techhasmjolnir · 7 months
Dealer's Choice
Plot: You and the guys are enjoying some downtime in between missions, and one night you all decide to kill some time by playing a game. Things quickly take a bawdy turn.
Author's Notes:
Many thanks to @zoeykallus and her wonderful “Truth or Dare” story as the inspiration for me to finally craft a poly Batch tale.
Unlike my other works, there's a general description of the reader as someone that's into body modifications (piercings and tattoos). Additionally, assume the reader has a contraceptive implant. No other description of the reader is implied, nor should it be inferred. This story also assumes that the interest is there between the reader and the boys, but they're not yet in a relationship.
Sit back and set aside some time to read this one, for it comes in with a word count of 14,009.
Important Notes:
This content is strictly for audiences 18+. The roles in this story assume female readers and all members of the Bad Batch. Concepts introduced include: creampie, cum eating, cum swapping, dirty talk, female ejaculation, M & F masturbation, M & F oral (giving & receiving), PiV, toys
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A collective sigh of relief comes from you and the men you've spent the past year working with, the specialist troopers of Clone Force 99. After bouncing endlessly between missions, the word is finally given that all of you are to take a standard Galactic month off for much-needed R & R, and to spend time overhauling the Marauder. You look forward to going home to your countryside villa on Naboo, and extend the offer for the guys to stay with you instead of spending their nights on the ship.
“This is some place you've got here, Y/N,” Wrecker says, his head swiveling around to look at the large vestibule into which everyone is gathered.
“This is nothing,” you reply, groaning as you let your heavy backpack slide off your shoulders. “You should see some of the villas out in Lake Country. This place? It's modest, by Naboo standards. I did the best I could hoarding credits away for years during my time as a bounty hunter in order to be able to afford it.”
“Bounty hunter? I suppose that explains how you ended up with us,” Tech chimes in as he pushes his lenses back in place. “Mercenary work is a natural extension of bounty hunting, in terms of a general skill set.”
“You're not wrong about that, Tech. I may not have enhanced tracking abilities like Hunter, but I more than make up for it elsewhere. All right, since all of you are going to be crashing here for the next month, you're more than welcome to occupy any of the spare bedrooms on the second or third floors. It looks like the housekeeper was here just recently, so everything should be cleaned and in full working order. I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been dying for a real shower ever since we were holed up in that dump on Tatooine!”
“Don't remind me,” Crosshair remarks. “I think I still have the stench of bantha on me.”
“I thought it was obvious it was their breeding season,” Tech slyly adds, never missing the opportunity to get digs in on Crosshair whenever possible.
“Enough, you two,” Hunter interrupts. “Grab your gear and head upstairs. Y/N's been gracious enough to let us stay here instead of being miserable in the Marauder every night, so let's at least try and act somewhat civil.”
You let out a cackle and painstakingly re-shoulder your backpack. “All right, you guys. Go upstairs and get settled. How about we reconvene in a few hours for something to eat, and maybe start unwinding with a game or two?” You start walking off to your bedroom, stopping to turn around when you hear Echo.
“Where are you going, Y/N?”
“Oh, my quarters are down here. I don't think there's enough room in there for all of us,” you tease.
You disappear down the hall toward your bedroom as the guys start making their way to the second floor, completely out of earshot as Crosshair casually says, “you want to make a bet?”
“All right, guys, the rules are simple. All you have to do is spin the bottle, and whoever it points at is the one who will be asked “truth or dare.” If you pick truth, just answer the question honestly. We're all adults here, so there's no need to be embarrassed about anything. Same goes for dare. The only rule about dares is that you don't have to do them if it violates your personal ethics, or is a violation of whatever you consider to be your hard limits. You can rescind consent at any time and ask for a pass, or change it to truth. I just have a hard time believing you guys have never played this game before...I think almost every culture in this galaxy plays some version!”
“Remember, Y/N, we're from Kamino. “Fun” and “games” are two words that are not in the Kaminoans' language,” Hunter offers. “We did our best to amuse ourselves when we were boys as a means of escape from our harsh reality...but not with anything like this.”
“She doesn't need a trip down your memory lane, Hunter,” Crosshair sighs irritably, shifting his ubiquitous toothpick from one side of his mouth to the other. “Are we doing this, or what?”
You roll your eyes and set an empty wine bottle on the floor. “Since you are my guests, one of you can spin the bottle first. Mmm, Wrecker, you want to do it?”
“Absolutely! Let me at it,” he says cheerily.
“Wrecker, mind your strength,” Tech warns. “We do not need you launching the bottle into the wall, or one of us.”
Wrecker's huge hand closes around the wine bottle and he gives it a deft spin. It slows and comes to a stop, the neck pointing at Crosshair. He chuckles and narrows his good eye as he looks at his brother's seemingly constant sour expression. “Oi, Cross...truth or dare?”
There's an audible crunch as Crosshair snaps the toothpick, hastily plucking the broken pieces out of his mouth. “Do I have to?” he grumbles.
“Do you have to be so disagreeable all the time, Crosshair?” you reply, half jokingly. Quiet laughter from the others ceases when you hold up your hand. “It's a harmless game. Just relax and play along. You might just have fun.”
“All right, fine. Truth,” he says churlishly.
Wrecker's face breaks out into a huge grin, and you have the feeling he's up to something. “Yes or no – do you have a crush on Y/N?”
Crosshair's eyes widen, heat stealing its way up the back of his neck and into his ears. You look around at the others, surprised that Wrecker would lead off with a very revealing question. Hunter is trying not to smile, and Echo and Tech share a knowing glance. You won't be surprised if Crosshair answers yes; it wouldn't be the first time someone admitted they had feelings for you while working closely together. The reactions of the others suggest your prediction is correct.
“Well? Do you?” Wrecker asks again, grinning madly.
Crosshair digs his fingertips into the arms of the chair in which he's sitting, his face slightly reddened. “Yes! Yes, all right? For fuck's sake, Wrecker, did you have to do that?” He turns his head away, not able to look at anyone, especially you.
Uproarious laughter fills the room as everyone finds it hysterical their normally unflappable brother is quite humiliated. The only one not laughing is you, because while you find it fitting that Crosshair is temporarily subdued, you're empathetic. You've always known Crosshair is a very private person, and admitting something like this represents a serious loss of control.
“Guys, please. Crosshair, it's your turn. Spin the bottle,” you say gently.
He sighs softly and turns to look at you, his cheeks tinged red. His dark eyes bore into yours and don't break your gaze as he leans down and forward, speedily grabbing it and setting it in motion. The bottle wobbles for a moment before it stops and points at you. You can hear Tech muttering something to Echo under his breath and for a split second, you have a feeling of apprehension. Crosshair's pride is hurt, and now that means he's unpredictable.
“Truth or dare, Y/N?” he sneers, completely evaporating whatever embarrassment he just felt.
Everyone's eyes are on you, keen to see if you'll accept a challenge from him. You look around and grin, chuckling softly. “Well, I hate to disappoint you, boys, but for the first round, I'm going to have to go with truth.”
One look at Crosshair's expression tells you exactly what he plans on doing; he's going to try and retaliate in an effort to fluster you. “Have you ever fantasized about any of us in a sexual way?”
You feel your heart start to race a little and you do your best to stay calm. Heat flows into your cheeks and as your expression softens, a little grin is riddled upon your lips. Ever since you became part of the squad, you've done your best to try and maintain an air of professionalism, but you're only human, and with five handsome men always in close contact with you, you certainly entertained thoughts of what it would be like to be with any one of them.
“Hey, are you in there?” Wrecker asks.
“I'm...thinking,” you reply slowly, the grin becoming a big smile. Finally you end up laughing, rolling your eyes as you speak. “Of course I have. Anyone with eyes would end up fantasizing about a group of incredibly attractive guys like you. There. Are you happy, Crosshair?”
He smirks at you, sitting back in his chair as he taps his cheek idly with his finger. “Not just yet, but give it some time. I think I will be.”
“Are you ever going to accept a dare?” Crosshair complains. “I think you're playing coy on purpose.”
The game has been going on for awhile now, and it's been highly entertaining. The bulk of the racy questions have all been directed at you, and the only reason you've hesitated opting for a dare is because you know the minute you say yes, someone is going to get really creative, which will result in you losing an article of clothing. You're no stranger to being in various states of undress around men out in the field, and the guys are no exception, but you've never been completely naked around them.
“All right, all right! Fine! If you're that keen on it, I'll take a dare. Just make it a good one, Crosshair,” you say, feeling your heart starting to beat a little faster.
Crosshair grins and runs his hand through his hair, pausing briefly before speaking. “I think we've all learned quite a bit of...shall I say...interesting things about you tonight, Kitten.”
“Cross, don't call me that. You know I don't like it,” you sigh, rubbing your forehead. “Where are you going with this?”
“You wanted a good dare? I've been thinking about this all night, and it's something I think we're all going to like,” he says, a disconcerting grin emerging. “As long as you consent, of course.”
It doesn't escape your notice that Hunter flashes him a questioning look, and both Tech and Echo moved forward to the edge of one of the couches they're sitting on, clearly interested as to what could possibly be this good. Wrecker glances over at you, puzzled as to what Crosshair's about to do, and as you look over at him, you shrug. As you look back at Crosshair, he leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, a very hungry look in his eyes.
“I've consented to everything you boys have thrown at me tonight. I can handle whatever you come up with.”
“That's good to know, because you're going to strip down to nothing and stay that way the rest of the night.”
You flash him a look of defiance, momentarily catching him off guard. “Fine by me! I've got nothing to hide, and besides...” You pause and look around at the guys, all of whom have the tiniest of grins on their faces. “The likelihood of all of you not wanting to see me naked is precisely zero.”
Tech clears his throat a little nervously. “I do believe she's got us, there. Statistically speaking...”
“Tech, shut up for a moment, will you?” Crosshair snaps. “Y/N, you accepted the dare, so follow through with it.”
You slowly rise and roll your shoulders as you stretch. Sighing softly, you pull the tie for the lower back of your top, letting the ribbons flutter loosely around your hips. The guys have all gone quiet, watching with you with rapt interest. Closing your eyes, you let your head fall back a little as you reach up to loosen the ribbon at your neck, pulling away your top and letting it fall to the floor. You can hear someone's breath hitch in his throat as your chest is on full display. Heavy tattooing spans the area over your breasts and down your sternum, prominent steel rings in your nipples.
You open your eyes and Hunter, Crosshair, and Wrecker are looking at you completely awestruck. Glancing over your shoulder at Tech and Echo, you wink and flash them a sexy grin, chuckling as you see color beginning to creep into both their faces. “You won't be left out, boys. Just be patient.”
Might as well give them a little show, as long as I'm doing this, you think. Really give them something to get off on, later...
Sliding your thumbs under the waistband of your soft, loose pants, you start to roll your hips in an enticing manner, purposely making eye contact with Crosshair. You slowly begin to slide the material down, the silky shimmer of your black panties coming into view. He stares, completely enamored, shifting uncomfortably in his seat in an effort to disguise the fact he's starting to grow hard. Despite the fact that Tech and Echo are sitting behind you, they're getting as much of a show as the other three, and the moment your muscular ass comes into view, one of them accidentally lets slip a tiny groan. You grin and step out of your pants, casting them aside to join your top.
“Mm, someone's enjoying the view, am I right?” you say, your voice lowering seductively as you turn to look over at Wrecker, who's got his hands in his lap, trying to cover up his growing arousal. “Please, big guy, I'm not stupid. If anything, it's pretty fucking hot.”
You bring a hand to your chest, letting it linger between your breasts, as the other slides down your stomach and lightly grazes your pubic mound. Letting out a content sigh, you hook your index fingers in the band of your panties and begin to lower them almost agonizingly slow, stepping out of them carefully as you drop them with the rest of your clothes. You're careful not to reveal too much of yourself, but you can't help but part your legs just a little so that the ring in the hood of your clit is plainly visible.
“By the Maker...” you hear Tech utter quietly.
You raise your hands above your head and lazily turn yourself around in a full circle so everyone gets a full look at you, coming to a stop in front of Tech and Echo. The two of them can't stop themselves from looking you over head to toe, with Tech's attention turning to your hood piercing. A broad grin crosses your face as you take your index finger and let it rest under his chin, tipping his head up so his golden brown eyes meet yours.
“My eyes are up here, honey,” you laugh. “It's all right. You like what you see. There's no shame in that.” You look at Echo, his normally pale skin now flushed pink with arousal. “I think the same goes for you, too, dear.” You turn around to face Crosshair, a look of smug superiority on your face. “Well? I did it, and I managed to render you speechless. I consider that a rare victory...and I do believe it's my turn to spin the bottle.”
You sit down on the floor, keeping your legs closed and to the side. Giving the bottle a hefty spin, it eventually stops and points to Wrecker. “Truth or dare?” you ask, a little smile on your face. He looks over at you, blinking slowly as he makes up his mind. Heat floods his cheeks as he feels his cock twitch heavily under his hands. “Which one, Wrecker?”
“Truth,” he says hesitantly.
“Hm. If you could have one thing right now, what would it be?”
His mind immediately goes blank trying to think of something plausible, because he's embarrassed to tell you the truth. “A giant bowl of Mantell Mix would hit the spot,” he mumbles.
Crosshair bursts out in derisive laughter. “Wrecker, you're the worst fucking liar. Really? Mantell Mix? You're going to have to do better than that!”
Hunter rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, turning to look at Wrecker. “Just tell her the real truth, vod. The smell of it rolling off you is getting to be a bit much.”
Wrecker groans and closes his eyes. “All right, fine. Honestly? I'd love to have you sitting in my lap with my cock buried in you, while I play with your clit.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, a mixture of amusement and intrigue on your face. “Well...I certainly wasn't expecting to hear that out of you.” The idea of having him splitting you in half with what is probably quite a thick cock is tantalizing. You feel the stone of arousal forming in the pit of your chest, along with a tiny pulse in your clit.
This gets a rise out of the rest of the guys; they're all laughing quietly and Echo gently pokes Wrecker in the arm playfully with his scomp-link.
“Come on, everyone. If Wrecker is brave enough to say that, then I'm betting the rest of you are having some pretty sexually charged thoughts, too,” you gently chide.
Wrecker takes the bottle from you and a brief look of appreciation passes between the two of you. It spins wildly before ultimately pointing to Hunter. “Truth or dare?” he rumbles.
Hunter's dark eyes lock on yours before he speaks. “Truth.”
“I wanna ask you the same thing Y/N just did. What's the one thing you want most right now?”
“I really want Y/N perched between my knees, letting me fuck those perfect tits of hers,” Hunter replies quietly, shifting just a little so you can see the bulge forming under his blacks.
Now it is abundantly clear to you where the rest of the game is headed. The heat building between your legs is growing stronger, wetness beginning to seep from you. The pulsing in your clit becomes constant as the sensitive flesh begins to swell. There's absolutely no hiding from Hunter that you're fully aroused now, and the look he gives you is one of sheer desire. You wonder if the rest of them are all sporting massive erections by now, but you don't dare to move your head to look around to check, lest you give away your intentions.
“I think you like my idea, Y/N, don't you?” Hunter asks with palpable amusement in his voice.
“She's turned on?” Crosshair murmurs, idly scratching his chin with a fingertip.
“Without a doubt, she is,” Hunter replies, giving the bottle a quick spin. It lands back on you, and your heart starts to race again. “Truth or dare, ad'íka?”
Your mouth goes dry and you manage to keep your voice from quivering with apprehension. “Dare.”
“I'm willing to bet that you've got an absolutely gorgeous little cunt. It's a shame you've kept it hidden away from us for so long. Spread your legs so we can all see.”
You feel your cheeks go hot, but not from shame. Hunter's never used language like this with you before and all it's doing is casting more kindling into the roaring inferno of your arousal. More wetness seeps from you as you carefully unfold your legs and rearrange yourself into a position on the floor where everyone can see you from the front. Slowly, you comply, leaning back on a hand to balance yourself as you part your legs. With your other hand, you take your index and middle fingers, spreading them into a V shape as you spread your outer lips, showing the guys the slickness between your cleft.
“You look so fucking tasty, Kitten...” Crosshair rasps as he slowly starts touching himself through his blacks, already soaked through with pre-cum.
Ignoring Crosshair's use of the epithet, you look at the others to see them all nodding in agreement, their eyes all seemingly darkened with lust. Tech leans over to whisper something to Echo, and the two of them chuckle softly, Echo biting his lower lip for a brief moment. You steal a quick glance at them, and like the others, they're concealing prominent bulges under their blacks. Tech looks over at you with a gentle smile on his face.
“If you are willing, Y/N, would you consider letting us all have a taste?”
It takes you a moment to figure out what Tech means by having a taste, and you realize it goes much further than wanting to eat your pussy. You choose your words carefully, making sure there's no room for any misunderstandings that could end in regret. “I know it's been a really long time since any of us have gotten what we want, or need. If we're going to do this, I want you to know that I trust all of you explicitly, and yes...you may all share me. Let's just have fun, and enjoy each other.”
“Then I believe a modification of the way this game is played is necessary,” Tech declares, pushing his lenses back into place. “Instead of asking truth or dare, we will tell Y/N what we would like to do with her, and she can choose to accept or decline. This way, there will be favorable outcomes for us all. Y/N, is this agreeable?”
You smile at him winningly and nod. “Works for me, everyone.” You exhale forcefully and send the bottle spinning. As it stops on Wrecker, you look and see him grinning like he's won the best prize in the galaxy.
“Can we do that thing I said earlier?” he asks a little shyly. “And will you let me have a little taste of your pussy, too?”
“Absolutely, big guy,” you chuckle as you get to your feet and stop in front of him. Even though you're roughly at his eye level when he's sitting, it still feels like he's towering above you. “How do you want to do this?”
“Climb on my lap, sweetie, and let me do the rest. I'll be gentle, I promise.”
As you straddle his massive lap, one of his huge hands rests on your back and the other comes under the back of your leg, suddenly pulling you off your feet so your legs are slung over his shoulders, your pussy so close to his face you can feel the heat of his breath. You let out a yelp and try to figure out where to put your arms so you're comfortable. Balancing your forearms on his thighs as his hands close on top of your knees, you look up at him, catching him wink at you with his good eye. You've watched people eat you out before, but never from this vantage point.
“Just relax, mésh'la. It's all right,” he reassures you.
You let out a surprised, quiet moan as he lightly kisses your clit and then your outer lips. His warm tongue delicately trails its way through your folds, gathering up all your juices as it makes its way up to your now swollen clit. When he closes his lips over it, you groan and let your head fall back, shutting your eyes as he alternates between suckling lightly and flicking the tip of his tongue along the underside of it, and over your piercing. When your legs start twitching involuntarily with each stroke of his tongue, Wrecker lets out a deep, rumbling moan of his own against you, the vibrations tickling every nerve ending.
His cock twitches against your back and you moan his name softly, thinking about what it's going to be like to have him inside you. Wrecker turns his attention from massaging your clit to slipping his tongue through your outer lips all the way to your entrance. His strong tongue probes deeply as he tastes another flow of your juices, and his grip on your knees tightens.
