#becca bishop-clairmont
kennymcmann · 4 months
My fanfic, Alchemical, based on the world and characters of the All Souls Trilogy is up on AO3!
If you have the time and interest, please check it out!
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adarafaelbarba · 2 years
Its the twins first day of school
1. Who shows up to see them off
2. Who cries the most
3. Which one of the twins doesnt want to leave nursery/pre school/kiddie school
Bonus: does Apollo behave?
I’m sure the whole family would be there on the first day if Matthew and Diana didn’t put their foot down. The only ones apart from the parents are: Marcus, Jack, Ysabeau and Sarah.
Phillip cries the most of the twins. And then I also think Diana would cry. And Sarah because she’s getting flashbacks to seeing Diana go off to school.
Again I think it’s Phillip. He wants to stay in the comfort zone. But Becca is quick to help him make the transition comfortable.
Apollo’s so well behaved you almost wouldn’t notice he’s there! 😌
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apinchofm · 3 years
Marcus has a thing for his little sister's ballet teacher. The twins hatch a plan.
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Phoebe dropped into a split, smiling at all the little girls and boys in front of her who copied her.
"Yay!" She clapped her hands at the children as the music finished, "Well done, everyone!"
"Thank you, Miss Bee!"
"Bye Phoebe!"
Madame Elena, the ballet company's director and Phoebe's former teacher took Phoebe on as a part-time teacher for the little one's whilst she finished her MA at Oxford. She enjoyed it, teaching the kids, getting to dance again. They were all so creative and excitable and had given her the nickname Bee, given that some of the four and five couldn't say her name.
There was one student left, Rebecca-Bishop Clairmont.
"Rebecca, is your mummy late?" Diana usually picked up Rebecca on time. Phoebe checked her phone, just in case she had missed any calls. No.
"My brother's in hospital, Miss Bee," Becca explained and Phoebe nodded and the two sat on the studio floor, playing games.
"I'm late, shit, I'm late!" Marcus said running in about half an hour later. Phoebe looked at him questioningly but was relieved when Rebecca smiled. Not a kidnapper.
"Bad word!" Rebecca admonished her big brother.
"Sorry Becca," He lifted her and swung her around before resting her on his hip.
"Hello," Phoebe smiled, "You are...?"
"Marcus, I'm this one's big brother." He explained, "My stepmother meant to call, saying she would be late and I'd be picking her up. But she was teaching, and I have my phone off,"
"Yes, Rebecca said you were in the hospital." But he looked perfectly healthy. Really good looking.
He chuckled at his sister's wording, "No, I work in the hospital. Paging is the best way to reach me, unfortunately."
"Well, that's a shame," Phoebe replied. Marcus smirked.
"Is it?" Marcus said, "The hospital part or the pager part?"
Phoebe closed her eyes and cringed as Marcus chuckled, "I meant the reach you part, because I only have Diana and Matthew's numbers. Not that I'm asking for your number for inappropriate reasons and it's really good that you aren't sick." She rambled, "And I will stop speaking."
But Marcus was smiling, she was sweet, "Please don't." He fished in his front pocket and pulled out a small card and handed it to her.
"Call me any time," He winked before leaving, as Rebecca waved bye.
Marcus picked up Rebecca more often after that. Sometimes, he and Phoebe would talk afterwards. All the mum's definitely found his presence a source of entertainment, but his eyes were on the teacher.
"Ask!" Rebecca tugged at his hand impatiently after one class. Phoebe was putting on her trainers and releasing her hair from the bun, letting down her curls when Marcus and Becca approached her.
"Becca and I were wondering if you would like to get an early dinner with us. I've also got her brother with me?" He offered.
"Okay," Phoebe smiled and grabbed her coat. She knew Rebecca was a twin and was happy to meet her brother.
Philip - or Pip - as he preferred to be called was sat in the back of Marcus' landrover, amusing himself with his golden retriever puppy.
"Apollo, down boy, in we go," The golden retriever who lay between the twins as they began chatting to each other.
"Pip, this is Bee," Rebecca said, "She's a good dancer." He shyly waved and Phoebe gave him a reassuring smile and wave.
