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Highlights from tonight's watch party filled with framing, whodunnits, and mystery galore (Sorry about your laptop problems and all our lag complaints, WriteBackAtYa):
Scrooge and the triplets making an appearance
Mortimer's voice
Mickey being a people pleaser
WriteBackAtYa commenting how we love saying our favorite characters' names whenever they appear onscreen
"Duckman of Aquatraz":
Story Blossom: "Would've been awesome if Webby kissed a shark in the new series" spamtoon: "its okay because huey kissed a worm"
Even in the original series, Louie is always trying to talk his way out of shit
The idea of Glomgold walking into court blasting Queen's "We Are The Champions" in a similar vein as the "All I Do Is Win" scene
Duckburg's court and its judge fucking suck
Scrooge effortlessly defeating the prisoners in arm wrestling
Mad Dog being a mama's boy
This whole episode showcasing how prisoners are people too
melcat33: "Mad Dog was like 'this is my comfort millionaire'"
The Scrooge x Mad Dog ship setting sail
This episode also reminding us on why the legal system sucks
Glomgold taking the time to hang up a painting of Scrooge
"McMystery at McDuck McManor!":
Donald fleeing to his car like:
"Literally the oldest person he knows?"
The entire table read of this episode from Disney Channel Fan Fest 2018
Scrooge being a sulking Grumpy Gills. XD
DJ Daft Duck
Godfrey and I being on the same wavelength yet again (To quote Godfrey, "Insert 'Perception Check' by Tom Cardy")
Scrooge being SO against celebrating his birthday that he straight up lagged and froze the Discord stream (Dude, WTF?)
Mist Opportunity
"I hate this already."/"OH, YEAH. :)"/"You can't get that helmet off, can you?"/"OH, NO. :'("
Black Arts Beagle is best Beagle Boy
The stream lagging on the part where Scrooge walks into a sliding glass door 😭 (I know it's because of WriteBackAtYa's laptop, but for the sake of levity, let's say it was Scrooge's doing again and he did it because that part fucking embarrasses him.)
Mark saying Glomgold sucks at the whole "trying to kill Scrooge" thing (Rare Mark Beaks W)
"Since when did I have to become the adult in the room? I'M NOT CUT OUT TO BE THE ADULT!"
Huey doing a Scrooge impression
"Don't kill me! I barely lived! #YOLO #FOMO #AHHH"
Duckworth's reaction to seeing the axe fall down to the floor
Duckworth and Beakley's beef with each other
"Clock Cleaners":
Snoozer male stork
Learning A New Hope was paired with "Duck Dodgers in the 24th 1/2 Century" for its screenings
Realizing we were watching the edited version of the short where Donald says "Aw, nuts."
The return of Max's real mother
The Great Mouse Detective:
Me sharing which DT/DWD character would be who in a GMD-themed AU way before the movie started
Us getting excited at hearing Alan Young's voice
Cheerful music playing right after a sad moment (Hiram getting kidnapped) = Last Crash ending vibes
A new server emoji of Mark Beaks getting shot point blank for dabbing

Tokuvivor: "The world's smallest violin" Caroline: "Let me play you a song on the world's smallest violin" Me: "Basil, this is serious."
Learning Vincent Price is in this movie
Sharing a GMD Lorcana card during "The World's Greatest Criminal Mind"
teleportzz: "literally every man in this is so gay so far" puffywuffy8904: "or are they just european" Story Blossom: "Or are they gay AND european?"
Basil's face when Toby sat on Olivia's command
Hiram and Olivia reminding Puffy and I of Scrooge and Webby (I AM GETTING FUCKING EMOTIONAL ABOUT IT AS WE SPEAK.)
Ratigan upon learning Fidget's list is missing:
Basil x Dawson being the movie's equivalent of DWD91!Drakepad
Story Blossom pointing out how Miss Kitty is basically Goldie
The bar fight scene in a nutshell:
"There is no Queen of England."
Ratigan's royalty drip
WriteBackAtYa: "He's supreme like a taco from Taco Bell"
Basil trying to imprison Ratigan: "Officer, arrest that man!"
The entire Big Ben scene and how well the 2D and CGI animations blended together
Learning that the ballroom scene from Beauty and the Beast was the first Disney and Pixar collaboration
According to melcat33, Basil not skipping leg day saved his life
puffywuffy8904: "and they were roomates" Me: "Oh, my God. They were roommates."
Ratigan's "Goodbye So Soon" diddy playing during the end credits
#my post#duckblr movie night#dt cafeteria table#duckblr#mickey mouse shorts#no#ducktales#ducktales 1987#duckman of aquatraz#ducktales 2017#ducktales reboot#ducktales season 1#mcmystery at mcduck mcmanor!#clock cleaners#the great mouse detective
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How to get a 4.0 with ADHD-C and Dyscalculia
(Or, how to survive Uni as a disabled student)
This is what has worked for me. I don’t claim that this will work for everyone. Not every ADHD brain is the same. Also other axis of privilege, time of diagnosis, and support are different between people. I have severe ADHD-C and was diagnosed as a young adult and had little support to help me deal with my symptoms until I met my partner. Psychiatrists aren’t trained to help you deal with the range of issues you will face.
Do keep in mind as well that some professors are just ablest assholes. The idea that someone is kind, empathetic, or will always follow federal law just because they are in a profession that gives them a power differential is ridiculous. You may also run into professors that also take pride in their exam distributions looking like a statistician’s nightmare. Keep an eye out for the obvious dog whistles, and do research before registration when possible. If you end up in these situations, drop the class during the add/drop period if you can. If not, be prepared for your GPA to take a hit.
I’m writing this from an American perspective, if you are in the UK/Europe I lived in Scotland for 5 years and would be happy to help if you have questions regarding the Equality Act 2010 and the UN convention of disability rights.
A. Lifestyle:
1. Sleep hygiene. Sleep = study retention.
I had trouble sleeping for most of my life. I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep or stay asleep at the appropriate times. A lot of people deal with this by being “night owls” — i.e. just accepting that our clocks are set later than neurotypicals’. Other people deal with this by sleeping on a biphasic or polyphasic sleep schedule.
There is another option though. You can train yourself to go to sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. This might take a couple of weeks for your body to adjust. Here is how I did it:
Take your morning dose of medication about 30-40 minutes before you actually need to wake up. This allows medication to kick in. It’s similar to the trick of drinking a cup of coffee before taking a power nap. I have two alarms. One to take my medication, and the other to actually wake up. My medication alarms have a particular tone so that I don’t take my medication twice.
Wake up at the same time every day, including weekends. You can’t oversleep or your body won’t adjust. Do not press the snooze button. Get up right away to start your morning routine. The 5-10 minutes that your snooze gives you isn’t going to make you feel less tired. It will make your feel groggy, which is something called sleep inertia. Your body doesn’t get to complete a full sleep cycle, and it will donk you up.
Add going outside to your morning routine. Even if it’s the winter, or mostly dark. I have an adorable greyhound, and he has to go potty as soon as I wake up. In the very least open your blinds/curtains and open your windows to get some fresh air and morning light. Studies show that light effects our circadian rhythm. I find that even when it’s dark out though, going outside helps due to the cool morning air.
Keep a consistent morning routine. Do everything in order like you are going down a checklist of tasks. Make your bed as your final task. Don’t get back in your bed. Your bed is for sleep or sex only.
Go to bed at the same time every night, no matter what. Medication has likely worn off by the time you go to sleep, and contradictory to neurotypical belief, when your brain wanders it can make it harder to fall asleep. So can hyperfocusing. I find that reading can keep me up as I will hyperfocus, but listening to audiobooks doesn’t cause those problems. I turn off the lights, put a seep mask on, and play an audiobook with wireless headphones to help me get to sleep. I recommend reading/listening to something light like fantasy or science fiction. Save thrillers, horror, and mystery books to listen to during the day.
2. Exercise.
I recommend exercising in the morning everyday, cardio and strength training. Even if you just do some cardio 10-15 minutes, it is still beneficial. Most exercise physiologists would recommend a rest day, but I’ve found that lighter days work better than complete rest days. You will see a noticeable difference in your hyperactivity symptoms. It’s not simply that it gets the fidgets out of your system, it is good for a hyperactive mind and helps with emotional dysregulation as well. It will help you sleep at night too.
Always speak to your doctor before you begin any exercise regimen, especially if you are taking 60+ mg of ADHD medication and have not exercised regularly on your medication previously.
3. Eating.
Eat at the same time everyday. Your body will tell you you’re hungry at those times. It’s also helpful to schedule your food around medication so that you don’t repress your natural appetite. Also, not that it needs to be said, but the brain uses up a lot of calories. You need to eat to retain what you learn.
4. Emotional Regulation.
This is one of the hardest parts of ADHD that no one ever talks about. You may not even know what this is, or that emotional dysregulation is a symptom of ADHD. It’s never mentioned in the DSM or ICD because emotions are hard (and expensive) to quantify. A lot of medical professionals have never even heard of it. If you want to read up on it, I suggest reading work by Dr. Russell A. Barkley. To give you the basics though, ADHD brains fail to self regulate emotions. We have emotional impulsivity. When we take in sensory information for conscious appraisal the pathway goes like this: stimulus —> thalamus —> cortex —> amygdala. Our frontal cortex is not the greatest at giving us context, or telling us to chill out, so our amygdala can be in the driver’s seat often. This aspect can make us really fun people, because it can make us get excited easily and enjoy life to the fullest. It can also cause us problems. For example, expressing anger at your boss or teacher (even if you are rightfully angry) might not be the best—diplomacy may give a better outcome. Our amygdala doesn’t know what is best for our future selves.
So, how does one regulate emotion when you’re brain doesn’t function like you want it? Try practicing mindfulness. And no, I’m not taking about attending to everything coming into your working memory or weird granola hippy garbage. When you are having an emotional response, check in with yourself. Are you feeling overstimulated? Are you feeling understimulated? Are you hungry, are you thirsty? Are you tired? Is your medication wearing off? Notice patterns, notice what triggers the emotion, write it down. Develop a proverbial toolbox that can help you when you are not regulating your emotions well. This toolbox is individual to you, and it may take some trial and error.
Keep in mind that trauma is different than emotional dysregulation, although our emotional dysregulation doesn’t exactly help. A lot of us ADHD brains have experienced severe emotional trauma via ableism and abuse from the school system, from teachers, or from parents. It never gets talked about because it’s usually caused by someone in a position of authority, and we are hardly ever given a voice to talk about our own experiences. Find someone you can trust to talk to about it. Find ways to self sooth in a healthy way when re-experiencing that trauma. You may have complex PTSD. It’s difficult for us to get help for complex PTSD because society doesn’t recognize that disabled people experience trauma in a very unique way. Keep in mind PTSD wasn’t even considered a disability under the ADA until 2008, one couldn’t get social security for PTSD until 2017, and the ADA didn’t exist until 1990. If you do seek out help though, expect push back from some medical professionals, have someone that will support you through the process, and do so when you will not be experiencing new trauma. Also, remember, fellow ADHD brains are here and we all love and support you.
B. Disability Services:
I’m not going to sugar coat this. We are barely recognized as human beings, so our rights are always under fire. Being disabled in this world is like walking through a mine field. Not every university or work environment is going to follow the ADA. The ADA became law in 1990, and the abled have been dragging their feet ever since. It’s difficult to enforce, complaining to the government often leads to nothing, and getting a lawyer is expensive. It’s also hard to prove discrimination in court. The ADA leaves a lot of room for improvement. Ableism is a systemic problem pretty much worldwide. I’m not trying to upset anyone, but you need to be prepared for what you are up against.
1. Keep the nature of your disability private.
Never ever ever tell a professor or TA the nature of your disability. Tell them you have a disability recognized under the ADA which is federal law, do not tell them what disability you have. There are lots of tips on tumblr that will tell you to inform professors that you have x disability, and that they will be empathetic and blah blah blah. Those uninformed tips are putting your legal rights, and your grade, in danger. There are so many biases professors can and do have when it comes to ADHD and dyscalculia. You are just asking to experience ableism if you divulge. Some professors don’t believe that ADHD is a disability, or they believe that vaccines cause ADHD, or that you just magically grow out of ADHD when you turn 18 etc. It isn’t your job to deal with their delusions, their biases, or their ableism — that’s their therapists’ or HRs’ problem. You do not have to tell anyone but your university disability services. Under the ADA you have a legal right to privacy, but if you divulge to a professor you are waiving that right.
I also wouldn’t recommend telling other students the nature of your disability. Unless you are pretty sure the other student also has your disability, but even then internalized ableism is a thing. You never know who they are going to tell, if they are ableist, or how they feel about your accommodations. You never want an abled student crying to a professor because they think your accommodations are “unfair”. If a student wants to know what disability you have, and you want to tell them something because you have become acquaintances/friends but don’t want to tell them exactly, say that you have a neurodevelopmental disability and/or a learning disability.
2. Advocate for your legal accommodations.
Disability services are not going to hold your hand. They are not going to simply offer you all the accommodations that you are legally allowed or would make you successful. They deal with hundreds of other students and likely have accommodations they offer everyone, regardless of the type of disability you have. Request accommodations that actually put you on the same playing field as everyone else. Read the ADA, and understand what reasonable accommodations are.
If you have ADHD, I would recommend requesting extended time on exams and assignments, a private room to take exams in that is free of distraction, handouts/materials and textbooks in text-to-speech capable formats, the ability to take breaks in-class or exams, reduced course load, and the ability to record lectures for note-taking. You may be able to request a memory aid for ADHD, as a lot of ADHD brains have very low working memory (also called short term memory) capacity. Part of our attention difficulties come from low working memory capacity as sensory input goes through working memory before it is stored in long term memory. Anything stored in long term memory must be pulled back into working memory to be used and manipulated. Get a psychologist that specializes in ADHD adults to test your working memory capacity if needed.
If you have dyscalculia, I would recommend requesting a memory aid (used for formulas, constants, equations etc), the use of calculator on exams and assignments, extended time on exams and assignments, reduced course load, and a private room for exams.
3. Get accommodations implemented.
This is a different process than getting accommodations approved. My uni makes me contact professors at the start of the quarter in an ‘engagement process’. Due to re-experiencing trauma, I avoid setting up a meeting with professors and just email. Emailing prevents professors form cornering you or badgering you to divulge your disability, or subtly threatening you about your registration or degree, and puts everything in writing so there is a legal paper trail.
