#Baby Animals Jungle Style
benozandegilim · 10 months
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lowkeiloki · 21 days
been having a lot of fun with blockbench in the past few days, i made a few animals i wish were in minecraft (im not good at colouring in mc style so they remain flat coloured)
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some info abt the mobs under the cut
so we know minecraft is an enviromentalist game and has been prioritizing interracting with mobs without killing them and i feel like tumblr is the only safe space where i can say i agree with that, so no useful loot dropped upon killing any of them, youre gonna have to be nice
River otter
neutral (will only attack back once like pandas)
spawns in small groups in rivers
can be bred with eggs
sometimes spawns holding a nautilus shell which it will happily trade for some salmon
hostile to tadpoles, baby turtles and drowneds
definitively tied to an achievement that has a cheesy "otter" pun in its title
African penguin
spawn in groups on stony shores
can be bred with raw cod
will lay eggs as blocks like turtles, always lay two eggs
occasionally will dig through a gravel block if they find any nearby, pulling out an item, it's mostly something unamusing like sticks or flint, but rarely they might find pottery sherds or iron nuggets
out of the existing biomes, i think stony shores would be most fitting for them to spawn in, but i'd like to propose a new biome, cliffside (tall steep mountain right by the sea) it would look something like this
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also would like to propose a new fish, sandeel (might make a model of them) which can be fed to puffins to breed them
if fed enough raw cod or salmon, the puffin will sit on players shoulder
when sailing with a puffin on shoulder, the boat speed will increase, regardless if in water, on land or on ice (thought that might be a more practical version of the proposed penguin function)
Pine marten
a rare mob that spawns in old growth taigas
passive, will run away from the player on sight
can be made trusting by feeding them apples, trusting martens will not run away and will follow a player holding apples or either kind of berries (which they can also be bred with
bringing a trusting pine marten to a village will increase the amount of emeralds gotten in a trade (this may sound random, but its actually a reference to their cultural significance in croatia)
hostile to chickens, rabbits and baby turtles
Red panda
spawns in bamboo jungle
can climb bamboo and doesnt take fall damage
hurting a red panda near villagers will make them do angry particles like with giant pandas
can be bred with bamboo
by this point i had a hard time thinking of a function, but aparently they need to have one or else minecraft players get angry (because cuteness and whimsy is not enough APARENTLY /j)
will occasionally break a bamboo block theyre holding onto, but they never break the bottom block so the bamboo keeps on growing (could be used for bamboo farming)
spawns in small groups at treetops in jungles
hostile to any kind of illagers and scare off ravagers
can be bred with pumpkin pie
dance to music discs (i mean obviously)
spawn rarely over cold and frozen oceans
if fishing with an albatross flying nearby, the player will get a status effect that increases their chance of finding rare loot (it stacks with luck of the sea)
can't be bred
Whale shark
i can somewhat understand mojang not wanting to add sharks because they dont want to encourage kids to kill it by making them hostile, nor to encourage kids to interract with sharks by making them passive, but a whale shark is RIGHT THERE
spawn in deep warm oceans
will consume any floating item they encounter
after consuming a certain amount of items, they make kelp, seagrass and corals around them grow
can't be bred, but might spawn as pups
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Prima Nocta (or the right of the first night) Part 1
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Warnings: so so so so many for thematic material. This is dark. Quite dark. This is freshly divorced and verrrrrry bitter and disillusioned Elvis helping himself to the bride of the newest Memphis Mafia initiate. Hugely unreliable narrator, belittling and objectifying of women, dub con because of that, sanctimonious chauvinism, reference to his marriage going very south. no actual sex yet but definitely 18+.
Notes: this got so long from just lead up that I figured it was worth publishing on its own and seeing if there’s interest for a part 2. Sorry for going bonkers on this one, sometimes you just gotta tap into the villain side of yourself. Also, this was inspired by many talks with my previous mutuals about THAT picture of Elvis holding a gun to George Klein’s head at his own wedding…I’m using it for solely for vibes, sorry George
Series: Sky High Lovin -reading Honeymoon might make this even better but not necessary
Dedicated to: Sweet Christi with the wayward mind and all my thanks to Ally and Jane and Elise for spitballing this into existence.
There was a time, not so long ago, when Elvis enjoyed life affirming events like weddings, believe it or not. He enjoyed facilitating days to celebrate love and loyalty and vows before God, promising everlasting devotion. That is, until he learned that “till death do us part” meant about as much to most as a “bless you” did when someone sneezed.
It makes surveying the pink and white festooned hotel ballroom something of an eyesore for him as he lounges back, dressed in black velvet, a sore thumb of ominous derision amidst the pastels, viewing the merry reception through moody, tinted lenses. The familiarly charming table accents of champagne and flowers and paper mache hearts twist his own into something a little furious and decidedly bitter.
A man’s wife betraying him and leaving him and stripping him of his pride and his joy and all his best intentions for her and your child will do that to a man.
Couldn’t even make it a whole decade before she found fault and spread her legs for another and turned his child against the father that loved her.
Sorry for being away so much baby, I was just singin’ myself hoarse to buy you that fuckin ring and car and hair and face and keep you in the style you’d married me for.
Cause it was obvious as all hell that honoring and obeying hadn’t been first and foremost in her mind when she promised forever. Forever to riches and fame, maybe, but not forever to him. She has those now, and he hasn’t got the family he’d prayed an Old Testament God for.
Rather like the pretty lady currently allowing her rodent of a groom to feed her their wedding cake, fake giggles and batting lashes adding to the nauseating act of pretending she can stand being in his company for longer than a couple hours.
Forever, my ass.
Elvis watches her through his shades and with each passing minute the anger burns brighter and his justification steadily builds for the liberty he’s about to commit.
The groom is here for Elvis’ paycheck, the lovely bride is planning to suck that idiot's cock till death doth them part (or a good four years) for the status of being a Memphis Mafia wife, and even the guests now stuffing their faces with pasta and alcohol are here for what Elvis’ money buys.
Loyalty is dead and what’s left is the goddamn food chain, like they’re the animals school tells them they’ve evolved past. In the recent months since his divorce, Elvis has felt a near Devine calling to bring this wicked devolution of morals and motivations to light, to humiliate these homosapiens until some level of shame is regained by mankind. If this is a pack of animals that surrounds him, he is King of the Jungle, and it is a careless and heartless king who lets his subjects run amuck.
He has no appetite for pasta, the hours of frivolity pass him by and he remains aloof, crouching in wait in his chair, running off righteous indignation and primal sufferance. Good things come to those who wait.
That’s what the bride is thinking, Elvis suspects, as the reception winds down and her luxurious honeymoon full of sunbathing and spas, good food and rich wine and the obligatory playing hooky to get out of sex draws nearer. Just a little more time letting fuckin’ Ronnie feed her cake and paw at her, then she’ll be on her way, securely locked into her future of privilege. He’s got nothing against Connie, uh, Sandra, -oh hell what was her name? he consults the gold embossed invitation at his elbow,- He’s got nothing against the newly minted Mrs. Kemp, nothing in particular, except that she’s a woman. And Elvis has a bone to pick and a point to prove with the whole, whorish lot of them.
Elvis opens the limo door for the bride himself, gallantly ushering in the happy couple before joining them as arranged, the whole merry band of his boys piling in after.
The new Mrs. Kemp, unlike some of his boys wives, had had the good grace not to whine about the lack of privacy and alone time to be found in and around Graceland’s inner circle. As a result Elvis allowed her to choose the more expensive flowers and gold embossed invites and french vintages, even if he knew why knew she’d been disgustingly eager for any chance of her intended husband being distracted from her. Elvis is certain, thanks to first hand accounts from fuckin’ Ronnie himslef, that the groom has sampled the bride already. It’s the way of things in this decadent decade, and she’s no fresh outta the nest baby chick. The fact Ronnie could give no further details about his encounters with his betrothed beyond the mechanics of thrusting above her till he blew his load, made Elvis despair of humanity and suspect Mrs. Kemp had a serpentine pragmatism about this entire arrangement.
Oh my buddy my pal, he thinks to himself as the limo flies through the never dark streets of Las Vegas towards the airstrip, I gave my wife everything and that wasn’t enough, how can you compete? God gave Eve the whole of Eden ‘cept for one measly apple tree -and what did the mother of all mankind do? She took, she ate, she damned them all with her disloyalty.
Ronnie is a damn fool, and while Elvis’ warnings were not needed during the engagement and this marriage has progressed to a limo ride and honeymoon, Elvis is not to be thwarted in his determination to save Ronnie the slow disillusionment, the slow death of any pretense of love in his wife’s eyes, the crumbling of all faith in anything such as Elvis has endured. Better to rip the bandage off now, five years is a long crucifixion.
As the limo parks on the tarmac and the gleaming hulk of the private jet looms over them in the night sky, no doubt Ronnie harbors some pathetic hope Elvis has forgotten his promise.
Elvis proceeds his guests up the jet bridge, cane thumping and carefully harnessed excitement radiating through him as he enters the opulent space, watching with benign magnanimity as the newlyweds board his jet, the boys providing a rollicking group to ferry the new couple to their honeymoon destination.
This was Elvis’ treat, he had insisted the jet drop them off before he heads back to wherever it is he’s supposed to be tomorrow. He’s not lost his appetite for spoiling folks. Only this time, he is gonna get repaid in currency a little more tangible than ephemeral, transient, fleeting loyalty. And Ronnie, kiss-ass, weak-spined fuckin’ Ronnie wasn’t man enough to hold out more than a few minutes when Elvis told him his new bride was the price for being inducted into the inner circle, the intitiation to prove his loyalty to The King.
Predictably, after some pathetic and scandalized objections, some monetary threats by Elvis and some judgmental snickers by the guys, fuckin’ Ronnie had caved and betrayed his loyalty to his own wife before he’d even walked down the aisle to marry her.
“B-b-but d-did the rest of t-the g-guys h-h-have to do this?” Ronnie had protested while they were shootin some pool, leaving the gals the other rooms to wedding plan, “Is it a-a-always this w-way?”
It hasn’t always been, no. Because Elvis hadn’t always been so astute. He had allowed his taste for pleasure and innocence and childish notions of fidelity to cloud his perception of women and the men they married. Elvis once was blind, now he saw, and now there was a currency of wedding nights established in the jungle.
“No one’s forcin’ ya to stay in this group.” Elvis had pointed out while lining up his pool cue with the ball, “you’re mighty welcome to go right on out that door, never receive another check from me or a glimpse of Vegas again, you’ll lose that girl, too, cause she sure as hell won’t be stickin around when all your bells and whistles fall off and it’s just you she’s left with. She don’t want ya Ronnie, she wants what I give ya, which makes me her provider, don’t it?” he reasoned before making his shot, the clatter of the balls deafening against the green felt as the older members of the mafia held their breaths in sick fascination with this new form of hazing. “And now, if I’m her provider,” Elvis had straightened up his posture to watch Sonny mark the score on the board, “that makes me a husband of sorts, an authority, a protector. A sugar daddy. Don’t it? You gonna tell me I should throw you guys a damn weddin’ and honeymoon, buy ya the house you live in and the cars you drive, the clothes she wears and the food you eat cause you hang around me an’ promise to protect me if the time comes? Bodyguard my ass, I could turn anyone to chopsticks before you even woke up long enough to realize a threat. Face it Ronnie, there’s a totem pole in this here life, and no one blames ya for bein’ a few notches down than most in the scale of things, but it don’t give ya much leverage bein’ down there. I give you that leverage. And I’d like to compensate myself for my generosity with a lil marital privilege. Jus’ once, just first night rights.” he took a swing of his coke and watched Ronnie closely, licking the sugar off his lips with deliberate swipes of his tongue, “Or would ya prefer I just wait and fuck her in six monthes when she comes knockin’ on my door sayin’ she just got lost in this big ole place?”
Fuckin’ Ronnie was a coward and a cad and he essentially agreed that he’d rather Elvis fuck his wife on the wedding night and be done with it than always be watching his back, suspecting her of carrying on an affair. Ronnie was a little bitch, Elvis surmised. Gone was any protest that he couldn’t do that to her, that she was a good gal, that Elvis wouldn’t do that to a friend.
Kings had no friends. And tonight Ronnie was oh so close to being officially inducted into the Memphis Mafia, he’d do nothing to jeopardize that . Elvis figured he’d wait until the plane took off to sample the goods, make her husband squirm guiltily over it while his new bride puzzled over why he was so tense.
Out of consideration for her downer of a groom, Elvis handed her a drink, playing the gracious host and taking her mind off her husband's stiff bearing and sweaty pallor.
“Don’t mind him, honey,” Elvis whispered hot and wet in her ear as he handed the drink off, “Ronnie boy here’s just scared of flyin’. You’re not scared are ya, honey?”
Honey….he couldn’t recall her name, Mrs. Kemp’s name, his fatigue and apathy too strong. He stood straight and dug in his pocket for a pick-me-up as he watched her smile and blush under his attentions,
“No sir, Mr. Presley, I’m not scared.” she smiled, “One could think we’re sat in a living room, it's so spacious here.” she added a compliment.
“I’d like to show ya the rest.” he says sitting down next to her, his arm heavy and warm around her shoulders and his gaze intent on her, knowing the effect this has on an ignored woman.
He recalls using that same line on his young bride during their honeymoon, eager to show his own new wife everything he had to offer. Beauty and luxury and care and a damn good fuck in front of the mirror back there. And it wasn’t enough, it wasn’t enough.
