x-heesy · 10 months
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@bigbonzo @boanerges20
KNAS - BROHUG Remix by Steve Angello
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missjackil · 5 months
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!!
Howdy folks! I think it's safe to call Beat The Devil as the winner! Next one may not be as good, but it sure is perty! 😍
Let 'er rip Chuck!
Chuck: Okay now, next up we have Exodus - Sam and Lucifer make their way to the outpost and after a much deserved brohug, Sam gets all cleaned up and spends the episode rocking the camouflage (shall we call it Samouflage™️?) And convincing the AU people to come back to the Bunker with them.
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blorbocedes · 1 year
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they should've released the brocedes sex tape after barcelona 16 instead of niki lauda literally locking them in a room together where neither spoke. at least now merc makes them do little scripted half brohugs for PR 🥹
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stoat-party · 11 months
Fallout 4 Companions and Whether They Like Hugs*
*specifically with the Sole Survivor, max affinity, not romanced. Mostly educated guessing but includes canon whenever possible.
Hugs = vulnerability, and vulnerability has historically been something Cait tries to avoid. But you’re someone she deeply, truly trusts. She’ll both give and receive hugs from you — if anyone else tries it, though, there’s a chance they’ll get their nose bloodied.
Canonically does not understand hugs. Would stoically accept a hug if given one. Probably incapable of delivering them, but he would make an effort if asked.
Very excited to use her new body for acts of interpersonal physical contact! Oxytocin does wonders for the mind and body, you know. Will politely ask permission before hugging you, but you’re always welcome to hug her.
Formality and awkwardness keep Danse from doing much hugging — like, maybe a celebratory post-battle brohug if you’re lucky. He’s canonically willing to hold a friend who’s upset, though, so you could try breaking down in his arms if you really needed a hug from that giant strong man. But the armor’s going to get in the way, so you have to be strategic about this.
Only if it’s for the meme. He’s “not the hugging type.”
Dogs don’t really interpret hugs the way we do, but Dogmeat is an abnormally smart dog. He’ll accept a hug because he loves being close to you, especially when you’re upset. Would prefer scritches, though.
When you’re a beloved public figure in Goodneighbor, you tend not to develop too broad a personal bubble. There’s less risk that he’ll disapprove and more that you’ll startle him and get stabbed. But he’ll return the hug when you’re conscious again. Mind the hat.
I think MacCready is very affectionate with the people he feels closest to. Especially if he’s drunk.
Unfortunately, Nick doesn’t really get as much from hugs as the fleshfolk do. A good, warm cuddle is something he remembers but can’t fully experience. But he’s unreserved with giving them if he thinks you could use one. Knowing he’s comforted a friend counteracts the roboangst.
Sure! She’d love a hug. Piper is a mostly sane human being, so I don’t actually have much to say about this. She’s normal about hugs.
Nope! In his words, “not really a hugger.” If you desperately wanted to hug that man, you could probably pull rank and he’d roll his eyes and acquiesce. I know, I’m heartbroken too.
Canonically doesn’t know what hugs are, probably not a good idea to teach him. His idea of affection involves friendly violence, which you’ll also want to avoid.
Haha. No. At max affinity, he trusts you enough to set that boundary, and no, it’s not a negotiable one. You’ll have to love the scary terminator man from a respectful distance.
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eclecticmuses · 2 years
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MCU Forehead Touch Enamel Pin Designs
I recently completed a run of MCU couple forehead touch enamel pin designs (+ two brohugs) for pinsofmarvelandmagic on Instagram, and I’m so happy to be able to share them with everyone. It was fun to go outside of my box and draw characters I’ve never done before. If you’re interested in purchasing any of these pins, give pinsofmarvelanmagic a follow on Instagram and keep an eye out for sales posts!
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unintentionaloracle · 3 months
Only Thing That Keeps Us Apart [Fic]
Summary: Set pre-Kevin's draft to SmackDown, in the aftermath of their title match, Cody and Jey learn what the real stakes were for their opponents. Sami and Kevin comfort each other over their new situation.
 “Seriously, guys, that was a hell of a match!” Cody said, grinning ear to ear.
 “Yeah, it was great tearing it up with y’all again! Under better circumstances, of course.” Jey said, throwing an arm around Kevin.
 (Kevin only allowed it for Sami, given the circumstances of tonight. He may have hugged Uso after the match, but that didn't make them friends, yet.)
