#BUT AGAIN i wish there was more from Izuku if this becomes the route to izuocha canon
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As a multishipper I'm thinking about something. As a BKDK fan, I am, I guess preparing for a possibility?
I had a thought with this last chapter, and how this battle is literally about to end. That we are indeed at the very end of the line.
And I am thinking of the "Do your best, Izuku" theme and how everyone started chiming in on it, how it has become basically the closing motif to the battle. And how Tenya brought up the OG, ochako, who said the "Deku" seemed to her like "Do your best", and of course, ochako is seen saying the same.
So my thought is, if Hori is going for a Izu Ocha ending, this might be how it comes about.
(I am not saying it's one hundred percent satisfying, bc once again, Izuku has shown virtually no interest in her beyond friendship, and the relationship, to me, is still thematically and developmentally, one sided.)
So I don't know if hori is going to go with the idea that "do your best" bringing the relationship of Izu Ocha to the forefront after kicking it to the side for so long...but I guess I can see the thematic possibility he MAY be going for if that is the case.
Once again, I am hoping it's not a blatant thing, if anything I'd like no pairing to be outright "canon". Realistically I think that may be the case. Simply bc izu ocha just doesn't have enough reciprocity behind it and, bakudeku...well, obviously is highly unlikely due to the nature of Shonen/cultural precedence by very reason of it being Queer.
I am just thinking about the whole thing and it may be where Izu Ocha enters the Chat again.
As always I am letting Hori cook, and tempering expectations. I don't dislike Izu Ocha so I won't be terribly bummed out, I just wish there was a little more developed into it(namely, on izukus side)
As I always disclaim, it's Horis story to tell, and I am here to read it, and I'm not stopping now.
#bakudeku#bnha spoilers#all i am saying is that im catching a bit of a motif of Ochakos reinterpretation of his name#becoming such a driving force in the climax#its going to be an emotional highlight to end the battle#so i can see the izuocha of it#and as a multishipper i appreciate it#BUT AGAIN i wish there was more from Izuku if this becomes the route to izuocha canon#please dont come for me#honestly its sweet and i like it for the couple#just like i love the motifs that drive bkdk theories#and they arent mutually exclusive of each other!!!#why not both???#por que no los dos?#lets get some final izuocha and bkdk lets goooo#either way bkdk has been INCREDIBLE no matter what happens#so much that we wanted happened#and athat is INSANELY COOL to happen for any fans!#all fans want to see is content for their favorite lil guys#and YALL WE HAVE HAD SO MUCH CONTENT#either way i view bkdk as a win#i would love for bkdk to end as a queer couple even hinted but i know its up to hori and it may not be what he wants#thats ok#whatever hori decides for them#at the end of the day its his stoey and i am invested.#i will still hold on to my little scrap of hope that he DOES see the bkdk and does buck the norm#but im just thinking and preparing
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hey have you ever made a post about what changes you would make to bnha to make the story more cohesive and less *gestures vaguely*
Hi @trulyisawesome 👋,
Great question! Please be aware that there's some spoilers below and that some of what I have to say may be an unpopular opinion.
It is also rather disjointed as this became a bit of a rant / brainstorm.
So here's a list of what changes I would make to MHA.
Give Bakugou proper consequences - such as having Aizawa expel him right away as soon as he makes to attack Midoriya. It would highlight the message straight away that bullies and abusers can't be heroes as well as the fact that power isn't everything.
Change Izuku's hero name to Dekiru - not Deku. I know some people like the reclaimation of this insult but I'm not one of them. Having Bakugou's insulting nickname meaning 'worthless' be instead changed to Dekiru meaning 'you can do it' fits more with Izuku's character. How he is an underdog who despite the odds never stopped trying with his dream.
Make Shigaraki Tomura the 'rival' as well as the 'villain' of the story. Think about it. What are rivals in these Shonens meant to do? To challenge the Protagonist and inspire them to become stronger. Bakugou in canon just tears Midoriya down relentlessly calling him "Deku" and calling the OFA holders "worthless nobodies" there's nothing inspiring about that. However - Shigaraki. He definitely could challenge Midoriya (both in views and power) and inspire him to become stronger. He's also shown to think of Midoriya constantly (separate to AFO's influence which is huge) so Midoriya could easily challenge (both views wise and in terms of power) and inspire him. Plus more interactions between these two would have done them wonders.
I would have Midoriya be the one to be kidnapped by the League rather than Bakugou. With Shiggy constantly thinking of him I believed this would happen, that Shig would try and fail to recruit Midoriya upon finding out he's a 'late bloomer'. It would also make a contrast between that moment and Izuku trying to save Shigaraki later because at that point they've both reached out to each other. And the whole narrative of 'saving Shigaraki' feels less forced.
Build up Shigaraki either as the main villain taking up AFO's villianous legacy like how Izuku is taking AM's heroic legacy or build up his redeemability by having him question what he was taught by his 'Sensei.' Either of these routes would be better than the inner child that is crying B.S. It neatly sidesteps all of the fact that Shigaraki canonically does not feel remorse or wish to change for any of deaths he caused. It is poor writing to try to redeem a character by throwing a pity party for them because they have suffered rather than addressing 'Do they want to be saved? Do they want to do better and change?' With Shigaraki, he wants to be saved from All for One but does he want to change or feel regret? Canonically, no. He uses Nomu's with no guilt. He kills people with no guilt. All he wants is destruction.
Don't redeem Endeavor - here's the thing. When Hori went down this route several things went wrong. Shoto lost his relevance as a main character and it became 'the Endeavor Show.' So instead, I would explore Shoto's POV growing separate from his Dad as well as reconnecting with both his siblings and his mum again as well as exploring their autonomous POV's. In canon, Hori scapegoated both Dabi and Rei to shift blame off of him which was a mess and muddles the messaging. Endeavor is meant to the symbol of the corrupt heroics 'redeeming him' undermines that.
Make Stain have a point. A controversial opinion but Stain in theory does have a point because there corrupt heroes (*cough* Endeavor *cough*) however the heroes Stain is shown to hurt do seem to be those he should like I.e Tensei Iida (who in the Spin Off Vigilantes is shown to be a good hero.) Give Stain targets that make sense I.e make a hero who is being corrupt, doing bad and being bad and have Stain hurt them. At the moment he just appears to hunt those that aren't All Might and dont emulate him.
Show Heroes / The Hero commission being corrupt more. Sure we have 'the optimist and murderer' Hawks as an example, Nagant who is in a few chapters but this corruption is meant to be a systemic issue. How the HPSC ruled and how the heroes have to bow to them is never fully explored I hate that (I actually wouldn't mind these guys being the actual bad guys of the series and the villians being the ones speaking out against them.)
I would establish Nagant as a character earlier. I would have Izuku be a fan of hers and I would have Hawks be mentored by her to support her place in the story and the impact of what happens to her by showing established characters effected by her and care for her. Since canonically it feels like Hori dropped her in the story out of nowhere.
Don't make Geten a Himura or reveal this earlier. Again. What was the point of this revelation? I could have seen this and been more open to it if it were revealed in the MVA arc. I would either have Geten rant maniacally about the purity and strength of the Himura Ice perhaps to parallel Endeavor's lust for power while Dabi stares at him shocked or not go down this route at all. Since now, it feels out of place and shoe horned in out of nowhere. And the incest stuff... I get that this sort of thing would happen in a world of quirks but what does it add? Rei is now canonically a product of incest - and what does that do? Narratively wise it nothing at all except give Rei's situation a whole other layer of ICK.
I would not give Dabi ice. What was the point of that revealation? His whole suffering comes down to the fact that he wasn't born perfect. That through Endeavor's quirk marriage he was born with a quirk that didn't suit his body and constantly harmed himself with his fire. Yet even so Touya used and continued to train his fire because Endeavor built up his sense of self as only his successor / how good he was with his fire then tore that away. Giving Dabi ice as a reaction to his near death state does what narratively? Shows Endeavor should have kept hurting / training Dabi when his quirk starts to hurt him? The whole point of Dabi's story should have been that he shouldn't have to be born "perfect" to be worthy of love yet the narrative robs him of that.
I would also either erase Dabi's kill count entirely or I would have it so that he accidentally killed those in the orphanage with his escape. And counted them in his 30 kills. This move I feel like would make him more sympathetic. It feels like Hori gave Dabi a kill count of random civilians to undermine him / his point against Endeav. Having him blame himself for the deaths of those in the orphanage (and them be a majority of his 30 kills) helps his redeemability because it proves despite his words that he still feels things and is in fact emotionally repressing things due to trauma.
Build up Toga Himiko as a sympathetic villian from the get go instead of a "Blood Yandere" or just make her a full irredeemable villian. With Toga from the start I would give her internal conflict about killing others, give her guilt about taking lives to feed her addiction to blood, make her try not to take lives /her killings accidental before she loses more and more of herself to the thirst for blood which then Ochaco could 'save' her from by reminding her what she wants is genuine connection/ help. Or I'd have her be a full unrepentant villian that needs to be stopped.
Explore the full consequences of Twice's death on the League and proper rammifications for Hawks. Or Don't kill Twice - redeem him instead. I like Twice, I feel like he's one of the best and most sympathetic villains Hori has ever written. Therefore I am miffed that canonically the League's feelings (outside Toga's) haven't been explored on Twice's death when they all, even Shig and Dabi, seemed to be fond of him at least. I am also annoyed that Hawks isn't even looked down on for this decision and didn't lose anything. No one is sideyeing him for deliberately stabbing a mentally ill man in the back? He gets his wings back despite Dabi burning them off? Or instead of killing Twice I'd have him be captured by Hawks instead and receive therapy.
Explore the process of the creation of an intelligent Nomu. I would either make Shirakumo 'alive' somehow being making Kurogiri an alter of him which the Doctor tortured out of him then brainwashed. OR I would explore Kurogiri's internal thoughts realising that he is a sentient corpse and exploring a full identity crisis for him, still wanting to be a hero and reconnect with his old friends but also wishing to save Shigaraki from AFO. That would be more powerful than what we got.
Give Nedzu, Momo and all the intelligent characters back their brains. Hori doesn't write intelligent characters well, everyone does what he wants them to do for the sake of plot. I would have them tackle the problem and put their characters first when they think things through and make the plot bend to them rather than vice versa.
Make AFO a proper threatening villain and a consistent threat or replace him as the main big bad. - Not sure how to elaborate but some of AFO's decisions in the recent arcs have been laughably stupid to the point of extreme annoyance. So I would either write him off after Kamino or keep him a consistent threat.
I would also explore Dr Giraki / Ujiko as a big bad alongside AFO and the horror of the Nomu condition. These are puppeteered corpses! People's dead bodies! And yet the heroes even upon knowing this are still kicking them around like volleyballs. There's no attempt to save the High ends even after realising Kurogiri's condition. So I would change that. I would have the heroes want to treat these creatures with respect. And only kill as a last resort.
Make Nedzu an actual character. Nedzu has a very interesting premise, a creature, who hates humans, with a very high IQ in charge of a school. Why is this? Because Hori said so in canon. I would actually explore why - does he actually want control and influence over how some of the most powerful heroes will turn out like - I think yes. So I would explore his morally grey tendencies and flesh him out.
Allow all the 1A girls to be both useful and intelligent. Momo especially has an OP quirk, an OP intelligent stat yet Hori never allows her to be as useful or intelligent as she should be. Jiro, Hagakure and Froppy also have OP quirks - yet they are under utilised and unexplored in what capabilities they could do.
Make Aizawa less of a bad teacher and more of a hardass with a heart of gold. (This will be an unpopular opinion.) I am firm in the belief that Aizawa's methods are deeply flawed and canonically he is not a good homeroom teacher at all. I would remove his 'expulsion record' (doing that would literally ruin lives even with the retcon of it only being on paper because that black mark would stay there.) I would change it instead so he moves the classes he deems to have no potential to Gen Ed so that there is no black mark nonsense and the students with potential could earn their way back into the course via the sports festival. I would change the "logical ruse" nonsense which would only breed trust issues in his students IRL to him being straight forward with the goals but having the activities have secret targets too (like the whole concept of hero points in the entrance exam.) I would also erase him falling asleep all the time because that doesn't support the notion that he cares about these kids. These changes would lead to him being a better teacher and would make more sense canonically as his teaching methods are meant to come from his trauma around Oboro's death.
I would either erase Aizawa's mentorship with Shinsou entirely or I would have Shinsou get further into the sports festival and earn his way into 1A that way. Canonically we see Eraser help and mentor Shinsou more than his own students (even the ones who actually need help!) So I would change this by removing the mentorship entirely or having Shinsou join 1A having earnt a spot via the sports festival and having Aizawa help him catch up with everyone else.
Shinsou. I would have him actually be treated as a villain in his backstory. I know we are all used to fanon Shinsou but canon Shinsou isn't abused. Isn't even really bullied bar from a rather justified wariness of 'that quirk is great for a hero. Just don't use it on me, ok?' Which doesn't inspire sympathy if anything it makes you wonder if Shinsou had believed he could coast into the hero course on his powerful quirk and is bitter that he couldn't do that. So I would have him be literally called a villain (literally have his quirks similarities to that of the villain Dictator be called out), I would also have him train outside his quirk to make him more sympathetic. Izuku did with his analysis. Shinsou canonically didn't train at all.
Tone down or Erase Mineta's perversions. I get this is a shonen so there is nearly always a character like this however with Mineta's 'comedy' Hori always goes too far and makes him appear like a budding sexual predator (thankfully he seems to be growing out of this in the later arcs but still.) I'd turn it into him trying and failing to flirt rather than groping people.
Have Midnight only make saucy comments to her peers - this I don't feel like needs further elaboration but the fact that Midnight had said she was turned on by things the students did (even though it's a persona) felt ick to me especially as this character is meant to be a teacher. I would explore her deeper as a character and juxapose her off duty 'more reserved' character vs the hero 'saucy' persona. And have her warn the girls about sexualisation in the hero industry 'women need to use their bodies / sex appeal to get ahead.' Which this new generation of heroes could change that.
I would either not kill Midnight at all or give her a heroic and impactful death. I hated how Midnight died off screen by a meaningless mook, only to be mentioned once again by Mic for Aizawa to shut him up about it. I hated how from here her relevance in the teacher OG friendship group essentially ended as Hori shifted focus hard to KurOboro. I hated how the impact of her death on the students that found her wasn't explored. Midnight died grievously injured and on her knees, Hori didn't bother to even give her a death scene. I would either not kill her at all or have her sacrifice herself heroically to save her students and fully explore the impact of this on everyone.
Explore the UA teachers / how they teach outside of Aizawa and All Might. The series is meant to be 'my hero academia' - So where is the academia? I would have some of the other teachers teaching styles explored as well as the students learning things that come in useful for hero work other than fighting. I.e first aid, villain psychology, quirkless hand to hand fights - all things that would come in useful as a hero other than being good with their quirks. I would also explore these teachers more as characters because I'd love to know more about Vlad King, Mic, Midnight, Thirteen, Ectoplasm and Nedzu.
I would have Endeavor always remain second to All Might. Endeavor in my opinion never deserved the number one spot, he instead deserved to fall from grace after being outed as an abuser. I would have All Might after losing OFA go full 'Iron Man Might' and remind Izuku that he showed Toshi how great of a hero he was without a quirk so Toshi is now taking inspiration from him and showing the whole of Japan how power isn't just from Quirks. It would show AM and Izuku's mentorship and the bond between these characters nicely.
I would either erase Nighteye from the story entirely or change his personality entirely and have him bond with Izuku over being an AM fan too. This I'm not sure if it needs explanation but Nighteye being a bad friend to AM, a bad mentor to Izuku wasn't needed. Aside from his role in Mirio's life and saving Eri he wasn't needed in general- especially not to bring down Izuku's already critically low self esteem.
Eri is too OP - it's narrative breaking. If she can rewind things why hasn't she rewound All Might back to his prime health? Why hasn't she given Aizawa back his eye and leg? Why has Eri only gave Mirio back his quirk? Can she rewind the dead? These are all questions Hori has left dangling because he couldn't be bothered to think of them before he thoughtlessly slotted her into the narrative. I would give her hard limits to her Rewind (such as only being able to rewind a few years or one part of the body at a time) and the drug that Overhaul uses be her power plus trigger to enhance it.
I would leave Mirio quirkless and have him be an awesome hero without Permeation. It would do wonders for the narrative if after losing his quirk Mirio kept working toward being a hero anyway. It would be interesting for both Midoriya and Aoyama to react to this. And for Mirio to have a big brother relationship with Midoriya.
I would give Izuku a proper support group. (I feel like this will be an unpopular opinion.) Class 1A should have been perfect for this role however Hori having them unite with Bakugou against Izuku in the 1A vs Izuku mess, Hori never bothering to develop 1A's friendships most people in 1A don't feel like Midoriya's friends. So I would change that and have them be more of a found family.
I would narratively foreshadow Yuuga as the UA traitor. Yuuga being formerly Quirkless and the UA traitor came out of nowhere. So I would foreshadow it by having him bond with Izuku over "being a late bloomer." I would explore his hesitancy to make friends through this too so Izuku and he would unknowingly bond over a shared Quirkless past. I would also have AFO explode him like he did with Nagant upon finding out Yuuga's treachery. I wouldn't kill Yuuga but this act would make the stakes much more personal for Izuku.
I would narratively develop Midoriya's family. We know so much of the Todoroki's yet so little of the Midoriya's it's criminal. So I would develop both Midoriya Hisashi and Midoriya Inko as people and show the impact of their parenting on Izu. Show Izuku calling his Dad 'overseas' . As well as drop hints about DFO (because I do like that theory but Hori hasn't built up to that well.)
I would tell the stories of the OFA holders instead of having them be plot devices. We know so little of the OFA holders, their motivations, their personalities it's criminal. So I would develop them and tell their stories of what it was like to hold OFA in their time as well as explore First as an actual character. What was it like for each of the holders in their time? Who were each of the holders to each other, all mentees and mentors or best friends, partners? Were any of the holders 'bad' or 'redeemed villains' it looks like everyone was all good which is a waste!!
I would give All Might a proper support group. Think about the people who know his OFA secret, Midoriya, Gran Torino, Nana, Nighteye, Nedzu, Detective Tsukauchi and Recovery Girl. Out of these people; Nana has tragically died in front of All Might, Midoriya is his successor and a child in need of his support and the other four (everyone else except Detective Tsukauchi) supports All Might poorly. (Especially Gran who AM is shown to be afraid of to the point of shaking!) Detective Tsukauchi is the only one who I think actually is shown supporting AM the most. So I would add more supportive characters to AM's circle (like Mic who is shown to be a very good, supportive friend and Inko who is Izuku's mum and is also shown to be a kind and supportive lady.)
I would keep the coherent clear problems in society such as Quirkless Discrimination and Mutant Discrimination shown throughout the story. Hori does a poor job with tackling his themes so I would show more how Quirkless (other than Izu and Aoyama are treated). I would also show Spinner taking offense when Dabi calls him "Lizard" as well as the Police chief taking offence when Shoto calls him a "Mutt." And have more instances like this.
I think this is all the ideas I have for now. Please let me know what you think.
#mha critical#bnha critical#anti bakugou#anti bakugou katsuki#aizawa critical#anti endeavor#Koala dont look#Class 1A critical#im not sure how to tag this#Shinsou Hitoshi critical
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so with izuku in paris, whats going on with kacchan and japan? who gets one-for-all?
//Huh...those are some good questions. Maybe I should write on what Katsuki would be up to by now along with who becomes All Might's predecessor now that Izuku is no longer an option. But...what if it went a darker route? What if this is----
Warnings ahead: Minor character death(s?), major angst, family drama, slight child abuse, violence on a minor.
After Inko cutting off the Bakugos from her and Izuku's life for good and moving away...life just went on.
While Mitsuki has been very upset in losing her old highschool best friend, Masaru comforted her and assured her that maybe one day the Midoriyas will come back and she and Katsuki would apologize to them (and perhaps all be friends again).
That was Masaru's optimism.
But Katsuki was ABSOLUTELY happy that Izuku was gone.
With him gone, Katsuki could focus on the hero track.
However, this also costed him and his mother's relationship.
Not that it wasn't rocky before, given their personalities being the same when it comes to their temper, but this time it was rough.
Mitsuki blamed her son for being so mean to Izuku, to the point that she accidentally slipped on saying "I wish Izuku was my son instead of a brat like you!" which, of course, Masaru had to intervene and try to fix things. But the damage was done.
And Katsuki was twice as relieved that his childhood friend annoying Deku was gone. Not like he needed him in his life.
Fast forward to before Katsuki would enroll in U.A.
Now...we all know the Sludge Villain Incident.
So of course, with Izuku gone, there was no way that the monster would attack anyone, right?
But apparently one of Katsuki's classmates was walking home one day and took a shortcut to the very tunnel where the Sludge Monster was hiding.
And this time, All Might wasn't there to save them.
The villain succeeded in taking over that kid's body, sneaking out of Japan and continuing to do crime in their new meat suit.
Katsuki hears of the news of his classmate dead during a robbery, a hero had not thought of the child that the Sludge Villain had taken over and proceeded to destroy the monster anyways.
Aldera Junior High had a memorial for that student, and Katsuki was even more determined to get into U.A. High.
"What if Deku was the one...?"
Katsuki smacked his own face and growled. No, it was better not to think of a quirkless loser like Deku.
Then, the day U.A.'s Entrance Exam came.
Katsuki was ignoring the stares of people looking his way, seeing his uniform. Whispers of 'He's from that school, right? The one where a student was possessed by a villain and was killed by a hero?' and plenty more reached his ears, making him annoyed.
"This is all a bit nerve-wracking huh?"
Katsuki glanced over a mousy brown haired girl with...pink cheeks?
And he proceeded to walk past her, ignoring her squeaking of surprise and whines of "I was trying to be nice...grouchy, much?"
The orientation with Present Mic went on, and Katsuki felt himself...bored. Unchallenged.
"Woah~ I can't believe I'm listening to THE Present Mic! I listen to his radio show everyday of the week!"
Katsuki almost snapped his head, thinking he heard the familiar voice of...ah, the seat next to him was empty.
"Excuse me! I have a few questions---"
Katsuki glanced over a dark haired tall male with glasses droning on pointless stuff for the exams, and Katsuki leaned back against his chair and closed his eyes. These extras are not on my level.
Even after the exams, Bakugo continued on as normal. Although this time around, he ended up in Class B instead of A.
....Was Hero School always this boring?
Katsuki managed to do school fine, mostly doing the work and acing most of his physical classes and more.
He never went back home for the semester breaks. Anything to avoid his parents.
Although he did hear rumours about Class A.
Apparently they had gotten a run in with some villains during their training in the U.S.J. and a few got injured. From the rumours, he heard that some student name Asui got majorly hurt...and is now forced to be in the general studies.
Heck, even some kid named Mineta dropped out from his class after that incident. Something about not signing up to die. Katsuki snofted and thought of him to be a coward. Cut out the weak, Katsuki would think.
Bakugo never made any friends in his class. Although he kept being annoyed by some guy named Monoma a few times, but Bakugo just ignored him.
What he thought was going to be the best time of his life...it felt strangely empty.
Life went on...but Katsuki sometimes did have thoughts:
"...I wonder how that stupid nerd is doing?"
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I only wish the series unpacked that kind of discrimination more. We got the evil quirk/mutation and heteromorph stuff unpacked in a few arcs but the story never really talked about the fact that the whole premise started on “not all people are created equal” around that fact that Izuku was quirkless and that’s why people were mistreating him. Before he did an action that made him “worthy”, his own idol told him to give up on his dreams of being a hero, despite the fact that All Might himself was quirkless before OFA as well. He never let it stop him, but he never told Izuku why he thought it was too dangerous beyond “you’ll get hurt too easily, look at what my injury did to me, the Strongest Hero Ever.”
It’s nice that Izuku never let the bullying do more than motivate him to become stronger, but the kind of environment he was in pre-UA just kind of… stopped existing. All his classmates are the heroes with the “right way of thinking”, who were meant to Change Hero Society, without ever being affected by that environment it built beyond personal issues like self-confidence over their own quirks. I think it would’ve been more interesting if some of them did still hold the mindsets so frequently perpetuated around them about quirklessness. Maybe not in a ill-meaning way, but something like how All Might first told Izuku it was too dangerous to become a quirkless hero, despite being previously quirkless himself. Something that would add a personal stake to keeping OFA a secret beyond “if it gets out, villains will try to steal it from you”. We don’t even know what they thought when they did find out through Izuku’s letters. If we believe that at first he told them that his quirk simply bloomed late, what would’ve been their thoughts? “How lucky. He wouldn’t have been able to become a hero if it wasn’t for the right timing.” There was never any room for those kinds of conversations, despite it being the setup to the whole series.
“You can’t be a pro hero without a quirk” was a mindset never actually challenged, because Izuku was still given a quirk. It’s only until this final chapter that they finally go the “You’re quirkless again, but now suppport tech has advanced enough that you can become a pro-hero without a quirk” route. Izuku being quirkless was considered him being a minority, as 80% of the population had quirks by the start of the series. But what about the generations before him, where quirklessness was more common? There were no attempts at all for quirkless pro hero agencies? Support tech was only being made to assist people with quirks? Was the only option to “be a hero” as a quirkless person be to become a first responder? It’s only now, 8 years after the main story (and still with a Lot of funding needed) that tech is advanced is enough for Izuku to continue his dream? In this aspect, it feels like the series abandons its own initial premise for a more general “Everyone can become a hero” song and dance.
izuku being a teacher is so so good though bcs im never forgiving that motherfucker of a teacher at the beginning who enabled his whole middle school class to bully him. If we wanna talk about how an environment where middle school bakugou got away with the shit he pulled was created…
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To Fall for the King | Izuku Midoriya x Reader
AN: Hello! This is another discord prompt! This month was a Royal AU and I had so much fun writing this! This is MY LONGEST FIC! I’m proud! Also, I got inspiration from the otome game Midnight Cinderella from Louis’ after story route and Byron’s main story. There are no spoilers through!
