#Breakdown in control. (IC)
arom-antix · 1 year
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@fishshit I consider your post canon so I made it
Edit 2: Yakov trauma
Edit 3: I lied, here's the design rant
Edit 4: Updated design!
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft is alone drifting through interstellar space after a communications breakdown left it unable to receive commands or transmit data back to Earth.
Communications with Voyager 2, which is currently around 12.4 billion miles (19.9 billion kilometers) from Earth, were severed as a result of planned commands. These commands rotated the spacecraft's antenna two degrees away from our planet, enough to cut its links to the ground antennas of NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN).
As a result, Voyager 2 is no longer sending data back to the DSN, and mission control on Earth can't send any commands back to the interstellar spacecraft.
Not all is lost, however. Voyager 2, launched in 1977, is programmed to reset its orientation several times a year to keep its antenna directed at Earth. Another reset is scheduled for Oct. 15 this year, and this should result in Voyager 2 resuming contact with its ground control. Until that time, operators  expect the spacecraft to stick to its planned trajectory. 
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Voyager 2 was launched from Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral, Florida, on August 20, 1977. It made history on Dec. 10, 2018, when it became the second spacecraft to leave the solar system and enter interstellar space. 
Six years prior to this, its sister craft Voyager 1 became the first man-made craft to journey beyond the influence of our star, the sun. Voyager 1 is currently around 15 billion miles (24 billion km) from Earth and remains in contact with our planet.
Both Voyager 1 and 2 were designed to find and study objects at the edge of the solar system, according to NASA. In the course of doing this, Voyager 2 has been responsible for a number of scientific firsts. It is the only spacecraft that has conducted close-up studies of all four giant planets of the solar system — the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn and the ice giants Neptune and Uranus.
In Jan. 1986, Voyager 2 became the first human-made object to fly past Uranus. During that trip, Voyager 2 discovered 10 new moons and two new rings around the ice giant. In Aug. 1989, it also became the first spacecraft to buzz past Neptune, and while there, it discovered five moons and four rings. While studying Neptune, Voyager 2 also discovered an 8,100-mile by 4,100-mile (13,036 km by 6,600 km) cyclonic storm with winds of up to 1,300 miles per hour (2,092 km/h) raging on the ice giant, which has been dubbed the Great Dark Spot.
In April 2023, NASA announced that Voyager 2 would postpone a planned instrument shutdown by at least three years, continuing to gather valuable deep space data until at least 2026. 
"We are definitely interested in keeping as many science instruments operating as long as possible," Voyager project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in southern California, Linda Spilker, said in a statement issued on Wednesday, April 26.
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haine-kleine · 3 months
Call this a conspiracy theory
but with the recent reveal about Tenko's quirk and having spent some time dwelling on the details of Touya's death there are more and more things not making sense in the context we were given.
Touya died in a fire on Sekoto peak after having a breakdown which lead to him losing control of his fire. This happened notably on a day when Enji was at home, having a day off from work.
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Then Touya's burned body was taken away by All For One, who had broken off a fragment of his jawbone and planted it as evidence of his death.
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As neglectful as Enji may have been as a father, he was still a hero. I have no doubt he got to the mountain as soon as he realized there is a fire. The Todoroki mansion was also located close to the Sekoto peak, as both Enji and Touya used to go there regularly to train. Are we really supposed to believe AFO just so happened to come across the fire started by Touya, manually break off his jawbone, leave it there and get away from the mountain with his body faster than it took for Endeavour to come there? Enji is the one living there, not All For One. Touya's breakdown is not something that can be predicted by the other party, unless they are keeping close contact with the Todoroki family. Ujiko directly confirms they were indeed aware of the private matters happening in the Todoroki house, which lead to AFO taking interest in Touya.
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Those kids were our spares, in case anything happened to Tomura Shigaraki.
What did happen to Tomura Shigaraki, when he still was Tenko Shimura?
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AFO sought him out when he was still a baby, and immediately took away his quirk factor. He was meeting with his father privately and encouraged his behaviour towards his son. He even contacted Tenko's friends. When Tenko was 5 years old, AFO personally passed the Decay quirk to him in another meeting.
AFO was a fucking control freak, manipulating Tenko's life to unbelievable degree. Everything that happened to Tenko was a doing of All For One, pretty much. And once he had hold on him, he kept him in complete control and isolation for most of his life.
Is it really so far fetched to believe that Touya's death on Sekoto was also AFO's doing?
We already have the confirmation Touya was one of Shigaraki's possible replacements and AFO toon specific interest in his quirk, before giving up on it.
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We also know the only reason they let Touya go was because his body was so messed up Garaki prognosed his life expectancy after leaving the facility to be a month tops.
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Another point that stands out is Touya's ice quirk awakening. The evolution of quirks explanation is handwavey at best. But if the condition for Touya was a near-death experience, then wouldn't a 13 years old boy who was used to dealing with minor burns and didn't want to burn to death fulfill those conditions better than a 24 years old man who was dealing with extreme burns on the regular and actively wanted to die?
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Anyway, All For One is the one who started that fire on Sekoto, not Touya. In this essay I will-
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holmsister · 6 months
I think one of the things Dungeon Meshi is definitely about is how different people deal with being an outsider/marginalised/neurodivergent/what have you and basically what im getting at is that Kabru is TEXTBOOK "high functioning [insert diagnosis here]". Its that how they say it still? Don't care.
Basically. This man shows up and you listens to him talk and see how his party treats him and you think. Oh this is a cool guy who has his shit together. And then after like two pages you find out that he has constant flashbacks to Utaya that make him completely freeze, anxiety attacks, thought spirals, is incapable of analyzing his own feelings, is a stuttering mess when the stakes are high, has never done a chore in his life, keeps putting himself in triggering situations and re-traumatising himself, and the icing on the cake is when you read the extra material and it turns out he regularly forgets to eat and lives in a depression nest of dirty clothes and self-medicates insomnia with alcohol and also is 22. Which also kind of puts Misilril not wanting to let him go in another light - yeah for sure she's controlling and infantilising and also its not like she was really helping his issues but also she was not entirely wrong in her judgement. This man does NOT know how to take care of himself. He knows how to do the bare minimum so when he shows up at work the next day he can fool his coworkers into thinking hes got it together enough. For a bit.
He is DEEPLY unwell and he knows it but he is carried by the desperate wish to avoid another catastrophe. If he stops for a moment he KNOWS he'll collapse so he doesn't.
I also think this is why him acting nurse to Mithrun is such an important part of his arc. Its like. This person who has spent all of his adult life focused on a single objective disregarding everything else is faced with what happens when you do that for too long. And the result is a wet tissue of a creature who looks like he doesn't know where he is most of the time.
He is a man on the brink. I have no doubt he felt relieved when he decided he could trust Laios - not even in a Labru way, straight up because he knew he could not keep going like this.
But also like. Of all the characters in the manga, I think Senshi and Kabru are the most lonely ones. Except Senshi seems to be OK with solitude - for sure it's not entirely healthy to be alone for as long as he was but he definitely did well enough. He is very good at taking care of himself. Meanwhile Kabru *knows* a lot of people but can you really say he has friends? Rin, maybe, arguably, but even she does not seem to truly know him, you know? He keeps himself hidden from everyone. I think the only time we see him entirely honest is when he says to Laios that he wanted to be his friend, and hes so shocked when it comes out, you can tell he did not mean to say it. And differently from Senshi, he does NOT fare well alone. He likes people, he needs people. Again compare with Mithrun - he has like a squad of people taking care of him. If Kabru had a breakdown of that size can you say his party would go out of its way to help? Im not sure. Not because they're bad people, but because he's simply not that intimate with any of them.
Idk man it just struck me all of a sudden. Laios is weird and offputting and doesn't care about other humans the way Kabru does and YET he is infinitely more successful at building deep, meaningful relationships and taking care of himself as well. I think this is part of why Kabru is so fascinated with him as well. He can tell Laios has something he doesn't have. Wait this is turning into a whole another post I'll write this next time.
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inbarfink · 1 year
I'm pretty sure my very first post about 'Fionna and Cake' was about pointing out this line in "Fionna Campbell"
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Is a reference to "I Remember You", where Marceline said that very same line to Ice King
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At the time I just took it as another little bit of Foreshadowing for the connection between Fionnaworld and Simon.
But now that we've established a bit more about Cake's plights, and I started thinking more about this... I wonder if this line is meant to highlight the ways in which Simon's struggles under the Curse of the Magic Crown and Cake's struggles after having her Magic taken away from her kinda mirror each other.
You know, turning into Ice King took away Simon's mind and ability to reason (by pumping his brain full of Madness and Sadness) and his ability to communicate (by tanking his already-kinda-awkward communication skills) and even kinda took away his body.
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And becoming an ordinary cat did all of these things for Cake as well - took away her mind and ability to reason (by giving her an intelligence closer to a regular housecat) and her ability to communicate (by making her unable to speak or even comprehend human speech)
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And taking away her voice and the Stretchy body that is clearly the one she feels most comfortable with.
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And ... so what happened in that scene back in IRY is Ice King, in the middle of writing a love song about Princess Bubblegum, suddenly has a moment of Clarity about how lonely and miserable he is. Enough Clarity to know that he's unfathomably sad and that there's something Wrong with him that's sabotaging all of his relationship - but not enough clarity to know what it is. So he just... has a total breakdown
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Lashing out and throwing ice magic anywhere. Then Marceline, uncomfortable and worried about Ice King's behavior, tackles him and says the Line.
Meanwhile, in the first episode of 'Fionna and Cake'...
Both Fionna and Cake feel like there's something off about their lives, But Fionna can at least articulate it better as like, general ennui or a quarter-life crisis, rather than Cake's little housecat mind not really comprehending or capable of fully expressing what she's feeling at all.
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Leading to concerning behavior such as her apparently not eating for the last three days.
And suddenly, she has her moment of Clarity. She sees these Portal Sparkles and she seems to know on some level that they'll do something good for her. Especially as she tries to shove her head in the ice
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And later is shown obsessed with ice in general - even without the sparkles directly being around.
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On some level, Cake understands the mechanics of the Portal Sparkles better than Fionna does - but on all other levels she's still a housecat and probably has no idea what is going on with her own mind as well.
And from Fionna's perspective she's just acting weird and spreading ice all over the house and lashing out at her in her confusion over her own feelings.
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I think, perhaps whatever part of Simon's subconscious has subtle control over Fionnaworld noticed the similarities between Cake's situation and his own memories of being the Ice King - and thus, Marceline's old words coming out of Fionna's mouth.
