#BTS Yoonji AU
euphoricfilter · 2 years
Can I request a drabble with Yoonji? If so, could it be a fluffy flower shop/tattoo parlour au with "I don't think anyone could ever be as lovely as you.", please? Thank you! 💜
summer mornings and strawberries:
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pairing: tattoo artist! yoonji (yoongi) x f. reader
genre: fluff || non-idol au || cisswap || established relationship
summary: sometimes it's hard to put your love for someone into words
word count: 1.2k
tags/ warnings: fluff, wlw, goth gf yoonji x pastel princess m/c (you know that’s right), minor suggestive content but no real smut
notes: women <3 this one felt harder to keep in the 1k boundary because they’re both just so cute :( i might write a short sequel for mommy yoonji since it wouldn't fit into this part if people are interested
drabble requests are closed
drabble masterlist || my main masterlist
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
“Over here, baby” 
You perk up, Jimin long forgotten as your girlfriend waves you over from her office. 
“Sorry, Minnie” you brush him off as you skip into Yoonji’s arms, completely ignorant to the fact she keeps eye contact with the receptionist as she presses a sweet kiss to your cheek. 
Jimin snorts, eyes flickering down to your skirt that barely covers your ass. 
Your mouth falls open into a gasp as Yoonji grabs the meat of your thigh, teasing in the way she knows has arousal slicking up your panties. You always had been easy to rile up. 
“You’re late” she murmurs, hairs on the back of your neck standing on end as her breath tickles your cheek. 
“The shop was quite busy today,” you tell her as she kicks the door to her office closed, tattoo equipment already set up for you. 
“You should really tell your boss you can’t do overtime” 
You frown, “But she says I’m the best at bouquets” 
“I’m sure you are the best, my love. Now take a seat, I canceled my next appointment so we can spend the afternoon together” 
“You didn’t have to do that” you giggle, sweater shucked off on the floor somewhere that she picks up, folding it over the back of her chair as you settle down. 
“I don’t wanna hear any of that” 
“Yes ma’am” you mock salute. 
Her eyebrows furrow, silent offer to be a brat, though by now she knows you’re aware of the consequences. 
Her chair kicks backwards as she leans down for a kiss. Purposeful as her lips mold with yours, barely enough room for either of your to breathe until she’s pulling back, and your pink blush is hiding the red that coats your cheeks rosy. 
You’d always found something so utterly mesmerizing about Yoonji, her beauty that of a black dahlia, though you think she was more of a pink rose; gentle. 
Someone you aspired to be, so confident in her own skin, she knew exactly what she wanted, and made sure she got it. 
Sometimes it felt like you couldn’t word exactly how you felt about her, ‘love’ perhaps an umbrella term for all the little things you adored about her mere existence. No amount of flowers with lovely meanings, or poems about undying love that you write in little notes for customers (that had definitely been stolen from the internet), is never truly enough. 
Your friends had drilled the idea in their heads that Yoonji was reserved, and didn’t know how to show her love the right way, ‘cold’ even. A word you had never, and will never use to describe her. 
Because it seemed like she knew how to show her love for you, better than you did for her. 
The world had always had a split view on the term ‘opposites attract’, that you’re good for each other until you’re in a relationship, and then it all goes to shit because you’re two very different people. 
Yoonji never minded how you blasted your music over her speakers, the music she would overwise despise if it weren’t you. Just like how you never liked the hard-hitting rap she absolutely loved, though hummed along as she cleaned the house. 
She never minded how your clothes had split up the blacks of her hoodies and jeans in the closet, or the cute little bedspread you insisted on having because you didn’t like her grey one.
Or how the counter in the bathroom had been permanently doused in glittery eyeshadow. Where shampoo smelt of warm summer mornings and strawberries, instead of muted and never-really-there comfort. Your existence now a permanent fixture in her, no, your home.
It felt as though Yoonji worshipped your very existence, held you in her hands, delicate like you were a daisy, or a gentle buttercup. 
Your person that you couldn’t imagine a future without.
Her art is forever inked into your skin, art that no one else in the world will ever have because maybe tattoos were one of her love languages. Something in your heart squeezing, emotions mushy, that make you want to gush like you were in high school again when you catch a glimpse of her work etched into your skin in the mirror. The work she had spent hours designing specifically for you. 
Yoonji didn’t mind initiating physical contact, something you’d always shied away from, something she’d taught you was okay to want, that yearning wasn’t bad. That touch is just many of the languages of love that the both of you shared.
She liked to cook or take you on picnics in the summer, watching you twirl in dresses made of satin, or smudge your lipstick with a kiss before she helps you reapply it. Only to kiss you again. 
She calls you pretty and loved your body in ways that showed you self-love wasn’t selfish. Because if she could love you, then it shouldn’t be impossible to love yourself.
Yoonji kissed you under the stars and liked how the moon made you shine like a delicate fairy, always so beautiful in her eyes. She held your hand while you ordered food, and visits you during her lunch breaks with coffee and cakes or little sandwiches cut into triangles. 
Every little brush of her fingers over your bare skin had been etched into your mind, hours spent apart missing her even though you knew you’d be going home to your apartment, greeted with a kiss that always has you melting into her chest. 
Over the years your love language had morphed into your job just like hers, and Yoonji found it endearing how you’d come home with flowers for her, test runs for the shop's new theme though you seem to always keep her in mind as you hone your craft. 
And as much as you worried that you were never enough, always so consumed by thoughts she knew were pointless, Yoonji loved you nonetheless. 
“I don’t think anyone could be as lovely as you,” she tells you one evening, your head resting on her thighs, careful as she brushes your hair after you’ve both taken a shower together. 
You blink up at her, tongue wetting your bottom lip, “You’re a lot lovelier than I am” 
“Not true” she laughs, thumb rubbing over your jaw, “Besides, you’re the only one that sees me like this” 
“Is it selfish that I like it that way?” 
She hums, tucking her hair behind her ear, sharp eyes never straying away from yours. “It’s okay to be selfish, you know” 
“When it comes to you, I don’t mind” you smile, rolling onto your stomach. 
You blink up at her through your lashes. 
Her lips quirking upwards, always finding it hard not to smile when she’s with you, “I love you, flower” 
“I really love you too” you smile, “And I think I’ll love you forever” 
She tilts her head, “That’s a long time. Think you can put up with me for that long?” 
“As long as you can put up with me for that long, then I don’t mind” 
“You act as though you’re hard to put up with” she pushes your hair out of your face, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips, then your cheek, nose, then each eyelid as you lean into the palm of her hand that cups your cheek. 
“Forever, then” you whisper, eyes barely open as you chase her lips for another kiss. 
She hums, “Forever it is”
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honey-boyyoongi · 2 years
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Pairing ➪ Yoonji x Y/n | Jimin x Y/n | Yoonji x Jimin x Seokjin
Word count ➪ 6k Words
Warnings ➪ cursing through out; authors horrible attempt at humor; mentions of blood; mentions of anxiety attack; description of an anxiety attack;
Summary ➪ Y/n needs a place to stay as of yesterday. Her roommate bailed on her, she’s too far from her grandmother, and her boyfriend lives in a box with his best friend. The place she seems to find has everything; space, low rent, a short commute to her job, and seemingly nice roommates. But there are some things that are kinda weird. Like how her female roommate is up at all hours, and her male roommate mumbling about his plants yelling at him in the middle of the night. She can get through this, right?
A/n: Heyyyyyyyyyyy. Damn it took me months to update this one huh. Sorry for being so quiet lately, I’ll update my Yoongi au soon. I hope yall enjoy this update. As always feedback is appreciated and if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know 💕
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Yoonji runs towards the front door; Seokjin’s eyes are wild and dilated, his usually pristine white blouse is stained deep red. His mouth is covered in blood, his cheeks stained with tears and dirt. His usually styled hair is messy and unkempt. “Oh, my god, Jinnie what happened,” she pleads, “Who did this? Was it Choi? I swear to the gods I will drag him out in the sun myself if he-,’ Yoonji stops when she looks over Seokjin’s shoulder, “Jin, what the fuck did you do?”
Seokjin shudders, “I didn’t mean to, I was- fuck. I haven’t fed since I gave you blood. The council refused to let me into the donor wing, even though it's my side of the Kim clan that created it in the first place. To punish my gluttony they said. I asked Jaeyoung for bags, but he never got back to me. I was walking home, taking my way through the park. I smelled blood, coming from the bushes. I thought it was an animal, but the smell got stronger and sweeter, it was fresh human blood. I couldn’t help it, Yoonie. I’m sorry.” Seokjin struggled to hold in his sob. Yoonji needed to figure out a plan and fast, but it seemed the universe had other plans. 
Yoonji turned at the gasps that echoed in between Seokjin’s harsh breaths. Y/n stood wide eyed, frightened. She knew.
“Oh, shit,” Yoonji mumbled. “Y/n.. I need you to breathe slowly. Please.” The older woman walked slowly towards her younger roommate, hoping that she didn't do anything irrational. 
Y/n evades her, running towards Seokjin, “Holy shit, Jin, what happened?” 
Seokjin sobbed harder into the tile, struggling to find his voice, “I-fuck! I..I was walking..and.” Yoonji could feel her friend’s desperation, she rubbed Jin’s back in an attempt to soothe him.  “I didn’t know.. I swear I didn’t, kitty.” 
Y/n stopped in front of Jin, taking in the chaos that he had brought with him. “Fuck, “she grumbled. She joined Jin on the floor, scanning him for any potentially fatal wounds, “Jin, were you stabbed? Shot? You’re covered in blood, fuck.” Seokjin stared at her, shocked that she would get so close. Their roommate scooted closer to a still Jin, Yoonji watched, frozen. She didn’t want to scare Y/n by trying to pull her away, but she also doesn’t know in what state of mind her best friend would be. There was a large chance Seokin could attack her, if he saw her as a threat. 
“Jimin,” Yoonji hissed, “Jimin, hurry, Y/n is getting too close to Jinnie.” 
Jimin cursed, he hurried from his pantry with their first aid kit, “I’m trying, I have delicate jars in this thing.” 
Yoonji could see Seokjin’s figure tense, his pupils were dilating with every centimeter Y/n crawled closer. “Jimin, please,” she begged. With the wave of a finger and a grunted curse, Y/n fell to her side, they were able to narrowly avoid another incident in their home. The elder was able to catch her roommate, preventing any injuries. 
Jimin anxiously made his way towards Seokjin, “Yoon, take her to her room. The spell I used should keep her asleep for a while, let's hope she doesn't have to work a shift tomorrow. We can’t have more people involved.” He carefully lays the aid kit on the ground, hastily trying to find what he needs. 
Yoonji takes Y/n into her arms, working fast to get her out of the upside down living room. Once Yoonji settled their sleeping roommate on her bed, she skimmed for any bumps or bruises. The female vampire released a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, nothing seemed bruised or in need of attention, thankfully one less thing to worry about tonight. 
Yoonji finds her roommates, and a stranger, still stationed in their living room. Seokjin was lying on the couch, his blood-soiled shirt on the floor next to him, dried blood in sporadic places, sweat glistening on his brow. Jimin had finished checking over Seokjin, deeming him free of any detrimental injuries. He was happy to confirm his friend was healthy, but there was still the matter of the man on the carpet. He was tall, and had dark hair. Yoonji was sure he was tan, but the lack of blood is causing him to look sickly. The man was wearing a dark blue matching t-shirt and pants set, with detailing on the hems. 
She makes her way to the middle of the room to help Min out. The elder looks around trying to find something to clean up the dirt and blood stuck on her best friend. Yoonji spots and picks the wet wipes Jimin stashes in their first aid kit. While she hastily wipes down every visible stain of blood, Seokjin doesn't move. He’s silent, attempting to control his breathing. 
“Jinnie what happened, “she whispered. Jin grumbled, slightly shaking his head, “Mmph.. kitty… I’m tired.” 
