#Baltimore FC
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Uwcl prep 🩷🩷
#i love this pink training kit#uwcl#I need to buy it#chelsea fcw#cfcw#millie bright#lucy bronze#erin cuthbert#ashley lawrence#guro reiten#katie cox#hannah hampton#wieke kaptein#alejandra bernabe#aggie beever jones#sjoeke nusken#nathalie bjorn#johanna rytting kaneryd#maika hamano#lauren james#sandy baltimore#maelys mpomé#zecira musovic#chelsea wfc#fc twente vs chelsea fcw#football#footy#soccer#womens football#womens soccer
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I gotta stop letting sports control my mood. Someone stage an intervention for me I beg 🙏🙏🙏
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Sandy Baltimore heads in against Arsenal.
#Sandy Baltimore#Chelsea FC Women#Chelsea FCW#Arsenal Women#WSL#hair sports#HSPN#soccer#football#sports
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Football-D1| Ouanaminthe, Baltimore et Triomphe vainqueurs lors de la 7e journée
La septième journée de la Première Division masculine, version spéciale, a eu lieu en milieu de semaine. Quatre matches étaient à l’affiche dans divers parcs sportifs dans le Grand Nord. Des équipes comme Ouanaminthe FC, l’AS Capoise, le Baltimore de Saint-Marc, le Triomphe de Liancourt étaient au rendez-vous. En effet, mercredi 10 avril dernier, au Parc Antoine Levelt, le club saint-marcois a…
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🐕 Downward Dogs ("Oooooh Big Stretch")
LINKS: wiki / before (go to season 24, day 80)
replaced the Alaskan Immortals on season C, day 8 during a game against the Phoenix Trunks
played in the evil league
have walk in the park as a team mod
parker macmillan played for the team between E/36 and E/45
have won one championship and one underchampionship
can be pet; all players are named after the game band's dogs
🐸 London Frogs ("[FROGHORN SOUND]")
LINKS: wiki / before (go to season 24, day 80)
replaced the incinerated Laredo Excavators on season E, day 43 during a game against the prehistory Baltimore Crabs
during the same game, after the incinerated excavators' instability chained to the Blue Crabs, they were ALSO incinerated (replaced by the Beijing Bicycles). the crabs instability then chained to the frogs. this is the only known instance of two teams being incinerated in the same game. since the game finished with an entirely different two teams from the two it started with, it could be considered the game of theseus
have won one championship
slogan is a reference to Heavy FC's slogan ("[FOGHORN SOUND]"). particularly notable as Heavy FC was a coffee cup team, and the Frogs' name is also beverage related (type of tea called london fog)
players include: Grant Clemency, Sapphic Chill, Buddy Capybara
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QUALIFIÉESSSSSS POUR LA UWCL!!!! (4-2) Excellent match du PSG au Parc!! Doublé de Martens, But incroyable de Baltimore et match incroyable de ma joueuse du match: Chawinga!! Ici c'est Paris❤️💙

Uwcl group stage, here we come!!🔴🔵

Mention spéciale à l'autre équipe parisienne, le Paris Fc pour leur qualification! Parfait pour la dernière saison de Thiney💙
#psg#allezparis#allez paris#psg women#uwcl#uwcl 23/24#jade le guilly#clare hunt#lieke martens#elisa de almeida#katarzyna kiedrzynek#grace geyoro#tabitha chawinga#sakina karchaoui#sandy baltimore#jackie groenen#korbin albert#marie antoinette katoto#ramona bachmann#ana vitoria#woso#woso community#psg feminines
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cada vecino es único, pero nadie se compara a rhiannon evangeline decuir. se dicen tantas cosas de ella, pero lo que más impresionó al pueblo fue lo sucedido durante las entrevistas policiales por la desaparición de fernsby y brown...
¡cata, tu audición ha sido aceptada! muchas gracias por el interés mostrado y, por sobre todo, tu paciencia. cuentas con 24 hrs para enviarnos la cuenta de tu personaje, pero mientras tanto puedes ir revisando tu casilla de mensajes, ¡ahí te aguarde una invitación para nuestro discord! te enviamos un saludo enorme y necesitar cualquier cosa siempre puedes decirnos, ¡esperamos que te diviertas!
( .00 ) ooc
alias: cata
zona horaria: gmt -4
triggers: non-con, incesto, pedofilia, maltrato animal.
¿nos das permiso para utilizar a tu personaje en distintas actividades en caso de dar unfollow?: sí!
fc: alva bratt.
( .01 ) ic
el policía observa al ciudadanx que se encuentra frente suyo en esa habitación gris. el primer ítem que busca tachar de su lista es: “nombre completo”, y por eso dice las palabras en voz alta.
“ rhiannon evangeline decuir ” murmura de memoria, luego nota la mirada que le dedican y se tiene que encoger de hombros “ lo sé, se pusieron muy creativos ” demasiado, para su gusto.
al alzar los ojos, suelta: “fecha de nacimiento.”
“veinte de noviembre, del dos mil veintiuno ”
acto seguido, se explica: “has sido citadx en la comisaría de devil’s marsh debido a la desaparición de los jóvenes brown y fernsbyl. pero, antes que nada, necesitamos contexto. ¿cuál es tu ocupación?”
“ estudiante ” labios se aprietan y dedos tamborilean sobre sus rodillas “ de ingeniería biomédica ” añade después, pero el silencio persiste y no termina de resultarle cómodo “ en la DMU ” dice, aunque el tono le suene como a pregunta ¿era información suficiente?