 “Gentlemen, if you ever want to run it back...” Cody playfully shifted the twin tag belts. “We're more than willing to go for it. Maybe at...WarGames?” He proposed, clearly drunk on the idea of a friendly rivalry.
 Kevin took a deep breath. He glanced at Sami. He looked miserable. “Actually–”
 “Great idea! Hey, we should all celebrate on the bus!” Jey interjected.
 Cody chuckled. “Again?”
 Jey grinned. “Yeah, there's no press conference this time! It'll be–!”
 “I can't do this...” Sami said. “Sorry. I just...I can’t...” He walked away.
 Cody and Jey looked confused, their high burst like a bubble. They immediately looked to Kevin, who pulled out his phone and scrolled.
 “Guys, there's not gonna be a rematch...” He presented the email on his phone:
 Dear Kevin,
 After much deliberation, we’ve decided that you will be drafted to SmackDown. Effective the day after Raw, you are to report to the next SmackDown this Friday. Your tag team with Sami Zayn will be officially dissolved once this draft is in effect, barring unforeseen circumstances. We've sent you your updated travel schedule. Sorry for the short notice.
 Good luck, and we wish you success on your new brand.
-Nick Aldis, SmackDown GM
 Cody covered his mouth. Jey’s eyes widened.
“Oh my God. Kevin, I'm so sorry. I didn't think they’d pick–” Cody said.
“Uce, I swear I didn't know this would happen! I wouldn’t have agreed to–” Jey said at the same time.
 “Hey, it's okay. I only found out today. Plus we didn't tell you, and Pearce didn't tell you, so why the hell would you know?” Kevin said. “If it's anyone's fault, it's whoever the hell this Nick guy is.”
 “Still, Kevin...” Cody said. “I wish we'd known the actual stakes. And that you'd have said something so I could've at least...I don’t know, thrown you a going away party or something! You're my friend, damn it!”
 “I know.”
 And I would've hated it. He thought fondly.
 “But hey, you're gonna kick Roman's ass next Mania and end up on SmackDown, too, right? So you and I at least won't be apart too long,” Kevin said with a wink.
 Cody looked him in the eyes, determination replacing the sadness long enough to give him a firm nod. The two clasped their hands together and went for a brohug, only for Cody to shift it into a full one.
 “But Sami...” Jey said.
 “I know. That's why I gotta ask you a favor, Jey. And Cody, too, I guess...”
 “Yeah?” Jey asked.
 Kevin steeled himself. His voice was uncharacteristically gentle (and almost cracked) as he made his request:
 “Take care of him for me, okay?”
 Jey nodded, along with Cody. “Of course I will.” The Prodigal Uso replied.
 Kevin sighed with relief. “Good. I’m gonna go check on Sami. I don't think we're gonna join you for “libations” or whatever it is you two do in there. Sorry.”
 Cody shrugged. “More for us, I guess. I'll see you soon, Kevin.” He turned to Jey. “Let's go, partner.”
 Jey grinned. “YEET!” He turned to Kevin. “Good luck Kevin. Go get our boy.”
 Kevin nodded and went after Sami.
 It should've been easier this way... Sami thought as he changed out of his gear.
 Almost every other time he and Kevin had been torn apart by the universe, it was always in fire and rage. With them “hating” each other. Every grievance of the last twenty years, spilling out in the ring. Using the one language they were both so fluent in: a damn good fight. 
 Yet he'd have taken a million slams to the old NXT ramp...kicked a heartbroken Kevin in the face again and again for a man whose love proved conditional...then go through this cold, involuntary, slow death.
 At least with a fight, he could count on destiny bringing them back together (no matter how much they swore they were done with each other for real this time) once they'd cooled down, licked their wounds, and tended their egos. But what would happen now?
 He heard a knock. It made him jump. “Hey. Wanna talk?” Kevin asked.
 Sami opened the door and let him in. “Why didn't you tell them we needed those belts back?” He asked, warm tears finally rolling down his face. “We had a plan, Kevin! Remember? If we won the tag titles, they technically couldn't split us up!”
 “I know...but you didn't either...” Kevin said, calm.
 “Yeah, but...” Sami growled in frustration. “How can you be so okay with this!? Do you want to leave!?” (The “me” went unsaid, yet still somehow hung in the air.)
 Kevin clenched his fists and started shaking. For a moment, Sami thought things would end in a fight after all.
