familyvideostevie · 2 years
emma i have a question of utmost importance. fuck marry kill: steve harrington, rooster bradshaw, pedro pascal as joel miller
this is so fucked up kait I cannot……FUCK!!!!
marry rooster
fuck Joel
kill steve
let’s hang out !!
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imthursdaysyme · 1 year
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Final installment of the wrestlers 3/3: Steve runs his 5’8 mouth
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kkpwnall · 1 year
wanted: pool boy at the vampire mansion
for my darlingest louseph @cheatghost who a few days ago sent me the words "pool boy steve at eddie's vampire mansion" at 6 in the morning and immediately got my brain whirring. like 0 to 60, dead asleep to wide awake and writing. so here's less than 1k words of pure ridiculous fun.
[also on ao3]
It’s not a bad gig, really. Even if it stipulates in his contract that he has to be shirtless while he’s on the property. But Steve also signed the contract in his blood so he’s not sure how legal it is. 
Plus the pay is insane. He quit his other jobs, and he’s basically got free reign of the pool all day. So he takes his time with the skimmer fishing out all the leaves and dead bugs, swims laps for a while. Spends the rest of the day in a lounger before adjusting the chemicals so it’s perfect by morning.
What do vampires need with a pool anyway?
The four guys stay in the house whenever Steve comes by, but they're friendly enough and wave at him through the dark tinted windows. 
One guy ogles him the whole time he works. Not that he really minds. So what if Steve gets to work early, just to put on sunscreen? Who’s gonna know if he puts some extra flex in his muscles while he works? And who cares if they’ve got the cleanest pool in all of Indiana? It’s not hurting anyone. 
But Steve's drawn to him the same way he was drawn to the ad in the first place, with his long dark curly hair and unending collection of black band shirts. His crooked smile and dimples and shining brown eyes.
It's just... they've never once spoken. And Steve is dying to get to know this guy who makes the goofiest faces at him. Who was pissed when Steve laughed the first time he did, hands up like devil horns, tongue lolling and eyes crossed. Until Steve made his own face back. 
This guy, who plays elaborate charades with Steve through the glass, trying and failing to do the classic walking-down-stairs bit. Who went boneless when one of the guys in his band (? coven? pod? Ask Dustin what a group of vampires is called.) dragged him away while Steve mimed crying, waving an imaginary hanky at him. This guy, who clutched his heart and fell over when Steve lowered his shades and winked at him one day.
And it's because of those shades that Steve has to drive all the way back to the mansion late one night to retrieve them from his usual chair.
When he gets there, someone’s floating in the pool. Someone, with long curly hair spilling all around their head. Someone, wearing all their clothes, and Steve can't tell from the weak pool light if they're face up or face down, but they sure as hell aren't moving. 
His lifeguard training takes over between one step and the next, as he bolts for the pool, launching into the water, and throwing himself forward with broad strokes. 
Except when Steve gets to him, the guy isn't drowning, he’s sputtering and swearing and pushing away from him in the water. “What are you doing here?!”
“You're not drowning...” Steve says blankly, trying to catch his breath as he treads water. 
“No! And thank you for the rescue, Lancelot, but you need to get out of here.” His long hair streams over his face as he spins while Steve paddles around him to make sure he’s really alright. 
“Lancelot?” he asks, just to keep the guy talking, to hear more from his honeyed voice. Better than anything he could’ve ever imagined. 
“A knight in shining armor,” the guy mumbles, trying to hide his face. “A hero rescuing fair damsels and slaying vile beasts.” 
Steve chuckles, but doesn’t miss the venom in his last words. He catches him by the upper arm to stop his spinning. “No, I know who Lancelot is, it’s just–”
It’s just he’s even prettier close up. It’s just his skin is freezing cold in the sun-warmed pool water. It’s just he’s looking at Steve, caught somewhere between a grimace and a grin, and his teeth are so so sharp. 
“I’m Steve,” he says, moving closer. Entirely entranced by the pool light, the moonlight, the starlight, glimmering in his eyes. Steve’s hand has a mind of its own, rising out of the water to cup the guy’s cheek with a wet palm, “And you’re…” 
Gently traces his lower lip, runs his thumb over the sharp canine, careful not to touch the pointed tip. 