“I gave him a sedative,” Jimin said, “It’s catered to vampires, so he’ll sleep for a couple of hours.”
“Was that necessary, “Yoonji asks worriedly.
“He was bordering on a feral state; he hadn't been feeding. The overwhelming emotions of fear, guilt, confusion and panic were pushing him to a frenzy,”  he answered. “The last thing he needed was to go into a frenzy, hurt anyone else, and turn feral from the grief. Along with a sedative, I gave him something to keep him settled emotionally after he wakes up. Hopefully his body doesn’t purge it.” Jimin organized the items back into his kit tensely, “Please take the man on the carpet to my work room. I still need to treat him, plus, the smell of blood could set off Jin.” Jimin urgently rose from the floor, speed walking deeper into the house.
Yoonji finished the last of her clean up of Seokjin. Her stomach was less twisted seeing her longest friend safe. She fixed his hair back into place, and makes sure he’s comfortable for his rest. 
Jimin was fixing a variety of creams and tonics when Yoonji came in with the living room stranger. She lays him on the futon Jimin keeps in his work room, for the days he has too many commissions. She closes the door, wanting to keep any noise from reaching Y/n down the hall. Jimin stripped the stranger down to his underwear, wiping him down with a warm cloth to rid him of any grime and blood. Yoonji takes the remaining cloth, assisting Jimin with cleaning the stranger. They work in silence, neither too sure what to say. 
“Excuse me?”
“Namjoon, “Jimin mumbles, “That’s his name.”
The elder stared at her younger friend with surprise. “Did you find a wallet with his ID in it, “Yoonji asked.
“I know him,” Jimin whispered. Yoonji stood shell shocked, “Jimin.. Oh gods, I’m sorry.” They continue to clean Namjoon in uncomfortable silence, until he is free of any grime. “He’s the friend I go on the trails with. He’s always at a park, or working at the plant nursery he co-owns with his roommate. I know Jin didn’t mean to, but I’m so angry.”
Yoonji didn’t know how to comfort her younger friend. She understands why he would be upset, Namjoon was a victim of ‘wrong place, wrong time’. “I know Min, I’m sorry. I understand why you would be upset. Jin didn’t mean it. He must’ve been more blood deprived than we realized, but he would never attack a human on purpose.”
“I know Yoonie. It’s just frustrating to see an innocent person getting caught in the crossfire, especially one that you’re close to, “Jimin sighs. “He’s not hurt, at least from what I can tell. No stabs, claw marks, cuts, or bullet wounds, but that’s not our biggest worry.”
“What is it then? He’s not a werewolf, is he, or a demon?”
“No, since Seokjin was starving, and went into some form of bloodlust. He injected Namjoon with venom,“ Jimin explained. Yoonji cursed, “Fuck! Are you sure?”
Jimin ushered Yoonji to the left side of Namjoon, he carefully tilted his head to the side, exposing his neck. He pointed to the very prominent bite marks, “When I was cleaning around his neck, the blood had a cloudy look to it. I knew he wasn’t sick; if Joon was a werewolf, Seokjin would’ve died within minutes. Namjoon’s body would kill itself trying to purge the vampire venom, if he was a wolf. If he was a demon, Jin would be sick, at worst he would have a stomach ache that would last for a few days, and Namjoon wouldn’t have been affected.”
“So he’s human, “Yoonji says. 
“Was, “Jimin answers, “Jin released enough venom when he bit him to start the transformation. If I’m correct, the transition should be finished within 48 hours, maybe less.”
“Less,” Yoonji croaked, “How?”
“Born vampires are the only ones that can turn humans into vampires, correct,” she nodded, “Well, Seokjin is part of an aristocratic family, he’s also ancient. If I'm not mistaken all of that would make his venom more potent. Namjoon is a healthy human, add a potent venom, and boom you have a newborn.”
Yoonji’s mind was going into overdrive, what were they going to do? They had never sired a vampire. From a very young age they’re taught about how serious sire and fledgling relationships are. Sires can be parental figures to their fledgling, if they weren’t romantically involved before being reborn. Fledglings can easily go feral if they’re not guided correctly, or worse their sire’s reject the bond. Things can go to shit so easily. They’ve heard about newborns going feral hours after their finished transition. Seokjin has had to unfortunately, get rid of a fair amount of feral fledglings in his time in the council. It never gets easier.  
“Yoonie,” Jimin whispered.
“Yeah,” she whispers back. 
“Jin, won’t abandon him will he, “he asked. “Yoon, I know to you two he’s the human that got caught in the crossfire, but he’s my friend. Joonie has been a constant presence in my life for the last year. I don’t want to lose him to this. It might sound selfish, but it feels nice to be treated as normal, or at least be perceived as human. I don’t get envious looks for being the grandson of Park Hyejin. I can talk about plants, and not be told ‘I didn’t ask’. I’m not asked about spells, potions, or favors. I’m not asked about how granny and momma are so powerful, and why I’m not like them even though I’m the first born. I don’t have to take inventory of my greenhouse, or my workroom when he comes over. I’ve never had to use charms around him to keep myself safe. I’ve never had to scour myself, or gifts from him for peeping spells. It’s nice not having to watch my back.”
“Jimin.. I’m sorry. I didn’t know things were getting that bad. I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with this by yourself. I know nothing I say will make it okay. Seokjin will be responsible for Namjoon. Our families have taught us to guide, protect, and love those that we sire. If, for some reason, Seokjin decides to not take responsibility, I’ll become his sire. Namjoon shouldn’t be allowed to go feral, for his mistakes.”
“Will you really, “Jimin asked.
“Yes, I will,” Yoonji said matter of factly. “I might not know him like you do, but I can see you care about him. Like I said he’s innocent in all of this.”
They quietly finished cleaning Namjoon up. Yoonji is beginning to see subtle changes; he’s losing color, his claws are starting to grow out, he’s starting to become free of any blemishes. Namjoon is also starting to breathe more raggedly, she knows soon he’ll stop. The transformation always started physically, while the venom slowly killed the body. Young vamplings were always told the transformation was painful. She’s heard stories of sires sedating their fledglings with all types of concoctions. Most burned through the drugs or alcohol during their transition, or any concussion given to knock them out, was healed. Yoonji doesn’t know how Jimin’s friend will react once he’s woken up after the last breath, but she hopes he’s at least grateful that Jimin sedated him with a spell. 
Being a newborn is hell, she’s seen it. Her favorite auntie was turned by one of her father’s younger brothers when she had just turned 14. She remembers the hunger, the sensitivity, the mood swings her auntie experienced. They were lucky to have had resources back then to ensure her auntie hadn’t gone on a rampage.  There weren’t blood banks back then, and donors were a new concept that few clans had taken up. Yoonji still remembers her auntie complaining about her new fangs aching months after the transformation, and the sunlight sensitivity. It’s not all bad, at least from what she remembers. Her auntie was happy she didn’t have to ask for help with carrying heavy loads, she would spend hours gardening with no complaints of being tired, and surprisingly took on lumbering. Of course being immune to every human disease imaginable was also a plus. 
They finish off the last of the grime on Namjoon’s legs, double checking on his bite wound, to make sure it's healing properly during the transition. Everything is looking good, well as good as the transition from human to vampire can be. Jimin struggles to put some clothes on Namjoon that look a bit small, but it will have to work. Jimin likes tight clothes, and Seokjin would be horrified if anyone caught him in anything less than his finest. Yoonji is significantly smaller than everyone in the house, even her largest garments would fit like doll clothes on her roommate's friend. They wouldn’t even dare going through Y/n’s closet to find anything worthy of his size or any stray pieces from Jungwoo. 
Yoonji helps Jimin clean up the towels they used, putting away the different jars that belong in the first aid kit, and collecting the remnants of Namjoon’s clothes. They continue to work around each other, Yoonji ensuring she stays out of Jimin’s way as he reorganizes to stay calm.
“Min, “Yoonji whispers, “You said Namjoon had a roommate, what are we going to do about that?”
“Fuck, you’re right,” Jimin grumbled. “Hoseok will be worried if Namjoon isn’t home. He’s probably worried sick right now, they make a habit of trying to eat dinner every night. I don’t even know what to do, or what I’ll say to him. As long as I’ve known Namjoon he’s never been gone for more than a few days on his own. Him, and Hoseok always travel together.”
“What should we do, “Yoonji asked.
“I’ll text him from Joon’s phone. I don’t want to, but I’ll just say that I invited him on a last minute camping trip, “he responded. “We’ve been talking about going to the Black Bear Lake campsite for some mushrooms that I’m hoping are in season.”
“Will that work? Do you think he’ll believe it?”
“I’m hoping it will, we’ve been talking about it for a couple of weeks since I gave Joon some samples of my mushroom seasoning, and dried mushroom medley. Hoseok isn’t much of a camper, so we had planned it with only the both of us in mind. Hobi knew we’d leave at any moment, “her roommate explained. 
Yoonji nodded, pleading to the gods that his friend wouldn’t come looking for the fledgling. 
Hobi, Jiminie and I went ahead to the campsite.
We’ll be back by the weekend.
Okay! Be careful and don’t bring back anything that can make us burn or itch.
Or is poisonous. 
No promises
Three hours later Seokjin woke up less filthy from what he remembered. He’s free of any grime, and caked blood. The elder assumes Yoonji was the one to freshen him up. Jin didn’t remember much past trying to find his way home with the park stranger. 
The stranger…
Seokjin knows he bit the stranger, being withheld from feeding caused him more stress than he anticipated. Checking his surroundings, there’s a lack of blood. He cannot smell, nor see a trace of it. The vampire takes a deep breath to ensure everyone in his home is safe; he can smell Y/n, as well as Yoonji and Jimin, but the slight stench of death is sticking to them. Seokjin frantically makes his way to Jimin’s work room, forgoing any form of cover up. 
Seokjin bursts into the room, frightening the duo. The elder vampire sighs in relief. Yoonji runs up to him, embracing tightly, “Jinnie, oh my gods.” Jimin joins next to them, whispering that he’s grateful Seokjin is okay. 
Seokjin can hear Yoonji struggling to keep it together. He knows he worried her into an early grave. “Kitty it’s okay, I’m fine I promise,“ Jin coos. Yoonji lets out the small sob that had been stuck in her throat. “Don’t ever do that again, “she demanded. “Fuck the council, and fuck their donors. I can ask my dad to send us blood packs or have donors come to the house. Don’t ever go that long without blood.” Jin soothed Yoonji, he feels terrible for frightening her, and Jimin. The last time he was in this much of a distressed state was a century ago, but Yoonji wasn’t around to witness it. 
Jimin guided them to a small loveseat at the corner of the room. It’s a tight fit, but Seokjin will make it work. They pile onto the couch; Jimin on his right, and Yoonji on his left. One has their head on his shoulder while the other is on his chest. Seokjin enjoys the warmth Jimin exudes, and Yoonji draws soft patterns on his stomach with her fingers. He further relaxes by humming a small tune, a lullaby his mother used to sing to him in his youth. 
Jimin is the first to speak up, “What happened tonight Jin?””
Seokjin sighed deeply, “I didn’t realize how much time had passed. One day I’m helping Yoonji out of the brink of starvation, the next I’m being sent to Mongolia to aid with a territory dispute.” He paused momentarily. “They had humans.. But they weren’t donors.” Yoonji whipped her head up towards him, “The Mongolians are still taking humans?”
Jin shrugged, “This particular clan did. The Ganbolds are the oldest clan in Mongolia, as well as the most secluded. They’re.. Traditional, at least they claim to be. Anyway, they were fighting with a small vampire village on the border of their shared territory. It took a few days to get there, and even longer to mediate a compromise. I couldn’t even get a decent amount of animal blood.” 
Yoonji furrowed her eyebrows, “Were the Ganbolds not sharing blood? Did none of the other elders have any blood to spare? I know for a fact that Na and Suh have a stash they bring everywhere with them.”