“¿cómo te describirías? o, ¿cómo te describirían los demás?
parpadea un par de veces sin emitir palabra antes de entender de que iba en serio, entonces desliza sus dedos por sobre su cabello como si lo peinara mientras piensa “ supongo que dirían que soy organizada, creativa, curiosa ¿inteligente? y honesta ” labios se tensan en lo que parece una sonrisa luego de lo último, porque a decir verdad está lejos de la última cualidad que se acredita. además, deja de lado las que no le parecen tan agraciadas, como que puede llegar a ser impulsiva o muy influenciable. también prefiere omitir esa afición a la perfección y los detalles, donde puede mostrar muy poca tolerancia a la frustración.
“¿y cuál es tu historia de vida?”
“ creo que ya saben quienes son mis padres ¿no? ” risa corta e incómoda le sigue después, temiendo haber sonado como los típicos hijos de papá y, la verdad, esa no era su intención, así que comienza otra vez “ nací aquí, me crié aquí, también asistí a la escuela acá, no tengo mucho más que agregar de esos periodos. soy la menor de todos los hermanos, que son cuatro ” un montón, si le preguntaban “ y estuve trabajando con mis padres por unos meses luego de terminar la secundaria ” de eso había pasado ya casi tres años, dónde eligió no entrar de forma inmediata a una carrera para intentar encantarse aún más con todo el lío de la tecnología y lo que sus padres hacían antes de tomar una decisión. cosa que no les había parecido tan buena idea a sus progenitores, claro, pero al final terminaron cediendo. y cómo no, si generar interés en su descendencia sobre su rubro era cosa agradable “ luego me mudé un año y medio a baltimore ” y sabe que ese periodo coincide cuando aparece el cuerpo y pruebas extras del caso, por lo que no quiere parecer sospechosa o algo por el estilo “ porque me gané una beca en jhons hopkins ” aclara de inmediato para no dejar espacio a preguntas incómodas “ así que estuve ese tiempo allá, estudiando, y luego, no sé, supongo que extrañé mi hogar y me ganó la nostalgia ” ladea cabeza ligeramente de lado a lado, como pensando palabras y buscando qué más añadir, hablar de sí misma con extraños no era del todo grato, menos si se trataba de una interrogatorio, o meras preguntas de rutina, como habían optado llamarlo ellos “ así que me mudé de regreso aquí, solicité plaza en la universidad, me aceptaron porque traía un buen promedio ” nada tuvo que ver el apellido, claro “ y desde entonces que volví a ser residente de devil’s marsh ” fin, nada más que agregar. ahora que la ponía en palabras, su vida le resultaba un tanto monótona.
“no te sientas nerviosx. estamos al final de la entrevista: ¿tenías relación con las familias de los desaparecidos?”
“ no estoy nerviosa ” entrecejo se frunce, bien le habían advertido sus padres que solían poner palabras en la boca de las personas. pero tan cortés como siempre, niega primero y habla después “ nunca hablé con ellos ni he tenido ningún tipo de interacción ” que ella recuerde, al menos.
“bien, eso es todo.” y tras finalizar las preguntas de protocolo, el policía observa fijamente al ciudadanx. presiente que hay algo que el entrevistadx no está diciéndole. un secreto oscuro o no tanto, pero un secreto en fin, y si bien el oficial no siente más que cierta intuición, ese secreto es real y es… REMOVIDO.
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2024 (1.Teil)
Franz Beckenbauer † • „Bauernproteste“ gegen die Bundesregierung im ganzen Land - rechtsradikale Gruppierungen und Parteien schließen sich an • Rechtsextreme, AfD-Mitglieder und auch CDU-Politiker treffen sich in einer Villa in Potsdam und besprechen die Zeit nach einer Machtübernahme, u.a. mit einem „Remigrationsprogramm“ • In ganz Deutschland gibt es Demonstrationen gegen die AfD - zehntausende Menschen im Land zeigen Flagge gegen den fortschreitenden Rechtsruck • Jürgen Klopp gibt seinen Rücktritt als Trainer des FC Liverpool zum Ende der Saison bekannt • Das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) wird offiziell gegründet und taucht in den ersten Wahlumfragen mit beachtlichen Werten auf • King Charles III. hat Krebs • Donald Trump wird in New York zu einer Geldstrafe in Höhe von 350 Millionen Dollar verklagt, außerdem darf er im Bundesstaat drei Jahre lang keine Immobiliengeschäfte machen • Andreas Brehme † • Thomas Tuchel und der FC Bayern trennen sich nach nicht einmal eineinhalb Jahren zum Ende der Saison • der russische Kremlkritiker Alexej Nawalny stirbt in der Haft in Sibirien • Donald Trump gewinnt Vorwahl um Vorwahl und wird Präsidentschaftskandidat der Republikaner • Die Bundes-AfD soll vom Verfassungsschutz als „gesichert extremistische Bestrebung“ eingestuft werden • Schweden wird Mitglied der NATO • Die Lokführer-Gewerkschaft GDL legt zum wiederholten Mal das Land lahm und zeigt nur wenig Kompromissbereitschaft • Elisabeth Schimmer † • Hand-OP • In Baltimore rammt ein Containerschiff die Francis Scott Key Bridge, die daraufhin auf mehreren hundert Meter Länge einstürzt • nach monatelangem Tarifstreit einigen sich Bahn und GDL • Im Gaza-Streifen werden sieben Mitarbeiter der Hilfsorganisation World Central Kitchen gezielt durch israelische Raketen getötet - Israels Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu: „Das passiert im Krieg.