He can feel Ronnie tense further against the back of his hand where he clasps the bride’s shoulder, knowing that the “rest” of the plane beyond this lounge is a conference table, a toilet and a bedroom. Ronnie has had the privileges of being part of the TCB and now he’s about to pay his admission fee, and Elvis smirks at the thought that the man will never ride aboard this jet again without thinking of getting cuckolded by his boss.
The Bride is trying to make sense of Elvis' sudden shift of mood along with her husband’s. Both of them seeming to have swapped bearings, changing from the reception as if the jet’s air pressure had doused Ronnie’s merriment and finally revitalized Mr. Presley from the rather sullen attendee he had been. Elvis can feel her hesitancy to agree in her body language and the way she keeps looking over to Ronnie, as if to figure out his nervous ignoring of her and the way Elvis makes up for it in touches and attention. Beneath them the jet rumbles and takes flight, her little gasp at the heart swooping feeling of take-off a taste of what’s to come, of what he’ll pull from her body, willing or not . He’d rather lure her, try that first, the other can always be resorted to.
There’s an unspoken agreement to wait on this lil tour till the jet reaches cruising altitude, and Elvis spends the wait rubbing her arm and watching her try to make conversation with her groom who finds discussing the latest baseball stats with Red far more interesting than recalling the beauteous memories of the last few hours with his now introspective and mildly panicked bride. It’s funny to hold a woman whose mind is racing, Elvis can almost feel the frantic thoughts and conflicting emotions battering her frame from the inside out like a caged bird against its bars.
Elvis allows the minutes to trickle by and work for him, the soothing sweep of his hand slowly melting her rigidity, the continued abandonment of her husband's attention going from hurtful to frustrating, the innocuous chatter of the fellas talking and laughing around them, the cool air of the jet’s cooling system kicking on, and his warm and broad chest already pressed against her, now beckoning like a little haven for her to cower inside until the confusion passes. He clocks all these developments as the minutes go by, fully aware the boys are making small talk with their minds as preoccupied as Ronnie’s about when Elvis will make his move, their anticipation mounting while her guard drops, finally accepting his closeness without question. The jet rumbles and her drink kicks in and with the wedding fever abated it leaves her drowsy, unmoored.
Elvis waits for the perfect moment to pounce and is rewarded for his patience. The cool blast of the AC has made her begin to curl towards him and he’s met her halfway and it’s not till her head almost nods weakly to lay on his shoulder that her sensibilities prick her and she jerks it back up, another little gasp. It makes his repeated,
“Lemme show ya round, honey, got all sorts of remarkable stuff up here”
sound like a gallant cover for her lapse of decorum. Predictably, she shakes herself upright and gives him a polite nod of thanks, their first mutual, unspoken communication acknowledging something the rest of the room isn’t privy to. Her loyalty is slipping and all it took was a few minutes of heating her up with his embrace, a few whispered teases and buying her a whole damn lifestyle. To her credit she looks to Ronnie as she rises, asking him to come along in a coaxing voice Elvis knows is her trying to get her new husband to even look at her.
Elvis watches her try and fail at this from the curtained doorway leading to the back of the jet, thinking it makes a striking picture. A bride still dressed in white, bending over to try to catch her husband's eyes as he watches TV in his rumpled tux, the entire plane’s worth of masculine attention directed on her, except for the man who swore to worship her. Perhaps the disillusion will go both ways tonight, maybe women aren’t all merley bitches in heat, maybe some start out intending to be faithful and good and content.
Elvis has yet to meet a woman faithful and good and content once he puts his mark on them, they spend the rest of their lives day dreaming and closing their eyes when their husbands are in them and clogging his phone lines, kidding themselves that they’re special. He’s saving her the sin of coming to his room in a couple of months or years and saying she got lost while dropping her silk nightwear down her frame, an old and familiar expression of invitation on her face. She might not know that’s in her future otherwise, but he does. And he’s gonna save her the wait. When she wants something she’ll come to him now, not her husband, and he will have the discipline to make the right choices for her.
Elvis holds the curtain aside and beckons her with his fingers, and she would be angrier that he has the nerve to summon her away from her husband if she weren’t so humiliated at being ignored by the man. Frustration at their man makes women very susceptible to comfort, Elvis knows this intimately, and in their strong desire to be understood and soothed, they’ll spread their legs for the first person who tells them they deserve that attention.
She ducks under his arm, into the shade of the conference room with an attitude written on her face. Elvis drops the curtain behind them, the prey corralled. Nothin so easy as a woman scorned, nothin’ quite so hungry and quite so fierce. He hopes she’ll take out some of that miffed little ‘tude out on his back with those fancy nails his money bought her. It makes him smirk in anticipation and he can tell she finds that unsettling, her huffy bearing faltering once she notices him just watching her move round the glossy table top, suddenly aware of their seclusion and the fact she left her groom behind for a tour of the jet. She’s beginning to doubt her choice, doubt her loyalties.
Honeymoon off to a damn good start, she thinks sourly.
It’s innocuous, standing at opposite ends of a conference table with a man who is your husband's closest friend and at whose house you’ve eaten multiple dinners. There’s nothing wrong with it, but she feels her skin prickle none the less like she’s in danger, like those eyes observing her through shaded lenses are not fully human, not fully beneficent. She curses Ronnie for humiliating her, for his weird mood these past weeks making her feel isolated, for her past making her paranoid of this assessing male gaze.
She’d met a panther in the woods on an Appalachian bike ride once. They’d stared each other down as he had crouched and observed, his eyes fathomless and intent, the muscles of its body undulating in readiness beneath sleek black fur. Her mouth had dried out exactly the same as it does now when her shy smiles aren’t met with anything besides those assessing eyes and that crooked smirk that holds no fondness for her, no pride in his jet, no amusement at her awe of his wealth. A smirk of pure and smug knowingness.
Then he calls to her and the warmth of his voice melts her fear. “Check out this icebox, honey”
Her face lights up like a kids in the yellow glow of the refrigerator light as she bends over to look inside, white stain skirt hugging her perfectly and he gathers that all that athleticism has done her good, she could probably ride a man for hours without tiring, judging by the firm curve of that ass.
“See anyhtin ya’d like?” he asks her casually, laying a light hand between her shoulder blades as she reads rows and rows of labeled refreshments.
“Oh, uh, no, no, the drink was enough for now. Thank you Mr. Presley.”
He used to correct folks when they called him that, and used to punt the honorary title to his father. But nowadays he finds “Mr. Presley” might be closer to “your majesty” than mere “Elvis” -in which case he’s stopped putting little floozies at ease by asking them to call him by the name his mama gave him. That’s a name used by a wife back when he was happy and respected and alive.
“C’mere, I wanna show ya this television back here.” he beckons again, removing the heat of his hand from her back and she breathes easier with him taking the lead, she’s able to watch his imposing figure unobserved as he leads her past the conference table and into a small hallway with a large, showbiz style mirror.
Elvis swaggers right on by the marvelous monstrosity with its low counter and doused bare bulbs, but she can’t help herself. A flicker of childish glee taking over as she flips the switch on the wall and makes the bulbs buzz to life, brilliant as a spotlight in the inky gloom, illuminating them from the knees to the ceiling in a gaudy reflection. The sudden blast of light makes him pause on his trek to the bedroom and he joins her in looking at their reflection.
“Hell, honey,” he drawls amused as he takes in her fresh little wedding set and his decadent black suit, “we look like cake toppers.”
She laughs at that, a sweet unaffected thing that is music to his ears, and no doubt a screech to Ronnie’s. Elvis finds his grin growing at that thought and she mistakes it for joy. She laughs again, aborted little chuckles tapering out.
“There’s a tv back here, too?” she asks, embarrassingly at ease with entering a bedroom in the company of Elvis Presley.
Interestingly she doesn’t even glance at the bed when he ushers her in, she’s peering at the walls and the built in furniture for a peek of a screen.
“Mhmm, keep lookin, it’s hidden.” Elvis follows her and shuts the door behind him, a quiet click she doesn’t hear as she’s got her back to him, busily creaking open dresser doors and clapping in commendation upon finding the tastefully camouflaged TV set.
“How wonderful!” She praises and his heart does something funny and nostalgic over unpretentious enjoyment of what he has to give her.
One day it’ll be old hat to her and she’ll be like all the other wives, naggin’ and bitchin’ over keeping up with each other, forgetting about what it was they ever wanted, consumed with one upping each other and dominating the pecking order, spending Elvis’ money not for pleasure but for bragging rights. For now he watches this young woman bounce in her heels over a hidden TV set and makes a pact with himself to be nice, to gentle her into this ruination.
Then he recalls she married Fuckin Ronnie, and that twists his gut in reminder she’s a practical gold digger like all the rest. And he doesn’t mind that about her, he just hates the dishonesty of pretending she’s in it for more, and her ignoring him for a tv irks him as disingenuine.
“Wanna kick back and watch somethin, doll?” he asks her and sees the exact minute his words make her back and shoulders stiffen beneath white silk.
“Uh, on this one?” she’s scared to ask, scared to sound like she’s accusing him of suggesting it, scared to suggest it and give him ideas.
“They got the damn game on the other.” he answers her smoothly, coming up behind her and reaching round her to power it up.
“Elvis.” she dares to sound reprimanding when all he’s done is stand behind her and punch a button, she’s the one who walked into a bedroom with a man who isn’t her husband.
“Gonna be a long flight, three more hours I reckon.” he is patient with her.
“Y-yes.” she hesitantly agrees, watching the screen flicker to life, “And I wanna spend it with Ronnie, exc-“
Liar! He doesn’t let her turn around, he puts his hands on her shoulders and keeps her facing the TV, keeps her away from the closed door she’s not yet noticed, he nuzzles his nose into the crook of her neck telling himself, gently, gently, tempt her, tempt her. “Doesn’t seem like Ronnie is eager to spend it with ya.” he mourns low and sympathetic in her ear and she gasps at his brutal honesty, at the fact he’d have no tact to pretend he didn’t notice.
“Elvis, t-this isn’t right.” she parrots her mother or her favorite tv show or some rote set of rules she doesn’t really embrace.
“What ain’t right, honey?” he rumbles, keeping his hands on her, moving them from her shoulders down her arms, then swooping them up again and fingering at the sides of her neck, delighting in the shiver her body yields up to him.
If he hadn’t been so aloof before, she figures she might not feel so electrified by his sudden, all consuming touch. But it’s not just that, he’s kept his distance from her since she started dating Ronnie and in her star struck insecurity she’d made no move to become friendly with him.
Now this, this intentional hovering and the petting that tastes like something she’s only ever heard about. It’s Elvis, Elvis petting her in her wedding dress on the way to her honeymoon destination and that’s simultaneously about as predictable and uncredible as can be. Elvis, who’s been the ephemeral host for countless of lovely parties, Elvis who’s been the presiding specter over all their schedules since she became part of the group, Elvis who has been the magical name on the credit card used for everything she ever wanted. Elvis Presley, the man who achieved all there was in life by 21, and has been bored by it ever since. What did she expect him to be, a fatherly figure?
“Did you like your weddin’ honey?” he asks her after her raging thoughts consume the time she should have spent answering and protesting him.
The hands descending to her hips and squeezing there hint a warning prompt even as his gentle tone reminds her of all he has done for her, his inexhaustible benevolence -which it seems something has finally exhausted. She begins to panic, no need to see those panther eyes when the heat is radiating off of him, sexual intent potent from his aura alone, no need to feel a crude gesture or have it spoken out in clunky declarations of desire. Ingrained self doubt takes hold of her for one brief moment before the scratch of his sideburn rubs against her cheeks and the hot press of his lips against her neck tells her it is not vanity making her project on him, Elvis Presley really is trying to seduce her mere hours after her vows, a few yards away from her new husband and his friends.
“Mr. Presley!” she resolutely stiffens in his embrace and tries to turn and leave his hold of her and he lets her so far as she’s spun round and facing him, her stern tone wobbling out when she’s met with the hypnosis of his expectant stare, “Y-yes it was lovely, thank you.” she stammers out, fear and primal instinct kicking in and guiding her to cower and simper her way out of this, her boldness having bounced off him like shotgun shells off cement. Nothing but damaging to her. “T-thank you for all you did.” she tries again, her tone unsure as his face remains unreadable, his eyes burning and unblinking behind his shades, lit with white hot something in the glow of the tv screen. “You’re very generous.” she admits, tacking on every obeisance she can think of while resolutely ignoring the feel of being held to his chest, near eye level with the gap of his shirt and the chains glittering on his skin. “I need to rejoin my husband, sir.” she begs, begs that she doesn’t want this, denies she’s ever hoped for this.
Idly he wonders if she’s being honest, then he watches her swallow thickly as she catches a whiff of his scent.
Suddenly he crushes her to him, her mouth smashed to the metallic, skin warmed nest of his chains, pinning her there with a hand to the back of her head as his other reaches for the hem of her skirt and drags it up and over her ass, palming it even as she shrieks in shock, “Tell me, Mrs. Kemp,” he growls in her ear, “did you go after Ronnie cause he was near me, or did ya come for the money and stay in the hopes I’d pay attention to your little self? Was you countin’ on me gettin lonely some night an’ sendin’ your husband on an errand so I could get my fill of his wife? Is that what keeps ya from gaggin when he’s on top of ya? Is that the hope?”
Elvis’ fingers find the band of her lacy panties -honeymoon lingerie his money bought her- and he snakes his hand in, down the warm curve of her ass and along her crack, dipping between clenched thighs to rake through predictably sopping wet folds. She gave the whole resistance act a good try, but her womanly body responds to dominance, and Elvis is dominance incarnate. It’s in her weak nature to drip for him, plain and simple, and so he swipes and dips and drags his fingers through her as she fights against his chest, pounding her fists impotently against the velvet of his coat.