They arrived at a nearby gastropub, going to eat outside, where the twins ran around in the large garden.
"He's such a good puppy," Phoebe stroked Apollo who was sitting at their table, "Is he yours?"
"Service dog. Pip's on the spectrum, so Apollo keeps him calm," Marcus explained. Phoebe nodded in understanding.
"You're a good brother." Phoebe smiled, "I'm the youngest in my family, but I kind of wish my parents had more."
"Well, technically, I'm an only child." Marcus said, "Diana is my stepmother. Not that I don't love her any less. My mother died when I was younger and I was raised by my grandparents in France mainly."
"I'm so sorry," Phoebe said sincerely.
"That was depressing," Marcus waved off, smiling again, "I'm not usually that depressing off the bat.
"No, it's fine, it's life," Phoebe assured him, "I'm also a half-sibling, but at least you get along with yours.
They talked for a bit more, occasionally eating.
"Marcus?" Rebecca and Pip had bounced over to their table.
"Yes, Becca?" Marcus said, handing the two their juice boxes.
"When are you and Bee Bee dating?" Becca asked. Both adults looked at her funnily.
"You said she was pretty," Pip piped up, before sipping his orange juice.
"Uh, I-" Marcus stuttered with a nervous laugh.
"And Bee asked if you have any friends that were special," Becca added.
"Well, I.." Phoebe stuttered and the twins were off again to play.
"I didn't-"
"I never-" They both laughed.
"So you don't think I'm pretty?" Phoebe teased.
"No, I think you're beautiful. Which is how I know those two are fibbing," Marcus replied smoothly and Phoebe's eyes widened.
"Well, I would, if I were interested as if you had any special friends." Phoebe flirted back.
"No," Marcus smirked and leaned in closer, "I don't." She simply smiled in return.
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adowbaldwin · 3 years
Hi there
Can you maybe do a prompt with Demonico and Rebecca Bishop -Clairmont where he fell in love with her after she comes to Venice to study " love at first sight" ❤ and they ended up being mated after keep their relationship a secret. Cause Demonico was scared of her parents would do to him.... but all he wants is Becca
Thank you💚🍀
funny you should ask that, because i just posted part 2 of 'Dracarys' to AO3
Its not entirely the same as the above ask, but it is Domenico x Rebecca!
Part 1:
Part 2:
Tomorrow, however i will do a little one shot with the above ask/plot, because right now i am off to bed!! Thanks for the ask and stay tuned :)
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crystal-lillies · 4 years
Also I started to reread Time's Convert, and part of me is hoping that they make a season 4 of the show since TC does technically continue the ADOW story even though the primary focus is Marcus's past and Phoebe's vampire transformation. We get to see that Becca and Philip are Bright Born weaver babies and the continued adventures of Diana, Matthew, and the Bishop-Clairmont Gang with Diana being on the Congregation. Plus we get to see more Miriam (lots more Miriam) and meet Freyja.
It would just be. So good. To get this content. Pls Bad Wolf Studios.....pls........ just give us a fourth season........
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matty-de-clermont · 5 years
End of an Era...
Far from a happily-ever-after, the emergence of a new threat brings the next generation of the De Clermont family into a fight for the survival of all creatures and their family when it strikes at the very heart of the ancient clan.
WARNING: Major Character Death
SPOILERS: Book of Life and Time’s Convert
“Rebecca, go to the library!” Diana demanded, failing to keep the faint trembling from her voice.
“Eric, where is he?’ The eighteen-year-old bright-born asked instead, her blue eyes searching out the answer from her cousin.
Gallowglass said nothing and instead looked to his aunt for guidance.
“Do as your mother says!” Matthew demanded, his tone much sharper than usual.
“Take Andrew upstairs,” Diana lifted the infant from his cot and placed him in his sister’s arms, “tell Philip and Jack to stay there and the three of you mind Andrew, Sarah and Christopher until we call for you.”
Rebecca had ample experience in knowing when to argue with her parents and when not to, this situation was the latter, even if she wanted an answer to her question.
Instead, she took her brother upstairs.
Philip looked up from his chess game with Jack when they both entered the library, the worry etched on his face also.
His griffin Apollo sat curled near the fire, his large body curled around Christopher’s smaller Hippogriff, Hermes.
