bryanbozzi · 28 days
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this is my brand
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robotslovedeath · 3 months
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welcome to mannys 😝
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imagescuisantes · 3 months
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
Another day, another actor notice for the @buddie2024rewatch
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crappyyuki · 5 months
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TheFamousFilms Doodles!
It has been quite a while since the last TFF post, hasn't it?
Aha. Ha. My bad. I've been focusing on posting stuff for another fandom because there's literally nothing there. Practically nothing. But I'd digress. This is a TFF post.
And its still about Bryan. Yeah. Not really confident drawing the others. Still trying to find an artstyle for the animatronics because I'm still not happy with how I draw them so no animatronics anytime soon.
Have some not daijobu Bryan though. He is not having a good time.
He has a ponytail :D
Still playing around with his design. I wanna change it up because he looks a bit plain aside from the mask but I feel like post apocalyptic clothing with the tank top and cargo pants is stuck. If there are any suggestions, feel free to tell me. I need new ideas.
His eyes kinda looks like Dylan so I gotta change that a bit but the goal is to make his eyes a gold amber-ish color because of reasons.
Trying to write ITH rn. I have an idea for chapter 3 but I haven't gone to actually writing it so maybe its not going so well. I'll get around it, eventually.
ITH is supposed to be me just having fun and making them do stupid stuff because I miss the old cast with a tiny hint of lore. So yeah. Having fun? Gonna take a long long while.
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theboyisbckly · 13 days
eggs and bees saving them the game wow season 8 promo is crazy.
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scrollsofhumanlife · 3 months
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Delfina Casares nee Montelongo
Born December 24 1928 in Rockdale, Texas
Bryan, Texas
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terabyteturtle · 1 year
💚 Bryan Fury SFW Alphabet 💚
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It's funny, I never paid much attention to him before writing this, but my eyes have since been opened to the amazing (and not to mention, attractive) character that is Bryan Fury.
This was requested by an anonymous user. Hopefully, you like it, and I apologize if anything seems out of character!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
This man will be all over you. Whether you're in public or not, it doesn't matter. At any point in time, he'll sling an arm around you and start showering you with kisses along your jaw or down your neck. His affection is impulsive, so whenever he wants you, he comes and gets you. Bryan is incredibly affectionate, almost to the point where it's overbearing. While it's very sweet (especially coming from him), it can be too much to handle at times. Bryan has no idea what boundaries are, and even when he does find out, he'll gladly cross them. His existence revolves around causing chaos around him, so expect him to test your limits. This isn't to say he'd want to make you uncomfortable, just that he isn't afraid to push your buttons. If it becomes a major issue and you tell him to lay off, Bryan will complain. But because he loves you, he'll give you some space. He likes teasing and irritating you, but when you start going from annoyed to angry, that's when the fun stops.
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
It'd be so chaotic having this dude as a best friend. You better be pretty energetic, and if not, start chugging 5-Hour Energies. Bryan is, without a doubt, the type of dude who could go ten days without sleep and still be ready to run a mile. Typical activities for you include going to the dump and destroying things, shooting stuff at the arcade, shooting stuff in real life, and bothering people at three in the morning. He's also high-key attracted to you, so despite the fact that you're friends, expect constant teasing and flirting. The friendship would probably start with him wreaking havoc somewhere, with you happening to get caught in the crossfire. Usually, he loved having more people involved, regardless of whether they're innocent or not. But when he saw you, alone and in danger, he felt guilty. As soon as he saw you get knocked unconscious by some random flying object (he couldn't even tell what it was), he ran over, scooped you up into his arms, and took you to a safe spot to assess the damage. To his relief, the only wound you suffered was a blow to the back of the head, which appeared worse than it actually was. When you woke up, Bryan quickly explained the situation. He couldn't stay for long, since he still had some chaos to attend to, but he promised to come back and help, so long as you stayed put. You did as he asked, and sure enough, he came back and patched you up. Once you felt good enough to head home, Bryan gave you his number. You know, just in case you needed anything, or if you wanted to see him again (wink wink).
