#BTS Drama
andrhomeda · 1 month
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working on a hyyh yoonkook inspired fancomic
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dead-leaves · 2 months
Talk about perfect casting? how did they find a literal ray of sunshine😭 look at him and tell me Park Haru is not Park Jimin
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hobeemin · 9 months
vice ⚖️ teaser
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⚖️ genre: smut, angst, drama, crime, thriller, f2l, soulmates to lovers, forbidden romance
⚖️ pairing: mafia boss!kim seokjin x (f) poc detective!oc
⚖️ summary: after disappearing 15 years prior, kim seokjin has returned running one of the biggest companies in the city. a powerful and charismatic ceo, no one has ever told him no. but he has a secret...how will his blooming romance with a childhood friend, now detective affect his lucrative activities?
⚖️ rating: 18+
⚖️ warning(s): swearing, physical violence, crimes, weapons, injuries, blood, murder, threats
⚖️ word count: 766
⚖️ credits: Many thanks to @raplinesmoon for looking this over and giving me much-needed feedback! 💜💜
a big shoutout to @dee-ehn for making this kick ass banner and divider!
⚖️ a/n: this has been in my wips for a long time now...as i slowly try to finish old fics and the ones I've plotted it out, its time to release something new! enjoy!
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“How long do we have Yoongi?”
“Less than half an hour, Hyungnim.”
His lips thinned as he glanced at his watch. “I guess you better hurry this up then.”
“Well, the helicopter is on the way–”
“Fine. We’ll take care of this on the helipad then.”
He walked off before Yoongi could speak; instead, he sighed and followed his boss to the elevator. The man waited until Yoongi hit one of the buttons. Yoongi glanced down at his phone. They had little time, and he'd be punished if they deviated from his schedule.
They reached the top floor in silence. He walked out with Yoongi in tow, only stepping before him to open the door. A flash of light made his eyelids blink, adjusting to the sun. They were on the rooftop of a highrise building. The helicopter off to the side, propellers turning. The wind whipped his tie as he approached three other men, two standing and the one in the middle on his knees with a cloth bag over his head. He gestured to them when he stood before the man on the ground.
They snatched the bag off his head, and the man’s eyes blinked erratically as the light blinded him momentarily. Once he glanced at the man standing before him, his face paled.
“That's Kim Seokjin to you, maggot,” Yoongi snapped, stepping forward to strike him across the face.
Jin shook his head, placing his hand on Yoongi’s shoulder. “Now, where are your manners? This isn’t how we take care of business.”
“Forgive me, Hyungnim,” Yoongi murmured, stepping back.
Placing his hands behind his back, he looked at the other two. “Namjoon, Jungkook, has he been forthcoming with any information?”
“None, Hyungnim,” Namjoon replied.
Jin tutted softly as the tiniest of smirks appeared across his face.
“I’m only going to ask this once. Where’s my money?”
“What money?”
Jin chuckled, shaking his head. “I’m fairly certain; I said I would only ask this once. However, I consider myself merciful, so I’ll ask this again. Where is my money?”
The man spat down at his feet, growling with hatred. “You’ll die for this, Kim.”
Jin smirked once more as he began to roll up his sleeves. “My usual methods aren’t working, so now we’ll just have to do things the old-fashioned way.”
Yoongi handed him a small box, opening the lid. Jin gave him his cell phone before taking out the two brass knuckles that glittered under the sunlight. Slipping them on, he flexed his fingers. 
“Lovely, aren’t they? Never gets old. It seems once these are used, people’s minds change.”
Bones crunching filled the air as the man’s head jerked to the side. Blood sprayed onto the concrete as Jin stepped back in disgust.
“If you got blood on my suit, I’ll kill you,” he hissed.
The man trembled, looking up at Jin. “I-If I knew where your money was, I’d tell you.”
Jin reeled his foot back, slamming it into the man’s gut. He cried out in pain, crumbling to the ground in a ball. He brushed his hair back, rolling his shoulders.
“I’m tired of this game, maggot,” he snapped his fingers as Jungkook and Namjoon lifted the man to his feet. The man sniffled as the blood still dripped from his nose.
“Well, when you put it that way. Sure, I’ll show you some leniency.” 
“Oh, thank you! Thank you!” 
Jin rolled his eyes, giving them a nod. Jungkook and Nmajoon lifted the man over the side. He struggled, screaming as they let go. His cries grew faint until the body slammed onto the street below. Jin removed his brass knuckles, placing them back in the box Yoongi held out for him. He adjusted his suit, nodding to his men as they ushered him to the helicopter.
“Make sure to clean that mess up, Namjoon,” he instructed.
“Yes, Hyungnim.”
Suddenly, the phone in Yoongi’s hand began to ring. He looked at the contact and handed the phone back to Jin. “Hyungnim.”
Jin waved him away. “Not now, Yoongi.”
“You might want to take this.”
Jin’s eyes darted to the screen as he snatched it away. Smiling, he answered it brightly. “Eomma! Yes, I know I was supposed to call last night…I’m sorry, business got hectic. Will I be home to visit? Of course! When? Sometime soon, I promise. Give Seokjoong and his family my love. Talk to you soon.”
Sighing, he laid back against the seat, closing his eyes. “Yoongi?”
“Yes, Hyungnim?”
“I think it’s time I visit home. Fifteen years is long enough to be away.”
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kookblurx · 11 months
always and forever - kth
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→ SUMMARY: Falling in love with him was easy.... so easy that it didnt felt real in the end.
→ GENRE: one-sided love, drama, sadness, heart break
→ RATING: 13
→ NOTE: hey guys, so i came up with a new theme and yes i deleted arranged marriage. im really sorry to everyone who wanted to keep up with it but i needed some change. i will upload one shots from now on and maybe some short fics about various kpop groups ( ofc also about BTS ). hope you will enjoy them.
