gildedmuse · 11 months
All I need is a new season of Sailor Moon where Usagi and Seiya hook up.
This post is for no one. Its just for me.
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bonbon-bonny · 8 months
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I don't usually write a whole lot but I wanted to talk about this for a moment
Ahem. *flips through notes*
So I loooove Sailor Moon. Specifically the 90s version. It was my favorite show growing up. My home life was difficult and to see someone like Usagi with a perfect family, a perfect boyfriend etc. getting to live her best life despite the fact she herself wasn't perfect was too easy to become a bit obsessive over ^_^;
well, let's just say I wanted to be Usagi just a bit too much because my world, my family (Side note: I looove my family! They did the best they could to take care of me growing up, but we had to deal with an unusual circumstance that made it hard for all of us), heck just even being myself didn't feel good enough and frankly it left me having to confront a lot of issues just to be okay with who I am now.
And of course ,naturally, I looooved Tuxedo Kamen XD. On the outside to me, he seemed perfect; a knight in shining armor.
But I always kept running into a particular conversation which is "why do you like him so much tho? He seems like a jerk. He seems so different from her. He never shows her affection. She'd be better off with someone like Seiya who's more on her level. He's useless. He's bad for trying to help her because she's a girl boss and doesn't need to be rescued." Like, seriously the amount of criticism I've heard towards this character is wild and he literally gets attacked no matter what he does.
And you know I get it. If you just look at it from a surface level it's easy to maybe get that impression of him but after one particular conversation I was having with a friend of mine about it I stopped and asked myself why. Why does she like him? why does he like her? how can two people who outwardly look so different from each other ever be in a healthy relationship? what could the two of them possibly have in common?
So I did what I do best and I watched the show I grew up with carefully. I observed him. I watched the things he said and did. And in the end I reached several conclusions.
Mamoru isn't perfect, at least in the beginning, but he's always trying to do his best to be. With almost anyone else in the show he's usually calm, collected and somewhat reserved. The only person besides Motoki he seems to act out a bit with if you can call it that IS Usagi and half of the time it's not even that he's actually being mean.
[IF you watch the Japanese version with subtitles, because in the English dub? Ooph! they changed so much of his dialogue and gave him such a smirky voice it's hard to listen to him without wanting to punch him in the face imo.]
It's that the way she perceives him is off. Also, sometimes it's not even HIM that starts the arguments.
Sometimes SHE'S the one who starts their spats and he snaps back at her. Sometimes she hits him with shoes and papers and doesn't seem to care.
One episode that comes to mind is the Dreamland episode where the toy train stops and she rams into him. All he did was look at her and say hi and immediately she got defensive and started making fun of him.
Making fun of an orphan sitting on a toy train who most likely was just trying to do something fun that he never got to because he didn't HAVE a family to take him as a kid.
Seriously. If you were to be in his place, going through this world, it's rather scary, stressful, terrifying, and uncertain.
He didn't get a magical talking cat to walk him through his powers. Instead he got seizures and psychic visions, and a past life version of himself that took over his body without consent until he finally got the rainbow crystal and understood what was happening around him.
He gets amnesia not once but twice, kidnapped several times, and gets trapped in his own mind twice ala brainwashing by beryl and Nehelenia and by stars I wouldn't be surprised if half of the reason he went to study abroad instead of staying with Usagi is because he was afraid if he did he'd only continue to be a burden for her, because the man hardly has any dialogue and seems almost catatonic.
Also let's be real here. As amazing as it was for him to meet and talk with his future self it probably scared him. The responsibility of literally being King of the world, of making decisions that could impact the lives of everyone in tremendous ways. Of being the kind of partner and provider he thinks Usagi deserves or being a good father for Chibi-Usa when he didn't get to have parents to show him what those things looked like.
He didn't get a loving family to support him or tell him that they loved him, he was an orphan who probably hoped someone would eventually rescue him but no one ever did.
He probably feels in his heart that he doesn't deserve to be loved by anyone, and even if someone were to pursue him romantically he probably couldn't reciprocate in any meaningful way because he's most likely too closed off emotionally to be in a healthy relationship with anyone.
Heck the guy only for the most part has only two best friends. Motoki and Saori and frankly I'd hardly even call Saori a best friend since she literally just shows up in an episode in Super S as "Romantic competition" for Usagi and then just ups and vanishes and is never mentioned ever ever again.
So how does someone like him see Usagi and wind up constantly sacrificing his life over and over again for her?
Three words:
She. Sees. Him.
Once she starts to look at him a bit differently instead of seeing him as some tall guy running around with his stupid green jacket with his prickly personality, once she realizes that it was him trying to rescue her when she was so close to the brink of death on occasions and getting injured in the process, once he opens up to her about his struggles she sees him. Not just because he's a hero, but because even if it's hard for him he still tries to help her. A lot of times he even gives her really sound advice that she winds up listening to even if at the time he tells her she doesn't seem to understand him and takes it the wrong way.
He probably also deep down worries that he truly doesn't deserve someone like her.
Even if we don't always see it from the outside he adores Usagi because she sees him for who he is and doesn't ask him to be more outgoing or different.
Usagi adores him because he doesn't ask her to be anything other than who she really is.
Both of them accept the other as they truly are inside. THAT is true love.
You don't really get the chance to see what their relationship looks like from the outside. But he smiles a lot when he's with her which is certainly not something he really ever did with Rei or anyone else from what I could tell. And I bet when he does take her out on dates he's embarrassed and flustered and stumbles but he also probably takes off his mask and tries to make her happy and have a good time.
Also I'd like to add some notes on King Endymion and the violet. Why so much violet? Like....an overwhelming amount of violet XD I never understood why when I was younger but as I've grown up I've spent some time delving into subjects such as Psychology, Spirituality, and Philosophy.
Ladies and gentlemen, Violet is the color of the crown chakra.
Crown chakras deal with the mental and the spiritual. They are a gateway to enlightenment and in my opinion perhaps one could even say that the journey of mental health and enlightenment are two sides of the same coin.
So I'd like to think that for as much as Mamoru might struggle with his mental health, he also walked the path towards true enlightenment. Such a man truly should be King of the World and is more than deserving of being Usagi's partner.
And I'd die for a relationship with a man who is brave enough to confront the things which makes him suffer because I'd know that he'd have the clarity of mind to be a good partner, to treat me with kindness and compassion and show me the kind of love I've always dreamed of having, and that's something only someone who has love for themselves and others could ever possibly be able to give. He doesn't need to be perfect, because perfection is unattainable. He just needs to be brave enough to try even if it makes him deeply uncomfortable at times.