“ • Nix mehr Vizekusen - Bayer 04 Leverkusen wird erstmals Deutscher Fußballmeister • Die Ukraine gerät an der Ostfront immer mehr in Bedrängnis • Israel bombadiert die iranische Botschaft in Damaskus und wird als Reaktion das erste Mal überhaupt direkt von Iran angegriffen • In New York beginnt der Strafprozess gegen Donald Trump - erstmals in der Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten sitzt ein ehemaliger US-Präsident auf der Anklagebank • Die Ukraine gerät im Krieg gegen Russland immer weiter in die Defensive, während die westlichen Alliierten immer noch über weitere militärische Hilfe diskutieren • Der SPD-Europaabgeordnete Matthias Ecke wird in Dresden von vier vermumten Jugendlichen, mutmaßlich dem rechten Spektrum zugehörig, angegriffen und krankenhausreif geprügelt • Der FC Bayern sucht nach einem neuen Trainer und kassiert nur Absagen der möglichen Kandidaten • Onkel Alex † • Auf den slowakischen Präsidenten Robert Fico wird ein Attentat verübt • In den Niederlanden wird der Ultra-Rechte Geert Wilders Ministerpräsident • Ebrahim Raisi, Präsident des Iran, stirbt bei einem Absturz seines Regierungshubschraubers - mit ihm kommt auch der Außenminister des Landes ums Leben • Vincent Kompany wird neuer Trainer des FC Bayern München • Donald Trump wird in New York in allen 34 Anklagepunkten schuldig gesprochen und könnte dennoch zum US-Präsidenten gewählt werden • Es regnet zum Sommerbeginn in Baden-Württemberg und Bayern ohne Unterlass - extremes Hochwasser in vielen Landkreisen ist die Folge • Das „Spatzl“ ist tot - Ruth Maria Kubitschek stirbt mit 92 Jahren in der Schweiz • Bei der EU-Wahl erhalten in fast allen Ländern die rechten Parteien starken Zulauf • In der Slowakei löst die Regierung den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk auf • Julian Assange kommt nach 14 Jahren frei und darf in seine Heimat Australien ausreisen • Das Oberste Gericht in Israel entscheidet, dass auch Ultraorthodoxe Wehrdienst leisten m��ssen • Bei der Neuwahl des französischen Parlaments gewinnt der rechtsextreme Rassamblement National von Marine Le Pen am meisten Stimmen hinzu, wird aber aufgrund des Wahlrechts nur drittstärkste Kraft im Parlament •
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Marcus Alford Stream | Episode 6162024 | Clashed Out
Sunday chill. EA Sports FC going strong. Talking Phillies as they finish up their series with Baltimore. Then we head to the UFL Championship game. Then hang out as Marcus gets ready for a new week. This Month’s birthday fundraiser is with the Lupus Foundation of America. Its the 5th year that Marcus has done it and he happy to help an organization that it looking to tackle something that has…

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NFL Offseason Theme Songs For All 32 Teams
The NFL offseason is not really an offseason at all. While February through August is slower than when NFL games are played during the fall and winter months, the NFL never sleeps. The NFL churns out storylines year-round, and the offseason is an incubator for the wildest narratives because all of it is based upon hope and projection rather than results.
To recap, I assigned a theme song to each NFL team to accentuate the need-to-know offseason happenings so far.
Arizona Cardinals
Kendrick Lamar Feat. Rihanna — “LOYALTY.”
Once upon a time, in 2019, the Arizona Cardinals then-head coach Kliff Kingsbury said, “Josh is our guy,” and, thankfully, the irony is preserved in this tweet. He was speaking of Arizona’s 2018 first-round pick Josh Rosen. By April 2019, the Cardinals used the No. 1 overall pick to draft his replacement, Kyler Murray. Rosen was traded to Miami, and that was that.
The Cardinals found themselves in eerily familiar territory this offseason. Again, they publicly declared their commitment to Murray, but questions remained because they had the No. 4 overall pick, and this quarterback-heavy class presented the opportunity to reset the quarterback contract clock. But Arizona’s promise wasn’t empty this time, and they bolstered their loyalty to Murray by using the No. 4 overall pick on Marvin “Maserati Marv” Harrison Jr., who should immediately help to optimize the flashes Murray has shown up to this point.
Atlanta Falcons
Usher — “You Make Me Wanna…”
Unlike the Cardinals, the Atlanta Falcons remained loyal to Kirk Cousins for approximately 45 days before Michael Penix Jr. made them wanna start a new relationship with him. Atlanta signed Cousins — a 35-year-old rehabbing a torn Achilles — to a four-year, $180 million contract with $100 million guaranteed. All evidence pointed toward Atlanta settling down with Cousins and using the No. 8 overall pick to get an immediate impact player to help the team maximize this Cousins window. But while Cousins was parading around to Atlanta United FC and Braves games, the Falcons were flying across the country to Washington to get to know Penix. Head coach Raheem Morris and general manager Terry Fontenot insist that Cousins “is our quarterback,” but using the No. 8 overall pick on Penix as Cousins’ successor left an unsuspecting Cousins reportedly “a bit stunned.”
Baltimore Ravens
Dionne Warwick — “Déjà Vu”
The Baltimore Ravens ace every offseason. In 2023, it was extending two-time MVP quarterback Lamar Jackson when it seemed their relationship was irrevocable. This spring, despite losing 15 players in free agency (and defensive coordinator Mike Macdonald to the Seahawks), Baltimore remained true to who they’ve always been — signing Derrick Henry, retaining Justin Madubuike, and drafting cornerback Nate Wiggins. But every season, the Baltimore Ravens come up short. Last season was the closest the Ravens have come to returning to the Super Bowl since winning Super Bowl XLVII to cap the 2012 season, but their league-best 13-4 run came to a sputtering end with an uninspired performance against the Chiefs in the AFC Championship Game. How long will this cycle continue?
