#BYE and then you see him in the mirror and continue to sing along while making eye contact through the mirror
ssparksflyy · 27 days
can’t stop thinking about jason watching you sing along to juno while you’re getting ready and being MAD flustered
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poisonous-lemonade · 2 years
HEYY THERE!!! I really liked your billy fanfic but I was wondering if you could do a male reader one set in the modern day were billy didn’t go through his trauma and ended up kind and considered
Hope & Passion
Billy Hargrove x M!reader Modern AU A/N: Of course, I can Anon. Thank you for the compliment, although the reader's pronouns are not ever mentioned so you can read it however you like, please know this is intended for a more male audience. I hope you enjoy. Word Count: 2236 Cw: Mild Bullying - Mentions of drugs/drug use - Pyromanic tendencies - Cursing - Overall fluff however
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"Billy?" A soft voice sings, causing Billy to stir in his sleep. "Billy, wake up." The feminine voice giggled. Billy's eyes flutter open, the warm light streaming through his window. His blankets spread across his floor and bed and his body was half off the bed. His blue eyes fell upon the ethereal sight of his mother. "Good morning Billy." Her smooth hand brushing Billy's dirty blonde hair out of his eyes, smiling down at him. "Good morning 'ma."
Billy sits up, rubbing his eyes. "Breakfast is downstairs, don't forget to put deodorant on." Billy chuckles, his voice rough and dry. "I will 'ma." She hums and walks out of his room, closing the door behind her. He looks up, running his hands through his hair. He rolls out of bed, his wooden floor cool and a gentle contrast from the warm sun.
It was coming to the end of summer in California. He lived with his mother after she ran away with him on a random night in the middle of winter when he was younger. He groans as he scams his open closet, fixing his hair in the mirror while doing so.
His room is small and cozy. His desked full of art supplies all organized and neat with his wall covered in paint. Books piled on his floor separated by genre. He picks out a white shirt smudged in paint and a simple pair of ripped jeans and changes into them.
He picks up his denim jacket and throws it on. Walking out to find his mother in the living room. "Hey 'ma," he greets sweetly, walking to the kitchen to see a prepared plate of bacon. "Hey, sweetie." She calls back. He quickly finished his plate, putting it in the empty sink.
He walks over to his mum and gives her a kiss on the top of her head. "Bye 'ma." He walks over to the front door, picking up his keys and bag that lay on the floor. He chuckles to himself before saying goodbye one last time and closing the door behind him.
You hum thoughtfully, nodding along to the teacher when you thought they made good points, you were not paying attention, instead choosing to doodle in the book in front of you. You weren't a big fan of school nor were you a fan of most of your peers.
You sat in the middle of the class to be ignored by the teacher, the back was too loud and the teachers would always pick on the back and the front...nobody likes the people at the front. You surveyed the kids around you, watching as they waited anxiously for the bell to ring.
The class erupts with chatter with the sound of the bells and chairs scrapping across the tiled floors. You were one of the last to leave, being continuously pushed past, your bag slung across your shoulder carelessly as you wave to the teacher.
Your locker wasn't fair but you took notice of the lack of presence of your "locker buddy", as he put it. You played with the lock before it opened. I really need to remember my lock combo, you thought, shoving your bag in hastily when you hear the sound of hurried footsteps.
"Hey Y/N," the voice greeted cheerfully but laced with venom. You sigh but turn your head to see the familiar face, a familiar face with green eyes that you swore could pierce your soul if he tried hard enough. "Hello, oh great one." You deadpan, shutting your locker before turning to face him.
"What do I owe the pleasure this time?" The boy shrugs, a smile on his face as he eyes you up and down. "I just wanted to tell you, your special appearance in class was quite impressive." He compliments but in reality, there was a presentation in class, in which a whole slide talked about pigs.
You scoff, crossing your arms. "Is that so?" You ask, watching him nod enthusiastically. "Well, I must say, I really love what you are wearing today." You smirked, running your hand gently over his collar. "You look less like a druggie today." You didn't want to push your luck when you saw his smile twitch but you couldn't help it. "Tell me, do you get that from your father?" You say, fixing his collar as his eyes fill with rage. You step back, leaning against your locker, pretending to think for a moment. "Maybe you got it from your mother."
"Afternoon Y/N." You looked over your shoulder, smiling at your locker buddy. "Hey, Billy." You waved, Billy notices the tall figure in front of you but doesn't say anything. You let your shoulders drop, knowing that luck had just saved you again. You smirk at the boy in front of you. "Didn't you say you had somewhere to be?" You joke, watching him hold back a scowl before turning heel and walking the opposite way.
"Who was that?" Billy asks, turning to face you, you couldn't tell but his eyes were filled with worry and concern. Many people had come up to you in the past week, hence why he was always early. You huff out a chuckle. "Nobody important." Billy nods in acknowledgement as you walk away. "I'll see you, Billy." Billy lets a small smile creep across his face as you wave back at him. "Yeah, I know." He jokes to himself.
Billy was polite to you, if not a bit protective. At first, it creeped you out but you got used to it. Maybe that's just how he is? He wasn't your friend by any means and Billy was far from seeing you as a friend. If anything, you both saw each other every day, coming to a silent agreement that being "friends" to the public was the better choice.
You sit outside, your jacket wrapped comfortably around you, playing with the lighter in your hands. You weren't a smoker, nor did you really need it but you still kept it on you. Just in case, you always told yourself.
The bell rang for school to end a bit ago and most kids hung around the school. You were waiting for your friends, and unlike you, they were in after-school activities. One of them doing track and field and the other doing computer science. Your other friends left a long time ago since you were their ride home.
You groan, watching as the tall boy from before came walking over to you. His name was Theo, and you truly had no idea what his problem was. Sure, sometimes you cause him a bit of trouble, but that's only because he starts it.
You don't bother to stand as Theo plops himself right next to you, lazily putting his arm around you, like how friends would. You put the lighter into your pocket and stare at him. "What do you want?" You judge silently. "Nothing, not this time." You hum, nodding your head along like he was still talking. "Right," you look up and let your shoulders fall, thinking to yourself.
"Ah, hello Y/N." This time you flinch, turning your head to see...Billy?Huh, maybe luck is really on my side. "Hello, Theo is it?." Theo snarled and pulled you closer to him. That definitely weirded you out. You chuckled nervously, looking up at Billy. "What's up, big guy?" You smile, trying to rationalise a plan in your head if things were to go south.
"Oh, nothing, I just wanted to show you something." You would never admit it, of course, but Billy was good-looking, and who didn't think that? He had dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes with a formidable body that you had praised him on, and he's a silent art kid.
You chuckle and bite the inside of your cheek. "As long I won't be gone for long, sure. Just let me finish up the conversation." You look over to Theo who was staring daggers at the man. "Are we finished here?" You ask smugly. Theo mudders under his breath, unable for you to hear him. "I'm sorry, what was that, Theo?" You tease with a chuckle.
Before you knew it you felt a sharp pain hit you. Almost like a burning sensation, right on your cheek. "You petty bitch." Theo said, standing up abruptly. Billy didn't react, only putting himself between the two of you. "And I'm not scared of you." Theo finishes. "You're like a dog protecting its master." Theo spits. You begin to see a crowd being attracted to the commotion like a moth to flames.
You stand up and groan, chuckling slightly. Maybe, just this once, I'll give in to my impulses. You don't plan to enact that thought anytime soon. Billy, annoyingly, was acting like a wall between the two of you. It was probably for the best, if he weren't, you'd be so fucked.
You play it off, however, walking to Billy's side and hitting him gently to look down at you. You swear one day you'll get taller. "You said you had something to show me?" You send a wink Theo's way when Billy relaxes and smiles down at you. "I did, didn't I?" He nods, looking up to stare down at Theo before walking off.
"Bye-bye, Theo!" You wave, giggling as you do so. "I'll see you later, 'kay?" You after Billy, laughing to yourself as you hear Theo stomp away. Catching up with Billy, he smiles down at you. "So, what do you want to show me?"
"I want to show you something I made." You nod along, smiling happily as he explained to you this watercolour painting he did and how it reminded him of you. "Huh, you're a weird one." You joke, laughing.
You both reach his car and you sit on his hood. He clearly didn't mind when he just walked past you to his trunk. You hear him sigh as he takes out a pile of small canvases, looking through them hastily until he only had two in his hand.
He walks towards you, his hand behind his back. Yeah, he really is a weird one. As weird as you thought Billy was, you couldn't help but feel safe, even if he asks like as oblivious as a himbo on game night.
"Pick a hand?" He questions, his shoulders tensing as he feels a sudden spike in his anxiety. He was never an anxious person but he still couldn't help but feel like one when he was near you. He tried to hide it by being polite and protective, even if he could tell you thought it was weird.
You hum, truly think about your options. "Which option do you think I'd like best?" Billy thinks for a second. "The right." He concluded. "I'll take the left." You smirk, putting your hand out expectantly. Billy would be stunned and if he was, he didn't seem it, handing you the one in his left hand.
It was a pretty picture of a bird, you could still see the sketch marks and how it was messily painted over with shades of blue which made the firey bird stand out. You tell it was a proud bird just by looking at it. You notice how a piece of it was missing. The branch it laid upon looked like it was one-half of a whole.
"Wow, this is..." you pause and look back at Billy who waited, nervously playing with the hem of his shirt. "...I love it." You conclude, nodding as you looked back down at it. "I love the colour choice, why a bird though?" You ask. Billy simply shrugs with a smile when you look back at him. "Well, it's beautiful Billy."
You go to hand it back to him but he refuses. "You keep it." You huff out a giggle but don't bother agreeing. "Alright." You take a pen out of your pocket and hand it to Billy. "Then, I want you to sign it." Billy shakes his head, his right hand still behind his back. "Can I see the other one?"
"No." Billy laughs. "If I show you the other one, what would be the point?" Now it was your turn to shake your head, your hand still outstretched towards him. "You gonna sign your work or what?" Billy takes your pen from your hands and writes his name into the corner of the painting.
He hands you back the pen and you slide off the car. "I have to go Billy, but I'll see you later." Billy hums and smiles happily. "Yeah, I know." It feels so weird to say that to somebody else other than him. You lean in and kiss his cheek. "We both know." You joke, laughing as you pat his shoulder before walking away leaving him a flushed mess.
You take this opportunity to look at the painting he hid behind his back. Maybe this was cheating but who were you to care. It was another bird, this time painting gracefully as colour flowed on the paper. The background was blue, just like the one you have, but the bird was a bright yellow colour, like the sun. You take note of how this time, the branch ended, and how the bird was looking back.
You smile. Hope. This bird was hope. And yours is passion.
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silversatoru · 4 years
Ok ok- don’t judge me but get this- College AU, Where Ereh and his friends all go to a nearby maid cafe and turns out his s/o works there, and his s/o is wearing a EXTREMELY short maid outfit and she starts to flirt with Eren’s friends, and basically Eren had enough and dragged his s/o to a bathroom stall, and fucked them calling y/n their little slut, etc. and fucked them so hard they couldn’t work the rest of the day- BYE- 🏃🏻‍♀️ 💨 🚪
maid cafe
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a/n: i would never judge you for this???? your mind is incredible and this idea has corrupted my brain for days,, please send more of your wonderful ideas to my inbox. and please let me know what u think bc i truly hope i did u proud
eren yeager x female maid cafe!reader
synopsis: eren and his friends go to a maid cafe and his new girlfriend is their waitress — so he drags her to the bathroom and makes sure she knows who she belongs to
tags/warnings: smut, dom/sub, degrading, mild humiliation, mirror sex, public sex, mentions of drug use
word count: 3.4k
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“hey, we should check out that maid cafe downtown. i heard the waitresses are fine,” jean smirked as he proposed the idea, passing a blunt he’d just finished rolling over to eren.
eren graciously accepted the weed, but clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes at jean’s new idea for their friday night. a maid cafe wasn’t particularly up his alley -- he’d just started dating you a few weeks ago and didn’t have any interest in drooling over other women all night. but he was bored and if everyone else wanted to go, he supposed he’d tag along too.
“hell yeah, pretty girls in short skirts sounds good to me,” connie jived, a giddy smile on his face as he blew out some smoke from his own blunt.
“don’t you think that kind of place is a little disrespectful, guys? we shouldn’t view women as-”
“you’re too uptight armin, maybe we can find a nice girl to suck you off and loosen you up a little bit” jean laughed and cut him off as the blonde boy continued to give his immature friends a disapproving look.
“whatever i’m in, just let me finish this first,” eren held up his blunt and took another long drag, “i wont be able to stand you assholes all night if im not high”.
the four of them hung around their shared four-bedroom college apartment a little longer, finishing up their smoke sesh and flinging half-assed insults at one another. the sky was already getting dusky by the time they actually left and were walking through the small, bustling town surrounding their campus. the cafe wasn’t too far, maybe a thirty minute walk, but it was a beautiful spring night and shit, gas is expensive.
armin’s face was horribly flushed when they finally arrived and entered the front door, the poor boy completely unable to even make eye contact with the hostess standing in front of them. his shyness earned him a swift elbow from eren — his way of telling the blonde boy to relax a little bit.
the young hostess spoke to them in a sing-song tone, her hair perfectly curled to frame her face and her cheeks pink with blush. connie and jean completely ate up everything she was doing, gawking at her like a bunch of losers who hadn’t gotten laid in way too long — which is exactly what they were. eren was almost relieved when she finally sat them at a table and walked away, because he couldn’t stand to listen to jeans' horrendous attempt at flirting any longer.
everything on the menu had cute names that matched the theme of the cafe, and while eren and armin browsed the options, connie and jean continued to whisper about the different waitresses and which one they hoped they got.
as for you, it had been a pretty uneventful night, normal customers and nothing too crazy — that was until you walked up to the newest table you were assigned and saw your boyfriend and his friends sitting around the booth. eren and you hadn’t been dating all that long, a few weeks at most, and you hadn’t even met any of these friends yet. anxiety began to pool in your chest, but you tried your best to put on your best voice and greet them like they were any other table — after all, eren was staring so intently at the menu that he hadn't even noticed you yet.
“welcome home, masters! can i get any drinks for you?” you push your voice up to a high octave and make sure to draw out the word masters — it was the opening line that every waitress was required to use by the cafe.
two of the four boys are ogling at you so intensely that they might as well have drool hanging off their desperate lips. a third boy is keeping his eyes fixated on the table as if he doesn’t want to look at you — which is something you’re not quite used to. and eren is staring at you with his mouth gaping open, which he quickly shuts before any of his friends can notice.
he decided to sit back and watch, an amused look on his face as you continue to flaunt your extra-girly facade. he decides that now isn’t a great time for introductions to his bonehead friends — plus he knows you’re nothing like this in real life, so it’s entertaining to watch you act so out of character.
not to mention you look hot as fuck in your skimpy maid outfit — the tight corset-like top hugged your breasts perfectly and your skirt was so short he could practically see the base of your ass cheeks. he could definitely get used to seeing you like this.
but his amusement quickly started to fade as connie and jean shamelessly showered you in compliments and flirted with you like their lives depended on it. and what makes it worse is you’re playing along — he gets that it’s your job but still, can’t you just tell them to shut the fuck up?
he shoots the two idiots across from him a dirty look as soon as you walk away, “hey dumbasses, cut the girl a break”.
“hey man, i didn't hear you call dibs or anything,” connie raised an eyebrow at him.
“yeah dude, we’re just fucking around, chill,” jean added, a light laugh hanging off his last word.
eren couldn’t do anything but roll his eyes in response. he didn’t want to outright expose your relationship yet but he wouldn’t be able sit here and watch this all night either.
his blood was practically boiling when you returned with a tray full of their drinks. connie and jean turned their charms right back on for you, and fuck, if he had to hear you call them “master” one more time he was gonna lose his mind.
“armin get the fuck out of the booth,” he glared at the blonde boy, practically pushing him out of the booth so he could get to you.
armin yet out a small yelp, clambering out of his seat and letting eren climb out after him. the dark haired boy gave you the sweetest smile, but his eyes were lit up like flames.
“hey, mind showing me where the bathrooms are?”
you find yourself frozen in place for just a second, but quickly recover and give him a quick “of course master, follow me!”
the two of you walk to the bathroom in silence, but you can practically feel the heat radiating off of eren.
when you reached the restrooms you opened the door for him and bowed your head, but he grabbed your wrist and yanked you inside behind him, earning a small yelp from you. you noticed him snap the lock down behind him, and before you could even question his motives you were backed into a wall with his lips working roughly against yours.
“so this is what you do all day? walk around with your ass hanging out while calling people master?” he growled in your ear while moving down towards your neck and placing violent kisses along the sensitive skin.
“i- ah- if it bothers you-“ you breath out between gasps, your hands pressed defensively to his chest, “god, you reek of pot, eren”.
“no, it doesn't bother me, i love watching you flirt with other men. but let me remind you who you actually belong to now,” he murmured, voice dripping with sarcasm as he nibbled up to your ear and his hands fondled with the zipper at the back of your uniform.
“eren!” a strangled yelp leapt from your throat as he unzipped you and let your costume fall around your ankles.
for a second you thought about trying to stop him, but his hot lips against your cool skin was starting to win you over. your neck was undoubtedly covered in bruised love marks now, your skin aching in the most beautiful way.
“take it all off,” he mumbled into your ear as he snapped the strap of your bra against your skin.
“we’re in a bathroom eren, i don’t-“ you tried to reason with him, but any inkling of a rational thought was long gone from his mind.
“what’s with all the protests? you had no problem following orders when my friends were the ones giving them,” he cocked an eyebrow at you and lifted his loose shirt over his head in one swift motion.
you could have retorted or made a jab back at him, but your attention was caught up in the perfect lines of eren’s physique. between the sculpted curves of each of his muscles, his dark hair tied in a loose knot at the base of his neck, and the evil smirk across his lips, you were rendered indefensible. everything about eren was so intoxicating, and the idea of letting him have his way with you right now, in this bathroom, was starting to sound less and less like a bad idea. you weren’t sure how long you’d been staring and admiring when his lusty voice filled your ears again.
“did you forget how to use that pretty mouth of yours? i’m sure i can give you a little refresher,” he faked a frown and pointed to the floor with his index finger.
without a shred of reluctance you sunk to his feet. he had you in a state of utter compliance now, and all he had to do was mutter a few arrogant words and take off his shirt — you were almost ashamed, almost.
after a few smooth movements of his fingers against the drawstrings of his sweats, the tip of his member was hanging mere centimeters from your face. you glanced up at him with giant eyes as he stared down at you with his clouded ones. between his raging hunger for your body and the high that was still clouding his mind, there wasn't a single coherent thought in eren’s head other than the way your lips would feel wrapped around his cock.
“open up, princess. if you wanna act like a slut, i’ll treat you like one,” he grabbed the back of your head and forced it forward.
your lips parted without even thinking, and he thrusted his full length down your throat without any warning. you were left coughing and sputtering, the walls of your throat constricting against his cock and sending a few curses from his lips.
he slowed down slightly after that, but kept a steady pace as he mouth-fucked you until tears were leaking down your cheeks. you were gagging and coughing and your face was stained with salty saline but you loved every second of it. his head rolled back as raspy grunts fell from between his teeth, his fist tightening at your scalp.
after he thought you’d finally had enough he pulled back and released your hair from his steel grip. his cock was aching now, coated in a thick layer of your sticky saliva and yearning for more.
“get on the counter,” he ordered, and you scrambled to your feet in a way that was embarrassingly desperate.
you boosted yourself up onto the cool countertop, positioned perfectly between two sinks and leaning back against the mirror. eren placed a firm grip on each of your legs, shoving them open and snickering at the slick patch of fabric between your thighs.
“you like being treated like a whore, don’t you?” he clicked his tongue off the roof of his mouth and reached down at your panties before yanking them off in one fell swoop.
he squatted down so his face was level with your cunt, sticking out his tongue and dragging it up to your clit with antagonizing slowness. he moved the warm muscle up and down, sliding it between your folds and in circles around your clit — but his tongue was just barely making contact. and every time you bucked your hips towards him, begging and yearning for just a little more he’d pull his head back and click his tongue at you.
you were aching, leaking, and so incredibly needy for him and he knew it. he’d transformed you into the crumpled mess laying before him in a matter of minutes, and he was very proud of it.
“i’d start begging if i were you, or i’ll leave you here like this — a stupid broken slut with no one to fuck her,” he stood up and cocked his head to the side before beginning to tease your entrance with a single finger.
“ah- eren, please! i’ll do whatever you want,” you whimpered at him, a pitiful look on your face.
“eren? you know you’re not supposed to call customers by their name here,” he shook his head, “you’ll have to do better than that”.
“please- master, use me however you want. just please fuck me already”.
that seemed to suffice for eren, because after that it didn’t take long for him to shealth himself inside you and have your sweaty back slamming into the glass mirror behind you. strangled moans and pitiful whimpers slipped from between your lips, your eyes rolling back into your head in complete bliss. he’d teased and tormented you for so long that the sudden intense stimulation was almost too much.
he fucked himself into you so hard you thought you might break — your legs ached and your back hurt from awkwardly leaning into the mirror. but those feelings were quickly pushed to the back of your head because the overwhelming pleasure was so forceful that you could barely focus on anything else. eren’s length was grinding deep into your aching caverns so good that it was completely clouding your brain.
you let out a stifled gasp when he abruptly pulled out, leaving you feeling empty and aching for more.
“why-,” your voice was so destitute and so, so desperate.
“shut up and stand in front of me,” he commanded, pulling you off the counter and twisting you so you were facing the bathroom mirror.
“look at yourself in the mirror and watch me fuck you,” he practically snarled, placing a palm on your back and pushing your chest down against the counter, “look at how much of a slut you are for me”.
the only response that came out of your mouth was a tiny whine of acceptance — it was pathetic.
a breathy moan fell from your lips as he slid back in, and your cheeks blushed a dark shade of red as you watched yourself get fucked from behind. it was embarrassing, humiliating even, having to see yourself like this, but what made it even worse was that you fucking liked it.
“look at yourself,” he nodded towards the mirror, picking up his pace and tightening his grip on your hips, “just a dumb whore who’s good for nothing but taking orders from other people”.
“only- you!” you let out a strangled yelp.
“what was that? i don’t think i heard you,” he thrusted hard, reaching deeper than he had the entire time and then leaning over your back so his head was positioned right next to yours.
“say it again,” he murmured, burning holes through your eyes with how intensely he was staring at you in the mirror.
“i’m a dumb whore, but only for- you,” you repeated, squirming and whining at the painful pleasure he was forcing into you.
“that’s right,” he flashed you a satisfied grin, standing back up and resuming his original pace.
the sudden shift had you clawing at the smooth countertops — desperately wishing you had a pillow or sheet to grasp onto for some kind of support. you flinched when you felt a couple of his cool fingertips find your clit, immediately rubbing hasty circles around the sensitive bundle of nerves.
“i want you to come for me,” he locked eyes with you in the mirror again, “and i want you to think about how i’m the only one who will ever make you feel this good the entire time”.
his words were harsh but they sounded like honey when they flowed through your pathetically devoted ears. between his consistent thrusts and the pads of his fingers working their magic, you were a pitiful mess of whimpers and moans in a matter of minutes. your body twitching and legs shaking as you mumbled his name over and over — it was the only word your brain could comprehend right now.
seeing you like that nearly pushed eren over the edge himself, but he forced himself to last a little longer, wanting to milk your orgasm for everything that it was. he was genuine when he said no one else would ever make you feel the way he could — your head was spinning and your body was on a high that felt like it would never end.
only once your body finally fell limp and tired, signifying that your climax had ended, did he pull out and spray his seed all over your exposed back. you were a sticky, sweaty mess and your legs didn’t have the strength to stand even after eren was done coming down from his own high.
your face was buried in your arms when you felt a wet paper towel cleaning up the mess of semen off your back. eren tossed the towel into the garbage and wrapped his arms under your torso so he could help your pitiful self stand up. you let out a few pained whimpers, stumbling into his arms and wrapping your hands around his neck.
“that bad, huh? how are you gonna go back out there and work for all your masters? i’m sure they’re waiting,” he smirked at you, and there was no sympathy in his voice.
“i- i don’t think i can,” you whined, clinging to him as your legs continued to shake underneath you.
eren shook his head and clicked his tongue, helping you over to your clothes and assisting you with getting back into your uniform. even after getting dressed your legs refused to work — you were a shaky, stumbling mess. you sat in a pitiful heap against the tiled wall while you watched eren get his own clothes back on.
“i think you might need a new job,” he snickered, squatting down and lifting you onto his back once he was dressed.
you graciously climbed onto his back, arms wrapping around his neck and burying your face into his neck, “yeah, yeah i’ll get a new job”.
“good idea, because everyone’s about to see how pathetic you are as we walk through the cafe,” he wrapped his arms back under your backside to support your weight.
“there’s a back exit right down the hall, please take that one,” you begged, “please”.
“well. since you asked so nicely and did so well i guess you deserve that,” he complied, exiting the bathroom and following your directions to the back door.
but because you have the worst luck in the world, one of the cafe managers came walking right around the corner just as the two of you were about to leave. you buried your head deeper into eren’s neck, unbearable amounts of embarrassment and shame flooding your veins.
“hey man, she quits, sorry!” eren yelled and handled it for you, dashing out the back door before the manager could even comprehend what he’d just seen.
“thank you,” you mumbled into his shirt, and you were truly thankful that you didn’t have to speak for yourself in there.
“no problem, princess,” he adjusted one of his hands so he could squeeze your ass, making you jump against his back, “let’s head back to my house for round two, yeah?”
“r-round two?” you stuttered.
you could barely handle round one, and he was ready to go again? how!?
“i’m joking, relax. let’s go watch a movie or something,” he chuckled, hoisting you higher on his back and beginning your long walk back to his apartment.
you sighed and sunk into his back, that sounded nice. there was a huge difference in how eren acted earlier and how he was acting now, but you were a sucker for both personalities. you expected college to consist of classes and work and maybe a few new friends but meeting eren yeager was sure to make it a lot more interesting.
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acaiasahi · 3 years
✶ just a cloud away ; yoon jaehyuk.
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synopsis. it's barely your first day of senior year and after a brief intro from your seat mate, you have a feeling this year's gonna fly by.
info. fluff. yoon jaehyuk x gn!reader. 1.2k words.
warnings. probs some curse words, yk the drill... grammatical/structural errors/not proofread, lowercase intended
[ now playing . . . ] just a cloud away by pharrell williams
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hitting your snooze button for the umpteenth time, you finally decide to open your eyes which gets greeted by the small streaks of sunlight that peeked it's way through your curtains.
letting out a groan, you rub your eyes and raise yourself out of your oh-so-warm bed, trudging along to your bathroom while half asleep. after a quick shower and finishing up your morning routine, you were fully up and getting dressed for school.
ah yes, senior year has finally made it's way around, oh how time flies. finishing up the last button on your school uniform, you glance at yourself in the mirror before going over all your necessities and finally packing them in your school bag.
hearing a soft knock on your door, you turn your head around to see your younger brother, doyoung. you raise your brows at him, a silent way of asking what he needed. "mom wanted me to tell you that breakfast's ready." he draws out the last word, taking in your form.
"senior year, you nervous?" he asks gently, you nod. he lets out a chuckle, "don't worry, you'll do great. you always do!" he says enthusiastically, beckoning you to come downstairs. a toothy grin makes it's way to your face as you start to calm down about your anxiety-filled day.
making your way downstairs, you see your parents bustling around in the kitchen. your mom finishing up breakfast and your father making his coffee. sitting in your usual spot across doyoung, you thank your mom for breakfast before digging in.
"good?" your mom asks, as she walks up to you. nodding, you continue to stuff your mouth full of her love-filled meal. letting out a soft laugh, she sets a soft kiss to the top of your head before doing the same to your brother.
as you quickly finish breakfast, you check the time and see that you're right on schedule. thanking your mom for the food, you quickly run upstairs, grab your things but not before checking yourself in the mirror again. you nod affirmatively, content with the way you look.
skipping down the stairs, you bid good bye to your parents before you and doyoung grab your bikes. heading down to the connivence store that's on your way to school.
"hey, slow down! you're going too fast!" you yell at him, a loud chuckle leaves his mouth, "maybe you're too slow... old perhaps?" he quips, letting out another laugh as he watches your face drop.
"you better watch your mouth kim doyoung. i was about to pay for whatever you get at this damn convenience store... but on second thought" you say in a sing-song voice, playfully hitting his arm. eyes widening, grabbing onto your arm "i am deeply sorry for my hurtful words..." he starts, "even though they may be true" he feigns sincerity as you let out a dramatic gasp.
rolling your eyes, you quickly walk into the store, doyoung still gripping onto your arm like a child. you skim through the isles, parting ways with doyoung temporarily to get your snacks.
"you good to go?" he asks, you nod, walking up to the register. quickly scanning your items, she speaks up, "your total's $12.50." paying with cash, you let her keep the change as you wish one another a good day.
"thanks y/n!" doyoung draws out your name, grabbing his items as he pecks a quick kiss to your cheek, slinging an arm over your shoulders. "best sibling ever" he says joyfully. "didn't you just make fun of me for being slow?" you ask with a quirked eyebrow, "hey! people change y'know!" he says in a playful tone.
you flick his forehead, and he lets out a loud whine. running after you as you book it to your bike. "c'mon idiot, we gotta get to school!", picking up your pace, you quickly get to your school's front gate, locking up your bikes.
"don't be nervous, y/n! you'll do great, okay?" doyoung tells you sincerely, smiling as he pinches your cheek. "you be good today, or else!" ruffling his hair, as he starts to walk away, "see you at lunch, short stack!" you shout, making him turn around, "i'm taller than you!" he says, sticking his tongue out before turning around and jogging to his friends.
walking through the halls, you look at your paper that contains your schedule. trying to get familiar with where your homeroom was, you hear the warning bell. you start walking and file yourself into the classroom like your other fellow classmates.
as you find a seat, you find one right near the window. not too close up front, and not too far back, it was perfect. setting your book bag down, you start taking out your materials.
someone takes a seat next to you whilst your busy preparing your supplies and when you finally look up, you make eye contact with the most beautiful boy you've ever met.
it felt as if time stopped. cliché, you know but it was an unusual feeling. it's almost as if everything around you two went to black and it was just... you two. you hold your gaze a bit longer than you usually would with someone but as tempted as you were to look away, you just couldn't. you felt yourself being pulled in for some reason, like you knew him from somewhere. he felt familiar. warm. kind. he felt like sunlight, reminded you of sunflowers, almost as if his aura was yellow. it felt as if you were meant to meet one another. he had to have felt the same way, right?
he opens his mouth to say something but before he can, your teacher starts the class. you both whip your heads to the front, but not before taking one last glance at one another.
trying your damndest to pay attention to your teacher's lesson, you couldn't help but be drawn back to the unknown boy next to you. it seems like he felt the same as you catch him staring again. you stifle a laugh, partially out of habit but also because you find him so cute, you can't help but chuckle.
staring at the clock, you begin to countdown the time before your class ends. once that school bell rang, you quickly turned to your seat mate. you both speak over one another, "i'm y/n-", "hey, i'm jaehyuk-"
you both stare at one another, wide eyed before you both start laughing. he gestures you to go first, "i'm y/n" you say softly, his smile gets wider, "pretty voice... and name," he says quickly, blush spreading along the apples of his cheeks.
"i'm jaehyuk, it's nice to meet you!" he says cheerfully, putting his hand out in front of you to take. as you put your hand in his, you felt nothing but warmth spread through your body. holding onto each other's hands a second longer than the average person would when meeting someone new.
staring at once another, you didn't know how much time had past until you heard the warning bell ring once again, signaling your next class, making you both jump in your seats. sharing one more glance at each other, you smiled and unbeknownst to either party, you both shared one thought.
senior year's gonna be fuckin' amazing.
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[ 🎧 ] jaydi's notes. ok so this tiktok trend is basically abt how u meet someone unexpectedly n kinda like... fall in love??? idk how to explain it, it's super cute tho like imagine falling in love w jaehyuk like this.... YALL ARE SICKKKKKKKK!!!!!
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bestiesenpai · 4 years
firsts with Choso
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Imma do this as a non-curse au and also force everyone to see my vision of Instagram star Choso lol, gender neutral lads~
Content warning: there is drinking
First meeting
Choso was a celebrity. Did he ever call himself one? No. But in the eyes of the internet, he was properly famous, amassing an easy two million followers and counting through his short time on Instagram
Posting mainly fashion content, it was no surprise that he had hundreds upon hundreds of photographers asking him to model for them and brands begging to collaborate
His manager took care of most of those things, fielding the serious requests with the not so serious
Which is how he found himself shooting for a pretty well known magazine
There were people shouting and running around even though it was barely pushing six am. Choso hadn’t slept the whole night, his insomnia keeping him awake until the photoshoot. Downing a piping hot black coffee first thing in the morning, when he arrived at the shoot there were already assistants pouring him more cups.
“Choso, hair and makeup is ready for you.” His manager said, putting a hand on his shoulder and guiding him silently to the room. The lights were way too bright here, stinging Choso’s eyes and almost giving him a headache.
Sitting down in the makeup chair with his eyes closed, Choso heaved a heavy sigh as he got comfortable.
“Uhm, excuse me?” A timid voice sounded behind him, from the previously closed door to the room.
“Hm?” Cracking open an eye, Choso looked in the mirror in front of him to see who was speaking. A makeup assistant, wringing their hands together nervously and not meeting his bloodshot eyes.
“I’m uh- I’m here to start your makeup.” Your voice was so cute when addressing him, a little higher pitched than what he assumed was normal. Biting your lip, you slid into the room slowly, standing a good distance behind his chair and looking at him through the mirror.
“Okay, I’ll sit up.” Gulping the rest of his coffee down, Choso sat up pin straight in the makeup chair. Even if he fell asleep in the chair he trained himself well enough to not slouch over once he was in this position.
You began to work silently, pulling out products and laying them down with trembling hands. Your nervousness was cute, endearing almost to Choso. He knew he could look rather intimidating, that’s partly why he had so many followers, and to see you so scared in front of him made a lazy smirk grace his face.
“I’ll be putting your base on now?” Even though you tried to sound stern your sentence came out as a question and Choso blew air sharply through his nose, fighting the uptick of his lips as you fiddled with products.
Choso sat perfectly still while you began to touch his face. With half lidded eyes he could see your name badge swinging from the lanyard around your neck. (Y/N) was printed in large letters, impossible to miss.
A few minutes passed in pure silence between you and Choso could feel your hands shake when you cupped his cheek to apply foundation and patting powder across his face. The door swung open just as you went to swap a few products around, someone had come to take you away for a few minutes.
“Oh, I’ll only be gone a little bit, but the main makeup artist should be here before I return.” You spewed out, dropping the things in your hands against the counter. Forcing a polite smile at Choso, your feet shuffled awkwardly as you flip-flopped between saying something more, waiting for his reply or just leaving in entirely.
“Thank you (Y/N), you did a great job.” Choso said calmly, smiling back at you and taking a sip of his now lukewarm coffee. Your mouth dropped briefly in surprise and your brows rose up, your whole face opened up in sweet surprise. Biting your lip and rocking on your heels, a shy giggle left your chest.
“Bye Choso.” Giggling again as you said his name, you scurried from the room like an embarrassed school girl, gushing about Choso to the person waiting for you as you left the room.
First hangout
The next time Choso saw you, it was to fix his lip makeup between pictures, and your hands shook then too
As the day wore on, Choso found himself completely smitten with how helpless you were in front of him, how scared and nervous you were. He felt the ever growing urge to protect you, even if it was from himself
He’s elated when the team proposes going out to dinner together, both as a way to refuel and get to know each other better since this photoshoot will be a few days long
Heading out into the darkening world outside the studio, Choso makes sure to stick close by you
He’s not standing directly near you, but Choso makes sure to stay behind you as the group walks. He’s watching you talk animatedly with your friends, no doubt other small time assistants just eager to get started in the industry. Your smile warms his heart and when you laugh loudly at a crosswalk Choso chuckles as well.
Once at the restaurant, he cunningly makes sure he’s seated next to you. He doesn’t say anything, but he can tell your demeanor has shifted because you get just a little bit quieter, that nervous energy comes back a little.
“(Y/N), what’re you thinking of getting?” Choso asks you as he looks over the menu. He can hear your breath hitch, obviously surprised he even addressed you.
“Uhm, I’m not sure, I’ve never been here before.” Shrugging your shoulder, you quickly skim the menu. “Is there anything you’re thinking of getting?”
“Hmmm…” Drumming his fingers on the table, Choso shrugs as well. “Whatever you get, I’ll get too.”
“That’s a lot of pressure.” Laughing nervously, you flip through the menu. “I don’t even know what you like.”
“I’ll like whatever you like.” Choso wouldn’t necessarily call this flirting, he didn’t consider himself particularly suave or charming, but from the way you stammered and hid your face with the menu, clearly flustered, told him that most people would consider what he was doing flirting. Especially you.
“Okay but don’t blame me if you don’t like it.” Came your whispered reply from behind the menu, and Choso just knew your cheeks and ears were on fire.
“As long as you pick it out, I won’t have a single complaint.”
First kiss
From that moment on, Choso knew he liked you. It wasn’t hard to get you to come out of your shell and talk more casually with him, afterall he was the oldest of a lot of brothers
Talking with you all throughout dinner, Choso was a little more excited to go to work. Even if you didn’t end up liking him the same way, you could still be friends - something that Choso was kind of lacking
As the days of the photoshoot wore on and you got closer with each other, Choso found himself yearning to ask you to hang out outside of all of this, when it all ends and you don’t have to be professional with him
He knows he only has one chance left at the very last team dinner, a celebratory occasion that is sure to go out with a bang
“Let’s drink to all the hard work we put in these last few days!” The photographer cheered, already drunk and swaying in his chair. No one cared though, everyone was already a little drunk. Choso had a few beers himself and was feeling the beginnings of a pleasant buzz, and it seemed so were you. With a dopey smile on your face and slightly glassy eyes, you laughed a little too hard at a joke across the table with a fruity drink in your hand.
“(Y/N) don’t drink too much, you’re a terrible lightweight!” Someone teased a few seats down and a couple people chuckled in agreement.
“W-whatever!” Sticking your tongue out, you downed the rest of your drink and quickly ordered another. “I deserve to have fun, that photoshoot was stressful!”
It was indeed. Between actually taking the pictures, going to the different locations, waking up early and creating promo content for his Instagram, Choso was swamped. The only highlights of his day would be when you would come to do his makeup or fix it, or these times when you’d sit together during dinner.
“Yeah you do.” Putting a hand on your shoulder, Choso pat it a few times and you easily swayed with the motions. This wasn’t the first time he was touching you, he’d pat you on the back a few other times, but seeing you bend so easily made him laugh.
Choso kept a keen eye on you for the entirety of dinner, watching you down drink after drink and forcing you to drink water in between some of them. It was fun to see you let go like this, he never thought he’d get the chance, and the desire to protect you was coming up again.
When the group decided to go to karaoke after dinner, Choso kept an arm around your shoulder as you all walked to the next location. He kept you from falling and bumping into things and being kidnapped by random strangers you wanted to talk to as you walked by. Getting to the room in one piece, you all crowd in and the party continues.
Choso can barely make heads or tails of what’s going on, there’s people taking pictures and videos of everything, his manager is drunkenly securing another deal for him over the phone, and there’s loud and offkey singing blaring through the speakers. He almost thinks about bailing, but seeing you so amped up and singing along as well has him staying.
“Choso, what’d you think?” You shout over the music ten minutes later. You’re breathless from doing a song and collapse into the open seat next to him.
“You did great.” Choso grins. He can see the sweat on your hairline and he had definitely taken pictures of you singing to look at later. You beam at him, obviously happy to get his approval, and bounce up and down in your seat.
“I have to go pee, do you know where the bathroom is?” Your tiny drunk bladder would truly be the death of you. Helping you up, Choso exits the karaoke room and guides you down the hall to the bathrooms, far away from the noise filled rooms. Waiting for you to come out, Choso can tell you’re properly drunk.
“You good?” Quirking his head to the side, Choso grabs your upper arm as you stumble towards him.
“Choso! I gotta- gotta do something!” Hiccuping through your words, you have the front of his shirt in a vice grip as you square your shoulders in front of him. With a fiery determined look in your eyes, you push forward.