“Gallowglass has come back, alone?” Phillip asked her.
“Yes, but I don’t know what happened, I was banished up here,” she explained, placing the infant in her arms into a playpen, his other two siblings already asleep.
“Can’t you, y’know?” Jack asked Philip.
“You think I can weave an eavesdropping spell without Mom sensing it?” He asked, incredulous.
Rebecca shook her head, knowing he was right, her eyes cast out over the grand canal, watching the lights of the boats go to and fro.
Venice had become their home, sanctuary and refuge after Hubbard, her youngest brother’s namesake, was killed whilst helping them escape London.
Marcus and the depleted Knights of Lazarus took up residence in the cleared out Isolla Della Stella after the creatures of Venice rose to the aid of the Bishop-Clairmont’s and expelled the non-friendly congregation members.
There was no Congregation, only angry humans demanding justice for the millennia they had been used as pawns in the games of creatures. The world wars, atrocities engineered and guided, much of the time by Philippe De Clermont himself.
“Has anyone told Miyako?” Rebecca asked.
“I’m sure Dad has.” Jack assured.
“I swear, if they-“ Rebecca stopped, half fury and half fear.
“Becca, remember who you’re talking about. Uncle Baldwin’s not someone we need to worry about.” Philip tried to comfort her.
“They have him, Pip, that fucking psycho bitch and her sycophants have him locked in their dungeon doing god who knows what to him.”
“I know, and he’ll be fine.” Philip pulled her into a hug that made her feel momentarily better.
“Mum’s here.” Jack announced before the door opened.
Diana entered, the sound of yelling and broken pottery clearly audible from downstairs before she closed over the door.
“Where is Uncle Baldwin?” Rebecca demanded.
Diana shook her head and took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry my darling,” she caught her daughter before she fell, one arm around her shoulder as she used her free hand to beckon the boys to join also.
Baldwin had been given a traitors death, beheaded and burned.
As was the case with his elder brother Hugh, there was nothing left to bury. No loving family members had been permitted to provide the Roman custom of ‘the last goodbye’, a kiss to free his soul to travel to Elysium.
Every church in Venice rang their bells on the hour for twelve hours for the twelve days of mourning in protest at the loss of one of their guardians.
Rebecca bit down on her rage for those twelve days, whilst her family and their friends, Baldwin’s brothers in the Knights, her cousins - including Baldwin’s own daughter Miyako - all tried to imagine a world without him in it.
On the thirteenth day, the business of managing the family took centre stage.
Gallowglass fought like a bear to shake off the shackles of De Clermont family leadership both Matthew and Ysabeau placed upon his shoulders.
Since all of Philippe’s son’s were dead, the responsibility passed to the eldest surviving heir of the eldest deceased son, much to Verin’s disapproval. Gallowglass would have happily handed to her if he could.
He could not, and instead bent to the demands of his family expectations, starting with his addressing the remaining Knights, including his cousins.
“We have mourned for twelve days, despite the fact that Baldwin himself would have found that excessive,” Gallowglass broke the tension with the light joke, “now we must do as he would have ordered us to, look to the future and survival of our family. He died-“
“He was murdered,” Miyako interrupted from the doorway, “he did not die in battle, Eric!”
“Miyako,” Matthew addressed his niece, “I promise he will be avenged.”
“No need, I’ll kill her myself!”
“I appreciate your grief but you will not.”
“I do not answer to you Matthew!”
“No, you answer to me,” Gallowglass boomed, “Matthew is right, I will not lose you too and you will no longer refer to me by that name, we are not of equal rank. Is that clear?”
“Crystal clear, Sieur. Might I be excused?”
“You may.” Gallowglass gave his permission and she turned, momentarily catching Rebecca’s eye as she did so.
What followed was tedious reports from those gathered regarding everything except a plan to horribly murder each and every creature that had a hand in Baldwin’s death.
“I need some air.” Rebecca told her mother as she stood up and left.
“I’ll go with her.” Diana decided.
“No, you need to stay, in case this place erupts,” Philip argued, “I’ll go.”
Diana nodded, Philip was always the best at getting his sister to calm down.