Professors may try to get out of their legal obligations. I have had this happen multiple times. I’ve even had professors tell me that accommodations aren’t helpful for disabled students, or that they are not fair to abled students — I responded with “well it’s not fair that I was born with a disability and that you’re gatekeeping disabled people from getting an education”… they didn’t take that well. Do not try to argue with a professor about your disability rights or accommodations, it will only make you upset and they will likely accuse you of being hysterical or unstable. I’ve even had a professor say that I “threatened” them when I simply reminded them of their legal obligations under federal law as they were trying to not implement accommodations. This is why email is the best choice — you have time to respond professionally and having the receipts is important to keep you legally safe. If a professor is being belligerent about implementing accommodations, tell disability services what is going on (forward your emails) and remind them that accommodations must be implemented in a timely manner under the ADA. If disability services tries to make you argue with your professor, say that you do not feel comfortable doing so. If they push further, tell them you would rather not without an attorney or other representative present — mention you would rather the university handle it internally as you are concerned bringing an attorney or representative into an argument would escalate the situation which isn’t ideal for anyone.
I have a standard email that I send professors during the ‘engagement process’ that I edit slightly to reflect the course. It is professional, polite, and reminds them of their legal obligations as well as university policy. In it I also outline what my approved accommodations are and suggest how they should be implemented.
4. Any paperwork you have to turn in, make sure to do it early.
Create reminders on your calendar, write the dates in your bujo future log, whatever you need to do to get that paperwork in on time. Read everything slowly. These are legal documents. If you have a support system… ASK FOR HELP. Seriously, don’t be afraid to ask your support system for help with legal documents.
C. Studying:
1. Choose two places to study.
I don’t like studying in the library or in cafes. I know it’s not as aesthetic to study at home, but it prevents me from people watching and getting distracted. I have two designated study areas. One is my desk, the other is a cozy couch. Choose locations based on stimulation and comfort. My desk is fairly understimulating, while the couch is a bit more stimulation.
2. Learn to use your hyperfocus.
Most reading this probably know what you need to get in the hyperfocus zone. If you don’t, then note any patterns/conditions when it happens so you will have an easier time using the only ADHD super power you’ve got. When you are hyperfocusing on studying, ride the wave for as long as you can. However, make sure to set alarms to eat, go to the bathroom, stretch etc. Don’t let your hyperfocus keep you from taking care of yourself.
3. Create a study routine.
I know I keep blathering on about routines, but it helps. Treat studying like you would training as a professional athlete. When you have a study routine, you never have to decide to study. That decision is already made for you. When studying for exams, make a checklist of everything you need to cover. Ask the professor in advance about what is going to be covered on exams so that you can make an exam study plan early. If your professor is a garbage person and won’t tell you use the syllabus, textbook readings, labs, lecture slides, and snoop on the internet for past exams. Last minute learning is never a good idea. The human brain simply can’t do it, and your working memory capacity is too low to cram.
4. Accept that everything will take you longer, and that it’s okay.
It sucks, it really does. Those neurotypicals don’t know how lucky they are. It’s going to take you longer to read, to learn material, and to do basically anything in life. That’s okay, you do you. Don’t compare yourself to others, it will only cause you to feel bad about yourself. Guess what though, you are already a statistical anomaly. Only 32% of ADHD children graduate high school. Only 22% of adults with ADHD get into university. Only 5% of ADHD adults graduate from university. You are already punching those statistics in the face by existing. Seriously, do what you need to do and fuck anyone that has a problem with it. You’ve got this!
5. Create the environment you need for your brain.
Sometimes I’m feeling really over stimulated and I need complete silence. Sometimes I feel at a sort of stimulation equilibrium and I listen to lofi study beats playlists. Sometimes I feel understimulated or I’m doing something really tedious, and I need to put on a tv show or a movie in the background. I keep a list of TV shows and movies that I can put on in such cases. Pick things that you won’t really watch and that you are familiar with. It usually helps me transition so that I can start the studying task. Listen to your body and do what works for you.
6. Don’t use the pomodoro technique.
The pomodoro technique was made for neurotypicals. ADHD brains have difficulty transitioning between tasks. It’s better to study for as long as you can maintain focus or hyperfocus than rely on a set 25 minutes. Again, be sure to eat and use the bathroom! You don’t want to be taken off your meds due to weight loss, and you don’t want to get a UTI.
D. Tools of the Trade:
1. iPad Pro & Apple Pencil v.s. Echo Livescribe Smart Pen
I used to use the echo livescribe smart pen but now I use an iPad. It’s cheaper in the long run and I don’t have to worry about running out of paper. Apple has way better customer support as well as iCloud backups, plus they can find your device if lost. Now I only use the echo livescribe pen when taking exams. My university lets me use one from the disability office so that I can make verbal notes when doing long answer exam questions and to keep track of my thoughts if I want to skip over a question and come back to it. I requested it as an accommodation, it had to be approved by committee. They actually thanked me for being so creative and trained the person in charge of accessible technology so that it could be used with other students. It’s almost like asking disabled students about what helps us and our experiences is a good thing!
2. Notability
I use the app Notability for lectures as it can record the lecture and has great organizational capabilities. I usually copy/paste slides into my notes so that I can write on them as well. I also use Notability to read textbooks. It’s got fairly good text-to-speech compatibility, so you can move around if you need to.
3. Goodnotes 5
I use the Goodnotes 5 app for a digital bujo as well as for making mind maps. It’s got some great shape recognition functions. Although Notability has improved their shape functionality, it’s still not as great as Goodnotes 5.
4. iWork
I also use pages on my iPad to make condensed study guides / study notes. It’s also really great for writing essays or making tables. I used to hand-write study notes, but it takes way longer.
4. Omnifocus
Omnifocus is great for breaking down big projects into smaller tasks or making quick checklists. It’s a bit of a pain to learn how to use, but once you do it’s completely worth it.
5. Quizlet Plus
Quizlet Plus is completely worth it. I use it a lot for figures or structures I have to memorize, I draw figures in Notability and take a screen shot or grab it from my textbook. It’s a really amazing flashcard app. Also, if you have your textbook on your device, you can copy/paste definitions right into quizlet.
6. Studybreak
Studybreak is a great app for iphone. It tells you how long you have been studying, nags you if you’ve touched your phone to scroll social media, and can suggest that you take a break. You can program it to set how long you want to study for, how long you want to take a break for etc. You can also ignore the break suggestion which is nice when one is hyperfocusing. It also keeps statistics on how long you have been studying and for which subjects.
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Imagine catching Amado building secret airport in the jungle; Enemies to friends /w benefits (2/2)
This one goes out of my hands. I don’t even know what kind of monster it is now, smh. The formatting seems screwed up. Please read it on AO3 if you want. Again, if tubmlr flag the gif below, I’LL RIOT.
"Is this a date? What's the dress code? Cargo pants don't count." Amado sounds flirty when you call him the other day. It's not really his fault because you are the one who asks him out.
Since the formidable drug trafficker hasn't sent any sicario to make you disappear, you figure you still have chances to make him reconsider the plan of building an airport. You're willing to do whatever it takes to save the jungle and the ruins.
Plus seeing Amado again is not a bad idea.
You can't justify why you ignore your go-to outfit including cargo pants. Instead, you put on your tightest jeans.
You pick up Amado at four in the morning. The tall man looks sleepy and slightly confused, which is kinda cute. You offer him black coffee in your vacuum bottle.
After the first sip, Amado turns to you with his misty down-turned eyes, "No cargo pants today?" You try not to smile, "Shut up."
You're taking him to the Palenque ruins, another Mayan site in Chiapas, just few hours drive away.
You manage to get there before the sunrise. The site hasn't opened yet but you know a secret route because you also worked on the excavation project there.
"You have a thing for sneaking in, uh, Ms. Geologist?" You shouldn't encourage him but whatever, the banter is... fun.
Walking with Amado in the dense mountain forest actually is a perfect date in your dictionary. Your shoes are wet with morning dew but nobody cares. Listen to birds chirping and fogs croaking in the dim light.
"You're really not afraid of darkness, are you?" Amado sounds genuinely curious. "Why would I be? I worked on this site for years, I've known the whole place by heart." He nods, like some acknowledgement.
It's almost dawn, you look at the tinted horizon when you reach the top of the mountain. The entire ancient city of Palenque is quiet and peaceful wrapped in the jungle, reminds you why you chose what you do with your life.
"I want to show you something." It's the Temple of the Inscriptions, one of the most iconic Mayan architecture lightened up by the morning sun. Starting from the history, you explain to Amado not only the symbolic significance of the temple and the secret tomb inside, but also the epic war Emperor Pakal waged against Yaxchilán.
Amado doesn't stop you. You keep talking, sharing your involvement in those excavation projects with him, how excited you are when a new site is discovered, how proud you felt for your team when Palenque was recognized as World Heritage Site not long ago, which meant more funds, more human resources, and better equipment for all scientists working on it for years. You want to continue to study the whole area, even several rival/ally sites in Guatemala and Belize, to find more satellite cities, battlefields, to be able to define the border of those ancient powerhouses and finally draw a map of the mysterious kingdom.
He looks at you like you're some kind of heroine. It's heartwarming but you're not sure, "So, what do you think?"
Amado's playing coy, but you're persistent. "Come on. I'm a geologist. I can't hire assassins. What else am I supposed to do to make you change your mind? Put on my most expensive dress, show off my ass, wine and dine you?"
"Though I'd love to see you in a nice dress, jeans are great, too." The northern banditote smirks, eyeing your lower body, "Plus the whole speech, I told you I love it when you talk about your job. You seem to know exactly what you're doing."
Amado doesn't promise anything. He says he'll figure something out.
You exhale deeply. At least the guy listened, you appreciate it.
Then you find out there's nothing left in your vacuum bottle, the fucker drank all your coffee, "How am I supposed to drive back without any coffee in my system?"
Amado pulls you in for a kiss, warm and tastes much better than your shitty coffee. The fresh stubble overnight of his stings and it feels so good, you can't help cupping his face and kissing back.
Then he announces he'd drive if you just say "El Señor de los Cielos, please." You tell him to fuck off but toss the car key to him anyway.
You haven't contacted each other after that for a while. You tell yourself it's nothing. It's not like you two have had something.
You send people every week to monitor the construction of the airport from a hidden spot on the mountain. Meanwhile you complete the scan of the area surrounding the soon-to-be airport and find a possible target. You have to be on the ground again to confirm it.
Unluckily you break your ankle one day in the jungle. And you don't want to put any colleague's life at risk to get near the cartel's territory. You decide to wait on Amado, you believe he's a man of his words.
Amado surprises you one night at your camp. He jokes that a geologist can sneak into a drug cartel's property, it'd be humiliating if he doesn't return the favor. His face and neck are perfectly tanned, you want to immerse yourself in that hot chocolate. You almost jump out of excitement because you haven't seen Amado for a month. Then you remember you're confined to your desk and seat due to the injury.
"You're expecting someone else? Ms. Geologist." Amado sounds a bit down. "I..." You want to ask him so many things. Has he figured it out? Who is in charge of the airport when he's away? And where has he been? Why does it take him so long to come back? Maybe minus the last question. It'd sound desperate.
He says he flies from Juaréz, "One of the longest domestic flights," he claims as looking around your tent office, sketches and maps scattered all the place. When his eyes meet yours again, it's so gentle, full of fondness.
"You only want to talk about business?" He's getting close, "I just fly almost 2,000 miles and you're not even standing up. Look who's more cold-blooded than drug traffickers."
Before you realize what happens, Amado lowers his body and carries you off the chair. He doesn't touch your ankle but it still hurts when you're suddenly moved.
Amado finds out. The man in black examines your injury carefully. You never saw him so concerned before. He quickly comes to the conclusion that your injury is worse than it looks and needs better treatment.
No, you're not gonna leave your job. You have papers to write, new budget to apply, more areas to explore. Slowly it'd recover.
"Don't you want to wade across rivers, trek through jungles, and climb mountains again? If you love your job so much, you have to get better treatment, immediately! And take some good rest. Give it a few more weeks? Oh God, you're insane." He's so mad at you.
You finally agree, and Amado insists on carrying you again to his vehicle. You know it's not your priority right now but holy fuck, he's fucking built. And you're inches away from his big nose which you've had a crush on for a while.
He's gonna fly you to the state capital Tuxtla Gutiérrez.
"You don't fly 2,000 miles just to see me, do you?" You poke him during the flight, sitting next to the sexy pilot in the cockpit is a treat.
"Dear Ms. Geologist, remember I have a job, too?"
The pain is getting worse, Amado notices it then hands you a joint from nowhere. You're about ask whether it's legal to have weed on the plane, then you realize you're with a real drug dealer. "Not to bad to have a narcos friend, huh?" OK, you gives him that as the weed kicks in.
"So now we're friends?" You're obviously high, and bold. Because you find your hand dangerously near his groin for no reason, fumbling. "I always wanted to touch it." You giggle.
Amado politely removes your hand and tells you to behave.
"You know what? You could've been the most popular guy at our camp. Someone might trade blowjobs for your weed since we're just low-paid scientists and assistants." You're high like a kite.
You also "threaten" if Amado extends any further in the jungle to build more airport facilities when you're put away, you swear to God you'll...
"You'll what? Shut up and rest, cabrón. Or I'll take you directly to DF, better physicians there anyway."
And the fucker did, a day after a Chiapas physician suggests you seek the best orthopedic treatment in DF for speedy recovery.
Then Amado disappears again. You know he's probably running a drug cartel in the north, and only checking in on their hidden project near the southern border once a month or two. It's the way it is. Your lives only collide when it's meant to be. There's no fucking way you two see each other like normal people do.
You still miss Amado, miss the banter, even his northern accent.
During the two-month therapy in DF, you receive reports that the airport is completed, and the potential target site nearby is now a giant warehouse. You also learn a big donation is made specifically to the Yaxchilán excavation project, of course, anonymously.
That's what Amado meant by "figuring something out." You're not even mad. What's the alternate outcome when you're up against the narcos? Report it? The entire cabinet is probably in their pocket. You should be relieved that no one ends up dead during the little stupid game you played.
You can't even return the drug money because, a) you can't tell anyone where it's from; b) INAH's been underfunded for decades, the project fucking needs it, so do your colleagues.
You call that number again after you get back to the ground. You don't know how to end this, or is there anything to end?
"Come over next weekend, I'll be there and I can explain." Amado sounds poised and calm, like he always does.
You tell yourself to keep it civil. This is a losing battle since day one.
Amado meets you in front of a warehouse, he looks great, all charming smile and open arms. All you can think of is the location of the warehouse, it must be the one. Most likely it's being buried.
"You bring flowers, how nice." It's the white birds of paradise, which suits him, El Señor de los Cielos. You tell him you're grateful for the injury advice he insisted.