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The similarities don't end there, either. Cake and Simon both have to go through a lot grief with people still treating them as their old selves. General folks in Ooo treating Simon like Ice King
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And Fionna's tendency to be overprotective of Cake even though Cake is now an incredibly OP shapeshifter and Fionna's still just an athletic human
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And to speak for her even though she can speak for herself now
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And sometimes kinda condescending to her about her own judgement
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All make Cake feel, and not unjustifiably so, that Fionna still sees her as her old self, as a Housecat. She literally says so in the same episode where Fionna and Cake's friendship is tested the most.
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And Cake's anxious desire to bring Magic into her world even after it was confirmed that she can at least stay as herself in Fionnaworld, I think that's also a mirror of Simon's anxieties. Simon felt like he, an ordinary non-magical man, could never truly fit in within the wacky and magical world of Ooo
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And Cake might've been afraid of the same being true in reverse about being a Magical Cat in the least Magical world in the whole multiverse. At the very least she must've been worried about being forced to pretend to be a non-magical cat again like Simon tried to make her do back in Farmworld.
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(Remember how her failure to pull this off almost got her eaten?)
And in the end, the resolution to both of these mirror dilemma was... kind of the same? Well, sort of. Fionnaworld now has a bit more of the Magic and Weirdness in it but it's not like Simon made Mainworld Ooo less wacky. But even with that extra bit of Multiverse Wackiness going on in Fionnaworld now... if the Normal Guy can get along among the strange and magical creatures
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The Magical Cat can get along with all the normal and mundane people.
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roodles03 · 1 year
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The First Kiss
Things have been rough for them for pretty much their whole lives, but especially recently.
For Willow, being trapped in the human realm separated from her fathers, not knowing if they're okay, having little to no hope of ever returning home, and knowing the Boiling Isles might be in ruin due to the Collector was a lot to deal with. Flapjack's death, Belos still being alive along with seeing the Isles in a apocalyptic state confirmed so many of her fears.
Boscha was the icing on the cake, sending her into a boderline panic attack/mental breakdown that nearly ended with her suffocating not only herself, but also her best friends.
Meanwhile, Hunter has lost his beloved palismen, Flapjack, after having his body controlled and getting possessed by his abuser, who he thought he was finally safe from. He had died after sacrificing himself to save his friends, and Flapjack is the only reason he's still alive to tell his story, but in order for Flapjack to save him, he had to give up his life essence to revive Hunter. Hunter now has to continue living on without Flapjack. He misses him every single day. He thinks about him all the time. He wishes he was still here every waking moment. But Flapjack is never coming back, and that is almost impossible to handle at times.
But what Willow and Hunter do have is each other. They love each other and want to get through things together. They can help each other heal and give each other comfort through their pain. And Willow wants to assure Hunter that no matter what, she'll be there.
Hunter feels the same way, and he assures he'll be there for her too. Half-a-witches like them always stick together.
The half-a-witch statement is what Willow needed to hear her whole life.
In that moment of love, without thinking, Willow cups Hunter's cheeks and pulls him in.
Hunter, meanwhile, has no idea what's about to happen until their lips meet. He's shocked at first before quickly embracing the kiss. His emotions overrun him almost instantly.
When Willow separates, she immediately realizes what she just did, and she freezes. Hunter feels like he has to say something, but his overwhelming emotions make that incredibly hard. He has no idea what to say. He's too shocked for anything comprehensable to leave his mouth, and even if he could formulate a sentence, just one word would make him burst into tears.
Willow can hardly scoundure up an sentence herself, but just saying one word causes Hunter to be overwhelmed with joy. He's never felt so loved before. It feels amazing. He starts happily sobbing as the two pull in for a hug.
(Wow, my inner fic writer came out, didn't it-)
Pretty much everything went right for this comic and I'm really happy with how it came out. It definitely took a very long time for me to finish this due to uni, but it was worth the time and effort.
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barcaatthemoon · 6 months
the truth ii || jenni hermoso x reader ||
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the aftermath of your breakdown.
jenni found herself walking back to the hotel soon after alexia took you away. mapi would probably kick her ass in the morning for everything, but jenni had been waiting for that moment to come. she had expected punches to come flying her way when she came back from mexico, but it seemed that you had kept quiet about the break up. you had even kept quiet when you had to stand by and watch as jenni buried herself in between the legs of various women to distract herself from you.
"ale, open up," jenni said as she knocked on your hotel room door. she had expected to find alexia watching over you for the night, and was partially shocked to see ona and patri there instead. "where is alexia?"
"she's getting some things for (y/n), who has been very chatty by the way," ona warned. jenni knew from the silence and tension radiating from patri that you told them what happened. jenni couldn't think of anything to say to defend herself.
"i'm sorry." jenni stood awkwardly at the door, hoping that one of them would let her in. "i didn't know what happened at first, but eventually it started to come back in bits and pieces."
"jenni, go back to your own room," alexia said as she pushed past jenni to get into your room.
"i want to talk to you," jenni said. alexia gave the younger players a nod as she put the thing she had bought for you in their arms. jenni stepped into the hallway with alexia, who lost her cool once the door was shut. jenni hadn't expected the outburst from alexia, who despite her poor temper, had gotten it under control as she came into the position of captain.
"how could you let me treat her like that? you knew what you did, jenni. we loved and supported you unconditionally, all the while you were the own cause of your sadness. if you would have gotten over yourself, the two of you could have been married by now!" alexia's voice was raised and her hands were fisted around the collar of jenni's shirt. jenni was backed against the wall, just waiting for the inevitable punch to come from alexia's fist. "they shut her out because we all thought she broke your heart and ran."
"i'm sorry," jenni apologized. alexia let go of her, unable to look at jenni for a second longer. "this is a mess, and it's all my fault. i don't know how to fix it."
"you'll be damn lucky if any of us can fix this. because of you, we all hurt her too. if you would have just told the fucking truth, none of this would have happened. you didn't mean any of that, not even in the message," alexia said. jenni froze at the mention of the voicemail. her face fell immediately.
"y-you heard the voicemail?" jenni felt like all of the air had been forced out of her lungs as alexia nodded her head. she had expected you to delete it. a night of drinking had coaxed jenni into venting to you about the breakup and all the things she had said. the only issue was that jenni was full of misplaced anger, and every terrible thing she felt about herself had been directed at you instead. "i didn't mean any of that about (y/n). it as about me, it was always about me."
"just get the hell out of here for now," alexia said. she was at a loss as to what she should have done. she knew that jenni hadn't meant any of that towards you, but that didn't change the fact that she had said it. nothing would ever be able to change the fact that she had said it, and despite the fact that alexia knew both of you still loved each other deeply, she wasn't sure that she was comfortable letting you go back to jenni after everything. it could only be a matter of time before she got fucked up again, leaving you to go through the whole ordeal once more.
slowly over the course of the next few days, the team seemed to warm up to you again. ona and patri had refused to leave your side, both of them apologizing for icing you out profousely. in all honesty, you knew that you should have been mad at them, but you were far too relieved to have friends again to care. even better than that, you were glad to no longer have to avoid your captain or the players you used to look to for guidance.
"i don't know if this is really your thing, but i was going to go with some of the girls to a candy store. i've heard a lot about it online, it's supposed to be pretty cool," mapi said as she stood awkwardly in front of your seat. you had eaten breakfast with ona, patri, and pina. it was nice, aside from the fact that jenni spent the whole morning in the corner by herself, not even sitting at a table. you had been mad at her, but you still didn't want her to be shut out by the team like you were.
"yeah, that sounds good. maybe you should ask jenni too, i bet she'd like to come," you tried to suggest. mapi gave you a look as she sat down across from you. "she's been your friend longer than i've been here. longer than any of you have known i existed. remember that i knew it was risky dating her with the age gap."
"yes, but jenni knows what she did. has she even apologized to you?" mapi asked. you shrugged. technically, there had been quite a few apologies, but none of them had been very good. jenni's sincerity had been wasted away because of your anger, and by the time you were willing to hear her out, she was mad at you.
"it's complicated, mapi. even after everything, i still love her and that's got to mean something," you reasoned.
"yeah, it means you're young. i'd stay away from her if i was you," mapi warned. you nodded in understanding, but chose not to say anything. mapi wandered off to gather up a few more girls to go to the candy store with you, which was when you took your opportunity to sneak back to your room. all you had wanted was a little time to process your thoughts, but nobody wanted to leave you alone.
you understood patri and ona being clingy, especially ona, but it was still rough on you. being alone had become your norm in germany, and while your contract was coming up soon, you weren't sure if you wanted to go back to barcelona. alexia had been pushing for it, which was part of why you had agreed to go out with mapi today instead. mapi had been the one to listen to you talk about the different club options silently yesterday. alexia had been loud, giving you a million reasons why barcelona was better than all of the other ones.
"shit, sorry. i can wait," jenni said as she walked over to the elevators. you didn't look over towards her, not even as the doors opened. you stepped inside first. jenni just stood there until you held the door open for her, indicating that you didn't mind her coming in too. "are you sure?"
"no, but you should come here anyway," you told her. jenni cracked a small smile as she stepped into the elevator with you. it was a little awkward at first, and even more so when you looked over to find her staring at you. "you didn't have to sit on the floor at breakfast today. i'm sure someone would have sat with you."
"not a chance. if we didn't have more games, i'd be back in mexico already," jenni admitted. she had planned on staying an extra couple of weeks in spain to spend with friends and family. you didn't like the idea of her abandoning that because of that happened with you. "i saw on instagram that you're going to be a free agent soon. i didn't think you had signed such a short contract."
"alexia wants me to come back to barcelona, but i'm not sure. i haven't told ona or patri that jona wants me back yet. god, she'll be so mad if i don't come back," you sighed. jenni cautiously reached out and placed her hand on your back. "you really made a mess of things for me."
"i made a mess of things for both of us, and i am so sorry. those things i said, i wasn't talking about you when i said them. i was talking about me," jenni admitted. your brows furrowed as you stared at her. "i hadn't thought much about how it would look at first, and then it was pushed into my head so i couldn't think of anything else. i never thought to ask you if you thought i was taking advantage of you. i mean, it all happened so fast at first."
"would you have ever asked me out if we didn't get drunk and sleep together?" you asked. jenni bit her lip awkwardly as she rubbed the back of her neck. "tell me. i want to hear the truth jenni."