To the men who truly and deeply identify with Mamoru, know I'd marry you in a heartbeat if you asked. That if you showered me in chocolate and flowers I'd do the exact same thing for you because you deserve it. Anyone who is brave enough to do the work necessary to heal and grow, to have kindness and compassion for others, to show me that even if I'm not perfect that it's still okay to be myself around you deserves every happiness in the world.
Not everyone is brave enough to do such a thing and I've come to a point in my life where I'm not interested in what someone can give me externally as much as I am in the kind of person they choose to be and what their values are.
Maybe some people might look at someone like Mamoru and judge him, but Usagi most certainly never would once she got to know him; and considering I've always wanted to be her I'll die on this hill defending him. Out of everyone, Usagi WOULD defend him from the judgement, from the criticism, of the need to be perfect and wear masks, or be something other than what he truly is on the inside.
Mamoru is more than just a knight in shining armor,
He's beautiful imperfection; and I'd choose that over anything else any day.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Oh man, magical girl fandoms are a dumpster fire for antis. I was shocked at how many are in Sailor Moon. You know, the anime where a 14 year old's true love is a dude in college. Yes they are closer in age in the manga but many of these are anime fans. A lot of UsaMamo fans will go after anyone who ships Seiya X Usagi because he's supposedly a stalker who doesn't respect her boundaries, a fact that is WAY over blown and exaggerated in the fandom. Keep in mind these same people stan a ship between a 14 year old girl and a dude in college. Now I don't care if they ship it just let me ship my non canon ship in peace and don't write an essay on how my ship is problematic. (Yes even the Diamond/Usagi ship, I am fully aware that the stalkery rapey prince is in fact a bad dude, that's not stopping me from writing my kink fic).
And there is so much wank in the fandom. It feels like you can't do a damn thing without upsetting someone. You like one thing about the DiC American dub? You just have nostalgia goggles on and think it was way better than it was. Uh no I just like it in a so bad its good sort of way and for all the 90s cheese. That and what's wrong with nostalgia goggles for a cartoon? Some fans go as far as calling anyone who uses any of the Americans disrespectful to the creator. Even for like a very minor character.
There are also manga purists who will come at you for preferring anything in the anime.
The other annoying thing. In the manga, Naoko drew a picture of the four Sailor Soldiers paired up romantically with each of the four main bad guy minions. In their past lives they were good guys that were brainwashed to work for evil or something like that. In the Crystal anime (that follows the manga more closely than the 90s anime) they even confirm the romantic relationships between them. (It lasts for like five seconds because the guys are quickly killed off because they all do die in the anime and manga). So people want to ship the Sailor Soldiers with their respective Dark Kingdom general.
So why does the fandom have an issue with this? Well in the 90s anime, there were no such relationships hinted. Instead two of the Dark Kingdom generals were in a gay relationship. (The 90s anime turned one into a woman to censor it.) Instead of just seeing the manga and anime taking place in separate universes, people will call you homophobic for shipping Sailors/Generals. They will say that you are erasing two gay characters even though the creator of the original manga never intended for them to be in a relationship with each other. Of course, the word heteronormative gets thrown around to try to discourage people from shipping them.
I guess at the very least, Haruka/Michiru is still a very beloved ship and my experience with them in the fandom has been very pleasant. But since Sailor Moon is an older fandom I was hoping it would be very ship and let ship. This unfortunately does seem to be common in magical girl anime fandoms. So much purity culture!
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bowcrazy · 1 year
Tsurune Character Songs Album Review
We had a lot of thoughts about these songs while working with the lyrics, so we decided to do a mini album review! Please enjoy listening to each songs as we reflect on the lyrics and composition~
Up Stairs
Mod Yumi: A very gentle, comforting song, as expected from a Minato/Seiya duet. The composers did an excellent job capturing the feeling of nostalgia; this somehow feels like a song I've known and loved for years. The lyrics are perfect--I love the references to the bridge scene from s1 ep10. The line "I had a place where my heart could relax" is so precious <3 Overall, I don't think it's the strongest song on the album, but it's definitely one of my top faves!
Mod Optimus Prime: A heartfelt way to start off the album! It's very sweet and mellow, which of course really fits the fact that, y'know, the song is about Minato and Seiya's relationship! It's more or less just a straight callback to all of season one, but it's really touching how (both literally and figuratively) they come together at the end there.
Mod Yumi: This song is so excessively dramatic and I kinda love it?? It does NOT sound like a song that ties into a soothing, chill slice of life archery anime and I am here for it. But I'm also weak for synth horns; give me a cheesy overexuberant fake brass section and I'm sold. Bonus points for all of the archery references and unnecessarily homoerotic lyrics. (And special shoutout to Mod Optimus Prime, our resident FukuJun stan, for helping me with the color codes because I was completely lost lmao)
Mod Optimus Prime: Probably the character duo song with the most...attitude to it? And sass, which of course, fits these two incredibly troublesome boys. To me, it's almost like the two are having a back-and-forth with each other while also brazenly admitting to each other just how tangled up they are—admittedly a reoccurring theme for the duet songs, but that doesn't make it any less cute, I think!
Ari no Mama de
Mod Yumi: Very cute and wholesome, doesn't really do it for me in terms of composition though. I do think this is the most well-acted song on the album. Having heard both of these seiyuu sing as other characters (notably Suzuki Ryouta as Bisco from Sabikui Bisco and Yano Shougo as Mafuyu from Given), I was blown away by how different they both managed to sound! Changing your voice to that extent while singing is not an easy thing to do. I was also tickled by the fact that they both noticeably sang less well than I know they're both capable of singing, because it suited the characters better to do so. Listening to this song, you wouldn't think either of these singers are particularly talented, but that fact is proof in and of itself that they ARE talented. Mad respect for the skill displayed here!
Mod Optimus Prime: Unsurprisingly, sunshine boy Ryouhei and the other local cheery boy have an easygoing and slow duet! I can't really say too much aside from the fact that the lyrics are both just really cute and earnest—you can see Ryouhei's influence here, haha.