C = Comfort (How do they comfort you? Are they good at it or are they kinda awkward? How do they like to be comforted?)
Comfort? What is comfort? Bryan Fury can not compute. When he sees that you're upset, comfort is not his first resort—violence is. He'll get heated and bombard you with questions, asking what happened, who did this, and saying that if he sees them, he's gonna snap their neck. He doesn't pick up on your need for comfort, as he's hellbent on getting vengeance for you. You need to be as direct with Bryan as possible, or else he's not going to understand anything. This can be difficult since he talks a lot, especially when he's angry. Pulling him into a tight hug and squeezing him is the only way to get him to shut up. Once you do that, he'll freeze completely. If you want him to hold you in silence, just tell him and he'll oblige, hesitantly wrapping his arms around you and giving you a tight squeeze. If you want to unload everything and tell him why you're upset, he'll listen intently to every word, hugging you tightly as soon as you're finished. But be aware that regardless of what you do, Bryan will short-circuit. Comfort is something that you'll need to help him understand. Not everything needs to be solved with violence, and he doesn't realize that. Comfort with Bryan is very awkward at first, considering it's a learning process for him, but with enough time, he'll get better at it, even telling you jokes to make you laugh or smile. Bryan doesn't like to be comforted. It makes him feel like a weakling.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Bryan does not think about the future. He lives day-to-day, knowing very well that his life could end at any given moment. He'll move in with you, but settling down completely isn't an option for him. He lives paycheck-to-paycheck through his mercenary duties. He doesn't want to get a regular job, and even if he did, he wouldn't be able to—his urge to cause chaos is too great. Besides, who would want to hire a zombie cyborg with a criminal record longer than a kid's Christmas list? In terms of cooking and cleaning, he can not do either to save his life. Bryan somehow managed to burn water twice, so for both of your sakes, it's best not to let him near the stove. Oddly enough, the only dish he hasn’t messed up is pancakes, but other than that, don’t let him in the kitchen. When it comes to doing laundry, if he isn’t given specific instructions, all of the clothes will get ruined. And if that isn't bad enough, the post-chore rage is even worse. If he makes a mistake, he gets frustrated and starts having a meltdown. You usually have to guide him outside so that he doesn't break things within the house. Needless to say, it’s best if you’re the one doing these things, as Bryan is not best equipped to handle them.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with you, how would they do it?)
Bryan would just disappear. He wouldn’t say a single word. You’ll wake up one morning and find that he’s not sleeping next to you. All of his stuff will be gone, and when you try to call him, it goes straight to voicemail. Emotions are not Bryan’s strong suit, so he’d just want to cut all ties as quickly and painlessly as possible. As much as he likes causing pain, he couldn’t bear to see you standing broken-hearted before him. Don’t worry though, he would only break up with you if he felt things were getting too dangerous. Luckily (or perhaps unluckily), Bryan’s perception of peril is not the greatest. Considering how often he gets involved in chaos, there isn’t much he considers “too dangerous”.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Again, Bryan never thinks about the future, so commitment isn’t something that pops into his mind. If you decide to bring it up, he’ll just brush it off with some sarcastic comment. Bryan loves you, there’s no doubt about that, but he doesn’t really want to get married. In his mind, if you guys truly love each other, you’ll just stick together—it’s that simple. He doesn’t understand the need to attach formality to it. On top of that, he doesn’t want to sign mountains of paperwork or decide on assets or worry about all the other stuff that comes with marriage. He just loves you, that’s it. He doesn’t need anything else to affirm that.
G = Gentle (How tender are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Bryan is as rough as they come. He doesn’t intend to hurt you, but he’s so used to being aggressive that he doesn’t even know how to be gentle. His affection feels like play-fighting most of the time, and when it isn’t, he almost hurts you by accident. Emotionally, he’s not much better. Since he became a cyborg, Bryan hasn’t had much to worry about in his life. Walking the Earth and causing mass chaos was the only thing on his mind. So when it comes to you, he’ll show that same carefree attitude, meaning he’ll tease you constantly and won’t be as understanding when it comes to your problems. Bryan rarely feels anything other than joy or anger, but when he does, he’ll just act cynical and pretend he’s fine. Rest assured, none of this is done to hurt you. It’s just how he is. If there’s something he really needs to improve on, then he’ll try his best for you. In the end, Bryan hates making mistakes, and he would get enraged at himself if he made one with you.