"no, nothing would have ever happened if that first night didn't. i wouldn't have let you keep coming over, but i think i still would have loved you. i wouldn't have gotten nervous when you kissed me at alexia's, so i wouldn't have thrown up everywhere on the balcony. you wouldn't have had to drive me back to my place to take care of me, and i wouldn't have asked you to move in with me," jenni admitted. "i wouldn't have been 32 with a 19 year old girlfriend. we wouldn't have to tell the team, and patri wouldn't have ever fucking gotten in my face about us, so i wouldn't have come back home and yelled at you like that. so, i am sorry that i didn't have any fucking control, but i don't regret sleeping with you one bit."
"i don't either," you whispered. jenni glanced over at you with a small smile on her face. it didn't do much to hide the tears in her eyes or the way that her voice had been shaking as she recounted the things that wouldn't have happened if you hadn't slept with jenni for the first time.
"you should. you should be angrier with me than you are. i know that i can't stand myself when someone mentions you." jenni sank back into herself a little. you knew that jenni being upset and genuine about the breakup should have made you feel better, but it only made you feel worse. "thank you for listening to me."
"can i talk now?" you asked jenni. she nodded and you pressed the emergency stop button on the elevator. "sit down."
jenni did exactly as you asked, sliding down the wall to sit. you sat down across from her with your legs crossed. it was a habit that alexia and mapi got onto you for because it was truly terrible for your knees. jenni had never gotten onto you for things like they did, she had always gently corrected you, if she ever did. jenni liked being your girlfriend much more than she liked being an authority figure or mentor.
"if you would have talked to me about what was bothering you back then, i could have helped. i could have reassured you that you weren't taking advantage of me. i could have reminded you that every step of the way, i resisted through your persistence that it wasn't right. i could have reminded you that i wanted this so badly that i used to stay up all night trying to figure out how the hell i was going to be around you the next day," you told her.
jenni pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them, balling herself up a bit. you could see the nervous little twitch in her fingers that she tried to hide. despite what you knew was in your best interests, you reached out and took jenni's hand. almost immediately, the floodgates opened up for her and she launched herself into your arms.
"i don't think that we can do this again jenni, i really don't," you sighed. jenni glanced up at you, her makeup now smeared all over your shirt. "mapi was right, i can't just take you back. i want to so badly, and i know that i love you, but i need to love someone else. i can't run back to you, jenni, i just can't."
"oh, okay," jenni said as she stood up. you sighed as you watched her flip the elevator switch again, despite you not really being done. you had more to say, but it was obvious in the way that jenni shook as she stood there that she was on the verge of breaking down. it wasn't your job to comfort her, so she wouldn't subject you to watching that.
she stopped the elevator at the next floor, which definitely wasn't hers. you watched her sprint away from you like she couldn't get away fast enough. you sighed as you stood up, waiting for the elevator to stop on your floor. when it did, you were met with ona and mapi standing there, waiting for you.
"hi guys," you said softly. you moved past them to get to your room to change your shirt, thankful that neither of them wanted to talk to you about it. they waited for you to get ready before the three of you left together, everybody else having gone out a little earlier.
"have you thought about where you want to sign to?" mapi asked. ona's head snapped over to look at you, and for a moment, you thought about strangling mapi in the middle of the busy street.
"no, i haven't," you hissed. ona cleared her throat, causing you to glance over towards her. "oni, i would have told you, bu-,"
"sign to arsenal, they want you. i think that you could really help them, and it'll be fun to play against you in the champion's league," ona told you. you were shocked that she wasn't begging you to come back to barcelona. you remembered the night you packed up your bags and left for germany, and the way that ona had sobbed on her knees begging you to stay.
"are you sure? ale said that barcelona would resign me," you told her.
"it's not the right time for you to come back to barcelona, not yet. who knows, maybe you'll find a cute girl in london. they go a little crazy for a spanish accent. i hear leila's having a lot of fun in manchester," ona teased. your cheeks burned with heat as you thought about what she was suggesting. mapi nudged you as well, obviously on board with this idea. "think about it, okay?"
"yeah, i will," you promised. in all honesty, you had thought about transferring to the wsl or even the nwsl. there were a couple of teams in america that had really wanted you, but there was no way that you'd ever run into jenni in england. she was too far away to excuse a casual visit, so maybe arsenal was just what you needed for closure.
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ziggyzolch · 2 months
Your Prettiness is Seeping Through IV (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
Warnings: Explicit depictions of bulimia. self harm talk. the usual. mommy issues fr. breakdowns, wanda going through it. lotta dialogue this chapter.
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----------she looks like the real thing-------------
Crumbs and dirty plates surrounded you. Sunlight streamed through the large front windows, casting a warm glow on the girl sitting across from you. You don’t quite recognize her, but for some reason you ignore it. She smiles, her eyes crinkling at the corners, as you finish off the last of your meal.. You dust off your hands, picking up a napkin and wiping sauce off your lips. “You go first, I need to chill for a bit.” The girl across from you groans, placing her hand on her belly. Nodding, you toss the crumpled napkin to the side and stand up.
The air smells of fried food and coffee, an oddly comforting blend that lingers as you weave through the tightly packed tables. Dirty looks are thrown your way while you push past every other customer, but you pay them no mind. The bathroom door, slightly ajar, beckoned you. The door hinges’ squeaking echo throughout the restaurant’s washroom as you enter.
Fluorescent lights buzz overhead, your feet squeaking against the tiled floor as you walk towards the stall closest to you, glancing at the elderly woman at the sinks. Her gaze follows you, curious and slightly disapproving, as you slipped inside the stall and closed the door behind you. You roll your eyes and enter.
It’s none of her business.
Your fingers fumble in your pocket, finding the hair tie and pulling your hair into a tight bun, ensuring no strays would get in the way. Dropping to your knees on the cold, tiled floor, you lean over the toilet. Your stomach felt like it was about to burst.
This was going to be good.
You bring your right hand up to your mouth, taking a deep breath in before shoving two fingers down your throat.
The sound of you coughing and gagging bounce around the room, but nothing comes out.
You take your fingers out, ignoring the saliva dripping onto the floor,
“Fuck, come on.” You mutter.
You try again, going deep enough to feel the ridges of your throat. A little soda comes out, but nothing else.
Tears sprang to your eyes, “No, no, no. Come on, come on!”
You use your arm to wipe your eyes, trying to avoid ruining your mascara, but instead of being greeted by the sight of a disgusting, spit covered toilet, you open your eyes to find you’re back at the same table, with the same girl sitting across from you, as if no time had passed.
You didn’t feel any emptier, but you couldn’t control your hands moving towards the seemingly untouched food. Your body moves on its own accord, devouring the entire three-course meal and quickly standing up, making your way back to the bathroom.
Rushing into the bathroom, you enter the same stall.
You tie up your hair, lean over the toilet, and shove your fingers down your throat.
You blink, and the familiar surroundings of the diner reappear. The sensation of being overstuffed returns, more intense than before. The girl across from you smiles, pushing her plate towards you, “I’m full.”
Unable to stop yourself, you reach for the plate and demolish her leftovers. Footsteps behind you catch your attention. “Who’s this for?” The waiter asks, handing you the plate of cheese fries when the girl points at you.
Grabbing the plate, you start eating before it even hits the table, not even bothering to use utensils.
You lick the plate clean, grabbing the cup of iced tea and chugging it down. Just as you’re about to get up for the third time, a sudden wave of tiredness hits you. The girl smiles wider as she watches you flop back down onto your seat, laying your head on the table as your eyes droop.
‘No, get up!’ You think to yourself, ‘Get the fuck up. Go!’
You can’t keep all of that food inside you. Imagining the amount of calories you’re digesting sickens you.
The sounds of the diner fade as you start to drift off.
‘Stay awake, get up and go. Go! Wake up. Wake up, Please just-’
“Wake up!”
You jump up, hands grasping at your chest. The warm atmosphere of the diner is replaced by the harsh, sterile environment of your room. Glancing around, you catch sight of a wide eyed Wanda with her hands on your shoulders.
“Oh, thank god.” You breathe a sigh of relief. It was just a nightmare. You shake her hands off of you and she backs away as you turn to sit up at the edge of the bed. Cheeks reddening, you realize she must’ve seen you thrash around in bed muttering like an insane person.
Wanda picks at her cuticles, standing awkwardly as you stand up, stretching with a groan. “Good morning.” You smile, noticing her eyes flicker to your exposed middle. Quickly, you pull your shirt down, hiding the scars you know she’s staring at.
“Minor surgery,” you lie, turning away before she can ask any more questions.
Two parallel scars adorned each side of your hips, a burn you’d made when you were 16 that never faded. Making designs with your burns added an element of fun to your self-harm. If the light hit your lower abdomen just right, you could see a faded heart you’d burnt into yourself.
Wanda’s eyebrows knit together as she watches you enter the bathroom. She had no idea why you were in here, and any attempt she made to read your mind was met with resistance. The only time she’d ever heard any of your thoughts was the first time she’d seen you.
She caught glimpses of your dream, mostly just you eating at a diner on loop, but nothing past that. Her observations were pretty much useless. Scars were randomly scattered across your left arm, in a way that they could almost pass as accidental, if you overlooked how many there were. They were nothing like her own, all parallel and within the same general area. She figured they must be accidents, since you didn’t make much of an effort to hide them.
Plus, your somewhat sunny disposition makes her hesitant to assume you were here as a result of a failed suicide attempt.
You had tried talking to her several times, each attempt more awkward than the last. She watched you furrow your eyebrows in thought, speak, then sulk when she didn’t offer a response until you thought of something else, repeating the loop. Getting stuck with an overexcited extrovert was the complete opposite of what she expected in a facility like this.
The only suspicious thing she’d caught you doing was when you spent 2 hours on your laptop, watching people eat ungodly amounts of food. That led her to the conclusion that you must have some sort of eating disorder.
Wanda takes a seat at the desk as you exit. She hears you walking around the room, opening random drawers and re-entering the bathroom before walking towards her. “Hey, you haven’t seen a pack of cigarettes lying around here, have you?” You ask with your hands on your hips, twisting your torso to scan the room before making eye contact.
She shakes her head, her lips pressing into a thin line.
“Damn it,” You mutter.
Both of your eyes turn towards the door as Nurse Ezra walks in, “Ah, great, you’re already up. Come get your breakfast,” He turns to walk away before quickly turning back, “Oh, shoot, I need to lock the room behind you guys.”
You and Wanda glance at each other before you ask, “Uh…why?”
He scratches the back of his head, “We lock the doors for 30 minutes after meals. To get you guys to socialize, and to stop,” He makes eye contact with you, “Certain patients from doing something that may affect their…journey.”
Wanda furrows her eyebrows, looking to you for an explanation. You don’t seem to be as confused as her, your face reddening.