Growing Up
Mod Yumi: Very cute, very catchy! I enjoy this song a lot. As a side note, I find it interesting that besides Minato, Nanao is the only character to be featured in two songs. One of the things I like about Nanao is that he's characterized mainly through his relationships with other characters. Sometimes when we see this happening it's more to do with lazy character writing (and lbr, it usually happens with female characters). But in this case, it actually builds our understanding of the character, rather than just casting him into the side character role of 'only here to develop the MCs'. To me it's always felt like he's the most put-together of the team, watching over everyone else and giving them a nudge in the right direction, while blending in so effortlessly they don't suspect a thing, like the social chameleon he is. Oops, this just turned into me gushing about Tsurune character writing lol. The song's nice idk what else to tell ya
Mod Optimus Prime: Also yet another honest song—a rare thing for Kacchan! It's obviously about Kaito and Nanao's close friendship and the further development during season two, so it's fitting we also get to see more of Nanao's (somewhat hidden) stubborn side here. Not to meme here, but really shows how their relationship fits the, "the more things change, the more things stay the same," aka them supporting ("protecting") each other through thick and thin.
Mod Yumi: I'm not the biggest fan of the composition of this song. I can't put my finger on why, but the main melody isn't working for me (and doesn't work great for Asashin's voice either tbh). That said, the backing track lives rent free in my head, I'm OBSESSED. And I love the dreamy feel of the lyrics! Whereas the others feel more like a dialogue between the singers, this one feels like a poem. The ethereal quality of the music and the lyrics draws me back to Masa-san's introduction, when he was a cryptid/ghost (lmao) appearing in the dead of night to guide Minato back to archery
Mod Optimus Prime: I've only heard Asanuma Shintarou (Masaki's VA) sing in a higher register, so this was both surprising and pleasant—it's quite soothing to hear! It's also fitting that the only Real Adult™️ with bounds of experience compared to these young'uns gets a really poetic and dramatic song with, of course, lots of moon references.
Mod Yumi: THIS IS THE BEST ONE. This song is a legit bop omg. Leave it to luck life to give us a character song that exceeds typical character songs! I also love the meaning of the lyrics; it almost feels like a new angle on the Shuu/Minato relationship in a way? Of course we know their history and their affectionate rivalry, but we don't really see either of them putting into words how they feel about each other (especially Shuu-- I had to laugh at the line "we didn't need mundane words"; like no dude we could actually use a few more words from you, given your track record of communicating approximately 7% of your thoughts smh). This song puts into words how much they mean to each other and how, despite their complicated history and rivalry, they still care about each other.
Mod Optimus Prime: Luck Life actually composed this song, which really shows in the style (that catchy guitar, anyone?)! I adore the constant references to "sounds"—while a bit cheesy and on those nose, of course, it fits these two to a T and calls back to that season one finale. Again, not that any of the songs are really subtle, but "We might be apart, but I believe we'll someday return / So we didn't need mundane words" really just sums up their unique friendship/rivalry. Also, love how the two only sing together at the end: really fits with the song's whole message/theme about the two being separated, but eventually reuniting! How sweet.
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rei-does-stuff · 7 months
As a 90s anime lover (nostalgia + the only one I've seen lol), here's a free coupon to rant about what about it you don't like. For funsies
Ikuhara rlly said “how about I change everything about these characters and make them completely opposites of how they’re supposed to be from the manga and make them all terrible”
I could literally complain for HOURS about how Ikuhara completely ruined Mamoru’s and Rei’s personalities esp
Like Mamoru in the manga is so nice and sweet and genuinely cares about Usagi meanwhile he’s a complete dick in the anime PLUS they made him way older than usagi which made their relationship way more creepy??
fucking Rei and Mamoru don’t even interact much in the manga so I??? Don’t understand why they did that???
It’s the only adaptation to make him like that afaik hes manga accurate even in the MUSICALS SO LIKE???
This image rlly shows the difference between both Mamorus
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And Ohohoho Rei Hino. Tell me how they made the characters who says she hates men in almost every scene boy crazy and desperate for a boyfriend (which is Mina’s character trait but whatever) and they also made her a dick too??? Like I don’t understand why they made so many characters be a dick to usagi when they weren’t supposed to be
Also for Rei specifically its so funny bc she has SO many lesbian moments with Mina in the manga, like the iconic “we don’t need men in our lives anymore” scene like???? You’re gonna make THAT Rei obsessed with men….Okay…..
And then there’s seiya,,
And like, whilst it is cool that the 90s anime made her genderfluid in a way (her being a man in her civilian form and changing into a woman for her sailor form) it was ONLY done so that her and Usagi could have more romantic tension (which you still could’ve done if she was a butch/gender ambiguous woman like in the manga? Naoko famously didn’t rlly like and was disappointed by the change which honestly fair bc they changed so much of her story I’d be mad too—)
And also the pairing is just annoying bc in the manga she KNOWS her feelings are unrequited because Usagi is already with someone, she isn’t pushy and respects Usagi a lot, (like yeah she does kiss her but honestly who HASNT kissed usagi like it’s everyone she has those kissable vibes) but in the 90s anime they forced this rlly weird rivalry between her and Mamoru and it’s like???? Stop??? And she’s way a bit more pushy “aren’t I good enough?” it’s just bleh, and what sucks is that in the 90s anime shes a lot nicer than mamoru (HER CANONICAL SOULMATE) so like yeah she would be the better choice for usagi in the 90s anime which just shows the fucking biggest problem of it!! It doesn’t understand the characters!!!
The anime had a weird obsession with making a lot of relationships way creepier
Like Helios and Chibiusa they made Helios rlly creepy and it didn’t help he was voiced by a grown ass man when he’s supposed to be like 12 like???
There’s also smaller stuff like Demande which isn’t small actually and here’s why
Now I don’t remember much of the black moon arc in the 90s anime but from what ik they tried to make him more sympathetic which like??? No???
He forcefully kissed Usagi and had this weird obsession with her (because he thought she was neo queen serenity) and didn’t actually see her past his delusion HE IS BAD
In the 90s anime they removed the forced kiss and tried to say he loved Usagi as a person which like?? Goes against his entire character?? No??? Stop???
The ONLY THING character wise the 90s gets right is Haruka and Michiru, but they fucked up everything else!!!!!!!!!
Watch crystal and read the manga PLEASE its so much better and you can read the manga for free on Miss dream (no ads dw <3)
Anyways them!!!!
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overthemoonx · 1 year
Seiya Vs. Mamoru: Whose Better For Sailor Moon?
What do you guys think?