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meeting him felt like a truck had hit you. full speed into the right spots. seeing his smile while he talked with the others in the office, stole your breath as you hid behind your computer screen. you could see the little sparkles in his eyes whenever someone cracked a joke. after a week you could memorize what his favourite coffee was and how he always made his way to the snack corner, first thing in the morning. it was weird. you knew all his habits but his name was still a mistery to you. you were never interested in the man who worked in your company but something about him was different. how he talked, walked, how he treated everyone with respect and how he always had a bright smile on his face. it made your heart skip a beat ever single time. it felt like you were back in highschool, experiencing your firsl love all over again.
the moment of truth came as you were ordered to bring some documents to the floor he was working in. your hands became sweaty as the elevator slowly reached the 5th floor. would he be happy to receive the documents from someone as plain looking as you? nervously you fixed your hair in the mirror before the doors slowly opened. it was now or never. pressing the folder against your chest, you made your way over to his desk. of course he was surrounded by other co workers, especially woman. for a moment you stopped. it would be so easy to give the documents to someone else, telling them you are in a hurry. no. like this you will never be able to ask him for his name. taking a deep breath your feet carried you over to the crouded desk. pushing yourself past the other woman in their pencil skirts, you finally managed to get to him. clumsy as you were, it was inevitable that you bumped against his shoulder.
"Im sorry"
you mumbled while pressing the folder against your chest. instead of getting mad at you he flashed you with his beautiful smile again, before reaching out his hands.
"thank you ... uh ..."
this was your chance to introduce yourself, to finally take a step closer to getting to know him. as the other woman looked you up and down ... your voice became stuck inside your throat. they were all so beautiful compared to yourself. he surely doesnt want to know your name, he had plenty of company. his eyes, however, were still glued to you, waiting for an answer.
"Me? ... Oh im Y/N"
"Thats a beautiful name. I'm Kim Taehyung"
since that day everything changed. you finally had the courage to greet him in the mornings and even spent your lunchbreaks with him. taehyung was an easy going guy who, to your suprise, didnt liked the attention he got from the other female workers. he preferred to be alone but he was fine with your company. you were easy to talk to and didnt tried to get into his "pants". your days had been filled with so much joy that you wished that this would never pass. that you two would keep continuing like this.
"You know .. I dont even get it. Why do they all seem interested in me? The day i got here.. suddenly everyone swarmed me. Not only the females but also my male co workers"
taehyung kept munching on an apple piece you had shared with him while he kept ranting about the attention he got from his co workers. like he did every single day. you couldnt help but laugh at it everytime. it was funny that a guy like him wasnt aware how he effected others with his presence. he wasnt even aware that your heart nearly jumped out of your chest whenever his fingertips accidentally touched yours.
everything could had be perfect, it could had stayed like this forever. just the two of you spending their lunchbreaks together and hanging out in bars after work. that was enough for you, at least for the time being. after a while taehyung stopped spending his lunchbreaks with you. no one knew where he always went during his breaks but taehyung was always back on time when the break ended. somehow he looked brighter than before, he was literally glowing whenever he had the time to meet you. something had happened in his life and it made you feel uneasy.
it was one of those nights you two spent at your favourite bar. the air was chilly as they were annoucing the first few days of december. sipping on your glass of alcohol your gaze went over to taehyung. even today he was more busy with his phone than talking with you, everything you said hitted a wall. it was hopeless. something, or someone was keeping him on his feet. grabbing your glass more tightly you made a decision. nearly at the same time the two of you turned around to face each other
"Taehyung I - ... !"
"YN ... You know- ..."
blinking in suprise you started to laugh. finally he had looked up from his phone to talk with you.
"You go first. You were on your phone the whole time so .. tell me, whats up"
suddenly taehyung became extremely nervous, you never saw him like this before. his cheeks grew red and he kept fidgeting with his phone inside his hands. somehow he seemed ... in love? no that cant be right? someone like taehyung wouldnt fall in love that easily with someone like you.
"You see ... I ... met someone! Thats why im always on my phone. She is really sweet and we both hitted it off immediately after i met her in a bar. I didnt knew if i should tell anyone about it yet but ... you are basically my best friend so .. i thought you should know it first!"
best friend. hearing those words from the person you love the most, sent daggers through your heart. with all the strenght you had left, you gave him a smile.
"Thats ... Thats awesome! Im happy for you Taehyung"
that night you cried into your pillow as your heart shattered into tiny little pieces. it was your fault. your fault for not telling him sooner, for being happy to just spend time with him .. it was your fault for thinking he would be by your side forever.
as expected it spread like a bush fire that kim taehyung found himself a girlfriend. she was a beautiful woman who worked one floor underneath your office. beside her appearance she was also really kind and tried to befriend you. she said "friends of taehyung are my friends too!" it made you sick to your stomach that she was literally perfect. perfect for him.
days, weeks and months went by without a single change. your heart still ached whenever you saw taeyhung in the parking lot with his girlfriend. they always held hands with each other or he kept embracing her as he said goodbye. you thought that, after 5 months, it would become easier. it didnt. for you, taeyhung was the perfect guy. a guy you could picture a future with but he wasnt meant for you. you two werent meant for each other. if fate would had wanted that .. it would had given you the courage to confess to him sooner. that woman was his destiny. you were just a by stander in his story. a friend. a best friend.
after a year of working in the same company, taehyung announced his engagement with her. everyone was invited to the wedding, including you. you wanted to decline but it didnt felt right. like in the past you were too scared to speak up. you didnt wantes to ruin his happiness. taehyung was too important to you, even now after all this time.
the wedding was beautiful. taehyung and his wife were beautiful. looking up at the sky while the freshly married couple shared a dance, a tear rolled down your cheek. it felt bittersweet watching the love of your life getting married to someone else. carefully someone placed a hand on your shoulder, quickly you wiped away your tears. after turning around you noticed that it was one of your co workers. in all this chaos of the last year you had forgotten his name. a soft smile was seen on his face as he gently squeezed your shoulder
"it hurts huh?"