“Shhh, shhh honey, I know, it ain’t your fault.” he is magnanimous, gracious as King Solomon. “This, honey, this is what hope tastes like.” he brings his glistening fingers to her snarling mouth and shoves them in against her tongue, savoring the way her choke distracts her from the obvious defense of biting him, “Taste that? That’s how hope tastes, and there ain’t anyhtin’ more harmful than hope. Makes a purgatory of your life. Doesn’t let ya be satisfied with what ya got, won’t let ya get dissatisfied enough to wanna change anythin. You just hope and hope and your life goes by, while you’re hopin.”
She whimpers around his fingers, wilted white silk in his arms, dress bunched up obscenely in the screen-lit room. He strokes her cheek with his spit wet hand, the ring faces of rubies and diamonds and priceless gems caressing her tears away, lulling the creature back to her basic instincts, hypocrisy and futility purged away beneath Elvis’ healing hands. “I ain’t gonna let you go on hopin for years and years,” he enchants her with whispers, rocking her now as she whimpers in catatonic fascination, “I’m gonna gift ya with knowledge.”
Everything she’s given up while fighting to get herself on a jet like this, married to a man of means, with a house and a steady future and a predictable timeline stretching out before her -security at last! -all of it crowds her mind, the devil and the angel on her shoulders whisper in a traitorous debate. Of course life isn’t how she wanted at eighteen when she expected to marry for love, yet of course her mature self is pleased with this match. Those can both exist, and she planned for them to exist in a tidy world where Elvis Presley wasn’t an option, because he’s not. He’s not offering himself, doesn't even have enough dreams of his own to bother with lying about it to buy them both a minute of reprieve from the disillusioned hellscape that is life in one’s thirties when you comforted your starry eyed twenties by telling yourself it gets better. Then to no one’s surprise -it didn’t. The one last insupportable piece of this maturing puzzle that would cement her growing up forever is tasting this then going back to Ronnie. It’s out of the question and she doesn’t give a shit what he’s going through right now, or what Ronnie thinks about her angering his boss, what she needs is the peace of mind that comes with not knowing.
“You can take your knowledge and shove it.” she snaps out of the pliant heatstroke his embrace caused her and shoves him away, only succeeding at making room between them because he’s so surprised by her sudden surfacing out of the trance.
One final thrash of the prey and he watches with amusement as she stumbles in haste across the flickering room, yanking open the closed door and steadfastly booking it to the front of the jet. Headed to the shelter of a man who promised to protect and defend her and cherish her and swore it all while counting his bonus for selling her out.
Elvis watches her till she and her crumpled white dress fly past the brightly mirrored hallway and disappear from his vantage point through the doorway. He picks at his nose and thinks about what he might like to take on this little experiment, and having procured a few items of use saunters after her at a leisurely pace. He sets them on the conference room and table and watches as she pulls back the curtain and steps into the lounge, her whole being vibrating in a way that is not subtle or discreet about what just occurred between them.
It’s warmer in the lounge, just pulling the curtain back wafts warmth into the ice box chilled areas of the plane that Elvis frequents, it makes her tremble with relief. She’s back in public, back where he won’t try anything. Ronnie, to her angry bewilderment, is still glued to watching the TV like he didn’t even register her absence. But his mere existence will still work for what she needs. She needs to belong to someone and sit beside that person for three hours while his boss cools off.
She is not prepared for the way everyone in the lounge spins round to look at her once registering her presence, looking with absolute surprise as if her reemergence was the surprise, not the lengthy plane tour to the back bedroom. It makes her seethe inside, they thought she’d go through with it, damn animals that they are, all “what happens on the road stays on the road” and carefree chauvinism inherited from their boss. She has to remind herself why she wanted this life in the first place, has to recall the perks and the wages and lavish reception.
Red and Joe now flank Ronnie and her seat beside him is taken up by those two manspreading oaf’s. Desperate, she decides to play at being cute and makes to sit on her husband’s lap, spinning round to find Elvis watching hehe from the curtained doorway as she tries to lower herself down to perch.
“Babe, I can’t see the damn screen with you like that.” Ronnie has the churlishness to complain and she wants to scream at his denseness, the way pushes at her lower back to tip her out of his lap.
To save herself the humiliation of face planting on the plane floor she chooses to stand of her own accord and catch herself from the shove. She sees Elvis’ lush mouth frown behind the cigar he’s lighting up.
“Don’t be an ass to her Ronnie, she’s your wife.” he reprimands and she gets a funny feeling of appreciation for being defended in all this. Her loyalty teeters towards the man she has to remind herself she needs to escape from. “Or have ya forgotten, ya unchivalrous bastard?”
That’s a little harsh but the memory of Ronnie not giving a damn about the fact she was almost assaulted -that’s harsh word for that too, her traitorous mind supplies- reminds her that she isn’t happy with him at all. But in fact, come to think of it, she isn’t pleased with any one them, and there’s no where to go on this damned plane. It starts to make her skin crawl, the realization that she’s surrounded by men who would either not believe or else not care if Elvis went through with the forceful attentions he was showing her back there. Who would believe her if she said he forced her?
“Ronnie I’m tired and my seat’s been taken!” she argues with him, “I just wanna sit down. Lay down, even!” she begs, thinking of how best to clear the couch of anyone but him so that no one takes liberties and sits down beside her.
“Then go lay down in back where there’s a fuckin’ bed? Why’d you come out?” he snaps.
“Cause-“ because Elvis Presley tried to take liberties, that’s why, but she feels strangled watching how all the men await her answer with a little too much investment, the way Elvis is still watching her behind tinted shades and a haze of cigar smoke.
“You get all bitchy when you’re tired, go lay down and take a nap, honey. I’m watching the game.” Ronnie suggests her worst fear and it infuriates her how he’s changed just since he slipped a ring on her finger.
“Ronnie please-“ She whimpers and would give anything to know why Joe is leering up at her with a sly grin. There’s no time to think on it as Elvis’ ringed fingers close around her elbow and tug her back towards the curtain.
“C’mon honey, ya heard your husband, let’s get ya situated.” he coos and her fingers turn to ice from the shock of it all.
“I don’t wanna!” she protests, “Ronnie!” she tries one more time while being backed away from her husband by his boss.
“Oh for fucks sake just do what he wants!” Ronnie begs with something akin to frustration but the red hot blush sweating up his neck suggests he’s humiliated to be caught saying it.
“Beg your pardon?” she hisses in disbelief, feeling Elvis’ hand clamp on her arm just a little more, maybe to keep her from marching up to Ronnie and smacking him.
“Just, just give him what he wants. Just tonight.” Ronnie spills the beans far sooner than needed and Elvis wants to roll his eyes at how fast they went from taking her for a nap to admitting to something far more sinister.
The bride’s head swivels from viewing her husband to Elvis and back to her husband and the room full of men who’s thrumming interest in her makes her wanna bolt straight out of the plane now she knows why. It’s sickening yet so strongly in character for them she doesn’t waste many moments in disbelief, it all makes sense in a horribly predictable way. Every one of these fella’s grinning at her discomfort are pathetic in her eyes, as pathetic as men who’d prefer to watch naughty movies than better themselves as lovers. Somehow in the mess of it all, Elvis alone stands out as something a little less deplorable. Even if it’s just his brash and demented honesty she admires.
“Y’all planned this?” she asks dully, scanning each lip licking face, ending with her husband’s sullen one, “This was all planned out? You offered me up? You goddamn, two faced bastard-“
Elvis loops his arm around her waist to prevent her from launching at Ronnie and clawing him to shreds. His chest is searing her through the silk on her back and his hands grab at her more than they need to in order to restrain her. It makes her pulse pound and fury swirls inside her, battling with the cold dread of weakness and helplessness.
“Ronnie made a little deal with me.” Elvis is drawling in her ear in so soothing a way it almost counteracts the nauseating confirmation, “And now, we can watch you runnin’ round this plane for hours to get away from me like a Junebug in a bottle but that ain’t gonna change how this night ends. How bout ya just be sensible, hmm? Just cause he’s a lyin’, no good sunnuvabitch don’t mean you gotta turn bad yourself, ya know? He gave ya instructions, ya can still be a good lil wifey and honor and obey him, can’t ya?”
“Why?” she persists, but feebly this time, not knowing if she’s asking her husband who keeps his face averted towards the screen or the man whose hands are mapping out her body in full view of his friends. “Why y’all gotta do this?”
“I told ya honey,” Elvis murmurs, rucking the hem of her skirt up passed her knees, “hope’s a dangerous thing. I don’t allow it in my house. An’ you’re part of my house now, ain’t ya?” he pets at the damp plushness of her inner thighs as the men stare and she struggles to find a way to empower herself while caught in such a feeble position. Hurting Ronnie, twisting the knife a little more like he’s done her is all she can think of at the time. “Don’t you belong to me, sweetie?” Elvis is prodding once more and his cheek is clammy and hot against hers, the cigar smoke pungent around them.
“Yes sir.” she agrees while sneering at Ronnie’s reddened face.
“That’s more like it.” Elvis’ voice gentles to something a little less frightening than before but all the more terrifying for how sure and smug it sounds. His hands grab at her breasts and she can’t help the whimper she lets out from the presumption, no doubt it’ll only get worse. “Since you’re so eager to stick close to ole Ronnie and include e’rbody in our private business, I reckon it’s only fair we conduct this lil interview on the conference table, hmm?”
When she cranes her neck to look behind him and past the curtain, she can see the shiny table top littered with items it didn’t hold when she made her hasty exit passed it; scarves and a strange sort of plastic wand, that stupid police flashlight and a box of cigars are clumped at its foot in an ominous hodgepodge.
Admitting to being frightened by it would strip away her last bit of autonomy in this and so in a bid to act unbothered she slips out of Elvis’ hold and walks on her own two feet into the room, turning her back to Ronnie before shifting herself to sit on the cold, hard surface of the table.
“Is this what you had in mind, Mr. Presley?” she asks him meekly and makes sure to let her legs fall apart just so. She thinks she’s going to have some control in all this, the silly little thing, thinking he’s a man with regular tastes and base preoccupations, easily distracted from the purpose of this like any other. And the purpose is not pleasure -though he intends to draw it from her till she is broken from it- but purity of intention and nature. A lie dressed in white no more, but a wanton woman giving in to her true nature. Only he has the power to bring this out in every one he meets, and to purge it all the same.
Elvis Presley eyes her, as do all the men in the lounge just past him, until with an approving little hum and smile that is almost pleased, he steps towards her, yanking the curtain closed behind him and leaving them (somewhat) alone together in the dimly lit room, full of anticipation.
And maybe dread.
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justdancekid · 1 year
Time for something that only I would care about
The Danceverse Crew as Anime Openings
What I'll be doing is going over each member of The Danceverse Crew and assigning them each anime opening based on vibes and the lyrics that match the character
Sara - Blue Sky Rhapsody from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Sara has this song because of lines like "Basically, I'm quite unlike myself, but I'm gonna open this new door - I could hear voices on the other side! So c'mon, let's go!" And "No matter the trial, I'm not afraid. We have this magic on our side!" Plus the song is cheery, like Sara
Wanderlust - DOWN BY LAW from Fairy Tail
I like to see this song as Wanderlust hyping the crew up to stop Night Swan. Especially with lines like "I have faith in our vision for the future" and "No matter what happens, keep your head up" and "We are down by law, just know this, we will never ever run from a fight"
Brezziana - Treasure Pleasure from Baki Hanma
I like to see this as Brezziana motivation to keep on exercising, keep on fighting, keep on moving on no matter the stakes, no matter what people tell her, with lyrics like "No matter where I go, there's no end to it. There's always someone better, I just need to be the best." And "Even when they look down on me, I'll just laugh it off"
Mihaly - Contradiction from the God of High School
Now, I know this song is too high energy for someone like Mihaly, so why is this their song? Simple, because they may have a meek appearance, and they are calm and collective, but don't let that fool you. They're willing to fight anybody who dares to hurt their friends. If anything, this song could serve as their battle song, with them staring down their opponents while saying "I'll be your Contradiction"
Jack Rose - Identity from The Promised Neverland
This song could serve as Jack lamenting his time under Night Swan, and even though those times brought him much despair, he's ready to start moving on and fighting alongside Wandelust and the crew, with lyrics like "I remembered it, I remembered it, the feeling of despair that comes with one blink" and "We'll laugh just a little further from the despair"
Dolores - in case from Godzilla Singular Point
Dolores is a business-oriented person, despite her young age, so it makes sense that her opening would have lines like "There are more things I don't know because it's incomplete" and "It's so patchy, aim for the perfect"
Hadley - Viva Namida from Space Dandy
Hadley is a wannabe player, and he wants you to believe that when you first meet him, like the start of the song with the lyric, "I've forgotten the ways of love 'cause it's been a while", but as you get to know him, his act comes down a little bit, like the second verse "Sometimes sending tears flying with a wild Sha-lalu-la" and "Looking at the stars, it's simple. We're all human!". Then, you'll discover the true reason why he wants a girl. With lines like "Viva tears, it's okay for them to overflow, baby," and "Those tears, will you leave them to me?" He just wants someone to trust him with their emotions.
Talia Sway - Jingo Jungle from Tanya the Evil
Now, Talia could have many an anime opening to describe her, but as to get her as a person, I believe this does it best. It's about as chaotic as you can get, and it describes her fighting style. With lines like "Indulge in your beastly desires" and "Come, sharpen your fangs. Let's see who can kill more!"
