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sibirsibir · 9 months ago
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Plans of cities in Siberia at the end of the 18th century
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haxyr3 · 8 months ago
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My hometown, one of the most beautiful views of it.
Photo: Victor Belyakov
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freshthoughts2020 · 11 months ago
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bmarble · 2 years ago
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just random photos of Barnaul
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igor604499 · 2 months ago
Вот такой странный закат.
Such a strange sunset.
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magic-edits-l · 9 months ago
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I live for the Altai State Musical Theater, located in Barnaul 🎀🎭
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albinos76 · 2 years ago
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omo321 · 11 months ago
for being a poster child for a backwater town, my city sure has insane rent prices
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lifestyleblog7 · 9 days ago
News of Barnaul and Altai Krai
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Latest news from Barnaul and Altai Krai – the main events of the region, politics, economics, culture and incidents. Operational information, analytics and reports. Read the latest news from Barnaul and Altai Krai on TOLK!
Altai Krai news
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growwblogpost · 9 days ago
News of Barnaul and Altai Krai
Latest news from Barnaul and Altai Krai – the main events of the region, politics, economics, culture and incidents. Operational information, analytics and reports. Read the latest news from Barnaul and Altai Krai on TOLK!
Altai Krai news
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paolo-streito-1264 · 1 year ago
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Nikolai Matorin. The Rhythm of Labor, April 15, Barnaul, Russia, 1960.
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ladaeliseeva · 1 year ago
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Happy 1st day of Spring!
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sovietpostcards · 8 months ago
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Barnaul. Photo postcard by N. Kalinin (1961).
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igor604499 · 8 months ago
Все летаем и летаем
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theshackofworlds13 · 4 months ago
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RU: ☆ Это довольно-таки старая иллюстрация, которая делалась в пределах флэшмоба - одна иллюстрация в разных стилистиках. Правда, сам персонаж связан с не очень приятными воспоминаниями, так как его частичный автор - мой бывший соавтор, с которым я разосралась в пух и прах. ☆ Однако, эту историю я рассказывать не стану, слишком двоякая ситуация. Хочу, прежде всего, немного рассказать о самом персонаже. На иллюстрации - Башкурт Челик, или просто Курт, человек, поглотивший демона-фенька и ставший в последствии полулисом. Владелец борделя и кучи красоток, сутенер и в целом, не очень приятная личность, женатая на полной суккубше по имени Лулу. Не сказать, что этот персонаж мне нравился, как и сама Лулу. Не думала, что достану эту работу их архива, но мне нравится сама гамма, которую я тогда подобрала. ☆ Желтые пески, небольшой турецкий городок на вершине горы, чьего названия я не помню. Клетки для рабов и палатки, а среди этого беспорядка восседает сам герой этой иллюстрации, демонстративно натягивающий штанцы.👀 ☆ К слову, у этой иллюстрации за плечами одна выставка, которая проводилась в нескольких областях Сибири. Курта, надевающего штаны, видели на билд-бордах городов Омска, Новосибирска, Барнаула и Кемерово. -------------------------------------------- ENG: ☆ This is a pretty old illustration that was made within the flash mob - one illustration in different styles. However, the character himself is associated with not very pleasant memories, since his partial author is my former co-author, with whom I fucked up to the nines. ☆ However, I will not tell this story, the situation is too twofold. First of all, I want to tell you a little about the character himself. The illustration shows Bashkurt Chelik, or simply Kurt, a man who absorbed the demon-fenka and later became a half-coward. The owner of a brothel and a bunch of beauties, a pimp and, in general, not a very pleasant person, married to a complete succubus named Lulu. I can't say that I liked this character, like Lulu herself. I did not think that I would get this work from their archive, but I like the very range that I picked up then. ☆ Yellow Sands, a small Turkish town on the top of a mountain, whose name I do not remember. Slave cages and tents, and in the midst of this mess sits the hero of this illustration, defiantly pulling on his pants. ☆ By the way, this illustration has one exhibition under its belt, which was held in several regions of Siberia. Kurt, putting on his pants, was seen on the billboards of the cities of Omsk, Novosibirsk, Barnaul and Kemerovo.
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andreisvechnikov · 1 year ago
Andrei Svechnikov: A Primer
written October 5th, 2023
Born 26 March 2000 in Barnaul, Russia
Right winger on the Carolina Hurricanes (who drafted him 2nd overall in 2018)
6’2 and 195 lbs
Andrei’s first and foremost a family oriented person. One of the most important people in his life is his brother, Evgeny. He followed Evgeny everywhere, including to Michigan in 2016, where in juniors he played for the USHL’s Muskegon Lumberjacks; near Grand Rapids where Evgeny was playing for the Red Wings AHL affiliate. Svechnikov led the team in scoring and was named to the All-USHL Team and declared USHL Rookie of the Year. He then was selected first overall by the OHL’s Barrie Colts and later won the Emms Family Award as rookie of the year. After being selected 2nd overall by Carolina, he chose the number 37, the same as his brother.
On their childhood: 
“We didn’t have much money,” Evgeny said of their childhood in Siberian Russia. “We ate from the same plate. We did everything together.” “I’ve waited for this my whole life,” Andrei said, sweat still dripping. “It’s my dream. My dream came true.” “It’s huge,” Evgeny said of both the goal and their relationship. “It’s everything.” “They moved from job to job every city,” Evgeny said. “They sacrificed so much for us.” If you ask Evgeny, there was “no doubt” Andrei would make it from the time he started dominating older competition at 5 years old. Evgeny was 8 when he fostered that opinion. Clearly he was on to something. (X)
The brothers have a special handshake and Evgeny wears a bracelet Andrei gave him everyday.