At first, you bump your noses painfully together and a quiet curse slips under your breath. But then you try again and your lips actually make contact with Choso’s. The kiss is sloppy, messy - it’s as drunk as you are. He can taste the liquor on your lips, creating a smooth glide along the surface that makes it easier to slide against him.
Just as Choso is getting into it, his hands coming to grip your waist instead of your arms, you let go. Push him away hard and stumble back at the same time. There’s tears in your eyes, lower lip quivering pathetically.
“I-I should go.”
“(Y/N) wait-” You run away before he can say anything, before Choso has a chance to grab your hand and pull you back to him and tell you that he’s wanted to kiss you for a while now. Standing dumbly in the hallway alone, he hears the slam of a karaoke room door, no doubt from you.
Slinking back into the room, Choso can see that you’ve decided to sandwich yourself between two other people and avoid his burning eye contact for the rest of the night. You don’t even properly say goodbye to him when it’s time to part, just slip away into the Uber your friends called.
First confession
Even though you managed to give him the slip, Choso still got your phone number from someone before the party completely dispersed
The kiss stayed on his mind for the rest of the night, keeping him up as he played the moment over and over again in his head
By the time morning came, Choso was itching to message you
He had to know why you kissed him, and if you’d let him kiss you again
(Choso): hey this is Choso I got your number from one of the others
(Choso): we have something to talk about
He waited a good couple hours for you to text back. The longer time went on, the longer Choso just wanted to call you and be done with waiting in limbo.
(Y/N): sorry about last night
That was all you had to say and Choso just knew you were kicking yourself over it.
(Choso): don’t be sorry, I liked it
(Y/N): you don’t have to lie to try and make me feel better
(Y/N): it was a drunk mistake and it won’t happen again
(Choso): what if I want it to happen again?
He could see the little typing bubbles disappear and reappear with a fervor. Your mind must be racing as much as his was.
(Y/N): I’m not interested in being a fling
(Choso): good thing I don’t want you as just a fling
There was a nervous sort of adrenaline building up in Choso’s body, making his cheeks flush and fingers tremble, but emboldening him as well to keep going.
(Choso): Let me take you out on a date, I wanna see you at least one more time
(Choso): then you can decide if it really won’t ever happen again
(Choso): deal?
You were silent on the other end reading his messages. There were no typing bubbles to give away your position. Choso was stuck in limbo.
(Y/N): alright, deal
First date
Choso quickly set up a date at a trendy cafe he frequented, one that he took plenty of Instagram pictures at
He could sense your hesitation to go out with him over the phone and he was quick to dash away any second thoughts you had about dating someone that was internet famous
Choso liked you for you, not for what you could potentially bring to him in terms of content
He waited nervously outside the train station for you, wearing an outfit he’d painstakingly reworked a hundred times before deciding on something
“Choso!” You called out to him, rushing towards his figure waiting against a brick wall.
“Hey.” Smiling softly, Choso’s fingers twitched with the urge to hug you, but he held it off. He didn’t want to overwhelm you, possibly scare you off by being too forward.
“You’re here early.” Your eyes quickly danced over the clothes he chose and you let out a hum. “I feel self conscious now, you dressed so nicely for this!”
“You think?” He chuckled, tugging on the edge of the designer hoodie he’d thrown on.
“Yeah, but that’s to be expected of an Instagram star!” Shrugging your shoulders overdramatically, you gestured behind you to the bustling sidewalk full of people. “Should we get going? I’ve never been to the place you suggested.”
“Yeah, lets go.” Choso’s hand hovered over your lower back, guiding you through the people and onto the sidewalk. All it took was seeing you jostled around by a few people walking by for Choso to get fed up and grasp your hand firmly in his, weaving his fingers through yours.
“Stick close to me, it’s pretty crowded today.” He whispered in your ear, pulling you halfway behind him and grabbing your other hand as well and guiding it to hold onto the back of his hoodie. With his imposing nature and intimidating stature, Choso effortlessly pushed through the throngs of people and you quickly found yourself at the cafe in question.
“Let’s go in.” Turning around to face you, he’s stunned when you leap up and peck his cheek.
“Thanks Choso.” Giggling, you sidestep him and go to open the door of the cafe, but you’re stopped by Choso’s unmoving body. “What’s up Choso?”
“(Y/N).” He’s looking at you with scarily wide eyes and his tone is deathly serious. “Will you kiss me again if I buy you a drink?”
“Huh? Yeah of course, but-” You’re cut off from telling him that you’d kiss him without the drink by Choso bolting forward into the cafe.
“I’ll buy you all the drinks you could ever want then. And a slice of cake too.”
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tellmenauineo · 3 years
colored by you
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pairing: mingyu x reader, vernon x reader
genre: soulmate!au, angst, fluff, smut, comedy (at some points)
warnings: mentions of alcholol and weed, language, unprotected sex   
summary: eventually, we fall in love with people who the universe destined us to. but there are complications sometimes. 
word count: 11k (i refuse to comment) 
a/n: tell me what you think even if you found it bad 🤧🤧 i’m in NEED of feedback,, stay safe during the pandemic and feel free to talk to me!! i’m sorta back 🤠🤠
“I'd prefer if you showed more enthusiasm about it. Success is never an accident,” your mother reads you a lesson, a reproach can be heard in her voice. Your sigh, wishing this conversation to be over so you’ll finally be able to hang up your phone. 
“Some people aren't built happy, or cheerful, or forever excited, you know,” you mumble. “I'm satisfied with my academical success – but maybe it isn't a thing I want to achieve now. I don't know.”
“Of course, people aren't built happy – that’s why the Universe made a soulmate for each of us. To make us happy. That's how it works.”
“One day you’ll understand,” your mother continues. “And you will be happier, happier than ever. Your time will come.”
You won't understand.
The Universe made a soulmate for each of us. The Universe made sure we’ll be aware who is the one, the one, as your mother says, who’ll make you happier and complete, too. It's pretty simple. First words addressing you that you would hear from your soulmate get imprinted on the skin of your ribcage. Close to your heart.
The mechanism of The Universe is perfect. But, sometimes, even perfect-made things get broken.
You won't understand because you already have words tattooed on your skin.
“I guess, we can say love is an accident, isn't it?” you say. “Anyway, I gotta go, mom. I'll call you tomorrow?”
“Sure. Take care of yourself. And don't stay up late.”
“We both know I'm gonna stay up late,” you smile. “Bye!”
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It happened in cold January, four months ago.
“Shrimp Pad Thai?” Chan asks you.
“Mm, yes,” you say, fluttering your eyelashes innocently. Chan gasps and raises his eyebrows in a fake disbelief, but you don't let him open his mouth to say something very sarcastic about you and your habits in eating. “I'm your customer, where are your manners? What if I leave?”
“Then you'll leave and won't have our Shrimp Pad Thai which you order five days a week,” he shrugs.
“I'm older than you – pay me respect!”
“I do? Always? Our very important customer who always eats the same,” he playfully sing-songs and you roll your eyes, trying your best not to give him a smile.
“Go and get us food already,” Momo says. “Both of you better not play on my nerves when I'm hungry.”
When the orders are made and Chan leaves to the kitchen, you get up from your seat.
“I'm going to wash my hands,” you announce, and your friend nods at it.
On your way to the restrooms you recognize a bunch of boys sitting at the window booth. Kim Mingyu, Wen Junhui and Jeon Wonwoo – all of them are in Soonyoung’s group of friends. Wonwoo smiles and waves his hand and you return the gesture. You nod at Junhui and Mingyu – who looks incredibly soft and cute in his light-gray hoodie with his rose cheeks – seems that the ramen he is eating is too spicy for him. He gives you a little “hey”, smiling at you, and you immediately feel how your own cheeks turn blushy. To prevent your embarrassment in front of them, you try to speed up, but, suddenly, collide with someone.
“Uh, I can feel my chilli sauce dripping.”
You look up at the source of the voice, Chwe Hansol, the new Soonyoung’s roommate you heard a lot about (and you’re aware that Soonyoung not just can’t stop telling embarrassing stories about you to his roommate, but also shows him your pictures, because yes, in Soonyoung’s words, it’s a crime if you don’t put on display your best friend and your wonderful, a movie-worthy, friendship) and, apparently, there is no bottle of chilli sauce in his hands. A smug smile is playing on his lips and his chocolate eyes are glistening with a mischief.
“Nice try,” you don't hide a hint of a wipe in your voice as you start moving towards the restrooms – you swear a trip to them never took that long.
You catch Hansol's gaze on you on the way back to your and Momo’s booth and you have nothing to do but narrow your eyes at him, making him smile even wider.
“He's cute, though. The Hansol guy I mean,” Momo concludes after you finished your dinner. “But no shit they're loud.”
You cast an eye at their boost. Mingyu is the loudest and the most talkative among them – but, somehow, looking at him telling something, wildly gesticulating, makes your heart melt a little.
Stupid, you think, it's almost close to feeling happy. 
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You spot the tattoo when you go to take a shower that night.
Your heart sinks at the sight of the words.
“Uh, I can feel my chilli sauce dripping.”
You don't tell anyone.
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“I can take it as an offend, you know,” Soonyoung whines. “You've been turning down my home party offers for more than a month!”
“Um, you haven’t had any,” you say.
It’s true – you try your best to avoid Hansol, and it works even despite the fact he lives with your best friend (sometimes you’re wondering how Soonyoung and Hansol, the pair of complete opposites, rub along okay together, but maybe opposites indeed attract?). You’re not fond of the idea you reduced all your social interactions, but at least you do your huge amount of homework in time – that’s why Soonyoung once called you a homework-doing machine.
Yes, that’s lame.
“It’s because you didn’t come!”
You’re clearly under pressure. You can crack under it a little bit.
Just a little bit.
“Because I-” you forget what you want to say to explain yourself. Or, rather, to fudge up an excuse to trick Soonyoung and keep staying from Hansol as long as possible. “It’s complicated. Besides, your roommate sticks at home for days on end, and if I want to spend time with you I want us to be alone,” you point at him with your pen.
His eyes are getting wider and wider with each millisecond and finally he gasps,
“Are you in love with me?!”
“What if I am?” you challenge. At the end of the day, that’s the words of the woman who has nothing to lose.
“I-” it’s Soonyoung, who is under pressure right now. “I love you, you know it-”
“But, there’s always a but,” you sigh in a fake manner. “I understand. Maybe I haven’t yearned it yet,” you place your hand over his, and his eyes are glued to your hands. “But, Soonyoung, I want to hear ‘horanghae’ from you someday. Will my dream come true?”
He lifts up his eyes to you. Soonyoung’s known you for over a decade and he clearly can say you’re on the verge of bursting into a hearty laugh despite your dying attempts to keep your face straight. He snaps his hand away and stands up.
“Yah! You betrayed me!” he points a finger at you. “Yah!” he continues in a voice that is a few octaves higher than his usual. “You are gonna pay for your betrayal!”
“Sure thing,” you manage to say through your laugh. You’re well aware that almost all eyes in the campus cafeteria are on you, but it was quite common when the two of you were together. “I’ll see you in court, horangi.” 
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You wish you were in court.
Instead, you’re in Soonyoung and Hansol’s kitchen, mixing the sickest possible cocktail ever – and you’re not proud of yourself.
“Why it looks like wiper fluid but tastes like lab alcohol?” Seungkwan asks, wrinkling his nose in disgust. Your mirror his expression.
“Um, the creator would like to take to his own grave the secret receipt of this… shit,” you say.
By the creator you mean Soonyoung. You’re on duty tonight – it’s Hansol and Seokmin’s double birthday party and you’re in charge of everything – your best friend had no mercy for the cafeteria joke.
“Don’t tell me the upcoming birthday cakes have the same creator,” the boy says, patting his blond locks back into place. You assume he was dancing, or, more likely, slamming in the living room, while you hide in the kitchen, still avoiding Seokmin co-star of this night, Hansol.
“Nah, I ordered them in the bakery. Customized ones!”
“You should’ve asked me to bake the cakes,” the third person enters the room, and your heart skips a bit. Mingyu walks towards you and Seungkwan and leans on the counter, still having his eyes on you. “I need to improve my baking skills.”
You feel how your cheeks flushing up. Shit, you curse in your head, he just made an appearance and you’re already turning into mush.
“Next time maybe?” you ask, your voice is much more gentle than usual. “Whose birthday is next?”
“Mine,” smiles Mingyu. “But I don’t want to hold a party this year – wanna share a dinner tete-a-tete with someone.”
“Such a great plan! Except for one thing – you don’t have ‘someone’,” Seungkwan rolls his eyes.
“I’ll find one,” Mingyu’s words are steady but his movements are not. His right elbow slips off the counter, and the boy hisses. “I’m already working on this.”
“Sure thing, tiger,” you smile despite feeling that something is scratching your guts in your belly – disappointment? jealousy? sadness? Maybe all of them and maybe none.
You have a soulmate for fuck’s sake and it’s not Mingyu.
“Whatever,” Seungkwan mutters. “I’m going back to the party and I strongly recommend you to stop hiding here,” he says, looking you right in the eyes. “He won’t bite you, you know?”
“What are you talking about?!” you exclaim, but Seungkwan only shrugs.
“Have no idea.”
You want to follow him, take him by the shoulders and ask about everything he knows about – did Hansol tell him about you? Seems so. Has he, Seungkwan, launched the making of the two of you a couple campaign? If yes, you’re doomed.
Mingyu stops you from storming out of the kitchen – you’re back to the reality with his warm hand wrapped around your wrist and you turn to him in surprise, your cheeks already flushed.
“Yes?” you manage to mumble.
“Who are you hiding from?” he asks, and you almost hear concern in his voice. Or maybe you imagine it all.
“Um- no one? He’s being delusional like always, you know?”
“You sure?’ his hand is getting lower, and unexpectedly you find your fingers intertwining with his. Mingyu’s hand is much larger and warmer than yours, his hold isn’t tight, but it magically makes you forget about the whole the soulmate and his wingman thing.
It makes you forget about everything except for this particular moment – Mingyu’s dark eyes on you, your hand in his and the echo of the music playing in the living room. His bronze skin’s glowing in the dim kitchen light (one of the bulbs is dead and neither Soonyoung or Hansol wants to do something about it), his face is innocent and the only thing you can think about – your uncontrollable desire to kiss off two worry lines between his perfect eyebrows.
You don’t even notice that you’re holding your breath, too afraid to interrupt the moment.
“I’m sure,” you whisper and he nods. Mingyu probably can hear the beating of your racing heart, and you don’t mind at all – you would eagerly tell him how he makes you feel if he wants to know.
He leans closer to you, his breath is tickling the soft skin of your cheek and you hear him ask,
“May I?”
But before you can nod, Seokmin’s piercing voice, like a bolt out of the blue, is calling your name,
“Soonyoung’s trying to kiss me!”
He is louder than any bomb, you think, and that’s enough to take you out of the trance. You slowly turn to him, letting go of Mingyu’s hold on your wrist.
“It’s his way to wish you a happy birthday,” you negotiate, but Seokmin’s gaze is wandering between your and Mingyu’s bodies. His hand follows his eyes, gesturing at the two of you.
“Are you-”
“No, no, no,” you cut him off.
“Man, you need me to get the thing squared away?” Mingyu sounds irritated. You turn your head to steal a look of him. You never saw him like that – at least, not with his friends. Even when his team was defeated at the bowling a month or so ago he seemed worn out, but no hint of irritation on his face – just an exhausted smile combined with a self-mockery behavior. That night you almost regretted saying your wrist was injured so you spent the whole game sipping bubble teas instead of helping your team from sinking to the bottom.
(Jeonghan didn’t buy that spectacular performance, by the way)
“I came to complain?” he looks at you, the eyes so innocent, calling for help, so you smile in response – it’s always like this with Seokmin – the boy can melt even stone hearts.
“Let me check on him,” you say to Seokmin, and he eagerly nods. You pat on Mingyu’s right forearm, your fingers stay on his hard bicep for a little too long, and it makes you lick your lips. “And if he needs to get into bed, I expect some help from you, Mingyu.”
His face softens, and he chuckles, closing his eyes for a second.
“Let’s get it then.”
“I ain’t leaving till I help you with this,” Mingyu says, referring to the apartment that looks like a battlefield (of beer pong). “You already look tired.”
“I’m tired,” you admit. “But you have classes like in…” you check your watch. “…four hours.”
“I’ll sit in the back of the classroom,” seeing the question in your eyes, he adds. “I’ll catch some sleep, don’t worry.”
“Sounds stupid, but I guess nothing would change your mind,” you give up, and a proud smile appears on his face. “The living room is yours then,” you give him an evil smile, your hand lands on his firm chest, patting it twice. “Have fun!”
When you step into the kitchen, a sigh of disappointment leaves your lips, despite your vain attempt to suppress it.
Hansol sits in the white plastic chair, mindlessly scrolling through whichever app is it’s feed. He looks up at you, but he next second his eyes are back on the screen.
Your body feels stiff, like you’re made of wood, but you force yourself to approach the counter. The desire to disappear is so strong that you find yourself not breathing at all – like if you make less noises, the more Hansol is unaware you’re in the same room with him.
You grab a handful of orange peels to throw in the trash can under the sink when you hear Hansol voice, “Why didn’t you throw out all of them?” You turn to the boy, cheeks already red, and anger is bubbling in your stomach. It doesn’t go unnoticed by him, and he lets a hoarse laugh.
“I’m joking, jeez. No need to sulk.”
You don’t return his smile, instead turning away from him to take the leftovers, and say,
“It couldn’t fit in my hand.”
He coos at your words, and you feel stupid.
“Soonyoung was right. You’re an absolute doll.”
“Not impressed,” you roll your eyes, but you feel no confidence in your voice. You face Hansol again, a mischievous glint in his big eyes can be spotted even from across the kitchen. “Your eyes are red,” you notice. “Are you stoned?”
“Maybe so,” he yawns, stretching out in the chair that is about to crack under his weight at any minute. “I don’t mind you tucking me in, though. You seem to be a pro.”
“Well, don’t overdo it,” you say. “The scientists say weed makes people stupid.”
“And affects their memory,” he adds. “But it makes me copy.”
“With what?”
Hansol shrugs and his gaze falls to his knees. He radiates hesitation, and you gulp the pulse in your throat, afraid to hear the truth.
“With me being avoided by my own soulmate like I’m sorta of a plague? Sorta.”
A wave of pure heat that feels like a fever, a bad fever, runs through your body. The whole soulmate thing was supposed to be a blessing, but it feels like a curse. Without thinking, you pathetically mumble,
“I thought you don’t care.”
You really did. For the last few weeks you’ve been living in the bubble made of your own sorrows, disappointments, and self-pity, and the thought of what Hansol feels and thinks about it never crossed your mind.
“Whatever,” he says. “I got your point.”
Hansol doesn’t wait for the unspoken words that are stuck in the back of your throat, ringing in your ears over and over as you watch him leaving the kitchen. He stops at the doorframe with his hand in his dark locks – it’s so odd to see him not wearing a beanie – and slowly turns to you.
“Leave this shit to Soonyoung,” he says.
“Okay,” you mutter.
He calls your name, shooting the arrow of guilt right into your heart.
When Mingyu returns to ask where he can find another bag for trash, you cling to the boy’s chest, and skipping all the questions on the tip of his tongue, Mingyu clasps his arms around you. His chin is snuggling upon your head and you feel pressure inside of the bubble reducing a little.
But a tremendous guilt envelops you with each minute.
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Momo stares at your figure as you sit across her – your hair cascading down onto your hunched shoulders, your face is covered with your hands, and the girl only huffs.
“Should I expect some fake sobs?”
You spare a fiery glance at her, but she just waves you off in dismisal. Momo doesn’t even trying to hide her irritation with you – the first thing she asked you after you finally had decided to spill the whole situation to her was ‘Could you have taken any longer to tell me?” and you can’t blame her.
“Yah, leave these tricks for your future sweetheart Sollie. I’m not buying it.”
“He is not my future sweetheart,” you argue. “It doesn’t work!”
“Because you never gave it a chance,” she isn’t convinced, and her stern tone makes you consider the words more carefully.
“He hates me now!”
“First, you deserved it. No offense. Second, he seems like a crackhead, such people don’t hate other people, they just don’t care about them.”
“Don’t talk about him like that!” you exclaim, and her face breaks into a triumphant smile. “What?”
“Look at you, already defending your soulmate,” she says in a saccharine voice. “Ask him out and fall in love. Choose life. Choose a loveseat coach.”
“Isn’t it from Trainspotting movie?” you question, narrowing your eyes.
“And what about it?” she huffs once again. “It doesn’t make me wrong. It always starts with a crush. Just let it happen.”
A crush, huh? A crush that makes your heart beats harder; that sends you floating in your daydreams; that makes you the happiest person in the whole universe, but at the same time has the power to make you sadder than the most distant and loneliest star from the Sun?
Just like the one you have on Mingyu?
Momo still doesn’t know how you feel about the tall, black-haired boy, and you aren’t ready to tell her the truth. Partly because you want to protect this thing from the outer world, make it special, make it a secret that can be kept by the two only, and, partly because you’ll face the wall of misunderstanding. You could fool around with the boys before, but now you’re certain with the one who is destined for you. And you can’t – you shouldn’t – seek for another lover. It’s wrong.
The ability to make all your problems yourself will never fail to amaze you.
“Fine,” you say through gritted teeth. “If you’re so smart.”
“I could’ve been your mother, though. You should follow my every word.”
“Momo, we literally were born in the same decade,” you sigh, but the girl has no intention to follow any of your words.
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[mingyyuu 17:13] it’s so cold today!! stay inside  🖤
[you 17:14] too late :// plans!!
[mingyyuu 17:16] any plans for tomorrow?
[you 17:16] not yet
[mingyyuu 17:17] now you have some!
 The boy continues to type, but you have to put the phone in the back pocket of your jeans – you’re awkwardly shifting your weight from one foot to the other at the doorstep, not able to say anything – even a small ‘hello’.
“Soonyoung’s at the dance practice,” Hansol breaks the silence.
“I know his schedule better than he does,” you can’t help but roll your eyes. “I came for your soul.”
Hansol raises his brows, his eyes never leave yours as he steps aside to let you in. The boy helps you with your jacket, and you mutter a small ‘thank you’, hoping he’ll take the initiative, even despite the fact it’s you who came to talk.
“How are you doin’?” maybe it’s a soulmate thing to read each other’s mind? You look at Hansol and you have a feeling that you’ll never be able to go through the guard around him and straight to his head. His expression is neutral, and you admit that he doesn’t even need to try look beautiful.
“Nothing much,” you response. “What ‘bout you?”
“Okay. Wanna drink something?”
“A pepsi please?”
“We only have a few cans of coke, do you wanna?”
You already feel strange of that crazy amount of questions for the beginning – the situation becomes more and more awkward that you’re able to feel the pressure of the air in the room. Your temples pulse a little, threating a headache.
“Nah, I’m fine then,” you say, taking a deep breath. “I came here to say I’m sorry and-”
“Do you think we should be together?”
“It how it works,” he lets out a dry laugh. Hansol looks down to your face, his hand reaches out to stroke your shoulder. “Hey, you okay?”
The grip on your temples is too tight to bear, and you let out a heavy pant.
“My head hurts,” you explain, squeezing your eyes shut – the light is too bright.
“You need to lie down,” Hansol says. “It’s probably because the temperature difference between inside and outside. I’ll bring painkillers to Soonyoung’s bedroom.”
You nod, heading off to the bedroom. What a great wat to talk - show up at someone’s doorstep just to say you have a headache. Great. Not bothering yourself with discarding your clothes, you collapse stomach-down onto the bed without removing the cover, your face is buried in the soft material.
“Shit, you’ll suffocate if you stay like this,” Hansol’s deep voice wafts on your ears. You slowly lean on your elbows to steal a glance at him. After placing the glass of water and the blister of painkillers at the night stand, he gets down on his haunches, his eyes at the same level as yours. You stay like this for some time, not saying a word, mesmerized by his face.
“What did you do before I came?” you ask out of sudden. Hansol seems to be taken aback with your question.
“Tried to make some music,” he gawks, blinking at you.
“Really?” you ask in a low voice.
“Mostly checked the mic with some ‘yeah’s’ and ‘yo’s’”, he admits, an amusing laugh escapes his mouth. “I’ll try to do something while you’re resting, good?”
You nod you head and smile at him. He gently squeezes your shoulder and stands up. Before he disappears out of the bedroom, you say,
“Do you have any siblings?”
He turns to you, leaning back against the wall.
“Yeah. I have a little sister. You?”
You shake your head no and he nods.
“But it was easy to guess you’re not the only child, though,” it’s difficult to see his face in the darkness, but your eyes never leave him.
“How so?”
“You offer a compromise when it's unnecessarily,” you sniggle. “A man of settled habits.”
You see his wide smile in the dark.
 You force your eyes open and sit up in the bed, your hair disheveled and slightly damp at the back of your neck. Headache has gone, at least for now, but your throat feels dry. When you come to the kitchen, you see the note in Hansol’s infamous unsteady handwriting left on the counter:
you can find pepsi in the fridge!
You smile at the gesture and inside you sense warmth.
 You knock at Hansol’s bedroom door twice and after the boy calls out for your entry, you slip through the door.
Hansol sits at the table, bobbing his head in time with the song that hums from the speakers. His eyes are glued to his laptop, the headphones rest above his ears.
“Does the work go smoothly?” you ask, sitting at the corner of his bed. He turns to face you; a soft smile is playing on his lips.
“Yeah, it’s okay. There are many things that I think I’m lacking in, but I work on them,” he says in a serious tone. “But I’ve finally finished the song that had been haunting me for weeks.”
“Oh, that’s great!” you beam at him.
“Your snoring from the next room inspired me,” he places his hand over his heart. “I’ll be forever grateful for that.”
You lightly kick his calf, and the boy laughs. Rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes, he draws his attention back to you.
“Feel better?” he asks.
“Yeah,” you answer. Nodding, Hansol notices your gaze focusing on the screen of his laptop. There’re the unknown for you tools placed on his table, except for the microphone, of course, and you’re wondering what kind of music he’s into.
“Wanna hear it?” he asks, once again showing his amazing ability to read your mind.
“Yes!” you hearty nod. “Want my headache to be back.”
Hansol rolls his eyes, muttering a small ‘sure’ under his breath, and places the mouse cursor over the play button. The speakers are small, but even despite it you sense the music vibrate through your body. The beat is harsh, his voice is piercing, and it feels like the most Hansol’s thing he could’ve ever done, but at the same time you’ve got an inkling that the tune and the lyrics were created by his mysterious twin.
“You really made this?” your eyes are wide and your hand clutches hold of his wrist.
“Yeah,” he hums nervously, bringing his free hand to rub at the back of his head.
“It’s good! I can’t believe you haven’t signed a ten-million dollars contract yet!”
“You heard just one song,” he smiles in a protest. “Thanks anyway.”
“I’m right, though,” you say, your hand leaving his as you smile at him. “You should be a star! I can’t say what I liked about it ‘cause I don’t know anything about music, but the whole thing is perfect!”
He looks up to you, your cheeks flushed with passion and your eyes glisten as candles burn bright, and it brings a proud smile on his lips.
“You’re beautiful,” he blurts.
“You’re beautiful too,” your words are sincere, filled with pure appreciation you have for this melted chocolate eyed boy. The idea of you frightened of meeting him a few hours ago seems like a pure absurd right now – when the two of you sit that close to each other, you having a string of questions to ask him about his life, interests, hopes and dreams, and on your tongue the whole story of your life is tingling to be uttered at the same time.
“It was unexpected,” he chuckles. “Thanks again.”
“Thanks for the pepsi,” you return. “I thought you had only coke?”
“Um, I went to the convenience store across the street while you were asleep,” he says, his eyes are wandering on the wall. You can hardly take a breath.
“You shouldn’t have,” you say.
“It’s not a big deal,” he shrugs. Nodding, you slip off his bed and go toward the window. Leaning your forehead against the cool glass, you take a deep breath.
“Is Soonyoung still at the practice?” you ask, your voice is low.
“I guess,” Hansol perches at the windowsill. “I kinda lost track of time.”
You feel the heat his body radiates. Theoretically, you think, you find him somewhat sexy, really manly. His long scraggy neck, broad shoulders, a spectacular torso you can notice even under his oversized t-shirts, and athletic thighs. A month ago, your informant told you that Hansol barely shows up in the gym, and you wonder if the boy was gifted with capability of being perfect without even trying.
And still, he isn’t Mingyu, who makes you feel being in love.
You want to tell Mingyu the truth about your wrong destiny, your aching heart that can be healed with his smile only, and the feeling of your stomach filled with butterflies. You want him to hold your hand, pushing all the doubts and fears away, and make you his. His, despite the cruel joke The Universe played on you.
You think, you have a feeling, he would understand it, because he believes in strength of choice. Mingyu is in a constant state of moving forward, overcoming all obstacles he might face.
Would it be the first time when he stops?
 You and Hansol both stay silent till the whole apartment echoes with Soonyoung’s ringing voice.
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“Woah, I like the pictures!” Mingyu approves with a hum, adjusting something on his camera. “They’re perfect.”
“Because they’re pictures of me or because it’s you who took them?” you smile, a playful glint in your eyes as you nudge him.
“Let me think,” the boy stops in his tracks, his brows furrow in a fake manner, indicating he is absorbed in his thoughts. “Both.”
“Wow,” you play along, shaking your head and pressing your lips together. “Groundbreaking.”
He giggles and slides his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“Wish I could tickle you right now, bit your jacket doesn’t give a chance.”
You shove off his hand and see a small pout forming on his plush lips.
“It’s my protection from pervs like you, Mingyu,” you smile innocently, casting sheeps eyes on him.
“Pervs don’t ask for a permission,” he opposes matter-of-factly. You raise your brows at him in question, and it doesn’t take long for him to explain. “Let me kiss you.”
You raise your head at Mingyu to see him smiling down at you with shining eyes, his cheeks are glowing from the frosty air.
“Go ahead,” you smile, and he leans down and kiss you. His lips are warm and sweet, and you never expect to feel care through a kiss as his mouth is covering yours. His hand cups your cheek while the other is placed tightly at the base of your neck. You trace your tongue against his lower lip, his tongue is eager to meet yours. You tease the inside of his mouth, and Mingyu lets out a small groan, which is enough to bring you to senses, and you break the kiss.
“We’re outside, Guy,” you softly remind him, your grip at his forearms is loosen.
“And so?” he whines, tugging at your sleeves to keep you body close to him.
“And we’re late,” you try to reason, but frankly speaking, you better would have stayed in the previous position you shared with Mingyu than going anywhere. “Let’s go. The sooner we start, the sooner we leave.”
The idea of karaoke night seemed promising, to say at least, but with Seungkwan occupying the microphone and Seokmin taking the guise of being his bodyguard, preventing any attempt of borrowing the tool out of his hands, ebullience faded into despair.
Jun is scrolling through his phone, and you find it okay; Soonyoung is busying himself with fourth bowl of ramen in a row, and it begins to worry you; Jihoon is yawning in thirsty eight second intervals, and the fact of you really counting begins to worry you; Mingyu’s playing with your hands, his head rests against your shoulder, you find it normal too.
You toy with his dark hair and lower yourself to whisper in his ear.
“Take me out.”
“Your wish is my command,” Mingyu smiles with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. He straightens up off the sofa and extends his hand to you. You stretch out your own hand and place it in Mingyu’s warm palm.  
After wrapping everyone, except for Seungkwan who is too absorbed in the singing and waves the two of you off in dismissal, for a goodbye hug, you go downstairs to put the clothes on.
“Stop staring,” you say to Mingyu, catching his gaze in the mirror, a smile parts your lips. You pull up the hood of your jacket and turn to the boy.
“Can’t help it,” he admits, reaching out and tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His thumb is stroking your cheek gently, and he leans to steal a kiss from your lips.
“Oh, shit,” Seungkwan says, puckering his face into a frown. “Came to say my goodbye, but this,” he gestures at the two of you.
“Grow up,” Mingyu shrugs his shoulders. Seungkwan’s glare bores a hole right through your head, and you can only silently pray for him to not allow his anger  upstage his reason.
“Seungkwan, please,” you say. “Let’s talk about it later.”
“Sure,” the younger boy rolls his eyes. “It’s not me who you should talk to, though.”
“What’s the problem?” Mingyu groans in frustration.
“I don’t know. What’s your problem?” Seungkwan scoffs, shifting his gaze from Mingyu to you and back to Mingyu again.
“It’s none of your business,” you snap. “I’m not in the mood for one of your soap operas.”
You storm out of the building, your blood is boiling with the mixture of anger, fear, and realization of all things you used to have fell to pieces in a matter of seconds.
“Hey, wait,” Mingyu grabs your hand, and you stop, too afraid to look at him. “What’s the matter?”
You’re struck by an incredible sense of fear, of confusion, of vulnerability, but you finally have to face the reality.
“The problem is,” you sigh. “Hansol is my soulmate.”
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“Don’t cry,” Soonyoung tries to conciliate you, his hand is rubbing against your back, and he tightens the embrace. “I’m here for you.”
At this point, you even hate yourself for the damp spot on his sweatshirt made with your tears. You want to concentrate on Soonyoung’s words uttered in a small voice, almost whispering, but as you think about Mingyu, about how on his face thoughts and feelings seemed connate – his pained stare said everything, – standing in front of you, you feel a sharp pain in your heart.  
“Do you despise me?” your voice sounds desperate.
“If I were you, I wouldn’t ask such a shitty question to my best friend,” he says. “You’re the best.”
You laugh bitterly. Soonyoung treats you too nicely – without asking why you’d been keeping so many secrets from him till this night, rebuking Seungkwan for standing guard over Hansol’s feelings, promising Mingyu will pay dearly in the nearest future for his superior sense of morality or whatever.
“What about Hansol?” you ask him, your eyes still are full of tears and pain, but you force a small smile.
“Will kick him out,” his voice is firm, and you sink your face into the soft material of his cloth, suppressing a bigger smile that threats to appear on your lips.
“Soonyoung, I’ve made four enemies this year, and it’s only the end of February,” your voice is muffled as you keep pressing your face onto the boy’s chest. “Momo, Mingyu, Hansol, Seungkwan – all of them hate me for being stupid, for not telling the truth, for being a bitch, for-”
“Shh. It’s their problem, not yours. It’s them who won’t survive ‘cause they made enemies of us. Listen to me,” he calls your name, making a passionate appeal. “We’re undefeatable, you and me.”
You lift your head at him, finding him keeping his eyes on the ceiling in a dramatic way, and you snicker. His lips twist into a broad smile, and he looks at you.
“They don’t hate you,” he says. “Life is complicating, so are we. They know about it.”
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You meet Mingyu at the library. There are dark circles beneath his eyes, and he’s surprisingly quiet.
“Seungkwan said Hansol fell for you only after Soonyoung’s countless ramblings about you. He indeed stared at your pics, I suppose.”
He’s in pain.
You feel empty inside; a terrible anguish seizes your heart.
“Do you feel the same about him?” an involuntary question slips off his tongue.
You want to say it’s him, it’s only him who made you fall, who made you feel at ease, who made you want to give and not just to take, but you can’t.
He waits for a response you’ll never be able to come up with.
This night you cry yourself to sleep.
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Weeks go by.
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The three of you – you, Hansol, and Soonyoung – glue your eyes to the television set placed at the wall of the boys’ living-room. Watching different tv series with them somehow has turned into therapy sessions – despite experiencing triggers at almost everything that is shown, you feel you’re not alone. The two of them act like nothing happened, and all of you are ready to meet your soulmates someday.
But, if nothing happened, why Mingyu’s name is forbidden from saying out loud because it would fill you with pain?
“You have popcorn crumbs on your shirt,” you notice, pointing at Soonyoung with the remote in your hand.
“I preferred watching tv to reading books when i was younger,” the boy says, dusting the crumbs off his torso and lap.
“And it shows,” you tease. Soonyoung gives you a light pinch on the side and straightens up with a huff.
“I’m going to bed,” he announces. “The bathroom is occupied for the next thirty minutes.”
Hansol nods and bids Soonyoung goodnight as you blow him a kiss – his laughter never fails to boost your mood.
“Resuming?” you ask Hansol. “I’m not sleepy.”
“Neither am I.”
It’s completely dark apart from the television’s dim yellow glow. Somehow, you find yourself being distracted by almost everything – the pattern of the wooden floor, the material of the couch, the streetlamp right outside the window, the plant that is going to die soon due to Soonyoung and Hansol’s lack of care.
His eyes flicker in your direction, catching you staring at him. You don’t look away.
“Am I more interesting than the show?” he asks, not expecting you reply with a quiet ‘yes’. A blush coloring his cheeks can be spotted even in the poorly illuminated room.
“You’re so shy sometimes,” you remark in a low voice. “You didn’t seem so when I first met you.”
“I felt some courage out of nothing,” he shakes his head, his long and slender fingers tapping his knees. “When I saw you.”
You sigh. How the Universe can be broken? Maybe you’re broken?
“I read that if you’re dealing with schizophrenia your emotions are mixed up – you feel something you shouldn’t have felt and express something you don’t feel.”
“Scientific facts again, huh? You’re referring to me?” he grins.
“To myself, I guess,” there is no smile at your features as you sigh. “Or maybe it’s – I don’t know, to be honest.”
“Hey, I know its not gonna work but I’ll say it anyway,” he reaches out his hand to yours and gently squeezes it. “Don’t think shit about yourself. Don’t say shit,” he pauses. “When the words appeared I was surprised, no shit. But as I find out more and more things about you, all of it start to make sense. I don’t want anyone’s words but yours on me. That’s it. That’s the thing I feel.”
He’s beautiful, you think, very beautiful.
Your eyes wander over his face and finally stop at his lips. The contour of his mouth is perfect – Hansol’s lips aren’t plump, but neither are thin – just perfect – and the little bruise on his lower lip makes you unable to brush your overwhelming desire to have a lick over this exact spot. You hesitate – and even now the image of Mingyu settles on you.
But when you feel Hansol’s lips on yours, you let him in. He claims your mouth passionately, and you slide your hands into his hair, pulling on his locks, and he groans in your mouth. When you pull back for a moment, your eyes flooded with haze, Hansol traces his thumb over your slick with his spit lips, sending a shiver down your spine. He leans onto you again, his lips ghosting over yours, the redolent scent of his musky cologne makes your head even more dizzy.
“I want you,” he whispers into your lips, his voice is cracking.
“You can have me,” you breathe out, closing your eyes as his lips decorate your neck in sloppy kisses.
You can have me, but can you have my heart?
The question finds lodgment in your mind.
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You might lose the thing you love the most, but life goes on… and here we stand.
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You’ve discovered you’re an excellent pretender.
Pretend you think nothing of going without sleep for several nights and then attend your classes. Pretend you’re not tired. Pretend you like the tasteless dish in the restaurant Momo brought you to. Pretend it’s not painful to be in the same room with Mingyu. Pretend you love Hansol back.
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“My legs are killing me,” Seungkwan whines. “I just don’t know how much more of it I can take.”
Same, you think, fucking same.
“Wait a little more and I’ll buy you a hotdog,” Mingyu promises, looking over his shoulder to see you wearily stagger behind them. The combination of the three of you is weird, you find, but life goes on, isn’t it?
It’s May, and the three is you are stuck in Ikea’s mazes – Mingyu needs to buy some new furniture – this is what brings him to the mall, but also Mingyu needs someone to keep him company – and this is what brings you and Seungkwan to the same place. Mingyu calls your name, and you lift your head, furrowing your eyebrows in a question.
“You good? How ‘bout a few hotdogs after?”
“And milkshakes,” Seungkwan adds.
“Just an ice cream please,” you mumble, and he nods. Sometimes it’s so awkward – to be around him. Sometimes it’s natural. But mostly it’s painful.
 Standing in the parking lot, waiting for Mingyu and Seungkwan while they’re stuffing the things Mingyu bought into the trunk of his car, you dumbly watch the ice cream steadily dripping down your hand.
No ice cream can help you feel good even a bit. 
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You enter Hansol’s bedroom and find him at the wooden floor, lying on his back, eyes closed. With his arms and legs splayed out, he reminds you a giant starfish.
“Are you even breathing?” you chuckle, bending over him.
“I am,” Hansol smiles, his eyes stay closed, and he taps slightly on his chest. “C’mere.”
You oblige, your head nestle against his chest, and you hear his steady heartbeat. He wraps his left arm around you and inhales deeply.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes out of sudden, and you turn your head to look at him. “The first words were stupid, and you’ll have them for forever.”
