decepticon-no-more · 1 year
From Strangers To Friends
Blaze had started spending a lot of time with Baileen. Whenever he could in fact. Turns out prior to running in to the Leviacon, Blaze was a very lonely mech. Keeping to himself most of the time. And only interacting with other bots when absolutely necessary. Whenever asked about this, Blaze would blame his social anxiety and awkwarness causing him to stay away from others. But there might be more to it then that. Blaze was a sweet mech. Caring more about the well being of others then himself. Togheter with Baileen, He had discovered a very unique ability that he had in his possession. Whenever struck with intense emotions, He could make those standing close to him feel the same amount of said emotion. Blaze was unaware of this ability. And it might even have played a part in why many other Cybertronians tended to avoid him. There was something very weird about Blaze however. He loved asking Baileen about her homeworld Aquatron. But would get nervous and change the subject whenever he was asked about his own past and upbringing. So his past still remained a mystery. Blaze had shared his contact information with Baileen. And invited her to visit his home today. Which strangely enough seemed to be located in the middle of an old scrap yard. This lead the horrible conclusion, That mech didn't have a true 'Home' to call his own. @fromwhencehastthoucomest
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It was a calm quiet night, Rose was out of the base for the evening, she had gone out to visit a friend. She smiled as she arrived at Baileen’s ship,
“Baileen? It’s Rose, can I come in?”
Rose called from the entrance of the ship, she didn’t want to just invite herself in. In her hands she was carrying a case of something, it was high grade, from her own personal stash.
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RP for @sweet-little-bumblebee
Baileen was attempting to keep her cool and was failing miserably. The Leviacon had recently earned enough credits to get her ship up and running only to possibly have her and her stowaway shanghaied once again. She placed a servo over her optics to keep herself from gazing directly at the perpetrator.
"Rampage...I left the room for ten minutes...TEN! And yet somehow you manage to make contact with and anger our Cybertronian neighbors!"
The mech in question let the other's emotions wash over him. His beast modal extremities twitched with anticipation despite how much trouble he had actually gotten them into.
"I only asked you to monitor the console!" She hissed as she rushed towards the hull
"I've never managed a ship before."
If she could have dealt him a blow to his helm she would have.
"That would have been helpful at least 20 breems ago!" She had to reverse the damage somehow...To late...there was an incoming transmission.
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wagenstung · 1 year
"You... aren't frightened ? How interesting."
//Thanks for the follow!
﹙ ➷ ﹚ᅳ @fromwhencehastthoucomest
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Well.. -Frightened wouldn't be what she'd use personally, but that was beside the point.
No.. No, Charlie indeed wasn't frightened. Intimidated to a degree? Yeah, that was close. Intrigued? Curious? Relieved that what had swam at her was not, in fact, a shark ready to devour her legs? Yeah. Very relieved! In her silent awe, Charlie's limbs had been working to keep her afloat, chin above water so she can properly process the femme wading in the water before her.
❝ You're, uh- .. ❞ Charlie sputters a little against the sea water splashing against her lips, kicking herself up a little further above the waves. ❝ You're not as scary as what I thought you were going to be.. is why.. ❞
Honesty was the best policy after all, right?
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fauvester · 1 year
i may be wrong but did bapy idan have some lil spikes on his tail in one of the bapy images?
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I thought it would be cool if cardassian tails had little thagomizers. But now I'm thinking more along the lines of thick keratin like baileen. Something between that and feathers. Glossy fibrous bundles similar to their hair but thicker and stiffer. More broom than weapon, but easy to use for either. Need to be pomaded regularly to keep them from getting frizzy.
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grox · 1 year
least favorite aquatic mammal?
I guess.. baileen whales in general even though I still consider them incredibly beautiful. I just prefer toothed whales
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obsy · 7 years
15, 21, 41, 44
15. Favorite movieI’d say Interstellar. Always gets me crying. 21. What I love most about myself.My sense of humor, it’s something that people tend to really like about me, so by extension I do too! 41. Where do I want to be right now.Beside someone in particular, anywhere really. 44. A random fact about anything. Hmm, how about the fact that I’ve never kissed someone on the mouth? Oh yeah, game strong!
Thanks Bailey, y'all keeping me goin’.
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mistyyygoode · 8 years
I've realized it's been forever since I posted fanfics on here. Would anyone want me to start that again?