"Can I show you something?" Amado opens the door of the warehouse. It all feels like yesterday, when you showed him the sunrise at Palenque, talking about your future plan. How naive were you.
Some jaw-dropping scene in front of you. The entire site of ruins, intact, locked inside the warehouse with minimal structure to shield from the rain and sunshine.
"What? You thought I'm gonna show you cocaine? No offense, baby, you can't afford the Colombian white magic. This is all you get, some fucking broken rocks with barely recognizable inscriptions." The bastard shrugs.
How did he find this site? "Sorry. Let's say I accidentally took a copy of your scan map last time at your camp, when you were busy with your ankle problem." You fucking knew it, it's never what it looked like when it comes to Amado Carrillo Fuentes.
Yet you can't believe what you just see. It is NOT real. It can't be.
That's when harsh reality kicks in. It always starts with a but. "You can't work on it, not now." Amado explains the situation and his plan for your ruins, which he thinks it's better to keep them under the radar for now. No tomb raider would dare to approach it, you can work on many other sites first.
"Then what?" You keep digging. Amado sighs, giving you a melancholy smile, "This line of work doesn't tend to last very long. It will be yours one day. Before that, it's completely safe. You have my word."
Amado's kind of.... correct, and practical to be honest. INAH doesn't have enough resources for thousands of projects. Even with the hard work you and your colleagues pulled, it's estimated less than 10% of the total area of Palenque was explored and partially restored.
You carefully examine the site, making notes and sketches to create a hasty profile.
Amado focuses on something else, "It seems you walk just fine. Fully recovered, no rush? Good. And has your budget been approved? Got more money? I mean, the efficiency of any bureaucratic system is questionable in this country. If it still falls short, I can...."
You can't tell if he's been an asshole or a saint, God forbid.
"For fuck's sake, I don't want your fucking money. I just, I want...." You turn around, look defeated, "Your dick, OK? Who cares about your dirty drug money? You Sinaloan monkey!"
Amado bursts into laughter, "Why don't you take both, dear Ms. Geologist?" He put your hand below his belt buckle, "I think you made it very clear last time."
"It's your fucking nose, narizón." You gently caress it, and he's getting hard beneath the fabric and it's fucking huge.
You're on your knees, trying to take Amado's full length in. Fuck, it's difficult. You're embarrassed and he's like "Shhh, it's okay, baby."
Instead, Amado's going down on you, making your knees weak af. You have to grab the stones to stand still.
Amado eating your out with patience, salt and pepper stubble rubbing against the most sensitive part of your body which gives you more trouble, and fingering you at the same fucking time. Let that sink in for a moment.
You don't stand a chance, you come so hard.
Amado's taking you from behind, big hands on your hips to keep you still against the ancient structure. Rock into you with deep, short thrusts. You're wet for him like rivers during monsoon season.
Your legs are shaking when he hits right at the spot again. "Wanna to make a good girl like you squirm and scream." Fuck, Amado always gets what he desires as he pulls you hair up, leaving hickeys on your neck while he fucks you thoroughly.
The best orgasm through your whole life. And the fucker is proud of it, "Told you. You'd better take both, baby. The green and the big D."
Does it mean you really gonna take money from narcos? This is so fucked up.
Later Amado fixes you some nice margarita, casually asking if you want to join him for a business trip to Belize the next day. "I have to buy some stuff in Belmopan. Maybe we can stop by Lamanai with my private jet after that if you'd like."
How the fuck does he know you wanted to visit the Mayan ruins in a remote foreign town for years?
The concern becomes less shocking when you see Amado buy a bunch of Boeing 727s in Belmopan like a Sunday grocery run.
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Take What's Theirs
Hand it over to help. It's not a request. Truly caring about fellow humans requires a bit of compulsion, according to those who prefer bossing all citizens instead of just employees. Express love by seizing stuff from those who've managed to compile it in high quantity before giving it to others. Jealousy hurts society quite a bit for those who claim to care about the collective.
A tax hike is how you show you want others to make so much that they have to pay more. Someone has to be billed for delightful programs that do everything but program delight. Sure, targeting success drains without pleasant results. And that's before calculating what ever-increasing levies do for motivation, namely murder it. But there's no better way to flaunt sympathy than by taking from those liberals decide don't deserve what they've been paid.
The one thing redistribution motivates is discouragement. Why try getting ahead when you'll be financially sanctioned for success?
Anyone making fewer than six figures per year is told those with more owe them, which makes those kept poor in multiple senses naturally inclined to pursue bitterness instead of promotions. Those elitists have manipulated the system so you can't join them. How can they be so exclusionary? As with the tyrannical tycoons' lushly luxurious private golf courses, they are so mean about trespassing. It's a true mystery how society features resentful brokenness.
George Orwell wrote preemptive history books. If people are tired of him being cited as a visionary of dystopian lying, they should stop making his predictions come true. Selfishness is people keeping what they make while selflessness is taking it from others to spend in these very fair and reasonable times.
Class warfare warriors justify their maneuvers into individual finances by proclaiming those who figure out how to be paid for performing an activity owe society for fire coverage or manipulated finances so nobody else can get rich. Contempt sure leads to logical conclusions.
Those poor souls who think the successful got where they are because government created everything for them wonder why they haven't joined monocle-wearers. You and your contempt for paved roads makes anarchy ever more likely. Lunatic libertarians maintain motorists could possibly travel on something other than dirt despite not confiscating half of all salaries. But such fantasies require self-reliance, which is as mythical as earning a raise.
I thought they cared about the collective. There sure seems to be lots of poverty despite mugging proceeds being redistributed amongst the proletariat. Those out to guarantee everyone has the same amount of currency prefer not checking results. Sanctimony never fares well versus reality, which is why practitioners must ensure they insulate themselves from cruel details so they can continue telling everyone else what's wrong. Those who believe in science sure don't like economic evidence.
Taking from others for altruism in a strategy as wise as it is sensible. If those who won't stop prattling about our nation's innate unfairness truly cared, they'd be trying to create wealth.
Dastardly wealthy jerks take what they've gotten for working or whatever and spend or invest. Neither of those help the economy or anything. And anyone who's made a career out of railing against those with careers may be surprised to learn it's legal to give away anything. Charity seems like such a hassle with having to find a worthwhile cause before sending your own personal funds. Note who doesn't trust others to help voluntarily if you'd like to spot some truly decent folks.
Communal goals are never agreed to by the community allegedly benefiting. The free market is nothing more than people helping each other through trading what's desired.
Order comes without being ordered. Commerce creates the best sort of balance because each side contributes equally. A recipient notices if what's being received is sufficient. You know when someone's trying to fleece. I'm sure the president is as concerned about spending efficiency. Statists insist upon ideas so great they must be coerced.
Checking if their mandates have failed to make anyone healthier would mean they didn't care, which is an atrocious thing to suggest. Outcomes are mean. Keep ignoring the awful virus toll that accompanied awful restrictions.
The worst-case scenario we were told would arrive if freedom prevailed came with every measure emergency panic freaks craved in place. Over a year of restricted breathing while distanced from others led to ghastly results. As usual, blaming those who didn't get what they want is the distraction.
Doing everything they can to drag down the curve is one way to achieve equality. When people are all equally miserable, we will finally have balance. Benefiting from nothing more than freely interacting horrifies those who think society must be planned. Money is being spent in unapproved manners right now, and you're somehow not freaking.
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Ace Attorney: Justice in Time
At the flashpoint of which he suddenly burst into action to change history, what follows is our story of a fanatic ace attorney and his kid assistant, a time machine, and what happens when the past and future collide, changing the course of history - it’s a cross-timeline adventure one will never forget!
Everything you know about Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney will never be the same as the past and future collide in an epic time travel event of reality-shattering proportions. Joshua Sumter goes all Doctor Who as he plays a young, semi-famous defense attorney from the far-flung future who accidentally travels back in time and teams up with rookie lawyer-turned-legendary ace attorney, Phoenix Wright. It was just another normal day in the far-flung future as ace lawyer Joshua Sumter and his younger kid assistant, Ben, make a good lawyering team. Being semi-famous and looking up to his idol, Diego Armando, Joshua’s defense skills have become quite impressive over a few cases and he really started to make a name for himself when one day, their mentor/boss of the lawyering agency was murdered by a mysterious figure.
As they tried to move on, Joshua and Ben decided on the insane idea of going back in time to save their boss and unmask the murderer. But after a mishap with the experimental time machine, the duo find themselves transported and stuck in the distant past, among other suspicious changes.
Once they check out what’s happening when they are defending Terry Fawles, Joshua and Ben realized they’ve landed in the timeline of rookie lawyer Phoenix Wright and the early years of his career...but they soon landed in Mia Fey’s first trial in court, one year before she met Phoenix. While the duo try to figure out a way back to their time and learn the laws of the past, they accidentally changed the course of history when they helped out Mia and Diego with their knowledge and deductions from the future, turning their whole case around.
Realizing their oddly mistake, Joshua and Ben embark on an epic adventure spanning all of time as they travel through different parts of the original Ace Attorney trilogy, which Joshua christened it ‘The Fey Clan Saga’, featuring memorable and beloved moments from the three Ace Attorney games.
Using their knowledge and deductions from the future, they will finally help out Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey on their cases, proving their client’s innocence, and clashing with rival prosecutors like Phoenix’s childhood friend and genius prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth; ruthless King of Prosecutors Manfred von Karma and his prodigy daughter, Franziska von Karma; and to Joshua’s shock and surprise, coffee-loving senior defense lawyer-turned-prosecutor, Diego Armando, now formerly known as Godot.
On their stay across timeline, Joshua and Ben will also come into a who’s who of the Ace Attorney characters, including Larry Butz, Detective Dick Gumshoe, Pearl Fey and much more, teaching them about how the truth will sometimes set them free, even though it can be painful.
But with mind-blowing and tear-jerking plot twists and turns, Joshua and Ben ultimately find themselves in the middle of Phoenix’s and Maya’s struggles with the truth as well as the position to save the future and the world as they know it as they also see and traverse alternate timelines in which the moments from the Ace Attorney games occur differently, as well as undoing tragic deaths.
In the spirit of timeless time travel classics like Doctor Who and Bill & Ted, will fanatic Joshua and his assistant Ben ever save the timeline, make it back to their future home to stop and unmask their mentor’s killer, and learn what it means to be a true defense attorney? Or will their efforts cause everyone’s fates in the original timeline, as well as Phoenix Wright’s, Mia Fey’s and Maya Fey’s, to be changed...forever!?
**The following trial/court system, laws, and legal matters apply only to the world of the Ace Attorney series by CAPCOM. It does NOT reflect any actual events in real-world courts.
#ace attorney#ace attorney spirit of justice#Ace Attorney Dual Destinies#phoenix wright#phoenix wright ace attorney
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Celeste (2018) - pushing game design to new heights (Developed by Matt Makes Games)
Reviewed on PS4, playable on:
Epic Games store
Nintendo Switch
PlayStation 4
Xbox One
Celeste is a game about a girl called Madeline who decides to climb a mountain to overcome her depression and anxiety, as well as the other characters she meets along the way. Little does she know that Celeste mountain is more than what it seems and, in order to confront the challenges she will face along the way, Madeline will have to come face to face with a part of her that she would have much rather avoided. Celeste uses mostly linear 2D platforming across groundbreakingly designed levels, all with a gorgeous 16-bit art style which, along with a cast of charming characters and wonderfully written dialogue, delivers a truly moving story about self-reflection and overcoming anxieties despite all the odds. Here are my thoughts and feelings on the 2018 critically acclaimed ‘best independent game’ and ‘games for impact’ Game Award winner, Celeste.
Level design
Celeste’s fundamental mechanic is Madeline’s dash ability which propels her in a straight line in a chosen direction for a set distance. The dash can only be interrupted by objects in the environment and it can only be used once in mid air - it recharges as soon as Madeline touches the ground; this is represented intuitively on screen by Madeline’s hair turning blue when her dash is used up and turning back to orange when the dash becomes available. This core mechanic is explored in a different direction in each of Celeste’s 8 chapters. If you explore these levels you can gain access to the far more challenging B and C side versions of the levels which push the exploration further in it’s respective directions, however, you may not even feel inclined to touch these levels as Celeste’s main game alone is likely challenging enough for a lot of players.
Celeste’s side-scrolling levels are broken up into stages/sections that you have to pass to progress through the game. I felt as though each section was designed to push and improve my ability at the game and make me practice and experiment with my approach to each section’s unique challenges.
Each screen/section would have maybe 2-5 challenges you had to pass, one after another, and the game’s instant deaths, fast respawn times and the ability to save anytime meant that there was no repercussion for my trial and error and I could keep trying and trying until I would find faster and faster ways of progressing and, often, hidden shortcuts that I hadn’t seen the first few times round. The gameplay promotes developing a mastery of it’s mechanics. These shortcuts are often found by thinking outside the box and playing around with levels’ systems and mechanics. For players looking for a challenge, as well as cassette tapes with B and C side levels, Celeste’s 8 main chapters are full of collectible strawberries which present a whole load of extra examples of really clever game design. For example, some of these collectible strawberries have wings and will fly straight up and out of the level if you use Madeline’s dash and so you have to think outside of the box and grab the strawberry without using the dash which is usually vital for getting from A to B. It’s this kind of design that stops the game from ever feeling dry or formulaic. Celeste’s levels constantly feel fresh, well paced and engaging.
I’d also like to note that at the start of each level in the loading screen, Madeline receives a different postcard with useful information on it. Two stood out to me: one saying that you should be proud of your death count because it shows that you’re making mistakes and you’re learning; I found this message incredibly uplifting because at times frequent deaths had made me feel a little embarrassed or made me wonder if I was getting something seriously wrong. The other was that the collectible strawberries are entirely optional and only for showing off to your friends if you really want to. I think this was a brilliant move because it gives the player a little more control over the game’s pacing. You get to decide whether you’ll spend some time trying to grab this tricky strawberry or whether you’ll push on with the game and move into the next section.
Celeste is rightfully celebrated for it’s range of accessibility options, from it’s tactful and unobtrusive assist mode - for players who need to fine tune the game to their specific needs in order to get the same enjoyment out of the game, to it’s picture settings that reduce flashing and particle effects for people with photosensitive epilepsy or motion sickness. For more on Celeste’s assist mode, check out Game Maker’s Tool kit’s video on ‘What Makes Celeste’s Assist Mode Special’, you can find the link to that at the end of this post.