He found her in an empty room, pacing beneath the oculus in the ceiling.
“I don’t understand,” Rebecca spoke up eventually, “why did she hate him so much?”
“She was turned by Him,” Jack, who had followed after them, still never said his grand-sire’s name, “it’s what allowed her to take the De Clermont seat. He must have hurt her, bad, it’s why she wears that creepy mask, and needs a witch to speak for her.” Jack added.
“You pity her,” Rebecca accused, “after what she did?”
“You’d be surprised at what He can make you do.” Jack answered, ashamed and Philip placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Benjamin Fox has been dead for almost eighteen years, she appeared three years ago, why wait so long and why? Is she acting out of revenge for her sire’s death, or looking to kill all of us because of what he did to her, whatever that was.”
“Becca-“ Philip tried to stem the tide.
“Who was she before, was she a human, a witch, daemon? How old is she, when was she turned? How do we not have an answer to any of this yet?” Rebecca’s mind spun.
“Finally,” Miyako commented from above them on her perch at the edge of the oculus, “someone’s asking the right questions.”
She dropped down with the grace of a cat.
“Dad will find out, Marcus will gather the Knights and-“ Philip started.
“And what? They get captured too?” Miyako shook her head.
“You can’t go after her yourself,” Philip told his cousin, “Uncle Baldwin was three times older and more experienced than you are and she still managed to trap and kill him.”
“I don’t mean now, I mean then!” Miyako told him.
“No, don’t even think it.” Jack shook his head.
“You’re giving me orders?” She hissed.
“Let’s take a breath,” Philip suggested, ever reasonable, “Miyako, what are you saying?”
“She wants you to take her on a Time-Walk, kill the masked vampire when she was vulnerable!” Jack explained.
“We can’t play with the past like that!” Philip reacted with horror.
“What do we need to find out who she was?” Rebecca asked.
“You are not doing this Rebecca, Mum will go nuts!” Jack agreed with his brother.
“I’m not saying we time-walk, I’m saying if we find out who she was it will give us an edge in defeating her now!” Rebecca lied, giving Miyako a pointed look.
“What do we need?” Miyako repeated.
“Pip?” Rebecca prompted but he remained silent.
“Father was just the beginning,” Miyako argued, “he loved you all and it is now my duty to protect you. Tell me what you need to weave your spell and I will acquire it.”
“I promised mother I wouldn’t use my magic for those purpose in case it hurts any of you, but-“
“But what?” Miyako prompted.
“If she was able to kill Uncle Baldwin then no-one is safe. We need a sample of her blood but that’s not going to be possible.”
“Let me worry about that!” She replied curtly.
Jack shook his head, the proceedings moving too fast for his comfort.
“Mum and Dad will have a plan, we should wait until we find out what it is.”
“I agree with Jack,” Philip nodded, “if we act now it could compromise what they’ve planned.”
“So, we wait?” Jack asked hopefully.
“Yes, we await our orders.” Philip agreed.
“And if those orders are to stand down and do nothing?” Miyako challenged.
“Then, and only then, will we act!” Philip decided and was met with grudging agreement from Rebecca and Miyako and relief from Jack.
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bearholdingashark · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: A Discovery of Witches (TV), All Souls Trilogy - Deborah Harkness Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Diana Bishop/Matthew Clairmont Characters: Diana Bishop, Matthew Clairmont Additional Tags: crackish Summary:
Becca and Philip get into a fight and Matthew and Diana have a run in with the PTA president.