Shaking yourself out of your shock, you nod and begin to walk out the room, the witch following after you.
Wanda catches up to you, her voice hesitant. “Hey... Do you know what he meant by that?”
You try not to react to the fact that she was speaking to you, “No idea.”
“Are you sure?”
“I really don’t. Where are you from?”
Wanda raises an eyebrow at the sudden topic change before you continue, “I just noticed you had an accent.”
“Sokovia.” She replies, “Not much of a country anymore, though.”
You scoff, “Don’t say that.”
She shrugs. It had been years since she’d heard any news about Sokovia. Her country had been destroyed by a sentient robot, and she helped. She helped Ultron get access to vibranium, she released the Hulk into the city, and in the end she got Pietro…
She can’t bring herself to watch the news about Sokovia anymore.
“It was destroyed. Was it not?” She questions as you both take a seat at one of the benches.
“They are rebuilding it.” You rest your chin on your hands,
Wanda’s eyes widened, “Really?”
You lift an eyebrow, a hint of surprise in your voice. “Yeah…Did you not know?”
She shakes her head.
Trays of food being placed in front of you interrupt your conversation. It was split up into 4 sections. The largest, on the bottom right corner, was filled with scrambled eggs and bacon. Hash Browns were on the section to its left, toast and jam on the section above. A single milk carton placed on the last one.
Your stomach grumbles at the sight. The food looked delicious, which you had expected in a place like this, but there’s no way you could let yourself digest it. The more you focus on the meal in front of you, the more you notice the oil dripping off the hashbrowns, the grease gathering under the bacon and eggs, and the calorie label on the carton of milk. You didn’t need to look at the toast to know how many calories were in it, you had it memorized.
You can’t eat this.
Ignoring Wanda’s eyes on you, you open up the carton of milk, pouring it over the whole meal.
“What was that for?” The witch asks, plunging her fragile, plastic fork into the hashbrowns.
You take a spoon and mush the food, mixing the milk into everything you could,
“I don’t eat pork.”
The common room had been buzzing with excitement since visiting hours arrived. You could see Wanda across the room, sitting on a pristine white couch next to an older redhead, who was wearing a baseball cap indoors. You wondered briefly as to why, but dismissed it; to each their own.
You turn your gaze towards the window, watching the snow fall. Winter had always been your favorite season; it brought on a comforting kind of depression. You could never explain it in a way that made sense, but summer made you feel fat. In the same way keeping your hair curly, breathing heavily, and sweating in any way made you feel fat. You knew it didn’t make any sense, but you couldn’t stand it. The snow was also just nicer than heat to you. It had never snowed where you lived, so even after your second year here, you still got excited to see it.
Someone snapping their fingers in front of your face takes you out of your reverie. “I’m paying attention.” You grumble, bringing your eyes up to meet your mothers’.
She sighs, “How’s this place treating you?”
“It’s fine.”
“Good, good. Let’s hope you don’t gain too much weight.”
You raise an eyebrow, “Are you serious?”
“Baby, you don’t need to gain weight, you just need to stop doing,” She makes random gestures, “Whatever you used to do. You’re fine just like that.”
“Thanks.” You scoff, “ Where’s dad?”
She offers a look of pity, “You know dad, honey, his work keeps him busy.”
“He can’t spare one day to visit-”
“So, any boys catch your eye?” She interrupts.
You bring your hands up to your face, groaning, “Mother, I am in a mental facility.”
She shrugs, “So?”
“Oh my god.” You say, exasperated.
Your mother checks her watch before lightly slapping her hands against her knees and getting up. Eyes widening, you rise to your feet, disbelief clearly written on your face, “You’re leaving already?”
She sighs, “I’m sorry, baby, but I need to get home and make dinner before your father gets home.”
“Can’t he order? Please, just fifteen more minutes-”
“Stay safe, honey, call me if you need anything.”
Wanda watches you chase after your mother, pleading. She doesn’t really get it. The conversation you were having could be heard from where she was sitting, and it didn’t seem like your mother cared enough for you to beg her to stay longer.
“Poor girl. Isn’t she your roommate?” Natasha asks, having watched the scene play out.
The younger woman nods, “Yeah.”
“Is she nice?”
“She’s okay.”
“If she’s a bitch you can tell me. I’ll knock her right out of this place.”
Wanda laughs, “She’s decent, just a little talkative.”
“Good. You need someone like that.”
“What makes you say that?” Wanda picks at the loose threads on her sweater.
“I don’t know,” The widow looks at her hands, “You starve and you don’t talk, you drink and you don’t talk. You never say anything at all.”
Wanda sighs, “I talk.”
“Not about anything substantial. You never told me how much you were struggling.”
“I could handle it.”
“This,” Natasha gestures to the surrounding, “is not the result of ‘handling it.’”
“This,” Wanda mimics her, “is bullshit. I should be at work.”
“So you can freely drink yourself into a coma?” Natasha sighs, “What would Pietro think?”
“Seriously?” Wanda jumps up, “This was a mistake.”
“No wait-” The witch storms off before Natasha can apologize.
Who does she think she is? Pietro’s not here to give her the same bullshit the rest of her friends were giving. He’s not here to reprimand her for all the alcohol she drank, or all the meals she’s missed. He’s not here to help her clean up her room, dress her wounds, comb through her matted hair.
He’s not here.
Wanda doesn’t realize what she’s doing until she feels hands grasping at her wrists, stopping her from banging her fist against her head anymore. When did she reach her room?
“Hey, hey. You’re okay.”
Wanda breaks down as you pull her towards you, lowering yourself onto the floor with her. You'd dropped everything the second you saw her franticly run into the room.
“I can’t stay here.” She chokes out. You move her towards your shoulder, letting her rest her head. “I-I can’t s-stay.”
Shushing her, you gently scratch the back of her head, “You don’t have to talk,” you say softly.
Wanda leans back after a while, sniffling and looking at your shirt, pinching the fabric, “I stained your shirt. I’m sorry.”
You glance down at the wet spot on your shirt and shrug, smiling. “Stain it all you want. This shirt has seen worse,”
The witch smiles before pushing herself off the floor, walking towards the desk and wiping at her eyes with her sleeves, while you stay seated on the floor.
A soft thud echoes throughout the room as something is tossed onto the ground in front of you.
You gasp, “My baby! Where did you find this?” Inspecting the pack, you pull the top open, taking a cigarette and pulling a lighter out of your pocket.
“I found it in the lobby when I first came here. Sorry.”
“I forgive you, thief.”
“Shut up.”
You rise and move to the window, pushing it open with a quiet creak. The frost gathered on the bars slowly melts as you light up your cigarette. The cool air brushes against your face while you take the first drag of the cigarette, the smoke curling around you.
“Cancer’s a slow death.” Wanda says, approaching you.
You offer her a hit. “Everything causes cancer these days.”
She shakes her head, opting to just stand next to you. After a moment of silence, Wanda points at your arm, “How’d you get that?”
She raises a hand when you start to answer, “Let me guess, paintball? Or was it a failed attempt at cooking?”
You laugh, looking down at the circle shaped scar on your arm, “Am I that bad of a liar?”
“You’re quick with the excuses,” she says, a hint of amusement in her voice. “It’s almost impressive.'"
Raising your other hand, you softly rub at the scar, “I was 14 – or 13 – and I bent a big paperclip into a circle, heated it up, then…tss”
Wanda winces, “You branded yourself? Jesus,” she turns her head towards the ground, “You were so young.”
You put out the cigarette, shrugging.
She points to your right arm, at a scar that runs across your bicep, “What about this one?”
“Sport accident.”
The witch raises an eyebrow, “Seriously?”
“Yes! I don’t have the balls to do that on purpose.”
She gives you the benefit of the doubt, moving on, “And that?”
Your eyes widen when she points at the band aid on your head, “Oh. Nothing.”
“Come on-”
“It’s nothing!”
Wanda places her arms up in surrender, “Sorry, sorry.”
She pauses for a moment before continuing, “Y’know, you come off quite cheerful.”
You shrug, “People like me better that way.”
“So? Who cares what people think?” Wanda places her hand on your arm.
You push her hand off, “I do.”
The conversation fizzles as you look away, lighting another cigarette and shivering at a gust of wind. You hear Wanda's footsteps echo throughout the room as she walks away, the bathroom door closing behind her.
You hated people touching you, it's like you could feel all the fat being squished under their hands. Objectively, you knew you weren’t obese, but you were constantly aware of all the fat under your skin.
You were hyper-aware of everything in your body, every change. When your baby fat started to fall off, when the veins in your hands became more prominent, when your hip bones started to stick out. Nothing got past you. You couldn’t let it. Once you start ignoring all the little changes, you’ll start gaining weight, and it’ll take another 3 years to get rid of it again.
Being overly self-aware was a gift as much as it was a curse.
You jump as the silence around you is suddenly broken by Wanda’s hesitant voice, “I’m sorry.”
Catching your breath, you offer Wanda a smile, “None of that. Nothing to be sorry for.”
“No, not just that. For ignoring you when you tried to talk to me.”
You move towards your bed, taking a seat, “You don’t owe me conversation.”
Wanda grins, “You’re so forgiving.”
You lightly punch her shoulder as she plops down next to you. “You’re so apologetic.”
She smooths down the wrinkles on your blanket, “I can’t help it.”
“Neither can I.”
The witch’s eyes widen as Pietro’s face flashes onto yours when you answer. She backs away, harshly rubbing at her eyes.
You sigh as you watch Wanda retreat to her bed, curling up and turning away.
Wanda’s gentle sobs echoed in the room. You watch her back, her shoulders trembling as she cries, waiting for an explanation she would never give. She couldn’t look at you, couldn’t see him.
The room goes silent as Wanda’s sobs quiet, aside from the occasional creak of the floorboards and the faint rustle of the bedding.
You almost say something. Almost reach forward, blurting out words of reassurance that you knew she wouldn’t believe.
Instead, you move back towards the window, lighting your third cigarette of the hour.
A/N: hello! hope you guys are doing well. this chapter was supposed to come out earlier but i scrapped a rewrote a huge chunk of it.
anyways, i read your comments and they mean so so so much, i appreciate u guys fr. motivates me to write more, im just bad at replying.
any criticisms, advice, opinions or whatevs are welcome and i hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter! <3 <3
Comment to be added to taglist!! or removed or whateva
Tags: @mathxa @nikkinss @charleeeesworld @marvel-posts @fawnedolly @dyingbatbutnobat
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beautiful1sky · 1 month
Your Quirk
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Deku: You can control plants. Unfortunately, because it takes a lot of energy, you have to sleep a lot. If you overdo it, you'll collapse.
