#BTAS season 12
steal-this-idea · 9 months
Imagining some evil DJ spinning the latest hit record in some elite Gotham City nightclub shouting "It's time to raze the roof!" to a party crowd which has no idea what's about to happen to them as the DJ makes a stealthy exit
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shoutoutout · 3 months
Fic list
Going to start reblogging other posts on this account so thought I'd keep a fic list pinned (and also cause it's cute to see them all organized!)
Harlivy ❤️💚
Set in the Harley Quinn Cartoon universe with references to BTAS.
she breaks (out, down, through) // 24k, complete // Everything Harley breaks. Pre-series // Canon compliant. Shows them going from Arkham to frenemies to besties. UST. Pining. Ivy POV.
And Love Is Holding Back // 4.8k, complete // Harley through season 2, reflecting on pre-series moments // Canon compliant. Harley realizing her feelings (she's down bad). Harley POV.
Arcane 💎⚙️
Caitlyn / Vi series
Digging Like You Can Bury Something That Cannot Die // 2.5k, complete // Caitlyn goes hunting // Post-finale, intercutting scenes of young Caitlyn hunting. Angst. Caitlyn POV.
You and I, We Are The Only Heirs // 3.3k, complete // Vi attends a funeral // Post-finale, intercutting scenes of young Vi. Angst. Grief. Vi POV.
When Am I Gonna Lose You? // 5.8k, complete // Vi & Caitlyn after the funeral // Post-finale, funeral. Angst. Grief. Bittersweet ending. Vi & Caitlyn POV.
Caitlyn & Jinx friendship
Off Balance // 1.3k, complete // Caitlyn & Jinx. Target practice // Set in some indeterminate slightly happier future. Girls bonding over guns. Caitlyn POV.
Bubbline 🍬🦇
There's No Spark On A Dampened Floor // 2.3k, complete // After 'Sky Witch' Bubblegum gets back to routine. Well… her idea of routine // Canon compliant gap filler. Pining. Bubblegum POV.
Inches Above The Dust On The Ground // 3.6k, complete // Marceline spots Bubblegum on a date. References 'The Suitor' // Canon compliant gap filler. Pining. Marceline POV.
my last days on earth, eating you // 1.3k, complete // Marceline and Bonnie at the end of days. References 'The Star' // Doomed girlfriends from Fionna & Cake Vampworld episode. Toxic yuri. UST. Marceline POV.
Where The Hot Springs Flow // 1.5k, complete. // Azula after the finale // Canon compliant snippets. Azula rekindling her inner fire. Azula POV.
Show You What All the Howling Is For // 20k, WIP // June and Azula take a trip, 12 years after the final // Toxic yuri road trip story. Bounty hunters & treason. June POV (mostly).
Chaggie 😈👼
Believer, Took Me Over Like a Fever // 2.4k, WIP // Vaggie & Charlie, pre-series // Snippets before and after meeting. Angst. Switches POV.
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starspatter · 2 months
Heroes and Thieves, Ch. 24
Title: Heroes and Thieves Fandom/Universe: BTAS, pre/post-RotJ flashback
Summary: A story about second chances, healing, and having hope.
Rating: PG-13, for references to character death, child psychological torture and trauma.
Genre: Romance/Family/Friendship/Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 3,040 Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Also on ff.net and AO3.
For the nights I won't make it through, I spend beside you, while holding onto your hand Telling me I will and I can, I pray every night that days like this will never end Painting colors vivid and bright I see every time I go ahead and close my eyes Just what should I do so everything remains the same?
-Kenshi Yonezu, "Eine Kleine"
Tim was bored.
The heat of midsummer had settled in, and things had gone back to… well, as “normal” as things could be for them, considering.  It had been a few months since Steph found out.  Since he’d said all those things to Bruce and walked away, never hearing from him since.  …Since he’d proposed.
Tim rolled over on the bed and buried his visage in a pillow in embarrassment, still hardly able to believe he let such a thing slip from his lips.  There was no taking it back now though, as Steph was keen on constantly reminding him in confidence, whenever they were alone.  …Still, they managed to keep up the appearance of “regular students” on the surface at least.  They – all four of them – made it through the rest of the semester, survived finals; even Steph and Conner successfully scraped by without requiring remedial lessons, thanks to intense tutoring combined with cramming in the last couple weeks.
The latter was now living with Cass in their own place, so that left Tim moving back to the loft by himself until fall.  Dick had warmly welcomed his brother back, saying his room was always available anytime he needed to crash, but Tim still couldn’t help but feel like he was intruding.  With little else to do to kill time during the dull season’s doldrums, he found most of his days were now spent looking (desperately) forward to a phone call or text message, inviting him to hang somewhere, or even simply just to talk.
He wanted to see Steph.
She had replied to him this morning though stating she was “busy” today, apologizing complete with cute emoticons.  …Or so he thought, but right at that moment his mobile buzzed again, and he greedily grabbed the device, scanning the screen for updates.  Apparently her plans had freed up for the afternoon, and she was wondering if he’d like to come over now.  Fist pumping, he fired back a rapid response, before dashing for the door – nearly bumping into his brother on the way out.
“Whoa, where are you off to in such a hurry?”
“Just over to Steph’s house.”
“…Ah.”  Dick regarded him with an odd look for an interval.
“Something wrong?”
“Nothing, it’s just…  I wanted to say…”  Dick massaged his neck, before sighing.  “Nevermind.  It can wait.  Go, have fun on your date.”
Tim cocked his head in mystification, but nevertheless acquiesced.
“Okay…  See ya.”
“See ya.”
He cast one more curious look back as he descended the steps, and Dick simply smiled and waved.  …It might have been his imagination though, but the other’s expression seemed just a tad strained.
When he arrived and rang the doorbell, Stephanie’s mother was the one who answered.  Tim shuffled in the entryway as he greeted nervously, still self-conscious around her presence.
“Ah… Hi, Mrs. Brown.  Steph called and asked me to come over.”
“Of course, dear.”  The woman beamed as she stepped aside to allow him in.  “It’s always nice to have you here.  She’s right this way, in the kitchen.”
She led him towards the unit, which was strangely dark for some reason.  As soon as he entered the room though, the lights suddenly switched on, and three voices (well, more like two shouts and one mental whisper) all cried out in unison:
Tim blinked as he took in the image of Steph, Conner, and Cass all crowded around the table, where a large cake was laid out, confetti and streamers simultaneously raining from the ceiling onto his shoulders.
“What’s… all this?”
Stephanie bounded up to him, brushing colorful strands off his hair before planting a peck on his forehead (since she was already standing on tiptoe).
“Silly, don’t you know what today is?  Don’t tell me you forgot.”
Tim ran hastily over a list of important dates in his mind, trying to figure out what she could possibly be referring to.  It couldn’t be something related to their relationship, could it?  They hadn’t even been officially “dating” a full year yet, and besides why were Cass and Conner here then…?  It had to be something personal, something specific…
…Then it struck him.
July 19th.
His Birthday.
“Conner told me when your Birthday is.  You’re not… mad, are you?”
She gripped his hand, a little worriedly – and he glanced towards Kon, who was also anxiously awaiting a reaction.  He grasped back in reassurance.
“No, I’m not mad.  Thank you, for doing all this for me.”
Relieved, she steered him to a seat and gestured eagerly towards the candles.
“Come on now, make a wish.”
Tim thought about it for a bit.  …There were a lot of things he might’ve wished for, once.  But, gazing around at the smiling faces of his friends – people who cared about him – accepted him despite everything…  He realized that the thing he had dreamed of most since then had already come true.
Later, as Stephanie was serving slices and chatting up a storm, she casually turned her concentration to Conner as well.
“By the way, when’s your Birthday?”
Both boys stiffened, eyeing each other and the single elder in the room surreptitiously.  Although the revelation of Tim’s past had made it easier for the others to come forward with their secrets, Steph’s mother was the only one not in the know now.  Still, Stephanie’s question stood sincerely.  As far as her mom was concerned, all three of her daughter’s college-mates just so happened to be orphans from a young age, and she would ensure they each received proper loving attention and care while in her home.
“I… don’t actually know.”
Conner admitted, poking at the frosting with his fork, and both hosts’ hearts broke a little bit.
“You mean you’ve never even had a Birthday party?”
She shot a sharp glare towards Tim, who shrank into his chair.  Sympathy for his “circumstances” had run out by this point it seemed – at least when it came to ignoring others’ needs as a result.
“It’s okay, really.”  Conner hurriedly leapt to his pal’s defense.  “It’s not a big deal.”
“It is a big deal.”  She clenched her fist determinedly.  “We’ll just need to pick a date to celebrate then.”
“March 21st.”
Cassandra spoke up softly all of a sudden.  All four stared at her in surprise.
“Eh?  But that’s already passed!”
Cass fixated firmly on Conner though, and so Steph nodded.
“March 21st it is then.  We’ll just have to have a belated celebration.”  She enthused with a grin, growing more and more excited as she already began scheming, rubbing her hands together gleefully.  “And make it a big one.”
After the festivities died down and Cass and Conner had politely taken their leave for the evening – in order to give the pair of “lovebirds” some privacy – Steph ironically had to search the house for said lover/Birthday Boy, who had somehow managed to disappear during the farewells.  Scratching her skull in puzzlement, an idea eventually occurred to her, and she headed up to her bedroom, waltzing over to the open window and poking her head out.
“There you are.  Thought I might find you up here.”
She exclaimed upon twisting around to spot a familiar shadow crouched overhead.
“Guess you can’t keep a Robin off the roofs after all,” he shrugged.
“Or him from ninja-vanishing all of a sudden,” she rolled her irises, climbing out to come join him.  “Didn’t know ‘hide-and-seek’ was on the games roster for entertainment tonight.”
