, Miz went for a springboard lariat, but Corbin caught him in an End of Days for the win. 
After the match, Corbin was sure to try on the crowd and hold the scepter. Then he grabbed a mic and insulted the fans for not wanting him to win King of the Ring, but he said that none of them matter. He said that they couldn’t get anywhere near his accomplishments on their best day. Corbin then said “All hail King Corbin.” 
Grade: B-. Pretty good match here. They blended together well, and they had a simple match with a simple story. Corbin looked strong, and he is back to his winning ways. Corbin needed this win far more than Miz, and it ended up a good match. That line closing the segment was interesting, it sounds like some thing that we may have to get used to saying. 
Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows interview: they talked about how Rollins and Strowman didn’t earn their title match, so they don’t understand why they need to earn theirs. But it doesn’t matter, because they will win anyway. 
Bayley vs. Nikki Cross: this match stemmed from the fact that Bayley interrupted a moment of Bliss on Smackdown last week, even though everyone does that all the time. Anyway, during the match, Cross worked over Bayley’s ribs over using boots and body scissors alike. The match was over pretty quickly. Bayley eventually put Cross on the mat and gave her the elbow off the top. 
Grade: C-. A squash that was meant to pad the show. Weird story, and Bayley won randomly. 
Braun Strowman interview: Strowman talked about how he will handle every opponent that he has at Clash of Champions. He will destroy AJ Styles tonight for the United States Championship, and then Rollins for his Universal Championship at the pay per view. Strowman is getting a lot of love lately. 
Tag Team Turmoil; The B-Team vs. The Viking Raiders: The winner of this whole Tag Team Turmoil match will be declared #1 contenders to the Raw Tag Team Championships. Oh the poor B-Team. They were hit with the Viking Experience before they even got off their feet. 
The OC vs. The Viking Raiders: Ivar and Gallows started things out, but both members of the OC quickly isolated each member of the team and beat them down. They were beating down Erik on the outside, but Ivar gave both members a suicide dive. They all rolled back into the ring and they brawled violently until the ref called for a double disqualification. 
Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode vs. Lucha House Party: Gran Metalik and Lince Durado represented the Lucha House Party, while Kaslito was on the outside. This match was incredibly fast paced for the short time it lasted. Ziggler pushed Durado off the top rope and to the outside, and nailed Metalik with a sweet chin music to the back of the head as he did a springboard for the win. 
Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode vs. The Revival: Ziggler and Scott Dawson started things up. This new team of Ziggler and Roode made very quick tags over and over to constantly have a two on one advantage. Eventually, the Revival got control back using their superior experience as a tag team. They beat down Ziggler with everything that they had, using mostly suplexes to keep him down. In the finish, there was quite a bit of chaos as Ziggler tagged in Roode while Dawson was legal. He tried to superkick Wilder, but Wilder gave him a tornado DDT off of Roode’s chest, only for Ziggler to stand right back up and give Wilder a Famouser. Dawson then gave Ziggler a brainbuster, and tried to give Roode one as well, but Roode countered into a Glorious DDT for the win. 
Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode vs. Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder: Hawkins was totally destroying both of his heel opponents in the early parts of this match, showing everyone just how underrated he is. Hawkins and Ryder hit a nice neckbreaker/samoan drop combo, with Roode breaking it up. But in the ensuing chaos, Ziggler nailed Ryder with a superkick for the win. 
Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode vs. Heavy Machinery: Before the match, the heels tried to call for a time out, but Tucker took them both out. Heavy Machinery had some quick tags here, but Robert Roode pulled down the top rope to take him out, before throwing him around ringside to weak him. Ziggler desperately tried to keep Tucker on the mat in the middle part of this match, but Otis got the hot tag. He destroyed the new team with his intense offense. As Otis went for the Caterpillar, Ziggler tried to stop him but he was just tossed in the air like a pancake. Otis then gave Ziggler the caterpillar, and then a huge slam to Roode for a near fall. Tucker went to hit the compactor, but Ziggler cut him off with the Sweet Chin Music. He then gave Otis a Zig Zag onto Tucker, and then Roode picked him back up for a Glorious DDT and the win. 