“You’re beautiful,” Steve breathes. 
The guy surges forward, reeling Steve in with a hand on the back of his neck, and kisses him fiercely. Steve kisses him back just as fervently, wraps his arms around his waist and kicks out with his legs to keep them afloat, as his tongue slides past the guy’s teeth to swirl and dance with his. 
It's messy and uncoordinated and they sink and bob in the water as they move against each other. The guy's fingers tangle in the shaggy hair at the base of his neck, twisting and snagging. Steve groans and stretches a broad palm up between the guy's shoulder blades, pressing further into him, drinking all of him in.
“It’s Eddie,” he says, pulling back and panting when they finally part. “I’m Eddie.”
Steve grins at Eddie and kisses him again, pushing them through the water towards the edge at the shallow end of the pool. He can think of better uses for his legs right now.
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solarmorrigan · 11 months
Steve Harrington gives me Beach Boys vibes
Like. Steve's a little neutral on pop; he doesn't hate it, but it's not usually his first choice. But like a lot of kids, his musical exploration begins with his parents' collection
He finds his mom's Beach Boys albums when he's about twelve, a little after they start leaving on longer trips and he starts poking around the house because he's bored and alone. He can sort of remember his mom playing them when he was really young, can remember her dancing around the kitchen and being silly in ways she usually isn't
He starts playing the Beach Boys when his parents are gone, just sometimes, because the songs have a pretty good beat and the lyrics are fun and it makes him feel a little less lonely. He's got one playing one evening when his parents get home earlier than expected; his dad just shoots him a look at tells him to "turn down the damn racket" (which Steve does, quickly) before stalking up to his office, but his mom stands in the living room doorway, just watching him for a moment
It's the first time in a long time he remembers her just sitting down with him, smiling, laughing, listening to the music with him. She tells him about the first time she heard the band on the radio, and about how she'd gone out to buy their album the very next day. She tells him that his dad had called in to the local station more than once to request "Barbara Ann" because he knew it was her favorite (Steve can't imagine his dad doing anything like that, but he guesses his mom would know better than he does). She tells him that when he was little, too little to really remember, he would ask her to play "the surfing song," even though she was pretty sure he had no idea what surfing was
They don't do it again, but Steve holds onto the memory
He keeps playing the albums. He gets them on tape, when he happens to see them, and then he can play them in his car when the mood strikes. He wouldn't call himself a fan, exactly, but he doesn't have a better word for it. He ends up memorizing a lot of the lyrics, and finds that he doesn't mind having that knowledge at all
December of '85, the first holiday season Steve and Robin spend together, Robin is ready to tease Steve mercilessly for not only knowing all the words to "Little Saint Nick," but for singing along with it while standing at the counter of Family Video. In public. Steve takes it with good grace, but he also makes sure she also knows all the words by the end of their shift. They sing it together every time it comes on the overhead speakers after that
(Steve gets the feeling Robin's enjoyment is half ironic, but he doesn't mind. Her joy as she sings is sincere, and that's the important part)
Robin isn't the last convert he manages to induct, either
"Kokomo" comes out in '88, and Eddie wants to hate it. Really he does. It's really not his speed, he doesn't like surf music, but he just - he can't quite bring himself to dislike it. Not when Steve is listening to it on the radio in the kitchen, singing along, dancing around unselfconsciously while he does the dishes (moving his hips in ways Eddie does not want to associate with the Beach Boys)
But of course, the second Steve catches Eddie listening with anything other than disdain, it's all over. He turns all his attention on Eddie, singing to him, trying to beckon him into the kitchen to dance with him while Eddie valiantly tries to hold out against the fucking dork-ass romantic he's been dating for over a year
Steve points him and then curls his fingers in a "come hither" gesture as he croons along with the radio, telling Eddie to "come on, pretty mama," and Eddie has to let his head hang back while he tells Steve "I hate you," just so Steve won't see how hard he's smiling
He does end up dancing, his head resting on Steve's shoulder because he's laughing too hard to hold it up on his own, his eyes watering while Steve continues being ridiculous just for him
(It is absolutely not their song, but many years later, it does end up on Eddie's carefully curated wedding playlist. He disavows all knowledge of how it got there)
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steviespanties · 6 months
Billy, possessive asshole alpha boyfriend extraordinaire about to find out something new about his omega boyfriend *slaps Steve's stomach* "this belly can fit so many pups in it"
Steve, flushed up to the roots of his hair: *garbled incoherent half hearted protest*
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
yes yes robin or eddie teaching steve about bisexuality that’s all good but consider!! steve talking to mike and explaining to him that sometimes people just like boys and girls, and that it’s okay. steve coming out to mike, telling him that he’s, like, kinda sorta dating eddie munson, and that that doesn’t mean he never loved nancy.