He starts to gently rock his hips up into your back, silently telling you that he's just about ready for the next step. As he pulls his mouth away, one hand comes back under your back to support you as the other brings one of your legs down. Once you're back in an upright position, you climb off his lap, your legs visibly trembling.
“I hope that was all right, Y/N,” Wrecker says. “Been a long time since I've done that with anyone.”
“All right? I think that was more than just a little all right,” you reply breathlessly, feeling like your legs are going to give out.
He laughs and takes your hand, placing it right over his thick, meaty cock, straining to be let out of his blacks. “That's all for you, mésh'la. Why don't you show everyone how beautiful you look when I've got my cock stuffed inside you?” His hands slip under the waist of his pants, easing them down to his ankles. His cock lies long and straight against his stomach, and as your eyes fall upon it, he flexes it for you, a little bit of pre-cum clinging to the tip. “Come sit and keep it warm, Y/N,” Wrecker coaxes.
You turn around and see the wanton expressions on the others' faces as they patiently wait their turns. Wrecker takes his cock in his hand and starts stroking it gently as he waits for you. As you back up and straddle his lap once more, you let out a loud gasp as you feel the head of his cock slip through your outer lips, positioning right at your entrance. Resting your hands on his thighs for balance, you start to carefully ease yourself down on him, exhaling slowly as you feel him start to stretch you out.
Wrecker wraps an arm loosely around you, resting a hand on one of your breasts, gently thumbing your nipple. “Take all the time you need, Y/N. I know this is an awful lot,” he murmurs.
“Y-yeah, it is,” you reply shakily. “You feel incredible, already...”
You lower yourself down onto him, inch by inch, moaning continually as his girth stretches you to what feels like your absolute maximum. Wrecker buries his face in your hair, groaning loudly the farther you sink. As he bottoms out in you, his strong hands slide under your legs and lift you up just a little so that instead of your hands on his thighs, now your feet rest there. He takes you by the ankles and you take a hold of his forearms as he starts to slowly rock up into you.
“How's it feel, Wrecker?” Hunter asks as he strokes his cock idly through his blacks. “Usually women are scared to death of that thing,” he chuckles.
“So tight...hot...wet,” Wrecker groans through his clenched teeth. “Ride me, mésh'la, please...”
You oblige, and start bouncing on his cock, deep lusty moans springing from you with each successive stroke. He starts bucking up into you a little harder, passing over your sweet spot repeatedly, sending white hot bolts of pleasure through your pussy. One hand leaves your ankle and works its way between your legs, where the flat of his thumb falls upon your rosy pink pearl, swirling in tight little circles. Wrecker is notably dexterous, switching with ease from rubbing your clit to flicking his thumb over it, loving how you're responding to his touch.
Riding him faster, you feel yourself getting closer to your peak, unable to combat the fiery combination of Wrecker's cock ravaging your pussy and the determined stroking of his thumb. Your clit buzzes pleasantly, tiny little contractions starting to multiply, and a deep growl rolls out of Wrecker as he now lays into you, feeling his own orgasm on its ascent. His cock begins to tighten even more with each upward stroke, and the electricity in your clit becomes more concentrated.
“Don't stop, Wreck...I'm so fucking close,” you gasp.
“So 'm I, mésh'la...come for me,” he moans.
A few more well-timed strokes of his thumb against your engorged clit is all it takes before he hears your breath hitch in your throat, his name falling from your lips in tiny gasps. The lightning in your clit spreads quickly through your core, sharp cries of unrestrained bliss spilling from your throat as your walls constrict around him. Wrecker's thrusting becomes erratic as his cock swells to maximum within you. He lets go of your other ankle and you lift yourself off, sinking to the floor on your knees with your back to him, chest heaving wildly.
Closing his hand around his cock soaked with your juices, he strokes himself hard. It's only a few moments before he lets out a choked gasp followed by a deep moan as he comes, painting your back with thick, ropy strands of his seed. He sinks back in his seat, covering his face with a hand, panting heavily. Utterly spent and basking in the afterglow of his long overdue orgasm, Wrecker slowly gets his pants back on. He looks down at you, sitting back on your feet, admiring his handiwork as his spend trickles its way down your back.
“Go clean her up, dí'kut,” Crosshair hisses. “She doesn't deserve to be left a mess.”
Wrecker gets up and heads to the kitchen, returning a short while later with a warm, damp towel. He attentively wipes down your entire back, then takes his hand and ruffles your hair affectionately. “Sorry about that, Y/N...I didn't ask if I could do that,” he says apologetically. “Are you okay?”
You get to your feet and reach for his chin, standing on tiptoe as he bows his head. Your lips meet his for a soft, loving kiss. “I'm fine, big guy. Might be walking funny for the next day or so, but...” The entire room erupts into laughter as Wrecker returns to his seat, blushing slightly. You wait for everyone to calm down before picking up the wine bottle. “All right! Who's next?” you say playfully, giving the bottle a spin. This time the bottle comes to a stop in front of Tech and Echo, pointing at neither. “Hm, well, this is a conundrum, indeed,” you muse.
“If I may, Y/N,” Tech interrupts, “there is a perfectly reasonable solution to what you perceive as a problem. Let us both gratify you, thus eliminating your need to choose. Echo, why don't you show Y/N the modifications to your scomp-link that we made? Perhaps we can also show her that new attachment I created. I am most eager to see it in action.”
“I'm not surprised you two have been up to clandestine operations,” you say, rolling your eyes. “But you've piqued my curiosity, and...I very much want to have both of you.”
“Excellent. I will return shortly, Y/N. Echo, help her get more comfortable on the floor; we will need the extra space,” Tech says as he rises from the couch, purposely readjusting himself so you can get a better sense of what he's got hidden under his blacks. “This will be worth your while, cyar'íka...I promise.”
As Tech heads upstairs to gather all the necessary equipment, Echo takes all the pillows off the couch and lays them on the floor. You walk over and sit next to him, his good arm wrapping around you. Slipping your hand down between his legs, you run your fingers gently over his fully primed cock, loving the little moan that escapes from him. His lips seek out yours as he lightly pushes himself into your hand, moaning once more when your tongue collides with his for an impassioned kiss.
“Oh, mésh'la, if you only knew how long I've dreamed of doing something like this with you...” he whispers hotly against your neck, planting a few open mouthed kisses there.
You let out a soft sigh at the touch of his lips, his kisses working their way down your neck to your collarbone. He lowers you just a little so he has easy access to a breast, his tongue gently licking a nipple, sending shivers down your spine. Echo grins as he closes his mouth around it, sucking lightly, relishing the sounds of your moans. You squeeze his cock firmly in return, his eyes tightly shut as he groans deeply.
“You want me to suck your cock, Echo? I can't wait to see what you have for me,” you purr, feeling the material of his blacks dampen under your fingertips.
“I do not think he wants to wait any longer to show you what he has in store for you,” Tech calls from the entrance to the living room. He's carrying a case and a small drawstring pouch with him. “Y/N, if you please, spread your legs for Echo so he can begin.” He pauses, and you see his brow furrow for a moment. “I...know we already have your consent, but I feel it prudent to ask you regardless...” He stops again and you see one of his hands tremble slightly.
Crosshair snickers as you get up and walk over to Tech. “What, now you lose your nerve, Professor Highbrow? She already said you can take her, so what the hell's your problem? Got limp dick syndrome, or something? You should forfeit your turn and let me –”
You whirl around, fury written all over your face as you approach Crosshair, who looks supremely amused with himself. As you stop in front of him, you grab the collar of his blacks and yank him up until he's a hair's breadth away from you, eyes locked on his. His eyes widen in genuine shock; he's never seen you this angry before. Hunter is about to spring into action to pull the two of you apart, but Wrecker puts a hand on his shoulder, curious to see how this is going to play out.
“Crosshair, shut your fucking mouth! I am so sick of you constantly ripping on Tech, trying to tear him down. Is it really necessary to try and destroy your brother's self-esteem?! You dare...in MY house?!,” you seethe. “Just for that, when it's your turn...I've already decided what you're going to do with me...and you'd better fucking follow through!”
You shove Crosshair back into his seat hard, letting go of his shirt. You look at the others, and they're all staring at you in disbelief, especially Tech, who remains rooted to the spot. Walking back over to him, you reach your hand up to gently cup his face, his eyes seeming larger than ever. “Now, what were you going to ask me?” you ask softly.
“Cyar'íka...” he starts, trying to regain composure and find his voice. “I would very much like it if you would orally pleasure me while Echo takes care of you. Would you also let me take you from behind?”
“For you, Tech, anything. You know...you didn't need to ask me for permission, but I'm happy you did. I just want to enjoy both you and Echo in every way possible.”
You retake your seat on the floor next to Echo, with Tech coming to sit beside you, putting the case and the pouch off to the side. “Spread yourself for me, Y/N, and relax. I think that beautiful pearl of yours needs some more loving,” Echo says as he positions himself between your legs. “This might feel a little strange at first. I'll start with this, then switch over to the new attachment.”
Tech leans down and rests a hand on the back of your neck as his lips graze across your cheek and down to your mouth where your lips meet his for a delicate kiss. Echo lightly rests his scomp-link on the hood of your clit, then activates it. You gasp as you feel gentle vibrations emitting from it, and Echo smiles, glancing up at Tech. “I'm glad you suggested we rewire this thing...I think she likes it!”
Echo swirls the scomp-link around your clit attentively, listening to you moan deeply as he touches every part of it. He can see you beginning to swell and grow harder for him with each pass, the sides of your clit especially sensitive. You lift your hips up into him, craving more stimulation and he obliges, upping the level of vibration. With his good hand, he pulls his blacks down enough to free his cock – thick, hard as durasteel, and craving your attention.
“Please, Y/N,” Echo softly moans. “Touch me...let me come for you,” he pleads.
He shifts a little so you can slip your hand down between his legs, taking his cock to slowly stroke it in an underhanded position. Echo sighs in pleasurable relief as your hand glides over the hot, turgid flesh, taking time to swirl your thumb over the head as more pre-cum steadily seeps from him. Tech, not wanting to be left out, takes your unoccupied hand and you look up at him, his eyes glazed over with arousal. He guides you down between his legs, and as your hand covers the conspicuous bulge, you squeeze gently, making him shut his eyes and let out a shaky breath.
“Are you ready for me, cyar'íka?” Tech asks as he takes your hand, kissing your palm as he frees himself from his blacks, revealing the sublime and statuesque curvature of his lengthy cock. “I will let you set the pace,” he reassures you as he lets your hand go, shifting close to your mouth.
Closing your hand around his cock, the tip of your tongue gently trails its way underneath the head, earning you a stifled moan. Slowly, your tongue swirls around its entirety, getting a taste of pre-cum as you slip him into your mouth, letting your tongue glide along his shaft. You expertly corkscrew your hand around him as you find your rhythm, sucking and stroking him with vigor. “If you only knew how many times I imagined doing this with you...” Tech murmurs as he lets his hand rest gently on the back of your head.
The grasp on Echo's cock tightens as you stroke him a little faster, feeling the pulsing in your clit intensify with each pass of the scomp-link. The constant low moaning coming from Echo sends a fresh wave of arousal coursing through you, and you feel your juices seeping out, dampening the pillow you're sitting on. You moan heavily around Tech's cock, the vibrations rewarding you with a hard flex and the sound of him choking back a deep-seated moan of his own. He rests a hand on your cheek, then pulls his cock out of your mouth, leaving you feeling strangely empty.
“You're too good at this, cyar'íka...I am already getting closer than I would like,” he pants as he sits back down, blinking heavily as he tries to recompose himself.
Echo's hand covers yours as he pulls himself back from your grasp, breathing hard. “I'm close, too, mésh'la...still want to...show you the best part...”
He takes the scomp-link away from your throbbing clit, taking the case lying next to Tech and opens it, revealing an instrument with two distinct curved parts to it – the larger part is considerably longer and thick, the smaller one much shorter and thin. Echo nimbly unscrews the scomp-link and replaces it with this new creation, holding his arm up so the others can see.
“The larger part goes inside you, and the smaller part stays outside and rests on your clit,” he explains once he catches his breath. “Both parts vibrate, and they also have a small range of movement to them, so they can simultaneously work your sweet spot and clit at the same time.”
Tech picks up the small drawstring pouch and opens it, taking out a bottle. “You may want to use this,” he advises, handing it to Echo. “It will make Y/N's entire experience that much more pleasurable.”
Echo applies a few drops of the lube to the attachment, spreading it evenly. He drips a little bit more onto your clit, letting it run down between your outer lips before he takes a finger and traces it around your entrance. As his fingertip makes its way just inside, a content moan rises from you, and Echo smiles. Satisfied you're ready to accept this new toy, he withdraws his finger and smears the residual wetness on his cock. He carefully nudges the head of the large end up against your entrance and eases it fully inside you. As promised, the head of the smaller end is flush with the underside of your clit – a perfect fit.
“I really want to see you come before Tech fucks you, mésh'la, but if it gets to be too much, tell me and I'll stop immediately.”
“Oh, fuck!” you gasp loudly as Echo activates the toy. “This isn't going to take me long!”
Echo keeps the level of vibration on its lowest to get you used to the feeling, the tip of each segment moving in tiny circles, alternating with a gentle upward massaging movement, perfectly mimicking someone's fingers and tongue. Involuntarily, your walls clench around the toy as it teases your sweet spot. You let out a lusty moan as the outer piece flicks gently under your clit, sending waves of fresh heat through your core.
Your eyes close as Tech's brilliant new toy works its magic, biting your lower lip as your hands come to your breasts, cupping them as you gently pull on your piercings. Echo increases the speed just a little more, a sharp cry coming from you as the pressure increases in your cleft and the buzzing in your clit becomes stronger, drawing you close to your peak. Tech smiles proudly, knowing his little invention works perfectly and is driving you wild.
Echo's hand strays between his legs once more to close around his cock, his arousal at a hair-trigger. He finds his rhythm quickly, his eyes locked on yours as he strokes himself hard, bucking his hips as he goes. Your head drops back against the couch cushion, arching your back and suppressing a small scream as Echo increases the intensity a third time. Tech takes one of your hands in his and squeezes it as your other hand remains on a breast, rolling and pinching your nipple.
Your clit becomes the epicenter of searing heat and electricity as the manipulation of your sweet spot triggers your inner walls to contract around the toy. Your legs begin to tremble, toes curling as you're nearing your climax with everyone watching you in fascination, waiting to see you come. Breath catching in your throat, you manage to utter, “So fucking close, Echo...you're going to make me come...”
“That's it, mésh'la, let it all go,” Echo groans as his cock pulses in his hand. “Come for me, Y/N...”
As your orgasm breaks, his name cascades from your lips in a heaving sob, a riptide of pleasure crashing violently through your body. The walls of your pussy constrict forcefully around the toy as you bear down. Rolling your hips madly, you cover your face with your hands as you keep riding the waves of your high. “No more, Echo, pull out...pull out...pull out!” you wail.
Echo shuts the toy off and removes it, a lewd wet sound following in its wake as a spring of your juices ejects all over his hand and cock. “By the Maker, Y/N,” he says, looking down in disbelief. Using the newfound wetness to his advantage, he strokes himself hard, moaning your name. You watch his balls tighten as he starts to come, spilling a considerable amount of his seed all over your stomach and pubic mound. Chest heaving with exertion, he sits back and gets himself tucked back into his blacks.
“It appears the toy did exactly what I designed it to do,” Tech says with a satisfied grin on his face. “You performed flawlessly, Y/N...how do you feel?”
“I'm...not sure I have the words, Tech. It's been a long time since I've come like that,” you admit sheepishly.
Wrecker passes the damp towel to Echo, who lovingly wipes you clean. His parting gift to you is a gentle kiss between your legs just above your clit, then he leans in to plant another kiss at the corner of your mouth as he lightly strokes your hair. “Thank you for everything, mésh'la...that was extraordinary,” he says, his voice laden with adoration. “I can't wait to watch you with Tech...you're in for a real treat,” he chuckles as he returns to your other side. “She's all yours, ner vod...”
Tech smiles and takes your chin in his hand, turning your head and leaning in to kiss you tenderly. You bring your hands up behind his neck, enticing him to leave a trail of kisses along your jaw, down your throat, all the way to your breasts. One of his hands reaches for a breast, closing over it as he traces his finger over your firm nipple, taking hold of your piercing. You let out a breathy moan as his eager tongue snakes out and flicks quickly over the other, holding the ring in his teeth. As Tech begins to gently pull on your piercings, your arousal renews with strong pulsing in your clit and an insistent fluttering deep in your pussy.
“You are hungry for all our attention tonight, aren't you, cyar'íka?” Tech says as he lets go of you, his silken voice low and sultry. “Get on all fours for me, and I'll share something else with you that is in desperate need of attention.”
As your rise to your knees, Tech pulls away the pillow soaked with your juices and replaces it with a larger one, wanting to maximize your comfort. You get into position for him and he reaches out, tracing his fingers down your spine, making you shiver and lift yourself up toward him as his hand reaches your ass. Taking both cheeks in his strong hands, he kneads them firmly, letting his fingers roam down a little until his thumbs are on either side of your outer lips. He gently parts your folds, looking down upon your entrance, moist with fresh wetness.
“Both Wrecker and Echo did an excellent job preparing you for me,” Tech states casually as he draws his index finger between your glistening lips. “Now we've learned that even something simple as playing with your nipples leaves you a soaking...” He slides his finger into you slowly, grinning as you let out a tiny moan. “...wet mess.”
Tech finds your sweet spot easily, teasing it in short strokes with his fingertip. Your eyes close and you let out a quiet sigh, a hand straying down between your legs to gently touch your clit, still partially swollen and sensitive from the last orgasm . Tech feels your pussy gently contract around his finger and he lets out a small groan as his cock stirs heavily. He pulls his finger out of you and slips it into his mouth, sucking it clean and marveling at the delicate balance of sweetness, salt, and acidity.
“Are you ready for me, Y/N? Will you come as violently for me as you did for Echo?”
You push your ass back toward him and he meets you halfway, letting you rub yourself along the front of his blacks, dampening them with your juices. Tech slides his pants past his knees, guiding his cock through your folds and over your clit, holding back a moan as your hand passes along the underside, your fingertips deftly caressing the tip, feeling a small amount of pre-cum emerge. He withdraws and then aligns himself with your entrance, taking your hips in his hands as he slowly pushes his way in. He's nearly as thick as Wrecker, and as he sinks himself deep into your succulent heat, Tech lets out the moan he's been trying to suppress.
“Fuck me, Tech,” you mewl, swirling your hips around him once he's fully seated within you. “You feel so fucking good...”
Tech feels pleasant heat rush to his face from your praise and he smiles, proud of himself for being able to please you like this. Now he starts to slowly rock his hips fore and aft, watching his cock effortlessly slip in and out of you, listening to your fervid cries growing steadily louder. You reach down to start rubbing your clit in time with his thrusts, fingertips dancing lightly over it, making your legs twitch uncontrollably again. A shuddering groan comes from Tech as he feels your walls quiver around him, feeling like tiny kisses all along his cock.