Epsilon - Genesis from Dimension W
This opening has a futuristic sound to it, much like Epsilon, plus it could be seen as Epsilon vowing to help the crew any way he could, with lyrics like "I won't let you down, come along with me" and "Certainty is within our grasp, I'm waiting for till the break of dawn"
Liv - JUSTadICE from Black Clover
Liv is the one to not have any special talents but will be the first one to reassure the members that she'll do whatever she can to help the team by any means. It makes sense to have an opening that has lyrics like "I won't laugh at you, I don't have any special talents" and "NO NO NO. We'll wake up at the moment to surpass our limit
Blake - Shadow is the Light from A Certain Scientific Accelerator (Turns out, I've hit the video limit, so I'll post the opening in the reblog)
Blake also vows to help the crew any way he can. It's just his way is more aggressive than the rest, with lines like "As many as my bloody memories" and "I'll destroy everything with this stained hand"
I hope you guys appreciate this, and if you have any other options, I'm willing to listen.
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jimmawww · 4 days
My Top 10 Music
10. Neil Cicierega
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I just had to put him somewhere, not exactly a parody artist but a remix parody artist? Either way mashing things up to not just be funny but also as good as a new song is a real talent, definitely up there with the likes of Weird Al.
9. Loreena McKennitt
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Loreena echoes something ancient and truly foreign. Definitely have a soft spot for her music as my mother listened to it and played it for me as a baby.
8. Florence + The Machine
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With the same kind of mystic energy as Loreena but more powerful and heavy. Florence invokes the feeling of yearning and love breaking through with powerful percussion and of course her voice.
7. Sewerslvt
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Dealing with themes of identity loss, transgenderism, the internet age and it's chaos. Most people's introduction to break-core that involves some of the highest BPM samples, usually preceded and proceeded by some trance or dream-like composition. For me it reflects the experience of using the internet, the dream like marvel of technology entering into a higher state of consciousness only to slowly descend into the madness of information overload which then in turn lets us emerge out the other side of truth into an entirely new self or world view. Lies to truth, naive to wise. It usually deals with themes of loss of self or love.
6. She
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She is simply the funkiest EDM artists ever, I could say Kaskade or DeadMau5 or Avicii but She has been so consistent with making banger after banger and is much less known.
5. Jungle
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Funk. It seems ridiculous how much fun Jungle is to listen to, its smooth, its cool, its interesting, and has such a good energy. Smooth beats with high vocals make this band unique.
4. Alexisonfire
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My unofficial successor to Linkin Park they tend to use more screaming in their lyrics but still hold onto that vibrant flame of struggle and suffering while keeping a fast and intense pace of emotional movements. For my their music revolves around the evolution and struggle of the soul.
3. Future Islands
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They've always been on my radar but with their recent album I really reevaluated how I felt about them and really took their vibes to heart. Some of the most interesting beats and instrumentals I've heard with the lead singer also having a very weird and captivating style that can move between heartfelt brass and werewolf growls seamlessly. Themes usually revolve around lost love.
2. Foals
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A band that I don't really praise for its themes but the actual composition of their music. Its just.... good. I tend to feel that every 'level' of their songs is 'full' and they rotate together in a clean and clear composition that brings my heart and mind to a higher place.
1. Linkin Park
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How predictable. If people don't stop liking this band it will become a classic, which I think they deserve. Again dealing with themes of loss and yearning they just hit the right mix of rock, rap, and electronic sound in perfect balance. There's also been something about their music that's always been adjacent to anime/video game sub culture that appeals to nerds but also normies, a strange middle ground where the two could meet. The powerful and iconic voice of its lead singer hits deep into people's hearts, all the more tragic when he passed away. I was amazed when they released Lost (composed but never released) it felt like I was sent back to 2002. It really hit me how no one in my time has ever hit those same theme as hard as they did. Its like being struggled to be loved, to feel that pain but also ride it like a wave to a better tomorrow because there is hope entangled inside of despair, something to keep someone's soul alive in adversity, and if that's not the peak form of music don't tell me what is.
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ohelpthekraken · 2 years
I've been looking at some of the behind the scenes stuff for The Sea Beast and there's some really interesting stuff!
From the first hour of "The Making of Netflix's 'The Sea Beast'":
Chris William, the writer & director's original idea was for a movie called "Jacob and the Sea Beast," where the plot revolved around Jacob rescuing and returning a baby that had been stolen by Captain Crow.
Crow died in most iterations of the script.
N.C. Wyeth paintings were used as design inspiration
The ships are described as "fully functional" and realistic, and the character animation is more controlled then traditional animation
The color script is very intentional. The theme of "us vs them" is portrayed in red vs green. Yellow symbolizes anger and corruption and features in Crow's scenes more as the movie progresses.
[This is why Red being red is so important!]
Maisie's character design beginning was in Hushpuppy from Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)
Real textile samples were used as reference for the costume
Clay sculptures were created as models for the creatures. Red's (and Blue by extension) design were kept simple to be more friendly and relatable, in contrast to the 'scary' Brickleback and crab.
The Inevitable has spikes to deter tentacles. The swivel guns have engravings, the porthole covers have creature moldings, and there's ornate details everywhere!
The jungle on the island was inspired by prehistoric forests.
The skeleton in the throne room is held together by gold braces.
Castle Whiterock's predominant architectural style is Baroque (theme of domination over nature).
Out of 43 sequences, only 4 don't have water in them. out of about 1500 shots, there are 800 ocean shots and 719 shots take place on the Inevitable.
The sails are accurate- they are rigged appropriately and move in accordance with the wind
With The Buoy System, the roughness of the ocean can be adjusted (according the the Beaufort Scale) and everything will act accordingly.
There are 40 unique outfits for the Inevitable crew alone. Furthermore, all of the crowd character attributes (hair, skin, outfits, body type, etc) are completely swappable and were randomized- creating diverse crowds.
The system for the wrinkles in Into the Spiderverse was retooled to create depth on the character models .
Character animations were specifically created to seem within their respective abilities. The emotional performances are more subtle and mature than in traditional animation.
Most of the movie was animated during the pandemic from home offices.
From "'The Sea Beast' Animators talk the devils in the details":
The creators worked with sailing consultants from Master and Commander to reach the goal of “earning street cred with sailors."
The ropes were the hardest to animate, and a whole new tool was developed to do so. Joshua Beveridge, head of character animation, says: "Ropes contain complex regions of slack that come and go, it piles up, it self-collides, drags against objects around it. It’s hard to keep it looking like rope in animation where there are no real physical properties, and the character has to interact with it a lot."
[I read somewhere that there were around 5,000 ropes but I can't find the source]
Additionally, new animation methods were created to create realistic motion at sea, both for objects (The Buoy System) and characters (The Sea Legs).
many animators set up physical spaces in their homes to capture an accurate look and feel, from ropes to swords to the animation director diving into his pool to act out drownings.
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Hello AJ, it's been a while since I've dared to write you.
I just wanted to congratulate you on the completing of your geek!baby story, which was, as the other ones you've written, delightful. I'm one of those people who firmly believes Sara and Grissom never actively wanted/tried to have a baby, but damn the gsr kid fics are *cute*.
Also I'm kinda glad the pregnancy was confirmed a single baby - nothing against twins, but to me it often feels like a cop-out when the author can't decide on boy or girl. Again, nothing against it, I get why people like it (what's better than a kid from your otp? Two kids of course)
Anyways sorry I'm rambling, here goes a random super silly question I thought of last night (at like, 3am) and wouldn't leave me alone as this things often do, just to have a bit of fun:
What animals would you associate with each member of the csi team? (like if they were animals, what'd they be based on personality, usual behavior etc)
Take care, happy very belated birthday (I forgot this year oof) and wish you a great 2024
hi, @its-a-geeks-world!
great to hear from you again!
thank you for your kind words! i'm so glad you enjoyed the story, especially knowing that you're in camp "no gsr kids." it really means a lot that you would hang with something outside your usual field of interest. 💙
i'm also glad to know you're a fan of the singleton pregnancy decision. for as much as i teased the possibility for twins (both in the fic and without it), i've known i was going to take things in this direction since before the first word of the series was written. i have such a clear notion of who grissom and sara's kid is, and i'm excited, in future installments of this 'verse, to unveil more about them!
regarding your question:
i had never given that particular hypothetical any thought before, and i don't know that i'm entirely satisfied with my own answers yet, but here's what i'm thinking as of now:
grissom is a giant pacific octopus: highly intelligent to the extent that he can use tools, solve puzzles, and even open childproof containers with his multiple limbs. infinitely curious about his surroundings and prone to experimentation. at times, precocious/cheeky. possessed of a unique style of cognition and perspective on the world. however, also frequently misunderstood and conceptualized as being "too other." considered "alien" from the human perspective and not altogether cuddly, particularly compared to other (vertebrate) animals. known for being a largely solitary creature, except for in matters of love. (fun fact: male octopuses sometimes travel great distances to find their female match.)
meanwhile, catherine is an african lioness: the feline powerhouse who keeps the pride alive and thriving, putting in the work to hunt and fend off threats (oftentimes running circles around the males in proximity to her). known for being fiercely protective of her young and aggressively defending her territory and what's hers. a highly intelligent social creature who understands nuanced dynamics between members of her pride. possessed of a hierarchal way of thinking. though open to male attention, sometimes known to drive off "deadbeat" or otherwise unacceptable options and fend for herself in their absence. capable of leadership; queen of the jungle.
warrick is a wild yak: adapted to live on unstable terrain, nothing can shake him. he's strong and solid as a rock. of all ungulates, among the most intelligent and good-natured, capable of problem solving and adapting to ever changing conditions. brought up in a matriarchal social structure with grandma in charge. incredibly loyal to the herd, though not above some occasional macho headbutting with other males he may encounter. while generally chill in temperament, relentless when protecting himself and those he cares about (and a goddamn problem for any creature foolish enough to antagonize him). for as docile as he is, he is also one of nature's toughest animals. infinitely useful. a presence in any space he enters. big-hearted, both physically—yaks need to pump more red blood cells than most animals because they live at high altitudes with low oxygen—and also in his character. known for prioritizing community.
nick is a german shepherd: specifically, a police dog (like sam). carefree as a puppy, later on traumatized in the line of his k-9 duties. disposed toward obedience and protectiveness. sometimes too well-trained and quick to heel for his own good. happiest just lovin' on people but also anxious when he doesn't have some directive to follow or task to complete. naturally goodhearted but in his later years sometimes prone to snap due to his experiences on the force. intelligent, inquisitive, eager to investigate. sometimes a little bit goofy. always sticking his nose in things. has a hard time with the command "drop it!" forms deep bonds with his people and is fiercely loyal to them. at his heart, a good boy who just wants to do right by everyone around him.
sara is a rehabilitated formerly feral cat: started out life in a house with the expectation she'd be taken care of but as a kitten was mistreated and abused until she became incredibly mistrustful of humans. eventually, ended up on the streets. had to fend for herself, scrounging to get by. survived thanks to her own cleverness and resourcefulness. then, much later on, after too long spent alone, was taken in again. became, for the first time in years, once more a housecat. at first, was wary of her would-be rescuers. skittish. spent most of her time hiding under furniture with her ears back and claws out, ready to swat anyone who dared lean in too close. bonded to only one quiet and patient person in the otherwise busy house. in time, with his coaxing, emboldened to believe again in the goodness of other people. against all odds, developed into an affectionate and participating member of the household, albeit in a still semi-aloof feline way. smart, curious, a wonderful mix of socially awkward and socially graceful, deeply bonded to her people and open with them, though still independent. above everything: you can always tell how grateful she is to finally be in a house where she's loved.
finally, greg, i am happy to report, is a ferret: pure mustelid energy. a weird, screwy noodle who is constantly investigating the world and engaging in shenanigans. notoriously goofy. playful by nature. curious to a fault and sometimes somewhat naughty when bored—inventing activities��� for himself—but also exceptionally clever and a surprisingly hard worker (when he focuses his energies and intelligence on the task). oftentimes underestimated due to his small stature but much-beloved by those who take the time to get to know him. loyal following of enthusiasts.
anyway, that's what i've got!
thank you for the fun question and also for the birthday wishes! i'm so touched that you remembered!
please feel welcome to send another ask any time!
happy 2024 to you, friend!
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noxmachinimafr · 9 months
Minecraft - Fort Panda - Part 2
This is a follow-up to my previous Minecraft post. If you read the previous one, you may already know that I spent part of my New Year's Eve on Minecraft with my friends and my brother. And we found two Pandas near an ancient temple in the jungle, around which we built a new colony. A week later, how is the colony going?... Pretty well! Except for a slight problem of Panda overcrowding! :D
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In brief, what happened: I told my friends that the baby sick pandas can drop slime, so, when I was not there, they fed my pandas to increase the slime drop. The number of pandas was already high, so I decided to increase the farm and renovate a bit their area, so they would have more space to move around. But it was very difficult to navigate and build within a "panda super packed wave". Especially because of this guy:
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An aggressive panda (born in the colony) that would kick me out anytime I would hit a panda (by mistake!) with my tools or a bamboo stick, while working in the area. Look at this face! He's so mad at me! My brother was back from an exploration. So I asked him to distract the pandas with bamboo, so I could work on the terrace. But you know, there is no good sibling without trolling... Of course, he helped me first, but he ended up Feeding all the pandas he had in charge! Doubling the number, again!! It took thus some extra effort, but now my lovely fluffy friends have a very large and secure terrace. Next time, I will work on their shelter. I know it looks like they live on wood, but no worries, they are fed with many bamboo, and I start planting some all around.