Grade: B. There were some nice segments here and there, but the best match of the six was definitely the last one, although the Revival were very good as well. Roode and Ziggler blended together really well as a team, and I look forward to seeing how they proceed from here. That should be an entertaining match at Clash of Champions. But the closing stretch at the end was really really nice, with a lot of excitement and a bunch of anticipation. 
Natalya vs. Sasha Banks: Natalya came into the match with an already injured arm, so that had a big red target on it. Natalya started with some vicious strikes and slams early on. They quickly fought to the outside where Natalya continued to throw her all around ringside. At one point, Nattie gave Banks a huge release German suplex that gave her a couple seconds of air time. Banks then took advantage by smashing Nattie’s arm into the ring post, and then tossing her into the timekeeper’s area. From there, Banks started to talk a whole bunch of trash, which only angered Natalya more. However, Natalya went for the sharpshooter, but she couldn’t lock it in, only for Banks to lock in the Bank Statement. Banks even tied up Nattie’s hurt arm to keep up the pressure, and Nattie had to tap out. 
Banks continued the attack after the match a little bit, smiling cruelly as she did. 
Grade: B. Pretty good stuff. Nattie showed a lot of fire here, and Banks looked like a terrible despicable heel. Her heel turn is turning out great so far, and her future is definitely looking bright. I will definitely be into the feud when Lynch gets more invovled. 
AJ Styles Interview: He said that The OC were screwed during the tag team turmoil. He also said that he didn’t need Gallows and Anderson to win, and he said that he isn’t scared of Braun Strowman. He siad that he would give Strowman exactly what he deserves: nothing. Cool line. 
Cedric Alexander vs. Cesaro: the two started out with a bit of shoving, but they started to absolutely mess each other up with strikes. At one point, Alexander went for a suicide dive, but Cesaro nailed him with an uppercut as he did. Cesaro focused mostly on the leg, but that definitely didn’t stop Alexander from nailing a Michinoku driver for a near fall. Cesaro fought back with a huge deadlift superplex for a near fall of his own. The injury to the leg became more and more prominent as the match wore on, as Alexander went for a power move and just collapsed as he tried. Cesaro continued the the work on the leg, including catching Alexander out of a one-legged Neuralizer for an ankle lock. From there, Alexander pulled Cesaro out of the ring, and caught him with a Lumbar Check as he came back in. That scored Alexander the win, but his leg was very injured.
Grade: B. Another pretty good match. I liked the limb work a lot, and Cesaro sold his anger very well. I do feel like this match only happened because they need a reason for Corbin to win next week, but if that is the case then I will deal with it. Alexander still looks really good, and this momentum can only be good for his career. 
Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode interview: Ziggler talked about how they came together. They both knew that the other was hungry for gold, so they gravitated to each other. They called this meeting destiny, and said that they will win the tag team championships because they actually care about each other. 
Street Profits Backstage again: They ran down what happened on the Show, before hyping the main event. They were about to do their predictions, but Bruan Strowman was next to them.
AJ Styles vs. Braun Strowman for the WWE United States Championship: Strowman immediately threw Styles out of the ring and ran him over a couple times, before nailing a chokeslam back in the ring, only for Styles to put his foot on the bottom rope. Strowman then gave Styles a big boot out of the ring. When we came back from commercial, Styles locked in a sleeper. Big men need more oxygen, but Strowman crushed Styles in the corner. He tried for a big boot in the corner, but Styles dodged it and took him out at the leg. Styles then started to work the leg and knees a bit. Styles then locked in the Calf Crusher, with Strowman desperately trying to pull himself to the ropes. However, Strowman then just sat up and gave Styles a headbutt for a near fall. Strowman started again with the shoulder tackles, and was sent into the post as he did. Styles then gave Strowman a dropkick, sending Strowman into the ref. Styles then went to the eyes, before giving Strowman a low blow. Styles grabbed a chair next and started to beat Strowman down with it, only for Strowman to drill him into the mat with a powerslam and got a visual pin. The OC then ran down, but Strowman took them both out with a steel chair. Styles acted like he was down as the ref got back up, and the ref was convinced that Strowman hit Styles with the chair. Styles then won by disqualification.