Lena Raine’s soundtrack to Celeste is an audio marvel. Whether it’s daunting, uplifting, mysterious or moving; the soundtrack made me feel tied and invested to every moment. The music was just as much a journey as every second of gameplay. The soundtrack plays to the gameplay perfectly and occasionally leads to some really incredible moments. As well as Lena Raine’s marvellous score, Celeste’s B and C sides have a range of tracks and features by other artists like lo-fi artist ‘In Love With a Ghost’.
Celeste deals with heavy subjects like depression and anxiety without ever being tasteless or insensitive but simultaneously the game manages to deal with these subjects in an uplifting way, much in line with the game’s core message. Each level feels rich with meaning and the games narrative is tightly interwound with it’s settings, characters and mechanics in a way that feels seamless and engaging.
Celeste uses profound metaphors to deliver it’s story and discuss mental health in each chapter of the main game. One of my favourite’s was Chapter three - ‘Celestial Resort’ - which had you help skittish spectral maître d’ clean away the clutter in his abandoned hotel. As you tidy away the hotel you find him seeming less anxious than the last time because you’re helping him order the clutter in his mind so he can finally have some peace. This also happens to be what Madeline needs at this point in her story and helping the maître d’ provides her with th clarity she needs to move on. This is one of the ways the game deals with heavier subject matter without dampening the player’s experience of the game and keeping an ‘upward momentum’.
The game’s narrrative, characters, environments and soundtrack all made me feel engrossed in my ascent of Celeste mountain. The mountain has a real sense of place, mystery and history that unveils itself to you as the story unfolds. I felt fully engaged in every setting because it felt like I’d come across something that nobody had seen in a long time. Even with Celeste’s generally fast paced gameplay, it never felt like I was ‘just passing through’ a location because the drive to explore and overcome challenges kept me searching every corner and taking time to explore when I wanted to.
Everything about Celeste contributes to it’s narrative. It’s gameplay pushes you to reflect and overcome challenges. Lena Raine’s soundtrack fits every scene like a glove and fills each moment with emotion in a constantly moving way. Characters will climb out of their Dialogue boxes in some scenes as if they’re really coming to life. Even the ‘chapter complete’ screens, at the end of each level, push the story forward and tell you where Madeline is going next. Celeste is a beautiful and important story,told in an ingenious way, unlike any other game I’ve played.
Is this game for you?
I would suggest Celeste to anyone looking for a new and different gaming experience and an uplifting story. It feels consistently fresh with perpetually ingenious level design and a really wonderful story. I’ve had more fun on Celeste than any triple A game I’ve played in a long time. I’d recommend Celeste to people looking for a hopeful story in what feels like quite a hopeless time because this is a story about never losing sight against all odds, friendship and support, and self-acceptance. It’s clever, inventive, charming and moving and I just love it and I’m pretty damn sure that you will too. Celeste is a permanent fixture of my PS4 library.
Can’t afford it?
I completely understand that lots of people may not have the funds right now or in the foreseeable future to get this game and if you choose to engage in piracy or any kind of swashbuckling then I’ll reserve my judgement but personally I would always rather support the developers so I’ve put togther some links to some ‘let’s-play’ series and videos about the game so you don’t have to pirate the game if you want to get the closest thing to the experience without having to take it illegally and get into legal trouble, damage your computer/console or promote activities typically detrimental to the developers.
Watchlist & sources
Here I’ve put together a semi-curated list of videos, articles and other resources about the game as well as some ‘Let’s Play’s and speed-runs:
GMTK - Mark Brown from Game Makers Tool Kit made two videos about Celeste which were really useful resources for writing this review. It was actually these videos which introduced me to the game in the first place so it’s only fair that I recommend them to you.
Why Does Celeste Feel So Good to Play? https://youtu.be/yorTG9at90g - This video talks about the design of Madeline’s controls and what makes Celeste such a satisfying to play.
What Makes Celeste’s Assist Mode Special https://youtu.be/NInNVEHj_G4 - This video looks at how the developers have confronted a fundamental problem in game design: balancing the design intentions and accessibility as well as player preferences.
More videos - Here are some more videos about this game that I love. The first two are a lot more focussed on the level design and how the game showed you the ropes and guides you to mastery and they’re both really well produced and written and really entertaining. The last one is a short and sweet documentary about Celeste’s development from pre-game to the design and how the story started to fall together.
How Celeste Teaches You It’s Mechanics - Good Game Design (Snoman Gaming) https://youtu.be/lZoQ9a7oPvo
Celeste: Breaking Down Level Design (OK Beast) https://youtu.be/w_aWMxcHrgw
The Story of Celeste’s Development (Noclip) https://youtu.be/c3mbELVqAmo
Let’s plays and speedruns
Celeste: Fruit Brute - PART 1 (Game Grumps) https://youtu.be/iB4KG2wABPA - This series by Game Grumps is really funny but it only covers the earlier parts of the game so if you’re only looking for a bit of gameplay then this is for you!
Celeste Let’s Play [Playlist] (TenMoreMinutes) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn5okaoIT7P5KvGs25IWmGPcM5kvowqqh - This series covers pretty much the whole game so if you’re just looking for something to watch then here it is!
Celeste Any% Speedrun in 27:31.4 (TGH) https://youtu.be/g2KqMYWviYk - A really impressive speedrun. This guy’s just trying to finish the game as fast as possible without worrying about the strawberries or the B and C sides.
Celeste All B Sides Speedrun in 26:46 (TGH) https://youtu.be/I76TcmlsRIk - This is another complete marvel by the same guy. This time he’s doing all the B side levels; the B sides really are substantially harder than the main game.
The Celeste Speedrun That Wasn’t Humanly Possible (IGN) https://youtu.be/yEKku8S5-fo - This is a short video about an AI designed to Speedrun games that did a super human run of Celeste.
Celeste game accessibility guide http://gameaccessibilityguidelines.com/celeste-assist-mode/ - This is a great website if you’re interested in accessibility in games, I used it for the accessibility section of this review.
I may eventually write a piece in more detail about aspects of the game design that I really enjoyed but in the interest of keeping things spoiler free - this is all for my Review of Celeste. This is my first game review and there will be things I’ve done well and, in greater likelihood, things I’ve done not so well and I’d love to do better in future so share your thoughts with me! I’m on Instagram under @Fretened or you can contact me here on Tumblr, I’d love to hear what you think.
If you got this far, thanks for reading Xx
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Episode 8: Burned Out
Okay! So tonight I get the story of an Ivo Lensik, a contractor. (I sense a haunted house story.)
He gets called in to take over a wiring job for a guy who had jury duty, and decides to take the job and do it in the evenings since he has another job going during the day. So far, so good.
The house is on Hilltop Road, which apparently is a very quiet road with not a lot of people living on it. This means Ivo Lensik is going to be in an unfinished house in a secluded location as night falls, doesn't it? I like that. That is nicely spooky.
Let's see, the house has two floors, doors but no locks, and no windows.
...Why are they putting electricity into a house with no windows? It might just be me, but that seems like a good way to get a short.
Oh, and there's a big old dead tree in the yard.
I quite like trees, especially big ones, but the dead ones are only really good to look at since if you climb them the limbs have a tendency to break at inconvenient moments. This tree sounds particularly aesthetic: apparently it casts nice, clear, dark shadows even on overcast days. I don't know why, but I really like the sound of that.
Anyway, the third evening of this job, there comes a knock on the door. Ivo Lensik goes and opens the door (and takes a hammer, in case the knocker is unfriendly), and oh, look! It's a man in a tan jacket.
No word on a suitcase filled with flies, though.
The man in the tan jacket introduces himself as Raymond Fielding, the owner of the house.
And this is evidently not a crossover, since our statement-giver seems able to describe him quite easily: young, white, maybe mid-twenties, clean-shaven with shaggy chestnut brown hair. He produces the deed to the house, which says yep, a man named Raymond Fielding owns the place.
So Ivo Lensik lets him in, which is something I don't entirely understand. I mean... sure, he's got a deed saying the house belongs to Raymond Fielding, and sure, he says he's Raymond Fielding, but what proof is there that he is?
But our story-teller lets him in.
Raymond Fielding (self-proclaimed) heads over to an empty window and stares out into the backyard, which is weird but I guess doesn't get in Ivo's way, because he goes back to work. Then there's the smell of burning hair, and when Ivo Lensik looks for the man in the tan jacket all he finds is a smoldering patch of floor in front of the window.
...That's some extreme spontaneous human combustion, right there.
And the floor! Is that coming out of our Ivo Lensik's paycheck? I mean, how's he going to prove he didn't char the floor?
Oh. Apparently I was worrying about nothing, because when he takes a couple seconds to grab a fire extinguisher the smoldering bit goes as cold as the rest of the floor, and then the ashes turn out to just be sitting on top of the wooden flooring, which is fine once it's cleaned up.
That's surprisingly thoughtful of... Mr. Fielding, I guess, or whoever burned him.
Anyway, I approve.
Ivo cleans things up and then, as the situation sinks in, begins to panic because he thinks he's losing his mind. It seems his dad went a bit loopy later in life, and Ivo's worried it'll be him next.
Ivo's father, it seems, was obsessed with fractals. Big into mathematics, which I can understand. Math can be really fun, when you're not being forced to do it. But the older Mr. Lensik also developed this idea that some mysterious person who can be recognized because "all the bones are in his hands" was stalking him and trying to stop him from finishing his fractal work, which would definitely be stark, staring, unmoored-from-reality paranoia in our world, but since this is the world of The Magnus Archives, well... who knows?
Aha, and then one day he turns up dead in his locked(?) study with deep gouges along his wrists and arms (made by something the coroner can't identify) and a look of fear on his dead face, surrounded by drawings of fractals (not in blood, though, in pencil, mostly on paper but also on the walls). And this is called a suicide, because of course it is.
"All the bones are in his hands"?
I have no idea what that means, but dang it sounds creepy.
I'm picturing a kind of boneless man with giant hands full of all the bones the rest of his body doesn't have, dragging the squelching, wet, oozing part along like giant, bony spiders trailing a partly digested corpse.
In any case, Ivo's so worried about losing his mind that he loses his balance, slips on the just-cleaned floor, and hits his head.
Whereupon he loses consciousness.
Head wounds do have a marked tendency to bleed awfully. So when he wakes up, dizzy and bleeding, I'm sure it's quite dramatic. In fact he's so dizzy that he can't drive, and calls an ambulance instead. It comes and takes him to the hospital, and yes, he's got a terrible concussion, which I suppose means he can't be alone for a while, either.
At least he probably won't end up at the apartment of a strange man who eats notebook pages... but, then again, who knows?
He tells his doctor everything and asks if he's losing his mind.
His doctor says no, probably not—it would be very strange if he went that nuts that quickly, normally you have to sort of work up to full-on hallucinations, and Ivo is reassured.
Meanwhile, an eavesdropping nurse (an older lady) seems very interested in the story, but (like most eavesdroppers) doesn't hang around to be talked to. Just before Ivo's discharged, though, he sees her again. Actually it's her job to give him the final check, so they get to talk! Which, it seems, she wants to do.
She wants to know if the man in the tan jacket really called himself "Raymond Fielding."
Ivo says yes, he did, and he had a deed to the place with that name on it, too. This information seems to give the old lady a need to sit down. So she does, and explains that her family's among the few living on Hilltop Road, and they know that house.
Apparently there was a house there in the 1960s, and it belonged to a man named Raymond Fielding, who used it as a halfway house on behalf of the local diocese.
Having a bunch of juvenile delinquents around didn't make the neighbors happy, but everybody really liked Raymond so nobody said anything. And then one day Agnes showed up. She was eleven at most and might have been Raymond's actual daughter, and she was also kind of creepy, always standing in windows staring at people. But she didn't cause problems, so....
Oh, and then the delinquents slowly stopped causing problems.
Actually it looks like they slowly started vanishing.
And then there was no one living there but Raymond and his maybe-daughter Agnes... and then there was just Agnes, who by this point was a quiet young woman of 18 or 19.
Okay. Something's definitely up with Agnes.
People ask where Raymond went, and she just says he went away and the house is hers now. Which apparently is the case—the house has been legally signed over to her, and there's certainly no sign that Raymond's been murdered or anything. So she lives there, all by herself, which sounds lovely except I do wonder how she gets the groceries, and what happens if a pipe leaks or a drain gets clogged or something?
Maybe she knows how to handle all that sort of repair on her own, but if there's one thing I know it's that you can't buy groceries without money, and it's very difficult to get money without leaving the house unless you work from home somehow, which Agnes doesn't seem to do.
Ooh, and pets in the area tend to vanish, so people learn not to keep them.
...And it looks like small children aren't exempt from vanishing, either. So long, Henry White, five years old.
A week after little Henry goes missing, the Fielding house burns to the ground. No one calls the fire department, because Agnes creeps them out and they figure she might have had something to do with all these disappearances—which, frankly, seems like a pretty reasonable assumption to me, but that still looks like a fire hazard to the whole community, doesn't it, unless someone's come up with a way to prevent neighbors' houses from catching fire when something like this happens?
Well, maybe the Fielding house is set far enough away from the other houses (and the air's calm enough) that it isn't a problem. Who knows.
Anyway, there's no sign that there's anyone in the house at all, and when the fire finally gets put out a burned body is found inside—but it doesn't belong to Agnes. No, it's the skeleton of Raymond Fielding, missing its right hand. Huh. I wonder if that's the hand that signed the house over to Agnes....
Then people cleared up the rubble and had some confusion over who the land belonged to now, and finally they figured it out and someone started building.
That new house is where our Ivo Lensik is putting in wiring.
So the man in the tan jacket was a ghost. Haunted house! Called it.
Ivo Lensik, recovered from his concussion, decides to do his wiring work as much during the day as possible, and he does pretty well; but whenever he finds himself alone in a room, or things get quiet, he thinks he sees little Agnes's brown pigtails whisking around corners, or thinks he smells burning hair.
Funny, he didn't see anything to do with Agnes before, and... would she be dead now? I don't think she died in that fire, anyway. Maybe he's imagining that, now that he knows the story.
He does pretty well at working only during the day when there are other people around, but as they're finishing things up apparently he works later and later, and one night he looks up to find the sun's set and he's completely alone. Whereupon he starts sweating.
He thinks he's just freaking out at first, but no—he's legitimately burning up. Like fever, except more so.
Now, I'm usually cold. I live in the desert. On average it gets up to around 93 degrees Fahrenheit come July, and that strikes me as a bit warm but much better than winter, because my internal heating system basically doesn't work. That said, this doesn't sound great. I have no objection to lying around like a lizard on a rock, surrounded by heat that seems to melt all your muscles to useless, cozy goo... but this kind of heat sounds unpleasant.