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Then, I tried to resume my planned quest: Finding a brown panda. In short, this one failed. But I found a few more pandas, so it was not completely wasted time! I found back the second colony I previously fed in the wilds. And I started having "happy" pandas there!
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Our little town in the jungle is the best we had so far! We had tons of resources on-site, and many exotic pet animals.
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Next week, I will try again to find a brown panda. Regarding the machinima, I have been working on a set of illustrations in ukiyo-e style. A few more, and the last scene of Episode 2 will be ready. I have started the pre-rendering. It should go quite smoothly, with a release in February as expected.
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sixam-skies · 11 months
Playin' ALL The Packs
So, I typed this up the other day for myself and a friend who gets bored once her sims have offsprings. It's basically a lepacy, which has of course been done before, but this is the version I'm using. I thought I'd share it here in case it's handy for someone else, you can play it legacy style like I am, play it in order or at random, or if you're like my friend Jess you can start over with a new sim for every pack. Skip the ones you don't have, add the ones I don't have. Do whatever you want. Live your best life. This is a damn long post, so it's under the cut to save time for those scrolling past.
BASE GAME & Get To Work Aspiration: Nerd Brain, Renaissance Sim Active Careers: Detective, Doctor, or Scientist (STRONGLY RECOMMEND) Career: Astronaut, Athlete - Bodybuilder, Business, Criminal – Chief of Mischief/Public Enemy, Culinary – Master Chef, Entertainer – Musical Genius, Painter, Secret Agent, Skills: Baking, Gourmet Cooking, Rocket Science Collections: Aliens, Experimental Food Photos (Dine Out), Geodes
Live in Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, or Newcrest
Explore Sylvan Glade in Willow Creek and/or Forgotten Grotto in Oasis Springs
Host a Dinner Party and/or Incognito Costume Party
Get abducted by Aliens
Have an Alien baby AND/OR Marry an Alien
Travel to Sixam
Woohoo in a Rocket
Do not marry or have children with a townie from any Game or Expansion pack
Get Together Traits: Dance Machine, Insider Aspiration: Friend of the World, Leader of the Pack, Party Animal Career: Style Influencer Skills: Dancing, DJ Mixing
Live in Windenburg
Form or join a club and max it out
Throw at least one House Party and one Dance Party
Throw or attend a party at the special lots – Ancient Ruins, The Bluffs, Von Haunt Estate
Marry/have children with someone you meet at a nightclub or café
Woohoo in a Closet
City Living & Spa day Traits: High Maintenance, Unflirty Aspiration: City Native, Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist, Zen Guru Careers: Politician, Social Media, or Critic Skills: Singing, Wellness Collections: City Posters, Snow Globes
Live in San Myshuno
Attend every festival
Go to the spa once a week
Woohoo in a sauna
Leave a Sim at the altar
Vampires Aspiration: Good Vampire, Master Vampire, OR Vampire Family, AND Bestselling Author Career: Writer Skills: Mixology, Pipe Organ, Vampire Lore, Writing
Live in Forgotten Hollow
Become a Vampire
Befriend Caleb & Lilith Vatore (Good Vampire, Vampire Family) OR Vlad (Master Vampire)
Woohoo in a coffin
Make and drink the cure for Vampirism
Cats and Dogs Traits: Cat Lover, Dog Lover Aspiration: Friend of the Animals. Skills: Pet Training, Veterinarian Collections: Feathers
Live in Brindleton Bay
Run a successful Vet Clinic
Always have at least one dog and one cat in the household
Have a cat or dog that has a litter before you have children
Woohoo in the Brindleton Bay lighthouse
Jungle Adventure Aspiration: Archaeology Scholar, Jungle Explorer, Computer Whiz Career: Tech Guru Skills: Archaeology, Selvadorian Culture Collections: Ancient Omiscan Artefacts, Omiscan Treasures
Explore the temple
Spend all your time off in Selvadorada
Marry/have children with a Selvadorada native
Woohoo in a bush
Seasons & Outdoor Retreat Aspiration: Angling Ace, The Curator, Freelance Botanist, Outdoor Enthusiast Career: Gardener Skills: Flower Arranging, Herbalism Collections: Insect, Fish, Frogs, Gardening
Become a Scout as a child/teen.
Celebrate every holiday
Host a Weenie Roast and Spooky Party (Spooky Stuff)
Woohoo in a tent and/or a pile of leaves
Buy and max upgrade the weather machine
Get Famous Traits: Self-Absorbed Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy, Mansion Baron, Master Actor/Actress, World-Famous Celebrity Career: Actor/Actress Skills: Acting, Media Production
Live in Del Sol Valley
Join Drama Club as a child/teen
Hire a personal butler (Vintage Fashion)
Host a Black & White Bash, Meet & Greet, and Charity Benefit OR Lampoon Party
Have either a Pristine or Atrocious reputation
Become a 5-Star Celebrity
Have children with/marry another celebrity
Woohoo in a money vault
StrangerVille Traits: Paranoid Aspirations: Serial Romantic, StrangerVille Mystery Career: Military
Live in StrangerVille
Solve the StrangerVille Mystery
Never marry
Island Living Traits: Child of the Islands and/or Child of the Ocean Aspirations:  Beach Life Career: Conservationist, Diver, Lifeguard Collection: Buried Treasure, Seashells
Live in Sulani
Become a Mermaid
Host a Kava Party
Marry/have children with Sulani native
Clean up Mua Pel’am
Woohoo in Mua Pel’am’s waterfall
Realm of Magic Aspirations: Spellcraft & Sorcery, Purveyor of Potions
Live in Glimmerbrook
Become a Spellcaster
Reach level 5 Spellcaster
Visit the Magic Realm
Learn all spells and/or all potions
High School Years & Discover University Traits: Overachiever and Party Animal OR Overachiever and Socially Awkward Skills: Entrepreneur, Research & Debate, Robotics ~ Teen Years ~ Aspiration: Admired Icon, Drama Llama, Goal Oriented, Live Fast Activity/Part Time Job: Cheer, Chess, Computer, Football, Simfluencer, Video Game Streamer
Grow up in Copperdale
Attend a prom
Celebrate graduation
Sneak out after dark
Have a High School sweetheart
~ Adulthood ~ Aspiration: Academic Career: E-Sports, Secret Society, or Soccer in University, Education, Engineer or Law after graduation.
Enrol in university – Distinguished Degree
Live in university housing for at least one semester
Host a Keg Party
Get a job with your degree
Move back to Copperdale
Marry/have children with High School OR University sweetheart
Woohoo in the shower
Eco Lifestyle Traits: Freegan, Green Fiend, Maker, Recycle Disciple (Pick 3) Aspiration: Eco Innovator, Master Maker Career: Civil Designer Skills: Fabrication, Juice Fizzing
Live in Evergreen Harbour
Vote every time you can for Neighbourhood Action Plans
Have your neighbourhood reach Green OR Industrial Eco Status
Woohoo in a Dumpster
Snowy Escape Traits: Adventurous, Proper Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Mt. Komoreb Sightseer Career: Salaryperson Skills: Rock Climbing, Skiing, Snowboarding
Reach the top of Mt Komorebi
Host a Mountain Climb Excursion
Living in Mt Komorebi is optinal due to the addition of rental properties.
Go to each Mt Komorebi festival at least once
Woohoo in a Hot Spring OR Ice Cave
Visit an Onsen Bathhouse
Paranormal & My Wedding Stories Aspiration: Soulmate Career: Paranormal Investigator Skill: Medium Collections: Messages in a Bottle
Live in a Haunted House
Host a Bach Party and Engagement Dinner
Have the perfect Wedding
Host a Reception
Host a Vow Renewal as Elders
Dream Home Decorator, Tiny Living, Nifty Knitting Aspirations: Lord/Lady of the Knits Career: Interior Decorator Skills: Knitting
Live in a Tiny Home
Own a Murphy bed and a rocking chair
Knit at least one item per day
Sell knitted items on Plopsy (or keep them for latter generations)
Romance a client
Cottage Living Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Lactose Intolerant Aspirations: Country Caretaker Skills: Cross Stitch
Move to Henford-on-Bagley
Have at least 1 cow, 1 llama, and 4 chickens
Participate in all Finchwick Fairs
Befriend at least 1 rabbit and 1 flock of birds
Play Simple Living lot challenge OR Wild Foxes lot challenge
Woohoo in an Animal Shed
Werewolves Aspirations: Werewolf Initiate followed by Cure Seeker, Emissary of the Collective, Lone Wolf, or Wildfang Renegade Collection: Moonwood Collectibles
Lose any previous occult status and become a werewolf
Move to Moonwood Mill
Romance another werewolf
Take the cure
Growing Together & Parenthood Childhood: Creative Genius, Mind and Body, Playtime Captain, OR Slumber Party Animal Aspiration: Big Happy Family, Successful Lineage, Super Parent Skills: Parenting
Move to San Sequoia
Have at least 4 kids (at least one adopted and at least one through having a science baby)
Host a Slumber Party, Baby Shower, Toddler Play Date, and Family Reunion
Woohoo in a treehouse
Horse Ranch Traits: Rancher, Horse Lover Aspiration: Champion Horse Rider or Expert Nectar Maker. Skills: Horse Riding, Nectar Making Horse Skills: Agility, Endurance, Jumping, Temperament
Move to Chestnut Ridge
Compete with your horse(s)
Always have at least one horse, one mini goat, and one mini sheep.
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devilsrecreation · 1 year
Songs the villain muppets would sing/I associate with them:
“I’ve Had Enough of You (Billy Bust Up)”-Villain Deadly
“Just One Mistake(Little Mermaid 3: Ariel’s Beginning)”-Villain Piggy
“Dentist (LSOH)”-Villain Teeth
“Master of Your Fate (Teen Titans)”-Villain Teeth and the rest of the Villain Mayhem
“Trust in Me (The Jungle Book)”-Villain Teeth
“My Lullaby (Lion King 2)”-Villain Floyd to baby Animal?
“Poor Unfortunate Souls”-Villain EM
“I’m the Bad Guy (Wander over Yonder)”-Villain Janice
“Oogie Boogie song (TNBC)”- Villain Gonzo?
“We are Number One (Lazytown)”-Villain EM
“Nigel’s Song (Rio)”-Villain Sam
“Townsville’s Going Downsville (PPG)”-All of the Villain muppets
“It’s Our House Now (House of Mouse)”-All of the Villain muppets
“Let the Pun Fit the Crime (Wander over Yonder)”-Villain Fozzie
“How Bad Can I Be? (The Lorax)”-Villain Kermit
“Welcome to the Internet”-Villain Bunsen and Beaker
“Hit and Run (LOLO)”-all of the villain muppets
“Lunatic (myuu)”-Lew’s theme
“Partners in crime (Set it off)”-All the couples
“Dirty Rat (Lapitch the little shoemaker)”-Villain Rizzo
“Ode to a rat (Heidi’s song)”-Villain Rizzo
“Rotten to the Core (Descendents)”-all the muppets
“Sidekicks and Henchmen”-Nikki’s theme
“Bad Guys (Bugsy Malone)”-all of the muppets
“Calliope (Cheshyre)”-Villain Fozzie’s theme
“Badder (Disenchanted)”-Villain Kermit, Villain Fozzie, Villain Gonzo, Villain Piggy, and Villain Pepe OR Villain Teeth vs Villain Rowlf
“Kidnap the Sandy Claws”-Walter, Robin, and Scooter
“Jackal Style (Lion Guard)”-Villain Kermit at Robin (with Walter and Scooter singing backup)
“Tonight we Strike (Lion Guard)”-Villain Johnny and his gangsters
“Disney Villain Medley”
-Piggy as Ursula
-The band as Scar
-Sam as Frollo
-Johnny and Sal as Gaston and Lefou(?)
-Villain Tina/Villain Penny as Mother Gothel
-Bunsen and Beaker as Facilier
-Fozzie as Jafar (the reprise mocks Aladdin so…)
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peddling-rp-memes · 2 years
Repost, don't reblog. I didn't make this meme, but can't find the op. Please tag them if you know who they are.
Bold all that apply to your muse as a child. (In modern verse if you write a historical or fantasy character.)
FUTURE JOB  - ninja, pirate, vet, actor, astronaut, cooker, builder, knight, indiana jones, wizard, a parent, barbie, action man, writer, prince or princess, hero, villain, teacher, doctor, nurse, army man, rapper, singer, dancer, youtuber, twitch streamer, zookeeper, gardener, sailor, fisherman, carpenter, monarch, pilot.
FEARS  -  thunderstorms, strangers, space, abandonment, the dark, clowns, loud noises, dogs, spiders, masks, puppets, boys, girls, cooties, bugs, big objects, water, hell, being told off, police, new places, bullies, being wrong, ghosts.
PAINT YOUR  BEDROOM  -  pink, blue, green, brown, yellow, orange, purple, neons, pastels, beige, mismatched multicolour, dark blue, wall mural, black, grey, white.
DECORATE YOUR BEDROOM  -  posters torn carefully cut from magazines, maps of fictional lands, books, cassettes or cds, lavalamp, minifridge, your very own tv, games console, teddies, pirate ship, floor length mirror, fairylights, funko dolls, vhs or dvds, dinosaurs, beanbags, animals, framed posters, stickers, pokemon, princesses, glow in the dark stars, corkboard full of photos, awards, your own art, disney princesses, marvel heroes, ben 10 theme, cartoon network show theme, animes, space theme, fantasy theme.