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jaskierisbi · 3 years
songvids for various characters and relationships that I need yesterday and would make if not for my incompetence making vids and editing:
inkpot gods (the amazing devil)
factories (autoheart)
true love (p!nk)
this is love (air traffic controllers)
trouble (acoustic) (halsey)
not gonna take me (baileen)
blossoms (the amazing devil)
burn butcher burn (obviously lmao)
bloom (the paper kites)
the night we met (lord huron)
howl (florence + the machine)
like real people do (hozier)
fire on fire (sam smith)
not yet (love run) (the amazing devil)
ruin (the amazing devil)
me and my husband (mitski)
devil’s backbone (the civil wars)
farewell wanderlust (the amazing devil)
(+gen) our own house (misterwives)
writer in the dark (lorde)
liability (lorde)
I’ll be good (jaymes young)
arsonist’s lullaby (hozier)
hardest of hearts (florence + the machine)
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break-downn · 3 years
+ (Baileen) Wants to talk.
Breakdown was driving near a beach finding it to be rather pretty, especially since he had found one most people didn’t seem to know about. He could stretch his legs if he wanted though for now he staid in his alt mode.
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decepticon-no-more · 1 year
The Confession
Blaze was forced to stay for three days at the medical clinic to recover from his 'near' alcohol overdose. As soon as the mech was signed out, He had gone back to his home in the scrap yard. And thrown out all high-grade he had left stored in his shed. Blaze even made damn sure to show Baileen when he was doing so. He started to hang out with the Leviacon again of course. This time however, Blaze was far more open about himself. What point was there in all secrecy now that she already knew about his past? He talked to Baileen about his problems and feelings when they met. Allowed her to talk to him about her feelings and problems as well. It was nice having someone to speak openly about personal things with for once. Which only made the emotions that he was keeping from her even more intense. But still, All was not sunshine and rainbows yet. The diplomatic treaties in town were coming to an end. It was time to return to Aquatron soon. Blaze knew that Baileen would not be able to stay forever from the very start. But now that the time to return drew near, He felt very sad. And it showed when they met up and talked. Today. Baileen would recive a message from Blaze. Inviting her out to dinner for once. His treat. He also said that he had something very important to say to her.
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omicrontheicequeen · 4 years
"Collectively, between the both of us Icy, I believe we make one functioning person."
- Baileen, Behemoth of the Blue Tide
Ice Queen leaned over, distracted for a moment by watching one of her hatchlings having a fit at the waves. Not quiet able to tell of the tiny predacon was trying to fight the water or scream at it. “Depending on the day, that could be a drastic understatement.”
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Baileen and a very small Rampage
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gingers-dreams · 5 years
3,4,11,12,28,29,71 &78 ? 👀 (if u still do the other ask thingy djfnsb)
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? I was looking forward to seeing my bff and we hung out today and it was the best, I miss her so much when she goes away to college. 
4. Are you easy to get along with? absolutely!! why did you ask this you know how pleasant and likable I am!!!!
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? my last message was to my sister and it just said FUCK lol 
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Faith by The Weeknd, From the Dining Table by Harry Styles, BBY by Two Feet, Something Tells Me by BAILEEN, and Beach Baby by Bon Iver
28. Who are you most comfortable around? probably my older sister. Or maybe my cousin/bff
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? I only have 1 ex (unless you count the guy who ghosted me) and him and I don't talk anymore so nope. 
71. Craving something? What? I'm craving that good old fashioned physical affection babyyy 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? mint chocolate chip or coffee. (I'll always answer any of your questions bud!!!!)
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bashbell · 6 years
text ✉# baileen
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heiterbroward · 6 years
We are a part of the crackship nation!!!
Season 1:
Legendary (ben x larry)
MoiraVivien (moira x vivien)
Adlet (addie x violet)
Black Constance (black dahlia x constance)
Thate (thaddeus x tate)
Baileen Dean Huornos (billie dean x aileen wuornos)
Hora (hayden x nora)
Lee’s wife (lee x larry’s wife)
Pigadaeu (piggy piggy x chad x beau)
Trince Blake (travis x vince blake)
Patrarles (patrick x charles)
Season 2:
Heiterbroward (heiter x unibrow x howard)
Carlbrow (carl x unibrow)
Season 3:
Queenison (queenie x madison)
Kynk (kyle x hank)
Season 4:
Twandy (twisty x dandy)
Chandy (chester x dandy)
Mandy (matt bomer x dandy)
Candy (cop x dandy)
Adell (andy x dell)
Pimmy Darling (paul x jimmy)
Karmy from another life (dandy x jimmy)
Season 5:
Wuffy (will drake x tristan duffy)
Muffy (matt bomer x tristan duffy)
Gruffy (max greenfield x tristan duffy)
Mole (mr. march x john hole)
Greendiction demonfield (max greenfield x addiction demon)
Darch (tristan duffy x mr. march)
Season 6:
Lee squared (lee x fake lee)
Matt squared (matt x fake matt)
Season 7:
Billy Haynes on the street (billy on the street x colton haynes)
Season 8:
Mr. Gallangdon (mr. gallant x michael langdon)
Grenable (green day x venable)
Make some noise for these greatest ships of all time!
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