“Please, Na and Suh have made it well known how much they dislike my side of the Kim clan,” he answers. “The Gandbolds were not having the best season, to say the least. They had to ration whatever supply they had. I could survive with a little bit of blood. Also I’d set myself on fire before I asked any of those old bats for any form of help. When we came back I booked a couple donors, but when I had showed up they refused to let me in. Apparently Choi, Suh, and Lee have banned me from the donor wing because of the little binge I had.” 
“How much is a little binge,” Jimin asked.
“It was three,” Seokjin answered. “It wasn’t even a lot. I’ve heard of Lee drinking from at least five donors at times when he feeds, just because he can. They said ‘Kim, your gluttony is unbecoming of a council member. You are now banned for a fortnight.’” The elder vampire could feel his tension returning, he took a couple of calming breaths, just like Jimin taught him. “I texted Jaeyoung to have a case ready for me. I knew I needed blood for the both of us. He didn’t answer me within the hour like he usually does. So, I decided to walk for a bit while I waited for him to respond. I was taking the long way, cutting through the trail by the park. All of the sudden I got the smell of blood. I ignored it at first, but it got sweeter the farther I walked up the trail. I thought it was a deer, or a fox… but it was him. The man had fallen… scraped his knee. He looked up at me, and he smiled.” 
Seokjin swallowed the lump that was growing in his throat. Jimin scooted closer to him, molding himself to fit onto Jin’s side, Yoonji followed his lead. Jin readjusted himself, he pulled Jimin’s legs onto his right leg, and Yoonji onto his left leg. They were practically sitting on him, and the pressure felt relieving. “I was just trying to help him up. But the smell of blood… was too much. I blacked out for a second, when I came to we were full of blood. I freaked out. I couldn’t leave him there, so I brought him home and now we’re here. I didn’t mean to feed on him. I didn’t mean to attack him. I..” The vampire let out the sob that he was holding, “I never wanted to hurt him. I felt disgusted by how much his blood affected me.” 
Yoonji reached up and dried his tears with the cuff of her soft cardigan, “I know Jinnie, you’d never hurt anyone.” She gently caressed the side of his face to comfort him, taking in how much regret he was feeling. Jimin stood up hastily, Jin furrowed his brow in worry. “Min, what’s wrong?” The young witch began to pace, murmuring to himself, “Breathe, two, three. Out, two, three.” He repeated this four times. 
Seokjin gently removed Yoonji’s lower body from their current position, and he approached his younger roommate. “Hey, Min, I know you’re worried and I-” Jimin paused, visibly collecting himself, “I- fuck. Jin, I knew him.”
The vampire visibly tensed, “You knew him. Fuck, Min, I’m sorry. I.. I didn’t mean it. I swear. It was an accident, I swear Min.” Seokjin could feel a tingling sensation on his nose, he started to feel his face heat up as well as his ears. His breaths became shorter and he was struggling to take deep breaths. Jin could feel his chest tightening, and his head got lighter. He could barely hear Yoonji and Jimin trying to calm him down. Seokjin could hear the witch searching through his jars for anything that could help him calm down. 
“Jinnie,” Yoonji whispered, “Tell me five things you see.”
“What,” he mumbled.
“Tell me five things you see,” she repeated. 
“Uh, Jimin’s vine plant.”
“Good, what else?”
“Your fuzzy red polka dot socks.”
“Good job Jinnie, what else, “his friend asked.
“Jimin’s sunset lamp, my black hoodie that I’ve been looking for, and Min’s overflowing bookcase,” he answered. 
“Okay, tell me four things you smell,” Yoonji said.
“I..uh..smell,” he paused and took deep breaths. “I smell your Eucalyptus body wash, Min’s peach deep conditioner, Y/n’s chocoflan, and burnt candles.”
“Three things you can hear,” Yoonji continued.
“I can hear Y/n’s heartbeat on the other side of the hall, I hear the ‘Alexa’ speaker still playing in the kitchen, and I hear Jimin’s boots,” he responds. 
“Two things you can feel.”
“I can feel… my black trousers, and Min’s wooden floor.”
“One thing you can taste.”
“I can taste lavender, from the calming candy Jimin gives me,” Seokjin mumbles. 
Jimin comes back to Jin, lavender gummy in hand. “Hey,” the witch said, “Jinnie I’m not mad at you. Eat the gummy, once you’re calm we’ll talk.” The elder vampire nodded, chewing the gummy quickly. 
Yoonji guides them back onto the loveseat, arranging him and their roommate back to their prior positions. She fixes Jimin’s legs to go across Jin’s lap, and adjusts herself across both of them. The younger vampire tucks herself under his chin, quietly humming Mrs. Kim’s lullaby. 
When Seokjin wakes up again, his roommates are clinged to him. Jimin is humming a tune of his own, and Yoonji is tracing the tattoo on the witch’s arm. He closes his eyes, enjoying feeling cared for by his friends. The older vampire tries to stall talking about their predicament, but he knows Jimin is aware that he’s conscious. 
“Jin,” Jimin says, “I’m not mad.” He sits up, looking straight at him. Seokjin actively avoids meeting his friend’s eyes, he refuses to see how much he’s hurt him. The witch sighs, “I’m not mad Jinnie, I was scared. Terrified.” Yoonji gestures for him to listen to what their younger roommate was saying.  He nods for Jimin to continue, “Do you know how horrifying it was to see two of my friends covered in blood? I thought someone attacked you both.” 
Jimin paused, taking a moment to find the right words to say. “When I saw the bite marks.. I knew that it was yours. I know that you didn’t mean to. I know that you’d never attack a human on purpose, but..,” he sighed. “But I was still angry. I know that to you, and Yoonji, he’s a stranger, but to me he’s Joonie. I meet him every Wednesday without fail. I’ve met his roommate. I’ve eaten dinner with them multiple times. His roommate, Hoseok, has commissioned work from me for personal use. I’ve been a part of his life for the last year. I’ve never told him about the magic, and spells, and all that supernatural part of my life. It was nice not having to worry about keeping myself protected from any form of hexes, peeping bugs, or befriending him without second thoughts that he was trying to learn about my family magic. I was just Jimin. When I saw him all bloodied and pale, it felt like my bubble burst.” 
Their younger roommate hesitated, “I’m sorry for thinking that you would purposefully hurt anyone unprompted. I was so worried when you were growing closer to being feral.” Jimin sniffled, struggling to keep his tears in. Jin reached out to his friend. He takes a hold of Min’s smaller hand, intertwining his longer digits with his shorter ones. The gesture brings comfort to the witch, and he continues. “It’s one thing to have strangers come up to me with different afflictions, but it's another to see your loved ones in trouble. All I kept thinking about was, ‘What if Joon isn’t human?’ ‘What if Jinnie’s body doesn’t react well to the blood? What if a hunter saw you?’ I thought about a lot of ‘what if’s’. But seeing you hysterical with regret, and grief, I couldn’t stay upset at you. I’m sorry Jinnie.” 
Seokjin pulls Jimin with a gentle hug, swaying just a bit as he rubs his back in comforting motions. Jin knows his younger friend is trying his hardest to keep it together. This evening hasn’t been the kindest to them, and he’ll hold no grudges towards the high emotions that ran. The elder vampire gives Jimin one final squeeze. As they’re pulling apart, without thinking, he leans in and plants a kiss on the crown of his friend's head. “It's okay Min, I understand.”
Jimin pulls the elder back into a hug, hiding his face on Jin’s chest. He can hear Min’s soft sobs, and feel the fresh tears falling on his skin. Jin pulls him in for a tighter hug, laying his head on top of his to further comfort his friend. They stayed wrapped in each other until Jimin had cried himself exhausted. The elder guided Jimin back onto the loveseat, tucking him into the corner with one of the many blankets the witch has stashed. 
The elder vampires decide to take turns monitoring their roommates. Jimin and Y/n were still asleep, while Min’s friend was in the midst of the transition. Yoonji had to be the one to tell Seokjin about Joon’s condition. Jin was nothing short of horrified, not even when he was a young vampling had he accidentally released venom into a human. Animals, maybe, but it paralyzes them. He felt ashamed, completely unworthy of his family’s trust to represent them in the council. Jin knew how important it was to not only be a dutiful sire, but full consent of the transformation was something that was repeatedly brought up. Forever is a long time, no one knew that more than them. 
Seokjin felt horrible taking away Namjoon’s choice. He knew he’d have to tell the man about their world; how they live, the council, who to avoid regarding blood, the sensitivity to everything around them. It would be overwhelming to the new fledgling, but he was determined to be the best sire he could be. 
It’s around the early AM’s when the vampires decide they want to rest. Namjoon’s breathing had evened out, and he was no longer struggling, they felt they could step away to drink some O positive coffee. Yoonji had convinced Jin to change into his most comfortable clothes, dark joggers and the black hoodie in Min’s workroom. They worked together to get a small breakfast going. Jin made their coffees, while Yoonji made them toast; Jin’s with nutella and strawberries, Yoonji’s with butter and mixed berry jam. They make extra coffee in case Jimin wakes up soon, or gods forbid, Y/n wakes up. 
The older roommates stood by their kitchen island, enjoying the quiet in their home. Seokjin took a long sip of his cup, “Did Jimin say how long it would be until his friend finished the transition?” Yoonji nodded as she chewed a large bite of toast, “He said it would take 48 hours, give or take.”
“That soon,” Seokjin murmured, “It usually takes a few days.”
“True, but Jimin said that since not only are you old as shit-”
Yoonji chuckled, “You’re also an aristocratic born vampire, according to him that all factors into the potency of the venom.” Seokjin grimaced, “Who knew my amazing pedigree would be my downfall.” His best friend giggled a bit at that one, “Right, here I thought your lack of filter would be the one to take you out.”  Jin guffawed at his younger friend, but joined in with her laughter. 
In the midst of their carefree moment, they hear the clanking of bottles in Jimin’s workroom. Seokjin gestures for Yoonji to stay in the kitchen. If the new fledgling has finished his transformation he has to ensure his home, and the people in it are safe. The elder vampire carefully made his way into the hallway; he can hear three heart beats, and that instantly lowers his defenses. Jin knocks lightly on the door, opening it slightly, “Min, are you up?”
Seokjin was able to hear the rustling of a blanket being folded, and pillows being arranged. He hears Jimin’s steps being muffled by his piggy slippers, slightly sliding once he’s walking on the hardwood floor. The smell of Dragons Blood incense, and something muskier bleed out from the cracks. Jimin hurriedly squeezed himself out, carefully closing the door to his room. “Sorry, sorry, I had to clean up.” Min gestures for Jin to follow him towards the kitchen, waving at Yoonji as he walks in with Seokjin. She visibly released a sigh she was holding in, relieved it was their younger roommate making a ruckus so early in the morning. 
The roommates finished the rest of their breakfast in silence. No one wanted to pop their little bubble of normalcy. They share their small spread, Jin refilling their drinks. For a moment he can pretend that he doesn’t have a fledgling in the other room. He can pretend that Y/n is sleeping in from how often she turns off her work alarms. They can pretend it’s a slow morning, but reality is never that forgiving. Yoonji is the first one to slightly perk up, she tells them she heard Y/n’s alarm go off and be turned off. Seokjin heard the muffled ‘fuck’ from their roommate’s room, he could also hear the slamming of drawers and the creaks of the closet door hinges. The three of them sat still as Y/n walked out of her room, carefully closing her door and entering the hallway bathroom. 
Yoonji waited until they heard the shower start to say anything. “Min, I thought you said she would be passed out for the next day,” she hissed. Jimin looked at his roommates with just as much confusion, “She should’ve been knocked out until tomorrow, at the least. I already texted her boss that she had been sick all night. What are we going to do?”