H = Hugs n' Cuddles (Do they like hugs/cuddles? What are they like? How often do they happen?)
He LOVES hugging and cuddling—just say the word and he’s down for either. Bryan's hugs are usually either bear hugs or lazy, clingy hugs, both of which usually end up with you falling to the floor. With the bear hugs, they’re like football tackles half the time. After a long day, he’s so excited to see you that he ends up sending you straight to the floor. With the lazy hugs, he’s super heavy, so it’s difficult to stay standing with his dead weight hanging off of you. In terms of cuddling, he loves holding you from behind the most. On the rare occasions that he can get himself to relax, it's the perfect way to give you as much affection as possible. When you're cuddling, expect kisses galore. Hugs happen quite often, but cuddles are pretty rare because he's so energetic that he can't sit still. He is part robot after all, so it would make sense that he has boundless stamina.
I = I Love You (How quickly do they tell you they love you?)
It actually takes a long time for him to say it. This is because it doesn't cross his mind as something he would say. Bryan loves you, and he tries to show that to you as much as he can, so he doesn't feel the need to tell you that. In his mind, he thinks you already know. On top of that, he actually has said it to you before—you just weren't awake to hear it. One night, Bryan came home late, having just finished a difficult job, to find you fast asleep on the bed. Out of impulse, he leaned down, kissed you on the forehead, and whispered those three words softly to you. He often forgets that you weren’t awake, so while you have no idea he ever said it to you, Bryan believes the deed was done.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Not jealous, possessive. At least, that's what he likes to say. If a guy looks at you the wrong way, or simply stares at you for too long, Bryan will feel an incredible urge to punch them in the face. He gets pretty jealous, but not for the typical reason of fearing that he's gonna lose you. For Bryan, it's a thing of everyone knowing you're together. You're his significant other, and he could not be prouder to have you by his side. He wants the whole world to know you're together, and if somebody doesn't know, then he’ll tell them loud and clear. When Bryan's jealous, he'll sling an arm around you and tell them you’re together. If somebody is flirting with you, and Bryan notices that you're feeling uncomfortable, then he'll become even angrier. And if that person makes the mistake of being rude or trying to hurt you, then they better be prepared for the beating of a lifetime. Bryan will not let anyone get away with disrespecting the person he loves. At least, not with all of their limbs attached.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He likes to attack you with flurries of quick kisses whenever he sees you. These kisses will fly all over your face, neck, and jawline, all with Bryan's strong arms wrapped around you. When he kisses your lips, it's rough and kinda sloppy, but also very sweet. This man can’t get enough of you, and it clearly shows through his kisses. Bryan will kiss you anywhere and everywhere. He doesn’t care what part of you he’s kissing; he’s in heaven regardless. Personally, he likes to be kissed on his lips, neck, and chest. He's very specific about it, too.
L = Little Ones (How are they around children and what are their thoughts on them?)
Despite what some people might think, he actually loves kids. Bryan hates the responsibility that comes with them, but he likes messing around and making goofy faces to make them laugh. In his mind, they're like mini troublemakers, capable of causing chaos at any given moment. He has a lot of energy, so he can chase them around and keep them entertained for a long time. Little kids think his crazy laugh is hilarious. Since kids like him so much, they'll usually listen to whatever he says. If the two of you somehow landed a babysitting job, he would enlist their help to pull pranks on you. In terms of having kids with you, that’s something he’d never do for two reasons—first, he doesn’t believe it can even happen since he's a cyborg, and second, he doesn’t want to deal with the responsibility.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings can be pretty chaotic, as is everything with Bryan. If you wake up earlier than him and try to get out of bed, he'll start complaining and hold you tight. You literally have to pry his arms off of you in order to get out of bed. Even when you finally escape his grasp, he'll just follow you to wherever you're going and hug you, practically hanging off of you as you're trying to do stuff. It's sweet that he wants to be close to you, but sometimes it can really get frustrating when you're trying to get ready for the day. On the rare occasions that he's up before you, Bryan will try making you breakfast. He tries his best, but he nearly ends up burning the house down and you have to take over.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are just as chaotic as mornings. He'll come home from a job and start hollering about what happened and how cool it was and how he wished you would've been there to see it. He'll tell you crazy stories about stuff he did in the past, all the while making hilarious jokes about it. Before you guys go to bed, he might spontaneously start making out with you. Some nights, he'll just randomly wake you up to take you somewhere. Whether he takes you to the dump to destroy stuff or out to eat at a 24-hour diner, you always end up having a good time. It’s safe to say that Bryan’s more of a night owl than an early bird, so expect him to be far more energetic once the evening rolls around. Because he likes to drag you out at night so much, you’ll definitely find yourself feeling sleepier in the morning.