and then mike — prickly, ten walls around his heart, snarky comment on his tongue even when no one’s around, suppressed, confused, kinda scared, super in love with will — wheeler has a first, very tentative coming out. to steve harrington, of all people. and maybe that’s okay.
update: theres a fic now
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findafight · 1 year
Why are some of y'all making Robin be so mean to Steve and having them friend break up or their relationship irreversibly damaged for the sake of romo ships why would you do that to them what the hellllll literally biggest case of She Would Not Do That ever.
Sure Robin will rag on Steve but it's friendly! It's as friends! Steve does the same to her! He literally immediately dragged her crush as soon as she came out to him! Their bickering is mutual! They want to combine!! Into one!! Being!! They care so much about each other Steve wants Robin to be happy Robin worries over Steve's injuries.
Why are you making her ignore him or not realize something is wrong with him? Stop trying to replace her with other teens or a romantic interest for Steve! If your (usually whump) fic cannot function with Robin actually being Steve's friend and him talking to her then like. Send her away to visit an old sick relative or something and unable to actually be there and help him. The stobin angst can come from her being unable to actually do anything besides talk him through it to help, being so far away. You don't! Need! To make!! Her mean!! To Steve!! Sure they can have conflict but that conflict should come from a place of deep care, not apathy!! What the fuck!!!
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milf-harrington · 2 years
inspired by @flashyysins
Two days after Hawkins was almost split open, Robin saw a woman pacing in the hospital waiting room.
There were plenty of other people as well, sitting or standing or walking the length of the room in a similar pattern, but there was something about the woman that Robin noticed. It wasn't just that she was beautiful, which she was- it's that there was something familiar about her.
She was in blue jeans and an old-school Hawkins High Letterman jacket, light brown hair twisted up in a claw clip. Robin had never met her before, she'd remember that at the very least, but still.
Something about the angle of her nose or the gentle waves of her hair felt like something Robin had seen before, something she'd be able to find in a crowded room or across a street.
But Robin had somewhere to be, so she shook off the odd feeling, and followed the familiar path to Steve's room.
"Hey Stevie."
Steve's smile was tired, but he was looking more lively than when he'd passed out in the waiting room the other day, so she'd take it.
"Robbie, you left me hanging yesterday."
She snorted and dropped into one of the chairs by his bed, swinging her legs over the arm rest and cradling the bag she'd brought with her in her lap. "You're the one who fell asleep during visiting hours."
He rolled his eyes, and she happily noted the colour returning to his skin. "You should be exempt from visiting hours, you're like...essential to my recovery or something."
She laughed to hide the way those words curled soft and warm around her heart, eyes stinging until she blinked it away. The dumbass had almost over-worked himself to the point of no recovery. "'Exempt?' Someone's been reading a dictionary- did one of your children leave theirs behind?"
"Oh fuck you-"
They were interrupted by a knock on the door, and Robin was startled to see the woman from the waiting room hovering behind a nurse.
"You have a new visitor Mr Harrington."
Even knee-deep in confused intrigue, Robin couldn't help but dramatically mouth Mr Harrington over her own shoulder, pleased at the face he pulled in retaliation.
And then the door shut, and Steve looked up to find the woman-from-the-waiting room standing at the end of the bed.