“Suit us very well,” you poke, and he sniffs, reaching out to slightly pinch your cheek. “Hey! Stop!”
Hansol laughs, squeezing you tighter, and the sound of his slow and steady breathing lulls you to sleep. Your gaze is directed at the ceiling as you try to fight against sleep. “You’re so composed, but also so goofy, but also so delicate,” you sigh, thinking out loud as your fingertips trace up and down the soft skin of his wrist. Hansol’s warm. “But the first words were wacky,” you chuckle. “What’ve done to deserve them?”
“It was Russian roulette, baby,” he hums, and you can hear him smiling.
You fall asleep like that. You dream about buying the beige sofa you saw in Ikea and Mingyu’s endless attempts to change your mind – the green one is a way better, he insists. The green one would suit the interior perfectly, you agree with him, but the beige one is so classy, and maybe even a little obligatory? Every apartment should have one, but Mingyu only shakes his head in frustration.
“I'm not sure you’re one hundred percent positive about what you’re convincing me of,” he purses his lips.
Dreams that are hardly can be distinguish from reality are exhausting. You wish there was a way to put this worry to bed once and for all.
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“Okay, so the concept of your birthday party is dubstep,” you verify. “And the main dish excepted for a barbeque duck is an ice cream cake?”
“I scream, you scream, gimme that ice cream,” Soonyoung’s enjoyment is evidenced by his wide smile. You playfully roll your eyes, not really hiding the excitement you share with him.
“Why do I feel that we’re constantly hanging out at birthday parties?” Hansol asks, peering at his phone screen, not bothering to straighten his head from its bending position.
“Because our friend group is too huge for people our age,” you make a point.
“It’s so expensive to have a lot of friends,” Soonyoung complains, but when he meets your questionable gaze, he adds. “But for you, my bestie, money’s no object.”
“Good to know,” you laugh, your fingers leisurely run above the rim of the empty cup of matcha latte. “I’m more upset about my dear boyfriend didn’t show any interest in volunteering at preps for the party.”
Hansol smiles, tapping on his phone, his eyes are anchored on the screen, and you narrow your expression at him, shaking your head in a scolding manner.
“And now he pretends he doesn’t hear me,” you say. “Wonderful, isn’t it?”
Hansol’s face brightens and broadens out into a beaming smile, and the sound of Soonyoung’s giggles fills the air.
“I’ll ask Seokmin to help you,” the older boy suggests, and you raise your eyebrow at him.
“I know you’re saying it for the best of reasons, but Seokmin rather is a distraction than a help,” you debate, and Soonyoung raises his small hands in surrender, his eyes becoming crescent-shaped due to his laugh.
“Okay, I’ll send backup,” he promises. “At the end of the day, Mingyu’s good at cooking and cleaning.”
It would’ve been hard for him not to realize he put his foot in his mouth mentioning Mingyu as the mood tensely shifts. You freeze, alike Hansol, his thumb is hovering over the phone screen for seconds. Soonyoung offers you an apologetic smile, and you smile at the boy back, reassuring him it’s okay – he really did nothing wrong. Hansol’s avoiding your questioning gaze, hiding his eyes behind his curly bangs, and you gently brush a section of his hair from his face, wanting to see him clearly.
“Are you jealous, Sollie?” you try to joke, a soft smile playing on your lips, your hand placed on his cheek. As he raises his eyes at you, nerves are evident in them, your heart sinks, and you feel breathless. He won’t ask you if he should be, he won’t make any scenes – but he may shut himself off, locking his feelings deep inside, and you fear it the most. You don’t mean to hurt him, but you’re still providing him a good amount of pain – he isn’t an idiot who can’t figure out that Mingyu’s never really left your heart.
“No,” he simply says. “I’ll help you with everything.”
“You’re a bigger distraction than Seokmin for me, but how can I say no to my sweet boyfriend?” you take his offer, your thumb is stroking his cheek, and the action soothes away the tension he has. Hansol smiles gently at you, and for a second, you’re wondering if he is as good at pretending as you are.
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“How did you manage to rent this beach house?” Soonyoung asks in a pure awe. “Such places are always booked!”
“Nothing’s impossible when you love your friend,” you muse. “Besides, thank Hansol – he used his “music industry contacts” to make you happy.”
“Hey, you insult me using air quotes around ‘music industry contacts’,” Hansol slides his arm around your waist, tugging you closer to him, and places a quick peck on the tip of your nose. You stab him in the chest with your index finger, and he fakes a gasp.
“Eavesdropping?” you ask.
“Learning a lot about me,” he grins and draws his attention to the birthday boy. “Like the party?”
“No shit,” Soonyoung laughs. “I’ll like it better if you dance with me,” he says your name, his eyes sparkle brighter than colorful lights blasting through the house.
“Anything for a five stars rate.”
You’re out of breath, the clothes stick to your covered in sweat body, and you wince.
“I’m done,” you announce to Soonyoung, his batteries fully charged as he continues his active dance.
“Get some fresh air and come back!” he yells over the music, and you nod. Crossing the room to the back porch, you spot Hansol in the corner, talking to Joshua and showing the older boy something on his phone screen. Unnoticed, you go directly to the shore until the music of the party drowns in the sound waves, and inhale warm salty air. The water seems so tempting, calling you to step into the waves, their rhythm is hypnotizing you, and you kick your shoes off, perfectly understand the night water is too cold for swimming.
A familiar voice stops you, calling your name. You turn around, greeted with Mingyu’s tall figure, shining like a bronze statue, his tanned skin sheens magical when graced by the evening sun.
“Why do you always tend to sneak out?” he asks, once he made it up to you, a warm smile already crept onto his mouth as he saw you.
“I don’t know, maybe I just like being in crowds,” you shrug your shoulders – it’s true. You really don’t know the answer. He moves closer to you, and you finally spot a small bouquet in his hand. His eyes follow yours, and he chuckles.
“It’s for you,” he shyly passes you the flowers, his teeth press into his bottom lips. “I passed by those wildflowers on my way here and picked them for you.”
“It’s not my birthday,” you laugh. “But thank you, I love it,” you say, nuzzling your nose against the tender petals. You look up at the boy and lock your eyes with his, a tickling feeling spreading in your chest. The waves are lapping on the peaceful and quiet shore, but you feel electricity surging through your body. You stand on your tiptoes and place a delicate kiss on his soft cheek, the action is innocent, but for Mingyu it’s like hearing a starting whistle.
“You’re still in my thoughts,” he breathes. “Still here,” he reaches over to grab your hand and place it over his chest, and through your fingertips you’re able to feel his rapid heart. Tears are starting to form at the rim of your eyes, and your vision becomes blurred. Your fingers crawl into the flowers he gave you, pressing against the vulnerable stems. “It’s egoistic, I know, you’re dating my friend, your soulmate, but why does it feel like you’re mine?”
“I don’t know,” you sob. The next second you find yourself against his firm chest and you inhale his scent that feels like home. Not a place where you live, but home. He plants a kiss to the crown of your head and puts his hands on your shoulders.
“Look at me,” the golden boy suddenly says. “Please.”
You look up at him and see his eyes briefly dropping to your lips, and despite yourself you feel that familiar tingling in your gut, wanting him to kiss you. He reads you like an open book and he is kissing you, his lips softly press against yours, a tender flavor on your tongue.
“Mingyu,” you whisper in a small voice, pulling out from him. “I can’t. I can’t do this to Hansol.”
The boy looks at you with a pained expression, and in his eyes you can see that he wishes he didn’t have a heart at all.
“I’m sorry, angel,” he mutters, and you nod your head, your heart is swelling at the nickname.
“I know. I’m sorry too.”
You lock yourself up in the bathroom, hoping no one saw your state while you were hurrying upstairs. Suddenly, someone tries the handle, but it jingles with no success.
“It’s occupied!” you try your best to sound calm, but your voice is trembling.
“It’s me,” Hansol’s muffled voice leaks through the door. “Let me in.”
You turn the lock and face Hansol, your eyes are all red and watery from crying. The boy locks the door behind him and turns to face you, his piercing eyes burn right into your soul.
“You love him,” he says, too delicate to torture you with questions, and you feel even worse – if it’s possible – paralyzed with fear and regrets, guilt eating you inside out, and you swallow the lump in your throat. You let out a wet sob, not being able to look into his sad eyes.
You broke his heart.  
“I’m sorry, Sol,” you say, feeling powerless, loss for words to say to him, to explain yourself, to apologize. “I don’t know what should I do. I don’t know what should we do.”
“If he makes you happier than I could,” he looks above your head. “I’ll accept it someday.”
“You don’t deserve this,” you say, feeling so stupid, only wishing that the floor would open up and swallow you.
“Maybe soulmates aren’t bond only by romantic shit,” his deep voice comes to you through the mist. You don’t ask him to give you a chance, don’t change his mind – maybe this painful reveal of the truth will make your heart feel a little bit lighter one day, even if right now you’re sure this is never going to happen.
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You don’t complain and do not want pity from anyone – you’re sick and tired of Soonyoung tiptoeing around you, trying to keep you from collapsing; of the silent treatment Seungkwan gives you, scornful looks he spares you every single time you see him get you to another level of anger; of a constant scratching sense of guilt you’ve been racked with since your break-up with Hansol, but somehow he never blames you even if he should; of Momo dragging you to the shop malls and making you keep shopping until you cheer up.
Of you can’t getting up the nerve to answer any of Mingyu’s calls, too afraid of something you can’t even describe.
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Momo’s straight face catches you off guard, and you only gasp,
“He what?! No, no, no,” you shake your head in disbelief. “You’re making this up.”
“What for?” the girl rolls her eyes back deep into their sockets. “Mingyu invited you to his picnic party or whatever through me cause you’re too deaf to pick up your phone, nothing special.”
“Will you come with me?” your eyes meet hers in the bathroom mirror, your expression makes Momo give you her infamous crinkly-eyed smile.
“He didn’t ask me to come – only you,” she purrs, taking her lip gloss out of the small bag. “He’s so fucking in love with you, you little witch.”
“I-” you stutter, the crimson red blush spreads across your cheeks, and Momo laughs and gives you a playful shove.
“Don’t you dare to say no,” she warns. “You’ll deal with me.”
“What would I do without you, Momo?” you smile at her. Even if you asked playfully, you really mean it – and the warmth in your chest proves it.
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Mingyu seems nervous as he clumsy steps into your apartment, his chest is tensed with the breath he holds. The boy is dressed in a loose white t-shirt and high-wasted velvety pants, and you sigh in relief – the picnic party - as Momo called it - obviously wasn’t planned as something fancy.
“Thanks for picking me up,” you smile.
“Thanks for coming. Means a world,” he says, poking his cheek with his tongue, a shy smile follows his words. You missed him. Missed everything about him – the small giggles he lets while talking with that slight lisp to you, the shake of his head when he can’t understand something, the pout appearing on his plump lips when he realizes the item he wanted to buy is out of stock, the bright smile beaming on his face while he spills out his ideas for photography, the warmth of his palm holding yours in the pocket of his woolen coat.
“Who else is gonna be there?” you ask during your drive to the beach – Mingyu found the place perfect for a picnic, especially in the hot summer.
“Um,” he hesitates for a moment, taking his eyes off the road for a moment to look at you. “It’s just the two of us.”
“Oh,” you breath. “I see. Momo didn’t tell me.”
“Blame yourself for leaving me on read,” he grins obnoxiously and you roll your eyes defensively. “Now you’re stuck with me. I forgot to mention one thing, though.”
“Which one?” you rake your eyes over him, admiring how the sun’s rays paint his skin in a golden glitter. “It’s a date.”
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You dig your toes into the cool sand, glancing into the evening sky. Mingyu follows your eyeline.
“You can’t see the stars for reflected light from the city,” you notice. “But here we have a chance.”
“No way,” Mingyu protests. “And you know why?”
“Why so?” you turn your face to him, a big smile spread on his lips.
“All Seoul’s stars are in your eyes,” he is smiling so wide that his cheeks must have hurt and he pulls you closer, wrapping both arms around you, tugging you into his lap.
“Shut up,” you laugh, smacking him on the chest, your fingers touching the soft fabric of his shirt. Mingyu’s lips are ghosting over your cheek for a moment before he speaks again,
“But I have lots of things to say,” Mingyu murmurs, biting softly at your earlobe, and a very familiar feeling creeps up into the pit of your stomach.
“Like what?”
“Like, let’s swim,” he takes you aback with the suggestion and you blink at him dumbly. “I didn’t bring my swimsuit with me,” you say.
“Doesn’t matter,” he shrugs. “We’re alone here. No one’ll see.”
You push up from his body and meet his eyes glossy with playfulness and challenge, and you nod at his words. Mingyu grinning at you mischievously, while he removes his clothes – his shirt and pants find their place at the sand – as you see each piece of his skin revealing itself. You inhale deeply, and he leans his head closer to yours, the warm palms rubbing up and down your arms.
“Don’t be nervous,” he whispers, and you’re surprised he can tell this just from your body language, and it makes your heart flutter, pounding even faster against your ribcage. His words encourage you, and he silently watches you removing your dress, the only pieces of clothing on your skin are your bra and panties. Mingyu gently squeezes your hand, his thumb softly strokes back and forth over your knuckles. “Catch me.”  
And within a couple of seconds, he is already pushing into the water, everything below his waist out of sight.  You slowly step onto the sparkling waves, a lazy smile playing on your lips, as you see Mingyu splashing over to you with a childish pout on his face.
“You’re supposed to catch me, but you don’t even try,” he whines and steps closer to you, pressing his hands to either sides of your neck, his thumb rubbing the hollow of your throat. He looks dreamlike with his skin stick from the water, making him glisten in the soft evening light.
“It’s not the only thing I didn’t do what I was supposed to do. I was born to live without you, remember?” you whisper against his wet lips as he leans over you.
“It doesn’t matter,” he hums, letting his fingers brush against the words inked on your side. “I don’t need to be told who I love.”
You’d been feeling like you were drowning for too long, drowning in the cool water of sorrows, doubts, and self-destruction for too long, but only now you can breathe -
“You love me?” you say in a quiet voice, almost as if it was a secret, and the soft look on his face makes your heart skip a beat, overflowing with love and affection.
“I do. So I ask you to stay with me,” he pleads. Not just for tonight, not for tomorrow morning, but-
“Take me home.”
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Rattling keys, the sound of giggles stopped with the kisses, Mingyu’s hot mouth on your pulse point, your hands tugging at his black silk locks, and the heavy weight of the wall meets your back.
“Right in the corridor?” you hum, panting into his ear. “Where is your decency, Kim Mingyu? Not bringing your lady to the bedroom is-” Mingyu doesn’t let you finish, forcing his leg between yours. He is grinning at you with his bottom lip between his teeth as he guides your hips into motion against his thigh, satisfied with the garbled moan ripped from your throat. Bringing his lips to the side of your neck again, Mingyu plants wet kisses on the soft skin. He licks your ear, gently tugging the lobe between his teeth. When the boy releases the tender flesh, he hisses,
“This… you made me forget about my good manners,” Mingyu drawls and attaches his lips to your throat. His voice is sweet, but the material of his pants is rough and the combination drives you crazy, whimpering into the air between you, your clit aching.
“Please,” you whine, grinding yourself harder against him.
Suddenly, Mingyu smiles, brightly and happy, before his lips press into yours, his tongue mapping your mouth. The boy lifts you up and it gives you an opportunity to kiss his neck in return, biting red marks into his tanned skin. Then, ever so carefully, Mingyu places you on the soft surface of the bed, kissing you passionately, but slower, trying to find out what you like the most.
“Can I take your clothes off, please?” he whispers in your mouth and you moan, your hands gripping into his biceps.
“Good manners are back,” you coo. “Go ahead.”
Mingyu helps you to sit up, undoing the upper buttons of your summer dress, kissing the skin it exposes, and finally pulling it over your head.
“Don’t forget to take the rest off too,” you breathe, and his lips stretch into a smile. His arms twist behind your back and then he is sliding the fabric down your arms and tossing it away.  
“Do you want me to touch you, princess?” Mingyu murmurs, the tip of his nose traces the side of your neck as his fingers are ghosting over the wetness of your panties.
“Like you don’t know the answer already,” you hiss and he chuckles, his hands move to palm your breasts. You bite your lower lip when he rolls your nipple between his fingers before slowly circling it, a blush slowly creeps down your neck. His mouth finally covers your nipple as his warm palms are parting your thighs, his fingers firmly pressed against the skin. Without being told, you rise your hips to help him remove your soaked panties.
Mingyu sits back on his haunches and marvel at your spread thighs and the pretty wet curves, and your legs separate to make room for him beyond your control.
“You’re so pretty,” he admires, his eyes – glassy with desire and adoration – don’t leave your face. His palm slides up from your hip over your stomach and further still, gently cupping your breast.
“Gyu,” you plea, but before you can even think about the words, Mingyu tosses his shirt somewhere behind his back, already yanked his slightly ruined with your wetness pants and the underwear to the floor.
Then, he is putting his fore and middle fingers into his mouth, coating them in saliva before slowly bringing them to your pussy, the pads of his fingers ghosting over your slit. You moan and he takes it as an invitation, drawing a circle around the hood of your clit. Craving for more, you shamelessly grind your hips into his palm, your fingers grasping at the sheets.
“Baby, I want to taste you so bad,” Mingyu purrs, thrusting his fingers into your pussy down to the knuckles. You moan at the sensation of his fingertips dragging against your pulsing walls, and he increases the pace of his digits inside of you. “You smell so good.”
His words only sending you near delirious. But his tongue feels even better.
Mingyu runs the flat of his tongue up to your clit, humming happily at the moan escaped through your red and swollen lips, your fingers tangled in his hair. His grip on your thighs is firm, screaming lust in big neon letters. He sucks on your clit, focusing his hot mouth on the swollen bundle of nerves, as he is pulling and pushing his fingers through your entrance. 
The boy groans deeply, nuzzling his pretty face deeper into your core. The delightful pleasure clings to your stomach, swells at you abdomen. Your eyes screw shut and your chest heaves, the back arching off the bed with a high-pitched cry. Mingyu is leaning over your, adjusting his body on his elbows supporting him either side of your body. His breath is tickling the skin of your neck and you giggle, your hand lazily draws some patterns onto his back. The boy silently observes your features while you reach down to his cock, lubricating it with his pre-cum. Mingyu groans, but you swallow the sound with your mouth, your tongue catching on flesh of his mouth that tastes like you. He is desperately grinding against your stomach, the tip of his dick leaving a wet trail over your skin.
“I love you,” he says against your lips and, slowly and carefully, positions the reddened head to your entrance. You wrap your legs around him, heels pressing into the ample swells of his ass as Mingyu buries himself deep inside you. He presses his teeth on your collarbone as he hitting your sweet spot with every single one of his delicious thrusts.
Mingyu is here – his arms caging your face, his mouth never leaves yours, and his chest is pressed tight against yours – Mingyu is here and you love each other.
He rolls his hips against you, sinking his cock into your heat, his fingers toying with your sensitive clit. Suddenly, he speeds up, pulling an extremely loud moan from you. Feeling you clench around him, Mingyu groans and lowers himself to suck on your nipple, muffling the sounds he makes against your skin.
“Let it go,” he pants out and you oblige, a gasp tumbles from your lips as your fingers curling in his hair. Your walls spasm around his cock, enveloping it with your release. He thrusts in you, his cock twitching inside of you before he lets out a drawn moan. He stills in you as his cock milking your pussy, panting loudly. He opens his dark eyes and his face softens for you as he places a gentle kiss on the side of your jaw.
“We weren’t meant for each other,” you whisper, your hand playing with his damp locks. “But I love you more than anything.”
“We are meant for each other,” Mingyu is persistent. “Since our first meeting.”
“Okay,” you give in.
“I win,” his smile is radiant in the night, and his eyes hold the whole universe in them.
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You never thought of you as a rule breaker. No one did.
With each day Mingyu helps you realize you shape the universe you live in.
And you ask him to make your nose look smaller at the portrait of you he have been painting for two weeks already. 
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207 notes · View notes
The Day The Music Died
“This’ll be the day that I die,” Yelena had sung those exact words in the car that day, and no lies were told.
Natasha never wanted to hear that song again.
Word Count: 3437
Also on Ao3 here
Natasha stares at the bandages wrapped tightly around Clint’s left wrist, eyes locked in on the red spots where extra blood had been soaked up by the gauze. Clint’s tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, softly drumming along to the song playing from the radio as he maneuvers the car around a bend in the old back road.
“I can feel you staring.” He says, snapping Natasha out of her trance. Clint takes his eyes off the road for a second to catch her gaze. “Nat, I’m fine. I promise.” It’s not going to change what happened, but he still tries. These types of missions were always hard on Natasha, and it’d only been made that much worse when one of the target’s bodyguards had managed to catch Clint’s forearm with a knife, dangerously close to critical veins. There had been a lot of blood and although Nat was easily able to stitch his skin back together, the close call had scared her - even if she refused to admit it out loud.
“I know you’re fine, idiot. It’s impossible to get rid of you.” She snorts and sends him a small smile. The radio cuts into a commercial, advertising their station and morning talk show before launching into another song.
A long, long time ago
I can still remember how that music
Used to make me smile
Natasha frowns at the song as an alarm bell begins to blare in the back of her head at the notes that drift out of the speakers. She furrows her eyebrows at it, a sinking feeling coming over her. Images from another time threaten to overtake her, and she’s too weak to stop them.
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And maybe they'd be happy for a while
A blonde little girl, only five years old, prances around the front yard. She’s barefoot and wearing her pink sparkly sundress, hair pulled up into pigtails as she tries to catch a ladybug. Natasha watches from her perch among the tree branches. Mom Melina is kneeled on the ground as she works on the garden in front of the house, planting new flowers to replace the dead ones. She’s brought her portable stereo out, sitting it on the porch and playing at full volume. Natasha isn’t even aware of what song is playing until Yelena is running up to the porch, begging her to play it again. Mom Melina does. And then plays it again with an amused smile and quirked eyebrow when Yelena asks for a third time. Yelena cheers with joy as it starts again and rises to her tip toes as she begins to twirl and dance to the music.
Nobody knows what it is about the song that Yelena likes so much, but she loves it. She constantly asks for it, so much so that Melina loads it onto a cassette tape and keeps it in the car just for her. Natasha doesn’t quite understand what most of the lyrics are talking about, but she decides she doesn’t mind the song for Yelena. In a way, it fits- Yelena is the picture perfect little all american girl, apple pie personified.
Natasha’s frozen in her seat. She pleads with herself to move, to turn off the radio. She doesn’t want to hear this. She knows what verses are coming next, and her breathing catches in her throat as they start. These words hold no comfort for her anymore.
Bye Bye Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
And them good ol boys were drinking whiskey and rye
Singin’ this’ll be the day that I die
This’ll be the day that I die
Her sister’s high-pitched voice singing the words, a beat behind as she moves her hands cheerfully, lost in the rhythm of the song. She’s buzzing with excitement- ready for her promised big adventure, too young and oblivious to notice their parent’s anxiety or her sister’s internal crisis happening in the seat next to her. Natasha can’t look at her sister, she doesn’t want her to see the panic she knows is written over her face. Instead, she keeps her eyes locked out the window, trying desperately to commit everything to memory. The red, white, and blue lights that light up the night, the football game where a band plays and people cheer, the abundance of restaurants where families are sat enjoying dinner. The normalness of it all makes her angry - how can all these people be so casual when her world is falling apart at the seams? Yelena begins to sing the verse about dying, and it takes everything within Natasha to not snap at her. She can’t bear to listen to her little sister singing about dying, so blissfully unaware of the possibility of the verse becoming true at any moment now. Natasha should say something to her, tell her to stop, tell her what was happening. But the lure of pretending one last time is too great for her to give away. She doesn’t say anything.
Did you write the book of love
A photo album, thick with pictures of them all sit on the shelf. It’s Natasha’s favorite thing in the house, and she often sneaks out of bed to stare at the photos. Realistically, she knows they’re all fake. But if she tries hard enough, thinks long enough, she swears she can recall the events. Thanksgiving had been fun; the food had been the best she’d ever tasted. Their summer vacation had been at the beach, and she swears she can feel the sun warming her face and the sand between her toes.
And do you have faith in God above
If the bible tells you so?
She and Clint had gone to a church once, as part of an undercover mission. She’d ended up having to walk out in the middle of the service. It had been too much. She could never believe in it, even if she wanted to. No loving God would ever create the horrors she had seen before her 13th birthday or give her a family purely to steal it all away so violently.
Can music save your mortal soul
And can you teach me how to dance real slow?
Natasha’s feet hit the ground, still en pointe, as she lands the perfect Grand Jete. She tosses her arms out in the landing pose and holds it for a second before excited clapping breaks her concentration. Yelena sits there, smiling wide as possible, clad in her own black leotard and pink tights. She’s in the younger classes, not as advanced as Natasha yet, but it doesn’t stop her from trying. Yelena scrambles to her feet, crossing the floor to stand next to her sister.
“Teach me, teach me!”
It’s a complicated step, and Natasha knows she’s not ready for it just yet. She doesn’t want her to get hurt.
“I’ll teach you when you’re older, okay?” Yelena nods, and turns to the mirror, copying Natasha’s arm positions.
Natasha tries to force another breath into her lungs, but it’s harder now, her throat and chest constricted. She squeezes her eyes closed, trying to block out the flashbacks that continue to assault her.
Now for ten years we’ve been on our own
And moss grows fat on a rolling stone
But that’s not how it used to be.
Fifteen years. It had been fifteen goddamn years since Natasha had seen her sister for the last time. She refuses to let herself think of what might have happened to her. It pains her to think of her baby sister, who had once been so full of life, in such a horrid place.
Natasha wraps her arms around herself, arms holding each other tightly. She digs her fingernails into her skin, attempting to give herself something else to focus on and ground her. It doesn’t work.
Bye Bye Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the Levee but the Levee was dry
Them good ol boys were drinking whiskey and rye
And signing this will be the day that I die
This’ll be the day that I die
Natasha doesn’t know how long they’ve been stuffed into this shipping container, crowded against a hundred other little girls. They’re all dirty, all starving, all terrified. The scent of sweat and urine threatens to suffocate them, the air hot and heavy.
She has tugged Yelena into her lap, arms protectively crossed over her torso to hold her close- hasn’t let go of her since the second they were put into here for fear of losing her amongst the other girls. She’s so tiny, and Natasha doesn’t trust any of the others.
Yelena stirs, a small whimper falling from her lips. Natasha tries to shush her gently, but it doesn’t work, and her sister keeps squirming. Her cries are starting to grow in volume, and one of the girls next to them sends them a dirty look.
“Yelena, Yelena. I’m here. You’re with me.” It’s the only words of comfort Natasha can offer her. She wishes she could tell her they were okay, that she was safe, that they were going to be fine. Instead, all she can do is assure her that her older sister had her. Yelena had stopped calling out for her mom a while ago, after her calls went unanswered and she finally realized no one was coming to rescue them. Natasha shifts them around, turning her back towards the others and away from prying eyes. Natasha turns Yelena on her lap, so that Yelena is facing her. “Yelena, look at me.”
Yelena shakes her head, so Natasha gently cups both sides of her face, titling her face up so that she has no choice. Yelena doesn’t resist, just locks her tear-filled eyes onto Natasha.
“I’m scared,” Yelena sobs through hitching breaths as her body trembles.
Natasha clutches her tighter and brings her closer, so close their noses are almost touching. “Don’t cry, Lena. Just sing with me.” Yelena frowns at her in confusion, and Natasha starts to sing under her breath, quietly, so that Yelena is forced to quite herself down and focus to hear the words.
She starts with the chorus, the part that Yelena knows and likes the best. “Bye, Bye, Miss American pie,” Natasha sings. The corner of Yelena’s lips quirks up in recognition. Nat pauses, prompting Yelena to sing the next line herself.
Her voice quivers, but she sings it anyways. “Drove my chevy to the levee…” Natasha nods in encouragement and joins her for the next verse. “But the levee was dry.” They sing the next few lines together. They near the last two lines of the chorus though, and this time, Natasha can’t allow her to sister to sing the last line. They hurt too much, they’re too real.
So she interrupts Yelena, skipping forward past the “Day that I die” line and jumping right into the next verse. Yelena doesn’t even question it, just follows her sister’s lead and allows herself to be completely absorbed in the whispered song.
Natasha sings almost the entire song to her sister, doing her best to remember as many lyrics as she could, and then starts over. She keeps singing, over and over again, until her voice starts to crack, and Yelena’s eyes are slipping closed in exhaustion.
“Tasha?” Clint calls, picking up the tension in his partner. She doesn’t respond, just stays frozen in her seat, locked in her own little world. “Hey,” He calls, a bit louder this time. He takes one hand off the wheel and places it on her shoulder gently. “Nat. What’s going on?” She’s shaking.
Instead of answering, Natasha claps her hands over her ears and leans forward, bending at the waist so she can rest her head atop her knees. She’s shaking her head, muttering something under her breath.
We all got up to dance
Oh, but we never got the chance
“Teach me, teach me!”
“…When you’re older.”
Natasha never got the chance to teach Yelena that ballet move. She wonders just how many other promises to her baby sister she’s broken.
“I’m going to pull over, Nat, okay?” A male’s voice comes from somewhere close by. His hand moves from her shoulder onto her back, to rub small circles on it.
Do you recall what was revealed
The day the music died?
She had never felt so stupid. Standing on that airway strip, holding a gun out in front of her, blocking Yelena. She had let her fall into the lie, childishly believe that maybe, just maybe Dad Alexei loved them like he said he did. As Alexei kneels before them, showing no sympathy to his daughters tears, she realizes that had never been the case.
The chorus starts again, and she feels bile rise in her stomach. “Bye Bye Miss American Pie” Natasha remembers how she had stolen that gun from a solider, shoved her sister behind her and threatened to kill numerous grown men for touching her. How desperately she had clung to Yelena when they’d been ripped apart. She hadn’t been ready to give up her sister, not ready to say goodbye to the American dream lie they had built side by side. “Drove my Chevy to the Levee but the levee was dry” The memory of Yelena’s face during those few days had haunted Natasha’s dreams for years. It had frightened her- even more so than the men with oversized guns. She had never seen her sister, who laughed at everything and loved the world with everything in her, look so despondent. She had tried telling her jokes to pry some kind of smile out of her. It didn't work. “This’ll be the day that I die” Yelena had sung those exact words in the car that day, and no lies were told. That day, when dad Alexei handed them back to Russians soldiers, they had both died. Died only to be remade and ruthlessly forged into something new, nothing more than weapons of mass destruction and trained killers.
There’s cussing to her left that pulls her back halfway to the present. She’s in a car, and she’s covered in vomit that runs down her front and onto her chest and lap. Clint has a hand on her, and he’s telling her just a second, Nat.
“Clint?” She asks, still slightly confused. She can still feel the weight of a smaller body on top of her, feel the soft blonde curls against her chin.
“I’m here, Tasha. Hold on.”
Oh, and there we were all in one place
A generation lost in space
With no time to start again
Countless little girls standing in a straight line, blank expressions, awaiting their next commands. They’re all mirrors of each other, no identity left for any of them to cling onto. Natasha scans over each girl, searching for the blonde waves she knows so well. She can’t find her.
The song drags on as Clint navigates the car off the road, coming to stop. He jumps out and jogs around, flinging Natasha's door open. She doesn’t move, so he reaches in and unbuckles her before slipping his hands into her armpits and pulling her out of the car. She tumbles to the ground, falling onto her knees.
And as I watched him on the stage
My hands clenched in fists of rage
No angel born in hell
Could break that Satan’s spell
Natasha catches Dreykov’s eyes on them, and she tightens her hold on Yelena’s hand. Her sister makes a small noise - she’s going to have bruises with how tight Nat is holding her- but doesn’t pull her hand away. Natasha curls her free hand into a tight fist, ready to swing if need be.
Dreykov says something to the men with guns next to him and points a finger at them. The soldiers start moving forward, and Natasha backtracks, tries to back up but Yelena stumbles at the sudden change in direction.
I saw Satan laughing with delight
The day the music died
Natasha screams her sister's name, gripping onto her as tightly as she can. Soldiers have hands on them both, ripping them away from each other. Dreykov is standing several feet away, a tiny smile on his face. Yelena is shrieking, hands desperately trying to keep her grasp on Natasha with all the strength in her six-year-old frame.
They lose their grip on each other and are dragged apart. Yelena’s voice dies out as they carry away the only thing Natasha had left.
Bye Bye Miss American Pie -
“Turn it off!” Natasha pleads, before promptly vomiting even more onto the ground. Clint’s hands support her head, keeping her from falling. “Off, please. I can’t. Turn it--” Clint’s hands leave her for a second as he scrambles over her, reaching through the open passenger door and slamming the power button on the radio.
Natasha lets out a breath, thankful for the silence. With the song no longer playing, her head is beginning to clear, the painful images retreating somewhere she could lock them away again.
“All done?” Clint asks her. She spits out one last string of bile and nods her head, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand as Clint helps her sit up and lean against his leg. He doesn’t rush her, just allows her to sit and try to regain control of her breathing as he combs his fingers through her hair.
When Natasha can finally think again, she frowns at herself in disgust. “Sorry,” She apologizes.
“You don’t need to apologize to me,” he tells her. Clint reaches over and opens the backdoor, grabbing his go bag and digging around until his fingers find one of his clean T-shirts. He yanks it out, closes the door. “Can I help you change, or do you want to do it yourself?”
He’s honestly not even sure if she could change herself right now, with how much she was still shaking, but he gives her the choice anyways. She shrugs her shoulders, her way of accepting help without actually having to accept. “Okay, arms up.” Natasha raises her arms, and Clint carefully tugs her shift off her by the collar, making sure the filthy outside never touched any of her skin. He crumples up the shirt into a ball and tucks it in a bag. He bunches up his shirt at the neck hole and slides it over her head before gently guiding her arms through. It takes a lot for his partner to get to this state, and his concern grows with every passing second that goes by and Natasha is still out of it. He fixes the shirt over her torso, making sure she’s completely covered and then sinks down to the ground, leaning his back against the wheel of the car. There’s a soft breeze in the air, the slight chill nipping at their skin a welcome distraction. “C’mere,” he says, and guides Natasha into his side. She tenses for a moment, but then lets her head drop onto his shoulder, allowing Clint to take her weight. He wraps an arm around her to hold her close.
“I’m sorry,” Natasha repeats, and this time Clint doesn’t say anything. He knows she’s not apologizing to him, but someone not in their presence. He doesn’t push it. She’ll tell him when she’s ready, on her own time. He has guesses though. Clint had an older brother, and he knows what a protective but burnt-out older sibling looks like. He’s seen the way her eyes linger on certain little girls in public before snapping back, caught the way she had once brushed her fingers over a fabric doll with pink hair on a store shelf, heard the way she is able to understand children’s speech without any effort. She’s never mentioned a younger sibling before, but sometimes in her sleep, she mumbles a girl’s name, her hands clenched in fists as if trying to hold on to her.
He presses a kiss to her temple, a silent promise. He won’t push her- He doesn’t need to know exactly what happened. He knows how to support her and how to take care of her when she needs it and for now, that’s enough.
Years later, Natasha will press her forehead to an adult Yelena’s, both panting from the fight, Yelena upside down and laying in the wreckage of the red room. Dreykov is finally dead, by Yelena’s hand. Yelena cracks a joke, and Natasha smiles. They’ll never again be those little girls they once were, but they’ve finally found each other.
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jimlingss · 4 years
Kitchen Romance
➜ Words: 11.1k
➜ Genres: 95% Fluff, 5% Angst, Chef!AU
➜ Summary: You come from a long line of matchmakers. Your ancestors' ancestors were matchmakers and it's all because of a special, inborn gift. A gift that allows you to see each person's fated ones above their heads. But it's not so much a gift when one day, your boss walks in with YOU above him.
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The kitchen is in chaos.