Bakugou: Black Shadow: You can merge with anything that is black. You can also merge with shadows. Sometimes it can happen that you get stuck in a black T-shirt, for example. If this happens, you have to eat sugar, which is why you always have some with you. You can do this with normal sugar, icing sugar, rock sugar, cane sugar and brown sugar.
Shoto: You can read and manipulate minds. Sometimes, if you overexert yourself, you can have a nervous breakdown
Kirishima: You can control the weather. The downside is that you have strong mood swings because of this.
Denki: You can see into the future. The downside is that you see a lot more bad things than good things. And that's why you have to talk to Denki about it regularly so that you don't break down psychologically.
Attention: The characters and the gif do not belong to me. All credits go to the actual owners. If you want anything to be changed or removed, please write to me.
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anantaru · 2 years
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the temperature in sumeru continues to grow with the heat making scaramouche horny and frustrated.
���୧ WORD COUNT: 2.6k
୨୧ WARNINGS: nsfw, fem! reader, you call him kuni, riding, frustrated kuni, unprotected sex, cumming inside, sweaty and messy.
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"what the fuck?!"
the persisting, nagging heat in sumeru surely reached a new record today, scaramouche was sure of it, the lingering uncomfortable feeling of his clothes sticking together was bothersome and how thick the air turned, many people facing sudden difficulties in something as easy as breathing alone.
his shirt was already pretty tight, yet the way it was clasping onto his body was enough for him to wiggle himself out of it at last, angrily tearing and throwing the damp garment on the floor, leaving him bare chested in your shared modest apartment.
the lace of sweat on his chest was obvious to be perceived, he next, voiced a sharp sigh of relief which bubbled out of his throat when he was mopping away the perspiration that had developed on his pale skin.
his tense muscles fed into each other when he stretched himself, tilting his head left and right with lidded eyes, yawning out in a frustrated manner.
the high temperature that had constricted him from moving freely was dissolving just a bit upon hearing the door open together with the sound of you, or to be exact, the silent squeal as you walked into the scorching room.
"kuni? what the hell?!"
immediately, you unbuttoned your dress and spotted your boyfriend having a near on breakdown from the hot weather, the anger laced around his features nothing but a copying mechanism to survive the heat.
"how is it even hotter in our apartment?!"
you seem to be capable to read his clear thoughts, or that's what scaramouche thought the second you questioned the very thing he had been asking himself all damn day.
"i don't fucking know, it's tedious and nasty."
with your hand fanning cool air into your face, you paced over to your boyfriend who dramatically plopped himself onto the couch, his head thrown back with his chin held high, rubbing his damp forehead that his hair was sticking on.
in any other circumstances, you might think someone who had worked for the fatui in the past and endured the freezing cold in the cryo nation had built a remarkable resistance over any weather, yet he found the heat despicable, scaramouche would rather get hit by a massive ice block than endure any more of this living, roasting hell.
the flared, red expression on his pale skin stirred the tiny hairs on your neck, he was utterly adorable, struggling and pretending that he had himself under control under a flaming fire like that.
"hey, what if we take a cold shower together, doesn't that sound good?"
posing your question, you plopped next to him as he peaked at you with his indigo eyes, perceiving your unbuttoned dress loosely hanging around your shoulders, what a sight, his mouth watering.
"look at you."
his statement was direct, turning his head to get your attention, "cover yourself or the room will get hotter, do you want to kill me that badly?"
to say you weren't flustered by his passive aggressive compliment would be a blatant lie, yet today you didn't want to give him the benefit of triumphing over you.
rolling your eyes you attempted to move away but got stopped in the end by both of his strong hands suddenly holding your waist down, a self satisfied smirk concealing his handsome, facial features.
"come on now, don't tell me you really thought i was being serious?"
how comfortable it was for him, that you clearly knew how he acted sometimes as he didn't feel the need to explain himself, ever.
"who even knows what you're serious about and what you aren't."
with you spending a lot of time taunting him, you surely were certain what right buttons to push to tickle the desired reaction out of your boyfriend.
unable to suppress a laugh, scaramouche proceeded to shift himself to your body, the small indifference of your breathing being enough evidence that whatever he was doing right now clearly coaxed a reaction out of you, one he knew very well.
"i'm very serious about this right now."
setting as to proving you wrong, he leaned in to abruptly kiss you, squeezing the sides of your hips to pull you onto his lap with you straddling him. Overlaid with the faint scent of clean sweat, you deepened your connection and placed your hands onto his naked chest, adding your tongue.
"how serious?"
there it was, the early sexual tension, the one you happen to experience whenever you shared a room, more so whenever you pressed your lips together, tongue's dancing in tandem.
"never been more serious before, dear."
scaramouche ended the sentence with an alluring smirk as he inclined his face towards yours a bit more and laid his hands over the flimsy material of your dress, drawing it off your shoulders in a fastened manner.
clearly witnessing the sudden urge in him, you ran your fingerpads down his sweat covered stomach with the curves of his natural muscles glowing. Drawing his breath in with each stroke of your hand prancing lower to his groin, his hungry kisses exposed him off his need, his arms flexing around you to press you close.
how immensely grateful he was that his pants weren't as tight as his shirt prior, his cock being semi erect now as it rested right within your clothed pussy, the blood in his veins pumping and throbbing through it.
your inability to speak out seemed to be related to the fact that you were very much enjoying this right now, the hurling inferno in your apartment coming secondary, almost forgotten when you stilled your fingers on his waist at last, hooking your skillful digits into the waistband to pull him out off his confinements.
at this point, you weren't bothered by anything anymore, lazily dragging his pants down together with his boxers until the garments hit his knees before studying his eyes, intoxicated with a haze of euphoria.
"what are you waiting for? kiss me." as flowers opened back in spring, so did your heart whenever you heard his rough familiar voice on you, all the more pleading without him actually begging.
naturally, doing as he says, you trailed yourself back into him to place your lips together, the rest of his breathing was lost against your parted mouth. Careful, you gently nibbled on his lower lip, the light sucks made his whole body tremble in significant shivers.
scaramouche groaned softly under your touch, gentleness being the very thing he longed for as he placed both hands on your wet chest, gathering you and tangling together.
there was nothing more bewitching than your breasts in his eyes, the beauty of your mounds being enhanced by the faint outline of sweat entwined around the raw curves, glistering.
rolling your nipples in between his thumb and pointer finger, you squealed into his mouth, involuntarily grinding yourself into his now fully erected cock, catching him off guard with the air getting stuck in his throat.
completely unyielding, raw, with so much emotions you thought your mind would turn blank and dizzy, on the brink of passing out.
at once, the heat was spreading into your body, one, that wasn't akin to the high temperature in sumeru, but one that came from you and your soul alone.
his touches on your breasts felt like pure liquid, soothing and wet when he drifted back to your lower region, hooking his skilled fingers into the flimsy material of your panties to messily draw them aside, exposing your aching pussy to the warm room.
fuck, scaramouche couldn't believe his eyes, honeyed fire displaying itself on his widened pupils. How wet you had gotten and how sinful it melted together with the sweat on your bodies.
he needed to feel you right now, make love to you and fill you up with another filthy essence, more so possessively mark you from the very inside.
everything about you was natural and he loved it, craved it, his hand getting a hold of his stiff cock resting on his stomach as he took it, motioning a small tunnel with his fingers to stroke himself while you continued to suck on his tongue.
you got the message, how could you not? whenever scaramouche got needy it was evident, he wouldn't admit to it, so you proceeded to study his body responses, how his breathing hitched, how the grip on his hands got harder and the most important part, how his eyes glowed with that yearned sweetness, searching your scorching touch.
your folds were so soft and your pussy so warm, squishy, so responsive to his touch when he flicked his cock head over your prickling clit, aligning himself with your fluttering hole next as he beckoned you to retract your body a bit.
"sit on it." even with you practically being on top, it still felt as if scaramouche towered over you, the sheer control and authority in his aura was heavy on your skin, yet alluring and somehow made you yearn him further, it reminded you on his past as a harbinger.
through gritted teeth, you sat down to take him in one by one, your sharp fingernails digging into his shoulders as he helped you with one of his hands while the other one held his cock up so you could properly engulf him.
the second you greedily swallowed him up fully, you both moaned into another developing kiss, his eyes half opened as he watched you through his lashes, your chests sticking together yet none of you seem to care, more so was it a positive aspect now, aiding you in being intimate.
scaramouche realized you were more wet than usual, you felt so mushy and soft it was maddening to him, both your natural lubricants made it fairly easier to slip in without you feeling a huge amount of discomfort.
he wanted to do more than just stimulate you, you've been unreservedly good to him, any time, the last thing he wanted to do was actually hurt you or give you any form of discomfort.
still remembering that one time you showed him that it was okay to crave intimacy, cradling and caressing his body, till this day said moment was proceeded to be engraved in him.
scaramouche was holding it close and applying it whenever he got to make love to you.
his cock was hot and hard within your sobbing walls, grazing over the tingling flesh with the hardened veins that was pulsating with blood. Your hole was buckling around his girth, making it quite difficult for you to move without his added strength.
at first, your grinding was soft and slow, needy but tender, scaramouche gave you enough time to find your own rhythm as he began to breathe through his mouth, the hot air swirling over your bodies and doing you no favor, at all.
fascinated at the way you were circling your hips on him, his moans stuttered in his throat, his head slightly lolled back to indulge in your filth covered beauty.
and here he thought you couldn't get any sexier, not with sweat and perspiration dwelling on your breasts and being embedded right above your collarbone, yet here you were, glowing and taking the lead from him, chasing your orgasm energetically.
you lowered your head into him, resting your foreheads together as he helped you back and forth his impressive shaft, your tight, pretty pussy being more comfortable with his well packed groin, gradually swallowing him in and out.
hips lifting, another long moan, grinding down, the technique you went for had your heart thumping under your ribcage, his face displaying that he obviously enjoyed you and drank up everything you gifted him with.
"faster, f-fuck." he asked breathlessly, astonished by your ravishing tempo as you cried out upon feeling him abruptly thrust up, your body falling further.
the dominant motion that was actually dictated by the pace of his ruts into you had your mind feel heavy, your toes were curling when his swollen tip remotely hit into your sweet spots, one time, two times, fuck, your orgasm was so close you could practically taste it on the tip of your tongue.
scaramouche had his eyes pierced in where your bodies connected and his cock disappeared in you, your fluids were dribbling down his shaft with a faint layer of your essence appearing.
not really being surprised by the sheer amount of slick, there was a barely visible white ring of pure bliss entangled over his girth. The sounds of joy and glee rolled over the walls and were hitting his ears, the next groan coming right from his belly where his climax was building up.