The elder vampire vampire was scared shitless, to say the least. “What spell did you use,” Yoonji asked. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, “It was the spell I use on Jungkook when he’s having one of his energy bursts. He’s a werewolf so it only lasts so long on him. Y/n is human, she should’ve stayed asleep for days.” Yoonji visibly grew tense, “She must be one of us. Maybe she has a charm or some form of glamor. I mean you used a spell for a fucking werewolf, she should’ve been sleeping like the dead.”
“That’s impossible,” Jimin answered. “I have powerful spells that remove any form of glamor; spells, potions, or charms. Y/n wouldn’t have been able to take a step across our doorstep if she had done any of that.”
As his roommates were trying to solve their current conundrum, Seokjin tried to go through the list of their kind that could have possibly bypassed the witch’s protection barriers. Every humanoid he thought of could easily be detected by Jimin’s spells, even the weakest of witches. “Have there been any humans that are probably immune to that form of magic,” the vampire asked. 
“I’ve personally never seen it, maybe my granny or mom have, but they’ve never told me about it,” Jimin answered. 
Seokjin thought back to his mother telling him stories about different creatures and humanoids. The only other of their kind that it could possibly be was a magic sensitive, but as far as his mother told him no one in their world considered them supernatural. “What about a magic sensitive?”
“Huh,” his roommates exclaimed. 
“A magic sensitive, “Jin repeated, “It makes sense. Think about it, she’s easily bonded to Kookie, Y/n hasn’t had any form of reaction to Tae, and we all know how hard that is for humans.” Both his roommates nodded in agreement. “She’s mentioned seeing sprites around Jimin’s greenhouse, but he was able to make her think they looked like flies.”
“I remember that,” Jimin says, “I had to say they were fruit flies from my compost.” 
Yoonji crosses her arms in thought, “Y/n is always able to find anything I lose, comes in handy when I essentially lose my house keys on the regular.” 
“I think she has premonitions,” the witch adds. “She’s talked to me about some heavy deja-vu she’s had since moving here.”
Seokjin took in all the information, “Then she’s a magic sensitive. That’s the only logical explanation. She doesn’t have any form of power like Jimin does, and if she was some form of creature she wouldn’t be able to walk into our home unscathed.” 
“What should we do,” the female vampire wondered aloud. Their normalcy was falling apart, and there was no way to stop it.
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Fic Masterlist
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ratherbefangirling · 2 years
Save me pt 3
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Summary : You choose to save him but will he do the same.
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Yandere , Royal AU
Warnings: mature language, conspiracy
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History takes shape after its narrators vision.
Had anybody told you that you would be at the centre of palace politics. You'd have probably thought they were crazy.
Of course each of us have barely any control over ourselves or our fates.
Meant to be.
The words that you were fond of are nothing but a joke to you.
You really had considered him to be the person you were meant to be with.
Time though, majestic in its power had showed you the reality.
Maybe it was wishful thinking but he really made you into a person you were perhaps always meant to be. By his side you turned from a peasant, poor but gracious to a lover , a vessel of his love and desire to a bride, who was abandoned to a slave, who lost all she had known to a .. bed warmer to the Prince, to something holy, someone powerful.
Had you known how things would turn out would you have ignored him instead of saving him.
This was an answer. You never would have because despite the torment you still loved him.
Maybe your love wasn't straightforward or simple or pure like a fairy tale love. It was rough and complicated and unhinged. Still it was... ultimately, love.
And your heart had and would always flutter when his eyes encountered your visage.
So even in a room full of people your breath stilled and heart beat loudly when you discovered his unwavering gaze upon you.
Whispers surrounded you as you entered the hall with your brother escorting you.
People eyed you, some with simple curiosity and others with far sinister intentions.
Whispered increased.
Look at her dress
Is she the one // the bed warmer you mean
She isn't much to look at
Who is she ?
Still when his eyes catch you, it seems there is no one but you and him.
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When Jiwon enters the room, a hush falls over.
She looks like an angel descending down the stairs but that's not the only reason of the Hall's silence.
Just moments ago the Prince had taken a girls hand
With bated breaths people await the spectacle set to unfold.
To everyone's surprise she smiled.
"Greetings Your Highness. Thank you for taking such good care of my companion."
Your confusion grew.
Namjoon raised a brow. Her smile only widened in return.
Yoonji was thoroughly enjoying this new turn of events.
"Are you feeling better, dear? I'm glad you met my fiance. The other day my betrothed had to help you because he didn't want to cause undue alarm with my family and other envoys present. You must take of yourself. I was so worried."
Before you can respond. She takes Namjoon's hand in hers.
"Please excuse me for being late. I had to ensure I was worthy to stand by the empires moon."
Namjoon didn't even look at you. Your brother was beside you in an instant. Tears at the corner if your eyes ready to spill.
You had been on the top of the world so happy that he couldn't take his eyes of you and in instant you were shown your position in this new world you'd been tossed into.
The rumor mill had been fed with new information.
You were ready to leave when Yoonji appeared infront of you.
You curtsied and wanted her to walk aside when instead you were brought back into partaking at the party.
She took seat at the table set up for her and whoever she decided to eat with. It only had a single chair. A new chair brought by the tilt of her head.
"Sit." She said so you did.
She cut into her rare meat.
"Eat." She said.
You nodded and added food to your plate to be polite.
"The victim mentality you have going on isn't going to help you." She says rubbing her red lips with a napkin.
You look at her.
"Do you like my brother?" She asks.
"I..I do."
She tilts her head to sideways.
"Then get your act together. If you want to survive in the palace and if you want what's yours to stay yours."
You say nothing longing filled eyes directed at the pair.
"Never Hide." And that was the last of the conversation of the evening. A warning that would guide you into your near future.
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You sat in your room crying.
It was pathetic, still you couldn't help it. Once again he'd left you standing. You seemed to be trapped in a repeated nightmare you couldn't escape from.
The door opened.
"Y/n" his voice that you would on any other occasion find alluring is heinous.
You furiously wipe of your tears.
"Did she not come to your bed? Is that why you're here?"
"Love.. please be understanding. She's my fiance." He says approaching taking a seat on the edge of the bed where you lie face downward hiding from him
"Then why am I here Joon.. or should I say crown prince." You snap.
"Love don't be this way. You know my heart is yours I need to be civil if I dont want people talking." He explains running his hand through your hair.
"What about me do you not care about me at all?"
He sighs.
"Did you nor see how she pretended to be your friend back then, how smart! I might have under estimated her... I had to see what she planned." He says and you can here the edge of admiration that he's never held for you.
Yoonji's warning echoes in your brain.
"Yes I'm a dumb whore and she's your queen." You say anger rising.
"Darling you know that's not true she's just in the way. You don't have to worry your pretty little head about her hmm. Just stay with me." He coaxes coming closer and taking you in his arms.
You push him away.
"Don't.. don't touch me tonight or I will really end up hating you."
"Fine. As you wish princess." He days kissing your forehead. "Sweet dreams I will meet you at breakfast."
You say nothing shutting your eyes and turning away.
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Instead of his bedroom he goes to Yoonji.
Yoonji is sitting and drinking one of the finer alcohols from Namjoon's personal bar. Namjoon frowns at the sight but sits beside her and downs the glass.
"So?" She prompts.
"I thought you had the harem under control."
"While I did think the surprise was entertaining.." she says pouring herself another glass." Pesky buds need to be nipped and afterall my favourite flower has requested I take care of his sibling."
"Uh huh it's wonderful to have a man on his knees for your favor."
"What about Jimin?"
"That's why I didn't want you engaged now we have to dispose him."
"Dear brother its not like you're doing it alone."
"So what did you come up with?"
"Jimin and Jiwons scandalous affair and his allegiance to Taehyungie who plans on murdering his father and the crown prince for power."
"Have you started putting the evidence."
"Of course I have. What about you how are you planning to legitimise your lover."
"The temples going to reveal the prophesy of the priestess."
Yoonji pours them both drinks.
The glasses clinking are the only sounds in the dark night.
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Ooh devious namgi is everything 😍 🙌.
Anyway hope you liked this chapter. It was a bit torturous because I wanted to end the whole drama in one chapter but I guess breaking down is easier.
Have a nice day. Until next time.
Taglist: @oppa-agust-d ; @creolesoul2seoul
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foxylamento · 2 years
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Make a wish part 2 🔮
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94pian · 1 year
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Yoonkook based on the seven mv, where yoonji is the exhausted girlfriend and jungkook's her puppy-like boyfriend
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honeyboyfm · 2 years
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your love is sunlight
namgi au | rated E | complete | 29.1k
min yoonji x kim namjoo
harold they're Lesbians
trans and non-binary main characters
self-discovery, strangers to lovers, fluff and smut
see author notes for warnings!
Meeting Namjoo was to be expected, given how much she’d become intertwined with Yoonji’s friends. What Yoonji hadn’t expected was the attraction, the warmth that made a home inside her as she got to know Namjoo better despite her anxieties about relationships. Namjoo was immediately drawn to Yoonji in an equally scary and exciting way. As the two grow closer, Namjoo finds herself navigating not only a new relationship but also her identity and all that entails.
read on ao3
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pviscelle · 1 year
Crystal Skies | MasterPost
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Pairing: NamJin ft. Jimin x Reader
Genre/Tags: Fluff, Humor, FriendsxFamily
Word Count: 4.5k+
Status: Ongoing
Rating: Teen and Up Audience
Synopsis: As he saw the helpless man weeping for the love of his family, Namjoon asked himself, "So who is to blame now?" He had also lost the person he called home after all. His mother and sister did too.
But when his mind drifted off to the innocent life on the other hand, he feared with a heavy heart that the answer was nobody.
❛ • • • After two years of his father's incredulous death, Kim Namjoon and his sister move to Seoul to get enrolled in the best university. There, he meets 6 different people who have nothing in common but would show him the true definition of love, friendship, and an unbreakable bond they can share as a family.
But what happens when the secrets and confusions of the past abruptly jeopardize themselves and unveil something he should've known ages ago?
Will those stratocumulus clouds remain in his life forever or will they disappear and make his world have a crystal sky? • • • ❜
Read Here
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mightbekelly · 1 year
So, A Funny Thing Happened Last Night... - A Yoonji/Jin AU
Title: So, A Funny Thing Happened Last Night...
Ship: Yoonji/Jin
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 12.7k
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Min Yoonji's apartment smells like a sewer and nothing is going right as she goes to spend a few days at her best friend's place, Kim Namjoon. The biggest problem? Namjoon's older brother (and Yoonji's long-time crush) Kim Seokjin is also there and she doesn't know if she can survive a weekend of being ignored by the handsome, but completely not her style man. Which will happen? Will Yoonji survive a weekend of first love pining? Or will she have to find another place to stay? Written for Yoonji Fest 2023.
It is not Yoonji’s night when she shows up at Namjoon’s door, drenched from the sudden downpour, looking like a drowned rat on a Thursday evening. She’s cold, annoyed, and on the verge of tears - which is not her at all.
Thankfully, her best friend is expecting her and Namjoon opens the door pretty quickly after she rings the bell. He looks down at her with wide eyes. “What happened, noona?” he gasps.
“What didn’t?” she grumbles. She uses both hands to grab the largest piece of luggage she has and tries to manhandle it into the apartment.
“Let me take that,” Namjoon immediately offers, reaching out to pry her frozen fingers off of the strap. “Why aren’t you using the wheels?”
Yoongi growls. “Because one of them busted not even two blocks from my place,” she complains. “Then, just as I left the subway to walk here it started pouring rain! All of that on top of my place smelling like a sewage plant because the sewer pipes burst, which is why I can’t even stay in the building.”
“That’s rough,” Namjoon laments, easily picking up the piece of luggage with his stupid height and dumb muscles. “But you can stay here as long as you need, it’s not a problem.”
“I appreciate it, Joonie,” she sighs, stopping inside the doorway to unzip her big stompy leather boots. The only saving grace is that at least they kept her socks dry as she shuffles into the pair of house slippers she usually uses when she visits. “I don’t want to impose. It’s just kind of late already and I didn’t have time to find a hotel.”
