#Baby Tarta
silverstarsimuran · 1 month
БанБан и его друзья/BanBan and his friends
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Я знаю, что Детский садик БанБана не очень хорошая игра, по сравнению с другими играми в жанре хоррор, но тем не менее мне полюбились персонажи данной игры, а потому я их и нарисовала.
Дизайн персонажей принадлежит мне.
I know that Garten of Banban is not a very good game compared to other horror games, but nevertheless I liked the characters of this game, and that's why I drew them.
The character design belongs to me.
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canis-rex-lupus · 8 months
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Mmm yes I've watched the Banbans
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echoarts03 · 1 year
Hey can you draw the other members of garten of banban human too like the opila and tarta chicks tarta bird the jester nabnaleena nabnab zolphius chamataki and tamataki please?
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Almost 2 months of procrastinating later, but yes! I CAN and WILL do the others!
The funny thing is, I started this as soon as this ask came in. But as each day went by, I did less and less work on it, LMAO.
Also, for some reason Jester gave me the most trouble design-wise, but I think I found a design that I like!
Anyways, I hope this was worth the wait!
Don't steal my art, or I promise I WILL find out, and I WILL break your knees.
(PART 1)
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teddybearty · 9 months
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More art of some sillies!!
More about the new characters below:
Tarta (uses they/them pronouns) is the parent of the little baby birds: Redd, Blu, Rosie and Violet and partner of Opila!! They help around the kindergarten and love their wife very much!
Ernie, Minnie and Moe (The Naughty Ones) are little orphaned kids adopted by Brenda and Bramble! They can be a bit of a troublemaking force but they are also a lot of fun to be around!!
+ Seymour with a little Brenda
+ Fiddles and friends!!!
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sir-subpar · 1 year
Hungry Bird Chase (1?)
(My Reimagined Banban x Gender Neutral player/reader)
Below the cut:
Rating: Teen for injury descriptions.
Summary: your first time witnessing your companion's dangerous appetite.
(*Note: this is written based on my reimagined versions of these characters. So there's going to be some story divergence. Gender Neutral reader w/ they/them pronouns used to make my life easier. I might do a part 2*)
BanBan had been an… odd companion to have. Though you appreciated the help he gave through this ungodly maze-like building, there was still this odd air around him.
He seemed to be desperate to help you, but at the same time avoiding you. Keeping a level of distance from you.
At first, you did the same, so it didn't seem all that odd. He was probably scared like you were, unsure of your next move. On guard.
But, as you started letting your walls down, he didn't appear to do the same, at least, not much.
 It felt like he was just starting to open up to you, then that jellyfish had to ruin it. BanBan had been captured, and you struggled to find him.
You'd think a giant one-eyed orange jellyfish holding a tall red monster would be easy to spot, but thanks to all the bottomless pits everywhere, you lost them rather quickly.
In that time, you managed to tame Opila Bird, riding on her back through the facility. 
You wouldn't deny that you were proud of your accomplishment. Part of you wished you could show off your amazing feat to Banban. But you obviously had to find him first. 
So, riding on the back of a tall pink bird, you search for him.
For a while.
A long while.
You swore you had been in some of these rooms before, but it was difficult to keep track without a map.
After another hellish hallway leading to a balcony above the abyss, Opila stopped, Tarta Bird standing next to the both of you with a baby bird on their back. 
Both birds froze, staring into the darkness. 
You were tempted to ask them why, but your words caught on your tongue upon hearing a familiar ominous voice.
"Bird riding is a new one, I'll give you that."
Stinger Flynn.
He proceeded to monologue in front of you, you grew more agitated and disinterested as he spoke, until he said something particularly odd.
"I got what I needed, and you gave up your chance of freedom, but… I don't have time to deal with you, so.."
One of his retractable stingers emerged from one of his tube-like arms.
 It swiftly moved towards you before you could react! You were certain it was going to pierce through your body!
You only had time to raise your arms and guard your face!
But it dashed past you, only leaving a big, but non lethal gash on your hand.
It hurt, but compared to what you are expecting it didn't seem like much. They didn't even appear to be anything too bad, though it might require stitches. 
You didn't have time to process it, however.
One of Stinger Flynn's other arms revealed BanBan, the tendril coiled around him, before rapidly throwing him. 
You gasped as Banban's body harshly collided with the wall behind you. You could hear the force of the impact knock the air out of him, leaving him winded and limp on the floor.
Before the jellyfish descended into the darkness, his parting words were "I'll let him deal with you."
Then, he was gone.
You hopped off of Opila, panicking as you ran to check on BanBan.