"I-i'm so close kuni."
the sight of your brows scrunched together and you showing him a desperate expression was exhilarating. You could perceive the echo of strain in your thighs from how hard you were pressing and grinding onto him, ignoring the ache, the tingling sensation in your pussy being far too delicious to stop yourself from swallowing his cock now.
"lets cum together."
with those words, he sealed your fate, pulling his hands off your waist only to brand them on your cheeks, forcefully drawing you into a starving kiss as the both of you released, moaning into your parted mouth with drool lolling out of the corners of your lips, staining your chin.
"f-fuck, fuck." the wet heat and the significance of having him so deep in you and in that position as well, seemed to be enough to shower you with overstimulation, your hips giving out at last when he abruptly, in a sliding second, looped his arms over your waist to push you onto your back, shoving you into the couch when he rammed his hips forward in a hungry pace, riding your climax out with his aching cock.
how desperately you wanted to cry out his name with scaramouche towering over you now, moan out screamingly yet his tempo was otherworldly, your mouth was as dry as the desert with your throat being tied together. Nothing came out of your mouth, only dying words as you bathed in overstimulation with your mouth gaped open while he fucked you silly.
with that, his heavy member twitched within your velvety insides, overflowing, spilling himself into you and painting your abused walls with white ribbons of warm cum. it was runny and sticky, he came too much as you didn't have the space to keep it all in, his seed dribbled out of your fluttering hole and just enough so that it ran over your behind.
it was too much, truly, the warm temperature and your hot body ultimately made him collapse on top of your wet body, his head resting in the nook of your neck with his uneven pants coating the sweaty, thin skin.
"archons, you're crazy." you tucked him into your arms as he laughed at your sentence, for once passing up on the opportunity to say anything snarky back to you right away, far too spend to even move an inch.
"just noticed that now?"
even without seeing your boyfriend, you knew he had a prideful smirk painted on his face, he could clearly perceive your back still being arched and your body shivering, shaking from aftershocks that had an electrifying intensity in them.
when you loosened the tension in your muscles, you laid into the soft, damp cushions of your couch, scaramouche grasped onto the left over energy he had as he pulled himself out of your core, your slick and his cum stuffed you full as it drizzled out.
"what a mess."
you dared to peak on your lower region yourself, your body was glowing and sweaty, yet his face, it told you a different story.
for once, he had a smile, that one that was normally built shown on blueprints promising warmth, satisfaction and utter love.
all of a sudden, scaramouche got up much to your surprise, sliding down his pants from his knees as he finally wiggled himself out of them, leaving him standing bare for your eyes to relish in.
"lets take the cold shower you were talking about now."
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©anantaru do not share, copy, translate
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
Hey pumpkin, what do you think the zoos in ff7's world are like? Do they have behemoths, dragons and malboros or more like our world's zoos? We know they have cats and dogs and chocobos, but do they have cows, goats and other cattles too? WHERE DO THEIR MILK COME FROM
also, what's ASGZC's day at the zoo like? (Sorry if somebody has already asked this before)
I'm going to use the reasoning that if they have chickens, they also have cows and other cattle. Their zoos have regular animals, but also have creatures of their world, but in a controlled environment.
• Zack is so excited to see the tigers that he's wearing his tiger-print hoodie, and a baseball cap with I <3 tigers on it. He's SO HAPPY when a tiger runs up to the glass and starts scratching and jumping on it.
Zack: Look! Look! He likes me!
Sephiroth: Actually, the tiger might perceive you as a rival and is trying to engage in a confrontation to assert dominance within its territory.
Zack: .....
Sephiroth: Either that, or it's exhibiting predatory behavior with the intention of attacking and consuming you.
Zack: .....
Sephiroth: Or it could just be insulted by your hoodie.
Zack: Aww man.
• Cloud brought his camera with the intention to take as many pictures as possible to send back to his mom. Somehow he has the worst luck possible today.
Cloud, taking pictures: Look, these Nibel dragons are wrestling! That's so cool, I can't wait to show my mom. We've never seen them do that before.
Angeal: ......I don't think they're wrestling.
Cloud: ......dang it *lowers his camera sadly*
• Sephiroth is growing more and more concerned. Sure, he's killed a good portion of these animals in the wild before, but that was monster extermination and self defense. This is inhumane. These poor animals are locked in cages, stripped of their freedom, taken from their natural habitats, forced to perform and be a source of entertainment for a bunch of greedy onlookers.
• Genesis spends a good 30 minutes at the monkey exhibit trying to teach a flock of them (who were attracted by his red coat) how to put up their middle finger. He's pleased when one of the monkeys learn.
*The monkey sticks up his middle finger*
Genesis: Excellent!
*The flock of monkeys show their middle fingers to Genesis*
• Overall they had a pretty good time! Time to get in the car and go home now. Angeal is in charge of driving, so he does a head count—There's Genesis with his ice pack after he infuriated a peacock who attacked him, Zack with his giant komodo dragon plushie that he plans on gifting Lazard, Cloud having a mental breakdown as he realizes that in all of his pictures, his finger is in front of the lens, and.....
Angeal: H-How—when did you—WHY?
*Sephiroth has a meerkat in his lap*
Sephiroth: I couldn't leave her there to suffer. I plan on taking her home and preparing her for reintegration into her natural habitat.
Angeal: I'm actually surprised you took just one.
Sephiroth: Don't be ridiculous, Angeal.
*Sephiroth takes a baby meerkat from his pocket*
Sephiroth: She's a mother.
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cheeseceli · 9 months
It's okay
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Pairing: I.N × Gn!Reader.
Genre: hurt/comfort.
Summary: you feel like everything is falling apart, but your boyfriend is there to hold you close.
Warning: mention of blood; mention of food; Y/n is pretty much in a breakdown; not proofread; some cursing.
Author's note: this happened to me but I had no i.n with me lmao😔 hope this might bring comfort to anyone who needs it
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The voice of your boyfriend woke you up from the confusion that was in your mind as soon as you heard him, noticing the worried expression his features had.
"You've been staring at this glass for a while now. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah" you started drinking from your glass of water, avoiding any other question. The cubes of ice had already melted "everything's alright."
"Okay then. Uh... do you want to order food? We can eat that guioza that you've been dying to try. Or we can just have the usual."
"Just order whatever you'd like."
You stood up and went to the kitchen, feeling guilty for treating Jeongin so cold-heartedly when he clearly was worried about you. But you really, really didn't have the energy to talk in the moment. And even if you did, you doubt anything good could get out of your mouth right now. So you were going to wait.
Wait until your problems disappeared, or until you were brave enough to face them. Whatever came first. But honestly, you didn't expect that any of the previous options would actually happen. You were just waiting for everything to get worse and dry you out. Those last days couldn't have gone worse and now you're just playing this game where you try to guess what horrible thing will follow in the list of disasters in your life. Maybe someone steals your phone tomorrow. Or you can break an arm before going to bed tonight. Maybe your university catches fire, your boyfriend breaks up with you and you receive a call from your parents telling you you're a dishonor. The possibilities are infinite.
Whatever the case is, you just feel something bad will happen, as apparently you have no control over your life anymore. Nothing happens as you plan it, it doesn't matter how hard you try. In the end, you can't stop unpleasant situations in your life, like letting the glass slip from your hands. Very next thing you know is the pain in your foot as the glass shatters next to it.
"Y/n? What was that sound?"
"Nothing"" you tried to keep calm and not involve I.N in your mess, even though you knew it wouldn't work. Not a second passed by and you could hear his footsteps coming closer.
"Oh shit."
"It's okay, I'll clean it."
"No, Y/n, stop. You are barefoot and already bleeding."
"It's just a small cut."
"Still a cut. C'mon."
You didn't quite understand at the moment, but when he searched for the nearest pair of shoes available to wear and took you in his arms you got it: he was bringing you brided style to the bathroom.
"You're overreacting."
"Just sit down, please." He placed you in the sink and started an inspection on your cut, analysing how bad it could be "does it hurt a lot?"
"No. I told you it's just a small cut."
"It's not that small baby. What's going on?"
He was focused on cleaning your wound and didn't really look at your face, but you knew he was paying attention to every small movement of yours. You could see he was trying to help you. For a second, you really wanted to be helped.
"Was it really that obvious that something's wrong?"
"It's the second glass that you break this week. Besides I know you well."
"Sorry 'bout that by the way."
"I don't care about a glass, Y/n. I just want you well. Can you tell me what's bothering you?"
"It's just..." now his eyes were on you, and you could notice how much he truly cared about you. Funny how just his eyes could lift a lot of weight out of your shoulders "I don't know, everything's seems wrong. My backpack ripped in the subway, my friends love to say shit about me as if it's the funniest joke ever, my family's dog is sick, I didn't have a proper meal for more than a week and this is a never ending list. I know I must be being dramatic as hell right now, but to be fair, I feel like I'm on the edge of a breakdown."
"Baby" I.N dried one of your tears with his thumb. You didn't even notice you started crying "it's okay to feel like that. You're not being dramatic at all. After such a hell of a week you deserve to let your feelings out. What about I cancel that order, I cook your favourite to you and we sew your bag later?"
You have him a small smile, glad you had someone so great by your side, someone who knew how to be there for you "I'd like that very much."
He smiled as well "Great."
Jeongin stood up so he'd be able to give you a proper hug. Your boyfriend wasn't the touchy type usually, but he was really great at giving hugs, so whenever a moment like this happened, you tried to savour every minute.
"We can go to your parents' house tomorrow if you'd like. Maybe your dog will get better by your side."
"It's a three hours drive."
"I'm a good driver."
You smiled, hugging him tighter and pressing your face into his chest "thank you."
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Reblogs and feedback is always appreciated!
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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hugsandchaos · 4 months
Follow-up to Halfa Dash AU
Believe it or not, Danny starts to get jealous of Dash. In his eyes, Dash got everything while he got little to nothing. Everyone in town knows Dash’s “secret” and work to hide him from the GIW or prying eyes. Valerie and the Fentons work together with him, and Vlad learned to let go of his anger a long time ago and isn’t in the picture.
When Danny helped in his universe, he was called a menace for accidentally causing property damage in ghost fights, half of which is caused by the other ghost attacking him and the other half is Danny being thrown at buildings or the ground, so he literally has no control over it! Even when he tried! He still tried to help the best he could, but it was never enough for the town.
“I gave all I could for them, and then some, but what did I get? Hunted! Torn open! I didn’t expect anything, not even a thank you!”