“I wasn’t… hiding,” he sulked, scooching aside to provide her space.  “I was just… remembering something.”
She scanned his hunched form, reaching out for his hand as she gently laid a palm on top, imbricating digits like the tiles beneath.
“Sorry.  Was it too much?”
“No, it’s not that.  Everything was great.  I really appreciate it.  It’s just…”  He exhaled, examining the stars above, half-envisioning witnessing a bat-shaped silhouette against the moon’s bright backdrop.  “Getting to wear the suit – officially – and go out on patrol for the first time was the first Birthday present Bruce ever gave me.  …The best, most awesome gift in the world, I thought.”
Her spirit sank again as she squeezed his fingers, and he shared the grip.
“For the longest time,” he continued spitefully, “I hated the fact I was even born.  I never even wanted to think about it anymore.  I mean, why the hell did God – or whoever – put me on this earth, just to take everything I ever loved away from me?  Hurt everyone I’ve come in contact with?  First my mom, then Dad, then the very thing I had worked so hard to achieve…”
His gorge corked with a wounded choke, capping speech.  Vision lowering, he rotated slowly towards Steph, who was watching him with wide, wet pupils, overflowing with compassion and concern.  At length, he managed a comforting smile.
“But, for the first time since then – I’m glad I was born.  …Because I got to meet you.”
She beamed back, and flung her arms around him in an abrupt embrace, nearly knocking him off-balance just like a certain someone did all those years ago.
“Hey, careful!  Or we’ll both fall.”
“Please.  It’s not like we can fall any further than we already have, right?  That means things can only start looking up from now on.”  (…And besides, if they did fall, at least they’d fall together.)
Tim couldn’t help but chuckle mildly, reciprocating the gesture.
“Man, where do you get all that optimism from?”
“Definitely not my father,” she retorted, snorting.  “I only inherited his hair.”
She leaned those golden locks against his breast, closing her eyes as she listened to his heartrate, confirming that there was, indeed, a life still beating inside there.  A life she promised to treasure from now on, honor and protect no matter what – even if the rest of the world had forsaken it.  A life that deserved to live.  …And to love.
“By the way, that reminds me – I still haven’t given you your Birthday kiss yet.”
She grinned, and clutched his T-shirt collar, pulling him down into a powerful, passionate kiss – nearly a minute long.  At first he seemed to awkwardly ache to avert away as usual, but after the first thirty seconds his brain just went totally blank as he stopped flailing and let her keep going, melting into her mouth.  She smirked inwardly in satisfaction, aware this could probably be considered more of an assau- er, “present” to herself; a “reward” for all her patience.  Knowing he’d never actually take this kind of forward initiative on his own unless she prompted him.
As they separated at last, Tim gaped at her in marvel, still reeling.
“Holy cow.”
“Some present?”
Perhaps she couldn’t compete with costumes and crimebusting, but she did take pride in being able to render him speechless at least.
“I, uh- wow.”
Stephanie giggled as she jabbed a teasing poke at his chest.
“Congrats, you’re a real man now.  Which means you’ll take responsibility, right?”
“Yeah…  Wait, what just happened?”
Steph could hardly suppress her snickers as it seemed her poor “prey” had lost all capacity for reason – in essence mentally regressing to a shutdown state, even though he was supposed to be a fully trained “detective”.  …Her laughter faded though as a vision of said “victim” – mute and confused – crossed her consciousness, and a gnawing sense of guilt for letting her selfish impulse run rampant overtook her conscience instead.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to force you…  I’m not trying to put pressure on you or anything…”
Detecting her regret, Tim shook his head.
“No, no, it’s okay.  I don’t mind.  I… like that spontaneous side of you.  Besides,” he scratched his scruff sheepishly, recalling his own rash declaration of devotion, “…We’ve been doing this all out of order anyway.  And, to be honest, I’m kinda relieved you took the next step.  I know you’ve been trying to be considerate, but… You don’t always have to hold yourself back around me either.  I told you, I’m not a kid – so you don’t have to keep treating me like one.”
She relaxed as he clasped her wrist consolingly, standing up with a wink.
“Even so, I doubt my mother would approve of us staying up here and making out all night.  Come on then, Boy- sorry, Man Virgin, let’s get back inside.  Before Mom sees us together up here and throws a fit.”
When Tim returned to the loft, he could hear the T.V. on upstairs.  Checking his watch, he was rather impressed that his brother wasn’t already out at some bar right now.  Tiptoeing up to the higher level, Dick swiftly swiveled around upon perceiving his passage, shutting off the box before his lil bro could see.
“Oh hey, you’re back.  Didn’t hear you come in, you’re getting pretty good at that stealth thing again.  Have you been practicing?” he babbled, clicking his teeth in commendation, but seeming extremely tense for some reason.
A shrug.  “Just a bit, I guess.”
“So, uh, how was the party?”
Tim startled.  “You knew about it?”
“Conner called and told me beforehand,” he confessed, “just in case anything went… unexpected.”
It was then that Tim noted the number of alcohol canisters on the table…  Yet none of them seemed actually opened.  The keys to the cycle were also laid out beside them, and Dick’s eye flicked towards the target of Tim’s sight, attempting not-so-subtly to retrieve and replace them back in his pocket.
“…You could’ve come too, you know.”
“Nah, figured you’d probably want to spend it with your friends.  …I got you something though.”  He fished for a small, square package, thinly wrapped.  “I know you don’t usually like to celebrate, but I figured it’s as good an opportunity as any to give you this.  …Happy Birthday, Tim.”
Tim bewildered as Dick handed him the packet, and he tore it open cautiously to reveal a CD case – the very same one he had broken back in autumn.
“This is…  How did you find this?  I looked everywhere online to try and get you another, but they were all out of printed stock, and no one else was selling it – not even in digital format for download…  Plus, you should be the one to have this…”
“I have my resources,” Dick murmured mysteriously.  “Anyway, don’t even try to give it back to me.  Keep it, it’s yours.”
Tim swallowed, but gratefully received the gift.
“Don’t mention it.  What are big brothers for?  Although…”  Dick’s tenor lessened a little.  “I guess you don’t really need me to look after you anymore.  I mean, you’re practically an adult now.  With a fiancé and everything.”
Tim blushed as his inescapable humiliation was once again brought up.  He was never going to live this one down, was he?
“Look, that was just something I blurted out in the heat of the moment.  You don’t… need to take it too seriously.”
“Are you kidding, you two are gonna make a great husband and wife couple.”  Grayson gleamed, goadingly nudging an elbow into rather conveniently located ribs.  “You’ll get married, move out, and have a bunch of adorable ickle egghead kiddies so their Unkie Dick can spoil them rotten.”
“Oh my God, stop.”
Tim’s complexion flushed a full tomato tone as he punched insistently at Dick’s shoulder.  The older male kept sniggering despite the pain though, and as revenge, Tim snatched the remote from the sofa.  Dick’s eye enlarged in alarm as he endeavored to wrest it back, but Tim triumphantly held it out of his range, possessing the current high ground advantage.
“So what were you watching before I came in anyway?  I bet it was something really dirty…”
He mused mockingly as he turned on the tube again, aiming to find out just what the guy had been hiding – figuring it was probably porn or some shit.
The footage that flickered on wasn’t what he anticipated though – it was an old, black and white film.  A young man and woman were singing together (horribly out-of-tune) amidst hydrangea bushes, the latter dressed in what appeared to be some kind of bathrobe.
“What is it you want, Mary?  What do you want?  You want the moon?  Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.  Hey.  That's a pretty good idea.  I'll give you the moon, Mary.”
“…It’s a Wonderful Life?”  Tim raised an astonished eyebrow.  “In the middle of summer?”
“You’ve seen it?”
Dick rejoined, equally amazed.
“Bruce always made me watch it with him on Christmas.”
“…Did he really now.”
There was a beat of brief silence between them, as an old man on the monitor berated the boy for his woeful efforts at wooing.
“Why don't you kiss her instead of talking her to death?”
“Want me to kiss her, huh?”
“Ah, youth is wasted on the wrong people!”
Tim finally cleared his throat.
“…You mind if I join you?”
“You sure?”
Dick glimpsed uneasily at the monochrome motion picture.
“Yeah.  It’s fine.  …It’s a good flick.”
Tim came around the couch as Dick obligingly shifted over to offer a spot on the cushions.  He also picked up a can and passed it towards Tim.
“You… do realize I’m still underage, right?”
“Consider it an advance on your next couple Birthdays.”
Tim took it, and the two concurrently cracked open their drinks and downed a shot.  Dick looked down at the remaining liquid, swirling sullenly.
“You know, Christmas was kinda lonely this year.”
“You mean you didn’t bring some chick back to your place?”
“Nah.  Didn’t seem like the right mood.”
Tim studied him for an extensive interim.
“I hope you know…  No matter what, you can always think of the two of us as family.”
Dick’s lid batted once as he heard his own words echoed back at him, followed by a light thump on his backside.
“Us guys, we gotta stick together, right?”
Dick lifted, and radiated wryly as he ruffled his younger sibling’s scalp.
“Heh.  You really have grown up, haven’t you, huh?”
Tim smiled back, and hoisted his beverage, connecting to his comrade’s with a clink.
“Here’s to survival, old chum.”
In the moment I was born, I wouldn't stop screaming Saying that I wanted to fade away and disappear Ever since the day I stopped, I had always been searching, For the one I'd someday meet, For the you that has to leave With this endless pain in my heart, tearing me apart, but also you beside me Can't you see how happy I'd be? I'd smile and I'd say, "It was all for the best you see" As the world in front of me melts and fades away, I only have one thing to say: These miracles flooding me won't make it go away Because I can still hear your voice calling out my name
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Batman Does the New Batman Adventures
by megamatt09
More encounters featuring Batman along with some of the gorgeous women in Gotham City. Features the New Batman Adventures/Season 4 of BTAS, and the Mystery of the Batwoman movie.