Length: 10.2k
Summary: You are first born royal of (k/n) and king Izuku from Toral has proposed to you. The marriage is simply to unite your two kingdoms but not long after, you find yourself falling for the stoic king.
Warning??? Izuku is OOC BUT based on the story it would be normal! Enjoy!!

“With this marriage, we have united both (k/n) and Toral!” At the words of your father, the crowd burst into a loud cheer, which was almost deafening. It was enough to bury your sorrow deep down as you looked upon the loyal citizens of your kingdoms. Your eyes glanced at the man next to you- your husband- but he was looking straight ahead with a fake smile, waving at everyone.
Izuku Midoriya was the current king of Toral and had been since his father passed away and his mother stepped down. Before the passing of the late king, they had approached (k/n) with a proposal, one you didn’t like from the beginning. They wanted a marriage to create an alliance between your kingdoms. Your parents were on board but hadn’t confirmed anything without asking you.
You didn’t want to marry Izuku, you’d barely known him and your parents were all for it… except you had no one else. Being a (princess/prince) who would succeed the throne kept you busy, you were learning the ins and outs of becoming (queen/king). Busy enough that you never had a chance to fall in love on your own.
Toral was a very powerful kingdom, with a strong army and an amazing, thriving economy. You hated the idea of marrying Izuku for the sole purposes of uniting kingdoms… but it’s not like you had anyone else waiting for you. In fact, you were getting older and hadn’t had the opportunity to fall in love. Toral would’ve made a great ally and that was your reasoning for what you did. You accepted the proposal, ready to marry Izuku for your kingdom. For your people.
The thing was, he was just as busy as you. Your families had set up a date for you… but sadly king Hisashi passed away before you could. Toral had to grieve and move on extremely quickly, meaning Izuku had to take the throne. Queen Inko kept her throne up until the marriage. One day prior to it, Izuku was crowned king of Toral and queen Inko stepped down, making room for you.
Here you stood, minutes after your wedding, looking down at all people from both kingdoms. They looked so happy and you wished you could feel even an ounce of that happiness. Tears threatened to fall from your beautiful (e/c) eyes, tears that could easily be mistaken for tears of joy. Like Izuku, you forced a smile on your face and waved to the adorning crowd. One stray tear slid down, however, no matter how hard you wished to keep it in.
You sat on the bed, looking down at your hands in your lap as the tears dripped down your cheeks. You were currently in your new bedroom in your temporary home. Your parents still reigned over your country, which made you move away with Izuku to his, since he was king there. In a few weeks, you’d be crowned (king/queen) and your kingdoms would unite with a new castle being created in the middle of both territories. That would be your permanent home.
This was supposed to be the happiest day of your life. You were supposed to be jumping for joy… yet here you sat in your wedding (dress/suit) crying your eyes out as the sorrowful atmosphere got thicker. From the day you were born, you were taught this was normal. This WAS the norm for royalty, often to unite kingdoms. But that didn’t mean you were happy about it. After all that happened today, you could no longer keep up the facade.
Right now was your honeymoon night and thankfully, Izuku was called away for business. Which both of you were happy for. Izuku was… hard to read. He was quiet, he didn’t look at you often, and he didn’t really express many emotions either. This was the curse of royalty, something your parents steered you away from. Becoming a stone statue, giving up your wants for the needs of your people.
You’d heard rumors that Izuku had fallen in love with a beautiful princess- some say she was a commoner- however, because of (k/n), he was forced to abandon her. The thought made your heart ache. You couldn’t imagine the pain he must’ve gone through, assuming the rumors were true. Of course, the only way to confirm the rumors was to ask him, but you just… couldn’t. You barely talked, even in a professional setting. How could you ask such a sensitive question?
You stood from your spot on the bed and walked towards the balcony. You opened the doors and stepped out, the cool breeze helped your hot face. Your eyes looked up at the sea of stars before looking down at the kingdom. You could see the beautiful lights and if you paid attention, you could hear the celebration of the united kingdoms.
You had 3 days to get acquainted with the castle before you were going to start on your duties to become (king/queen). Currently, your title was still (princess/prince) but once you’d learned the adequate knowledge about Toral, as Izuku would about (k/n), you would be able to become (king/queen). A proud ruler next to Izuku.
Who was Izuku? You… didn’t know. Toral wasn’t a kingdom that was shrouded in mystery like some others were, but it’s royal family was. Not much was known about the Midoriya’s, however, there weren’t many negative rumors, which was a good sign. Your predicament remained, you were now married to a man you knew nothing about. Even though he wasn’t a tyrant, you didn’t feel safe.
How were you supposed to rule a kingdom with someone you don’t know? How were you supposed to wake up next to someone you don’t know? How were… how was this marriage supposed to work?
You didn’t even have your parents to rely on and it hurt. You were completely alone in this new kingdom and you only had three days to adjust to all of this. Three short days.
You could see your own kingdom in the distance. Well… you could see the lights, but that was it. You missed it and wished you could just… run away. Jump down from the balcony and run home, just like in the story books. This was reality, though, and something like that would never happen.
You jumped, almost letting out a scream when you felt something fall onto your shoulders. You quickly grabbed it and sighed in relief when you saw it was just a blanket. You looked to the side to see Izuku leaning against the balcony, looking ahead at his kingdom.
“You’ll catch a cold if you stand out here without one.” He answered curtly, without even looking at you.
“Oh, thank you.” You said, pulling the blanket around your shoulders some more. You hadn't even noticed you were cold. A silence fell between you two, and it was one you didn’t like. He didn’t really bother to make much conversation and he wasn’t even looking at you.
You snuck a glance at him, taking in his features. He had a boyish face, with dark green hair that almost looked blue under the moonlight. His green eyes seemed to hold something you couldn’t decipher in them, but they were beautiful. He was… handsome, you had to admit. That was one good thing about this, at least your husband was attractive.
“Um…” you started, unsure of what to say. Izuku finally looked over at you, his eyes meeting yours. “What do you think about this? The m-marriage, I mean.”
“It’s an alliance.” He responded, before looking away again. That’s all? That’s all he could give you?
“I mean how do you feel about this?”
“There’s nothing to feel. We’re married so our kingdoms could live in harmony and thrive together. The marriage is nothing else.” Ok, that hurt. You could feel the dread building up in your chest as you swallowed the lump in your throat. His cold response only made you want to cry even more. You held strong and nodded, unsure if he even saw it or not. You didn’t want him to see your tears, you didn’t want him to see you as someone weak.
As much as it hurt, he was right. Your marriage was nothing but a treaty, and there were no emotions attached to it. It was an ugly truth you had to come to terms with if you wanted to be able to move forward. You so desperately wanted to ask about that rumor, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. Before you knew it, Izuku was retreating back into your bedroom.
“It’s late and I’m tired. I’ll head to bed first.” Without waiting for your answer, he was gone. You only sighed as you looked up at the sky, the glittering stars that seemed so far away.
“Take me away from here…” you whispered, silently begging for a happier end.
When you woke up in the morning, Izuku wasn’t there. You’d heard from your personal butler that he was busy and had been woken up earlier than usual. You didn’t have any complaints, sleeping next to him was already hard enough.
The maid, Yana, offered to show you around the castle, which you graciously accepted. She showed you all the important rooms and locations. You’d even walked past Izuku’s study where you saw him busy with some documents and chose not to bother him.
“If I may,” Yana started, looking at you, “You don’t seem very happy for a person who just got married yesterday.” Unsure if you could trust her, you chose to lie this time, forcing a smile onto your face.
“Oh I am! I’m just still getting used to everything! It’s a really big change.” It was clear Yana didn’t buy it, but she didn’t press further on the subject. The last thing she wanted to do was offend the future ruler.
After showing you around, she led you back to your bedroom and went to go prepare some tea. You sat down on the couch in your room and sighed, looking around.
You only saw Izuku once all morning and you weren’t even able to talk to him. Was this going to be your marriage? Were you just going to talk to your husband in professional settings? Would you ever even be friends with him? That thought hurt, you weren’t even on friendly terms with the man you were sharing a bed with. You shook your head and tried to think about something else, your new position for example.
After these three days, you’d have classes for two weeks in which you’d learn everything you could about Toral. Their economy, their farmlands, their trades, and about other kingdoms they were allied with. Similarly, Izuku would learn everything he could about (k/n). Because of this, you would barely see Izuku for two weeks.
You frowned at your own thoughts. You seemed so obsessed with the king, it made you wonder if he thought about you. Did he often wonder what you were thinking? Did he often think about you? Last night, when he brought out the blanket for you, was he worried? Was there a chance for anything to form between you two? Or would this loveless marriage last for the rest of your life?
You were alone all day, except for the company of your attendant. You neither saw Izuku nor heard from him. You spent a couple hours on the balcony once again at night hoping for a change in your life before ultimately giving up and heading to bed.
You weren’t sure what time it was, but you’d caught a glimpse of Izuku laying down next to you before you’d gone back to sleep. Of course, when you woke up the next day, he was gone. Again. This continued on til the third and final day.
While you were getting ready for the day, you wondered if there was anything you could do to break the wall that stood between you and your husband.
“Hey Yana?”
“Yes, your highness?”
“Are you bringing that tea to King Izuku?”
“I am, why?”
“Can I take it to him instead?” She immediately shook her head, her eyes widening.
“Oh no! I couldn’t trouble you! I’ll take it to h-“
“Please. I insist. I… don’t know any other way to interact with him…” you frowned, falling silent. What were you doing? You looked up at her, before speaking again. “Wh-what’s he like?” Yana smiled a little and sat next to you.
“King Izuku’s not all that bad, you know. He’s very kind and gentle. Unfortunately, because of his life as a prince, he’s been… forced to push personal matters down to focus on what’s best for his kingdom. He is very… quiet. He doesn’t talk much and he doesn’t seem very nice either, but I promise you. It’s only a matter of time before you see it. It’ll be hard not to fall in love.” You almost laughed at her words, looking away.
“Fall in love, huh? Seems… impossible.”
“You’re not wrong to think so. When the idea of marriage was brought up, I was there. His highness didn’t seem to even blink at the fact that he would be in a loveless marriage. But I know, deep down, he must’ve felt something. He just couldn’t say it.” You knew that feeling. You had the freedom to reject Toral, but chose to accept them instead. Izuku had done the same. You were more alike than you thought.
“He seems pretty cold-hearted.” Though you were afraid to offend Yana, you couldn’t stop yourself from speaking. Thankfully, Yana didn’t take it personally.
“He’s just shy. His shyness plus him pushing down his emotions makes him seem like that, but he’s not. He’s always believed in justice. He’s always wanted to be the reason people smiled. He’s definitely ready to be king, I’m sure overtime, he’ll be able to open up again. At least, I hope he does.”
Is that so? Izuku… wanted people to keep smiling? Seemed a little bit… odd given your interaction with him a couple of nights ago. Maybe there was more to him you had yet to see. As much as you disliked being in this marriage, you wanted it to work. You wanted to fall in love with him and you wanted to rule beside a man that you at least LIKED.
Taking a deep breath, you made an oath to yourself. You would do everything in your power to meet Izuku halfway.
“Come in.” A deep voice said, making you push the door open and walk in. Izuku was staring at some papers on his desk, looking back and forth between the ones in his hands as well. “Yana can you- oh.” He paused when he saw you, his emerald eyes widening a little.
“Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to bring you your tea, myself.” You said, placing the tray on the desk, away from the documents.
“That’s alright, but why wouldn’t you want the maid to do it?” He inquired, placing the documents aside. You blinked at his question, expecting it but not having a definitive answer for it.
“I uh… um…” you sat down on the chair in front of the desk and tried to come up with a proper response. “I wanted to talk to you.”
“What?” Yeah… your mind said the same thing. What the hell were you talking about? Taking a deep breath, you tried to put your thoughts into discernible sentences.
“We… haven’t really talked, in general. Every time we’re together, it feels like an awkward silence. The only time we’ve had a lengthy conversation was when we were exchanging our vows.” You could see a frown forming on the king’s face as he looked down for a moment. However, he quickly reverted to his emotionless state.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to be like that. I just assumed you wouldn’t want to talk to me.” That was news to you, but you didn’t even have to ask why he said that. It was his family that brought up the arranged marriage. He could always see that you didn’t like it, whether it was him or the situation, but your reluctance was as clear as day. You, yourself, didn’t bother to hide it.
Now it was your turn to frown, not realizing that Izuku was just trying to comfort you in anyway he could. To him, he’d practically held a sword to your throat and demanded a wedding, but that wasn’t true.
“That’s not it,” you clarified, meeting his bright green eyes. “I had the ability to reject the proposal but I chose to accept instead. All of my own accord.” Izuku really didn’t have an answer, but you saw something cross his eyes. Was that… sadness? Why would he be sad? You tried to tell him his assumptions weren’t true.
“I see…” was all he could say. You tried to keep your disappointment down as you poured him, and yourself, a cup of tea. After a moment of silence, you spoke up.
“What are you working on?”
“I wanted to build a bride over the Toral river. The river makes it harder for merchants to cross it. I thought it would make life easier for everyone who lives on the other side.” Well that was a rather noble cause. However, he looked overly stressed about this, even though it seemed like it was something simple. He’s the king, all he needs to do is demand the bridge be built, right?
“Why do you look so stressed though?” He looked up at you again, before writing something down on the document in hand
“That part of the land is owned by another noble. Unfortunately, he’s neither using it nor permitting us to build the bridge. I know for a fact life’s easier for him without the bridge, that’s why he keeps saying no.”
“What would he get out of not having the bridge?”
“He’s really just a greedy and selfish noble. Besides, the location where we want to build the bridge is pretty far off from his estate, so he doesn’t have that excuse.” However, after saying those words, Izuku froze. He fell deep into thought, his brows furrowing.
“Is everything ok?” You asked, slowly, not wanting to break his train of thought. He was silent for another moment, before he looked up at you.
“(Princess/Prince), if you had a land where your leading monarch wanted to build a bridge… Why would you say no? Even if you weren’t using the land.”
“Hmm… well I would only say no if I was using it. Maybe if I was doing something I didn’t want you to know about.” You nonchalantly responded, before your own eyes widened. “Do you think he’s doing something illegal on those lands?”
“He would. Why else would he be so adamant on keeping lands he doesn’t use. According to him, it’s land passed down for generations. If he truly isn’t doing anything on it, then wouldn’t his lack of activity be an insult?”
“I would think so. If he cares so much, he’d always do something on it. At least, take care of it.” For the first time, Izuku smiled at you. A real, genuine smile. He promptly stood up and grabbed some documents.
“I’m sorry for cutting this short, but I have an idea of what to do. However, to thank you for helping me through this, would you go on a date with me, later this evening? I believe it’s your last day to rest before you start work? And you have yet to see our city.” Your heart leapt in your chest as a smile came over your lips.
“I would love to, King Izuku.” The monarch smiled once again before leaving the room. You looked down at the cup of tea in front of you as you felt your cheeks warm up. A date, later today, with your husband. You didn’t hate the idea, you didn’t dread waiting, and in fact, you didn’t want to wait.
The entire day was spent hoping the time would come for when Izuku took you out on your little date.
“You look wonderful, (Princess/Prince).” Yana commented, her eyes looking over your form. You were wearing (a simple dress/jeans with a silk shirt). You’d changed out of the formal wear you had to wear around the castle into something more comfortable, while still showing off your noble status.
“Thank you,” you smiled, looking at yourself in the mirror. You could see the giddiness in your eyes, and you didn’t want to hide it. For the first time in years, especially since you got married, you were extremely happy. It felt so odd, but so good.
There was a knock at your door, pulling you from your thoughts. Yana quickly walked over and opened the door. You saw a smiling Hiro on the other side. He was an apprentice butler at the castle and he was doing a great job. He and Yana were good friends of yours, already.
“Ready, your highness?” You nodded as Yana waved to you before you followed Hiro downstairs to the foyer, where you saw Izuku waiting. He was talking to Noel, the Royal Guard Captain about something, before they both looked over and saw you. Both of them gave you a smile, which you returned.
“Are you ready?” Izuku asked, making you nod as you took his hand. He led you out to the carriage that awaited you two, helping you climb in first before getting inside, himself. You saw Noel get on his horse next to your carriage and all the way to the city, he followed beside you two.
“You look happy,” Izuku commented, looking at you. Your cheeks flushed red and you heard him chuckle as he looked out the window beside him. “Cute…” he muttered.
“Thank you so much for doing this, I hope it’s not too much.” You said, making him look back at you. You noted his gaze was much more gentle than before, which added to the hope building up in your chest.
“You’re my spouse, I was more than happy to do this. Besides, I needed a break from all that paperwork.” His words prompted a question you’d had for a while and this seemed like the perfect time to ask.
“You’ve been king since 18, correct?” Izuku nodded at your words before slightly leaning back to be a bit comfortable.
“Officially, yes. However, I have been helping my mother since I was 15. When my father fell ill, I often helped my mother with his portion of work. Of course, I myself, couldn’t sign off of anything since I was still a young child, but I helped her with all the documents. I would read them for her and give her a summary for it all, along with what I thought would be the proper decision. Sometimes, she took my views under consideration and sometimes she would trust my judgement.” Wow, he’s been working since he was a kid. He really was ready to be a king. He… never really had a childhood, but then again, you didn’t either.
You weren’t making decisions, but ever since you were young, you’d been training to take over the throne. After the age of ten, you were an extremely busy child and hopefully all that work would pay off. Tomorrow, you’d be learning everything you could about Toral so you could be (queen/king).
“That… must’ve been hard.” You said, barely above a whisper. His emerald eyes found yours and you saw something that broke your heart. You could see the loneliness.
“It’s… our job.” He responded, looking away from you and back out into the window. You’d seen Izuku before becoming a little acquainted with him and he never showed off his emotions. So, he must’ve willingly let you see what he felt and it made your heart sink.
“Wow, it’s beautiful out here.” You said as Izuku led you through the city. Toral’s cities were known for their vibrancy and beauty, and the stories were no lies.
“Thank you. As you know, we pride ourselves on our country’s natural beauty.” Izuku commented as he continued forward. You were currently holding onto his arm as the two of you walked, making you feel warm inside. You actually felt like you were a couple on a date. Your eyes traveled to the sky which was a mix of red, orange, and yellow. It was getting late, which meant you’d have to head back soon and that thought made you a little sad. You were having so much fun.
“Oh, King Izuku, what’s that?” You asked, gesturing to a dessert stand in the distance. He looked over, seeing the item you were talking about and smiled a little.
“Those are dragon cakes.” He said, making you look at him with wide eyes. He almost chuckled in amusement when he saw the excited expression you sent him.
“Dragon cakes? I’ve never heard of them!”
“They’re a Toral specialty. Don’t worry, no dragons were harmed in the creation of said dessert.” He said matter-of-factly, making you giggle as the two of you walked closer to the stand. The owner looked towards you and smiled brightly.
“King Izuku! (Prince/Princess) (f/n)! Welcome!”
“We’d like the dragon cakes please.” The man nodded, happily packing two boxes of the cakes as Izuku dropped a few silver coins onto the table as the man placed two spoons onto the top of your boxes.
“Thank you! Please come again!” As you two walked ahead, you looked back and smiled when you saw Noel and his men buying a couple of cakes too. How cute.
The two of you found a nice seat in front of a beautiful garden as you ate your cake. You eagerly opened the box and smiled at the beautiful mix of colors on the dessert. Quickly picking up a small piece, you placed it into your mouth and smiled at the taste. It was extremely sweet, the flavor bursting in your mouth.
“Like it?” Izuku asked with a smile, making you turn and quickly nod.
“I love it! It’s delicious!” He chuckled and turned to you as you took another bite. The wind ruffled his hair a little and the golden glow from the sun made him look like an angel.
“Does (k/n) have a special dessert?” He inquired, making you fall into thought for a moment. You hadn’t really left your country, so you weren’t too sure about what everyone else had, but you did have a very famous dessert.
“We have (dessert)! I’m not sure if other countries have it, but it’s very popular! Almost like a celebratory dessert, people often buy it on special occasions.”
“I’ve never had it before, so I’ll definitely have to try it.” He leaned in closer, lowering his voice a little. “Do not tell Noel or Matsuo, they limit the amount of sweets I can have.” His childish tone made you burst out laughing and he feigned offense. “I’m being serious! Stop laughing!”
“I c-can’t help it! That’s so cute!” You said, leaning closer to him. The back of your hand, which held your spoon, pressed against your lips as you tried to stop laughing to no avail. Matsuo was his advisor and had been the previous king’s advisor. He was a rather strict man, but he was also kind and understanding.
“Keep that up and I’ll be using you as a means of distraction in my nightly escapades to the kitchen.” No way… you looked at Izuku with wide eyes and a big smile. He didn’t even bother to deny it!
“You steal candy from your own house?!” Your laughter increased and soon Izuku joined in. He couldn’t help it, your laugh was lovely and contagious. Just thinking about a cute little Izuku sneaking down to the kitchen to steal candy from his own house was just hilarious and so adorable. Especially as an adult, a king no less.
You looked over at the king, who’d almost seemed heartless the first night you spent together. He was… beautiful. His face and personality. Yana was right, he really wasn’t as cold as he acted. In fact, it didn’t seem like it was hard for Izuku to show his emotions. Life of nobility often brought situations where it wasn’t appropriate to show emotions, he probably just didn’t realize it was ok to turn that off when he was with you. As you watched his cheeks turn red from the laughter and the golden glow around him increase, you wished this moment would last an eternity.
How could you hide such a beautiful sight from the world? You thought as his musical laughter echoed around you.
Alas, your date had come to an end. The two of you returned home together, however, you went to your bedroom alone. Izuku had some work to do, but he promised to join you in an hour or so.
You had changed into your nightwear and sat down on the bed, when your eyes glanced outside of the window. Tonight was a full moon, yes?
You stood and walked to the balcony doors and opened them, stepping out into the cold night. You walked forward and stared out towards the city. Once again, the lights were shining bright and even now, the city looked so alive.
Your eyes moved up to see the gleaming stars winking at you and the bright moon smiling down. Tonight was different, though.
The first night you were here, all you could think about was someone stealing you away from this fate you’d chosen and regretted. Now… all you wished was to be with Izuku. Today was the first time you two had experienced each other in a natural setting. Izuku opened up about himself and you finally saw past the King. You finally saw the man named Izuku.
You wanted more of these nights. You wanted more dates where you could spend time getting to know Izuku or nights where you could just talk to him.
You smiled at the moon, the stars, and the city in the distance. You opened your mouth, speaking to no one in particular.
“I think… I’d like to stay here.” Your cheeks turned red when you thought about your husband and happiness flooded your chest when you thought back to his angelic laughter.
You liked Izuku, didn’t you? That was great news, you’d hoped he felt the same. If this kept up with you two, then you’d surely fall in love soon enough.
As your mind went on thinking about other date scenarios, you failed to notice a figure behind you. Just as before, something fell around your shoulders and you jumped, only to realize it was a blanket. You held the blanket closer and smiled to yourself.
“Don’t wanna catch a cold now, your majesty.” Your blood ran cold and you froze, the smile disappearing in an instant.
That wasn’t Izuku.
You turned frantically and saw a man with black hair and bright blue eyes, smiling at you.
“Wh-who are you?” Your voice was shaky and any attempt to make yourself sound confident failed miserably.
“Oh? I am no one you should worry your pretty little head over, my dear. How… is your relationship going with the king?” The bright moonlight reflected on something that sat on his waist… a sword? No… a gun.
“I-it’s great…” you answered as the man approached you, making you back up until you hit the rail behind you. He smelled… nice, actually. His scent was a mixture of a cologne with something floral, almost like roses but not quite.
“Has he brought up his old love, yet?” Oh… no, you hadn’t been able to bring up such a sensitive question up to him. Not yet.
“Worry not, your majesty, I will inform you on the subject.” He said with a smile, which sent shivers down your spine. “King Izuku had met a lovely dame in the city once. It was a day off, something that’s rare for him, when he decided to visit the lovely town. He had managed to escape from Noel and the other guards when he ran into a woman. She was carrying flowers in a basket. The collision caused the two to fall to the ground, her over him. It was a rather romantic scene where the woman quickly apologized but the king only laughed. Love at first sight, would you believe it?
Eventually, the two couldn’t stay apart. Izuku visited her as much as he could, even going so far as to sneak out of the castle. The two would meet for over two years like this before they finally confessed. That’s when the king bedded the innocent maiden, both of them promising each other their hearts and bodies. They would belong to each other no matter the outcome of their lives.” His blue eyes met yours again, and he smiled brightly at the anguish he saw on your face.
“I-it's all j-just a rumor…” you whispered, as the tears started to well up in your eyes. The man leaned down and whispered into your ear.
“Is it, your highness?” Your gaze fell to the floor as the tears slowly rolled down your cheeks.
“... No…” He laughed a little, pulling away and taking your face in his hands. You wanted to slap his hands away. You wanted to shove him off of you. You wanted to get away. Unfortunately, you weren’t able to even think properly, your legs were frozen, your hands were shaking, so you just let him do as he pleased.
His warm fingers wiped away your oncoming tears and he put on a frown, but you could see the amusement in his eyes.
“Your majesty, I can take you away from all of this. You need only ask.” Before you could say anything, your bedroom door burst open and you saw an extremely furious Izuku.