Buffalo Bills
Ryan Gosling — “I’m Just Ken”
The Buffalo Bills have an alien at quarterback, and it doesn’t matter. Josh Allen is No. 2 to Patrick Mahomes. The Bills threw everything at the wall, and it doesn’t matter what they do because they are No. 2 — or closer to third or fourth, if the Bengals and Ravens have a say — to the Chiefs. At any other time, perhaps the Bills would be a ten. But the past three years, Buffalo’s season ended in the Divisional Round, twice to the Chiefs. This offseason was the Bills’ reckoning. The first iteration of the Allen-led, Super Bowl-contending Bills perished, as Stefon Diggs was shipped out to Houston, and other core players like Tre’Davious White, Jordan Poyer, and Micah Hyde left. The Bills will be viable as long as Allen is under center, but the Bills’ short-term Super Bowl chances took a hit in 2024.
Carolina Panthers
Paramore — “Ain’t It Fun”
This time last year, Bryce Young was presumably riding the euphoria of having just been drafted as a Heisman-winning quarterback prospect out of Alabama after Carolina moved heaven and earth to trade into the No. 1 overall spot. Hope, however faint, surrounded a new Panthers regime. Then, head coach Frank Reich was fired 11 games into a heinous 2-15 campaign in 2023. This offseason, Young is firmly acclimated to the realities of the NFL, where quarterbacks have approximately five minutes to prove worthy before teams give up on them, especially a franchise owned by David Tepper. The Panthers attempted to support Young by adding wide receiver Diontae Johnson and offensive guard Robert Hunt in free agency, and then drafting wide receiver Xavier Legette (No. 32 overall) and running back Jonathan Brooks (No. 46). But the weight of the world remains on Young’s shoulders.
Chicago Bears
Prince — “Controversy”
Ahead of last week’s NFL Draft, sportswriter Dave Fleming appeared on Pablo Torre Finds Out and said, “I will tell you, he scares the sh*t out of a lot of NFL teams, too. The book on him is he’s just kind of a weird kid. One GM told me it’s like if Prince played quarterback.” The anonymous GM probably intended for that to be an insult, but it is unequivocally the coolest compliment imaginable.
Like Prince, Williams challenges stale convention. His uninhibited self-expression makes people uncomfortable. His personality is perceived as controversial. Before the Bears shipped Justin Fields to Pittsburgh, there was controversy within Chicago’s fandom as to whether the Bears should keep Fields or start over with Williams. Predictably, the Bears drafted Williams No. 1 overall, and Williams is set up for success — surrounded by talented skill players like D.J. Moore, Keenan Allen, Rome Odunze, D’Andre Swift, and Cole Kmet. The Bears have done everything right this offseason — really, the past two offseasons. But people will manufacture controversies around Williams, even when he surely becomes the first quarterback in Bears history to throw for 4,000 yards and 30 touchdowns.
Cincinnati Bengals
Kid Cudi — “Sky Might Fall”
The sky is threatening to fall in Cincinnati. Wide receiver Tee Higgins reportedly demanded a trade but will likely play 2024 on the franchise tag. Defensive end Trey Hendrickson also reportedly demanded a trade. The Bengals traded running back Joe Mixon to Houston and lost defensive tackle D.J. Reader to Detroit in free agency. Such is life after signing star quarterback Joe Burrow to a five-year, $275 million and preparing to make Ja’Marr Chase a top-paid receiver. The first phase of the Burrow-led Bengals is over, but if the sky is falling, nobody told Burrow, who said during a live New Heights event that the Bengals are “built to beat” the Chiefs.
Cleveland Browns
Olivia Rodrigo — “get him back!”
Publicly, the Browns will likely gush about how excited they are to get quarterback Deshaun Watson back after his season-ending shoulder surgery in 2023. Privately, I’m willing to bet there’s a group text full of Browns-adjacent people wishing they could plot revenge against everyone involved in 1) trading for and 2) shelling out a fully guaranteed five-year, $230 million contract to an embattled Watson in 2022. Watson’s time in Cleveland has been defined by an 11-game suspension, injuries, and putrid quarterback play. Watson is holding back an otherwise solid Browns roster, and the Browns can’t get him back for it until 2026.
Dallas Cowboys
The Weekend, Playboi Carti, and Madonna — “Popular”
Jerry Jones desperately wants to be popular. If presented with the choice between winning next year’s Super Bowl or securing eternal popularity, I’m convinced Jones, in his most honest moment, would choose the latter. Jones swore the Cowboys would be “all-in” with their approach to this offseason, but they have objectively been anything but. Dallas made six moves in free agency. Dallas does not appear close to extending quarterback Dak Prescott, pass-rusher Micah Parsons, or wide receiver CeeDee Lamb — setting Prescott up to be an unrestricted (in every sense of the word) free agent next year. But why handle any football business when Jones and, by extension, the Cowboys are in the relevancy business? For Jones, any offseason in which the media is regularly discussing the Cowboys is a successful offseason.
Denver Broncos
Alexander 23 — “Crash”
The Denver Broncos dumped Russell Wilson. And they didn’t just dump him. They decided it was worth $85 million in dead money just to get him to go away. In 2023, first-year Broncos head coach Sean Payton marginally improved Wilson’s performance. Payton developed a reputation as a quarterback guru as the head coach with the New Orleans Saints, and Wilson used to be a great quarterback before inexplicably becoming unrecognizable in the pocket. As Alexander 23 sings, “Apart we’re great, but together we suck / I’m sorry for the way it ended, but ending it, baby, not so much / ‘Cause me and you weren’t built to last / We were two fast cars on our way to crash.” And so, Bo Nix is set to be the 14th Broncos starting quarterback since Peyton Manning’s 2016 retirement.