 Then he spoke.
 “Okay with this!? I'm not okay with this, either! We were finally making it work! There were so many more teams I wanted to fight with you! I was trying so hard not to screw this up like I know everyone thought I would! I tried to keep my temper in check like you asked me to! I did everything I could, but I'm still the reason we're getting split up and–” Kevin let out a scream before walking to a locker and yelling into it: “THIS ISN'T FAIR!”
 Sami touched his back. Kevin turned around. His eyes were red and puffy. The redhead’s grief-stricken desire for a fight dissolved immediately. Guilt took its place.
 Sami planted a kiss on his forehead, wiping The Prizefighter’s tears.
 Kevin sniffled. “Sorry. I just thought if I could keep it together, you'd be–”
 Sami wiped his own tears away. “No, I'm sorry. That wasn’t fair of me...” He glanced at the floor. “But hearing that did make me feel better than you bottling it up for me...”
 I know it got us in trouble at times, but I'll miss your temper, too...
 “See, it's healthy!” Kevin asserted. “I guess we still need to work on the whole “communication” thing. For next time.”
 Sami sat down. “Yeah...” He smiled at the idea of a “next time”. “But seriously. Why didn't you tell Cody or Jey what was happening? Maybe they'd have gone easier on us.”
 “Would you have wanted to win because they threw it to us?” Kevin asked, sitting beside him.
 “...No...” In fact, that might've been what kept him from breaking the news, too.
 “Right. Neither would I. Plus, I kinda thought we could win, anyway. I mean, how many times have you and I kicked Jey's ass?”
 Sami couldn't help but snort. He smacked Kevin lightly in the chest. “Kevin! Be nice, he's my friend...”
 Kevin laughed. “But it's true!”
 Sami shook his head. What am I gonna do with you?
 For a moment, things felt normal again.
 Then he remembered.
 “I'm gonna miss you...” Sami said, resting his head against Kevin.
 “I’ll miss you, too...” Kevin said, putting his arm around him. “But I know you're gonna kill it without me,” The Prizefighter then got up and stood in front of him, cupping his face. “You're one of the best wrestlers in this whole damn business! I FREAKING LOVE YOU!” He declared.
 Sami looked up at him. “Yeah. And so will you. Because you're one of the best wrestlers in this whole damn business and I freaking love you!” He said, standing up and cupping his face in return.
 The quick but aggressive kiss that followed was inevitable.
 “You know, Sami...you still got me until the morning,” Kevin dipped him. “We can do whatever you want. Hit up that hipster vegan place you've been begging to try. Walk around town. Go...I don't know...dancing, maybe? Tonight I'm all yours to do with as you please...” He said, exaggeratedly wiggling his eyebrows.
 Sami laughed. He didn't know what had gotten into his partner, but it was fun. He ran his fingers through Kevin's hair. Kevin's eyes started to roll to the back of his head. “I love it, but honestly? I just want to go back to the hotel, order some food, and chill in bed with you. We could watch something, talk, whatever. So long as I can have you all to myself for as long as I still can.”
 Kevin put him back on his feet. “As you wish,” he said. “Just let me hit the showers before we go. I don't want one of your last memories of us riding together to be the rental reeking...”
(Later in the car, he would thank him for not wanting to go out. He didn't want to, either, but had gotten swept up in the moment.)
 Sami smiled. He didn't mind Kevin's post-fight musk, but he wouldn't stop him. “Okay, I still need to change, too.”
 Kevin nodded. He dug through his suitcase to find some clean regular clothes before stumbling on something. With a smirk, he tossed a wad of dark fabric at Sami. “Here. I want you to have this. For if you start missing me after I'm gone.”
 Sami unwadded it. It was Kevin's duct taped shirt. The one with sleeves still intact. “Kev, this is your favorite shirt. You live in this thing.”
 He shrugged. “Guess I'll need to find a new one,” he said with a wink before hitting the showers.
 Sami looked down at it. He hugged it to his chest, breathing in the familiar smell of his partner.
 We're gonna be together again, one day, he thought. Someway, somehow...we always do...
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askenderbroreboot · 4 months
Enderbro? You used to be one of my favourite Endermen and you still are, I just wanna ask, can I give you a hug? :3 and don't worry Steve can have huggies too ^_^
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[Enderbro]: It's an honor to see and long time fan, I'll give you the tightest brohug.