"Banban!" You yelled, sitting on your knees as you shook his face-down body.
He groaned, propping himself up on his hands, and soon his knees as well.
He shakily met your gaze, his left eye, which already tended to have a Shiner anyway, was someone shot as the entire area around it was bruised far worse. The bruises spread to his chicken forehead.
He must have hit the wall pretty hard. His faded red color was interrupted by dark purples.
 You gently grazed your finger over the bruised, now purple, skin. Apologizing when he flinched away and whined.
His good eye drifted you your injured hand, and his demeanor went from small and injured to frantic and concerned in a snap.
"Oh my- what happened to your hand!?"
His larger, red hands held your bleeding one. The crimson fluid trickled between your fingers.
BanBan stood up, quickly lifting you up with him. Because of how shy and gentle he acted, you often forgot how strong he really was sometimes.
"We need to find you a first aid kit! Oh I'm sure we had one around here on this floor somewhere!"
"Hey hey! It's okay, I have bandages." To prove your claim, you pulled a roll of gauze from your bag, wrapping your hand up swiftly.
He seemed relieved, flashing you his signature sweet smile, purple forked tongue sticking out and all.
But as quickly as the smile came, it was gone. His face warped from reluctantly relieved to panicked once more.
He slapped his hand over his mouth and stumbled back from you.
Oh, right. You forgot he could smell with his tongue like a snake. Seems like a big reaction, but maybe he was squeamish around blood or something?
He turned his back to you, hunched over, his free hand clutching his stomach.
"Oh, BanBan, I'm fine. It's not that bad." You attempted to sooth him.
Just then you heard his stomach growl, loudly. It actually startled you.
And the way he seemed to double over, clutching the fabric of his jacket harder as he put more pressure on the noisy organ, attempting to silence it.
You could hear him murmuring panicked words to himself, but you couldn't make out what he was saying.
He looked ill..
"Woah, Banban? You alright there bud? Do you uh… have a stomach ache or something?" You awkwardly reached out to him, rest your hand on his back for only a second before he flinched away from you.
His stomach let out another loud growl.
He murmured again, his voice strained, but this time, you heard it.
"Please… r...un..!"
Your eyes widened and you jumped back in fear as he let out a beastly snarl.
You wasted no time running towards Opila and Tarta. Leaping onto Opila's back, you rode away as fast as possible down yet another unfamiliar corridor.
Playing a strange Bird racing game where you had to take turns being first place, all while you were being chased by who you assumed to be your friend, made your heart pound in your chest. 
You could hear your heartbeat pounding in your ears as a shot of adrenaline took over you.
You looked back, though you really wish you hadn't. BanBan's open eye was wide open, his pupil pinprick small, nearly invisible. And he had sharp teeth that you had never seen before.
Did he always have those intimidating claws??
You tried using your hand to close the green doors as you moved, hoping to buy yourself more time. It only worked a little bit, as Banban stopped to pry each of the doors open or slam his body through them.
As you slammed more doors behind you though, you gained a bit more distance ahead of him.
Your victory was short-lived however, when you reached the end of the hallway. A dead end other than the stairs before you that lead to God knows where.
Banban burst through the last door, the metal creaking and warping as he dented and broke it.
His breathing was heavy as his eye locked onto you. Any recognition of you was gone. 
Even though he mostly looked the same, his demeanor was practically unrecognizable to you, as he salivated at the sight of you.
Strands of saliva dribbled down his face, his deadly fangs on full display as he stalked towards you and Opila.
You rode Opila up the stairs, following Tarta bird. Both Birds halted at the top of the flight of stairs though, as the ground shook underneath you.
A familiar, monstrous growl rang from the darkness ahead of you, as heavy footsteps emerged.
Green was the first thing you saw. 
You got extra scared when you saw BanBan turn towards it.
Jumbo Josh.
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almightyhamslice · 3 months
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Opila Bird's chicks! I redesigned them so now each one has a unique appearance. They don't have wall art depictions because they weren't planned, they just kind of happened. Opila and Tarta made them of their own accord but it wasn't seen as something strange or scary, it was treated like when baby animals are born at a zoo. Banban's resort RLLY capitalized on it LOL. Would you buy a plushie of them if they were real?
They're all roughly the same age, but I like to think Birthday Bird acts like the oldest sibling and Little Beak (originally named Shortcake) is treated as the youngest due to her small stature. Icecream Cake and Cupcake don't have apparent genders cuz I rlly couldn't decide when I redesigned them, I just knew I wanted at least one of the pink chicks to be a boy (hence Birthday Bird's roosterlike appearance).