“(F/N)! YOU GET AWAY FROM HER!” The man made a displeased face and shoved you forward as a distraction before jumping off the balcony. Izuku caught you before you hit the ground, holding you close to him protectively as he glared in the direction the man had gone.
“King Izuku?” Your voice was barely above a whisper, as you looked up at him.
“Are you hurt? Did he do anything to you?” You shook your head, making his glare soften. He sighed as he wiped away the tears that were still sliding down your cheeks. “I’m sorry, I was late.” You buried your face in his chest and clung to his shirt as he gently ran his hands through your hair to calm you down.
Noel and the other guards searched the castle grounds numerous times but weren’t able to find anything. One good piece of news was that they knew of the man, everyone did, especially Izuku. His name was Dabi and he was a well-known thief and bounty hunter. It was odd that Dabi would come to you, you neither had a bounty on your head nor were you really of value, yet. Dabi refused to steal anything that wasn’t worth any value.
Izuku stayed with you all night, trying to help you sleep but failed. You were too scared and your tears wouldn’t stop. Of course, Izuku thought it was because you were scared, but that wasn’t necessarily true. Yes, you were terrified, but you were hurt. This woman… and Izuku promised their hearts and bodies to each other, no matter the outcome? Meaning… Even now when Izuku was technically married to you, he wasn’t yours nor did it seem like he planned on becoming yours.
Why did that hurt so much? You barely knew each other and just earlier today you were saying it was impossible to fall in love with him. Yet here you were, heartbroken? Were you starting to fall for him? Even so, with such little time, why were you so hurt? Sure, even if you had a crush… it shouldn’t feel like this.
Izuku laid next to you, running his hand through your hair, trying his best to soothe you. He even had some tissues nearby to wipe your tears. Hiro had brought you both some tea earlier, to help you calm down and sleep. However, it didn’t help. You weren’t able to drink much and all you could think about was the words Dabi had said to you.
“Will you let me hold you, (princess/prince)?” Izuku inquired softly. You both had kept a good distance from each other in bed and even now, he’d reached across to your side to pat your head. Your eyes met and all you could see was what Dabi told you, yet your body moved all on its own. You nodded and scooted closer, to which he opened his arms and pulled you into him.
He was so warm and just the sensation of his arms around you was enough to drive your tears away. Dabi’s words returned to your mind for the umpteenth time, but… you didn’t care. Not this time. You closed your eyes as you leaned into him, letting him take away all your worries. So what if Izuku promised his heart and body to someone else? Yours belonged to him, regardless.
The next morning Matsuo suggested you take another day off to recover from the fright the previous night, but you refused, saying you preferred to start your lessons instead. Yana, Hiro, and even Izuku opposed your idea, but you’d made up your mind.
Your lessons weren’t very hard, it was just a matter of memorization. Toral had a rather rich history and for the most part, you loved to hear all about it. Your teacher was a bureaucrat named Mirio Togata that worked closely with King Izuku at times. With the insight your instructor provided, you were able to understand how Toral came to be such a powerful kingdom with it’s flourishing economy and numerous allied countries.
It was nothing less than impressive. Thanks to Mirio, you were also able to learn more about Izuku and the Midoriya family, including where your place would be. One of the things you learned, which couldn’t have made you happier, was that you weren’t expected to provide an heir. Toral’s nobility had a history of adopting and you were no exception. However, you would need someone to succeed the throne at some point, which you were ok with.
The entire day was exhausting and all you did was spend it with Mirio as he taught you everything you needed to know. Around 8 pm, your lessons came to an end for the day. You were in your room with Hiro, who, of course, made you some tea and even had snacks ready for you. Ever since the incident, you weren’t allowed to be alone. For the most part, Hiro accompanied you everywhere, but Noel also carried that duty. Whenever you left the castle, even if you were just walking around the gardens, Noel followed you. Every time you moved about the castle, there was a knight or two nearby.
Everyone, especially Izuku, was on high alert. You weren’t allowed to be alone, not even for a second. Unfortunately, since Dabi was able to sneak into the castle, the castle wasn’t the safest place. Both Hiro and Yana had plenty of combat experience to guard you, and since you were friends, that made the bothersome experience tolerable.
“Are you ok, your highness?” You blinked and looked over at a worried Hiro, quickly giving him a smile.
“Yes, I’m ok. Just thinking.” You answered as you picked up your cup and sipped the tea. Hiro nodded, not wanting to press further.
“King Izuku should be here in about an hour. He prefers to be around you when it’s late. I hope you don’t mind.” You shook your head and smiled.
“Not at all, I appreciate it.” Of course, the entire day all you could think about was this “innocent maiden” that the king had fallen in love with. Who was she? What was she like? Was she pretty? Strong? Talented? Was she better than you?
Thoughts of her made focusing on what Mirio said extremely difficult. You did your best to push down any insecurities but how could you? Why couldn’t you? You barely knew Izuku but here you were, ridiculously messed up.
From the story, it was clear that King Izuku couldn’t be with her, so were you just a replacement? Maybe that’s why he accepted the proposal, he didn’t want anyone but her but he couldn’t have her. The thought brought an intense ache in your heart. Were you… just a replacement? Why? Sure, he may have loved that woman but… he could love you too, right?
You could feel the pain spread to your chest and you looked down as the tears returned. God, you were so weak. You really couldn’t get a hold of yourself, could you?
“Y-Your highness!” Hiro exclaimed, rushing to you when he saw your tears. He knelt in front of you and frowned. “Why are you crying?” Your eyes met his bright blue ones and you mulled over your thoughts. Could you tell him? Could Hiro be trusted with this information?
“Hiro. Tell me about the rumors about the king falling in love with another woman.” He looked taken aback, but nodded, regardless. It wasn’t like he could refuse someone crying the way you were.
“Even we haven’t been able to confirm whether the rumors are true,” Hiro said, swallowing hard, “the rumor is that King Izuku met the woman in town on his day off. They collided into one another and fell in love at first sight. King Izuku would sneak out to meet her and when he wanted to marry her, he was rejected. Both Queen Inko and King Hisashi we’re against it, so they weren’t able to get married.
Other rumors say she was a criminal. The woman, that’s why they couldn’t be together. I’ve known King Hisashi and Queen Inko since I was a child and I know they wouldn’t reject someone King Izuku loved, no matter her status. Which is why the first story is also not very plausible.
The third rumor is that she was a princess and she was already meant to marry someone else. In the two years they spent together, they fell deeply in love but in the end, they had to part. She wouldn’t let go, saying she couldn’t live with her heart and body belonging to a man she didn’t love. So, to do the only thing he could, king Izuku claimed her body and heart, saying that now they were with someone she did love.” Hiro fell silent after the story, indicating he was done talking. You were silent as well, thinking about what he said. Ok… so that was romantic, even though you hated it
The last rumor matched what Dabi has said with one difference. The commoner was a princess already engaged to someone else. Your (e/c) eyes met Hiro’s and you opened your mouth to speak.
“Do you think there’s any truth to the rumors?” He looked down with a clouded expression, clearly not wanting to upset you. However, at the same time, he also didn’t want to lie to you.
“I… I’m not sure. But I do know there was a period of two years where King Izuku would regularly sneak out of the castle. He always returned home with a single flower. Usually a rose.”
“How do you know?”
“I would help him. I would make excuses for him so he wouldn’t get caught. Thankfully, neither did I.” So, it was true. As you fell deeper in thought, Hiro’s voice pulled you out again. “You know, (prince/princess), it’s best if you ask him, yourself. All of these stories are rumors, they could have no truth to them whatsoever.”
He had a point. Dabi could’ve been lying, telling you one of the more popular rumors. The rumors were so widespread, even you’d heard of them in your country. But Hiro was right, they could’ve been false, yet you were here getting so worked up over them.
You sighed and placed your cup of tea down as you munched on one of the snacks Hiro had brought. Was it ok to ask king Izuku such a sensitive question? I mean, even if it was such a personal question, he wouldn’t mind answering knowing how much it bothered you, right?
But at the same thing, asking him felt so… embarrassing and scary. What if he got angry or what if he confirmed the rumors true? What then? At least right now, it was all speculation. You could pretend they were all just fake stories, but once he’d confirm the truth, what would be left to deny? Was it better to stay in the dark?
You were pulled from your thoughts and your head snapped to the door when it opened. You saw King Izuku enter and look at you with a tired smile. Immediately, your heart began to race and you became restless.
“Hello.” He greeted you two as Hiro bowed, before silently leaving. “How are you?” Izuku joined you on the couch, sitting right next to you. He reached out and took a small cookie from the plate in front of you.
“I’m fine.” Although you didn’t stutter, your voice was strained and you were sure he heard it too.
“Please don’t push yourself.” He said and took your hand. “I don’t want you to overdo it.” You nodded, letting him hold your hand. Even if he was already someone else’s, the warmth you felt from his hand eased your burdens.
“I won’t.”
It had been about a week since the Dabi incident and he was nowhere to be found. Of course, naturally, the security wasn’t as strict and you were finally able to breathe and have some time alone. Constantly being followed was more exhausting than you thought it would be. However, now you were able to rest easy.
It didn’t last long, however. As you sat in your bedroom eating the snacks Hiro had brought, you saw a figure on the balcony. No way…
Dabi looked back at you and smiled, making you gulp nervously as you slowly approached the doors. He knew about this other girl. Maybe he could tell you more. Hopefully curiosity wasn’t about to kill this cat.
“It’s you,” you said, making his smile widen, “you’re Dabi.”
“So you remember me, doll. It’s an honor.” You were hesitant, but you pushed the words out anyway.
“Tell me more about the woman King Izuku fell in love with.”
“Of course, your majesty. Anything for our future ruler.” You invited Dabi inside, not wanting him to get caught before he finished the story. Even though he’d attacked you last time, your curiosity was too strong to call for help. You wanted to know more about this woman and you couldn’t bring it up to Izuku, no matter how much you tried. So, he was your best option.
“She’s said to hail from your kingdom,” Dabi started, making your eyes widen a little. “The commoner. The current rumor is that King Izuku married you in hopes to search your kingdom for her.” Ouch.
“What does he hope to do when he finds her?” You asked, your voice cracking with anxiety.
“What else? A king can have his harem or even a concubine. If anything, he could declare her his mistress and you’d be powerless to do anything.” Ok, sure king Izuku COULD do that, be he wouldn’t. He… he wasn’t like that. You hadn’t known king Izuku that long, but this just seemed so uncharacteristic. However, what would king Izuku do once he found her? This innocent maiden he fell for.
“I…” you had tried to say something, but were unable to. What could you say? This rumor was worse than the others. Was your husband truly using you to find a woman he was so madly in love with? What would he do once he found her? Tears welled up in your eyes again. You didn’t even bother holding them back as they slid down your cheeks. Dabi smiled as he leaned closer.
“Give it time, your highness. When he breaks your heart, I’ll come and steal you away.” You looked up, meeting his sapphire eyes. The pain in your heart just increased at his words and you found yourself speaking before you could stop to think.
“Promise?” You choked, making him reach out and wipe a stray tear. More followed in its wake, however.
“Of course. You’ll be of value then.” Right, he only stole things of value, and by then you’d no doubt be (king/queen). You only nodded as Dabi stole a biscuit and walked towards the balcony. “See you later, doll.” With that, he disappeared into the night, leaving you alone to wallow in your thoughts.
It had been a little over a week since your talk with Dabi. You hadn’t seen or heard from him again and from the way everyone was acting, it was obvious they hadn’t seen him.
The time was getting closer for you to be crowned (king/queen) next to king Izuku and you hated it. You hated it more than you did the first day you found out about this wedding. Recently, your husband had been extra busy in (k/n). You weren’t sure and he didn’t tell you much, but you could assume why. It must’ve been her.
You were back to sleeping on your own and you felt that wall between yourself and Izuku standing tall. You were too busy with your lessons to properly sit your husband down to ask about why he was going to your country so much.
“Are you alright, your highness?” You blinked and saw Mirio’s face peering down at you with concern.
“Oh, yes. I’m sorry.” He smiled, sympathetically.
“How about a break then? I think you’ve been working extremely hard, recently and you need to take it easy.” He smiled, as he poured some tea for you. You graciously took it and sipped at it.
“Mirio, do you know what king Izuku’s doing in (k/n)?”
“Word is he’s searching for something.” You had to keep yourself from sighing. So it was true after all. He really is looking for his innocent maiden. You couldn’t compete, there was just no way. “Why do you look so sad, your highness?” You looked up at Mirio, trying to think of the words. It took a moment but you found them.
“I want something and I can’t have it. So I’m sad.” He frowned at your words and looked down at his cup of tea. A (king/queen)-to-be wanted something they couldn’t have? Seemed impossible.
You sighed as you fell back on your bed, your eyes glued onto the beautiful ceiling. The days were so beautiful but you weren’t able to enjoy them. You missed the one date you had with king Izuku. You missed the happiness you felt because recently, all you felt was loneliness and dread.
Just when you thought you were getting closer to the man you married, it turns out you were wrong. You thought that wall had fallen, but it never did. You were merely too far away to even see it. Izuku could never love you the way you’d come to love him. That was the harsh reality you needed to accept.
The door opened, making you jump a little and you saw your husband. He was finally back? From the looks of it, he didn’t find her.
If you were going to be married to him for the rest of your life, assuming Dabi stealing you away would fail, you at least wanted to know the truth. You’d finally felt you had enough courage to ask and you no longer cared if the time was right or not.
While you sat there thinking, Izuku quickly changed out of his suit and returned to you.
“You’re still up? It’s late, you should rest. I’ve heard from everyone you’ve been so busy I don’t want you-“
“Why have you been going into (k/n)?” You asked, interrupting him. He was clearly taken aback but shrugged it off. You hadn’t meant to sound so harsh and uncaring, but you couldn’t change it now.
“I’ve been looking for something, why?” Alright, so he WAS looking for something.
“King Izuku… I want you to tell me about those rumors. About you falling in love with someone.” He nodded without hesitation.
“Of course. Tell me all you’ve heard.” You inhaled before explaining everything you’d been told, making sure to leave out the names of your sources. Izuku quietly listened to every last word and could see your frustration building up. He found it almost too adorable. However, that feeling went away when he saw the tears.
“If… you’re looking for her, I’d like to know.” You felt as if you’d been rather harsh, but who could blame you?
“Well, (prince/princess), there is no truth to any of those rumors.” You froze, staring at him. Was he lying?
“Well what about sneaking out regularly for 2 years? Coming back with flowers?” He smiled a little and shook his head.
“I did sneak out often but that was because I loved going to the city. I was always busy so whenever I could, I would sneak out of the house. The flowers were from a nice old lady who figured out I was the prince. She was such a sweetheart and always gave me candy with a rose.” Oh. “If anything, your highness, the “maiden” in the story is you.”
“What?” He chuckled at your obvious confusion. Ok now you looked even more adorable than before.
“It was nothing as serious as the rumors claim. I was visiting your country and it happened to be your 18th birthday. I saw you on the balcony with your parents. The entire kingdom was celebrating. I didn’t fall in love at first sight, but I thought you were absolutely beautiful and I couldn’t take my eyes off of you for a second. After that day, I couldn’t get your face out of my head. I was actually pretty desperate to meet you,” he admitted with a chuckle as your face turned shades off red. “That’s why when I was told I could marry you, I wanted to.
I didn’t expect it to work, actually. We barely knew each other. I just thought I’d at least be able to meet you and talk to you. Maybe it would put my heart to ease, a little. And to answer your previous question, I’ve been looking for a well known jeweler. There is a ring I wanted her to make, and I wanted to give you that ring instead.”
“A-another ring?” He nodded with a bright smile and took your left hand, his finger brushing against the ring.
“When I gave this to you, it symbolized unity between our countries. That’s all… but the one I was planning on having made will be a symbol of my love for you.”
“L-love!?” Your eyes widened and your cheeks flushed red at his words. He only nodded, lifting your hand to his lips and kissing them.
“Yes. I love you. It didn’t take very long… but I’m in love with you, (prince/princess) (f/n).”
To say you felt like an idiot would be an understatement. You’d been stressing over a story that wasn’t even real! If anything, it was about you! Your cheeks burned red at the thought of Izuku loving you and only you.
“Oh? Are you blushing?” He asked, leaning in close. Your cheeks only got redder as your embarrassment surfaced.
“St-stop teasing, king Izuku.”
“I should’ve mentioned this before but we’re married now, you don’t have to use formalities.” He smiled, as his hand found its way to your cheek. You closed your eyes and leaned into the warmth before you felt something soft on your lips.
This was your second kiss with him and it was definitely better than the first. You could feel the passion he poured into the kiss and it made your heart race.
You immediately melted into him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He pulled you onto his lap, deepening the kiss. A small sigh left your lips, making his arms tighten around your waist. He pulled away and looked up at you a little.
“Oh, if you keep that up, your highness, I won’t be able to hold back.” He whispered, his lips meeting yours again. The kiss was much more heated, but you responded with just as much fervor. Slowly, his soft lips trailed down your neck. You closed your eyes and let the warmth spread through your body, as the excitement caused tingles.
Your hands raked through his fluffy green tuft and as his lips kissed your neck. You felt a pinch for a second before he moved his way down to your chest. He dropped you down onto the bed, crawling over you and staring down at your flustered form.
The look in his eyes drove you up a wall. So far you’d only seen Izuku as emotionless and adorable… but you’d never seen THAT look in his eyes.
“(F/n). Will you give me your heart and body?” You nodded without hesitation, as he leaned down and claimed your lips before he’d claim all of you.
“I present to you… (KING/QUEEN) (F/N)!” The kingdom roared with applause, causing you to smile brightly. Ever since Izuku cleared up the rumors, you’d never felt happier. In a sense, the rumors were true. You had been the innocent “maiden” he’d fallen in love with and had claimed your body and heart, while giving you his own.
You smiled as you stood next to your husband, waving to everyone. You saw your parents and Inko standing to the side, waving back. Your parents would step down as rulers of (k/n) so you and Izuku could take their place and they couldn’t have been happier. The ring on your finger was a reminder of the love you both shared. Something you wouldn’t give up for the world.
“Still need to be stolen, (king/queen) (f/n)?” You smiled as you turned around and saw Dabi standing behind you with a smirk. The celebration had ended and you were by yourself, once again, at your balcony.
“I’ll be disappointing you tonight, Dabi.” He only smiled as he stood next to you and leaned against the railing.
“I think I’m ok with that, this time.” He mumbled, looking ahead at the large city. You were smiling before your brows furrowed and you turned to him.
“You lied to me about the rumors.” He chuckled and looked at you, his bright blue eyes gleaming with amusement.
“Hey, I never said they were true.” You scoffed and shook your head, glaring at him a little.
“I was so upset, Dabi!” He smirked and little and leaned in close to you, his fingers pushing a lock of your hair away from your face. You froze a little, not expecting something like this to happen. His cold, slender fingers slid down to your neck, brushing up against it. You shivered at the sensation, looking away a little.
“Oh? Keep that up, your majesty and I might just steal you for myself.”
“Dabi…” you mumbled, looking back at him.
“Oh right, you’re already taken. This mark proves it.” Your eyes widened and your face flushed a deep red, making Dabi throw his head back and laugh. You had a hickey this whole time?!! Who all saw it?!
“D-Dabi!” You exclaimed, smacking his arm. But you couldn’t deny the smile that made its way to your face. Yeah, you belonged to Izuku and that mark proved it.
“You know what, (king/queen) (f/n), call me whenever you need me. I’ll work for you and ONLY you.” You tilted your head, a curious expression on your face. Dabi was a thief… why would he say that?
“Why? I haven’t done anything.” He shook his head at your words.
“You make me laugh. You’re amusing and I like being around you. Call me whenever you need me. Whether it be stealing a relic or stealing you away from this kingdom.” He gave you a wink before hopping off the balcony and disappearing into the night. What an oddball.
With a smile, you looked up at the sea of stars. Deja vu. You giggled and closed your eyes, whispering to yourself.
“Please let me stay here… please let me be with him.” You felt something fall around your shoulders, and your eyes shot open.
“You’ll catch a cold if you stand out here without one.” Izuku said, with a smile. You giggled and leaned into his arms as he placed a kiss on top of your head.
“I love you, Izuku.” You said, leaning your head on his chest as you stared out at the city in the distance.
“I love you too, (f/n).”
#mha#mha imagines#mha deku#izuku midoriya#midoriya izuku#bnha izuku#izuku x reader#midoirya izuku#izuku midoriya x reader#deku x reader#midoriya x reader#bnha midoriya#bnha#bnha deku#bnha scenarios#bnha x reader#mha x reader#bnha fantasy au
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The three cups; ‘Cup of Curiosity’.
Characters: Vil!Deku, (Reader), Brief mention of; Dabi, Mr.Compress, Shigaraki, Toga, and Kurogiri.
Relationship: Villain Deku X (Reader)
A/N: SO, now that this whole shit storm of a year is coming to an end, I decided to celebrate it by making a three part series of Villain Deku, because somebody (who ilsm) relates to me when its that time of day and we have Villain Deku brain rot. But this three part series was actually inspired by my own actions, so I gotta blame myself! XD
TW: Alcohol, intimidation tactic (If ya squint!), and lots of swearing (But this is me for crying out loud...)
[Next Part: --->]
It was strange to be called upon by Deku.
Sure, Shigaraki called (*cough* *cough* bribed *cough*) you to his ‘meeting’ room to inform you of the following ‘errands’ you had to do- it’s mostly going to several over secret hideouts and torturing small-town gangsters who thought it was funny to fuck around with debts they owed to somebody who asked or hired (you didn’t pay attention to what it was called) a person from the LOV to ‘rough’ up the victim - but every now and then, it would be to go to GIran with Dabi, also known as telling Dabi not to be a fucking prick to our most trustworthy broker.
But the likelihood of Dabi not being a prick is below negative one hundred percent. So, don’t have anybody start on any solution to stop it, because you certainly don’t want any participation in the patchwork villain’s business.
Though, a clicking sound that vibrated and bounced off of the vacant corridor walls had reminded you where you were headed; Deku’s room. The room of a gentlemen (asshole), who commands us alongside Shigaraki (a wannabe leader compared to Shigaraki), and helps us get our weapons to assist our quirks (that’s actually Mr. Compress’s job in reality).
Were you in trouble? There was no plausible answer to this sudden announcement. Though, what is surprising is that it’s probably the second time- in a month- this has happened to you.
Who even cares at this moment? Besides the main factor that everyone (besides you) knows the green-haired villain has a crush on your cold-hearted attitude and your mouth-watering body, it isn’t a surprise that he wants a bite outta you- considering the high frequency of times, you have felt somebody’s ‘laser’-eyes burning judgement and criticisms into your back every goddamn minute- as you swirl a shot glass of tequila when sitting in the bar area of the base, it all pointed back to a green-haired villain as Toga would gush over how he seems distracted because of somebody’s revealing outfit....
(I’m sure you can figure out who’s outfit it might have been.)
Creep. Hissed the back of (y/n)’s mind, when she sees those polished and distinguishingly clean silver door handles jutting out from the jet-black door. “Here we go again.” She muttered under her breath when grasping the unusual- is it even wrong to call it ‘unusual’- cold door handle and pushing it open.
There, he relaxed under the glamorous illuminations that spiced the boring white walls of his room- acting like a spoiled fucking brat. (You wished that you had a teleportation quirk like Kurogiri at this moment.)
Green bangs were swooped backwards to reveal a pair of verdant emerald eyes- where they had a thin line of twinkling smugness- as the top two buttons of his ‘designer crafted’ white blouse scantly reveals the edge of his collar bone alongside seeing a faint trace of the skin on his waist as his black trousers lightly tugged downwards helping the white shirt pop out ever so slightly from the waistline.
Even if he looked handsome, there was always a hint of jealousy and hatred for him. There was always going to be that hiss or venomous snap of your voice when you spoke to him because he had so much more than you or was it the power he held?
Nonetheless, with one of his legs crossed over the other one as it was held up by an armrest, Deku’s back hit the other armrest where his attention was gathered at a newspaper article and the simple curved glass of deep crimson liquid pooled peacefully at rock bottom.
As half of his body was covered by the shadow of his chair- which he arrogantly claims as his ‘throne’- the sleek black leather was delicately shined to his appropriate standard, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at Deku’s ridiculous sitting position. It's like he wants to be seen as an adult but instead ruins that image by acting like a child.
It’s not like he’s noticed you yet, maybe you should time how long it takes for the boy to see your impatient form tapping the lacquered brown floor with only the tips of your boots alongside hearing the metallic objects jingling- more like clanking, however, who gives a shit?
You didn’t have time for this, the mission that both you and Twice had to leave for was starting tomorrow and with all of your weapons needing a really good clean after last nights turn of events, Deku could really make effective use of his eyes to notice that somebody is waiting for him to speak.
Maybe it has been five or ten minutes? Maybe you should leave or maybe he finally noticed you. (Y/n) was already becoming annoyed with the sudden announcement, but now this shit? Does she need to call the manager or something- it's like she is receiving crappy service at a restaurant, which isn’t good.
The subtle- and very lazily- toss of the flimsy newspaper didn’t distract you from eyeing the male’s actions. Tilting his head towards the wine glass he was holding, an eyebrow quirked up in fascination of (y/n)’s impatience with a steady scowl crawling slowly against her lips- she just needs to stay calm and respectful- however, it’s becoming ever so difficult by each millisecond.
“What do you want, doll?” Furrowed eyebrows created creases in her skin, “I should be asking you that question, sir.” He smirked, took a dainty sip from his wine, and moved his body into a normal sitting position.
God, she’s so enticing to anger and manipulate, it’s becoming more than a drug for him- its steadily on the route of becoming an addiction.