The heat swelters in the still air, stifling with the summer warmth that’s forced most people indoors with air conditioning. But here, there’s no such privilege. Not when open fires on frying pans were at every stovetop and grease was splattering everyone like a water fountain show. You feel yourself being roasted alive, a layer of oil sitting on top of your skin, and there’s barely a moment to wipe away the sweat rolling from your hairline.   Your hands are wrinkled as you scrub down the nth dish from the pile that’s stacked above your head, but before you can finish, Taehyung’s desperately calling out for you. You shout back at him that you’re coming and then you’re helping him peel the potatoes.   There’s no room to complain. Especially not when—   “What is this?!”    For a moment, time itself stops.   The pandemonium halts, fire flickering, knives held mid-air. Everyone’s head has swiveled over to the dark-haired man standing at the end of the island. Kim Seokjin holds up a plate of baked salmon with methi prawns. His plump lips are pulled downwards. That’s never a good sign.   “The presentation is sloppy!” he yells and you flinch from the sheer volume of his booming voice. “Are you people blind?! We can’t serve this! It’s an embarrassment! Do it again!”   “Yes, chef!”    Everyone apologizes, including you, and Seokjin huffs, moving out of the kitchen.   Namjoon, sous-chef, shakes his head. “Focus! Dinner service hasn't even begun yet!”   Luckily, everyone’s on edge and meticulous enough with Seokjin walking around and scrutinizing every action that the rest of the night goes off without another hitch. By the end, you’re finishing up on cleaning and washing the dishes.   “Good night, Y/N.” Jihyo waves, bag strap slung on her shoulder.   “See you.” You muster a smile while you keep scrubbing. “Bye.”    “Night,” Yoongi says while Taehyung fixes you a grin. You watch them leave and then focus on completing the rest of your tasks. It’s not long before you’re switching all the lights off and changing from your uniform.    The walk back to your apartment proves to be excruciating. You’re beyond exhausted, lugging your legs along to carry the rest of your body while forcing your eyes to remain open, so you can at least see where you’re going.    When the door opens, you immediately jump into the shower to wash off the grime, nearly falling asleep in the process. By the time you flop onto your bed, your hair is still dripping wet, but as your muscles ease into the mattress, you’re knocked out into a deep slumber.   Rest is merely a blink of time.   The alarm on your phone is blaring before you can dream or feel even remotely refreshed. It’s deafening to your ears and you reach over to shut it off. Finding the sun already up in the sky, you force yourself to sit up, get ready, grab breakfast and eat on your way to work.   “If it’s too hard, you should come home,” the voice on the other side of the line coaxes. “Your dad and I are so worried about you sometimes.”   “I’m fine, mom.” You’re chewing in your cheek, phone sandwiched between your ear and your shoulder as you parade down the block. “Trust me.”   “Have you at least been eating well?”   You glance at the granola bar in hand. “Yeah. Sort of.”   “The city is scary. There’s no shame in coming home, dear. Your grandma misses you a lot. She always asks about you.”   “I’m fine, mom,” you reassure her for the second time. “I really am. And tell grandma—”   Accidentally, your shoulder collides with a businessman’s. Apologies spring from you, but rather than looking at the stranger like you should be, your eyes unintentionally wander above his head. To the cloud of fog. And a woman’s smiling face you see emerge from it.   The man’s brows lift at how you’re staring into space and he moves out of the way.   You’re forced out of your trance and you continue to apologize until he’s completely gone from sight. You damn yourself for not being more careful.   You come from a long line of matchmakers. Your ancestors’ ancestors were matchmakers.    Your mother once told you that back in the day, some peasants in your family couldn’t sew, sell or do any labour, so they begged heavens and out of pity, they were granted a small gift. A gift that’s been passed down to every generation since. While you’re not sure if the story is true or not, what’s certain is that from the moment you were born, you could see a cloud of fog above everyone’s head. It’s like speech bubbles or thought bubbles in comic strips. But instead of words, the fog comes with another person’s face. It’s the one who they’re meant to be with.   Ironically enough, you’ve never seen one above your own head. Though you’ve come to accept that. Romance will never be a major aspect of your life, so you’ve switched gears into focusing on your career and finding fulfillment elsewhere. You also knew early on that you didn’t want to be a matchmaker like the rest of your family.   You want to be a—   “Good morning, chef.”   “Good morning.” Namjoon nods with a smile. “Things weren’t too bad yesterday, but let’s try to be less sloppy for dinner service tonight. Hoseok, what time is the shipment of seafood coming in?”   Namjoon continues going through the daily routine, updating each person on the schedule and the shipments. But it’s not long during the morning meeting in the kitchen that the back door creaking can be heard.    Instantly, everything comes to a halt. Everyone turns themselves and greets the head chef simultaneously.    Seokjin rounds the corner. “We have a lot to do today, people. Tonight’s special is going to be watermelon with smoked salmon mousse—”   You gasp.   Automatically, your hands lift to cover your mouth, yet too late to muffle the loud noise. Your eyes are as large as saucers. Your heart stutters in your chest, nearly giving out.   Instead of the polished brunette woman above Seokjin’s head that was always there, you see someone else. Someone very familiar that you’ve seen in the mirror a thousand times. You.   You’re frozen — palms clammy, knees weak. And everyone’s turned around to stare, even Kim Seokjin himself. His brow is cocked and he eyes you intensely for daring to interrupt him.   “Are you okay?” Jihyo whispers, leaning in and nudging you with her elbow.   You start to breathe again, frantically. Yet no matter how much you gasp for air, you can’t feel the oxygen entering your lungs. But you force yourself to bow your head anyway, retaining an exterior that’s not oozing of sheer panic. “S-S-Sor..ry. I…. have something in my throat.” You clear it and Seokjin sighs, continuing with what he was saying.   The first task is to wash the salad and it’s easy enough, but your eyes continue to wander up to the dark-haired, doe-eyed man from across the kitchen. Black shirt with a white apron around his waist, he emanates intimidation from his god-like looks alone and constant frown.   Your eyes connect and you instantaneously whip yourself around.   You start to sweat when Seokjin beelines to you.   “Do you have an issue with me?”   You shake your head furiously.   “Then focus!” the man spits. “You’re drowning the salad!”   You wince as he slams the faucet down.   This can’t be. This can’t be it. It doesn’t make sense whatsoever.   On your break, you’re crouched over by the bathrooms and much to your dismay, your mom is hysterically laughing at you. “Just because you never saw your match, doesn’t mean you’re alone, Y/N! Poor soul, where did you ever get that idea from? No one can see their own. I didn’t and neither did your aunt or grandma.”   “Why didn’t you tell me that?” The syllables hiss out of you and you spare a glance over your shoulder to make sure no one’s coming.    You’ve come to accept that you would never be romantically involved with anyone. To find out that Seokjin, your boss, is your match out of everyone, it’s taking you for a hysteric spin.   “I thought you already knew!” she exclaims on the other line. “Plus, nothing comes from knowing your own. But who is it? Are you going to bring them home? I would love to know what sort of person is going to end up with my dear daughter. Oh, your grandma will be so excited to hear the news!” “Now’s not the time, mom,” you grieve, palm pressed to your forehead. There’s an overwhelming urge to cry. “I’m never going to end up with him.”   “You can’t change fate, Y/N.”   “Fate changes all the time.”   “Are you okay?” There’s a lower voice behind you and you flinch, turning around to see Hoseok’s alarmed expression.    You stand up, apologizing internally as you hang up on your mom. “Sorry. It...was a family emergency. But everything’s fine.”   “Okay. Well, Namjoon wants you to grab some more flour from the storage room.”   “I’ll be right on it.”    You swiftly return back to work before you risk losing your job any more than you have today. But all the while, you damn yourself. This is the worst thing that could’ve happened.    You ending up with Kim Seokjin, the scary boss that notoriously fires people in your position, is the last thing you wanted to occur. It’s like you’re living in a nightmare where you’re the only one who’s aware of your own dire circumstances and inevitable doom.   //   “Would it be that bad if he fell in love with you?” Hyoyeon eyes you lazily from across the table as she stirs her drink with her straw. She’s one of your oldest friends who happen to live in the city and one of the few who knows about your gift.   “Yes. It would be that bad!” You’re exasperated. You thought she would be up and arms about it like you are. “How could I ever look at my boss like that?!”   “You never know,” Hyoyeon sing-songs much to your chagrin.   “Don’t give me that. How would you like it if your boss fell in love with you?”   “My boss is a Karen going into her sixties.”   “Exactly.”   Her lips pop off her straw, wearing a visage of distaste. “This and that aren’t the same, Y/N. I didn’t think Soobin would be with me and when you told me, I was mad. But look at us now! He’s not half bad.”   “You’re married.”   “Precisely.” She laughs, practically glowing from happiness. “And you know, Seokjin isn’t bad either. He’s like what? Only a few years older than you. Ambitious. Wealthy. Handsome. He did that one photoshoot for that magazine and he was so goddamn handsome. Like holy fuck, I almost got pregnant from just—”   “Alright. I get it.”   “—and he’s like one of the top chefs of the country. Imagine having that kind of food for the rest of your life.”   “That’s not going to happen,” you mumble. If it changed once, it can change again.   The more you think about it, the more assured you become. You’ll do everything in your power to change it.   //   The kitchen has fallen into a lull.    Jihyo, the pantry chef, works on tossing salads while the butcher chef, Yoongi, is filleting fresh tuna. Sauté chef Hoseok is preparing his piccata sauce while you help Taehyung, the entremetier, with ingredients for the soup. Everyone has their designated roles here, most of which are fancier than yours. As a kitchen assistant, if you aren’t helping Taehyung then you’re washing dishes. But everyone needed to start from somewhere, so you aren’t going to complain. Working for Kim Seokjin is a privilege, albeit, he’s fearsome and hard to please.   You clear your throat. “Has...anyone seen that woman lately?”   Taehyung turns his head. “Who?”   “That woman came to the restaurant a few times and was with Chef Kim....”    A petite and dainty physique. Long, dark hair. Her eyes glimmered in the light and her pinked lips pulled softly when she greeted you all. She was poised, oozed of grace, sophistication, money. And she was the one who you saw above Seokjin’s head since you met him. Hell, you saw him above her head, and while you were surprised that in spite of his scariness, he actually had someone, they strangely suited each other well.   They were supposed to be together.    Until recently.   You wonder what happened. What the change was. Why you’re suddenly his match now.   Jihyo turns around, ears perked from the conversation. “Right! I haven’t seen her around lately either! I wondered if something happened.”   “You mean Kim Jisoo?” Yoongi lolls his head to the side and when Taehyung gives a curious expression as to how he knows, he says, “Hoseok and I were sent to her flower shop to pick up an order once.”   “Were they even dating?” Taehyung asks, looking up from where he’s chopping cucumbers.   “They were,” Namjoon pipes up and you look towards him, having expected him to shut down the conversation around the head chef, but he merely smiles. “But I haven’t seen her recently either.”   Jihyo hums. “I wonder if something happened.”   “Maybe they broke up,” Yoongi offers absentmindedly.   “Well, that wouldn’t be surprising.” Taehyung pauses and looks over to you, lifting a brow as if trying to find an ally. “He seems like he can be pretty hard to get along with.” But the opinion isn’t unpopular and there are several snickers throughout the kitchen.   “Seokjin’s just serious about his work,” Hoseok says with a smile. “But they were pretty serious.”   “Really?” You turn to Namjoon directly. It’s not often that you’d be so straightforward, but you want answers. You want explanations. “Did he ever say anything to you? On what could’ve happened?”   He shakes his head and then there’s a loud boom of the backdoor. Your blood runs cold. Everyone’s eyes widen, but there’s no time to react or to take back what he could’ve heard. Seokjin walks in with his eyes narrowed in on you specifically. “If all of you have enough time to talk about my personal life, then you can work twice as hard and twice as fast tonight.”   Everyone holds in their sighs.    With your downcast head, your eyes search the floor. “I’m sorry, chef.”    But the apology falls onto deaf ears.   //   It’s a busy shift.   With your tail caught in between your legs, it’s either a cutting board in front of you with a knife in hand or plates and a rough sponge by the sink. Oil from the fryer nearby splashes onto you, the grease coating bowls staining your apron, the heat sticking your tied back hair to your scalp.    Yet you wish you could do more.    Not just chop bell peppers, finely mince garlic or prepare starches. Not just rinsing bowls to stack into the dishwasher and wash large pots and plates by hand. While you’ve become accustomed to knives, keeping a rapid and constant beat as you slice whatever is in front of you, you wish you could cook. Not just be an accessory to the kitchen. Or an extra member to assist the chefs.    But for now, you count your blessings. Humming to yourself late at night while you finish.   “What are you still doing here?”   The crystal clear voice has you flinching, startled to death and you turn around to see Kim Seokjin in the flesh. White shirt rolled to his elbows, black trousers, expensive Rolex on his wrist that could pay the rest of your student loans with. You gawk at him. Speechless. Scared.   He doesn’t wait for you to find your tongue, dismissing your silence. “Where are the others? They should be cleaning up too. Just because dinner service is over, doesn’t mean they can leave.” He clicks his tongue in annoyance, no longer speaking to you but himself. “I won’t have anyone slacking in my kitchen.”   “I-It’s fine, chef.” Your voice is barely a squeak, but you muster the courage, not wanting them to get yelled at tomorrow. You turn around, quickening up your scrubbing until your nails start to hurt. “I’m supposed to be washing the dishes anyway.”   “It shouldn’t be taking you this long.”   You wonder if he’s scolding you.   It goes silent.   “Finish up and go change,” Seokjin says shortly and you nod. It takes another ten minutes for the task to be completed and then you’re wiping down the counters before heading to the lockers to change out of your apron and uniform.   Usually, you’d come out, turn off all the lights and begin the final trek home. But today, your blood runs cold. Your mouth fills with cotton when you step out. Against your own assumption, the head chef has not in fact left. Instead, Seokjin is leaning against the counter with his coat on, furiously tapping on his phone with his thick brows furrowed like they usually are.   You swallow hard and bow your head as you pass him. “Good night, chef.”   “Wait.”   Immediately, you halt. He pockets his device. “Are you walking?” The absence of an answer is enough of an indication for him. “I’ll drive you. It’s dangerous to walk home at this time of night.”   It isn’t a suggestion. It isn’t an offer either. It’s a command.    And soon, you discover yourself in his expensive Mercedes. The vehicle is black, sleek and you’re afraid of touching the leather seats more than you have to in case you stain it with poverty and have him sue you for damages. Or fire you.    “Turn left,” his fancy navigation system deadpans and it startles you.    Yet Seokjin is undeterred and with one hand on the wheel, he turns at the light, allowing the car to roll smoothly over the pavement. The passing lamp posts’ glow also illuminate his features, his plump lips and the slope of his nose. If Hyoyeon was here she would be salivating at the sight, how his chin is lifted, head slightly cocked. You would be too, if you weren’t so afraid. Kim Seokjin exudes confidence and intimidation, rightfully so too. He’s worlds out of your league.   And as your eyes stray from his profile to focus on the cloud above his head, your smiling expression still emerges.   You don’t understand how someone like you can be with someone like him.   “Is there something on my face?”   His question leaking with annoyance shakes you out of your trance and you tear your eyes away from him frantically to look out the window. “N-No.”   The tense quietness that follows is enough that you want to bang your head against the dashboard and hope you get knocked out to spare you from this awkwardness. Then again, you might just end up with a bruise and his car repair bill which would be even wors—   “You won’t be seeing Jisoo anymore,” Seokjin suddenly says and your head swivels to him. “She decided to cheat on me and that was a deal breaker, so I broke it off.”   “Oh.”   “I didn’t know you were one for gossip, but go ahead and tell the others if you’d like.”   “I..I’m sorry.” Your downcast head faces your lap and you swallow hard. “It’s personal and I shouldn’t have intruded or asked. It was wrong and unprofessional of me for bringing it up.”   “No.” There’s a moment of silence as he looks straight ahead. “It was wrong of me to act the way I did.” You blink wide-eyed and Seokjin parks at the curb. “My reaction was a bit uncalled for — it’s something I’m still working on.”   You stare at him and finally, the man meets your gaze. “You can get out now.”   “O-Oh.” You scramble out the car. “T-Thank you.”   The moment the door shuts, he drives off.   Fate can be changed. It’s rare, but choices influence futures and who someone ends up with can change depending on the actions they take. You just never expected Seokjin’s reason for the change to be so heartbreaking. Even if he stated it factually and his expression never wavered, you could sense it in his voice. The sadness you didn’t know he could possess.   //   “What made you think I would like him?” Jihyo is exasperated as she wipes down the counter and Taehyung grins as he sweeps the floor. “The guy literally kept on going about rock climbing, bungee jumping and skydiving. Do I look like an adrenaline junkie to you, Kim Taehyung?”   “Hey, hey. Yeonjun is nice, okay? I just thought you would be into the rough look.”   “Not at all. This is the last time I’m letting you set me up.”   Yoongi smirks as he passes by. “I’ll take it that your blind date didn’t go well?”   Jihyo glares at him.    Hoseok turns around with an amused smile. “It was your fault with trusting Taehyung with this sort of thing. What kind of guy are you into? Maybe I could set you up with someone better.”   She sighs wistfully. “I don’t even know anymore. I just want someone reliable and half decent.”   In the meanwhile, your eyes flicker up to the cloud above her head. There’s a bright eyed young man there and you smile, unloading the dishwasher as you continue listening to their conversation.    “See? It wasn’t my fault!” Taehyung pipes up to defend himself. “How am I supposed to know what kind of person you’d be into if you don’t know yourself?”   “Oh, so you know?”   “Of course I do!” He scoffs and becomes dreamy as he muses, “I want someone with long hair and dresses fashionably, someone who’s sweet and gentle, like a puppy.”   But based on the person above him, they appear rougher around the edges with shorter hair and a frown. But you let Taehyung have it, not commenting a single word. You’ve learnt from experience that it doesn’t work well if you come out of nowhere and try to involve yourself.    They continue talking about ideals, even Namjoon that pinches in he’s been seeing someone lately — an old friend who he went to school with that he never thought of romantically until recently. You’re having fun just listening in until the question is directed at you.   “Me?” You laugh awkwardly. “I don’t know either. I haven’t really thought about it before.”   “Oh, don’t give me that.” Taehyung nudges you. “Everyone has some idea.”   But you’ve sincerely never considered it before. You always thought you would live in solitude without another companion and even came to terms with it. But things have changed. “I guess….someone kind and considerate. Thoughtful. I don’t care what they do, except that they have to be a good person.”   It might be a generic answer, but as you think about Seokjin, you know you don’t want someone domineering and frightening. Yet from last night, Seokjin didn’t seem so daunting in the car.   “Yeah, I can see that.” Jihyo nods.   “What about Chef Kim?” you ask, eyes glistening in the light, curious beyond belief. “What do you think his ideal is?”   The people around the kitchen hum, speculating over the boss’ preferences. They’re equally intrigued by the question.   “Anyone who won’t shit their pants when he’s around,” Taehyung laughs as he finishes sweeping and pours the grime from the dustpan into the trash.   As Yoongi wraps a bowl, he mindlessly offers, “He seems to like the serious type,”    “What was Jisoo like?” Jihyo asks, tapping her chin with a frown.   “Sophisticated,” Hoseok suggests and you look at him, breathing a sigh of relief. Out of all things, you were definitely not sophisticated. “Gentle.”   “Sweet,” Namjoon says with confidence, having known the man the most after years of working together, “He likes the hard-working and earnest ones who prove themselves to be more than he expects.”   As if summoning the devil himself, Kim Seokjin comes from the back area and walks straight through the kitchen. “Stop slacking,” he states in a monotone and everyone returns to their tasks with a simultaneous ‘yes, chef’.    But as he passes by you, he pauses for a moment. “Everyone needs to leave on time today. If there’s anything that isn’t clean, you need to work together so that it is.”   “Yes, chef,” sounds throughout the kitchen once more.   You know being passive won’t solve anything. You need to actively do something that will repulse him, make it so he’ll vow never to get involved with you. If he makes the decision, fate itself will change and you won’t have to end up together.    The only plausible strategy to repulse you have at the moment is to embody the reverse of what Seokjin’s ideals are. The opposite of what appeals to him — sophisticated, sweet and gentle.   //   It takes you a while to pinpoint what the exact opposite is. But you find it.    Loud. Obnoxious. Aggressive.    You need to be these things in a way that doesn’t get you fired, but just enough that it alters who his match is. Part of you isn't sure you have it in you to be this way, but it’s worth a shot. You’ll do anything to change fate.   “What the hell are you still doing in my kitchen?”   Seokjin is standing meters away, half shrouded in the darkness. Your eyes flicker up at him but you resume dicing the carrots into one inch lengths. Only half the blade is lifted off the wooden cutting board and it descends at a rapid rhythm, rather therapeutic to listen to.   There’s an urge to cower down, but you channel your aggression, pretending it’s Taehyung and not Kim Seokjin — head chef with two Michelin stars — enough money to assassinate you and cover up the crime.   “Everyone went out to have dinner together, but I came back to get a head start on prepping ingredients for tomorrow. I need the practice anyway. Why? Is it a problem?”   The man’s brow is lifted at your upfront behaviour. “Get out. I’ll drive you back.”   “I’m going to finish this first,” you retort without a breath to waste.   Seokjin scoffs and puts down the keys he just grabbed. He sighs exhaustingly and you feel his stare burning into you. It’s hard to ignore it. You even start sweating until he moves towards the fridge, and that’s when you finally steal the chance to peek at him. “Are you going to eat? I can make you something.”   “It’s fine.”   He grabs two eggs, some shredded cabbage, a handful of spinach and a stick of butter. You don’t question it, solely focusing on your task until there’s sizzling on the pan and he leaves the stove to look over you.   “Your technique is poor.”   “What?!” Your voice is loud unintentionally, but you’re wholly shocked. If there was one thing you were proud of, it was your knife skills. You’ve spent countless time on refining it and getting it to meet standards.   “You could go faster,” he deadpans. “Your grip is too tense and you’re holding the knife too high up. You want to hold it at that balance point, so you have the most control over it and the weight is properly distributed.” Seokjin smoothly grabs a knife off the rack and holds it in front of you. You copy him. “It's easier to push the blade through when you're holding it there.”   “Like this?” You begin chopping again and he hums.    Against your will, a smile finds your features. It’s the first time he praised you— well...it’s less of a praise and more of a half-hearted noise of approval, but it still counts.   Seokjin takes the pan from the heat and switches it off. He grabs a fork from the drawer to start eating and you look over, finishing the job. It doesn’t take long for him to notice your blatant ogling. “Do you have an issue?”   You smile at him, stepping forward. “Can I have a bite?”   Seokjin scoffs. But you lean over and he steps aside, allowing you to nab a fork from the drawer to take some. It’s not like you’re particularly hungry, but you’re curious as to what he’s made. It’s been a long time since you’ve had food from the head chef himself and asking him for his dinner might just be off-putting enough that he’ll hate you forever. It wouldn’t be impossible considering he’s so picky. You swear, one mistake is all it takes for him to hold a grudge till the day he dies.   Yet, what you don’t expect is for the scrambled eggs to melt on your tongue. He’s sautéd the spinach, left the cabbage undercooked to add a crunch, and the eggs are fluffy in your mouth, a vivid gold that adds to the haphazard presentation. “This...this is delicious!”   He chews in his cheek. “It’s something I eat when there’s nothing in the fridge.”   You’re amazed. The fact that Kim Seokjin can’t recognize his own ingenuity is painful. “You should add this to the menu.”   He scoffs. “You think I would add scrambled eggs next to the caviar and truffle? I think you forgot this is a fine dining restaurant.”   “It’s fine,” you mumble. “I mean if it tastes good, it tastes good, right, chef?”   A tiny smile fixes at his visage, tugging his plump lip upwards. “You sure have a lot more opinions tonight.”   “Well, I’ve decided to speak my thoughts more,” you hum, scooping up another spoonful of his meal. Your eyes flicker up as you chew with your mouth wide open. “Why? Is it unattractive?”   “It’s interesting,” he says with a smile that’s more visible until he barks, “Hurry up eating so I can drive you home.”   You scoff at him as he walks away and you finish his dinner off.   //   Everyone’s on edge.   “It’s more akin to pretentious artwork without any real flavour than real food,” Hoseok reads from his phone to the entire kitchen. “Head chef, Kim Seokjin, is not far from what his cooking lacks too. A pretentious and egotistical nature, it’s no wonder his personal life is in shambles.”   Your fist tightens. Not only did the published article criticize his dishes, claiming it lost its touch and that he’s lost his roots, but they attacked his personality. His personal life. Going into detail of how his relationship was broken off unexpectedly.    “Oh shit,” Taehyung exhales.   “Was that really posted online for everyone to see?” Jihyo asks in a pitched voice, equally horrified and panicked.   Hoseok nods and before anyone can say anything, the backdoor is heard. Without prompting, everyone swiftly moves to their station, not uttering a single peep. Seokjin comes in, his expression unchanged and he deadpans the usual greeting as he moves past the kitchen.   Your face above his head hasn’t changed. But you know it’s not the time to dwell on it.   For the rest of the shift, Taehyung’s on his best behaviour and neither Jihyo nor Yoongi make snarky comments. It’s come at a cost — the morale is lower than usual. The atmosphere is tense and even Namjoon’s earnest encouragement can’t help.   Out of the corner of your eye, you can’t help but watch Seokjin. He doesn’t make mention to the article, yet by the deep furrow of his brow, you can tell he’s in a grumpy mood. It’s understandable. But you wonder why it seems like he’s less angry and more hurt.   If it were you, you’d be furious. The personal details of your life outed publicly and not only were your skills scrutinized, but your personality too.    Seokjin was cheated on and now chastised. Even if he’s resilient, it’s too much for anyone to take. It doesn’t look like he has friends to rely on either.   “Are you coming, Y/N?” Jihyo asks, turning around as you linger behind her. The restaurant’s lights are turned off, the kitchen long cleaned and your clothes changed into a fresh pair that doesn’t reek of dish soap and fish. But you feel unsettled. Like there’s still one more thing you haven’t finished doing.   “No, it’s alright. I forgot something. You can go right ahead.”   She nods, joining the others and you walk to the back, pushing the doors of the kitchen open.   There’s still a light on and you find Seokjin sitting on a stool by a counter. He looks up at you, visage in a neutral state. Neither a frown nor a smile. “What are you still doing here?”   Your hand tightens on your bag strap and you approach him. “Are you okay?”   Seokjin smiles at you. For the first time, it isn’t mocking — it’s gentle and tinged with sadness. The corner of his plump lips quirk ever so subtly and his arm extends, hand plopping on top of your head before it slides off. “I’m fine. It’s still early enough that I don’t need to drive you. You should go home before the sun completely sets.”   Wordlessly, you begin to walk away.   But then a sharp inhale is stolen through your parted lips. Before you can second guess yourself, you grab Kim Seokjin. Your hand wraps around his wrist and he glares at you.    “We should go out for a drink.” You don’t waver even with the incredulous look on his face. “What’s wrong? Never had a drink with an employee before? It looks like you need one and I’ll only offer once. I’m pretty busy myself, you know.”    It’s aggressive, obnoxious, a bit loud. It’s all the things you suppose he dislikes in a person, yet somehow the two of you have never been closer.   You end up in some hole in the wall, drinking shots of soju that burn its way down your throat. Seokjin sits across from you with an amused smile on his face that’s so irritating you want to slap it off, and you damn yourself for letting it slip your mind that you’re a lightweight.   “Aren’t you hurt, Kim?” The words slightly slur on your tongue. “‘s ridiculous! To criticize your food is one thing, but to criticize your personality and talk about your personal life ‘s just crossing the line!”    His lips pull, his eyes flicker down to the empty bottle beside you. “Yeah. It is.”   “Then why aren’t you mad?!” Your fist pounds the wooden table. “Getting cheated on is sad enough! Why do they gotta rub it in, huh?” His brow lifts, but you continue, “should sue them!”   Seokjin exhales on a sip. “It’s part of the business.”   “No, ’s not!”   “It was my ex who told them anyway. She’s upset that I kicked her out of the apartment.”   “Then that’s more reason to be mad!” You press your face into your hands, angry at how he’s not angry. “How can you be so nice? How can you be so nice and no one knows it?!”   Seokjin smiles to himself.   “This freaking sucks,” you moan.   He sighs at your drunken state and orders water for you. The old lady tottles by with a big smile and you get a chance to see the cloud of fog and the face above her head. “I brought the bean sprouts back,” her husband calls from the entrance at the same time with a grocery bag.   “I’ll be right there.” She places the glass down in front of you. “Here you go.”   Jealousy colours you pink inside. “You met your soulmate,” you exhale at her quietly.   The woman’s eyes twinkle. “That old man? He gives me more headaches than anything. I’d rather this handsome man be my soulmate,” she quips, casting a glance at an embarrassed Seokjin who thanks her for her compliment.   Her husband calls her again and she hurries back.    Seokjin leans forward with a skeptical look. “Are you okay?”   “I’m envious,” you sigh wistfully, looking on at the married couple at the back with your chin rested in your palm. After a moment, you shift towards the man across from you. Seokjin really is handsome. “I come from a long line of matchmakers, you know, and I have this ability.”   He plays along. “What ability?”   “I see the faces of who people are gonna end up with.” You drink the water, cooling your throat, but above the rim of the glass, you recognize his scoff and amusement. The glass slams down on the table in your protest. “It’s true! It’s been like that since I was a baby!”    “Okay, okay. I believe you.”   He clearly doesn’t believe you.   Irritated, you straighten your spine. “A long, long time ago back in High School, I really, really, really liked this guy.”    Seokjin’s brows raise, not sure where you’re going with this. “Alright…?” He nudges the glass of water back to you.    “I knew he wasn’t gonna end up with me, but he asked me out. And like a total idiot, I-I went out with him anyway. Then guess what happened?”   He has no idea.    A thick lump forms in your throat and makes it hard to speak. “He met the girl he‘s supposed to end up with, so I broke it off. They got married a year after high school. So I was right. I was...right.” Tears flood your vision, clouding the dark-haired man in front of you. You forgo the water for the shot Seokjin poured himself and you down it.    You were right. But it hurt.   Seokjin’s voice is soft, though it does little to console you. “So….because of your ‘ability’, you haven’t gone out with anyone else?”   You nod. “I’d be setting myself up for a failure anyway.” Your head lifts and your tired gaze connects with his. “My family wanted me to be a matchmaker like them. But I love, love, love cooking and I wanna be a chef. Like you.”   The corner of his mouth quirks. You’re honest — in a way he wouldn’t have expected from sober you. But he doesn’t mind it whatsoever.   “I know you don’t believe me. But look.” You reach over, tapping him relentlessly on the shoulder and your hand barely comes to cover your mouth as if you’re children exchanging secrets across the table. “See those two women over there? They’re gonna end up together.”   Your whispers are all too loud and Seokjin glares, not sure if you’re hysterical or delusional. Or both.   You turn to the window and he follows your line of sight. At the same time, a couple holding hands passes by and you shake your head. “They don’t end up together.”   “How do you know?”   “I already said! I see it. Above their heads.” Then you turn your head, looking at him. Seokjin’s startled, having not realized that you’ve leaned in so close, that your faces are mere inches away. But before he can shift back, your lip pulls and you murmur, “We’re supposed to end up together.”   His brow raises.   “It was gonna be someone else. Then one day, you came into work and poof! It was my face! Just like that. I almost got a heart attack, you know!” Giggles start to spill out of you. “It was a huge shock cause I always thought I was gonna be alone since I can’t see my own. Well, sometimes fate changes, so it might change again! Don’t worry!”   He exhales, squeezing out the air from his lungs. He stands, grabbing his coat and then tugging your arm up. “You’ve had too much to drink. C’mon. Let’s go.”   “Aye, aye, captain— I mean chef!”   His smile is small, but all too evident. He should smile more, even if it ruins the cold and aloof exterior he’s got going on. It’s cute and makes him look younger. So you express the idea and he chops your head lightly with his hand and gives you a rather gentle ‘shut up’ that has you grinning more.    //   The sunlight burns your vision and there’s a pounding headache at your temples.   There’s an overwhelming urge to pull the covers over your head, but as the slits of your eyes open and you realize there’s a strange floral scent to the sheets, you bolt upwards.   It hurts all the senses in your body, but your eyes register the neat recipe books lined on the shelf, trophies and certificates on the walls, a poster of the planets, a telescope and Kim Seokjin’s family picture by his nightstand. And then you scream.   “Christ. Relax!” He appears at the doorway, eyeing you with his arms crossed. “You were drunk, so I took you home.”   Absentmindedly, you tug the covers up to your chest in spite of still wearing the same clothes from last night. Your dry voice croaks out. “We...we didn’t do anything scandalous did—”   “No!” He shuts the thought down before it runs wild in your head and Seokjin pinches the bridge of his nose. “I didn’t do anything to you, jesus christ, woman! Just get up. There’s a spare toothbrush in the bathroom. I’ll make you some breakfast and a hangover drink.”   You follow his instructions, cleaning yourself up to the best of your abilities with the limited supplies, but it’s surreal to be in Seokjin’s penthouse. It’s clean and organized, like you expected, though a lot more cozy and warm. You didn’t know he traveled so frequently and that he had an interest in astronomy — if there’s anything the telescope and posters tells you.   “Stop snooping,” he calls out from the kitchen, looking up to where you’re investigating his movie collection. You come over with a half-hearted apology and he sets down a bowl of oatmeal and a mysterious concoction in a tall glass. Both taste heavenly, enough to work up your appetite ten folds.   But then he says, “Eat fast. It’s a special day today.”   You’re not sure what he means by it, but you simply nod and nurse your headache.   You remember what you told him last night, how you revealed all your secrets in one long tangent and you cringe at yourself. Seokjin probably thinks you’re a complete nut.   But strangely enough, when you look at the cloud above his head, your face hasn’t changed.   “Why are you staring?”   “I’m not,” you mutter and tear your eyes away, unsuspecting to his smile.   But in spite of how close and upfront you might’ve gotten with Seokjin, he still tells you to walk to work yourself — that it’s close enough and too much of a hassle if he drives you. So you cuss him out as you’re striding down the block as he zooms past you in his expensive vehicle.   You hope he notices your glare from across the kitchen, but if he does, he doesn’t comment.   “Today, we have some special guests for dinner service. A few of my friends will be coming and one of them will be proposing, so let’s make sure we give them a good dinner and memory.”   “Yes, chef.”   The news is exciting and even puts a buzz in the kitchen. “Finally, we’re doing something cool,” Taehyung says to you with a swollen smile. “I love a good proposal story.”   “Always the one watching the proposal, never the one getting proposed to,” Yoongi quips as he brushes past and Hoseok snickers.   “Hey, I’m working on it!”   “I’m surprised Seokjin actually has friends though,” Jihyo comments and right when Yoongi turns to add something, they both pale as Seokjin strides past. He glares at them and is even more frightening in his silence. They immediately apologize and he hums, moving out the kitchen.   You, Hoseok, and Namjoon laugh.   Evening eventually comes and Seokjin temporarily calls a halt to the kitchen in favour of his old friends meeting his staff. It’s unusual to see him in such a good mood, smiling and being sociable. It’s strange in general to see this side of him, but it’s not unwelcome whatsoever.   There’s seven of them, a mix of females and males, and you follow Hoseok’s lead in greeting and shaking their hands. Quickly, you recognize who's going to be proposing to who tonight. It’s not hard to miss considering the man is visibly nervous and the close female by his side keeps glancing at him in worry.   “Are you alright, Jimin?”   “Huh? Yeah.” The blonde with full cheeks and soft features smiles timidly, scratching the back of his neck. He’s dressed too nicely for this to merely be a dinner. “I’m fine. Just not feeling well.”   “Are you sure you don’t want to stop by the clinic?” The short-haired female asks, concern evident in the faint knot between her brows. “There’s one down the street. I can go with you.”   “I’ll keep an eye on him, Yuri,” the man who introduced himself as Jungkook reassures her, “If anything I’ll take him.”   “Jimin’s just excited to try out the food.” Seokjin grins, drawing attention away from his friend. “Rest assured, everyone will feel better after eating and if you get sick tonight, it’s not food poisoning, alright?”   There’s laughter in the group and another says, “You’ve been bragging about your restaurant for so long, I thought you were never going to invite us to eat here.”   “Well, we’re usually booked full house, but it’s a slower season so I thought why not.”   Yet the conversations drown away from your ears as your eyes unintentionally flicker upwards. You don’t mean to — it’s still a habit you’re trying to break. But you feel blood drain from your face as you discern the image that emerges from the fog above Jimin’s head and above Yuri’s.   “Y/N?” Taehyung waves his hand in front of your eyes and you snap out of your trance. “Why are you staring into space? We’re going back.”   “O-Oh. Sorry. I was thinking about something.”   You return to the kitchen, forcing yourself to focus and getting back to your task.    It’s none of your business. You know better than to involve yourself and it’s not like anyone would believe you in the first place. People’s lives have nothing to do with you. You have to turn a blind eye. It’s none of your business, it’s none of your business—   But as you leave to the back area to grab ingredients, you catch the man leaving the bathroom. “Oh, you’re one of Seokjin’s chefs right?” Jimin stops and smiles at you, inhibiting your escape.   You shake your head. “I-I’m only a kitchen assistant.”   “But you’re still part of his staff.” His eyes are rounded and bright. “Is he mean at all? We’ve been trying to squeeze it out of him, but he won’t give us any details. I heard a bit of shouting, so I was curious.”   “Oh, he’s always shouting.” The corner of your mouth quirks and Jimin grins. “He’s a bit mean, but Chef Kim’s just serious about his work and we respect him for it.”   “It seems like you understand him better than I do. Anyway, the soup was amazing. I already told Jin, but I thought I should let you know since you’re the one who brought it out to us.”   “Thank you.” Your eyes travel above his head and then you notice the way he’s fiddling with a box inside his pants pocket. You swallow hard. “Are you proposing tonight?”   Jimin’s head whips up. “How’d you know?”   “Chef Kim let all of us know, so we can make sure it’s a memorable dinner service.”   His expression softens and he bobs his head. Jimin takes out the ring box and studies it carefully. “I am. I hope it wasn’t too obvious. I know she’ll say yes, but I’m still nervous. She’s the love of my life and these things only happen once,.”   “Well….” You give an awkward chuckle. “Sometimes it happens more than once for people.”   “Not for us,” Jimin declares in such self-assurance that it’s uncomfortable. His smile filled with affection doesn’t help either. “She’s the one. I don’t think I’ll love anyone more than her.”   Your pupils flicker up to the cloud above his head that says otherwise. It gnaws at you, mocking you, and you’re uncertain if you can sleep tonight if you don’t say at least something. So you take the leap. “Are….you...sure?”   “What?”   “Never mind.” You turn around, having regretted it the moment it spilled. “Please enjoy dinner!”   “Wait!” The man unexpectedly grabs you out of sheer instinct, halting you in your spot. He searches your face while his own crumples into a frown. “Did Yuri say something to you?”   “No!” you frantically spit before taking a deep breath to calm down. “I’m just….I just….” The philosophy you’ve forced yourself to take collapses at his earnest visage. You were never good at being unattached. “D-Do you think this is a good idea? Are you absolutely sure about this?”   “What’s going on here?” There’s a lower voice, a husky timbre. Seokjin stands at the end of the dark corridor and all traces of his outgoing personality are gone. It’s replaced with the serious demeanour you’re used to. He beckons you. “Can I speak to you for a moment, Y/N?”   Jimin returns back to the table, even more unnerved than before while you’re pulled outside.   You feel small with your back against the brick and Seokjin looming over you. “What the hell are you doing?”   You flinch from his tone.    You’ve never seen him so angry. He isn’t shouting, screaming or imposing. But the irritation seethes out of him, simmering underneath his skin. You swallow hard, downcast eyes searching the gravel. You think about how dark it’s getting with the sun setting over the horizon. “I…”   “Are you seriously trying to talk him out of it?! What gives you the right—”   You snap. There’s no reason he should be upset, no reason you should be treated this way. So with your teeth gritted, you give him the truth that’s hard to hear. The truth that you alone must bear. “They’re not going to end up together!”    “What?”   Seokjin wears the same incredulous look from last night. It’s futile.   Still, your mouth runs off into mumbles, “I can see it above their faces. That woman, Yuri, she’s…..paired with that other man. Jungkook.”   You give up. Waving the white flag. In the silence that follows, you expect Seokjin to fire you, or call the nearest hospital. Either you’re a nut or unsuitable to work in his kitchen. Maybe both.   What you don’t anticipate is his startled expression, horrified as if you just told him there’s a ghost behind him. “How….how’d you know that?” The syllables unusually stutter out of him. It’s not like Seokjin to be inarticulate. “Jungkook hasn’t told anyone he loves her except for me.”   It’s your turn to be surprised. The quietness lingers. Then, he sighs.   “Don’t get involved,” he scolds, gentler than before. At the same moment, there are cheers from inside that leak out — clapping and hollering — you know Jimin’s proposed.   Seokjin turns away, returning to the restaurant floor and you resume your position in the kitchen. Jihyo asks if there’s anything wrong, but you brush her off. For the rest of the night, you concentrate on your job and Seokjin’s friends bid farewell after their stomachs are full from dessert and there’s a diamond on Yuri’s finger.   “Job well done everyone.” Seokjin has a satisfied look when he returns and Namjoon shares a smile with everyone. Clean up finishes soon after, but before you can leave, he calls you specifically. “Y/N, come here.”   Taehyung looks at you with widened eyes, but you don’t utter a word, staying behind. The kitchen filters out and even Yoongi sends a sympathetic look your way before departing. It’s never a good thing to be called back.   You brace yourself. If Seokjin didn’t make a scene firing you earlier than certainly will now. There’s no reason not to — you tried to stop an engagement between his close friends and he probably thinks you’re psychotic.   You stand there in silence for a good minute as he fills out some paperwork. It feels like you’re in the principal’s office. Then, the corner of his mouth moves as he casts a glance at you. “Sometimes you borrow the kitchen to practice, right? You can practice tonight.”   Confusion renders you immobile, filling your mouth with cotton, but you manage a slight nod.   You start to chop vegetables into bowls, dicing and mincing ingredients that will be needed for tomorrow. All the while, Seokjin sits meters away from you with a bunch of papers. Either doing his taxes or filing a report to admit you into the hospital. You’re not sure which one it is.   But halfway through, he pipes up again. “You should make something for the two of us to eat.”   “Yes, chef.” On any other night, you would be bursting with excitement, knowing it was a chance to impress him. But now you wonder if this will be your last chance to cook.    Within minutes, you have a pot on the stove, boiling for ten minutes.   “Sit down,” he commands, motioning to the other stool and you oblige.   Seokjin makes drinks in the meanwhile, asking what you want. When you mumble anything’s fine, he pulls out a few bottles from the back cabinet and starts mixing. You didn’t know he can bartend, but it’s almost expected that Kim Seokjin can do anything at this point.   The atmosphere is terribly awkward, so you exhale from your nose and speak up, “I’m sorry. I...I know I stepped out of line. I didn’t mean for it to come out the way it did. I’m really so—”   “I believe you,” Seokjin interjects, gaze meeting yours across the counter. Your breath hitches. “I didn’t believe you at first. About the whole ability thing. But when you told me that Jimin and Yuri won’t make it, I knew there was no other possible way.” He pours the drink into two glasses. “Jungkook and Yuri grew up together. He told me a long time ago he was in love with her and I was sworn to secrecy. No one else knows. Not his brother, his mom, or Jimin.”   He passes it to you and sighs, taking a sip. “But there’s nothing I can do to stop Jimin or to help Jungkook. It’s something they have to figure out on their own.”   You nod, gripping the stem of the glass. “I know.”   There’s a pregnant pause.    You lift your eyes and it connects with Seokjin’s. Instantly, you feel yourself breaking into a sweat at how intense he looks at you. “Is it true then?” he asks in the quaintness of the kitchen, his voice thick and low. “Are we going to end up together?”   “It might change!” The words come out all too frantically in fear he’ll freak out like you did. You know it’s a lot to take in. “Things change all the time. You were supposed to end up with Jisoo, but then, but then things happened so….nothing’s ever certain. It all depends on our actions and choices. I know you don’t like people like me. I don’t have anything to offer you anyway—”   “You need to have more confidence in yourself.”   Your voice dies on your tongue. Seokjin’s staring at you again in a way that makes your palms clammy, so intense that you wonder if he’s scrutinizing your pores. You swallow hard, tearing your own gawking away until you hear sizzling. The two of you turn to where the pot is almost over boiling and you run over, grabbing it off the stove. “I-It’s done.”   He grabs bowls as you set it down and uncover the lid.    “What do we have here?”   You’re embarrassed. It’s nothing like his fine dining dishes, or even his comfort food that somehow tastes like heaven. “It’s just carrot and potato curry stew. It’s actually something my family cooks…..so it’s nothing fancy.”   Seokjin’s spoon dips into the liquid and it’s your turn to watch intently.   He smells it, sips and his expression is kept blank.   You stand. “I can throw it out if you want—!”   “Why are you so jumpy today?” The corner of his plump lips curls. “And why would I want to throw out something so delicious?”   Your heart stutters in your chest and tears fill your vision. He might not fire you after all and on top of that, both your inborn ability and cooking skills have been validated. You feel overwhelmed. Especially when he finishes his first bowl and goes for seconds.    “This is what I’ve been missing in my cooking,” Seokjin murmurs with a tiny smile. “When they said I was missing my roots, I think I know what they mean now. Thank you, Y/N.”   You’re not sure who’s filled with more gratitude.   He smiles and you nod at him earnestly, speechless on what to say.   At the end of the night, Seokjin drives you home in his black Mercedes. A kind of lull fills that car and it isn’t frightening like it usually would be. Rather, it’s comfortable. A little too short lasting. He parks the car at the curb in front of your apartment and you get out.   “Thank you.”   Yet after you shut the door, he rolls down the window and stops you. “Y/N.”   You look at him and he smiles again. A phenomenon that used to be so rare that seems to happen frequently now. “I hope it doesn’t change.”   Kim Seokjin gazes at you, eyes connected across the distance that feels like it’s closing. He never wavers and a lump forms into your throat. “Are we going to end up together?” — Your own words echo in the recesses of your mind— “It might change! Things change all the time.”   But here he is. Going against all your efforts of trying to change fate itself. “I hope it doesn’t change. And I hope you don’t want it to change either.”   Seokjin drives off, leaving you absolutely stunned.   You wonder if he knows what he’s saying. But as you watch his car fade into the distance, somehow you’re not appalled or scared at the idea of being with him anymore.