As indicated by his name, Birthday Bird was often taken from his flock and presented to children on their birthdays. He was pretty well behaved and the most friendly towards humans, and was more familiar with the other mascots than his siblings were. He probably liked Banban! He was very well fed-- kids would often give him crumbs of cake if they didn't eat all of it. Of course, Banban would get jealous if they didn't give him a slice too.
Cupcake was born without a beak and wears a bucket over their head to cover it up. I'm not sure if it hurts, but it is definitely hard for them to eat. I imagine they had a specific caretaker that'd feed them by hand every day when the resort was open. After it was abandoned I imagine the chicks slowly got sicker and sicker due to the lack of food, which Cupcake would've suffered the worst from.
I attempted to vary the chicks' genetics a bit, so none of them look exactly like either parent-- They're generally not very Tarta-esque (I assume Tarta was not planned until literally banban 3 & Devilfood's unique coloring was originally meant as a ref to Opila's unused color scheme "the haze") but I wanted Shortcake and Icecream Cake to be slightly more red to reflect Tarta's markings, and I drew Angelfood with blue feathers on her wings to reflect his main feather color. On the other side of the coin, I depicted Devilfood with yellow beak and feet because that's how he looks in Punchrush (which I think is off model since Tarta also has this inconsistency but it's unique anyways). Maybe I should've drawn Cupcake with red feet like Tarta's?
I named and designed these guys during a brief stay in a hospital (don't worry I'm ok now LOL) and I didn't have internet there, so I had to ask the staff and fellow patients for ideas on cake flavors instead of going with my initial plan of using different language words for cake (matching Tarta and Opila's names). So, the placeholders I used then totally stuck lol.
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WOKE Garten of banban:
MT Dadadoo
WOKANIUM citizens,infants,and babies
Captain FEMINISMddles
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flovela-mint · 1 year
Can yo draw tarta bird with Opila and the babies please the children are adorable 🥰 please
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I tried :DDD
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xenosandneos · 1 year
More Garten of Banban Xenogenders
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Littlebeakcharic (Little - Beak - Charic)
A gender related to Little Beak from garten of banban
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Babytartabirdcharic (Baby - Tarta - Bird - Charic)
A gender related to Baby Tarta Bird from garten of banban
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Sherifftoadstercharic (Sheriff - Toadster - Charic)
A gender related to Sheriff Toadster from garten of banban
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Bittergigglecharic (Bittergiggle - Charic)
A gender related to Bittergiggle from garten of banban
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Queenbouncliacharic (Queen - Bouncelia - Charic)
A gender related to Queen Bouncelia from garten of banban
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Kittysauruscharic (Kittysaurus - Charic)
A gender related to Kittysaurus from garten of banban
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Givaniumopilabirdcharic (Givanium - Opila - Bird - Charic)
A gender related to Givanium Opila Bird from garten of banban
Coined by me (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
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pikolswonderland · 8 months
Garten Of Banban: As Above So Below LGBTQ+ Headcanons because…WELL WHY THE HELL NOT!
HELLO EVERYONE!! I’m sorry I haven’t been posting much content on my GoBB rewrite, so I figured I’d just make this post for now, enjoy!
Morley Newmaker - Sapphic Asexual Demigirl, She/They
Tobias Newmaker - Unlabeled Cis Boy, He/Him
Claire Roberts - Unlabeled Cis Girl, She/Her
Uthman Adam - Aro/Ace Demiboy, He/They/Xe
Weverly Mason - Bisexual Cis Woman, She/Her
Banban - Pansexual Trans Man, He/Him
Banbaleena - Bisexual Trans Woman, She/Her
Jumbo Josh - Polyamorous Bisexual Trans Man, He/Him
Stinger Flynn - Unlabeled Aro/Ace Intersex Demiboy, He/They
Captain Fiddles - Unlabeled Genderfluid Person, He/She/They
Opila Bird - Pansexual Cis Woman, She/Her
Tarta Bird - Bisexual Cis Man, He/Him
Little Beak - Unlabeled Intersex Girl, She/Her
Slow Seline - Sapphic Asexual Intersex Woman, They/She
Sheriff Toadster - Gay Cis Man, He/Him
Nabnab - Biromantic Asexual Demiboy, He/They/Xe
Nabnaleena - Aro/Ace Demigirl, She/It
Queen Bouncelia - Polyamorous Bisexual Cis Woman, She/Her
Sir Dadadoo - Polyamorous Bisexual Cis Man, He/Xe
Bittergiggle - Pansexual Nonbinary Intersex Person, They/Them
Tamataki - Bisexual Demiboy, He/They, Xe
Chamataki - Lesbian Demigirl, She/Him/Xe
Syringeon - Biromantic Demisexual Trans Woman, She/Him
Mandi (Black-Eyed Syringeon Baby) - Unlabeled Intersex Demigirl, She/Him
Medi (White-Eyed Syringeon Baby) - Unlabeled Genderqueer Person, They/Them
Kittysaurus - Pansexual Cis Woman, She/It
Zolphius - Polyamorous Panromantic Demisexual Nonbinary Person, Any Pronouns
The Nanny - Unlabeled Aro/Ace Woman, She/They/It
Thingamajig (The Chapter 5 Alien Dude) - Polyamorous Unlabeled Agender Person, They/Xe/It
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chococricket · 14 days
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Soft Garten #1
Actually, it was not "fluff" it was "soft". I forgot.