You softly moan as Tech leans over you, propping himself up on one hand as the other comes up from underneath to cup one of your breasts. His long fingers easily manipulate your nipple and piercing, gently rolling and pulling the hardened flesh and its adornment. You feel another strong pulse in your clit and Tech groans quietly in your ear as the contraction that follows makes your walls squeeze against him tightly.
“Cyar'íka, move with me,” he whispers as he begins to sit up, pulling you with him. “Let me show you what you and I have done together in my dreams.”
As the two of you rise, Tech carefully shifts himself back onto his feet, not wanting to slip out of you. One of his arms is slung loosely around your hips with the other around your torso, his hand resting between your breasts. Resting on your knees, you straddle his lap with your hands on his thighs as he pulls you flush against him, the hand on your chest sliding up to gently close around your throat. His mouth comes to your ear and plants a tiny kiss, followed by more along your jaw. A deep moan emanates from your parted lips as Tech's other hand comes down between your legs, his graceful fingers brushing over your hot, swollen clit.
“I always wondered what it would feel like to fuck you while you sit in my lap,” Tech mumbles into your hair as he starts to buck his hips up into you once more. “Granted, I wanted to do this with you while in the cockpit of the Marauder...but this will suffice.”
You start to ride him, timing your descent perfectly with each hard upward thrust. Tech lets go of your throat and lets his hand gravitate down to your chest, cupping a breast as he begins to play with your nipple and piercing again. His fingers skillfully swirl over your clit at the same time, stoking the fires of arousal once more. Tech lets out a muffled moan against your neck as his cock is greeted with renewed wetness.
Your hands dig into his thighs as you bounce on his cock a little faster, the fingers working your clit keeping time. Luscious, tingling heat pools in that tiny singularity, begging for release. Tech turns his attention to your neck, hungrily nibbling and kissing the soft flesh, sending shivers down your spine. You gyrate your hips when he's nestled fully in you and he moans unabashedly as his cock begins to swell.
“That's the way, cyar'íka...such a good girl, letting us fuck you,” Tech says, his voice pouring into your ear like liquid silk.
He lets go of your breast and trails his fingertips up your chest before wrapping his hand lightly around your throat once more, holding your head steady as his hips snap up into you briskly. As you match his pace, you feel him getting tighter as he stretches your insides to their limit. He rubs your clit in tight circles, your moaning constant as he starts to shorten his thrusts, the head of his cock perfectly massaging your sweet spot. Tech squeezes the sides of your neck slowly and you shut your eyes as your breath hitches in your throat, every nerve ending in your clit ready for the ultimate liberation.
“So close, Tech...make me come,” you gasp.
“I thought you'd never ask,” Tech replies flippantly.
He buries himself all the way in you and holds still, his fingers flicking over your clit as you near your peak. His thighs tremble against you as he feels your pussy clutching his cock like a vise, requiring every ounce of his restraint to not release before you do. Tech takes your clit between his thumb and forefinger, rolling the flesh of your hood over it as he strokes firmly, drawing out a few last gasps from you.
As he loosens his grip on your throat, an intense cry bursts from you as the floodgates open and he tips you over the edge, your nails digging into his thighs as the nectar of euphoria flows through you. Writhing your hips madly, Tech wraps his arm around your waist to hold you steady, unable to hold himself back any longer. He swiftly withdraws, then cants his hips up into you, relishing at the obscene wet sounds his cock is making as he drives himself in deeply. Mouth at your ear, Tech's low moaning sends shivers down your spine, knowing he's just about to come.
“May I...” he grunts, and you feel his cock swell and stiffen.
You bring a hand up around the back of his neck and turn your head towards his, pulling him down for an ardent kiss. “Do it,” you command. “Be my good boy and fill my pussy...”
Tech hides his face in your hair as he thrusts hard for a final time, letting his breath out forcefully as his orgasm overtakes him, moaning your name repeatedly. His cock flexes heavily in your cleft, and you whimper as you feel the sudden heat of his seed coating your walls. At long last, Tech releases you. Falling forward onto your hands, he backs out of you, juices steadily dripping between your legs onto the pillow underneath.
“Y/N, are you all right?” Echo asks, reaching out to take you by the shoulder and help you upright.
“Better than fine,” you reply breathlessly as you shift around to face the others. “Here's a little something extra for you, boys. Consider it an encore...”
You part your legs enough so they can clearly see between them, your outer lips swollen and spread wide. Biting your lip as you bear down, everyone watches transfixed as Tech's thick, creamy load slips out of you. You look over at Tech, now sitting back on the couch as he recovers from his high. Unsteadily, you get to your feet and go to him, taking his chin in your hand as you look into his beautiful golden brown eyes. He reaches up to touch your cheek with his finger, a relieved smile on his face.
“That was...extraordinary, cyar'íka. Thank you for letting me –”
You cut him off with a gentle kiss. “No need to thank me, Tech. If anything, I should be thanking you.” You pause for a moment, a grin creeping across your face. “However, I think you and I need to have a chat about an escapade in the Marauder's cockpit sometime...”
Wrecker snorts and bursts out laughing, causing Tech to immediately start blushing. Everyone else joins in as you sigh and shake your head, reaching for the towel to wipe yourself down. You look around for the wine bottle, stopping as your eyes meet Hunter's. He's sitting calmly in his seat, watching your eyes as they travel down toward his groin. As if he's read your mind, he spreads his legs apart for you a little, resting his hand on the mouthwatering bulge under his blacks.
“There's no need, ad'íka. It's my turn,” he says, pulling the waist of his blacks down just a little so the head of his cock is visible. “I'm serious about wanting to have those exquisite tits of yours squeezed around my cock. But first, be a love and let me have your mouth for awhile. Seems to me your pussy needs a break,” he chuckles.
Hunter swings his legs up onto the generous couch on which he's sitting, stretching out as he lies down, sliding a thumb under the waistband of his blacks. Looking over at you, he smiles and starts stroking himself through the material, closing his eyes as he starts thinking about sliding his cock into your mouth, watching your tongue swirl around the tip. You make your way over to him, wedging yourself between his muscular thighs. Curling your hands into his pants, you start sliding them down his hips, your lips curled into a seductive grin.
“Show me what you've got for me, Hunter,” you say as you get his blacks down to his thighs, holding back a moan as his lengthy cock is unveiled, thick with a gentle upward curve. Once you get his blacks off, you lay your palms on his thighs, running them up toward his groin as you lean forward to gently kiss his tip. “Just as beautiful as your brothers,” you murmur.
Starting at the base, your tongue draws its way up his shaft, tenderly swirling along the underside of the head. Hunter moans softly and rests a hand on the back of your head as he spreads his legs wider for you, resting one foot on the floor. Taking his cock in one hand, you bring him to your lips, kissing the tip once more before you guide him into your mouth, sucking lightly on the head. You ease him farther into your mouth as your free hand cups his balls, palming the firm, swollen orbs carefully.
You pull him out of your mouth with a slight pop, licking your lips. “Mm, look how full you are, honey. I bet you want to blow a huge load all over my tits, don't you?” Now you squeeze his balls just a little, a deep groan rolling out of him. “Gotta say, Hunter, I figured you would have wanted my pussy, but your creativity is fucking hot...”
Sliding him back into your mouth, your tongue flattens out along the underside, letting you inch him in slowly. Your eyes meet his, pupils fully dilated and shining brightly with fascination and arousal as he watches his cock disappear around your lips. Taking in as much of him as you can, one hand closes around him again to start stroking, twisting its way along as you hollow out your cheeks, sucking on him hard.
Hunter groans and lifts his hips up into you as you pull away, a long strand of saliva connecting your tongue to the tip. You close your index finger and thumb firmly around his cock, swirling up and over him, taking time to massage the head as your tongue lavishes attention upon his length, flicking over the small slit as a bead of pre-cum oozes its way out. Back into the hot confines of your mouth he goes, this time picking up the pace to stroke him a little faster while you give most of your attention to the heated, swollen flesh.
“Fuck,” he moans softly. “I thought you'd never do this for me, Y/N...”
One of his hands comes to rest on the back of your head once more, and now he begins to gently buck his hips as you let him fuck your mouth, pushing in deeper as you close your hand fully around him. Your other hand returns to give his balls attention, rolling and squeezing them while your index finger strokes the fine, soft flesh of his perineum, evoking a gasp and a choked breath from Hunter.
You can feel his leg starting to tremble against you a little as you draw him closer to his climax, and you chuckle with him in your mouth. The vibrations travel along his shaft, causing him to flex in your hand, and when the head tightens and swells, you exhale sharply through your nose, pulling him out. You're slavering all over his cock, curling the tip of your tongue as you withdraw, showing Hunter just exactly how much you love giving sloppy blowjobs.
You shift yourself back a little, placing a hand on Hunter's thigh as your head dips down, your tongue lovingly passing over his balls. Your other hand comes to rest on his other thigh, and reflexively, Hunter encircles his fingers around yours, while his other hand reaches to take a hold of your hair. Slowly your lips close around one of his balls, sucking a little to pull it into your mouth. Hunter closes his eyes and grits his teeth as he tries to restrain a deep-seated moan of pleasure.
He's so full that you almost can't fit it in your mouth, but as you engulf him completely, you suck on him tenderly, filled with anticipation over how much he's going to come for you. Hunter lets go of your hand and takes his cock, still wet with your saliva. He starts stroking himself, watching you intently as you let him go with a wet smack of your lips. As you take his other testicle in, he comes undone, moaning deeply as you sensually tease him. You can feel him beginning to tighten up in your mouth, and you release him, sitting back on your feet, flashing a sassy grin as you wipe your lips with a finger.
Hunter pulls himself up and you hear a low growl building as he suddenly reaches for your shoulder, pushing you down onto your back. Quickly, he climbs on top of you, his cock pulsating as he gets himself into position. Your heart races with excitement over his powerful show of dominance, but also with curiosity over how it will feel to have him gliding between your breasts. Hunter takes a breast in each hand, massaging them softly as he takes in this new vantage point.
“Do you have any idea how fucking hot you are, Y/N? You're like something out of a wet dream,” he confesses as his thumbs trace over your nipples, mesmerized by the gleaming steel of your piercings. He looks up and over at Tech, holding out his hand. “Gonna need that lube, vod. Throw it over here.”
Tech pitches the small bottle of lube across to Hunter, who catches it easily. He flicks open the cap and drizzles the lube generously onto your sternum. You let him rub the lube between and all over your breasts, groaning happily as he massages your heated flesh. As he finishes, he takes his cock by the base, rapping it firmly on your chest, a wicked grin on his face. You start pushing your breasts together until they're just touching him, a little unsure of how close you should be.
“Always wondered what this would feel like,” he murmurs as he starts to rock his hips slowly, pushing his cock between the cleft, letting out a soft sigh as he easily glides through.
Hunter looks down at you, seeing the enthrallment on your face as he pushes his cock closer to your mouth. Briefly, he pulls himself out and holds himself within reach of your mouth, easing just the tip in a little as you suck on him gently. Back between your breasts he goes, and you push them much closer together this time to create more friction. He teases you, the head of his cock coming close to your chin and mouth, and you let your tongue hang out a little, trying to lick him.
“Tech's right, ad'íka...you're starving tonight...you want me to feed you?” he questions, voice smoky with passion.
“Give me everything you've got, Hunter,” you reply.
Hunter smiles and licks his lips as he continues driving his cock between your breasts, this time adjusting himself so he can push his way into your mouth easily. You take him in and he watches as your gaze meets his, an incredibly arousing sight to see you suck his cock so easily. His heart goes into overdrive as he feels you press yourself tightly around him, and he wonders if your pussy feels anywhere near as good as this.
Faster he begins to thrust, and low moaning progressively becomes heavy as Hunter feels himself rapidly approaching his edge. Your eyes are locked on his and again, you open your mouth to show him your eager tongue. Seeing you so willing and trusting turns him on even more, and he holds his breath when his balls begin to tighten, knowing his orgasm is imminent. You can see his thighs beginning to shake slightly as he comes close and you push your breasts against him as far as they'll go.
“M-mésh'la, hold still, I'm gonna come,” he gasps, surging forward a few more times before you feel his cock flex, watching as he starts to unload.
Hunter moans loudly as thick streams of his hot seed launch all over your chest, neck, and chin before he pulls his cock from between your breasts and strokes it a few more times, sending the rest into your mouth. You swallow every last bit, your tongue slightly tingling as you taste the salty, slightly bitter profile of his spend, momentarily grateful he chose not to come solely in your mouth. He carefully climbs off you and reaches for his pants, tugging them back on before he leans down and kisses you affectionately.
“Thank you, Y/N,” he says quietly, moving your hair out of your face, kissing your forehead. “That was incredible...I would love to do that with you again sometime.”
You take his face between your hands, bringing your lips to his for a few velvety kisses. “Any time, Hunter...never done anything like that before, but it's getting added to the “must do” list,” you laugh.
Hunter gives you one last kiss before excusing himself to the kitchen to get another clean towel. You're sitting propped up on your elbows when he returns, and you close your eyes, letting your head loll back as he cleans you up. The warm dampness of the towel and Hunter's tender ministrations leave you feeling relaxed and perfectly sated. You inhale deeply, collecting your thoughts before you finally finish this game and set Crosshair in his place.
Without opening your eyes, your voice takes on a startling edge. “Crosshair, be my good boy...come over here and kneel before me. Now.”
The chatter among the others stops and Hunter retakes his seat on the couch, his attention fixed on Crosshair, who's looking across the room at you. As you bring your head back up, your eyes slowly open and you turn to look at him, his normally bitter expression erased and replaced by one of uncertainty, his cheeks red with uncharacteristic embarrassment. He's rattled by the glacial look you're giving him, and he swallows hard, looking at his brothers one by one, especially Tech.
“I strongly suggest you comply, Crosshair. It would be unwise to arouse cyar'íka's anger once more,” Tech says with a vein of mirth in his voice, a sly grin on his face.
As you sit up, you move to the edge of the couch, spreading your legs so Crosshair can get a good look at what he's been coveting all night long. The roseate bloom of your pussy lay before him, his longing for you coming to its summit as he sees your glistening folds, his cock throbbing insistently. Resting a hand daintily upon your knee, you reach out and beckon to him, smiling sweetly. But Crosshair is no fool; he sees through your façade, knowing you're up to something.
He gets up out of his chair haltingly and does as he's told, stopping before you and sinking to the floor on his knees. You can see his breathing becoming shallower, his dark eyes shining brightly with deep yearning. You bring a hand under his chin and lift his head up as you lean in, your other hand running through his silver hair. Your lips brush softly over his, and he doesn't bother trying to hold back a small moan. Now your mouth seeks his, tongues sparring as you converge for a fiery kiss.
“That's my boy...” you whisper heatedly. “You're going to learn a little humility and accept the consequences of your earlier transgression...starting by licking my pussy until every trace of Tech is gone.”
A brief look of disgust flashes across his face at your choice of words, but the desire to please you and be praised for it is overwhelming. As you look down at him, your expression softens as his hands make their way up your legs slowly. Crosshair never takes his eyes off yours, his long fingers caressing your silky skin as they rise over your knees and over your inner thighs. The corner of his mouth turns upward into a tiny crooked grin, knowing you're enjoying this.
Crosshair gives pause as he reaches your pubic mound, suddenly not wanting to proceed lest you think of something else to deflate his ego. His eyes search yours pleadingly, looking for the sign that he should continue. He wants nothing more than to touch you, let his tongue work its magic on the tantalizing swell of your pearl, and draw you to another orgasm. Hesitantly, his fingertips stroke the soft flesh of your outer lips, and when you don't stop him, his thumb rests on your piercing before he retracts the hood of your clit.
You let out a pleasurable sigh as you watch him close his eyes and lean in, his mouth closing over your clit. He wastes no time in showing you how skilled he is, sucking firmly while his tongue teases and massages the hypersensitive underside. His index finger makes its way to your slick entrance and slides in with no resistance. It's quickly followed by the middle, and you let out a gasp as he carefully threads in his ring finger, your pussy feeling like it's about to split in two.
Crosshair opens his eyes and looks up at you for signs of discomfort, but sees none. He starts moving his fingers in and out, the wet sounds coming from you are almost profane. He knows exactly where to touch you, curling his fingertips upward to manipulate your sweet spot as he pulls his mouth away, letting his tongue flick expertly across your clit. The divine heat and pulsation start you anew on the path to your climax, and he feels your walls starting to close around him.
“I think someone's hungrier than I am tonight, boys!” you exclaim, exhaling sharply as your needling leads Crosshair to pull out his fingers, coated with both your juices and the remnants of Tech's. “You're desperate, Crosshair. Lick them clean,” you order.
Jeering laughter erupts from Wrecker, clearly enjoying watching his brother being put in his place. “She's got you there, eh, Cross?! About time someone taught you a lesson!”
Crosshair's eyes narrow as heat spreads like wildfire through his face, blushing furiously. He sticks his index finger in his mouth, sucking it clean, the commingling of salt and bitter acidity not as vile as he expected. He licks his middle and ring fingers, watching your face for the sign of approval he aches for. You smile and point down at your pussy, slick with fresh arousal. Choking on a groan, his hands fly to your thighs and grip hard as he buries his head between your legs once more.
He licks a wide path with the flat of his tongue through your slit, gathering up everything he can. You rest your hand on the back of his head, encouraging him to do it again. Moaning softly against your folds, he makes another pass before his lips close around your clit and piercing once more. This time he suckles gently, feeling his cock twitch hard underneath his blacks as you utter his name. He brings a hand down between his legs and feels how damp the material is, badly wanting to sink his cock into you in any way possible.
Crosshair gives your clit a loving kiss and looks to you once more. “Was...that all right?” he asks. You don't answer right away, instead moving in to taste yourself on him, licking at the corner of his mouth before lightly kissing his forehead. “C-cyaré, please...are you satisfied?” he implores.
His words from earlier in the night come back to haunt him as you chuckle softly. “Not just yet...but give it some time. On your feet, Crosshair...show me that cock of yours and let me make fantasy a reality.”
He rests his hands on your knees as he slowly rises, his lithe, muscular body seeming taller than ever as he looks down at you. Your eyes lock on his as your hands slide their way up his thighs, and you feel him tremble slightly in anticipation. You palm his cock through the fabric, feeling how hot and impatient he is as you lean forward, strategically planting ethereal kisses as your hands take the waistband of his blacks and ease them down. The graceful curve of his impressively thick length is unveiled, the head glossy with pre-cum.
Crosshair licks his lips as he watches you take him by the base, your tongue emerging to lightly trace its way over his frenulum before it swirls over the tip, drawing in his wetness. His breath catches in his throat as you take him in your mouth, his level of touch starvation evident as you feel him beginning to swell a little from the most basic attention you're giving him. You suck on him gently for a few moments before withdrawing, and he brings a hand to your face, cupping it tenderly. Closing your eyes, your hand comes up over his, letting out a sigh of contentment.