“My, my, doll face- I never knew you were feisty!” As he took another sip out of his glass, his head shook in amusement of your response but as well as in curiosity of your next response. “So what? I never knew you were an alcoholic,” Placing a hand on your hips, you continued, “yet, you have at least seven empty bottles of red wine- all of them being the same brand.” His, on cue, falsely offensive gesture- where he places his free hand on the crest of his chest and gasps- was presented to you as a way to ‘let go’ on him.
Whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean- you have no sympathy for him. “Now, are you going to tell me why I’m here?” Snapped (y/n), as Deku really knows how to push her buttons. He really does.
“Aww, that won’t be necessary…” Again, that smile of white but deadly opaque canine teeth was used against you as those broad shoulders curled inwards allowing a darken gaze of predatory domination where a thick glob of colourless liquid pushed against (y/n)’s throat to force itself backwards.
“I’m not playing your game, Deku.” A staggering step backwards betrayed your brave tone as you saw the last of the drinkable liquid pour downwards and a loud crash of glass elegantly shattering against the floor similarly to the elegance the man in the room carries around like a trophy.
Shaking his head in disbelief, it wasn’t till then that you swore you needed first aid assistance due to your heart bashing against each singular rib bone as it held a deadly sledgehammer. “I never said you were, doll face.”
Although he tried to get closer to you, the moment he placed both of his feet down on the floor is when your feet took you outside of the room and away from his reach.
“She’s so cruel…” Murmured the green-haired villain as it piqued his curiosity.
@orenjineki, @haredabi, @in-this-house-we-stan-izuku, @glitterfreezed
#TW:alcohol#Tw: Intimidation#tw: swearing#villain x reader#vil!deku#Villain izuku midoriya#Vil! DekuXReader#villain deku x reader#Brief mention of Dabi#Brief mention of Kurogiri#Brief mention of Mr.Compress#Brief mention of Himiko Toga#Brief mention of Shigaraki#Villain deku Mha#Villain deku Bnha#mhaxyou#mhaxreader#Mha X reader#Bnhaxyou#bnha x reader#BnhaXreader#Villain Deku Au#Izuku Midoriya#Izuku midoriya X reader#Izuku MidoriyaXreader#Izuku Midoriya X You#Villain Izuku Midoriya AU
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Love, at Last TodoDeku One-Shot
FINALLY I FINISHEDDDDDDDD. Ignore that I spent a week working on this when I could’ve been finishing “No One’s Chasing You” lol. It’s still on going!! If I get off my ass I’ll have it out sometime next week. In the meantime, enjoy some cute blushy oblivious boys.
This was based off of a headcanon I came up with for Todoroki: he loves reading romance novels, but he never quite grasps the idea of a relationship
Warnings: none ;)
Link to Ao3 version
Shoto Todoroki never knew what love was.
He could only vaguely remember his mother’s tender touch. He knew that he had once been loved, and perhaps he had even loved in return, but those feelings had long since been diminished in the sands of time.
Shoto had read about love. He could never understand romance, or the concept of giving all you had to someone, but there was something so innocent, so pure about a love story. The tales were so addicting, Shoto read every romance novel he could get his hands on.
The one thing these sweet stories could never capture quite right, though, was the feeling of falling in love. Shoto understood the theory of romantic relationships well enough, but he still couldn’t imagine what being in love actually felt like.
That is, until he met Izuku Midoriya.
Midoriya was kind to him. He regarded Shoto with a level of respect, reverence even, that he was unused to. Shoto couldn’t recall for the life of him the last time someone had honestly told him that they were impressed by him. No one else had seen his quirk as anytime by a product of his father. No one had seen him as anything else but Endeavor’s son.
“It’s yours! Your quirk, not his!”
Midoriya’s desperate words still haunted Shoto. The very night after their fight, he laid in bed, wide awake, Izuku Midoriya’s face branded into his mind. When sleep finally did take him, there Midoriya was again.
In his dreams, the freckled boy had become Shoto’s greatest source of comfort. In some dreams, Midoriya would be holding a sobbing Shoto in his arms. Sometimes, it was vice versa. Sometimes, they’d simply sit and talk. One night, they even kissed. Shoto had woken up at four in the morning, unable to fall back asleep after that particular dream. He had also found it quite difficult to look the curly-haired boy in the eye the next day, much to said boy’s confusion.
All at once, all of Shoto’s books made sense. Descriptions of fluttering hearts, longing glances, and blissful moments that had once confused his suddenly seemed so perfectly right to the heterochromic boy.
Suddenly, Shoto Todoroki was in love.
He quickly realized why the feelings described in his books never made sense to him. There was no way to make them make sense. There was no way for Shoto to concretely put what he was feeling into words. One moment he felt like flying, the very next moment though, he wanted to stay exactly where he was and never leave again.
Shoto had told Fuyumi about Midoriya. She encouraged him to “make a move”, much to his embarrassment.
“What good are all those love stories if you don’t know how to flirt?” She had exclaimed, incredulously.
“It’s one thing to read about it,” Shoto had muttered, face reddening. “putting it into practice is different.”
He rationalized that if he was going to “make a move”, it would be a natural thing. Shoto wouldn’t be able to consciously flirt even if he tried. The day finally came on a cold December night, when a move was at last made.
Midoriya had come over to Shoto’s dorm room to study for a hero law test Mr. Aizawa had been warning the class about. The cold from outside had seeped into Shoto’s room and Midoriya could feel it.
“Todoroki, is your AC off?” The green-eyed boy asked, wrapping his arms around himself.
“No, I think it’s broken,” Shoto examined his thermostat. “It hasn’t been bothering me, though. Are you cold?”
“A l-little,” Midoriya admitted, both eyebrows raising. “Does your quirk regulate your body temperature? The hot and cold could heat or cool your body depending on the environment!”
“Yeah,” Shoto cracked a minuscule smile.
“Doesn’t really help me, though.” Midoriya laughed apologetically, sitting down on the floor, pulling his legs up to his chest.
Shoto was quiet for a moment, before taking a seat net to him. “It can.”
“W-What do you-” Midoriya flinched in surprise as Shoto snaked an arm around him, pulling him into his warm body.
Midoriya wasn’t wrong; he was cold. Shoto felt goosebumps prick up on his arms before his natural body heat washed them away. He felt Midoriya stiffen. “Is this okay? Are you still cold?”
“N-No, actually-uh, th-this is nice.” Midoriya relaxed into Shoto’s gentle grip. “Really nice.”
“Mmm.” He was right. It was nice. Cradling Izuku Midoriya in his arms was literally one of his dreams come true. He was so small and so soft, but he was all so much more. Shoto had seen his grit, his determination, his selflessness. Izuku Midoriya would sacrifice the world to save a friend, and Shoto loved him for it.
“Weren’t we supposed to be studying?” Midoriya asked suddenly, still not moving.
“Oh, yeah.”
“…We’re still not getting up.”
“Looks like it.”
Midoriya laughed breathily, leaning over to grab his notes. Shoto impulsively wrapped his other arm around him, pulling the red faced boy into his chest.
“T-T-Todoroki! W-What-?” Midoriya yelped.
“You’ll get cold again.” Shoto rationalized “And… you feel too good to let go.”
“O-Oh. Okay then.” Midoriya slowly melted back into the taller boy, this time winding his own arms around his torso. “You feel really good, too.”
Shoto was sure his brain had been fried. All thoughts of studying banished from his mind, he ran his fingers through Midoriya’s soft curls, memorizing every contented sigh and shudder that left the boy.
He wasn’t sure which of them had fallen asleep first. The next thing he knew, he was being jolted awake as a flustered Midoriya rambled on in embarrassment and scooted away from the heterochromic boy as a confused Iida looked on.
Shoto’s arms felt empty without him. His perfectly heat balanced body went cold as Midoriya put distance between them. He wondered if he’d be a horrible friend if he kicked Iida out.
He had to tell Midoriya how he felt before he spontaneously combusted.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shoto began going back through his old romance novels and taking notes. He skimmed the familiar, well worn pages, thoroughly inspecting each line of typed cliche text. He went through, underlining passages, jotting things in the margins, and copying dialogue into the back of a notebook. He had pages upon pages of confession examples and date ideas. The idea didn’t even strike him as being silly; it was the best way he could think of to plan.
Midoriya wasn’t a terribly private person, but he still got flustered very easily. A big public event wouldn’t do either of them any good. Midoriya could also be a bit dense at times. Innuendos tended to go right over his head. Whatever Shoto did, it had to be direct, but private. He figured a date would be the best route to go, that way they could test the waters.
He steeled his nerves during lunch the following day. Midoriya was deep in conversation with Iida about a new hero documentary. Shoto abstained from the chatter, opting to take in Midoriya’s bright smile as if it were a drug he’s spent far too long being withdrawn from. He noticed the way his eyes lit up, and Shoto decided in that moment that Izuku Midoriya’s beautiful eyes and charming smile were more than enough to light up the whole world.
“Midoriya,” Shoto hung back as Iida and Uraraka turned to head back to class. “Can I talk to you for a second?”
“Oh, sure!” Midoriya chipped, waving their friends off. “What’s up?”
Shoto swallowed thickly. Bright green eyes pierced his own. “Would you like to go get dinner some time? Just us?”
“J-Just the t-two of us?” The freckled boy’s face started to go pink. “Y-Yeah! That sounds cool!”
“It would be a date.” Shoto clarified bluntly. “Is that ok?”
“Y-Yes!” The green-haired boy exclaimed, a little too loud. “I’d love to go on a date with you!”
Shoto deflated, visibly relieved. “Good, we can work out the details later. We should go before we’re late to class.”
Later, after school, Midoriya pulled Shoto aside to plan their date. He said he had a place in mind he wanted to take Shoto, but only if it was okay that he took the lead. Shoto was more then happy to let him plan the date. He was just happy he still wanted to go. The boys agreed to go to a ramen and bao place near Midoriya’s middle school. Shoto left that conversation with a content smile on his lips, only for it to fall when he realized he didn’t have a clue what to wear. Fuyumi was FaceTimed the following night.
Friday night finally came, and Shoto found himself the victim of a brutal interrogation.
“You’re all dressed up on a Friday night?” Sero tugged at Shoto’s gray blazer. “What are you up to, man?”
“Isn’t it obvious? He’s going on a date!” Ashido squealed. “He’s clearly waiting on someone, right, Todoroki?”
“Yeah,” Shoto saw no reason to lie. He wasn’t embarrassed, just wishing his classmates were less nosey.
“Wha- seriously? Who?” Kaminari demanded, shaking the heterochromic boy violently.
“Please stop that.” Shoto warily removed the blond’s hands from his shoulders, head spinning.
“Ugh, of course the pretty boy is the first to get a girlfriend.” Mineta complained.
“I don’t have a girlfriend.” Shoto denied.
“You’ve still got a date, though!” Mineta pointed an accusatory finger at the confused teenager.
“Yes, but not with a-”
“Hey! Sorry if I kept you waiting!” Midoriya stumbled out of the elevator, hurriedly smoothing down his pale blue button down.
“I haven’t been here long,” Shoto assured him, breaking out of the small crowd of their friends surrounding him. He noticed Midoriya’s usually unruly curls had been patted down with water. It hardly made a dent, but the attempt was cute. “You look nice.”
“Thank you! This shirt’s kinda old, I was surprised it still fit.” Midoriya hooked a finger around the collar of said shirt. “You look r-really good too!”
“Thanks, my sister helped me. Ready to go?”
“I’ve gotta grab my coat from the hall closet, then I’m ready!”
“Let’s go then.” Shoto, eager to get away from his gaping and giggling peers, followed Midoriya to the coat closet, watching his strong, scarred hands slip his coat on. “I’m hungry.”
“Let’s go get some dinner, then!” His date grinned, his smile so sweet Shoto felt his knees goin weak.
He was hyper aware of Midoriya’s hand brushing against his own. What would it feel like? People held hands on dates. Should he ask? Should he just grab it? Shoto’s internal debate was distracting enough he didn’t realize how much Midoriya was blushing and staring at their swinging hands himself.
“Hey, uh, would you feel comfortable holding hands?” The freckled boy asked, blush deepening.
Shoto stopped short, terrified that Midoriya could read this thoughts. “Yeah. Do you want to?”
The boy nodded mutely, shakily tapping the back of Shoto’s hand nervously.
He felt the heat creeping up his neck as he hesitantly took Midoriya’s hand. It was warm and soft, and his grip as protective yet gentle. He felt safe.
Midoriya readjusted their grip, squeezing Shoto’s hand and smiling bashfully up at him. “Come on, Todoroki! Let’s go!”
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Days later, when Shoto was re-reading an old book, he paused for a long time at a point that usually didn’t faze him at all. The first kiss.
It was always described as a magical, perfect moment. Characters would touch lips as though it was as natural as breathing. Was it really that easy? How did kissing even work? You pressed your lips together…. And then what? Were you supposed to do something else?
Completely and utterly confused, Shoto turned to YouTube. Without an ounce of shame, he searched movie kiss scenes, wherein he found the “Top 10 Most Romantic Kisses in Movies!”
Ah, so that’s how that works. He mused.
Confident that he knew the theory well enough, he texted Midoriya, asking if they could hang out. The response came almost immediately.
Absolutely!! You wanna watched that anime I was telling you about? I’ve got it saved on my computer.
Decided that watching a show would be a good guise as any to wanting to kiss, Shoto agreed, and headed down to Midoriya’s All Might-plastered room.
“Hey!” The boy grinned brightly as he let the heterochromic boy in.
“Hi,” Shoto took a seat on the bed, next to an open laptop.
“Okay, I’ve almost got it up,” Midoriya settled next to him, tapping the keyboard. “It has to load-“
“Midoriya. I wanted to ask you something.” Shoto interrupted.
“Oh? What is it?” Midoriya cast him a curious look.
“May I kiss you?”
If being asked out hadn’t broken the poor boy, this defiantly did. His face exploded with color, and his arms flailed in shock.
“K-K-Kiss?! Y-You wanna k-kiss me?”
“Yes.” Shoto quietly confirmed, a bit put off by the sudden panic. “If you don’t want to-”
“No! No, no, no, I’d r-really like to kiss you. I’ve just n-never done that before.” Midoriya palmed the back of his neck.
“I haven’t either. I think I know how it’s supposed to work, though. We can figure it out as we go, though.”
The two were silent for a minute. Finally, Midoriya took Shoto's hand shakily. “I want to kiss you.” He whispered.
Shoto gently cupped his cheek, scooting closer. “Okay,” he murmured, carefully touching his lips to Midoriya’s.
It wasn’t nearly as magical or perfect as his books had led him to believe. The kiss you shy and awkward, and neither boy really knew what he was doing. But it was still sweet. It may not have been a perfect kiss, but it was theirs.
Midoriya pulled away first, but didn’t back off. “Can we do that again?” He asked quietly after a second.
And so they did. It was still a little clumsy, but to Shoto and Izuku, that was perfectly fine. To them, everything was right with the world.
At last, Shoto Todoroki had found love.
He had found Izuku Midoriya.
#mha#bnha#deku#izuku#midoriya#izuku midoriya#todoroki#shoto#shoto todoroki#tododeku#shoto x izuku#todoroki x midoriya#shoto todoroki x izuku midoriya#izuku x shoto#midoriya x todoroki#izuku midoriya x shoto todoroki#fluff#slowburn
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Izuku Midoriya - Attack on Titan AU
Your heart pounded as you looked at the towering figure in front of you.
Your 3DMG gear had run out of gas long ago, resulting you to have to make your way through the Titan-infested city on foot all alone. You'd lost your friends soon after the invasion began. You had tried to take shelter in a destroyed building when you heard the footsteps approaching you. You hid under rubble and ash and tried your best to conceal yourself, but it was no use. The roof you had hidden under was shortly lifted from above you.
Above you stood a Titan, to no surprise. It was so much larger than the rest, though. It stared down at you as you crawled backward in fear, not making any move to take you but also not moving to let you go.
You fearfully looked up at the Titan, into its eyes. Its green eyes. You couldn't help but pause for just a second as you stared into its eyes and it stared back into yours. You also took notice of the matching green hair that framed its face, and a strange calm ran through you for a second. It looked so much like Izuku... If you were going to be eaten, at least his likeness would be the last thing you saw.
Then the panic set back in.
You didn't want to be eaten at all. You pushed yourself up off the ground and turned to search for an escape route. It was no use, though. It had you cornered and you were on the third floor of this building. If you jumped, the fall would kill you if the Titan didn't.
You had to take that risk, though. You'd rather die as a splatter on the ground than by being bitten in half by a monster. Your focus returned to the Titan before you; it was still studying you.
You had to make a run for it. You had to escape before it finished sizing you up.
Without wasting another second, you ran. You bolted to the nearest broken window and jumped over the shards of glass that remained on the windowsill. You watched the ground as it got closer and closer, until it was all black.
You closed your eyes. It had happened. You hit the ground, and it launched you into the void of nothingness that you supposed came after death. You felt warm, and it seemed like the world around you was shaking.
Wait, this doesn't make any sense. You were dead...but you could still feel. You could still move.
Light suddenly flooded your vision, and you rubbed your eyes as you noticed the fleshy hand you sat on. Your heart raced as you turned and traced your arms up the arm, to see the Titan was holding you in the palm of its hand. It had cupped you between its hands when you tried to jump.
Tears streamed down your face as you stood up in its hand. It didn't make any move to hurt you or throw you into its mouth. It just continued staring at you.
You choked back a sob as you opened your mouth to scream, "What do you want?!" You tried the buttons on your 3DMG gear one last time, though you knew it was useless. This monster literally had you in the palm of its hand.
You reached for your last blade. If it wasn't going to let you jump, you only had one other option to not become Titan-chow. You raised the blade above your chest as you locked eyes with the Titan once again.
You couldn't help but think of Izuku. Your fearless, determined, beloved Izuku. The only person you had trusted since your parents died in the attack on Shiganshina. The only person you had truly connected with. The one you loved with all your heart. You just wished you got to say goodbye to him.
You threw your arms down to shove the blade into your chest, but they were abruptly stopped. Two large fingers held the end of your blade, keeping you from stabbing yourself. Its strength overpowered you as it ripped the blade from your hands and dropped it beside you.
Its hand began moving towards its face, and you knew it was time. It was going to devour you. Why, why wouldn't it just let you go out on your own terms?
You couldn't hold it in anymore. Bile rose up in your throat as you approached its face; you threw up all over its hand. It didn't bring you to its mouth, though. Its open hand rested beside its enormous shoulder, and it looked at you from the corner of its gigantic green eyes.
That was when you realized its eyes were different. They didn't look empty like all the other Titans. No, this one had feelings. This one had emotions. It understood you.
Was it possible it wanted to save you?
You slowly walked forward on its open hand, down its fingers and onto its shoulder. Once you were on its shoulder it shook your vomit off its hand then grabbed a strand of its hair and held it out to you.
You grabbed the strand of hair. As crazy as it seemed, this Abnormal was probably your only chance of survival. You felt the hair between your fingers, and the all-too-familiar texture sent memories running through your mind.
Long days after training, Izuku's head on your lap as you ran your fingers through his soft hair. Sleepless nights after nightmares, his face pressed into the crook of your neck and the scent of his hair right below your nose.
That's Izuku's hair.
Your eyes widened, and you held onto the strand tighter as he began moving. You wrapped your arms and legs around it tightly to make sure you didn't slip off.
How was this even possible? Could Izuku possibly be a Titan? How? Why? Why did he keep this from you? Had he been lying to you the entire time?
More memories filled your brain. Stolen kisses between training sessions, racing to see who could cross the barracks first simply because there was nothing else to do. The passion in his voice when he spoke of his dream - your shared dream - to eradicate the Titans.
It couldn't all be fake. He couldn't just fake that. He couldn't do that to you. He wouldn't. You had to believe that until you got your answers.
Your eyes squeezed shut as Izuku punched another Titan. You had spent this entire battle slaughtering these monsters, but watching it while you rode hidden in the hair of one of them filled you with a new sense of fear you never thought possible. You squeezed his hair tighter and stuck your face between the strands to block your vision.
The sweet scent of his silky hair calmed you ever-so-slightly. You began to feel ridiculous for thinking Izuku would lie to you - he was fighting Titans. Even as one himself. This was your Izuku.
Your eyes opened when you felt wind in his hair, and you realized you guys were flying. Your heart raced. You were going to get crushed by his Titan body.
His hand reached up quickly and grabbed you in a gentle fist, holding you up so that you didn't hit the ground immediately. When his head smashed on the ground and his grip loosened, you slammed down on his gigantic chest.
You picked yourself up and ran up Izuku's body so you were standing right beneath his chin. "Izuku!" You reached your hands up and pushed at his chin, trying to get him to respond. He couldn't die. Not like this. "Izuku!"
When no response came, you climbed off of his body and stood beside his head. You grabbed his hair and climbed it like a rope so you were right beside his ear.
"Don't leave me!" you cried into his ear. You grabbed the pointed cartilage and held it tight so you wouldn't swing away on his hair. "Izuku, I need you!" Tears began streaming down your face, but for a new reason. You weren't fearing for your life, but his. He couldn't leave you like this.
You heard a scream in the distance. People were getting hurt, people were dying. Izuku had made it his mission to make it all stop. He couldn't quit just yet.
"Get up, Midoriya!" you yelled into his ear as you furiously wiped your eyes. You wouldn't let him quit. You weren't done with him yet. No, he couldn't go until you'd killed all the Titans together.
"Do it for me! I believe in you!"
Your tears dripped down your face, and you furiously blinked them away. You began pulling at his ear with both of your hands, legs wrapped around the hair to keep you in place. You pulled it, you punched it, you even bit down on it - anything to get him to wake up.
You took a deep breath. "GET UP!" you cried with everything you had.
You heard a loud stomping sound and turned to see another Titan approaching you. It was already so close, hand outstretched and only about ten feet from you. You tried to hide behind Izuku's hair but it was no use, its fingers wrapped around you and gripped you tightly as it raised you to its mouth.
A loud cry escaped your lips, and you couldn't help yourself. You wet yourself. It just happened.
It held you over its open jaw, and you closed your eyes. This was it. This was the end for both you and Izuku. You'd failed. You were overrun with shame, you felt you deserved this. You'd been useless.
Its grip on you released, and you felt yourself falling. Your heart raced as you mentally said goodbye to the world, and when you landed on something solid you were so sure it was the Titan's tongue - but then you realized it wasn't slimy. Or dark.
You opened your eyes to see Izuku holding you in the palm of his hand again as his other hand gripped the head of the smaller Titan. He squeezed it and squeezed it, you saw the muscles in his wrist clenching as a crack was finally heard and Titan brain flew between the cracks in his fingers. A little bit landed right beside you, and you almost threw up again.
Izuku's head turned to look at you. You gave him a nod to tell him you were alright, and he gave one in return before placing you on the ground. You wondered what he was doing as he began to step away from you. He couldn't be leaving you there, right?
Your eyes widened when he punched a hole into the ground. A crater formed where his fist met the earth, and he turned back to you. He motioned for you to approach as he ripped the roof off of a nearby house.
You slowly walked over, eyeing him cautiously. When he placed his hand beside you you didn't hesitate to climb onto it, and he placed you into the crater. He placed the fully-intact barn-style roof over you so you were covered, then began to surround it with rubble.
He was making you a hiding place.
Once the roof had been completely hidden and you were submerged in darkness, you sat down with your knees pulled to your chest. You took a series of deep breaths as you took in everything that just happened. Izuku...was a Titan. Your love...was a beast.
You didn't know how long you were stuck beneath the rubble for. It felt like it could have been days, but it was probably only a matter of hours. Your heart raced again when you saw a beam of light poking in from the rubble moving, and you jumped to stand up. You had nowhere to go this time. You hoped it was Izuku coming to rescue you again and take you to safety, but you knew that was probably too good to be true.
Once more of the rubble had been cleared out, you saw Captain Hizashi Yamada looking in at you. "y/n y/l/n?" he asked, eyes peering into the darkness.
You stepped forward into the light and nodded. "Y-Yes. Where's Izuku?"
He held his hand out to you. "Don't worry about that right now. Come with me, we're gonna get you somewhere safe."
You didn't have the strength to fight against you as he held you in his arms. "Is Izuku okay?" you asked as you stared up at him.
He didn't look down at you as he replied, "He's fine."
You nodded, relaxing ever-so-slightly into Yamada as he carried you. You hadn't realized how mentally and physically exhausted you were until you laid in his arms. Your eyes slowly fluttered shut as you whispered, "He saved me."
#izuku#izuku x reader#midoriya#midoriya x reader#izuku midoriya#izuku midoriya x reader#midoriya izuku#midoriya izuku x reader#my hero academia#my hero academia x reader#boku no hero academia#boku no hero academia x reader#mha#mha x reader#bnha#bnha x reader#my hero academia izuku#my hero academia izuku x reader#mha izuku#mha izuku x reader#boku no hero academia izuku#boku no hero academia izuku x reader#bnha izuku#bnha izuku x reader#my hero academia midoriya#my hero academia midoriya x reader#mha midoriya#mha midoriya x reader#boku no hero academia midoriya#boku no hero academia midoriya x reader
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Hauntober prompt Ghost (sort of lol)
Bakudeku requested by @nona-inc Angst w/happy ending, AU modern times. Longer than I’d planned to write but stories go where they wanna lol.
Got the idea here
A Second Chance
In his adulthood, Izuku Midoriya did quite well for himself career-wise. He had a nice home and lived comfortably even though it was alone. Relationships had never really crossed his mind, which he chalked up to the turmoil of his childhood. It wasn’t a terribly horrible one but coming from divorced parents is never easy on young child minds. Why get close to anyone if they’ll probably leave eventually? That was a lesson bolstered by the end of primary school when his best friend ditched him for the popular kids.