Detroit Lions
Eminem — “Lose Yourself”
The Lions are in Eminem’s second verse of “Lose Yourself”: “This world is mine for the taking, make me king / As we move toward a new world order.” The lowly Lions are dead after winning their first playoff game in 32 years and narrowly missing a Super Bowl LVIII appearance. A well-earned target is affixed to the Lions’ back, and they aren’t going anywhere. They extended general manager Brad Holmes and head coach Dan Campbell, and they continued bolstering the roster, including an extension for Amon-Ra St. Brown. Detroit football fans are losing themselves in this long-awaited culmination, breaking the all-time attendance record at the 2024 NFL Draft.
Green Bay Packers
Lil Wayne — “Let The Beat Build”
One day, the terms of the Packers’ deal with the devil will be disclosed. It is the only explanation for 30 consecutive years of great (or solid, at least) quarterback play in Green Bay — Brett Favre funneling directly into Aaron Rodgers, funneling directly into Jordan Love. As Lil Wayne rapped, “They diminish, I replenish.” Green Bay epitomizes steady construction — letting the beat build, if you will — and the 2023 season was a microcosm of that identity.
In his first full season as a starter, Love, 25, started out shaky but slowly came into his own and showed as much promise as anyone while leading the Packers to a surprising playoff run. With an average age of 25.7 years, the Packers are the NFL’s youngest team and ahead of schedule yet right on time. Green Bay additionally prioritized youth this offseason by releasing running back Aaron Jones, 29, and in favor of signing Josh Jacobs, 26, as well as 24-year-old safety Xavier McKinney, in free agency. All-Pro offensive tackle David Bakhtiari, 32, was also released, and the Packers used the 25th overall pick on offensive lineman Jordan Morgan.
Houston Texans
SZA — “Snooze”
The Texans can’t snooze and miss this moment while emerging worldly quarterback C.J. Stroud is relatively cheap on his rookie contract. And they know it. Houston traded for Pro Bowl running back Joe Mixon and All-Pro receiver Stefon Diggs, and then bolstered the defense by signing Danielle Hunter and Denico Autry in free agency. After impressive rookie campaigns from Stroud and head coach DeMeco Ryans, Houston is positioned as a potent threat in the AFC.
Indianapolis Colts
Nine Days — “Absolutely (Story Of A Girl)”
This song is about one girl, but it applies to the Colts when divvied up between owner Jim Irsay and second-year quarterback Anthony Richardson. Irsay is a boisterous figure who seems to always be the subject of a headline that could have been generated by MadLibs. Presumably, Irsay’s presence places a strain on the franchise. It’s probably really stressful for general manager Chris Ballard or head coach Shane Steichen, but one smile from Richardson after an absurdly athletic touchdown, and everything feels better. The Colts’ 2024 and beyond depends on Richardson’s rehab from season-ending shoulder surgery, but you have to absolutely love the potential of this young core.
Jacksonville Jaguars
21 Savage — “a lot”
Credit where credit is due, Jacksonville was aggressive in response to fumbling away the AFC South and missing the playoffs entirely last season. The Jags signed the likes of defensive tackle Arik Armstead, wide receiver Gabe Davis, and center Mitch Morse in free agency, and then they extended Pro Bowl pass-rusher Josh Allen before drafting LSU receiver Brian Thomas Jr. at No. 23 overall. But…
How much money did the Jags spend in free agency? A lot. How many question marks remain in Jacksonville? A lot. How many people are doubting 2021 No. 1 overall pick Trevor Lawrence as a paradigm-shifting quarterback of the future? A lot.
Kansas City Chiefs
Taylor Swift — “Look What You Made Me Do”
Taylor Swift’s historically prolific discography is more or less exclusively licensed to the Chiefs due to her ongoing romance with Travis Kelce, so it would be negligent not to use it.
The league let the Chiefs become the first back-to-back Super Bowl champions in two decades despite rostering an oft-ridiculed wide receiver corps in a “down year.” (Or, quarterback Patrick Mahomes and a nasty defense snatched it, depending on your perspective.) The Chiefs had to go on the road during the playoffs for the first time in Mahomes’ career, and they internalized every ounce of doubt — real or perceived — and plowed to their third Super Bowl in five years (“I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time / Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time”). Had the Chiefs not won Super Bowl LVIII, perhaps they let Chris Jones walk in free agency, but because an unprecedented three-peat and football immortality is now on the table, the Chiefs uncharacteristically made Jones the highest-paid defensive tackle with a five-year extension. And as if Kelce wasn’t already living the most charmed life imaginable, the Chiefs went ahead and made him the highest-paid tight end.
Las Vegas Raiders
Charli XCX — “Von Dutch”
In the week leading up to Super Bowl LVIII, Raiders star pass-rusher Maxx Crosby told Colin Cowherd that he was actually pulling for his in-division rival Chiefs to become the back-to-back champions because, even though he “hate[s] all the teams equally,” he wants the Raiders “to be the ones that take ’em down.” The following week, newly hired head coach Antonio Pierce joined Crosby’s podcast, The Rush, and repeatedly proclaimed his “hatred” for the Chiefs. Pierce shared his plan to institute “Patrick Mahomes rules” — a callback to the Detroit Pistons’ “Jordan Rules” — “as long as I’m here.” I imagine Mahomes and the Chiefs hearing all of this, hitting play on “Von Dutch,” and knowingly nodding along as Charli XCX sings, “It’s okay to just admit that you’re jealous of me / Yeah, I heard you talk about me, that’s the word on the street / You’re obsessin’, just confess it, put your hands up / It’s obvious, I’m your No. 1.”