“Cyaré, tell me how to please you,” he begs, inwardly cursing himself for feeling so needy and vulnerable.
You let go of his hand and slip it between his legs, taking him by the balls and squeezing firmly. Crosshair groans and bites his lip, moving his hand to the back of your head as your other hand grasps his cock. “Begging is beneath you, Crosshair,” you coolly reply. “Here's the deal. You're going to blow your load on my face, and then you're going to lick it up.”
Hunter raises an eyebrow in surprise as he looks over at you, and you hear Echo mutter, “oh, Maker,” as Tech covers his face with his hand, desperately trying not to laugh. You look over at Wrecker and he's sitting there silent, mouth agape and eyes wide. Crosshair feels the heat of embarrassment crawling its way up his neck and into his ears and face. He didn't expect this from you, and now he finally regrets his egregious behavior.
“Just one more thing, love...don't swallow!”
With that, you release the grip on his balls, rolling them in your palm as the hand on his cock moves it way up his length, closing over the tip to gently massage it. Crosshair moans softly and his fingers wind around your hair as your lips close around him, slowly easing him in. Your hand slides up his shaft, joining your mouth as you move your head to and fro, sucking tenaciously. He can't tear his eyes away from you as more of his cock disappears, chills running down his spine as you moan deeply around him. Cautiously, he starts to thrust into your mouth, curious to see how much of him you can take.
You accommodate him easily at first, your hand controlling the depth of his progress, but he soon starts to push in more aggressively. Tears prick the corner of your eyes unbidden as he moves in too deeply, triggering your gag reflex. You pull back, salivating wildly all over the head of his cock and for a split second, you catch just a hint of smug satisfaction on his face. Squeezing his balls roughly in retaliation, he lets out a hiss as your hand picks up the extra wetness and grips around him tightly, stroking him hard. Crosshair's thighs tense up, his arousal mounting exponentially as he starts bucking his hips toward you, wishing it was your pussy he was fucking instead of your hand.
“That's the way, baby,” you croon gently. “Such a good, obedient boy, wanting to come hard all over his cyaré's face...”
Crosshair moans heatedly at your words, especially the Mando'a term of endearment. He pumps his cock through your skilled hand, groaning deeply as his tip pushes through the tight ring of your fingers. Visions of having you all to himself and feeling how tight your pussy is for him race through his mind, and it's not long before his other hand joins yours, grasping his cock as his thrusting intensifies. You slowly ease your hand off him until he's fully in control, stroking himself vigorously as he chases his climax.
Now with both hands free, you turn your attention to his balls, which are already starting to tighten. You take one in each hand, rolling your thumbs over them, massaging lightly as Crosshair's breathing becomes rapid and shallow. As you squeeze his balls again, this time with care, his free hand gravitates to the top of your head to hold you steady. A low groan builds deeply in his chest as he feels himself drawing close to his orgasm, cock swelling firmly in his hand. He closes his eyes and brings his hand up to start quickly stroking the first few inches, moaning your name ardently.
“So close, ner cyaré... Let me come... Please let me come,” he gasps, legs trembling as he forces himself to hold on until you grant him permission.
You shift back a little to give him space and close your eyes. “I release you, Crosshair!”
He deftly strokes his cock a few more times and feels the coil in his pelvic floor unwind, a deep moan pouring out of him as he begins to come. Hot streams of his seed eject all over your forehead, nose, lips and chin, covering your face like a spectral mask. Breathing hard, Crosshair pulls away from you, hastily pulling his blacks up and tucking himself back in. Not forgetting the other half of your directive, he gathers his courage and sets aside feelings of revulsion, leaning forward and taking you by the shoulders.
He's never tasted himself before now, but curiosity and the driving need to satisfy you get the better of him. His hot tongue starts at your lips, licking them clean with a single pass. Hunter chuckles quietly as he watches Crosshair grimace, the salty bitterness an unpleasant surprise. He returns to your chin, then quickly passes over your nose and forehead, lapping up the remnants of his spend. You open your eyes and see he's pulled away from you, a look of serious aversion on his face as he's fighting the urge to spit out his load.
“Have you learned your lesson, Crosshair?” you say with great merriment. “Judging by that sour face, I'd say you have. Am I correct?” He nods, and you get to your feet, wrapping one arm around his slim waist, the other around his shoulders. He looks down at you and you can see his eyes silently beseeching you to hurry. “Feed me, love...I want to know how you taste.”
You open your mouth, tongue resting on your bottom lip as Crosshair lowers his head, opening his mouth when he's within reach. A quiet moan emanates from you as his tongue touches yours, the creamy pool of his seed passing from him to you. Curling your tongue back into your mouth, you swallow all of it as Crosshair closes his eyes and sighs softly. Your hand trails its way up the back of his neck until you're cradling his head, and you moan faintly into his mouth as his lips connect with yours for an amatory kiss.
“Now...I'm satisfied. See, I knew you would bend to my will. All it took was the proper motivation. Well behaved boys will always be rewarded...miscreants will not. It's that simple.” Your fingertip traces its way along the lines of his tattoo, his eyes meeting yours. “Such a good boy you are, Crosshair. My good boy.”
Crosshair's hand passes down your spine until he reaches your ass, squeezing one of your cheeks firmly as he seeks out your mouth for a passionate kiss. You hold onto him tighter as his tongue and yours meet, his hunger for you not yet slaked as he takes your tongue between his teeth and gently nips at it. You groan softly as you start growing wet again, and you can feel Crosshair's cock stir once more. A soft cough behind you interrupts the moment, and you turn to see Hunter looking at you with a gentle smile of approval.
“Oh...right. Game's over, lads. Everybody wins,” you laugh.
“What, no second round, mésh'la?” Wrecker jokes as he stands up and stretches. “I think I'm ready for another go!”
“No way, big man. Not until I've had another shower and a little sleep...you've all worn me out. So if you'll excuse me, I'll –”
You let out a yelp as Crosshair reaches under your legs and picks you up. “Then let's get you cleaned up and in bed, cyaré...as far as we're concerned, the night is still young,” he says devilishly, turning to walk out of the living room with you.
“Crosshair, wait.” He stops as he gets into the main hallway, and you look over his shoulder. “I don't want to sleep alone tonight, boys. Come on.”
As you exit your bathroom still combing out your hair, you see Crosshair and Tech already under the covers of your gargantuan bed, waiting for you to occupy the space between them. The other three are all sitting at the foot of it half undressed, their shirts slung over the back of a nearby chair. You stop and flash all of them a flirtatious grin, and all of them return it with carnal smiles of their own.
“You said there wasn't room for all of us in here, Y/N,” Echo remarks with amusement.
“I was being facetious, Echo. This bed can support half the Hutt family, and then some!”
“Then we are in no danger of having it collapse,” Tech interjects. “Come to bed, cyar'íka...we all very much would like to continue the bonding process with you.”
He holds up the covers for you, and you see that both he and Crosshair are fully naked and partially aroused. You slip between them, Crosshair pressing himself against your side as he nuzzles your neck contentedly. Tech slings his arm around your waist, kissing your cheek softly. Echo and Wrecker reach for Hunter as they all lie down, settling in the spaces between you and the twins.
Crosshair closes his eyes, laughing quietly. “You owe me 10 credits, Tech. I told you we'd all fit.”
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cerisahh · 5 months
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SYNOPSIS ꒱ daniel’s girlfriend since middle school gets invited to his family's thanksgiving.
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REQUEST ꒱ if you don't mind, can i ask for a little daniel x fem reader until you figure out that menace? reader is daniel's friend since middle school, and also becomes his partner and goes to the first thanksgiving with him. reader should be described as super cute ( •̀∀•́ )✧ just his family' reaction and mama park's as well, especially mama park's (i love her so much, the best ever) - 🐇
NOTE ꒱ hello 🐇 anon! thank you for your patience! i hope you enjoy ♡
A QUESTION FOR THE PEOPLE ꒱ would you guys prefer me to use the english or korean version of everyone’s names? i used daniel instead of hyung-seok in this post but i’d like to know what people generally prefer. if you fancy requesting, just use whichever version you would like me to keep to!
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• you’re surprised when daniel invites you to his family’s annual thanksgiving dinner.
• it’s not that you don’t want to go - you’re just surprised. you hadn’t even met his mother yet, let alone the rest of his extended family.
• his father’s family, he tells you, he barely sees them - and doesn’t want to - but his mother is insisting, and even extended an invite to you.
• she knows of your existence, daniel doesn’t shut up about you when at home. everytime she had tried to get daniel to invite you back home, you always had prior commitments and engagements.
• all fabricated by daniel of course. truth is, he’s embarrassed of his mother, and he hates himself for it. she works so hard to provide for him and he’s embarrassed by it? he really thinks he’s an awful person.
• he knows you wouldn’t judge him, or her. you’re too kind for your own good. he just gets in his own head and worries too much.
• you had asked daniel out in your last year of middle school. you had both been friends for two years prior, despite that, daniel was sure you were just teasing him like everyone else. was your friendship fabricated just for this cruel joke?
• it was no secret to anyone, even yourself, that you were one of the most, if not the most attractive girl in school. at only fourteen the ground you walked on was practically worshipped by boys and girls alike. aunties would stop you in the street and all but squish your cheeks whilst calling you adorable, even attempting to introduce their sons or grandsons to you as potential suitors.
• so when you approach daniel park, some are upset, others are mad. everyone is confused, especially him.
• you mistake his hesitance for denial at first, you begin to take it gracefully - until he says yes.
• now a few years into your relationship, you were finally meeting his relatives. you’d had the pleasure of meeting some of the people from his new school before, but family was a whole other ordeal.
• daniel delays you meeting his mother until he can’t anymore. when you arrive at the airport, well, she can’t hide her shock. you’re very pretty. like one of those idols she would see on the covers of the magazines she collected.
• you greet daniel with a smile and a hug, then allow him to introduce you to his mother.
• oh! she thinks, as you turn to face her and quickly pull her into a warm embrace, saying that she must be an outstanding woman to have raised such a respectful son, and how excited you are to meet her at last, what a pretty girl, and so kind- hearted! ♡
• she’s really happy that daniel has someone like she had once. she knows you two will be (and are) happy together.
• when you arrive at his uncle’s house, you’re pretty much bombarded with questions. everyone is pretty much like how did this guy bag her 😭
• you guys eventually get ushered into the next room with the other cousins. sarah is thrilled that there’s another girl around her age there, she drags you away from the boys after david and dylan start acting weird around you.
• meanwhile with the male cousins… david and dylan are practically interrogating poor daniel.
• daniel is just sitting there playing cards like... yeah, she's my girlfriend...? oh yea she's gorgeous -- what do you mean did i pay her to come here??
• after a while you're feeling peckish so you and daniel go to look for the grownups to ask after food.
• when you both discover poor mama park cooking by herself you both feel so bad. and annoyed at the other adults for not helping.
• mama park tries to kick you both out of the kitchen but you convince her that you'll stay and help, as there was nothing really for you to do in the meantime.
• after dinner the children retire to the room next door once again whilst daniel's uncle is running after a pig outside.
• you spend a majority of the night answering awkward questions from dylan and david about your life and if you had any girl friends back home you could introduce them to (which was met with a strained smile until sarah shouted at them to leave you alone).
• sarah is better company. you two exchange gossip from your respective schools and raid her mother's makeup stash.
• meeting his grandmother was another experience. the lady automatically assumed you were her daughter and loudly commended you on how cute you had gotten, which you thanked her gracefully for.
• you all decide to go into the city to escape your elders, even sarah tags along once she heard that you were going (it's clear that she adores you, it's really cute)
• watching david try (and fail) to flirt with a store employee was interesting to say the least. you and sarah diverge from the group and go shopping in a higher end store, your treat! you get back to the boys just in time for the bus to take you guys home.
• since you didn't have any presents for the family when you had arrived, you'd bought some when you went out today.
• for the uncles you had bought some custom card decks. for the aunties you spied some nice dresses in a shop window (as well as massage kits). for the matriarch of the family, some of those candied nuts she enjoyed and a canvas with a printed family picture that you had taken earlier on in the day. for mama park, a beautiful matching dress and headpiece set, and a photoframe with a picture of her and daniel.
• thinking of presents for the male cousins was difficult, but you eventually decided on two personalised wallets. for sarah you bought some nail varnish similar to yours, as she had gushed over the colours the previous night.
• and for daniel ♡ (and, kinda yourself) you purchased 'his and hers' bracelets.
• it was at this point when everyone was opening their respective presents that they had offically wanted you in the family (except grandma, she was still certain you were her daughter).
• after saying your goodbyes and promising to text sarah when you land, you, mama park, and daniel finally departed from his family.
• on the plane back to seoul, daniel fell asleep, so you and mama park took the time without him conscious to chat more, about your own family, how you met daniel, your schooling, etc.
• she really likes you. she thinks you're kind and generous without being overbearing. unbeknownst to you, she's also thinking that you'd be a kind wife to daniel. i mean, why not? she thinks of you like a daughter already.
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© CERISAHH 2024 — all fics on this account belong to… ME! don’t steal my shit.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 5 months
I always worry when I see motorcycles out in the rain unprotected, if if anything would actually happen if they got too wet but it Concerns Me, anywho what do you think the boys were at school when it starts raining and when they get the chance to leave/go check on their bike they some girl vibrating with anxiety trying to protect it with an umbrella? I imagine shes trying to cover the engine, not knowing where it is, so just trying to shield as much bike as possible while getting rained on without noticing.
Oh this sounds like a cool idea!!! This is how I think the guys would react!
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Mikey- "huh?" He's just very confused at first, doesn't understand what you're doing. Walks over and actually starts talking about how cool his ride is instead, assumes you were admiring his bike. When you actually explain, he laughs and points out where the engine is. He likes you though, you pique his interest.
Draken- Starts shouting, he immediately assumes you're trying to do something to his ride. Immediately feels bad after seeing your startled look and shaking form though. Thinks it was nice of you to try and thanks you.
Takemichi- He also has no idea if his bike is ok or not, actually asks you for advice but both of you are lost.
Baji- Asks if you're looking for a fight but sighs and backs down after realising you're a girl and what you're trying to do. Thinks of you as a good person and offers to drive you home.
Chifuyu- He's so touched by this gesture, doesn't know what to do for a moment. Ends up grinning brightly at you and thanking you. It doesn't end after that though, he considers you to be his friend now and goes looking for you.
Mitsuya- He's more worried about you then the bike, worries you'll catch a cold and wants to know how long you've been out there. Ends up taking you back to his house and making you hot chocolate as a thanks and to ensure you're okay.
Pah- Rushes over to you about to throw a punch for being too close to his bike but holds back after realising you're a girl. After you frantically explain, he nods at you and thanks you. Promises that you have the protection of the third division of toman for this.
Peh- Starts shouting at you but stops as he gets closer (he's worried about making a girl cry again). He's generally confused as to why you were trying to help him though. Brags about this encounter to Pah later.
Smiley- Sneaks up on you before asking if you wanna die, was expecting you to be a rival gang member messing with him not some girl trying to help him. He ends up introducing himself to you and gives you his number, saying the two of you should hang out later.
Angry- He thinks you're very thoughtful and thanks you a lot, even runs all the way back to his locker to grab a spare towel in case you got wet. Offers to drive you home after so you don't have to walk in the rain.
Sanzu- Immediately becomes concerned, he's very protective over his bike. Will ask if you touched it. He's suspicious of you, thinking you would only do this if you wanted something from him. Vows to keep an eye on you after this.
Kazutora- He's a bit flustered, it's not everyday that someone does something so nice for him. Wants to know more about you and hang out more after this since you seem like a nice person. Also thinks of himself as being indebted to you now.
Hanma- Thinks the whole situation is funny, but is still very interested in you. This is something different. Tells you where the engine is but points at the wrong place to see if you believe him, then laughs when you do.
Inui- Raises an eyebrow at you, mutters something then drives off.
Taiju- Grabs your arm to move you away from his bike but stops as you explain. Laughs a lot at you but deep down he kind of appreciates the effort. Tells you he won't forget this, you're not sure if that's a promise or threat.
Izana- Stares at you blankly before thinking he understands the situation but definitely getting it wrong. Says things that make 0 sense to you. "So you want to work for me huh" "What????" "You chose wisely" You basically end up being adopted/ kidnapped by tenjiku.
Kakucho- Asks what you're doing then shakes your hand after as a thank you (he was going to pat your shoulder but suddenly panicked that a girl may not like that so settles for a hand shake). Mentally makes a note to look out for you in the future.
Shion- Assumes you know who he is and that you admire him greatly. Talks a lot at you and tries to show off, tells you that if you're ever in danger you can just tell your attackers his name and they'll back off knowing you're with him.
Ran- Laughs at how confused you look, he thinks it's cute like a little lost chick. Is actually a bit to surprised to realise you didn't seem to realise it was his bike you were trying to protect.
Rindou- Looks you and and down before sighing, tells you to hop on the back and he'll drive you home but then the two of you are even and never have to speak again (you definitely end up as best friends).
Mochi- He's actually touched by this, thinks you're a pretty cool girl for trying this hard to protect something of his. Drives you to a cafe to grab something warm for you as a thank you, also tells you a bit about bikes on the way.
Shinichiro- He's a bit confused as to why you don't know where the engine is (he just assumes it's common knowledge) but is thankful to you. Drives you home and gives you his number so he can teach you about bikes in the future (he just assumes you're interested) also flirts a little.
Takeomi- Blinks at you and asks what's up, he acts a little rudely after you tell him but tbf he's just a bit surprised and isn't thinking about what he's saying. Still thanks you though.
Wakasa- Gives you a lazy grin and points the engine out to you. Doesn't offer you a lift but just assumes you'll say yes so helps you onto the back.
Benkei- Actually worries that something is wrong at first and that someone sent you here. Once that's cleared up he nods at you and says you have his respect.
South- Grins down at you, assuming this will end in a fight. Is actually a little disappointed when he finds out why you were there. He's a bit unsure of how to respond exactly and just leaves you there without saying another word. He finds you again a day later though to thank you and starts hanging out with you occasionally.
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cranberry-writes · 2 months
hii i love ur writing!!! ik youve just answered a hughie ask but i love him and how u write him sm, could i please rq sorta general hcs w him having a lil crush on someone whose sweet and confident, if a little vain? if possible, id love it to specifically be a male reader whose significantly taller than him. thank you!
Hughie Headcannons
Ahhhh love this rq!!! There are almost no male reader stories or headcannons so it’s nice to do them.
REQUESTS ARE OPEN FEEL FREE TO SEND IN ANY REQUEST! (If you aren’t sure look at my pinned!”
Also i’m like 5’ 5” so my writing about a tall person is definitely not correct 😞
Warnings; (Very) Mild Spoilers for season 2&3 and cannon typical language
- Hughies already a tall guy, 6’ 1” (185 centimeters) so being taller than him is something he didn’t really expect
- Tbh he thinks you’re standing on something when he first sees you, but he does a double take and is like ‘Oh shit’
- The second thing he thinks when he meets you is ‘..how?’