It was Halloween night, and Izuku’s simply followed his normal routine after work consisting of dinner while watching a bit of television. Trick or treaters were a rarity in his neighborhood, so there was no sense in celebrating the holiday. As he waits for the news, he lets the current show drone on in the background while he scrolled mindlessly through his social media. He didn’t pay a lot of attention to what acquaintances posted and mostly looked for interesting or funny posts instead.
Izuku’s brow furrows slightly at that ancient nickname. He looks at the television characters on the screen, had one of them said it? But instead of the tv show, he finds a fuzzy, staticky screen. He grabs his remote assuming something had gone wrong with the channel or service when...
“Deku, I’m sorry...”
“What the?” Izuku starts clicking the buttons and getting no response. The screen stays stuck, yet that voice... it was a familiar voice from long ago...
“...I’ve watched you from afar for all these years, because I could never admit how much I loved you and now it’s too late. I’m so sorry Deku. You’ll always be my only true love.”
Silence. Dead silence for a flash of a second when the television loudly blares back to life and startles Izuku out of his seat into a standing position. “What the fuck is going on?!”
The show had ended, and the news is now on in its regular-timed slot.
‘Breaking news, a major four car accident on the I10 highway has left 3 people dead and one in a critical condition. The victim identified as 37-year old K. Bakugou had been transported to the hospital for treatment. Police have closed off the highway in both directions, so anyone traveling in that area should use alternative routes...’
As he watches the footage of the accident story, Izuku’s hand unconscious covers his mouth and tears gather in his eyes. “Oh my gosh....” That was the voice he’d just heard! Of course, Katsuki was the only one who ever called him Deku.
He quickly calls one of the nurses at his hospital and they confirm that the man had in fact been transported there 15 minutes ago.
“Oh! Dr. Midoriya! We were just about to call you! Yes, patient Bakugou was brought in unconscious, lacerations to his arms and chest, broken leg, possible punctured lung, internal bleeding, concussion, and brain swelling which is why I was just about to call you in.”
“I’ll be right there.”
The entire way there, Izuku struggles to rationalize the message. If Katsuki was unconscious, how could that have been his voice? Then again that’s if you believed his television had somehow sent the message in the first place! Oh, this was entirely crazy! Izuku didn’t even know why his logical mind was allowing him to believe it had happened if not for the coincidence of the news coverage.
But as a neurosurgeon, he had to put all those questions aside and focus on the task at hand. The description the nurse had given him already indicated major problems, but it wasn’t until his own physical examination that determined the true extent of the damage. Primary surgical nurse Uraraka already had set up the operating room by the time Izuku arrived.
“The patient was revived once by EMTs in the ambulance and a second time in the ER after his heart stopped. Right now, the patient is intubated and prepped for emergency surgery.”
“Thank you, nurse Uraraka.”
Along with a fellow doctor, Izuku switched into a hyper focused mode. He works to repair the damage to the patient’s brain while the other doctor simultaneously focuses on internal chest injuries. Time was of the essence to stem the blood loss and mitigate further damage if they had any hope of saving the man, because even if he made it through the surgery, only a miracle would bring him back at this point.
It was now a waiting game. They keep Katsuki in a medically induced coma for the first three weeks as his body worked hard to repair itself. Once he was brought out of the induced coma, he still didn’t wake up, was breathing with the assistance of a machine, but at least the man’s heart was functioning normally. Surprisingly, Katsuki’s parents remembered Izuku and were grateful their son was in familiar hands. They’d initially flew in after the accident, but the cost to stay for such a long length of time would be too steep. So, after they returned home, he kept them up to date.
Each day that passed by, Izuku would check in on Katsuki’s progress like a normal doctor would, but at night he’d go home and ponder the ghostly message that had come through the television. He’d told no one about it because who would believe something so crazy? It just didn’t sound like the man, or rather child he remembered. Never once was there any indication Katsuki had romantic feelings for him, especially considering it was him not Izuku that ended their friendship. They saw each other in passing though middle, then high school and still nothing. So why is he now being told this?
Some say that when you die, any regrets you have must be released or your soul cannot ascend to the next plane. Izuku wasn’t religious or spiritual and before that Halloween trick he would have said he didn’t believe in anything beyond what he couldn’t see, touch, feel, and analyze. Ugh! Maybe that’s why this was all driving him so crazy. He wanted answers but the one person who could give it to him was stuck in a coma.
“Everything okay doctor?” One of the LPN’s asks Izuku. “I just need to check on the patients vitals.”
“Do what you need to nurse, I’m just visiting before I go home for the night.”
“Yes, doctor.” The woman makes her chart notations and leaves them alone again.
Because of Izuku’s standing at the hospital, he’d gotten Katsuki a private room. The man was taken off the breathing machine a week earlier and this way he could monitor the man without being pestered. There were times he would spend a few hours just watching the man sleep, trying to study what had become of his childhood friend. Through research, Izuku learned Katsuki had moved here around the same time that he’d started his internship at the hospital. Before that the man lived in the same town as the medical school he attended. It appeared Katsuki really was keeping track of Izuku, never married, and just worked in the marketing field.
Izuku squeezes the man’s hand with his eyes closed in a silent conversation. The only sounds being the beeps and noises of the machines to break the stillness. Lost in his own thoughts, he didn’t know what to think, what to feel, just that this man was dredging up long buried emotions that part of him was afraid to open up. Hadn’t he built up a good life, albeit a lonely one, it was still by his own wit and merits whereas Katsuki always had it so easy. The man was a smart, handsome jock, popular, and had been on track to do great things. While he was the geeky kid with freckles and wild green hair who the popular kids teased.
They were so close as little kids, all through preschool and the first years of primary. Katsuki was the extroverted one pulling him along on make believe adventures to emulate a shared love of a comic book character. In fact, it was with Katsuki’s help that he’d weathered his parent’s divorce. He idolized the stronger boy and wished he was Katsuki, not a weak like little nerd... perhaps having his child’s heart broken, really was the reason he swore off ever caring about anyone else again.
Did he just?! Izuku’s eyes pop open when his hand squeeze is returned by a weak one. Katsuki’s eyes are still closed and nothing else seemed unchanged. Perhaps it was just a nervous tremor, they happen sometimes. But no there it is again! Izuku stares down as the weak squeeze slowly turns into a grasp of his hand.
A third squeeze. That meant the man was alert enough to hear and understand! Friend or not, it was the kind of thing to get a neurologist excited! Izuku quickly moved into doctor mode again and starts checking all the stats as well as alerting the nurse on shift.
“Welcome back Mister Bakugou.”
The man squeezes his hand.
“I’m your doctor, Midoriya. You might remember me...”
The man squeezes again and tries to talk, but after being intubated for a long time the throat tends to be dry, sore, and the muscles weakened. All that comes through is so faint it’s barely audible.
“Mister Bakugou, you’ve been unconscious for almost two months now, please try not to talk just yet, everything will be fine.”
But that only makes the man angrier. Furious red eyes flashing, Katsuki grips harder to Izuku’s hand using what little strength he has to try and pull him closer. So, Izuku leans in. “Calm down, it’s gonna...”
“Ma—y...” angry growling noises. “Mar...”
Obviously, the man wasn’t going to stop until he gave in, so Izuku leans in even more until his ear is practically next to Katsuki’s mouth. “I’m sorry?”
“Marry me damnit!!”
Izuku shoots straight up. “What?!” Is the guy serious?! The first words out of his mouth is that?! Wow... Katsuki really hasn’t changed, feisty as ever even after almost dying.
“Pa-pa—per pen!”
“H-hold on, just try to calm down please! I don’t want you to strain your heart!”
Midoriya grabs the chart, flips the paper over to the blank backside, and puts a pen in Katsuki’s hand. He holds it steady as the man scribbled shakily. ‘No waste 2nd chance marry me Deku.’
“Mister Bakugou, this is...”
The man pounds his fist on the bed then scribbles more. ‘Stop call me that! nickname!’
Izuku sighs and squeezes his eyes closed for a second. He hadn’t used that name since primary just like he’d hadn’t heard Deku all these years. “Kacchan. Happy now? I-I can’t just say okay. You—y-you ditched me remember and now you suddenly pop up and expect me to marry you?! Kacchan you almost died, I get it, that’s a scary thing to deal with, but you just need time to process...”
Katsuki writes, ‘Nothin 2 think bout. No more regrets,’ Then he mouths out the rest in a whisper, “I love you Deku.”
Izuku sighs, “I’m not saying yes or no Kacchan. Just get well first okay, then we’ll talk about everything.”
“Fine.” The man closes his eyes again seemingly satisfied with the answer.
He squeezes Katsuki’s hand. “I’ll see you in the morning Kacchan.”
When Izuku leaves that evening, he couldn’t help but walk out with a flutter in his chest and a pang in his heart. There really was a lot he still needed to get off his chest, but... he felt the honesty from Katsuki. If his dying regrets had been strong enough to reach him via spiritual mail, and the first thing he wanted to talk about was love, then... ‘take the second chance Izuku.’ Not everyone gets one.
#hauntober#bakudeku#prompt ghost#Bakugou katsuki#Midoriya izuku#bkdk#bakudeku fan fic#bakudeku fan fiction#katsudeku#bnha
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Rookie |2|- Dabi x Reader
Omg guys! The amount of love I got for Part 1 makes me- ugh- just- THANK YOU! You guys make my day! I tagged as many of you guys as I could who asked for a Part 2, and also- we hit 400 lovely followers! YAY! I love all of you so much! <3
Dabi x reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count:
Warnings: cussings, and again Dabi is ThIrStY
Summary: You had just come from school at UA, excited to finally spend another blissful evening with your new found friends, the LOV. But unknowing to you, Dabi has other plans for your night.
PARTS: |1| |2| |3|
You sighed, watching the clock move at an agonizing pace. Couldn’t this class go any faster?
You hated this room, this school, these people around you, especially the teachers that tried so desperately to turn you into something you weren’t….
You checked the time again, and felt disappointment bubble in your stomach for what seemed like the 100th time: All you wanted was to meet up with the villains. They liked you. They accepted you for who you were, quirk and all. They may be dangerous and cruel at times, but who was to say that you weren’t the same way? You watched out for yourself: they just did the same thing.
After that very rough introduction between you and Shigaraki a few weeks prior, he had realized you had been serious about your intentions. All your information about Izuku was correct- what classes he took, what train route he would be on in the morning, where he would usually be at after school, his best friends, his worst enemies….every and any thing Shigaraki needed to know you had in that amazingly beautiful brain of yours. To Shigaraki, you were this blessing in disguise that he had been dreaming for for so long.
You and Shigaraki were sitting at the bar, his piles of ideas for missions scattered across the top like a detective’s work table..
“So,” Shiagaraki drawled out, “what is this information you have for me?”
You sucked in a deep breath, allowing your mind to calm itself, to will yourself to remember every piece of information you had accumulated over the past few weeks.
“I’ve been watching Izuku for a while now,” you explained, “Since that attack on Class 1-A you created, I noticed how he always seemed to have some sort of run-in with you...so thats when I’ve been tracking him a bit. Keeping tabs: Where he lives, what train he takes, his friends, his enemies, his hobbies, his powers, his weaknesses…” you looked down at your drink, letting your words set in.
The more you talked the more Shigaraki got visibly excited- all this information, finally at his fingertips! He smiled a craggly grin, perking up his head at the word weaknesses.
Dabi leaned across the wall in the adjacent hallway, invisible to you or Shigaraki. He looked at the hunched backs at the counter, listening in to your conversation. That pretty little face of yours faced Shigaraki, your shoulders all too close to him for Dabi’s comfort. He knew a pretty little thing like you wouldn't want anything to do with that dried out mummy of a man, but he couldn't help but feel some sort of angry possession over you. A pang of jealousy erupted in his chest, wishing he was the one sitting next to you.
“That’s not all I know.” You sighed, “UA is doing some...training camp in the summer. Only for the students, and at some secret location- so its very under wraps.”
“You think you can get us inside the camp then?”
You scoffed. “If I didn't think I could, why would I tell you?” You laid back in your chair. “Yeah, I can do it.”
Shigaraki smiled so wide it looked like a grimace, the dried skin looking hideously strecthed under the hazy lights.
“If this works out Demon, we may just have an open spot for you on our team.”
Dabi’s heart unexpectedly skipped a beat, a rare grin spreading across his scarred lips.
The final bell rang, your eyes wide with excitement as you flew out the room as your teacher tried desperately to remind the class of some quiz the next day. You rolled your eyes. You didn't bother with school anymore: if you joined the League, what was the need of it? You’d be more than fine by yourself. You could give two damn’s now if you passed your classes: you just wanted out of this place.
You finally came upon the grand entrance of UA, pushing out the door with the rest of the student body. It was amazing outside- the sky was a fiery orange, red’s and yellow’s dancing in the sky as the sunset’s glow illuminated everything in its golden rays. You smiled, feeling the power of your quirk pulse excitedly in your veins, your hand tingling slightly, a memory flitting into your mind.
You had just come from school, taking time to hang out with your new friends- the League. They had seemed to have been taking a liking to you, Toga loving having a new girl counterpart, Shigaraki now welcoming you with much less hostility after learning your importance, Twice seeming to forgive you for spraining his wrist, and Dabi- well- Dabi was a character.
He was unpredictable, merciless, and cold yet...warm at the same time. He wasn’t afraid to play dirty, or be dirty, for that matter. He had countless times thrown you smug stares that made the heat in your face rise, or sexual innuendos that would make your whole body shiver. He wasn’t a clean man, Dabi, but hell was he attractive.
“So Demon,” Dabi asked, sprawled on the couch with you, “what exactly is your quirk?”
“Yeah, I wanna know!” Toga yelled out as she clutched her face, her eyes wide with hungry anticipation.
“Really? I haven't told you guys? I'm surprised!” you laughed, racking your brain to see if you had shown them. You surprised yourself- you had been around the League for two whole weeks now, and couldn't remember once showing them your quirk.
You rose from the couch slightly, Dabi feeling the weight leave from where he was sitting, missing the feeling of your body close to his own.
“Well….it’d be easier if I just showed you instead of telling,” you replied nonchalantly.
Dabi watched you with gleaming eyes, his eyes eating at you with the hopeful, slightly seductive look he always seemed to give you, a small grin on his face. You were wearing the same type of outfit when you first arrived to the group- black sweatshirt and matching black sweatpants. He had not once seen you without it; when he confronted you about it, you had blushed all so adorably he wanted to practically eat you up right then and there.
Your main reason was that you met with the villains after school, and you would throw these clothes over so no one could see you walking to the villians in your UA uniform. So, now, as you reached down and pulled to lift the thick fabric of your sweatshirt, Dabi couldn't help but feel excitement erupt in his stomach
His heart beat pulsed sharply, watching those delicate arms of yours become- finally- exposed, his breath hitching. You were wearing a simple black tank top, the curves of your body tightly contained. Your unmarked skin glistened in the light, making Dabi’s mouth water. He drank in everything about you: how your shoulder muscles protruded from your skin, each dimple and spot on your arms, the way your hair cascaded around your body and face oh so perfectly. Dabi noticed the delicate chain necklace resting on your throat, the tiny pendant fitted perfectly between the ridges of your collarbones. Something about that necklace drove him wild inside, imagining how it would feel to twist that little chain in between his slender fingers as you moaned out his name, him trailing kisses down that sweet soft skin of your chest. He licked his lips, trying not to get too overwhelmed as he followed the trail from your strap down to bust, the slight cleavage make him frustratedly hot inside.
All you ever did was tease him, and you didn't even know it. It drove him crazy that you could do this to him.
You closed your eyes, unaware of the lustful dilemma Dabi was going through seeing you take off your top. You instead focused on your quirk, allowing its power to build, feeling a familiar warm heat grow in the pit of your stomach. It started to spread, a honey warm sensation sliding down your body, hugging your thighs and torso in it as it trailed its way up. When the sensation finally reached your chest, you heard a loud, in awe gasp from Toga.
You smirked, imagining how strange it must be to watch you transform: its not everyday you get to see someone turn into something otherworldly. You opened your eyes, looking down at your hands. Your skin was now fiery red, the color of a ripe maraschino cherry. You looked at your new friends, smiling sheepishly as you saw their shocked faces.
“WHoa! Your eyes! They’re completely black!” Toga breathed out in awe, now sitting on her knees as she craned to stare at your new form.
“Yeah, it's a small side effect of my quirk-” you chuckled.
“I guess I now know why you call yourself Demon, doll face.” Dabi smirked lazily, drinking in this new you. “Your pretty damn hot like that.”
“Ew Dabi dont start that now- Im right here!” Toga complained loudly, not unlike a child seeing their parents kiss. Dabi sighed, rolling his eyes. He forgot-the little brat was still here.
Not going to lie, he was not expecting this: he had thought maybe you used some weird illusion quirk or maybe an elemental type quirk, but nothing like this. Your whole body was this red hot color, your skin completely pigmented to the color of a bright red lipstick. Your hair was crazy and wild from pulling off the sweatshirt, matching the fierce, dangerous gleam in your pitch black eyes.
Why were you so hot to him- even more so like this? Maybe it was because you looked so dangerous now? He didn't think he could hold in more of this sexual tension- he was ready to pounce on you right here. If god damn Toga wasn't there, he probably would. He was just so used to seeing you as this innocent little angel, somebody who had no idea what world they were truly entering into. Yes, You could hold your own, talk back, and stand up for yourself, but- he just loved how flustered you would get with him. The smallest pet name would make you go crazy, cheeks blushing and a stuttering mess. He could tell you were most likely inexperienced in many aspects of love, and oh how did he want to teach you. Every damn thing you didn't know.
But now he couldn't tell- he just knew that with that red blood skin and all black orbs you looked like some other wordly being, straight from Hell itself. You looked like a sex goddess. And he loved it.
“My quirk is kinda rare,” you began nervously, tugging on the small necklace, “Its called ‘quirk bonding’. Basically, I don't just get a mixture of my parents quirk, I actually get both in their entirety. My mom is the one who actually looks like this and she had a fire quirk. My dad on the other hand had a mind quirk- he was able to look into people’s minds and see what their deepest, darkest desires were at that moment. Some people can actually have more than their parent’s quirks, like aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents….but those are especially rare- I just have the two.”
“Whoa….” Toga squealed. “So cool! Fire quirk- just like you Dabi!”
He ignored her voice, shock riddled in his stomach. Hell, you had a fire quirk too? He was surprised at himself though- he would have thought he would feel some type of intimidation from you for having the same type of quirk as him, plus another one on top of it. But he didnt feel anything like that- it was like he was almost glad to hear you had a similar quirk- it made him feel that maybe that meant you two were destined to be together: a sign of some sort.
“So, you can look inside people’s heads?” he asked, his bright blue eyes burning into yours.
Dabi tilted his head up at you, his tongue dancing upward to lick his top lips, a giddy sensation frothing inside him.
“what do you think I'd be thinking about princess?” he flirted, snickering as he watched your already red face somehow turn even more red.
Damn you for looking so cute. He shifted deeper into the couch, watching as you giggled nervously.
You would be the end of him.
You looked over your shoulder, making sure no student was in sight before slipping into the dark alleyway where you usually changed into your baggy clothes.You had seemingly managed to out walk the sea of white and gray school uniforms you had been consumed in, allowing yourself to feel slightly safe. You let the memory wash over you, relishing the look on Dabi’s face in that moment. He always seemed to give you this sweetly dangerous look, as if a lion looking at a lamb. It made you shiver, but God was it hot. You knew it was bad for you to be having feelings for this villain, but how could you not feel some sort of way for him?
You heard a pair of feet coming up the street, the steps making anxiety ripple in your stomach. Your breath instantly hitched, your mind going a thousand miles a minute: did you finally get caught? Was somebody out to get out? You flattened your body onto the wall next to you, feeling the rough stucco prickle onto your back as two loud school girls walked by, laughing and texting as they strolled by without a care in the world. You rolled your eyes at their ignorance for giving you such a scare, willing your heart to lessen its intense pressure on your ribs. You breathed out a soft sigh, a hand placed over your heart, feeling the beats like a kiss on your digits. Thank God, now you could finally relax-
“Didn’t think you were so jumpy doll face- if you're gonna be working with us in the future, you're gonna have to get more loose,” you heard a male’s voice chuckle out, a playful taunt as you whipped your head around, fearfully searching for the source of the voice. A pair of fiery blue eyes emerged from the shadows of the alleyway, Dabi’s characteristically lazy smirk making annoyance bubble inside you.
“What the hell Dabi!” you cried out, feeling your overactive heart scream against your chest, “you scared me!”
Dabi laughed, no guilt evident on his face.
“Im a villian, sweetheart- get used to it.” He was now standing dangerously close to you, his lean body towering over you. That sinful look was back on his scarred face, his lips curling into a bi-colored smirk. You felt the heat rise to your cheeks as you tried desperately to keep your stance and not melt under his intense gaze. You both kept up your staring contest, each side not wanting to falter.
“Its still not cool,” you retorted back, feeling your anger bubble away as you felt yourself get lost in those blue eyes. Damn him for being so dangerously pretty- you felt your eyes began to roam his face, following the separation between his smooth skin to the death purple, marred scars. The staples glinted like stars in the lowering sunlight, the sky turning a soft shade of indigo.
Dabi had been staring right back, loving the annoyed expression on your face- even if it was directed at him. He had no shame as he admired how sweet and innocent you looked in that school uniform, your curves slightly hinted at behind the thing white shirt and pleated green skirt. The short stocking you wore didn't help his imagination, his mind taking each article of clothing off one by one. It was such a stark contrast from your true quirk, he couldn't help but find it somewhat comical that you were on both spectrums: the most purely innocent to the downright sensual. He continued to gaze at you, noticing the blush creep up your cheeks, not minding if he was making you feel uncomfortable.
“Dont look at me like that,” your voice wavered, barely audible as heat flooded your body, Dabi’s ice blue eyes stopped scanning your body and meet yours.
If it was anyone but you, he would have instantly defended himself- he did whatever he wanted to do, damn what others told him. But you- you were different, he never wanted to intentionally hurt you, and by the way your voice faltered, you seemed to like that he roamed your body. You just weren't used to it- but that was alright, he’d make sure you got real comfortable with how much he adored you.
He took a step closer, your bodies a hair away from being pressed up against each other.
“Why’s that?” he asked huskily, his smirk growing dangerously.
Your mind felt numb- how could he do this to you? You felt like you couldnt even think straight- you were so consumed in those aqua eyes and the lingering scent of firewood that seemed to grow with each step he took towards you. God, he was downright intoxicating- you could drown in him forever.
While your heart was loving the fact that he was outright flirting with you, your head was screaming with logic- he was villain, this could never work! This complicated your plans, not make them clearer! And he could be doing this to dozens of other girls- making them feel like they were special, and then ripping their hearts out to shreds. You wouldn't put in past him. You reluctantly stepped away from him, ending the trance you had put yourselves in abruptly.
You spun around, trying to calm your heart, your head faced away from him. You needed to end this, now- you couldnt let this one man get in the way of your goals, even though you were seemingly falling for his charms.
You took a deep breath of cool night air, forcing yourself to get rid of the heat he had cause inside your body.
“Its rude,” you shot over your shoulder, your voice icy as you slung your backpack off your shoulder to dig for your clothes.
Dabi just merely rolled his eyes, his grin still on his face. You pushed him away, he could take it: He was angry that you ending the energy between you two so suddenly.
“Besides-” you added, “how did you even know I would be here?”
He leaned on the wall, his smirk now half as small, shrugging his shoulders lazily. “Just followed the wave of school kids, until I found your face in it.”
It sounded innocent enough, but in his voice, it sounded menacing, like a predator stalking its prey. A satisfying chill crackled up your back. You imagined Dabi slinking in the alleyways, following and watching your every move with those icy blue eyes. The thought made your body feel off balanced, your head foggy.
You contiued to not look at him, knowing full well that lazy smirk was plastered on his face.
“Well that was stupid-” you scolded him, “you couldve been seen.”
“Aw, you care about me? How precious,” he cooed at you mockingly, enjoying the way your back stiffen, knowing you reacted to his words.
It was so easy to make you react to him, even when you tried not to- Dabi found it quite fun. A game of sorts.
You rolled your eyes, hating how even when he was mocking you, he could make you feel so warm inside.
“No, its just I dont think its smart to be sneaking around a whole building full of Pro Heroes that would arrest you in a instant.” You retorted calmly, trying to act as if his words didnt effect you in the slightest.
Dabi perked up his eyebrows, a little bit of annoyance bubbling inside him. He knew damn well you werent any better than him- you were probably a little worse. You were a spy for the League of Villians- you were practically in the belly of the beast every day. He knew you really meant no harm, but he didnt like to be questioned, especially by someone who was doing exactly what he was doing.
“Dont patronize me, Demon,” he sighed, his body relaxed but his jaw tight, “ you do the same damn thing everyday.”
Well that hurt.
You stopped rummaging through your backpack, startled slightly by his lack of friendliness in his voice. It bothered you that he called you by your name you had told him, not by the sweet pet names he always called you by. You shook off the feeling instantly, letting it slide off your conscience- it didn't matter that he seemed annoyed with you. Damn him- you were only concerned for his well being.
“Maybe- maybe not. I’m just….careful. And I just want you to be too.”
You chose your words carefully, not wanting to escalate the argument any further. You chose that time to peak a look at Dabi’s expression. To anyone walking by, he would have looked calm, relaxed even. But you observed him a little more closely- his jaw was clenched, and his hands stuffed in his pockets roughly. He was obviously bothered by your words. The air felt heavy enough to slice with a knife and the silence unbearable to deal with to you.