“Nonsense,” Namjoon calls over his shoulder as he sets her luggage down by the couch in the living room. “Let me clean up and you can use my room-”
Before he can even finish, Yoongi is smacking his shoulder. “I’m not taking your room,” she scolds him. “I can sleep on the couch, I’ll be fine. You’ll hang off the edges and not get any sleep.”
He looks down at her, maybe a little relieved that she’s insisting. “You do have an impressive ability to fall asleep anywhere,” he admits. “Tell you what. Let me get you a spare towel and you can take a shower. It wouldn’t do you any good to get sick as well.”
“Thanks, Joonie,” Yoonji says, tucking her wet hair behind her ears. “I’ll slip you some money while I’m staying to help cover my room and board.”
Namjoon shakes his head. “That’s not necessary,” he waves away her offer. “What are best friends for?”
“Fine, but at least let me make dinner or something.” Yoonji pushes her luggage onto its side so she can pull fresh clothes out of it.
“Noona’s going to cook?” Namjoon gives an exaggerated gasp. “I’d have asked you to come stay with us sooner if I’d known I’d get your cooking, too.”
Us .
Yoonji’s heart gives a small dip in her chest, but she focuses on shuffling through the jumble of clothes she had thrown into the suitcase. “Is Jin-oppa around?” she asks, trying to come off nonchalant. “Like, should I make enough for him too?” Seokjin, Namjoon’s older brother. Could Yoonji be even more of a walking cliché for falling for her best friend’s brother?
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rainbowsuitcase · 1 year
Fanfic Rec Friday #6
cat cradle by kaythebest - Seokjin x Yoongi, 51 523 words, T - Magic AU, Curses, Cat Yoongi
Seokjin takes in a stray and discovers a new world.
this moment for life by misspamela - Yoongi x Jungkook, 22 116 words, E - Fluff and Smut, Friends with Benefits to Lovers
Yoongi doesn’t date. Jungkook was supposed to be just a one night stand, but he turns into so much more.
youre staring again by aprofessorstale - Yoongi x Namjoon, 1 472 words, G - Highschool AU
Namjoon has a secret crush on Yoongi. The only problem is, everyone knows.
night after night by inthestarstonight - Jimin x Jungkook, 10 506 words, E - Background OT7, Dom Jimin, Edgeplay, Sex Tapes
Jungkook has kept the explicit version of Seven a secret from everyone, up until the release. Jimin listens to it and reacts.
Manic Pixie Dream Girl by aprofessorstale - Yoongi x Jimin, 11 864 words, T - Drag Queens, Nonbinary Yoongi, Cute, hiding creator's style doesn't take away from the story!
Yoongi is the shy boy that his coworkers barely know anything about, until they find him in a gay club, performing in drag.
lovely way of telling me you love me by inthestarstonight - OT7, 7 471 words, M - A/B/O, Pack OT7, Pack Alpha Namjoon, Crack
Five times Namjoon's pack lied to him for The Bit, and one time it was for his own good.
the other side of the earth by stickyrum (couldn't find socmed) - Seokjin x Jimin, 14 292 words, T - Dystopia AU, Deception, Rebellion
In which Jimin believed he was a typical pawn in the bureaucracy of the First Order but found himself trapped in the Minister's office with an insurgent, willingly forfeiting state secrets
but i know (i know) what i want by inthestarstonight - Yoongi x Namjoon, 4 053 words, M - Fem BTS, Angst and Fluff, Arguing
Yoonji and Namjoo get into a fight. Yoonji tries to apologize.
i love the way you love (and the way you can't hide it to save your lives) by TheLostPevensie - Yoongi x Namjoon, 8 563 words, T - Canonverse, Coming Out, Established Relationship, Acceptance
4 times a member finds out Yoongi and Namjoon are together and 1 time someone already knew.
Long Sleeves by TheLostPevensie - Yoongi x Namjoon, 7 555 words, T - Soulmate Marks, Meet-Cute
Yoongi is convinced he'll have to wear long sleeves for the rest of his life, after a sleeve of an entirely different kind suddenly appears on his arm.
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honey-boyyoongi · 1 year
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Pairing ➪ Yoonji x Y/n | Jimin x Y/n | Yoonji x Jimin x Seokjin
Word count ➪ 4.4k Words
Warnings ➪ authors horrible attempt at humor; mentions of blood and feeding; mentions of edible; not beta read;
Summary ➪ Y/n needs a place to stay as of yesterday. Her roommate bailed on her, she’s too far from her grandmother, and her boyfriend lives in a box with his best friend. The place she seems to find has everything; space, low rent, a short commute to her job, and seemingly nice roommates. But there are some things that are kinda weird. Like how her female roommate is up at all hours, and her male roommate mumbling about his plants yelling at him in the middle of the night. She can get through this, right?
A/n: Hey besties. I was meant to post this last month, but due to some things regarding my dad I couldn't really focus on much. Regardless though I am happy to get this out as an early present for Festa and for my own birthday. I'll continue 'Oh,baby' and should be posting a new part by the end of the month, at least I'm hoping to. As always feedback is appreciated, and if you would like to be added to the taglist please let me know.
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It hurt. Everything hurts. Namjoon could feel every last one of his nerve endings screaming in agony. His head was burning, and it was getting harder to think rationally. What was happening?
It felt like he was being moved in slow motion. He could feel the early fall breeze on his face, but also stiffness on his left side. Something was clawing at him, and he wanted it to stop. 
Namjoon could hear muffled sounds, and felt a sudden warmth enveloping his chest. His heartbeat was slowing down; he was scared.
There began to be gaps in Namjoon’s awareness. When he would come to, sounds were still muffled, but he could feel and smell. The young man could no longer feel his favorite indigo blue set. A sweeping warmth on his skin was quickly followed by the bite of the cold room. He could smell damp earth, incense, and Jimin’s mellow fabric softener.. Jimin.. Yes, it smelled like Jimin. It smelled like his sweet friend. Namjoon started to feel like he was floating, the pain had stopped. He no longer felt scared. Jimin was here. 
“What the fuck are we going to do,” Yoonji hissed. Jimin’s spell hadn’t worked to it’s perceived potential, they had a vampire fledgling in the younger’s work room, and they found out their newest roommate is potentially one of them. Shit was hitting the fan, and it was hitting hard.
The female vampire was having conflicting feelings about their current situation. While Yoonji was grateful for the small moment they got, she was petrified of the inevitable conversation they would be having; being sires, and that none of them were human. The elder vampire had contingency plans, having a few emails drafted if her current life would implode. Her parents taught her to be diligent, always being sure she had backups to her backups. If Yoonji, and her friends, had to hide in her Black Forest estate until this blew over, then so be it. But a small, hopeful, part of Yoonji wanted Y/n to accept them. She hoped their newest roommate wouldn’t be afraid of them. 
They liked their lives here; she loves her life here. Yoonji is teaching pupils that are as passionate as she is. Seokjin is doing more of what he wants, while doing the bare minimum with the council. Jimin was still relatively new, but he had quickly gained loyal regulars that kept him busy. Things had finally set into place, and it’s dissolving in front of them. Yoonji watched as Jimin paced around their small island, and Jin was slouched forward, laying his upper body on the cold tile of the island. 
If Yoonji focused enough she could hear the hissing of the hot water, and the clattering of Y/n’s products. The elder vampire could hear the shower stopping, and the clicking of nails to screen. 
Jin slightly perked up, “I think..we should be truthful.” 
Jimin halted, “Truthful, of what? Of us, what we are, are you insane?”
Seokjin slightly nodded, “She’s going to find out, one way or another. Your friend will wake-up within the next 36 hours confused, scared, and starving. As a new fledgling, everything will be amplified. Y/n has the right to know, to choose whether she wants to stay and witness that, or leave. The first few days of any newborn fledgling are brutal because of the thirst, and immense feeling of overstimulation. It’ll be frightening, even for you.” 
The witch scoffed, “I’ve been around fledglings, they’re not scary.” 
Seokjin narrowed his eyes at Jimin, highly unamused, “A newborn is different, they’re transitioning and everything is overwhelming to them. He won’t be the same person you remember him to be for a while. He’ll be constantly feeding, and losing control of himself. The slightest thing could set him off. If you’re not frightened by his unpredictability, then you’re a fool.”
Yoonji knew Jimin was aware of the changes that would be happening with Namjoon, she’d gone into detail of every fledgling transition she’s witnessed. Only one thing remained constant within those memories, fledglings were unpredictable. The female vampire saw as the tips of Jimin’s ears turned pink from Jinnie’s scolding, clearly embarrassed at being corrected. 
Their witchy roommate sighed, “Are we telling her everything? What we each are, and what’s going on with Joonie?”
“I think we should,” Yoonji said. Jimin nodded, busying himself with cleaning up the bag of O negative from their sink. He sighed deeply, “What if she freaks out..what if… What if she tells someone? Hunters are still a thing. What if they find you, or Seokjin? I wouldn’t be able to live if anything would happen to either of you.”
Seokjin rose from his seat, “Min..” He enveloped the witch from behind, gently tightening his hold to comfort him. Jimin sniffled, hesitantly turning around and reciprocating Jin’s hug. The older vampire wrapped an arm across the witch’s back, and another was cradling his friend’s head into his chest. Jin delicately played with Min’s hair, “Jimin, I know you’re scared, we’re scared too.” 
Jin redirected them towards the couch, clearly wanting to be comfortable during this stressful moment. Yoonji and Seokjin took the ends of the couch, not really giving Jimin any choice in arrangement. They settled in before the older vampire could continue. “A lot of things are happening too quickly, we can’t let ourselves be frightened,” Seokjin said. 
He gestures towards Yoonji, asking her to say something. “I can’t say nothing won’t happen, because it will, but we will work through it. Hunters..are an unfortunate consequence of our existence. We haven’t done anything wrong.”
“But what about Joonie,” Min asked, “what if anyone saw Jin jumping on him?”
“What happened with Namjoon was an accident, Jinnie didn’t attack him maliciously. He was trying to help, and an accident happened. If, for some reason, a hunter saw him we’d deal with it,” Yoonji responded. 
Jin nodded along, “We’ll be okay, we’ll work through it Min.”
The trio is huddled together, whispering, when Y/n walks into the living room. Seokjin signals Yoonji to turn towards the kitchen. She panics, stuttering a quirky greeting, “Hey, Y/n, um.. How’d you, uh, sleep?”
Y/n shrugged, “Eh, I guess, I don’t remember falling asleep.” 
Jimin nudged Yoonji to keep talking. She shook her head, too unsure how to carry this conversation. They watch the human make a cup of iced coffee, looking around for any piece of the witch’s pastries. Yoonji notices Y/n is in lounging clothes, and not in her regular jeans. She’s barefaced, and is allowing her hair to air-dry into their natural waves. Her cheeks are still pink from her morning shower, and she’s wearing her glasses today. 
The trio watches as their human roommate goes back and forth with each of her breakfast items to join them in the living room. She sits on the sofa chair on Jin’s side of the living room. 
Y/n sighs as she adjusts into place, takes a big sip of her coffee, and looks towards the trio, “Guys, I had the weirdest dream last night.”
“Weird dream? Like what,” Jimin asked. 
Y/n’s face scrunched up, “I dreamt that Jin got hurt. He was covered in blood, and he wouldn’t respond to me. There was a man at the doorway. I didn’t know him, but he was next to Jin and I was getting scared. I ended up passing out in-dream. Next thing I know, my alarms are going off, and I’m freaking out because I think I’m late for work, but I’m not late because my manager thinks that I’m sick and I don’t know what’s going on.”
Yoonji looked at Y/n in mild terror, she clearly remembered. The vampire gave her friends a look before she spoke, “Y/n.. we need to talk.”