[Steve]: eeehhhh, no thanks, hugs arnt my thing still, you can receive a fist pump.
[Ari]: Steve, what are you talking about? you hug me a lot.
[Steve]: Ssshhh Ari, babe, that's totally different.
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frugalkubal · 2 years
Sometimes I'd think about how Giyuu was always thinking about how Sabito deserved better and never bothered about Makomo. It's like, she never existed to him; though, I bet Makomo also didn't give a damn about his Sabito-pining ass. lol
Also, I think Sabito was watching Giyuu training his ass off to improve his swordsmanship after passing the final selection. Giyuu's all bruised up, dripping sweat, snot and tears, getting all exhausted and occasionally discouraged; but then he'd slap his own face with both hands and scream, "DON'T GIVE UP! BE A MAN AND STOP WHINING! YOU CAN DO THIS! FOR TSUTAKO-NEE AND SABITO!" And then Sabito would be like, "You heard that, Makomo? He's so adorable and manly, isn't he? Oh god, I wish I could give him a manly kiss and manly brohug or something." Makomo would reply in her usual soft voice, "Yes, I heard what he said. I wish I didn't hear what you just said tho. 🙂" And Urokodaki's other ghost kids would be groaning while collectively asking the gods that Sabigiyuu would be reincarnated together in their next lives just so they could get their shit together.
Thankfully, they did end up reincarnated together (thank you, Gotouge-sensei ♡ XD); unfortunately for Makomo though, she's stuck third wheeling them. As if hearing them talk about each other after Sabi's death for years wasn't enough, she also had to suffer seeing them pine at eo live and up close as their childhood friend. 😭
Also, I think it'd be more hilarious if Makomo's the only one who retained past life memories. She'd sometimes smile fondly as she gets reminded of some things from their past lives. She'd also smile at how SabiGiyuu are now able to do the things one of them wished to do with the other; but then her smile would drop every damn time Sabito would say "no homo tho" while Giyuu would awkwardly smile, looking a bit dejected. Makomo would facepalm, "Oh for god's sake, not this manly shit again."
I have other things I have in mind about Sabigiyuu, third-wheel Makomo and everyone else around sbgy, so I might just doodle these out of my head someday when I have the time, energy and an attention span long enough for me to actually do it. 😂
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melon-official · 1 year
Bro.... Do you need like.... A broment...? A brohug??? A bro...kiss?
im always down for some quality broffection 😤
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tricornonthecob · 1 year
Oh thank god they left
LK 109: The Bunker Hill I'll Bunker Die On
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We love and cherish Empathetic James in this house, Empathetic James best James.
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*vague gesturing* something something edutainment.
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As a short person, if I'm walking with a much taller person, I will sometimes cheerfully walk under low hanging branches just to fuck with the other person in a friendly way. Henri absolutely did this on purpose.
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Galloping along the beach sidesaddle, yeah that girl is the best horseman in the anglosphere.
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Just fuckin.... making conversation while galloping. As one does. Its not like your core is being exercised, no sir.
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Has anyone else noticed how Massive Nose is part of the art team's design shorthand for British NPC.
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Ooooh she's got her cheeky face on, she's about to do some chaos.
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You'd think after she lost the first one she'd be nervous to pull a stunt like this, but no.
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I love this show has its own version of the brohug, I'm assuming its based on contemporaneous 18th century depictions of dudes being bros.
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Whats happening here is Dr. Warren is fierce, just look at that stance, that silhouette.
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James looks adorable here but like also SARAH WROTE SHIT TOO OMG
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James has never received so many attaboys at once in his life, the oxytocin flood must be overwhelming. Quick someone needs to tousle his hair.
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Feral Frenchman Spy does what he wants.
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British NPC face.
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He was not prepared for the Phillips Commanding Aura.
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Sarah really knows how to navigate army officers. I know I said before her dad doesn't talk about the war much but maybe his army buddies did? And she picked up alot from them interacting?
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So is her plan to just... ask this random ass dude who is likely going to be a little busy getting shot at if he might by any chance know where in the Ohio Wilderness her dad could possibly be?
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awww wanting to impress her crush and then Fuck U, Mom, all in one breath. Teenage rebellion is adorable.
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They way he says füüüd
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whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? You mean the cause that has no money can't pay its people?
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well he didn't really need a whole lot of convincing did he.
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...Why do they keep trying to give a guy with no command or military credentials command of a volunteer paramilitary unit.