O = Open (At what point would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or take their time with it?)
He didn't waste any time telling you about everything. You kinda knew what you were signing up for the day you met him.
P = Patience (How patient are they?)
He's not very patient at all, least of all with himself. If he makes a mistake while cooking, cleaning, or doing anything, he gets frustrated immediately. Bryan’s default setting is violence, so as soon as he gets angry, he needs something to destroy immediately. Since he’s been free to cause chaos for a couple years, he’s completely forgotten how to control his anger. You often have to guide him outside because if not, he’ll break everything in sight. Once out of the house, all he needs to do is kick things until he feels better. His patience isn’t much better with other people, and if they do something that even remotely pisses him off, he’ll start throwing hands. When it comes to you, he's still not patient, but he’s far better by comparison. Instead of throwing things, he'll show his impatience through complaints and snarky remarks. Even if he does get super angry, he’d never dare lay a hand on you. You’re the one person he truly loves, the only one who’s given him a true purpose in life. He’d hate himself if he hurt you.
Q = Quizzes (How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every detail or kinda forget everything?)
Bryan actually remembers a lot. When he tells you stories from his past, they're always loaded with detail. He was a police officer after all, so he needed to have a good memory in order to do his job. When it comes to you, he takes down everything in a mental notebook without missing a single thing. He’ll often pretend to forget about things just to dumb himself down in front of you, then surprise you with something thoughtful later on. At the start of your relationship, he only did this because he hoped to get laid, but as it continued, it became something more special. He won’t admit it, but he adores the way your eyes light up each time he surprises you with something.
R = Remember (What is one of the most important moments of your relationship?)
One of the most important moments was the time he protected you from some drunk guy trying to harass you. He kept flirting with you, and despite your every attempt to make him leave you alone, he just wouldn’t stop. He reached out to grab you, but Bryan stepped in and beat the guy up. Before that moment, Bryan didn't really think much of your relationship. You had been dating for a couple months and he didn’t think it was anything too serious. But when that giant, muscular guy tried laying a hand on you, you became his number one priority, and he would've stopped at nothing to keep you safe. After the fact, Bryan realized that he cared so much more for you than he'd previously imagined. This was no longer just a casual fling for him; this was the real deal.
S = Security (How protective are they and how would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Bryan can get extremely protective, especially in areas of high danger. He’d be by your side the entire time, eyeing your surroundings. If someone or something threatens to hurt you, he’ll knock ‘em dead in two seconds flat. Bryan himself, on the other hand, doesn’t want to be protected. First of all, he doesn’t think he needs it, and secondly, he wants to be your knight in shining armor, the person you can depend on when you’re in trouble. He craves to see you gazing at him in admiration as he swoops in to save you from danger. It makes him feel like he’s doing something right. Although he hates to admit that, he needs reassurance about it every once and a while.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, etc?)