The human looked at the trio worried slightly tilting her head. “Oh, fuck. Did I do something last night,” she rambled. “I mean, I ate an edible that’s probably why I passed out, but if I acted out of line I need you guys to tell me.” 
Yoonji sat stunned, struggling to contain her laughter. The vampire dug her nails into her thighs to keep herself from bursting, “You acted no weirder than you usually do on edibles.” Jimin bursted in a small fit of giggles. Seokjin looked between them, confused as to what an edible was. He gestured his confusion to Jimin, who gestured back that he’d explain later. 
The vampire covered her escaped chuckles with swift coughs. “No.. um.. That dream that you mentioned happened.” She watched as the human stiffened in her seat. “Last night Jinnie came home a bit.. Flustered. There was an accident, and he came home to get help..but there’s more to it.” Yoonji was starting to get uncomfortable, and she could see that Jin was staring at their carpet. “Please, listen to what we have to say.” 
Yoonji took a moment to collect her thoughts, when Seokjin took over, “Last night, I was walking around to waste some time, then I smelled something. I walked deeper into the park trail, desperate to find it. It smelled so good, I just had to see what it was. I thought it was a fox, or a small deer, they’re especially delicious this time of year, but instead I saw a human. He was bleeding from his knee, he said he was fine. Next thing I know my shirt is wet with blood, and the man is passed out. I’m freaking out because I’ve never done anything like this. I bring us back to the house. Yoonji, and Jimin try to help, but I can’t hear them because everything sounds muffled, and my skin feels clammy. I smelled when you came near me, and all I could think about was blood and how yours smelled good enough to be my next meal. I was scared, and Jimin was able to sedate me.” 
The elder vampire released a large sigh, as if a weight had been lifted from him. “When I bit the man, I accidentally released some venom in him. He’s currently transitioning into a vampire.”
Y/n looks at the trio, analyzing them. She takes a small bite from her breakfast sandwich, confusion riddling her face. The human gestured at them, “Are the three of you vampires?”
Jimin shook his head, “No, I’m a witch. I just moved here a couple years ago, and moved in a year and a half ago. Yoonji, and Jinnie are vampires. They’re currently part of a small group of vampires that pre-date the Joseon dynasty.”
Yoonji grumbled, hating being reminded of her age. She watched as the human continued eating her breakfast with a vacant look. To Y/n’s left Jin was trying his hardest to control his shaking leg, and was slightly chewing at the sides of his thumb. Next to him, Jimin was turning pink from the pressure of the situation. 
They watched as Y/n finished her breakfast, leisurely drinkin the last of her morning coffee. She turned to them, face slightly scrunched. “So let me get this straight, Yoonji and Seokjin are vampires. Jimin is a witch. Seokjin accidently got himself a vampire kid, and I almost got eaten until Jimin knocked out Seokjin.” The trio nodded, Y/n continued speaking, “Did I get knocked out too? Where’s the new vampire? I assume since you guys are, you know, you..that there’s more of you guys? I don’t know what to call you. It feels weird to call you supernatural, because what you are is normal to you guys, and oh my god, why am I making a big deal out of this?”
Jimin was intrigued, “Like Jin said, you got a little too close to him while he was a bit overwhelmed. You didn’t know, it’s no one’s fault. We didn’t know how to explain what happened, even when we didn’t fully know ourselves.” The witch watched the human nod along to what he was saying. “The new vampling is in my workroom, he’s transitioning in a safe environment, and will be properly supported by Jinnie and Yoonji. As for the umbrella label, that's fine. In our world we just call each other by our species names, humans wouldn’t know every one of us so it’s fine.”
Seokjin stared at the human with curiosity, he couldn’t decipher any emotions from her. He was perplexed and needed to know why she was so calm. “Are you not afraid,” he blurted out, “I confessed to wanting your blood as a meal, and you’re indifferent.”
Y/n was startled by Jin’s harsh statement. “As ridiculous as it sounds, yes and no. Yes, because of course with anything unknown, fear always accompanies it. No, well if you’d had wanted to hurt me, or worse eat me, you would’ve done so the first week of me living here. Maybe not even the week. Of course the possibility that you could’ve bit me frightens me, but you didn’t and I’m here now without any harm. At this point I just wanna ask questions about your species. As well as figure out who contacted my manager.”
Jimin looked at Y/n mildly guilty, “I called her after we had settled you into your room, and made sure both Jinnie and Joonie were sedated.”
“Who’s Joonie,” she asked. 
Jimin shifted in his seat, “Namjoon is the man that is currently in the workroom. Jinnie didn’t know who he was, it was a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
The human turned towards the elder vampire, “Why’d you attack him?” Yoonji could see Y/n was angry and confused. They had just spent time establishing they would never harm her, just to say an innocent human was attacked by one of theirs. 
Seokjin looked at their human roommate in shame, “I didn’t mean to.” He took a moment to take a few deep breaths, collecting himself back up. He looked at Yoonji, trying to gain courage from his longest friend. “Yoonie, is it okay if I talk about what happened a few weeks ago,” he asked. Yoonji nodded her consent, urging Jin to continue. “A few weeks ago Yoonji was sick, she was starving. I drank from a few donors to help her. Came home, helped her, then two days after I left for Mongolia to help with a territory dispute. During my two week stay there was a limited amount of blood we could consume, therefore only took what would keep us functional. When we came back I was denied entry to our donor wing. I called up my blood supplier, and while I waited for him to arrive, I found Namjoon. I didn’t attack him for fun, I attacked him because I was starving. For almost three weeks I was kept at the verge of hunger. I haven’t attacked a human since I was a small vampling.”
Y/n waved her hand at Jimin’s direction, “You called him Joonie.. Jimin, do you know him?”
The witch nodded, “I’ve been friends with Joon for about a year, he doesn’t know about what we are and our world. When Jin brought him home, I was so scared. I knew what happened just by looking at them. I’m upset that an innocent person is caught up in this, but I’m not upset at Jinnie. He was starving, and I know he wouldn’t have attacked anyone on purpose.” 
The human sat in her chair stumped, “Damn, and now your friend is a vampire? Seokjin mentioned venom, does that make you guys like the Twilight vampires? Do y’all sparkle in the sun, because I’ve never seen you guys in direct sunlight.”
Yoonji can feel an overwhelming feeling of ick consuming her. “No, no, no, no, please,” she pleaded. “Anything, but that. First off, in Twilight they aren’t vampires, they’re blood sucking Fae that give real vampires a bad name. Vampires don’t need to exchange blood to transform a human into a fledgling. Much like werewolves, vampires have a venom they can inject into humans to turn them into vampires.”
“Okay, cool, cool,” Y/n replied, “You still didn’t answer if you sparkled.”
Yoonji grew a little infuriated with the little query, “No, we don’t sparkle, only the Fae sparkle. We’re not Fae, we’re vampires! Real vampires, dammit!” 
Y/n clicked her teeth in disappointment, “Man, I was really hoping someone would say ‘this is the skin of a killer Bella’ for me.” The female vampire could feel her eye twitch in annoyance. ‘Twilight this, Twilight that. We’re way better than some snobby Fae,’ she thought. 
“What do you know about vampires,” Seokjin asked their human roommate. 
“I mean the pretty common tropes: aversion to holy objects, sunlight, garlic, mirrors, werewolves, silver, anything sharp that could strike the heart, decapitation, fire. ‘Think that’s it,” she answered. 
Seokjin chuckled, “I don’t know when that rumor of religious items started.”
“Probably when that Irish author wrote the Dracula book,” Yoonji piped up. 
“We tend to have light sensitivity in our early years,” the elder vampire explained, “Everything about us is more sensitive to help us catch prey.” Yoonji nods in agreement, continuing for her friend, “The garlic myth is just that a myth. Back when people were discovering spices they tended to go heavier, and let me tell you people weren’t as hygienic as they are now. Mix that with a sensitive nose and we made sure to keep ourselves away.”
“We also didn’t have an aversion to mirrors, some were just so horribly made lots of us didn’t bother,” Seokjin added. “You can still see our reflections on surfaces, and we film well. To keep ourselves safe is why we avoid any form of documentation via film and why the mirror and reflection myth started.”
“Werewolf bites are, unfortunately, deadly to us. Decapitation is kind of obvious, no one could survive that. As well as a stake to the heart,” Yoonji continued. “No silver aversion, again started by some old fart that considered himself a monster hunter.” She sighed trying to remember all of the things Y/n had asked about. She snapped her fingers, urging herself to remember. “Oh, fire obviously hurts, but it is not deadly to us.”
Y/n nodded along, “Alright cool, cool. Uh, so, what exactly is going to be done about the man/newly turned vampire.” Yoonji could tell their human roommate was trying to handle the onslaught of information with humor. “I don’t know about you guys, but this is my first time with a fresh out of the oven vampire. I don’t know what to expect. Should I even be here?” 
The human gestured towards Jimin and herself, “Should we even be here? I mean, I know Min is a witch, but still, he's still edible, right?”
Seokjin could no longer hold in his laughter, and neither could Yoonji. The vampires found amusement in the human’s worries. Jin could feel small tears forming at the corners of his eyes, and the worry he was carrying himself has started to melt away. “If you wanted to get technical, yes Jimin counts as being edible,” Yoonji says. Jimin scoffed, clearly unamused. 
Y/n mumbled in acknowledgement, she readjusted herself to be laying across the couch. She had a calculating look on her face, Yoonji could clearly see the human was trying hard to understand them. The vampire knew it was a lot, hell the small incident that was currently happening wasn’t even the worst in her and Seokjin’s long friendship. There was always a clusterfuck of things happening around them to the point they have agreed that come with the territory of being who they are within their society. 
Jimin excuses himself to check on Namjoon in the other room, Seokjin offering to go with him, just in case he says. The two women are left alone in the large living room. Yoonji doesn’t know if she should keep talking about what they are, or stay quiet as Y/n is clearly overwhelmed. 
Yoonji lets the human be, cleaning up the remaining dishes on the coffee table into the dishwasher. She fixes herself another blood infused coffee, happy she no longer has to hide her coffee cup. She goes back to the living room, settling back into the corner she was formerly in. 
Y/n doesn’t make a movement, or a noise for 25 minutes. She’s overwhelmed by the information given to her. Her roommates aren’t human, that much was established. There’s a man in the house currently turning into a vampire, and she almost got turned into a meal. What was racking her brain the most was, how did she never notice. 
Y/n always thought Seokjin was eccentric, lots of people these days love dressing up in vintage clothing. He’d be working at odd times of the day, but she chalked it up to it being the runner of the family business. He loved taking pictures of himself, and he always ate dinner with them. He always complained about the sun being too harsh, even on overcast days. He was always the first one up in the mornings, more times than not being the house’s wake-up call. She could never tell when he slept, and he never showed signs of being exhausted. He wasn’t that up to date with current pop culture, sometimes having to explain what a certain joke or meme meant. He didn’t use social media, only using an email that Yoonji had made him create. He still used a flip phone, because newer phones were too complicated, he had said. That was until his infamous pink flip phone officially bit the dust. Seokjin was a big eater, there had been days where he had ordered enough takeout for three. He traveled all the time, and never spoke of anything preventing him from going. 
Yoonji was the complete opposite. She was a bit of a night owl, and a reluctant early riser. Y/n would catch her drinking iced coffee from a large tumbler every day. The female vampire was sluggish, like she didn’t get enough sleep. She’s always avoided the sun, preferring to stay her pale shade, because she claimed to tan unevenly. She would spend hours working on rearranging pieces to her pupils playing level, as well as creating her own. Yoonji would eat meals with them, but she was more of a watcher than an eater. She’d always say she’d get full watching them eat their meals so well. She’s always up to date on memes due to her pupils, some days even repeating some of the new slang to them. Y/n had found out Yoonji likes to upgrade her electronics every couple years, funnily enough the female vampire had taken Jin to finally join them in the modern world with a brand new phone. Yoonji was always vocal about her distaste for Seokjin’s eccentric way of dressing. “Jinnie you’ve been using those pants since the first industrial revolution, please let them go,” She’d heard her say, now thinking back it could’ve been literal. 