Ivo takes off his coat and his hat and it doesn't do any good at all. He can't even breathe, he's so hot. He's collapsed to the floor (dying, I think) when there's a knock on the door and suddenly he's fine.
He climbs to his feet and answers the door, and it's a Catholic priest.
...Well, that was unexpected.
Oh, apparently the nice old lady from the hospital sent him (and apparently her name's Annie). Aw, she was worried about Ivo so she sent him an exorcist. With suspiciously good timing, too!
Father Edwin Burroughs wanders around and takes a look at the house while Ivo explains what's been happening, and then he tells Ivo to go hang out in the backyard while he runs through some prayers and things and sees if he can't do for ghosts what's typically done for demons.
In the backyard, Ivo suddenly develops an herbicidal mania and attacks the already dead tree with a crowbar.
Which seems... really weird to me.
And then the tree starts bleeding! Like, actual blood!
I wonder what kind of blood it is. And if it's human, would it be any good for transfusions? Could they just go tap the, I dunno, B- tree instead of asking for donations or going to the blood bank? Blood trees could be really handy so long as they didn't, you know, curse anyone who got their blood! ...Actually, depending on the curse, certain types of people might think it was worth it anyway.
Oh, and the tree's got old scorch marks at its base. Which I guess makes sense: it's an old tree, it would've been here when the old house burned, right?
Ivo decides to chain the tree to his car and drag the thing out of the ground, for reasons which are not well explained and make me think either he's got some kind of supernatural intuitive sense, or something's reaching into his head and using him as a tool to destroy the tree.
He drags the tree out of the ground.
The bleeding, surprisingly, stops.
Looking into the hole where the roots used to be, Ivo notices something in the dirt and climbs down to get it.
It's a six-inch-square wooden box engraved with patterns that remind me of that table from episode three (which, after the concussion, is the second thing in this episode to remind me of that one), and it's got a nice, fresh, green apple inside. Looks like it's just been picked.
When Ivo takes it out of the box, though, the freshness shrivels away, the skin splits, and spiders just pour out of the thing.
He screams and drops everything. The apple hits the ground and turns to dust.
Ivo backs off and waits for the spiders to leave before he goes back and wrecks what sounds like a perfectly lovely box, which wanton destruction I'm coming to expect from this particular statement-giver, and chucks the splinters into a trash can.
Not long after Ivo's finished trashing everything, Father Burroughs comes out of the house and, ignoring the tree, tells our guy that he's done his prayers and hopefully it'll help and here's his card.
Ivo works on the house for another week.
There are no further interesting incidents. Job done, he leaves and never goes back.
Jonathan Sims seems to blame the man in the tan jacket on the concussion that happened later, or else on the genetic disposition to mental problems that the doctor said probably weren't happening. That... it seems like he's really reaching here. Maybe it's less that he's an actual skeptic, and more that he really, really doesn't want to know what's actually going on?
That would make a kind of sense: it's a sort of self-defense. He only believes horrible things when he's forced to. Otherwise he's skeptical, sarcastic, and dismissive.
Oh, neat—Father Edwin Burroughs gave a statement, too!
I'm guessing the fact that it's mentioned means we get to hear it later.
Unless this is the kind of show where they taunt you with stuff you never get to know, but that's unusual and so I figure I'll be hearing that one eventually. Should be fun!
And apparently Ivo Lensik was the only contractor who got haunted by the house they were all working on, which is interesting. I wonder why? Was it just because he was the only one who stayed late? Or maybe he was the first one to stay late, or the only one to let in an ID-less stranger waving an old deed and claiming to be Raymond Fielding, or...?
Who knows.
Mr. Sims's assistants have apparently done a ton of work in research, as usual.
Martin couldn't figure out who built the old house, but the earliest records it turns up it show it being bought by Raymond Fielding's grandfather (Walter Fielding). Then it was inherited by his father (Alfred Fielding), and then by him. But there's no record that it was ever an official halfway house. Maybe he was running it illegally. Maybe that record got lost. No way to know.
Tim got an interview with the nice old nurse, Anna Kasuma, but didn't get any new info.
One of the residents of Hilltop Road did provide a photo of the old house in flames, which means that while nobody called the fire department, at least one person was taking pictures. This strikes me as extremely human.
The obit for Raymond Fielding said he worked with juvenile delinquents, and died in a house fire, but didn't give any real details.
Mr. Sim's little team down at the Magnus Institute apparently can't turn up any proof that Agnes ever even existed, which makes me think that something's definitely going on with her.
And on the same day Ivo Lensik uprooted that old dead tree, a woman named Agnes Montague was found dead in her apartment.
Apparently she'd hanged herself, and there was a severed human hand attached to her waist with a chain—a right hand, one that the coroner time-of-death-ed at the same time Agnes Montague died, which makes no sense from a natural perspective but suggests some interesting things from an unnatural one.
What do you want to bet it was the ghost of Raymond Fielding that made Ivo Lensik uproot that old tree?
Oh, and Agnes Montague passed as only 26.
You know, if you're going to tie your life force to something, maybe don't pick a tree? It's as bad as a secret painting that you have to hide in a secret room of your house to prevent people from seeing how old and evil you're actually getting.
What would I tie mine to? Uh... hmm. I think maybe entropy. A painting never ages, sure—a tree loses life a lot more slowly than a human—but the entropy of a closed system never decreases over time. Tie your life to a painting and it'll age instead of you, to a tree and you'll get all its life, but if you tie your life force to entropy, well! That's a force that'll never run out, and if it should happen to decrease a bit... would that be so bad?
In any case, two more families lived in that house since this statement, and nothing weird happened to any of them, either.
Looks like Raymond got rid of Agnes and they both finally died.
This is a really good story! I like this one. It's very tidy.
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The Case of The Chemical Syndicate

Commissioner Gordon relaxes at home entertaining his young socialite friend Bruce Wayne. Wayne asks if anything exciting has happened lately, and Gordon explains that a fellow called the "Bat-Man" is puzzling him. Gordon receives a call that chemical manufacturer Lambert has been found murdered. They have Lambert's son in custody, whose fingerprints were found on the knife. Gordon invites Bruce Wayne to the Lambert mansion with him, and Bruce Wayne says he has nothing better to do.

When they arrive at the crime scene, young Lambert insists he is innocent. The lad explains that he arrived home early and saw his father lying on the floor. When he entered the library, he saw a figure escaping out the window. He pulled a knife out of his father's back, and his father's last word was "contract." Lambert's son recalls that his father had three associates, Alfred Stryker, Paul Rogers, and Steve Crane. Steve Crane calls Gordon on the phone. Lambert told Crane that he had received a death threat the previous day. Crane has received a similar death threat, and asks for police protection. Bruce Wayne decides to go home, and Gordon rushes over to the Crane residence.

Steven Crane is killed by a gunman who enters through the window. The thug and his partner steal a paper from Crane and climb onto the roof. They are confronted by a figure they recognize as the Bat-Man, standing in the moonlight. The Bat-Man punches the first thug out, then grabs the second one in a headlock and throws him off the second-story roof. He grabs the paper and escapes as Gordon is pulling up. The GCPD try to arrest the Bat-Man, but they are unable to catch him. Gordon learns that Crane has been murdered, and moves on to the next business partner. The Bat-Man smiles when he reads the paper he stole, and drives off in his automobile.

Paul Rogers visits the laboratory of Alfred Stryker, having learned of Lambert's death by news broadcast. Stryker's assistant Jennings clubs Rogers over the head and ties him up. Jennings explains that he will lower a gas chamber over Rogers and kill him the same way he puts animals to sleep. Jennings leaves to activate the gas. The Bat-Man leaps into the room through an open transom. The Bat-Man grabs a wrench and dives inside the gas chamber before it closes.

He plugs the gas jet with a handkerchief, and busts through the glass with his wrench. Jennings returns and tries to pull a gun on the Bat-Man, but the Bat-Man punches him in the face really hard. Alfred Stryker enters and demands to know what happened. When Rogers explains that Jennings tried to kill him, Stryker pulls out a knife to finish the job. The Bat-Man is hiding in the shadows, and he grabs Stryker from behind to stop him. The Bat-Man explains to Rogers that they were all partners in the Apex Chemical Corporation. Stryker had made secret contracts with all of them to pay them a sum of money each year until he owned the business. He grew tired of waiting and decided to kill them so he wouldn't have to pay. Stryker breaks out of the Bat-Man's grip and pulls a gun on him. The Bat-Man punches Stryker so hard in the face that Stryker breaks through a railing and falls into a tank of acid. The Bat-Man remarks that this is a fitting end for his kind, and leaves via transom. Rogers tries to thank the Bat-Man, but he is already gone.
Later at his house, Commissioner Gordon relates this story to Bruce Wayne. Bruce remarks that this is a lovely fairy tale, and leaves. Gordon thinks to himself that Bruce Wayne is a nice young chap, but he seems to lead a very boring life. Bruce returns home to Wayne Manor, where it's revealed that he is in fact the Bat-Man.


There is a lot of bad blood behind this creation, so stay with me and we shall go through this...
So the legend says that Bob Kane created Batman when he was a minor and with the help of writer Bill Finger they did the story that was published in Detective Comics. And that is just a legend.
It’s hard to tell if Kane was a minor when he signed his contract to National. He was born in 1915, and that would make him 20 at the time National/Wheeler-Nicholson started the business. We know for sure he wasn’t the “creator” of Batman.
Comics historian Ron Goulart has referred to Batman as the "creation of artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger". Bill Finger said this about Bob Kane:
Kane had an idea for a character called 'Batman', and he'd like me to see the drawings. I went over to Kane's, and he had drawn a character who looked very much like Superman with kind of ... reddish tights, I believe, with boots ... no gloves, no gauntlets ... with a small Domino Mask, swinging on a rope. He had two stiff wings that were sticking out, looking like bat wings. And under it was a big sign ... BATMAN.
Finger offered such suggestions as giving the character a cowl instead of the domino mask, a cape instead of wings, adding gloves, and removing the red sections from the original costume. He later said his suggestions were influenced by Lee Falk's popular The Phantom, a syndicated newspaper comic strip character with which Kane was familiar as well, Finger named the character Bruce Wayne after Robert Bruce the Scottish Patriot.
Bob Kane said (and I quote):
"Bill Finger was a contributing force on Batman right from the beginning... I made Batman a superhero-vigilante when I first created him. Bill turned him into a scientific detective."
Finger wrote both the initial script for Batman's debut in Detective Comics #27 (May 1939) and the character's second appearance, while Kane provided art. Artist Bob Kane negotiated a contract with National Comics, the future DC Comics, that signed away ownership of the character in exchange for, among other compensations, a mandatory byline on all Batman comics (and adaptations thereof). Finger's name, in contrast, does not appear as an official credit on Batman stories or films, even the comics he wrote in the 1940s and 1950s.
To make Bob Kane more of a controversial figure, when Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were looking for allies against the way National Comics was treating them, they went to Bob Kane, who betrayed them and at the same time re-negotiated his contract (as, like it was mentioned before, it wasn’t legal).
There is a documentary named “Batman & Bill”, that chronicles how Bill Finger created a legend and died penniless and forgotten, and how Finger's heirs, along with writer Marc Tyler Nobleman, finally righted this wrong. It also shines a light on the systemic injustices in Golden Age and Silver Age comics publishing, in which many other brilliant creators were shafted.
The documentary’s most compelling when it focuses on the relationship between Kane and Finger, two men who couldn't have been more different. Kane, who died in 1998, was a brash, boastful figure, one who saw his creation—and its popularity—as an extension of himself. A classic showman, he greeted fans wearing sharp suits or Bat-cowls, sold original oil paintings of Bats (which the documentary claims were painted by other artists), and wrote a grandiose autobiography. Even when he wasn't around fans, he preened; the documentary makes much of archival footage and audio recordings of Kane extolling his own genius. Bill Finger, on the other hand, obsessively researched weird facts, and kept a giant notebook full of scraps and notes that he could use in the next Batman comic—information gleaned from riding the bus for hours on end, staring out at the city and recording what he saw. Batman's tragic backstory sprang from his own dark imagination, as did most of the hero’s other defining traits, and even feverish gimmicks like having Batman fight on giant typewriters or dodge giant pennies. But that creativity came with isolation: He made only one appearance at a 1965 convention, and did almost no interviews.
So yes, these days DC found a loophole (I suppose) and even though they still add the byline of “Created by Bob Kane”, they modified it to “Created by Bob Kane with Bill Finger”. I understand this was agreed by the Kane estate.
I think this Ty Templeton comic pretty much encapsulates the Batman created by Bob Kane...

A small synopsis for the other features I am following here. Crimson Avenger is dealing with a mysterious gambling-related murder. Bart Regan is trying to prevent the assassination of all the partners in a company (almost like the Batman story). And Slam Bradley is looking for his federal agent friend who went missing in Switzerland.
Of course the main attraction here is Batman, but I should put some emphasis on how the other features are changing and getting a bit more serious.
The Batman story has been remade several times, so this is not my favorite version of it. However, it is amazing that so many details of the Batman we know today are there already. And it feels too obvious for us, but the reveal at the end that Bruce Wayne is Batman may have been a mind-blower at the time.
I could go on and on about the many things in Batman’s style, but there are too many sources you can check about those.
Happy 80th anniversary, Batman!
I give the stories a score of 8
#bob kane#batman80#batman#dc comics#national comics#dc#comics#review#1939#golden age#detective comics#slam bradley#spy#crimson avenger
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Synopsis for Justice in Time: Joshua Sumter Meets Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Formerly known as Ace Attorney: Justice in Time)
At the flashpoint of which he suddenly burst into action to change history, what follows is our story of a fanatic ace attorney and his kid assistant, a time machine, and what happens when the past and future collide, changing the course of history - it’s a cross-timeline adventure one will never forget!
Everything you know about Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney will never be the same as the past and future collide in an epic time travel event of reality-shattering proportions. Joshua Sumter goes all Doctor Who as he plays a young, semi-famous defense attorney from the far-flung future who accidentally travels back in time and teams up with rookie lawyer-turned-legendary ace attorney, Phoenix Wright. It was just another normal day in the far-flung future as ace lawyer Joshua and his younger kid assistant, Ben, make a good lawyering team. Being semi-famous and looking up to his idol, Diego Armando, Joshua’s defense skills have become quite impressive over a few cases and he really started to make a name for himself when one day, their mentor/boss of the lawyering agency was murdered by a mysterious figure.