Dabi couldn't believe what he just heard- this was the first thing you had said to him that reciprocated some sort of feelings towards you. Even though you were being pretty nosy a few minutes ago, he couldn't help but feel exhilarated by your words. They were sweet and pure, and he really didn't know how to feel about it. Dabi was a man run by primal passion, and not really keen on the fluffy feelings of love. It was a hassle to deal with, especially with the wall he had around his heart, and he wasn't used to others expressing concern for his well being. But you just did right now, and even if it was intended to be friendly, it made his heart race and new, honest emotions bubble inside him he hadn't felt for years.
You sighed, feeling you had said the wrong thing as Dabi brooded in his thoughts.
“Just let me change, then we can go to the League.”
Dabi heard your voice and instantly shook off the feelings he was feeling for you, reluctantly rebuilding the wall up around him and plastering that lazy smile back on his face.
“No need to do that- Shigaraki has something for you.”
He walked past you, that agonizing smell of firewood drifting off his clothes as he pulled out a black, thin box from a hidden corner in the alleyway. He held it out, motioning for you to take it. You watched his every move, giving him a quizzical look as he held out he box for you to take. He flashed you a cocky grin, making a weak smile come out of you. You didnt know where the new found friendliness had came from, but you were just glad Dabi had gotten over your argument so quickly. You took the box eagerly, confused on what it could be. The box was thin, with a small silver latch on the front. You unhooked it, a satisfying “snap” filling the air as you opened the lid, a small gasp escaping fro your mouth.
“Your new villain suit,” Dabi smiled at your shocked face.”If your going to be coming out as a villain pretty soon, your gonna need something better than some voice changer and pajamas.”
You couldnt belive it- your own authentic suit. One that wasnt trying to covering you up. Back at UA, your hero suit was pretty mediocre- it completely covered up your body, except for one arm so you could activate your fire quirk. You felt covered up, as if they wanted you to look less menacing, as if your red skin was a curse. It was already a curse enough to have a quirk that changed your whole body- why couldn't they just let you accept it?
But this new suit- it was completely black, a reflective gray shine to the fabric as you shimmied the fabric in the setting sun. There were etheral black cut outs at the hips, tendrils of fabric like flames licking up to make the bodice. Matching cuffs with yellow orbs like moons were there to accent your arms, giving the ensemble a pop of color. It was exactly as you invisioned yourself to look like- powerful. Confident. Dangerous.
You gave Dabi a look of appreciation, his blue eyes watching your face with a look of humor. He didnt think youd get this excited over it- you practically looked like a kid on Christmas.
“They are not pajamas-” you finally retorted back after a few moments of admiring your new outfit, trying to keep your overwhelming excitement at bay, “ their sweats.”
Dabi laughed, not really knowing how that made a difference. “Whatever you say Demon.”
You continued to look at the costume, feeling a surge of appreciation fill you. You couldn't believe it- you were finally being accepted. After years of being alone, of suppressing your quirk because of the fear people had of you and your quirk's effects on your body, you finally found a group that actually liked you for you.
“This is really mine?”
Dabi smiled softly. “Who else would it be for? Dont ask questions- just take it.”
You gave a curt nod, smiling down at the outfit.
“Ya know, I gave some ideas for the outfit to Shigaraki.” Dabi commented, a flirtatious tone in his voice
“Oh really?” you said sarcastically, “ I didn't even notice.” Dabi’s touch was definitely in the suit- he seemed to have a flare for black with gray pieces, which was evident in the material used for the cuffs. And how tight the whole suit was, you could definitely see him trying to convince Shigaraki for that little detail.
“I hope you love it as much as I do.” He leaned in close to your face, those fiery eyes piercing your soul with such a lustful look you couldn't help but look away- it was so hard to keep eye contact with him.
You blushed again furiously, angry at yourself for instantly looking away. How was he so easy to control your emotions? You felt like this was just a huge cat and mouse game to him- he’d give you some space, allowing you to feel confident enough to banter and kid with him, and then he latches onto you, throwing in a comment that throws you in for a loop.
“Th-thank you-,” you stuttered slightly ,swallowing to regain your composure, “but Im confused- why wouldnt you just give me this at the bar?”
“Oh he didnt tell you?” Dabi smiled evilly, making your heart race. “We’re going out training tonight- just you and me.”
You internally screamed. What the hell Shigaraki?! He knew how much of a pervert Dabi secretly was- he didnt try that hard to hide it. So why was Shigaraki trying to screw you over by placing you with this man you were slowly gaining feelings for?
“Shigaraki thinks it would be a good idea for me to train you,” Dabi continued, hardly noticing the terror erupting inside you from the thought of being alone with him, “ since our quirks are similar. Help you feel out how to work alongside the League once we put our plan into place.”
You simply nodded your head, trying to pretend you were cool and collected about learning this new information.
“Smart,” you agreed, “-alright, I’m in. I just need a place to change into my costume.”
“Oh, thats alright princess- I dont mind if ya do it right here. Matter of fact- I’d really love it if you do.”
Was this good? Did you guys like it? Im debating whether to write a Part 3, so I’ll just base my decisions off of what you guys decide!
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Alright so I was watching a... comic? (Yes, watching, as in watching it in yt) idk about Izuku having AFO and accidentally stealing Bakugou's quirk which led to the Midoriya's leaving Japan and going overseas with Hisashi, who happened to be All For One, so this idea came to me as a different take on Vigilante borderline Villain Deku.
(sorry for every mistake you may see here, english is not my native language)
AU in which AFO is Izuku's dad and Izuku inherited AFO, thus leading to him taking quirks from his peers when he was a child because he didn't know how to 'turn it off', which then led to him not having a lot of friends because the rest of the kids were afraid he might try to steal their quirks indefinitely. He went overseas with his family to try and 'forget' about what happened and maybe get a better hand at controlling Liability, his quirk.
Once he's back in Japan, after AFO v AM fight (the first one) news broke out about The Greatest Villain™ having a heir somewhere around the world (which the people would be confused about, but not the villains, THEY KNOW about the Lord of the Underground, they've heard the rumours, so) so word spreads about Izuku without no one knowing is about him exactly, but Bakugou Remembers, he never forgot about 'the Deku who steals quirks' which would be really difficult to evade, given the fact that Katsuki is the powerhouse he is in canon and pretty much everyone hates him, fears him or fawns over.
With this in mind, Izuku knows there's no way for him to become a Hero, not if he wants to be recognized as All For One's son, so his best route to achieve his dream is by doing it out of the law, being a Vigilante.
By this point either way his view of the Hero Society is more wide open, HE KNOWS the difficults of having a quirk that doesn't fit society's standards, HE KNOWS how hard it is to be viewed as the "bad one" for something you didn't have control over, HE KNOWS people would judge you based on literal bullshit if they can, so he doesn't risk it, he can't risk it for his mom, for the safety and the love Inko needs after "losing" his husband.
(they both are very aware of who Hisashi was and Inko is heartbroken, so Izuku doesn't want to make it harder for her by going out on full display on UA by wanting something that doesn't belongs to him)
This leads to him wanting desperately a change, to go out an Do Something for those like him, for those who are ignored by the ones who only wish more recognition, for those who, like him, were casted aside as "liabilities" for the Society.
He wants to be an All Might of sorts, but a little more... Discreet. Without the big announcement, the smile, the 'bunny ears'. He takes more after Eraserhead.
So, he becomes 'Reprise', a vigilante (criminal for those Good Ones™) who goes 'berserk' at night, beating up all types of Real Criminals, going from drug dealers to genuine Villains, freeing neighborhood after neighborhood and doing what some pros are supposed to do.
He takes the quirks of those who he despises, those who he thinks are the worst of the worst. With them, he doesn't hold back, he ambushes them, takes them off guard and takes their quirks as soon as he can.
It's a little bit like Stain, without the murder and the intensity, but he does share a bit of his ideals, mostly when it cames down to the 'True Heroes' and all that jazz.
News start to spread about the new 'villain' going around beating others just for fun, which leads to other villains wanting to prove themselves by conquering the 'Mad V', thus leading to those same villains ending up without a quirk and a wake up call.
(He's not directly involved with UA and the stuff happening to Class 1A, just briefly jumping in to stop Stain and saving Iida's life (IIDA'S LIFE, unfortunately that doesn't change the fact that Iida's entire life/career changed after that, the Hero Killer achieving his goal of damaging him forever))
With word on the street about a new vigilante doing 'God's Work' and defeating Villain after villain, the rumours make their way into UA halls and the police force, alerting Tsukauchi and Nedzu, which eventually leads to Bakugou knowing about it and having his suspicions.
(Neither Bakugou nor Izuku have encountered each other since the day Izuku left for America, so that)
Now about his appearance, he doesn't have the typical Gucci Eyebags for having insomnia, no. He does have the Gucci Eyebags for going around beating villains so late at night.
He IS a bit different regarding his looks, he DOES has his messy hair, but with an undercut (bc only God knows how much I love Undercut!Izuku), and tends to wear normal clothes. In short, he's not far from Canon Izuku but he's definitely different.
He's not the sad depressed snarky Izuku we love to see in fanfics, no. He's more compossed, polite, kind, but he is a loner, tends to stay in the corner of the room to try and get a hang of his surroundings. He's that kind of anime guy who is serious, has a few friends/classmates that he's friendly with, and mostly evades spotlight. He's not depressed, he's angry at the world for being unfair and angry at himself for allowing the world to hurt him.
That changes when he is Reprise. He becomes this violent vigilante who wants to make a change, who goes out at night to pick fights and steal quirks and do what the Pros don't. He's snarky, sarcastic, rude, he talks back and throws insults around the street as if nothing. He's not afraid of getting injured, he welcomes the pain as a reminder, a reminder that he's doing something and that Something is making other people feel safe and protected.
The Night is Still Young tends to be his catchphrase.
He actually goes with a therapist.
He continues writing his notebooks about quirks and pros, and even villains. He has a whole pack of them with all the quirks he has taken, how they function and how to improve them.
He goes to a well-known high school for Geniuses and Prodigies with interests in sports, maths, sciencies and the like, even those who want to make a living in the support drpartment goes there.
He thinks his fort is his Mind.
((I don't think I have to point it out, but his meeting with All Might & the Sludge Villain doesn't happen in this au.))
(Shigaraki is well aware of his existence, he doesn't know it's Izuku until Reprise tries to ambush him. Shigaraki's thrilled with the rumours about a heir of AFO running around ruining business, so he would obviously want to meet him at some point and maybe try and recruit him, convince him to join his Father's side.)
His first real, face-to-face encounter with Katsuki and the rest of Class 1A (some of them at least) happens during Kamino.
Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, Uraraka and Tsuyu are the ones who rescue him SOMEHOW, i'm not going into details because I can't think of them right now, but THEY saved Bakugou.
It's when the news about a creature created by the LOV broke out that he found out about his dad's survival. So he tries to gain information by breaking in the police's archives (thanks to a friend of his who happened to be a hacker) which led to him finding out about the upcoming raid at the LOV base, but he's Izuku, he KNOWS his dad, he KNOWS the type of man Hisashi is.
So, while the League of Villains location is there, he doesn't goes there. He makes an investigation of his own, finding clues, proof, following people. Using common sense, he finds the Warehouse where his dad is supposed to be.
Only, he doesn't makes it that far. He's scouting the area of Kamino, walking around aimlessly, praying that the raid goes well so the Pros can leave it there and continue pursuing fame so he can go to that same Warehouse and confront his dad and maybe throw a few punches and cry a few tears when all Hell breaks loose.
There's a thunderous tremor around him and the screens lights up and there's All Might, in all his glory (he's not a hardcore fan anymore btw) standing in front of a terrifying villain, and suddenly Izuku is very, very scared.
And so, he watches. His heart is in his throat, ready to be thrown up as his Dad fights against the man he used to look up to. He watches as All Might buries All For One into the ground like an unused toy, and he's a mess, he's crying alongside the other people, but he cries for his dad, for the man that he loved so much, and there's this feeling of bitterness in the pit of his stomach that he wants to ignore so desperately.
So he turns around and starts walking again. He remembers his dad, working with him and helping him to control his quirk, giving him the best hugs of the world, cheering him up when he was feeling like a waste of space. He remembers the loving husband and father that Hisashi used to be and he's feeling really miserable when he stops abruptly and looks up to find Bakugou just a couple of meters ahead of him.
The rest of the rescue squad is there, too. They're looking from Bakugou to Izuku really puzzled because the firecracker they know is eerily silent and this boy is just there, face blank with just a little bit of puffiness in his eyes.
So Bakugou, a witness to all the madness from that night in Kamino, with pent up frustration and anger, goes completely blank with emotions and calls him Deku, demands for answers to questions such as 'the hell are u doin here?' 'are you with them?' 'are you playing hero again, uh, fucking Deku?'
And Deku's just there, overwhelmed by grief, because he lost his dad in what he suspects is national television, and he knows his mom is probably at home, probably saw everything. He knows Inko is just as heartbroken as he is, and that hurts like hell because it's his Mom, his everything, the one person that holds importance in his heart that he has left.
And seeing Bakugou at that exact moment, it's too much, he's emotionally incapable to deal with him of all people at that very moment. So he just. Can't.
He looks at Bakugou, he looks at him, and says "you haven't changed anything, Kacchan" and Izuku completely ignores him, keeps walking as if nothing happened, as if it isn't a blonde pomeranian screaming after him to 'stop looking down at him, you fucking freak'.
(when he makes it home he tells his mom he was in Kamino when everything happened, and Inko starts crying real hard, and Izuku too, and everything is a mess)
After his Dad's defeat, he starts attacking Pros, mercilessly and ruthlessly, but only those who deserves it, those who he thinks have failed at doing their jobs of protecting people.
Tsukauchi is desperate to capture him, wanting to bring an end to the 'Heir of the Underground' as people, mainly villains, are calling him after AFO is brought down and the similarities between AFO and Reprise are pointed out. He knows that if he leaves him on the loose for too long, there's no turning back, Tsukauchi knows what's on the line for him and is afraid FOR Izuku, knows he can become a target later on, or he can take over his Dad's Empire and be worst.
He doesn't know is Izuku, and even if Bakugou is having a crisis over Reprise and everything going on around him (because of course is Deku, it's always been Deku) he can't go and tell them, he doesn't has proof, only memories from when he was a kid and a very obvious dislike of Midoriya Izuku.
So Bakugou buries Izuku and Reprise to the back of his mind and concentrates in his own shit, the internships and the provisional license and that jazz.
(I always saw a lot of hc about how everything changed for class 1A without Deku there. So I'm taking this too and a few others things. Can't remember where I saw them tbh but all credits to their rightful owners)
Not all of them, Class 1A that is, got their license, just a few lucky ones, but a great deal of them failed. They aren't that motivated nor are That strong. USJ changed them, showed them a truth they weren't expecting this early, and losing Iida just reminded them that.
Overhaul Arc it's the same, except that, in the middle of the battle against him, when Mirio was fighting Chisaki and protecting Eri, Reprise showed up and took Overhaul's quirk right after he shoot Mirio.
(Mirio, who had Permeability. Mirio, who had One For All. He loses both of his quirks.)
At this point, and with overhaul newly added to his collection with a few others, Izuku is mostly invincible. The chaotic vigilante he used to be becomes fierce, a force to be reckoned with, so when Tsukauchi hears about Reprise getting overhaul, he warns ALL of the Pros to be careful at encountering him.
The Hero Comission WARNS EVERY AGENCY that, in case of coming face to face with Reprise, they have to flee inmediately or suffer the consequences, which are losing their quirks and having to step down from being pros.
It becomes a really bad situation, with fear striking every Pro present, much more so after losing the Symbol of Peace, which leads to a vulnerability in those afraid of losing everything and leaving unprotected a few places, or outright giving up the title of Pro.
Everything comes down to the fateful meeting of Shigaraki and Izuku.
Shigaraki knows there's malice in Reprise, he knows he felt that pain too when All For One was captured, that's why he's going against Pros now, and he plans to use every ounce of that pain to bring him by his side.
Liability (Reprise) of Lorde was a huge inspiration tbh
#bnha#bnha deku#bnha au#mha vigilantes#bnha vigilantes#vigilante deku#villain deku#all for one#deku has a quirk#deku has all for one quirk#midoriya izuku#all might#reprise au#bnha headcanons#a what if deku had all for one quirk au#bakugou katsuki#todoroki shouto#bnha uraraka
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My Hero Academia Ch. 252 Thoughts:
•OK, first off, and this is just funny, but Bakugo DOES NOT like being hugged! He “zooms” right out of that hug as soon as he can and just insults Endeavor until he does. Like, “Screw this familiar conflict, LET ME GO, YOU IDIOT!!!”
•Seeing the kids finally accomplish all three of the “Hero’s Basics”: Rescue (Bakugo), Evacuation (Izuku), and Suppression/Battle (Shoto), is so rewarding to see as they grow into true heroes. AND, they beat Endeavor, the No. 1 Hero, to defeating a real villain, which is a massive plus!
•But, despite that, the Todoroki conflict continues (this is a long bullet point). This time focusing on Natsuo and Endeavor. You can see that Endeavor is trying so, so hard to be forgiven for his past sins while also being willing to pay for them as well. He’s acknowledging how his family (specifically Fuyumi) has been trying to become a family again, but it’s not easy so long as that horrific past exists. Natsuo, especially, knows this and doesn’t think he’ll ever forgive his father, which is understandable. Endeavor isn’t even asking for forgiveness; he wants to atone. And echoing Izuku’s words from before, Endeavor says that Natsuo is a kind person regardless, and honestly, he’s right. You can still be a good person while not wanting to forgive someone for their horrible actions. Natsuo is also right in saying that he can’t be the only one to make an effort to make things change (this goes for the rest of his family too). Endeavor has to play his part or else nothing’s going change.
•Quick side-note, but I like that the next day, Shoto’s wearing what seems like his hero costume because he burned off his uniform haha! Poor boy’s gonna have to get a new one. Also you can see some of his fangirls in the background, so our IcyHot boy’s already a celebrity!
•God, reading/hearing Izuku say “Bakugo” instead of “Kacchan” is so strange.
•But for real, BAKUGO CHOSE HIS HERO NAME!!! But he’s gotta tell someone else about it first before we find out ;~;. My first thought was All Might, but then I remembered that flashback in the Christmas chapter and thought “Wait, he wants to tell Best Jeanist first, doesn’t he? Oh... Oh, no...” Pls don’t be dead, Best Jeanist.
•And finally (and this is another long one), Endeavor’s gonna separate himself from his family like he dreamed of because he believe it’s what’s best for them. He’s going to build a new house for his family while he stays at the old one. That’s... that’s rough, man. It’s hard to come up with a clear answer for this whole situation. Maybe physically erasing himself from his family will help, but spiritually, his presence will still be there and most likely haunt them from time to time. But, maybe seeing their father act more on his redemption route will help too? I don’t know. (Edit: After reading some other comments about Endeavor’s choice and thinking about it myself, I think this is a step in the right direction. His family needs to grow without him for now. They can deal with Endeavor “The Hero”, but not Enji Todoroki “The Father”. THAT needs to go away for now. Maybe he could keep an eye on them from afar and/or visit every now and again, but Endeavor needs to let his family live on their own and have some peace before he can come back into the picture (if he can/ever will)). This is a tough situation that I don’t wish on anyone. I guess we’ll just have to see where Horikoshi-sensei takes us next. Also, this is just a really great redemption arc and I have to applaud Horikoshi-sensei for telling this story in the first place.
•Oh, one more thing, Touya was mentioned in this. Natsuo constantly hears his voice in his head and Endeavor blames himself for “killing” him. We’re not 100% clued in on how Touya “died” though since it’s still really vague what exactly happened to him. I really hope Dabi was watching this go down, because man, we need some confirmation here. The arc can’t be over yet.
#My Hero Academia#Boku No Hero Academia#mha spoilers#bnha spoilers#bnha 252#Endeavor#Natsuo Todoroki#Shoto Todoroki#Katsuki Bakugo#Izuku Midoriya#Kohei Horikoshi#you madlad#ripping all our hearts out again#;~;#damn you#this is a lot to take in#what is this amazing arc#my hero academia thoughts
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IzuMina Week Prompt 5- Color Me Impressed
And I’m finally finished with prompt #5. Only two weeks late too. Pretty sure that’s some kind of record.
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23580907 Or on FF.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13530836/5/IzuMina-Week-2020
Mina let out a sigh as she stepped out from the agency doors. It had been a long, frustrating day of patrols and she felt like she had walked around the entire city twice over without catching a single villain. On the one hand, not encountering any crime was probably a good sign for the city. On the other hand, it meant she had been intensely bored for the entire day. Now she was finally free to head back to her apartment, scarf down some convenience store dinner, and wait for Izuku to get done with his own patrol.
If she was lucky she might even be able to talk him into watching a movie together over FaceTime, before he inevitably passed out from exhaustion and left her to disconnect the call. Not that she really blamed him. He resolved more cases in a single day than most heroes resolved in a week. There were a lot of people who were calling him the second coming of All Might, with no idea just how right they actually were. A few of their former UA classmates came close to matching his numbers, but none could quite close the gap.
She was proud of her boyfriend, and everything he had achieved, but she did wish he weren’t quite so married to his job. She missed the UA dorms, where he had always been available for cuddles on demand. Now they lived cities apart, and only got to visit each other a couple of times a month when hero work brought him into her neck of the woods.
So it was that she nearly dropped her bag in surprise when she heard Izuku’s voice calling out to her from the other side of the street.
“Mina! I’m so glad I caught you!” he called, dashing across the street to wrap his arms around her in a tight hug that made her ribs ache a little with its force.
She didn’t care about that in the slightest, though. She returned the hug with equal force and affection, burying her face into his shoulder and inhaling deeply. He smelled almost exactly like she remembered, a calming mix of the cheap fruity shampoo he favored, cinnamon, and… sweat?
“Izuku, did you run here or something?” Mina asked, lifting her head up to give him a curious look. He was dressed in jeans and a button-up shirt, which would have made dashing there quite awkward.
“Ummm, maybe?” he said, looking away sheepishly, “I was just… really excited to see you again.”
“Awww, I missed you too, you big goof!” Mina said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Then her curiosity won out over her elation over seeing him. “Izuku, what are you doing here? You didn’t tell me you were coming.”
“I wasn’t planning on coming until this weekend,” Izuku said, “But some stuff happened faster than I thought it would, and… now I’m here. Sorry for not letting you know.”
Mina shook her head, then gave him a soft smile. “Don’t be. It’s a surprise, but a nice one. Like finding 2000 yen you forgot about in your jacket pocket!”
“Glad to know I’m only worth 2000 yen to you,” Izuku said, returning her smile.
He had gotten so much better at banter in the nearly three years that they had been together. He still wasn’t quite at Mina’s level, but on a good day he could at least give her a decent challenge. And sometimes, when she was feeling particularly slow, he even came out ahead and turned her into a giggling, blushing mess of affection.
Today, however, was not one of those days.
“You’re worth way more than that,” she quipped, shifting to his side so that they could walk arm in arm. “In fact, you’re worth at least a meal at Nakahara’s”
It was her absolute favorite sushi restaurant in the entire city. The man who ran it was a mad genius when it came to sushi, constantly pushing the boundaries of what most people would consider acceptable sushi ingredients. Even still, his food was always delicious, and Mina and Izuku made a point of stopping there for dinner every time he was in town, despite the price.
It was, after all, the site of their first real date. Mina had dragged Izuku there after hearing Yaoyorozu raving about the meal she had eaten there with her parents. Ostensibly it had been because she didn’t want to eat alone, and Izuku had been the only one of her friends with free time that day. The burgeoning feelings she had been developing for her then friend had nothing to do with it in the slightest.
In hindsight, they probably should have realized that the shop was a bit pricier than the restaurants they usually attended. Mina had been a little preoccupied with denying her feelings at the time, however, and hadn’t realized what kind of place she was dragging Izuku to until they were already seated and were browsing the menu.
In the end, they had split an order of assorted sushi, since it was the most affordable option on the menu. It wasn’t a particularly large dish, which had led to their hands brushing halfway through the meal. Izuku had pulled back as though he had been burned, his face burning bright red from even the brief contact, while Mina had been left frozen with a similar blush on her cheeks.
That had been the point where she had finally stopped lying to herself about her feelings, and had just accepted that she had a crush on her classmate. To her delight, it had quickly become clear that Izuku felt similarly to her. He had even accompanied her that night under the impression that they would be going on an actual date, which put a lot of his blushing, awkward demeanor since she had asked him to come with her in perspective.
From there, the dinner had only gotten better. With her feelings acknowledged, Mina had been able to relax and really be herself. Before long, she’d had Izuku giggling uncontrollably as she made up stories about why the other patrons of the restaurant were there that night. They weren’t the best stories that she had ever crafted, way more absurd and ridiculous than her usual style, but they had been exactly what was needed to dissolve the last of the tension between them.
More dates had followed, getting more elaborate and romantic as they went. They had even taken a trip to Okinawa at the end of their third year, spending an entire week together in a romantic beachside cabin. It was honestly one of Mina’s favorite memories, and she’d been quietly making plans to repeat the trip for their next anniversary.
“Dinner sounds lovely,” Izuku said, drawing Mina back from her reminiscing, “but… could we go tomorrow? There’s something I want to show you today.”
Mina was a little surprised by the suggestion. Izuku was usually perfectly happy to go along with whatever plans she made, and almost never took the lead. Then again, he almost never showed up to see her unannounced, so maybe this was just a day for surprises. Even still, she wasn’t going to just let him get away with such a vague statement.