Los Angeles Chargers
Tyler The Creator Feat. Playboi Carti & Charlie Wilson — “EARFQUAKE”
Tyler The Creator’s “EARFQUAKE” is about being “for real this time” because he “cannot fall short” again. It’s probably not far off from Justin Herbert’s inner monologue. Herbert has been put in positions to fail since he became their starter in 2020 — four head coaches, four offensive coordinators — but the Chargers hiring Jim Harbaugh is supposed to be different. For the past three-ish years, L.A. has been an offseason and preseason darling, but Harbaugh legitimizes Herbert and the Chargers as being for real this time.
Los Angeles Rams
Chris Brown — “Say Goodbye”
The Rams were never going to be ready for Aaron Donald, widely regarded as the most decorated defensive tackle ever, to say goodbye. But the day came on March 15 when Donald announced his retirement. The Rams will attempt to fill their Donald-sized hole with their first- and second-round picks Jared Verse and Braden Fiske.
Miami Dolphins
Dua Lipa — “Houdini”
To be fair, this song also suits the Cowboys, given the ambiguous contract situations with Dak Prescott, CeeDee Lamb, and Micah Parsons, but as is always the case when discussing the Cowboys, I couldn’t overlook Jerry Jones’ ego. Anyway, Miami is in a similar hell. This offseason, Miami felt the financial ramifications of spending big after acquiring Tyreek Hill in March 2022 to try and win within Tua Tagovailoa’s rookie contract window. Christian Wilkins, Robert Hunt, and Xavien Howard are among the starters they lost. Honestly, as a recovering commitment phobe, the Dolphins trigger me. Do you want to commit to Tua, or do you want to let him go? Are you going to live up to the hype before Hill’s contract expires, or are you going to continue to reinvent underachieving?
Minnesota Vikings
Beyoncé Feat. Miley Cyrus — “II Most Wanted”
At February’s NFL Combine, head coach Kevin O’Connell expressed there was a mutual interest in Cousins remaining the Vikings quarterback. But then, Cousins left for Atlanta in free agency, and the Vikings acquired an additional first-round draft pick — intending to trade up and get their future franchise quarterback. Cousins was grandfathered in as O’Connell’s quarterback when he took over as head coach in 2022, and it has been written all over O’Connell’s face how delighted he is to hand-pick his own ride-or-die (“Been a while since I haven’t tried to pull away / But it’s time for somethin’ new”). That is 21-year-old now-former Michigan quarterback J.J. McCarthy, whom Minnesota drafted at No. 10 overall. In Minnesota’s most idyllic projection, McCarthy and O’Connell (and Justin Jefferson) will ride together ’til the day they retire.
New England Patriots
Reneé Rapp — “I Hate Boston”
The end of a dynasty is always ugly. If reports are true, Patriots owner Robert Kraft has been doing the most to make Bill Belichick hate New England after they “mutually agreed” to end Belichick’s 24-year tenure as head coach. First, the Apple TV+ docuseries The Dynasty portrayed Kraft in a much more positive light than Belichick. Then, ESPN’s Don Van Natta Jr., Seth Wickersham, and Jeremy Fowler reported that Kraft actively dissuaded the Falcons from hiring Belichick as their next head coach. (Atlanta went with Raheem Morris, and Belichick did not get an NFL coaching job for 2024.) If that weren’t enough, Patriots safety Jabrill Peppers shared that Belichick-themed signs seem to have been removed from the team’s facility by the new regime led by rookie head coach Jerod Mayo. If the Patriots struggle as much as is projected in the coming years, Mayo and No. 3 overall pick Drake Maye might hate Boston, too.
New Orleans Saints
Destiny’s Child — “Bills, Bills, Bills”
The New Orleans Saints always owe someone money. No NFL team more frequently has chronically due bills because the Saints are constantly borrowing from the future and ignoring the concept of a salary cap. As such, the Saints remain in cap hell while hurtling toward oblivion.
New York Giants
Post Malone — “Circles”
The Giants are in a self-inflicted loop with quarterback Daniel Jones. Last March, they made the baffling and indefensible decision to give Jones a wholly unnecessary four-year, $160 million ($92 million guaranteed) contract. Jones only played six games last season for the dismal Giants, but the Giants can’t move on from him because of that contract. General manager Joe Schoen has expressed pretty lukewarm faith in Jones moving forward, but NFL Network’s Ian Rapoport reported that New York “made one last-ditch effort” to trade into the Patriots’ No. 3 overall pick in an effort to select Jones’ replacement.
New York Jets
Daniel Caesar — “Pain Is Inevitable”
Jets fans know that pain is inevitable. Jets fans know their beloved football team has needed “a lesson in mishap prevention” for the better part of 50 years. Aaron Rodgers was supposed to be the savior last offseason, but he lasted four snaps before rupturing his Achilles and missing the entire season. Forty-year-old Rodgers will return for 2024 — conspiracy theories, distracting rhetoric, and vice presidential rumors in tow — but the Jets’ solution to fix an older, injury-prone roster was to sign older, injury-prone free agents, such as wide receiver Mike Williams and offensive tackle Tyron Smith. The Jets had a surprisingly prudent draft, but it won’t matter. Because the Jets are the Jets, and Rodgers is preoccupied.
Philadelphia Eagles
The Kid Laroi — “What Just Happened”
The Philadelphia Eagles suffered a confounding unraveling to end the 2023 season, losing five of six to finish the regular season only to get embarrassed 32-9 by Tampa Bay in the Wild Card Round. All-Pro center Jason Kelce and All-Pro defensive tackle Fletcher Cox retired. Philadelphia began triage by choosing to forgo flirting with Bill Belichick and retaining Nick Sirianni as head coach. Sirianni hired new coordinators (Kellen Moore, Vic Fangio), and general manager Howie Roseman demonstrated his annual wizardry with big-time signings, such as running back Saquon Barkley, safety C.J. Gardner-Johnson, wide receiver DeVonta Smith, and wide receiver A.J. Brown. Then, Philly’s draft was targeted to address the defensive secondary, their most glaring weakness last season. It’s been a lot to process, and I don’t know if the Eagles crossed the line because I don’t even know what just happened.