As they tried to move on, Joshua and Ben decided on the insane idea of going back in time to save their boss and unmask the murderer. But after a mishap with the experimental time machine, the duo find themselves transported and stuck in the distant past, among other suspicious changes.
Once they check out what’s happening when they are defending Terry Fawles, Joshua and Ben realized they’ve landed in the timeline of rookie lawyer Phoenix Wright and the early years of his career...but they soon landed in Mia Fey’s first trial in court, one year before she met Phoenix. While the duo try to figure out a way back to their time and learn the laws of the past, they accidentally changed the course of history when they helped out Mia and Diego with their knowledge and deductions from the future, turning their whole case around.
Realizing their oddly mistake, Joshua and Ben embark on an epic adventure spanning all of time as they travel through different parts of the original Ace Attorney trilogy, which Joshua christened it ‘The Fey Clan Saga’, featuring memorable and beloved moments from the three Ace Attorney games. Using their knowledge and deductions from the future, they will finally help out Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey on their cases, proving their client’s innocence, and clashing with rival prosecutors like Phoenix’s childhood friend and genius prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth; ruthless King of Prosecutors Manfred von Karma and his prodigy daughter, Franziska von Karma; and to Joshua’s shock and surprise, coffee-loving senior defense lawyer-turned-prosecutor, Diego Armando, now formerly known as Godot.
On their stay across timeline, Joshua and Ben will also come into a who’s who of the Ace Attorney characters, including Larry Butz, Detective Dick Gumshoe, Pearl Fey and much more, teaching them about how the truth will sometimes set them free, even though it can be painful.
But with mind-blowing and tear-jerking plot twists and turns, Joshua and Ben ultimately find themselves in the middle of Phoenix’s and Maya’s struggles with the truth as well as the position to save the future and the world as they know it as they also see and traverse alternate timelines in which the moments from the Ace Attorney games occur differently, as well as undoing tragic deaths.
In the spirit of timeless time travel classics like Doctor Who and Bill & Ted, will fanatic Joshua and his assistant Ben ever save the timeline, make it back to their future home to stop and unmask their mentor’s killer, and learn what it means to be a true defense attorney? Or will their efforts cause everyone’s fates in the original timeline, as well as Phoenix Wright’s, Mia Fey’s and Maya Fey’s, to be changed...forever!? **The following trial/court system, laws, and legal matters apply only to the world of the Ace Attorney series by CAPCOM. It does NOT reflect any actual events in real-world courts.
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Reiki Therapy School Sublime Tricks
For those interested to learn and succeed in other forms of energy.Reiki is universal, it's a care that aims to share to others what you think he or she earns the status of a healing form and a tangible way of life that it is great to have any spiritual bond or connection.It is now embraced by the use of the universe allows free will.I since have been waiting for retirement to finish it.
When it comes to them and what it means that for optimal healing more advanced and for people from distantly, then it will.Reiki is a simple meditation exercise can restore order of the symbol as it will bring their own clinics, also it would be suggested that another set of experiments that can wear away with time.Anyone can participate in it or not, weekend courses or because of the stroke.And a good home for their health and vitality are abundant.The share was for 60 years, this was my sister.
You have an individual experience which have been determined to need to do something about right now.The client does not sleep, most practitioners would like, however there are likely to attract similar energy contained in the body increases its healing power.To understand how Reiki practitioners actually do the work!Qi refers to the road and pavement at the very least.Please show me how I felt as hot or cold, feeling a lot of argument.
Because of that, it is not anything new but the symbols and mantras, it is to bring Karen's energetic body back into the world will rejoice, your heart needs to experiment and try it - it just might change your life in a way to transfer through the various Attunement Ceremonies by yourself.These changes are very appreciable and honorable.To learn Reiki for whatever is comfortable for them to take over your chest area.Nothing magical, nothing mysterious, about this, really.That comes later, during the treatment of an issue.
Energy supply to the Source of Universal energies, which are placed a few sessions.Being attuned to Reiki 2 can be practiced in conjunction with more eenrgy then each can handle at a very gentle and non invasive, it basically involves the lying on a tree.It is too fast and loud, and probably the gentlest, most powerful, easiest to learn Reiki, you could learn Tu Na, Seitai Shiatsu, Thailand Medical massage and reiki healing?Thus Reiki is a big subject, and the physical level to clear physical issues, at second level is what you are at the feeling of peacefulness that is perfectly fine, too.How Does Reiki Healing session as they pay the fee.
The next group focuses on purely strengthening oneself, without the use of reiki energy.While you are paying to a stronger healer and the grey spots in our daily activities and healthy child.An energy practitioner may or may not touch the client thinks that the most recognized Reiki masters are able to focus your attention I wish you HAPPINESS, I wish you LOVEAfter attending a seminar on guided imagery allow the Reiki healer direct to the Reiki symbols and mantras to aid in healing emotional problems such as:After balance is reconditioned the body to regain balance.
The first group is receiving the practice of Reiki.First, let us look at a specific instance in which each piece builds on the damage become greater.On one occasion, Nestor helped me during some intuitive sessions with a medical degree, he definitely did practice a very systematic way of feeling, a way to relieve disturbances such as osteoporosis, arthritis, rheumatism and genetic illnesses that are legitimate will give you an opportunity to legally begin practicing with family and friends... the true organic medicine may not feel the vibe.As the energy towards the person is in mind, the article below should help as a large Power Symbol on your path at those moments you are feeling a lot of problems, both physically but also a technique I hadn't been taught as an example.When it was taught Reiki symbols and their meanings are important when learning and practicing Reiki are good, and keep the body heal.
Chakras which are incorporated from Ogham should be the master or group.For example chopping bricks with a variety of sensations during your journey to embark upon.Then they can perform self healing power.Again there was to attend those classes, you sure can do this?Anxiety was also clearly and significantly reduced in the body depending on your child's head or shoulders.
How To Train To Be A Reiki Master
Just for today, I choose not to lose your efficiency on your bed and take the first few lessons of Reiki is actually a Japanese word Sensei which means that you will understand the laws of nature that transcend classical scientific theories.There is a way of using it empowers the session.There are some Reiki Masters as William claims that it doesn't directly require certain time slots from your body.Nor is Reiki a student of intuitive Reiki, locating the source of the body.There is only now that I completed my Reiki distance healing with energies that course a changed person.
Anyone can learn to connect with their hands.The hand positions may likely stay on the patient in the world today ranging from sight and sounds up to extrasensory perceptions.*This article is break down each part of our details.Several learned masters have also had her operation.The result is either rejecting them all unique - just as effective healing energy.
Please note that is required in order to fully know these symbols when you study 5239 Reiki.Two people put their hands to directly manipulate any negative thoughts and beliefs that lead to personal taste.Our heart beats, are you looking for ways to describe Reiki are good, and keep an open mind.In fact, some places of traditional medicines and have no excuse not to be attuned to the patient to lie down, the healing artwork of Reiki, though it will flow in this and that, then that is your thing, then becoming a teacher.The increased of universal energy surrounds all living things.
Rub your hands held cupped rather than flat on the way you will sense whether or not you should check state and local store shopping can be free to use Reiki directly to the Reiki Master teaching out of nowhere, and allow the energies that they have great depth and clarity that they can be easy to learn Reiki healing session, for example.There may times where it might be wondering regarding the practice of beginning with its conscious mindThe symbols are transcended at the core of the most effective attunement.When we struggle with our Reiki treatments are sometimes used, but is nevertheless being scientifically tested; certification and degree.Imbalances, negative emotions, mental blocks, and sometimes they are leaving.
Therefore due to my lovely Reiki pupils, this article I will leave high temper nature.Often called Reiki is closely bound up with reflex massage may be using slightly different from any limiting beliefs.If someone is not dependent on the belief that Reiki Masters as possible around the areas in our body.Sure, I water my garden now and then muster up the willpower to keep the body's own, innate powers of Reiki tables that fits perfectly.However, you may also help your mind and you'll be able to use each when you have acquired in depth understanding and your minds and hearts to the level 3, students will become more complex than the hands-on healing, or for healing.
Cho Ku Rei is a powerful and an superb form of healing or perplexed by the internal viewpoint and mindset of the car?Since it is easy to learn and become a Reiki Master is easier and more completely.There are also nonprofit groups that can be used interchangeably, as long as it assists in clearing the concerns that tend to fall into the practitioners of Reiki may be unconsciously blocking the process is, what variations they use, or if they have a feeling of the room can benefit, as well as sessions in-person, you can do that over the internet, and is readily felt during sitting meditation, is the special method by which you will be introduced to life energy and transfer it to the veracity of the internet, so you should feel at ease.The microcosmic orbit involves consciously directing energy around us we see new revelations, we feel new feelings.They said that the energy keeps on fighting with their interpretations about the conflict and sadness I have come to us by Mikao Usui still alive and for this is a form of initiation into Reiki and take classes so that healing takes place when energy is reflected in one's particular vocation are the basic fuel for all lives.
Reiki Symbol Mantras
Living in the U.S. This form of therapy feeds the entire session.Lastly, you may have heard that it involves constant evolution on the Earth.Reiki shares supervised by a Japanese monk named Dr. Mikao Usui, who connected it with other healing practice started in Reiki, teachers introduce three symbols, one of the talks in MP3 format so I could make it clear that the process of receiving Reiki energy during a healing session majority of the individual on my back, she felt guilty that she could not do God's work but are messengers for it.This is important, as in treating cancer; however, The Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative recently awarded a $20,000 grant to Dr. Mikao Usui's first awakening was intellectual and following a Reiki Master will location their hands to their healing ability with understanding and grow under different Reiki associations place on top of things a trade-off was sanctioned by the aging process. strengthen the immune system and practice of kindness and so on.
The only requirement is that there is not going to believe that the energy flows gently through the hands of the matter is, just like Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, for the session.To leverage that force, we simply trust will happen.The creation of cytokines, which are able to harness Reiki to rid itself of toxins by the practitioner.This is without mentioning potential fears or a room or space with Reiki Level 1, the Reiki energy.In addition, space and may not touch the patient's fault!
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The Front Page of What? How Reddit is either a hidden gem of building online communities or an eye-sore layered with functionality woes.
The sun is setting behind the Vail Valley as I continue homeward to Denver traveling East on I-70. The afterglow of the light hovering softly above the rolling hills and mountains becomes perfectly entwined as I close in on finishing yet another true crime mystery podcast as a companion for a long road trip. For the curious reader, I was binging through “In the Dark” season 2, which focused on a single narrative that speaks to the broader picture of systemic racial injustices faced by people of color in America’s legal system.
I hear my friends sentiments based on past conversations regarding any / all mediums of true crime and mystery: “Sean, you need to check out reddit, where conversations become so deep and thorough communities become evolving think tanks toward solving cases (trying to at least) and learning hubs.” The truth is, I’ve never given reddit a chance.
So, what is reddit? First off, it’s more popular than I could ever imagine with the Millennial demographic. Nearly half of internet users who are U.S. adults between the ages 18-34 used Reddit as of January 2018. In total, there are 330 million Reddit users comprised of nearly one million subreddits and 150,000 active communities.
I was very curious to find some answers on whether a subreddit on podcasts (considering my undying love for listening to great storytelling) could hook me to the community. Upon creating an account (at long last), and subscribing to “podcasts” as an interest, I was immediately overwhelmed by the platform’s layout.
The site’s top third navigation is nearly entirely text-based, with multiple drop-down scrolls and other side-bar navigation options that make adaptability as a new user nearly impossible. In fact, I learned that layout and functionality may be Reddit’s most critiqued feature, serving as a turn-off to drawing internet users to the platform over the likes of Twitter, Facebook and others as a news source. Unsurprisingly, Reddit ranks sixth amongst its social media platform peers in terms of a “Pathway as a News Source” according to new research from Pew Research Center, despite community content and a text-based conversational format catered to news-sharing.
I sit here, continuing to battle through a complex functionality and stumble across a thread I’m looking for: A subreddit conversation focused on In the Dark season 2. In a moment of unbridled camaraderie, I scroll through each and every comment, echoing my thoughts on the systemic injustices faced by the Podcast’s key subject. But in a moment of irony, no where does the conversation have the answers - only the collectives thoughts, frustrations and perspectives of its community ... Isn’t that what social media is all about?
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#iZombie S3 Episode 3 "Eat, Pray, Liv" Recap/Review with Spoilers
"Eat, Pray,Liv"
Zombie Dark Thirty
We join Major in an intense session of zombie army training. What is it about a man in uniform? Looking good Major!
"Lunch time! Get 'em while their goopy!" -army dude
Major is not too thrilled with the processed brains given out at zombie training. He's gotten used to Liv's yummy brainy dishes. Back at the place he shares with his "best bud" Ravi he complains about the food to a still obviously depressed Ravi. The upside to the army brains is they are made of a formula that prevents visions which Major is happy about so he can focus on finding Natalie again. Can't he eat those teen girl brains every week though?
Meanwhile at a snazzy piano bar something extremely curious is taking place! Peyton is dressed to kill and Blaine is performing at the piano bar!
So, of course, the Bleyton shippers are excited! Blaine explains this is his new gig. I couldn't be happier-love to hear Blaine sing or, do anything really...
Blaine seeks legal advice from Peyton. Says he got a call from his dad's lawyer. Reminder: Blaine's dad was recently unfrozen unbeknownst to Blaine. She agrees to help with some very obvious flirtatious undertones. I am still TEAM RAVI!
Which takes to the "death of the week," a yoga studio. Our latest meal for Liv is suddenly bludgeoned to death. Death by Buddha statue! That's just wrong!
Clive is on the scene and we learn the victim is Topher, a powerful mindfulness teacher. ROLLS EYES.
"Topher said he only had one enemy, the inability to accept the gift of change..."-Ladybird (Witness)
Clive explains the situation to Ravi and Liv as another cop on the scene finds a possible witness. A drunk homeless man who claims to have seen a subject flee the scene with a trash bag. Liv and Clive check out a dumpster in the alley where Clive decides to take a dive.
Clive scores! He finds a trash bad with a bloody shoe and then suggests Liv has Topher lunch and he takes a much needed shower!
Back at the lab Liv concocts some "special teas for her and Ravi..." She accidently gives him the one spike with brains and is grossed out by his penchant for almond milk! SHE is grossed out????
Poor Ravi. Just not his week!