- You’re not sunshine and rainbows vomiting kittens or anything, but your a lot more upbeat and kinder than the others there
- “Cool Billy Joel shirt, you got a favorite song?” “Yeah actually, (i know nothing about billy joel) is my favorite.”
- He really assumed that everyone was going to be dickish off the batt but apparently not
- He’s happy he don’t feel like his life is in danger with everyone when he first gets introduced
- He’s also happy someone *cough* isn’t calling him a cunt every 5 minutes
- When he first notices the the vaguely vain behavior, it annoys him a bit (in reality it’s more of jealousy, he wishes he could have faith in himself like you do) but once he sees you in action he understands, working with The Boys is hard, dealing with supes is hard.
- It also kinda scared him a bit, he really didn’t want to think you where an asshole
- Honestly the fact that your alive after everything gives you a pretty decent reason to be a tad vain in his mind
- With your confidence+sweetness he’s not sure if he wants to be you or be with you
- He soon realizes it’s mostly attraction a bit admiration
- I headcannon that he is so insanely bisexual it’s crazy, so being with a dude isn’t something he has to really work through or convince himself of
- Like he just grew up knowing and never really questioned or cared about it
- But he doesn’t realize he actually has a crush on you untill later in the series, maybe around late season two after LampLighter happens. (i feel like that kinda made him realize some stuff about himself)
- But he takes WAY longer to actually try and make a move on you
- like start of season four is when he even starts to make a move
- But he’s got that nerdy white boy thing and chances are you ask him out first
- You totally break out all the stocks, flowers, candy, stuff like that
- He is flattered, flustered, and scared
- Unlike Starlight you don’t have powers, and while you are amazing at your job he’s still scared that you’ll become a bigger target because of his affiliation with Homelander and Newman.
- But honestly we all saw how he literally stood up to Homelander when he insulted Starlight, once yall are in a relationship he ain’t backing down for shit (Unless you ask, he’s very respectful of boundaries)
- okay i’m circling back to the height thing,
- he would enjoy it a LOT
- He’s always been the taller one in relationships, it was nice to switch it up a bit.
- He also enjoys how someone else can share the struggles of being tall with him
- (small stupid thing but if yall move in together you have one hell of a time finding a bed that actually fits)
- Because of how tall you both are it’s easy to find one another in crowds, Hughie really likes that fact (he’s scared that if he can’t find you then something horrible has happened to you)
- Butcher pokes fun at both of you but in the dumbest ways imaginable
- “Ere’ come the fucken’ inflatable tube couple.”
Watch me make an actual fic about this
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riordanness · 3 months
okay so every single (okay some) pjo character and their opinion on taylor swift bc that’s all i think about:
percy jackson: isn’t the biggest swiftie in the world but adores her music if it’s on. he owns at least two copies of the 1989 cd and his fav song to blast while skateboarding is welcome to new york ofc.
annabeth chase: absolutely loves taylor, probably really resonated with her lyrics and storytelling style tbh. her favourite albums are definitely 1989 (the beach-y california vibe yk), lover, and midnights and folklore and evermore and fearless and reputation and speak now. (what can i say—she’s a swiftie)
grover underwood: he’s a music guy. ofc he likes taylor swift. probably only knows like four songs total, and they’re all from like debut and fearless but hey. that’s something.
piper mclean: you can’t tell me she doesn’t ADORE reputation. and probably fearless too actually. definitely has some kind of merch (a signed cd??) in her room back home.
hazel levesque: obviously didn’t know anything about her but once introduced, loves folklore and evermore and the tortured poets department. soft and soothing songs are defo her thing.
leo valdez: old mate probably listens to all too well every day tbh. he doesn’t love her and definitely isn’t a swiftie, but red (especially the vault tracks and the songs written for hunger games) are always welcome.
jason grace: my boy knows nothing. nothing. but you bet he finds out about her eventually and doesn’t really have an opinion either way. he neither hates or loves or dislikes or likes. it’s just music to him.
frank zhang: probably likes debut. but probably also never really thought about her or knew much about her music bc of his grandmother and stuff yk.
nico di angelo: to anyone’s face: absolutely not. but secretly? oh yeah. he would totally listen to folklore and shit are you kidding me?? he’s such a swiftie.
reyna avila ramirez-arellano: yes and no. a couple songs in her playlist but not like. that much. she doesn’t really mind her and doesn’t really love her either.
luke castellan: he’s lowkey a hater. probably listens to kanye just to spite swifties and writes those hate comments on all her fanpages and shit yk.
thalia grace: she likes about half of the reputation songs and a couple of ttpd too. (especially look what you made me do). but she’s more into older music like green day (iykyk hehe)
silena beauregard: UH. YES. lover girl in the flesh. she is totally the camp’s biggest swiftie and is the one who got annabeth into her. she’d defo have merch and posters and have memorised everything.
clarisse la rue: silena made her do it. that’s what she’d tell you,and it’s true!! but she has a secret soft spot for a good taylor swift song.
chris rodriguez: knows about her through clarisse, doesn’t really give a damn about her.
charles beckendorf: BIGGEST SWIFTIE EVER headcanon okok. owns merch. posters. go to her tours. the whole shibing shabong iykyk
apollo/lester papadopoulos: duh. he’s the god of music bro. i think he would appreciate the literal music industry herself
meg mccaffery: no way. she’s a professional hater for the pure fun of it, has probably never heard a single song other than shake it off, and comments ‘kanye better’ on all her fan accounts
carter kane: tbh he would appreciate her lyricism a lot, but doesn’t strike me as someone who listens to that much music in general?? also he wouldn’t really know a lot of normal pop culture stuff necessarily, so…
sadie kane: she likes her. she likes everything. she’s a pop girlie fs, so reputation/midnights are her BANGER albums. she would definitely have some taylor swift on her ipod playlist, but she’d be more into avril lavigne, lady gaga, olivia rodrigo and stuff like that.
zia rashid: who’s taylor swift?
magnus chase: the only canon swiftie magnus you have my heart. he’s also a basic white girl, thank you very much. he literally (IN CANON BTW) recognises ‘blank space’ and ‘i know places’ and identifies them as taylor swift. so. yeah. he’s a swiftie fs
coach hedge: lol nope. he’d have the worst music taste of all time. NEVER give him the aux
sally jackson: she would LOVEEE evermore and speak now and debut, fight me. she’s also just the perfect person ever so ofc she loves taylor swift
paul blofis: would defo vibe to it imo, but would never put any songs in his playlist tho cause he’s boring ok maybe he would for sally’s sake. and estelle’s
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m4dm4yhem · 1 year
Dudeee got an idea for Pavitr x (gn) exchange student reader!! Like the readers pretty reserved and obviously new to Pavs school and also mumbattan in general so he takes it upon himself to introduce himself and show them around and such. Then next day the reader brings him baked goods as a thank you and they share them at lunch or on a rooftop or something <33 feel free to deny and take your time🫡🫶
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he was spiderman after all; he always gave that job his all. saving a few people every now and again, feeding strays, tutoring students who needed it.. he was not just a nice guy, he was kind.. sweet.. caring. even for those who didn’t care for him.. who weren’t sweet to him, who couldn’t even give him a second glance, he was a good person.. and being a good person is what helped him meet [name]..
someone who caught the boy’s eye due to being a new face, and how they shrunk in fear whenever someone passed by, “ ‘scuse me..” they spoke softly, fear and anxiety flashing in their eyes before the fear left and the anxiety remained.. pavitr could see them start to shake. which is when his body moved towards them. placing a hand on their shoulder; causing the person in front of him to flinch and turn to look at him
“ hey!” he beamed, a smile on his face as he spoke, “ im pavitr prabhakar, you look a little lost, are you alright?” he removed his hand from their shoulder, it now resting at his side. [name] sighed and shook their head, “ no.. I dunno where I am, can you… help me? everyone just looks at me weird when I come up to them.. I guess it’s because I’m so.. full of anxiety? it’s like they can smell it on me.”
pavitr chuckled at their words, “ I mean.. yeah, it is a little obvious about your anxiety, but that’s why I’m here.. “ he patted their back, nodding his head in the direction that had less students, “ c’mon.. show me your schedule.. I’ll help you out.”
[name] smiled at pavitr; a soft nod of their head was aimed towards pavitr; they began to dig in their bag, pulling out their crumbled schedule and handing it to the boy in front of them. pavitr attempted to smooth it out so he could make out the words on the paper; “ oh! you have a few classes with me.. I’ll make sure to grab you when those are.. so I can show you on the way there.. “ his eyes scanned over the paper multiple times, trying to make sure he mesmerized the room number to each classroom.. to make sure he could say for certain he knew where to go with [name]
“ pavitr!” [name] called out, at the end of the day.. when they found pavitr talking with gayatri. [name] felt their face get hot as pavitr and gayatri looked at them, “ oh.. sorry am I interrupting something?” their eyes looked between the two, and gayatri just giggled, “ no it’s fine.. I’ll see you around, pav.” she gave pavitr’s shoulder a playful punch before she took her leave.
“ sorry.. that’s my friend gayatri.” he pointed his thumb at her disappearing form, his eyes got a little sad as he said her name, but that same smile was still there, “ oh..” they spoke softly, looking up at him, “ uhm.. well I wanted to thank you.. for helping me today.. you didn’t have too.. but you did and I’m really thankful for you.” their words made pavitr flush, “ aw you’re too sweet.. do you need help getting shown around mumbattan, as well?” pavitr spoke, offering his arm to [name], a giggle left their lips as they linked their own arm with pavitr’s.
“ i guess I do.”
“ this is where the traffic is..”
“ this is also where the traffic is.”
“ there’s traffic here too!”
“ and this is where the british stole all of our stuff!”
pavitr’s voice sounded more forceful in tone than anything at the last sentence, his voice had cracked and everything, [name] played with the end of their hair, they felt their heart pound in their chest as pavitr explained historical events that happened in the city they stayed in, it made [name] feel more connected with the city; knowing some of the things that happened.. not everything they didn’t think pavitr had time for it..
but the sheer thought alone of pavitr taking time out of his day.. just to.. show them around made their heart race nearly a mile a minute.
hearing his voice was everything.. it made them feel all.. magical inside, a smile made its way to [name]’s face, the thoughts of how they’d thank pavitr coming to mind. “ is this the end of the tour?” [name] asked softly, the two teenagers walking side by side, “ yeah.. that’s pretty much it.” pavitr shrugged his shoulders as he spoke, “ you want me to walk you home?”
was he always this nice? the thought that a boy that didn’t want anything but be nice.. and be their friend made them feel giddy inside, with a nod of their head [name] began to take the lead for once, and led pavitr to their home
a thank you.. was needed, to [name] anyway.. a thank you that went so much more further than words, a gesture needed to be performed that let pavitr know he was appreciated for the time he spent with them the previous day.
“ here..” [name] shoved a sweet potato pie into his hands; it was something they learned from the years of watching their grandmother make it for thanksgiving. “ as a thank you..” their head was down, as they spoke. pavitr pulled the aluminum foil back for a moment to take a peek, the smell of the wonderful pie hit his nose.. he let out a soft giggle
no one had never done this for him, “ thank you.” he couldn’t be happier, his heart was pounding in his chest as he looked back at the person in front of him. “ no.. this is a thank you for what you did for me yesterday..” [name] said, looking into the eyes of pavitr. “ you didn’t have to do that.. but you did and it was so sweet of you. “ [name] held their hands behind their back, a shy smile tugging at their lips
pavitr kept looking at the pie in front of him, it smelled delicious and he couldn’t wait to dig in as soon as he could..
“ thank you..”
that was a gesture to remember
for the both of them
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yuwumeniji · 2 years
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Luxiem as Dating Sim Characters
I... I like you!
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
A/N: Yes.... MERGE ALL OF YOUR INTERESTS TOGETHER (my thought process when creating this side blog lol). There are some references to otome games I've played, I wonder if you can find them all ;;
BTW... requests are open, feel free to brainrot with me too ^^
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All livers will be parts of different games (vaguely putting that way that is lmao)
I will be making references to games that I've played personally!
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The sweet boy-next-door from a Slice Of Life otome game!
Childhood bestie??? OFC????
I can picture him being one of the love interests in a school-based otome game with him being either a senpai or someone of the same age
The type of route to be underrated, but have a dedicated portion of the fanbase
He's got lots of cute CG where you and him are studying together,, having cute after-school dates,, etc.
He also has a little bit of a mean streak... very well known to be very hot/cold with the MC, and can be quite the tease especially during the lovers portion of the route, but the gap moe.... oh my god
His route is like... pure fluff and maybe sometimes that is all we need
His routes consist of a Lover's ending & Friendship ending. Because of the light-heartedness of the game he is from, there are no bad endings (unless you consider being friendzone'd a bad ending lmao)
"Y/N, you silly goose! Well... if you give me a kiss, I could show you how to solve that equation!"
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The flirty playboy who actually has a heart of gold! Most likely from an action-drama otome game
Additionally,, he keeps his mafia boss title and you? his one and only journalist!
He meets you while you were on the hunt for some details about the Kaneshiro family for an article and decided to play the role of an unsuspecting passerby who has interest in the family as well!
During his route, he reveals that he intentionally joined us on our sleuthing adventure in order to stamp out the corruption that ran within the Kaneshiro mafia family. He wants the family to have as clean of a name as a mafia family could get - I mean, he eventually reveals himself as the heir!
A route full of action! adventure! crime committing! and to no one's shock - kinda steamy!
There is literally no inbetween for this man and he gives every player whiplash - from his innocent flirting with the MC that makes you giggle and swing your feet to him introducing to the MC what an "adult kiss" is (flushge!!)
A noire-esque type route where you and Luca play cat and mouse - you want to catch Luca for an article, Luca somehow evades you even when he was just arms reach away.
I want one CG where you're patching his wounds up and he's playfully teasing you like
"And? Did you see the look on that officer's fac- ARGH?! Be careful with that one!"
His route ends with a Lover's ending & Bad ending. His bad ending ends with either him dying after getting caught within some internal strife with the family OR he gets captured while trying to evade law enforcement (and you were the one who betrays him)
His lover's ending ends with you being the Bonnie to his Clyde, you eventually join him as his right hand man! (or woman?)
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The prince who just wanted to have fun, fell in love with a commoner. Probably from a historical title with no basis in actual history/vaguely has a place in history.
Surprisingly bittersweet and well written - most fans who see him in the common route would think his route would be the most light-hearted out of the bunch, but the forbidden romance between a commoner and a prince is kinda... you know ;;
I still would like to think he has a relatively light-hearted route despite the bittersweet elements to it lmao
He's literally just some silly guy free him from the palace
He actually spends a lot of the route guarded against the MC despite his displays of affection due to his disposition as someone with higher power than you.
A lot of tear-jerking scenes and a lot of close calls with getting caught before his coronation day.
His confession scene was the most memorable visually. The moon shining on his face as you two sat beside each other in the royal garden after splashing around in the fountains. Instead of the jovial expression he normally has on, his face was stern and serious as he declares his love for the MC
Also full of the cheesiest otome lines known to man
"Even if the world is against you and I, then so be it. I would choose you no matter what."
"As the heir to the next throne, I can promise you the entire world if I have to."
The whiplash between his silly antics and the way he confesses his love to the MC is what made the game's fans go crazy
His route ends with the most bad endings - One where you get thrown in the dungeon, one where you could be executed as someone who usurped the king, one where he breaks off his engagement with you, etc. Just know it's bad all round LMAO
His lover's ending ends with you marrying him and him succeeding the throne. It's a very cheesy end, but according to players, one of the best endings in the entire game.
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A dramatic and mystical being from a fantasy/slice of life otome game! I specifically need him to be a character that jokes about being the world's "final boss" while being a cafe regular at the place you work at.
It's got quite the modern feel in contrast to the vintage cafe setting
The game begins as normal, with a few incidents that eventually reveal the true nature the very magical nature of the regulars you usually serve, with Shu being considered the game's "final, true ending"
The kind to order sweet menu items because you suggested it and he actually would rather rave more savoury items.
His route consists of everyday chats; to many that find him in the common routes, shu seems to be the most normal route in comparison to the wacky mythical beings in the game, but dear lord are we in for an angsty rollercoaster
"Y/N?? What are you doing here in this *very obviously* dangerous place!!"
"I came here to get- wait,you're the one from the cafe?!"
He has broken the 4th wall at least once in his route and he doesn't have a lot of fanservice scenes outside of that (the fandom is coping so hard. me, im the fandom)
His route ultimately has 2 endings - True Ending & Lover's Ending
OFC HIS ROMANTIC ENDING IS ONE OF THE HARDEST TO ACHIEVE LMFAO - only occurs if you max out the entire game: collecting all endings for all characters AND if you can max out his romance meter within a certain time frame
The true ending is well.... the truest ending of the game (since I'm trying to vaguely write about whatever this game is, I won't give a proper like... fleshed out ending lmao)
obvs the true ending doesn't sit well with fans and they only accept the Lover's end as the true ending of his route lmao (copium)
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An assassin or an army general from a japanese-historical otome game!
He's on a quest to defeat a corrupted shogunate and he stumbled across you while finding a village to retreat to. More specifically, a hidden ninja village in the remote mountains south of the capital (or something like that, i'm not very big on geography or history, but like, picture it lmao)
You were the one to find him bleeding on the ground and, to no surprise, the one who nursed him back to health.
Despite his quest to defeat the leader, he took a liking to you and spends his entire route trying to convince you to join his journey.
You can join him or not join him - but not joining him leads you right into an immediate game over lol
"Do you want to train today? Or perhaps, shall we talk a walk around the village?"
THE BIGGEST MOST FLIRTIEST OTOME GAME CHARACTER EVER . severe whiplash to fans who expected this game to be serious and less of an otome , more of a joseimuke title
He has a number of bad endings - one where he couldn't take you with him, one that ends with him getting assassinated and one that ends with him failing his mission.
Luckily for you - he has one of the most romantic Lover's ending that eventually ends with an epilogue where you both settle down in the hidden ninja village again, living peacefully despite being outlaws LOL
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
Insufferable Arsehole Part 1: Part of The Band - Matty Healy Series
A/n: hello hello hello 👋. So this is a new series I've been working on. I hope you enjoy it, more parts to follow. Any thoughts just message me. I know the timeline doesn't quite line up to real life (Hann is already a daddy for example haha) but I wanted it to be set at the current moment in time. Hope you enjoy :)
Series masterlist
George has been her best friend since nappies, they were attached at the hip pretty much their whole lives, most of the time, where she went, he followed: so you'd think she would get along with his other mates... She wished that were the case, most of them she got along with well, that including the likes of Ross and Hann. But Matty... Oh Matthew was absolutely insufferable. Her general dislike for the man seemed to overshadow the fact most of George's best friends had also became hers.