Pittsburgh Steelers
Billie Eilish — “What Was I Made For?”
Russell Wilson is a shell of his Super Bowl-winning self. Wilson left the Seattle Seahawks for Denver in 2022 and proceeded to play himself out of the Hall Of Fame. He used to float, now he just falls down. Signing a one-year deal with Pittsburgh is probably Wilson’s final chance at resurrecting what’s left of his ability, and he will share the quarterback room with former Bears No. 1 pick Justin Fields, who is also trying to redirect his NFL trajectory. And looming over them will be the Steelers’ overarching identity crisis.
San Francisco 49ers
Justin Bieber — “At Least For Now”
At least for now, the 49ers are still Super Bowl favorites, despite losing to the Chiefs in the Super Bowl twice in the past five years. At least for now, head coach Kyle Shanahan gets the benefit of the doubt. At least for now, the 49ers don’t have to allocate substantial long-term money to “Mr. Irrelevant”-turned-MVP candidate Brock Purdy. At least for now, Deebo Samuel and Brandon Aiyuk are still in San Francisco, and the 49ers can avoid the disappointment of having to make tough decisions about their aging and expensive core in 2025. The only thing that could alleviate that disappointment would be absolving the persistent disappointment of not having won a Super Bowl in 30 years.
Seattle Seahawks
Tori Kelly Feat. Jon Bellion — “Young Gun”
This song goes out to Pete Carroll. At 72 years old, Carroll was the oldest head coach in the NFL. In January, he told the press that he planned to continue coaching the team. Shortly thereafter, Seattle swapped him out for “a young gun from another town,” the Ravens’ 36-year-old defensive coordinator Mike Macdonald, who is now the NFL’s youngest head coach. In a meager attempt to soften the blow, Seattle kept Carroll around as “an advisor.”
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Migos Feat. Drake — “Walk It Talk It”
Tampa committed to 2018 No. 1 overall pick-turned-journeyman Baker Mayfield with a three-year, $100 million contract. Mayfield was known as a talker before arriving in Tampa last year, but he revived his career (and recaptured his swagger) through mature leadership. Meanwhile, nobody would have blamed superstar wide receiver Mike Evans if he wanted to explore free agency and sign with a team primed to contend for a Super Bowl, but he proved his commitment to spend his entire career with the Bucs by re-signing on a two-year deal. The Bucs have expertly maneuvered these bridge years post-Tom Brady — remaining in the mix rather than totally bottoming out.
Tennessee Titans
Kacey Musgraves — “Slow Burn”
Titans fans are going to need patience. Yes, Tennessee made free-agency splashes with L’Jarius Sneed, Calvin Ridley, and Tony Pollard, but first-year head coach Brian Callahan will need time to build out his program in the wake of Mike Vrabel. The Titans have been in “slow burn” territory regarding quarterback for quite awhile. Heading into 2024, it’s far from guaranteed that Will Levis is the guy at quarterback.
Washington Commanders
Liz Phair — “Why Can’t I?”
Washington took 20-plus prospects on a group date to Topgolf, but, as NFL reporter Tom Pelissero relayed on The Rich Eisen Show, “One of those four quarterbacks who visited for the Topgolf trip got picked up by [head coach] Dan Quinn, and the other ones took a shuttle bus to the hotel.” I enjoy envisioning an awkward group date during which reigning Heisman-winning LSU quarterback Jaden Daniels and Commanders brass locked eyes intermittently with an unspoken anticipation for their inevitable partnership, beginning with the No. 2 pick in the 2024 NFL Draft. Washington has butterflies for Daniels, who symbolizes the dawn of a hopeful future after finally breaking free from a toxic 24-year relationship with former owner Dan Snyder.
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On the plane to the Netherlands ✈️🇳🇱
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Sandy Baltimore scores against Brighton.
#Sandy Baltimore#Chelsea FC Women#Chelsea FC#Brighton & Hove Albion WFC#WSL#hair sports#HSPN#soccer#football#sports
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☀︎ ˚ 彡 … welcome to minos66 resort, isla and gwen! production needs you for the weekly confessionals, please plan to meet with them within the next eight hours! ( madison bailey and faceclaim* are now taken. )
* please send in a new fc. we’re only accepting bipoc and south asians atm!
☀︎ ˚ 彡 … MADISON BAILEY . SHE/THEY. 24. | welcome to MINOS66, ISLA KANE! let’s see here … your application states that you are originally from BALTIMORE? i’ve heard not so many great things about that place, but hey maybe your LOYAL attitude will influence my opinion. so long as you manage to keep your PISCES tendencies at bay! oh, is that a/n PORTABLE TELESCOPE that you’re carrying? interesting! the bell person will carry that to your room right away. oh — and be sure to not ignore the producers, they will be extremely upset if they have to come chase you down at AQUASCAPE. ◞ kit. 25. xe/xem. est.
彡 … FC. SHE+HER. 25. | welcome to MINOS66, GWEN RUENG! let’s see here … your application states that you are originally from TORONTO, CANADA? i’ve heard not so many great things about that place, but hey maybe your JOYOUS attitude will influence my opinion. so long as you manage to keep your SCORPIO tendencies at bay! oh, is that a COACH LANA BAG that you’re carrying? interesting! the bell person will carry that to your room right away. oh — and be sure to not be late for your shift as a PERSONAL TRAINER at LUXE WELLNESS or the management will be extremely upset with you. ◞ d she+her
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this is a bracket of all of blaseball's NON-MAIN 24 teams!! each set of polls will run for a week starting mondays at 11 AM eastern / 8 AM pacific / 4 PM bst! the first round will be split into two halves and each will be a week long; after that each round will be a week.