TOYBOX  - barbie, ken, action man, my first science kit, csi lab kit, tamagotchi, cuddly teddy, pirate ship, horse, lego, furby, easybake oven, archeology kit, pokemon cards, beyblades, disney princesses, baby doll, sword, gun, crown, recorder, spy gear, slinky, beanie babies, colouring set, paints, play doh, simpsons, disney princess dolls, marvel action figures, books, puzzle books, wizard broom, robes, dollhouse, space ship, ray guns, walkie talkies, craft kits, slime, fidget spinners, fake tattoos, football, basketball, skateboard, swings, mini ant farm, seamonkies, rock em sock em robots, stretch armstrong, he man, my little pony, care bears, girls world styling head, mostly broken, sticky, pristine, no batteries, perfect working order, crayons, sunbleached, well loved.
BOOKBAG  -  harry potter, bfg, the hunger games, wheres wally, winnie the pooh, the very hungry caterpillar, matilda, the cat in the hat, the lord of the rings, charlottes web, northern lights, lion witch and the wardrobe, goodnight moon, where the wild things are, the tale of peter rabbit, charlie and the chocolate factory, stuart little, alices adventures in wonderland, a series of unfortunate events, bridge to terabithia, diary of a wimpy kid, anne frank diary of a young girl, the outsiders, the jungle book, the wonderful wizard of oz, peter pan, the secret garden, the wind in the willows, how to draw.
WARDROBE  - tshirts with your fave cartoon characters, youtuber merch, scuffed jeans, plasticy fancy dress costumes, pretty dresses, button down shirts, woolen sweaters, floral skirts jean shorts, cargo pants, handmedowns, brand new, grass stains, mud stains, three days worn, clean on, all one colour, too many different colours, plain tshirts, hoody, custom printed novelty tops, bows, animal onesies, pufferjackets, bodywarmer, mittens, bobblehats, hats with ears, sunglasses, earmuffs, pastels, oversaturated dark colours, crinkled, ironed, smells floral, smells musky, animal print, sparkles, double denim, too big, too small, just right, karate uniform, scouts uniform, school uniform.
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wallpapertrends · 4 days
Transform Your Nursery with Beautiful Wildlife and Nature-Themed Wallpapers
Designing a nursery is an exciting task for any parent-to-be. It’s the room where your little one will spend many precious moments, and creating a serene, nurturing space is key. One of the most impactful ways to do this is by incorporating beautiful wildlife and nature-themed wallpapers. Whether you want to spark their imagination with colorful animals or provide a calming backdrop with serene scenes, wallpapers are a perfect way to set the tone for your baby's room.
In this blog, we’ll explore how using nature and wildlife-inspired wallpapers like Bird Wallpaper, Butterfly Wallpaper, Tiger Wallpaper, and more can transform your nursery into a whimsical wonderland.
1. Bird Wallpaper: Bringing Calmness to Your Nursery
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Birds symbolize freedom, peace, and calm, making them an ideal theme for a nursery. A bird wallpaper can add a gentle and soothing ambiance to the room, creating a peaceful space for your baby to sleep and grow. Imagine soft pastel hues, delicate birds perched on branches, or even a watercolor sky filled with playful birds fluttering about.
For a minimalist look, go for soft, neutral-colored bird designs. If you're leaning towards a more whimsical theme, opt for brighter birds with lush greenery that can grow with your child, from babyhood to toddler years. The versatility of bird wallpaper makes it a perfect backdrop for either a boy's or a girl’s nursery.
2. Butterfly Wallpaper: Whimsical and Dreamy Designs
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If you're after a light and playful aesthetic, butterfly wallpaper is the way to go. Butterflies represent transformation and new beginnings, fitting symbols for a newborn’s space. With their delicate wings and soft color palettes, butterfly-themed wallpapers add a dreamy, whimsical touch to the room.
You can choose designs that feature soft pastel butterflies flying across a meadow or opt for bolder, larger butterfly designs that create a striking focal point on one wall. This wallpaper style also pairs well with light, airy furniture and other nature-inspired decor, like floral curtains or soft animal toys.
3. Tiger Wallpaper: Bold and Adventurous
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If you want to add a sense of adventure to your nursery, tiger wallpaper is a bold choice. Tigers are known for their strength, power, and grace, and these qualities can be inspiring for your little one. A tiger-themed nursery doesn’t have to be overly fierce; there are plenty of child-friendly designs that feature cute, cartoon-like tigers or subtle illustrations set against tropical jungle backdrops.
This type of wallpaper works well if you're creating a jungle or safari-themed nursery. Pair it with plush jungle animal toys, leafy plants, and natural wood furniture to complete the look. The tiger wallpaper can also grow with your child, making it a fun design that remains relevant as they move from infant to toddler.
4. Dog Wallpaper: A Loyal and Playful Touch
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Dogs are known for their loyalty and playfulness, and dog wallpaper can bring that fun energy into your nursery. Whether you prefer a wallpaper filled with cute puppies or sophisticated dog illustrations, this theme is perfect for creating a warm and friendly atmosphere.
You can find designs ranging from realistic depictions of your favorite dog breeds to whimsical, cartoon-like designs that add a sense of fun to the space. Dog wallpaper works great as an accent wall or can be used throughout the room. To complement the wallpaper, incorporate playful elements like dog-shaped pillows, plush toys, and cozy bedding to create a welcoming environment for your little one.
5. Leopard Wallpaper: Exotic and Stylish
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For parents who want something a bit more stylish and exotic, leopard wallpaper is an excellent choice. Leopards, with their striking spotted coats, bring a wild and adventurous feel to a nursery. However, today’s leopard wallpaper designs are often more playful and subtle, making them suitable for a child's room.
You can opt for a soft color palette that incorporates neutral tones with subtle leopard patterns, or you can go for a bold statement wall with vibrant colors and larger leopard illustrations. This wallpaper pairs beautifully with other jungle-themed decor and can easily transition as your child grows.
6. Underwater Wallpaper: Dive into a Tranquil Undersea World
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If you're aiming to create a calming, serene environment, underwater wallpaper is a great option. Featuring ocean scenes with gentle waves, fish, coral reefs, and even whales, this wallpaper design brings the soothing feeling of the ocean to your nursery. Underwater scenes are perfect for creating a tranquil atmosphere that can help your baby relax and sleep soundly.
You can choose a mural-style underwater wallpaper for one wall or go with a subtle repeating pattern that covers the entire room. To enhance the underwater theme, add soft blue hues in your furniture and decor, such as fish-shaped pillows or ocean-inspired mobiles.
7. Nursery Wallpaper: Setting the Foundation for a Beautiful Space
When choosing the overall theme of your nursery, nursery wallpaper can serve as the foundation for the entire room’s design. There are endless possibilities, whether you want to create a magical forest, an adventurous safari, or a peaceful underwater escape. Choosing the right wallpaper sets the tone for the room and provides a visually stimulating environment for your little one.
Consider wallpaper that incorporates educational elements, like alphabets, numbers, or maps, to make the space both fun and informative. Nature-themed wallpapers with animals, trees, or landscapes can spark curiosity and imagination, helping your child to grow in a nurturing environment.
Final Thoughts
Nature and wildlife-themed wallpapers are a wonderful way to transform your nursery into a magical, inspiring space. Whether you opt for the calming tones of bird wallpaper, the playful designs of butterfly wallpaper, or the bold energy of tiger wallpaper, each wallpaper style brings its unique charm to the room. Other options like dog wallpaper, leopard wallpaper, and underwater wallpaper offer further possibilities for creating a nursery that reflects both your style and the dreams you have for your little one.
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gowheedle · 9 days
Top 10 Baby Toys That Inspire Creativity and Imagination in Children
Choosing the right Baby toys for your children not only keeps them entertained but also helps foster creativity and imagination. Here’s a list of some amazing toys that do just that, from building blocks to puzzles and beyond.
1. LEGO Duplo
LEGO Duplo sets are perfect for younger children who want to explore the world of building. With larger blocks, they are safe for toddlers while still offering plenty of room for creativity.
2. Wooden Animal Toys
Classic wooden animal toys never go out of style. These sturdy, eco-friendly toys allow kids to role-play, act out farm or jungle scenarios, and build their storytelling skills.
3. Animal Wooden Puzzle
Animal wooden puzzles are great for developing problem-solving skills. They not only entertain but also teach children about different animals and help improve their hand-eye coordination.
4. Zig Zag Scissors
Crafting gets a boost with zig zag scissors, a fun tool for children learning to cut paper. They add a creative edge to any project by producing zigzag patterns, sparking imagination in young crafters.
5. Miniature Chair
A miniature chair can serve as more than just furniture for kids’ rooms—it can also become a part of imaginative play. Children might use it as a throne for a king or queen, a seat for their dolls, or even a tool in make-believe classrooms.
6. Nerf Guns for Kids
Nerf guns introduce children to action-packed play while encouraging strategy and teamwork. Whether they’re playing indoors or out, kids love the thrill of Nerf gun battles.
7. Race Car Toys
Zooming through imaginary racetracks with race car toys is a timeless way to encourage creativity and motor skills in children. These toys invite kids to explore speed, competition, and design through play.
8. Truck Toy
Truck toys, especially large dump trucks or construction vehicles, let children engage in hands-on play. Kids love loading and unloading items, learning about construction, and pretending they’re driving real machines.
9. Mega Bloks
Mega Bloks offer endless possibilities for young builders. These big, colorful blocks are designed for small hands and help children develop their coordination and motor skills as they build towering creations.
10. Xylophone for Kids
A xylophone for kids introduces them to music at an early age. As they learn to tap the keys and create melodies, they also develop their auditory skills, rhythm, and hand-eye coordination.
11. Baby Toy Car
Baby toy cars are perfect for younger children just starting to explore motion and play. These safe, colorful cars help develop motor skills while providing hours of entertainment.
These Baby toys, from LEGO Duplo to a xylophone for kids, offer a wide range of benefits, helping children grow through fun and interactive play. Whether you’re looking for simple wooden animal toys or exciting Nerf guns for kids, these options will engage your child’s creativity, motor skills, and imagination.
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giffywallsuk · 16 days
Best Animal Wallpaper for Every Nursery Style
Designing a nursery is one of the most exciting parts of preparing for a new baby, and choosing suitable wallpaper can set the tone for the entire room. Animal wallpaper is popular because it brings a sense of wonder, playfulness, and warmth to a nursery. Whether you're looking for bold patterns, soft and subtle designs, or something in between, there's an animal wallpaper to match every nursery style. From monkey wallpaper to whimsical octopus wallpaper, let's explore some of the best options for creating a magical space for your little one.
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Jungle Adventure: Monkey, Tiger, and Lion Wallpaper
For a jungle-themed nursery, you can't go wrong with playful monkey wallpaper or bold images of tigers and lions. This style transforms your baby's room into an exciting safari where your child can grow up surrounded by the beauty of the wild. Jungle-themed wallpaper typically features vibrant greenery and tropical elements, bringing an exotic flair to the space.
Monkey wallpaper is particularly fun because it often depicts playful monkeys swinging from trees, adding a sense of movement and joy to the room. Depending on your preference, this type of design works well with natural, earthy tones or bold, bright colors.
Tiger wallpaper is perfect for creating a bold and striking look. A majestic tiger design brings strength and curiosity to the nursery, making it an excellent choice for parents who want to inspire a sense of adventure.
For something more regal, lion wallpaper offers a strong yet comforting presence. Lions are often seen as protectors, making them ideal symbols for watching over your baby while they sleep.
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Under the Sea: Octopus Wallpaper for a Nautical Nursery
For a more tranquil and unique nursery, consider an underwater theme. Nautical nurseries are soothing, and octopus wallpaper is a standout choice for this style.
Octopus wallpaper typically features soft blues, aquas, and seafoam greens, making it perfect for a calming, ocean-inspired nursery. The swirling tentacles of the octopus add a whimsical, flowing design element that creates a sense of serenity.
This wallpaper works well with nautical decor, such as sailboats, seashells, and marine animals. It offers a perfect blend of whimsy and tranquility for your baby's room. This is an ideal option if you're looking to create a peaceful environment with a touch of adventure.
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Playful and Whimsical: Cat Wallpaper for a Charming Nursery
Cat wallpaper can add a delightful charm to the nursery if you're searching for a playful yet elegant look. Cats are beloved animals in many households, and incorporating them into nursery decor creates a cozy and endearing atmosphere.
Cat wallpaper often features kittens in soft, neutral colors like pastel pinks, blues, and creams. These soft designs bring warmth and sweetness to the room, creating a comforting environment for your little one.
The great thing about cat-themed nursery wallpaper is its versatility. It pairs well with both minimalistic decor and more elaborate, colorful designs. Whether you opt for a sleek modern nursery with subtle cat illustrations or a more playful theme with cartoonish feline friends, cat wallpaper is always a charming choice.
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Safari-Inspired Elegance: Leopard Wallpaper for a Bold Nursery
If you want to create an exotic and daring nursery, leopard wallpaper is an excellent choice. This type of wallpaper is perfect for safari-themed nurseries or spaces with a modern, adventurous vibe.
Leopard wallpaper usually features rich, earthy tones like gold, brown, and black, making it an ideal backdrop for bold and neutral color schemes. The striking patterns of the leopard spots bring a touch of the wild to the room without overwhelming the space.
This type of wallpaper is excellent for parents who want to make a statement with their nursery decor. It pairs beautifully with safari-themed furniture and accessories, such as stuffed giraffes or elephant figurines, creating a cohesive and stylish look.