Robin saw his brain grind to a halt at the sight of her.
It was silent (well, as much as it could be in a hospital room, what with all the beeping and whirring) as they took each other in, and Robin slowly brought her knees in closer to her chest like it would shield her from the vague awkwardness chewing at her.
And then-
"Fucking hell, Eve." The woman breathed out, white knuckling the bar at the end of his bed.
At the same time, Steve's face scrunched up as he demanded: "What are you doing here?"
"What do you mean 'what am I doing here'? You're in hospital!"
"I thought you were in New York!"
"Yeah and then I got a call from Hawkins General that my little brother was dying in a hospital bed! Thank you for keeping me as your emergency contact, by the way."
"Well-" Steve spluttered and then crossed his arms over his chest, wincing at the pressure on his injuries. "Obviously."
Several things clicked into place like undone locks. Steve had almost been too comfortable about "feminine" topics for as long as she'd been an active member of his life- and even slightly before.
(He'd once run out of Scoops to buy her pads when she'd started her period in the middle of a shift. At the time she'd figured he was just trying really hard to beat the still a douche-bag allegations.)
Then there were the sweaters that he wouldn't confess to the origin of, the jokes he'd make about Robin "not being the only woman in his life" that she'd thought were about Nancy Wheeler, the vehement denial that the rom-com collection in the theatre room were his.
And, while Robin hated to enforce gender stereotypes, he'd always had the kind of mean girl cattiness that was usually only forged in teenaged girls and merely rubbed off on others.
Of course Steve Harrington had a sister.
Now Robin understood why she'd seemed so familiar in the waiting room.
"What happened to you?"
Simultaneously, Robin and Steve shifted uncomfortably, meeting each others eyes and coming up blank on both ends.
Steve's sister swallowed, jaw clenched and lip quivering as she look back and forth between them. She seemed suddenly fragile, like Steve after a nightmare, or right before he'd collapsed in the waiting room after carrying Eddie inside.
Steve cracked first. "Lou-"
"Don't fucking lie to me, Stephen. This is the third time you've ended up in hospital since your senior year."
Steve blinked, startled. "How did you-"
"I'm your sister." She seethed, and Robin could see flickers of Steve with an axe in his hand in the arch of her shoulders. "You might have told the hospital not to call but I still have friends in this town. If that Hargrove asshole wasn't already dead-"
"It was a serial killer." Robin blurted, drawing Steve's sisters' attention to her. "I don't now if you heard about it, but someone was going around killing teenagers. It started with Chrissy Cunningham- she was a cheerleader? kind of cute in a preppy sort of way, but, um- she was killed in our friends living room and then he sort of got blamed for it because, I mean, it was pretty sketchy but he didn't do it! I promise, Eddie didn't- anyway, there was this whole witch hunt, and two more people died which just sort of made it worse for Eddie and a group of us were trying to, like, clear his name, you know? Because we knew he didn't do it and we didn't want him to get killed next, but then one of our other friends - this girl, Max, she's a riot - she was being targeted by the real killer so we came up with this...really stupid plan to catch the killer but everything went sort of tits up and Eddie and Steve both got, well-" She waved her hands at the bandage around Steve's throat and the bruising around his wrists from the vines. "And Max, she broke her elbow and her knee when she fell, and I think Dustin twisted his ankle? So now Max and Eddie and Steve are all in hospital and Dustin has these crutches that he doesn't want to use but, I mean, Steve always makes him because it's Steve, and we don't really know if Eddie's okay yet but no one's come to tell us he's not so we're still hopeful-"
Robin shut her mouth, and took a deep breath through her nose. Steve's sister was staring at her in the startled sort of awe that Robin was used to seeing when she got going. She had the lungs of a trumpet player, it wasn't hard for her to talk until she forgot where she'd started.
"You fought a serial killer?" Steve's sister - Lou? - asked, and Robin hysterically felt like she should offer up her seat.
Steve, bless him, only nodded. Lou stared, lips pressed into a thin line and nostrils flared slightly.