"what do you mean?"
with a motion of his head he pointed at the newly wed couple
"that girl over there, the bride.. i had a crush on her for weeks. sadly it never worked out"
you werent really sure if you heard that right. fate was a tricky thing who liked to hurt people in the messiest ways. but it also loved to bring together the people who needed each other the most. with a smile on your face, you faced the stranger as he offered to go over to the bar to grab some drinks.
after the wedding the stranger you met there kept visiting you at your desk. by now you finally were able to get his name. he was Hoseok, in short, Hobi from the same floor as you. he worked as a secretary for the boss so you hadnt seen him much around. healing each others hearts wasnt an easy task but it was better than handling it alone. none of you could avoid gazing at the person you lost. whenever taehyung walked past you or the woman ... one of you always followed them with their eyes.
love hurts. one sided love hurts. it shatters your heart into million little pieces. while one person is happy, the other drowns in sadness. it took you 3 years to finally fell out of love with taehyung. him switching companies also helped a little bit. you two still talk sometimes. not often but taehyung made sure to meet you at least 4 times a month. the last time you saw him he told you about the baby which was growing inside his wifes belly. he sounded so happy as you tried to swallow the tears and the sadness. even if you got over him, seeing him so happy and sharing stories about his family .. still stung a little bit.
the contact between you two became less and less .. and finally after 5 years ... it stopped. you hadnt heard from him. he never called back and you didnt even knew how he was. if he still worked in the same company, if he moved .. if he was still together with her, nothing. while living your life to the fullest you never had managed to get rid of the photo you took of him one summer day. from time to time you took it out of your drawer. remembering the good times you two shared with each other. despite everything ... you still hoped that he kept his bright smile. no matter where he was right now. you hoped ... he would never lose it.
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adabisworld · 2 years
Stars to my moon
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Genre: Soulmateau! Idolau! Angst;fluff;drama;romance, polyAu!
Summary: He took big strides, halting right in front of me as he bends to my eye level, causing me lean back a little. I could feel his breath fanning my face, looking into his eyes, I could see a storm of anger into them.
"We have been nothing but considerate of you and your feelings, while all you've given in return is rejection and cold shoulder since day one." He grits out.
when Selene's 22nd birthday doesn't go as she expected, her world turns upside down, making her resent her soulmates. Will she ever come to accept them in her life or will she continue to run away holding onto her past love?
word count: 1050
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 The sunlight coming through the white curtains lightning the room, and the sound of birds chirping outside on the tree, disturbed the much-needed sleep I was hoping to get. The soft breeze from the window caressing my sweaty face gave me some comfort. My mind was still hazy from last night's event.
 As my mind started recalling the reason behind my raging headache, I jolted right up to look for my phone hoping to see a call or a text from him. The disappointment of seeing none in the sea of congratulations from my friends and family struck me like lightning. Yesterday was supposed to be a confirmation that we're soulmates. We were supposed to be happy, not heartbroken. I didn't just lose my love, I lost my best friend too. I didn't realize, I was crying until I saw my phone screen wet. Clenching my eyes shut, I tried not to cry, but all I could see or think about was him.
                                last night
My heart melted as my eyes landed on the beautiful necklace Eric bought me for my birthday. I looked up into his eyes which were awaiting my response,
"Eric," I said as my mouth broke into a huge grin.
"It's beautiful," I told him as my eyes landed on the beautiful stary necklace again. 
Eric's voice made my eyes settle on his, " it took me some time though I finally found the perfect gift for my perfect girl." he said making my cheeks grow heated, butterflies erupting in my stomach even after all this time as I hung my head to hide the effect he still has on me. He loves doing it, making my cheeks flush. 
The sound of the chair gliding against the floor stole my attention, I see him getting up from his chair and coming to stand behind me with the necklace in his hands and moving my hair to the side, settling the piece on my neck. The chain was golden and long enough for the stars to touch between my clavicles, which were shining bright, making my breath hitch with the beauty of the neckpiece.
 A sudden stinging pain took place between my shoulder blades.
"Ah!" a groan left my lips as I closed my eyes and held the tablecloth between my closed fist .As fast as it came, the pain was gone and I was able to breathe again.
The realization of the reason behind the sudden ache had a glooming smile plastered on my face as I tried to touch the place where now my soul mark rests.
I turned around with excitement, jumped to my feet, and wrapped my arms around his tall and slender figure, his musky scent invading my senses reminding me of home and home he was. He was there when I took my first steps when I joined the elementary school, and when I got bullied in high school for my brown skin and ethnicity, he was always there, protecting me from the world. Though we only officially have been dating for the past six years, we always believed each other to be our soul mates. Even the people around us had no doubt.
 When he still didn't move or hug me back, I stepped back and placed my palm on his left cheek: gently calling for him. His eyes found mine as I tried to decipher the emotions swimming behind his blue orbs. The joy of getting my soul mark made me assume his tears were of the same .I leaned in to connect my lips to his, wanting to taste his cupid lips, but he backed away, making my beaming smile turn into a frown.
"what's wrong Eric?" I asked. 
" now we can officially call each other soulmates, Aren’t you happy?"
but the next words that came out of his mouth told me exactly the reason behind his turmoil.
" your soul mark.." he gulped and closed his eyes, a lone tear fell on his cheek as he opened them. "it's very beautiful, but i...I don't think we are soulmates" he chuckled bitterly. "cause I didn't get a soul mark when you touched me." 
"We were wrong... I can't believe we were wrong for so long" he mumbled while stepping away from me.
My brain took a minute to process his words and I stumbled back as they finally hit me. NO, I thought. My eyes looked for his mark or lack thereof for confirmation and as he said there was nothing.
"NO", "no no no no..." I kept mumbling. " it can't be, we are meant to be together eric, we have always been together." I clutched his shirt wanting nothing more than the words coming out of my mouth to be true, for him to assure me that nothing will change. 
"it's okay, it's okay, we don't need the marks to tell us we are meant to be. We can be happy without the stamp of approval of the marks," I said frantically while Eric was trying to get out of my hold shaking his head.
"No, Selene. There are other people, our actual soulmates, we need to think of, who will be affected by this if we try to ignore the soul bonds" he said softly, not wanting me to lose my mind further.
I turned away from him, "I need a drink" I said, chugging down the contents of my glass of wine, which was brought to celebrate my 22nd birthday, my special day. The day we both were eagerly waiting for, to finally show everyone that we indeed are soulmates but, NO the world likes to throw curveballs at my face every time I feel even a spurt of happiness and this is a fucking huge one. 
I slowly slide down to my chair, clutching the necklace he just gave me, remembering our moments. Everything we went through together, every time the world got against us we stood together facing it but now? now he wants to let go of the hand he promised to hold forever. All the sweet words of promises he gave me vanish into nothing. 
"We can still be friends, Selene. We don't need to throw everything away but, I just can't be with you like that anymore knowing you belong to someone else," he says shaking his head, and stopping my thoughts abruptly.
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korra-the-red-lion · 2 years
Look y'all, I didn't want to be involved in Don’t Worry Darling BTS drama. I was staying away from it all. But when I saw that video of Styles spitting in Pine's lap, I got invested. I don't even know if I want to see the movie now but I sure as hell need an autobiography from Pine and a limited series 10 episode drama about it now.