This was the very first bits of the AU. I think it all came from the idea - what if the Opila bird is so aggressive because of an underlying medical issue? Those bloodshot eyes? So, in the true medically dubious fashion, the Janitor decides to employ eyedrops. And what do you know! Opila is much calmer now. She is sort of a mix between a parrot and an emu in terms of behaviour. On another page, I have a doodle of her speaking to the Janitor for the first time and scaring the sh^t out of him.
After showing that he is not a threat to Opila, Tarta and their babies, using treats, medical help and patience, the Janitor is put somewhere "protector" and "unusually large chick".
Jumbo Josh reminds me a bit of a gorilla, but still going with a "they were supposed to take care of CHILDREN" premise, he just needs enrichment to lessen his aggression. Every time he sees a new person he just wants to play with them so much, that he forgets his own strength! After some play and a good scrubbing, he is nothing more than an oversized plush toy, perfect for naps and getting into high places.
Banbaleena wants to be a good and proper teacher. How was she supposed to know that human children do not learn advanced math in kindergarten? She woke up and just... knew those types of things! Additionally, wanting to be liked and needing to be an impartial party is a hard line to straddle. Especially if all you know about school comes from those 2000s High School movies! At least she is eager to learn about teaching.
Slow Seline is not my favourite character. But everyone has to pull their weight, so she is a P.E. teacher, who knows that being slow is not always a bad thing. Her slime is organic and perhaps maybe antibacterial? Anyhow, she is a big hit with kids who like finding bugs more then petting dogs.
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diaversion · 3 months
i just saw your dr list and i'm like super curious about your res.evil x genshin dr T^T that's so creative wth?? i'd love to hear anything you're comfortable w/ sharing hehe ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
hi omg thanks for the ask! o/ i love rambling about my drs (especially niche ones). okay so this one is still a draft (i didn't shift to it yet) and I've got an intro coming up soon, so I'll share scraps of random facts?
✦ . 🪻 in my dr the fatui are a private organization that traines different sorts of assassins, doctors, spies and mercenaries.
✦ . 🪻 because of some unfortunate circumstances pantalone took me in and raised me. surprisingly and despite our weird dynamic we're quite close!
✦ . 🪻 i am part of a special unit alongside tartaglia. occasionally we're joined by scara, xiao (that i scripted in bcs das my baby), or columbina (she's supposed to supervise us in the most delicate assignments. tarta doesn't like her but i look up to her fr).
✦ . 🪻 tarta and me gets hired to join s.t.a.r.s in their mission and make sure they don't fail / that's what we say when asked tho. pretty sure we're here to fish informations about umbrella as it would be quite the valuable intel.
✦ . 🪻 their unit is almost the same but I added genshin characters like cyno, wriothesley or eula.
✦ . 🪻 we're kind of that one spiderman meme with ada lmao as her name is not unknown in our field and im basically a human lie detector. pretty sure she knows what we are too (dumbasses who will keep crossing paths with her every few years because i have some sorts of situationship with her)
✦ . 🪻 actually i have so much planned for this dr it pains me that i have to focus on my other drs at the moment (/lh). super excited to travel here and there incognito, even though the souvenirs I'll bring back are likely to be traumas 🫶
if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them! im glad to interact with another RE shifter (i have sm drs with RE and GI characters (they're even in my main dr)). and i would love to hear about your own dr <33
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spyroid101 · 1 year
May I pet all of the demons (or will they attack me) I want. I want to know whom I can pet. Who will allow it
As consent is part of the question, we'll be running under the scenario where none of the demons are locked under a contract rule, and the one wanting to pet isn't a child (Since that'd pretty much force them to put up with just about whatever), and that the one wanting to pet also isn't one of the summoners that tricked them (AKA, a dead person walking), in which case:
"YES, PLZ!!!"