When Dash does it, he’s considered a hero, gets pats on the back, that kind of stuff. His fire core in still underdeveloped, but he warms up the area when he’s in ghost form. People love that, unless people are already hot and sweating, but no one lashes out. Danny’s ice core lowers the room temperature, and sometimes his body temperature. No one wants to hold hands that are cold.
As you can tell, Danny is pissed about this. He’s happy Dash doesn’t have to deal with what he did, but he’s still pissed.
As for Sam and Tucker, I have two ideas.
They went along with him to the alternate universe, where none of them existed, and all live and work together to get by and help each other out. There was no way they were leaving him alone.
The alternate Sam and Tucker like Dash. They think he’s a pretty chill guy, and they don’t understand why Danny keeps avoiding him or flinching. A part of Danny feels betrayed by this, even though he knows they’re not the Sam and Tucker he knew.
I think the last straw for Danny would either be Vlad or Lancer.
When Vlad comes into the picture, he’s not just… well, not a fruit loop, but he helps Dash! He helps him with his ghost powers, he teaches him, and Jack, and Maddie! He gives tips and advice on what to expect in the future and how to deal with it, and gives him his number incase he needs him!
Danny’s anger reaches a whole new peak.
If it’s Lancer, then it’s when he figures out that Danny has no parents and is living on his own. When he talks to Danny about this after school, he blows up at him. He goes on a rant about how Lancer thinks that he knows what’s best for him when he doesn’t know the full story. He lets it slip that he’s from another universe and had really bad experiences that made it hard for him to trust people and asks how he can be sure this isn’t a trap of some kind.
Eyes are glowing green, the room is freezing, and Danny’s cussing while trying not to have a mental breakdown and failing. He doesn’t want to be put into any adoption or foster care, especially with some strangers, and he’s determined to not let that happen. If anyone, he’d allow Frostbite to adopt him.
Surprisingly, this Frostbite and the one he first met are very similar and recognize him. It’s as if they’re actually the same! Like the Ghost Zone didn’t change, or at least, the Far Frozen didn’t.
Or maybe I can add the Nightingale Family from the PenPal AU! They’d be the one able to adopt him because he meets them all over again, and they’re some of the few people who are still the same. He knows he can trust them, so when they offer adoption, his answer is yes and a big hug.
I think that eventually, he and Dash might have a rivalry-type friendship. Ish. Danny’s constantly pushing Dash to get better with his skills. Dash likes to challenge him to a sparring match or race. Or maybe it’s like this closer to the start, but Danny’s genuinely mad under the mask. He’ll start to appreciate this Dash sooner or later.
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peachybeom · 1 year
Drunk On You
non idol!yeonjunxreader
swf, slight suggestive.
note: how could i witness drunk yeonjun confessing his love for moas and not write a fic!?
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Hitting send on the screen of your laptop. You finally let out a huge sigh and leaned back stretching your hands.
Work had been hectic these days due to a major lay off in your company, and all the burden was now put on you.
Icing on the cake was that your incompatible boss did nothing to ease your stress, he simply 'requested' you to work overtime for an entire week while he himself ran off on a trip to Hawaii.
You rubbed your face in irritation and ruffled your hair, letting out a silent scream.
A ringtone interrupted your mild breakdown and you reached for your phone to look at the caller ID.
Your lips automatically twisted up in a small smile as you dragged your finger to take the call.
"I just called because I really re-reallyy like you and I don't think you how much I love youu-uu ," Your boyfriend's voice boomed through the phone.
His words were slurred and his tone was loud, making you slightly flinch while putting the phone away from your ear.
"Yeonjun are you drunk?," You asked incredulously, trying to hide the amusement in your voice.
"No! What makes you th-think that? I'm just a bit ttipsy," Yeonjun replied through the phone defensively.
This time you couldn't help but let out a laugh.
Yeonjun had called you earlier today and informed you that he had gotten a promotion at his job-one for which he had been working for almost two years now. You were so happy for him that you had squealed loudly, earning questionable looks from your coworkers.
But this happiness was short lived as you had to tell your boyfriend that you won't be able to celebrate with him because you had to work overtime.
In fact it was you who suggested that Yeonjun should go out with his friends tonight and celebrate with them instead. He was first hesitant about this plan but eventually agreed.
And now he was drunk. Choi Yeonjun was drunk.
Yeonjun was rarely someone who lets alcohol take over his senses. He was the type of person who was calm and collected. Someone who was always incharge and in control.
So a slurring and stumbling Yeonjun was a sight you rarely got to witness.
You were about to inquire further when you heard shuffling through the phone accompanied by your boyfriend's dismayed whines.
"Hey Y/N, I'm so sorry Yeonjun got carried away and had a little too much to drink. Don't worry I'll get him home safe." A very concerned and almost scared Soobin apologized to you.
Much to Soobin's relief you just laughed.
"We both know him Bin, he must be really happy, to get this drunk. I would come over but unfortunately I still have some work left, so thanks for taking him home," You waved off the concerned friend and thanked him.
Upon reaching the apartment, you entered the passcode and opened the door gently, careful not to disturb your boyfriend, who you thought would probably be passed out in the bedroom by now.
But once you entered inside you were startled by Yeonjun sitting on the couch, eyes closed and body leaning backwards as he moved his head lightly swaying to the soft music playing the the background.
His undone cuffs, loosened tie, unbuttoned shirt, messy hair sticking out in every possible direction indicated that Yeonjun still was very much under the influence of whatever drinks he had.
The tip of his ears also turned a light shade of pink, which you found adorable.
Yeonjun looked like a mess, a hot one nonetheless.
He didn't notice your presence until you kicked off your heels, jumped on the spot next to him on the couch and wrapped your arms around his middle.
"Hello," You greeted him while nudging his shoulder.
Yeonjun looked down at you.
You expected a reply or a goofy grin, even a smile but instead he just stared before flicking his gaze away.
You sighed inwardly.
While you throughly enjoyed intoxicated Yeonjun, your least favourite part was that whenever he got drunk he became extra petty and demanding, to the point where you had to give in to whatever he wanted.
You knew what this was about but still decided to ask him.
"What's wrong baby?"
"You didn't show up today," Yeonjun mumbled while pouting.
Your heart broke at his words but you reminded yourself not to take it personally.
You knew that out of the two of you it was always Yeonjun who encouraged you to prioritise work over him, even when you didn't want to.
He was so persistent and always insisted on waiting on you whenever you had to take overtime shifts.
Still you felt like shit because you weren't able to be there for him to celebrate such an important milestone in his life.
"I'm sorry Junnie, what can I do to make up to you?" You asked while reaching out for his hand.
Yeonjun titled his head to the side and tapped his chin like a toddler.
"Dance with me," He said finally flashing out a toothy grin.
So he wasn't being serious before. Thank God.
"What" You replied, chuckling.
"Yes now get up," Yeonjun said as he turned up the music and pulled you on your feet.
The next ten or so minutes were spent with the two of you dancing like dorks, well mostly Yeonjun, with his 'cool' moves.
While you were gonna tease Yeonjun relentlessly once he got sober, you were also going to reminisce this adorable and embarrassing side of him.
Breathless, you finally excused yourself from the dance party to take a shower and change.
You got out while drying your hair with a towel ten minutes later and saw Yeonjun standing near the kitchen counter while holding two eggs.
He was staring at them closely and was about to smash them together before you stopped him.
"Hey hey! What're you doing?" You asked grabbing the eggs from his hands.
"About to make scrambled eggs, want some?"
While the idea did please you, you didn't want the entire house to smell like raw eggs for a week by letting a drunkYeonjun cook. So you decided to do it yourself.
You greased the pan and cracked the eggs all while trying to avoid your boyfriend's intense gaze fixated on you.
"Here," you said as you pushed a plate before him and went back to grab one of your own.
Yeonjun's plate was still untouched when you returned from the kitchen.
"Y/N Feed me,"
Ah the demanding side.
You almost burst into laughter at his request but contained yourself to not offend him.
You needed to tape evidence now. Yeonjun wasn't gonna live this one down.
Sitting beside him, you placed a big spoon in his mouth and he chewed quietly. Before the next bite you sneaked in a quick kiss and he made a face at you.
"You are so cute, can I eat you too?,"
Now under normal circumstances, this would turn you on, like so much on.
But right now you knew he wasn't thinking right and probably meant if he could actually eat you.You nodded as he leaned in to lightly graze his teeth at the tip of you nose.
Chuckling, you pushed him back and stood up.
"C'mon let's get you changed and ready for bed, you big baby,"
You picked out a sweatshirt from the closet for Yeonjun and made your way to the room.You saw your boyfriend struggling with his shirt buttons and went up to help him.
He was evidently getting more sober, face no longer red and steps more coordinated. Successfully undoing the shirt, you gently slid it off of him.
That's when you felt the atmosphere shift from being playful and light to something more intense. You looked up at him as he slid his hands around your waist.
"So sorry I wasn't able to be with you, it's just there's so much work. I'm the worst-," Yeonjun placed his finger on your lip to cut you off.
"Don't. It's not your fault, stop apologizing," He said hushing you.
"I'm proud of you," You smiled at him.
Yeonjun replied by placing a full kiss on your mouth, tangling one of his hand through your hair while the other slid downwards below your waist.
You broke the kiss, pushing him and making yeonjun stumble back slightly.
"Still want to eat me?" You teased, noticed a mischievous glint in Yeonjun's eyes.
He shook his head.
"I want to devour you."
taglist: @uno7
(dm or comment to be added <3)
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I got asked earlier what my thoughts are on the Mori is Atsushi’s dad theory. And personally I don’t buy into it (full breakdown is here incase anyone’s curious.)
But I find it an interesting idea and wanted to play around with it. So here’s my concept for what if Mori was Atsushi’s dad.
Mori knew he’d need a successor for when he took over the Port Mafia. It’d be easier for it to be his own heir. But he wasn’t exactly jazzed about having a baby to look after.
As time went on tho Mori did develop a bond with Atsushi. He wouldn’t call it love but he did feel some affection for him. A feeling that definitely grew when Atsushi manifested a powerful ability.
At first as far as Mori knew, it was simply to turn into a tiger. Which in enough itself was impressive. But that Atsushi got into an accident (as babies do) but miraculously his ability seemed to heal his wounds.
Upon closer inspection Mori realises it wasn’t quite regeneration. But reversion, bringing him back to his original state and thus no longer being injured (same analysis Yosano makes in season 1.)