Words: 3813, Chapters: 1/12, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Doing the DCAU
Fandoms: The New Batman Adventures, Batman: The Animated Series
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Harleen Quinzel
Relationships: Barbara Gordon/Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne/Renee Montoya/Barbara Gordon, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Shameless Smut, Anal Sex, Rough Sex, Roof Sex, Public Sex, baman eats pussy, Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Threesome - F/F/M, Foursome - F/F/F/M
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42093039
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jessilynallendilla · 3 years
So since The Batman 2022 came out today I decided to rewatch one of the Batman cartoons from my childhood The Batman 2004 the other being Batman Beyond but it’s too sad now here’s my notes
Well they got the insane Joker voice ok but the design idk
That's supposed to be Bane?
Oh crying little Bruce now I’m sad
Sees Batman tells dispatch to cancel backup and just send an ambulance
In pain just says he needs to watch sudden moves proceeds to jump off a ledge
Alfred hears Cobblepot and instantly is salty
Batman surprised there’s bats in Wayne Tower
They straight up change Freeze’s backstory
Catwoman first date with a man and stole his belt Queen
Oh hey that’s Adman West
Woah Stephanie’s dad really let himself go
Bruce “Probably not a good idea to advertise I'm a billionaire” Wayne
Joker isn't playing with a full deck if you know what I mean
Bruce flirting with Oswald Cobblepot
So one of two POC in this show gets turned into  a monster
Couples should always have a spare key when playing with handcuffs
Riddler that’s ...a look
All police in Gotham decided to be at one party in Gotham that’s just asking for trouble
So he’s the Batman...who laughs
So this Killer Croc is an actual crocodile man
Man Bat returns
Strange how can anyone look at him and not think evil
Joker if you want people to laugh try being funny
Oh hey it’s Patrick Warburton
I don’t care how triple jointed you are bones don’t work like that
Isn’t this an episode of BTAS
So is Grundy real or not
Oh laughing fish good reference
Oh Gordon is finally here
Sidekick clever foreshadowing
And we never see the other POC again
So these two seasons was just introducing his rouges gallery
Toxic =glitter
Batgirl is here before Robin
The Panda Redd was right Gordon does notice Batgirl is the only other red head in Gotham
Barbara literally figured out Batman’s identity by his jawline good thing for convenient amnesia
Poor Mr. Snoots the world didn’t deserve him
Barbara is sixteen but she looks around 12-14 and described her friend who looked older than her as a teenybopper
Oh great the Joker is on steroids
Selina even if you took those leopards where were you going to keep them
Plant people was a BTAS episode too
How did any of these toys get past regulations and testing
Kronk is back
Oh no Joker wants a Joker Jr
Really how old is Barbara this class looks like Jr high kids
This Zeus isn't crazy just an egomaniac
Leaves two elderly men on a frozen lake to  be safe
Putting a bunch of criminal minds in an AI will have the same effect as Robocop
All of the cities critical data is on one computer real smart
So he basically did the Tim Test to figure out Batman’s identity
Finally season 4/5 we get Dick Grayson
Oh no this is a Robin origin
Oh hey that’s Mark Hamill
So Bruce put the giant portrait of Dick’s parents in the same room as the passage clock and expected it to stay a secret
He’s a child with a pole but at least he has pants
Sibling rivalry
Bad publicity is still publicity he’s on tv got what he wanted
Bruce can exit change and make a dramatic entrance in under 15 seconds
So does he always listen in on their conversations
He's been awake for days fighting a zombie apocalypse let the man have a nap
The implications just hurt  
Like how is Batman a myth did no one else take up the mantle
And Barbara is in a wheelchair so Killing Joke happened in this universe
Why is in the future the manor was destroyed/abandoned but Barbara’s chair is still there what happened
Alfred just refuses to die
If you can only travel back twenty seconds why not keep traveling back twenty seconds after another might take a while but you’d make it eventually
Batman and Riddler have a heart to heart at the bottom of the ocean while waiting to drown
Riddler’s backstory episode
You decided you need a new look so you chose goth twink
So what’s the answer to the riddle
So Harley is an internet diploma tv love fauxchologist she has a PHD give her some respect
Wow she just massacred Bruce Wayne on live tv
Penguin begs to be arrested and almost says Batman isn’t scary
Why is Wesker/Scarface in there  they are reformed/destroyed
What's with this guy’s obsession with his boss Strange has a point
Harley straight up kicked a child  
Lucius just Lucius
Dick comments how they throw around words with bat in it
Oh this is going to be a Batman learns he can play with others episode
Hi Martian Manhunter
When Dick’s joke is 100% right
Alfred’s sass
Bruce just so casual saying there’s an alien invasion and there being an alien in the cave
Alfred’s sass
Police Commissioner's best plan is to call for someone else
Bruce has a contingency for everything
Alfred tells children to disobey orders  
So Lucius and Alfred huh
Villains to the rescue
Of course Batman already knew about the Watchtower and hacked it
Dick isn’t an uncle Clark fan
Clark is such a dork
Now Superman has to learn to play with others
Batman v Superman
Ollie finally can figure out 2+2=4
Kinda feel sorry for Firefly
So this is why Batman doesn’t want other supers in his city all of their rouges start coming to bother him
This was the opening plot of Lego Batman
Alfred’s sass
Oh no it’s worse Dick is a Green Lantern fan
Nightwing in his disco outfit
Joker v Joker
They rehashed this BTAS episode too
Seriously how old is Barbara supposed to be she’s in college but she looks around Dicks age and he’s in middle school
Wesker what are you doing here
Did Croc just eat that dude
So they lost their parents to prison around the same time Bruce lost his so this is an other side of the coin thing
Never piss off the Joker Batman is his
Curious if he can’t take off his mask how can he eat
So the nth element give you the ability to fly and not the 12 foot wings you have
He just floated out a guy for asking a question why does anyone work for him
Superhero carpool
They’re just rehashing the previous season finale for the series finale
Who has evil robot clones on their bingo card
Batman shows them all the contingency plans to take them out
Lady they’re obviously not THE Justice League
Strange has finally shut up
And they hint at a future Teen Titans team
The End
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fairymascot · 4 years
when i started watching harley quinn TV, about the last thing i expected of it was to be feminist in any way. i mean, it's an adult comedy cartoon. it's based on 2016 suicide squad's take on harley. the poor woman doesn't even wear any pants. but man, the more i think about it, and the more i consume other dc content featuring those characters, the more appreciative i am of its takes on its female cast.
let's talk about ivy. i watched the btas episode 'house and garden' today, and was honestly appalled by how blatantly male it all felt. in this episode, ivy 'rehabitilates' herself by getting released from arkham, marrying her therapist (which nobody even pointed out is illegal?!), taking care of his two kids from a previous marriage, and basically living the perfect suburban housewife dream. when batman suspects she's up to some shit, she tells him she's never been happier, and no longer has any need for crime. of course it turns out to be an elaborate ruse, but the ending reveals that she wasn't completely insincere -- she does, in fact, dream of having a husband and children, something she cannot accomplish due to the infertility caused by her powers.
unfortunately, this episode must have had a serious impact on ivy's characterization, as the book 'cycle of life and death' from 2016 is heavily founded on it. in my humble opinion, it's terrible. i mean, i get it, it was the nineties and written by men, and tv writers only really started picking up on how to write women as complex multilayered beings in recent years, but damn.
ivy's original character is already rooted in a very male, distorted perception of women. she's a textbook femme fatale-- she's dainty, gorgeous, scantily clad, and her powers are seducing men into doing her bidding. and to pile further on top of her misogynistic foundation, the only way they could think to humanize her is by forcing more of their stereotypical male perception onto her-- how do we show she's a sympathetic character? by making her deep down a 'normal woman', who has normal woman dreams of being a housewife with children. the rather blatant subtext that she turned to a life of villainy because her infertility denied her that dream -- a failed woman that has turned into a despicable monster -- only makes this depiction all the uglier. i'm actually amazed this take on her character managed to survive all the way to 2016.
but then you have hqtv ivy, who takes all that and unceremoniously dumps it in the trash. it rethinks the basics of ivy's personality and attitude from the ground up. she's a misanthrope -- the only company she seeks outside of her plants is harley -- why would she make a villain career out of seducing men? why does she have to be sensual and coy? no. instead, she's awkward, stoic, and anti social. she dresses a whole hell of a lot more practical, she's blunt to a fault, and wastes none of her time trying to appeal to men.
the sexual element of her powers has been removed, or at the very least severely limited-- no more poison kisses or seducing men to do her bidding. the only scene that incorporates that element at all is when she has to peck a bunch of dweeby 12 year old boys on the mouth to reverse the effect of her toxin that's been slipped into their bar mitzvah punch bowl by mistake. it's ridiculous, it's absolutely mortifying for her, and it's funny. nothing about it is remotely sexy.
as for her dreams of becoming a housewife... well, ivy very clearly doesn't know what she wants for her future. or rather, she's so repressed that she doesn't allow herself to want. she always saw herself ecoterroristing it up solo-- but then harley happened, and she found herself going soft, and opening up to other people through harley's influence as well. she allows herself to acknowledge that she's lonely, and that she does crave human connection. specifically, she craves harley -- but that's a part of her she had to seal away, out of fear of ruining their friendship. this leads her to pursue a relationship with kite man (or rather: be pursued by him), even though at every step of the way she pretty obviously has to force herself farther into it.
it's not that she doesn't like kite man. the opposite. she can tell he's a good guy, he treats her so well, he cares for her so deeply. for someone like ivy, coming from a life of abuse and isolation, that's rarer than rare. and that's why she forces herself to overlook all their differences, all the aspects of their relationship that clearly aren't working, and clings on to it regardless. finally, someone genuinely wants her, cares about her. she'd have to be stupid to let that go, right?