-Banban (He's a good boi)
-Fiddles & Crew (Though you might need to give them something shiny first in order to get them to sit still long enough)
-The Stolas (Sleepy baby cuddlebug)
"Yeah, sure."
-Opila (Just don't distract her from keeping an eye on the kids)
-Seline (She needs it)
-Flynn (He might grumble about it, but just flatter him with some compliments about his smartness, and he'll let you)
-Jumbo Josh (Just make sure he understands you're not an inanimate object first, to avoid accidental squishing.)
-Tarta (If he ever says "Yes" with no strings attached, it's a trap)
-Tamataki & Chamataki (T̶͔̩̀̊h̵͙̉̐e̸̗̊͘r̵̈ͅe̴̝͐̂ ̶͓͇͐͛î̸̘͖s̴̤͚͒̎ ̴̹̬͘ó̶̜ń̶͔l̵̞̅̂ÿ̶̗̻́̔ ̷̝͗ö̸̞́̊͜ǹ̷͓̌ê̵͙̤ ̵̦̠̍w̴̢̦̉h̴̖͕͒o̵͔͐̄ ̶̲̙̆m̷̭͠a̴̡̲̍ý̶̲͂,̴̥̉͑ͅ ̵̩̰͊a̵̧̼͆n̸͕͓̈́͗d̷͎̆ ̴̩̐̀i̴̧͖͑̇ẗ̴̡̪̚ ̷̱͋ì̴̻̚s̷̲̈ ̷̠̜̾n̷̛̬͎ò̷̟͛t̴̺̉ ̵̈͜y̴̫̪͋ȍ̴͎̥͘ù̵̥̹)
"If you wanna die..."
-Nabnab (Unless you wish to experience the feeling of getting eaten alive, bones first...)
-Nabnaleena (...Or you rather wish to experience the feeling of getting eaten alive, skin first.)
-Banbaleena (But she'll at least have the courtesy to kill you before eating you. Said death won't be any faster, though.)
-████████ (T̸̘̓̀ḣ̵̳e̸̜͈̽ ̵͈͑͝m̵̦̓̆ơ̸̺̟̊r̶̙̦̒t̸̩͚̃̓a̴̪̻̅̇l̴̝̅̄ ̸͕̉̈́ͅh̶̺͚̆u̴̜͍͘͝m̴͈͑͐a̴̳̜͋n̴̕͜ ̶̐͜f̴͍̰͗ŏ̶̫̬͠r̸̲̟̾́m̵̧͎̓̅ ̶̢̲̔ì̷͎͂s̴̮͙̽͠ ̸̝̈n̶̩͗͝o̸̰̓ţ̶̻͆́ ̷͙̅̑c̵̙̻̈́̀a̴̹̾p̵̻͌̕a̴̺̿b̶̛̜͚͠l̷͙̀e̸̩̖̎ ̴̤̠̂ō̵̼̲̆f̴̞̽ ̷̘̥͑a̵̡͛̽c̸͉̅͐c̵̢̛̰̈́ọ̷̌m̶̛͕p̷͖̀l̴̝̤̍͠i̷͉͛ṣ̶̈͐h̷̗͘i̴͖͠n̵̨͍͠g̶̪͘ ̶̹̙͌͘ẗ̶̗́h̵̫͐ĭ̷͙̼ṡ̵̡̮͊ ̷͓̫̋̾a̶̳͆c̴̖̝̃t̷͚̓ȋ̴̤̪o̶̧̽n̴̤̈.̵̥̍)
(Bonus tentative answers, as they may be altered upon seeing what their personalities are like in canon Banban 4)
-The Jester (No? Yes? Maybe? Take a chance! ...just be prepared for them to, uh... possibly request to pull off half your fingernails, or something similar, as payment for it.)
-Sheriff Toadster (Not on the job, that's unprofessional! ...Off the clock, however... "yes, plz!!!")
-Queen Bouncelia (Ew, no! You smell of... peasant!!!)
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teddybearty · 10 months
Hey there. Just wanna say that your art is awesome and cute! I especially adore your Garten of Banban art because they all just look so fluffy and squishy~!
Praising aside, does Tarta Bird and Little Beak exist in your version? I mean, Opila was shown with some baby Opilas and Tartas in one of your posts so I assume they do, but I just wanted to double-check to be sure.
Thank you thank you and yes they do I just…haven’t drawn Tarta yet.
I did draw some baby Opila birds soooo I could just say that one of them is Little Beak but idk
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theeuphoricbrothers · 11 months
If I gave opila, tarta, and the babies a few rotisserie chickens to share wohld they eat it and how close to cannibalism would it be
Are you okay?
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