Personally, it goes both ways for me. In the manga, Mamo is literally Usagi’s soulmate. They are perfect for each other and have a chemistry that I don’t think the anime can portray. But, I was 100% rooting for her and Seiya in the anime. Hear me out.
In the manga, Mamoru is definitely made for Usagi. Their relationship is shown to be very passionate and has a lot of depth; especially in regards to their past life.
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Plus, they grow together. The chemistry is definitely there and Mamoru is definitely not a bland dude. He’s a solid character with his own problems and personality. Sure, he’s pretty much Usagi’s Prince Charming, but he has moments where he’s snarky and playful, which add a whole lot flavor to a character who would be generic in any other series.
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Not to mention they balance each-other out. And I mean A LOT. Like you know that trope where one person is super dramatic and a crybaby and the other is level-headed and such? It’s literally that, and I’m living for it. Mamoru is there for Usagi when she needs him, and not to mention she’s there when HE needs her the most too.
And I know a lot of people kinda bash on the fact that they “only love each-other because of their past lives together,” but this is not true in the slightest. In the manga, they definitely fell in love with each-other all over again. Even twelve-year old me was able to feel their love for each-other BEFORE they even thought about their past life together.
Believe in it or not, but they are definitely soulmates. In every lifetime, they were bound to find each-other and fall in love all over. Sure, call me a dramatic teenager n all, but I think it’s sweet.
On the other hand, Seiya takes the cake in the anime. But of course, that comes with a whole lot of my unpopular opinions.
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To start off, I have to point out a main difference between the manga and the anime. In the manga, Seiya is simply a side character to add more fuel to the last arc of the story. Not much is explored in regards to their one-sided romance towards Usagi. But in the anime, there’s a literal season that spends nearly ALL of the episodes building up on the relationship between Usagi and Seiya. Not to mention, Mamoru was out of the picture during the Stars Arc, which left for A LOT of leeway when dealing with some romantic tension between the two…(Weither Usagi cheated or not is up to you, as that’s already the debate of the century)
So that DEFINITELY makes a difference in regards to this topic.
Seiya starts off as a cool and playful kind of character. Think of Mamoru, but without the roses, and a lot more immaturity. But Seiya’s immaturity is what adds to their charm, which I personally think added to the chemistry between Usagi and them.
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Like are we NOT gonna talk about their amusement park hangout?
As the season progresses, their chemistry and interactions grew in size- something that DEFINITELY did not happen in the manga. And that’s not a bad thing whatsoever, as I love Seiya as a character, and it was amazing to get to know them more.
The relationship between the two is far from surface level, as things don’t always stay fluffy forever.
I think this is where the fandom has their opinions though. Like Seiya KNEW Usagi had a boyfriend. Doesn’t that make them a jerk? And sure..I had some strong opinions towards this scene…
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…but let’s face it. The two were just heartbroken sixteen-year olds.
Seiya didn’t know the extent of Usagi and Mamoru’s relationship. Seiya didn’t know that the two were literal intergalactic soulmates. AND HEAR ME OUT.
I read on a forum a few months back with a statement such as “Seiya thought that Mamoru was just a jerk guy who left to America and purposefully ditched Usagi.” People can have their feelings on that, but I think it’s true. Think about it. If you met someone who told you their boyfriend left to America and never talked to them again, what would you think?
I’m not saying Seiya wasn’t wrong to hit on Usagi consistently. Even with the previous statement in mind, like at least give the person the ability to figure out their own problems first. But if we separate that topic from the stand alone interactions they have (which I think the interactions and hitting on was added for drama fuel, as I don’t remember them doing that AT ALL in the manga), then their chemistry alone makes Seiya an amazing match for her. And if not, then they definitely should’ve stayed besties. Like leaving Usagi forever to go back to their home planet? HEARTBREAKING.
And I think that’s where the whole soulmate thing I was talking about before gets sad. Because Usagi’s soulmate is Mamoru, and if that wasn’t the case (in the anime), her and Seiya could’ve had a chance.
But what are YOUR thoughts?
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tworegimesof · 8 months
your brain is soo wrinkly and galactic, thank you for indulging and giving these recs much thought! I've finished the tv adaptation of normal people and while i have only read lines from np, i did pick up another book of hers with satoshoko solely in mind, titled: "beautiful world, where are you". right after binge-reading your works, too, so i somehow feel validated she made it to the list. i have read ms. bby_rabbit's work and loved it! I always enjoy when fics explore the dynamics of satoshoko + the students (esp kugitafushi), and hs,dj's megumi was a delight. sadly, I'm now unfamiliar w the remainder of your list, but rest assured i am capital R - running - straight to storygraph after this.
re: weird relationship with one's own works, i get a version of that feeling too, as i am my own harshest critic. however, i want to share an anecdote with you that i hope you'll enjoy. one time i was just watching this on youtube when i, completely out of nowhere, imagined seiya probably having done it as well. i don't know how i got here lol. i was never one to think about ship babies and i'd be embarrassed about stsk popping up in my head, if it weren't for the fact that it was an added layer, which truly made the video more comedic.
it goes to show you've written characters so memorable and endearing in that they manage to sneakily occupy ppl's minds and brighten days. thanks again for answering.
p.s. did u ever watch the hidden inventory arc get animated? it was so cute
Dunno about wrinkly and galactic, but my brain is certainly in my skull. I don’t mind talking about books, reading is one of my favorite things to do. I’ve never seen the television adaptation, but I’ve read both of those books. I think Normal People is the better novel of the two. I love bby_rabbit, she’s my writer bestie, and I’ll be sure to pass your sweet words on! 
Wow, that video made my day! I loved how the little baby was very careful not to disturb their mom but fully slapped their dad across the face. It’ s so flattering to hear that you thought of little Seiya, and that you don’t cringe when my stories come back to you unexpected. Day made, self-esteem boosted! 
I have not yet seen the second season. I’m annoyed with where the manga has been going, and I don’t want to see Yuji’s torture well animated, but the clips I have seen are very cute! 
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docholligay · 2 years
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Sailor Stars truly is, the agony and the ecstasy of Sailor Moon. Some of the absolute best things in the entire show come out in this season.
The writers loved Haruka and Michiru and every moment they are on the screen, affection is lavished upon them. Haruka’s flawless presentation as lesbian mom who thinks she’s cool as shit but in fact is a huge loser dork is worth whatever the Japanese version of an Emmy is, and also the Nobel Prize for anime. Michiru’s manipulative Mata Hari shit, her perfect dedication to Haruka (she will do anything for love, yes including that*), this season has I think 80% or better of my favorite Michiru stuff, and they really aren’t in the season that much!