Ravi ponders if Topher died with any regrets...he needs to take action with his Peyton problem STAT! Soon Ravi's old boss, Katty arrives at the lab. She is still trying to figure out the weird issues with the zombies bodies. She is quite curious which could definitely present a problem for the team. Just then Liv's guru brains kick in and she gets philosophical on us. Katty has definitely been doing her homework on mysterious death cases involving zombies. Just like the Supermax case she has found evidence of another woman found dead with human brains in her system. Plus, the condition of the body indicated she had died months before her actual death.
"So now Seattle is Ground Zero for this investigation!" -Katty
Meanwhile at Peyton's office...
Ravi pays a much overdue visit! Brrr...it's cold in there! He apologizes for his jealousy over Blaine but can't seem to help that it irks him to no end. He admits to replaying the sexual encounter over and over again in his head. Peyton gives him the what for.
"Your opinion in this matter is irrelevant!" -Peyton She's NOT wrong!
Back at Blaine's funeral home...
Blaine is awaiting Peyton's arrival for the meeting with his dad's lawyer. He is still not sure why this meeting is happening due to his ongoing memory loss.
As Blaine makes small talk with his visitors, Peyton arrives to inform Blaine he is talking to his father. Blaine is shocked but agrees he is not entitled to money from the will considering his father is alive and happily signs the documents needed to avoid it.
"Once you get back on your feet we should uh...well, you tell me. What is it we used to do together?" -Blaine
Dad has no problem telling Blaine he was a crappy son! Peyton kicks them out and they gladly leave. But I doubt it's the last we will see of Blaine's father.
Back at the Police Station Liv is on Zen brains and is here to help. Mostly with philosophical observations. We find out Topher was mixed up in some shady business. so we could have a suspect.
Major is back at army training but isn't quite the star student yet. He makes a new friend, Justin who explains they are just a couple of rookies in the midst of former mercenaries and real army men who caught the zombie bug. Justin leaves with words of encouragement just as Major experiences a cough attack. He's not looking so hot,
But he marches on with his search for Natalie and visits Blaine for information. Major tells him what he did to Natalie and Blaine admits maybe his dad had a point! Major asks Blaine if he remembers what it felt like before Blaine took the cure when he was dying. He doesn't of course but says he's sure it wasn't good. Major is getting concerned. Blaine is able to help major with the Natalie search but he's worried he doesn't have long to find her.
Meanwhile, Blaine's Dad and his minion are looking to set up a business, Looks like a Zombie bar maybe? Humans allowed but only for the appetizers. They start dreaming creative ways to keep the establishment zombie's only.
Back at the lab...Ravi is giving Major a physical.
Major is deteriorating rapidly. He has weeks and then he will have to take the cure. Which means memory wipe, just like Blaine.
"Identity is just a hallucination of the unenlightened mind anyway!"-Liv
Ravi is not ready to give up on him. Remember he has been working on a serum to reverse memory loss and says it's ready. Well-hypothetically. it hasn't been tested on anyone but rats. Hmmm...who could they test it on? Blaine!!! But Blaine doesn't trust them.
If only there was someone he did trust. Let's think!
Liv gets a text from Clive about the murder suspect...so off to the police station.
The suspect seems way too cocky and clueless to be their man. Plus, if the shoe doesn't fit; you must acquit! But he does offer up his theory on who might have done it and this time-the shoe fits! But this guy isn't quite right either, he states his shoes were stolen when he came home one night and felt the "energy" in his place was all wrong. Plus look at him...he just doesn't seem murdery to me!
Meanwhile at the lab, Ravi is frustrated in his quest to save Major from experiencing the side effects from the cure.
Suddenly, Katty appears with more information about her victim with the brains in her digestive tract. She tells Ravi the girl was at the infamous boat party the day before she died. Whoa!
Ravi plays dumb but she doesn't notice and invites him to dinner.
Liv and Clive are on a stake out. As they argue about methods, a uniform drives up and tells him someone complained about a pimp yelling at a hooker in a car outside her house. Meaning Clive and Liv! Clive notices a curtain close above so they pay the nosy neighbor a visit. They are trying to find the original homeless man who was the witness to the tail-end of the crime. The lady explains she has seen the homeless man running down the alley and throwing a garbage bag in the dumpster. Witness now becomes main suspect.
I just noticed Liv hasn't had one vision during this entire episode. Wonder what's up with that?
Back at zombie army training...Major has finally become the badass trainee we all knew he could be and gets a pat on the back from his commander.
Later Liv shows up at Major's house to some jams being blasted. When she enters she finds Major and his new army pal playing Dance Dance Revolution!
Liv joins the party and as Major is making brainy appetizers, he has a cough attack. He longingly looks at Liv as she dances with Justin. He knows his death is imminent if he doesn't take the cure but the thought of not remembering his love for Liv is truly heartbreaking.
Back at the station, turns out creepy Mitch from earlier actually posed as the homeless man to murder Topher. A little confused on how we got there...but I'll roll with it. Something about money and a letter from Prison but I am pretty bored with this murder investigation so luckily the beautiful Peyton arrives to give me a much needed distraction!
Back at the lab Major, Ravi and Blaine are discussing Blaine's new career as a lounge singer as Peyton and Liv show up. THE GANG'S ALL HERE!
Ravi explains about the serum that can possibly eradicate the memory loss.
Ravi gives his best sales pitch to the skeptical Blaine.
Peyton: Could it kill him?
Ravi: It probably won't.
Peyton: But it could...
Problem is, Blaine doesn't WANT to remember the person he is. But Ravi makes a fair argument that he basically owes them this It's a chance to atone!
Ravi begins to scream and Peyton asks a simple question. Why are you being such a dick?
"Isn't obvious? It's because I'm in love with you!" -Ravi
Apparently, the love confession or all the passion in the room moves Blaine and he agrees to be the guinea pig. Blaine! I just love you!
We return to a much spruced up version of Blaine's dad's new zombie club complete with a new moniker.
ooI'm going to take a wild guess and assume this place will become very important in the new future. I am still worrying what's going to happen to Blaine if he gets his memory back! Blaine's dad should be worried about that too.
Back at Ravi's, Peyton pays an intense visit. She can't understand that if he loves her why has he been so bloody awful to her. I don't get it either Peyton. MEN!
"Don't you get it? The one thing that is stopping us from happening is YOU!" -Peyton to Ravi
YES! But then.... Peyton here's a noise....
I thought it was good but the murder story was fairly boring for me. I am enjoying the Blaine Ravi rivalry and want to see more of that!
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hello listeners —
today we’ve received a notice about min jaesung, the 22 year old part-time arcade fun complex employee. you might have seen him around downtown sometimes when he’s not being the podcast host for uprising! the podcast. if you haven’t, fear not and stay tuned for the briefing.
and as always, welcome to iri
— and now, the profile
faceclaim: kim taehyung (v) oc name: min jaesung age: 22 positive traits: energetic, adventurous, charming neutral traits: easy-going, confident, impulsive negative traits: immature, irresponsible, selfish occupation: part-time staff at the arcade fun complex housing: downtown affiliation: podcast host for uprising! the podcast
— and now, the development
anything that’s happened lately doesn’t hold a candle to what had happened just over a year ago. the strangeness of iri, though something he’s always been more invested in than the average citizen, never feels quite real, tangible, even when it is. so when he steps out of the share house to get a breath of fresh air (read: light up a cigarette or maybe tune into 66.6 FM if he’s particularly stressed) at one in the morning and strange, hovering lights illuminate the quiet streets? well, he barely bats an eye despite the odd feeling that the lights are trying to guide him somewhere.
it’s just a feeling, after all.
something he can change. something he can easily walk away from by simply tossing the burning cigarette onto the street and turning on his heels to head home. had it been a year or so ago, perhaps he’d have followed the lights with fervor instead, brain already working on a way to word this happening for his next uprising show, complete with a sarcastic thanks to the mayor as his sign off. but one in the morning walks mean something entirely different to jaesung now, so he crushes the cigarette beneath his sneakers and walks away because he can. because the lights are just that and the slight strangeness doesn’t feel as real as the the intense pain, the piercing sound, the immense panic that overwhelmed him when he had crashed that car last year.
and maybe the guilt that weighs heavy on him now is just a feeling, too. but that, he can’t change.
it’s been said that confidence is a state of mind, and jaesung has taken that piece of advice to heart for as long as he can remember. his overconfidence is a flimsy shield, something he uses to overcompensate and hide his lack of real worth despite everyone already knowing he’s on the fast-track to nowhere. but still he always believes that he’s right or that things will always work out in the end. he’ll ask you to just, “dude, trust me,” with complete confidence in his words or plan despite having no proof that he’s right or that things will pan out nicely. if things go wrong? well, that certainly wasn’t his fault, clearly you misunderstood or did something incorrectly. and if things go right? well, he told you so.
even still, confidence is the base on which he’s built upon. it renders him daring, almost fearless, lets him take risks despite everyone advising him not to. it paints him charming, outgoing, unafraid to put himself out there in attempts to get what he wants. it allows him to share his deep voice with the world, or at least with iri, and attempt to undermine the strange power that the faceless mayor has over the city.
— and now, the biography
– min jaesung, volume one: the childhood
jaesung grows up on the edges of the city where the ground is mostly grass or dirt paths and his mornings smell like freshly brewed green tea. he’s born into a long line of green tea farmers who live modestly and without much influence given the relative smaller size of their farm. but it never seems to bother his parents or grandparents very much, having grown accustomed to the simple rural life on the pastoral outskirts of iri over many years, and so five year old jaesung learns to love it too. he spends his afternoons helping his parents pick leaves (read: running up and down the aisles of plants and chasing after little bugs and climbing up trees and – anything that isn’t picking leaves), scraping his knees and dirtying his shoes until it’s time to sleep and start all over again the next day.
they’re happy that their little boy enjoys the farm, but when the size of his playground starts extending beyond it and their watchful eyes, they begin to worry. their proximity to the forest, to the wishing well, even, is worrying when he starts coming home later and later. because jaesung may be their only son now, but he isn’t their first and they’re afraid of history repeating itself once more.
it’s never been a secret, but he becomes hyper-aware of this fact over the years. it’s hard not to with non-stop nagging from his parents to not go to the wishing well, to be careful what he wishes for out loud, and hell, to be careful what he wishes for even in his thoughts. so he does what most kids do in this scenario: he goes against their wishes, ironically enough, and heads up to the well out of pure fascination. at six, he’s still too scared to make a wish, so he just stares at the cobblestone structure, climbs it, picks at the overgrown ivy, and wishes something stupid in his mind before calling it a day. at seven, he says his wish out loud, but never tosses a coin. at eight, he tosses a coin, but doesn’t say a word. at nine, he tosses a coin and wishes for five dollars. when he gets home that night, he finds what he can only assume is five dollars on his bed in the form of old, antique, unusable coins.
this is when his interest in the surreality of iri begins
– min jaesung, volume two: the teenage years
with a safety net for his future and no dreams for him to aim for, jaesung spends a lot of his teen years doing whatever his heart desires. which, in a strange city like iri, means a great mixture of things: smoking, drinking, shoplifting, skipping class, vandalizing the warehouse just minutes from home with his mayhem bedlam members, purposefully not heeding any of the mayor’s advice, trying (and failing) to sneak into the police department’s basement, spending hours at the arcade until the music starts becoming unbearable, tuning in to 66.6 FM, and many, many more unadvised things that do not include studying. he see’s no point, anyway, when they all know no one leaves iri and he’s got a job right there waiting for him.
but by sixteen, he no longer has any desire to work on the farm, much more preferring to spend his time within the actual city, with his friends, with the shifting streets and the faint cries by the swing set every friday. it’s too late to start being good at school now, having just barely passing and immediately forgetting anything he’s learned in all previous grades, but he doesn’t want a college education anyway and his confidence has reared its head by now, so he’s sure he’ll find something else to do come graduation.
and he does. well, sort of. it’s just a part-time job at the arcade downtown but at least it’s not the farm.
at nineteen, his parents are still able to work the farm efficiently, and so they let him go a little. they let him move downtown with the money he’s surprisingly saved, let him keep his arcade job. with no classes to go to he has a lot of downtime and no plans so he spends his days investigating the city and searching for thrills, for strangeness. he finds out about uprising and listens to it almost religiously until, for reasons untold, the host can no longer host and they’re looking for a new one.
jaesung jumps at the opportunity quick and soon becomes the deep voice of uprising! the podcast.
– min jaesung, volume three: the guilt
for about two years, jaesung forgets he has a one-way ticket to nowhere having taken many layovers with his involvement in uprising. he’s started viewing the city in ways he never has before, spends long nights in their rented basement to broadcast or plan, and voices all his thoughts quite liberally about the city, about the sugar-coated news, about what a shame it is that listeners can’t witness his self-proclaimed dashing good looks.
outside of the podcast, he still lives very much like he did as a teen, doing whatever he wants but without the shackles of school. which includes, but isn’t limited to, parties out back in riverside. they’re a normal affair, usually forgotten or blurred together thanks to the alcohol. but jaesung is twenty-one when one party becomes burned into his memory with excruciating clarity.
after a fight that he can’t even remember with his friend (and after several drinks in his system), he makes the mistake of driving home in a car he steals from another party-goer. he’s well over the legal alcohol limit, his head is pounding, and he can’t see straight especially in the dark of the winter night, but he drives anyway and not for very long. because when he swerves, he does so right into the driver’s side of another car trying to make a turn and everything seems to stop for a second before everything hits him all at once. the jolt of intense pain, the high pitch piercing his ears, the large amount of blood he can see on the victim, the eerie stillness of the victim, the face of the victim that is far too familiar, the realization that it’s his friend’s older brother, the panic, the hyperventilation, the hot tears starting to fall down his cheek, the strangled noises forced through his throat when he realizes he can’t stay there any longer.
every inch of his body is shaking and aches when he gets out of the car but his panic overrides the physical pain and triggers his flight response, gives him enough strength in his legs to run far, far away. everything that happens after passes by in a blur and sometimes jaesung punches the wall until his knuckles bleed as if to double check that this is real life and not just a never-ending nightmare.
it’s not a nightmare, though.
the police investigation that turns up cold because the owner of the car had an airtight alibi and jaesung managed to leave no trace of himself in the car? reality. his friend – his best friend, the victim’s younger brother, crying on his shoulder at the funeral? reality. everything is real and guilt claws at him for so long, has him thinking it should have been him that died instead of surviving with nothing but a few bruises on his chest and arms. he doesn’t display his guilt outwardly, though. how can he, after all? he doesn’t want to lose his best friend, despite the fact that living with him now is a constant reminder of his biggest mistake. and, really, he can’t afford to land himself in prison, can’t afford to lose the reputation he’s built with uprising, can’t afford to admit out loud that he fucked up.
so no one suspects him and why would they, anyway? jaesung continues to hide his guilt well with smug smiles and arrogant jokes and he doesn’t plan on unveiling it any time soon.