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adarafaelbarba · 3 years
adarafaelbarba September bingo - Masterlist ❤️
Melody - Elizabeth Donnelly x reader (musician)
Novel Discovery - Olivia Benson x Rita Calhoun (Bookstore)
Pumpkins - Casey Novak x reader (Autumn/Winter)
Paris - Rita Calhoun x reader (traveling)
A New Leaf - Rita Calhoun x f!reader (nanny/single parent)
Shine bright - Miguel Galindo x reader (sugar baby)
First Since - Nick Amaro x reader (Autumn/Winter)
Webbed Tail - Nick Amaro x reader (Monsters)
Blended Family - Nick Amaro x reader (Nanny/Single Parent)
Beach Hair - Nick Amaro x reader (Bodyguard)
Relief - Rafael Barba x reader (Personal Assistant)
Family Friend - Bishop Losa x reader (Doctor)
Unlikely Timing - Mike Dodds x reader (writer)
Autumn Leaves - Sonny Carisi x reader (Autumn/Winter)
A Solo Act - Nick Amaro x reader (assassins)
A Solo Act pt. 2 - Nick Amaro x reader (Masquerade)
Dark Secrets: New Beginnings - Sonny Carisi x reader (bookstore)
3am cookies - Sonny Carisi x reader (Chef/Baker)
A Cliché Moment - Peter Stone x reader (Traveling)
Rough Beginnings - Sonny Carisi x reader (Mafia)
Happy Dance - Mike Dodds x reader (College)
The Future is Now - Mike Dodds x reader (Time Travel)
Museum Dates - Rafael Barba x reader (Museums)
Dark Secrets: Secrets Exposed - Sonny Carisi x reader (Monsters)
Emotional Support Animal - Mike Dodds x reader (Animal Shelter)
Monsters - Philip Bishop-Clairmont, Becca Bishop-Clairmonth + the Clairmont family (Monsters)
Museums - Bi!Baldwin Montclair x male!oc (Museums)
The Cray's But Worse/Pt. 2 - Baldwin Montclair x Fabian (Mafia)
Tall, Dark and Handsome - Nick Amaro x reader (bookstore)
Autumn Chill - Nick Amaro x reader (Autumn/Winter)
@pascalispretty / @lannister-slings-and-arrows
Bruised Knuckles and Bare Thighs - Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi x reader (Mafia)
Just a Taste - Rafael Barba x reader (Bodyguard)
Better Late than Never - Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi (College)
Seventeen Little Diamonds - Rita Calhoun x reader (Sugar Baby)
The Auction (pt. 1) - Bryan Kneef x reader (Sugar Baby)
Adoption Day - Frederick Chilton x F!reader (Animal Shelter)
Of Wolves and Witches - Bishop Losa x reader (Monsters)
Sugar Daddy Steve Rogers Would Include - Steve Rogers x reader (Sugar Baby)
Papercut Moves - Rafael Barba x reader (personal assistant)
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ao3feed-adow · 6 years
by john97
Baldwin walks with his nephews and tells them stories.
Words: 1025, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: All Souls Trilogy - Deborah Harkness, A Discovery of Witches (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Baldwin de Clermont, Becca Bishop-Clairmont, Philip Bishop-Clairmont
Additional Tags: Vampires, Memories, familiar, Griffin - Freeform, Family
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ao3feed-adow · 6 years
by Spacecadet72
Becca and Philip get into a fight and Matthew and Diana have a run in with the PTA president.
Words: 1288, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: A Discovery of Witches (TV), All Souls Trilogy - Deborah Harkness
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Diana Bishop, Matthew Clairmont
Relationships: Diana Bishop/Matthew Clairmont
Additional Tags: crackish
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ao3feed-adow · 6 years
by discoveriesofbishmont (AlexiaBlackbriar13)
Diana timewalks Matthew, the twins and herself back to 1981 to meet and spend a weekend with her parents. Rebecca and Stephen are delighted to have the chance to properly get to know their daughter's husband and children.
On top of the tension wrought by the fact they have to try not to distort the timeline in any way, Diana's spellbinding hangs over the family like a shadow.
Spoilers for all 3 books in the All Souls Trilogy, but not Time's Convert.
Words: 8627, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: A Discovery of Witches (TV), All Souls Trilogy - Deborah Harkness
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Diana Bishop, Matthew Clairmont, Ysabeau de Clermont, Sarah Bishop, Rebecca Bishop, Stephen Proctor, Marthe, Becca Bishop-Clairmont, Philip Bishop-Clairmont
Relationships: Diana Bishop/Matthew Clairmont, Rebecca Bishop/Stephen Proctor
Additional Tags: Set Post-The Book of Life, Bishop-Clairmont Scion, Bishop-Clairmont Family, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Meet the Family, Family Feels, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Mild Angst, Weaver Powers, Timewalking, Brightborn Twins
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