but she doesn't want it. that's spelled out the most blatantly on their wedding day-- while he's reciting his dream future of them living in a nice house with a white picket fence, a dog and three kids, ivy is horrified. unlike btas' ivy, who would've surely been delighted, it's completely removed from anything this version of ivy ever wanted for herself. and in that moment, she realizes she fucked up. she locked herself into a life she never wanted because she thought it was the best she could hope to get.
and then their wedding goes up in literal flames, kite man calls it quits, and ivy finally lets herself pursue what she really, truly wants: harley.
it's such a great, fresh take on ivy's character. she's written as a woman, but not some male writer's narrow view of one, but an actual honest, human woman. her struggles and insecurities are incredibly relatable to me as a female viewer, because she's allowed to breathe and grow and have depth outside of the list of stereotypes female characters are so often shoehorned into. she's aloof, she's cynical, she's a loner; she's carrying years of trauma that's made her insecure and closed off, and she's just starting to grow past that; she's desperate for love but forces herself to settle for tepid affection because she's too scared to pursue anything more; she's a genius biochemist and a badass with the power to control all of plant life, but she's fucking chickenshit and wishy-washy and doesn't know how to be honest with her feelings, leading her to hurt those she cares about. and the fact that they took btas' ivy's dream of getting married and having a family, and used it as a stepping stone-- subverted it as part of ivy's self-realization and growth-- that's just the icing on the cake.
hqtv ivy is hands down the best take of this character i've seen to date. god bless, i cannot wait for season 3.
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spookieloop · 4 years
Rules: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to know better!
Tagged By: @ja-crispea Thank you!! I really like these; I haven’t been answering basically ANYTHING I get tagged in lately because I’m like “Oh want to draw a thing to go with this” so it sits in my notes until I draw it...but I never draw it...and lately I draw Guzma instead
1. Name: Elizabeth
2. Nicknames: Ellie, Lizzi, Trouble, Mrs. Boogeyman, Brat
3. Zodiac Sign: Cancer 🌞, Sagittarius 🌙, Virgo ✨
4. Height: 5’6”. Funny story, the pediatrician I saw when I was a kid/teen lost her license a little while ago for Malpractice- When I was a teen she measured me and insisted I was 5’10” so I went around believing that until I started dating a guy who was 6’3” and he called bullshit and brought out the measuring tape 😂 (in my defense I have out-of-proportionally long arms, so I can reach the this a tall person can)
5. Languages Spoken: Only English unfortunately; I kee trying to learn other languages, but my attention span isn’t great
6. Nationality: American
7. Favorite Season: Fall 🍁🍂🎃
8. Favorite Flower: Rose 🥀
9. Favorite Scent: Normal Scent-Old Leather, but actually my FAVORITE Smell is Skunk Smell 🦨, people always assume that’s a weed joke, but I mean literal skunks. Always has been ever since I was little. Gasoline is a favorite too(but fuck oil that shit is nasty)
10. Favorite Color: Red (Black moreso, but some people argue that “isn’t a color”)
11. Favorite Animal: I want to talk about “Flying Fox Bats” 🦇because they are dope as shit, but I’m a basic bitch-wolves are my fav 🐺
12. Favorite Fictional Character(s): Childhood Favorites? Death Vader, The Joker/Harley Quinn(BtAS), Billy Loomis(Scream), Sally(NBC), Manchester Black(Superman Vs The Elite), Giovani(Pokémon), Jesse&James(Pokémon), Prince Zuko(ATLA), Vulpes Inculta(Fallout NV), Benny Gecko(Fallout NV), Reaver(Fable 2). Characters I’m obsessed with nowadays? Lucien Lachance(TES Oblivion), Vilkas(TES Skyrim), Lord Harkon(TES Skyrim), Porter Gage(Fallout 4), John Seed(Farcry 5), Jacob Seed(Farcry 5), Sharky Boshaw(Farcry 5), Doomhead(31), Foxy Coltrane(3 From Hell), Otis Driftwood(House of 1000 corpses trilogy), Baby Firefly(House of 1000 Corpses Trilogy), Guzma(Pokémon), Cullen Rutherford(Dragon Age), Morrigan(Dragon Age), Fenris(Dragon Age), Anders(Dragon Age), Allistair(Dragon Age), Zevran(Dragon Age), Gaspard Du,Chalon(The Masked Empire), Ben Mears(Salem’s Lot-book, haven’t seen the movie)
13. Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: I love them all for different reasons, but I’m going to have to say Hot Chocolate. Caffeine doesn’t actually energize me tbh, I like herbal teas and iced coffee though.
14. Average Sleep Hours: somewhere around 4; I get up early with my son and go to bed late with my husband(he works second shift) so my sleeping hours really depend on when my baby boy wakes up
15. Dog or Cat Person: Cat person
16. Number of Blankets you Sleep With: 1, 2 if it’s particularly cold
17. Dream Trip: Would love to see Norway, also Ireland
18. Blog Established: idk I was still pregnant so probably about two years ago now
19. Followers: 358
20. Random Fact: When I was a little kid, I thought the Christian God and Santa Claus were the same beings. I mean they were both presented to little child me as old dudes with big white beards who constantly watched everything you did to determine your morality; plus I associated naughty list Coal with Brimstone from Hell. Ironically, I grew up to be Norse Pagan, and the Santa Claus character was partially based off of Odin. My Great-Grandfather was a priest.
I Tag: @atomkatz @just-an-adventurer @chazz-anova @naromoreau @xredskullxx @booklover2929 @manwhoisdumb @undead-gearhead
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clawedevil · 6 years
name: jazzy nickname /s: peach and uhhhh some people call me jaz but that’s it height: 5′11 nationality: American but spiritually... dead favourite fruit: watermelon or oranges  favourite season : winter babey!!! favourite scents : this is really weird but i like the smell of pinsol??? and other chemical cleaners??? my parents worked in cleaning careers as kid okay? favourite animals :  dogs!!!!! cats!!!!! bears!!!!! otters!!!! ALL  tea ,coffee , hot cocoa : im a hot cocoa bitch  average hours of sleep : 10+ :))))))  when my blog was created : WOW UHHH i moved blogs but i wanna say 2015? random fact : uhhh i started roleplaying when i was 12.... god im an old ass bitch favourite food : sandwiches  favourite t.v. shows : courage the cowardly dog, teen titans, powerpuff girls obv, atla,btas favourite movie : the mummy and the fifth element just off the top of my head favourite vine : how can you ask a mother who her favorite child is????  sexuality :  UHHH probably pansexual  pronouns : she/they
favourite book series : i haven’t read shit since highschool 
favourite video game / s :  hmmmmmm portal or batman city games favourite subject : bitch im 25 but also i hate school  guys or girls : LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN.... how about guys AND girls??? just a thot last time I cried : i cried last week in the shower :) what I should be doing :  im at work right now so...  favourite fandoms :  fandoms are trash!!!!!! but im loving our ppg rp fam. y’all are valid as FUCK. 
TAGGED BY: @thickcrskiin did it and im bored at work 
TAGGING: mi familia @jojoisnomo  @vortship @bzrkcr @rqsebled @pridefulbow @gangcta @hisband @grcndel @blackstardiopside @obsianae none of you have to do it but i love you sm and needed you to know this 
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What are your most recommended Green Goblin stories? Not just comics, like, TV shows, movies, novels, so on so fourth. I'm wanna read more about the character. :)
Okay well it depends upon how faithful you wanna be and which Green Goblin we’re talking about. For the sake of this post I’m presuming Norman and you can ask again if you didn’t mean him.
The 1990s cartoon show and the Sam Raimi movies portray Norman as different from the comics. He’s more sympathetic and has a kinda sorta but not really DID thing going on. He does when in Goblin mode ACT like the comic book Green Goblin and the season 3 finale of the 1994 cartoon beautifully combines together 3 classic Silver Age Goblin stories.
Outside of that the best adaptation to go for is the one from the Spec cartoon which is unfaithful in so far as the sequence of events that happen and him not knowing who Peter is when Peter learns his identity. His personality in and out of the costume though is accurate within the context of the new situations.
As far as novels are concerned I don’t think there are any worthwhile Norman appearences in those, though I’ve not finished reading through the Hostile Takeover one for the PS4 game yet so idk. Goblin Moon from the 1990s is the only Norman centric novel (aside from like novelizations of the movies but those are basically pointless if you’ve seen the films) and it’s not that great to be honest.
In terms of comics though, I’ll keep this to 616 because otherwise it will get out of control.
Check out ASM #26-27. This is maybe the best Ditko era Goblin story and epitomizes what he was all about back then, taking over the gangs.
ASM #39-40. This redefined Norman and Peter’s relationship permanently afterwards.
ASM Annual #9. This is a remake of Spectacular spider-man magazine #2 but a brilliant story.
Maybe ASM #96-98. As a Goblin story it’s just more of the same from Annual #9, but not as good and is more interesting for Harry than Norman but it does sort of set up my next entry.
ASM #121-122. Death of Gwen Stacy. Nuff said.
Spec Annual 1994: This is the origin of the Osborn family really. It’s kind of more about Harry than Norman but it’s still important to Norman’s character.
Legacy of Evil One Shot: This story is kind of half about Harry but it’s also about Norman’s legacy. It’s a great companion piece to Spec Annual 1994.
Maybe ASM Annual 1996. Not really *important* exactly but it’s a good illustration of who Norman as a person is because he tries to man up Harry in a fucked up way. It’s a flashback story to the Silver Age and it excellent unto itself.
Revelations, the wrap up to the Clone Saga: Norman comes back to life so it’s historically important but more poignantly it again redefines his and Peter’s relationship and part 4 has some great battle sequences between them and highlights Norman’s duality as both a force of evil in peter’s life but also a pathetic human being.