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seikiro · 1 month
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Tonight you will know how much I love you
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night-rider-lily · 4 months
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At this point i just live and breathe drama behind the scene pictures, especially The Untamed since they are so funny- It's chaotic. How on earth did they manage to film it in time?
All jokes aside, the whole cast is just amazingly talented and it's a shame that aside from Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo, no one else has really "skyrocketed". There are so many talented people who deserve better roles, leading roles even.
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knightofmordred · 5 months
happy 10yr anniversary to the musketeers !! we all love some bts pics, so ask and you shall receive !!
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786 notes · View notes
ourtubahero-blog · 6 months
They literally went from this:
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To this:
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500 notes · View notes
silverquillsideas · 2 months
Hello! My friend is doing her masters research on BL fandom experience in India. It would be a great help if you could spare a few minutes to fill out this survey below!! ❤️
Please reblog and share!! ✨
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gunsatthaphan · 8 months
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#new territories.
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hobeemin · 1 year
fool’s gold
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💰 genre: angst, smut, drama, established relationship au, lovers to enemies
💰 pairing(s): ceo!kim namjoon x doctor!poc (f)reader x lawyer!kim seokjin
💰 summary: "the cause of broken marriages is selfishness in one form or another" - vance havner
vows were never meant to be broken yet here they were. the problem is how can you quit the very person you know is your soulmate?
💰 rating: 18+
💰 warning(s): divorce, infidelity, depression, anxiety, gossip, drinking, swearing, pregnancy, gossip, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, dirty talk, teasing, angry sex
💰 word count: 4.5k
💰 credits: a huge shoutout to @daimyosjeon​ and @sugakookitty​ for beta reading this fic. i hadn’t written anything in awhile so i appreciate the feedback you both gave cause i was so unsure of this fic 💜💜
banner resources found here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
💰 a/n: for the heartbroken society collab hosted by @shina913​ @playmetheclassics​ & @jeonlius​
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The horns outside roused the two occupants awake. The man blinked, trying to remove the sleep from his eyes. His lover didn’t take long to rise from the bed and search for her clothing strewn around the room. He watched with interest as she dressed, only sitting back down on the edge of the bed to put her shoes back on.
“Leaving so soon?”
She sighed as she felt his hand touch her lower back. She almost recoiled from it.
“We go through this every time, Namjoon. You know I can’t stay.”
He frowned, rolling onto his back as he looked at the ceiling. “You can; you just never do.”
She stood, walking over to the mirror at the dresser. “I’m not going to get into this with you right now, and I need coffee before my meeting this morning.”
He rolled his eyes. “Always a pleasure Y/N.”
Y/N sat at the table, fiddling with a pen in her hand. Her eyes kept glancing at the clock.
Late as usual.
“Are you sure he knew when the settlement started?”
She huffed, turning to the man beside her. “Jin, I’m sure of it, and it was scheduled months ago.”
Jin sat back and adjusted his tie. “Being late will only make the judge hate him more.”
The door opened as the judge walked in. She nodded to the three people sitting and sat down. “I see he’s late again,” she murmured, opening her files. 
The second man finally spoke up, his features slightly annoyed. “Your honor, I’ve called my client but haven’t been able to reach him–”
The door to the conference room burst open as Namjoon entered, looking disheveled. He planted himself in the seat next to his lawyer and gave the judge a small smile.
“My apologies, Judge Park. Traffic.”
Judge Park scowled. “Traffic didn’t stop everyone else from being here on time. Mr. Kim, I’d suggest you get your priorities straight. After all, this is your divorce settlement.”
The judge continued to drone on, summarizing what had been said in the last few sessions. 
Y/N glared at Namjoon. After seven years of marriage, they called it quits. They didn’t try to hold on to their marriage. How she felt about him and made her think they weren’t aligned. The bills from their marriage counselor were proof enough. 
After a particularly nasty scandal involving a secretary, Y/N called it quits. She was tired of the whispers and the looks she received working at the hospital, which added even more stress to her already fast-paced life.
And yet. 
She looked across the table at her soon-to-be ex-husband. Why couldn’t she stay away? The guilt of that morning still lingered, and the thought made her face heat up if they had any idea what she and Namjoon did the night before.
Feeling eyes on her, she looked up from her papers to see Namjoon glancing at her. She looked over at her lawyer. Jin was preoccupied with the judge, reading over his notes and paying attention, as was Namjoon’s lawyer. She rolled her eyes as a smirk spread across his face. The sudden urge to wipe it off his face with her fist grew each moment. When he sent a wink her way, Y/N let out an audible groan making both lawyers stop talking. 
They turned, looking at her curiously. Jin raised an eyebrow at her in concern as he reached for his glass. “Everything alright, Dr. Kim?”
Y/N flashed him a smile. 
Judge Park pressed her hands together with a nod to each person.
“It seems these are the terms from both parties. If we’ve reached an agreement, these can be drawn up, and in our next meeting, we’ll only need signatures. How do we–”
“Your Honor?”
Y/N huffed out a breath as Namjoon spoke up. Adjusting his tie, he shot her a look with a grin. “I’d like to go over the logistics of the assets once more.”
Jin frowned. “I’m sorry, but what wasn’t clear before?”
Namjoon murmured as he leafed through the sheets. Once he reached the section, he chuckled, flipping it around and placing his finger near it. 
“The vacation property. What do you plan to do with it?”
Was he for real?
Y/N crossed her arms over her chest. “You can’t be serious. Why do you care what I do with it?”
“Humor me, please.”
A frown crossed her face. “Sell it.”
His eyes widened in surprise. “Wha–B-But why?! We built it together, Y/N!”
A snarl erupted from between her lips. “It lost all value when you decided to bring multiple women into our bedroom, Namjoon.”
“I will have to step in and cease this conversation. This session is adjourned.”
As the judge stood, the group did as well until she left the room. Y/N sighed heavily as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. Namjoon observed the action. Yep. She was stressed, and it was her way of coping with it. He remembered when he first saw her do it as a university student, and they were studying in his dorm during finals week.
“Helps me calm down,” she once said.