NOTE REGARDING BEFORE.SIBR.DEV LINKS: unfortunately before does not have the ability to link to a specific page at a specific time. in lieu of this most before links will be to a specific page with a season and day provided, with as many dates the same as possible to let ur cache do most of the work (as before saves when you last loaded it to). thank you!
CURRENT ROUND: round 3! matchups:
🌟 Alaskan Immortals vs. 🧠 Oregon Psychics 🦀 Baltimore Blue Crabs vs. 🖼️ Canada Artists ☄️ Antarctic Fireballs vs. 💎 Carolina Queens 🐕 Downward Dogs vs. 🐸 London Frogs 🦑 Hall Stars vs. 🍍 Default Team 🦴 Spooky Town Bones vs. 🏅 Vault Legends 🕹️ Real Game Band vs. 💫 Rising Stars ❓ Null Team vs. 🥜 THE SHELLED ONE’S PODS
🌟 Alaskan Immortals vs. 🦙 La Paz Llamas 🦜 São Paulo Parrots vs. 🦞 Louisville Lobsters 🚚 Minneapolis Truckers vs. 🐬 Wyoming Dolphins 🧠 Oregon Psychics vs. 🐗 Kola Boar 🦀 Baltimore Blue Crabs (prehistory) vs. 🐘 Phoenix Trunks 🐧 Boulders Bay Birds vs. 🐄 Dallas Cows 🍆 New Hampshire Eggplants vs. 🐋 Mallorca Whales 🖼️ Canada Artists vs. 🦬 Busan Bison ☄️ Antarctic Fireballs vs. 🧂 San Diego Saltines 🏗️ Laredo Excavators vs. 🐨 Canberra Drop Bears 💎 Carolina Queens vs. 💔 Oklahoma Heartthrobs 🦔 Green Hill Hedgehogs vs. 🦏 Florence Rhinoceroses 🐕 Downward Dogs vs. ⛓️ Lisbon Lynx 🐾 Oxford Paws vs. 🦦 Portland Otters 🐸 London Frogs vs. 🐿️ Maryland Squirrels 🥜 Ohio Peanuts (short circuits) vs. 🚲 Beijing Bicycles
🦑 Hall Stars vs. 💀 Denmark Hamlets 🕹️ Real Game Band vs. 💧 Americano Water Works ❓ Null Team vs. 🐺 Canis Underdogs 🦴 Spooky Town Bones vs. �� Bedrock Brontos 🏅 Vault Legends vs. 🥛 Milk Proxy Society 🥜 THE SHELLED ONE’S PODS vs. 💡 Light & Sweet Electric Co 💫 Rising Stars vs. 🤝 Cream & Sugar United 🔍 BC Noir vs. 🐮 Club de Calf 🍍 Default Team vs. 🏳 FWXBC 🔮 Society Data Witches vs. 🏆 Atlético Latte 💾 Colorado Clones vs. ⭐️ Auric Allstars 🎨 Pandemonium Artists vs. ⚓️ Heavy FC ⚠️ The Danger Zone vs. ❌ Inter Xpresso 🌃 Macchiato City vs. 👑 Royal PoS ❄️ Cold Brew Crew vs. 👻 Tsushima Ghosts 🤠 Indianapolis Jones vs. 🚰 Venice Sinks
🌟 Alaskan Immortals vs. 🦜 São Paulo Parrots 🚚 Minneapolis Truckers vs. 🧠 Oregon Psychics 🦀 Baltimore Blue Crabs vs. 🐄 Dallas Cows 🐋 Mallorca Whales vs. 🖼️ Canada Artists ☄️ Antarctic Fireballs vs. 🏗️ Laredo Excavators 💎 Carolina Queens vs. 🦔 Green Hill Hedgehogs 🐕 Downward Dogs vs. 🐾 Oxford Paws 🐸 London Frogs vs. 🥜 Ohio Peanuts 🦑 Hall Stars vs. 🤠 Indianapolis Jones 🍍 Default Team vs. 🔍 BC Noir 🦴 Spooky Town Bones vs. 🎨 Pandemonium Artists ⚠️ The Danger Zone vs. 🏅 Vault Legends 🕹️ Real Game Band vs. 👻 Tsushima Ghosts 🔮 Society Data Witches vs. 💫 Rising Stars ❓ Null Team vs. 🌃 Macchiato City 💾 Colorado Clones vs. 🥜 THE SHELLED ONE’S PODS
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Character Name: Asher Franklin. Type of Connection: The Ex. Connection Name: UTP. Connection Age: 30-36. Suggested FCs: Katherine Barrell, Jenna Coleman, Maisie Richardson-Sellers, UTP.
Asher and this girl met when Asher was at John Hopkins for pre-med in Baltimore. It started off light but got serious without Asher even realising. Asher had never been good at relationships but something with this girl just meant that it felt natural, it wasn't work. Problem came when Asher abandoned post to go home and support her sister. She went home as soon as she got the call, always planning to come back, but then that never happened. She basically just ghosted this girl with not much of an explanation. How they ended up back in Providence etc is all up to you and we can plot out details.
Do you need to be contacted before someone applies? Yes please, just to plot.
#katherine barrell#jenna coleman#meghann fahy#city rp#oc rp#asher franklin#asher.wanted#closedconnection
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