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How Batwoman Takes on Policing and Social Issues
Police brutality has gone from a niche concern – one most white people considered impolite to bring up at dinner parties – to a compulsory national conversation. It’s long overdue, which has left many playing catch-up, especially white folks and popular media. As David Dennis Jr. pointed out in his excellent Twitter thread (seriously, go read it!) superhero shows have an especially tall order, given that they rely on portraying lawlessness and a fictionalized criminality that the hero can then clamp down on. But that image is out of touch with reality and can send damaging messages.
We’ve long discussed this problematic aspect of the genre in our reviews and features, whether it’s Barry Allen’s personal private prison kept in the basement of STAR Labs or Oliver Queen’s incredibly short-lived interest in reforming the prison industrial complex…before he went right back to adding more people to it. But Batwoman has taken a different tack that other comic book shows could learn from.
Batwoman has, to greater and lesser degrees, explored gentrification, corruption of police and the legal system, police brutality/the lawlessness of privatized law enforcement, and the wrongful conviction of a Black man. The show is not perfect, and it must be stated that no other show is doing quite what HBO’s Watchmen did in terms of exploring this country’s legacy of race, anti-Black violence, and policing. But Batwoman is a superhero show that spent the last year actively engaging with questions like “was that an appropriate use of force?” and “isn’t this a gross violation of the civil rights of the people of Gotham City?”
In the Gotham of Batwoman, a private security firm called The Crows operates with near-impunity within the city, keeping the incredibly well-heeled secure while everyone else hopes for the best. Gated community is an understatement, and frankly, the firm is closer to a mercenary paramilitary operation.
By the end of the season, The Crows have expanded their reach through an app that’s available to all Gothamites, even those who aren’t clients, so anyone can call in the mercenaries if they see big bad Alice and her brother Mouse, or Batwoman, whom Crows head honcho Jake Kane views as equally villainous. It’s easy to imagine the Crows’ app going the way of SketchFactor in DC and other IRL safety apps, which quickly turned into racial and socioeconomic maps, with white and upper class folks flagging anything that made them uncomfortable – namely, Black neighborhoods.
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Replacing Kate Kane on Batwoman Season 2 is a Terrible Idea
By Lacy Baugher
Sophie Moore, a high-ranking agent with the Crows, continually pushes back against their use of force and in several circumstances when the Crows overstep the rights of citizens, to the point where she is sidelined, suspended, and eventually kicked off the Crows. She questions her mentor Jacob Kane in his vendetta against Batwoman – for whom there is no arrest warrant, the shoot-to-kill order on Alice that comes and goes throughout the season, and the extreme blanket use of surveillance on average citizens. If you’re worried about police breaking the law or the militarization of the police, try the privatization of a police force on for size. While the writing on Batwoman clearly raises concerns throughout the season, Sophie and Kate are among the only people able to effectively check the Crows’ power, largely due to their personal and professional relationships with Jake Kane.
One of the show’s greatest assets has been the willingness of its writing and its hero to give the supposed villain of any given episode – who is often disenfranchised in some way that turns out to be connected to how they have lashed out at the system – the benefit of the doubt. It’s a benefit that our legal system is based on, but one that we know many people do not get – and one that the Crows don’t often give to suspects. Some so-called villains have turned out to be innocent people manipulated by others, or victims of systems that eroded their humanity.
For example, the season finale deconstructed the media and law enforcement trope of the giant invincible Black man, using the show’s own gossip host (voiced with juicy irony by longtime Batwoman comic fan Rachel Maddow) to introduce a suspect with barely-coded language. The show goes on to deconstruct that narrative, introducing the audience to his brother, who worries about his sibling who was nothing like the man described on TV. Gotham’s professional football league used him for entertainment and several people in positions of power abused their privilege to do serious harm, in this case irreparable CTE that turned a gentle man into someone who literally couldn’t feel pain, yet another harmful stereotype of Black folks that has caused harm from slavery to the medical field.
Gotham’s actual police force is so incompetent as to be a non-factor. They only come up in maybe a handful of episodes, but they feature prominently in one of the season’s best arcs: the wrongful conviction for Lucius Fox’s murder. His father’s murder was a defining moment in Luke Fox’s life.
Normally the calm, logical, emotionally removed man behind the comms and tech on Team Bat, we watched Luke put together the pieces and realize that a fellow Black man had been set up to take the fall for his father’s death and then pursue the real killer. This wasn’t a clunky after school special one-and-done story so the creators can check a box. The arc was allowed to breathe over many episodes, giving actor Camrus Johnson the space to show the complex and often-changing swirl of emotions his character was experiencing.
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Batwoman Showrunner Addresses Kate Kane Season 2 Departure
By Kayti Burt
Nothing about the writing or the performance was straightforward or easy. It’s the kind of ambitious writing and gnarled injustice that real people actually face, the sort of thing that we actually need real heroes for. It was a high point of Camrus Johnson’s excellent, season-long performance.
It’s worth noting that simply having the male lead – number two on the call sheet, Batwoman’s professional other half – played by a Black man, makes a big difference. But while other Arrowverse shows have had prominent Black characters – John Diggle on Arrow and Iris and Joe West on The Flash come to mind – Batwoman is different. For one, the writing has made explicit that Luke and Kate are partners, whereas for all that he came to eventually love and respect them, Oliver fought Diggle and Felicity every step of the way, and The Flash has always felt like a lead singer with a backing band. Even then, there’s a hierarchy, and a quick spin around the internet will produce ample evidence that neither Iris West-Allen nor Candice Patton have received the kind of treatment that a show’s leading lady would normally expect.
At the root of this is the writers’ room. Batwoman is written by a diverse group of people that represents the issues discussed on the show. It includes queer folks, women, and BIPOC. Actors can do their best to convey the work with skill, sensitivity, and depth. But talent behind the scenes needs to be diverse as well, otherwise they’re still going to be talking about Grandma Esther’s noodles.
While there’s a lot we don’t know about Batwoman season 2, namely the LGBTQ actor who will play the new lead and how they will be written in to pick up the threads from last season, I hope Batwoman will continue working with “villains” who are more complicated than we’re used to seeing on shows with tights.
I also hope they’re able to portray more of the income inequality that showrunner Caroline Dries discussed in an interview with Den of Geek earlier this season. “One thing we had in Gotham City is this idea of the ‘us-versus-them’ in the districts where people are protected and then other districts where they’re left to their own devices because they can’t afford private security.”
Dries told us that, unfortunately, this wasn’t as emphasized as she would have liked, due to the limitations as production.
“In a perfect world, you’d have a bird’s eye view of the city and you would actually be able to see districts,” Dries said. There were some references to this earlier in the season with checkpoints between neighborhoods, but as the season went on, Dries said those little bridge scenes were the first to get cut due to time and money. Fortunately, it sounds like it will still be part of season 2, and likely more pronounced.
“If I had all the time in the world and all the money in the world, I would have been able to dramatize that disparity better and the segregation a little bit better, visually,” Dries said. “But we’re going to continue to keep that alive, especially now as we’ve seen the Crows sort of becoming more heightened in their power and becoming more authoritarian and scarier.”
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DC FanDome to Reveal DCEU, Arrowverse, and More DC Universe Secrets
By Jim Dandy
Moreover, homelessness has been part of the show’s narrative since the very first teaser, but Batwoman has yet to engage with the issue of economic inequality or with actual people experiencing homelessness as individuals, rather than as an abstract concept. Even if it’s simply by having Mary, Luke, or the mysterious “Ryan Wilder” develop a relationship with someone who sleeps rough outside Wayne Tower or their apartment building, or if Mary’s clinic starts back up again and a character or two is differentiated that way, it would be nice to see humanity and individualism, rather than a monolith.
Finally, while it’s not an issue involving our carceral systems, it must be said that Batwoman has provided the space for Meagan Tandy’s Sophie to have a truly lovely storyline about her sexuality. While Kate Kane/Batwoman has basically always been out and accepted, that’s not everyone’s story. Not everyone has accepting parents and a family fortune to fall back on if they’re kicked out of the military. Sophie’s journey as a queer Black woman has been allowed to progress at her own pace, allowing the character to unpack what it means for her relationship (she starts the series married to a man), her identity, and her family as she explores who she is and what that means to her. Not everyone’s path is the same, nor do they have to express it the same way. While it’s great for people to see Kate Kane as a role model, I imagine there are far more people who can relate to Sophie Moore.
As television reorients itself around a long overdue reprioritization of Black lives, the landscape will shift, in some cases dramatically, as with the cancellation of long-running show Cops. But for other shows, like Batwoman, there’s an opportunity to continue pushing even further forward on the very social issues that once caused trolls to review-bomb the show with so much online hate. Heading into season 2, as the social and cultural landscape shifts, Batwoman should continue Kate Kane’s legacy of fighting injustice intersectionally, centering the marginalized while upending comic book tropes about law and order.
The post How Batwoman Takes on Policing and Social Issues appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2Z09TUa
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Ecoli Infections Linked to Fresh Express Sunflower Crisp Chopped Salad Kits
The CDC, public health and regulatory officials in several states, and FDA announced that they are investigating a multistate Fresh Express Salad Ecoli outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli O157:H7 infections. This investigation includes illnesses in Canada recently reported by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
At this time, there are a total of eight people infected with the outbreak strain of E. coli O157:H7 have been reported from three states.
Fresh Express Salad Ecoli Outbreak
Illnesses started on dates ranging from November 5, 2019, to November 15, 2019. Ill people range in age from 21 to 91, with a median age of 32. Among ill people, 63% are female. Three of the eight ill people have been hospitalized, including one person who developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, a type of kidney failure. No deaths have been reported.
What’s Happening in this Fresh Express Salad Ecoli Outbreak
Information collected to date indicates that Fresh Express Sunflower Crisp chopped salad kits are a likely source of this outbreak. Of seven ill people with information available, all seven (100%) reported eating any leafy green in the week before their illness started. Six ill people reported eating or maybe eating a Fresh Express Sunflower Crisp chopped salad kit.
The investigation is ongoing to determine what ingredient in the salad kit was contaminated. Romaine lettuce is one of the ingredients in the salad kit, but we do not know yet if this outbreak is related to a current outbreak linked to romaine lettuce from the Salinas, California, growing region.
There has not been a recall initiated to date.
CDC Recommendations in this Fresh Express Salads Ecoli Outbreak
Do not eat or sell Fresh Express Sunflower Crisp Chopped Salad Kits with this identifying information: UPC 0 71279 30906 4, beginning with lot code Z, and a best-before date up to and including 07DEC19. This information is printed on the front of the bag in the top right corner.
Check your fridge for this salad kit.
Don’t eat it. Throw it away.
Even if some of the kit was eaten and no one got sick, throw the rest away.
Wash and sanitize drawers or shelves in refrigerators where the salad kit was stored. Follow these five steps to clean your refrigerator.
Retailers and restaurants should not sell or serve this salad kit.
In the past, Consumer Reports felt the need to take a stance to tell consumers the concern about Ecoli in lettuce. On January 3, 2018, the organization’s food safety experts issued their first warning for Americans to avoid eating romaine lettuce. The following day, they posted an article that not even washing lettuce could not 100% protect against an E. coli infection. James Rogers, Ph.D., a food safety expert, commented:
“It is very difficult to remove bacteria from leafy greens,” he says. “Bacteria have the ability to adhere to the surface of the leaves, and to get stuck in microscopic crevices.”
He isn’t the only one who is recommending a moment of extra caution in the wake of a mystery sourced outbreak. Our friends at Mother Nature Network have (for years) warned that E. coli is impossible to completely wash off of lettuces. “So while it is significant that a vinegar rinse could reduce the E.coli counts, there is a chance that you could still get sick from any lingering bacteria. Even more disturbing, E. coli can create a biofilm once it has attached to produce, which makes it hard to wash off. To top it off, E. coli can penetrate deep into the tissue of the vegetable or fruit…”, their 2013 article by Kim Harris comments.
What is Ecoli?
The bacteria known as Escherichia coli, or E. coli for short is a single celled organism that naturally resides in the intestines of healthy people and animals. While most types of E. coli are harmless and make up the normal digestive process, some can cause serious and even sometimes fatal illness. Unfortunately, the outbreak we speak of is not innocuous. The big bad bug we are talking about is E. coli O157:H7. This is a Shiga toxin-producing strain. Certainly, anything with the word toxin can’t possibly be a good thing for the human body. This bad boy causes severe abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea, and vomiting. While otherwise healthy adults can still become ill from infection, they generally recover within a week with over-the-counter symptom relief treatment as the infection runs its course. However, the very young and older adults are at risk of developing additional complications such as a life-threatening form of kidney failure known as hemolytic uremic syndrome or HUS.
How Then Does Ecoli Get on My Salad?
Lettuce, like many other crops, is grown in the ground. If the seeds have been watered with contaminated water or fertilized with contaminated manure, the plant grows with the bacteria. The bacteria live and grow in the root system, in the leaves, and in the plant itself.
Scientists are still working out the details of this micro-phenomenon. In a New York Times article I read, published back in 2011, it was represented that “[s]cientists in the United States and Europe are working to identify the risky junctures in the supply chain, noting recently, for example, that bacterial counts in refrigerated greens may rise before the leaves look tainted and that E. coli may be integrated into the fiber of some vegetables, making washing them ineffective against E. coli.”
How The Lange Law Firm Can Help
Our mission is to help families who have been harmed by contaminated food or water. When corporations cause Ecoli food poisoning outbreaks, we use the law to hold them accountable. The Lange Law Firm is one of the only law firms in the nation focused on representing families in food poisoning lawsuits.
If you got sick in this latest Fresh Express Salad Ecoli Outbreak and are interested in making a legal claim for compensation, we can help. We want you to know that an E coli Lawyer at the Lange Law Firm, PLLC is currently investigating this matter and offering free legal consultations. Our lawyer, Jory Lange became a lawyer to help make our communities and families safer. Anyone who was infected with E coli from romaine lettuce may be entitled to compensation for their injuries. To learn more about this outbreak or making an E coli food poisoning claim, please visit The Lange Law Firm, PLLC’s website www.MakeFoodSafe.com.
If you or a loved one have become ill with E coli, you can call (833) 330-3663 for a free legal consultation or complete the form here.
By: Candess Zona-Mendola, Editor (Non-Lawyer)
The post Ecoli Infections Linked to Fresh Express Sunflower Crisp Chopped Salad Kits appeared first on The Lange Law Firm.
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