He realized he’d been staring once her eyes fell on him. He looked away in haste. She rolled her eyes until she felt a hand on her arm. Y/N turned to see Jin standing next to her. He removed his hand once he realized they were still around other people. He dropped his voice enough for her to hear.
“Call me later?”
She nodded, giving him a small smile. Relief passed his features as he gathered his papers and put them into his suitcase. The group headed to the elevators waiting for it to stop at their floor.
“Where’s Haneul?”
Y/N scoffed at the question, keeping her eyes facing the elevator. “So now you care about your daughter?”
Namjoon sighed, feeling the sudden headache grow. “She’s just as much my daughter as she is yours.”
She rounded on him, and her temper began to flare. “I wish you wouldn’t try to test me. Keep it up, Joon. I’m trying to be fair, but if you keep antagonizing me, I will ensure you only get limited visits with her.”
“You wouldn’t do that, Y/N,” he accused quietly. Namjoon narrowed his eyes at his wife, and she was playing hardball now. He was a lousy husband but prided himself on being a great father.
Jin glanced between the two of them. “This isn’t the proper place for this discussion.”
“I’m aware, Seokjin,” she snapped before returning to Namjoon. “She’s staying with my parents; they flew in a few days ago. Happy?”
“Very. Thanks,” he mumbled. “I’ll pick her up on Friday and take her to school on Monday morning.”
She nodded, pressing the button that led to the parking garage. At least she could be civil when it came to their daughter.
“Fine with me. Just call before you arrive.”
Namjoon hummed in agreement, and the elevator ride fell into silence. As he leaned against the wall, deep in thought, he noticed something. Seokjin stood too close to his wife– he refused to call her his ex until the papers were signed. They were merely separated. But Y/N didn’t move away from Seokjin; she quickly smiled at him. Namjoon’s knuckles paled as he gripped his suitcase tighter. Clenching his jaw, he cleared his throat.
“Are you going back to work now?”
Y/N stepped away from Seokjin and turned to Namjoon. “No, I took a leave of absence.” Seeing his facial expression, she sighed. “It’s fine, and I have enough residents to help until I’m back.”
The last thing she wanted to do was have him pry about why she took time off work, and all it would do was lead to another argument. She was relieved when the elevator finally reached the parking level she was on. As the door opened, Seokjin held the button. She turned toward Namjoon with a curt nod. 
“I’ll see you soon, Namjoon. I’ll let Haneul know you’ll pick her up.”
“Thank you. See you Friday.”
As she walked out, Seokjin followed, tipping his imaginary hat to him just as the doors shut. Namjoon frowned as he got off at the next level. Why did seeing her with Jin rustle his feathers so much? Not only would that be inappropriate, but it would also be an extreme conflict of interest. He was her lawyer, for crying out loud. 
Would that stop you?
He shook off the thoughts, frowning as he walked to his car. Yes, things had gotten bad between them, but they always ended up in bed together for the most part. Regardless of their thoughts of each other, no matter how toxic it was, Namjoon and Y/N still had some physical attraction to each other.
“Oh shit!”
Y/N whipped her head back, biting down hard on her lip. One hand gripped the counter's edge, and the other tangled into dark hair from the scalp for dear life. She willed herself to open her eyes and look down at the head between her legs. 
She bit back a scream as she rutted against his mouth. He massaged her inner thighs, placing soft kisses along her skin, making his way up to her pussy lips. His finger stroked her slit, gauging her reaction. His fingers dug into her thighs as his lips laid an assault on her swollen clit. Y/N’s hips bucked, making him chuckle as he pulled away.
At the sudden loss of contact, a frown formed on her face. Mischievous eyes met hers as his tongue licked a thick strip along her seam, causing her to jolt. 
Y/N eyed him with scrutiny.
Giving in would only make things rough. He knew what he was doing to her. A smirk spread on his face, watching her come undone.
“I don’t know why you’re being so stubborn. Just say my name, and I’ll let you come, darling.”
Making a point, he spread her lips, zeroing in on her clit. He flicked it gently, followed by a smack. With a muffled moan, Y/N’s hips bucked. Collecting her arousal on his tongue with kitten licks, he let out a hungry moan before covering her clit with his mouth, causing her to cry. He let go of her clit, letting his tongue travel down to her entrance. He hummed as he feasted, enjoying how close she was to unraveling. Gasping, she gripped his hair more, making a hiss slip past his pillowy lips as she anchored herself. 
“Let go, Y/N. I know you want to, darling. It’s alright,” he coaxed silkily.
The tight coils in her belly released so suddenly that she almost scooted off the counter. He held down her thighs to keep her from falling as she cried out. The aftershocks were so intense she kept shivering as he stood from his spot. He picked her up in his arms, cradling her against his chest.
“Anything to say, Y/N?”
Finally catching her breath, she looked at him with a chuckle.
“Fuck you, Kim Seokjin.”
Y/N emerged wrapped in a towel, shower bonnet on her head as the steam billowed from the shower in the bathroom shower. The smells wafting throughout the apartment made her mouth water as she removed the bonnet shaking her faux locs from their confines. Slipping into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, she padded back into the living room, going toward the kitchen. A man stood around, turned by the stove, stirring something in a pot. Smiling, she walked behind him, wrapping her arms around his torso.
“Something smells delicious.”
Jin laughed as he paused his stirring. Turning, he bent down to kiss her before focusing on the pot. “It’s almost done. Wanna taste?”
“Do you have to ask me?”
He grabbed a spoon from the drawer and scooped some of the sauce onto the spoon. He blew it gently before bringing it to her lips. Y/N tasted the sauce, humming at how delicious it was. 
“Not bad, Mr. Kim.”
He laughed, putting the lid on the pot. “Not bad, my ass. It’s the best kimchi tofu soup ever.”
She scoffed, removing her hands from his torso, and grabbed bowls from the cabinets. “And feed your already bloated ego? You think so little of me.”
Jin smirked as he swatted her ass playfully and kissed her cheek. “I think of you just fine. You ready to eat?”
She nodded as she helped set the table. Jin brought out the side dishes, scooping the rice into two small bowls. They sat down moments later, and Jin opened a bottle of wine, pouring each a glass. Sitting there in silence felt calming. No yelling or arguments...just peace.
She spoke too soon.
Jin took a sip of his wine before digging into his soup. “How are you feeling?”
Y/N’s brow arched in curiosity. “In what way?”
His smile reached the corner of his mouth. “You’re being coy, but I meant the settlement and Namjoon.”