He’d put in effort, but only in the most Bryan way possible. Dates with Bryan are usually very spontaneous. He’s very impulsive, so he just goes about and does whatever he wants. If he visits a place he thinks you might like, he’ll call you then and there to see if you want to hang out. If he wakes up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep, then screw it, he’s waking you up and you’re both gonna go somewhere fun. In terms of anniversaries and other special days, Bryan loves going all out. When those days come around, his main goal is to have as much fun as possible. He’ll dance on tabletops, take too many shots, and think you kissed but he forgot. As for gifts, he’ll get you stuff every so often, but they’re usually plucked off the corpses of people he’s killed during his fits of chaos. You’ve learned not to question their origins, as he gets really defensive about it whenever you do. He feels it doesn’t matter where they came from, as long as they were straight from the heart (not of the corpse, 'cause that would be weird).
U = Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs?)
Bryan has a short fuse and is prone to lashing out when he gets angry or frustrated. In addition to yelling and cursing, his way of expressing his anger is by destroying things. If he gets angry, you better put him outside quickly or else he’ll shatter all of the fine china. He’d never hit you, no matter how angry he gets, but the same can’t be said about your furniture. He’s like a tornado, leaving broken messes in his wake. Speaking of which, he doesn’t really clean up after himself. He’d rather save his energy for causing chaos than keeping his space tidy. If you’re someone who enjoys cleaning, count yourself lucky to have a boyfriend as messy as he is.
V = Values (What do they value in a partner?)
He wants someone who’s able to put up with his crazy antics, who loves him for his crazy, maniacal self. He wants someone he can laugh with, who can take a joke and dish one out that���s just as good. He wants someone who doesn’t mind that he’s not completely human, who doesn’t judge him. He usually doesn’t care what anybody thinks, but when it comes to a partner, he needs a fair trade. If he’s not gonna give a crap about their setbacks, then they shouldn’t give a crap about his. Bryan might have a few screws in his head loose, but that doesn’t mean he’ll take just anybody to be a partner. There are a lot of boxes, and luckily for him, you’ve checked all of them.
W = Wedding (How are they on the big day? How do they help plan it out? Are they emotional or stoic?)
Again, Bryan wouldn’t want to get married. He doesn’t think there needs to be a whole big ceremony just to tell you something you already know—that he loves you. But if, hypothetically, there was a wedding, he would be a mess. He’d act all crazy and tough, but he’d secretly be scared to death. Knowing how clumsy and chaotic he is, Bryan would be worried that he’d accidentally ruin it for you. As much as he loves making a big bullet-ridden explosion out of everything, he knows that’s not how you’d want it to be (unless it is, which in that case, he’d have nothing to worry about). Bryan will snatch the wedding plans out of your hands and read them over a thousand times. This way, he knows what’s going on ahead of time and can make sure that he won’t mess it up for you. Once standing at the altar, he’d probably make a joke or two about how shabby he looks compared to you before giving you what is probably the sweetest smile he’s ever smiled.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
Bryan always has first-aid stuff on hand. If you’re out somewhere together and you get injured, he’ll be able to patch you up right then and there.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they can't stand, both in a partner and in general?)
Bryan can not stand anyone who’s a control freak. He needs to have the freedom to do whatever he wants, not to be tied down to a schedule. Routine is boring, and on top of that, there is no routine when it comes to mercenary work. It’s first come, first serve, and a job can pop up at any given moment. Some missions take hours or days to complete, others take weeks or even months. If they can’t handle that, he can’t handle them. He also hates people who are too serious. To him, if you can’t take a joke, there must be something wrong with you. He’s a carefree guy, and he gets irritated by people who don’t match his attitude.
Z = Zzz (What are some sleep habits of theirs?)
He snores so loud. Never before in your life have you heard anyone snore as loudly as this man. From another room, he sounds like a grizzly bear. Also, expect him to cling to you while you sleep. Once he’s asleep, there’s no getting out of his arms, unless you’re able to pry yourself free with a crowbar. If you don’t have one on hand, then you’ll just have to wait until morning. Even then, Bryan’s a heavy sleeper, so it’s difficult to wake him up. On rare occasions, he’ll punch and kick in his sleep. Luckily, he’s never hit you, because if he did, there’d probably be a you-shaped hole in the wall by now.
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nextstopwonderland · 7 months
@missdesiree81’s comments on my Bryan + Dogs post made me decide to look up his old MySpace page so imma just drop some of that here.
