#Baldwin the Bishop
poparthuriana · 6 months
The combined length of the unnamed characters’ titles exceeded the word count allowed for a poll choice, so I’m listing the members of each group here:
Castle Staff: Dagonet, Kay (the Seneschal, not the Stranger), Bedivere, Lucan, Baldwin, Glewlwyd Gafaelfawr, Taliesin
Magical Gatecrashers: Eliavres, The Green Knight, the Lady of the Lake, the Knight of the Lantern, that shapeshifting guy from Jaufre, Cullwch, Galahad?
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mrs-declermont · 2 months
Currently stuck at Sept Tours with a lot of free time on my hands 🥲
Feel free to send me question and I’ll do my best to answer them all 😌💕
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earlgreyandanime · 1 year
Baldwin in ADoW: This witch is a danger to the de Clairmont family! Matthew can't have anything to do with her, and she's annoying!
Baldwin in TBoL: This witch is a member of the de Clairmont family! Matthew needs to take care of her. She's still annoying, though.
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kennymcmann · 3 months
My fanfic, Alchemical, based on the world and characters of the All Souls Trilogy is up on AO3!
If you have the time and interest, please check it out!
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adarafaelbarba · 1 year
What would happen if their mate died/was killed:
Not including Ysabeau, Miriam and Fernando as they��ve already lost their mate ❤️ but I’m including ocs for Baldwin, Gallowglass and Hancock 🥰
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Matthew: He would let the world burn to find whoever killed Diana. And he’d make it hurt, getting his revenge. There’s nowhere her killer can hide. Even if the death was accidental. Matthew wouldn’t care, all he’d care about would be to find and end the person, his blood rage taking over his entire mind, fogging any sort of consciousness or better judgement. And at the end he might want to join her.
Diana: If Matthew was killed, you’d better pray you can fight Diana. Seeing what she did to Benjamin, she wouldn’t spare you, whether or not she’ll make it hurt depends though. You might get lucky and she’ll just kill you, like with Benjamin—or she’ll drag it out.
Baldwin: There’s no place on heaven or earth in which you’ll be saved. This man is skilled in killing, and in strategizing said killing. He will kill first and grieve second. 
Nora (oc): If you wonder how Philippe suffered, you should stay away from Baldwin as long as Nora is in his life. Should he die, you’d wish your own end would come swiftly. She will make it hurt, but wouldn’t kill you, just break you, bit by bit, until there’s nothing left.
Delphie (oc): She will call on Zeus, Hades and any God or Goddess who would listen, begging for Baldwin to be returned. When that doesn’t work, she’ll want revenge. And it will be painful for the ones at fault. At the end they would want it to just be over with.
Minerva (oc): She’s lost a husband before. But loosing Baldwin might be what actually kills her. She wouldn’t be able to go through the loss again. Whether it was back in their own time, or during present times, she would follow him into death without a second thought.
Gallowglass: This man might be a big teddy bear, but should you cross him, you’d better be good at hiding. And if you kill his mate — Oh BOI! This man never really gets mad, but he will quickly let his anger take control, and kill you in an instant, no hesitation.
Lyra (Julie’s oc): She wouldn’t be able to process it, the grief hitting her harder than either of her parent’s death (might have to do with her parents death being self-inflicted, even if they were accidental). If Gallowglass gets killed, she would never recover, bringing the grief with her to the grave. No flowers will ever grow again from her magic, depending on her strength, she might even stop practicing magic all together.
Catriona (oc): She would be inconsolable, turning to her dad and Fernando for support and guidance, unsure what to do, wishing she could get him back. She’ll hit the depressed part of grief pretty fast, and has to get help doing the most basic things.
Marcus: Our token healer would switch to a cold blooded killer should his mate get killed. He definitely protects those he loves, to the very end. Don’t cross him. He knows ways to kill and make it look like an accident, a suicide or in some cases, the body will never be found, just a note stating said person had run away to be with someone. 