The Osborn Journals One Shot: This is an info dump explaining Norman’s history with the Clone Saga so it’s important but it also illustrates his whole character. It acts as both a prequel and epilogue to Revelations.
Every appearance of him after the Clone Saga up until just before the Gathering of Five: Possibly Norman’s best era where he owned the Bugle and fucked with everyone but pretended to be a philanthropist. Special reccommendation goes to Spec #250 and PPSM #95, great stories about Norman’s character and his relationship with Spider-Man. Those two issues show you some reasons as to why Norman is THE best Spider-Man villain period.
Revenge of the Green Goblin: this arc explands Norman’s origin and features him attempting to make Peter his heir. Brilliant stuff!
Spider-Man’s Tangled Web #13: This debatably canonical story is basically the Spidey equivilent of ‘Almost Got Im’ from BTAS and contains a strong ending involving Norman
A Death in the Family: Another strong Goblin story let down by the art and to a lesser extent some dialogue from Peter at the end but still one of the best Norman stories.
Marvel Knights #1-12: Not exactly a Goblin story entirely but still good and heavily involves Norman.
Superior Spider-Man Team Up #11-12: There are some problems with this story but over all it’s not a bad showing for Norman’s character and presents a strong contrast between him and Doc Ock in their philosophies.
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kentmansleys · 6 years
Tumblr media
name :     i go by moon!
nickname/s :     even irl i don’t really have a lot of nicknames. moon technically came about as a shortening of a username i used to use a lot!
height :     5′7″? 5′8″? somewhere between those two.
nationality :     american.
favourite fruit :     apples, watermelon, black grapes, clementines.
favourite season :     either spring or fall. seasons with temperate weather.
favourite scents :     fresh laundry, chocolate, new car smell / model home smell (i have no idea what you’d call it).
favourite animals :   dogs, pangolins, kangaroos.
tea, coffee, hot cocoa :   coffee more often than not. i do drink tea but not as often.
average hours of sleep :     7 - 8ish.
when my blog was created :     the first one was set up march 12, 2014 (!!); this one was set up october 7th, 2016.
random fact :     i straight up willfully chose to not watch any live action media until i was 14. and even though i’ve come to find i love old hollywood movies, i will still probably prefer animation as a medium for storytelling until i perish from this earth.
favourite food :     chocolate, crab, salmon, bacon, pistachios, camembert cheese, pork ribs... more i’m probably not thinking of.
favourite t.v. shows :     the venture bros., bojack horseman, the dcau (btas through justice leauge unlimited), the good place, the twilight zone, the dick van dyke show, aggretsuko, star trek: tos, scooby-doo, buzz lightyear of star command, gargoyles, cybersix.
favourite movie :     the iron giant, the road to el dorado, atlantis: the lost empire, treasure planet, cats don’t dance, the third man, gilda, psycho, sunset boulevard, gattaca, the great mouse detective, the incredibles, ratatouille, coraline, the castle in the sky, the secret of nimh, 12 angry men, west side story, rope, get out, american psycho. 
favourite vine :   god i wish i could remember. i have so many i love. i guess as of right now ‘road work ahead’ because i quoted it today.
sexuality :     bisexual. 
pronouns :     they/them. 
favourite book series :     i don’t really have a current one; i was big into warrior cats as a child. in high school i really enjoyed scott westerfeld’s leviathan series (and i’m sure i would upon re-reading it). i also enjoyed the hunger games series. but i haven’t really been reading as much as i’d like as of late...
favourite video game/s :     the pokemon series, the kirby series, the sonic the hedgehog series, hotline miami, cuphead, skullgirls, undertale / deltarune, super smash bros. not all of these i’ve played though. i suuuuck at playing video games.
favorite band/s :     the police, tame impala, phoenix, gorillaz, BABYMETAL. i tend to listen more to singular artists and, more commonly, single songs.
favourite subject :     like school subject? a tie between literature and history.
guys or girls :     in terms of attraction? mostly guys. in terms of friends? girls. i don’t know why but that’s the way i tend to trend...
last time I cried :     i can’t even remember? i tend to have like. one cry a year.
what I should be doing :     homework. studying french. so homework...........
favourite fandoms :     i’m not really involved in fandom as of late, but the lucky luke fandom has been nothing but kind to me!
TAGGED BY :     stolen from @hisband! TAGGING :     you! just say i tagged ya.
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I'm continuing to have feelings about BTAS that I haven't quite managed to sort into coherency yet, but GOD the balls of a children's cartoon to be like "okay so episode 12 of the first season is going to be a straight up 30's mob movie about an aging don's broken relationship with his son and the way his lifelong fears are eating him away from the inside"
"uh. Great cool but how does Batman feature in this?"
"he tries to convince the aging don to see his priest"
0 notes
starspatter · 2 years
Heroes and Thieves, Ch. 20
Title: Heroes and Thieves Fandom/Universe: BTAS, pre/post-RotJ flashback
Summary: A story about second chances, healing, and having hope.
Rating: PG-13, for references to character death, child psychological torture and trauma.
Genre: Romance/Family/Friendship/Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 4,019 Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Also on ff.net and AO3.
Well my head is dead and my mind is fed up of all this stupid time That has dropped off the clock and I've avoided the knock From the monster that's been running my life He's ugly as hell and well, his heart is broken His eyes tell a tale with words unspoken He dreams of a day when he can honestly say he's alright
-This Love, “Free”
“What do you mean you guys haven’t kissed yet?”
The end of December was drawing near, and they had just finished with first semester finals.  The four of them trekked through fresh snow back to the dorms, Steph and Cass taking the lead while Conner and Tim tailed behind, the latter lingering a distance so as not to let the girls overhear their conversation.  Tim watched as the blonde in front of him stretched her arms to the air, blissfully exclaiming: “Ahh freedom at last~” before anxiously asking her friend what she got on one of the more difficult Physics questions.
“It just… hasn’t really come up…  We’ve been studying so much since then, there’s never been a good time…”
Conner shook his head.
“Dude, that’s no excuse.  You gotta keep her satisfied if you plan to hold onto her past holiday break. Sometimes you just gotta go for these things, man.”  He paused, clapping a hand on his companion’s shoulder as he suggestively leaned in closer.  “Listen, Christmas is coming; that means mistletoe season.  It’s a prime opportunity.  If you want, I can totally set something up for you two…”
“I don’t need your assistance.”
Although Tim scoffed at his roomie’s waggling eyebrows, the worry of not measuring up to expectations had been weighing substantially on him over the past few weeks.  Dick kept trying to push him to be more assertive as well, and had even insisted on lending him a collection of certain kinds of “magazines” as “reference material”…
“Hey, what are you boys whispering about back there?”
Stephanie had swiveled around and approached the pair, suspicious of Conner’s smirk and Tim’s evidently embarrassed expression.
“You wouldn’t be bullying my boyfriend, now would you?”
She wrapped herself protectively – possessively – around Tim, who bloomed an intense shade of pink at suddenly finding himself being fought over.
“Me?  A bully?  Wherever would you get that idea?”
Conner whistled innocently, while Cassandra observed the three in silence.  Tim shot her a pleading look to get him out of this predicament, thinking “free me” as hard as he could, but she simply smiled slightly.  Damnit, was she actually amused by his humiliation?
“Tim, don’t listen to what that mean ol’ brute says.”  Steph squished her mortified prize tightly, magnifying his discomfiture further as she stuck her tongue out at her opponent, who huffed in indignation.
“Please, if I were actually a bully, I’d do something like this.”
Without warning, he stooped to scoop up a clump of crystal flakes, flinging the freezing projectile at Stephanie, who screeched and released in order to defend herself.
“Why you-”
She laughed like a shriek as she shivered and shook the ice shavings out of her mane, crouching to collect ammo herself.  Packing heat – or rather coldness in this case – as she launched a quick counterattack. They began pelting each other gleefully with polar pellets, while Tim spectated uncertainly, wavering whether to break the battle up…  Until a wayward missile errantly missed its mark, instead splatting straight onto his face.
The combatants immobilized, glancing in nervous remorse at the unintended casualty, who stood there in complete shock for a moment.  Stephanie instantly flashed back to the water gun incident, and gulped apprehensively, afraid they might’ve made another mistake.  (At least she wasn’t entirely the one to blame this time.)
As before, Tim wordlessly wiped the wetness dripping down his cheek – before calmly bending down and gathering a lump to lob right back at his assailant.  Conner yelped as the unanticipated retaliation caught him by surprise, while Steph burst into an excited beam.
“Boo-yah!  Tim’s on my team!”
She eagerly declared as she aided her partner in an aggressive revenge, ruthlessly ganging up on their target as he raised his hands in a desperate attempt to shield himself.
“Hey, no fair!  Cass, help me!”
Fair?  They were up against a superhuman and a psychic, Tim privately thought to himself.  Although to be fair, Cassandra denied the other’s turn to beg for mercy, merely casting a lolling glimpse that quite plainly said: “You brought this on yourself, mister.  Now deal with the consequences.”  …As she simply sidestepped any stray shrapnel without choosing sides.
As they clobbered each other with clods of frost, people stopped and gawked at the infamous group of so-called “freaks” playing enthusiastically like little kids in the courtyard, but none of said shunned subjects even cared, too engrossed in their game to pay patronizing passersby any heed.  Tim could sense his self-consciousness slipping away as he pitched and dodged, slipping back into old practiced habits of evading punches and bullets.  The exhilaration he felt now was perhaps even more fulfilling though, without real risk of legitimate danger to his life or others’.  …When he witnessed Steph was right in the path of a sizeable snowball’s trajectory though, he dove on instinct, tackling directly to the ground.