If you are a Rei/Usagi fan, this season is for you PERSONALLY. There are so many hand-embroidered moments that show the tightness of connection between them, things I wouldn’t have ever thought of but work so perfectly well if you want to model that relationship. I mean, Rei dies in Usagi’s arms ffs. What else do you want?
Some of the funniest moments (for me, Haruka’s massive hate-on for Seiya is one of my favorite things of the whole series. Them shaking hands in the dressing room is a holy grail cel for me) are in Stars. The writers had an amazing sense of humor and when they were on their shit, it was absolutely perfect.
Unfortunately, there is another, darker side to this whole season which is essentially that if you were interested in, oh: Mako, Ami, Minako, Hotaru, Pluto or, for once, Mamoru, they gently bowed as they presented the season to you with both hands and invited you to go fuck yourself. This season was about Usagi, Seiya, Rei, and, to a smaller but very lovingly done extent, Haruka and Michiru.
It also contained some of the most ridiculous will they won’t they nonsense since the first season in Seiya** and Usagi. I even LIKE Seiya, like, quite a bit, as in, in my own Sailor Moon written world, they are endgame. And I still find t5he crap they pull, because the writers so badly want to give this wings, to be annoying at best and horrifying at worst. Don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate a good Mamoru fridge, but God at what cost.
And it, of course, had the most Sailor Moon ending to Sailor Moon end, of all time, whereby we can simply love at a genocidal maniac, and all is well, and no one ever really died, and they were mildly inconvenienced in the same way as when you watch your uber eats driver stuck at a red light. But, with mortality though.
For all that, it is very much so one of my favorite seasons.
*Unless that is going to the McDonald’s
**Oh, let’s get this out of the way: Seiya’s gender has always been a fun object of conversation (read: horrible. wanky. annoying.) and having been around the Sailing Moons block so many times, I no longer give even one single fuck. I say she/her for two reasons, one of which is the real one, and one of which is a justification, for me first reason. My first reason is: I like masculine women, and I can. My ‘proof’ is that in the manga this is Takeuchi’s intention because this, like so many thjings, is based on her sexy feels about Takarazuka, and she’s clarified that Seiya is a woman, and was basically Haruka II: Haruka harder (who she specifically at Comic con in the late 90s said of: “Haruka is a girl. Haruka has always been a girl.”) Do not come to me with literally ANY wank about this topic. I do not. Fucking. Care. Everyone has penned their fucking legal opinion paper. There are quasi-Talmudic discussions about it. I love you! Think what you want, but, *Sister Michael voice* Please, PLEASE do not come crying to me.
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oshiawaseni · 7 months
Hi....if you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (ca be canon or non-canon)? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
WAH YOU WANT MY WHOLE SHIPPING HISTORY OKAY LETS GO ILL BOLDEN THE ONES I STILL REALLY ADORE AND PLACE IT UNDER A CUT (and to be clear I've liked a LOT more than these but these are the ones I grew really obsessed with at one point or another!)
Bulma x Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z) Drarry (Harry Potter) Usagi x Seiya (Sailor Moon) God I really loved Yugioh shipping too ahhhhh Yugi x Atem mostly! Yuki x Shuichi (Gravitation) Misa x Light (MISA DESERVED BETTER) and Light x Mikami (Death Note) YUME of course (KANAME DESERVED BETTER) (Vampire Knight/VKM) and AiRen is really cute too ;; Tyrande x Illidan (Warcraft - WHY AM I A SUCKER FOR FORBIDDEN LOVE AND BAD BOYS)(THIS IS STILL MY DESKTOP WALLPAPER BECAUSE I LOVE IT SO MUCH)(IT'S DEPICTING WHEN SHE GAVE HIM HIS FLOWER AND IT'S HIS LOOT DROP WHEN YOU KILL HIM IN WOW... APPARENTLY)
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I liked Rickyl (The Walking Dead) I liked Reylo (Star Wars) Oh and I was a Larrie once *cries* me and a few bkdk friends bond over one direction sometimes LOL Can't forget to mention my Sasuke x Naruto past either... I'd say my favourite movie is Memoirs of a Geisha... I just... love everything about the vibe of that movie including that beautiful romantic scene at the end, and I feel like bkdk is sort of being written in the same way where they'll have this intimate moment of connecting to each other which recalibrates everything that's ever happened between them with a romantic lens, if that makes sense? Togachaco, Kudoichi, and finally... Bakudeku (Forever and ever til I'm gone from this earth)
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delta-pavonis · 1 year
Oh! Tag Game Time! I was looking for a reason to procrastinate on getting work done! :D Thanks for the tags @valeriianz, @teejaystumbles and @seiya-starsniper
Rules: Tag 10 (or less) people you want to get to know better
relationship status: Married & polyamorous. Didn't start the polyam thing until a few years into our marriage. Been married for *does math* almost 11 years now. Which, if you told that to my high school self, would have blown her damned mind.
favourite colour: If you go by the first thing that comes to my mind, green. If you asked other people, purple. Apparently I wear it a lot? *shrug*
song stuck in my head: Thanks to my kiddo being home sick today, that honor goes to the theme song from Bluey. (*whispers while looking directly into the camera* Help. Me.)
three favourite foods: First off, this is like a really fucking difficult question because I love so many different kinds of food. But right now, if I had to choose JUST THREE... Unadon (Japanese preparation of freshwater eel, unagi, grilled with eel sauce on rice), authentic New York City pizza (not NY style, actually from the City), and uh... how about dessert? Cannoli.
last song I listened to: Måneskin's cover of Beggin' has come back on my playlist recently and I remembered why I love it so much. Also, Wet Leg's entire debut album fucking slaps.
dream trip: OK, so here's the thing. Do you go back to someplace you've been because you've loved it? Or do you go someplace you have never gone before? Therefore, I will choose two. Return to someplace awesome: Cape Town, South Africa. Go someplace new: Hokkaido, Japan
last thing(s) i googled: I looked up my favorite recipe for Curry Doria because I am gonna make it tonight and I still don't have the damned thing bookmarked.
Uhhhh, people to tag? I hate tagging people because I always worry about someone feeling left out, which is like the worst possible feeling for me ever, so IF YOU ARE READING THIS YOU ARE OFFICIALLY TAGGED. There. I want to know about you. Yes, you. No, really. Tell me more. *chinhands*
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magicalgirlagency · 1 year
I’m guessing there’s not one shounen story that has met your expectations and standards then? Not even Pokémon?