And then, quite abruptly, she was straightening her back and stepping around the bed to hold out a hand to Robin. "Louisa Harrington."
Robin blinked, and shook her hand. "Robin Buckley."
Louisa nodded, like that made sense, and smiled the same cupids-bow smile as her brother. "The best friend- it's good to meet the other half of my brothers brain. Clearly the better half, considering you aren't the one in the hospital bed."
Steve made an offended noise, and Robin grinned.
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dead-chela · 5 months
There is nothing more realistic and accurate in the whole Avengers Assemble series than Captain America rage quitting his drawing bc he can’t get his dads face right
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The idea of Mike “gently rejecting” Will in S5 is such a silly concept to me. It truly would make zero sense from a narrative perspective or from a character arc perspective. That’s why many Mlvn diehards don’t even really believe it will happen. They believe the show will move on without ever really addressing the Mike-shaped elephant in the room. They believe Will’s happy ending will simply consist of his friends and family accepting him and giving him a hug, and that’s it. And maybe he’ll get an unnamed bf in the finale. (That is, unless the show makes Will a secret villain and kills him off. Then at least he’d be interesting).
Some even take Will’s words at facevalue, believing that El truly commissioned the painting or at least that the intense romantic feelings Will described really belong to her. Now that Mike has confessed his love, they believe that S5 will finally consist of happy Mlvn couple moments, so there won’t be any time for Mike and Will to be together even as friends to talk about any lingering feelings. And why would there be time, since it’s the apocalypse after all, and Will is just a plot device and isn’t really relevant to anything? The Duffers must be exaggerating his importance to S5. The Core 4 is Mike, El, Lucas, and Dustin. Will’s romantic desires are meaningless.
They have to believe all this, cause if they don’t, and they still want to believe in Mlvn endgame, they have to conclude that Will’s emotional desires will be central to the plot of S5, Will’s feelings are the glue that put Mlvn back together, the painting will come up again because El didn’t actually commission it, Mike and Will will be close enough in S5 to have meaningful heart-to-hearts, AND Mike is 100% straight and will…. gently reject Will and promise to always be good pals; he just sadly doesn’t swing that way?
Silliness, objectively.
Anyway, Byler endgame.
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strangersatellites · 1 year
pride, envy, wrath, sloth, gluttony, lust, ao3
Seven Deadly Sins Series (NSFW 18+)
greed (noun) - also called avarice, replaces eternal satisfaction with temporal stimulation.
no content warnings for this one but uh- its nasty so. do with that what you will. 🫣😵‍💫
There is nothing that Eddie enjoys more in this life than Steve.
Nothing he enjoys more than Steve in any and all forms.
Happy and sunshine smiling. Confused with his cute little head tilt. Angry and riled up. 
But what he’s not going to do is lie and say that he doesn’t have a favorite version of Steve. 
Because he does, he absolutely does. Has two actually.
The first is Steve with hearts in his eyes and his hand in Eddie’s. The one that makes Eddie’s heart flutter and his face wear a permanent smile.
But the second–
The second is when Steve’s shaking apart underneath him.
That’s the one that sends electricity coursing through Eddie’s veins. The one that gives him a headrush so strong he feels like he could fly. 
There’s just something about the way that his big, strong, powerhouse of a boyfriend lets himself be broken, break into thousands of tiny little pieces that Eddie gets to send skittering across the floor. Gets to put back together again when he comes back down. 
Steve had had a rough day at work and came home wound tight and subdued. And Eddie knows this drill. Knows it only takes a few sweet, sugar kisses dropped to his neck and hands squeezing at his hips to send Steve dipping down into that headspace he loves– that Eddie loves him in. 
Now finds Steve babbling nonsense into the sheets, face shoved sideways, Eddie’s hand tangled in his hair.
“You gonna come again, baby? Think you can give me a third later?”
Steve whines high in his throat, hips fucking backwards on Eddie’s cock. 
“Feels so good, daddy. Please, need it.”
He lands a sharp smack to his ass, leaves a red handprint behind and feels Steve’s broken whimper flood straight into his bloodstream.