Phoebe: If it’s human!Phoebe, she’d bargain, trying to sacrifice herself so he could live. If it’s vampire!Phoebe, specifically newly turned Phoebe, you should be careful, she’ll drain you before you can stop to think. 
Hancock: Like Gallowglass, Davy is a gentle giant, but cross him and it would be the last thing you do. If you kill his mate he’ll let you bleed, feeding, stopping, feeding again, to drag it out until you die from blood loss.
Annie (kinda oc): She’ll go through all five stages of grief. Not sure what to do to change the outcome. She wants justice, sure, but doesn’t think it’s right to sink to the killer’s level by killing them. Someone else would probably do the killing in her honor.
Valeria (oc): She’s not nicknamed the Bloody Mary of Barbados for no reason. Wrong her and you’ll be dead within hours, and that’s a promise. You think her maker was bad, Val learnt from the worst, watching the ways Louisa made others suffer. She’ll make it painful, and dragged out.
Patience (kinda oc): Patience definitely does not live up to her name. If you cross her she will not be patience with you. She’ll have your head and/or blood before you have a second to think. She might not have blood rage, but she does have some underlying anger issues that would have come both from her father’s years of abuse while they was human, and from watching her family suffer after Matthew and Juliette killed most of her nieces and nephews. Kill her mate, and you’ll be 6ft below in no time.
Ransome: This man might look calm, and scarily so. He’s already lost so much from his grandfather and Juliette paying New Orleans a visit. So should you take out his mate/life partner, you better write your will and get your affairs in order, because judgement day is close.
Jaqueline (kinda oc): She’s a kind, soft spirit. That being said, she’s got a unique gift only a limited amount of vampires have, that and a very close friendship to some of the strongest witches and vampires in New Orleans. Jackie might not be the one to kill the ones who killed her mate, but if you cross her, you’d wish she was the one delivering the blow.
Benoit (Julie’s oc): Ben is very much his father’s son. Born, raised and reborn a soldier, he’s a skilled fighter and killer. Should you have the misfortune of killing his mate, you might find yourself in an old, abandoned castle real fast, with some medieval torture methods waiting for you. Like Baldwin, Benoit will kill you first and then grieve second, heck, even join her in death if he can.
Amelia (Julie’s oc): Amelia has a heart of gold, she would never hurt anyone. She’d go through the five stages of grief, but instead of acceptance, she’d join her mate in the afterlife, knowing without him there’s no sense in going on with life. He’s her whole world, and as she can’t avenge his death, she’ll join him instead. That being said though, if she looses her mate you better run—Miyako is not as forgiving as her sister-in-law.
Verin: It’s inevitable that he will die. Ernst isn’t exactly getting younger. But should his death be unexpected, or rushed…if Ernst is robbed of his end, Verin will tear the person who did it into pieces. 
Ernst: He thinks the world of his never aging wife. Should she meet the end, especially in his old age, he wouldn’t be far behind in joining her. The grief would be too hard on his heart, after all he’s loved her for years. 
Pierre: His heart would simply break, shattering into a milion pieces. In simple terms, his life would be over, he’d leave Sept Tours, and the de Clermont family, unsure of what to do with himself. Pierre loves with his entire being. He thinks the world of his mate, and without her, to him life has no more meaning. He wouldn’t get revenge though, that would be all Gallowglass and Jack’s doing. His «sons» would do it for him knowing he wouldn’t hurt anyone (unless for feeding) because it’s not what his wife would’ve wanted.
Hyacinth (oc): Being a somewhat «public» figure, Hyacinth know’s she can’t kill his killer, not that she would’ve know how to. She would lock herself away, grieving until she had no more tears to spill, and then she would just lay there, wasting away until she can be with her love again. Like with Pierre, someone else would get revenge for her, but would make sure it wouldn’t come back to hurt her or her family’s reputation. It would either be Jack and Gallowglass or Matthew, heck even Francoise, the older woman adores Hyacinth.