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Soft and Gentle: Nursery Wallpaper for a Calm Space
For parents wanting a soothing and peaceful nursery, soft and subtle wallpaper featuring animals like bunnies, deer, or lambs can be a great fit. These wallpapers often come in muted pastels or neutral shades, creating a gentle, calming atmosphere perfect for a baby's room.
Nursery wallpaper with delicate animal illustrations can set the stage for a tranquil space where your baby can relax and sleep soundly. Pair these gentle designs with soft, plush furnishings and light-colored wood furniture to create a serene environment.
This wallpaper style is perfect for parents who prefer a minimalist or Scandinavian-inspired nursery. The soft colors and simple patterns make the space feel airy and peaceful, ideal for promoting restful sleep.
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Personalized and Fun: Mix-and-Match Animal Themes
If you're feeling creative, consider mixing and matching different animal-themed wallpapers to create a personalized nursery that reflects your unique style. Combining monkey, octopus, lion, or tiger wallpaper in a cohesive design allows you to create a nursery that is as fun and dynamic as it is cozy.
For example, you could pair an accent wall with bold leopard wallpaper and softer cat wallpaper on the remaining walls, blending two styles to create an exciting yet balanced look. You could also use octopus wallpaper for a feature wall and balance it with more neutral nursery wallpaper on the other walls.
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Choosing the suitable animal wallpaper can set the tone for your baby's nursery and create a magical and inviting space. Whether you opt for playful monkey wallpaper, elegant leopard wallpaper, or serene octopus wallpaper, there are endless ways to use animal themes to inspire wonder and imagination in your child's room. From bold, safari-style designs to soft and subtle nursery wallpaper, there is a perfect option for every nursery style. As you plan your baby's nursery, explore the variety of animal wallpaper designs available and find the one that best fits your vision for this unique space.
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sleepyselkiesims · 1 month
The Everything Challenge
I have done it!! I have listed everything you can do with packs in the sims! Behold, the everything challenge!
It starts off with a version of the Occult Baby Challenge, but now we follow the lives of each kid after the home, and they're each assigned a pack.
NOTE: This is only the packs that I have cause this is a pack for me. So uhh... yeah Ig I'm the only one that can do this challenge XD But I'd love to know if there are any activities I left out!
Without further ado...
Founder: Parenthood, Laundry day, Kids room, Get together, Backyard
Flower Bunny: Cottage living
Patchy: Outdoor retreat, Seasons
Tragic Clown: High School Years, Discover University
Father Winter: Snowy Escape
Grim Reaper: Spooky stuff, nifty knitting, tiny living, crystal creations
Island Spirit: Island living
Spellcaster: Realm of magic, Get famous
Vampire: Vampires, pets
Alien: Get to work
Mermaid: Jungle Adventure
Wishing Well: Romantic garden, my wedding stories, spa day 
Plant Sim: dine out, City living
Servo: dream home decorator
Note: The founder can be the Plant Sim and have a kid with a normal townie.
The founder does not have to give birth to the kids, but they will have to move the kids in
Bonus Rounds: 
Complete all Achievements
“Ask about Home Region” in every world (requires frequent traveler lifestyle)
General Rules:
Get to level 10 in all skills and careers
Whenever you gain a new ability from a skill or career, you’ll try it out
Attend every festival
Complete every collection
If you want to include each death type, there's my Death Legacy challenge that lists them
Recommended play-style is with aging OFF
City Living
Aspiration and traits: City Native. Unflirty
Careers: Politician, critic, social media
Skills: Singing, instruments, video gaming, painting
Collections: Posters, snow globes, stall food
Play on a basketball court
Use bubble bottle
Use all bubble blower flavors
Tip a golden statue until you unlock the golden outfit
Busk as a golden statue
Set off fireworks, sparklers, spinners
Use voodoo doll
Unlock all talking toilet interactions
Use vending table to sell items
Complete a wall mural and a ground
Sell a painting on a street gallery wall
Give all speech types on a podium (to be added)
Gain spice tolerance
Fight with a neighbor
Befriend your landlord
As a high-end politician, kiss a baby
Attend special invited events: circus, opera, and underground concert
Eat curry and then play basketball
Give a eulogy for a tombstone
Festivals: Romance, Geek Con, Spice, Humor and Hijinks, Flea market
Island Living
Aspiration and traits: Beach life. Child of the Island, Child of the Oceans.
Careers: Diver, fisherman, lifeguard, conservationist
Skills: Fishing
Collections: Fish, shells, underwater photos, fish, Sulani treasures
Build all sandcastle types
Monster stomp and restore a sandcastle
Befriend 3 dolphins (regular, Azure, albino)
Purchase all snorkling equipment
Volcanic eruption
Break apart a volcanic rock
Use powers to increase a plant’s quality
Flood the floor of a room with the pool tool
Host kava parties for all reward types
Get a suntan and sunburn
Prank a sunbather (there are at least 4 options)
Complete odd jobs
Visit the waterfall
Explore Sulani cave
Encounter a shark
Interact with seagulls
Cook on a fire pit
Use a beach kiosk
Befriend an Island spirit
Ride a jet-ski
Add all add-ons to the aqua-zip
Ride a canoe
Sing all mermaid songs
Discover mermadic kelp (fishing, diving for treasure, requesting a dolphin retrieve treasure,exploring the cave)
Blow the conch shell
Sail on a boat in another world (britechester, copperdale, mt komorebi)
Fish on a boat
Optional: Eat 2 kelp to become human
Festivals: Barbecue, potluck, bonfire, flower and music, family fun day, island celebration, fishing tournament
Cottage Living
Aspiration and traits: Country caretaker. Lactose intolerant, animal enthusiast
Careers: -
Skills: Cross-stitch, cooking, gardening
Collections: 13 animal treats, 15 errand types, 17 canning recipes, 34 fair ribbons, cross stitch patterns, 5 mushrooms, 5 oversized crops, 5 fertilizers
Raise a llama, a cow, a chicken, a chick
Hug all animals
Upgrade animal sheds
Leave something at Sophie the snail
Befriend a fox
Shoo away a fox, plead with fox, ask fox not to steal, 
Befriend a bird tree stump
Befriend 3 rabbits
Ask for gardening help from befriended rabbits and birds
Give and receive gifts from birds and rabbits
Sing to birds
Get smacked by Agnes Crumplebottom
Befriend or make enemies of the Crumplebottoms
Gossip at the pub
Have a fox and chicken fight
Get golden chicken and midnight chicken
Have a picnic from a picnic basket
Have a toddler and child interact with all animals
Optional: have all animal types from treats
Order a grocery delivery
Buy from Market stalls and country caretaker
Gift a canned food
Turn an oversized mushroom into a chair
Befriend the country caretaker
Dress up animals
Start a romance between residents
Eat golden and midnight eggs
Increase the quality of various items after eating the golden egg
After eating the midnight egg, evil glare at objects and another sim
Ask the golden chicken to help with gardening
Sic the evil chicken on an enemy, the grim reaper, and a fox
Play an instrument in the bramblewoods
Pick chocoberry, blueberry, and raspberry.
Hatch an egg
Let a fox steal an egg
Sic a llama on a fox
Sic a dog on a fox
Have evil chicken set fox on fire
Participate in the fairing friend tradition
Write a simple living cookbook
Set oversized crops as decorations
Buy a mystery box from the grocery stall
Travel via bus stop
Optional: get a sheepdog and garden gnome
Festivals: Finchwick fair; Chicken, Cow, Garden, Oversized Crops, Llama
Aspiration and traits: Academic.
Careers: Gardener
Skills: Flower arranging, fitness
Collections: Holiday crafts, 15 snowpals, 10 snowpal interactions, 12 decorative eggs, 10 resolutions, holiday traditions, 65 floral arrangements, 16 flower arrangement scents, 12 tree decorations, 12 umbrellas
Help a toddler swim in a kiddie pool
Go for a swim in freezing weather
Become a top-level scout
Cook scout cookies
Shower in the rain
Play in the rain
Give gifts
Sing holiday songs
Have a water balloon and snowball fight
Mud fight!
Play in a mud puddle
Slip in a mud puddle
Rake leaves
Play in a leaf pile
Woohoo in a leaf pile
Burn a leaf pile
Make a snow angel
Declare an ultimate snowpal
Have a child rebuild the ultimate snowpal next time winter comes around
Destroy a snowpal
Brew bee tea
Plant a money tree
Trick or treat!
Fight Flower Bunny for eggs
Win the lottery
Kick a gnome
Create a holiday on the calendar
Put a crocus scented flower near bees
Collect swarm of bees: cheer self up, attack, woo, cheer up, fetch gift, and pollinate plants with bee swarms
Eat a jar of honey in freezing and heatwave weather
Befriend Patchy and steal his outfit
Check Patchy’s pockets for seeds
Upgrade the weather machine
Shoot lightning
Sneak a present
Replace a gift pile with pranks
Approach bees while wearing the bear costume
Eat honey as a bear
Skate on an ice rink and roller rink
Have a child play in a sprinkler
Upgrade sprinkler
Push someone on a swing set
Sabotage the New Year's countdown
Snowy Escape
Aspiration and traits: Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Mt. Komorebi Sightseer. Proper, adventurous
Careers: Salary Person
Skills: Rock climbing, Skiing, Snowboarding, singing
Collections: 24 Simmis, 5 spirit dolls
Hike with a dog
Woohoo in an ice cave
Become BFFs or enemies with Yamachan
Hike scenic loop
Go hiking with someone
Host a Mountain Excursion
Shove snow in someone’s face
Go sledding with a child
Teach a skiing class
Blog about skiing
Record snowboarding videos
Dance to the company anthem
Festivals: Light, Snow, Youth
Note: each festival has an outfit to purchase.
Discover University
Aspiration and traits: Academic.
Careers: Education, Law, and Engineering
Skills: Research & Debate, robotics
Collections: Ipsum
Learn someone’s traits using the computer glasses
Ask about the secret gathering
Make offerings to the statues
Use the magical sprites that come with the secret club
Gotta go fast on the bike!
Play a game of soccer with someone
Do a keg stand
Play juice pong
After-school activities: E-Sport Competitor and Soccer Team Player.
Get a servo with a techie lifestyle
Optional: get a servo with a technophobe lifestyle
High School Years
Aspiration and traits: Admired Icon, Live Fast, Goal Oriented, Drama Llama. Overachiever, Party animal, Socially awkward
Careers: Simfluencer, Video game streamer. Cheer team member, Chess team member, Computer team member, Football team member
Skills: Entrepreneur
Collections: Ipsum
Go to the shack to see a ghost
Summon urban legend on a vampire
Have a pillow fight
Attend Prom
Sneak out of a window
Go on the 3 carnival rides
Have a Famous student
A vampire sim can get expelled for drinking plasma
Festivals: fashion shows, amateur comedy nights, and poetry evenings
Get to work
Aspiration and traits: Lorem
Careers: Detective, scientist, doctor, retail owner
Skills: Baking, photography, logic
Collections: Geodes, 5 ways of taking pictures, 6 doctor work emergencies, 6 inventions, 15 serums, 8 alien abilities, 20 retail perks
Perform surgery on an alien
Take an alien’s fingerprints
X-ray an alien
Determine gender on a pregnant sim
Watch the alien tv channel
Spread an illness with hugs
Cure an illness with herbal tea and orange juice
Take medicine when not sick
Use cloning machine to clone items for your retail lot
Turn a photograph into a memory
Spoil the latest episode of a tv show
Instill a sim with false confidence
Covertly flirt with a coworker
Eat food at a crime scene
Use all good cop and bad cop interactions
Attend an alien party on sixam
Send an alien baby back to it’s homeworld
The more signs you have, the more sims come to your store
Change mannequin poses
Laugh at a broken neon light
Use alien powers to tranmute metals and crystals
Bring a dead sixam alien beast back to life
Get Famous
Aspiration and traits: Master Actor, World Famous celebrity. Self-Absorbed
Careers: Actor
Skills: Media production, Acting
Collections: 4 talent agencies, 21 acting gigs
Eat Caviar Crackers
Join Drama club
Woohoo in a money vault
Lock a sim in the money vault
Woohoo in a sleeping pod
Cry in a sleeping pod
Rage into the machine
Upgrade a sleeping pod
Hack the dreams of a sim in a sleeping pod
Swim with the fishes
Live stream your entire life
Wear the celestial crystal crown with all crystal types
Flaunt wealth in a crowd
Appraise an autograph
Autograph’s increase in value after a celebrity dies.
Hide from paparazzi in a photobooth
Publish a paper about acting
Bribe a bouncer
Play one of your mix tapes on a public venue speaker
Get Together
Aspiration and traits: Leader of the pack. Dance machine, Insider
Careers: -
Skills: Dancing, DJ mixing
Collections: Club perks
Join a club
Send emotional texts, and accept the outing invitation
Dare someone to streak
Go skinny dipping at the bluffs
Woohoo in a closet
Brew drinks at an espresso bar
Do activities at a cafe
Host a dance party
Dance as a group
Create a custom mixtape
Feel the crowd and get hyped as a DJ
Overthrow a club leader
Begin a club rivalry
Dance off against another club
Wander the maze at the chalet gardens
Befriend/become enemies with the chalet ghosts
Garden Lady Shallot’s garden
Paint with Lord Shallot
Play chess at the chess pavilion and the Estate
Fantasize about weddings at the Estate
Play piano at the estate
Start a bonfire at the beach
Perform all diving moves
Set fire to a llama table
Play darts, foosball, and cards
Change bonfire colors
Throw a voodoo doll attached to a sim into the bonfire
Burn trash in a bonfire
Fire dance
Nap in a bush
Let a child play in a closet
Travel to the ancient ruins via gate
Festivals: Happy Hour, Bear’s Night, Alien Night, Ghost Nights, Knight Nights, Ladies Nights,  Singles Nights, Guys Nights, ancient ruins party, estate party
Dine Out
Aspiration and traits: Foodie, glutton, snob
Careers: Restaurant Owner
Skills: Gourmet cooking
Collections: Experimental food (20), experimental food photos, restaurant perks
Get a restaurant to 5 stars
Draw on a placemat at a restaurant
Compliment and insult the chef
Feed a bite of food to your partner
Get food poisoning 
Simstagram every meal
Stock an aquarium
Try every advertising package 
Get 5 stars from a critic
Leave the restaurant running in your absence
Aspiration and traits: Vampire Family, Good Vampire, Master Vampire
Careers: …Vampire?