In the NHL:
Andrei made NHL history being the first player to ever score a lacrosse style goal. Seen here.
And is the only player (so far) to do two successfully.
But he can do tricks off the ice too. His first few years on the Hurricanes, he enjoyed learning magic tricks. Here's one with former beat reporter Sara Civian.
Andrei is loved by many, if not most, current and former teammates, coaches, media, and more. 
Praise from others: 
“I’m just proud of the kid in general,” Brind’Amour said after his first win as coach and Svechnikov’s first point. “He’s a great kid. He wants to learn and he’s got a lot to learn, but he’s going to be a great player in this league. You gotta remember how young he is, and that’s something I have to keep reminding myself. He’s just a kid, and he’s out there in the NHL and he doesn’t look out of place. We’re very fortunate to have him.”
Former Muskegon Lumberjacks GM John Vanbiesbrouck once told me he didn’t want to drop a bomb too soon, but yeah, he could see hints of Gordie Howe in a young Svechnikov. Vanbiesbrouck was more comfortable with a comparison to Todd Bertuzzi. “You know what? He’s hard to compare to anyone because there’s not a lot of guys like him,” he said after Svechnikov’s NHL debut. “Because sometimes he drives the net or sometimes he’ll see a play. He’s so multi-talented. When he drives the net — Todd Bertuzzi, one of the best net-drivers I’ve ever seen. He’s got an acute way to make plays and find lanes and shoot in place. There’s not a lot of guys like him in that way and how he can play a speed game, then a slowed-down game.”
“We were just hoping, when we got the pick, that we would get someone who was a star,” Carolina owner Tom Dundon says. “And I think we did.” 
He is a gem. Always has time for everyone. Can’t wait to see him back in action next season for the canes - Justin Williams
Here's a snippet of a very heart felt interview the Svechnikov brothers gave before their first match up.
What’s his best quality as a person? Evgeny: Humble. Humble, shyness, respectful. There’s not just one word. But one thing (that) comes in my head, humble and respect(ful), of anything: parents, people around, polite. Just a good kid, man. He’s just a good kid. Andrei: I feel like he’s just a kind person — he’s always going to care about you, he’s always going to ask you if something’s wrong. He’s a culture guy. But obviously he gets a little emotional sometimes (laughter) … He’s gotta work on that a little bit, probably. When have you been the proudest of him? Evgeny: Just one thing? … That he doesn’t let himself get down, and anything happens, nothing stops him. But I think he learned that from me (laughs). And yeah, he doesn’t give up and he keeps going. Nothing bothers him, and he’s like a tractor, just keeps going, and I’m telling you, he learned that from me. Andrei: Every day, to be honest. Every day I am proud of him, to be completely honest. He’s been through a lot, there have been a lot of hard things. He was injured, now he’s here in the show. It’s going to be fun to play against him. I’m proud of him every day. Anything else you want to add about him? Evgeny: That I love him so much. He’s a great brother. Andrei: I don’t know, really — did he say anything interesting? The Athletic: He said he loves you so much and that you’re a great brother. Andrei: I love him so much, too. He is my hero.
Read the rest here.
A big mama's boy. (1)(2)
Friends on the team:
When he first joined the Hurricanes, Andrei became good friends with Dougie Hamilton and Warren Foegele. They all lived in the same building and new to the team. The Hurricanes even made a video of them hanging out and talking about their friendship called the “Three Amigos.”
Even after both Dougie and Warren were traded to other teams, he remains good friends with them. (X)
**Fun fact: Both Dougie and Warren had to pick new numbers with their new teams. Dougie, formerly #19, picked 7, (at the time, Pavel Zacha already took #37) and Warren, formerly #13,  picked 37.
Andrei has always been good friends with alternate captain, Jordan Martinook. Taken under Marty’s wing from the start in 2018 when they both joined the team, Jordan has a pre-game tunnel tradition to scream Andrei’s last name to hype them up. Martinook will occasionally add in other players but he always exaggerates ‘Mista Svechnikov’ the most. Like another older brother figure, Martinook enjoys messing with Andrei in practice and in general.
After Dougie and Warren were traded, Andrei became closer with Martin Necas. Always good friends, they started going out to eat together more and attended the US Open Men’s Final in 2023.
With Seth Jarvis joining the team, Andrei gained the opportunity to be the "big brother" for once. Pulling pranks and messing around with Jarvy.
Another player who’s allowed Andrei the opportunity to grow as a leader on the team is Pyotr Kochetkov, fellow Russian and a goalie. The two have become good friends, Andrei acting as a guide and translator. 
Andrei loves Carolina, and Carolina loves Andrei. One of the many reasons he agreed to an eight-year, $62 million contract with the Hurricanes in 2021.
Andrei has always loved animals. He’s good with both cats and dogs, looking forward to the annual calendar photoshoot, and adopting one of his own in 2023.
Andrei has never met a penalty box he didn’t like.
“I just love that style. Just hit hard, you know?,” Svechnikov said. “I think I’m playing a hard game, and that’s why I think I’m scoring goals. I’m gonna hit, then I’m gonna go to the offensive zone and someone’s going to give it to me and then I try and shoot it into the net. Good tries for me. I love that style of play.” (X)
He made the 2023 All Star Game, winning the Fastest Skater competition. The first person he called after was his brother.
He suffered a tear in his left ACL a couple months later, and missed the rest of the season and playoffs. However, he had fun sounding the siren and joining his good friends in the broadcast booth. He had a successful surgery and is recovering well, hoping to start the 2023-2024 season on the right foot.
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