Strowman beat down the OC with a chair after the match. He gave everyone Running Powerslams, and held the US title for a bit. 
Grade: B-. Fine match, mostly good for the shenanigans. I missed Styles’ awful cheater side, and he was super good with his cheating this time around. The Strowman DQ means that he probably won’t get a rematch, and they still kept the feud going a bit. Strowman then beat everyone up and sent the crowd home happy. Fine stuff, but largely inconsequential.
Overall Grade: B-
Pros: Ricochet vs. McIntyre; tag team turmoil; Banks vs. Natalya; Cesaro vs. Alexander
Cons: Banks’ reason for leaving; bayley vs. cross
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kiwiikiing · 6 years
Right Now; Part 1
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Requested by @ladylucksposts
Part 2
Seth x reader, where the reader is very down to earth but shy and iffy about seth (due to his past) but he can't get her/him out of his mind. So Seth does all these sweet things, including maybe a public apology on wwe to the girls he's hurt in the past,
Pairing: Seth Rollins x Reader
Word Count: 796
Warnings: Mentions of Cheating/Past?
I do not use the wrestlers’ real names due to their characters being different and fiction. It’s also very awkward for me, considering most have wives or relationships outside of WWE.
Actually have it all done but I haven’t finished reading over and editing the other half.
I sat in my chair waiting for the makeup artist to finish. I was getting ready for the match I was in next. It was a mixed tag team match, but I didn’t know who my tag partner was. All I knew was that my opponents were Drew McIntyre and Alexa Bliss.
I was scrolling through my twitter feed, when the make up artist backed up and the acting general manager, Baron Corbin stood in front of me.
“Y/n.” Corbin greeted me. He had a small smirk on his face, which made me very suspicious.
“What did you do?” I asked, not even greeting him back. He shifted in his shoes and crossed his arms.
“Well, as you know you have a tag team match tonight,” He started to say. I rolled my eyes, sitting back in my chair.
“Yes I know.. Who’s my partner.” And with this his smirk grew bigger, stepping aside and behind him revealed Seth Rollins. My heart sped up and I just stared at both of them, then I got up and left.
I hurried to get to my dressing room and closed the door. I couldn’t believe that he would do this- especially right now. I sat on my couch and played on my phone for a little bit. A knock at the door took me out of my trance.
I got up and opened the door, seeing Baron standing there. He looked annoyed and disappointed.
“What do you want?” I asked. He slid into the room without even waiting for me to say come in.
“What was that about? You just stormed out of there! You can’t just do that because you want to.” He scolded. I just closed the door and turned towards him, crossing my arms.
“You know how I feel about him, and you still chose to pair me with him. That’s a dick move, Corbin!” I explained. Corbin just laughed and shook his head, “Y/N, it’s just business, plus I think you both would work good together.” I just groaned in response.
“See you out there.” He said, leaving the room.
My match went well, I ended up pinning Alexa while Seth had Drew under control outside the ring.
I walked back up the ramp, getting congratulated by the fans and the rest of the roster. As soon as I got close to the catering room, I could hear quick footsteps behind me. I ignored it until I felt a hand on my wrist.
“Y/N wait.” Seth said to me, causing me to turn around.
“What Seth?” I asked him, pulling my wrist out of his hand.
“Can we talk?” He insisted. I went to say no, but I thought it was best to just get it over with. I nodded in agreement and he led me to an empty room. Once we were in the room, Seth closed the door.
I sat in a chair and he sat across from me. He was fidgeting with his hands, and leaning forward slightly. We sat in silence for a few minutes waiting for each other to make the first move. Seth finally adjusted himself in his seat.
“Why do you dislike me?” He asked. I frowned and shook my head.
“I don’t dislike you..” I started to answer. He just let out a groan and rubbed his hands over his face.