He blinked as they abruptly found their features so very near to each other, flushed and respiring heavily from combined adrenaline and chill.  Rapidly beating hearts and heat of their bodies connecting through thick sugarcoated layers.  He could distinguish individual flecks of powder from the fluffy pile they had landed on dusting her long lashes as they fluttered up at her “hero”, feathery and fair. Complexion as rosy as her lips, waiting with bated breath.  Tim swallowed, before hastily rolling off.
“S- sorry.”
Stephanie sighed at the release of pressure, flopping back in familiar disappointment.  She soon started giggling though, and before long Tim joined her as they took a timeout to just lie there laughing for a minute. …And maybe after a while he’s laughing a little too loud and too long, but by God it felt good to let his happiness out uninhibited like this, after so many years of holding himself back.  He couldn’t remember the last time he had this much fun.
As soon as the chuckles subsided and they sat up though, Stephanie was startled by a sudden smack to her temple.  At first they both assumed it was a signal of resuming the bout, but for some reason the assault seemed a lot harsher and more painful than before.
She cringed on contact. Tim’s pupils widened when he saw scarlet seeping down her forehead, staining the rich white beneath them. …Where a rock jutted out from the bank.
“Steph, you’re – you’re bleeding…”
She touched a finger to her brow in disbelief, stunned to discover drops of crimson come off on her tip. Tim spun around towards Conner, who immediately denied any involvement, shaking his head in equal horror.
“Tim, I swear to God, bud, it wasn’t me.”
Tim swerved and glared angrily at their surroundings, as every member in the audience awkwardly averted their gaze.  He grabbed the stone and stood up, grip so severe it stabbed into his own flesh.
“Who the fuck threw that?!”
He shouted at a volume high enough for the entire yard to hear, likely disturbing some of the classes where students were still testing as well.  He didn’t give a shit about that though, seething to the core.  Doubt darted in every whispering, snickering direction, until his vision landed on their other comrade, who remained oddly mute even in this situation.  His perception narrowed.  She didn’t look guilty per se (and he refused to believe she would ever dare renege on her pledge to never do anything to harm Steph), but something about her shifty, shrinking appearance told him she was definitely hiding something.
“…You know who did it, don’t you?  You can tell.”
Cassandra bit her lip, declining to answer.  Tim stalked towards her, seizing her shoulders roughly as he demanded a response.
“Tell me who it was – right now.”
She winced at the strength of his clutch, cowering under his looming fury. Conner’s own lion rage awakened as he lunged forth to fasten around Tim’s wrist like a vice, violently pulling him away with a far greater force.
“Oi, get away from her!”  He barked as he twisted Tim around, locking both limbs in a firm hold.  “You need to cool it.”
Tim’s view darkened with a grim pall, as he lowered to avoid meeting the larger male’s lecturing look.
“Let go of me, Conner.”
He growled, glowering defiantly.
“And what’ll you do if I release you?  Supposing you do find out the culprit?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”  Tim’s irises flared dangerously.  “I’ll beat ‘em to a bloody pulp.”
“And then what?  Get your ass suspended again?  Kicked out? Lose your scholarship?”  Conner hissed in a cruel, but concerned tone. “Stop and think for a damn second, will you?”
Tim scowled, but eventually his fist uncoiled.  Conner loosened a little, relaxing as Tim’s appendage obediently descended.  Stephanie spoke up softly.
“It’s all right, guys.  I’m okay, really…”
There was liquid leaking through her cupped palm though, and Tim bristled again, but Conner clamped him down, resolutely shaking his head.
“Let it go, Tim.  Let’s just get her to the infirmary.”
Conner offered his hand to help her up, while Tim looked on uselessly. He eluded Steph’s perspective as he stuffed his own empty paws into his pockets.
“You guys go on ahead,” he muttered.  “I’m gonna… go cool off.”
“Tim?  Wait, where are you going?”
Stephanie strove to stop him, struggling against Conner’s support, but Tim had already taken off, escaping towards the dormitories.  When he reached his room, he slumped against the entry, sinking to the floor with his own cranium cradled in his hands.  Reflecting back on his confrontation with Cassandra, for even though she hadn’t acknowledged anything aloud, he could still hear the reluctant reply resounding inside his brain:
…They had been aiming for you.
He revolved and pounded his knuckles into the wall, not caring if he caused any damage to either it or himself.  Another voice murmured mildly beside his ear, smooth and satiated by the display of outright hostility.  Insanity.  Delightedly feeding on such delicious despair and self-loathing.
Now you see what happens when you get close to others?  Let this be a lesson to you, JJ.  Don’t you get it?  You’re a blight, diseased.  A dirty, perverted curse that contaminates, taints every single thing you touch – nothing but a burden, who brings suffering to everyone around you.  A monster just like me.
“Get.  Out.  Of. My.  Head.”
Tim screamed as he slammed his skull against the partition to try and get it to shut up, and when that didn’t work, he hurled himself onto the bed, trying to cover his crown with the pillow. Of course it didn’t succeed in suppressing the scalding speech either though, slowly consuming, corroding his corrupted soul from the inside out.
You’re toxic.  Don’t forget that.  Your existence is poison – pure and simple.  I’m the only one who can withstand it.  You don’t need them.  Nor do you belong with them.  Come back to me, my darling.  Daddy will make it all better, I promise…
“Leave.  Me.  ALONE!”
Tim yelled at the top of his lungs as he chucked the cushion at his hallucination, who only hovered out of the way and cackled.  The boy buried his visage into the sheets, smothering his polluted presence, shoulders shuddering as he began to laugh like crazy again – until he cried.
Some time later, he heard a knock on the door as it creaked open cautiously. He didn’t elevate to look, but he knew Conner was standing there, taking in the pathetic sight of his flatmate flat on the mattress.
He entered, closing the access behind him as he crossed over and sat down gently next to Tim.  After an uncomfortable gap, he cleared his throat.
“Cass reported the one who did it to the dean.  They won’t be coming back after break.  …She told me what happened.  It’s not your fault, man.”
“The hell it isn’t.”
Tim spat as he flipped over, sleeve still shrouding his inflamed eyes. At length he removed a fraction of fabric though to peek at the other boy’s back, inquiring fretfully:
“…How is she?”
“They’re treating her at the nurse’s office.  It’s not as bad as it looks.  She’ll be fine,” Conner reassured.  “She kept asking after you though.  She’s worried about you, bro.  …We all are.”
Tim said nothing, scrutinizing the ceiling.
“She wants to see you.”
“I don’t… deserve to see her.”  Tim choked, eyes welling up again.  “How can I face her like this?”
Conner’s countenance soured as he started to lose patience, resorting to somewhat stricter tactics in an effort to snap him out of it.
“Stop being a selfish prick. This isn’t about you.  It’s about what she needs.  And right now she needs you.  So stop feeling fucking sorry for yourself, get the fuck up, and go see your goddamn girlfriend before I fucking kick your ass.”
He snatched Tim’s collar as he said this, in order to prove he would make good on the threat if necessary, hoisting the sagging sad sack up and half-heaving him towards the exit.
“I’ll help you get started on packing, so go.  And don’t come back until you’ve apologized for leaving her alone.”
With that, he swung the doorway shut, bolting it determinedly behind Tim, who stood there dumbfounded in the hall as curious onlookers halted their own parting proceedings to goggle at him, gossiping in a susurrant hush.  Shuffling sheepishly, he complied to abide by the directive for now, advancing in the direction of the health center (recalling its location from when he himself had to be carried there following his “fainting spell”).
When he arrived at the entrance, he waffled for a long while, inhaling deeply before finally rotating the handle.  The clinical smell that greeted him made his stomach sick at first, but he shoved revulsion down and quietly asked the receptionist on staff as to the whereabouts of the patient he was seeking.  She smiled and pointed him towards a curtain in the rear.  Upon lifting it back, he encountered Stephanie propped up on a cot, dome swathed in bandages in a manner that rather resembled his own injured image shortly after they first “met”.  She relieved visibly upon recognizing the visitor.
“Tim!  Thank God you’re here.  I was beginning to get bored out of my friggin’ mind.  Can you believe they’re making me stay in a bed while they run some tests?  It’s just a tiny cut, c’mon.  Plus it’s the last day of school before winter vacation.  We should be out celebrating right now.”
She bounced restlessly on the bedding, as Tim absorbed the ruby dye soaking through her dressing.  He clenched his fist in crushing shame and repentance.
“I think… maybe we should stop seeing each other.”
She stiffened sharply, fixing him with a flabbergasted gape.
“…What?  Just now, that was… a joke, right?  You’re not serious?”
He regarded her with a grave grimace.  Confusion and dejection distressed her chest at such curt rejection.
“Tim Drake, are you actually breaking up with me?”
“Yes.  Let’s break up.”
There was zero emotion in his tenor, as her own lips quivered, tears forming at the corners of her eyes.
“But…  But why?”
Tim exhaled as he spouted was probably the most cliché line in the history of bad breakups, but he didn’t really care about circumventing social pitfalls right now.
“It’s not you, it’s me.  I mean it. Nothing… good can come of being with me. I’ll only end up dragging you down.”
“Tim, don’t say that…”
“You got hurt because of me.  Besides, I… can’t do anything to make you happy.  Believe me, you’d be a whole lot better off without me in your life.”
She tried to extend towards his hand, but he backed away.
“I’m sorry.”
He turned and fled before she could react, leaving her bewildered and brokenhearted beyond belief.  His own breast ached as it felt like something within him had shattered – shred into pieces once again.  Whatever light had been reignited was now eclipsed, extinguished by his own hand.  He should have known better, never tried to chase it in the first place.  Having been burned once before, only an utter fool would run right back into the flames.
…This is for the best.
For both of them.
It didn’t take long for Tim to realize he couldn’t well return to the residence hall without invoking his roommate’s wrath, so he was stuck outside for the time being.  Wandering back to the quad, he massaged his mitts together and blew out a puff of condensation, briefly wishing he still had some actual smokes on him right now.