The quote is from The Long Legged House, a collection of essays by Wendell Berry
This is the most polite myspace page in history 😭
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ETA: and the most important part: his profile pic updated sometime after sept 2009 (it was originally him holding cats which I’d just put as part of this post)
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deathblacksmoke · 7 months
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daily fave nick 🤍 ft. the band boyfriend
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dimxnd-assistant · 4 months
Bryan was in the middle of his usual workout when he spotted a familiar face on top of a very unfamiliar body. “Monica? Monica Fitzgerald? Is that you?” The giant man asked, sounding excited.
Monica was in the middle of her own workout, keeping her new buldging muscles ripped and big for Laurie. She took off her headphones and was having some water when she heard a voice...
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She could not help but smile. It was Bryan.
"Bryan? Bryan Strickland?" She said excitedly and walked over. She was still smaller than him but taller now. She offered a hand to shake and then flexed her bicep as they held on, replicating the famous movie scene.
"You look bigger than last time, and that is saying something!" She joked. "How are you? Last time I saw you, I was.... Yeah. You good?"
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seattlemarinerz · 5 months
the library is open
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imagescuisantes · 3 months
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boredcouchpotato · 27 days
Bryan: man I gotta go now
Kai(raised brow) : Don't you think that you are forgetting about something?
Bryan(in confusion) : uh? *gives Kai a forehead kiss*
there!, happy now? *runs off God knows where*
Kai(blushing furiously) : Come back here and pay your own bill!!
(Also this is before they are dating 🤭🤫)
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crappyyuki · 1 year
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TheFamousFilms! Again! Pre–ITH
First time finishing coloring something in a while lmaoooo
Took me hours. Pose is wack but I focused on the colors instead of the sketch. So. Meh.
More bullet points!
• Molten is basically taking a backseat in the plot but he is still important. Its time to give the others time to shine :)
• Lefty (I miss him) is probably the closest to a protagonist in this story. He's basically pushing the plot forward with his actions. But alas, he's a fucking coward so it's probably gonna focus on the animatronixs and Lefty's fear first before anything else happens.
• You're probably wondering why I said Lefty is the protagonist in this story but the one I posted has Bryan as the protag. Well you see, I planned a prequel and a sequel. With the prequel as Bryan being the MC and Lefty as the MC in sequel. The prequel is basically just me revisting season 1 and rewriting it and just putting Bryan and the animatronics through outlandish situation but less focused on the portal. Like making Bryan learn drifting. The portal is still there of course but it plays a very minor role. Although there are some things I wanted to try with it like making them join MCC XDDDDD. Its just me having fun. There's plot there but not like the sequel has with Lefty as the MC.
• Glitchtrap? He pulled a Springtrap and is in a computer. You know where this is going.
• Valerie? She doesn't die.
• Sun? Moon? Steve? They'll turn up eventually.
• Security Breach Mode? Aha. Ha. He's a security animatronic for a reason. Moon isn't yet he is anyway.
• I'm gonna try to incorporate their special abilities in the canon but that's still a work in progress.
• I wonder how Bryan got Glitchtrap out of Twisted Bonnie? Oh. And his name is Bon now. He's not a Glamrock :)
• Freddy is a bitch. OG Freddie is gone. Oh. He also has a side arc where he helps the daycare kids. Hopefully.
• Is Bryan's parents there? Unimportant. But they have a significant impact on how Bryan makes his decisions.
• Do managers get trained to manage a business? If they don't, they do now.
• Gregory? He's younger that's for sure. Pat and the aninatronics are like older siblings to him. Sam is like his uncle. Adopted uncle. And yes, Gregory adopted Sam. He's Gregory's uncle now whether he likes it or not.
• Oh. And EB? Yeah. He's a mercenary.
• What are Shadow animatronics exactly?
• Jon is desperately trying to make things right. So is Bryan. So why does Jon keep hearing from the others that Bryan's insane?
• Yellow.
And thats about it for now. Feel free to ask questions but don't expect exact answers.
I should probably draw the others too lmao
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theboyisbckly · 18 days
did this on X and wanted to see the results on here :)
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