“Then why do you get upset when you see me? You leave the room- you don’t look at me. It kills me because I can’t stop thinking about you and how to get your attention. Shit- I guess I’m trying to say is that I like you, like really like you but I feel blocked on how to even approach you without you running off.” He explained, letting it all out. I sat there quietly, trying to figure out how to respond to that. I averted my eyes from him and sighed.
“Seth- I honestly don’t know how to respond to that. To be honest- I like you as well, but I’m scared to act on any feelings, because of your past. I’m not going to allow myself to be hurt, especially in my workplace. And seeing how you affected those women, even after you dated them, it’s scary. And you didn’t even show that you were sorry, you continued to do it. I’m not subjecting myself to that kind of pain.” I unloaded all of my thoughts and feelings. When he went silent, I finally looked back at him. His eyes were shut and his hand as over his mouth.  I looked at the clock, and it was time to leave the arena. I stood up, and he went to stop me.
“It’s time to go.” And with that I left.
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constanciacurlee · 5 years
A pairing I think would be interesting for a fan fiction...Nikki Cross and Baron Corbin. Lol
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xfirespritex · 7 years
Updated Request Rules & Guidelines
My first set of WWE Fanfiction Requests!
Hey everyone, if you’re reading this and are interested in submitting a request here are the rules/ guidelines of my doing requests. I thought long and hard about doing this and while I’m nervous I feel like doing requests will give me a kick to write more.
Requests will remain open as long as I feel like. I have the right to close them but will give fair warning in advance of closing the request.
Rules/ Guidelines:
1.      All requests will be for male superstar / female reader (i.e. Finn Balor X Y/N). I have not written slash in a long time and am not prepared to jump back in. I will be dipping my toe back into that in the future but not now.
2.      No self-harm/rape/death stories. They aren’t for me. I can’t write them. Note: Other things such as depression, anxiety, etc. are okay and allowed to be a part of the request but I will not write extremely triggering things. It’s difficult to write for me and even more difficult for some to read.
3.      Requests will be filled as I am inspired by them. Not first come/first serve. You can’t rush writing.
4.      Relating to the above rule you must be patient. If you are pushy or flat-out mean about how long it is taking to fill your request I will not finish it, no matter how good an idea it is.
5.      I will write fluff, angst and smut. Be specific in what you are looking for.
6.      I will accept requests from Anonymous but please know that if I can’t reply to your request there is no way of notifying you when it’s going up/ if I would like clarification on your request.
7. If you request smut you must be 18 years of age or older (AKA off anonymous and someone that lists their age in their profile). Also, if you request smut I cannot guarantee it will happen. If it doesn’t fit the story I won’t just throw it in there. 
If you want to help inspire me:
1.      Submit a particular image/ lyric/song/quote you associate with the request. I will try and use that as a guideline for my story.
2.      Give me specifics. Don’t just say “A cute fluffy story with Pete Dunne, please and thanks!” That’s not enough.
Wrestlers I will write for: (Note, I know much more about WWE wrestlers than other promotions so please be kind if I don’t their characterization just right.)
·        Adam Cole
·        Adam Page
·        AJ Styles
·        Aleister Black
·        Alex Shelley
·        Andrade “Cien” Almas
·        Baron Corbin
·        Bobby Fish
·        Bobby Roode
·        Brian Kendrick
·        Cedric Alexander
·        Cesaro
·        Chad Gable
·        Chris Jericho
·        Chris Sabin
·        Cody Rhodes
·        Corey Graves
·        Dean Ambrose
·        Drew McIntyre
·        Elias
·        Finn Balor
·        Jason Jordan
·        Jay Briscoe
·        Jeff Hardy
·        Johnny Gargano
·        Kassius Ohno
·        Kyle O’Reilly
·        Mark Andrews
·        Mark Briscoe
·        Marty Scurll
·        Matt Hardy
·        Mojo Rawley
·        Mustafa Ali
·        Neville
·        Pete Dunne
·        Roderick Strong
·        Roman Reigns
·        Sami Zayn
·        Seth Rollins
·        Sheamus
·        TJ Perkins
·        Tommaso Ciampa
·        Tony Nese
·        Trent Seven
·        Tye Dillinger
·        Tyler Bate
·        Velveteen Dream
·        Will Ospreay
Note: If you have an idea for a wrestler not listed above send me the request but PLEASE include an alternative choice for the character. This list doesn’t mean I absolutely will not write for some people but this is who I feel I am comfortable writing.