I wouldn't categorize Pokémon as Shounen, because not everyone that starts a journey in the World of Pokémon is a boy, not to mention that its female characters are much better treated in comparison.
I'd say Mob Psycho 100 is the closest thing, but Mob is a Slice Of Life character thrown under Shounen circumstances. His "fights" mostly involve him calling the villain a total loser that has a Superiority Complex.
I also used to keep up with One Punch Man, but I dropped it after I've learned the second season wasn't animated by Madhouse.
HunterxHunter was solid, but it dragged on for too long and became too violent. Too many hiatuses, and I worry for Togashi-sensei's health.
There's also Mashle: Magic & Muscles, which it's basically That Wizard Book if the protagonist wasn't a filthy treacherous pig, but it's more of a parody.
I also used to enjoy YuYu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh! and DragonBall as a child. I grew up with that disgusting english dub of One Piece, and I still CRINGE at the rap opening. I can't believe that I used to jam to THAT.
In One Piece's case, while I adore the characters' stories and the worldbuilding is nothing short of fascinating, I simply do not have the patience to sit through 1000+ chapters/episodes, so I consume it by osmosis and laugh at Luffy's recklessness. Oh, and also because Oda adamantly refuses to draw women properly, but you guys already knew that.
My mom would watch YuYu Hakusho and nickname me "Botan". Cute, isn't it? And she watched lots when she was expecting my younger brother, and turns out that he remembered it, because he would years later watch the anime himself. He heard everything in the womb.
My dad used to be a fan of Naruto and Bleach, but he died and was never able to see both stories' endings (and coming from someone who has seen/read them, it was for the best). In compensation, he was also a fan of Full-Metal Alchemist (though I have abandoned the fandom because of its unsavory inside jokes).
My uncle loved Saint Seiya and Rurouni Kenshin (here on Brazil, they were known as Knights of the Zodiac and Samurai X, btw); but the mangaka of Rurouni Kenshin was a p*dophile, so I've fully abandoned the series.
My relationship with Shounen is on-off, as you can see.
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aquilathefighter · 1 year
Trope Game
Hiii i finally have spoons for this!! thanks for the tags @seiya-starsniper @immacaria @altair214 <3
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 - don't care either way
+10 -> very enticed
nope -> if it's a hard no and you'd never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you'd insta click out of the fic if it wasn't tagged
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it's conditional.
Age gap: +3
its a sometimes food for me, i just have to be in the mood for it or it has to be well done, whether it's clear we're playing in the space of sexy fantasy or something a bit more unethical
Codependency: -5
brings up some yucky feelings for me. if it's done by an author i trust i might still click though!
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +4
it can be sexy and i like when characters talk through it
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): +8
*gestures at most of my favorite ships*
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: 0
eh just not really my thing!
Friends with benefits: +4
its a fun thing and i love a pwp where they're just buds. but i do really prefer more romantic pairings personally
Sex to feelings: +7
love the exploration of what happens when it becomes not 'just sex'. also smut yummy
Fake dating/relationship: +10
oh my god this is my favorite trope e v e r. the number of spirk fics where they have to pretend to be bfs/husbands bc of the aliens i've read..
Friends to lovers: +9
CLASSIC. i love a beautiful foundation of two people who really know each other well realizing their affection for each other have evolved into something different!! only knocked off a point bc sometimes its really amatonormative in that the romantic relationship is seen as more/better than the platonic relationship and i do not vibe with that.
Found Family: +1
i could take it or leave it for the most part but if it's done well its certainly appreciated!
Hurt/Comfort: +10
afjdskaf;jsda i dont even have an explanation other than i like to hit characters with hammers and then nurse them back to health
Love Triangle: -8
i just think its kind of played out and very rarely do the dynamics catch my interest
Poly, open relationships: 0
i tend to get really fixated on one pairing so its kinda hard for me to get really excited about them?? all the power to poly ships but i just have very few of them (e.g. mcspirk)
Mistaken/hidden identity: +3
it can be fun! love some drama but if its simply misunderstanding i get a bit frustrated. more phantom type hidden identity pls
Pregnancy: -1
kidfic is generally a squick for me on account of me never wanting to get pregnant in my entire life ever and some personal stuff, but if its more about the relationship between the pregnant person and their partner(s) i'm down! and breeding kink ofc, thats a whole other thing
Second Chance: +7
people who have history between them giving it another try? trying to move past the ways they hurt each other??? yesssss
Slowburn: -2
this is more about the fact that i simply do not have the brain power to read 100K+ fics a lot of the time!! when i do have the capacity i love reading a slowburn but unfortunately i expend a lot of reading spoons on work on account of being an academic at all
Soulmates: -4
man im such a pessimist but i personally find the idea of predestined people you're gonna fall in love with kind of depressing? much more a fan of love being a thing you create between people
i am probably the last one to do this XD take this as an open invitation if you would like to do this game and haven't been tagged!
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vulpiximisa · 2 years
going through tsurune again and rolling my eyes at the seiya/minato only to find out that it’s the most popular ship in the fandom and so here’s my essay about why I don’t care for childhood friend ships
I think the appeal is for the characters to have “someone who knows you inside and out and can understand you as a person and is always by your side” and for me it makes me super uncomfortable because that person for me is my sister. And it’s not like I’m going to say “ew childhood friends ships are literal incest” because I’m not a fcking idiot who doesn’t know how to interpret relationships between charas and real people.
It’s also a matter of the characters themselves. If both characters are equally Whole Characters who do things individually and when they are together they can become a duo, that’s fine. But most ships I have seen that people enjoy are not like this. Always one character will make the other character their entire personality.
I’m going to use Mako////Haru and the Sei////Mina as examples. Both Makoto and Seiya literally eat sleep breathe and think about Haru and Minato. “Aw but it’s so sweet they’re so devoted to them.” Not to me it’s not, I want a whole ass character, not just MC’s DLC. (SouRin too.) They literally ruined Makoto’s character arc when he realized he didn’t have to swim to be with Haru and decided to coach kids but then made him want to coach Haru in S3 and it’s like hhhhRRRRRRR WHY. Seiyas literally only doing archery to be with Minato. Sousuke is a fcking idiot that ruined his body for Rin.
Perhaps it’s KyoAni realizing that this kind of relationship sells so I’m going to mention another ship.