Jimin reminded Y/n of her grandmother. She was a bit of an herbalist, and practiced small rituals that her mother used to do in her home. The little things would start to tip her off. Jimin was big on making his own tea blends, and enjoyed gifting a small amount to his returning customers. She’s seen Jimin read tea leaves, and tarot for his customers. He had done a big ritual with the change from summer to autumn. Hell, she remembered that Jimin had knocked her unconscious without so much as touching her. Everything had a purpose, even when one would think otherwise. She’s caught him talking to their plants more times than she can count. Jimin liked to keep the house safe, and she’d see him draw protective sigils around the property. The witch loved to bake, and insisted his pastries could cure anything. Y/n could feel the love, and care Jimin would fill his creations with. He always left the house with a small kit for foraging in his satchel, along with a notebook, and various small drawstring bags. 
More than anything she felt slightly guilty. She’d been basing her knowledge on vampires from ‘Twilight’, and ‘The Vampire Diaries’.  How was she supposed to know vampires apparently live in the outskirts of the city? With roommates? Maybe Taika Waititi was right, vampires are weird and a little reclusive. 
Y/n had a ungodly amount of questions for them:
How long have you been vampires?
Have you ever been dormant?
How long have you owned your current home?
Are you paying off a mortgage?
How is your skin still so silky smooth?
Do you sleep in a coffin, if so do you air it out?
Yet every question she came up with somehow felt more, and more like her brain running on fumes. Y/n would try to sneak glances at Yoonji, but somehow they kept making eye contact, must be vampire instinct. 
Upon having more of a look, Y/n realized the little things gave them away. Yoonji, and Seokjin always had claws, not human type nails. A few times a month she’d see Yoonji fixing her nails, and Jin’s. The permanent dark eye circles that gave away their lack of need for sleep. Yoonji had gone weeks without eating, but still looked relatively healthy when Y/n saw her again. They also carried themselves differently. Both vampires always seemed regal in the way they moved. Yoonji’s extensive knowledge in music should’ve been a dead give away, as well as Seokjin’s very extensive closet. 
But as much as she racked her brain, the more she thought of how they resembled people their age. Yoonji was in love with Kuromi, and had a whole corner dedicated to her collectibles. Seokjin might not be social media savvy, but he was always in the know about the trending restaurants and cafes. The eldest vampire would game for hours, if he had no responsibilities, while Yoonji was a big fan of the local aquarium. Even with the complaints about sun sensitivity, Seokjin was always a nice tan color that made him even more handsome. Though Yoonji looked scary, she actually hated horror movies, or anything of the horror genre. She was terrified of large bugs, and always had to ask Y/n or Jimin to get rid of the creepy crawlies. 
Nothing could’ve tipped her off. 
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Fic Masterlist
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hi everyone, this is the wips i'm currently working on. pretty much explaining why i'm not going to be online a lot of the time in the future - however there might be some drabble or one-shot if i can think of it
wips (majority of these works are going to be +18):
❊ little flower chapter 5
❊ bully me chapter 4
❊ the dragon prince and the wolf maid chapter 1 ↳ this is a namjoon x female reader asoiaf/got au - pretty much my own version of the rhaegar/lyanna story
❊ u r my special chapter 1 ↳ it's either going to be a yoongi or jungkook x female reader and it's going to be dark - like really dark. best way i can put it is: it's not a "i can fix him" fic, it's a "i'm slowing turning into him" fic who do you think it would fit better?
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❊ lovelovelove chapter 1 ↳ the selection au - still need to plan some stuff about this but it's going to involve bts/got7/monsta x members + some ocs. i would also like to involve whoever reads this in making choices - like the types of dates, who gets the date, who gets kicked out of the competition, etc
❊ colours of you prologue ↳ still being planned but it's not a bts fanfic
❊ the little mermaid ↳ title is pretty explanatory. it's a yoonji x female reader story. still debating if it's going to be a long one-shot or a chaptered story
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foxylamento · 2 years
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Make a wish 🔮 part 1
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concealedrecs · 1 year
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Fic: if you and I are together we can smile
author: morelenmir
Fandom: BTS
Pairing: Kim Namjoon/Min Yoongi
Rating: Explicit
Length: 22678
Recommendation: I love a good witch AU as well as anyone else and this one was really interesting. It does have trans Min Yoonji, which if that isn't your thing please don't interact. This has crow shapeshifter Namjoon, Bangtan siblings and more and was honestly just a delight to read.
0 notes
6/6: Working From Home (Panther Hybrid!Yoonji)
Rating: G
Characters: Panther Hybrid!Yoonji x Reader (any gender)
Notes: Day 6 of my birthday surprise series. This is part of the Misunderstood Hybrid headcanons I wrote for BTS a while back. Please note that working from home can refer to anyone who does this and it does not specifically reference the current events. I got the idea to write short blurbs after seeing some comical pictures and moments in video conference calls of pets “helping” their owners work. All content is fictional. Please do not repost anywhere!
“I thought your project was done,” Yoonji grumbled as she watched you get up and throw clothes on.
You fumbled while putting a sweater on and she resisted the urge to laugh as you tried to push your head through the narrow neck hole. Eventually you managed to get it on over your head and you slid your arms into the sleeves.
“It is over,” you confirmed. “But you remember the promotion I got a few weeks ago?”
She nodded as that day was clear in her mind. You came home in a cheery mood, half shouting once you closed the front door that you were promoted at work. Yoonji first came out into the front hall looking sleepy and a bit annoyed about being woken up. Then when you repeated your good news, she perked up and softened her irritated expression. She was so proud of you and that night you had gone out to eat at an upscale restaurant to celebrate.
While it was wonderful news, it did come with the downside of seeing you busier than ever and many times, Yoonji swore she only saw you on the weekends if she was lucky.
You unplugged your phone from the charger and carried it out to the kitchen as you went to grab something for breakfast. You unlocked your phone and saw you had a new text from your boss.
Good morning Y/N! You’ll be working from home today, unless you experience any difficulties with your set-up. Sent 7:15 AM
You paused from checking the cupboards for a quick breakfast option and re-read the text.
Work from home? you thought as you tried to jog your memory about last week. Did your boss even say anything to you about the possibility of working from home?
You tapped your boss’s number saved in your address book and decided to call her. You cradled the phone between your shoulder and ear as you checked a box with instant oatmeal packets to make sure they were still good.
“Good morning,” you greeted your boss. “I got your message and I couldn’t recall if we discussed working from home. I’ll admit I was pretty focused on that proposal we had to deliver to that client in New Hampshire by Thursday.”
“Oh your girlfriend called the office,” your boss replied. “Seemed concerned about your wellbeing as you were getting home late and coming in early. She was unhappy and seemed worried that we were overworking you, but I told her that you’re just a workaholic. I forgot to tell you on Friday that I wanted you to try working from home a few days a week. Unless you prefer to come in.”
You paused and held the phone in your hand. Meanwhile, Yoonji shuffled into the kitchen, smiling quietly as she listened in. She leaned against the adjacent wall and crossed her arms over her chest.
“Oh...well thank you! I think I have everything I need to do my day-to-day tasks,” you replied as you glanced over in the direction of your office. “Do you need me to jump into any meetings via conference call?”
You heard your boss typing, then clicking away on her computer as she checked her calendar. There was a pause, then she confirmed that today was a quiet day.
“Thanks for checking in Y/N, I’ll let you get settled and if you need me, you can always call or text,” your boss replied.
You thanked her before hanging up and putting your phone on the counter. You heard Yoonji murmur a greeting and you looked over at her as she straightened up.
“My boss said “my girlfriend” called last week to complain about my hours,” you began as you turned to face her.
Yoonji shrugged as she walked over to you and closed the cupboard door. She made a beeline for the area where you stored the bread. She removed the twist tie and began sticking slices of toast in the toaster.
“I know last week was crazy, but it’s over,” you reassured her.
“Y/N, I did it out of love,” she sighed. “You didn’t complain, but I was worried about you. You came home late and sometimes I swear I saw you drink way too much coffee. More than any normal person should.”
You shook your head and tilted your head toward Yoonji, a fond smile starting to spread across your face.
“You wanna sit with me in the office today while I work?” you suggested.
Yoonji stared at the office for a few moments then back at you. “You’re going to be sitting in front of a screen all day, aren’t you?” she asked.
You made a face and nodded. She glanced at the office, then at you as she started to grab mugs to fill with coffee for the both of you.
“Maybe I’ll sit with you for a bit,” Yoonji replied. “Please let me handle lunch and for my sake, take a break every now and then. Sitting in front of a screen for hours straight isn’t good for you.”
You picked up the coffee pot and poured some into your mug and nodded as you carried it to the table, taking your seat in front of her. She followed suit, before she returned to the counter to check on the toast. Once it was toasted the correct amount that you liked, she pulled the slices from the toaster and spread some jam on them. She added jam to her pieces and carried the plates over to the table. One was placed in front of you and she took a seat across from you with hers.
You alternated between bites of toast and sips of coffee, checking the clock from time to time. This didn’t go unnoticed by the panther hybrid, who dryly remarked that maybe she needed to hide all clocks from you.
“Habit!” you protested. “I want to be able to start soon so I can finish, then hang with you sooner.”
Yoonji allowed a sweet gummy smile to spread across her lips at your comment and she raised her mug to her lips.
“Well, when you say it like that,” she mused, “you might want to get to work.”
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ratherbefangirling · 2 years
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Summary : You choose to save him but will he do the same.
Pairing : Namjoon × Reader
Genre : Yandere,Drama, Royalty AU, Amnesia AU,
Warnings : Yandere behaviour, Betrayal, Slavery, Debt trapping, implied making out. (Idk that's it I guess)
Part 2 | 3
A/ N : Hope you enjoy this.
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The polished wood of the throne room felt sullied by your steps.
Whispers decorating the court like the trees rustling in an orchard on a windy day.
Whore. Bed warmer. Shameless.
Teary eyes made it hard to look at the man sitting in front of you.
The ornaments on your wrists were nothing more than chains.
The necklace you wore was but a noose on your neck.
Namjoon looked at you coldly. Beside him his sister smirked. Entertained by something.
Still you looked straight refusing to falter under his gaze. Trying to supress the shame of being paraded.
Now he was only a stranger, who you had once thought you had known intimately.
-1 year ago-
As the daughter of the towns physician. You knew a thing or two about medicine. While your father kept you away from the gore of treatment, you often found yourself assisting him after your mother had left.
Disappeared one night on the way to her maternal home. Search for her did not last long the woods near your village were known for its animals.
You searched the woods for medicinal leaves your father had sent you to collect. When you came across a boy. In a bad condition his head bleeding. You quickly checked his pulse and breathing
"Jin-ah." You called out to your brother.
"What is it?" He asks stuffing the leaves in his satchel.
You point at the male.
"He looks like a merchants son." Your brother notes.
"Should we take him back." 
"It's the duty of the physician to help those in need right? And the towns ladies are gonna adore me for it." 
You look at him a look of disbelief and disgust that is often passed between siblings.
With much difficulty you both carry him.
"It is too late to be out at this hour for decency." Your father scolds before noting down the man you carry.
Your father decides to treat him after which you both recieve another earful of his anger.
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When the morning comes Namjoon wakes up in a different environment then he could last recall.
Someones inharmonius singing woke him up.
A female voice.
"Stop it y/n. No one wants to listen to a crow first thing in the morning."
You feel like throwing a spoon at your brother but you can't for two reasons. First you do not want to anger your father any longer. Second your brother was the one cooked food and third with the famine you couldn't waste a drop.
"Why did you have to get all the good characteristics from our parents." You whine under your breath.
Your brother was a subject of envy. Good looking, a good cook, good natured.