She was as unbelievably thankful to George for introducing her to some of the best people she knew, she had found her people, the ones that just got her. But Matty didn't fall into that category.
He was talented, not that she would ever admit it to his face, but he was a pretentious arsehole who was intent on making her childhood and most of her life a living hell.
Despite her hatred of him, she spent nearly everyday of her childhood and most of her teenage years with the four boys. Excluding Matty, they were like brothers to her, she knew they'd do anything for her and her them. Their shared passion for music bonded them for life.
She remembers the shocked looks on their faces when she first played guitar in front of them, she remembers as George simply sat back like the proud best friend he was and watched his best friends fawn over her (Matty including this time, however much he tried to deny it). They quickly began playing music with each other in their spare time and they sounded good. They grew closer and closer, practically spending every minute of every day with each other, be at their school or at each others houses.
But that meant most of the time she had to endure Matty's insentient need to be rude to her, to mock her, to belittle her. The both of them clashed: Matty was an egotistical, attention-whore and she was nearly the complete opposite, she was a positive person, always managing to be kind and make people feel better about themselves.
Matty hated her because he thought she was too perfect, he hated that someone could suffer so little in their life (of course that wasn't true). Most of all he hated that he had to demand the attention of others whilst she seemed to just get it. Everyone loved her, everyone either wanted to be her, be her friend, or be with her.
When her own success in the music industry came (all be it a little earlier than theirs), she sadly had to depart her beloved hometown. The band that she had formed with some of her other friends became successful and they started performing all over the world. George once referred to them as 'the cool kids' all the lads in their year fancied them, being girls who played rock music really turned guys on, much to their frustration. George knew it was one of the reasons Matty disliked her so much, he was jealous, envious even, of the attention she got.
Not having George, Hann and Ross around broke her heart, they ended up speaking nearly everyday anyway but she loved the fact she didn't have to put up with Ratty anymore.
George and the boys found success soon after her and she continued to sing their praises whenever someone would bring them up to her.
Years later, she found herself on a much needed break from touring. She saw George and the boys when she could, often without Matthew present.
Then the day came when she got a call she was not expecting in the slightest.
The boys were sat around a large table in their managements building. Matty was dressed in black jeans, a black pain tee tucked in and his favourite black belt. A cigarette sat in between his fingers of one hand, the other ran itself through the unruly curls that sat atop his head. George was sat next to him, a cigarette clutched in between his fingers too. Ross and Han were positioned opposite, speaking in hushed tones, the air was tense. They thought they were fucked to say the least.
Adam had just informed the guys, that Carly was pregnant and that shortly she wouldn't be able to tour anymore. This sent all the boys into a frenzy, of course they were ecstatic for their friend; they all celebrated the news the night before but they woke this morning with the daunting realization that they didn't know what they were going to do about the tour. They needed Carly, she was talented and she fit within the band, they thought finding a replacement, although temporary, would be an impossible feat.
"Were happy for you mate, don't get us wrong! It's just a bit unexpected" Matty says, clasping Adam on the back.
"Yeah I know. I get it" Adam said and he truly did understand their panic. He appreciated that they celebrated the news first.
"We could get a session musician in" their manager Jamie says, offering a solution, all be it a crappy one.
"No offense. But that's a shit idea" Matty said making George chuckle. Matty smirks at his best mate before his smile drops and his mind runs wild, trying to find a solution.
"Come on guys, I'm just trying to offer a solution. We need someone on keys and fasts. Unless you have any other suggestions?" He asks, looking between Matty, and then George. The two lads stare at their cigarettes for a second.
"Well actually..." George says and his eyes find Matty's. Matty overheard him talking to Ross earlier about how, their old childhood friend, Lou, was taking a break from touring with her band.
"Don't you dare say what I think you're going to say" he says, running a hand through his curls again, taking another puff of his cigarette, the nicotine doing nothing for him currently.
"Come on man! She's good and she's just taken a break from her tour" George says, the boys catching on to George's suggestion. Ross finds himself nodding along to George's words.
"And she's played with us before! She fits" Ross says, Matty looks at his friend as he speaks: someone who he always trusts, someone who will fight for their opinion no matter what, if they think it is the right thing and usually Matty agrees with him. Not this time.
"She doesn't know the songs. She can't do it. She cannot do it" Matty says, his arms cross against his chest, resembling a moody child who hasn't got their way.
"She's talented Matty, really fucking talented, she can learn whatever we give her" George argues, defending his childhood best friend.
"isn't she like the lead singer in her band. She plays guitar not keys?" Matty quips back, trying to find an excuse not to have her join.
"She is yes. But she also plays piano, she can do it trust me" George says, his eyes find their manager, silently asking for him to back them up.
"It's not a bad idea" he says "but... We do need to think about the fact that she is in her own band, one in which is very successful, people know her, we can't be having someone making it about them" he says.
"Exactly!" Matty says.
"I'm not on your side Matty. I'm just ironing out the creases" he says, George smirks at this.
"Trust me that is not what she's like at all! She's my best friend, I know she will do this to help us and that's it, she won't make this about her" George explains.
"Okay.. who agrees to asking Lou?" Their manager asks.
Ross, George and Adam all raise their hands.
"Perfect. We will of course get her to come in and see what she's made of. We will get Carly to come and see what she thinks too"
"Fuck" Matty mumbles underneath his breath.
That's how she got here. Standing outside the studio, holding more coffees than she can carry. She tries to buzz herself up but fails, laughing to herself. She hears her name being called behind her so she turns, she sees her lanky best friend running towards her and she smiles.
"There you are!" He says, "here let me help you" he says taking one of the trays of coffee of her hands.
He quickly pulls her into a tight one armed hug, delivering a peck to her cheek. They had seen each other a couple of days ago so the long awaited "I missed yous" had already been had.
"Thank you for doing this, you're a lifesaver" he says buzzing them up, coffees in hand.
"Anything for you guys, you know that" she says. They make their way to the room, she manages to put the coffees down before she's engulfed by Ross, the height difference meaning she's launched several inches into the air as he grasps her.
"Hey cool kid" he says, making her laugh at the childhood nickname "missed you rockstar, how's things going?" He says as he sets her back down. She smiles up at him, she was geniunly so happy to be reunited with him, she always felt closest to Ross (save for George of course), she supposes it's because she feels safe with Ross, he could make her cry of laughter one minute and the next he would be getting her to spill her deepest secrets. Ross simply got her, he understood what she was like and most importantly what she needed, he was always the first to know when something wasn't quite right with her and she loved that about him. Of course it was only ever platonic, she loved him, truly, but they both knew they weren't each others person.
"Missed you too Macdonald. Yeah good, you know how it is, life's crazy" she says, he nods in agreement, he squeezes her shoulders gently, smiling down at her, silently saying "I'm glad you're here".
"If I remember rightly..." She says before pausing, turning around to get one of the coffee cups "coffee, strong, milk, no sugars"
"You're a saint" he says. She doesn't see Matty lingering in the corner or hear his little snort at the show in front of him (not that, that's what it was, she were doing it out of the kindness of her heart and he hated that).
Adam (or Hann as they call him) is next to hug her, she congratulates him before she's hugging Carly. She had attended their wedding after all and the girls would occasionally text when the boys would get on Carly's nerves, she would often ask her for advise on how to calm them down or just how to cope with them.
"Congratulations! You must be so excited!" She says and the two girls talk for a bit, gushing about everything that's been going on in each others lives.
Her eyes find Matty's next, the once teenager who got on her nerves every second of every day, was now a man, dressed in all black (not the only thing that hadn't changed), the curls she had once known had sprouted some greys, his face was the same but aged, he still wore that silly smirk that she hated so much. Her heart pounds in her chest and she feels her body start to warm, even after all this time apart, he got under her skin. She offers a small wave anyway, just to be kind. She wants to give him the benefit of the doubt that he may have changed so she picks up his coffee order and walks over to him.
"Hi, black coffee, no sugars? Consider it a peace offering" she says. She swears she sees his lips almost curve up in a smile before the familiar frown and glare is offered to her. He grabs the coffee anyway, taking a sip.
"Bet you're loving all this' he says, hand waving around the room, gesturing to her friends who she hasn't seen in a while. It's the first thing he's said to her in years and of course its just as dickish as before.
"Much to your disappointment Matthew, I'm not here for any other reason than to help some old friends out. Thought you would appreciate that" she says before turning to walk away from him. The scoff he lets out does not go unnoticed by her.
The boys manager Jamie comes in shortly and he is quick to say hello and ask how she's been, dishing out a tight hug too.
"Okay so the plan is to just give you some songs and see how you do" he explains and they do just that. She smashes it: not that George or the others are surprised.
Matty thinks she's gotten even better which of course: he hated.
"Sounds really good" Carly says, smiling over at her. Lou offers a smile back and George puts a thumbs up to her.
They all run through different songs, each playing their bit, she sings Carly's bits for different songs. She thinks they sound good and she has that warm feeling in her chest that she used to get when she used to play them.
"Okay, the only thing we need to test is About You. Now Lou, Carly usually sings part of this song, are you happy to do that?" George says and she nods excitedly.
"of course! Its actually one of my favourites" she admits making them all (all but Matty) smile. They all start playing the song and Matty starts singing. The whole set up is quite intimate and if she didn't hate him so much she'd smile across at him. She think he's gotten better too, his voice had matured but still held that same tone she loved so much (again, she would never have admitted it to him).
She wasn't sure if he did it on purpose or for some other ulterior motive but he turns his body slightly so he's angled towards her as he sings.
"Do you think that I've forgotten? About you" he sings and she takes a breath before she sings her lines. They dont break eye contact, Matty wants to smile but he doesn't. Lou wants to smile too, but she doesn't. Both as stubborn as they had always been.
"There was something 'bout you, that now I can't remember, it's the same damn thing, that made my heart surrender, and I miss you on a train, I miss you in the morning, I never know what to think about" she sings.
Matty stares at her and doesn't sing his next line making all the boys falter in their playing.
"What's wrong?" Ross sighs.
"Nothing... It's just. Nothing, nevermind, leave it" he says, his words rushed.
"No c'mon Matthew, if this is going to work you need to say what you think. No matter how insufferable it might be" she says, George resists a smirk as does Ross, they missed this. Often external people who worked alongside the band would be afraid to say what they thought around and sometimes about Matty. But the boys loved how she never held back, they suppose it's why she fits amongst them.
"Alright fine. The song was fine, you're not Carly and you never will be but it's fine! It will do! And you don't have to be such a bitch you know" he says and she chuckles a deep, harsh chuckle.
"There's the Matthew that we all know and love" she says sarcastically.
"Listen, I'm not Carly, that's true. But my best friend has asked for my help and I will do exactly that. You don't have to like me and we both know I prefer it that way, you just have to put up with it" she says matter of factly.
"I'm not making any promises" he says and they all see that as a small win.
"Fine, perfect Matthew" she says and she smirks to herself at the scowl on his face, she always managed to get under his skin.
"Don't call me Matthew" he says... God this was going to be hard work.
They run through the dates of tour and she signs a contract. No backing out now. George explains that he will send everything she needs over to her, including the notes to all songs and the lyrics (not that she needed them). They also run through the other members who join them on tour including Jamie Squire and John Waugh, the boys say she'll get along well with them too.
"Thank you so much for doing this again, not the first time you're saving my life" he says pulling her into a tight hug.
"And I'm sure it won't be the last. Anyway I'm off to meet your girlfriend for some drinks" she says pecking him on the cheek.
"When was this arranged and where's my invite?" George says, acting offended when his heart actually swelled at the idea of his two favorite girls hanging out.
"How are we supposed to bitch about you if you're there?" She jokes, before saying goodbye to everyone.
She goes to leave, walking down the stairs before she hears someone calling her name. She turns to see the person she expected least.
He stands awkwardly a few steps up from her, despite the position she doesn't feel intimidated, just slightly irritated at the imagery.
"Hey so... We're working together now... I know we don't get on but for the sake of the fans we need to at least try" he says and for once she agrees with him. He swears she's going to argue back just to get on his nerves but is shocked at her reply.
"I agree with you. If we can't get along in real life we need to on that stage" she says and he nods.
"You can post about it and let your fans know. And our team will make a post too" he explains, a bit awkwardly. She nods up at him.
"Okay cool" he says going to turn round as does she.
"Hey!" He says catching her attention again as she opens the door.
"Thanks for the coffee, surprised you remembered" he says and she offers him a small smile.
"Black, no sugars? Pretty hard to forget, tastes like shit" she says and he laughs.... Like actually laughs.
Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as she thought.
Part 2
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potahun · 1 month
help whenever mxdzt posts from you popped up on my dash i assumed it was another acronym for like, a webnovel or donghua or something but i only just looked it up and learned it's a cvariety?? anyways please go ahead and pitch it to me/ramble if you want because i am intrigued
THANK YOU FOR ASKING AAAA <3 sobs a little bc mxdzt/明星大侦探 is so niche here but to be honest, i think it is one of my top comfort shows if not The comfort show and i usually feel very alien to the term 'comfort show'. it feels fair to say mxdzt is one tho TT
It IS a variety show, you're right. It's like a reality show but mostly a murder-mystery show, initially co-hosted by CCTV presenter Sa Beining and the He Jiong, the He laoshi himself that everyone and their mothers know ...except, for once, they're not there hosting as the top MCs they are. They, and the guests, 85% of which soon became regulars, are playing a murder-mystery game. Each episode, each of the guests embody a character within a story, and a murder (or several) happens, that the players have to solve together. Among them hides the murderer (or several), who is the only player allowed to lie, and whom the other players have to try and vote out at the end. Also among them, one player will be the Detective, who has an extra vote, and has to act as a leader of the good guys.
(Side note: From S4 onwards, there is also a Detective Assistant, who's basically a smart non-celebrity helping to take notes, sometimes having a minor role to move the plot along...In time, the team of Detective Assistants have gotten their own spin-off show called 名侦探学院, because they're a riot (Xiao Pu is my favorite))
It's almost jarring the 1st time you watch it if you know them as celebrities, because the show starts and they're in-character right off the bat. They break in and out of character, sometimes to laugh their heads off, but mostly, they act a role with different levels of seriousness throughout the episode, so it's a very different vibe from regular c-varieties where they're themselves :D At the same time, it's clearly a reality show in which those people are extremely familiar, casual and silly with each other. Players often refer to each other only by their last names in the show for this reason, so that it refers to both player and character.
So yeah, there is 开始推理吧 with Zhou Shen and Liu Yuning, and there is MXDZT, which is its still enduring predecessor. mxdzt is pure murder-mystery without the escape room element. But it does have a lot of times where the guests are really pulled into the story, and events happen in-game, moving the story along. And oh boy, those are intense stories sometimes...
General facts:
Each season has 12 episodes, and there are currently 9 seasons. Most episodes are stand alone, even when verses are recurring, it's fine to watch them out-of-order. S8 is the only exception where it introduced a central character and a story that tied half the season together (TT<3). Another exception is the season starters and finales (eps 1-2 and 11-12 of each season) which tend to be stories in two parts with a deeper mystery behind the setting.
From S1 to S6, Sa Beining and He Jiong were the main hosts, with regulars being the likes of Zhang Ruoyun, Da Zhangwei, Wei Daxun, Bai Jingting, Wang Ou, Yang Rong, Gui Gui, Wei Chen and Liu Haoran. After S6, Sa Beining left due to CCTV not allowing him to work in other channels' shows :( but more regulars returned or joined, like Wu Xin, Qi Wei...An array of people I didn't know much before watching but all grew to love.
The show functions using rounds of group discussions and evidence-searching time, and then final votes, to get to the murderer and reveal the story. Players will not speak about themselves unless triggered by the right evidence, but once evidence is found, they cannot lie about it...unless they're the murderer.
Charm points?
The stories...While S1 was still simple, MXDZT evolved rapidly over time and by S4-S5 became a mammoth of story-telling, creatively exploring a whole range of themes like smiling depression, societal obsession with beauty and its tragedies, toxic masculinity, generational conflicts and reconciliations in families, mob mentality, the danger of cults, and the individuality of thoughts vs collectivity etc etc...in more and more depth, through intricate stories with memorable characters and great delivery and wild plot twists. There are always clever ways in which something will trigger a character story, mixing story and gameplay, and it helps that most of the players are actors: sometimes, they do get invested in their own characters! The range of acting goes from exaggeratedly bad for laughs to heartwrenching and elegantly grave. You thought it was a donghua I was babbling about for that reason in part, bc it's as much variety as it is about stories TT The show reuses its verses sometimes, too, so it's always a pleasure to see the running gags or the expanding lore.
The laughs. As the seasons progress, the show did go from a simple game to building real poignant, and deep stories with a message, some of which have made me cry ;~; BUT all the while being an absolute laugh-riot full of Ace Attorney-style names (pianist called Zhen Huitan? sketchy doctors called You Maobing? a man called He Baodan?) and so many PUNS and jokes and a loving post-prod that is so good at putting the right captions and effects. Not only this, but the show is not afraid of swerving back-and-forth between outright crack and the most touching storyline. Emotional whiplash is a big thing in the show. But when it's funny, god, it's FUNNY. and it is So often funny...
Cast. As mentioned, most of the cast rapidly became regulars. The show requires a lot of IQ, focus, thinking and also relative eloquence, and just a set of skills that isn't for all celebrities tbh. So those who stayed did for a long time, and grew comfortable with each other. I rarely watch a variety in which the cast has so much chemistry and are so chill with each other. They casually ship each other (so many ships), poke fun, develop their inside jokes... He Jiong x Sa Beining alone was the epitome of a self-proclaimed married-and-divorced-and-remarried-and-re-divorced miracle. It's also difficult to explain before watching but it's a very refreshing feeling to watch them slip in and out of character, giving this seamless mix of players being themselves, and also a character within a story and a fictional universe.
Gameplay! You can solve murder too as you watch! You can figure it out along with the players. But if you don't want to, you can just watch and wait for it to unfold! Both are ok!
Freedom to cherry-pick: While 9 seasons can be daunting and the episodes are Long TM, the show also makes it incredibly easy to watch out of order... or just watch the ones that intrigute you.
Episodes Recs:
IF you are a looking for an episode to start with, my rec is always S5E1 and S5E2, called Pianists on The Sea. You can skip the piano competition at the start of Ep1 (it's so incredibly cringe and lasts 10 mins. i love those idiots but it's so cringe). S5E1 is a murder-mystery as we know it taking place on a cruise, but what's wrong with the boat...and then S5E2 is just. oohhhhh my god. so much is wrong with the boat. The reason I pick this one is that it illustrates very well the kind of breadth the show has ;W;
Also, S6E1 and S6E2 Midnight Hotel which packs an absolute PUNCH.
I would recommend watching S6 as a whole, every ep is fun. Same with S8, which punches me in the gut again and again.
I also have my other rec lists here (with some explanation on the premise of eps recced) and here (i believe this was before S8 broke my heart (positive)) if ever helpful.