@plaidbooks @xoxabs88xox @beatrice-san @adowbaldwin @butternuggets-blog @rozalynfrozen
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adowbaldwin · 4 months
Shall I
1) finish off my WIPS
2) do an alternate ending to a fic ive already finished but now have another ending for floating around in my mind
4) answer the asks in my inbox
5) do all options 1-4
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A Discovery of Witches fans!! I’ve made a blog dedicated to the show/books (finally) so pretty please go follow it and show it some love 😍
You can find it at @mrs-declermont 🥰❤️
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Recent writers I been introduced to -
Theodore Roethke
Elizabeth Bishop
Robert Hayden
Gwendolyn Brooks
Robert Lowell
W. D. Snodgrass
Eudora Welty
Sylvia Plath
Anne Sexton
James Baldwin
Lorraine Hansberry
Ralph Ellison
Amiri Baraka
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skylarmoon71 · 3 months
A Discovery of Witches - Masterlist
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Baldwin De Clairmont 
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ghclassic · 10 months
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poparthuriana · 5 months
Those Who Troll King Mark: Agravaine, Brandiles, Dagonet, Dinadan, Griflet, Mordred, Ozana le Cure Hardy, Uwaine les Aventurous
Vowtakers: Arthur, Baldwin, Gawain, and Kay
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mrs-declermont · 11 months
1. Of all the dead characters who would you see resurected (lets pretend its possible) and why
2. Who would win in a fight, Cora or Apollo 🤣
I want Hugh! Don't get me wrong, Em would be nice to have back, and Philippe, but I want to see Hugh. See the dynamic between him and Fernando, and Gallowglass, his little family. I want to see his relationship with his siblings, especially Matthew and Baldwin, and I want to see him be an amazing uncle! I can see him and Miyako being close. And I want him to take over from Baldwin, so my baby can have a fucking break 😅
2. As much as I love Apollo, he's a hippogriff, while I think he could do some damage, Cora is a firedrake and could probably toast him (please don't, darling). I also think their powers/strength is linked to their witch's powers/strength. So since Diana is more powerful than her toddler, I'm going with Cora winning in a fight 😅
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f-identity · 2 years
Silas: "Enjoying the view? Ironically, your would-be rescuers may be in more pieces than you right now." Breakdown: [growls] "Decepticons don't break that easy!" Silas: "Who said they were Decepticons?" Breakdown: "That doesn't make sense. Autobots wouldn't come to rescue me." [Metal impact sound in the distance]
Transformers: Prime Season 1 Episode 16
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agtbishop · 1 year
when / september 2nd, 1996 where / a meeting room with / @agentbaldwin
Observation has come naturally to Elise since her own consciousness made itself known to her. She is a quiet woman, always has been. She will watch the world around her from a corner in silence, she will notice things others brush over and she will store them away in a little compartment in her brain, probably not even to be used but simply to keep. It's come in handy over the years. When her grandmother would make her tea and give her an extra cookie before bed, she'd know her mother had just called asking for money — and the next day when she showed up strung out and pleading, Elise would be adequately prepared. When an experiment would go wrong, she could feel the shift in her supervisors before orders to fix the issue would even come down the line. She felt the shift in Agent London before he blew their world up. She's felt the shift in Agent Baldwin for much, much longer.
And she would blame it on London (much like she blames most things on London, since seemingly the beginning of time) but perception tells her that London's defection has compromised only a fraction of Baldwin's strange behavior.
Baldwin is not foolish enough to keep their back to the only exit in the room, but for once she's quicker than them, side stepping between the agent she wants to speak with privately and the rest that have filed out of the room for a well-deserved lunch break. It must be unnerving, the way she positions herself in front of the door so he can't leave, like a statue that's just been built on a moment's notice. Bishop is often oblivious to her own sometimes imposing presence — but not now. Now she intends to use every inch of intimidation she can muster in herself to her advantage, so she can finally get this elusive creature to fucking speak to her.