Her nose wrinkled in distaste. “Do we have to talk about that?”
“But as your lawyer–”
“Correction...yes, you are my lawyer, Jin; however, we are off the clock. I don’t want to talk about that right now, please.”
“Fine. But I do have one more question.”
Y/N gave a lackluster smile but urged him to continue.
“When am I going to meet Haneul?”
She blinked once. Then twice. Where was this all coming from? As she remained silent, Jin began to feel agitated.
“It’s not a difficult question, Y/N. I mean, we’ve been seeing each other for almost a year. Don’t you think it’s time?”
"No. No, I don't," she answered. 
He stared at her in disbelief, frown lines forming on his face. "No?"
All she wanted was a quiet dinner with him. Was that so hard to ask? The last thing she wanted was to think about custody hearings and the divorce. It was hard enough taking a leave of absence was hard enough, and work helped her be distracted. 
Y/N rubbed her nose bridge again to alleviate the pain between her eyes.
Why was he ruining this?
Standing, she met his gaze as her lips drooped into a frown.
“I think I should leave.”
Jin swore under his breath, rising from his seat. “Why are you being so dramatic? It’s just a question.”
Rolling her eyes upward, she stormed off, grabbing her belongings and shoving them into a bag. “I don’t have time for this, Jin.”
He followed her into the bedroom, watching her dress. “Then make time.”
Her posture straightened as she let out a hiss, eyes narrowing. “What did you say?”
He walked up to her crossing his arms over his expansive chest. “We knew what we were doing, starting something. You’re so caught up in what everyone will think; you can’t see that someone cares about you.”
His voice lowered, reaching out to grab her hand. “Y/N, please stay. It’s late, and I don’t want to upset you.”
She shook her head as Jin’s thumbs circled the top of her hands. The gesture calmed her nerves as she thought about what he had said. She didn't want to admit it, but he was right in some aspects. Sighing, she looked up at Jin and nodded.
“I get what you’re saying, but can we slow things down for a while? I want to be able to do things right this time.”
Jin leaned in and kissed her forehead gently. “Yes. I’m willing to wait as long as it takes for you.”
Namjoon stared out at the skyline, drink in hand. The condensation coated his fingers. Brows furrowed as his insecurities began to eat away at him. Why was he feeling like this? He hadn’t been able to shake the suspicious feeling since seeing Y/N in the elevator. Something was up, and he did like the unknown. Lost in his thoughts, he barely felt the hands encircling his waist. Lips pressing against his earlobe caused him to shudder. A smirk ghosted her face.
“Come back to bed.”
“Can’t sleep,” he muttered.
She frowned, reaching out to take the glass from his hands. “You’re drinking again.”
“Helps me get to sleep.”
“No, it doesn’t. Just makes the bad things go away temporarily.”
Namjoon let out a heavy sigh as he fought to roll his eyes. “You gonna lecture all night and ruin my buzz?”
She scoffed with a frown. “Not unless you come back to bed.”
She sucked in her teeth, glaring at the back of his head. “Namjoon, you’re making this easy for me to decide.”
“Decide what?”
“To leave you completely.”
He turned to look at her with a stare of disbelief. “Tiffany, you can’t be serious.”
She crossed her hands over her chest. “Very. It was fun while it lasted, but you’re a mess.”
“I wasn’t messed up when you came here today,” he taunted. “It wasn’t messed up when you and I started this. Admit it, you didn’t care you were fucking a married man, and you sure didn’t care that it was the husband of your colleague.”
“You’re a bastard,” she hissed.
Smirking, he gripped her by the hair, tugging her toward him. “I know. Now kiss me.”
Her lips smashed against his as he laid claim once again. The glass slipped from his hands, falling to the floor in an earth-shattering crash, making her pull away momentarily.
“Leave it,” he murmured against her lips.
Picking her up by the waist, her legs wrapped around him instinctively. Namjoon pushed her against the glass, pushing her panties to the side; she moaned as she felt him enter without warning, gripping him by the hair as their grunts and pants filled the air. 
There was no tenderness in the sex, just two people seeking their selfishness. And it worked for them. Namjoon’s head fell back, lost in lust as his thrust quickened.
“Fuck, Baby, you feel so good around my cock.”
She could only moan back in response.
“I love you so much, Y/N.”
Her eyes popped open as her hands dropped to his shoulders. “What the fuck did you say?”
The look on his face was of utter shock. “I–”
“Get the fuck off me,” she snapped. 
Shoving him away after he placed her back on the ground, she avoided stepping on the glass as she gathered her things.
“Babe, let's talk about this.”
“There is nothing to discuss with you anymore. I’m done. You get your priorities together, Namjoon, or so help me.”
She placed her coat over her shoulders, slipped her heels on, and walked away without a word. All he could do was drop to the couch in disbelief.
What was he doing?
Y/N watched as Haneul ran around the playground with a smile spread across her face. It made her happy to see her daughter having so much fun. She sometimes regretted not giving her a sibling, especially since she came from a large family. But that time had passed in her mind. Would she want to go through it again? Would Jin even want to?
She shook the thoughts away as Haneul ran up to her, breathing hard.
“Eomma, did you see me in the jungle gym?”
“I did! You’ve gotten faster!”
“Appa helped last time,” she said with a smile.
Y/N strained a smile back as Haneul sat next to her. “Oh, he did.”
“I see.”
Haneul looked out at the scenery for a moment before speaking up again. “Is Appa going to come back to live with us?”
It was only a matter of time before Haneul questioned what was happening. She was far too observant of a child not to. Y/N dreaded the day it would come, but keeping her daughter in the dark wasn't fair.
“Next time Appa is with us, we’ll sit down and talk to you about it, okay?”
It seemed to satisfy her, and she got up again to play on the swings now that they were unoccupied. 
“Mind if I sit here?”
She saw Namjoon standing beside her, holding three drinks in a carrier. She gestured for him to sit as she focused on Haneul.
“How are you doing, Y/N?”
“All things considered, I’m alright. Yourself?”
“More or less fine.”
“Good,” she answered.
He held out a cup to her with a small smile. “I got your favorite–a vanilla matcha latte, right?”
She took it from his hands with a tiny nod. “Yes. Thanks.”
After a minute of silence, Y/N spoke up. “We’ll have to explain things to Haneul at some point, and she’s asking many questions.”