Voilà, here is my rambling for MXDZT, thank you for giving me the opportunity to babble about it <3 I haven't encompassed everything that makes this show wild and incredible, but it has to be lived. One thing is for sure though:
MXDZT is a show in which anything, and i mean literally anything, can happen.
And it's beautiful <3
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atrophiedemotion · 1 month
hey Cast! uh so this ask is about. alien stage. but imma send you another about some random shit because why not. anyways
the tags that you had on that previous post with me and plip (the one about ivan and till and how they show honesty differently and how we know about their characters a different amount because of how forthcoming or not they are) and my question for you is, how many of Ivan's actions do you think are representative of his true emotions? I don't think his body language, in general, is very forthcoming but I do agree that his actions can be pretty revealing (he strikes me as an acts of service person especially with trying to escape with Till) but uh yeah I'm wondering if there are any specific examples that you think of as being revealing of his actual thoughts or specific examples of him pretending to be someone else?
thanks for listening to me yap uh I hope you're doing well and that you have an awesome day!
rock... oh boy... this is gonna be a long one. wonderful question. thank you for the ask, i hope you have a great day as well!!
so, i didn't fully explain in the tags because i didn't want to write a full length essay on plip's post (ty plip for dealing w the rambling)(i was also very tired so i wasn't fully articulate lmao) but i meant that ivan shows his emotions through the outcomes/projected outcomes of his actions. he certainly isn't very forthcoming in the way he acts and portrays himself, but there is undeniable truth in the intent and meaning behind everything he does, even things that seem counterproductive.
i think that since ivan genuinely cannot fully be upfront and honest (due to trauma, his lack of self worth, and his decided survival strategy) his main truths show in the deeper meaning of the things he does for other people and himself. with ivan, it is all about intent. i've said before that the only way to understand ivan is to dig deeper and this is very much true here. he uses a lot of subterfuge to throw people off from his actual intentions, but they're there.
ivan often uses unconventional, roundabout ways to achieve his goals/get what he wants- especially when they mean something to him. he is a guy who is caked in layers upon layers of meaning only if you pull back the acres of curtains he's covered them with. he doesn't want people to know what goes on in his head, so he covers it up valiantly. this is due to his low self esteem of course, but also full on survival. in order for his plans to work, no one can be in on it. no one can know what he's thinking. all of his true feelings and thoughts need to be hidden in order to achieve success, but in the end it's fucking hard to not leave a trace of your true feelings.
with all that being said, examples!
the biggest and most obvious examples are mainly related to till (of course they are) and i also feel like they're the most telling. ivan's teachers specifically pointed out that he was only childish around till (they were relieved by it, too, because he was so damn serious the rest of the time and didn't behave like a child should). ivan has the hardest time hiding his true emotions around till, which makes sense, because till makes him feel the most emotion when his are always dulled. that doesn't stop him from going the 'i must hide my crush by pulling his pigtails' route but, y'know.
since most of these are talked about frequently and i dont want to keep beating a dead horse in an already long post, here's a (hopefully) brief list:
-the biggest one, the meteor shower. going through all of that to escape with till, specifically during a meteor shower that it seemed ivan was desperate to show till (to introduce his shooting stars to each other or smth im sure). ivan offered till freedom and denied himself of it when till turned around and he followed him back without question.
-his good behavior can arguably be considered to be due, in part, to the perks an obedient pet gets. this isn't just a till thing but ivan's obedience is very telling of his need and drive for survival, which considering his uhh,, track record is likely largely so he can protect till. gaining perks and learning insider information, like how to take collars off and gain access to isolation cells, assist him in assisting and caring for till.
-the sometimes silent companionship they share. the way ivan will poke at him to get his outright attention but is still at times satisfied with just existing in till's space and enjoying his presence says a lot about his genuine adoration and admiration of till
-his sacrifice. i don't think i need to say much about this as it's pretty self explanatory lmao but it is a Great example of what im trying to convey. ivan does honest things and has to cover them up at the same time. the 'violence' was to end the round of course, but it was also kind of like a familiar bandaid over the painfully honest feelings he conveyed with the kiss. even if he didn't really hurt him he couldn't just be honest
there are definitely more (most everything he does in regards to till tbh) but i wanted to talk about some others too
the comic conversation with sua about her sacrifice! such a big one. ivan's feelings about sua are very complicated, but to me i feel like he cares about her to an extent, almost pitying in a way. he's horribly jealous of her and the love she has, but he sees so much of himself in her that what he says in that conversation is probably at least half projection, even if he's not aware of it.
the way he looks at her without trying to hide his distaste feels like the way he would look down on himself. the whole thing shows not only his disgust with himself, but his anger towards someone who is so similar to him that she makes the same plans in her head even though she has something he believes he'll never have. it's envy, tried and true, and he doesn't even hide it at the time. he hides the self loathing behind it, but still. that might be the most honest we've seen ivan aside from the end of r6.
that conversation also does kind of show the fact that he cares for sua and mizi. sua in a way he acknowledges less to himself, but certainly mizi.
and speaking of mizi, my last example for right now is the way he watched round 5 like he was barely holding it together and sort of did his own recreation of it in round 6. the strangling was reminiscent of the way mizi lunged at luka and he almost certainly got the idea for his method of sacrifice from what she did. it kind of feels like an ode to her, in a way. an ode to mizi while offering himself up for till, which. is very sad but almost a little sweet, that he had a piece of mizi in what he was doing for till.
okay okay im sure i could keep talking about this but ive been writing for. a long time LMAO so i will stop here but! yeah. ivan shows his emotions inadvertently through his actions and about fifty levels of subterfuge. but it's all we get, so...
thank you for the ask again my dude, i really enjoyed answering it!
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ughgoaway · 1 year
i hate matty healy- chapter 1
content warnings; no direct smut but theres build up, swearing, drinking, creepy men and my first attempt at writing anything!! word count- 2500-ish
a/n: here we go again! here's chapter 1, this was my first time writing anything so keep that in mind whilst reading lol. I just hit 200 notes on the original like 2 days before tumblr deleted my account so thanks again tumblr!! I'll stop being bitter soon I promise...
next chapter
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You hate Matthew Healy. Specifically, you hate his hands, which are currently desperately groping you wherever he can reach. His hips that you usually stare at on stage and roll your eyes at their gyration are pushed up against you, grinding, trying to get any friction between the two of you. You also hate his hair, the mop of unruly curly you have currently between tight fights gripping and forcing his lips to yours. That's another thing you hate. His lips. Even though they are furiously kissing yours, you try to reassure yourself you hate them. You absolutely categorically hate everything about Matty Healy, apart from the fact that you don't hate him. Not even a little bit. Not at all. But you don't know that yet. 
This “hatred” began at a house party in Wilmslow. Your very sad, very grey, very English hometown. You were in some massive country house staring at a room of teenagers grinding against each other. Whilst they might all be technically adults, they certainly don't look like them whilst giggling and swaying their hips to some awful house music. Large paintings of deer and horses decorate the wall as well as an oil portrait of the family that owns the house hanging over the fireplace that is currently filled with empty bottles of liquor. An interesting interior design choice you thought. The bass of some EDM tune is vibrating through you making you more uncomfortable than you already are surrounded by drunk people from school. You thought the guys you interacted with on a daily basis couldn't get any worse, and then you interacted with them once they had a bottle of vodka in them. 
Right now you were cornered by Josh Brown by the entryway and desperately trying to escape the presence of the, frankly, concerningly sweaty boy. In your head you vowed to never be a good sister again, the only reason you were at this scummy party in the first place is to support your brother Ross. Ross had formed a band a few years ago, from what you've heard they're alright but you had made a promise to yourself to never meet them or see them perform live.
You didn't want to meet anyone who had any desire to form a band as generally, they are the worst kind of people. Always somehow insecure and full of ego at the same time. As for not seeing them live, there were many reasons but mainly because you knew how girls react to a guy in a band and the last way you wanted to spend your Saturdays was seeing fit girls fawn over your brother. It was bad enough hearing “Oh my god you're Ross’ sister? No way! Can you introduce me?!” every day at secondary school and you just knew it would be worse now that he's 19 years old, in a band and is sporting an impressive beard (not that you would ever tell him that.) But Ross has insisted that you come to this show, apparently, they've finally perfected some new songs and you just needed to hear them, so you broke your rule. “Never again,” you thought whilst Josh somehow got closer.
Suddenly you heard “Josh bugger off mate cant you see she's physically moving away from you? Take the hint and move on” It was not a voice you recognised but a nice one nonetheless. Josh turned around suddenly and accidentally gave you a quick flash of your saviour before the stupid oaf blocked your view again. All you saw was a head of crazy curls and a leather jacket. “how cliché” you thought- coming to a house party in a cool leather jacket and saving a damsel in distress. Not that you were a damsel, you were however in distress but, to be fair, so is everyone within 10 feet of Josh due to the impressive odour he gave off. “Oh shove off Healy, you don't know what you're talking about. Does he love?” you vaguely recognise the name Josh angrily spits off but can't place it.
your brain was ticking and you were soon lost in your thoughts you hadn't realised that had Josh turned around and directed the last part of his statement at you. Once you realised he was actually talking to you, you glanced into his eyes and saw he was clearly hoping you were going to try and be polite and lie. You don't lie. As quickly as you can you respond with, “Oh no he definitely does, please don't come near me again. Or near anyone frankly. You are 19 years old, how have you not grown the fuck up enough to know when a girl wants absolutely nothing to do with you?” expecting a violent response you tighten your fists to prepare yourself to punch this asshole in the face. Ross had taught you how to throw a punch properly when you were 13 and had discovered that men suck. But, much to your surprise all he does is scoff and scuttle away standing slightly less tall than when he first came to speak to you. 
Once Josh is finally out of view you turn to face the guy who managed to get him to leave you alone. You are faced with someone you were certainly not expecting. From bottom to top you scanned him taking in his outfit and then his face. He had black doc martens on his feet but had missed a few holes when lacing them up leaving them looking slightly askew. Black skinny jeans adorned his legs followed by a baggy white t-shirt with the Chanel logo on it. You made the assumption that it was in fact not real Chanel. Covering the shirt slightly was the aforementioned black leather jacket. Clearly vintage and too big for him but he pulled it off anyway. Lastly, you looked at his face. Chestnut brown eyes stared back in yours and he had a lazy smirk on his face.
“No need to thank me love” he began to say “No one should have to be in the presence of that dickhead for any longer than absolutely necessary” he had a remarkably average voice by any definition but you picked up on the slight scratchiness of it, you guessed he was a smoker. “Thanks for your help but I really would have been fine, I can deal with people like Josh,” you said back trying to keep any nervousness out of your voice as you don't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he helped you. You were petty like that. “Alright well since you're so fine on your own I guess I won't ask if you want a drink” he said cheekily whilst leaning on the wall behind you getting a little bit closer. This made you snort and take a deeper look at the man. You guess you could say he was attractive. Actually, the longer you looked you decided he definitely was attractive. Very attractive. Maybe you would enjoy this scummy party after all. 
This illusion was soon shattered when you heard a familiar booming voice behind you say “Matty why are you anywhere near my little sister, you're gonna give her an STD from breathing too close.” You then felt an arm sling over your shoulders, after a second of shock you quickly connected the dots and realised it was Ross. Well maybe it was longer than a second of shock, you had drunk a fair amount of jack daniels at this point. Ross chuckled at your clearly tipsy state causing your whole body to shake due to the sheer size of your brother, at well over six feet he towered over you- even in the platform boots you were wearing. “Ah well Ross I was just doing my civilian duty by saving her from Josh Brown, he has somehow gotten sweatier since leaving school you'll be happy to know” the man you now know as Matty rebutted.
Suddenly a third voice deeper than the other two joined in, “Does your civilian duty require you to be standing that close and leaning in so far you could see down her top?” This comment made you spin and glare at the voice, it came from a man somehow even taller than your brother with a pile of dirty blonde hair on the top of his head that had been scraped into a bun. “Can we all stop perving on my baby sister, please? This is not the introduction I wanted” Ross then turned to look into your eyes “Y/n these are two of the boys from the band, the blonde giant is George but we all call him G- he plays the drums. The short-" Matty's voice cut in “Hey!-” he was cut off quickly by Ross who only reaffirmed what he said “Ahem” he glared at Matty as he fake cleared his voice “As I was saying the extremely short curly dickhead is matty, our “charismatic” front man” his voice dripped with sarcasm as he did air quotes with his hands around the word charismatic. “And our final member Hann, well technically Adam but no one calls him that, hasn't arrived yet” You completely missed that last sentence as you were only thinking about Matty, something that you didn't know would become a staple in your life. 
You then start to really think about the situation, and it all becomes painfully clear. The random attractive stranger only helped because he knows Ross. Of course. You obviously cannot have a life separate from your older brother. Even the seemingly kind strangers who you're attracted to have to know him. Not even just know him, they have to be one of his best mates. Any thoughts you had of getting a quick shag tonight from the hot stranger dissipated quickly as you realised Matty was not just being nice and was in fact teasing you by talking to you. Just doing it knowing it would piss off Ross. Great. You love being the pawn in their immature games. 
Then and there you decided you hate matty healy. This hatred stuck for all the years that followed. It stuck through them getting their first song on the radio. Getting their first album out. The first tour. The first award ceremony. Through it all you hated Matty Healy. Even 10 years later you still hated matty healy. Which circles your thoughts back to his hands on you. You considered maybe you didn't hate Matty like you thought. Maybe this whole time you have done nothing but desire him. But you push that thought far far away.
The day began with you being awoken by a clanging in the kitchen and you knew it was Matty. Everyone else tried to be respectful on the tour bus, and keep quiet. Especially if you had all been drinking the night before like you all had last night. So when you heard the kettle click off and the loud banging of mugs together you knew it was no one other than Matthew Healy. There wasn't anyone else on the bus, they left earlier in search of pancakes. So it was the perfect opportunity to berate him with no backlash from his friends, in a state of anger you rolled out of your bunk to go and do just that.
However, as you walked into the bus kitchen your angry words died in your mouth as you caught him standing there in nothing but a pair of low-hanging grey jogging bottoms trying to make a cup of tea.  As he turned to face you, you snapped back to reality and you made your face as stoic as you could manage. He didn't need to see you gawk over him. He might be attractive but you knew he didn't need to hear it. If his ego got any bigger you think he would be a danger to society.
“What,” he said, staring at you with disdain in his eyes. Due to all your years of hating Matty, he hated you just as much. In the 10 years you have known him you've never laughed a joke, complimented him or given him any idea that you actually like him. In fact, you've done quite the opposite by constantly saying you hate him. This infuriated Matty to no end due to his incredible ego so he hated you too. Mutually assured destruction was the best way to describe your relationship. “Do you have to make the most amount of noise possible at all times Matthew?” you angrily said between clenched teeth. You saw his jaw tick with anger at the use of Matthew. You never called him Matty to his face, in your head you did but never to him. Anything you could do to make his life marginally worse you would do. Hence the heavy use of Matthew. Normally he would rebut with something equally snarky but something was different this morning, he was obviously at the end of his rope.
“Oh my god. I'm done. What the fuck is your issue with me?” he stated angrily in a raised voice. “Oh Matthew we don't have enough time to detail all my issues with me, you have a show tonight!” You snarkily replied. That wasn't good enough this morning. “No. Not today. I'm being serious y/n what did I do to you that means you have done nothing but despise me for the past decade?” you scoffed signifying to him that you weren't going to dignify him with a response. This angered him further and he started to walk closer to you, “are you seriously not going to respond?” he said, you opened your mouth trying to speak but he interrupted you throwing his hands up and saying “That's fine actually because we all know why you really “hate” me” he put air quotes around the word.
“Oh, really Matthew?” You said starting to stand taller and walking closer to him like he had to you earlier, “please enlighten me then why do I hate you? Share with the class.” you replied sarcastically. “You really want to know?” he replied in a scarily calm voice getting closer to you once again.
After one final step forward by you, you were face to face as you whispered angrily “Yes.”. You stared at each other for half a second before you both shot forward and crashed your lips together in a fit of fury. This isn't your typical first kiss. There was no gentle start and gradual deepening. No. it was hard, dirty and full of anger. He quickly started groping you which was easy because you had been sleeping in nothing but a long shirt and some skimpy sleep shorts. You groaned and grabbed his hair and his hips started to grind into you. Teeth clashed as you forced yourself as close to him as you could while he pushed you against the wall of the bus kitchen.
After you physically had to pull away for air all you did was stare at each other, after a few seconds all Matty said was “Bed?” and you quickly replied, “Bed.” You then both began to stumble into the hallway desperately grasping at each other and going to the large bedroom at the back of the bus with no thoughts other than of each other.
(note- this is a repost, tumblr deleted my old account so this is a new one! I'll add this note on each reposted chapter)
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alexa-fika · 3 months
Tell me about your favorite pieces of work. What's an art piece and a writing piece you're just really proud of?
Oh boy Oh boy, it’s my time to shine ✊🏽
Among my writings, I have many that I am attached to mostly because of the love you guys have shown have really helped me be proud of them but at the top of them I have Demonically Adorable
I wrote the first ‘fight scene’ that I was genuily proud out, I think it was actually my first one in general and I think a smooth job in it.
I ‘ve also struggled with those types of fics where you introduce a Reader into a canon series of events because I struggle to find the balance between keeping it true to egents but also not making it a copy paste.
The funniest part about this is that this fic was I think the first request I rejected. I was telling @cosmocup1d, the requester, bless their heart btw, that I had spent days trying to think of a plot but I had failed only to get inspiration a day later. And man on my I was in the zone. I loved how it turned out from start to finish, which usually I end up insecure about one part of the fic but this one I felt so accomplished.
That being said I also feel great accomplishment for Hungry for truth, the one shot that I had written thanks to you and 💧’s prompts and ideas ( please let me work with you guys again, i am in my knees begging you). I think I have mentioned it before but I am a fan of yandere but am horrible at writting it. I gave a try on Delivery for one and Locked Database and I felt okay about them, I liked them but Hungry for truth was top of the top. It was something that I felt so proud to show both you and 💧.
With it I felt like I had truly ashieved that dark theme, yandere theme that I had attempted to reach with the other true but failed to truly achieve.
Now on to art, it’s funny I don’t think many of you know I draw 😂, thats how this blog originally started and was intended to be, an art blog but then you inspired me to actually try to publish my writings and so here we are.
I did many types of art, including the abstract art lgbtia event where I published a couple of them every day in pride month. I like those but they were pretty simple, fast, something to show my pride more than the art. Now if we are talking about my favorite one’s it has got to be this one.
In it I drew my oc Alexa ( the pink haired girl) along with the representation of two other friends who back then were anons who identified themselves with the 🧶 and 🌻 emoji. I felt proud of how I did the backround, something that I had been practicing for a while and finally aces to the creation of emoji representations like them. The autumn representation I did is also up there, I remember at first it was just a witch but when I started doing a bunch of hair do I was like wait pumpkin? (Please ignore the words on the post they are a mess of pretend family tree that even back then I din’t understand)
And an honarable mention to my soulmate compass, less up there because most of it was simply tracing the photo of my actual compass with just a pretty backround
So yeah there they are! My proudest pieces. Thank you so much for asking quin 😂, I love answering questions of the stories I write, what was the thoughts behind it and I like even more interacting with each and every one of you.