It wasn't as if you were bad but he outshone you in all aspects and nobody let you forget it.
Namjoon closed his eyes. He had almost died as he was so close to figuring out his mother's murderer.
One thing was clear the person wanted him dead too.
"Are you awake?" The female called y/n asked entering.
Namjoon needed to stall. A perfect idea came to him.
"Yes. Who are you? Where am I?"
"My brother and I found you unconscious in the forest. My father is a healer so we brought you here. I will call my father. He will check on you. In the meanwhile breakfast"
"Yes please."
You closed the door softly. Last night you hadn't been able to see it but the man was handsome and his husky voice sent shivers down your spine.
Unlike your brother who had the flower boy kind of softness. He had sharp features, dragon eyes, thick lips.
You brought him food. He winced as he raised his arm.
"'Is it hurting?"
He nodded.
"Should I feed you?"
"If it isn't an issue." He said. His language sounded like that of the rich merchants. You wonder who he really was.
You barely managed to keep a straight face.
You had finished feeding him when your dad came and you left the room.
A few moments later your dad came out.
"He has lost his memory." Your dad explained. "He had some money with him and has requested we let him stay."
"I'm not sure letting a stranger stay in our house."
Your brother voices his concern.
"Let's let him stay for a while till he is more physically fit to go about, maybe his family will reward us for finding him." You say.
You father nods.
The boys fever rises so you are tasked with taking his care.
Changing cold cloth to keep his temperature down you give yourself a chance to look at him. You hadn't seen such a handsome boy up so close.
You had to stop yourself from caressing him.
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The boy Joon you called him because it was embroidered on the clothes he had been wearing.
"Joon please help me bring water from the well."
Joon looked up from the book. You had discovered he could read and write well so your father had him copy his books.
"I am not going."
"Please joonie."
The boy was deaf to your pleas.
You sighed.
As you were on the way back. Jungkook and his goons stopped you.
"Y/n why do you do these boring things when you could be doing me instead." You frown in distaste.
Jeon Junkook was the son of the merchant who also gave out loans to people.
While searching for your mother your father had taken loan to cover expenses. He was yet to pay back. This gave Junkook time to come harass you.
"Please leave me." You say.
"Come on if you're nice to me I might make you my concubine instead of selling you in case your father fails to pay me back. "
You fumed but refused to react.
In silence you spend the rest of day not having the energy to scream at Joon who you decided to hold a grudge against because if he had come it might have stopped Jungkook from harassing you.
Namjoon noted your silent behaviour. Your brother and father were out of town to treat a patient.
Today you didn't even respond to comments on your cooking.
For some reason this didn't sit well with him.
Initially he planned to steal and escape from  this house. But for some reason he choose to stay.
He had somehow even grown fond of your out of tune singing.
At night he found you sobbing out in the courtyard.
He felt like murdering who ever made you cry. He also felt like hurting you for crying over someone that wasn't him.
How dare you do that when you had taken up all the space in his mind despite all his efforts.
You wipe your tears.
"I'm sorry did I wake you up?"
"You should be." He said.
For some reason your tears started flowing even more.
He softened.
"Y/n... my baby." He said softly and proceeded to hold you in his arms.
For the first time since your mother died someone held you. You leaned into his warmth as he stroked your hair.
"What's wrong?" He asked
You relayed your fears about becoming Jungkook's concubine.
"You're mine." He declared.
Proceeding to mark the skin on your shoulder.
"J..joon.." You whimper.
You shouldn't. You think.
He looks proud of the bruise he created.
"I know you like me." He says.
You blush.
"Don't worry I'll have you." Before you can ponder on his statement he bops your nose.
"Dream of me." He says and leaves to sleep you sit there in the moonlight shoulder exposed wondering what happened.
In the morning you are afraid he'd pretend nothing happened but instead you both are involved in a threaded game of lingering touches and gazes and flustering one another.
Often when you leave to find herbs you spent the day walking and talking though its mostly you doing the talking. When you get tired he let's you climb on his back on the condition you let him lay on your lap while you rest.
He often writes you poetry. Sometimes let's you sit on his lap while he's working.
At night he sneaks in to your room and marks you. And somedays let's you mark him.
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In all this you forget Jungkook's threat. Until one day he comes with his goons and trashes the house.
Demanding the money.
Your father begs for some more time.
"I'll have her then." Jungkook declares smirking.
"Some more time." Your father requests.
"Five days prepare the money or my bride." He says and leaves.
Your father's knees give way.
Namjoon offers your father money.
Your father stares at him wide eyed.
"I found my friend a while back but I wasn't sure if it was true but now I have confirmed it I can give you enough money to pay back and still have some left on the condition you give me y/n." He bargains.
In the time joon spent with you, your father had come to trust him so he agreed not that he hadn't much choice.
The day of the wedding approached, your face glowed with happiness. Joon had shifted back to his house.
Everything was going well you couldn't believe it not only you had found the man you loved but you were going to be his woman.
You sat in your bedroom.
A knock on your door revealed your brother.
"My little y/n" He said fondly
"You should be calling me hyung."
"But we are twins ."
"True but I came first"
"The only thing you are doing first is getting married but then again he isn't half as good as me."
"Hey don't say anything about my fiance."
"Look at you already taking his side."
He then left you to attend to the guests.
You waited. Soon five minutes turned to ten and ten to an hour. The guests started whispering to each other.
Another hour passed by and soon it became apparent he wouldn't come.
You had no time to mourn as the debtors came to collect you.
You could hear your father begging them to spare you. Your brother promised he would save you.
Someone jeered at you.
"You could be happy with me but you chose to rebel. Pitiful."
You drowned in your emotions were no longer aware of the world, turning the keys so you were locked inside.
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Soon you were auctioned.
A man named Jimin bought you to care for his ailing mother.
He was a kind master.
But you were a slave and that was that.
A few months had passed. Jimins mother was better in joy of her recovering your master had given you money to spend as you went out to the market.
Going to an unfamiliar market was a relief, the cherry blossoms bloomed but you refused to remember Joon. You had spent nights justifying him. Wondering whether he got caught in another accident. Verification of his name Jung Joon revealed that he hadn't existed and had been lying to you. The house he called his had been a man's called Jung Hoseok who was at a high position in the military.
The market was brimming with activity.
You eyed the pretty jewellery. You were fond of jewellery more than you were fond of anything else.
It had greatly saddened you when your father was forced to sell your mother's jewellery.
You looked at the money in your hand as you eyed the exotic belly chains.
You sighed wondering if you'd be able to earn enough to afford them before you died.
You returned to the house without buying anything.
The next morning you found a gift outside your quarters along with sweets.
You opened to find the belly chain you had been eyeing.
You almost shouted in glee.
You went to serve Jimin breakfast.
Before you could say anything.
"You look happy did you like my gift."
"It was the sweetest." You confessed even if you were confused as of how he knew. You really only interact briefly.
"Thank goodness. It's the first time I've seen you smile."
"But can I really have it. Its so expensive.  I wouldn'twant to impose." 
"No worries the king had me promoted and sent me quite a few boxes."
"Thank you my lord." You say graciously.
Would he like it?
You shake your head. Close it and tuck it safely inside your box of belongings.
In the morning the house is in frenzy your masters special guests are arriving.
The whole house is busy perfecting the place. Jimin instructs every one but the serving staff to retire.
"Don't meet their eyes." He warns solemnly.
You make way to your mistresses room.
"Y/n there you are. Settle my pillows, will you?"
Without a word you get to work.
She makes you read her a book.
A strong breeze passes as stormy clouds make way. The door opens with a whine and shuts with a boom.
"Lock my doors and windows and leave." She commands you.
You nod your head and do so quietly closing the door as you leave you crash into someone.
Pulling yourself away you bow in forgiveness remembering your masters warning.
"Ah, pretty girl what are you doing?"  A rich voice enquires.
"Taehyung, let her be she is my mother's nurse." Jimin intervenes. "Leave." He commands you.
"What's the ruckus?" You almost stop at the familiarity of the voice but you know better.
"Nothing of consequence, your highness."  Jimin responds.
The servant quarter is filled with chatter discussing the guests.
You pay no heed to it and slip to sleep.
Your eyes open to find joon laying across you. You're enclosed in his embrace.
It's a dream.
You press yourself closer it must be that voice that triggered it. You refused to deny yourself in a dream.
You wanted to scream at him, cry at him, but more than that you wanted to be with him.
Morning sun wakes you up disoriented.
So it really was a dream, huh?
Another month passes and the days turn warm.
While you weren't fond of winter working in the summer seemed unappealing.
The maids whispered amongst themselves.
Apparently the master had been engaged to the prime ministers daughter whose mother was the sister of the King.
The cooks had prepared special meal to congratulate their master.
The king had invited Jimin to his Palace for the crown Prince's birthday.
You along with another made Eunmi along with his guards were to accompany him.
He bought all of you new clothes for the visit.
Dressed in a soft baby pink, you looked quite nice.
Jimims mother gave you extra instructions for etiquette in front of royalty.
"I will not have you messing the park name."
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When you entered the banquet you could spot the crown princess  Lim Jiwon and beside her your master's fiance Min Yoonji.
Despite the fact you were no one of consequence you felt under equipped compared with those ladies.
You joined the festivities. Your master had left to the throne room to give his gift to the crown prince.
Min Yoonji stood up from her seat and followed by a guard who strangely resembled your brother.
Curious you tagged along discreetly.
She entered the throne room. You saw his face clearly as he stood guard.
His eyes widened as he saw you.
"Y/n...." then his face took a strange look. "Not now I'll find you later meet by the old tree at the back entrance."
You nodded phased by him. Yet you were aware the Palace was a strange place.
Full of snakes chasing their own tails.
Your mind to restless turned the delicious banquet blank.
So you went tonthe old tree to wait for your brother.
The garden was stunning and well cared for.
Afterall it was fertilised by the blood of his enemies. Not that you would no.
You found some newly grown irises.
While you had deemed them to be your favourite flower you had never seen one growing. The purple petals, some might mistake it for lavenders but those had an Aroma irises couldn't match.
You had read about them and taken a fancy. Especially when your mom had told you about the Greek goddess of similar name. The goddess of rainbow. To you rainbows were magical and you had only seen them once.
"Y/n." A voice called out softly.
You turned eyes filled with the beautiful flower and a gasp escaped your lips.
Here he stood the man of your dreams, the Prince of your nightmares.
Dressed in a gown fit for royalty.
Your legs gave away.
He came closer to hold you.
"N-no... no.. it can't be no..." 
"I've gone mad Yes that must be it... I've finally snapped." You mumble to yourself.
"Your highness." A voice calls urgently.
The head eunuch.
Namjoon had gone out to the garden missing you. For some reason he had felt your absence particularly today. He was never the one for birthdays. It was all a royal parade anyway.
So he was surprised to find you. He felt irritation for you ruining his plans but more than that he felt grateful to have found you. He wanted to turn the pink of your lips into red and skin purple like your favourite flowers he had grown with care.
He had sacrificed you for you.
Most of his plans were in motion. It was only of a matter of time he'd have come to save you from the prison he had created.
But seeing you had awakened the beast he'd so hard suppressed.
Here you lay defenseless infront of him. Passed out at seeing him.
He knew winning your heart back wouldn't be easier considering the circumstances you had found out he was alive. Oh well. Namjoon was nothing but a patient man and well prepared. Always.
It wasn't like there was anybody who could take you away from him.
There wasn't anyone who could save you.
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Hi how are you guys? Its been a while I guess.
Authors Note 📝
This one was to celebrate the 250 followers landmark but people unfollowed me so um below that again. That's fine though. Still hope you enjoy.
Please let me know your thoughts.
Hope you're having a great day beautiful.
Taglist : @mwitsmejk
Update : since some of you guys liked it I'm writing a part 2, I don't know how long it might take so if you want to be added to the taglist of part 2 let me know
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dembyhhesse · 2 years
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