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The kitchen is an organized pandemonium.   A place where everyone knows exactly what they’re supposed to do and moves in fluid motions by one another, like a busy crosswalk in the downtown area. It’s a kind of silent teamwork and while you’re merely helping Taehyung chop vegetables or washing the accumulated dishes, you know your role is still an important one. You just wish you could a little more.   The moment the back door creaking can be heard, everything comes to a halt. Seokjin rounds the corner as everyone simultaneously greets him. “Good afternoon, chef.”   “Afternoon.” There’s a smile on his features, one that surprises a few and makes the others unsettled. “There’s going to be a special menu item today, so I want that prepared as soon as possible.”   He hands the new recipe to Namjoon who frowns upon the sprawled notes. “Carrot...and potato soup with chickpea crumble?”   “If you need details, ask Y/N,” Seokjin says with a tiny smile. “It’s her recipe.”   At once, everyone turns to you with shocked expressions. It’s one thing for Seokjin to suddenly introduce something new, but to introduce yours, it’s both unprecedented and a privilege.   You stare at him and his smile widens slightly. “I hope you don’t mind.”   “N-Not at all.”   The daily tasks commence, but not without a pat on the back from Yoongi, a congratulations from Jihyo and a smile sent your way by Taehyung. Namjoon and Hoseok ask for your help and it’s the first time you’re not just mincing garlic in the corner or washing a stack of dishes. Pride bursts through you and you look across the kitchen to Kim Seokjin. He scoffs at how big your smile is, feigns a glare and tells you to get back to work.   The rest of the dinner service goes smoothly. Your appetizer gets compliments from several and you couldn’t be any happier, even when everyone’s left and you’re still scrubbing dishes.   There’s a click of a tongue beside you. Seokjin stands with his arms crossed. “You always find ways to make me pay you overtime. Move over.” He rolls up his sleeves and helps you wash the last pots and pans.   “Thank you for today. It was a good surprise.”   He hums and the pair of you finish up before he tells you to unload the dishwasher tomorrow. “Go change and grab your coat. It’s getting late.”   “Are you going to drive me home?”   “No. We’re going to scope out some competition.”   “Competition?”   “We’re going to eat at a restaurant called Dog World,” Seokjin brushes off quickly, but when you continue to blink at him, he sighs and waves you off. “Don’t ask too many questions, alright? This is my excuse for asking you out on a date.”   If you weren’t caught off guard before, you’re wholly stunned speechless now. A deer in headlights. And it makes the older bastard grin widely.   “Don’t worry.” His voice knocks down into a gentler tone. “You can reject me if you want. I don’t want you to be pressured because I’m your boss, even though I don’t think that matters to you. But you should also know I’m not doing this because of what you see.” He gestures above his head, unknowingly batting the cloud of fog you can perceive. “I’m doing this because I want to.”   It sinks into you and your head tilts to your shoulder. “You….want to go out on a date with me?”   The corner of Seokjin’s lip pulls and he diverts his vision elsewhere. You notice how his ears are turning red. “Ever since you sat down with me and told me that getting cheated on was sad enough and that they shouldn’t rub it in.”   There’s silence. The first stretch of it is because you genuinely don’t know what to say to him. But the second stretch that follows is when you realize just how nervous he is and there’s a ruthless urge to keep him on the edge. You make him simmer in fear, a similar kind to the countless ones he’s given you during stressful shifts in the kitchen.   There’s something powerful yet endearing about how Kim Seokjin anticipates your answer.   You never thought he could be this way. He just keeps surprising you.   When you can’t contain it anymore, you burst out laughing.   “I’ll accept on the condition that if you take my recipe permanently, you’ll need to pay me royalties appropriately. Don’t think I won’t take you out to court, Kim.”   Seokjin grins and for the first time, certainty sews into you. You have a feeling fate isn’t going to change and you hope it doesn’t either.
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[Epilogue]   The kitchen is your home.   You’re sure Jin would adamantly argue that the house was perfectly fine to be considered your home, but there’s still a charm to the busy kitchen that has drawn you in since childhood. Even if the heat swelters in the still air and is stifling, even when grease and oil splatter and stains your clothes, the effort in cooking makes the food that comes from it even more delicious.   “What is this?”    All heads turn at your voice and you motion to the plate about to be brought out. “The rice is on the wrong side of the plate! Re-do this, and watch the plating people! I know it’s easy to forget but it’s important to be consistent with the presentation!”   “Yes, chef!”   It’s strenuous and difficult to be here. It took years to get to where you are, but you wouldn’t trade it in for anything. The reward is worth it. You love your job — maybe even more than Jin, and while you’re sure he wouldn’t be surprised, he’d still playfully whine about being casted aside.   The rest of the night goes off without a hitch and once the kitchen is all clean, you switch off the lights and lock the doors. And like magic, the person you’ve been thinking about all day is leaning against the car parked on the curb, arms crossed as he stares out into the starry sky.   “About time. I’ve been waiting for the past twenty minutes.”   You scoff with a smile and discern the cold cloud emitting from his lips each time he exhales.   This is the exact opposite of what you intended to happen. Sometimes you wonder if it was a self-fulfilling prophecy — by knowing he was going to be with you and trying to avoid it, you inadvertently made him closer to you. But whatever the case may be, you’re glad for the outcome.   You close the distance and slap your hands against his frozen cheeks, trying to warm them up. A smile tugs on your features. “Sorry. You’re cold, aren’t you? You should’ve just waited in the car.”   “But I wanted to see you right away,” he mutters, putting his hands on top of yours to keep you there, then he adds, “and it gives me reason to do this.” Seokjin grins and leans in to press a soft kiss against your lips, one that you smile into.   If any of his old kitchen staff or even the current group saw him now, they’d faint with how grossly affectionate he was being. Then again, they might just be used to it considering Jin hasn’t ever paid mind to other people. He’s never been one to opt out of public displays of affection either.   “You know I’ve been thinking lately.”   “About?”   “How hard I tried to get rid of you and how I couldn’t. You’re kind of like a pest.”   Your husband of two years straightens his spine, wholly offended. “Pest?”   Laughter bubbles out of your chest and you press another chaste kiss to his lips before you’re pushing him aside to get into the car. Seokjin chuckles, rounding the vehicle to get into the driver’s seat.   “Are you hungry?”   “Not really.”   “Namjoon and Taehyung want us to go to the opening of their restaurant.”   “Their opening event lasts for three days right? We can always go tomorrow.” You turn to him as he pulls off, driving down the street. “I’m kind of craving your comfort food tonight.”   Jin grins, easily obliging while your eyes flicker up to the cloud of fog above his head. You see yourself smiling as widely as you are now, and you’re thankful you have your ability.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
acquainted | eight
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> series masterlist | series playlist <
summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: jungkook x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 3.6k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, jealousy and slight possessiveness, making out
tags: @laurynne5 @yiyi4657 @miinoongi @teamtardis-notdead @bluesharksandfish @photographic-girl @yonkoghan @moonchild1​ @thebeebi​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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"Should we go to that charity event the school is holding on Friday? It sounds kind of fun." Ryujin sipped on her drink, while you went through your closet, showing her different outfits over the facetime call.
"What's it for again?"
"I don't remember, but the Golden State Warriors dj is going to be dj'ing. He's pretty good."
"Yeah he is. I mean, I'm down, especially if it's for a good cause."
"Okay, I'll grab us tickets when I head to campus."
"You're not even gonna ask Jimin or Tae?" You chuckle.
"Why would I? They do everything we do, they don't know anything outside of us." You shake your head.
"Cut them a little slack."
"Boohoo, they'll say yes regardless. Bring Jungkook!"
"I mean, I'll ask, but I'm not gonna force him."
"Oh quit, I'm sure he'd be happy to spend time with you." She looked at you through the camera. "K, let me see that outfit."
"He said casual." You showed her your outfit in the full length mirror.
"Absolutely, yes! You're fucking hot." She squeals, automatically solidifying your outfit for tonight. It, thankfully, wasn't too cold in the Bay today, so you throw on a grey distressed denim mini skirt, a low-cut light grey longsleeve, a belt and some heeled combat boots. You ruffled and fixed your hair a bit until you were satisfied with your look, picking up the phone once more to turn your attention back to Ryujin.
"Thank you."
"No problem, babe. I hope you have fun! Did he say where you two were going?"
"Nope, it's apparently a surprise."
"Ugh, I love him already." She gushes, causing you to shake your head. You dabbed a bit of lip gloss and pressed your lips together to spread it out before spraying a perfume cloud for you to walk through. Sooner or later, knocks came at the door.
"Okay, I think that's him. I'll talk to you later?"
"Call me as soon as you get home. I want to know how big his dick actually is."
"You're sick. You sound exactly like Tae, you know that?"
"We're not talking about him."
"Love you, bye!" You abruptly hang up on her, unsure of why the hell you deal with her and Taehyung's crude comments. You grab your bag and open the door to see Jungkook standing there with a small bouquet of flowers. He peeks his head over the bouquet with the cutest smile you have ever seen.
"Hi." He slightly scrunches his nose and pulls you into a hug. Goddamn, does he smell good. "These are for you." He hands you the bouquet.
"Jungkook, they're beautiful. Thank you." You take it into your kitchen and place it into a vase really quickly before stepping out. You eye him from head to toe, and boy is looking like a whole ass meal in the denim outfit he has on. Like, who in the world could pull off this outfit like that?
"You look amazing." You blush. "If you ever get cold, just let me know, alright? I can spare my jacket."
"You're so sweet."
"Just want to make sure you're comfortable." He shrugs. "You ready?"
"Depends on what you have up your sleeve."
"Nothing extreme, if that's what you're thinking." He laughed. "I hope you enjoy it, though."
"Thanks for planning all of this, by the way."
"No biggie. I'm just glad to finally spend some time with you." He does a little run to open the passenger car door for you before hopping into the driver's seat. Immediately, he gets the car started and turns up the heat to make sure you're comfortable. The radio is softly playing Zayn's sHe, with Jungkook softly singing along.
"Wait a minute," You chuckle. "Do you sing?" He smirked.
"Hey, that's not fair. Sing louder."
"No, now I'm shy." He chuckled.
"Why? It's just me."
"Yeah and I just wanna impress you and not make a fool out of myself."
"You won't! Please." You pouted, making him shake his head.
"Ugh, Y/N. That's going to easily become a weakness for me if you keep pulling that pout." You keep pouting. Eventually, he gets over himself and starts to sing a little louder than earlier, causing your heart to flutter at how angelic he sounds. He ends up laughing towards the end and shrugging it off, his cheeks tinted with a rosy tint as you shower him in compliments. Swoon. You were so into the moment that you didn't even realize Jungkook was taking you across the bridge to San Francisco. You and your friends don't come to the city much, strictly because there's too many goddamn hills, parking is expensive as fuck, there's too many one way streets and people just get crazy as hell [like crossing the street when it's not time to walk?!]. It was a little calmer back home and that's all you guys needed. You watch as he parks the car effortlessly on a steep hill before coming over to your side to open the door for you.
"Whew, that's gonna be a workout later." You look back at the steep hill that you're gonna have to climb after eating dinner, you assume.
"Don't worry, I got you." He laughs. There's actually a lot of people out for a Tuesday evening that you end up hanging onto his arm to get navigate the random sea of people. He walks into Brenda's French Soul Food - nothing too fancy, but nothing too casual. The waitress brings you both towards the back end of the restaurant and out into the patio, where there are christmas lights hung around the fence and outdoor heaters posted. He pulls out your chair before sitting himself down, the waitress putting down your menus and cups of water.
"Ohhhhh, my god." You say with heart eyes looking at the menu. You had heard about this place from so many people, and you were impressed that Jungkook was able to score reservations being that it's always so busy due to its popularity. "I'm so excited! I've been wanting to try this place."
"Goodjob, Jungkook." He says, patting himself on the back. "If you're happy, that's all I could ask for." The waitress comes back to offer recommendations, which you both include in your orders in one way or another. Although packed, the restaurant was able to pump out orders quickly and efficiently so you and Jungkook weren't sitting around for too long without food.
"So, how's Jin in class?" You almost choke on your food even though this is something you should have expected. You really wanted to avoid speaking about him tonight, but you knew it was inevitable being that you were out with his brother.
"Um, he's alright."
"Just alright?" He rose his eyebrow and chuckled.
"No, sorry. I mean, he's a really good teacher. Definitely better than our last professor. Everyone in class loves him."
"That's cool. Yeah, he's really smart and wise. I've always looked up to him."
"How long has it been?" You weren't sure how to ask the question, but Jungkook understood what you were asking.
"I was a sophomore in high school when my mom met his dad." You're silent for a moment, allowing him to continue on if needed. "I had a really hard time at first, you know? The whole stepfather thing. My anger was moreso directed towards my mom and my stepdad for awhile. But Jin helped me out a lot. He helped me come to terms with my feelings about everything and he stuck by my side, always had my back whenever I got into arguments or bickered with one of our parents." You nodded, suddenly feeling guilty even though you and Jungkook weren't a couple.
"So, you two are really close." He nodded.
"Yeah, we are. I really don't know what I'd do without him. He's taught me a lot and helped me grow. Plus, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi have been around too. They treat me like their own little brother.”
"That's sweet. It's nice to have that kind of relationship with your sibling and their friends." You chuckle.
"It is." He nods. "Do you have any siblings?"
"Ryujin, Taehyung and Jimin." He laughs.
"From the club, right? I met your friends, they're fun people."
"They're too much, honestly. I'm the only child, but we've all been stuck to the hip since freshman year in college."
"That's cool that you guys have been together since then." You give him a toothless smile. "I think it's pretty awesome that you guys are tackling grad school together too."
"Initially, we all had different plans, but Jimin had some big goals for himself including grad school, and it played a huge role in my decision to do grad school, too. Then Ryujin followed, then Taehyung."
"Speaking of friends, there's this charity event at school on Friday." You look up at him, a small smirk growing on his face.
"Uh huh?"
"And I was wondering if you wanted to come along with us. They really want you there."
"That's sweet. But, what matters the most is that you want me there."
"I wouldn't be inviting you if I didn't, right?" You bit your bottom lip.
"Touché. Of course I'll go with you, beautiful." He does a small nod before sipping his water. "Should we show up in matching outfits?" He joked, causing you to snort.
"Honestly, that seems pretty entertaining. Cute, and entertaining."
"I'm down if you are." You stuck your tongue out playfully.
"I'm game too."
"Let me know what you're wearing then."
"I will, whenever I figure that out."
"Take your time. Just know you'll look good in anything." You blushed. You both continue to talk over the remaining bits of your food before Jungkook calls for the check. You watch as he scribbles his signature onto the receipt before standing and sticking his wallet into the back pocket of his jeans. While exiting the small and crowded restaurant, you hold onto his hand, feeling him grip it tighter as you both successfully make it out. The night isn't too cold, and you sure as hell knew it wouldn't be after you conquered the hill that Jungkook parked on.
"Fuck." You say as you stand on the street, eyeing the steep hill in front of you.
"Come on." He says, slightly bending down for you to hop onto his back.
"Ouu, I don't know if that's a good idea--"
"Y/N, I promise it's okay. Come on." He laughed. Hey, if he was willing to do this, then why not? You hop onto his back, his arms wrapping your legs tightly around his waist, while you clung onto his neck. "See, not so bad, right?" He says, sprinting up the hill, making you laugh and hold onto him tighter.
"Shit, I am so sorry. That was probably a workout. Right after we ate, too."
"Nah. It wasn't anything." He scrunched his nose. On the way back over the bridge, Jungkook is heading towards Lake Merritt. You both are singing along to songs and joking around about topics that pop up here and there. When he parks his car, you notice a whole crowd of people gathered by the lake, which was a little unusual for this time of night. He grabs your hand and gently caresses the top with his thumb as he walks you over towards the crowd. To your surprise, you realize people are gathered here for a water lantern festival. Your eyes light up, making Jungkook smile at how excited you look.
"Jungkook, what the hell! How did you know about this and I didn't?" He shrugs.
"I have my ways." He says, his voice low and deep. You playfully shove him before you make your way over to grab lanterns to decorate. You and Jungkook sit off in a more quiet, calmer part of the lake, silently decorating your lanterns and writing your wishes along with it. What exactly did you want to wish for?
Happy friends, happy family. Happy you.
Whatever happiness meant to you.
To have Chance look over you.
Jungkook is done pretty quickly, but he waits for you to finish, not questioning what you've written since he figures it's a private matter. He shows you his lantern and his cute little stick figure drawing of his family and friends. You giggle, watching him gently lay his lantern in the water, giving you leverage to do the same with yours. You stand closely to him, his body providing you some warmth as you watch your lanterns float off into the lake and illuminate the night along with the others.
"Ready? We have one more thing to catch." He snakes his arm around your waist and gives your side a gentle squeeze. You simply nod, following him back to his car. He takes you about 30 minutes away, exiting and pulling right into a lot two street lights down from the exit. He pulls up to the ticket booth, buying 2 tickets for Tenet at the drive-in movie. You squeal and clap in your seat excitedly, also not knowing this was still around.
"Did you really do your research to plan this date?"
"Yes and no? I've been here before, and I thought it would be fun to take you. The restaurant and the lantern festival though, yes." He parks his car as instructed, turning the radio to the correct channel in order to hear the audio. "Wanna hop in the back so we have more room?" You nod, getting out of your seat just to hop into the back. He leans over into his trunk, grabbing water bottles and assorted gummy candies for you to snack on in case you wanted some. "I hope you're having fun so far."
"I am." You respond softly.
"Okay, beautiful. If you say so." He chuckles. He moves the driver and passenger seats forward so that you both have room to spread your legs a bit. At first, Jungkook made sure to give you enough space so he wouldn't make you uncomfortable, but over time, you felt yourself sinking closer and closer to his body until he had his arm draped around your shoulder, while part of your body rested on his. His hand gently caressed your arm, occasionally sending goosebumps through your body at how soft his touch his. You glanced over, admiring at how focused he was on the movie. He must have felt you looking at him because he quickly looks over and blushes as he nibbles on a gummy worm. "What?"
"Nothing, it's just cute how focused you are."
"Damn, are you not into it?"
"I am, but it's kind of hard to follow sometimes."
"Yeah, it's definitely one of those movies." This time, his gaze on you is a little longer than before. You don't know what takes over you, but you plant a kiss on him, making him smile into the kiss. He doesn't say anything, but proceeds to rest his free hand on your neck, pulling you close and into another deep kiss. Your hand grips onto the side of his shirt, your tongues slowly fighting for dominance. The sounds of wet kisses fills the car and tunes out the movie audio. You can feel the moment intensifying, both you and Jungkook letting out breathy moans in between kisses. Suddenly, the thought of Seokjin quickly flashes in your mind, the past nights you've spent with him and the nasty shit you both have done to each other.
You lightly gasp as you pull away, but it wasn't obvious to Jungkook that something had disturbed your peace.
"Sorry, I—" He tries to save face just in case he was in the wrong about something.
"No, I just— I wasn't expecting it to get that intense." You lied. You knew damn well.
"It's okay." He chuckled. "I would never rush you into anything, Y/N. Okay? We can take this slow." He gives you a genuine, warm, reassuring smile that causes you to swoon. Why the fuck was he so good? Just why? How was this even fair right now?
All you do is simply smile and lean back onto him. He's back to caressing your arm and shoulder, giving you small pecks on the top of your head every now and then to reassure you. Part of you wondered if this is what Seokjin had taught him over the years - how to properly love a woman and be a gentleman. But then, that quickly fades when you remember the situation you're in with him.
Well no, you're not in anything with him. You needed to stop doing this to yourself.
When the movie ends, you both climb back into the front seats to make your way back home. You feel the exhaustion hit you, all the fun and adrenaline you felt today slowly come crashing down. Jungkook parks in the passenger loading zone, throwing on his hazard lights before walking you up to your apartment.
"Jungkook, thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed it and had a ton of fun with you."
"I'm glad." He cups your face and gently places a kiss on your forehead. You weren't satisfied with it though, so you tippy toe as you hold onto his hand and kiss him on the lips. He leans into the kiss, deepening it for a quick second before pulling away. "Let me know the details about Friday, okay?"
"I'll call you tomorrow. Sleep tight, beautiful." He smiles and licks his lips as he watches you walk in, feeling utterly content with how the day went. You feel the same way, smiling to yourself as you throw your bag onto the floor and prance into the bathroom to get ready for bed. You felt the butterflies in your stomach every time you thought about Jungkook and his smile, or his soft lips against yours.
Butterflies that kept your mind off of—
[jin] 10:04pm: Are you still with Jungkook?
You roll your eyes at the text. You hadn't pulled out your phone all night, so you're also seeing the numerous messages from your friends in the group chat, too.
[jimin] 7:45pm: have fun tonight, Y/N!
[taehyung] 7:50pm: ^ ditto. use protection, young lady
[taehyung] 7:50pm: think about mr. kim's feelings
[ryujin] 7:56pm: taehyung kim, shut the hell up. do you have anything better to do?
[jimin] 8:01pm: i really hope she doesn't pull out her phone during the date -__-
[taehyung] 8:05pm: lmfao you guys, chill out
[taehyung] 8:06pm: i'm sorry y/n, im just kidding. have fun tonight and be safe, love you
[ryujin] 8:10pm: CALL ME WHEN YOU GET HOME Y/N! i wanna know deets, remember! and ask him if he wants to join us on friday!
Unbelievable. Your friends were unbelievable, and that was an understatement. You don't respond to the group because you figured you'd call Ryujin in a bit and update the boys over the week. But to Jin's text - fuck.
You were literally just tucking him away in the far, far, far dark, deep depths of your mind.
[y/n] 11:38pm: I was, but now I'm home.
[jin] 11:39pm: Yeah, he just texted me back. Sorry.
[y/n] 11:40pm: It's okay.
[jin] 11:43pm: Okay. Have a good night.
He hates this. Why the hell would you do this to him? Grace is upstairs sleeping while Jin is trying to clean the kitchen up like he promised. Suddenly, his phone goes off, signaling a call coming in.
"Oh shit, yes! You're awake!" Jin chuckles a bit.
"How was the date?" Not only was he asking out of curiosity, but wanted to know how you were doing during the night. Completely none of his business but he couldn't help himself.
"God, she's fucking amazing. A-and-and beautiful." He yells into the phone excitedly. "She's so exciting. I can't wait to take her out again. I just wanna keep spending time with her." Jin is pretty unamused on the other line. Thank God he isn't on Facetime so he didn't have to fake this facial expressions hearing about Jungkook's feelings for you. "S-she- I mean, we kissed."
"Oh?" Jin asks, tongue pressed against his cheek. What the fuck.
"Yeah, we were making out during the movie. It got pretty intense, but it didn't get any further than that. I didn't wanna rush her into anything."
"You think it could have escalated?"
"Yeah honestly, but I wanna do right by her, you know?" Jin can tell how serious Jungkook was starting to become about pursuing you, and he had never felt more competitive until this day. He just wanted you to himself, and he wanted to be the one to kiss you and make you feel things you've only dreamed about.
Not his brother.
He, too, wanted you just as bad. If anything, more.
"It sounds like it was a pretty successful first date." Jungkook is beaming through the phone, he didn't have to see his face to know that.
"It was. It was such a good night." Jungkook chuckles. "By the way, I'm going to that charity event on campus on Friday. Are you and Grace going?"
"Probably not."
"Well, if you both are free, you should swing by. It'll be nice to see Grace."
"Yeah, I'll ask and see what's up." Jin sighs. "I should probably get to bed, I'm pretty tired. I'm happy to hear the date went well, kid."
"Thanks, dude. I'll talk to you later, get some rest."
"You too." Jin hangs up the call, silently hitting his fist against the kitchen counter as he lets out a deep sigh. More than ever, he wanted to keep you wrapped around his finger. He wanted to keep you there, no matter how selfish that sounded. There was no way he was going to let you unravel.
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onlydreamofmysoul · 4 years
Let Them Eat Cake (Part iv)
Tonight, on The Great British Bake Off;
“This is thick as hell.”
Will our bakers melt, or melt down? Only time will tell - it’s chocolate week in the tent!
“I quite like your mouth.”
Remus stared at himself in the mirror. His mouth wasn’t that bad to be fair, but it was nothing next to Sirius’ own. I quite like your mouth, I quite like your mouth, I quite like -
“Remus? You ready?”
Remus shook himself. It was time to put all of this out of his head. “Yeah,” He called to Lily. “I’m coming.”
He left thoughts of Sirius in the hotel.
“This week,” Sirius announced, (looking ridiculously good in those skinny jeans Remus noticed), “Is possibly the best week.”
“Not being in any way subjective now, are you?” James quipped.
“Oi, you can’t say anything, last night you sang me a ballad about this week just last night.”
“Ah yes you’re right, I’ll sing it for everyone, shall I?” James took a deep breath, but before he could get the first note out, Sirius had covered his mouth.
“It’s chocolate week!” Sirius interrupted quickly, succeeding in making everyone laugh as usual. For our lovely first challenge, our judges would like you to make brownies.”
Remus already knew this of course, but he couldn’t help but sneak a little smile to Lily. They were practising all week, Lily even surprised Remus with a batch of gluten free when she had still been experimenting with her flavours. Salted caramel was sacred to Remus now.
Remus heard Sirius and James say the rules in the background, but he had tuned out a little. It was hard to stop his mind from wandering to Sirius when the man in question was standing right in front of him. His hair was in a top knot today. Fuck if Remus didn’t love his hair like that, Throughout the day, it would loosen a little and strands would fall in front of Sirius’ face and Remus would imagine what they would look like wrapped around his fingers-
Remus blinked. Not here. Now it was time to focus. Chocolate week would be his week.
Remus grabbed his ingredients and set to work.
Chocolate week was not his week.
Nothing was going quite to plan. He had burned the chocolate after leaving it in the bain marie a little too long - not so much that it required to be redone, but enough that Remus was annoyed at himself. He had misread his scales and added a little too much four and to top it off, he was pretty sure he had over-baked them.
“What are you making for us today?” The judges had asked when they had made their usual rounds at the start of the day. Remus had been calm and confident then. 
“Classic chocolate, just with walnuts added in.”
“Chopped, I assume?” Dumbledore said and Remus forced a smile on his face instead of rolling his eyes. 
“Of course.”
“I look forward to trying them.” McGonagall had said and then they had whisked themselves away, vanishing behind Remus to ask Lily some inane questions.
(Remus really didn’t mind the questions. He actually loved them - he had looked up to both judges all his life. Today was just, not his day).
Sirius turned up at his side, nabbing a spare square of chocolate and popping it into his mouth. Remus certainly didn’t think about chasing it with his lips. Nope, not at all.
“Hey Re.” Sirius greeted, as if the casual nickname didn’t just make Remus’ heart stutter. As if he hadn’t been flirting with Remus in this very spot not a week ago.
Remus hadn’t seen Sirius much since then which was pretty odd. The entire cast and crew mingled together on the non filming days and Sirius and James were infamous for showing up in the practice tent to try the bakers latest experiments. Only James had shown his face this week though. Remus hadn’t missed the way he always seemed to know when Lily was practicing, but that was another thing altogether.
He glanced up from where he was carefully piping chocolate designs on parchment paper to decorate the cakes when they were cool. “Hi.”
Sirius pulled out two mugs, ignoring Remus’ raised eyebrow and clicked the kettle. “Tea?”
“You’re taking over my work bench, are you?”
Sirius took his usual perch up on the counter as the tea brewed. “And what of it?”
Remus looked back down at what he was doing. He didn’t answer for a moment or two as he focused on a particularly intricate design, very aware of the way he stuck out his tongue when he was concentrating. “Haven’t seen much of you this week.”
Sirius hopped down to put milk and sugar in Remus’ mug, looking at Remus like he was a little mad. “I looked for you, but you’re a difficult man to pin down Remus Lupin.”
Remus felt his face flush as his mind flicked to how exactly he’s like to be pinned down by Sirius Black, but he swallowed weakly instead. “I was practicing mostly.”
Sirius nodded. “I know. I was there a few times but you were always absorbed in work for the showstopper so I didn’t want to bother you.”
Remus was relieved when his oven timer went off and he had an excuse to move away from Sirius for a moment. 
“You wouldn’t have bothered me.” He said as soon as he had transferred the contents of his tin onto a wire rack.”
Sirius opened his mouth to respond, but just then a microphone appeared over their heads, a cameraman right behind it.
“Feeling good about today?” Sirius asked pleasantly as if their previous conversation had never even existed. Remus’ smile felt tight. 
“I have absolutely no idea.” He breathed. He wasn’t just talking about the cakes.
Remus pursed his lips when he realised he was being judged last today. It wasn’t so bad, Remus just liked to get it over with as soon as possible. He was only partially satisfied with his brownies, but there was a lot more that could have gone wrong so Remus chose to try to maintain a slightly positive attitude. 
Peter’s brownies were a smash hit, Tonks’ didn’t look the neatest but apparently tasted fantastic. Lily’s blew them away. Remus didn’t hide his grin - he was just glad he had technically been the first to taste her recipe.
“They’re quite cake-like.” McGonagall commented, coming to a stop in front of Remus’ bench. Remus didn’t say anything, just pursed his lips.
“Flavours are good, the walnuts add a nice crunch.” Dumbledore said, munching away. “But one of the main features of brownies is that they’re soft, fudgey, even a little gooey.”
Dumbledore met Remus’ eyes. “These are good cakes, but the key word is they’re cakes, not brownies.”
Remus nodded, his jaw clenching. He closed his eyes in annoyance when they finally turned away. He knew he had over baked them. Fucking Sirius Black.
(Okay so Sirius wasn’t actually the cause of this particular problem but… Remus was a sucker for consistency).
He collapsed in a chair for lunch feeling the tension bleeding out of his muscles.
“Hey Re.” Tonks chuckled and Remus just cracked one eye open to peek at her.
For once, he was the last to the table, even James and Sirius seated before him. He sat up and dug into his pasta, unable to stop himself from actually groaning when he ate it.
“Sorry but, it’s so good. Also I’m really hungry so that helps, but wow I’m going to need this recipe.”
He didn’t miss the way Sirius eyed him the rest of the way through lunch, or the smug little looks coming from Lily either. So maybe Remus had been a little blind to how Sirius had been looking at him before, but this week he was finally wide awake.
He took a moment to pop onto Bake Off Twitter to see what they were saying this week. There were even more gifs of him blushing, Sirius looking at him and one really great picture of the two of them laughing. There were other things too of course, the other contestants' opinions on last week's episode but Remus couldn’t help but notice he was one of the most popular topics.
His mindless scrolling was interrupted by his phone buzzing.
“Ooh, someone’s popular!” James teased and Remus rolled his eyes.
“Hi Ma,” He greeted, looking pointedly at James and sticking out his tongue.
“Hi sweetheart, how’s it going.?”
Remus began to move away so everyone else could continue their conversation but Lily swatted his wrist.
“I wanna say hi to Hope!”
“Yeah Remus! Don’t be rude!” Tonks chimed in and Remus rolled his eyes. 
“Mam, I’m gonna put you on speaker, the lads want to say hi.” He said, pulling the phone away from his ear.
“Hi Hope!” Lily said, everyone else joining in, a clamour of voices drowning out Remus’ laugh.
“Hi loves!” Hope said, Remus knowing she was having the time of her life. These people were like celebrities to her. “How’re you all doing?”
“Much better now that we get to chat to you.” Sirius charmed and Remus could practically see his mother blushing back in their kitchen at home. They all chatted for a little while longer before they had to get back to work.
“Hey mam, we’ve gotta go, but I’ll call you later, yeah?”
“Alright darling, I’ll chat to you soon. Good luck.”
“Bye mam, love you.”
Remus hung up biting his lip. “So that was my mom.”
“Really, you don’t say.” Tonks quipped.
“She’s my new best friend.” Lily sighed wistfully, sinking back into her chair.
“What does that make me?2 Remus asked. “A brick wall?”
Lily quirked an eyebrow. “I thought we were meant to be friends Re, but now I see we were just introduced so that I could get to know your mother. She was my destiny all along.”
“That’s not at all dramatic.” Remus deadpanned and they all started to move, getting up and ready for the next round of filming.
Sirius had been giving him a strange look towards the end of the phone call but when Remus met his eyes, he blinked once and it was gone. Remus wandered back into the tent with Lily and Tonks, debating if Tonks should dye her hair again (Pink: outdated or iconic?) but the only colour Remus could think about was grey.
“For this challenge,” James said as soon as the cameras had recommenced recording, “Our judges have asked you to make a white chocolate and raspberry tart.”
“Everything you need is under the cloth in front of you,” Sirius continued. “Judges, do you have anything you’d like to say?”
“Read the instructions carefully.” McGonagall said, her face blank. Remus blinked.
“Well, they never would have guessed that!” Sirius said cheekily and Remus had to bite down his laugh.
“On your marks,”
“Get set,”
Remus pulled back the gingham cloth, eyeing the fewer-than-usual set of ingredients. He picked up the sheet with instructions, found it vague as usual but it didn’t seem overly complicated.
“Am I allowed to say white chocolate isn’t real chocolate?” Sirius asked, gliding up to Remus’ bench, cameras in tow.
“I was wondering how long it would be before someone started that debate!” Lily chimed in. “We had a bet going, I won so thanks for that.”
Remus looked at Sirius accusingly. “You couldn't have waited ten more minutes?”
Sirius laughed to himself as he wandered away to talk to everyone and Remus set to work. They wanted a digestive base, so after weighing out the right amount, Remus grabbed a rolling pin and set to work smashing the biscuits.
“You know, you could just use a blender.” Lily called over the thrum of her own machine. Remus made a face at her.
“Yeah, but this is way more cathartic.” He countered.
“Got some tension you need to relieve?” Tonks teased and Remus was suddenly really glad Sirius was on the other side of the tent.
He put his most innocent smile on his face, looked her right in the eyes and flipped her off. Lily and Tonks burst into a laughing fit. Marlene just sighed and looked at Remus a little hopelessly.
“One of these days Remus, I won’t have to edit every shot you’re in.”
Remus just shot her a cheeky wink. “Keep dreaming Marlene.”
Remus scrunched up his nose as he tried to pour the chocolate into the tin. He had placed the raspberries so that they covered the base of the pastry and now all he had to do was add the chocolate and pop it all in the fridge to set. But the chocolate mixture was a lot thicker than he had anticipated. 
“Fuck…” He breathed, drawing out the word as he tried to even it out with a spatula, only succeeding in moving the berries around and messing up the distribution.
“You alright?” Lily asked.
Remus glanced back, shooting her a smile. “Yeah, I’m okay. This is just thick as hell.”
“White chocolate’s a bitch like that.” Lily agreed.
“Seriously?” Marlene exclaimed. “Now you too Lily? I’m firing both of you.”
Remus laughed and handed her a spare piece of chocolate. “Sorry Marlene.”
Marlene rolled her eyes but smiled. “I hate you.”
Remus blew her a kiss. “Love you too!”
He bit his lip and evened out the top of his tart before putting it into the fridge so it had as long as possible to set.
“And now we wait.”
They set their tarts behind their pictures, Peter being ridiculously cautious, looking around himself before he made any movements. Remus appreciated it, but found it hilarious all the same.
 He sat on the stool as the judges came out with a familiarity that was new. He liked it. He had watched the show for as long as it had been on air, watching it gave him the same feeling you might get when curling up under a blanket and a good book when it’s pouring rain outside. He liked being comfortable on the show now too.
The judges came out, Remus’ tart right in the centre of the table. 
“This one looks quite good,” McGonagall said as she cut a slice, “But there doesn’t seem to be as many raspberries as I would have hoped.”
Remus bit his lip. She had snagged a slice from a section all the berries had been disrupted. Fucking white chocolate.
“Everything else however, is lovely.” Dumbledore said and Remus breathed easy, it wasn’t the worst one, not by far. A tart belonging to a woman named Susan hadn’t even set properly. Remus wouldn’t be surprised if she ended up going home tomorrow, she had certainly lost the technical and from what Remus remembered, she hadn’t done too well in the first challenge either.
Kingsley won the technical, smiling at everyone congratulating him. Remus liked Kingsley a lot, the other man was quiet, so he didn’t know him too well but any interaction they’d had was always pleasant.
The camera’s stopped rolling and everyone filed over to the table to grab themselves a slice of the best tarts. Remus noticed Sirius hanging back for once, so he sidled up next to him.
“Not a fan?” He asked. Sirius shook his head.
“Nah, white chocolate is much too sweet for me.”
“Right,” Remus said, tilting his head. “You don’t even take sugar in your tea.”
Sirius bit his lip and took his time replying. “There’s only so many sweet things I can handle,” He said, leaning in closer to Remus, who mirrored his movements on instinct. “And you fill that quota completely.”
Remus stood there frozen as Sirius smiled at him before leaving the tent. Lily came up next to him, a plate in hand.
“Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?”
“Oh it’s so much worse than that.”
“What happened?” She asked, concerned. 
“Sirius Black is flirting with me.” He half whispered. “And I’m so completely and utterly fucked.”
Lily smirked and bumped her hip against Remus’. “More like you will be completely and utterly fucked.”
The noise escaping Lily in response could only be described as a cackle. Remus lay awake half the night replaying Sirius’ words over and over in his head. He was so screwed.
“Welcome back!” James began, “It’s time for our showstopper challenge!”
“This week,” Sirius said, “Our judges want you to create a 3D chocolate structure.”
Remus bit his lip. He had practiced. A lot. But this would still be a challenge.
“Your creation should be entirely edible and entirely chocolate. As usual, you have four and a half hours. Ready?”
Remus set off, faster than he had for the last few challenges. He could do this, but he needed time. He immediately set out breaking up chocolate to melt, two rectangular silicone moulds ready to go. He poured an equal amount of milk chocolate into each and made sure they were spread evenly before putting them in the fridge.
“Damn Re, that was fast.” Lily commented, still filling her mould.
“That’s not what he said.” Remus retorted with a wink and Lily snorted behind him.
Remus kept melting chocolate, white was next on his agenda. When it was melted, he added a couple of drops of orange essence and mixed it in. He spread it quite thinly over two large trays, wishing it had been this co-operative in the previous challenge, and put them in the fridge too.
“Hey,” Sirius said softly, arriving at his station. Remus broke off a piece of dark chocolate and offered it out to him.
“This is your favourite type I’m guessing?”
Sirius blushed. It was fun to see Remus wasn’t the only one who could do that. 
“Yeah,” He said, his voice low. “Yeah it is, thanks.”
Remus took out a clean bowl and started breaking pieces of dark chocolate into it. “Everything okay?”
Sirius frowned. “Does something have to be wrong for me to be here?”