Parking himself beneath the shadow of a barren tree, he idly surveyed the scene of classmates bidding goodbye before heading home for the holidays.  Some were being picked up by their parents, and his intestines constricted a tad more as the swarm of “normies” joyfully received their relatives whom they hadn’t seen in so long with hugs and ecstatic chatter.  He felt filthy – a black and ugly beetle, insignificant insect – petty and out of place compared to these bright, carefree families.  So Hallmark picture-perfect against a pristine postcard background, shining silver and gold.
Acquiring a fallen branch, he started to scratch absently at the slush, doodling a nostalgic depiction in the dirt.  Gradually, the symbol of a bat took shape – and beside it, a crude carving of two beings in capes – one big, one small.  He stared sullenly at the sketch for a minute, before striking the stick simultaneously through both stick figures’ axes in an “X”.
He jumped, and hurriedly scraped over the rest of the illustration with his heel as he whirled around to face his… well, he supposed “ex” would indeed be the proper term to describe her now.
“Steph?  What are you doing here?”
“I managed to convince them to let me go.  Wanted to catch you before you left at least.”
She fumbled with a parcel in her hands.
“I know it’s kinda early, but… I wanted to give you your Christmas present. Didn’t want it to just go to waste, after I worked so hard on it and all.”
She fished inside the bag, and retrieved a folded red scarf.  It looked a little lumpy and misshapen, clearly clumsily homemade rather than a commercial product.
“Mom’s been teaching me how to knit.  It’s my first time making one, so it’s not very good, but I hope you’ll still wear it, and… think of me sometimes.  I guess now you could consider it something to remember me by?”
Tim remained reticent as she unraveled the muffler and draped it around his nape, tucking it tenderly so it was snug.  She reviewed her handiwork, nodding in admiring approval.
“As I thought.  You look good in red.”
Tim tugged the textile, fingering each fiber that was filled with such fondness – feeling his own thawing heartstrings being tugged at – torn.
“Why… would you go to all this trouble – for someone like me?”
She smiled.
“Isn’t it obvious?  It’s because I love you.”
It took a bit for the statement to sink in, and the cloth’s color seemed to creep up his mug as the significance of the confession belatedly registered. She took his trembling skin in hers, keeping it cozy as his now cherished neck was.
“Plus I wanted to pay you back for letting me borrow your jacket,” she half-kidded, concealing her own blush behind blithe humor.
He shook his head.
“This is… too good for me.  You’re too good for me.  You shouldn’t have wasted your time…”
“Tim, how many times do I have to tell you?”  She squeezed his palm, praying he’d actually listen to – believe her for once.  Believe in himself. “You’re so much better than you think you are.  You’re kind, sweet, and caring – you’re not like any other guy I’ve dated before.  I like you for you, no matter what you or anyone else says.  If other people can’t see that, then to hell with all of them.”
He held her resolve for a long interval, before shyly expressing regret over his actions.
“Steph, I-”
She put a pointer to his lips before he could progress.
“Sh.  You’re forgiven.  Now let us never speak of splitting up over something minor like this again.”
Softening, she added:
“As for what I said before, you don’t need to answer me back right away. We don’t have to rush into anything if you’re not ready for it yet.  I’m happy so long as you’re happy.  As long as we’re together, that’s good enough for me.”
She boosted onto her boots’ toes to provide him an affectionate side-peck, sniggering as his cherry virtue exposed further at the gesture.  Yup, red really was his hue, it seemed.  …It suited him (more than he’d ever care – dare – to admit).
She started to separate, but he grasped back, bowing profoundly towards her as if to an angel.
“What… did I ever do to deserve you?”
He beseeched sincerely for a sign – that it was really okay for him to accept this much adoration from someone.
“Who knows,” she teased with a smug shrug, basking indulgently in flattering worship as she winked.  “Maybe it’s karma from a past life or something.”
Patting his hair like a puppy, she dotingly brushed off some sunken pearl beads from the strands – like a laurel of tinsel to match her own heavenly halo; planting another precious token on top in pardoned blessing – a starry seraph ornament – before bidding him rise.  As they strolled back to the quarters together, limbs still linked together in open broadcast of their bond, Steph piped up with another proposal.
“By the way, I wanted to ask you something else: I was wondering…  Do you want to come spend Christmas at my place? I already invited Cass to stay overnight on Christmas Eve, and Conner said he’d come too if you would.  Can you imagine it, both of them said they don’t have any plans this year, and that their folks were out of town.  I mean, what’s up with that?”  She shook her head.  “Christmas is supposed to be a time for people to spend together.  No one should have to be alone during the holidays.”
For the fleetest of seconds, an impression intruded on Tim’s conscience; of a solitary man holed up all by himself in a huge, vacant manor atop an isolated hill, hunched by the fireplace with a glass of brandy in hand, longing wistfully at his mother’s and father’s memorial portrait overlooking the mantle.  He urged it aside though, and smiled appreciatively at the offer.
“I’d love to.”  A nagging notion occurred however, as he agonized over accommodations on her behalf. “…Can your house really fit that many people though?”
She put on a persevering aura, pumping her fist.
“We’ll make it work somehow.  Worst comes to worst, we’ll just have to share some beds.”
He arrested in alarm at what she just said, as the implications dawned on both of them.  Steph swiftly endeavored to clarify, flailing and failing miserably.
“Uh, I mean, Cass and I can share a bed, of course!  I wasn’t insinuating anything else by it…”
The tables had reversed now as Tim snorted at her chagrin, and she grinned as well, goading his arm.  Clinging around it, she nuzzled up intimately against his shoulder, both marveling at the broad sky as it started to shed sparkling glitter again.  Safely cocooned by both her company and the gift she had granted him, there was no space left for someone else to come between; waking, walking nightmare to worm its way into his warmed spirit.
…And, for the first time in a long time, what he feels isn’t fear anymore – at allowing a new stranger into his narrowly confined world once again.  Chip through frigid barriers and sculpture’s solid shell in order to stir up the dormant globe – revive its stalled clock, frozen in stasis for so long.  Finally melting an age of presumed permafrost; nudging, encouraging cold feet to steadily begin moving forward again.
It’s hope.
Well keep it in mind I'm not as stable or able To use all my guts and turn over the tables Or open the door and stare the monster between the eyes But the times have turned and burned a hole in this heart Confronted the face of what tore my life apart And I'll start by living every moment like it was my last
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Batman Does the New Batman Adventures
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/uS9RGW8
by megamatt09
More encounters featuring Batman along with some of the gorgeous women in Gotham City. Features the New Batman Adventures/Season 4 of BTAS, and the Mystery of the Batwoman movie.
Words: 3813, Chapters: 1/12, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Doing the DCAU
Fandoms: The New Batman Adventures, Batman: The Animated Series
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Harleen Quinzel
Relationships: Barbara Gordon/Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne/Renee Montoya/Barbara Gordon, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Shameless Smut, Anal Sex, Rough Sex, Roof Sex, Public Sex, baman eats pussy, Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Threesome - F/F/M, Foursome - F/F/F/M
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/uS9RGW8
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dalekofchaos · 7 years
Since you sent me the ask of "All the DC questions" (which I'm working on right now), right back atcha!
1. “Duet” from the Flash or “Mayheim of the Music Meister” from Batman the Brave and the Bold?
2. Do you like the arrowverse? If so what’s your favorite show?
3. First comic read? 
I really can’t remember
4. What introduced you to the DC universe? Was it a show, comic or movie?
Batman 1989
5. Favorite character?
The Joker
6. Favorite cannon ship? 
7. Favorite non-cannon ship?
Raven/Cassandra Cain
8. Pre-N52 or N52? 
9. Rebirth or N52?
Rebirth....still waiting for them to treat Harley like a villain
10. Death in the Family or Death of Superman?
Death of Superman
11. Favorite live action movie? 
The Dark Knight
12. Favorite animated movie?
Mask Of The Phantasm
13. DCEU or DCAU?
DCAU. DCEU is getting better.. tho
14. Favorite member of the trinity?
I like them all equally
15. Dark trinity or trinity?
16. Outsiders or Titans?
17. Teen Titans or Young Just Us?
18. Favorite animated show? 
Batman The Animated Series
19. Favorite superhero family?
20. Young justice(show) or Teen Titans(show)?
Teen Titans
21. Do you watch Teen Titans Go?
Go fuck yourself 
22. Favorite Robin?
Tim Drake
23. So you prefer Superman and Wonder Woman, Batman and Wonder Woman, steve Trevor and Wonder Woman or does it even matter? 
Honestly prefer Batcat, Clois and Wondertev. But If I had to choose, then Wonderbat
24. If you had total control what would you change?
New 52 never would’ve happened, Superman in the DCEu would ALWAYS be presented as hopeful and an actual incarnation of a golden retriver, I would’ve saved Heath Ledger’s life and we would’ve gotten to see him a The Joker one last time and Laurel Lance would not be killed for pointless shockvalue
25. Batgirl or oracle?
26. Whos your favorite batgirl?
Cassandra Cain
27. Batgirl and the birds of Prey or Redhood and the Outlaws?
Birds Of Prey
28. Favorite comic run?
idk I just pick up comics at the library
29. Favorite comic artist?
Tim Sale and Jim Lee
30. Favorite comic writer?
Paul Dini, and Alan Moore, 
31. Do you like the joker?
Fav villain
32. Who do you think is the most overused or overrated characters?
As much as I love him, The Joker. Death In The Family and Endgame really ruined his character and made him feel oberused. But from what I hear, White Knight is redeeming that garbage
33. Batman the animated series or Superman the animated series?
34. Legion of Superheros or Batman Beyond?
Batman Beyond
36. Justice league or Justice league Unlimited?
37. The Batman or beware the Bat?
The Batman
38. Who do you think is the most overlooked or underused character?
Cassandra Cain
39. Do you watch Gotham?
No and no one else should watch it, WHY THE HELL DID YOU MORONS ALLOW THEM TO GET A 4TH SEASON???