"So," she starts, arms crossed and head tilted as if they're about to engage in normal, casual conversation. As if he's not been dodging her at every given opportunity for Lord knows how long. "There goes our holiday weekend, hm? Any Labor Day plans of yours get disrupted?" They don't make holiday plans. He knows it and she knows it too. But it's an easier way of asking him 'were you planning on being shady and making yourself scarce yet again after this meeting?' without actually having to voice those words.
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apinchofm · 2 years
grumpy one just does everything the sunshine one says. like they cannot for the life of them say no ~ requested by an aon!
This sums up Baldwin and Alyssa's relationship!
Can't Say No.
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"Babe, can we buy that cottage we saw in Kent? I think it would be place for Nina and the other children to play around in?"
Alyssa brought up the suggestion over lunch at Sept-Tours with the family.
Baldwin nodded in agreement, "Yes. Give the realtor a call tomorrow."
"Thank you!" Alyssa chirped, returning to her food, unaware of the confused looks in her direction.
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This was noted again by Diana. It was not that it was anything big, but she knew Baldwin to constantly count the cost of everything.
She brought the twins over to meet their newest adopted daughter, Nina, who was only a few months old.
"Baldwin, we should buy one of those vibrating cots for Nina?" Alyssa asked, when Diana suggested it was good for naps.
"Why not?" He murmured. He dug into his pocket and gave her his credit card, "Sorry, I have a meeting. Can you go without me?"
Diana was surprised at how sincere he was and Alyssa smiled, leaning up to kiss him sweetly on the cheek.
"Only this time. I miss having my personal assistant with me to carry bags." Alyssa joked. He kissed her on top of the bed, gently tickled his baby daughter's stomach before leaving.
Diana looked at Alyssa, still surprised, "What do you have on him? Seriously, he doesn't do anything for anyone else without thinking first!"
Alyssa shrugged, "Meh. He's likely to say yes to me and Nina and Miyako. He just doesn't like the rest of you that much. At least on most weekdays."
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deadpanwalking · 2 months
dpw I am finally dedicating some time to reading poetry and have been knocked on my ass by a few lucky finds (Franny Choi, CD Wright, the new translation of Vulturnus!), but I feel like I don't have a great sense of where to find more. not that the world is short of—I mean, I haven't forgotten about google or anything—what I mean is, do you have any especially mindblowing collections you'd personally suggest? something that was influential to you at some point? I'm in a fertile headspace for it, and you're the poetryposter I follow on here and I trust your taste
It's August, so you're spoiled for choice. Elizabeth Bishop (Questions of Travel) for mornings when it rained overnight, Pablo Neruda (Residencia en la tierra) for mornings when it's going to rain; Robert Hayden (The Night-Blooming Cereus) for mornings when it's drizzling and you hear birdsong, but can't see birds. Maya Angelou on the bus to work (Complete Collected Poems), and Walt Whitman (Leaves of Grass) on the bus home; T.S. Eliot (Prufrock and Other Observations) if you're taking lunch at your desk, Billy Collins (Picnic, Lightning) for eating lunch outdoors. Charles Simic (A Wedding in Hell) before dinner, Charles Baudelaire (Les Fleurs du mal ), postprandially, if the peach you'd been saving for dessert got overripe and has to be reclaimed from fruit flies and eaten over the sink. James Baldwin (Jimmy's Blues and Other Poems) to go with chardonnay and the smell of petrichor, Franz Wright (Walking to Martha's Vineyard) on nights when the moon seems too big for its own good. If you can't get to sleep, try a nice epic, say, Derek Walcott's Omeros, but if you wake up suffocating from the heat, crack open Matsuo Bashō's The Narrow Road to the Deep North and Other Travel Sketches.
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