“Something you want to show me tonight, huh?” Mina said, a coy grin on her face, “Has Mineta been giving you pickup lines to try again? Because I’m not gonna say no, though I do wish you’d put a little more effort into selling it…”
She could practically see the gears turning in his head as he tried to work out what she was insinuating. When he finally did, he choked slightly and threw a hand up in front of his face to hide the slight blush. “N-No! I wasn’t saying we should… I mean, not right now…”
Mina laughed at his response. If only the world knew that the invincible Deku could be brought low by just a few flirtatious words. Then again, she had heard that he had taken down a villain calling herself “The Temptress” a few weeks back without too much trouble. There might come a day when her teasing ceased to affect him. She doubted that, though. Izuku would be Izuku, no matter what he went through.
“Alright, I’m done with the teasing for now,” Mina said, tugging on Izuku’s arm to grab his attention, “Let’s see this surprise!”
He nodded once, then pulled out his phone. Mina glanced at it too, hoping for a clue to their destination. Izuku probably wouldn’t keep her in suspense for very long, but she couldn’t help but want to see what had him so excited that he showed up unannounced.
To her surprise, he pulled up a map of the city, with a pin stuck in a nearby district. Because of her patrol route, Mina was actually fairly familiar with the area. It was an upscale neighborhood, with plenty of nice houses and apartments. The shops there were fancy as well, which piqued Mina’s interest even more than before. Wherever Izuku was taking her, it was somewhere nice.
“So, should I consider this an early anniversary present?” Mina asked as they began to walk towards their mysterious destination.
“No… I, uh, haven’t really gotten you anything yet,” Izuku admitted, “I’ve been busy focusing on… other stuff.”
“Same!” Mina chirped. It was a total lie, but she couldn’t have him getting the idea that she was responsible. Then he might stop helping her fill out her insurance forms. “Maybe we can go shopping after your surprise? There are a couple of good shops near there”
Izuku frowned. “How did you know where we're going?”
“I peeked at your phone,” Mina explained, “Gotta admit, I’m pretty excited. We’re going somewhere nice, yeah? Maybe a fancy cake shop of some sort?”
“Oh, it’s… not that fancy,” Izuku said apologetically.
“Hmmmm,” Mina hummed, racking her brain for another idea, “Some kind of hidden gem you heard about then? A little mom and pop diner?”
Izuku shook his head. “No, it’s not a restaurant either.”
“Awww, C’mon Izuku!” Mina whined, “Give me some sort of hint! I’m dying here!”
“It’s not far,” Izuku replied, “Can you hold on for just a couple of minutes?”
Mina let out the loudest groan that she could manage, hoping to get a bit of sympathy from her boyfriend, but instead drawing the eyes of several passersby to them. Whispers quickly followed as she and Izuku were recognized. He was famous everywhere, and she had been working hard to grow her own following in the city.
Normally, getting recognized while she was out of costume was something she enjoyed. The looks of realization on kid’s faces as they realized the pink lady standing in line in front of them at the convenience store was a pro hero were absolutely priceless, and she was never shy about stopping for a picture or autograph. But that was most of the time. Right now, the thought of being stopped for even a minute or two sounded like torture.
It would probably be for longer than that, though. Pinky was popular around the city, but Deku was a household name in every city in the country. There was no way they were getting away with just a few handshakes and a selfie. And, if a crowd started gathering around them then that would only attract more attention, which would just make things take even longer.
Before the whispers could turn into actions, Mina suddenly found her legs swept out from under her as Izuku lifted her into a bridal carry. The action was smooth as silk, and Mina had no doubt that he had practiced it plenty of times before that point, probably so that the people he saved felt safe and comfortable the entire time. She certainly did, with his powerful arms wrapped around her, pressing her into his chest.
“Hang on,” he said, low enough that only she could hear it, before blasting off into the sky in a single bound.
The feeling of soaring through the sky on a barely controlled trajectory was both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. It wasn’t the first time that Izuku had brought her along while leaping from place to place, but it was the first time that he had done so outside of a combat situation, which gave her time to really appreciate the experience.
She whooped, raising her hands over her head like she was on a roller coaster. Izuku said something back, probably asking her not to move around so much, but the wind whipped his words away before they could reach her ears. He was probably right, and she was being overly risky, but Mina didn’t care. She was having way too much fun.
They landed at the far end of the district, touching down in an alley behind a convenience store that Mina vaguely recognized from her patrols. The flight had left her slightly breathless, and more than a little windswept, but she wasn’t going to complain. They’d covered a dozen blocks in a tenth of the time it would have taken to walk the same distance. Not for the first time, Mina dearly wished her own Quirk allowed her to move like that, instead of just letting her skate around a bit.
“Thanks for the ride,” Mina said, doing her best to finger comb her hair into something a little more presentable than its current state.
“Don’t mention it,” Izuku replied. His own clothes were somehow even more disheveled looking than Mina’s were, which was quite the impressive feat. He was doing his best to straighten them out, but was only really making things worse.
With a small smile, Mina stepped forward and straightened his collar. That was one thing that hadn’t changed, despite the years she had known him. He still couldn’t keep a collar straight, or a tie unbunched to save his life. Thankfully one of his sidekicks was always there to help him out before an interview, even if Mina couldn’t.
“I’m surprised you used your Quirk,” Mina said as she tugged his collar into shape, “You’re usually such a stickler for not using it in public.”
Izuku rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, shifting in place a little as he did so and messing up Mina’s work on his collar almost instantly. “S-Sorry,” he said as she went back to work on it, “I just… didn’t want to have to wait any longer.”
“You’re really excited for this, huh?”
He nodded. “Yeah, I really am.”
“Well then!” Mina said, stepping back a little to admire her handiwork, “Now you’ve got me really intrigued! Let’s go!”
“Okay, you definitely surprised me Izuku,” Mina said, glancing around at the empty house that was apparently their destination.
After their landing, Izuku had led her through a large apartment complex, earning them a few curious stares from the various nosy grandmas who lived there, and behind it to a large wooden fence. For a minute, Mina had thought he had gotten lost somewhere along the way, but then Izuku had produced a key from his pocket and opened the gate, letting them into the lot beyond.
A small house, with its own garden was tucked away back there, far away from the prying eyes of the apartment complex and the street, which was interesting. Mina had no idea how anyone had gotten the permits to actually build the place. Then again, it looked old enough that it might have been here well before the apartments that now surrounded it were even proposed. The paint on its walls was a bit faded, and there was a positively ancient looking satellite dish on the roof, but otherwise the house looked rather well loved and maintained.
To her immense surprise, Izuku had produced a second key and brought them both inside. Tit was devoid of any furniture, and a layer of dust covered most of the floors and windows. There were a few signs of life, however. A large tarp had been laid out across the floor of what had obviously been a living room at some point, with a half dozen cans of paint holding the corners down. At the center of the tarp was a large picnic basket that looked like it had just been taken out of an old-timey British drama movie.
“So, you brought me for a picnic in an abandoned house?” Mina said skeptically. She trusted Izuku to the moon and back, but this was pretty odd behavior, even for him. “Do I get an explanation?”
Izuku shuffled a little, and turned his gaze to the floor in a display that was so nervous Mina almost felt bad for asking the question that had caused it.
“So, uh, you know how we got a new intern at my agency a couple months ago?” Izuku asked.
Mina’s mood instantly fell. Of course this was a work thing. He was probably in town to track down some villain who was lurking in the area, and had decided to bring her along for a picnic while on the stakeout. It was still something, but with how excited Izuku had been about the whole thing, she’d been expecting something a little more impressive.
“Yeah,” she said, doing her best to sound enthusiastic and failing miserably. “Shimmer something or other.”
“Shimmer Path,” Izuku corrected, “She’s got a really cool Quirk. She can make portals from place to place, like Kurogiri from the League of Villains, but even quicker. And she can make them almost anywhere she’s been before.”
That did catch Mina’s attention. Warping Quirks like that were really rare, especially ones that could be used more than once or twice a day. This newbie had probably been in high demand, which made it all the more impressive that the agency he worked with had managed to snatch her up.
“That’s neat,” Mina said, genuinely meaning it. Her feelings about the disappointing date aside, she was genuinely happy that his agency was growing.
“Yeah!” Izuku said, his enthusiasm for Quirks and heroics overwhelming whatever nerves he had been feeling up to that point. “She’s really nice too! I helped her out a little ago with a problem she was having with her Quirk, and in thanks she offered to make a portal to bring me into the office every day.”
Mina whistled, impressed by the generous offer. If this girl was really as powerful as Izuku said, it meant he would never have to worry about commuting to his agency ever again. He could take the time to make a decent breakfast, get in a morning workout, or even just sleep in. Not that he’d actually do that last one, but Mina was still a little bit jealous of him for having the opportunity.
She wished she had someone with a warp Quirk at her agency. Although now that she thought about it, they wouldn’t even really need to be at her agency at all. They could live in another city entirely and simply warp to wor—
Mina’s thoughts ground to a halt as the reason they were standing in an empty house, one that appeared to have been freshly purchased, finally clicked into place.
“Wait, Izuku, you don’t mean that this is…?”
He nodded once more. “Yeah, it is. I filled out the last of the paperwork this morning. The house is mine, and…” he swallowed loudly before continuing, “And I was hoping it could be yours too.”
It took all the willpower Mina possessed not to simply drop to the floor and melt into a puddle of delighted goo. Slowly, a smile so wide that it made her cheeks ache spread across her face. A moment later, she surged forward and leapt into Izuku’s arms, wrapping herself entirely around him in a full body hug.
“Yes!” Mina cried, “Yes! Absolutely yes!”
He returned the embrace, twirling her around him and laying kiss after kiss on her cheeks as he did so. The move was straight out of a romance movie, and Mina would have chided him for being so cheesy if she hadn’t been so absolutely enamored at the moment.
Eventually they broke apart, allowing Mina to take stock of the house once more. Somehow, it looked so much nicer now that she knew she was looking at her future home. It wasn’t nearly as cold and empty as her first impression had made it seem. It was just waiting to be filled with furniture, life, and maybe a bit of paint and spackle. Then it would really be a home.
Her home. Her and Izuku’s home.
Mina squealed in delight, and took off on a whirlwind tour of the house, poking her nose into every nook and cranny that she could find, and mentally planning exactly where she would put all her furniture and decorations. They would even have to buy some new stuff, since the house was easily larger than both of their current apartments combined.
“This place is awesome Izuku!” Mina said, as she burst back into the room.
In the time that she had been gone, Izuku had unpacked the picnic basket and laid out the somewhat meager fare. It was mostly convenience store bentos and drinks, with a few fresh fruits thrown in as a nod to eating healthy. At that moment, though, it looked absolutely delicious to Mina.
“I’m glad you like it,” Izuku said, holding a can of her absolute favorite soda out to her, “I had to look for quite a while before I got lucky with it.”
“How did you hear about it?” Mina asked, plopping down next to him, “It’s not exactly easy to spot.”
“A real estate agent,” Izuku said, his eyes taking on a far away look, “I saved his daughter from a villain attack, and the next day, I found a big stack of real estate listings on my desk. Apparently someone in the office told him I was looking, and he decided to help out.”
“Using your hero connections for personal gain?” Mina said, her voice filled with mock astonishment as she elbowed Izuku lightly in the ribs, “How scandalous!”
“I didn’t say anything to him!” Izuku protested, a slight grin on his face showing that he wasn’t serious, “I wasn’t even going to look at them, but this one was on top of the pile, and it just… caught my eye. I thought it looked like somewhere you’d like to live.”
“You were absolutely right,” Mina said, snuggling up to his side, “I love it. But not just because it’s funky. I love it because you love it. You could have asked me to live in a shack, and it would still feel like a mansion.”
Izuku blushed a little bit at her words, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders before pulling her in to lay a quick kiss on her forehead.
“So, now what?” Mina asked once she had stopped giggling like a schoolgirl.
“Well, there’s still a lot to do before we can move in,” Izuku said, “But I thought we could start with painting?”
Mina nodded. It was a good place to start. The slightly cracked and faded white paint that surrounded them now was fine, but it wasn’t exactly inspiring. They could make it better, make it theirs, and paint it in any color that they wished.
“Well then, let’s get started!” Mina said, hopping to her feet.
Several long hours later, Mina dropped back onto the tarp with a sigh of relief. She was dressed in a painter’s smock, courtesy of Izuku thinking ahead and knowing her well, that was liberally coated with paint.
Their painting session had devolved into a paint fight when Mina had gotten bored halfway through the second wall and flicked some paint onto Izuku. He’d assumed the first barrage was an accident, and had ignored the second, but on the third attempt he had retaliated in kind, and the war had begun.
The living room was mostly untouched, since neither of them had wanted to undo their hard work, but the other rooms had not fared quite so well. The kitchen counters would probably need to be replaced after their paint splattering, and cleaning the floors would probably be a pain. They’d also need to haul the three paint cans they’d managed to empty through the apartment complex outside, which would probably make a terrible impression on their future neighbors, considering their current dishevelment.
Mina didn’t care one bit, however. She was still flushed from dashing around the house, laughing at the top of her lungs as Izuku tried to wrap her in a pain soaked bear hug. She’d dodged him for just long enough that he would feel like she wasn’t giving up, before finally allowing him to catch her, dooming her to a flurry of kisses right then, and a long shower when they finally headed back to her apartment that night.
She slowly lifted her hands up towards the sky, eyes tracing the splotches of green that dotted her pink skin. Growing up, she’d never thought that the two colors could go so perfectly together, but now she knew better.
Now she knew there had never been two colors that mixed so well.
#izumina#mina ashido#midoriya izuku#fluff#izumina week 2020#day 5#color#pro heroes#proposals#minadeku#dekumina
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Just a drabble that ended up being waaaay too long.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of sex, Shitty writing
Under the cut cuz it’s long af
Life has never quite gone your way. There would be high moments that came with teaching high schoolers that strove to become heroes but the loneliness was unbearable. Living in Japan away from your family and friends left a hole in your heart that only got deeper after every failed date or hookup.
You had often joked about your high standards with your colleagues at UA, even to the point of openly wishing for a Build Your Own Boyfriend website. Everyone had laughed but continued to reprimand you for having your standards too high.
It was on your walk home that the ad had first caught your attention.
“Are your standards too high?” The smooth female advert cut through your epic jam session. “Well, do we have a solution for you.”
The advertisement had listed off a website that would allow you to custom order an intelligent robot that would learn and grow to your needs.
You blew it off as clickbait and skipped the ad as soon as you could. You finished your walk home and promptly took a shower. A certain ash blond in your heroics class had chased another student into the forest and you had to chase the both of them down.
As you settled into your nightly routine, you found it hard to keep your mind from wandering back to the ad, imagining the sort of man you’d order.
‘He’d have to be at least six feet tall and handsome as the devil. Hmm, punctual and unafraid to sleep until noon with a sense of humor.’
You continued to play with that idea through the evening and into your slumber, dreaming of what he might look like and how he would feel.
The next morning, you were awoken by a very flustered and excited Nemuri, who let herself in again.
“Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! HAVE YOU SEEN THIS!” The R rated hero shoved her phone into your face before you had even opened your eyes to process what was going on.
Her web browser was open to the website you heard about yesterday.
“Nem, you’re an absolute horndog and you don’t need a bishie boyfriend Colonel Sanders. What time is it?” You pulled some hair that had stuck you face via drool from your mouth and stretched.
“ITS 5:45 AM!”
You wrestled her into your guest bedroom and pushed an old wardrobe infront of the door to keep her in while you finished getting your beauty sleep.
When 7:00 rolled around, you released your friend and listened to her rant about the website over breakfast.
“Just look at it, Y/N. Please~” You swiped her phone from her hand and scrolles through the other tabs that held customization screens.
“Oh lord.” They had an entire tab for just his manhood.
“Pretty great, huh?”
The idea of customizing a boyfriend almost seemed taboo to you.
“It sounds like it could be clickbait or a way to steal your credit card information.” You returned her phone and turned to the stove to flip the egg you were cooking.
“Uh huh. And what if I told its not?” Nemuri pushes her chest against your back.
“Get off me, and how?” You gently pushed her away from you.
“I ordered one. He came last week.” The smirk she gave proved she was not kidding. “He’s absolutely perfect. After classes today, you can come and see him.”
She really did it? Strangely enough, you’re not surprised she did that.
“Wait, what about Snipe?” You thought everything was going smooth between them.
“Well, our relationship just was kind of a blur between dating and friends with benefits. Our sex was more chill and relaxed then it ever was actually passionate.” Nemuri reached into a cabinet and grabbed a plate.
You nodded in understanding. The majority of your dates ended up in friendships then actual relationships.
“And when I heard the ad for the boyfriend builder, he told me to get one. He said, and I quote, ‘You should get him. He’d make a better relationship. But if y'all ever need a real fuck, you know where to find me,’. AND I DID!”
Nemuri danced around with her egg on a plate before she sat down.
“Have you done anything with it yet?” You sat across from her and tilted your head in curiosity.
“Oh yes. We’ve been on dates and Hizashi is the absolute sweetest. I can’t wait to ravage him.”
“Hizashi?” It had a name?
She nodded. “The website has a name generator that you can use. They base their names off of the set personality. It chose Hizashi Yamada.”
“He sounds sweet.”
“Yep! He’s really loud though. They grow with you, so it’s understandable.”
You almost choked on your egg hearing that. “They’re practically sentient?!”
Nemuri nodded and quickly finished her egg. She washed her plate and announced that she had to go get ready for school. You followed her words and proceeded to get dressed. You lay everything out in the evening, so it didn’t take long to get ready.
As you ran a comb through your hair, you opened the website on your phone. Deciding that there isn’t much to lose, you began to fill the order form out.
Six feet tall, Long Dark Hair, Just Enough Stubble To Be Sexy. The list went on. You managed to fill it out just in time to leave.
The daily trek to UA was as boring as ever, until you heard an strange noise. An animal in distress. Choosing that you’d rather be late to work then leave an animal hurt in the streets, you followed the noise. It lead to deep in an alley not far off your route.
You sifted through some garbage bags until you found the source of the noise. It was a mother cat with two little kittens. They were sickly thin and clearly struggling to survive.
Evaluating your options, you came to the conclusion that instead of wasting more time to bring them to the vet all the way across town, you used your quirk to convince the mama cat to let you pick her and her babies up and quickly called up Recovery Girl to cash in a favor she owed you.
She agreed to help the cats and keep them in her office until the end of the day so you could take them home. Rushing to her office and then to your class left you breathless and dead on the floor in front of your students.
“Um, Miss. L/n? Are you alright?” Your problem student, Izuku Midoriya, asked.
“DANDY! JUST DANDY!” You yelled through the muffle of your hair and the floor. “I saved three cats from right outside my house, which is a half an hour walk from here, ran here, ran to Recovery Girl’s office, then up two flights of stairs to get here. I’m pooped.”
You got up and brushed yourself off. After apologizing to your class, you read off the daily announcements. You handed out graded papers and assisted students where they needed it until it was time for their first class of the day.
Using your free time, you stopped in to actually chat with Recovery Girl and check on the cats.
“They were malnourished and most likely wouldn’t of survived another day out there. Both kittens are sick but should recover swiftly, and the mom is already up and walking.” She explained.
“Have you figured out their genders?” You planned on keeping them and wished to find names for them as soon as possible.
“Ones a girl and the other is a boy. Are you going to keep them?”
You shook your head yes and squatted down to pet the mama who came up for some love. “I like the name Kayuma for the mother, but I still need some time for the babies. Maybe I’ll ask my class.”
Recovery Girl agreed and wrote some notes on the cats. You picked Kayuma up and pulled your phone from your pocket. You wanted to get a picture with your new cat, but your attention was pulled to a notification that went unnoticed.
Your order has been shipped! The package should arrive by 4pm!
“It’s already been shipped?” You wondered out loud.
“What’s been shipped?” You jumped at the new voice. Toshinori Yagi.
“Ah, some pet supplies for the cats. I ordered some after reading the announcements.” Technically not a lie because you really did.
“Oh! Already thinking about the newest additions to your family, how lovely.” Toshinori put a hand on your shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze. “If you ever need any help or a cat-sitter, you can always ask me. My master loved cats so I know a thing or two.”
“Thanks for the offer, Tosh. You’ll be the first I call.”
The bell rung signaling the start of lunch and had the three of you scrambling to prepare for the second half of the day.
A few brief meetings and some class prep later, the day had finally ended. You sent out a quick email to your students asking about names for the cats and packed up your stuff, ready to go home and meet your new boyfriend.
“Hey! Y/n! Wait up!” Nemuri bounced up to you and clung to your arm. “Are you going to come over tonight?”
“Um…. No. I have the cats and I have to get everything ready for them.” You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly, hoping she wouldn’t catch on.
“Uh huh. How about Hizashi and I come by to meet your new boy?” Nemuri placed her hand on her hip knowing full well that you weren’t paying attention to what she said.
“Oh yes, that would be lovely.” It took a bit before you processed what she said. “NEMURI, WAIT! THE CATS! I THOUGHT YOU MEANT THE CATS!”
“NOPE! WE’RE COMING OVER!” Nemuri skipped away before you could get a word in otherwise, leaving you alone and quite exasperated.
You picked up the cats and trekked home, a feat easier said than done with three now energetic cats in your arms. You pushed the door of your house open with your foot.
Sighing, you let the cats roam for a bit as you set up the litter box and feeders from previous pets. It was almost four and the nerves were getting to you. Watching the new kittens romp around the living room while Kayuma lied on a pillow by the heating vent.
‘I hope my bot likes cats. I want so many.’ You didn’t get much time to think about your new boyfriend due to Nemuri and Hizashi bursting in at exactly four.
“WHERE IS HEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!” Nemuri squealed as soon as she entered the living room.
“Hey! He hasn’t arrived yet. Do you see a large crate?” Hizashi placed a hand on her shoulder to keep her from pouncing on you. “I apologize for her, she’s terribly excited.”
“Oh yeah, I know. She’s literally vibrating with excitement. I don’t think she’s calmed down since high school.” You stood from the couch where you had placed yourself in preparation for her outburst. “My name is Y/n Y/L. Nem sings praises of your name.”
“I’m Hizashi Yamada. She speaks about you quite often.” He extended his hand and you took it.
Your eyes widened at the warmth of his hand. You weren’t expecting him to feel so…
“Real? Is that what you were thinking?” Hizashi’s words startled you from your thoughts. “It’s always that look when people know I’m a robot.”
“I hope I didn’t offend you! I just wasn’t expecting it.”
“Nah, it’s fine. Better to get the shock over with me then with him.” Hizashi pointed to the door a second before a knock resonated through off of the front door.
You walked to the door and opened it up. A beautiful woman was standing next to a six-foot large wooden crate. She resembled Nemuri.
“Hello! My name is Kiara! Thank you for ordering a Boyfriend! May we come in?” You nodded and open the door wider.
She picked up the crate with a trolley and rolled it into the house. She wheeled it into the living room and stopped in surprise when she saw Nemuri and Hizashi.
“Well, hello! How have you two been faring?” She set the crate down and stepped up to Hizashi. “You’re looking good.”
“We’ve been fine. How about you?” Hizashi responded.
“Oh, you know, delivering joy and boyfriends. My life and passion.” Kiara patted his shoulder and turned back to you. “Hizashi is probably one of my best. I’m so proud he got placed with my amazing cousin.”
Nemuri blushed and buried her face in Hizashi’s neck.
“Do you… Do you make them all?” You looked to the crate and to Hizashi.
“Yep! I hand make all of them! My quirk makes it super easy to finish quickly!” She clapped her hands together and her expression turned serious. “But enough about me. It’s now about you and your future!”
She quickly walked over to the crate and pulled the front off, revealing your new bot.
No, Boyfriend.
He was everything you imagined him to be. He was just right. He was perfect. He was…
You quickly moved to throw a blanket over him while Nemuri cackled like a witch.
“Hah! You should’ve seen the look on your face! Oh, I should’ve gotten a picture!”
With that exchange, the two pro heroes pounced on each other in fight of friendly anger. With the attention on them, no one noticed the man in the crate open his eyes to the harsh light of the world.
He looked down and noticed the blanket draped haphazardly across his body before readjusting it around his waist and stepping out of his container.
A brief glance around with apathetic eyes shown that the room he was in was loud and obnoxious. Two people stood idly by as another two women fought on the floor. He padded up to the group undetected and observed the others in the room. With every attempt to tear his attention away from your form, the pull to you was overpowering.
Everything about you was mesmerizing. From your H/c hair to the gentle pull of your clothing around your curves. He was enthralled, absolutely enchanted.
“What the fuck is going on here. You two are squealing like pigs in the slaughter.” His mouth moved on its own, bringing the attention to him.
The look in our eyes is something that he’ll treasure forever. It was sweet and full of excitement and love. How he knew this, the answer never came to him, but he knew it was love and all he wanted was to see that look on your face forever.
“Oh! He’s awake! How are you feeling?” The woman in the business suit asked.
“Tired.” As much as he tried, he could not pry his eyes away from you. “Yet, I feel so full of energy.”
The only other male nodded. “Yep. When I first woke up, I felt like that.”
He cast his gaze to the male for as long as he could before his eyes trailed back to you. He smirked and took a step closer to you.
“Are you like us?”
You shook your head ‘no’, “Sadly, I am not. But I promise to love you like we are the same.”
“What’s his name?” The bluette asked suddenly. “Didja get one picked out from the site or did you have one in mind?”
With their eyes on you, it hit you like a truck when you realized that not only did you not have a name picked out for him, you forgot to click the enabler for the name generator.
“Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit,” you dragged out. “I was so busy with classes and the cats that I forgot. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh. I’m a shitty girlfriend.”
“Cats?” He asked.
“Yeah. Three cats. They’re around here somewhere.” You flopped dramatically onto your couch and buried your face in your arms.
“Well, we could help. I made him and I know Hizashi’s creative. Not too sure about Midnight though.” Kiara suggested.