Tsukki///Yama from Haikyuu. “Yamaguchi has major character growth!!” And he does, good job Guch. But initially he was literally Tsuki’s lackey. He starts to move away from that when he practices his serves and even though the “what more do you need than your pride” scene was a big step for him, I find that every time Yamaguchi steps into the court, there’s always a focus on Tsuki, framed in the way that it’s like “I’m here to back up tsukki, to help tsukki” and not like The Team as a whole.
I think Kuro////Ken are a great example of how childhood friends could be. Aside from them being a year apart, they’re very much their own characters but they do know each other very well and have their own thing going on. (I don’t care much for seijou so I’m not gonna talk about Iwa////Oi)
Back to tsurune, Nanao and Kaito are what they could be but they’re cousins so nobody is gonna ship them. But the fact that they are family reiterates my reason, that you don’t have to fall in love with the person you spent most of your life with.
“But what about the long time pining!!!” Iunno man, I guess I don’t have an argument for that. If they fell in love as a kid and continue the feelings until they’ve matured, makes me wonder if they’ll reevaluate that and not just “stick with it because that’s all they’ve ever known”. It’s worse for me if they never considered them until Suddenly something changed. I mean sure whatever.
I’m okay with the ones where they might have known each other when they were young but they separated and didn’t see each other until they’re both older. It’s about learning that the person is not the same person and having to get to know them again.
Oh that’s why I don’t like childhood friend ships. I don’t like when I’m given information that “oh yeah, they are friends, trust me on this.” (The entire reason I don’t ship Aso////Ryu from GAA.) I like seeing the development, how did they meet, how would they grow to know each other, when do they start thinking different? (On a related note, it’s why GoPri is better than Fresh in the dynamic with the first 3 cures, because GoPri didn’t take the lazy way out of writing 3 girls with very different backgrounds suddenly becoming friends.)
The only two childhood friends ship thats I like that I can think of is Sasu//////Naru and Hector/Eliwood from FE7.
Sasu/////naru has a whole package of other things going on for them that they don’t even count as that. Yes they knew each other as kids but they don’t start to Really get to know each other until they’re teammates and then etc the rest of their story.
HecEli, I don’t remember how old they were but I don’t think they were that young? That’s not the point. Hector might have seemed Eliwood centric if you just played Eli’s route but in Hector mode he has a whole bunch of things going on. (RoyLili, is very much the thing tho, where Lilina is Roy centric most of the time. I love her but I don’t deny it.) Also rekkas shoving Eli////nini and hec/////lyn in my face so of course I’m taking an alternate route.
Edit: i just thought about games after I posted thing. Hen////do from pl miracle mask. *points at henry* it was you. Like maybe there’s nothing wrong with orbital charas but I feel like the feelings will never be balanced. The other character will never feel like they can give back anywhere as much as the orbital one. (Sorry azu////iru even though it’s not a childhood friend ship)
Anyway, you’re not gonna make me like childhood friend ships if you make one of them an orbital chara and shove it into my face. *puts kyoani in a choke hold*
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luxusartsus · 2 years
Decided to some little shipping game.
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Ship That I Loved At First Sight
I don't know how to explain, I just love them so much, maybe it's their similar age and matching zodiacs, but they are my babies. Fight me if you don't like them!
Ship That I Initially Didn't Like
HyoShun, it's not like I was "ew, what a disgusting ship", but I found it to be quite overrated. It's still not my Top 3 ship, but I grew very fond of it
Ship That I Never Liked
The original was ship that I no longer like, but I don't have it in StS, I'm still faithful to all my ships. But I do have ships that I hate, the Top 1 being Shura x Camus for two reasons: one, they don't have chemistry or any interesting interaction to spark a wish to ship them in me. Two, if I had to choose someone to have some close relationship with Shura, it would be either Deathmask, Aphrodite, Aiolia, or even Saga or Aiolos, but Camus, really?
Favorite Popular Ship
Maybe Mu x Aldebaran is not that popular as Mu x Shaka (what is a shame, Mu and Aldebaran have a lot more chemistry for me), but I still think that this ship is quite popular, so I'm putting this one here.
Favorite Rarepair
Okay, it may be weird that I don't like Shura x Camus, but like Deathmask x Camus, but the reason is because Shura x Camus is forced as hell, mainly in SoG, where they are constantly trying to make us believe that they had some sort of friendship and that's why they were fighting, but guess what, they never had it in first place, so this conflict (and ship) falls flat. But with Deathmask x Camus, even tho they never interacted too, we got a moment of Camus mentioning Deathmask when the "Dark Trio" was heading to Cancer Temple, and this was... interesting. Plus, they would have much more chemistry with each other, Deathmask trying to make Camus be more lively and energetic, while Camus would teach Deathmask to be more calm and collected.
Controversial Ship
Tbh, I don't have it. The closest that I can think about is Hypnos x Thanatos, just to clarify, I don't ship them, but if I had to believe that some incestuous ship would happen, it would be between them because we know how Greek Gods are like with their relatives. But I won't say that I don't have the idea of Hypnos being the sub top, while Thanatos is a dom bottom 😶.
Ship That I Want To Become Canon The Most
Well, even tho I love Trash Trio, I can't deny that I see them more like just best friends (who may fuck sometimes, but still best friends), but Aiolia x Shura is actually really cute. The drama, dynamics, relationship that this couple would have is so juicy. SoG may have give us terrible, horrible ships (Shura x Camus, again; Aiolia x Lyfia; Deathmask x Helena; Dohko x Aldebaran), but Shura x Aiolia isn't one of those, I would dare to say that it's the best ship that SoG gave to us along with Deathmask x Aphrodite.
Comfort Ship
Again, Trash Trio, nothing new here.
Ship That Deserves More Attention
Ikki x Pandora actually is one of the few best straight couples from Saint Seiya. Ignoring the fact that Ikki smacked Pandora on the face, but this was because she was getting on his way to save Shun, so it's slightly understandable, what made me ship them is their final interaction: Pandora finally vents her problems to someone and trust on Ikki to avenge her real family, that Hades, Hypnos and Thanatos destroyed, in turn, we see that Ikki actually empathized with her, this short scene managed to be better developing some sort of romance (what wasn't even the focus) than a lot of love stories from media nowadays. Sadly it's overshadowed with some other ships like Ikki x Esmeralda, dude got infatuated with a girl who was identical to his younger brother, what is... ew, and Pandora x Radamanthys, poor Pandora, she deserves better than Radamanthys, I hate this bitch.