Skills: Vampire Lore, pipe organ, mixology
Collections: Vampire tomes, 5 vampiric drinks, vampire perks
Ask to turn
Have a club where you play the organ, use vamp powers, and drink plasma
Create garlic wreaths, braids, and garlands
Make plasma fruit salad
Slay a fellow vampire with the Vampire Cure Cocktail
Receive the “Defeated a hunter” moodlet from surviving the cocktail
Woohoo as bats
Woohoo in a coffin
Vampire duel
Receive vampiric training
Meditate and hibernate
Create plasma packs from frogs and pets
Find a sim with Excellent Plasma
Reach irresistible thirst
Become a master vampire
Train another vampire
Place bearcula in front of a mirror
Manipulate life spirit, deprive needs, influence emotions, mesmerize, command, cast hallucination, use vampiric charm
Break into a sims house and drain them
Have a non-vampire fight them while having garlic in their inventory
With vampiric strength, crush crystals and metals
Realm of Magic
Aspiration and traits: Spellcraft & Sorcery, Purveyor of Potions
Careers: -
Skills: -
Collections: 3 bloodline types, 20 wands, 11 familiars, 25 brooms, 24 spells, 15 potions, 8 curses
Travel through the Glimmerbrook portal
Befriend all 3 sages
Get a replacement Glimmerstone from a sage
Bind a pet as a familiar
Send pet to forage for items
Participate in the 5 duel types
Cook the 3 food types in a cauldron
Aspiration and traits: Super Parent
Careers: Stay-at-home parent
Skills: Parenting
Collections: 10 character values, 7 childhood/teen phases, 28 relationship types, 12 table settings, 5 volunteer activities, 7 projects (with 3 types each)
Activities: Lorem
Pack a sacked lunch
Have a sack lunch in a child’s inventory when they go to school
Add drawings to the bulletin board
Set a curfew
Write in a journal
Relive journal memories
Snoop in a journal
Catch a sim snooping in your journal
Make a mess
Build a buildl ‘em blocks table
Play doctor
Destroy a school project
Put a kid in time-out
Ground a child (7 types)
Talk a child through a mood swing, Encourage child to redirect anger, criticize mood swing
Note: skills that help for each project: painting, rocket science, logic, programming, handiness
Spa Day
Aspiration and traits: Self care specialist, zen guru, inner peace. High maintenance
Careers: At-home wellness center
Skills: Wellness, mischief
Collections: 4 unlockable recipes, yoga poses and routines
Teleport somewhere with the wellness skill
Freeze your motive decay
Use all 6 incense types
Join a yoga class
Host a yoga class
Promote yoga virtually
Give and receive 11 massage types
Use 7 bath soaks
Sabotage a sauna
Woohoo in a sauna
Receive and give a mani-pedi
Wear all 6 face masks
Get a rash from too many face masks
While “feeling fine,” gain/remove an emotional moodlet
Outdoor Retreat
Aspiration and traits: Outdoor enthusiast. Squeamish.
Careers: Lorem
Skills: Woodworking, Herbalism
Collections: Bugs, fish, 9 wild plants, 13 herbal remedies
Activities: Lorem
Stargaze and cloudgaze
“Take deep breaths” for a nauseated squeamish sim
Wear a bear costume
Roar in bear costume
“Imitate roar” at someone who’s wearing a bear costume
Host a weenie roast event
Woodcarve the Camping Mascot
Tell stories around the campfire
Summon the campsite ghost
Woohoo in a tent
Roast marshmallows, fish, hotdogs, veggie dogs, and beetles
Cook campers stew, breakfast scramble, fruit cobbler, gumbo, and walleye surprise
Befriend the hermit
Get info from a kiosk
Befriend a Camp Ranger
Purchase supplies from a ranger station
Go hiking
Aspiration and traits: Friend of the animals. Cat lover, dog lover
Careers: Veterinarian
Skills: Pet training, veterinarian, painting, photography, 
Collections: Feathers, postcards (7, from rodents), types of rodent notifs (10?), type of toys, paintings, pet treats, 4 pet recipes, 4 nips
Get all vet clinic perks
Have a pet reach 1500 simstagram followers
Order from a food stall
Give your pets Gourmet and homestyle pet food.
Mix the Minty Fresh Pet Confection and call pet to drink
Get vet clinic to 5 stars
Run an obstacle course with a dog
Travel by a brindleton bay boat
Woohoo in the lighthouse
Let a pet explore a bush
Craft the bird sculpture
Swim with a dog
Have a hamster, rat, pygmy hedgehog, and bubalus
Get rabid rodent fever
Research rabid rodent fever
Purchase rodent remedies
Ask vet employees about rabid rodent fever
Become bffs with a pet
Have cats and dogs investigate the rodents
Plant all 4 nips
Feel the love
Get attacked by a pet
Become companions with a pet
Send pet to explore and dig
Encourage a pet to mate
Sic a cat on a mousehole
Let furniture get scratched up
Have a pet unlearn all behaviors (counters, scratching, waking up, barking, attacking, puddles, drinking from toilet, eating things they shouldn't, chasing pets, toilet)
Befriend and adopt a stray pet
Adopt a ghost pet
See how a baby interacts with animals (they seem to like to sleep near dogs, for example)
Have a female pet run away, and get pregnant during that time
Post alert for missing pet
Calm down pet
Have a dog learn all tricks
Sell a pet
Optional: there are 12 paintings you can create from cats and dogs
Jungle Adventure
Aspiration and traits: Jungle explorer, archaeology scholar
Careers: -
Skills: Archaeology, Selvadoradian culture, guitar
Collections: 10 recipes, 3 mixology drinks, 9 relic combinations, 15 relic curses, 12 relic blessings, 16 Omiscan Artifacts, 13 Omiscan treasures
Rumbasim dance
Play the 7 Selvadoradian songs on the guitar
Tell bones jokes to a skeleton until it dies
Access the food stall’s secret menu
Buy secret wares
Study art for insights
Give an archaeology lecture
Write an archaeology book
Write a travel guide
Authenticate an object for the smithsonian
Perform a Selvadoradian salutation and introduction
Share pictures of vacation
Break a wooden relic by using it too much
Become a skeleton, and perform all special skeleton interactions
Try to eat and drink as a skeleton
Perform romantic interactions on the bridge
Eat every type of emotion berry
Open a treasure chest by a plane wreck
Swim in the Omiscan Royal baths
Open a treasure chest in the Omiscan gardens
Catch a fish at the lagoon
Open a treasure chest on the Island
Mix drinks in an Omiscan temple
Walk through the 4 gate types without disarming them
Offer a relic to temple defenses 
Extract an element on the Archaeology table
Sell items on a Craft Sales Table
Dream Home Decorator
Aspiration and traits: Observant, Friendly
Careers: Interior decorator
Skills: Photography
Collections: -
Get a good and/or bad reputation
Get fired for: flirting with clients, nudity, eating/sleeping/showering, low hygiene 
Be featured on the Dream Home Decorator network
Renovate a room, add a room, renovate a level, add a level
Renovate a celebrity home
Write articles
Spooky Stuff
Aspiration and traits: Brave
Careers: -
Skills: Handiness
Collections: ICandy (technically seasons)
Cook spooky cookies, cheese eyeballs, and zombie cake
Place haunted paintings
Dress up!
Host spooky parties at all levels
As for a party treat
Carve pumpkins (10 styles, 4 colors)
Wear a pumpkin as a ghost
Preserve a pumpkin
Light a pumpkin
Smash a pumpkin
Enable pumpkin emotional aura
Get all 4 moodlets from the candy bowl
Wedding Stories
Aspiration and traits: Any love. Romantic.
Careers: -
Skills: Flower arranging
Collections: Messages in bottles, cakes, bouquets
Host: family gathering, engagement dinner, bach party, rehearsal dinner, reception, vow renewal
Call off a wedding
Grapevine gossip
Use the bathroom in city hall
Send a pet down the aisle
Romantic Garden
Aspiration and traits: Any love. Keptomaniac.
Careers: -
Skills: -
Collections: -
Play in a fountain
Fill a fountain with bubbles
Make an offering to the wishing well
Make all wishing well wish types
Nap on a fountain
Toss coin in a fountain
Swipe simoleons from a fountain
Aspiration and traits: Bro
Careers: -
Skills: Motor
Collections: - (could be Season’s eggs)
Drink Lemonade (3 types)
Add bubbles to water slide
Trick slide on waterslide
Fill a bird feeder
Watch birds
Get attacked by birds at birdfeeder
View a windcatcher
Place all windchimes
Laundry Day
Aspiration and traits: Slob, lazy, neat
Careers: -
Skills: Handiness
Collections: Types of clothing (dry, smelly, damp, etc.)
Wash clothes in a tub
Use all scent additives (possibly endless???)
Search pockets of laundry
Place clothes on a clothesline
Cause a dryer fire
Clean lint tray
Have a toddler splash in the wash tub
Upgrade the washing machine (5 types)
Upgrade the Dryer (4 types)
Upgrade the clothesline
Break a clothesline
Sabotage the washing machine and dryer
Watch the washing machine
Add extra soap
Clean the lint trap
Wear wet dirty clothes
Wear clean dry clothes
Sniff clothing
Tiny Living
Aspiration and traits: -
Careers: -
Skills: Handiness
Collections: -
Build 3 lot types: Micro, tiny, small
Use a murphy bed
Upgrade murphy bed
Nifty Knitting
Aspiration and traits: Master of the knits
Careers: Plopsy
Skills: Knitting
Collections: Knitted items (haven’t counted)
Brutally dance to metal music
Have a toddler/child play on a rocking chair
Max knitting skill
Wear all knitted clothing
Dress up babies and toddlers
Dress up farm animals
Knit yarny
Create the sweater curse
Elderly reminisce on a rocking chair
Have a cat play with a yarn ball
Have a child play with knitted toys
Gift the Grim Reaper a lil grim
Crystal Creations
Aspiration and traits: Crystal Crafter
Careers: Plopsy?
Skills: Gemology
Collections: Crystals, metals, 9 gem cuts, 11 jewelry types, 27 effects
Read gemology books
Grow a crystal tree
Befriend the Grim Reaper
Kids Room
Aspiration and traits: -
Careers: Drama club
Skills: Social
Collections: 20 Voidcritters, limited edition foil voidcritters
Perform all 5 puppet plays
Use the voidcritter battle station
Have a childhood bff
Have a childhood enemy
Dance to tween pop
Look for discarded toys in frog logs and trash cans
Trade voidcritters
Train voidcritter to highest level
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cksjptblog · 2 months
On Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and environmentalism
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Nausicaa of the valley of the wind tells the story of a humanity post societal collapse 1000 years in the future where a toxic jungle spreads to consume the world. It follows Nausicaa a young woman who is the princess of the titular valley of the wind
The movie starts on a bleak scene, a poisonous jungle where just about everything in it wants to kill you and Nausicaa inside the shell of what was clearly a giant robot built for war alongside several other robots, a long since past warzone.
This contrasts heavily with the peaceful scene of the valley itself, looking like a modern day peaceful forest and valley.
There is a incongruent sadness in the scene though, a mishmash of technology and buildings, from mud buildings to medieval style buildings, chests and shields but also firearms and gliders. The kind of society only possibly born from a collapse of a prior society scavenging different parts and pieces of what was before and having to re-build the rest.
The story is inherently about the environment and war and climate change. We destroyed the world with war and the world fights back against humanity now, the jungle being toxic could be a stand in for a number of different things, repentance for war and climate change being a few. The repentance for war representing a dying society drowned by war, climate change being a more realized version of how our constant pumping of chemicals into the air poisons the land and will make it toxic for us, the forest growing representing our continuing environmental failure and pumping more chemicals into the air polluting more and more of the planet.
It is later revealed that Nausicaa planted some of the most toxic plants from the jungle using deep soil and clean water and found out that they don’t become poisonous when this happens, proving that the jungle itself isn’t toxic merely that the entire land is polluted and the jungle uproots that pollution.
The secondary conflict of the anime shows itself when a foreign kingdom invades the valley kills the king and takes Nausicaa hostage with their intent being to revive one of the giant robots and burn the toxic forest to the ground. The hostage taking is interrupted however by another foreign kingdom intervening to take down the ships which results in Nausicaa landing in the forest and learning of its true nature, the forest was natures way of cleansing the planet and the insects protectors of the forest so human’s won’t interrupt its work.
The movie’s conflict is only resolved by Nausicaa risking her life to protect one of the baby Ohm, the protectors of the forest. And in turn is healed by them. It tells a powerful tale of caring for nature and how doing so ensures nature will care for you.
Overall I really really enjoyed the movie, it was beautiful and touching at times as well as sending a powerful message about caring for the environment.
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