He sipped his drink, taking in what she was asking. “When should we?”
“Sooner than later. I’m returning to work this week– maybe in a week or two. You can come over for dinner.”
He tried not to show too much emotion on his face. He hadn’t returned to their place in ages, and maybe this was the way back into their lives.
“Sounds good. I’ll call you to discuss details.”
Haneul noticed Namjoon as her eyes lit up. She jumped off the swings, much to Y/N’s protest, running up to her father and hugging him.
She chatted animatedly with him as Y/N watched on. It almost felt like old times, and it was practically the calm before an even more significant storm— one they weren’t prepared for. 
Y/N washed her hands as she turned to her patient with a warm smile. “I’ll send my nurse in to administer your shot. I’ll have your new prescription ready at the reception desk, and you can schedule a follow-up with me in six weeks.”
Walking out, she almost collided with one of the Nurse Practitioners. 
“Oh, Dr. Kim!”
Y/N’s lips pressed thin as she stared at her unmoving. The woman felt uneasy under her gaze. 
“You should be more aware of your surroundings, Tiffany,” she murmured with a slight edge.
Tiffany muttered an apology as she cast her eyes down at the ground. “Apologies, I haven't been in the right  headspace today.”
Y/N shook her head, still lacking her normal empathy. “Maybe you should have taken the day off–”
Suddenly Tiffany hunched over, vomiting right in front of Y/N all over the floor. Nurses looked up from their computers and rushed over, fussing at Tiffany. A few bowed to Y/N as they ushered her away. Something felt off to Y/N. Her stomach twisted in knots. Giving the front desk her instructions, she rushed off in the direction they walked off with Tiffany. She found her in the physician's lounge in one of the beds. With a cold compress on her head, she brushed off the nurses standing around her. Once they noticed Y/N standing there, they hurried away, avoiding her gaze. 
As Tiffany began to sit up, Y/N shook her head.
“No need to do that. Rest.”
She sat on the edge of the bed, staring hard at the lines in the hardwood.
“Dr. Kim–”
“How long?”
Tiffany’s brows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”
The sound that left Y/N's mouth was equal parts exhaustion and exasperation. Rubbing the bridge of her nose, she met her gaze.
“You can stop playing innocent, Tiffany. Admit it. You’re pregnant.”
Silent tears fell as she covered her face away from Y/N. “How did you know?”
“Doesn’t matter. How far along are you?”
“I have an appointment tomorrow to find out.”
“Does he know?”
“No. I don’t know what to do.”
“You’ll figure it out,” she exited the room. “But you need to tell him. I mean it.”
As Y/N closed the door behind her, she felt the air deflating from her lungs. The lump in her throat grew as she nearly ran back to her office. 
Once the door shut, she slid to the floor and sobbed quietly. 
Things were always going to be different now.
If looks could kill.
Y/N and Jin sat across from Namjoon and Tiffany in the restaurant, and her ex looked as pissed as she felt. When Y/N suggested dinner, the last thing he expected was to see Jin sitting across from him.
So they were together. His temper rose by the minute, but he had to keep it in check. Otherwise, Y/N would have more arsenal to use against them in their case.
He sipped his whiskey, trying to seem interested in the small talk, but he couldn’t help but notice Y/N's body language with Jin. Nothing like his, and that didn’t sit well with him.
“I’m curious as to why you called this dinner, Y/N,” he said, interrupting the conversation.
Y/N set her fork down to glance at Namjoon. “Well, it only seemed fair to get everything out in the open. You and Tiffany are starting a family, and I have been seeing Seokjin for some time now.”
“Isn't this a bit extreme?”
“No. I don’t think so. Let’s look at the facts; Tiffany is...what, three months pregnant. If you look at the time frame–”
Jin put his hand over Y/N’s. “Honey, maybe this isn’t the place.”
She snatched her hand away. “No, I’m going to finish my thought,” her eyes flashed in anger and hurt at her soon-to-be ex-husband, “The timeframe shows that she got pregnant while we were still together before the separation. Legally, this breaks our clause, so you better sign the papers, Namjoon, or I will make your life hell. I mean it.”
Namjoon slammed his glass down, scowling at Y/N. “You think I wanted this to happen?!”
“Don’t play the victim here. You both are guilty and knew what the fuck you were doing. I’m tired of all this. Just let our marriage go, Namjoon. I’ve moved on, and you need to do the same.”
She was throwing it away like that. Tiffany tried to console him, but he moved away from her as he pouted. Jin cleared his throat, looking at him.
“I care about Y/N. Can you see what this is doing to her? It’s better this way.”
The last thing she wanted was to shed more tears for this man, but she stood so fast the chair fell back from her seat.
“I loved you unconditionally, Namjoon. Did any of it mean anything? I wanted this marriage to work and I poured my life into it. We wanted our family to grow, and you ruined it for selfish reasons. I’m done. Officially. Goodbye, Namjoon.”
She got up and ran out of the restaurant. Jin nodded to the remaining couple, grabbed his and Y/N’s things, and walked outside. From his position, he could see Jin wrapping Y/N in his arms. She leaned into his touch, letting him take care of her. He kissed the top of her head, making a smile appear on her face. He took her hand, kissed her knuckles, and led her away.
Tiffany turned to stare at Namjoon, questioning the last few minutes.
“What are you going to do about this?”
Namjoon called for the waiter to refill his glass. He watched the amber liquid pour into his drink and nodded once it was filled. Raising his glass to Tiffany, he brought the glass to his lips.
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rerefundslocals · 1 year
drunk on lust j.jk
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Summary : drinking night with your best friend spills the truth upon secrets within you both.
>>paring - jungkook x fem!reader (she/her)
>>trope - best friends to lovers
>>genre - angst, fluff(smut in prt2)
>>warnings/tags - horny Kook, feeling and confessions, some tears, not many warnings as smut is in part 2.
a/n - soo this was supposed to be one thing but until I actually know how to put the keep reading thingy, my first will be longer, don't be shy, please help. But for now please enjoy and give feedback through reblogs or inbox me! Not proofread
"C'mon give me a kiss- infact make out with me and then make love with me. Pretty please ____."
"Jungkook, you drink too much beer. You're drunk." Internally his words make you hot inside.