Definitely does has a “of course he has a powerful ability, he is my son after all” moment. And things would’ve stayed mostly peaceful until the Great war. Mori ends up heading off and has enough sense not to bring his 4 year old with him (but bringing an 11 year old is clearly fine.)
And so Atsushi is left in the care of his mother. Mori and her aren’t together, they are amicable and only really interact if it concerns Atsushi. She’s even dating another man, a cute Russian man who offers to look after her son when an emergency comes up.
One he is directly responsible for because ✨surprise ✨ it’s Fyodor. He takes Atsushi to a far away orphanage, weaving a story about a poor child he found in a bin. Atsushi’s mum is horrified when she comes home, and turns out Fyodor was in disguise and using a fake name.
And because there was a whole thing about the northern lights in the Great War causing emp waves (or something), the phone service is shit and Mori doesn’t find out until he returns. He doesn’t exactly take the news well.
It’s then that Natsume reveals to him what the book is and Atsushi’s connection to it. Saying he didn’t say anything prior because he wanted to be completely sure. And had he known this man was after Atsushi he would have. Mori’s not exactly happy but he understands.
This whole thing only fuels his desire to be PM Boss. Knowing he’ll gain the resources to locate his son. Life carries on and Mori sits on the throne of the PM. The only people who knew of his son were Dazai and Chuuya, and Mori tells them at the same time.
When Chuuya is lashing out in Mori’s office about what he’s lost to the old Boss Mori says he understands. He understands how it feels to lose everything you hold dear, but also to rise above and take control. “I had a son. He was stolen from me, and I will rake this earth until I find him alive.”
When Chuuya joins he says something like “when the day comes you find a lead. I will do everything in my power to bring your son back to you.”
That lead would come 6 years later when a bounty for a tiger is given to the PM. And Mori freezes at the sight of its eyes, he’d know those eyes anywhere.
Everyone’s confused as to why the bounty isn’t being taken, except for Chuuya who puts two and two together. Akutagawa is instructed to bring the weretiger back.
But under no circumstances is he to hurt him. This goes out the window once Atsushi joins the Agency and Dazai, while captured purposefully riles up Akutagawa. Because he realised Atsushi’s identity and won’t let Mori take him.
Things carry on, Akutagawa’s on thin fucking ice as is Kouyou but things go on.
Atsushi and Mori still meet in Anne’s Room. Atsushi thinks he looks familiar and Mori pretends he doesn’t know him. And gives him advice, he’s curious to see what his son has grown into. And also doesn’t want their reunion to take place here.
Mori is also more open to a truce even if he doesn’t accept it right away, especially when learning it was Atsushi’s idea.
Atsushi doesn’t learn the truth until Dead Apple. He doesn’t take it well but learns to accept himself. Akutagawa gives him a good tongue lashing for not telling him and the Agency accepts Atsushi.
Atsushi and Mori don’t meet properly until the Cannibalism arc, truly wonderful timing. He feels guilty for worrying about Mori. Speaking of, Mori finally learns Fyodor’s the one who stole Atsushi, after being stabbed by him.
There’s really no easy way to break it to Atsushi that the Agency are going to kill his dad. He’s against it (even more so than in canon) and wants to try and find a different solution. But after the lead is a failure, all Atsushi asks is if he can at least say goodbye.
His friends grant him that at least.
Atsushi walks up to PM headquarters to Chuuya who stops the goons from trying to shoot him.
Atsushi: Do you know who I am?
Chuuya: The Agencies Weretiger?
Atsushi: Not that. It’s…About your Boss.
Chuuya: So you found out. Yeah, what about it?
Atsushi: I want to see him. I don’t know what’ll happen but, I know this might be my last chance.
Chuuya passes a message on, gets the okay and sends a goon with Atsushi to go up. “And kid, for what it’s worth. He’s missed ya.”
Mori is sat up in bed and sends Kouyou out. It’s awkward at first but Mori doesn’t seem phased by it. Asking how Atsushi is and sharing old stories.
Atsushi getting emotional because he was told he was abandoned. Mori firmly remarking that he wasn’t, that Mori scoured the country and than some for him.
That he was missed, dearly.
Atsushi saying that he wished they had more time. And that he’s trying to find a different solution, giving a teary smile when Mori comments he truly did take after him. Mori has no doubt he’ll survive this but simply says he has faith in Atsushi.
If he says theres a solution where everyone survives then there will be. And that when it comes they should get dinner, whatever he likes.
“Do you still love chazuke?”
“It’s my favourite.”
“Mine too. Chazuke it is then.”
Atsushi leaves with hesitation and the assassination plot kicks off and fails. The rest of the plan is carried out and the end has Atsushi and Mori eating chazuke together at a restaurant.
Atsushi knows what kind of man Mori is, but he’s also his dad. He knows he cares in his own way and wouldn’t hurt him. And they are allies currently.
Chuuya goes back for Atsushi during the rescue and finds he’s missing. Which gives Mori a heart attack until he realises Atsushi snuck out with Kyouka and made a deal with Fitzgerald.
Does he wish Atsushi came to him? Yes, though he does understand Atsushi’s reasoning and touched he didn’t want to drag the PM into this (oh dear boy we were involved when you got dragged into it.)
Also doesn’t appreciate Fitzgerald manipulating his son.
Things go on, worlds saved until it isn’t and Mori gets up to greet Atsushi. And for the first time, hugs him. Atsushi breaks down and Mori tells him this will all be fixed.
That damn rat had taken too much from Atsushi, he wouldn’t take anymore. Ability or not, Mori would find a way to kill him if he tried. He couldn’t even be happy at having his son in his rightful home.
Fyodor was going to pay dearly.
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mxssingmemories · 10 months
shitty skater // spencer reid x reader
summary: your crush on spencer turns into more than that after a few falls on the ice.
wc: 1k!
warnings: none that i can think of! spencer falls a lot, but what's new
a/n: 2nd fic in the 12 days of christmas challenge!! hope y'all are lovin' it :)
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The cold stung your cheeks as you sat down with your hot chocolate, and the chill in the air was prominent as you took a sip. Your eyes weren't on your drink, though—they were focused on the hazel-eyed agent who was currently doing his best to stay on his feet on the ice. You couldn't help but watch him as he fell, a giggle escaping your lips when he fell once more while trying to stand back up.
Spencer shot you a playful glare as your giggles only got louder, only slightly muffled by your hand. Emily's eyebrow was raised at you as he skated over; her teasing was immediately halted by the glare in your own eyes.
"It's not that funny," the agent huffed, simultaneously grabbing onto the railing for dear life as he skidded to a stop.
"It definitely is," JJ smirked, laughing at Reid's incredulous expression.
"Jayjie! You're supposed to be on my side," he pouted, earning an eye roll from all three of you.
"D'ya need some help out there?" You asked him, a joking expression replaced with a genuine look of concern. It was pretty funny to watch him stumble like a baby deer on the ice, but you had seriously begun to feel bad for him. He could only fall so many times before getting bruised. The last thing you wanted was for him to get hurt.
At his nod, you smiled and bent down to retrieve your skates. You laced them up rather quickly as three pairs of eyes watched you. They didn't miss the ease with which you stepped onto the ice, nor did they miss the lovesick look you gave Reid when he wasn't looking. The girls ushered you away as soon as they could, with teasing smiles on their faces.
"Go skate with your boyfriend," Emily laughed, your cheeks immediately turning red as you realized how close Spencer was to you. You could only hope that he hadn't heard that as you sighed. With how close you were to him, there was a high chance he did.
You were taken out of your thoughts when a cold hand grabbed onto yours, and your brain suddenly brought you back to the situation at hand. Spencer stumbled dangerously as he held onto you for dear life. Doing all that you could to make sure the both of you stayed upright, you searched for the nearest rail to grab onto.
"So," Reid exhaled, desperately trying to get his breathing under control. "Boyfriend, huh?" he asked, a smug look on his face as you turned away.
"Jesus Christ," you muttered under your breath. Of course, the girls had made it impossible for you to get out of this situation. If you skated away to avoid the conversation, Reid could get hurt, and they knew that. You did your best to feign indifference as you turned back around. "I'm sorry about them, Spence. You know how JJ can be." He laughed at that, a knowing look shared between you both as she made eye contact with you and wiggled her eyebrows.
"It's alright," he replied softly, an understanding smile on his face. "The girls love to tease us, don't they?"
You smiled gratefully at his words. Somehow, he'd managed to say just the right thing to put your mind at ease. He grabbed your hand again as you two finally made it to the railing, giving the both of you some much-needed balance and stability. Spencer sighed as he leaned back against the wall, a boyish grin on his face as the grip on your hand tightened ever so slightly.
"Y'know, I don't really mind it," he started, uncertain eyes meeting yours as you blushed. You swallowed harshly as the reality of the situation hit you. His hand was still in yours, and you were mere seconds away from a nervous breakdown as he continued to hold eye contact. Your brain ran through all the possibilities of things you could say before you settled on one.
"I don't think I do, either," you mumbled as his thumb rubbed your knuckles. The ice was a major contrast to the heat in your cheeks. At that moment, one would think you'd run a marathon judging by your appearance, and you couldn't blame them. Your focus was solely on him as he bent down to your level, your face coming within mere inches of his. The question in his eyes was evident. Your nod was all he needed as he cupped your cheeks with his hands, and his lips brushed against yours.
You didn't miss JJ and Emily's cheers in the background, but you pointedly ignored them as you focused on nothing but Spencer's lips on your own. The taste of hot chocolate lingered in both of your mouths as you pulled back. It was Reid's turn to giggle as you buried your face in his neck, your cold nose a shock compared to the warmth that was spreading through the both of you. Spencer wrapped his arms around you as he once again bent down to kiss your forehead.
"Holy shit," you whispered, breaking the silence. He practically cackled at your wording, and in response to this, you nudged him. What you'd failed to realize was that he had no grip on anything for balance. The second you nudged him, he once again lost his balance and wobbled harshly. Your eyes widened as he almost comically fell on his butt, pulling you down with him thanks to your still joined hands. It was silent for a solid two seconds before you broke into a laughing fit. Spencer followed soon after, both of your bodies shaking with giggles. You pulled yourself together as quickly as possible, retying the skate that had somehow come loose during the fall. You stood up quickly, gaining your balance, before extending a hand to the man still sitting on the ice. He took it with a grateful smile, your hands intertwined for what felt like the hundredth time that night.
"I'm so glad you're a shitty skater," you sighed, Reid's eyes laced with amusement as he dusted the snow off of his pants.
"Me too, sweetheart," he smiled, watching as JJ and Emily skated over frantically to you both. "This is gonna be fun."
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