40. Do you like marvel?
I like both Marvel and DC
41. Jon kent or Damian Wayne?
Jon Kent
42. Renee Montoya or Vic Sage 
Vic Sage
43. Kate Kane and Renee Montoya or Apollo and Midnighter?
Kate and Renee
44. Barry Allen or Wally West?
Wally West
45. Kara Zor-El, Stephanie Brown or Cassie sandsmark? 
Kara Zor-El
46. Kord Industrues, Wayne Tech or Lex Corp?
Wayne Tech
47. If you could have any characters powers who’s would you have?
The Flash
48. Favorite villain?
The Joker
49. DC Bombshells, Injustice or Kingdom come? 
Kingdom Come
50. Injustice or the Arkham Asylum?
Arkham Asylum
51. Justice League or League of Assassins? 
Justice League
52. Are you excited about the upcoming titans show? What about young justice?
I guess
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evancarmichael · 5 years
✎ Kobe Bryant's Top 10 Rules. He won 5 NBA championships with the Lakers. He won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. He's one of the greatest NBA players of all times. He's Kobe Bryant and here's my take on his Top 10 Rules for Success! ★★★ BUILD UNSTOPPABLE CONFIDENCE ★★★ Get a FREE video every morning to help you build your confidence for the next 254 days. Find out here: https://ift.tt/2X8uIbN ★★★ BLACK EXCELLENCE ★★★ Get a FREE video every morning showcasing successful black leaders for the next 254 days. Find out here: https://ift.tt/2DY9jKY ★ RECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR YOU ★ If you liked this video, you'll love these ones: • Warren Buffett's Top 10 Rules For Success - https://youtu.be/iEgu6p_frmE • Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki's Top 10 Rules For Success - https://youtu.be/yVfBdFs4_S8 • Bob Proctor's Top 10 Rules For Success - https://youtu.be/uLn6lpP8YmA ★ GET THE 3 POINT LANDING JOURNAL★ Your powerful companion to go from just watching another video to actually taking action in your life. https://amzn.to/2Xl3LSR ❤ HELP TRANSLATE THIS VIDEO ❤ If you loved this video, help people in other countries enjoy it too by making captions for it. Spread the love and impact. https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=swqx5YmMSaQ 1. Work on your weaknesses He declared for the NBA draft upon graduation and was selected in the 13th overall pick in the 1996 NBA draft. 2. Study success When he was six, his father retired from the NBA and moved his family to Italy to continue playing professional basketball. 3. Push through the pain He played his entire 20-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers. 4. Have a strong purpose He's an 18-time All-Star, 15-time member of the All-NBA Team, and 12-time member of the All-Defensive team. 5. Be a great teammate He holds the NBA record for the most seasons playing with one franchise for an entire career. 6. Nurture good relationships He's the first guard in NBA history to play at least 20 seasons. 7. Focus on one thing In 2006, he scored 81 points against the Toronto Raptors, the second most points scored in a single game in league history. 8. Work the hardest He won five NBA championships with the Lakers. 9. Be a problem solver In 2018, Bryant won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film for his film Dear Basketball. 10. Have fun He's widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Bonus: Have a "kill list". https://youtu.be/T9GvDekiJ9c Valuetainment https://youtu.be/ndGZU2BwAVY The Corp With A-Rod and Big Cat https://youtu.be/9HO7KxO3nGc NBA Stats All Seasons https://youtu.be/T5-vgyEbtPU TheLeapTV ✉ JOIN MY #BELIEVE NEWSLETTER ✉ This is the best way to have entrepreneur gold delivered to your inbox, and to be inspired, encouraged and supported in your business. Join #BelieveNation and feel the love. https://ift.tt/1DyhRRs Top 10 theme song by Leer Jerra: https://leerjetta.com/ ⚑ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ⚑ If you want to do great things you need to have a great environment. Create one by subbing and watching daily. http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Modelingthemasters ¿ COMMON QUESTIONS ¿ • What is #BTA?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsY8bmTUVP8 • How do I get one of Evan's t-shirts?: https://ift.tt/2MP9tqL • Why does Evan look like Nicolas Cage?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZHRniTcRwo • How do I vote for the next Top 10 video Evan should make? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0arZb0xLIDM ツ CONNECT WITH ME ツ Leave a comment on this video and it'll get a response. Or you can connect with me on different social platforms too: • Instagram: https://ift.tt/2oPc4Xb • Twitter: https://twitter.com/evancarmichael • Facebook: https://ift.tt/1t8ruBM • Website: https://ift.tt/LfsMJ5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for watching - I really appreciate it :) Much love, Evan #Believe
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dreadsful · 7 years
tagged by @roecompany love you boo
rules:  answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
tagging: @fuckyeahspirk and @weneedwhiskey
1. drink: pepsi 2. phone call: deadass corsettis 3. text message: a skype to heidi  4. song you listened to: shot in the dark - within temptation  5. time you cried: uh like last night full blown sobbing because im w e a k 6. dated someone twice: no because ive been dating heidi since fifth grade 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: idk brighten pissed me off for a little while 9. lost someone special: yes my kitty ♥ 10. been depressed: probably yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i did drink two two liters of pepsi in one night and threw up 
3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. blue 13. orange 14. dark red
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. made new friends: purposefully i have not  16. fallen out of love: maybe with a fandom or two  17. laughed until you cried: “we made her eat a combination of all the expired foods in my fridge. she was still awake and turned over with her ipod light. punched in the back of the head, that one girl last year who slammed into my forehead, “why is that ross from friends”, “ - adding on, the reaper that definitely got possessed mid-game, the people on video chat that recognized eren, the message i got from the porn bot on ps4, every time we almost got separated, ‘you cat pushed down on my vagina’ 18. found out someone was talking about you: uh yes? but mostly from people i’d expect it to be from lol 19. met someone who changed you: literally me and heidi suck each other into fandoms so much it wouldn’t be fair to say anyone else changed me.  20. found out who your friends are: ive happily been in a single committed friendship for like 7 years so i know  21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no thank god 
GENERAL 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: p sure all of them besides some african kid that sent me a friend request 23. do you have any pets: yes, id like to have more tbh another puppy  24. do you want to change your name: yes my name is way too common 25. what did you do for your last birthday: just like- ate cake 26. what time did you wake up: usually around 6:50 if im being honest 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: im not even lying i was deadass crying  28. name something you can’t wait for: friday  29. when was the last time you saw your mom: just now  31. what are you listening to right now: my dog’s ridiculously long nails on the floor 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i don’t think so  33. something that is getting on your nerves: the fact that i always have so much shit to do but do none of it instead 34. most visited website: tumblr, youtube, character wiki pages 35. hair colour: naturally brown but i’ve colored it so sometimes its like- more brown/blond or brown/red  36. long or short hair: fairly long  37. do you have a crush on someone: no 38. what do you like about yourself: i honestly- am so good as procrastinating but still getting everything done it’s impressive  39. want any piercings: i would like to have my ears pierced but they always get infected when i do  40. blood type: i think ab something but im not sure 41. nickname: people always call me ‘em’ and it drives me insane i hate it, but i dunno if that really counts as a nickname  42. relationship status: single (thank god) 43. zodiac: gemini 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: bates motel, ahs but really just the freakshow and asylum seasons, used to be game of thrones before they killed off my boy, (tokyo ghoul and snk if animes count), star trek the original series, btas, gotham sometimes i have a love hate relationship with it 46. tattoos: heidi and i should get matching tattoos but i want a small one for my birthday  47. right or left handed: right handed 48. surgery: no, but i did have stitches on my chin & have fucked up my ankle and foot a bunch  49. piercing: none  50. sport: i say horse back riding out of habit but honestly i cry off 30 pounds a day  51. vacation: im supposed to go to florida to see my dad but he also didn’t evacuate for irma so is he even alive idk  52. pair of trainers: are those sneakers? 
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: soup 54. drinking: pepsi  55. i’m about to:��sit here until i go to the movies  56. waiting for: also to go see IT like damn i liked the original but the remake is more my speed + eddie’s & richie’s jokes are the best  57. want: to get back into fucking platinum in overwatch  58. get married: i sometimes think i want to but then i remember how much i sincerely hate people 59. career: crime scene investigator but im also lazy af 
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: personally i don’t like either but when it comes to characters i have a weakness for the hugs 
61. lips or eyes: pfft eyes  62. shorter or taller: tall people are scary tbh  63. older or younger: i hate old people  64. nice arms or nice stomach: both  65. hook up or relationship: uh- for me i don’t even,,, care, but for them otps you know relationships  66. troublemaker or hesitant: there’s such a thing as in between 
HAVE YOU EVER 67. kissed a stranger:  no 68. drank hard liquor: no 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i don’t have those lol  70. turned someone down: not technically but when people feel the need to remind me that they’re straight i do stop talking to the, 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: uh no  73. had your heart broken: when any favorite character dies  74. been arrested: i should have been  75. cried when someone died: literally any character ever  76. fallen for a friend: 😏😏😏
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 77. yourself: ha 78. miracles: nope 79. love at first sight: not realistically no  80. santa claus: no ? who does anymore? 81. kiss on the first date: its just a kiss 82. angels: heidi is one 
OTHER 83. current best friend’s name: heidi ofc  84. eye colour: blue 85. favorite movie: IT is really good, the star trek movies are all good even if some of them are like romantic comedies. avengers, psycho, the dark knight and wonder woman (though i hate the dceu with a burning passion tbh), batman animated movies are literally the best, fucking brother bear and open season my childhood favorites, mad max fury road, honestly so much more i just can’t remember
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