First OTP
That's easy, it was Seiya x Shun. Those two spend a lot more time together than with the other Bronzies, so it's easy for me to ship. I personaly like it more than Seiya x Shiryu or Shun x Hyoga, not saying that those two ships are bad, I like them and if you like them it's fine.
Current OTP
It has to be Saga x Aiolos, while Shion and Dohko where the kid Goldies granddads, Saga and Aiolos where their mother and father, respectively (Kanon was the uncle). I'm actually glad how popular this ship is, and pretty sure that Kurumada ships them too, otherwise all their gay interactions in Episode Zero wouldn't been happened in first place.
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yuamusuzuran · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Oh, I actually never got to answer this, thank you for the question!
Honestly I'm not that good at ranking characters so I'll just write 10 characters I adore but in no particular order.
1. Zagreus (HADES game)
The reason I love him is quite simple: he's so openly helpful and some of his dialogue with other characters is pure gold. He's so caring but stubborn and dorky, its really hard not to love him. But he is also hella strong and takes no bullshit from anyone, always so fun.
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2. Yusei Fudo (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5ds)
Yusei has been my baby for a decade now and its mostly because of his personality: he maybe seems rough around the edges and only thinks about dueling and saving the world, but you know he has the softest little heart under there. I would literally give my leg for him.
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3. Aerith Gainsbourogh (Final Fantasy 7)
I'm not an OG player but let me tell you I fell in love with her character in the Remake. She's so fun to be around, but you can still feel her positivity radiating, a literal angel of that dying world. So there's no doubt I'll lose my mind when Rebirth comes out.
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4. Zack Fair (Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core)
Second part of this duo, I dunno, he just seems so wholesome and puppy-like, an absolute joy whenever he's on screen. Plus, his heroism just comes to him naturally, absolutely beautiful. He just radiates positive energy and I'd give so much for him
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5. Akiza Izinski/Aki Izayoi (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5ds)
She is and will forever be my favorite YGO girl. Ofc they had to butcher her character as they always do with YGO, but her potential in the first season had me so invested. And being someone who's been severely bullied on many fronts I resonated with her so much to the point I wanted to be her. I still adore her so much.
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6. Yami Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
You can see how much influence this series had on me and I'm putting Yami on this list simply because he was my first ever anime crush. Plus, he's just so important for my life and I love his character and bond with Yugi in particular. It's been 15 years since I've discovered him and my love for him still goes strong
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7. Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
He's the reason I have white-hair anime men preference and he was always just a joy to watch. He's so cold and cruel on the outside, but the way he behaves towards those closest to him and the way his relationship with Inuyasha gets gradually better is what really sold him for me. One of my loves
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8. Seiya Kou (Sailor Moon)
I know this is controversial because people feel very strong about them, but I love Seiya, in both manga and the anime. Their playfulness and the way they treat Usagi is the most precious thing and their passion for protecting the ones they love always makes me simp. I always especially enjoy season 5 of Sailor Moon specifically for them
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9. Catarina Claes (HameFura)
Now she's just a joy to watch, she's so dense and I love it. But also, its really hard NOT to love her. A particular aspect I enjoy about her is the fact you can see why other members of her harem love her so much and that's something I can stand behind in a reverse harem. She's so funny and so lovable.
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10. Sailor Saturn/Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Moon)
My oldest anime child, I still love her so much. At first it was because of how mysterious she was, but then you go under the surface a little and see how cute and lovable she is. The fact she can blow the entire world up is only a bonus for me
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I have so many characters I enjoy but these are the ones that kinda marked my life now and before. Hope it was interesting read 😄
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captaingondolin · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
The tumblr inbox doesn’t do dates, but my email notifications do and this ask has been sitting here since June 2022. This is just who I am as a fandom person.
I’m limiting myself to English fics because some of my faves are niche stuff and if we throw Italian into the mix no one can even open the link to go ponder what’s wrong with me.
Now that the gods are gone. When I go feral over Ben Kenobi (and the mere suggestion of older Cody with a hint of white in his hair and- ok, back on track) and say I love old men, it’s serious, I mean it. Do you know Death Note? Okay, so the dad of mr serial killer boy, and the father-figure/butler of mr detective boy, right, what if they both survived the blood bath with a shitton of trauma to deal with, and while healing they fell a little bit in love? This fic is thick like a milkshake, every single sentence takes a bit of canon and unravels it to my liking.
Nothing but Gold. Thrawn/Padmé I wrote for a rarepair exchange. It’s the power couple we need more of. It’s canon divergence from the end of Thrawn: Alliances, with Anakin prisoner and Padmé taking Thrawn to the Republic... and severely fucking with Palpatine’s plans in doing so. Thrawn doesn’t even understand Basic, but he damn well sees Palps is a shady bitch. Padmé gets really angry. Pals, when I tell you I plotted this fic. This never happens. It was hard work and I enjoyed every minute of it. I remember going to the library to write at one point. There’s a kickass playlist to go with it, too. 
with your scars and your lonely heart. you ever fall head over heels for two minor villains in an 80s shonen anime and they take over your life? No? Well. These two have been to hell and back together, and I mean literally, hell. And their relationship just. it does things to my poor heart. They are terrible people (right until they stop and get some actual redemption going in the background), but they are always, always in each other’s corner. And I have loved them for, uuuh, numbers are hard, but coming up on half my life at this point. Anyway, this is a fic in which one of them is the reincarnation of a Greek god(dess) - and their canon already has plenty of Greek gods.
Hated You from Hello. The Force works in mysterious ways and I fell in love with Corran Horn, and also fell into shipping him with Tycho Celchu (heroic, emotionally scarred, total Gondolin Catnip). They would totally hatefuck in canon, but I decided to make them hatefuck in a canon divergence, because why the hell not.
a Certain Fic We Shan’t Name with too much of my ID to be on my main account. iykyk
a friend of the devil is a friend of mine. what if you’re like a Padawan and your Master is an evil sack of dicks, but he’s good to you. And then he dies doing a single heroic thing, and you’re left adrift and without a role since you never completed your training? Except this is Saint Seiya, so it’s not called Padawan, but like. what if. Master-Learner bond and complex feelings and child soldiers (in that “media for kids that has kid protagonists fighting” way, but then you take the concept for a spin and write fics trying to reconcile them to their actual ages) (and this is cheating my own damn parameters a bit but the Italian version of this is better)
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