A final reminder: If the rules are not adhered to/ a request makes me uncomfortable I will not complete the request. You all need to understand that a request is just that, a request. I will do my best to fill them all but this is not a contract. So please, be understanding of mine, as well as all, writer’s limitations and guidelines.
Tag List:
@thedeboniardevistation @xxnobodyshero13xx  @speedilyghostlycloud
@fan-fiction-galore  @amaranthine-reign @lordoftheringsmyass  
@justtheaverageblog1 @alpha-american @aineslight @reigns420 @deajm2116
@redroseblackwolfpack96 @blondekel77  @shieldgirl95 @gelinas22
@vebner37 @banrioncethlenn  @moxtiel  @caramara3
@fmlallthewayup @breezy14fan @secretagentfangirl @crowleysqueenofhell
@abominablestrowman279 @laochbaineann @wrestlingnoob @logandemico
@calwitch @sleeplessandcynical @sjwrites22 @georgiadean37
@houndofjustice-imagines @squirrel666 @dorkyvillain @heeltothequeen @heelturn-timesten @satansstrawberry @imnobodiesbitch @leteverythingexist @sonjashuterbugjohnson @serious-stressed-sparkles  @andie01 @thegenericluchadora @thedeboniardevistation @thirstiswet @wweburnitdown
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glowrioustrash · 7 years
Probably Ohio
Prompt: 3. “No, no, you do NOT want me navigating. I’ll accidentally drive us off a cliff.” from this list. Requested by anon.
Pairing: Baron Corbin x unnamed OC
Word Count: 700+
Warnings: Tiniest bit of swearing - most of my work has swearing, get used to it.
Author’s Note: I'm not terribly familiar with Baron, but I tried for nonny. He seems like a sweetheart, big teddy bear in real life so that’s kinda what I went for instead of his brooding, heel character. Hand holding and head scritches.
Tagging: @castielscamander / @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury
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I opened my eyes slowly, taking in the passing scenery outside the SUV window. It felt like we’d been driving for days. I wasn’t used to the travel schedule of a WWE superstar. As much as I loved joining my boyfriend on the road, I was glad I didn’t do it too often. I just wasn’t made for this lifestyle. Next time I travel with him, I’d make sure we were flying. Flying I could handle.
“Baron, are we almost there?” I asked through a groan, sitting up and stretching.
“I think so.” He answered, sounding unsure. I froze, turning to look at him.
“You think so? What do you mean you think so?” He didn’t answer, just turned the GPS screen my way. There was no map on the screen, just the little car icon in the middle of a vast empty space.
“What the hell?” I pulled it out of its holder, pressing buttons. “Did you try resetting it?”
“A few times.” He shrugged. “I guess we’re in a dead zone. Phone won’t connect either.”
“Where are we?” I asked, looking outside the vehicle for any road signs.
“Probably Ohio.” He guessed.
“Probably? That’s reassuring.” I rolled my eyes. Baron took a hand off the wheel, reaching over to squeeze my thigh. I took my phone out, trying to get a signal with no luck.
“Hey, we’ll figure it out. Don’t worry.” He promised. “Not the first time I’ve had to figure this shit out.”
I sighed, but I trusted him. I reached over, pushing his beanie out of the way so I could run my hand through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp as I did. He kept his eyes on the road, but leaned into my touch.
“I just wanna be out of this car.” I groaned nearly 30 minutes later.
“We’ve only been driving for 3 hours.” He laughed.
“Only 3 hours.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m not used to travelling like you are. Do you know how much I could get done in three hours?”