Your feelings are kept at bay because you don't really want to ruin the ten year friendship with Jungkook. Though you always dream about having him in not so innocent ways, but that doesn't mean you don't think of the softer side of it.
Dreams of you holding his hand romantically in public, give him kisses when you feel like it and make love to him just like he'd said a minute ago,but it must be the alcohol in his system.
So you don't let it bug you too much.
"I'm not drunk, I seriously just want you." He smirks at you. It's a lazy seductive smirk, and definitely soaks your underwear right through. But your mind tells you it's inappropriate because the man is clearly drunk ; karaoke mic in his hand, the beat of the song acting as background music for this conversation.
Lips pulled into a light frown, you tell jungkook that, "it's time for bed, Kook."
"So yes? You'll make out with me and let me fill your cunt?"
"Jungkook, stop! Just stop it." You're hot all over. You wish he could stop putting ideas into your head and just call it night.
Just like every other night, the next morning is a harsh hangover and forgotten words.
"I'm sorry, love, I really am." He mutters, head thrown back with eyes closed, clear to see he I lulling to sleep.
"It's okay, Kook." You whisper.
You move closer to him out instinctively ; cuddling into his warm chest, your hand reaches up to his hair as you lightly brush his scalp.
Besides his words and his flirty demeanor, you nonetheless feel safe in his arms and everything almost feels the same, as if he wasn't talking about filling your cunt.
You irraduclly swallow your spit at that thought, focusing back on your mission, putting Jungkook to sleep.
Mission successful.
You know this because his snores and the burning candle are almost in sync.
You move even closer, if possible. Face tucked into jungkooks neck and his tattooed hand wraps around your waist, the blanket falling off your hips.
That's a normal night in Jeons household, the conversation long forgotten about and the mission is just sleep now.
The next morning is a cry for help as you turn to Jungkooks empty spot on the couch.
You can hear him throw up in his bathroom, the sounds making you jump off the couch to help your best friend.
Sliding onto your knees, next to Jungkook, you bunch up his hair in your hands allowing him more space to throw up ; your head is turned to the side as you avoid the smell of black noodles and beer.
"Holy shit." Jungkook, now leaned up against the wall mutters as he removes himself from your body.
"You okay, Kook? That was pretty bad." You ask.
He nods at you, simply standing up to flush the toilet and you feel dismissed as he walks out on you,not even muttering a thanks.
You wonder if it's still the hangover making him behave like that. It could be. The alcohol can't possibly wear off that quick.
That's what you tell yourself 3 hours later, sitting in jungkooks bed, cleaned up and feeling fresh as ever.
Except Jungkook hasn't spoken to you the whole day, only when he asked what you wanted on your pizza.
He is currently sat by his gaming setup, dressed in his black Nike tech, paired with socks and slides.
Most importantly, his incredibly sexy glasses.
You snap out of your sick thoughts as you stand up from the bed to finally get down to the bottom of this.
"Jungkook, can we talk?" You ask behind him.
He ignores you. As expected. He only responds to his teammates on the other side, shouting over at them to 'take cover'
Sighing with a prominent frown on your face, you shuffle on your feet, feeling really really sad. "I'll go home then. Goodnight." Despite him ignoring you, you'd never miss the chance to kiss him goodbye.
So you do that, leaning down to place a peck on his toned cheek.
Grabbing your duffel with a weight of a mini fridge, you start packing in your dirty laundry and other essentials you had left out in Jungkooks room, tant you had planned to keep for the whole week you were spending with him at his apartment.
But not anymore, you guess. The guy doesn't even want to talk to you.
"Where you going?" Pulled out from packing, you look up at Jungkooks hovering body over his nightstand, where you stand.
"I figured you didn't want me here, so I'm just leaving." Your response is straight forward.
"Oh, who said that?" Jungkook chuckles. For the first time today.
"I dont need to hear it from you. I can see it. Ever since this morning! You say different shit the night before but you're a different, bitter person the next day!"
"So what___ you want me to repeat the shit I said? I know why I did this. I figured you were uncomfortable so I gave you space." Almost shouting in response, Jungkook keeps his cool, his voice at a lower bass so he isn't scaring you away.
"You what-? I never once felt uncomfortable. I wouldn't have laid up with you or tried to help you if I want fucking uncomfortable, Kook." By the time youre done, the room is dead silent. It's just you and Jungkook locking eyes. Difference is yours are slightly watery, the tears threatening to fall.
At the Crack of your voice, you speak up, "I have feelings for you, Jungkook. What you said last night was under the influence of alcohol so I figured it meant nothing. And it probably still doesn't." You pause.
"You don't have to reciprocate my feelings, if it makes things awkward,I'll leave. I really am sorry that things turned out this way." When done with you mini speech, you turn away from him, continuing to pack.
He so then starts, "look, I...have feeling for you too and how I went about wasn't the best way. Yeah sure I was drunk and said some sexual stuff, and I do understand now that I should've been straight forward but you wouldn't believe me anyway. So yeah, ____. I feel the exact same way." He finishes.
You both stare into each other's eyes, shock in yours and hope in his.
"You really- really mean that?" You carefully ask. Not trying to ruin anything.
His lips lift in anticipation. A loving smile. "I mean that. Sorry it took so long. "
"It's okay. I kinda liked what you were saying." The last sentence was meant to be playful and Jungkook catches on, as his lips lift into a smirk.
Walking closer to you,hands in his pocket, and nose on yours. He whispers in question, "wanna make it come true?" You nod at him.
"I do."
Part 2 here
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adabisworld · 2 years
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Genre: Soulmateau! Idolau!Angst;fluff;drama;romance, polyamorousAu!
Summary: He took big strides, halting right in front of me as he bends to my eye level, causing me lean back a little. I could feel his breath fanning my face, looking into his eyes, I could see a storm of anger into them.
"We have been nothing but considerate of you and your feelings, while all you've given in return is rejection and cold shoulder since day one." He grits out.
when Selene's 22nd birthday doesn't go as she expected, her world turns upside down, making her resent her soulmates. Will she ever come to accept them in her life or will she continue to run away holding onto her past love?
All Copyrights reserved ©️
Prologue | chapter-1 | chapter-2 | chapter-3 | chapter-4 | chapter-5 | chapter-6 | chapter -7 | chapter-8 |
74 notes · View notes
jmdbjk · 7 months
Please never change...
I love them.
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Slowed down with audio:
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322 notes · View notes