Eddie drops his voice to that mean, patronizing tone that makes his boy shake. “Aw. You need it, baby? Tell daddy what you need.”
Squeezing at Steve’s hips and tugging his body backward, he gets lost in the way his cheeks bounce when they make contact with Eddie’s own hips. Feels resistance when Steve clenches up tight, moans loud and needy while his hands scramble for purchase in the sheets.
“Inside me, daddy. Want you to come in me, please!”
And Eddie can’t help but chuckle under his breath. Laughs at the wet slide inside his boy’s body and the way Steve can never get enough.
“Again angel? Already gave it to you once.” He slows his hips to a deep grind and feels Steve adjust his knees and try to pull him deeper. “You want daddy to fill you up again?”
The way Steve’s hole, stretched red and puffy around Eddie’s dick, clings to his length on every slow pull out makes him see stars. Always does. The way it feels like Steve has carved out a place inside himself just for Eddie. Would rearrange everything in his body just for Eddie to have a place.
And what is a guy like Eddie to do with that? Fuck him hard enough to leave bruises in his guts, thats what.
He picks back up a brutal rhythm as Steve nods furiously and pants into the sheets. Feels him clench tight and watches his back arch deep as he shakes through a release. 
Pets his hands soft across his ass, his legs still shaking as his breath heaves on the come down. 
“Good boy babydoll. My best boy, aren’t you? You feel so good, huh?”
He can hear the tears in Steve’s voice and wishes he could see more of his face, cheeks shiny and eyes sparkling. “Thank you daddy. You feel so good.” 
Even though he’s just come, he’s pushing up onto all fours and wiggling his hips back. 
“C’mon daddy. Fill me up. Want it in my tummy.” 
Eddie almost blacks out. Pounds into him so hard and fast he can hardly think. No thoughts in his head other than tight, hot, and “Baby.”
He’s breathing rapid and wild, sticky with sweat and the exertion of fucking his boy twice. But giving him what he wants no less. What he needs. Because when he’s as wound up as he was today, it’s Eddie’s sworn duty to bring him back down to earth.
“Gonna give it to you baby boy.” He lets go of his hip with one hand and slides it around to press low against Steve’s stomach. “You feel me angel? Feel how deep daddy’s getting? Gonna stuff you full, sweetheart. Give you anything you want, greedy boy.”
Despite his orgasm, Steve’s still got tears pouring down his face, whining loud and wanton. Trying to pull his legs together and crying out everytime Eddie’s cock fucks up against his prostate. “Daddy please! Please come! Can’t take it,” he sobs.
Maybe it’s fucked up what gets him off. But his boy crying and saying it's too much is always going to do it for him.
He shoves in deep and spills into his tight heat. Grinds deep and hard while he whispers to a still-shaking Steve. “That’s it. Yes, you can, baby. Look at how good you take it.”
Eddie catches his breath and pets up and down Steve’s sides as his tears start to dry. He pulls at his right cheek, squeezes tight as he starts pulling out, painfully slow.
“Want you to keep it, baby. Can you do that for me?”
Sees the shiver roll down Steve’s spine and watches his muscles clench and squeeze tight when he pulls all the way out with a slick pop. Steve whines but keeps all of Eddie’s spend inside.
“Best boy.” He thumbs at both cheeks and admires how his hole flutters trying to stay filled. “Let’s get you on your belly, baby. Come on.” He eases him down with hands on his hips. Wraps a hand around each thigh and spreads his legs wide and settles between.
He knows how this part is going to go over before he even opens his mouth. 
Steve is going to freak out a little. Act shy and embarrassed even though he loves it. Then he’ll get needy approximately two seconds later. 
He settles with a hand on each of Steve’s red little cheeks and drops a kiss just shy of his hole. Whispers against his skin and sees the way he shivers at the feeling. 
“Show me.”
Like clockwork, his muscles tense up and he whines. What Eddie can make out of his face is flushed crimson and deep, his eyebrows furrowed like they do when he’s embarrassed and wants to hide. His glute muscles pulled taut nearly send Eddie into cardiac arrest and he has to physically hold himself back from taking a bite. 