Remus shook his head quickly. “No! I mean, no. I just meant…” He glanced around the room and saw no microphone close enough to capture their conversation but cameras were panning the room. He kept his eyes on his work and his voice hushed. “Well, you know what I meant.”
“Yeah,” Sirius fiddled with a tea towel he found on Remus’ counter. “Can we talk? Later?”
Remus nodded. “I’d like that.”
Sirius smiled at him and moved away, walking around to the rest of the room. Remus took a shaky breath. He would talk to Sirius later. He straightened his shoulders and set his jaw, he would be calm about this. He could obsess about it later. Right now? He had a big ass chocolate sculpture to make.
“Bakers, you have thirty minutes left!” James announced a while later and Remus shared a mildly panicked look with Lily. He took his many many trays of chocolate out of the fridge and set to work assembling his piece. He measured the white chocolate and cut precise, identical rectangles, biting his lip as he prayed the chocolate wouldn’t snap. It would appear luck was on his side today because it all cut cleanly. He sighed in relief and set up the flat stand it would be displayed on. He filled his piping bag with dark chocolate and unfolded the page of notes he had brought in with him that day and began writing on the white chocolate slabs.
“Bakers! Please step away from your benches!”
Remus fiddled with his hands as he stepped away, looking at his creation. It was… It was fucking perfect is what it was.
Lily presented first, a gorgeous goldfish made of chocolate and sprayed with edible paint. Lily had even carved the scales into the surface, Remus was blown away by the amount of detail in it.
Tonks had made a little castle - two towers and a main building, it was ridiculously charming, Remus wished he could live there. 
Remus walked up with his and stood back so he could look at it too. It was a book - Pride and Prejudice to be exact, standing up and cracked a little open so some pages were on display. Pages on which Remus had written the exact text from the book, the cover based off the hardback edition Remus had at home.
“I must say Mr Lupin,” McGonagall said, “As a big Jane Austen fan, I’m quite charmed by this.”
She broke away a ‘page’ and popped a piece in her mouth. “The orange flavouring is a lovely touch.”
Dumbledore broke off a piece from the back cover and nodded in agreement. “Very good, I’m quite impressed.”
Remus beamed at them and returned to his bench. He was so unbelievably glad they liked it, if they hadn’t well, he might have actually cried.
Sirius caught his eye and smiled at him. Remus smiled back.
They sat in a row once more a little while later, but Remus wasn’t afraid. He hadn’t done as well as he might have liked yesterday, but he still wasn’t bad. And he had done quite well today. He was pretty sure he was safe for today. 
As he suspected, Susan went home. Tonks won star baker and Remus had the rare opportunity of getting to try the other baker’s work since it was all made purely of chocolate.
“Take a walk with me?” Sirius asked after a little while, the euphoria of another week done fading and the remaining contestants beginning to trickle back to the hotel. Remus nodded and sent Lily a quick text and then he followed Sirius out of the tent and away from the cameras and microphones and contestants.
And then it was just the two of them.
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
Sixteen. Part 2
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“Shit, Chris” It was the way she moaned out my name. How gracefully is spilled from her lips. Soft, sweet, desperate, full of need “Chris” that caused me to go wild and buck forward. Robyn arched away from the bedroom floor and curved into me. She spread her legs wide and gasped when I crawled up her body, she gripped my top that is still on me and fisted the tee between her fingers when I grabbed her breast and pulled it into my mouth. Twisting her nipple between my lips, I rocked my hips, grinding the length inside of her. Robyn whimpered and moaned, banging her head back against the floor. She wrapped her legs around my body and locked her ankles together. I grabbed her face and placed open mouth kisses along her shoulder and up to her neck, growling when my lips met with the soft skin there. I couldn't help but lick and suck down on her neck, I continued to push in and out of her. Holding her face between the palms of my hands, I rolled my hips, she hissed out with my mouth still glued to the side of her neck, I moved my hands to her hips then down to her thighs and around to her ass. Squeezing her cheeks, I applied more force to the roll of my hips, Robyn yelped out. Moving my face away from her neck and then attacked her mouth, her tongue entering my mouth as we fought for dominance.
Placing my snapback over my head just watching the suitcases leave the house, Rich and Frank loading the SUV up, this kind of sucks. Like they are really going, I don’t want them to go without me, but they are. Not like I can’t go but Robyn is expecting me to go New York and look for a new home for us so I need to do that for her, looking to the side of me seeing Imani walking down the steps ever so carefully, one step at a time. She is very careful now since her arm is in a cast “you want daddy to help you down?” she looked up at me “please” she stopped walking down the steps, she stood there waiting for me as I walked up the steps “Tianna! Don’t run down the steps, you better look after Imani” picking Imani up “did mommy dress you?” she nodded her head “and look” she closed her eyes poking her face forward “what am I looking at?” I am confused, walking back down the few steps “oh wow, pretty baby. I like it” she opened her eyes “lipgloss, I swear. This home is full of lipgloss” placing Imani down “Chris, do me a favour. Tianna has run downstairs, and she has taken my makeup bag, get it from her” Robyn said and went back up, oh is that why she is running. This home is hectic “is that all?” Rich said behind me “yeah and actually” I pointed “you need to make sure Imani is picked up, she needs the help” Rich smiled “your little mini me will be ok, don’t worry” I don’t want her to be lost in the crowd with her little cast on “I promise, I got you” now I better get Robyn’ bag.
I am dropping the girls off, I said I would do it and I rather do it myself “where we going mom!?” Tianna shouted, “Paris baby, did Rich get every case?” Robyn asked, nodding my head “he did why? I am sure you can just buy it if anything is missing” looking over at Robyn and smiled, Robyn’ hickey on her neck. She hasn’t even covered, I am glad we had sex before going because I needed it “dad!” feeling a kick to the back of my seat “dad, can we listen to a song?” looking up at the rear view mirror “that better not mark my leather seats, what song?” I asked “Cardi!!!” she shouted, I just laughed “no ma’am” I shook my head “why?” Rylee questioned “mom said you can’t, not in front of dad” overhearing Tianna say, I braked sharply “excuse me?” looking over at Robyn “oh” she is looking all fake shocked “wait, when did I say that?” Robyn knows, she is such a liar “nothing” looking at the backseats “oh Chris, it’s nothing” Robyn said, “have you heard what she says?” Robyn is laughing, she placed her hand on my cheek “please stop, it’s fine. Just drive, girls, please stop talking” she knows what Cardi B says “Robyn, our daughters are going to be repeating these words” Robyn nodded her head “I agree” she is playing me off “please dad, I like it. I like Cardi” I can’t deal with these girls anymore “it’s a song Chris, I mean they was singing Pour it up?” she is right “Only girl!!” now Imani has started.
Robyn hit my shoulder lightly “how you talk about Cardi, and you got Chief Keef on!?” I chuckled “better then Cardi” the girls are having a meltdown “you need to understand these bitches love sosa” Robyn pushed at my arm “you are such a hypocrite, how you going to complain about Cardi, and you got this on, my daughters don’t wait to hear that” looking over at Robyn with the biggest smirk on my face “ok strip clubs and dollar bills” I said laughing “got my money!!” Rylee finished it off “hey” I said, these girls know everything “Paris about to have my babies being bougie, I am scared. I am actually fearful now. Jah is the worst” shaking my head “don’t worry we will be back; you just be good for me. I swear if you end up in hospital because you were involved in anything! I mean it” I laughed “it’s when we apart, god is trying to kill me” shaking my head “I think that too but be safe, and you better look for homes. Don’t be just having fun while in New York” nodding my head as I stopped outside the private hanger gate “I will” rolling down the window as security came over to us “Rihanna” I said, he looked into the car “yes the SUV just came, please go forward” putting the window back up “so you got a tutor for them? Like really” I didn’t think she would “I do, she is a fine ass lady too” raising an eyebrow “can I see?” I smirked, Robyn grinned “it’s me!” she spat, I snorted laughing “oh god, I see her every day, next” Robyn placed her hand on my arm as she laughed, she loves touching me “deadass though?” driving off as the gate opened “yeah, what is wrong with me?” I pulled a face “what is right with you, that is the question we need to speak on” Robyn chuckled “boy, be quiet. But I do, she is in France. Maybe they will learn French” my daughters are going to be bougie I fear, I just know it.
Taking in a deep breath as pretty much everything is loaded on, everyone is here. Her team that is, I poked my lips out “Rylee please get rid of your dad, he is holding us up” Jah said “oh please, grow some hair” I really should go “Christopher” my ears perked up, Robyn calling me Christopher. Robyn picked a grape off from the fruit “I want you to call Pat, you take him with you. If I don’t see a bodyguard with you I am coming for you myself, you take that man with you everywhere ok?” nodding my head “lock up the home good and just go to New York, the penthouse is there for you and again?” she said, “again what?” Robyn mean mugged me “oh yeah, take Pat with me. I got you Robyn” I sighed out “you going to miss the girl aren’t you?” nodding my head “I am used to them, you know, and you on top. That’s my whole family on this jet, but god got it. I will miss you” Robyn lifted her arms up, wrapping them around my neck. Holding Robyn close, I feel so sad “I love you so much Chris, you’re so sad and I feel it. We will be back before you know it ok” nodding my head “I love you too” moving back from the hug, Robyn held my hand “aight, I am going now. Take care, see everyone soon besides Jah. Leave him in France” Robyn let my hand go laughing “girls, say bye to dad!” Robyn half shouted, “bye dad!” the girls all said “love you” my little Imani saying that, blowing a kiss at her. Walking off of the jet, my whole family on this thing. This is hard for me; I don’t like it just as I don’t like when Robyn be going.
Closing the front door, I am sad that my family has gone. I am going to miss them so much; the home seems so empty and quiet without them “Chris” I jumped and let out a little scream “what the fuck!?” I spat, Mel is stood there “sorry, I was waiting for you to come home” I huffed out, my heart is beating so hard right now “well I wasn’t expecting you here, damn” shaking my head, I wasn’t expecting her to be here “sorry, really I am. Did they get on the jet ok?” nodding my head, she scared me there “you can’t do that to me” I chuckled “but yeah they did, I am so sad though. I miss them so much already, like I am so used to them being around, but I guess Robyn wants to now prove a point, I know the girls will enjoy their time with Robyn. They want that, they want their mother, you know” I shrugged “yeah, they will love it but I need to ask you a favour. I mean you can say no but can you come with me to see TJ?” raising an eyebrow “really?” I said a little taken aback by her asking “I just think, I don’t know. I feel like he’s going try and talk me into being with me, I just. I feel vulnerable Chris, I will do anything. Please” she pleaded with me, I really want to say no because it’s fuck that nigga but with the look on her face, she really wants me to come “yes, I don’t mind. I will, will that be now?” she nodded her head, I mean I don’t give a shit anymore, I will see that nigga, I hate him after everything.
I didn’t really want to do this, but I am for Mel “thank you” Mel said to me again as we walked into the café, Mel walked in before I did. TJ had to do a double take and his face dropped seeing me, walking in with Mel and Pat, I promised Robyn I would have him with me and I just need to get used to it now. TJ got up from the seat, I know he is scared “this is the man that got you pregnant?” Pat said pointing, I had to laugh “anyways I will sit outside” pulling the chair out and sat down “please sit down, don’t be scared now. I am just here for Mel; I will be quiet. Promise” I chuckled sitting back, he sat back down a little fearful “don’t be staring at me now, look at the person you got pregnant, show some respect” I really don’t like this nigga, I have come to the realisation that TJ is a bitch ass nigga, I can’t stand him at all. I know he feels uncomfortable with me sat here; he is just staring at me instead of initiating a conversation with Mel “you fancy me nigga? Why are you staring at me for?” TJ looked away from me “I am, erm. You good?” he asks after staring at me for that long, I am so unsure why she would want me here, but I think she feels he is going to play on her emotions, I feel for her.
TJ is actually chatting the most shit “I am going to be in VA officially, I will still be here and there for you and the child. I just need to find my feet” I sniggered; this nigga is broke “what you finding funny over there? Does Robyn know you paying money to Seiko, you wouldn’t be laughing here if so” licking my top lip “actually she knows, I told her so a snake ass bitch like you can’t say shit TJ, she knows. I told her everything so anything else? She has forgiven me but you? You ain’t getting forgiven at all, you dead to us bro but for Mel I am here, this is my sister right. She is a ride or die, I am telling you now, this baby doesn’t need you bro so you over here sniffing around Mel for what? Why have you come to LA for? You ain’t got no money nigga, and whatever you are thinking right now, which I know you going to be thinking but I got rich off Robyn. Don’t matter though really, I am loyal to her so let’s start with the fact you came to LA so you can get into Mel’ head!?” I know him, he is so guilty of it “you don’t even need to be here, Mel I am going! When you are ready to talk then I will be back, fuck you Chris” TJ got up and walked off like a bitch he is “I know him, he wants to get with you. Then he gets money” shaking my head laughing.
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Prologue || Crimes of the Widows
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                                              || 3rd Person ||
                                               𝙾𝚑𝚒𝚘 𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟻
A girl with red hear, dyed blue rides her bike down the street.
"Hey Nat!" A voice calls, Nat waving at them as she drives by them and the group of kids they were with, playing on a tire swing.
Nat continues to drive by, the sounds of the other children's laughter fading.
Nat pulls into a backyward where two kids, twins, are swinging on a playground together, laughing.
They hear their sister whistling their whistle, quickly whistling back before get off the swings, and walking a bit towards there sister.
Before they get too far, the middle child, Yelena, gets on their back and stands on their hands and legs, Natasha and youngest quickly moving to copy her.
"We're all upside!" Yelena points out, causing the youngest to let out a giggle.
"And I bet you're both going to fall down first!" Natasha challanges, all the sisters laughing.
"Nope! You will!" The youngest, Olesya assures her older sister, giggling.
"You can't hold it much longer..." Natasha points out, just as Olesya falls down to the ground. She quickly rolls over, laughing more when her sisters start to make faces at each other, making silly noises.
After a while, Yelena falls down too, Natasha quickly following her to the ground.
"Told you you'd both fall down first!" The two twins quickly chase after Natasha as she taunts them with her "I told you! I told you!"'s, all the girls laughing and having a great time.
But, suddenly the fun stops.
"Mommy!" Olesya yells as she runs over to a crying Yelena, hugging her twin. Natasha quickly looks back at them, worry in her eyes as she walks over to them. She attempts to comfort them both, Olesya looking like she could cry just because Yelena was hurt.
Their mom comes out, quickly crouching down by all the girls.
"What happened?" She asks Natasha, looking down at the crying girls. Yelena quickly leaves the others grips, grabbing onto her mother.
"She fell on her knee."
"Oh, you bump your knee?"
"Mmm-hmm." Yelena says, tears still falling down her face.
"Aww..." The mother says, leaning down. "Kiss it better. There we go." She says, quietly shushing her daughter and brushing away her tears as Natasha runs up to the playground and sits there quietly.
"Oh, come on, Little One. Get up. You're okay." The Mom says, taking both of Yelena's hands and helping her stand, just as Natasha moves over to the swing and start swinging.. "Come on. You're a brave girl. Your pain only makes you stronger. Right you?" The mother asks Natasha, who smiles from the swing set.
Olesya finally stands up, wiping her own tears.
"You okay Lena?" She asks her twin, a worried look on her tiny face. Yelena nods.
"Pain only makes you stronger!" Yelena says, before looking behind Olesya. "Look! Forest stars!" She says, pointing towards fireflys and pulling her mother and twin to look at them.
"Yeah. You know what? Those are actually part of the Lampyridae family." Natasha gets off the swing and follows her family, the mother pulling them all close together. "And the glow, the glow that you see, that comes from a chemical reaction called... bioluminescence." The mother smiles at her littlest of children, Yelena and Olesya. "Come on, time for dinner."
The mother starts to walk up to the house again, the twins both holding her hand.
"Bio-goomin-feasants?" Yelena questions her mother.
"No. She said bio-boomy-incense!" Olesya corrects her sister.
"Both are right!" The mother tells the, even though she knows both are incorrect. They continue to walk up towards the house for dinner, even though Natasha is staying behind to just stare at the butterflies.
As soon as they reach the door, the mother calls after Natasha again.
"Dinner! Come on, dinner, big girl!"
The mother and the twins enter the house, Natasha following them in not long after.
"We want mac and cheese." Yelena and Olesya say at the same time, smiling at each other.
"Oh, you two want mac and cheese? Okay. Well, I want... caviar and champagne. Grab the napkins." Both of the twins do as they were told, quickly grabbing napkins for their mother.
"You take this and you take this." The mother says, passing a dish of corn to Yelena and a dish of green beans to Olesya. "Oh, would you grab ranch dressing for Dad?" She tells Natasha, her and the twins walking into the dinning room and putting the dishes on the table, along with the napkins.
"Green beans are my favorite vegetable." Yelena says, Olesya sneakily passing her one to eat quickly.
"Vegetables are disgusting!" Olesya tells her sister, making their mom laugh.
"Well, vegetables are good for you so you have to eat them." The mother says, just as a heavy thudding enters the house. "Dad's home!"
The Dad walks into the kitchen, where Natasha is.
"Hey Dad."
"Hey, baby." He says, rubbing her head before heading to get something from the refrigerator. Meanwhile, in the other room, the mother is passing out food to all of the kids, them starting to eat as soon as the food hit their plate.
When the dad walks in the room, he doesn't sit down at his seat at the table, he walks past it to look out the window.
"Everything okay?" The mom asks, the twins too oblivious and eating to notice the worried look on Natasha's face.
"How was everyone's day?" The father asks.
"Mommy taught me about lamp bugs!" Yelena says, smiling at her father.
"She taught us about lamp bugs!" Olesya corrects.
"Lamp bugs?" The father questions, chuckling a little.
"And I fell and hurt my knee, but it doesn't hurt anymore. And we saw fireflies in the backyard! That was my favorite part." Yelena finishes, not even realizing that the person she was telling the story to had left. Natasha just smiled at her sister who was telling the story. The mother stands up, both her and the father walking into the kitchen to have a private conversation.
"No." The mother says, the father just nodding.
"Yelena, we see fireflies every year." Natsha's voice can be heard from the background.
"How long do we have?" The mother asks the father.
"I don't know. Like, an hour, maybe?" The father replies.
"I don't wanna go." The mother tells him, him having put a hand on her cheek.
"Don't say that." Is all the father says to her, removing his hand from her cheek.
They walk back into the dinning room, taking their seats.
"Girls... you remember when I told you that one day we would have that big adventure?" The Father asks, Natasha lookings at him scared, both the twins just staring at him in excitement.
"Today's the day."
"Yay!" Both the twins shouted at the same time, Natasha and the mother sharing a sad glance.
"All right, let's go!" The father says, quickly standing up. Everyone else at the table stands up too, Yelena and Olesya following their father.
Natasha and the mother stay at the table.
"I'm sorry." Is all the mother can whisper out, before standing up and going to pack herself.
The father takes out a shotgun, a bunch of bullets falling to the floor, which the twins quickly move to pick up.
"Come on, we got to hurry!" The mother calls from the other room, as the father thanks the twins for picking up the bullets.
"I don't have my shoes." Osleya tells him.
"That's okay. You don't need your shoes."
"But we're still hungry!" Yelena adds on, the father quickly putting the bullets into the gun.
"Yeah? Guess what? I got Fruit Roll-Ups in the car." The father tells the twins, before rushing off to get a few other things, the twins following him.
The mother is in the kitchen, and she stands on a step stole to reach something above the cabnits, pulling down a little gun and stuffing it into her bag.
The father and the twins rush out to the car, the father throwing his bag into the truck bed and the twins getting into the backseat.
Natasha walks back inside from getting her shoes, trying to grab a scrap book.
"No, leave it, leave it, leave it. Go wait in the car." The mother all but yells at Natasha, Natasha placing the book back down and heading out to the car.
The mother pauses for a minute.
Natasha runs into the garage, quickly joining her sisters in the backseat of the truck, the father finishing packing up his bag just as the mom comes out.
"You have it?" The mother ask, the father taking out a disc.
"It's the only copy?"
"It's the only one not on fire." The father tells her, before they both rush and get into the car, quickly backing out of the drive way.
The rush to drive away, trying not to be supicious. They drive by a bunch of kids playing, Yelena and Osleya smiling at them, everyone else in the car worried or scared.
"Where are we going?" Yelena asks Natasha, Osleya sitting in the middle and looking at Natasha too.
"Home." The mother says, looking at the twins through the rearview mirror.
"Mommy, you're silly!" Osleya says, laughing.
"We just left home!" Yelena finishes for her sister.
As they drive away, they hear sirens wailing in the distance, turning down the lane they just drove away from. They drive for a while, eventually getting on the highway.
"We want our song!" The twins say at the same time, hating the quiet of the car. The father pushes the disc in and "America Pie" starts playing. The girls start to sing along.
"Bye, bye, Miss America Pie, Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry, Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye, Singing "This'll be the day that I die"."
"Singing "This'll be the day that I die"!" The twins sing together, dancing along to the music they best they could with their seat belts on.
The song continues, the twins still singing along, all the way until they get to their destination.
The parents rush out the of the car, quickly getting the girls out too, with all their bags. Natasha sneaks to the front and quickly grabs a photo reel thing of all three of them, they'd taken days earlier, as the twins got out of the car behind her.
The father quickly moves the clear cover from the hanger, the mother falling behind as she ushers the girls towards it.
"Let's go. Come on, Nat. Hurry up. We gotta go." The mother says, causing the twins to start running towards the plane, panting on their way. Natasha slowly follows them, carrying some stuff in her arms, but dreading what is happening to their family. She just looks at the picture of her and her sisters with sorror.
"Come on. Honey, honey." The father says, rushing over towards Natasha. "Go with your mom, go with your mom."
"Nat, hurry up!" The mother calls after the eldest.
"I'm coming!" Nat yells, running as fast as she can to her family.
"Okay. Seat belts." The mother tells her children, helping the twins buckle into the plane. She moves to sit in the piolets seat, ready to take the plane off the ground. The mother makes sure to shut the door behind her, even though the father isn't in the plane yet. The mother turns on the plane.
"Why isn't Dad in the plane yet?!" Natasha asks, worry in her voice.
"He's coming. He's coming, baby. He's coming." The mother comforts, getting the plane ready to taxi.
The father runs back from where he was, knowing he needed to clear a large, heavy crate from the planes path. He simply picks up the end and throws it, the path now empty and ready for the plane to start taxing.
The father steps out in front of the plane and starts to direct the mother, bringing the plane forward and out of the hanger.
Not too long after, sirens can be heard coming torwards the family, the dad using his shotgun to shoot at them.
The plane starts taxing, the dad shoting a police car, before running after the plane. The police don't stop though, as they keep coming after the plane. The father runs as fast as he can away from the police cars, faster then any normal human.
The mother turns pushes a lever forward, the father being seen right next to the plane, running and shooting.
The car turns and starts to take another path, it hidding behind more old, run down hangers. The people in the car shoot at the father, the bullets missing him as he runs at his fast pace.
"Mom?" Natasha says, looking out the window at their father, causing her mother to turn and look too for a quick second. The father quickly jumps onto the planes wing, the car now quickly driving after the plane. The father turns himself around, onto his back, and starts to shoot at them again. Another car is driving right next to the plane, shooting at the passangers.
"No!" Natasha barley dodges a bullet which went through the planes window, before quickly moving to cover her two little sisters.
Not to long after, the mother gets shoot too.
"Mom!" Natasha screams, both of the little girls just sitting there in shock and fear. The plane suddenly turns, the mother no longer being able to fly/drive it.
"I need you up here." The mother tells Natasha, Natasha quickly moving to the front of the plane. The two twins in the backseat to grip onto their stuffed animals.
"Okay. Okay. I need you to pull right." The mother tells Natasha, Natasha doing as she was told and getting the plane back on course, the car still driving next to them, so the plane wing hits the cars roof.
"Mom, you've got blood on you." Natasha says, tears gathering in her eyes as she does what her mother told her to. The mother lets out a gasp.
"It's okay, baby."
The father continues to fight off the officers driving after them, kicking at the ones in the car right by the plane. Yelena and Osleya looks over and sees her father fighting against the person, having no idea what to do. A little blood splater is on their faces.
Natasha lets out a gasp when she sees more police officers coming at them, from the other side of the road. They were surrounded.
Natasha quickly directs the plane to the side, causing the car that was next to them to go flying as the father adjusted his grip on the wing of the plane. The father gets ready to aim at the new officers.
"Hit the accelerator there." The mother says, showing Natasha what to hit. Natasha again does as she's told, their father now taking shots at the officers ahead of them. The officers also fire at them, causing the girls in the back to hold their arms around their head for cover, Natasha ducking down in the front.
"Hold it steady, hold it steady." The mother commands Natasha, Natasha coming out from her cover and grabbing the yoke and keeping the plane from crashing. "You're gonna pull it back at 55 knots. Let's count together."
"55!" Natasha and her mother count together, the twins screaming slightly in the back.
The father continues to fire at the cars ahead of them, blowing out their tires and causing them to crash.
"Pull it back, you can do it!" The mother encourages Natasha. "Pull back. All your strength." Natasha grunts as she does so, the planes wheel hitting the crashed cars below them.
The plane is now flying through the air, everyone looking out to see the father still holding onto the wing of the plane.
They fly like that all the way to their destination: Cuba.
Natasha lands the plane, listening to everything her mother says to do so.
As soon as they get there, they find people waiting for them,
The father quickly opens the plane door and picks up the mother bridal style, putting her on a stretcher. The girls quickly run after them, running to their mothers side as she lays on a strecher, the mother grabbing all of her girls hands as she is carried away.
They walk with her and the soldiers that were carrying her, all the way until she is placed down so she can be examined.
"Get up, Mommy... Pain only makes you stronger, remember?" The young Yelena says, resting her head on her mom's chest as her twin sobs next to her. Natasha is sitting next to the group, crying herself.
The father doesn't go check on any of them, he walks towards a car that just pulled up, holding a duffle bag. A man gets out of the car and the father holds out his arms, him and the man who got out of the car hugging.
"The Red Guardian returns." The guy remarks.
"The Red Guardian returns triumphant." The father proudly tells him.
"Please, Please, I beg you. No more undercover work. I wanna get back in action. I want my suit back. I want to get back in it. General Dreykov, it's been over three years." The father tells the guy.
The camera moves back over to the four girls, the twins still sobbing and holding onto their mother.
"Forgive me, Mom." Natasha tells her in Russian, tears still falling down her face too. "I'm scared."
"Never let them take your heart." The mother tells Natasha in English, still comforting her youngest daughters. As soon as the mother says that, Natasha gets pushed away by one of the soldiers.
"Did you get it?" General Dreykov asks the father, the father just chuckling. The father removes the disc from earlier, from his jacket pocket.
"And the North Insititute?"
"Ashes." The Father replies to the General, not even bothering to look over at his daughters.
Natasha pulls the twins away from their mother, knowing the soldier wouldn't be so gentle. She holds onto them both, hugging them from behind as they watch their mother being taken away.
"It's gonna be okay." Natasha cries herself, but she knows she has to be strong for her sisters.
"How is Melina?" General Dreykov asks the father.
"She'll live. She's strong." The father tells him, just as the mother, Melina, is taken away and put into an army truck. Natasha lets go of her sisters, both of them walking forward to watch their mom be taken away.
"Mommy?" Osleya cries, sniffling.
"Daddy!" Yelena cries, turning and running towards her father.
"I'll handle this." The father tells General Dreykov, turning to handle the situation. But before Yelena can reach him, shouting for him the whole way, a soldier steps in and grabs her arm, pulling her back harshly.
Natasha grabs Osleya's hand and brings her forward.
"Yelena! Get away from her!" Natasha shouts, kicking away the soldiers hand and taking out his gun, holding it at anyone who comes close to them.
"Don't touch her! Don't touch either of them! I will shoot!" Natasha yells, shouting that last part in Russian. "Don't touch them!" She continues, aiming the gun at anyone who comes close to her little sisters.
"I will kill you all!" Natasha continues, the father finally coming towards them slowly. All soldiers around were holding a gun to the group of children.
"I will shoot! Don't touch them!" Natasha repeats in Russian.
"Honey... you're gonna need to hand me that gun..." The father says, holding his hands as a sign of peace.
"I don't want to go back there. I wanna stay in Ohio." Natasha sobs out, her sisters holding onto her as their life line. That father takes steps towards them, slowly inches towards them.
"You can't take them. You can't." Natasha continues, her voice breaking. "They're only six..."
"You were even younger..." The father says, finally taking the gun out of Natasha's hands.
"It's okay... come here..." The father says, the soldiers around them putting their guns down as all three girls walk towards their father.
Natasha is still holding onto the both of them as their father gets down on his knees.
"You're gonna be alright." He kisses his youngest daughter's heads. "Do you know why it's going to be alright? 'Cause my girls are the toughest girls in the world. You're going to take care of each other, okay? And everything, everything's going to be fine." The father finishes, none of the girls realizing the soldiers they come up behind them and put a needle into their neck, the sedative kicking in right away.
The soldiers pick all of the girls up and load them into a plane, the father picking up the twins stuffed animals that feel when they were sedated.
The father simply walks back to General Dreykov.
"That one, she has fire in her. What was her name?" The General asks.
"Natasha." The father says, both watching as they're taken away.
"Ah... Natasha."
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nanagoswife · 4 years
For You? Always.
Chapter Ten
Summary: The party is a go, and we also learn something new...
W/C: 4.6k
Warnings: mentions of sexual assault
<<Previous, Next>>
For the beginning of the week, there wasn’t as much work to do as there usually was. Because of this, it was one of the rare Mondays that you didn’t need to work late. You were glad it was though.
When you turned your computer off, Ben had just arrived at your door, giving it a soft knock. As he walked in you flashed a smile.
“You ready?” 
“Always,” you replied. His smile was one you’d never forget as you mirrored it. There was a lot of anticipation throughout the day. 
Leaving your usual work bag in your office, you joined Ben and Paisley, who was waiting just outside. Siara met you as the elevator went down to her floor. The others were going to meet you there.
The four of you were met by an enthusiastic Rick, waving hello at the front of the restaurant. As Ben looked down at you, you saw a look that told you he called Rick, telling him of the occasion. A feeling of immense happiness filled you as the anticipation of the night creeped in even more. 
Freddy and Brian were already inside at a table set up for the six of you. They had left two seats for you and Ben to sit beside each other, with Brian and Siara in a position to sit across from each other. Both of the men got up to greet you with quick hugs and a saying of a happy early birthday. 
Rick made sure you were all settled before saying, “For tonight’s occasion, all of your meals and two drinks each, except for my lovely Rosebud, will be on the house. Happy early birthday, Rosebud.” Your smile was grateful when you thanked Rick as he turned away. 
“Thank you,” you quietly said to Ben who had his arm wrapped around the back of your chair. All he did was smile, and it was all he needed to do. Besides, Paisley had started her usual excited talk that she expected you to listen to. 
The night was one filled with laughter and an opportunity for the guys to all get to know each other. Like you had thought, they all got along very well. They shared many stories with each other. The one Ben seemed to get along with the most was Brian. Even though you weren’t expecting it, it wasn’t too uncalled for either. 
Without thinking, you placed your hand on Ben’s knee. As it had surprised you, you froze while you waited for Ben’s reaction. He only cracked a grin as he continued his conversation with the others, bringing his hand up and resting it on top of yours.
Even though it’s been two months, you had never done this. Looking at it, though, the two of you had only really been out together. This meant that the two of you usually sat across from each other. The few times you sat beside each other, it was very early on in your relationship.
Rick suddenly came striding over with a slice of cheesecake with a candle that was lit. On que, everyone at the table, and the staff and other guests of the restaurant, started singing happy birthday. 
Through your slight embarrassment, the one voice you paid most attention to was Ben’s. His voice was one you could listen to all day as his angelic voice soothed your mind. After the song was done, he continued to hum quietly as he kissed the side of your head while Rick placed the plate in front of you.
“Have a great birthday, Rosebud,” Rick said as he crouched to give you a hug. Then he whispered to you, “He seems perfect for you.” He gestured subtly towards Ben. A warm happiness went through you as you got a second affirmation from someone you so fiercely trusted. 
Rick stood up, letting you make your wish and blow out the candle. Before you did, you saw him give a small nod with a smile at Ben. That was when you knew exactly what your wish was going to be. Taking a deep breath, you blew the single candle out that arose a cheer from the ones watching.
Siara then tapped her glass as she stood, “I have a toast.” Paisley stood up as well, making her way beside Siara. “Here’s to the best friend we could ever ask for, the one who is always there to make us laugh and be the one to listen to us when we go through tough times.”
“We love you, and we’re always here for you as well. Thank you to the person who also made this all happen last minute,” Paisley said as she wrapped her arm around Siara and gestured her glass towards Ben. As you all took your glasses, you lifted them in a cheers and drank.
Overwhelming happiness filled you to the brim from their words. You leaned against Ben as he put his arm, that was around the back of your chair, around you. Once again, you placed your hand on his knee as he pressed a kiss to your temple. 
The rest of the time at Rick’s was spent talking about past stories and jokes until you had to leave. All of the extra drinks that you all ordered were paid for by Siara who refused to have it any other way. In her words, “It’s your celebration, Ben made the call, and Paisley, well, she doesn’t need to pay for that.” It made you laugh as Paisley had an offended reaction.
Saying bye to Rick, you, Ben, Siara, Brian, Paisley and Freddy made your way out, but the night was not yet over. You all continued the conversations as you all walked in groups of three as the guys split to their own conversation. That left you with the two girls, who were talking about some show you didn’t know. All you did was laugh at the few things that they disagreed on.
Eventually, they changed the topic, splitting back up to walk beside the men. Ben quickened his pace to catch up to you as you headed the front of the group.
“What do you think of tonight so far?” he asked as he took your hand. Compared to the previous conversation you were listening to, his voice was quiet and a lot calmer.
You looked up at him with a gentle grin, “It’s been amazing.” Ben’s eyes were thoughtful and his smile was caring. Leaning down, he gave you a quick kiss. You heard a small squeal from Paisley, who was behind you, which made both you and Ben chuckle. 
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet. There’s still an entire evening ahead of us.”
“Hopefully the rest is as perfect as it is now.”
Ben only smiled in response and gave you another quick kiss as the other two couples caught up and started more conversation. You had wanted more time with Ben, but you have the night and the whole of tomorrow for that. 
Making a quick stop at Ben’s apartment so he could grab some things, you and the others waited outside. You were all about to make your way to the park by your house so that you could have time to talk and rest at the same time. It was still relatively early in the evening. So, you all made a unanimous decision to keep the night going.
With Ben coming back down, you all set off. If anyone saw your group, they would probably judge you as you were travelling in a chaotic group of movement. The occasional yelling in excitement and the rapid shifting of the group as conversation changed all added to this. You were all having fun, so you wouldn’t have noticed the judgement if there were.
When you got to the intersection that led to your house one way and the park in the other, you let the group head to the park as you and Ben quickly stopped at your house to drop his bag off. 
“I didn’t realize how dangerous it would be getting the whole group together,” Ben said with a laugh after dropping his bag in your room.
All you could say was, “Welcome to the group. You’re no longer safe from this.” You poked your elbow into his side as you joked. Together you walked out towards the park laughing. 
Clinging to his arm and leaning your head against his shoulder, the trip was spent in a comforting silence. A silence, you noticed, that was well needed before the constant loudness that was about to continue the night. 
Everyone was waiting at the beginning of the path as you arrived. They moved to let you lead the way to where you wanted, which was the usual area you always went to. Once again, the boys went to their own group and stayed on the pathway while you, Paisley and Siara sat on the patch of grass. 
The three of you discussed how nice it was that they were all getting along when Freddy made his way over, “Is it okay if us guys take a small walk around?” Paisley and Siara left the decision to you.
“Of course. You boys go have fun.”
 “Sweet, thanks,” he said as he made his way back up.
Before they took off, Ben took off his dress coat and put it over your shoulders. Giving him a quick kiss, he walked off with Brian and Freddy. 
Seeing him get along with them made you happy. Now he had people to go to that actually lived here.
As Ben walked away from you with Freddy and Brian, he felt slight guilt, but he imagined that Paisley and Siara had things to talk about with you. He turned his attention back as Brian started to talk.
“Ben, I have never heard Siara rant on about someone that was in Y/N’s life ever. Not only that, but I’ve never seen Y/N that happy,” Brian said as he placed a hand on Ben’s shoulder.
Ben gave a shy grin in response.
“I agree. Paisley rants all the time but she’s never been more excited than this. And that’s saying something.” The three men laughed as they all agreed. Ben ended his off with a small nervous sigh.
“There’s just a bit of pressure, you know,” Ben said after a short silence. “With what happened all those years ago.” Brian patted Ben on the back before putting his hand back on his shoulder.
Freddy gave Ben a reassuring push, “Yes, but that shouldn’t put more pressure. Just relax, be yourself. She’s a caring soul and as long as you leave big steps to her, it’ll be okay.”
“Exactly,” Brian chimed in with a slight squeeze to Ben’s shoulder. “I’ve known her for a while now and I know that Freddy is right. Gaining her trust that you won’t be the one to ruin what you have is what will ensure everything will be alright.” Ben started to relax with what he was being told.
There was just one question he wanted to ask that he desperately hoped they knew, “Do you know what happened with her ex? I know he cheated on her, but I feel like something else happened... before that.” 
Brian and Freddy looked at each other with concerned expressions. Ben wanted to desperately know, hoping it wasn’t the answer he was thinking.
“Well, yes. Sadie told me, with Y/N’s permission, herself during one of her visits. Siara also confirmed it as she was at the party that it happened at.” Brian said this solemnly, voice quivering at the memory of the story. Ben looked down in grief. “I actually met Y/N and Siara not long after Y/N broke up with him.”
“I suggest you should wait until she’s comfortable to tell you herself. We’re definitely not the ones who should tell you what happened. Or, if she feels comfortable with it, ask Siara or Sadie. She probably won’t because she blames herself for the way it happened,” Freddy said in a grim tone. The air was heavy around them as they walked slowly.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up,” Ben said and the other two rushed to tell him it was fine. 
Changing the topic to lighten the mood, they brought up the fact that Freddy was going to propose soon. “I wanted to do it with everyone around. Would you guys be okay with doing this in about a month?” Ben was cheered up quickly as he agreed, Brian following suit.
After a bit more conversation, they made their way back. Brian took Ben aside quickly to say, “If you ever need a place to stay, not saying anything will happen with the two of you though, Siara and I would be happy to set up one of our spare rooms for you. She already has it ready for you since you may have to due to work.” Ben smiled to himself. Brian continued, “Also, I’m not as busy as I used to be. So if you need anybody to talk to, send me a message or call me.”
“Thanks, Brian.”
“Also, Siara is less likely to spill any secrets you have,” he said with a joking tone. They laughed as they made their way to Freddy to finish their walk back to you and the other girls. Ben’s mood had been lifted back up just enough to enjoy the rest of the night.
While the three boys were gone, you were stuck with Siara in dealing with Paisley’s still energetic manner. Thankfully, you were able to add conversations in between, but Paisley brought it back to how happy she was that you finally were in a relationship, even with it being months old news.
“Paisley,” Siara started, “we’re all happy. Just calm yourself.” This caused a laugh from you all, but Paisley finally did calm down. 
They asked what was happening in the next two weeks and you explained what you could. 
“Honestly, I don’t truly know. All I know is that she doesn’t even want to talk details until the last few days of the visit.”
“That is probably the strangest one I’ve heard about,” Siara chimed in.
All of you went silent as you slowly nodded. You assumed that all three of you were trying to think of a solid explanation of this.
Finally, you were saved when you heard the sound of the talking coming from Ben, Freddy, and Brian. Gazing over at them, you saw Brian’s arm wrapped around Ben’s shoulders as they were in deep conversation. Ben’s gaze met yours for a moment and he smiled at you as he continued his response to Freddy. 
“Did you three have a good time?” Siara called out as they made their way closer to you. Still in their conversation, they just nodded in response. The conversation finished as they reached you girls.
Ben stepped up beside you, letting you take his hand as he sat down beside you in the group’s circle. Smiling at him, he laid down and put his head in your lap. You giggled to yourself and played with his loose hair. Until now, you didn’t realize that he didn’t use any product in his hair. It were delighted because it made it easier to mess around with the soft strands.