As promised take your smooch
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300yearschallenge · 1 year
Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4
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The main house was a simple two room cabin with a small hallway connecting the two.
To the left was the bedroom, and to the right was the kitchen. The furniture was well worn and robust, and although the place was much less fancy than the Park home it seemed like a wealth of luxury to Charles Elias after his long journey.
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Once inside Charles Elias was invited to sit at the dinner table, with the old man, who introduced himself as Isak, sitting at the head of the table.
"Now then," Isak said, "Why don't you explain why on earth you've come all this way to see Theodore, and I'll have my niece cook us up a nice warm meal while we talk."
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Once Isak had called out to a younger girl, who walked in with barely a hello and who kept her gaze firmly away from the group, Charles Elias began telling everyone his story.
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He skirted around the truth of who his father was, worried that it would reflect poorly on both Charles Elias, his mother and Theodore if it were to come out, and instead leaned heavily into Joseph's behaviour as the driving force of him leaving.
It wasn't technically a lie.
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The more Charles Elias spoke, the more of his frustration poured out.
How angry he was at the man who had raised him for how he had been treated, how slighted he felt, how he reached a point where he just couldn't take it anymore.
And the more Charles Elias spoke, the sadder Theodore and Isak looked. They all knew their culture said you should always listen to and obey the head of the household, but they could also understand that a hurt and angry teenage boy might not follow those expectations.
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Once Charles Elias was done, Theodore spoke up.
"Well," he said, "I certainly think you had cause to leave. It was a rash decision, but I can't find it within myself to hold it against you."
Charles Elias breathed a sigh of relief.
"Personally," Theodore continued, "And I hope you don't mind the suggestion, sir, I wouldn't be opposed to having you stay here and help out with the fishing. It's hard work, but it's honest work, and a strong young man such as yourself would do well."
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"I-I wouldn't mind fishing, sir," Charles Elias said, glancing towards the man at the head of the table, "I promise I will work hard to earn my living if I you let me stay here."
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"I don't see why not," Isak said, "Theodore staying with us has supported our family immensely, and having an extra hand here would do wonders."
Charles Elias smiled.
"I say you're welcome to stay in Theodore's cabin, and to work with us. Welcome, Charles Elias."
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With the tension of weeks of travel gone, the conversation began to flow more freely.
Theodore and Charles Elias joked and reminisced, and Isak told a few far-fetched stories of his fishing days as a young man.
Finally, everything felt alright again.
Historical Info
Oh boy, oh boy! Get ready for historical info you guys, and thank you to everyone for your patience <3
Since I'll be covering two different topics, I'm gonna arrange it into different sub-headers to make reading easier.
Charles Elias' Path
We've discussed the Postal Road between Stockholm and Turku in the past, primarily looking into how it functioned in general.
As such, I won't go into all of that again, but will instead look at the path that Charles Elias took to reach Theodore.
Using this map as a base, I made a sketch of the path that Charles Elias took in order to reach Theodore.
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I've always kept the exact village etc. where my sims live somewhat vague on purpose, mostly to have a little bit more room for storytelling.
But, in general terms, you can see what areas I've imagined Charles Elias started his journey from (blue) and where he ended it (red).
The blue X to the west marks the location of the postal harbour, which would have been the point where he turned east.
Now, if you were to make this journey today it would not take two weeks. With car you can make this journey in like maybe 40(?) minutes or so, and on foot google maps says such a walk would take aprox. 17 hours.
However! Keeping in mind that nowadays we have the luxury of modern, well-kept roads and easier modes of transport, I reckoned it made sense if the journey took longer.
There were less roads in general, most were dirt roads, and many small channels of water had to be crossed by boat or bridge. Taking into consideration setting up camp/sleeping somewhere and winter conditions and I figured it would make sense for such a journey to take much longer.
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Set up along the postal road and larger roads at this time were a number of inns.
For the most part these inns were somewhat simple, and often mostly had a main room and some rooms for travelers. The primary people who came to the inns were people traveling along the postal road, primarily "officials, military, merchants and sometimes sailors and boatsmen". This we know since the inns were demanded to keep a diary of their visitors, some of which have survived to modern day.
The quality of the inns at this time varied, with some travel diaries bemoaning the quality, while others thought it was pretty okay. "Guests of higher social standing preferred to stay with priests instead."
Source: Det Åländska Folkets Historia Vol. III (The History of the Åland People Vol. III) by Stig Dreijer
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evilwickedme · 2 years
What's your opinion on Lana Lang from Smallville? And Clark's obsession with her. Very strange!
Oh my gosh anon thank you so much for asking :) I have an entirely healthy amount of feelings about this show
Anyway Lana Long is top five worst characters I've ever had the displeasure of watching. So jot that down
Ok it's a little more complicated than that. Because the thing is early Smallville had a formula going on, you know? The kryptonite freak of the week would show up, wreak havoc, Clark would stop him, maybe learning how to use a new power in the meantime. And they also had a formula for the villain motivation - generally it was a metaphor or direct result of something related to puberty or growing up, although sometimes it was just LuthorCorp Bad™. Yeah, they had episodes that broke the formula, but that was the show for the most part. And generally, if the villain was a guy, he was fucking obsessed with Lana (sexual), and if the villain was a girl, she was fucking obsessed with Lana (jealous). Not every time. But a lot.
The show leaned hard on this aspect of Lana being the girl next door, the fact that she was pretty and popular and yet seemed so attainable due to her being Nice™. And when a show is as formulaic as early Smallville is... Honestly, that's fine. It grates on my nerves cause I can't stand her, but I honestly think that it isn't her fault this early on. She's got her own dynamic with every character and Clark having a crush on her makes total sense for his character.
The problem starts in season four.
Season four is where Smallville really started being a serialized show, with the ongoing plot taking front and center just as often as a freak of the week if not moreso. We're introduced to a new cast of characters, a whole world that Lionel Luthor is a part of, we've got Kryptonian mysteries going on, and we have the introduction of my beloved Lois Lane.
Which means, at the very least in the audience's mind, Lana Lang has some serious competition now. Because ffs, we know Lois is endgame. We knew Lois is endgame when we watched the pilot. We're watching a Superman origin story - at the end of the story he's going to be wearing a red cape, know his Kryptonian origin, go to work at the daily planet, and have a deep love for his coworker Lois Lane.
And Lois Lane is likeable from the very beginning. She's a little crass, but she's funny, she's clever, she's kind. The very first thing she does in the plot is find an amnesiac (basically possessed) Clark and take him to a hospital. Tom Welling and Erica Durance have insane amounts of chemistry. And there's just a general feeling that we're getting closer and closer to Superman, rather than just Clark Kent, farm boy with a crush on Lana Lang.
But they don't write Lana off the show. They keep her there for four and a half more seasons. And here is where the real issues start.
Firstly, Clark's crush was a little creepy sometimes from the very beginning because honestly, the early two thousands really thought that watching your neighbor with a telescope was romantic. But with Lois as competition, his crush for Lana has to become that much more intense, to explain why he doesn't just drop her and go with the obviously more enticing choice. And Lana herself has to morph, change into something a little more complex than "nice girl with a little ambition".
So the writers focused on aspects of her personality that we'd already seen, and amped them up to 100. Her curiosity becomes nosiness. Her ambition becomes bossiness and ruthlessness. And worst of all, they write her into a love triangle with fucking Lex Luthor.
Don't get me wrong, there's something so interesting and compelling about the friends to enemies arc that Lex and Clark have going on. It's just that when Clark and Lana are 14, Lex is fucking 21. It is in no way appropriate for Lex and Lana to get married. And it would've honestly been unimaginable with Lana's early characterization. But by season six, she's an extremely unpleasant person. But the writers don't want to give in to Superman's Destiny™ quite yet, so Clark still has to be interested in Lana, and the love triangle is a major component in the friends to enemies arc between Clark and Lex anyway, so Clark's crush on Lana becomes more and more unbearably intense until it is entirely an obsession.
And the thing is that Lois is still there. The writers do a phenomenal fucking job convincing us that Clark and Lois are so good for each other, years before they get together. But with Lana warping reality around her or whatever, they forget to write Clark moving on from her. And by season eight when it finally looks like Clark and Lois are going to get their shit together, Lana walks in and distracts Clark, again.
And the thing is, yes, I find Lana unbearable, and yes, I ship clois because I think they really are perfect for each other and they've chosen to stick by each other and be each other's pillar in life. But the biggest sin in my eyes is that the writers forgot to let Clark choose Lois over Lana. By that point, they've written themselves into such a tight corner that this version of Clark can't just get over Lana and choose to move with his life - they have to force her away from him, make him physically unable to be anywhere near her without literally dying. And yeah, on the metaphorical level that makes me happy - she is poison for him. But on the basic textual level I can't help but say hey, what the fuck.
This is a show about choice. About how our choices make us into heroes and villains. There are universes where people made different choices, and Clark is evil there. There are other people besides Clark also choosing to be heroes. Lois chooses to trust Clark, even though he never told her his secret, and Lana chooses not to. But the writers never let Clark choose Lois not just on her own, but against Lana. And that, more than her pretending to still be a "good girl" even while married to fucking Lex Luthor, more than her personality in general, more than the narrative's obsession with her three years at least after she should've been written off the show, is why I dislike her so much.
Anyway yeah fuck Lana Lang
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slashingdisneypasta · 7 months
I know I've sent you enough asks about Poppy and Kingston... But now I've been thinking about their trip to Australia and now I HAVE to send you my thoughts on them in the Outback XD
Of course as usual, you don't have to answer right away, and whether these are true on Kingstons end is up to you ^^ and if you have any thoughts on this, I'd love to hear them!!!
First things first. The language/slang barrier. Can you inagine??? XD I did not confirm if your guys language was still the same around the 40's, but still!!! Like-
Kingston: *sees Poppy packing shoes that probably aren't the best for the Australian environment* Yeah, we're gonna get you some thongs, love.
Poppy: ... Honey, we're going to meet your parents??
I know that by then they've more than likely cleared some things up about their languages, but still, this was too hilarious for me not to include XD besides, hearing your boyfriend talk about bringing thongs to his parents' house would factory reset any American I bet XD
Poppy just- not at all being prepared for the Bush XD but also loving it!! She's not used to not having the sounds of the bustling yet dangerous city outside her window at night, but she definitely appreciates the lack of it. Having neighbors being literal yards apart and not having to worry about walking too loudly for people below you, etc. Of course Poppy still minds her manners, but it's very jarring and relieving for her out here ^^
Of course, Poppy on the farm. If Kingston was raised here, he can introduce Pops to the animals!!! And just in general, assure her woth the Australian wildlife... But also giving her a heart attack when he just calmly picks up a snake that snuck in their room that night, or wave a dismissal hand at a dingo XD (omg imagine if Kingston Kangaroo got into a fight with a human kangaroo!!! I wanna see that. And I want Poppy to see that and be very surprised what real-life kangaroos are like XDD)
Again, Poppy going through a culture shock with Australia. Idk if people in general in Australia don't care about filtering their words like Kingston, but if they do, ho boy Pops is in for a treat XD
Ok, time for your regularly scheduled angst. Poppy would be trying so hard to impress Kingstons parents. She's upping her etiquette to the max and is going to be stressing out about how Kings parents will perceive her :( though something tells me that Mr. And Mrs. Kingston will be quick to assure her ^^
All in all, it's a very surprising culture shock for her, but she loves it all the same and would love to move somewhere outside of the city with Kingston someday ^^
No. Never enough Poppy and Kingston XD
First off, coming from an Aussie, I can genuinly say that the thongs thing will never not be funny XDD Yes, I'm sure, hearing that would be a surprise for her 😅😄 And Kingston would know e x a c t l y what he's doing, cuz we are perfectly aware of American slang and non-slang XD He would just say it, smooth-faced, and move on. Rena will perpetuate the horror, too. So Ryan will have to let her in on the secret (whils King's whining that Ryan ruined his fun XD ). But eh 🤷‍♀️ There are other fun Aus Things to tease her with 😏
Poppy: OH, it's SANDALS! Oh my- thank goodness. Kingston how dare you do that to me!!
Kingston: Awww, Ry, you had to ruin the fun?
Ryan: I'm just being a friend. What she's really gotta worry about is the drop bears, anyway 😏
Poppy: Drop- Drop bears??
Rena: 😏 Mhm, scourge of Aus, those fucken drop bears.
Kingston: 😏😏😯 OOOOOOooooo you're right. When you're right, you're right, Ry. Don't worry Pops, I won't let those viscious cunts get you.
Poppy: W h a t???
Ahhhhh! Imagine bonfires with Poppy and Kingston's family!! XD They're out in the middle of nowhere so as long as weather permits, they can set up a nice fire and roast marshmallows, and look for the southern cross and orion, and listen to kookaburras!! God I'm suddenly so jealous XDD
Omg, Kingston introducing Poppy to the animals 💛💛💛 And don't forget- Kingston introducing Poppy to Aussie snacks!! Vegemite, Tim Tam's, Milo, twisties, anzac bickies, fairybread, lamingtons, pav, shapes, etc. Obviously some of these are more modern but hey, if they're toons they're immortal! Kingston showing Poppy how to Tim Tam Slam! ^^ (she will never be the same. Girl will be importing Tim Tam's to the US in order to tim slam them- )
Haha, as for how the regular person talks... yeah I guess their could a culture shock there 😄 It's not that fuck and cunt are every second word or anything but we're definitely not as sensitive about them as I think the US probably is (or at least older generations?). Cunt is for sure used as a term of endearment, especially if you're mixing with bogans XD I'm sure by that point Poppy will be used to that though from Kingston! XDD He's the most g e n u i n e aussie bloke XD Friendly, but loud and a little kinda scary.
Awwww, King's parents will l o v e Poppy!!! I'm basing them off of any and all of my aussie friends parents, so they're friendly and sweet and inclusive ^^ When Poppy arrives they just want her to r e l a x. 'We're not here to scare you sweetheart, our home is your home ^^ Now we were thinkin of frying up some fish for dinner, what do you think? We'll have whatever you want ^^'.
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void-botanist · 9 months
I'm curious about Declan and:
Asking you to write a whole essay lmao
Send me a platonic pairing and get an essay lol
genuinely thank you Kendrick I want to write you an essay lol (and honestly good excuse for more dynamic building)
Declan & Gil
Declan is happy that Tristan has someone else in her life telling her to stop blaming herself for Cady's death, because even though she introduced him to warp racing everyone knows Cady did whatever he damn well felt like and no one can hold her (the person who also got out of warp racing and told Cady to) accountable for his actions. He also likes listening to Gil's tales of school shenanigans and explanations of her craft projects. He feels like she actually listens when he talks, and that means a lot. But he's never fully gotten over the feeling of envy that Tristan gets to have a partner while he remains in permanent mourning. He tries not to let it color his relationship with Gil. But on some level Gil knows that's what he thinks and she can't really blame him. She actually knows a lot more about Declan in general than he knows about her, not because he's not interested in her life but because she's good friends with Rodney, and Rodney always ends up eventually talking about Declan. She also knows things that Declan doesn't (or at least doesn't discover until Nicea), like that Rodney has been secretly borrowing Declan's storage unit keys to check up on things. She won't say this to anyone except Tristan but she wishes there was more she could do for him beyond occasional gifts and distractions.
Declan & Tatya
I harp on how Tatya is a lover and a flirt and oupy but she is also a genuine professional, and when she's around Declan (read: the boss) she gets right to the point and is very clear about what she can and can't do. Declan loves this, and also loves the absolute smoothness of her warps. Like, professional warp witches who work out of contracting companies do good warps, but never with the same almost-imperceptible entry and exit Tatya can manage. Declan is, however, kind of over the conflict between her and Isabel. It seems to be mostly ribbing, and they keep it out of his bridge, but oh boy does he not want to have to lay down the law about them shutting up, so he hopes it doesn't become anything beyond that. For the most part Declan just doesn't think about Tatya outside of her doing her job or hanging out in the bridge - even though she's constantly in the Nicea instead of her own attached ship she hasn't been incorporated into the flow of the crew in his opinion - but he is vaguely fond of her presence, maybe because she reminds him a little of Cady. Tatya mostly just wants to impress him, because she wants to do well and get paid, but also it's obvious to her that he's in charge of this weird quasi-family dynamic and if he's cool with her, then Isabel has to actually face her requests instead of complaining to this guy about it (if anyone actually complains to this guy. she's beginning to doubt that he even accepts complaints).
Declan & Bo
To be perfectly honest Declan doesn't get Bo. No one really does except Tristan but Declan is especially ??? when it comes to them. On the plus side, Bo is usually pretty quiet and doesn't try to draw Declan into shenanigans. On the minus side, they're always saying weird shit and getting everyone around them to be loud and eating everything (that can be a plus too. depends on whether they're eating the things he wanted). Because Bo is very pro-warp racing, Declan has always been kind of suspicious of them, but Cady always came back in one piece, so… He doesn't blame Bo for Cady's death exactly, but he also very much does not not blame them for it. Without easy access to a warp witch even Cady's thrill-seeking ass would not be out there warp racing so much, but also without that witch being Bo that might have been a more dangerous prospect. Perhaps the best description of their relationship is that Declan tolerates Bo, in the most neutral way possible, and Bo thinks that Declan is a real solid guy. Nothing like Cady, and probably doesn't even like them, but still solid. And also sometimes points them to the food in his fridge he doesn't want, which they are happy to take care of. After spending a decade with Cady Bo has a lot more understanding of Declan, but I'm not sure how much that comes out in their interactions.
Declan & Horatio
Declan has an immense respect for Horatio based 50% on Horatio's meticulously-kept records. I realized because of this ask that if Nicea and AOM take place at roughly the same time (as I assumed) and Cady picked up the old dashboard corona from Horatio a little over ten years ago, this means that Horatio has been running a little side hustle in plant sales since he was in college, which honestly checks out. But I think that also means that Declan has never seen Horatio's shop before Nicea, because that definitely didn't exist a decade ago. Still, Horatio has always kept handwritten sales records in an extremely neat and readable print hand (Declan can't fathom this. how can you write that much print, with a pen, no less) and Declan is extremely enchanted by this. The other 50% of Declan's respect comes from the fact that Horatio was the one who decorated Cady's funeral (in this culture, more a party/celebration of life than a funeral, and divorced from the actual burial) and never once made a fuss to him about anything or turned his customer-service cheerfulness on him. There was simply a moment as Horatio was packing up everything where, unprompted, Horatio cut him an orchid to put on Cady's grave, and explained that it was a Summer Band symbol of grief. Horatio, for his part, has no idea what it feels like to lose someone like Declan has - multiple times! - but he figures that's a good reason to just stay out of it.
Nicea taglist: @kahvilahuhut @kk7-rbs @outpost51 @writernopal @athenswrites
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