“I can think of a few ways to spend three hours.” He teased, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Aw, baby… but what would we do with the other two hours and forty-five minutes.” I smirked. He scoffed, a smile coming over his face as he started swatting at me. I laughed, leaning as far as I could into the door to avoid him. I swatted his hands away when they got close.
“You know damn well I can go all night.” He huffed. “Keep it up and I’ll just have to prove it to you once we get to the hotel.”
“Promise?” I pouted at him, making him growl.
“Check if there’s a damn map in the glove compartment.” He tried about 15 minutes later. I opened it, happy to find a giant road atlas of America.
“Well, it’s dated 1998 so it’s probably a little outdated, but it’s better than nothing I guess.” I shrug, opening it and flipping through a few pages. “Did you wanna switch out? You’ve been driving this whole time.”
“No, no, you do NOT want me navigating. I’ll accidentally drive us off a cliff.” He shook his head.
“Unless I can figure out where we are in this thing, you still might.” I joked.
“Next rest stop I’ll pull over. We’ll stretch, get some coffee, and figure out where the hell we are.”
“We’re in the middle of nowhere. What if there isn’t a rest stop?” I bit my lip.
“There’s always something.”
“What if the owner is some creepy hillbilly?”
“Please.” He scoffed. “You don’t think I could take him?”
“He might have a shotgun.”
“Could still take him.”
“He could have a friend.”
“I’ll take ‘em both.”
“They might want to hear you squeal like a pig.”
“Deliverance was set in Georgia, not Ohio”
“You don’t know for sure we’re in Ohio right now.”
“We started in Michigan, we’re nowhere near Georgia.”
“I knew we should have taken that left turn in Albuquerque.”
“You can’t do Bugs Bunny and Deliverance in the same argument.”
“I just did.” I stuck my tongue out at him. He took his eyes off the road to glance at me, a smile on his face. He took my hand, turning his eyes back on the road as he kissed my palm.
“I’m glad you’re here, babe.” He kept our hands clasped together, resting them on the middle console.
“Here as in on the road with you, or in “probably Ohio?”” I teased.
“You aren’t going to let this go, are you?” He sighed.
“Nope.” I pulled our hands up, copying him as I kissed his knuckles. “But if there was anyone I’d want to be in “probably Ohio” with, it’s you.”
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Voting Time
I’m less than enthused about Raw tonight, so I might just write a little something later. If not tonight, then tomorrow for sure.
So, do you guys want a new part to Daddy (Sami) or Loner (Baron)?
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pastelbatfandoms · 7 years
I had My first Baron Corbin dream last night!
We were up and coming wrestler's,until Stephanie McMahon came and asked us of we wanted to sign with WWE or stay on NXT. We of course accepted!
I had a big crush on Baron but he was taken,until the girl broke up with him,breaking his heart. I was there for him and we were always good friends so one day Baron asked me out and we started dating.
When we got into WWE Baron asked me to marry him which felt so surreal and of course I ecstatically said yes! He ended up winning The United States Championship (like IRL) and became pretty popular.
Even Triple H wanted a piece of him,though HHH was The World Champion ATT,he also had his long hair back.
Baron of course doesn't back down from a challenge.
The WWE was having a Halloween Movie and costume party,I dressed up as SS Harley Quinn and was looking around for Baron in the dark theater they had set up. I couldn't find him until I walked back up and saw him standing off to the side. He was dressed in his ring attire but was holding a jacket that matched his pants. He noticed me and grinned. "Are you OK? He asked. I smiled and hugged him. "I was just wondering where you were."
We walked to some seats and sat down. Baron then asked me how best to beat Triple H and even Shane McMahon. "Because I do plan on becoming The World Champ as well."
I was pretty specific. I told him that him and Triple H were very similar,I left out how they both found shortcuts,I said,"You're both intense in the ring just watch for his Sledgehammer."
I told him Shane was quick and that you didn't see his ghost punches or kicks coming. "You have to keep him grounded,otherwise you're toast when he gets on that turnbuckle." Baron smirked and said he thought it was funny I was giving him pointers on how to beat My Exes.