Instead he pulls him apart and lands a quick slap to his hole.
“Show me, baby. Daddy wants to look at you.”
Steve buries his face in his arms and his back is heaving with his breath. But he relaxes and Eddie looks on in awe, watches his come drip out, wet and sticky. Watches Steve squirm and whimper. Hears the tears once again and knows this time he’s down. 
“You– you said I could keep it.” Hiccup. “Wanted to keep it daddy. Feels so good. So full.”
Eddie smirks and drags two fingers through the mess leaking out over his rim and down his balls. 
“Aw honey. Is my sweet boy getting greedy? Is getting fucked twice in a row not good enough? Hm?”
Steve’s shaking his head, no. His mouth hung open and eyes so earnest and worried.
“You’re okay babydoll. You know I’m gonna give it back honey.” He shoves his dirtied fingers back inside in one deep push. “Let you keep anything you want in this hole. My good greedy boy.” 
His boy is writhing from head to toe. Whining gone soft and quiet and his tears no more than a drip.
Eddie wiggles his fingers and presses a thumb up against his balls. Steve’s whole body jerks upward, takes Eddie’s hand with it. His knees pull together tight and push his ass back in a kneeling position and everything starts to shake. Comes dry for his third orgasm of the night and sends his broken pieces falling right into Eddie’s hands. His voice is weak and broken and Eddie’s not sure he’s even aware of the little noises he’s making. He soothes a hand over Steve’s ass and presses soft kisses to the freckles he has there while he drags his fingers out slow and gentle.
“Shh, okay baby. Okay. You’re done. You’re okay sweetheart. Daddy’s got you.”
He manages to pull Steve up against his chest and lay back against their headboard. Cards a hand through his hair while he stops shaking and comes back into his body. He knows he’ll have to clean Steve up later. Will probably lick the rest of his own come from his hole in the shower if he’s honest. 
But for now he’s content to hold him and kiss his forehead. To tell him how much he loves him. How much he loves him good and loves him greedy.
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envyenvys · 11 months
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Chrissy in some iconic Willow BTVS outfits
(inspo under the cut)
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little-bumblebeeee · 1 year
Eddie isn't the type to ask what someone is listening to. If they have earbuds in, he'll just pluck one out and put it into his own ear to see.
He stopped that after he took Steve's headphones, thinking it was some pop or Taylor Swift or even music that Eddie would be into.
Turns out Steve does not listen to that stuff
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i love the thought of Steve being so surprised by his feelings for Eddie that he can't stop himself from rambling as soon as the penny drops. he's sitting in Robin's bed, waiting for her to finish getting ready and she asks him something innocuous and Steve's just like
"im in love with Eddie. i am head over heels in love with Eddie Munson. holy shit. and i cant believe i hadn't figured it out, we have so much fun together! and he's so nice to me, ALL the time, sometimes i feel likes he's the only one that gets me, no offense. he's so pretty. and he's so funny! and weird. and so cool! ohmygod how did i not see this? of course! i want to be around him all the- sorry, what was the question?"
and Robin's like "... have you seen my keys?"
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vonn13 · 8 months
Hc Steve harrington adores little magical things and has a small collection of like fairy homes or he collects plushie. His parents and friends/partners in the past made fun of him for liking these things so he's always kept them hidden away.
Now he's dating Eddie and this man thinks Steve put the goddamn stars in the sky and would do anything for him. So when he finds out about all of this he takes it in stride and feels so gooey that he makes like a garden setup so Steve can put the little fairy houses in their garden or he takes one of Steve's plushies with him on tour and makes a whole photo album of the plushie in different location across the globe. Like imagine maybe a bunny plushie with one of those cheesy Eiffel Tower pictures and this shit heals Steve's inner child so much.
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silvertws · 2 months
Showing off more of my babies because I love them so much.
Green -> Kaden? Kayden? Hayden?? One of these
Magenta -> Megan? Morgan? Mason? Idek
The amount of ideas that just popped into my head today... Oh boy... Wonder which one of these two will suffer more :}
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