The next couple of hours were spent talking, you playing with Ben’s hair the whole time. His only movement being a small shift of comfort. Eventually, the others had to leave as they still had to work tomorrow, which left you and Ben alone on the patch of grass under the moon. 
“Tonight was amazing. Thank you, Ben.” He looked up at you from your lap with a smile. It looked almost comical with his messed up hair. Bringing your head down, you smiled before giving him a kiss with your hands on the sides of his face. He brought up one of his own to do the same.
Ben moved his hand from your face to put it over one of yours as you sat back up. You continued to play with his hair with your other hand and linked your fingers with his with the other hand.
“Hmm, I do believe it is still too early to thank me.”
Then, he turned onto his stomach while kissing the top of your hand and propping himself up on his elbows. His crazy hair made you laugh as he tried to shake it. It only made it look worse.
Fixing it slightly, you put it back in a comb-over style. “How does it look?” Ben said as you fiddled with it a bit more. Looking at it, there was something different, but it suited him better. 
You didn’t know why, but a darkness of the past crept up on you. Was it because you thought about things similar about Ben then as you did now? You had no clue. They were just... there.
The smile you had slowly fell. It was very clear that Ben saw this.
“Y/N, are you okay?”
The thoughts you started to have were dark, but you felt you needed to tell him. You didn’t want to bring the night’s mood down but he needed to know. Would you tell him about how you felt about him all those years ago? Probably not. He did deserve to know what happened just after he left.
“I need to tell you something. Something I wanted to tell you years ago when you left high school early.”
You watched as confusion crossed his face. Yet, you didn’t miss the small look of knowing show as well. He was most likely assuming it was about the night of prom.
“What is it,” he said gently as he sat so he was right in front of you. Needing the comfort, you grabbed his hands and held them. 
For a moment you looked down as tears started to fill your eyes, “Back in high school, something happened with-” your voice caught for a moment. The memory was still painful. “With my ex.”
Meeting his eyes, Ben nodded. He have a gentle squeeze to your hands giving you comfort and a feeling of safety.
“We were at a party and... and he got drunk,” your voice was starting to waver. It only got worse as you continued, trying to hold back the tears. “The night before, we had a conversation where I told him how I was starting to question the relationship due to...” you trailed off for a moment.
Should you tell him that you could’ve been together all those years ago? That by now, you may have had more than just these couple months? You decided not to.
Noticing your inner turmoil, Ben gave another comforting squeeze to your hands. “You don’t have to tell me,” he said quietly, rubbing small circles into the back of your hands with his thumbs.
“He started getting aggressive but I turned a blind eye to it. Siara was with me that night and tried to warn me, but I didn’t listen. Even with the day before, I loved him too much to believe it.” You broke.
Ben quickly pulled you in to an embrace, your head resting on his shoulder as your tears fell. “It’s okay,” he whispered gently. To help soothe you further, he rubbed gentle patterns on your back, pulling you in tighter when your cries got louder.
Being held by him was the most comfort you had felt while telling this story. Unlike most of the others, he just listened except for the quiet reassurances as your tears soaked a spot on his shoulder. He didn’t mind. He would never mind.
After a moment, you gathered yourself back up. He needed to know. “I- he pulled me aside and brought me to an empty room. At first, I thought he just wanted to talk. An- and then, h-he then started to rip off my clothes, and forced himself on me.” 
You tried hard to keep the breaks in your voice at bay, but it was near impossible. Especially in front of the man in front of you who had such a soft, comfortable, reassuring expression as you continued to rub circles on your hands.
You took another moment to compose yourself a bit more. Ben moved to tracing your knuckles with his thumbs to help comfort you further.
“Had it not been for Siara and her friend, Ken, he would’ve raped me. That night is also why I don’t wear makeup anymore because-” you trailed off as you remembered the words.
“Because of things he said,” Ben said under his breath. He looked up and met your eyes. 
“Yes. He said it was me who caused it. And I believed him. In a way, I still do.”
Ben’s eyes went wide. “Darling, that was hardly your fault.”
When he called you darling, a warmth filled your heart for a moment. Unfortunately it was short lived, “But I ignored Siara’s warning. I ignored how obvious it was that he was trouble even with the whispers of his other side. I ignored how I truly started to feel about someone else. Ben, I was so ashamed that I stayed with him until I caught him with another girl!”
For a moment, confusion filled him at the mention of how you had feelings for someone else. There was no way for you to see this, as it was only a split second facial change. That was not what this moment was about.
Instead, when you looked at him, his eyes were so warming, helping you feel a bit better. He then pulled you back to him, pulling you in close to the safety that was his arms. “None of that was your fault,” he started to softly whisper in your ear as your head once again rested on his shoulder. “You only wanted to believe he was good because you loved him. The blame is on him for taking advantage of your kind love.”
Once again, your tears flowed but softer than earlier. His words only continued to make you feel better along with all the soothing movements and touches. 
Ben pulled you in close, one hand on your back and one on the back of your head. He placed a lingering kiss to the side of your head while letting you cry in his arms.
After a few wonderfully quiet and warm moments, you heard, more like felt, as Ben started to hum a song you didn’t know. The melody was beautiful, though, and it helped to calm you further. Between that and the protective hold he had, you felt a sense of solace flood through you.
“Thank you,” you whispered. He answered by pressing another kiss to your head, continuing humming the sweet melody. 
Slowly, you brought your head up and rested your forehead against Ben’s. His humming didn’t stop, but he did wear an expression that said don’t thank me yet. All you did was smile at that.
So, you continued to listen to his sweet humming. Although you didn’t recognize the song at first, it started to sound familiar.
He looked into your eyes, the tune not stopping but his full attention was on you. The blue was magnificent even in the limited light.
“What song is that?”
Instead of answering, he changed his humming to singing. Then you knew. I’m With You by Avril Lavigne. 
“Take me by the hand, take me somewhere new,” he sang as he took your hand in his. This is where he stopped the song. The discontinuation of the line was a perfect description of the current moment.
Every moment before this was the beautiful build up in your story. His sweet tune and words going through the soft moments of your relationship. The melody was the way you both cared for each other. Slow, but sincere and heartfelt. All of it leading to the cut off. Take me by the hand, something he had done literally. At the same time, it was a way of saying how your hearts were woven together. Take me somewhere new...
He brought his free hand up and wiped your remaining tears away with his thumb. As you sat like this, an overwhelming feeling came over you. Everything about this man has only ever made you feel secure. He’s done nothing but show you how good of a person you are. Ben, for the first time in years, made you feel truly happy and safe.
Your heart was pounding in your chest. That overwhelming feeling: love.
“Ben, I-”
“I love you.”
A smile spread across your lips, “I love you too.”
Ben’s own smile showed before pulling you into a kiss. The passion behind it was a new one, but one you enjoyed far more.
It broke as you started to chuckle, Ben looked slightly confused. “You beat me to it,” you said, brushing your lips to his.
“I apologize, my darling,” he smiled, “I guess something in me wanted to say it first.” Both of you chuckled before locking lips again. This moment couldn’t be more perfect.
Once you needed to catch your breaths, you both rested against your foreheads together once again. Despite trying to hold it back, and having Ben’s warmth, you shivered from the cool night breeze but also his gentle touch of his fingers to your cheek.
“Shall we go home?” You asked. Ben gave a small smile and nodded.
Getting up, he offered you his hand and helped you up. After you had slipped your arms through his coat sleeves, you clung to his arm while you walked back. The short walk was spent in a somewhat silence, the only noise being a soft hum of a new song from Ben. 
When you got to your house, you let Ben get ready before you. You didn’t let him convince you to switch the order, using the excuse that it was your birthday celebration so you made the executive order. Knowing he would be quick, you stood outside of the door as you waited to switch around.
After his predicted quickness was over, you gently placed his dress coat on the top of the shelf before closing the door behind you.
You told him he could come in when you pulled your shirt down, and you knew he caught a small glance of your skin. Ben was the first one to get into the bed, leaving you to turn off the room’s light before making your way to your bed. He had already pulled back the blanket for you, putting it back over you when you took your place beside him. 
He moved his arm so that your head would rest on it and it draped around your back as you snuggled up to him. When you placed a hand on his chest, he took it and brought it to his lips and kissed your knuckles. He brought your hand back to his chest and gave a quick kiss to the top of your head before settling into the pillows.
Subconsciously, he started to hum again, adding a few words here and there. They became more incoherent as you both drifted to sleep.
@stardancerluv @jaydenwoo @madmax2003 @alyssa-skywalker
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huearmy · 4 years
Life Is Beautiful - II
Summary: You are a glass half full person, your life motto is “Life is too short to… Insert something and anything here”. During your whole life you wanted something more, and even not knowing what it is, you put yourself to find out and get it, experiencing everything  brilliant that the world offers - within the measure of what is safe, of course. The curious thing is that your way of living ended up rousing  the interest of two vampires. One who sees beauty in everything and  loves to exist, currently working with suicide prevention; and another one who no longer sees grace in things, in that boring immortality that never ends, and only complains about the Netflix catalog all the time.
Pairing: Jimin x reader / Taehyung x reader.
Genre: fluff, angst, mature (not really a smut i guess?)…
Words:  8593.
Rating: +18
Warnings: As much as my writing is soft and light, and as these are not the main topic of the story, treated in a non-descriptive way, there are sensitive themes from the beginning of the first chapter to the end of the fic that can trigger sensitive people, like depression, suicide, addictions in general - Jimin literally works at a suicide prevention center here. SO PLEASE! Read responsibly, my intention when dealing with topics like this is always 1) dealing with them in myself, as a way of putting out part of my own healing process 2) generating identification in other people, so they can go through the difficult time a little less alone. THIS IS A STORY THAT SEES THE WORLD WITH POSITIVITY.
Chapter I - Chapter III .
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Dating is a very mortal thing, very human thing. Because mortals believe in love and want it, as they live for such a little time and die so easily, they are seeking for it every time, afraid that they will never ever find this great noble sentiment, a person to call theirs, to take care and be cared of. Vampires on the other hand have no need to be afraid of these fleeting things. Most times when they have an interest in other vampires, they just act on it, whether to periodic casual encounters, ether to live an endless affection in the empty eternity, just let's move it together. It is not common for vampires to fall in love - in fact most do not even believe in the word love - so no feelings are wasted, even the most superficial ones like the carnal impulses or the need for company. That's because existence is too long and feelings are few. When it happens it is unmistakable. For mortals it is precisely the opposite. Too many feelings for a short life. This creates an irrational anxiety and fear of choosing the wrong person, someone that isn't for them, and ending up just wasting time of their ephemeral lives. That is why dates are so important, it is a test. If it is a good experience it is a sign to continue, if it is bad go to the next option.
Jimin always wanted to have such experience. He likes the romance of mortals, which takes place at a slow and smooth pace like in books and movies, and he wanted to try. He just never got interested enough in anyone to think about actually asking them out... until now. Today he has a date with you.
He ran to his closet to choose an outfit - he already had four options ready in his head, but he needed to prove it to see which one would look better. He was just so excited you said yes! He was so eager to see how you will dress up, because of course, you are already beautiful, but the idea is to try to look even more beautiful to go on a date, and imagining you doing this thinking about him makes Jimin smile until his eyes disappear in two half moons. ________________________________________________________________
Taehyung was laying upside down on his bed, lazyly throwing a ball to Yeontan chase it, again, again and again. On the old record player there was a vinyl that he bought almost a century ago, filling the air in the room with jazz. His feet bounce site to side on the rhythm of the bass and he is tempted on singing along. He couldn't - because he wouldn't even try - remember the first time he heard this song, only that it was in the first half of the twentieth century and he probably met the singer personally, since he loved going to the shows. In his almost four hundred years of existence, this was one of the times when he was happier, different from now. He chased after the pretty girls, made them feel like princesses with the polite and gallant way he talks, kissed their red painted lips and drank the red from their necks... And then made them forget about him so they wouldn't have nightmares about his fangs and red eyes. He also had fun with the young men who went out to party and accepted anyone who wanted to party with them with hugs and high laughter, but it was not so good to drink from them, because alcohol changes the taste of blood too much... Still it was fun though.
Now none of that is interesting. And he doesn't even know why. He also doesn't know why he feels so angry all the time. But he feels. He gets irritated when he sees Jimin being happy and excited as always while he doesn't even want to move, and then he feels guilty because it's not like he wants Jimin to stop being like that. It's just... It seems that at any moment he will be alone forever. Taehyung slowly got up and lined up his silk pajamas looking at himself in the full length mirror. Even though he feels empty and purposeless he is elegant. He headed to Jimin's room. His intention was to apologize for being rude but he forgot it at the moment he stepped inside the door. "What is it all?" He looked to the mess of clothes and shoes around the bedroom.
Jimin ran out the closet with a hoodie in one hand and a suit on the other and not using any pants. His eyes were anxious.
"I don't know what to wear! I want to look good but don't want to overdress..." He whined in front of the mirror. "None of my initial ideas seemed right when I tried..."
Taehyung made a face, trying to remember what day of week was. "I thought you didn't have work today..." Tae found an empty bed space to sit on.
"I don't..." Jimin turned to him with a bright smile that almost blinded him. "Today I'm going out with a girl! I have a date!" And there it was again. That pain of feeling Jimin slowly slipping away. He is the only one Taehyung really got attached to after so much time, the only one he wanted to stay forever... But the feeling doesn't seem reciprocal anymore. "A girl? Who is it?" Tae asked, trying to swallow the sour taste on his mouth. He was there to apologize, not to smash Jimin's smile once more.
"Y/N. She works with me, and she's very sweet. I think you would like her if you meet her." Jimin dreamly said, hands dropping the clothes he was holding. "Why do you think that?" Tae got along.
Jimin sighed, thinking of you, trying to put you in one or a few words. It was hard.
"I don't know... I identify with her." He approached Tae, taking his face on his cute hands. "She is like me." Taehyung closed his eyes, and the image of some bubbly cute girl in love with live, appreciating little things, formed in his mind, and then this cute girl replaced him in Jimin's heart. He already hates her. Hates you. He harshly sighed. "If you want to look unpretentious, modest, choose jeans. A pair that values your beautiful legs." Taehyung recommended calmly. Jimin smiled and ran back to the closet. "Button-up shirt, one that looks casual but still shows that you care." Jimin searched through the closet looking for something that matched Taehyung description, seconds later he came back with a white shirt with a mandarin collar and short sleeves, slightly oversized, and ripped jeans that hugged his tights nicely. "What else?" He asked, already feeling more confident.
"Any of your shoes should look good, I think... And it's raining, so you need a leather jacket."
At the end Jimin was perfect, with his hands full of rings, hair fixed showing his forehead, and using an expensive perfume, but in fact he is always perfect. Carefully he put all his clothes back in the closet, so as not to have to tidy up the room when he gets back, and even to control the anxiety a little since he got ready too early. When he finished Tae was no longer in the room waiting for him.
"Taetae?" Jimin knocked on Taehyung's door, even if it was open.
Tae was back on his previous position on his bed, head hanging off the edge. He didn't look back at Jimin's direction, keeping his eyes close as if he was just enjoying the song playing on the old record player. He wasn't at all. "Hm?"
"Thank you." Jimin softly said, sitting beside him.
Taehyung slowly opened one eye, lazyly humming again.
"You welcome, you looked lost." He unconsciously took Jimin's hand, interviewing their fingers. "I thought you were already leaving."
Jimin shook his head, chuckling to himself.
"I got carried away with my enthusiasm. I only need to pick up Y/N in an hour and twenty six minutes."
"Silly you."Tae mumbled.
"Yeah... Silly Jiminie." He was dreamly, looking to nowhere specific. After a moment without conversation, they made eye contact. "You went to my room to say something. What was it?"
A pout formed on Taehyung lips.
"I'm sorry."
Jimin answered with a soft grin, using his free hand to affectionately mess Tahyung's hair. After so much time together it gets easier to solve conflicts, it is possible to see how simple it is to ask for forgiveness. This makes immortality much more enjoyable. They both knew they were fine. _______________________________________________________________
You said bye to your roommate, and she wished you luck, saying for the hundred time that you are beautiful - she hadn't seen you this excited to a date before. In the cold, empty corridor of your building, still in front of your apartment door, you checked if your keys, wallet and cell phone really were in your little lap-bag - which sadly you hardly use because your heavy books, lunchboxes and other everyday things don't fit in it. You took a deep breath and put your hair behind your ear with a slightly shaking hand, feeling the stomach full of those silly butterflies, just for thinking that Jimin was already down there waiting for you. It was raining so much now that even though it was late afternoon the sky was dark as if it were already night. When you opened the front door, the cold air caught you off guard, it was cold enough to make you shiver, even if you were wearing a jacket and wool pantyhose. Jimin came up the stairs to you with a big umbrella in his hand and a satisfied smile on his face.
"I swear where we are going is pretty warm inside." He said, giving you space to go under the umbrella with him. "You look cute by the way. Beautiful actually."
Your face heated as you hooked your arms together, a grin in your lips.
"You don't look bad yourself."
If Jimin had any blood circulating in his veins he would blush too. Thank you, Tae. He thought.
"I was afraid you would give up on going out today, because of the weather..." Jimin expressed, really relieved that you didn't.
"I never miss an opportunity to have a good time. Just rain can't stop me... maybe a tornado..." You jocked.
"Thank god I saw nothing about tornadoes in the weather."
You laughed, and you were about to answer something but Jimin stopped, and you shut up when you saw him opening the door of a sporting car, and even if you don't know anything about cars to the point of not even knowing what brand it was, you sure could say it was expensive. Your broke ass was freaking out.
"Is this your car?" You couldn't keep the words from coming out of your mouth. Jimin just smirked, thinking it was cute.
"Miss?" He motioned for you to come in, and when you were comfortable in the leather seat he closed the door for you. One second later he was getting in himself.
He took his time to put on his seat belt, so he could look at you whole again. You two have never been in such a small enclosed space before, so now, even with the other smells, like rain outside and the leather of the seats, he could smell you a lot better. And it was good. Everything about you was cute, even the pulse of your blood in the artery in your beautiful neck. He could just look at you forever, but it would make you uncomfortable, probably, and that's definitely not the idea of this date. "You are using transparent rain boots." He stated, noticing it now.
"Ah... Yeah. I didn't want to wet up my feet." You slightly freaked. The only other pair of shoes you have to rain days is way old and ugly - the pair of hiking boots you use almost everyday to college and work - so you opted for yout transparent rain boots and cute socks.The result was not very fashionable, but you didn't have much else to do other than to hope it would look cute or at least talk a little about your personality. "I like to use socks that match my mood, even if people can't see."
Jimin hummed, analyzing the yellow socks in your feet. A happy color.
"I see." He smiled. "I guess you never use black socks then."
You looked at him, really serious.
"Those are for final exam days."
He laughed. You like to make him laugh.
"And what's the meaning of yellow socks?" Jimin asked, really expectant of your explanation.
"If I'm still in such a mood at the end of the night, I'll tell you." You smirked.
He took you to a fancy cafe, just like his car, the moment you went through the door you knew the money you brought with you wasn't enough, the whole place with the marble floor and vintage decor in a level totally different from the simple cafe in front of the train station that you usually buy your coffee before work. There weren't many people, most likely because of the rain. With a hand in the small of your back, Jimin walked you to a table, and pulled a chair for you. Your eyes were sparkling as you looked around, to the fancy illumination set, to the plants adorning the wall behind you, to the beautiful girl in a beautiful dress some tables from yours.
"We always drink coffee in a not so nice place in a not so nice situation, so I wanted to change it a little bit." Jimin seated beside you.
"Is a nice change indeed." You gave him a sweet smile.
"But if you think it's too boring, just tell me, I am not attached to plans." He jocked, but with truth behind it.
You thought for a second. "What if I say I want to go to a climbing gym?"
"First I would say that my shoes are not good for this activity, nor your dress... But, why not?" His response made you smile and your heart skipped a bit.
"I'll think of a more suitable activity for our outfits then."
Seconds later, a waitress came to your table with a notepad in hand and a cordial smile on her face. She was using the black uniform with a colorful apron on her waist, and a vintage eyeliner, you thought she was also nice looking, just like the rest of the place and people around you.
"Already know what you will want?" She asked, looking between you and Jimin.
"Ah! I haven't looked at the menu yet! Just a moment." You reached the cute booklet beside the flower pot in front of you. As you guessed before, the prices were a little more than you had planned to spend, making your stomach flip. Jimin rested his elbows on the table.
"I want an espresso, the small one, please." He cheekly smiled. "And she..." He stopped himself. He could bet what you would want, based on the kind of coffee you always buy to yourself, and your feed on instagram, but asking you directly was better, but most important: girls in this century can make their own order themselves. So he would just wait for you to talk. But you didn't say anything right away, you were nervously staring at the menu in your hands instead.
You were calculating. If you took the cheapest coffee among the expensive ones, which should certainly be a delight, you would not be a miser, and there would be extra money left for emergencies which is always good. But you could also buy a cheaper coffee and a cookie maybe. But a piece of pie would be so good too, there were some really beautiful ones in the showcase, but to also drink something would take all your money at once...
"Strawberry Mocha Latte, please." You ordered, wishing to not regret it.
Jimin, who was watching you closely during the few seconds you got to make a decision, saw how you longered a little more on the pies and cakes page, and the quick looks you sent to the showcase, humed.
"Thinking better... I'm up to something sweet too. Can you please tell me what flavor is that brown pie, with the white thing running down the sides?" He asked the waitress, chin on his hand.
"Sure. That's Cocoa Pie. It tastes like hot chocolate, the white thing is melted marshmallow." She explained.
Jimin heard your heart speeding up and then you gulped.
"I want a slice of it, please." He smiled at the waitress one last time.
"Anything else?" She asked.
"No." Both of you answered together.
Jimin had eyes only in you once again.
"Well, you were talking about college." He signaled for you to continue the previous conversation you were having on the car.
"Oh... yeah. College..." You couldn't remember the last thing you were telling him. Jimin lightly passed his index finger through your forehead, to undo a frown you didn't notice you were making.
"You were saying you didn't know exactly what you wanted to study." He took advantage of the proximity to put your hair behind your ear.
"Right. I always dreamed of things like being president, firefighter, astronaut and superhero. Something helpful." You laughed, especially because Jimin was laughing imagining you doing such things. "So I signed up for psychology when vacancies were opened for classes and I started working at the center as complementary hours... and it has been incredible."
"You don't sound like you have found what is your dream." Jimin commented.
You shrugged, playing with the sleeve of your dress. "It's because I didn't. I don't know what I want to do with my life, but I can't just sit down and think about it, so I started from somewhere. Going to college, or whatever, later would be a waste of time. Life is too short. You understand me?"
Not really. Imortallity and such. But Jimin could have some empathy. "Tell me more."
You sighed.
"Mom says I always have been different... My siblings are really chill. Dad supports me in any decision I make since ever, even the dumbest ones. I'm blessed, because for them I can be anything I want. I just don't know what it is. I feel that I can't disappoint them and waste all their money trying to discover myself. I need to at least get a degree in the process." You ended your speech with a dismissing laugh, as if it wasn't your biggest intern issue. "But I'm talking too much about myself... Your turn."
"It's not a problem, I can hear about you all day." He just flirted. "But well. My first degree was in law, I wanted to know how things work. Then I studied history, because I have a certain... intimacy with it. Basically everything I study is because I like it or am curious about it. I love taking courses on the internet too."
You were a little shocked. You didn't exactly know Jimin's age, but he looks at most two or three years older than you, and he already has two degrees? Rich kids really live in another world.
"Your family must be so proud of you." You said, stunned.
"I don't have family." Jimin simply responded.
In one second you were freaking out.
"I'm so, so sorry... I didn't mean to touch a delicate subject. Sorry." You reached both hands to his arm which was resting on the table, hoping you didn't ruin everything offending him or making him feel sad.
Jimin let a light chuckle out, putting his other hand above yours.
"It's ok. You couldn't know. Besides, it is not that delicate of a subject." He smiled, trying to make you relax. "I have been alone since I remember, since ever. No mom or dad. Just me. At some point I met this guy and he proposed to be my tutor, he adopted me, and it was the closest thing to a father figure that I ever had. And I'm sure parents aren't... that way." Jimin's eyes got dark for a second, but before you could say anything, he smiled again, brighter than before. "Now it's me and my friend Taehyung."
He said the name Taehyung with so much affection and fondness, that you almost heard him completing with "And he is my family", and in fact that was the feeling hiding in Jimin's words everytime he needs to talk about his friend to someone.
"Everytime you talk about this friend of yours I feel like meeting him. He must be so nice."
Jimin's eyes sparkled with excitement.
"I think he will love you. If you like it, I can invite you for lunch or something like that." His hand tightened on yours.
Was it a cue to a kind of second date already? Your face heated up.
"I would love to."
Your orders arrived, Jimin needed to let go of your hands, and you from his arm. As expected, your coffee was divine, creamy, warm and sweet in the right measure, warming you up inside and making your tongue melt with satisfaction, that your heart even hurt less at the price you would pay for it. Jimin got the tiniest bite of the cocoa pie and hummed in delight, catching your attention. Vampires have no problem eating human food, but it's not like it's very satisfying, the acting was to make you look at him with puppy eyes. And it worked.
"Y/N, you need to taste it. Here." He filled the spoon with a piece way bigger than he ate himself and reached it out in front of your mouth.
You wanted it so bad you didn't even think how he feeding you could be embarrassing, you just ate it. No regrets.
"It really tastes like hot chocolate." You said with doe eyes.
As you talked, he made you eat the whole slice yourself without noticing it. You were just so happy, having a good time with a nice, handsome guy you crush on, and a cute delicious meal, in a conceitual, beautiful place. If life wasn't so short, you would like to do it forever.
"Hmmm, Jimin?" You said, mouth slightly full. "How Escape Room sounds to you?"
He smiled widely.
"Sounds like a good new plan."
You're a masochist, Jimin came to that conclusion after fifteen minutes of escape room adventure. First of all you chose a suspense and horror story to play, which surprised him a little but didn't make him think much about it. It turns out that in addition to the tense story where you need to find out where the main character's body was hidden in order to get out, an actor dressed as a masked serial killer appears from time to time to scare and chase you with a fake knife. Jimin is not really scared, since his improved hearing and smells make him notice the presence of the actor before the jump scare, but you... As much as you are smart to find the clues and connect the facts, you are a scared cat. Every time you give a loud scream that gradually becomes a nervous laugh, grab his hand and run away pulling him with you, clearly enjoying yourself. He could hear your heart racing and smell the adrenaline and endorphin running through your blood. "We need to go back to the library... Do you think he is there?" You shout whispered, one hand still holding tightly on his, and in the other you were analyzing the clues you already had.
The heat in your face from running and your slightly lack of air just made you look cuter, Humans are so fragile and precious.
"He isn't, we can go back." Jimin whispered back.
"How do you know?" You tried to peek around the corner of the corridor.
"I saw him going to the other side as we ran." He lied, actually he could hear the actor's breathing behind a door on the way to the library. Probably both of you would run again, and that's ok to Jimin, so he can put himself between you anthe guy protectively and see if you'll look at him the same as the first time he did. Before the time goes out, you solved the mystery with almost any help from Jimin, who was too busy paying attention to you and your focused expression, and needing to ask for a hint just one time. You were euphoric and proud as you both walked out the room, bragging about your brain, and also pouting about how sad the story actually was and how that freak neon mask of the killer was spooky. You were so distracted talking about how much fun you got that you didn't see when Jimin paid for the game without splitting the bill. You had previously agreed that even if you didn't have the money to pay half of it, you would help. That was not fair.
You decided not to complain. "All this running made me hungry!" You said as you two walked over to his car. It wasn't raining anymore, the night sky slowly starting to show up as the clouds moved away with the wind which was still strong and chilling. Seeing you close your jacket better, Jimin put an arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer. With a vampire's body temperature he wouldn't be able to warm you at all, but at least he could shieldering you from the wind... And you still thought the caring act was the cutest thing. You also put an arm around his waist. "Are you hungry too?" Nope. Jimin doesn't even remember how the feeling of hunger is, the bloodlust is too different to compare, besides, what for you was physical effort, for him it didn't even come close to being tiring. But he got along with it. If you had any more ideas that postponed him taking you home and saying goodbye for the night, he would accept it. "Ah... Sure." For the third time in the night he opened the door for you. "Why?" You took your place in the passenger seat and searched for something in your purse, taking it out all smiling when you found it. Ten pieces of colored paper. Coupons. "Chinese food. The discount is bigger if ordered to go." You sang. Coupons are your treasure. When Jimin thinks you can't get any cuter... ______________________________________________________________
In order not to risk spilling any type of sauce on the leather of Jimin's expensive car seat, you insisted on going to eat at your apartment, since it was not far from the Chinese restaurant. Jimin was uncertain at first, but you ensured that two of your roommates were traveling and that the other doesn't sleep early and wouldn't mind you hanging out in the living room as long as you don't make a lot of noise. The question was not whether he was going to bother your roommate or not, Jimin is a gentleman, he would never do anything to offend someone inside their own home, the question is whether he could get you to invite him in with all the words - the last thing he wanted to do was end your date bursting into ashes for entering without being properly invited and you having to vacuum him off your carpet. It would be a really sad and stupid way of dying. He nervously insisted on carrying all the bags and followed you upstairs - the elevator was broken - and down the cold corridor from your floor to your door. You opened your purse to get your heavy set of keys - your father always said that the more keys you need to carry the greater number of responsibilities you have, and for some reason that makes you internally proud of yourself - searching for the right one to open the door. Jimin cleared his throat. "Y/N... I really don't want to bother..." He said, and you looked at him with doe eyes. He put the bags on the floor to keep his hands free to hold yours. Before you could object, he continued. "I had a lot of fun with you today, and I think we got to the part I say bye the right way... You know, walking you to your door and them kissing you... Maybe?"
Like in the movies, he thought. Your heart scaped one... no... a lot of beats. He was holding both your hands, and looking right to your eyes, and talking about kissing you. Still you pouted, and he knew you would fight him on it, of course you would, but you did more than this, getting him by surprise. You reduced the space between you and pecked his lips, one of Jimin's hands went up to cup your face and try to kiss you more, but you pulled back with a frown.
"Done. You walked me to my door and kissed me." You were looking at his eyes as intensely as he was looking at yours. "But you said you were hangry and I bought all this food for us, so you are not going home yet."
You used your emergency money and coupons that you took a long time to collect just to be able to spend more time with him, and you wouldn't miss it for anything. Jimin smiled till his eyes disappeared.
"Do you want me to get in so we can spend more time together?" He asked as if he could read your mind, but it was just because it was what he wanted too.
"Yeah." You nodded, feeling kind of weird for admitting it.
"Say it..." Jimin insisted, eyes so intense you could think he was hypnotizing you. He wasn't, he would never do that to you.
"I want you to get in so we can hang out a little more..." You said, voice small.
"Invite me formally then." He openly asked.
It confused you, you thought it was funny, a chuckle escaping your lips. In your head you were sure that Jimin should read fanfic or something like that to be so good at being cliché. You pulled back and opened the door, stepping aside. "Please come in, Jimin." You smirked to him as he picked the bags from the door and obliged.
He didn't turn into ashes. You closed the door behind him and picked his jacket, kicking your boots. He followed you close to the kitchen, where he dropped the bags on the table.
"Hmmm. You can make yourself comfortable, I'll just say to my roommate that I'm home and brought food. I'll be back in a sec."
You run in your tiptoes down the hall, as Jimin already knew the apartment was empty when you arrived. He opened the cabinets and drawers, looking for plates and cutlery, before you came back he would have prepared the table for you two - or just you really - to eat. He got it done and you didn't come back, so he explored. The kitchen had little of your smell in it, a sign that you spend little time in it, which is okay, Jimin's kitchen is not his favorite part of the house either. In the living room you were more present, he found where your smell was stronger, your favorite place to take naps and marathon series, the recliner. It looked really comfortable, so he could understand. He walked silently down the hall and found your bedroom door, the door was open and you weren't there, but of course, as much as he was curious about you and your most personal place, he wasn't going to enter without permission, just looking quickly the stuffed animals at the head of your messy bed before heading back to the living room was enough for now.
In the meantime, you were leaning against the closed door of your roommate's room, which should have been at home, as you left her before you left, but she wasn't. Staring at your phone screen with your face burning you took a deep breath. She texted you earlier, yet you were having fun so you didn't see it before. It makes no difference, she just put even more ideas in your head and embarrassment in your face. Cutiehoe: i got to my babe's place
Cutiehoe: so u can get laid if you want booboo
Cutiehoe: nntr
Cutiehoe: tell me later hf
You didn't think of inviting Jimin to do anything more than eat. It wasn't your intention. But now you are thinking about it. A lot. You considered running to the bathroom to cool off a little, but on second thought, you left the boy alone for too long, he must be feeling awkward waiting for you. So you got back to him, who was actually very comfy in your recliner, reading the book you left there earlier. He did make himself comfortable - it isn't hard to a vampire at all.
"I set the table." He smiled, closing the book.
"Did you?" You looked to the kitchen table in surprise. "Ah, it wasn't necessary... I was planning on eating here, so we can watch a movie or something... And eat from the boxes so I won't need to wash the dishes later..."
You were afraid the talk would die at some point and that it would be awkward, so the movie or whatever would be an emergency escape or something, you use this tactic for dates and making new friends since middle school.
"That's good for me too." He crossed his leg, as if it wasn't his first time in your house, and you don't know if it relaxes you or makes you tense. "What do you want to watch? I love cliche super silly rom-coms, aaaand animal planet documentaries."
You didn't know if he was joking or not but it made you laugh anyways, you finding it funny and cute.
"You can choose..." You handed the remote to him. "I'll bring the food and a blanket to a comfier experience."
"Ok." He took the opportunity to lightly brush your fingers when he took the remote, just like in the movies, and watch you sigh shakily over it. In fact he spent all night doing these little film cliché things, most of them you didn't even notice, but little by little it was affecting you, working you up.
"Ah. " You remembered. "Any of my roommates are here, you don't need to worry about bothering."
Jimin made a face, a thinking pouting face, then smiled widely, which made his eyes disappear. "Good. I didn't like the idea of having to contain myself around you."
Everything he says sounds so flirty that sometimes you don't know how to answer, so you just laughed as if it didn't affect your now slightly horny mind and left the room again.
Food on the coffee table, blanket turning your bottom halfin a burrito, a documentary about cats lowly playing on the TV - Jimin's choice, really - you both just chatting. Jimin was marmeized on how entertained you were by the conversation, telling him about how you managed to rent your room in such a good apartment, with nice roommates, in first place, he couldn't say if the story was really interesting or if it was just you making it sound like it was. You were so focused on the conversation that you didn't even noticed he wasn't eating at all. "But is kind of sad, because I'll probably be moving out next month..." You sighed then stuffed your mouth with chicken.
"What do you mean?" Jimin frowned.
"My savings are about to end, and what I earn at the center doesn't pay my rent here. And even if they paid I still have the college to pay, I will have to go after student internships. So next month I'm going to change jobs and move to a cheaper apartment. I'm just not going back to the dorms, no sir." You shrugged.
"Have you found any promising places yet?"
"Not really. The best place I found is only good because it is pet friendly, but besides it, it is hideous." You made fun of it, but you were frustrated for real, your roommates would let you stay as long as you needed, but it wouldn't be fair. Jimin laughed and pulled you to a half hug, which you gladly accepted, laying your head on his shoulder.
"You"ll find something..." He made a thinking pout. "If it would make you happy, I have a cute dog, and you can be his friend if you want to, specially if you can't afford your own pet, you just need to pay a visit to my house sometime."
"I would love it! I love dogs! And cats! And parrots... And ferrets, I want a ferret sooo much! But I can't afford myself these days." You finished your box of food, and with a clap of your hands you looked at him with shiny eyes. "But enough of my complaints, your turn... "
"My turn?" He has a hand in your chin.
But since when that you didn't notice the touch at first?
"Yeah... You tell me a story now, or whatever, what comes to your mind first." You nervously chuckled.
"Uhum." He nodded and pulled you close to kiss you.
The soft peck you gave him earlier was still ghosting his beautiful lips, he was still wanting to deepen it. He spent the whole conversation observing you to know if you wanted it too, if he should, and all the openings you were giving him made him excited. You kissed him back, reaching his shoulders with both hands. He started the kiss at a tentative pace, and soon you took the lead in a slow and nice rate, making him remember that probably you have more experience than him on it, or at least it is more recent than the last time he kissed someone like this. Before he knows it, he is hovering above you on the couch, your arms embracing his neck, one of his hands on your waist, wishing he could take your dress out of the way to feel your skin.
"This was the only thing on my mind." He pulled back after who knows how long, lips close enough to brush against yours, forehead on yours. "Your turn. What is on your mind now, Y/N?"
So intense... You mentally cursed that you were trapped in the blanket, preventing you from embracing him with your legs too.
"A lot of things actually..." You giggled. "You know... When the universe gives me an opportunity I usually don't let it pass..."
"Uhum. I noticed." He smiled against your own smile.
"I want to take you to my bed and strip you. That's the thought." You admitted. "That's the thought." He repeated with a rusky voice that gave you goosebumps, getting up and pulling you with him. You tripped over the blanket, but he held you, connecting your lips together again, and again. "Lead the way please."
You took him by hand and went to your room. You barely passed through the door, Jimin was all over you again, arms circling your waist from behind, mouth finding its way to your neck, sweetly kissing your pulse of life, right over your artery. He had no intention of biting you, the thought didn't even cross his mind, your smell is just so good and addictive he couldn't help himself. The smell of life on you, plus the smell of who you are, now that he could feel it so closely, after experiencing your lips... He never felt that way, whether with a vampire or a mortal, but it wasn't going to be now that he was going to question the strange fire burning inside his chest.
Soon you two were making out in your bed, gradually pieces of clothes and your animal plushies dropping to the floor. More than once you imagined Jimin above you like that, one hand holding your jaw, the thumb of the other hand playing with the hem of your bra, legs entwined with yours, while you explore the skin on his bare back with your fingertips. You were feeling fulfilled. You couldn't hold your breath when he gave you several pecks, and then smiling against your mouth he devoured you again, pinching your hips playfully. Even in that position, he was still flirting with you, making you feel relaxed and safe, and it made your heart flutter, and those insistent butterflies in your stomach took off all at once.
When your bra was off, letting you in your panties only, you put a hand on Jimin's - beautiful - chest, making him stop and look at you.
"Yes?" He asked with heart eyes and a low smoky voice.
"Do you..." You struggled to focus as he was looking at you as to remember each detail of your face for eternity. He was indeed. "Do you by any chance have a condom with you?"
He internally slaps himself for not being prepared for every possible scenario resulting from your date. He didn't think about sex at all, didn't remember that mortals use condoms, or that condoms exist, so he didn't get the idea of buying such thing -  it would be the first time ever. Damn! It is an important thing!
"I don't." He blinked twice.
"Oh." You bite the inside of your cheek, thinking. You don't have any either, actually you don't even remember the last time... "Ah! Two of my roommates are actually a couple, and I know they must have condoms somewhere... Can you wait a lil sec?"
You looked up at him as if you were insecure he would say no. He just chuckled and kissed the tip of your nose.
"Of course." He got off of you, laying himself by your side.
You gave him a cutely bashful smile and hurried out the room, just in your underwear. A really beautiful sight.
Vampires do not have STDs and are totally sterile, so the need to use a condom is totally non-existent, yet, Jimin decided not to say anything about it and just use it, because he would have to expose himself too much to make the arguments make any sense, and, of course, for a matter of respect and consent. If it's important to you, then why question it? He was just hoping you would find it in your roommate's stuff, so you wouldn't change your mind on going all the way with him... Hoping that at least if you end up changing your mind you would be up for cuddles, so he could hide his face in your neck and feel you in such a way a little bit more. For him it's just as intimate, but in a different way. You came back a while later with the small colorful package and a weird look on your face - you found it in a really private drawer - to find Jimin laying on his back, facing the ceiling with eyes closed. He looked so beautiful. For a second you panicked, thinking that he could have fallen asleep, then he got up on his elbows, mischievous eyes sizing you up and down with so much interest.
"Get back here, Sweetheart." He softly talked, husky voice making your feet move before you could think about it. When you reached the bed he pulled you by the hand and in a second was above you again, hands holding you close. He chose to ask the next question in your ear. "Can we continue?"
"Yes." You took a handful of his nape hair as he attacked your neck with kisses once more.