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What a fanboi. Wait a minute... do they have history?
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*heavy eyeroll/sigh at jingoistic army recruitment rhetoric from post-9/11 years*
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x-heesy · 10 months
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@luna--zylum @bigbonzo @boanerges20
KNAS - BROHUG Remix by Steve Angello, BROHUG
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futurama · 1 year
get ur hally guy chilling with davesprite...purrhaps the best brohug in the hisstory of brohugs. the bestest furends furever!
hal is the only exception id make because he is like a son and brother to me ^__^; i would rather die than get anything legitimately homestuck tattooed on my skin
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missjackil · 10 months
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!
Looks like Taxi Driver is our new Champion! We need a good strong episode to battle against the good strong season 8 wrap up! Let's see what's up next!
Bring it on out Chuck!
Chuck: Next up folks, we have Pac-Man Fever-Sam wakes up after a day long nap, feeling sick and weak from the last Trial. Now hunter, Charlie, shows up and goes with Dean to hunt a Djinn. Sam ain't about to stay home and do nothing, so he meets up with them to inevitably save the day! Oh, and an epic spontaneous brohug happens back at home!
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blorbocedes · 7 months
Hello I am in need of the knowledge of the brocedes historian again. For fic writing reasons I need to figure out when was likely the last time Nico and Lewis hugged. Not on camera necessarily - just at which point their friendship broke down so much they likely didn’t hug after that point? I’m guessing early 2016 or is that too late? Thanksssss
they brohugged at abu dhabi 2016 after nico won
honestly since you're writing a fic you get to imagine and place when that moment is! despite being a herstorian I was not actually hooked up to them 24/7 to know when they last hugged for real 😔
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princemick-archive · 2 years
watching the 2015 US gp. and?? seb and lew brohugging, like one armed slap on the back...WHAT KINDS STRAIGHT BULLSH-
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Regarding: fandom and projection and assumptions, and you people hearing what you want to hear, because people aren't speaking the exact way you want them to, to fit your comfort or bias and/or the lack of interest in them as an individual and what they're communicating.
Remember the fuss about the pilot script? lying hableries like 2po, wiki, big boasters that don't get it yelled fake. Then Jensen said "A script was leaked, but it's different." Fandom thus took their poor viewpoint data from people with bad perspective like 2po and rubber stamp coffee runners at low grades, then projected that at what Jensen said, "JENSEN SAID THE SCRIPT IS FAKE!"
But he never said that. What he said was true. By then, Robbie had a chart, for reasons, that was drawn, with Better Call Saul references manifested out of the aether (Bobo, it was Bobo, if you listen), and the formula and structure of presentation changed.
That doesn't mean the original script was fake. It means your lenses and biases were flawed, and you read what you wanted to. The script was real, and even realer and newer than their own coffee runners' that they were relying on, but yes. It was different from the final product.
Everything else the fandom noisemakers attached--and DOUBLED DOWN ON INSISTING even LONG after it was proven, they had Committed to their bad take about A Fake Script so goddamnit they were gonna double down into it past the point of blazing gaping asshole stupidity until they shoot themselves in the foot for their own attention for their own script that showed, SHOCK, IT WAS REAL, AND NEWER THAN YOURS.
This is about projection. This is about people who assign bad biases and readings, project their nonsense, their bad faith, and have zero intention of listening to what's actually being said. People see and hear what they want to see and hear without asking themselves if that's what the target individual is actually communicating, rather than what you want to hear.
Then, those who had doubled down into their own misreading turned around screeching "JENSEN LIED!!!!!" no, motherfuckers, you just don't listen. You're too busy inside your own narcissistic heads trying to make the world comply to your headcanons about real people and what they're saying.
Another example: Jensen's two different takes between the two shots, segregating In That Moment vs New/After/Next. Nobody wants to listen to him. He's speaking just as clear and true about his separate before and after--the In That Moment Brohug notsexual vs In The Next Shot I. The had a take vs have a take. Listen to what he's saying. Stop trying to find ways to warp it, like you guys did with the script.
Because this is, I say for the 101th time: THE FUCKING PLOT. The plot is all interpretations are NOT equal, they are NOT all true, yours sucks ASS, and there's an actual meaning and truth to things whether you stomach it or not.
Context, assholes. Learn it, live it, love it, because it's about to spank the everloving shit out of you.
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