“Thanks Kiara. Nem, don’t take any offense to that. She doesn’t know you the way I do.” You peeked at your friends through your hair and noticed that your boyfriend has disappeared. Probably to find the cats.
“She’s right though.” Hizashi snickered.
Nemuri tackled him to the ground and all you could do was watch while they wrestled on the ground.
Suddenly, a knock at the door made you all jump.
“Shit, who is that?” You cursed before standing to get to the door when you heard it open.
A faint, “Um, hello sir. Is Y/n home?” was heard and then some shuffling. Toshinori.
“You’re fucked.” Nemuri said from the floor.
“Yeah, no shit.”
Not a second later, Toshinori followed him into the room where you all were. Thankfully he had found some clothes.
“Hey, Tosh~” You tried to say as casual as you could. “What brings you to this part of town?”
“Y/n, I live down the street from you and you left your papers back at U.A.” Toshinori held up the stack of paper you were certain you grabbed. “And I think you might have mine.”
“Oh yep! Probably. I was so frazzled and excited about the cats I must’ve grabbed the wrong stack. Here, come with me. They’re still in my bag.” You lead Toshinori into the hall where your bag was.
“The cats or him?” He asked and you choked on air.
“W-wait. You’ve got the wrong idea.”
“Uh huh. And what of that giant crate in your living room? It looks suspiciously like the one Nemuri threw out when she met her boyfriend.” He cocked an eyebrow at you.
“Ugh. You’re a dumbass but you’re too smart.” You looked around despite the fact everyone in the house already knew. “He’s a bot I ordered.”
“Do you like him?” He asked.
“Huh? I’m not sure.” You pulled your bag off of the hook and started rifling through it. “I’m definitely attracted to him, but feelings will take time.”
“Yet I can see the empathy in your eyes. There is some infatuation there.”
“LEAVE ME ALONE! STOP BEING SMART!” You found the papers and checked to see if they were his. “Here. Do you want to meet him? I was going to have everyone stay for dinner to get to know each other.”
Toshinori nodded and quickly tucked his papers in his bag.
You walked back into the living room and the sight made your heart swell. All three of the cats had curled up on his lap while he sat on the couch between Kiara and Hizashi as Nemuri brushed his hair. They were quietly chatting about the cats that paused when we came in.
“Didja get it all figured out?” Nemuri asked.
“Yep. And you’re all staying for dinner. No questions.” You crossed your arms. “And we have a big problem. His name.”
“Oh. We handled that already.” Hizashi said. “Nem emailed your class asking about real names for the cats and then we gathered the responses and let him choose.”
“Shota Aizawa.”
That name sent fuzzy feelings through you. It sounded perfect to you.
“Shota Aizawa.” You repeated. It rolled off the tongue beautifully.
“That’s my name. Don’t wear it out. I just got it.” Shota quipped.
Nemuri coughed to hide a laugh and spit out her two-cents, “She’ll definitely be wearing it out tonight.”
You chucked a decorative pillow at her and went for the tackle.
As the two of you wrestled on the floor and the other three attempted to pry you two apart, Shota couldn’t help but to smile at the new family he was gifted.
#bnha#bnha aizawa#bnha midnight#bnha present mic#mha#mha aizawa#mha present mic#mha midnight#robot boyfriend#x reader#fanfic#fluffy
24 notes
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Witch, Please! Fictober 2019 (22/31)
A multi-fandom Fictober prompt compilation. Your wish is my command, but be careful what you ask for. You just might get it.
Prompt: “Academia” from Writetober 2019 Prompt List
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Relationship/Pairing: Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo
Genre: Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - No Quirks
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Word Count: 2,163 words
Read on AO3
Coach All-Might often lectured on the importance of momentum, the desirable quality of motion, which makes a player hard to stop. But the textbook definition did the concept little justice. Over the past two months, Momo had learned that teams built momentum better than individual players. And once acquired, the U.A. heroes pushed their collective energy to the max with smiles plastered across their faces, win or lose.
As her team’s defensive starters lined up on the 20-yard line, Momo’s skin erupted in gooseflesh. It was third down, a passing play no doubt, and all eyes were drawn to the dynamic line up of opposites in the tight end and cornerback positions -- Shiketsu High School’s Inasa Yoarashi and U.A. High’s Shouto Todoroki.
Of course, Todoroki had not started as a cornerback, not until after Coach All-Might had shaken up the lineup last Fall, but Momo wouldn’t have known that by the way he’d dominated the field on defense. Shouto read an opponent’s intentions as if he’d written their playbooks. Cold stone still one minute and hot in pursuit of an interception the next, he’d earned his nickname, IcyHot, the hard way.
A hush descended over the crowd as the play clock began its countdown. Even the cheerleader’s chats quieted in favor of rustling pom-poms and hushed murmurs of anticipation. From the sidelines, Momo held her breath, tugging nervously on the collar of her official polo. As she watched Todoroki, her fingers dipped to stroke the white embroidery that showcased her name and position, Momo Yaoyorozu, Assistant Equipment Manager, U.A. High Heroes Football Team.
Yet, as much as Momo honed in on her favorite cornerback, Shouto's attention was fixed on Inasa.
The boy with bright white and red hair hadn’t been asked to cover the powerhouse tight end, but he did so almost on instinct. U.A.’s defensive line adjusted, players zipping back and forth behind the line of scrimmage, as Shiketsu’s offense arranged and rearranged itself. Shotuo stayed with Inasa, looking for the split-second tell he’d uncovered after watching endless hours film, the one he had whispered in Momo’s ear while she’d helped him into his pads.
As Shiketsu’s quarterback snapped the ball, Shouto’s left eye narrowed, and Momo remembered to breathe, realizing that Todoroki must have found what he was looking for. The cornerback didn’t stop to watch the center snap the ball. He was already darting deep downfield, showcasing athleticism with wide, strong strides as Insa ran an innocuous out route.
But then the tide turned, and Seiji Shishikura made a daring throw from within the collapsing walls of the pocket. The ball headed for Inasa, now poised to catch it near the five-yard line, an inevitable touchdown until... Shouto Todoroki snatched the coveted pigskin out of midair, and through the audience’s collective gasp, Momo swore she heard five incendiary words mumbled in Inasa’s direction before Shouto darted toward Shiketsu’s endzone.
“I’ll be taking that now.”
The crowd roared. Mina Ashido and Toru Hagakure directed the excitement with synchronized jumps and flicks of their pom-poms, The home side of the stadium reveled in their school’s preferred chant -- “Plus Ultra! Plus Ultra!”
Todoroki went down near Shiketsu’s 15-yard line, tackled by a running back whose blond hair spilled out of his helmet. As Shouto fell, Momo tensed again. She felt her heartbeat in her throat but managed to relax when Shouto stood, calmly handing the football to the referee. Unfazed, he jogged toward their sideline, making intense eye contact with his team’s assistant equipment manager.
U.A. had the momentum once again, and the offense took advantage of it. The quarterback, Izuku Midoria, lead the heroes to a resounding homecoming victory over the Shiketsu Captains with the broadest smile on his face.
A year ago, Momo could hardly have imagined having more than a handful of friends over after the homecoming game, but now, three-quarters of the football team, half of the cheerleading squad and nearly the entire band was packed into her father’s McMansion. Though Momo had initially scoffed at the idea of beefing up her college applications by serving as assistant equipment manager of the football team, she had to admit that Mr. Aizawa’s advice had been spot on. Not only had she taken initiative by inserting herself into a male-dominated sport, but wallflower Momo had also managed made new friends in her junior year of high school -- a stupendous feat if ever there was one.
And as it turned out, neither Momo’s parents nor her best friend, Kyoka, minded the new additions in their loved one’s life. In fact, no sooner than Momo had asked her father if a small get together after the homecoming game was permissible than he had suddenly announced a burning desire to visit a bed and breakfast with his fiancee that same Friday night. Momo’s mother would check in the following morning, of course, and (for better or worse) Kyoka set up the sound system and arranged for a few kegs of weak beer.
An hour into the party, Momo looked around with astonishment. Everywhere she turned, a different person was smiling back at her, neither poking fun or laughing at her offbeat sense of style. Everyone she talked to responded with words of thanks and promises to be careful with the many valuables scattered throughout the decadent home. The uneasy feeling in Momo’s stomach settled as she sipped a noxious concoction Kyoka called jungle juice.
All felt right with the world. Except…
“Everything ok, Mo?” Kyoka asked, troubled by the way her best friend’s eyebrows were suddenly furrowed.
“Oh, yes,” Momo responded brightly. “I’m just a little overwhelmed by the crowd. Can you watch things while I step out for a sec?”
Kyoka nodded in reply, the fringe of the asymmetrical bob bounced with her dangling earrings.
“Sure thing, Mo.”
Up the steps and through the second level’s main hall, Momo traveled, weaving her way through classmates and kissing couples corralled in dark corners. She found her room unoccupied and breathed a sigh of relief as the door shut behind her with a comforting click. The young woman sat down at her desk and stared out the window. With a fond expression, she watched Bakugo and Kirishima toss a football back and forth.
It had always been a longshot, to be sure. When Momo had invited Todoroki to her party, she’d realized that his father rarely let him attend social events, not even school-sponsored dances or festivals. In fact, Shouto and Momo had attended the same school since first grade and had only become acquainted recently courtesy of a minor equipment malfunction -- a freak accident his father hadn’t hesitated to blow out of proportion.
Enji Todoroki was well-known as severe and obsessive, and perhaps Momo had made unfair assumptions about his son based on that knowledge. But soon, the mystery of IcyHot the football star had unraveled like fine thread in her nimble hands, and Momo found herself reconsidering everything she knew about Shouto Todoroki. Countless conversations later, the young woman didn’t think it was unfair to say that he was kind despite his quiet nature and thoughtful both on and off the football field.
Momo didn’t have to help him take off his pads and ice his bumps and bruises after games, but she did so religiously with a reverence she reserved for, well, nothing else. In return, Shouto taught Momo about football, explaining both general concepts and, eventually, the finer points of the game. And it all felt like it was building toward something more, except there was never an opportunity to...
Momo’s chest tightened as she heard a familiar, gravelly voice. She turned to find the source of the sound, hardly believing her eyes. There he stood, an impressive sight, though awkward, in khaki pants and a white polo shirt. Taut muscles fought against the thin cotton, and Momo fingers grasped the folds of her pale pink maxi skirt. Her high top converses tilted inward, toes curling within as she thought about how he sighed when she pressed warm compresses against his sore muscles.
Would it be completely inappropriate to trace the edges of the burn mark over his left eye?
Most likely, yes. But that didn’t stop Momo from thinking about it.
“You came!” she exclaimed, rising from the chair to greet the boy she definitely had not fantasized about in this very room. Momo gripped the nearest post of her bed to steady herself. “I’m so glad you could make it.”
“Jirou said you’d be up here. Can I come in?”
“Of course. Have a seat.”
Warily, Shouto entered the room, softly closing the door behind him. He leaned against the endboard of Momo’s 4-poster bed and looked around expectedly.
“Your house is-”
“An eyesore,” she interrupted. “I know. My mom took all the taste in their divorce. Dad doesn’t know the meaning of understated, but it’s home.”
“I wasn’t going to say ‘eyesore,’” Shouto asserted, though Momo noticed he didn’t disagree. “Have your parents been divorced for long?”
Momo nodded. “Since middle school.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. They’re much better off as friends, especially now that dad is engaged and mom’s remarried. I like my stepmoms a lot.”
At that, Shouto stifled a small chuckle.
“What?” Momo asked.
“I was wondering if your dad’s fiancee has better taste.”
“Afraid not,” Momo laughed. “I don’t think she’s ever met a fleur de lis she didn’t like, but by the time they get married, I’ll be out of here.”
“Damn,” Shouto added in mock disappointment, “I was so looking forward to the wedding pictures, seeing you all dressed up.”
Under the cover of semi-darkness, heat spread to the apples of Momo’s cheeks, and a strange feeling burned in her belly when she spied the green cocktail dress hung over her closet door. Dare she be so bold?
“Well, you could just come to the homecoming dance tomorrow,” she stated, eyes fixed on the plush carpet. “I’ll be taking tickets by the door, but I think I might be able to step away for a dance or two. And I’d like to spend more time with you, talking like this, you know?”
The grin faded slowly from Shouto’s face as his gaze also drifted to an uninteresting patch of carpet. “You know my dad’s strict. If I ask to go, he’ll come up with some conflict. I had to tell him I was watching game film here tonight just to get away.”
Momo tried to pretend she wasn’t disappointed. “Oh… He believed that?”
“The only thing good about my dad’s football fixation is that he assumes everyone else is just as obsessed as he is.”
For a moment, all was silent as the letdown washed over Momo. From the opposite side of her room, she could hear the ornate cuckoo clock ticking, counting the precious seconds she wasted in Todoroki’s presence. However, Momo refused to back down so quickly, not when the stars had aligned so perfectly to grant her this moment. Not when Shouto was in her room at her party, sitting beside her, completely unsupervised, on her bed.
This was Momo's moment. She'd be a fool not to seize it.
“Todoroki, I-”
Whatever words Momo wanted to say were silenced by Shouto’s thumb pressed against her lips. His hand gently cupped the cheek, and she leaned into his warm touch, wary of the mesmerizing mismatched eyes that threatened to steal her senses.
“I’m not very good with my words, Yaoyorozu,” he said in earnest. “But I’d like to ask you if I could...”
“Could what?”
“I mean, if you would be agreeable, I’d like to…”
“Go on.”
Shouto growled in frustration and pressed both hands against the endboard. “Everyone makes this sound so easy,” he groaned. “I never seem to know how to say the thing I mean when I have the chance.”
Momo steeled her nerves as her stomach practically dissolved in a heap of butterflies. It seemed she did dare tonight more than she ever had before.
“Would you like to kiss me, Shouto?”
“God, yes!”
He took his lips to hers with an urgency that Momo could not have anticipated, and the world as she knew it faded away, save the small space the young couple shared. If kisses could talk, this one would have been eloquent. It would have told Momo that he’d always carried a little torch for her, for as long as he could rightly remember while reciting the loveliest verses of poetry known to mankind. But, of course, without words, the liplock was equally pleasant, capped off by a sigh of relief from both sides.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he said, forehead pressed against hers.
Momo saw no room to argue but in the interest of full disclosure… “Then why don’t you do it again. Maybe I can figure it out.”
Momo and Shouto’s momentum wasn’t slowing down anytime soon.
A/N: So, for academia, we have my hero academia... without the hero! Yep, it's a quirk-less AU featuring Todomomo (because why not)! I've written a lot of that this month, and I kinda love it. By now, you all know the drill. Feel free to send me pairing requests for particular prompts (Fictober or original) via my tumblr, and if you read something you like, don't hesitate to let me know. Your kudos, bookmarks, subscriptions, comments, likes and reblogs make my day!
#virthiefictober#fictober19#writetober19#bnha#my hero academia#todomomo#todoroki shouto#yaoyorozu momo#alternate universe#no quirks#high school#academia#flourchildwrites#but she didn't have time to edit
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The Assassins (A BNHA/MHA Assassin AU Fanfic)
Finishing the rest of his route, Aizawa Shouta can see the sun begin to rise. He begins to jump quicker between buildings, wanting to get to his house before those who worked early began to walk to work. He feels his landings become harder just as he's nearing his house. Landing on top of his house, Aizawa has to use his capture weapon to steady himself. Collapsing on top of his home just as the sun begins to rise, he takes off his goggles and sets them around his neck, sighing. He pulls out his phone from his pocket and sighs.
Time: 6:05 AM
3 Missed Calls from Hizashi: 1 missed call at: 1:23 AM 1 missed call at: 3:03 AM 1 missed call at: 4:53 AM
Knowing the man, it was most likely him just checking in on Aizawa. There had been a rise in night crimes, and just last week an underground pro-hero was severely injured. That, or he wanted to tell Aizawa about some kind of band he was listening to at the moment. Either way, he knows that the two of them, most likely, got no sleep last night. Standing up, Aizawa drags himself over to a window and opens it, silently entering his workroom. After getting inside, he turns around and shuts the window, trying his best not to step on anything that littered the floor. Exhausted, he mindlessly walks to his bedroom and flops onto the floor bed he and Hizashi use to sleep on if they hadn't showered after hero work. Quickly, he passes out.
"UP AND AT 'EM SHO-" Hizashi didn't even get to finish before a capture weapon starts to strangle him. He watches as an angry Aizawa looks up at him, eyes red, as his hair floats up. "Sorry..." He chokes out and the pressure around his neck disappears. He watches Aizawa's hair go down and chuckles. "One, you know the rule." Aizawa rolls his eyes and slips his head out of his capture weapon and lays his head back on top of it. Hizashi laughs, shaking his head. Living together for almost three years, the two always had a rule about having their hero gear on in the house. They didn't. Although they both loved not having to have the heavy, thick pieces of gear around their neck, they felt vulnerable without them. Thankfully, it was only while they were at home. "Two, you know you still have to go to work, right?"
"I don't know why. I expelled all of the students at the beginning of the year. I don't know what else there is to do at that place." He says monotonously. Hizashi shrugs. "I'm going to get my shower before we leave." As Aizawa stands up from his spot on the ground, he turns around to find Hizashi right in his face. He gives Hizashi a quick peck on the lips before maneuvering around him and heads to the bathroom.
"I have to leave early, so you have to head to UA without me," Hizashi calls after him. "You good with that?" He hears the shower turn on and sees Aizawa's head pop out from the door's opening.
"Early English class?" He asks, giving the man a raised eyebrow. He only now just realizes that Hizashi looked ready to go out in public, minus the directional speaker in his hand rather than around his neck. He sees Hizashi nod and shrugs. "I don't mind. I may come back early to get some shut-eye before tonight." He watches Hizashi roll his eyes.
"Couldn't you stay home tonight, Shouta? I have my radio show tonight. And it's Friday. I think you should get at least one nights rest. I don't think the cops'll mind." He knows asking is futile, knowing his husband will go out and patrol no matter what he says.
"You know my answer, Hizashi." The man nods and Aizawa begins to retreat into the bathroom. "I'll see you later at UA, alright?"
"Alright. Love you."
"Love you too." Closing the door, Aizawa sighs sadly. He listens for the front door to open and shut before stepping into the warm water. He stands there, letting the hot water hit his back and lets his muscles relax. Quickly taking his shower, Aizawa dries off and puts on what he had on the night before, just the cleaner set. He had at least 7 sets of the same clothing. Grabbing his gear, he puts everything on before walking to the kitchen and grabbing some quick food before heading out the door, eating said food on the way to UA.
As the day dragged on, Aizawa was absolutely ready to go home early. Walking a different route home due to the amount of traffic he knows will be on his regular route, Aizawa follows the noise of commotion. He begins to walk faster, then he starts to run at the sight of fire and smoke. Not being able to see past the large group of civilians, he grabs his capture weapon and starts to climb up the building closest to the villain attack. He watches from above angrily as the sludge monster that had been terrorizing civilians for weeks suffocates a boy who seems around high school age. The heroes stand not too far away from the villain. They just...watch.
His quirk must have made the fire. Aizawa thinks, knowing the villain could use the quirks of any person he captured. None of the heroes must have the right ability to save the boy. Before he could swing down to help or ask what was going on, he sees green hair begin to run towards the villain. Aizawa freezes, stunned. The boy was running towards the villain while the other heroes did nothing. What is that kid thinking?
"No, you idiot!" Aizawa hears the pro-hero Death Arms yell, trying to grab the boy before he got to close to the villain. Not being fast enough, he misses. "Stop! You're going to get yourself killed!" Aizawa begins to jump down to the ground, using his capture weapon to help soften his landing, before running closer to the action. While doing so, he sees the kid throw his bag at the villain, making him recoil, before fruitlessly trying to dig the kid out of him. He hears the kid screen a name as the heroes begin to dash towards him, trying to get him out of the villains reach before he is taken captured too.
"Kacchan!" The villain begins to raise its arms to smash the boy.
Does he know the victim?
"Save the boy!" Aizawa hears Death Arms scream to the other heroes. "This thing'll kill him!"
Aizawa begins to come up behind the heroes, but a sudden blast has every bystander and hero cover their eyes. The heroes try their best to keep their footing, but Aizawa loses his and is blown backward into the alley between two of the buildings near the attack. Unable to see through the smoke, Aizawa keeps his eyes closed but ears open. That's when he hears...
"DETROIT SMASH!" All Might was here? Since when? Aizawa feels another blast of air hit him before he feels the rain. Murmers of the civilians about All Might changing the weather quickly come. Aizawa stands, rubbing whatever may have gotten in his eyes out and walks towards the heroes again. Making sure to stay out of sight, Aizawa stays in the shadows as emergency responders arrive and deal with the aftermath. He watches as the heroes, including All Might, are interviewed and photographed by news reporters, press, and the police. He also watches as the boy who had run stupidly towards the villain and try to save the victim get scolded as the victim gets praised.
As the chaos dies down, Aizawa watches the green haired boy leaves the area. Aizawa follows not too close behind. Even when Aizawa makes it painfully obvious that he was following the boy, he sighs and gives up, walking up right next to the kid.
"Hey, kid." Almost as if he had just appeared next to the boy, the kid jumps, looking over at Aizawa in surprise. "It's alright. Not here to mug you or anything... Just..." Aizawa tries his best to make his words not sound nearly as mean as he wants them to be. "I saw what you did for that kid. I saw him get praised while you were scolded. You didn't say anything. Hell, you never looked up. You alright?" The boy shrugs. Aizawa sighs. "You know, it's alright to be scared. A villain attack is never something to take lightly."
"I wasn't really." Aizawa looks at him in surprise. "I was petrified." Aizawa sighs, wishing he didn't have to do this but knew he had to. No kid should have done what he did today. It wasn't his job.
"Wanna talk about it?" He watches as the kid thinks for a second before he smiles.
"No, actually. I'm fine!" Aizawa knew he was about to do something he might regret. He knew that he hates what he's about to do. It wasn't his job to console this child. He didn't have to do this.
Yet he did it anyway.
Extending his capture weapon to the child, he wrapped him up and pulled the young boy towards him in, if somebody passed by would call, a hug.
Aizawa feels the boy tense, but then it goes slack and he feels him shake. He says nothing as the boy grips his capture weapon and lets out quiet sobs. The only reason he pulls away a minute later is that the boy did. The boy's smile seems much more real than it did before and it helps ease Aizawa's nerves enough to start to turn away, wishing the boy good afternoon.
"Thank you, Eraserhead." Aizawa freezes, turning back toward the boy.
"I never gave you my name, let alone my hero name," Aizawa says, watching the boy. The boy looks at him, scared.
"Oh, sorry!" The boy begins to ramble. "I'm sorry! I'm not some kind of villain! I promise! I just really like heroes! I know that a lot of heroes are only considered popular or something because they have flashy quirks and stuff, especially like All Might, but I also know about underground heroes like you! You're Eraserhead! You graduated from UA like the majority of top ten heroes, except Hawks, though, and you graduated with Present Mic too! He's the pro-hero that made his parents and delivery doctor's ears bled when he first cried!" Aizawa looks at the boy in shock as he continues to ramble.
This kid really knows his heroes. I wonder...
"Hey, kid. It's alright." He says, stopping the kid from panicking anymore. "I was just curious is all. Not many know about us, underground heroes. Not supposed to." The boy nods.
"Oh, right!" The kid blurts out. "You don't even know my name! I'm Izuku Midoriya!" He bows.
"Well, Midoriya," Aizawa says, gaining the boy's attention. "You should go home." The boy nods and turns to leave. Before he could get too far, Aizawa asks him, "Midoriya, can I ask you a question?" The boy turns around and nods. "What's your quirk?" He watches Midoriya freeze before smiling embarrassedly, scratching the back of his head, knowing that the man had no ill-intent with the question.
"I don't have one. I'm quirkless!" Aizawa watches him in surprise as he turns around and begins to walk home, rounding the corner that he was standing at. It's only when Aizawa gets a call that he snaps out of...whatever he was in. Taking out his phone, he rolls his eyes but presses answer.
"Hey, Hizashi." He smiles softly at the relieved sigh from over the phone.
"Shouto, you're alright! I heard about the smile attack in the city and I know you take that route home if you leave early because of traffic and I saw you on TV and-"
"Hizashi, I'm fine. They got him, anyway." The part that he had cut Hizashi off from registered in his brain. "Wait, you saw me on TV?" Aizawa asks. Hizashi could hear the slight panic in his voice.
"It was only because I recognized your capture weapon in the background. If I didn't know you, I wouldn't have even recognized it." Aizawa gives out a relieved sigh.
"Alright. Well, I'm heading home now."
"Stay safe!" Aizawa hums in response and ends the call. Turning around, Aizawa heads home for some shut-eye before patrol.
Arriving home, Aizawa goes to his workroom before heading for the bed. Turning on the computer, he looks over his emails. Making sure all is well, he's about to turn off his computer when an email comes through his assassin email account. He hadn't gotten one in at least three months. Opening it, it's from an anonymous emailer and has two pieces of information.
Cost: 10,000,000
Hit: Izuku Midoriya
Aizawa stares at the screen in shock. He immediately denies the hit and deletes the email.
He only had three rules. They were well known.
1. No kids 2. No pro-heroes 3. No major villains
Apparently, this person didn't care.
But why Midoriya?
Aizawa shuts off his computer, not wanting to worry about it. He denied it. He was one of three assassins in Musutafa. They all had these rules. He shouldn't worry.
Taking off his capture weapon and goggles, Aizawa walks towards his bedroom. Sighing, he falls onto the bed and almost immediately falls asleep.
He'll do some digging on the kid tomorrow.
#aizawa shouta#assassinshouta#assassinaizawa#midoriya izuku#bnha#mha#my hero academia#prologue#assassinAU#assassinizuku#assassinmidoriya
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