Then we cuddled and watched The Movie. It was the most comfortable and happy dream I'd had in awhile.
I might turn it into fan fiction!
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kayinnasaki · 7 years
Alright, I gotta rant about wrestling.
So tonight we had the first ever Women’s Money in the Bank match. 5 way ladder match! History being made. Lotta us we're real excited for this! So how does the match end? With James Ellsworth, a man, climbing the ladder to drop the briefcase down to Carmella. A man “won” the MITB match. He won it for Carmella but still. Ellsworth, the lowest of the low, bested the entire women’s roster. I don’t mind Carmella winning -at all-. She’s the perfect type of scumbag to have a MITB contract. I don’t mind Ellsworth interfering. Screwy finishes like that are common. But for him to LITERALLY CLIMB THE LADDER AND TAKE DOWN THE BRIEFCASE FOR SOMEONE ELSE, an ending that has -never been done before- but suddenly gets used for a man to practically win a historic women’s match.
SO understandably most of the people I know were pretty furious. But what got me more was seeing the general wrestling audience talk about it. Most didn’t like it, but a lot of people did. “Oh it’s good heel heat” They’d claim. Make you hate the bad guys so you want to see them get their come uppence.
This was wrestling for years before it was openly fake. Even when people knew deep down. When you believe a person isn’t a character, a real person, it changes story telling. You don’t go ‘this guy is too evil it’s comedic’. If someone is irredeemably rotten and cowardly and a cheater, people wanna see them get smashed. If someone is a pure goody goody, well.. in a story a lot of people find that boring, but in real life we like true goody goodys. We’re not like “Yo, where are your CHARACTER FLAWS, real life person???”. We just like them!
So when Kayfabe died and everyone knew wrestling was fake and people were playing characters, this changed thing and introduced a thing all other fiction has to deal with. If you execute a story poorly enough, people don’t get angry at the villains, they get angry at the story. Yet wrestling still acts like people believe these people are real. People go “Oh Ellsworth interfered in the match so people will hate him more” but that isn’t what happened. Most people don’t give a shit about him. I don’t wanna see Becky Lynch rip him limb from limb for ruining the match (I mean, I wanna see that anyways, but I’d watch Becky rip anyone’s limbs off), I wanna see Vince McMahon have his limbs broke. I got “heat” with the company. And having heat with the company/writers/creators is virtually never beneficial unless you’re doing something meta. So with this, there can’t be any payoff. Nothing that can happen to the people involved can pay back how gross and stupid the ending of the match was and now we’re no longer thinking about the bad guys, we’re thinking about how the story was written by gross, clueless hacks. There are no upsides. There is no ‘I can’t wait to see what happens next!’.... there is numbness and indifference.
In the main event, you had Baron Corbin interrupt Shinsuke Nakamura’s amazing entrance. Everyone loves that entrance. He beat his ass and made him get carried off. I was pissed at Corbin! HOW COULD YOU ROB ME OF THAT YOU IMPATIENT BASTARD. And the whole time I was waiting for Nakamura to come back and beat his ass and he did, and then he had awesome stuff with AJ Styles and there is all this cathartic wonder and then Baron takes it away again and wins. PERFECT. I WANNA SEE SOMEONE BEAT UP THAT DOOFY MOTHERFUCKER.
ACTUAL, ACTIONABLE HEEL HEAT. It was never so stupid that I was going ‘oh yeah, this is a story written by -morons-” so I could focus on the characters.
Wrestling booking is practically a cargo cult at this point. People do things because DAMMIT THATS HOW IT’S ALWAYS BEEN DONE without understanding why it used to work and what’s changed. Wrestling (or well, WWE) doesn’t realize it’s writing fiction and is beholden to a lot of the same rules of good fiction as other mediums. And then wrestling fans interpret what they see like they have for 20/30 years but then wonder why things don’t actually click anymore. They’re so embedded in this way of thinking that they want to see the assumed good practices of wrestling story telling be followed rather than judging the quality of the stories. It’s becoming incestuest and is part of the reason it’s very difficult to get new fans into wrestling.
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