The last underwear pieces were discarded in no time, letting just skin on skin, and the sensation of it was the only thing both of you could think clearly at the moment. You did what you've been wanting to do since you met Jimin, so much time checking him out when you believed he wasn't paying attention, and satisfactorily grabbed his ass, in response he grabbed yours too.
"You are so beautiful, Y/N." He whispered against the base of your throat. Then he made eye contact, just adoring you, and you could feel it in all your body.
Both of you held your breath together when he entered. You wanted to look away, or close your eyes, but it wasn't possible at the moment. Jimin's face brightened up and he let out a giggle. "Stop, don't laugh." You hid your face with a hand, for some reason this making you lowkay insecure.
"Sorry." He got your hand out the way and pecked your lips. "I just think you are precious."
It is strange. Vampires don't believe in love, even if it is Jimin, who seeks for it around him all the time, in movies and books, and always dreamed to experience such a thing that mortals live and die for, deep inside never really believing he would find it. But... Somehow... Now lying on your embrace, two bodies in sinc as if they were one, breathing and voices mixed, eyes fixed on each other's every response, mouths reaching one another in their own will. He was burning inside with a feeling he could only think as similar as what the imagined love is. Did he exist for so many centuries to meet you in this time? So he could see you trembling because of him, making him want to do it again and again? Not because he feels good, or because you smell and taste good, but because he adores you...
Your arms wrapped his torso, pinning him against you, bringing him closer, even if it wasn’t possible, in what you were looking for comfort in, as you were trying to regain your breath. A different smell of yours filling the air.
Breath. You need this to keep living. Actually you need a lot of things to not die. So ephemeral. At this moment, thinking of it, as he rolled his hips a few times more and kissed you passionately, you were everything in the world. Even if you are an ephemeral being. The idea of you not existing anymore in some decades, or next day, was terrifying, at the point of him considering...
"Yellow is for euphoric happiness, I use it when I don't know what to do with my own excitement." You pulled him from his thoughts, pushing his hair away from his face with a content smile on yours.
He looked at you without understanding.
"My socks. I promised to tell you my yellow mood if till the end of the night I were still feeling it." You explained.
"I see." He let himself fall beside you, still not letting you go, burying his face on your neck instead. You gladly cuddled him back, playing with hair, and felt his smile wide on your skin as you did. "Can I stay a while longer?"
"I wasn't expecting you to leave at all. Is already late." You said in the middle of a yawn.
You both stayed in silence for a moment, he could sense you falling asleep.
Then you talked again, getting away just enough to look at him.
"We need to get clean, also is healthy to pee after sex." You were already getting up from the bed at the end of the sentence. ________________________________________________________________
The morning came lazyly, with you soundly sleeping with your head on Jimin's arm and legs entangled with his, noses touching. Vampires don't exactly sleep, or they hibernate, or they just close their eyes and rest, and that's what Jimin is doing as your peaceful breathing and heartbeat lully him.
Through the curtains a beam of sunlight slowly invaded the room, as the sun began to rise outside bringing the day. Noticing this, Jimin covered his arms around you, to prevent burns, but out of curiosity he let the light reach you, until now he only saw you in the night, and wanted to know how you would be under the cover of the day. When the golden glow reached you, it was almost as if you were shining. Everything about you said loudly how alive you are, and that is charming. It made him feel slightly guilty for thinking, even for a second, about taking it away from you out of a selfish feeling of him.
Just having the opportunity of experiencing you this way should be enough to him. He shouldn't be greedy.
A tune sounded in the quiet room, making you stir and grumble, hiding in his chest, still asleep. It was Jimin's phone, ringing somewhere on the floor. Carefully he moved from you, avoiding the sunlight, and looked for it, one second later - literally - he was sitting on your desk chair, answering the call in a low tone so as to not disturb your sleep.
"Yes?" He answered, knowing it would be Tae scolding him for not being at home before dawn, but getting by surprise that it wasn't an angry Tae on the other side of the line, but a scared one.
"Jimin?! Are you coming home?" He cried.
Jimin stiffed, all alarms sounded loud in his mind.
"Tae, what's wrong?" He questioned louder.
"I'm outside, on our neighbour's porch. I can't go back inside... The sun will reach me, Jimin. I don't know what to do." He panicked. Jimin hasn't heard Taehyung speaking this fast in decades.
Without thinking more, he started to get dressed, phone still between his shoulder and ear.
"Keep on where's shadow no matter what, I'll be there soon. Don't cry ok?"
"Jimin?" Your groggy voice reached him, making him remember about your presence. You were rubbing your puffy morning eyes, but they wided when you noticed his distressed face. "What's wrong?"
How could he explain to you he needed to go and save Tae before the sun explodes him?
"My friend... Domestic accident." He stammered. "I'm sorry, I didn't plan to go this early."
"Just go, your friend needs you." You smiled understandingly.
Already full dressed he came to peck your lips, a fast peck.
"I'll call you."
You smiled, planning on going back to sleep. He ran in full speed, lucky the other's buildings covered him as he reached for his car. Usually he was in favor of safe driving, but today is not a day for it, he stepped on the accelerator, making the tires sing loudly, and the world outside became some kind of a blur. If imagining that you, a mortal, someday will inevitably die hurted his chest last night, just the possibility of the rest of his existence without Taehyung was excruciating. Maybe when he got home the situation would turn out that wasn't that serious, and that was what he wanted, but maybe he would arrive to no one to save.
"Jiminie?" Tae voice sounded petrified on the line.
"Yeah? I'm here."
"Can we stay on the call till you get here?"
Taehyung was terrified. They both were. So no red light stopped Jimin this morning.
"Of course, my soulmate."
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Taglist: @angrygardenerr @heystobitbeach @milktaetae95 @tangledsparkles  @wlalsrkfla @minikolima @beach-bitch-bitch-beach​ @tangledsparkles​ @ireallylikeyourwriting​ @6always6baby6​
I’M SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! If you want to be tagged, let me know pls.
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httpsfelicity · 4 years
“In a black dress, she’s such an actress” - Harry Styles × Model Reader AU (Part 2/?)
Summary - Harry meets a model downtown and falls for her quickly, leading the public to think that it’s a pr stunt. Unsure of what to think, the reader plays along, not knowing that Harry is unaware of the rumours.
For @cruizmanadu, @stephaniemalvie!, @kissessfordraco Xx
A/N - Part two! Thank you sooo much for the feedback on part one, I never expected it! Glad you guys like it so far. If you haven’t read part one, click here x Once again, if you’d like a part 3 / have suggestions / ect, just send a DM or ask! Here you go babessss :) 
Harry Styles: Hi
Y/n <3: Hi
Harry Styles: Why are you awake, it’s 3am?
Y/n <3: I could ask you the same thing, you messaged me first!
Harry Styles: You’re right. What’s up?
Y/n <3: Watching TV, you?
Harry Styles: Not much. Listening to The Beatles, y’know, normal night things.
Y/n <3: Never really got around to listening to them personally
Harry Styles: Omg reported and BLOCKED.
Y/n <3: Omg noooooo come back 
Harry Styles: Kiddinggggggg, but I have to make you listen to one of their albums sometime
Harry Styles: Are you free tomorrow?
Y/n <3: I have a shoot all day. I’m free the next day tho
Harry Styles: We could maybe do something then? The park?
Harry Styles: Unless you have a better idea, of course
Y/n <3: No that sounds great! What time?
Harry Styles: 7?
Y/n <3: Sure! :)
Harry Styles: Now, GO TO SLEEP!
Y/n <3: Only if you do!
Harry Styles: Okayyyy, goodnight!
Y/n <3: Goodnight!
Seen: 3:14am
As you crawled into bed, a feeling of satisfaction spread through you. He wanted to spend more time with you - that ought to be a good sign, right? “Maybe this could work out, after all,” was the last thing you thought before you fell asleep.
The next day was the usual whirlwind of events that occurred every shoot day - wake up early, take a cab over to the location (That particular day’s mystery place happened to be an old art studio), take another cab with some assigned lady to get you ready, another cab back to the location, then a whole day of photos. It was all a blur to you, so when the head of the whole operation thanked you at the end of the day, you were glad it was all over. Of course you adored your job, but considering the amount of sleep you’d gotten last night (Which, by the way, you did not regret one bit) you were thankful that in 45 minutes you’d be fast asleep.
What you did not expect, however, was for that little power nap to turn into a full 14 hours. By the time you woke up the next day, it was the crack of 11am. You sat up frantically, taking in your surroundings. You were still wearing your street clothes - jeans and a blouse - and a quick glance in the mirror revealed you hadn’t taken off your extravagant makeup, either. Trust me, it was not a pretty sight. You scrambled for your phone, and aside from all of the usual twitter notifications, DM requests, and messages from Ella and Harry (Which you were over the moon about), you noticed that you had 4 missed calls. From, none other than Harry.
You quickly clicked on his contact and dialed up his number. After a few rings, he picked up.
“Hi!” He said cheerfully.
“Hey,” you laughed. “Why did you call me? Four times, to be exact?”
“Just wanted to make sure we were still on for tonight. But then I got worried when you didn’t answer, so I called again to make sure everything was alright.”
“And again, and again.”
“Correct,” he laughed.
“Rough photoshoot. I was exhausted, and it wasn’t all that exciting. By the time I got home, I was asleep. Literally. I slept for 14 hours straight.”
Harry laughed so hard on the other end that you had to move your phone away from your ear for a couple of seconds so he could calm down. “Oh, wow, I... well, I guess it’s not that funny. That’s awful. You should’ve gotten more sleep the night before!”
“I would’ve, but somebody just had to message me at 3am!”
Cue another round of laughter. “Oh my god... look, I’m sorry, I really am! I didn’t know you had to wake up so early. I won’t message you so late into the night anymore, I promise.”
“Don’t promise that! I quite liked it. Besides, all of those shoots are the same. Nothing worth remembering, if you ask me.”
“Alright, alright, fine. But are we still on for later? If you’re still tired, we can reschedule...”
“No! After twice the amount of sleep I usually get, I feel like I could run a marathon. Seven?”
“Okay. Gives me enough time to adjust myself to reality.”
This sent both of them into bouts of laughter.
“Alright, well, I’ve gotta go, but I’ll see you then?”
“You’ve got it! Bye!”
“Bye! And for the love of god try not to fall asleep this time, yeah?” He cracked himself up.
“I’ll try!” You replied as you hung up. You sighed, smiled, and then leaned against your headboard, though not for long. You had things to do - number one, get a shower.
Flash forward a few hours, and you were all set. You were wearing a pair of jeans and a blouse, similar to yesterday’s outfits, just with less smeared makeup and bedhead. You had even managed to listen to a few albums while you were doing your hair. You quickly ate a salad for supper, confirmed the meeting spot with Harry, then headed out the door.
You arrived 10 minutes early, and to your surprise, Harry was already there again. 
“How did you get here before me?” You laughed as you walked up to him. “I left even earlier than last time, specifically to race you!”
“Oh, I have my ways,” he grinned. “So, would you like to know what I have planned?” 
“Enlighten me,” you prompted as you began walking past the bushes and flowerbeds with him, admiring his bold, light purple flared pants and white top.
“Well, first we walk through the park. Then, I have a reservation booked for La Sedbe Hyudge. If that sounds okay to you, that is.”
La Sedbe Hyudge was one of the most exclusive clubs in New York. Reservations were crazy expensive, and that’s not including the price of the food and drinks.
“Oh, Harry, you really didn’t ha-”
“No, no, don’t worry about it. The reservation’s already made; there’s no turning back now,” he laughed.
You laughed along with him. “Well, we can just split the final bill.”
“Don’t worry about it!” 
You sighed. “Okay,” you finally agreed. “Well, anyways, tonight sounds like it will be great fun. Thank you.”
Harry nodded, looking around. You had to admit it, the scenery of the park was very nice. The gardener(s) here must be paid awfully well.
“So, I listened to Fine Line.”
Harry perked up. “Oh?”
“It was - and I’m not just saying this because I li- we’re friends - but it was incredible. I’ve never heard anything like it.”
Harry was trying to hide his smile, but he was failing miserably. “Well, that’s good,” he concluded nonchalantly. 
“No, really! I have Golden stuck in my head. It’s beautiful. And don’t even get me started on Lights Up.”
“You didn’t see the music video, did you?”
“Oh, wow.”
“It was ARTSY!” You laughed, Harry clearly getting embarrassed. “No, in all honestly, it was great.”
“Well, I’m glad you think that,” he smiled. “I wish I could say the same to you, but you don’t sing, obviously.”
“Not my forte, honestly. I was in choir in elementary, but that’s pretty much it. Never really had any interest in the preforming arts. No offense.”
“None taken. I’ve always liked singing, but I didn’t think I’d pursue it as a career. I was very happy at my old job, thank you very much.”
“What was your old job?”
“I used to work in a bakery.”
“No way!” “That’s adorable,” you thought as the two of you rounded a corner of the path.
“Yes way! Not to brag, but I was very good at making cinnamon rolls.”
“Now, isn’t that something.”
“That’s not all - macaroons.”
“Oh my god, marry me.”
You continued goofing off for the rest of the walk. You talked about Netflix shows and whether Summer or Winter was the superior season in the taxi, and the best way to make Kraft dinner on the sidewalk. By the time you walked into the restaurant and sat down, you were discussing the importance of a good facemask.
“I don’t know. I just can’t believe you do them.”
“I can’t believe you don’t.”
“Why should I?”
“Do you want me to go over the health benefits again?”
You sighed. “No. I just do not have the patience.”
“For me to explain it again or facemasks in general?”
You smiled. “Both.”
Harry laughed rather loudly, gaining a few odd looks from some stuck-up diners. “You’re lucky you’re cute, y/n.”
Before you could respond, a waiter walked over to your table. “And what could I get for the couple this evening?” He asked.
You and Harry looked at eachother and tried to supress laughter.
“Well, I don’t know about my husband here,” you start, looking over at Harry with a grin. He’s staring back at you and you are positive that he’s gonna blow it at any second, but you decide to keep going, “But I’ll have a glass of red wine.”
“Whatever you want, dear, so I guess I’m driving,” Harry shrugged. “I will have water, please.”
The waiter nodded. “I’ll be right back.”
 As soon as he was out of earshot, the two of you burst out laughing.
“That.. was.... amazing!” Said Harry between laughs.
“I know right!” You agreed. “We have to keep it going all night.”
“YES,” he nodded as a group of teenage girls walked past the table, also laughing uncontrollably.
Then, the waiter returned. “For the lady,” he said as he placed down a glass of  wine. You immediately picked it up and took a sip. 
“For the main course, I’ll have the steak, please,” said Harry in his very-best fancy voice.
“I too,” you said, giggling and taking another sip.
The waiter nodded and headed back to the kitchen. The two of you laughed again. 
Just then, you felt your phone buzz in your purse. “It’s probably nothing,” you thought, choosing to ignore it. But then it went off again. And again. And again.
“You should probably get that,” said Harry, looking at your bag.
“Nah, it’s probably nothing.”
“Alright. I gotta run to he bathroom, and then I’m gonna order a drink for myself, okay?”
“Okay,” you said as you watched him get up. “Bring me back a glass too!”
You watched him walk over to the mens room. Your phone buzzed. He pushed open the door. Your phone buzzed. The door shut behind him. You reached down and pulled out your phone.
Ella: Oh my god
Ella: Y/n
Ella: Where are you right now
Ella: Are you with anybody?
Ella: ?????
Ella: Y/N
You quickly typed up a response, although you were confused as to why she was so worried all of a sudden.
Y/n: I’m at the Sedbe Hyudge with Harry, why?
Ella: *Sent a set of photos*
Ella: Check twitter for more.
You clicked on the photos. The first was a screenshot of an update account, saying that you and Harry were in the park. Then, another tweet from the same account, saying you were at this restaurant. Then, photos of you in the park. And then, photos of you at the restaurant. Under that were screenshots of twitter users.
@Cocopopstyles: I just want Harry to take me on a date like he does with y/n, is that TOO MUCH TO ASK. They’re TOO CUTE.
@HSDaily: Ew lmfao she’s so ugly PLS 
@Stylessssmaple: “I ain’t saying she’s a golddigger, but she ain’t messing with no broke....”
@LaylaHoran: I heard that they were talking to the waiter like they’re an actual couple. A few girls overheard it, idk their @’s tho.
@LarryStylinsonobvs replying to @LaylaHoran: Really?? Omg that’s pretty quick tbh. Weren’t they first seen together days ago?
@LaylaHoran replying to @LarryStylisonobvs: Yeah apparently. Idk what’s going on. Is she a PR stunt or not???
@LarryStylinsonobvs replying to @LaylaHoran: Not to be a bluegreener but she could be a beard... we’ve gotten so much content from them in the past 72 hours like.... are u gonna tell me there’s no contract in there at all?????
@Y/nsflowers: Y/n looks so good in the new pap photos pLEASE MARRY ME MA’AM.
@Y/L/Nsummertime: Y/n is over lmfao can she please cut the bullshit. Wbk she’s in it for the money. The job, the PR stunts, the boyfriend...
@TheDailyPoolsideNews: Model y/n and ex-boyband star spotted out in the town! Will this be the next Hollywood snoozefest?
There was more, but Harry was already back at the table, carrying two glasses and setting them down, smiling. All of a sudden, you had this really sick feeling. You couldn’t look him in the eyes. You took your drink as he sat down. Not wanting to say anything in case it ruined the night, you took a sip and put your phone back in your purse.
“Everything alright?”
You looked up. “Yeah.”
Harry stared at you. You stared back jokingly, trying to break the tension. Harry’s phone started ringing. “Oops,” he frowned, “thought I turned this off...”
“You can take it, it’s okay. I checked my phone before. Plus, I need to use the washroom.”
“Okay,” he smiled as you stood up, smiling back. As you were walking away, you heard him talking to whoever was on the other end of the line. “Hey, Nial- what? No, I am, why-”
You pushed into the womens room and locked yourself in a stall. “What the hell is going on?”
You sit there for a few minutes, trying to collect your thoughts and give Harry some time to finish his conversation. Someone had seen the two of you at the park and in the restaurant, so what? Some people liked you, and some people didn’t. Okay, that’s understandable. Some people hated you. That’s fine, you don’t care. But people still think you and Harry are a PR stunt. This is only your second date! And it’s not eve a date! It’s just a... you put your head in your hands, then sit up, not wanting to smudge your mascara. You reach for your phone, only to remember you left it in your purse, which was currently on the floor next to your chair next to Harry. God.
And, to make matters worse, he had gotten a phonecall and from what you had heard when you were walking away, he sounded worried. Perfect! That was probably his management. Or, better yet, one of his friends doing the same thing Ella had done to you. Suddenly, you jumped up and walked back out to the table. He was fiddling around with his napkin. When he saw you, his face lit up. You didn’t buy it.
“Hi, sorry, it was just one of my friends. He wanted to t-”
“Oh, it’s fine,” you said, politely cutting him off.
Harry was taken back by this, but not for long. He wasn’t fazed easily. “Oh, okay. That’s good. Sorry for taking so long. Oh, and I don’t want this anymore, so if you want it, you can fill yours up. Otherwise, I’m just gonna give it to the waiter when he comes back.”
You never drank too much. You knew three glasses would be awful for you. But you took his and filled yours up, because “I don’t want to waste anything. This place is so expensive.”
Soon after, the waiter dropped off your meals. Harry was speaking less, more unsure of himself than before, but you didn’t notice. You made polite small talk, but it wasn’t like your antics from before. Yet when you were leaving, you did not split the bill. Harry still paid.
When you walked outside, it was dark. You hadn’t expected it. You laughed. Harry laughed. “Let’s wait over here for a taxi, yeah?”
You nodded and followed him. You sat on a bench. Harry messaged somebody. You swung your feet a little. Harry took a call. You stayed seated, watching people walk by. Harry came back over and helped you walk to the taxi, arm around your back. You tried to tell him you didn’t need his help, but he didn’t listen. 
Harry gave the taxi driver his address. You gave him yours, but he didn’t listen. You spoke up again, but Harry told you not to worry; you could spend the night with him. You nodded.
Harry helped you out of the taxi. You didn’t fight back. You tried to pay for the taxi, but he wouldn’t take your money. You held his hand as you walked through the doors of his apartment building, got in the elevator, got to his apartment. He sat you down on the couch and went off to his room. He came back shortly after.
“I don’t have any pyjamas for you.”
“Why would I need pyjamas?” You laughed a little, and then a lot.
Harry smiled. He went back to his room and came back with a shirt still wrapped in plastic and a bag.
“Here. The bathroom is over there. There’s makeup wipes on the counter.” He helped you up and you walked over. 
“Why do you have makeup wipes? Do you wear makeup?”
“Yep!” Said Harry. “Just turn the lock to the left. It’s tricky sometimes, try it a few times if it doesn’t work, yeah?”
“That’s so cool, can you show me your makeup sometime?”
“Yep! Maybe after you get your pyjamas on.”
You shut the door and turned the lock, though you doubted you’d need it. You took off your fancy clothes and put on a pair of brand new too-big black sweatpants and a too-big pink t-shirt. Why did you need pyjamas again? Harry hadn’t answered. He wasn’t sending you home in pyjamas, was he? Uh oh.
You walked out. Harry was in the kitchen. “Do you need anything?”
“A drink.”
“Wine, dummy.” You cracked up at this.
“You’ve already had more than enough. C’mon, let’s go to the living room.” He grinned. 
Harry smiled patiently. “C’mon, y/n. We can watch a movie or something.”
“Okay. Wait - can I just have orange juice instead?”
“Of course.” He grabbed a can of juice and then walked into the living room. You followed. There were pillows and blankets on the couch, and Disney+ was set up.
“Ooou, fancy,” you laughed.
Harry crawled under the blankets. You did too. He laughed. So did you. Why were you even upset with him in the first place? You couldn’t remember. Harry grabbed the remote and turned on some show you’ve never heard of before. The Mandalorian, whatever that was. You leaned your head on Harry’s shoulder. It wasn’t even boring - why were you falling asleep? 
Harry closed his eyes - he was tired, too, but for different reasons. You listened to his breathing get slower. You held him tightly. You held him back. 
“Friends don’t hold friends that way,” you thought to yourself. “But who cares?”
You fell asleep. So did he.
You forgot about the stunt rumours. So did he.
He forgot about how his friend called him in a panic, not wanting this relationship to get ruined for him like the last one, and the one before that, and the one before that. About how he really, really liked you, but couldn’t act on it. He wanted to give you the world. Yes, he fell too quickly, too easily, but who could blame him?
And you forgot about Ella in the same panic. She didn’t want this to get ruined for you, of course, because this was your first shot, your first love (Although not that she’d know - you had to admit you had been a bit distant with her since you met Harry.) She didn’t want you to fall into the hands of the public eye. She wanted to make sure you were safe. She wasn’t sure if you should trust Harry, so of course she should be worried.
But you trusted him.
And he trusted you.
And everything is okay.
Until 3am.
A/N PT 2 - While you’re waiting for part 3 (which is definitely coming btw!) check out my other fics through this masterlist HERE!
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
A Year in the Making--Posy’s book (Luke&Lily universe)
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Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: mentions of casual drinking
a/n: Here it is! I had so much fun writing about our latest addition to the Luke&Lily universe with baby Posy. Thank you all so much for loving this family as much as I do, they hold a special place in my heart. I appreciate your feedback and thoughts very much :)
donate to my ko-fi here :)
Luke&Lily Masterlist
Enjoy! :)
• • • •
It’s the day of Posy’s first birthday (even though the actual day is in two days on Tuesday) the birthday girl is currently down for her midmorning nap and you’re looking through her baby book. You’ve been very reminiscent the past couple days leading up to your baby girl’s birthday and couldn’t think of a better way to walk down memory lane by pulling out her pale pink book with gold bunnies on the cover.
The first page listed her name, birth date, size, weight and time of her birth followed by an inked hand and footprint. Her hospital bracelet is taped along the bottom as well. On the next page are pictures of your growing bump that sprouted into your precious little Posy.
You still remember the day you discovered you were pregnant. You were at work and it was only midday, you’d had a migraine all morning then while you were organizing papers you turned quickly to your trash can and got sick. With a sigh, you thought you’d feel better, but the nausea still lingered.
As you walked to the breakroom to get a fresh glass of cold water, stomach still rolling, you stopped in your tracks. This was how your pregnancy with Lily started, intense migraines, throwing up and just thinking of it, your breasts felt especially tender. After taking a drink of your water you decided to get a few pregnancy tests on your way home from work. Luke would be picking Lily up from preschool, so you’d have plenty of time to stop at the pharmacy and take the tests.
Several hours later, you were staring at two blue lines on three pregnancy sticks. You were filled with elation and pure joy that there was a new life forming that was one-part you and one-part Luke. You hadn’t been trying or even discussed having a baby, but you felt right and knew Luke would be equally as happy.
You turn the page, flipping through the first twelve months of Posy’s milestones.
One month:
-Whenever there’s music playing, Posy constantly moves her head from side to side as if she’s dancing along to the beat. She sleeps fairly well throughout the night
-She loves staring at the fans and zeroes in on our faces when mama and dada are talking to her. Starting to recognize Lily’s voice who loves to sing to her throughout the day
-Dada loves staring at his girl, he enjoys laying Posy on his chest, tapping his fingers up and down Posy’s back. That’s when she sleeps the best
There’s a photo of Posy resting on Luke’s bare chest, her little lips pursed and her hand in a tiny fist. You remember this day when you took the photo; Posy wouldn’t stop crying until Luke took her from your arms after coming in from a quick jog. Feeling the warmth of his chest made her instantly relax and pair it with his singing voice, she calmed down in moments and fell right to sleep.
Two months:
-Posy is very wiggly! Starts wiggling when one of us enters her room in the morning or after a nap
-She always smiles when Lily talks/sings to her
-Dada loves playing peek-a-boo with Posy even though she doesn’t understand it all too well. She gives him a gummy smile whenever he kisses her fists
-Posy Mae is such a smiley girl when mama has some one on one time with her, it’s our little secret when mama sings to her
The best way to get her down for a nap is by rocking her in her chair and singing softly in her ear. That’s when you spend your time with her and sing a song your own mother sang to you when you were younger. Luke was the singer in the family but for Posy and Lily? You have no problem singing for them because they won’t judge your voice.
One day while you were doing just that, and Luke caught you. He was walking by to get a snack for Lily when he heard you quietly singing in Posy’s room. When he peeked around the corner he saw Posy snuggled into your arms, you with your eyes closed and singing a very calming lullaby to her. He’s only heard you sing a handful of times and each time you stopped in embarrassment but now he listened with such attention and love in his heart.
Three months:
-Posy is a very giggly girl! First time she giggled was when dada was talking to her in a very thick Australian accent. Uncle Ashton is prone to making her giggle as well by pretending to eat her toes
-When upset, Posy loves to be comforted by both mama and dada.
-Posy loves tummy time and can lift her head up all by herself! Lily and Petunia enjoy doing tummy time with her as well and plays with her musical toys. Her own babble has started, and Lily loves to talk with her, telling her stories
Four months:
-Uncle Ashton was over and while Posy was sitting in his lap she reached for a chip he had in his hand before he could snag it back she popped it in her mouth. She made a face at the salty flavor and Ashton laughed which caused her to giggle with him. Loves Uncle Ash and that’s the first time he’s made her laugh
-While on tummy time, Posy rolled over onto her back to grab Petunia’s paw. Lily witnessed it and shouted at us “Mama! Dada! Look at Po!”
The photo you have is of Lily and Posy snuggled up on the fluffy blanket in the living room. Posy is smiling wide at the camera, and Posy’s hair is getting longer and curlier, her dimple more prominent. Her personality was really starting to show at this time. She’s grabbing more things and loves playing with Luke’s phone or his necklaces.
She’s still such a cuddle bug with Luke, always snuggling with him when he gets home from the studio and that’s how her nickname of love bug.
Five months:
Here’s a photo of Calum, Lily and Posy when he babysat for you and Luke so you could have a date night. Posy was worked up the whole time while you and Luke were away. Lily kept trying to help Cal calm her down, but Posy is fussy and throws whatever Lily tried to give her.
“Mama and dada sing to her,” Lily told him with her ears covered.
“What do mama and dada sing to her?” Calum asked while bouncing her in his arms.
“Frozen or million dreams,” Lily told him then ran away to Posy’s room. Calum huffed and continued to walk around the living room with Posy, singing what he remembered of Frozen songs when Lily returned with Posy’s elephant.
“Thanks, Lils,” Calum smiled and handed it to Posy. “Come on bug, please stop crying for Uncle Cal.”
Not long after, you and Luke returned looking glittery-eyed from your date.
“What have you done to our baby?” Luke asked tugging you in by your hand. Upon hearing his voice, Posy lifted her wailing head from Calum’s shoulder and zeroed in on Luke, she reached for him instantly. “C’mere, Posy girl,” he coos taking his daughter from his best friend’s arms. “What’s got you so upset, hm?”
“I hope she wasn’t like this for you all night,” you told Calum while Lily hugged your waist. “You should be in bed little missy.”
“Po hurt my ears, mama,” Lily pouted, and you gave Calum an apologetic look.
“She was—how did you get her to sleep?!” Calum asked dumbfounded when he sees Posy snoozing away on Luke’s shoulder.
“I’m her dad,” Luke smiled kissing the top of her curls.
Six/seven months:
-When Posy girl is excited she starts to scream and babble, usually when Lily does something or they’re playing
-She loves being by Uncle Ash because he always takes her on little “adventures” which is just walking around the backyard of anyone’s house. (photo of them sleeping on his hammock)
-She can sit on her own, puts anything and everything in her reach into her mouth, loves to “dance” on dada’s legs while he holds her up
-Loves playing peek-a-boo with Lily and Ashton
-Tries to imitate dada when he’s singing his head voice around the house and dada always picks her up so they can sing together
At Christmas time she loves playing with the wrapping paper and enjoys the excitement of seeing her whole family in one day. She and Lily wear matching dresses and Lily is a big help in opening her younger sister’s presents.
Eight months:
-Posy crawls like lightning now, gets into everything and we have had to put Petunia’s food bowl up. Dada found Posy playing in it and was just about to shove the food into her mouth when he caught her
-Responds to her name (Posy and Po)
-Uncle Ashton introduced her to his drumsticks and she discovered the game of dropping them on the floor just so he can pick them up and hand them to her
Nine months:
-Posy has learned to wave ‘buh-bye’ to everyone she sees, does it to Lily when dropping her off at Cory’s. Dada taught her that, so he always waves ‘buh-bye’ to her
-Discovered her reflection while looking in mama’s mirror. Posy crawled super-fast to the mirror and smacked the reflection, shrieking in excitement pointing to herself
Ten/eleven months:
-Pulls herself up on her own and dances against the couch while Lily twirls around her when they’re watching Frozen or Moana. When the uncles are over, she stands by each one then motions ‘up’ for them to cuddle her until she gets bored and slips down to move onto the next one. (Still seems to favor Uncle Ash because he “gives the best cuddles”)
-Her curls are getting curlier and a little longer, looks more like her dada every day and loves to walk with his fingers holding onto her hands. Becoming a little daredevil by trying to climb on things
On this page is a collection of photos of Posy and Lily together. They’re snuggling on your bed, dressed in pretty dresses with flowers in their hair from a small photoshoot with Andy and Sarah. Even though Posy is eleven months old, she and Lily are becoming friends and great sisters.
One year
You got to the last page of her book with scrawling letters in the bottom reading “one year old” and a space above it to place a photo when Luke entered your room.
“Hey lovie, people are starting to arrive,” he announces then sits next to you on the bed. “What’re you looking at?”
“Posy’s baby book,” you smile flipping through the pages. “I can’t believe it’s been a year already.”
“I know, I don’t want her to get any bigger,” Luke chuckles perusing through the book himself. “You make the most beautiful babies, you know that? Look at you right from the start when you were showing. I loved your little bump.”
You rest your cheek on his shoulder watching him flip through the pages you’ve already seen again, sighing. He stops on some pages to read what you’ve written down.
“They’re both getting so big,” you mumble sadly.
“And they get more beautiful every day,” he turns his head so he can kiss your forehead, “just like their mama.”
You smile at his compliments, feeling your cheeks warm as you incline your head to kiss his lips.
“Thank you. Is Pose up?”
“I heard her talking to herself when I walked by, figured I’d give her a couple minutes to wake up. We should get her though, Ashton’s arrived.”
“Let’s go get our baby,” you sigh setting her baby book on your bed. Luke pulls you up by your hands, gives you a tender kiss and pulls you from the room.
You hear distant chatter downstairs, Lily’s, Ashton’s and Calum’s combined. When you push open the door Posy is standing in her crib then beams a bright smile to you and Luke.
“Hi Posy girl!” you greet her happily.
“Mum! Daa!” she shrieks, her little arms reaching for you as you pull her from the crib.
“Hi, love bug,” Luke smiles at her and kisses her cheek. “Did you have a good nap?”
She babbles in response while you lay her down on the changing table and Luke gets her little swimsuit that resembles a ladybug. It was a warm day, so you decided to have a pool day in celebration of her first birthday. After slipping on her swim diaper, the two of you get her in her suit and Luke puts sunscreen on her face, arms and legs.
“Are you ready to party, my girl?” Luke lifts her up and tickles her belly then gives her multiple kisses. “Uncle Ash is downstairs waiting for you.” Posy starts wiggling upon hearing her uncle’s name and you and Luke head downstairs.
“There’s the birthday girl!” Calum shouts while Lily is twirling around him holding onto his fingers. She has on her own swimsuit that’s pink with ruffles on the butt.
“Let me have a look at my little one,” Ashton grins stepping forward. He has on a sun hat with strings hanging in front and Posy wriggles out of Luke’s arms into her uncle’s. She starts playing with his strings. “Do you know how old you are today? You’re this many—” he holds up one finger “—that’s small, just like you.”
“Can we go swimming now!” Lily asks tilting her head up at him.
“Yeah we can, the birthday girl is here,” he grins down at her and lets her pull him outside into the back.
Shortly after, Luke’s parent’s and brothers came by and so did Cory and Ella with Michael and Crystal coming in last with Southy and Moose, plenty of gifts in hand for Posy. The pool was filled with laughter and games. You and Luke watched from the patio as Posy floated between all of her uncles and Cory who loved to tickle her.
After dinnertime you all sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Posy who then proceeded to smear cake on her face and into her hair. Many photos and videos were taken at the inevitable mess she made, her smile big and wide as she held her cake filled hand out to Luke who came in for a kiss to her cheek. He had some cake on his face in aftermath that you happily kissed off him.
“Just like our wedding day, yeah?” he winks at you giving your butt cheek a squeeze.
You and Luke relax under the umbrella watching your family happily in the pool. Posy and Lily are having a wonderful time and Michael joins the two of you with a beer in his hand.
“Why aren’t you in the pool?” you ask him while playing with Luke’s curls.
“Could ask you two the same question,” he smirks eyeing Luke’s hand on your thigh.
“When everyone’s over we like to sit back and watch our girls have fun,” Luke laughs.
“Are you having fun?” you ask him, he seems a little off to you.
“I always have fun with Lily and Pose, but I just get to watch mostly as well.”
“Unca Mike! Look what Moosey had! I saved her,” Lily proclaims suddenly running to him. She climbs onto his lap with a large rock.
“Ah thank you, Lils. She shouldn’t be eating rocks,” he takes it from her then places it on the table. He pokes her cheeks and she giggles then you notice water dripping onto the concrete.
“Lily, you’re getting Uncle Michael wet from your suit,” you lean forward trying to get her off his lap.
“I don’t mind, she’s cooling me off,” Michael smiles and she giggles. She traces the tattoos on his arms, she’s always fascinated by her uncles’ tattoos. “Hey Lils, wouldn’t you like to have a baby brother someday?”
You and Luke exchange a look at this question, what spurred this on?
“Like Roman at school?”
Lily had become quite close with a little boy named Roman at pre-k who had dark curls and bright green eyes. His little brother, Levi, is the same age as Posy.
“Yeah, just like Roman,” he nods.
“Mmm…” Lily taps her chin, eyes squinted up at Michael in thought. This is a habit she’s started doing lately when she thinks. “Okay! I’d like a baby brother!”
Michael turns to you and Luke with a big smile, you glance to Luke whose mouth is open in surprise and at the quick turn of events.
“Why don’t you go by Uncle Cal, sweets,” Luke says pointing to him in the pool. “I think he’s looking for you.”
“Okay!” she gives Michael a quick kiss on the cheek then slips off his lap.
“Mike, what—where did this come from?” Luke splutters.
“I’m sorry, I was only half joking,” he rubs at his eyes. “I love your girls, so much, but Cal and Ash are their favorites. And don’t try to tell me otherwise, I know they love me but not as much as them. I dunno…it would be cool if you had a boy that I could get along with, y’know?”
Your heart sank. You do know Lily and Posy gravitate to Calum and Ashton, but their personalities are very similar, so it was no surprise how well they got along. Has Michael felt like this for a long time?
“I’m sorry you feel that way,” you rub at his shoulder. “They do love you just as much as they love Cal and Ash. You always let them try and play your video games and the love when you play some of your remixes because they get to dance to Uncle Mike’s music.”
Michael smiles at that.
“I know they do; I just get a little jealous sometimes that they don’t come to me all the time.”
“I know what you mean,” Luke says. “When mum’s around it’s like we’re chopped liver. But back to the baby brother thing…we haven’t really discussed that or crossed our minds. At least for me it hasn’t…has it for you, lovie?”
“Uh, no, not really. Posy is only turning one but I…” you look to Lily and Posy. Lily just jumped into Cory’s arms with Cal creeping up on her while Posy is playing a form of pattycake with Ashton in her yellow duckie floatie. “I mean, I’ve always wanted three kids.”
“Honestly, you guys, it was just a joke,” Michael shakes his head. “I’m glad I get to be Lily and Posy’s uncles and watch them grow up.”
The rest of the night lingered on until it was time for Posy and Lily to go to bed. When everyone left you and Luke settled on the couch cuddled together with some movie playing in the background. Michael’s words have been playing in your head the rest of the day and has really got you thinking.
“You really haven’t thought about having another baby?” you ask quietly.
He turns the volume down a little then turns to you, he rests his arm on the back of the couch. His blue eyes search your face before his finger smooths the crease between your brows.
“Of course, I have, just not so soon after Posy, that’s all.”
“Do you want to discuss it now or wait a few years…?”
“We can discuss it now if you want,” he nods, a smile ghosting his lips.
“I mean…” you twist yourself so you’re facing him, you bring your fingers to his necklace that’s peeking out from his tank top. “I wouldn’t mind trying…”
“Oh yeah?” he chuckles as your fingers continue down his chest, his eyes flicker back to yours.
You bite your lip, “yeah.”
“So, we’re officially trying for another baby?” he asks spreading your legs apart.
You fall back against the couch pulling him with you.
“If you want to,” you sigh tugging his tank top up and off.
“Let’s try and try and try…” he whispers inching closer until his lips are on yours.
• • • •
Taglist: @galcalirwin​ @cashtonasff5sos @thecurlsofgod​ @myloverboyash​ @rotten-kandy​ @tea4sykes​ @jannimoeller3​ @loveroflrh​ @iovehemmings​ @cxddlyash​ @princesslrh​ @here-for-the-uproars @katiaw2​ @g-l-pierce​ @fairyintheglass​​ @gosh-im-short​​ @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby​​ @spicycal​​ @mysticalhood​​ @notinthesameguey​​ @wastedheartcth​​ @atlcalm​​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​​ @calumance​​ @babylon-corgis​​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​​ @lanternlover2​​ @istaywithmyjonas​​ @calteahood​​ @sarcastically-defensive17​​ @another-lonely-heart​​ @devilatmydoor​​ @frontmanash​​ @philthepegacorn​​ @mantlereid​​ @lukedorkyhemmings​​ @addietagglikesbands​​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​​ @mayve-hems​​ @morguelth @haikucal​​ @thatscooibaby​​ @meghanrose05​​ @idontneedanyone​​ @dinosaursandsocks​​ @cassie-sos​​ @suchalonelysunflower​​ @burstintocolor​​ @zhangyixingxing1​​ @dead-and-golden​​ @mymindwide​​ @everyscarisahealingplace​​ @stardust-galaxies​​ @blackbutterfliescal​​ @redrattlers​​ @lovelybonesetc​​ @karajaynetoday​​
Luke and Lily taglist: @harrysfavslut​
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